~n~,t>> ^7» 3»* _/_ " \. ..'.>• r"\'~ 1 ",'- •• tViJI'*^" *,IfM' ,| v . -•W.n(™»«i«rir5'^ariiSMCW0i*t/*a:rf ,<*• ' ''% . » £ * . tV*t •-*« V- s* 'S$**n .n A-- •• ' ' '-*—r--iLi:,T~^^tgf^i^ta-^^ , '*"^J' ,, '«'~''** T, v" l '"y° i ' E8H •»f H •e^^iPii Njf "t?S."8^ .irClVS '.'iH&i m®. W™ 1 4P^> am §! i « is*mud,' Sitfet-.'ihurdiighiiatidtih'e greatestExterna »rfe«ie>ly- ever used- it ia -eHihposod of Ncgetable Ei„ tracts mid possesses- power unequalled in the undafs of I m fe^fc COgKlDEIN-SUCIiY «^3* «o ^JiiO&TgN. STREET. AL9ANV. N * 5 "Y^^dO^'S '' MEDICAL "JbfirtftftJh^nJs,! and patent hie .preserver 1 «|ra.ins.| seminal tveali-1 IUI'AH; "U'r,'e<7oUe's".M<rchu.hteal £ « $ - 4 ••VSfttJvc Jnstru«irntf-fb?'- o^fljsUcg'' tlte-'elforis ol'naturo with inedical" meahs.heinj now perfecteiLproves '• an, iiiinbr.taiitiis- WttU ad useful aux- ilfttrv'in the .-i|iei'uy reqtrvelrify frimi •inS'oUttarv nocturnal emissiun.and ••„Vll! novr* Id Curbing pre-eiuiijieut oF'teeatnilhl: certtiin, VAM IV/f OKTCBA^ftfl* W!?»»6fflnat8iaviiig been mm i.?4n<w 01 •ScR L ring dato the aDtli recdWed"ihWdflto<$-<tf. on the 1st day of July, mortgages, 911 .pages. 40o, id mortga|;e-thfer'Vi$eiuhjli-''j ed^'iVflimika't'tliB time 0! the first pil)li,ofrfHon tS; .thi8tiDdte-;'ono4h6«saiid'twohinidved'aiidfittyo»iedoU ni a. bVUpr "condition.— I lars and twenty-one cents,'d'l.i'.'il •->).) nr*no Btflt or" 'Uat8U'Wt6¥os T tP Wir-procee'ding'^tivwAav.ipir/lWMi. instituted to rocoVeH rfiUlo ; nriiiruip'nnrphlot.| tho money secured by.,said mortgage oi\ any part-' .(ftee^ontamnigautple : thereof; TOtioe js, .therefore, hereby given, that in • •< feU'ttttrbf the W W and' being.- 40Bm«(H4t»7;-wr)ori v/Wch said mortga^e-th; ifcUniSS'.'etfto'be'mieiat'tliB time 0! the first fit '[ajid-l^VinB the'siatom f.ihistiDdtei'oneitheusaiid'two hiiiidved'andfittyo»iec(ol utietl »n tlie human ey-Weja, fur pwutiutqig inacniSblp PeVspirilion. ant! is mya'huthle m a)l disfoses of the tl«sh. Obstiiiajti.Uleers, 01trSorea.'ehi,iIilains, Sof> Tliroat, Hurrid,""tiits, eutunenusEruptinns, Siii-eNb. pies, k'nre breast.Diseases of th Eye, Ai;(ie In.titeKaoe, RhenmatieiPfttiis, contracted o'onJsV'Pfiin n th^Side? : l i a ^ ViWotlrer pTnrts-6fthe-sj's'tem-.--S<!aldi^a'1 Brut ses. i?resh wounds. Piles, arid'6Aery;liind; offsore com taining the least particlo of liiHaimn'ation, are perttia. ftently dtired by this Kf 'at remedy,' i -., fl^ALINQ VlRl'DES. I It Is a fact, nuthonticated herer. ^S w'ell-as- all over the State, and iniwed the wjiole western States, t)iat>. , alJ diseases nrrsitip l>Mtf a j W . ^ and renot'ation, f" which'they 5»w.ju1jtly entitled ,.erorf-.asioiwd »? tliBptBiuaUire 1 it&tMSfice of the sexual •>*«»»<•»". ',. , '' , b«f life nevi>" (Cud n'.rvel instrument; *-*hwt trial ol which Will convince tlmpativnts.ot i*» e' !' ;, " , 7'-,"^ ' -ttis manufacturedpt'nure silver. ea*)ly adju>t*d AI <i -«Sbm a»,niftlit wivhouglit^cojftj-entejieo.*-rnation i.r . <pata:; ami .luring its iw»,it ia impossible, lor an emis- sion tu.take place. ,, -. . *.-,,,<"• . TESMSrONtAl. « " iTo all whom it may rniu:e«i.—"For many years-! " "•• •Vminal wcattiieasindured. hy flieir •' heating vfttues," atad powers. \vd are not lUpoAn thii'se who ai%. pTene' t^epAbfai every, patent. bunjbiithat comes alpiiJ{..aiJd>itljisHistance liave delnyeifoiir endorsement vntil vfle have been able to kmate.as,suEaneo.doublysure, not«nly .bytesting theni I personally bu'rselVes, but from t h e testimony of a nu. merous portion of (he community living.around us.—• I IllinoisjCJloDei Apribl3. B5U.. * '"»;•• •*' L^st aftd Largest Arrival! T H E S-ubscitber : y*oii|<l say'to his customers l-Jtat he luts'JW.sti^eeiveiJ the J??gfst variety and best selected Assortment ot> St;pyE^ AND H7VR-E>WAR& eyetJbfiimiSfoi into Palaslti, «ntt he ' is : matnUaclo,- ribs and keeps.coifStanlly oa hand the most es- tensiyestock of '*."'"' .' • ' ' ' Jiww, Tin,, Copper and Slteet Iron Ware aitd - 1 ' . S'CQVE Vim .'- : \- thaj can tefouad in .thin ,sectii{u., H i s Jlardwr^re embraces " " '• .the bdnafioiiili'esultsof ti \m, tpgelller .with .letters t'r.om.'liigMJ'cX- [.. .v,KCCZTJrp7i,:iao .!,'.. uuve used itinrtheir prac- tice, aud spea'h from their own observations. [•,«6? ft).. MUKOOfili, Agent, 1'ulasUj. AJ^o UJ Pru^gists d&Ph.»e.ii|x, Cle.veh>nd. Fulton, Os. .wegtij-Jfltexiqo, "\VilHiim8tawn,&-o, Pleminff,-M, D. Cananddlftin.' M. H. Mjjls.-M. DC RoiQliestsr. D. Y. Foote. jtt. B., Syraon'so, Prof; DnrtturVM. D., and i.0,'Orriok', M. D„ fealtltnor.— W. W. Reese,, M. Di New-York. " tV. PrasCott, M. D.Concord, N.H. 1 CentralDepott304Broadway,N.t. WWiMrwa the «o«i re-1 puraiirtllfoW it'power th 'seli in —.. , . .... sheotabre-feuireas of contained-and, of tlie statute in such casr.imule ana nnd nrftotcd fherebv.' to w\p All that certain piece bt'parrJOlof lmif.t lyii'tr in the touns.of Sandy Oreelt 11M Richlnnd,, in' th»'county of Oswego and state ot New Yvik, boinfriv \mh of loti Nos. 103, 111, 11^, V-} aid li'J, in t<*vviishir> No. in, inCimstanle's Patent, and is hfc-m.ded as ioHnvvs, to wih Beginning on.tlie north line of said lot N 0.. lii and three ehamBfnm tho north'west comar thereof, and run? thence east -3Btr?eloV'lifie.' 10 chains Slid' 10 imtarttacjrwpt-th and paririleHo'tlie west lino of Said 'lot number 1-1-'. 'jy dluirh'd in|d"i)8'.liiflts to the e'enter of the roai.; .thenee north-easterly tilong the ocntev of stud rqa(l to the .south-west corner of lurid deeded to Hiineas ,Ste,wisRt;.tlie«co-..Orr.ithe,:fiu,tea.course,, being N. 70j degi^OB E. aloviq: the center of tlie™8ame road five chiiiiis aud jaiinlta.to the south-west corner of land formerly AepAed tu Joel ..Stewaut; theuce north along said J.OrA'f.west Hue .aud continued forty-one £ ^^ft JiillSaws, „. Circular,Saws, Cross, ga'tja-ws, WSod. Saw*, '- Hand Saw^, / Brass Kettles, " Sira.w Gutters, Shovel and Tongs, Blfrri'Sbovels',' Spades, «c. &c. Rea<l! iteadtRead Take'Natnre's"o'surse,"tiVida:ll diBeiise wHl'leave j Man's shatered frame, aii'd'Htialtl) again VeVfra ">ViiiCim"M."Hale'a land: tnd^ircftr«-.t^e5 , 7lei,"Swen'&otlJ6V diseases j e "™ S 7 I " " « ' » eu»u,ineof said Hale's old farm «, uu »,„ MII» y.