Muslim scolers

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Muslims scholars

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A number of Muslim scholars in numerous scientific contributions in various areas on successive periods of time, all depending on his interests, whether applied scientific, religious, linguistic or philosophical or social. Ibn Sina gave the Canon of medicine, which has become an essential reference in medicine for long periods, and that Ibn Khaldun was first spoken of ekistics, so is the founder of modern sociology. Ibn al-Haytham considered the founder of the science of optics, pioneer of the scientific method. The algorithm presented in writing (calculation by completion and balancing) is the first systematic solution of linear equations, quadratic, and is considered the founder of algebra. Idrissi also emerged in geography and mapping, and many others have emerged, which was translated into Latin literature and foreign languages. It was there they are patrons of science and scientists of whom Caliphs Haroon Al-Rashid and Abu Abbas Abdullah safe which is himself a scientist and Dang and al-Mutawakkil and the Governor by order of God, and others who worked to support scientists in their science. Here is a list of notable Muslim scholars classified according to their specialties and sort by time.


Saw the Abbasid revival great civilizational and leading intellectual movement extended to many fields, and was aware of the caliphs, Governors and welfare of science and art, culture and literature, the greatest impact in encouraging scientists and writers and scholars and poets to mastery and creativity, and the desire for excellence and mastery in them where the smart scientists and writers and scholars and poets in a privileged position, not in succession, but they became prominent in his community. This interest led by Caliphs and rulers with science and scientists to the emergence of a large number of scientists who carried out the truly exceptional ones promising cultural renaissance, led the March of science and progress, and pushed the wheel Islamic civilization that powerful batch that reverberate in the darkness remained in Europe for centuries.

354-965 . ( ) . :: 1 : 2


Ibn ul hythemBirth and early lifeborn Ibn al-Haytham in Basra mandate years 354 -965 ad, in the era was booming in the Sciences of mathematics, astronomy, physics, medicine and others, there is engaged to study engineering, optics and read the books his predecessors from Greece and the Andalusian world Dinorah and others in this area, he wrote several letters written in those sciences and contributed to the development of key rules and complete what he had started by big world Zahrawi. It was in all its ascetic in; he studied medicine in Baghdad, and has passed an examination scheduled for anyone wanting to work in the profession, and specialization in mazraat yachouh (ophthalmology), the people of Baghdad mean to question on several science, although the city was full of elite senior scientists of the age. Ibn al-Haytham was adopted in its research on one of the two: 1. inductive approach 2. Curriculum innovation

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And in either case depended on experience and observation, and was active from behind find is the truth that snowing chest, man has identified its objective of research, and is benefiting from the right to request and prefer him in his life and after his death. Ibn al-Haytham had believed that the conflict was the only way to determine the truth. The making of practical experience in stable platform to validate or error or results of scientific hypotheses, and then tries to express the correct result to the precise mathematical formulation.

. 411/ 1021 (

The founder of the science of lightHis lead was Ibn al-Haytham, in his book the science of optics. This book has a 411 e/1021, which invested medical expertise, scientific experiments, which reached results put him atop high in the scientific field, and became one of the founders of the science of scientists look for changed many things in this field until his title (Prince of light).

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His influence on modern scienceIbn al-Haytham studied the phenomena of light refraction and reflexion is detailed, and bucking the old views as theories of Ptolemy, was first denied that vision by rays emitted from the eye, and laid the fundamentals of eye lenses and explain the full postmortem. Not only did the eye anatomy but parts and function of each part. In addition, he studied the process of vision and its mechanism and psychological factors and the external influences on the process of vision. The most important reference book is that it was based on modern scientists develop optical technology, it is historically the first to experience the camera a name derived from the Arabic word: ' cabin ', meaning a small darkroom in nets, and attributed the principle of its work. This has helped many scholars of the West, including Newton and Kepler

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Contribution to astronomyThe contribution of astronomy either in astronomy let Ibn al-Haytham around 20 manuscripts in this area, and may use mathematical genius in discussing many things, as discussed in the letters some things astrological discussion of logical, reflecting the genius of the man, the depth of his experience and knowledge of astronomy, and examples of his writings: correct business stardom rises..


His contributions to mathematics Ibn al-Haytham had lofty contributions in many non-science, optics, mathematics of several authors, including 37 us script, some explanation was commenting on the first two books in this area, and others are building mathematical theories about the properties of the triangle ball, how to extract the heights of objects, etc.

