Morphology and Morphology and Syntax Syntax Inflection Inflection

Morphology and Syntax

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Morphology and Syntax. Inflection. Agreement. I/You always sing/*sings the same song. She always *sing/sings the same song. Agreement paradigms. ég heyr-I ‘I hear’við heyr-um ‘we hear’ þú heyr-ir ‘you hear’þið heyr-ið ‘you(pl) hear’ - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Morphology and Syntax

Morphology and Morphology and SyntaxSyntax


Page 2: Morphology and Syntax


I/You always sing/*sings the same I/You always sing/*sings the same song.song.

She always *sing/sings the same song.She always *sing/sings the same song.

Page 3: Morphology and Syntax

Agreement paradigmsAgreement paradigms

ég heyr-I ‘I hear’ég heyr-I ‘I hear’ við heyr-um ‘we hear’við heyr-um ‘we hear’

þú heyr-ir ‘you hear’þú heyr-ir ‘you hear’ þið heyr-ið ‘you(pl) þið heyr-ið ‘you(pl) hear’hear’

hann heyr-ir ‘he hears’hann heyr-ir ‘he hears’ þeir heyr-a ‘they þeir heyr-a ‘they hear’hear’

io cred-o ‘I believe’io cred-o ‘I believe’ noi cred-iamo ‘we believe’noi cred-iamo ‘we believe’

tu cred-i ‘you believe’tu cred-i ‘you believe’ voi cred-ete ‘you(pl) voi cred-ete ‘you(pl) believe’believe’

lui cred-e ‘he believes’lui cred-e ‘he believes’ loro cred-ono ‘they loro cred-ono ‘they believe’believe’

Page 4: Morphology and Syntax

jeg hør-er ‘I hear’jeg hør-er ‘I hear’ vi hør-er ‘we hear’vi hør-er ‘we hear’

du hør-er ‘you hear’du hør-er ‘you hear’ I hør-er ‘you(pl) hear’I hør-er ‘you(pl) hear’

han hør-er ‘he hears’han hør-er ‘he hears’ de hør-er ‘they hear’de hør-er ‘they hear’

ek werk ‘I work’ek werk ‘I work’ ons werk ‘we work’ons werk ‘we work’

jy werk ‘you work’jy werk ‘you work’ julle werk ‘you(pl) julle werk ‘you(pl) work’work’

hy werk ‘he works’hy werk ‘he works’ hulle werk ‘they hulle werk ‘they work’work’

Page 5: Morphology and Syntax

Object agreementObject agreement

Pe-fi-n Pe-fi-n iñche iñche metawe.metawe.

see-see-objectmarker-subjectmarker objectmarker-subjectmarker I I vessel vessel

‘‘I see the vessel’ I see the vessel’

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Subject/object Subject/object agreementagreement

with definite objectwith definite object no definite no definite objectobject

singularsingular plural plural singularsingular pluralplural

1 1 szeret-em szeret-jükszeret-em szeret-jük szeret-ekszeret-ekszeret-ünkszeret-ünk

22 szeret-ed szeret-itekszeret-ed szeret-itek szeret-szszeret-szszeret-tekszeret-tek

33 szeret-i szeret-ikszeret-i szeret-ik szeretszeretszeret-nekszeret-nek

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Adjective-noun Adjective-noun agreementagreement

de koede koe het paardhet paard

de oud-e koede oud-e koe het oud-e paardhet oud-e paard

een oud-e koeeen oud-e koe een oud paardeen oud paard

oud-e koeienoud-e koeien oud-e paarden ‘old oud-e paarden ‘old horses’horses’

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More gender agreementMore gender agreement

Ov-aOv-a star-astar-a knjigaknjiga je je pal-a.pal-a.

thisthis-fem.sg-fem.sg oldold-fem.sg-fem.sg bookbook(fem.sg) (fem.sg) isisfallenfallen--


bræður mín-irbræður mín-ir systur mín-arsystur mín-ar

brothersbrothers mymy-masc.pl-masc.pl sisterssisters mymy-fem.pl -fem.pl

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indicativeindicative subjunctivesubjunctive

sgsg plpl sgsg plpl

1 1 dig-odig-o dec-imosdec-imos dig-adig-adig-amosdig-amos

2 dic-es2 dic-es dec-ísdec-ís dig-asdig-asdig-áisdig-áis

33 dic-edic-e dic-endic-en dig-adig-adig-andig-an

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Imperative moodImperative mood

Clean your room right now!Clean your room right now!

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PresentPresent PastPast

laudōlaudō ‘I praise’ ‘I praise’ laudā8bam laudā8bam ‘I praised’‘I praised’

laudāslaudās ‘you praise’ ‘you praise’ laudā8bās laudā8bās ‘you praised’‘you praised’

laudatlaudat ‘s/he praises’ ‘s/he praises’ laudā8bat laudā8bat ‘s/he praised’‘s/he praised’

laudā8mus ‘we praise’laudā8mus ‘we praise’ laudābā8mus laudābā8mus ‘we ‘we praised’praised’

laudā8tis ‘you(pl) praise’ laudābā8tis ‘you(pl) laudā8tis ‘you(pl) praise’ laudābā8tis ‘you(pl) praised’praised’

laudant ‘they praise’laudant ‘they praise’ laudā8bant laudā8bant ‘they ‘they praised’praised’