<i » 1= , «»= _i_ r?.,.,,.. LI„ •<£; • to the south-east corner thereoftithen.ee west along the ->oittbl no of said, form .eigbtchains and pinetjo one links to the vyestj^ne efrlot one hundred and twqV tbo'nce south oji, vs,M;l)naa,few Units to the Aorth- d fiirineily deeded p i l o s e s II. Por- time lulmye'rib'trhad an pmivssJMn in the, day.ojr uig:ht., sMy/jfcheekware now- (lushed wjtli •heHlth'S clidicest gejii's; and 1 now" walk erect. 1 (Vel lifc'e a Tierwjmnn, a^id that there tsnow aprospvi-enf my'liecyliiing a igainber of^nciety, inaead of bejpg an-inmate of the ,,Jlani»tioa>y}iim. " » , ^t. may. jiot be improperheite to state, that V used forailpug.Krae, an uistrMmeut made by aiVATn-vrioan ^styled a-JErenchfJ^hysiciaii ofstlie oityjof Sew.Vnrk. but't6no*purpose. only an.i>ggravatkin instead of pal- liation- of Bymtoups-i- and that after I had exhausted sever fteen^nBiieuj-'iiij yj. om, o.,., , ully cee*>jnirifend M n D ^ h n sUifeT as [ have dons.' Albany,,_Jn!y 8,1852, ' . v . . 1 "'..il't^ipnsiwisliinffsthe ahbve'Jisoifnl' "(iraVeiitive,". will observe that tiiVprfce "f this instnuji,e.ti,t wjth 5teJjQrr(panying direetions',. securely paclted 0,'nrl.sent n anenveiopehwfrffiil^iJftrWrjnllars. MedictiiBBo:ui .ill an eiiveiujjp.i^ <> ^,„ ,. tl> .... pat„fw\varded by^express tQ.appftc.ants residintr in any 'parSiifthe ,United,Stn,teg lty onojosing a reriiitti hce; fqi^wlitphaa "tfiisr professional enqniries on this snb~ iebt,'aili!res8[poBt' paid]l,)r. Get), Gottke-, No.;} Norton ' fftrfegtYA'llany, N. T^nntlinr-of tt'ta/ge Medical work . on the.Di8e,ajteso(,\vo<rioii»aiu.l^iijld,rens Spermator- rhoea and ,Vehereaf"Bist ! 'ases: git-th'g tlovit symtoros, strith reoipeS in, piairi'English Iffin*nftce for their suc- -cess.fiulBl'anagejn^fi'•flfld-Jt'partaSBisrft recovery from all genital maladies ofl5tith.sexes.''The price 01 the .books js fifty cts. If sent by mail fifty Cents and five litter" postage, stamps,, pr..pooke's Medical -ivork cap be ob^if|gd,aTt1ie.Pp(asUi .cess,fulm , aaagBjn«:nt!i alt genital sialadies .bjapkeis fifty cts. If sent by mail fifty Cents and five „. v „.._„... ^|1ie.Pp)asUi J,Biji!kSt<)re. JJ^OTdfllr. pooKe—b.eit kno»yn~is the only ad- (rtfSiiiff'Pli^ician'lh tlie fnion if'ho has ever.trav-» led'dW, th'e> : CbrltiriBrttit,f..l'Jutopei)':Francei '.Belgvnn _ ;•& Germany/', and 'llie'wnlv runcftoTwtio has also visfi- ted.their HrfJipitaTs^ahd-IIndrcaljTistJtutions. QfiiSK sopen on:'Sunday* , tniiMigh"wft,titetiifi.r.^;^...:: ) . u-.-t i". GEORGE COOK?, M.D., LUD. AlViany. Aug. 0 """ lele'd'dn*: '52. 1 -.—-» Z*L£L VM - ^'mijws CBRiEJOFA'DISbaDERED LIVER AND BAD ' [CopJ of a-Letter froirKMri, R. W'. Rirltns,. chemist, " 7,¥reseot'Htreetiivei>pool, dated,Glh June, 185FJ . T o ProfissorHo.Li.oWAV, .Star—iJtottr'PBls'andOmttrremt have stood the high- est on our sale list of proprietor)' Medicines for some yfstt, A 'Onst.'mer, to whoui-1 can refer for any en- '•^rliribs, desires riie telet YOU know tho particulars of JKetjc^lse?' Sh.e has been troubled forbears withadis. OTOcred liver, 4 n| l ''ae djpeVtiuu. On tiie last occa. %t6%j4in'wevef, the virulence of the attack was so alar. 4^'iftM'add fhp inflammation set in sg severely, that ^'pupts.were entertained of her being able.j,o.,be.Ar -up under it; fortunately She was indnteedtotry yoiii- Pills fehd-fr-e jnfo'rms-fne fhatsfter tli"e first, and each snc- ceddinj dose, she had great relief. She continued to take them, and although she* only used three Boxes, nee isinW in the .enjoyment of.perfect health. I co'd haye seni you many more vcases, but the above from the .severity, of the attack, and the speedy cure,1 tliuuV aneaks-mucb. in favor of your astomshirig Pills,1' .',.., .(Signed) R. W. KIRAUP. ANfiXXKAORDINARY CURE OPRHEUMATIC j?EVJciR,IN.VANDlEMAN'S'i,ANU. £C,opy of,n-Xettei;inserted in the HobartTown eour. . ier.pf the ist Maroh,.1851, hy Major J. Walch. MiftgaretM-Oonnigan, nineteeu-Jears of age, resid- *iug at" New Towjiihad-teen suffering frem a violent rheumatic fe-verfor upwards of two months, w hich had entirely deprived her of the nse of her timbtf; during this period-shores under {lie care of the most eminent ra-adical.men in"Hobart Town, aud hy them •irer'case was considered hopeless. , A friend pre-zailed upon her to. try galloway's celebrated .Pills, which she ".-."•..••-«». ed to do, and in an increBUjle short space of 1 eBfeBteuVa-ferfect bure. CW-J of'.a pain, .and tighlpes? in Ike eAw/S and'\tlom- ••: •»-m~^ayerson8iyevj's of figs'.. ' .• Frbrn'SfesBrs/^Hieyv &V Son.-Proprietofsof the l.ynn '• AdvertUefy wn'6 r clin vbuch for trie following state. • • ment.—A%g'Ust2d;'1951. - . T o ProfessorflftX-fcOwjAYV - Sin.:—Idesireto. bear testimony-to the gfibd effects op.HollpBiay's-PiUs. For some years 1 Buflfereu' se ^rotft a pajn-and *^~ 1 - i -— *~ *i>« -,I-,«,-I*.1T whic : was Also aooompamed consent- time they .. 