(973 - 1048) . (970 - 1036) (980 - 1037) (932 - 1030) . . . " " .

AL BIRUNIIntroduction: In astronomy, Al-biruni, Abu Rayhan ariff Muhammad ibn Ahmad Al-biruni (973-1048) was a mathematics and physics and has interests in the field of Pharmacy and encyclopedic writing, and chosen to label the Caldera on the Moon, including algorithm and Aristotle and Ibn Sina [1]. Born in Khiva Uzbekistan currently affiliated and which were in the charge of belonging to the Samanids dynasty in Persia, he studied mathematics at the hands of the world Mansour Abu Nasr (970-1036) and contemporary of Ibn Sina (980-1037), son of mskouih (932-1030) philosophers/poets of the city located in the province of Tehran irrigation. Learn Greek and Sanskrit during his travels and books in Arabic and Persian language. Al-biruni language Khorezm means strange or from out of town, Al-biruni wrote several books on historical and scientific matters and the astronomer and his contributions to trigonometry and circle, latitude and longitude, and the rotation of the Earth, and the difference between the speed of light, speed of sound, in addition to what was written in the history is also known for his writings. about Pharmacy and medicine wrote in his book called ' late pharmacy medicine ' was the book not to mention medicines

: " " : " ". (1370= 1950) . .

Al-biruni was a scholar, prolific, versatile, great talent, deep thought, a historian and geographer, astronomer .it checker, athlete, and well-established physicist, translator, fluent, was admired by Europeans to the orientalist skhau: ' the largest in history, Al-biruni, and another saying: ' it is impossible to complete any research in history or geography without paying tribute to the work of this world creator '. And scientific assessment of the efforts of Al-biruni, the Soviet Academy of Sciences (1370 = 1950) his commemorative folder to mark one thousand years on, as did India. Republic of Uzbekistan established the University on behalf of the Al-biruni in Tashkent; recognition of scientific exploits, and held him in the geological Museum of the University of Moscow immortalize statue as one of the giants of geologists in the world throughout the ages, and named some Lunar landmarks

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Al KhawarzamiIntroduction: The algorithm is Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Musa Al-Khwarizmi, anaselh of Khiva located today in Uzbekistan, as the DSI points in another tarikhahali in the name of the algorithm, is to katribl near Baghdad binalnherin. We don't know the year of birth, however, contemporary safe. He stayed in Baghdad haithzaa name and fame spread after featured in astronomy and mathematics. Contact balkhlifhalmamon who overcame him, and referred to the work in ' House of wisdom ' founded by the successor for the scientists and scholars. He died a year later of 232

: . 7/1 3 7/22 .

Let the algorithm number of authors, including: first marriages, marriages from the second the known Sindh India, marble book, book work with the astrolabe, algbroalmkablh book written for people in mwarithhmoosaiahm, and on their sharing and their sentences and their trade, in all its evidence of whom patronize earths space Poukr rivers and engineering and other aspects and arts. Algebra book addresses and corresponding transactions between people kalbiawalshraa, exchange money, leasing, and looking at the work of clearing the land measurement, viainohdh and practicals address space certain surfaces, wemsahhaldaerh, space segment, has been appointed to this approximate value for tavkant 7/1, 3 or 7/22, and also reached to calculate some objects, such as triangular pyramid, pyramid and cone Quartet. It is characterized by the algorithm that first separation between arithmetic and algebra, as he first dealt with reparation in the style of scientific logic. . () . . .

The algorithm is one of the most prominent Arab scholars, but one famous the science in the world, with many aspects of his genius. Apart from that, the author of foundations of science algbralhadith, leave important impact on astronomy and tomorrow (marriage) is a reference to hzaalalm. People briefed on the geometric figures, and Mehr arithmetic character of almilm Indians who had taken them. The Renaissance aurobavi mathematical sciences was launched which are about him then, otherwise it was takhrthzah the Renaissance and delayed civil time is not easy.

. . . . . The algorithm also went out to study mathematics, geography, astronomy and history. It is a written before the era when transportation sciences flourished. Wekanalkhwarzmi a safe mining, and has participated in the Milan account Sun in that Covenant. It also addressed the issues of astrology in practice. And discuss any boundaries connect coupling planets by letter the Prophet upon birth. As aadalkhwarzmi also a set of pictures of the heavens and of the world at the request of the safe.