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FutureFuture Perfect Perfect

laudā8bō ‘I will praise’laudā8bō ‘I will praise’ laudā8vī laudā8vī ‘I have ‘I have praised’praised’

laudā8bis ‘you will praise’laudā8bis ‘you will praise’ laudāvístī ‘you laudāvístī ‘you have praised’have praised’

laudā8bit ‘s/he will praise’laudā8bit ‘s/he will praise’ laudā8vit ‘s/he has laudā8vit ‘s/he has praised’praised’

laudā8bimus ‘we will praise’laudā8bimus ‘we will praise’ laudā8vimus ‘we have laudā8vimus ‘we have praised’praised’

laudā8bitis ‘you(pl) will praise’ laudāvístis ‘you laudā8bitis ‘you(pl) will praise’ laudāvístis ‘you have praised’have praised’

laudā8bunt ‘they will praise’laudā8bunt ‘they will praise’ laudāvērunt ‘they laudāvērunt ‘they have praised’have praised’

Page 13: Morphology and Syntax

Agreement on a non-finite verb:

Kellemetlen volt Jánosnak az igazságot bevalla-ni-a.

unpleasant was John the truth admit-inf-3sg

‘It was unpleasant for John to admit the truth.’

Page 14: Morphology and Syntax


Der MannDer Mann gabgab der Frauder Frau den Hut.den Hut.the manthe man gavegave the woman the hatthe woman the hat

DieDie FrauFrau gab dem gab dem Mann den Mann denHut.Hut.

thethe woman gavewoman gave the the man man thethe hathat

DieDie FrauFrau sah sah den Mann.den Mann.thethe woman sawwoman saw the manthe man

Page 15: Morphology and Syntax

der Hut [des Mann-es]der Hut [des Mann-es]the hat the-the hat the-gen gen man-man-gengen‘‘the man’s hat’the man’s hat’

Roughly:Roughly:the the nominativenominative case for subjects case for subjectsthe the genitivegenitive case for ‘possessors’ of another case for ‘possessors’ of another

nounnounthe the dativedative case for indirect objects case for indirect objectsthe the accusativeaccusative case for direct objects case for direct objects

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singularsingular pluralplural

nominativenominative femin-afemin-a femin-aefemin-ae

genitivegenitive femin-aefemin-ae femin-arumfemin-arum

dativedative femin-aefemin-ae femin-isfemin-is

accusativeaccusative femin-amfemin-am femin-asfemin-as

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A bit more case...A bit more case...

1 Nominative1 Nominative talotalo house (subject) house (subject) 2 Genitive 2 Genitive talontalon of a house of a house3 Accusative3 Accusative talontalon house (certain direct objects)house (certain direct objects)4 Partitive4 Partitive taloataloa house (certain direct objects, certain house (certain direct objects, certain

subjects)subjects)5 Essive5 Essive talonatalona as a house as a house6 Translative6 Translative taloksitaloksi to a house (fig.) to a house (fig.) 7 Inessive 7 Inessive talossatalossa in a house in a house8 Elative 8 Elative talostatalosta out of a houseout of a house9 Illative 9 Illative taloontaloon into a houseinto a house10 Adessive 10 Adessive talollatalolla at a houseat a house11 Ablative 11 Ablative taloltatalolta from a housefrom a house12 Allative 12 Allative talolletalolle to a house (concr.)to a house (concr.)13 Abessive 13 Abessive talottatalotta without a housewithout a house

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Ergative/absolutive case Ergative/absolutive case systemssystems

a.a. DerDer Mann Mann schlief.schlief. the-the-nom nom manman sleptslept

b. Derb. Der Mann Mann laslas denden Artikel. Artikel. the-the-nom nom manman readread the-the-acc acc articlearticle

a.a. ArnaqArnaq yurartuq.yurartuq. woman-woman-absabs dancesdancesb.b. AngutemAngutem tangrraatangrraa arnaq.arnaq. man-man-erg erg seessees woman-woman-absabs ‘ ‘The man sees the woman’ (NOT: ‘The woman The man sees the woman’ (NOT: ‘The woman

sees the man.’)sees the man.’)

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What may happen if you don’t apply What may happen if you don’t apply agreement, mood and case inflection agreement, mood and case inflection properly:properly:


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*break-ed*break-ed brokebroke

*steal-ed*steal-ed stolestole

*sting-ed*sting-ed stungstung

*ring-ed*ring-ed rangrang

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*be-ed *be-ed *bong/*bung/*bang*bong/*bung/*bang waswas

*go-ed*go-ed *gong/*gung/*gang*gong/*gung/*gangwentwent

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I walk-ed, you walk-ed, she walk-ed, we I walk-ed, you walk-ed, she walk-ed, we walk-ed, you walk-ed, they walk-edwalk-ed, you walk-ed, they walk-ed

I rang, you rang, she rang, we rang, you I rang, you rang, she rang, we rang, you rang, they rangrang, they rang

I went, you went, she went, we went, I went, you went, she went, we went, you went, they wentyou went, they went

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Why do Why do wentwent and and goedgoed, or , or sangsang and and singedsinged, ,

not co-exist?not co-exist?


A more specific form blocks a less A more specific form blocks a less specific form.specific form.

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warmer, faster, quickerwarmer, faster, quicker

#more warm, #more fast, #more #more warm, #more fast, #more quickquick

*beautifuller, *comfortabler, *beautifuller, *comfortabler, *typicaller*typicaller

more beautiful, more comfortable, more beautiful, more comfortable, more typicalmore typical