'flt'O-AN'S'"* Horse & Cattle Medicine. •.lo.JAeuleine m use lias accunipfisned s'ta lnBtiy l^x> J traordinary. cures, an&givon so tlniversal Satisfaction'^ in ever/y. variety, and stage ufdiseuse, or-has'so exten-. sive1inctr»pid a sale, as Sloan's Ointment ojrd-cendi-- tion Powder. " ;-•• . The'OTntment is swiftly superceding all all.ptlieB Ointments, and Ijinimeivts for the cure-of Fresh woundsv'Galls of alllohfls,' Sprains,'Bruisos, cracked Heels Ring-bone. windeulls.jPoll ETHI, Callous* Spav- ins, SweeneV. Pistulft.'Sitfast, Strains, Laineness. Sand cracks;!Er>uiftle-red Feet, Scratches or Grease, Mange .and Horse Distemper. Tho condition Powder will remove all inHammatimv i'.and-fe*veri purify tlie blood, loosen the skirr, cleanse the water and strengthen every part of tl^e body ; and has proved a sovereign 'remedy tb+ tire following diseases: ,1 Founder. Dustempi(5r, Hiife"Bonhd. Lossof, Appetite, Inward Strains, -Yellow.water. InHummation of the Eyes, Fatigue from hard exercise; also" Rheumatism,, [commonly called stiff complaint] which proves so fa. taj to.niany valuable horses in r-bis country. It IB alsp, A safe'anu^certain remedy.fiir coughs and colds, which generate"so many fatal diseases. \ ••--, . These remedies never injure, and always-cure, if the directions are followed. 'For-firrther' particnlar8ji®l a multitude ofcertifi Cates of remarUablo-cures, ge'tl'aniplilet-i of agents^ W.B. SLOAN. " GrondDepot, 4" Lake St., Chicago, 111, .gaS-All Mediolues and Books advertised by. ."B. SJiQAloVa-re-soLd by. T.i Pox, sole agent for Pulas ki. Stillwell &, Co., Sand Bank, and by Merchants, Drugffists. &c. -hi neai-ly every town in the UriitSd States and Canadb. > . • ' " " - 9 - > The articles heed but to be examined to be appro 1 -" V'ed. All of which he will sell:at t b e .\ ' ' LOWEST RATR& His lot'of Stoves embraces latest styles, such as Forest GlueeX Jeffe.rson Air.Tight, -- Star ol the West, Brother Jonathan," Lady ot the Lake, May Ftow-er,, &c. 'Also the largest assortment of Parlor and Plate- Stoves in this market. He doe.snotjftatt.erbimself that he has a faculty of selling' a,u,*'old' or un- saleable anicte foii^itnuch .ijis'a' ftety' and good one is worth. Nor doe's he mixin flour andTsalt, rliui makes-flis trade his business; and hi$ friends. «iay r'est'fesufcd that no tricltefy will be resorted- .toip this estab.tsh.meut--that all articles will be p'Warranted, as reepmmended. N.' B. Job- work done-rstf shmd£~be, Mi short notice. Heavj' Copper work done in the best styte* •thisbeing the only place in lown' w^iere you can get your work <ioneas it f-hould be." .That's so ' N -ATCJRE'S REMBDIALs ORiPILE SYRUP, I chai,,s *- nu eighty-rvvo lhilravthence West 13 chains. Oafe-fn-lly'prepa-'re'd^ ,by"4J.' HiPPttfeKMAA,' has «> Uni(a»to . V|IB. line ot- M d will c-are-the-Piles, ^s well 'awthey diseases 1 iUe ™<> so », ll > ""."••- <>™t>\ which lite -alieir'toy^ancl-a-s itisthe-ti'niy ^rup having for one ot i(s^bjecis d'ireritly, tbe fctire ol diseased, Spines, and 1 a sure pxey.eutof o'i" thefr oe- 'fJomvagso, tfeereloje, nqr profe'ssiona^man, me-, cyanic, merch'ani, cl-3'lr,.'olr any sedentary psfson,-! 9^otu)d' fee withoptit, i|life-aftdihealth; ar,e,yal- , In presenting my medicine to the/public, s.ome- th«a-g--is" due from me, before that umpire^ which' 1* voluntarily place myself and which tests the efli- and virtue of ail in,ventionsi Claimin"*" h » ™$z •to,be Pulaski. F*b. 1, 1852: HARMON CROWE. HERE IS YQUR,REMEDY ^rjSttvr^^lfQ 5}5*Afl-4 DOWN TR1MI1No for Lad les'^ear^ Pu-Jaslvi.Nov.-i ' 8^"THE LATES'T ARRiVAL.^IEll C'RAWOimS &. MURDOCK, H AVING already announcd.their return from tbe-City, and the arrival of their Stock bl NEW GOODS, would further say that the- ' ' P&tMflpns JEXCEMIJVGJB, -' .is now sbOndtmtiy filled with a large ahd^Varied assortmentf-aTranged in the several departments In a ma'nrfer maiefiallyto assist a -ready ^inspec- tion arid examination-... The DRY Gtoons TjEr-'AftrMUPTembraces: ;... Ribbons, rO;OOf) y: Printy.Cambricks, Laces,. Carpeting, Sh?wls Drilling, Tickings, Cotton yarn,' Sheetings, 70, St. Holloway's OiritmeBt ; A tiiosl. pilraciiepns cure of Sad Legs, •VFTKR 43 YEARS SUFFERING. [Extract of.aMetter from Mr. "Wm.-G-alpin, of "I Mary's St., Weymouth, dated May 15, l8jl.] T<o Professor rlollowa}.: t -o-Sir-rAtthe-a-ffe-of l5(TOy wife (who is now 611 caught a violent cold, which settled' in her .legs, and evorsince that tim.e they havebeenSnore or les9-sore,rfuid greatly inflamed. Her agonies were distracting, and for month's togethershre-was deprived entirely of rest and-sleep.— Every reme-ly that tnediciilmeii advised was tried, but •4ithj>ftt. ejfeet i .her health suffered seveielf ."".and the state, of her logs was terrible. 1 had often read youf- advertisements, and advised her to try your Pills and 1 Ointment; and, as a last resource, after every other remedy .had proved useless, she consented to do s o . ~ She commenced siy weeks ago, and„strange to relate,. HerlegS are, pamless,witHotk ttHinventprpt a uiedierneIupoti|anenJ«V-J-»«»7>rit^ •dplcor fowadation, and at the some time, the only. -correct theory ol disease—returning and giving , health to the attimal on tUc-same prifkciple thai ( nature'does to the material world : lor as nature co'mmences~immediately lertaliziug the exhausted sailSvheri forsaken ;by manj_By_rich JgfQwths- of tbliage,sim.ilarly should mail do to regain uia Ibr- i'eitecl health. Medical treatmeut. should, in «11' instances, tend lo.agsist namre.,an.d.not stapeicede I her; and theuivenior/clajms for Natures Reme-y| l-dsftlthat it will Assist nature ip resterltig' health' and accomplishing whai she,is'tod feeble-to to oh account of a continued abuse of her laws byrlfhe •suflerer. To sedentary persons it will ,be found .ol gnat benefit in strengthening the tyngs aadspiOe, a d keeping tha,system in a Ijeal'hyTbne. In cases of pregnaneyT td-J8Sate--4a,!A- deliveiry and healthy.,(iffspiring, I knojy ofnos.atniole- so pe- culiarly a^nd emphaticaly ealoulated as.Nature's remedial, for while it tends 1 .0 allay the longings, appetite, &c, it gives strength anp stability to- the systeuii. ^ -•-, -. ... fjv . . " V I havn used Kature'slteniedial or Pile'Syru'p fn my practice and believe it has.given evidence of pcitrs*-" easing -prqportiea heculiarly adapted-to the. cure ol teli Pilot, for'wliicli djsease-t'knowofiijcititiingbetter. Durhamvilie., Aug2lf,i831. J.'F.HUN3;LEV. M.D. ROME, Aug Id, 1851. I have been for more than ten years afflicted with the Piles, (both internal and external,) and fora-yaar previous to .the first of May last, I had not been free from them a single day. I have consulted many enii. nent [iliysicians and used manykinds of. medicines without ai?y permanent relief,until 1 commenced .using Nature's Remedial or Pile Sytup. U^ingit ac. '"cording th directions, before 1 had used two quarts I _k>v.nd tnyscn Iree lrom the complaint, and remain so still, and have no hesitation in attributing the cure to the use ol this medicine. GEO S. THRALL. For further particulars see circulars left with agents'. Sold hv E. W . Fox, Pulaski; C. Simp, Mexico,;, S. WiHjams, Anaboy; E., A-JSperry, WilliamstOAm.F. S. Law, Kasoag, and H.'Mur- dock & Son, Pulaski. \ i^a.st corner of land . ...-.. rf ... ter;. tlitiiieb'north72degreos W. along tlie.noith line of, said Porfiir farm to th^(flQrth-wes| corner of a piece of land deeded hy Ut^ said Thpmiis S. Meach- am to said Clark in'1858; tliepce sauth four degrees west on the west lineof said land and continued on the eastlme. of land -formerly- owned by "SVilliam Wilder to the south-east corner of thesanie, beinfijin tlie center of the aforesaid road; thence, north eighty five degrees west along the south line of said land ont'e deededfeosaid Wil i»'r, al-i nt lii chains and If) linksj o a p,qjiifc,e.igh,t chains sus Ijuk^distunt from the nortTi-eus't corner of' land owned by 'Simon Meocli- ami thi-uca south and parallel to said'S. Meiicham's eaitlirie,.twenty-(ine chains 17 links to the north line oflcrfl21; tlien"ce east along the same to'the 'north- east cornerKbf ifind oifSe deeded -to Joel and Sifas: Harman;i thence south along tlieir east line twenty- one chaiflSpne ludt.to the north line, of-tland deeiued to "W'eet}, aU(j Meactiajn; thence along the. same and atone the north line of laiid deeded to.Betsey G,- 'S'ttid^rd.'Hfirt.y^neCtiains and IS links tohemorth- eastcpmeiv and thence north twenty-one. chains to the placo of beginning, containing two hundred nipe^y-etght acres Hud twenty-three hundredths, be the same mm e or l.qss^excepting- and reserving, hoyv- ever, for Henry Tarter and his ^ssigns "about nine acresj part 0.' Sara lot No. 112', bounded on the east hy the east ljne'6f-»thb' ftliove convened premises; on tiiesontll by-thssouth'lide of said'lot No. 112 (i'nil on the north-by the center-of the above-mentioned road, being 12 rods on said south line and bounded on the w-est by a line -H rods from tjie east line-end par- inUel-witWitr also" excepting and 'reserving eighteen 'acres and a'half, lyin^in the north-ea.-.t part of tlie fljboyp conveyed premises, being- part of said lot No. J-02, as the said l?*i acres were conveved't'o William' M~. Hale hy the parties of the first part hereto by deed .executed-m l**b>—will be Hold, at ;mbli'c vo'ndne tfie highest hidiler, at_the Salmon River'House, now kept by E. B. EaruTTu"~£Tfe village of Pulaski, on the laili ila^ of Aim, Jh33. nt In o'clock in (lie fore- noon of th'aifdaTi" 20B#n;i!a» 1!M8S3., "' ^ "HEWtlY'DE tAMATER, Mortgagee. MCC'AHTY-& \ixsa. Attorneys, Pulaski, N. 1. 33 St(t,t6,0l''"JNSVin ^ 0 ^ ^ 0 e PW8K#»^RuJ.«S B. 1 r ffi>.tlfe,W re- BilMmMy of ....... „ ., tsm, fjfilWci'Ii A,M.,irr^bersa2 gijuMprlg4lg6j3ji^_nA«* lHar,\Hilcb- 'W. Abeam %wx\ V?wMmii$lmite a & thfere is oWW&ftd be due'a,r' hw'titad bftlie 'first ptiblieaiiton oAlfis hotfceclW 11 mm >pf . { $ 1 ^ , 8 3 ) -one hundred apdseveilljr-siJcdoUajTs > aJiHiteWhty. ^ v.,!._.*.i u™™,- -^tber ylars \m. and "no suTt~oTj¥«aiB'g» ^I^HaVitij? been iflstitutfed.tofecov.er-.tbeijBon^i-sstofed by said Mortgage, or^anyipjirtthece^i .taylAere- tore notice tlrbereby gi.ve.h.^MrimirsijancBpt a power ot's^e conta1nea.in's:iiffl^I6rtg|ig6, ?m or me statute iusaohsCdae rfiadb ittid.|jlWtferl;! the niemlies desurlbett ij«nd,COVeV!SEtvp}i!sar;kt Mort- gage to w i t ; " Tlie equal uhiHTad)fflji|iiB.rfiair0f the Grist MiU and one half of at) thai tract or parcel of land situate J,n, the yUlage^t' Wpshing. tonviUein the.i(jwhof;Sjtndy Cj-eek in, .said CJotrmy and State'aibVesaid, it hetbg the one liiili -of (he-Grist iWll-aind-ulisspii^itlageS'ttie'rewiih qonneoted, H bew&IoeatedMn'?.IsPtrtSPfr49 in TpwnshipNp JOj'bl^PBWl??,Sfl^KftP? W n - dedanf described %s"menUqne^o a deed tfiie day •executed by'the said"fe'ufts' ^'SMreM^-^nd? Lora.W. his'wiie -to- Win'.said" Naltian«Bur- rell" to #>}\kh t'efcrerice Js- -hereby • : mndIe> will be sold at .PBUUC auction at th,e^{d.man,&$vei - % u s e Iter t by E.B.^fll ta Ihg- vt)l|ge oi PtfTasT Iti io- said county, iijel7th 'day oT Sebtembel'.iiejt, at 10 o'clock in the foi*ehoonof t b « f (la'"."Dated June23rd-L853.--f. • ABftAM-aUKPliila JOHU-B. WA^SO,N, Altorney, jLny AssjgfiB?. ; ' ?,ul u sld,^.'y.'r., ' ill! rf ... HEIUFF'S SALE.—By,-vii*Ug of ahr|K(9ciiti0U is- ,' mied But of .the Supreme' QoUJrt.pj t(ift p.tate 0" NBSvYork, tri methrecU'-fl ahd'aeliVlro(h,'^iipst tin s [testate «r nst the atiChard goods and chattels, landa and,, teneaneittsu Dodge, WilUnip J, Dodge, I have seized' and taken all of the said Richard' Dodge, James JL Humphrey:, which they OP ^theriofrthehMliail j Grocery and Provision Store. BUMPUS & KNOWLTON. RiffiP 6h.fiandfor saferfft th^Stote latelyocctrpied by A. H. Stovehs.a lull and extensive assortment of FAMILTfTSRO- CER1ES, embracing every article jn the line- is. now-in good health. Berlegsare.galnless.witnoutjjThey also sell Pork, Lard, Butter, Cheese, Flour., seam or sear,.and her sleep is sound aud, updiaturbe'dTpann'' the -various -artif les of provisions Used- in - «• ..- .... « ...:<._ I fanmijes. Not disposed to brag up their good6, or boas t of law pricpf. they respectfully, ask tht buyers in Pulasti and adjoining towns to rjall and examine their stock and prices, pomising to sell as low as iliey can"afford to; whTdnrrcy believe quire as low .is like articles can be had elsewhere. T. J. JlCMPU". : D.O KNOWLTON. Pulaski, Dec ^ 1853. .. r.- m elyfrortl a pftin and. tightness in the stomach which ...^Alsq aooompamed by a shortness of breath, that preVenteanje from waikipgabeut. I um 84 years oi age, .ayiuofvri^s'tahdmffrny advanced state o'fTifo," tliese.P.iMi(i«iy"e 60 relieved,me, tb»t I am desirous that Others sHoiiifi"DO made acquainted with their virtues. 1 am nWrSofler'eaby. th'elr meahsi comparatively ac. tive, and can tailtSr.exercise without inconvenience or paini which I epula\notdo1refoye. j *, lkg«ed) W K M S , Nrirth St, Lynn. NdrfoTE" Ttieso celebratirl'Tilfi are woridertnlly efficacious ip -^lietotewing complaints. - * t jSgtte """' ''-feVCTS-ofrallkinds- Serofula^ nr .... AsthmS •' Fitfr ' Ki'tig'sEpl BUliofls'Cdrapl'tB Gout' ;* .iSore Throats"" Blolchei-W&e Hea'diache " Stone &. Gravel jSkinre 1 • • ItidigestiSn Secondary BftvyelCdmplrintalnflam'matioh Symptoms , Cwfes, B Vv Jaundice . Tic Douloureiik- , Constipation ol Liver Complaints Tumora rttheBoweJs Lumbago Vlcers i Consumption Piles Venereal Aftac- peWRty-"—"'" . Rheumatism of all,, thuis Dropsy -tnklntls ' 1, ' >• Vf worms of all Dysentery Retention of Brine kinds ^0,SiB, B l9%-l' a A a l e !4 rre ? ulari ye a *ad iteakness, from SoJjl at tiie establtshlnlmt of P-rofemof. Holloway, t Stropdi; (Mar,Teni^a-B,ar, Londim.) and '.hyf-aji ecM^^brTdggiste tod DsnfeabvMedicines M 0-', &e#ritialt.Empire,'ahd of those oPthe United S»iSffte&*t8je., 87c..atid $1,50 each. Whote- B^bw8TOihdIp'al Druffhcflsesinthe L'nion. ariuW, .- Messrs.Ai!B^fiU). Sap£s,„New York. , ' { '-J J^,I^4^^a,WojUidefibTS' saving %" taking the'. ;-~lP#wll® ,; '?r hd "rt flno8o£ P aUen ^n« i v* i; ' %m$m GinghamSj Alpaccas, MusHus, Dejains, Mulls, Merinos. Silks, . Paramettos, Sattins, 1' Cashmeres, Bombazines, Poplins, Bareiges,. Threads, includiug also, every article in the ' line~oi Dress and Domestic Goods otthe Fall and Winter styles In the'GnooBRV Department will be found! Teas. Pepper, Dride Fruit, Sugar, Spices, Cod Fish," Molsses, BrfgSa.lt, ' JVIaCkgrel, Ginger, v Rasins, " ^Starch, . J and every"other article in the line, selected Witt. much' care for family Use, and art sold vert low The CROCKBKV department -rstttlland compute . embracing With oftTerarticles ^ . Lookng Glassfes SoHar lamps, vEarthen- Ware, Glass War-e, Stone Ware, Porcelain, &c. '" Tbe HABDWAHB Departfh^ Bl is varied and em braces articles usuallycalledfoi!,amougwhicharK Shovels, . J * LogChalns, ."iRope Halters, Mahoreforlrs, Binding (iq. ' Carp't. Tools, Hay do, Trace .do. 'Jgiass B ettles, Bed cords, Halter 'uo, r Wvod Saws, And now comes our Depantroent.for Rieady-Made <jlothing ' v i which is$i^.ipost extensive in this' section-*an; contaitis,.bCsidfeja lull and complete aisortriiet. of every .'garment, a large stock ol Brbad'cVoth','-. ' Hats,&Caps L Umbrellas, Cassimefs, Boots & Shoes, Fur Goods, Vestings, . Gloves, Rubbers, Hosietji,, . Mittens, . Buffalo Robes, Comlofters; .tBIanketSj. Satchels;&c. %gT Thebesjw.Qrkmena-ntd the most, experieE cedCuUer aree,mployed .iu : UlSs derJartment, ah: any. gajnient desired w,iil be made to order, ir the. be.?i.auci'most fashiortable manner,-add ever, articlpiyill be-so warranted. There is alsto a MISCBULANEOOS DepartroM which includes,numeroUs,article8 n,ot mentionet 1 but make up tbejuiost oofergtstSstoc^of GOOD. in Pulaski-,'and*f(Jf BOW PRICES, we are rea., I dyjto compete witirany'stq.re in town on the sanj ' ; qu^.lil!T«f goods; tVe sell as<;liep as'the cheapeS' [•..anti-tWready ynry"tt®lAe-tlito.f(>r. -^ , JOJ^JB^ .& McCARTY 0B:hand again-as usual-ai the .'\X^H^iRli; , 'we-ttre' H6«J receiVlbga•I'iflVsupply' could you have witnessed the sufferings of my .wifi during tlie last 43 years, and contrast them with her present enjoyment of health, you would indeed feel de- lighted in.havi ng been* the means Of so- greatly'allevia. ting tlie sufferings of, a. fellow .creature". (Signed}.,, WILLIAM GALPIN. A PE'fiSON 70 YRS OLD CORED OF A BAD LEG, OP 30 VEVRS' STANDING,. [Copyol a letter from Mr. win. Abbs, builder of Gas Oven's, of Rushcliffe, near HuddersfiehJ, dated May 31st, 1851.] ,r n ^I^To-Prpfessor Hollaway: Sir—I suffered for a period of 30 years from a bad leg, the resftlt of two or three different accidents atgns works accompanied by scorbutio symptoms. I had recourse to a variety of medical advice, without deriv. ing'any behefit,"afid was even toldthat tnelegrnust be arrinutated, yet, in opposition to tha,t,opinion, your Pills and Ointmenthaveeifecteda qompleteeure^a-so short a time, thaUew who had n.ot witnessedit Would I cretlit the fact. ' '(-Signed) ;\vILEIAM ABBS. * The truth of this statement can be' verified' By Mr, w. P. England, cliemist, 13 Market St., Huddersfield. DREADf-T'L BAD BREAST CURED is 1 MONTH. [Extract of a letter from Mr. Frederick Turner, of . _ Pepshujst, Kent, dated December 1^18op.] " To Professor H-alloway: ; ' Deaf Sir—My wife had suffered from bad breasts for more than six months, and during the whole period had -the-best medical attendance; but all to Ub use.— Having before healed anawfulwound in my own leg by youMmrivalled medicine, Jr determined again to use your Pills and Ointment, and therefore gave'them a trial in'Her case, and fortunate .it wa91 aid so, for in Iess«th4an,» month a; perfect cure was effected, and the benefit that various other branches of my family have derived from their uRe is -really astonishing. I now strongly recommend them'to all mv friends. " fSpsrfT^"• FREDERICK TURNER^- The Pills hould.be used conjointly with' the Oint- ment in most of the following pases •• \ CM^rlERCDaS&C'EEATS, of Choice Sobds, selected with care.'an'd suited to the Fall aod Wfn'tfeV Tt-aflel/arrd witi be sold as.low as£heflc|west'arri6hgUa,'C?ii , n sell, lo all such as are in th&li'abit ofrpayingrroLwKat they buy. J^mong ourassortm^pt may be'fbund rfsar- iy ail kinds ol'Go'ids'bsiriaUJ-'ltept in tlits village.- ! ..saa'tf- &M@>'&® B . : ': :r \ Muslin DeLanes oW-oolen Cloths. AII-Wpol-DeLiaues Cas.sjmeTe^arjcLSgtiuettft. Piintsof all Rinds PaKi^y-Jeans and Tweeds Alpacas,MoHnirLrfstrs Cot and Wool FlaaueU, Irislt-S'iltt'Poplins, Woolen Plaids, 65c. •*. Cashmere and Woolen L,png FShawis.- Hosiery, the best assortment-id this'' market. Also a good variet; - 1 aiiytb4#g atrfldlOTi mi$W patterjns.and priceB, takl%x few- fey Wiffip nftWVSwittwea itre a^eiitsi;&i*/|lhe.'Brow^ A»*viU«JiaMa.tua..C!onipaay y - and wilNeH-a --«: 1 w v \ HOTS 8 - A'NTr>4 ! iio ? esp 0 %* i •Groc'eriSBj- DrtifesalldMedWiflei, • J , -errtClreify,-' ••• P-iivntsr.atid'OIl*!, '' ' ' - '-Ha k -rd W a r e , ' SasS'Sivd Glasic, ' • • ,' n fw BfSWs Kettles, Wihei^*l.tavirjirs. hf*aie'ats6'nbw recelv^^flotsJ^fewiairid splen* prJi"<l ; 'pattei'tiWt I-' 1 ; ' lh V<^- ' '"•' : ' <, Cooking and )l»«JlrWT&ta*M»V •., > t^^.!^ri|ft,0a^e^ito31ffi*b^rt,|Btid'aJlwnibe jSfftve Plpe^and Tin Ware alwrfys on.hand. fgr*'.- '• . ' • ,r'..vtr^r Bad Legs, Curns (soft) Rheumatism Bad Breasts, Cancers* Scalds Burns, Contracted & Sore Nipples 'Bunions, ' StiffJoints Sore Throats Bite of.Mos. Elephantiasis Skin diseases "~ chetoes and Fistulas- Scurvy Sand-Plies, Gout Soreheads Coco-bay, Glandular Tumours Chiege-foot Swellings X'lcers,; Chilblains, Lumbago wounds '©happedliand Piles. ' Yaws Sold at the establishment of-Professor lJpllowa'y,244, Strand,'(near Temple Bar. London) and by all respec- table Druggists arid dealers in Medicines throughout tne British T^mpire, and of those of the United States, in fyuiat37$tt,.$?c, and $1,«0 each, wholesale by .tWprinrapttr ©Wig houses in the Union,and hy Messrs I A. B..&i>. Sands, Now York. . ' ' ^^^Tlidre is a considerable saving by toting the larger sizes. . . N. B, Directions for the guidanoe ofpatletitsin ev- ery-disordeT are affixed to each Pot. if) f[3f*The above medicine is for sale by H-. M. MURDOCK. in the village of Putolti. ' ' N " I_ OTlC.E OP IHSTaiBUTION.—Notice isItere- •by given, that the balance remaining ofthe,prti' cpeds of'thosale-oftliareal estate of Amaziah.Darrow late,pf the town of Or!&e.ll,._in tlie county of.Oswego, deceased, intestate, lately'made under the Qrcle'r of tn& Suiro'gate of said county, by Dorcas Darrow, tbe" ad- ministratrix,.and AbelDarrow, the. administrator, of all and singular the goods-, chattels and onSdits of the said intestate, will -be divided by the said -Surro- gate among the oroditori( of_ the said .in.testata, a t t h e Surrogate'i, OITice in the Siiy "bTQswego, on the 23d day of May next; at 10-o'oloek in the forenoon of that dav. ' Dated this aSth day of March, A. D. 1853.-. .29:6w J. BROWN, Surrogate. BE STJBSORlB^rt-has dn'ha'nd a number pf SLEIGHS and'CUTTERS, and alspieveral WA&0j{s! made in the best and most fashioha^ ble uJanSeri -svnd (Jf the .best material, which h 1 ? will sell on a | gopd- terms as ean be purchased elsawhereinihiscojjnty.. farmers, and c^bsss in wani.o.t:SIeigh«(.^..Cutters, are paliiculariy .ijrivi- t^dto gjve hitjn'aca|L as he fetjsoonfideist pi"be-. iiigableto'satisiyithenu. „_ ' PJ3CAJKING don,e,pn''s:orl 1,i)otice,ai 5din the bestefnanuer, ..cheap'. .^Produce. ; receivtt>'at 1'air j; prices. Having added to the previous large assortment a number of varieties of ' - - the Democrat Office is now prepared to execute af kinds of in as good style as the same can be done iri.this, section of (he state. Thfs remark applies 1 particu larly to Ball Tickets ana Ca'rds.Donati'on Ticaets, "and every variety of Blank and Fancy Printing. Orders respectfully solicited—and, work will be promptly and neatlv executed, at low rates Fresh Groceries. ..E. W, FOX HAS just received a good supply of Gro • cgries, embracing all the leading articles in the line^'They were brought on to be sold, and he is disposed to'seTl thein atlhe LOWEST LIV- ING PRICES. A general stock "of ©aWS & M EDrCINES wnralso b^foTIBtt arWJTsToTe, Wnv braciugthe leading prepared and patent rifedi- cines. Pork-, Flour, Laid, Cheese, Seeds/Paints and Oils, Spirit Gas's, and a g^eat variety ot Oth- er articles on hand. His goods have been selec. ted with'jCare, with particular r'ele-re'nce to the' quality, aJid he/eels confident they will suit his^ customer^, „The patronage of the public, of all who pay for gootls, is resjiectiully solicited. '"' October 2,52. E. "W. FOX. Fashionable Emporium, MRS'. . FROWD, H AS retnred from New York, and haying ta . ken unwearied pains in making choice Se- J lections, she is now exhibiting the inost splendid I assortments . o'f MILLINlERY : GOODS and ' •PR'ENCrl STYLES, far-superior in quality, to any ever brought in town, such as S!itmiA,,X?'- vets, Ohifra Silks, Embroideries' of evety.. disCr*ip : ' tion, Riband, Gloves, Mitts;Y^lvet tlt!ii,anQ',mdrn- i'ng Collars,Falls,andE6ve Ve!ls,GalorJiis,'^!i[palt,'• an'd.Dress-trimings,of all' kinds too nnnletotl^ to ment^on!..-'A , ii'ot11a.ving.employed .tbe.'JtiolLjomr - P '^ttf'help in the county, she feels' ddhMeftt of asingallwho have .exquisite taste and .|oo(l ;udgCnient. Ladies, please accept the'thanks ol Mrs-.'.J. Frowd for p^stpatronage. andcaU'and'ex- amtnC hW new gtfuds. Pulaski Cfov. 1st, 1852. - CUSTOlvl ^RrrJDIxAig.:!; J ^LOUR AND MEAL.T-''KNO,WfLTON , S MILL" has been repaired, eSrery, part put in the best order, and a competent MiUer.-ernplpyed. Custom Grinding.will be promptly.-attended; to.lj Floor and Meal kept on Tiand at ihe->M1ll, and at the Stbre of BDMPUS & KNOW^ON—^as goodian article, and at as low prices as can be, had eteey where in town. D. 0, KNOYvXTON. Pnlasiti, February"!, 185% "VjfARBAEJED A CURE FOB Erysipelas, Salt EheiuiCScrof- 11I0113 Humors, liver Cbm- •platntir, Canklerj and all Diseases arising from fcnpure Blood. These modicihes are the scientific preparations of a regular.Physician. THE SyRUPisafl article which stands unrivalled and unequalled in this or any other country as a great Humor Medicine,- It is entirely different from any pre parationof SarsapariUaor Dock, and is far better than any or ajl qfthem. It has now been tested -in more than 50,000 cases^embracing persons of both sexes, all ages and in every station .of, life,.and for all the above named\ilseas&s, and as yet.to bii'r Knowledge there has not been the first instance, where itlias not done thework just as it .was stated it wrinld do. More than 100,000 cases of humors in all their forms.have been treated'and permim^ntly. cured - by it. _ -ERfsiPE LAS .—Patients who have sufferedfrom this distressrrig complaint for years, have in everv^known leasoljeen eUreot>y these medicines. At. least 50,000 Salt Rheum Patients l.»u- used tho Syrup, togetherwitlrtho cerate,"many of linn, old and inveterate Cases, and in every instance eflected a cure. :FOR .ALL.tS(;n»w«LPHH-IIi»io,as.—-The Syrup for thonrhas no eqiihl in Sarsoparillaor any thing else. FEMALE iRUF.Gt-'L.VRiTiKS.—Mhere is ' no one cause which produces a greater amount of suffering than, the irreguhtraction.pf tlie female tunc lions. In these it re-.. stores to health, strength and vigor, and enables nature to assume her natural periods. - NuRsfNO SORE MOUTH.—This truly distressing dis. ease need-no. longer be thedrend of nursing mothers, for there isnow- a Reliable remedy. Tbe Synin. tuprther with the canker cnre.wiU lit once moat effectually and permanently nirethis disease. VKKKBEA-LTAINTS.Attn MERCUHEAL DISEASES, are -poisoiious impuiaties of the blood, which through their J -effect^ipon t.hog^nnd^ amfnit in every port of tha human- system. In such c,iscs, if there was ever a specific for any disease," tlie Syrup is for this, GAUTTOF.—Neither ofJliese articles are genuine with- out the signature of S. A." WEAVER &co. on the out. side wrapper. ' "' Manufactured by S. A. WEAVER & co.. RewLon. "don. Conn', to whom -all orders must be addressed. - , Soldby H. MunDocjt-& SON, Pulaski; C. 81ms, Mex- ico* S. (5. Merriam, New Hayen; H. & F. S. Stone, Sciiba; Monroe &, >V"oolsy, Sandy Creek; Earl,& Wil. ,der, Manns'yille; G.M. Hoplunson, Ellisburg. 48 part=ofjtuwnsliip No, 6 of a tracttdCla.n'il.etilJed Sen. has Patent, bejiyj aoventy-rfour'^uid mie&njfch acre's of land to be taken off from the"east%3ae .of subdivision No 82 by a lino parallel *riMi the feast line '6f 'said lot pumb<ir 82, also all that'pieqe,or parcel of land' .bting jiart of lot No, §5 in siiii township., hounded and dcs. cribed asfbllows via- Beginning a£t.!V 9 "'soget for tlie No/th East corner 6f said lotNotf 05 lind'TUnniriK thence N 60? ."SV.07.=T.23c|i^n.s."tflithe!c.i|n(rer.pf the old Stale road : tlionce-alpng said -centre of said .oh! State road S 22^ E to-chaius aHi 48-lihliHo t(re east, .erly flneofeaitiilo ,N'o.-0»; t!|'Bn-ee--along «ttiaV-east lineN,2-l'« E 2 3 » 28cliain8 *ijd S^inkfyp;the.,p)are of beginning and contains 20 and pn-1C0 acres ofjaml according to a stfrvBy*rna'db by-'At Tf. , ''Pos{er, f !fi8c r l'ou\ 1H-17 heingthe wnrjo premises descTibedin a jleed In- Jaihes L. Humphrey andlwife-and 1 ^Villlhtrt .1. iDodc'c and wife to 'VYiiliajii Humphrey ^Vihioll^fQd, BearstfnteI JSov. lytb 1852, and is recorded-m tho Oswego County ClerRs'Office.ih BonK of deeds No. 59 'nnd"on ! Piigej OfiSand 650, all ofwhiohnlKwc^meiitiongjI property I will expose fpr solpat public .venjlue af -tlie Ja.w, >'i- 'rects,' at the Salmoh-River flouSe', now kept ny E. K, Earll ih the village of Pulaski,"^ the 20th day of 3\s> ly next at ten o'cloek in the foremwn of Uiat (lay. Dated, June Jfith.. 13,'wV- By \YU>U-AM4J^G4tA-> M OKI GAGE SALE.—Default having been made ip'the payment of tho moneys' secured to lie paid by a mortgage executed hy Harrison Rich of the town of Williamstown, in the ,*t>xiiity ol Oswego, .to Joseph'Allen of MonteomerJ ' ccwnfyl N.'E'„'" t which nioctgofie is dated the 31st day of Jannary, 18?7, and' recorded in the ClBrli's Office of Oswego county Feb", riiary Cth 1837, at I o'clock, P . M. In bodK K". of I mortgages, page 891, upon'whjcii nrtrftgage there- is I cjaimed to be due af the time of t h e first .publication- ot 'this j)ftice the sum of three bundled dollars, ami no proce'ejdirigs at law have b e e n inslitirfed for the recovery of the) same or any part <efaereof. 'Said tnorf gage has been duly assigned-hy said Jnseph A Hen-to Washington Senrln. N;.w, therefore, IiotifiS.isJiBre. 15y"^tvelintyatt!i7Tm^naTree""oro^iiwe|'Bf^^ said mortgaged contained, the mortgaged premises will be sojd at public aucti n at the EmpiM.Hotel in. the villageuof Mexico, onthe Cth day of July, 1653." at 10- oVlnck^ A. M. of that day.' 'Ffte premises are' des- cribed ih said, mortgage 'as fpUw-wsyAU.that,Certain piece or parcel oila.nd sitiliite-, lying*and.|ging in the town of williantffnw'n tmd coujyt"v of Os\yegp, beinc all that part of Lot No. lfiS-jjj Scribn's'''Pa'terrt.'iii Township. No. 5 o r M t ^ y - n t e n t . -"bbiiftKirn^TrfriDTrs: begrrming at the southeast.conuSr-oi the. saul lot. and i-uiiniiig therice north GO 0 wes"t 30 chains and 2; links ; thence north 21 ° east'24 chains- arid 87 lii.kv thence .south 09° east lOchains . and ' UO links to-tlie center of tlie highway leading p^t J.«cob -JSlitler's tc |,William Hamilton's; tlTencesotithlo 0 28 minut'ri east alpiig. tlie center of the S'lg-li-w.ayiSl^chains and 40-iinftsTW the place of beginning, cautrfmirjgjl. acrci 2roods and 13 perches of land, a»s surveyed b^'Abel Wentherly October 18, 183(1. with a reserve pf-Snu- teen acres heretofore deede'd'by tne ! 'paYty of the flnl I part to James Filkins from, the Sohth West corner o( I said lot. Dated Mexico, Aprtrer 1853. ' WASHINGTON SB.AREE, "Assignee X-D.-SitiTKlofMesicoi Att'y.' ' "' 29idl N- M.DUB0YS' FRENCH TICF. is hereby given according to law, to nil "'persons having olaim's against Steplreri 'Taylqt late the town of Richlandin t b e County of Oswego defeased, that they are required to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to tlie subscriber 1 ; the Exec- utor of the last wiU-aTM testamejnt of the said deceased at his residence ill the--6aid.t9w.j1 of Richland, on or hefore the 22cJ day.of July next t Datod this; 14th da; " January, IS53; STEPHilfPf TINKEjiVExecutoi TVroflClS TO CREDIT-0RS.— NiUce" ! is herekl ll given according to law, t o all w|s"ons having! claims against Tunis Vroman.trtte o'f the' thwW of Iln-P tings in the ctumty of O.swe.gp, deceased, that they areV reipiired to exhibit the same With the vouchers thereof jf "to tlie subscriber, tho Administrator of all aric|^inguj«r ; the gi ods, chattels andcredits ofiba S|ua.,decpased at his rosirlence in thesaid'town of Hftstirt|s,'ohorbsffire tl 2 3Uth day of Julv next. Da.ted Jartttafy'24; 18S8. EETER'DEVJENDQRF, AdmlaMnltor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. T ' ''' N OTICE is bereby given accorijin'g JC5, layv., to| all persoushaving e l a i n s !a^;a,ms| TJroniasB Soul, late of the town of Richland,'.lffi Qswegol County, deceased, that they are' required' to ei-f (libit the Same with the v o u c h e r s tttBOrlGfrfHg.ihe| snbscriher one-of the Administrators-ojlthe'estaleJ of the said deceased, at hi* residence lr> '.the se id I town of Richland on tire 26th. day tff : ' Sephhnbetl next ot ]0 o'clnck.in tbe forenoon ot that 'd^y.-i Dated, this 16th day af.Marcb,18B3. ' '", ,'. 1VORTHV r WAj'tl^K'S, The Place.to B*uy,Giife^p! - ANGEJ J L& HEMPSTEAD* A RE SELLWO- OFF the Largest atid BCHI . stock of Goods ever offered In Pulaski, af I iower prices fo'r cash of ready' pay thah'.'Can lit | had at anyother ; store! m Oswegb cdupfy. their stock wilf'be found *' T~,' Fashionable-. Cloctli ant* Urtia Gtmdt, This preplraiion ni'warra.nte'd to exiepmibati Rats and Mice, wht never tsed hs directed, arid t# leave no offensive slench-on. the.premises cleared of these annoying vermin. Its -us?.-is perfecitly sale in any place and at all times,'which is not the case with-ordinary "remedies forthisevil. •6avMo%)^-b&aate of coWiiterJHls.—-The extraordi- nary success nf M.Duboy'-ff-Kai-Exterrninator'has excited the cupidity of,', somedishone,st persons to courtterfeitit. ,tnn-uir!i'Jrpr MsDub|y's.Rat Ex'er- mina.lor and'tafte.rfo qtner. in large boxes at 25 tients each. Lvpde 'So Oflbum, ttoohesterr N^vy.,- b.i|e American Agents, to. whom all orders should 1 be addressed. JONES & Me'O ARTY, Agent*. i • ^ - - «iMUHD.OOK &SON-, Pulaski. ••" HEMOVAIJ. S ' H. STEVENS hasjemovedihis Hat, Cap . and Fur Store-to the Brick' Building four ' d'oorsnorth of the PoSit Office. Puiaski, Nov,-i852. DISSOLtTTjlON.,; Ma j'Wjuff-;- t-. .r ,J saylo (he pUblicthV' -«•«"='• •Mn&J&JiuGM 1 Steroii "JfilfiMtfrfstte'c'c i '-. %?ft»' w 0Ml litre 1 tor past ta licth"a> JiW,,sti.. P OTATOES AND BARLEY FOR SSED.^- Tbe subscnoerha9 abbuttwo hundred bush- ,els of EARLY POTATOES' afrda qflahttty ol •SEEDBARLEY, which he will .sdll at fair prl- - ^-"•"-Residence 21 roi'.es"t(qMh, of PtjIaslH'. URK's IS'LAIND SALT^Gl*ound jifor rjairjr'. rneus'use,l'orsaleb.y the^acl<-^r--buHhel. ' ' -,-• .-'".'I.*.; NOItT0N,> ,FU,LLER&. May. 18,1,853, -.3f ; TSt'irlLS-bl all size* and ajtalltg13! i\ tt't "the Hardware Store pf lou" 'Merliirngi ngs, and the newest" sftles o . - - - v . i « «« A » * „,-.« »»• Winf6w shadii, may bVlbiinoVat the -1 .!& ' M W, 4 ^8o3.. . -HARMON CRQNK, ' PtlLASjU BOOKSTORt.^>1 %T X T<RA FAMILY FL;6£R-lr e sb ground- JLw manufajturedfrom Wffie Ohio Wheaf|-rthe" best iti'tijwa^i JPc- sale cheHp^and' warranted; NORTON" &T0LLfRcT May 18,1853. rtlHE Copartpersbip knOWna a^ Richards & ^l' Waterbury'is tfiis day by.tautupl, consent rjissolve'd. Ai.accounts 1 will-"be"iettled-ty Chai.I Jage'to sive them a caJJ. Rice and Wm. Weterbury. I. ;.w„ v „,/. ; . ' ' J'K. RICHARDS. „ ., , , •••••- - Wm. WATERBURY Dated Salnfoii'-River. March iyh7r85^, FlEsM' sulipty of f ea,\Sugar, Mpj^ses Syrup, Ra}sJtflsf,Citron,.6Vc,. fot.saie ^h'eanfor NORTON & FttLLERS; - 35 cash --Jtfa-y-lfi r 4S&3.*. Ribbons, L^feetjt Sheetings, Ya'tns, ^n,4 stock of,Domestic an'd.'JFancy Goqd.8i> ;' • Clotlis aiid-Ecnfly JWadoi'OlothSiig, < tor Gentlemen d'h'd''SrJps--^S'' , betterv«itefek -and-sl I lower prices thaff caw be h a d elsewhe i r'ff^ti J W wn ' .' , ~~®.im <@h m a5#^ l r J Teas, Sugars,Molasses; Spices, Fisji,SaItiji5rl«| Fruit,-arid everyiarticledesSr'ddsiniithelidfe."^: GROCKEUt ANP,sJ|^X.F HARW-I^S; of the mosf.f'a'fthianaljlfeahifi lj.eaufifp.1 'styies-tlit| best-a9so.r,trrient,ln.tp.wti»-j . t *,;.,, !i ,, i Boots, Shoes am' Rubbery Hats and Gaps, awlj a large variety of iAher-ifticIeS, tod Ynimerous »1 mention; tttfl kcpt:a't , (3hi's• , •.Sto'Te^ , ' t h e ' v'eTy t»l inouc-enierlts" dfTeVed to ready pay rJustbYn^iJs.' ... .! 'pRdfiUCE>S AX!,' i^-D's' / , . , , „ recefved in exchang fo,riGp'od.s.,.P!(rrners(wi6niiiJ| to dispQse.of produce wili fiid fl lo t h e i r advaA-| for sale by May MPSrV t-itVItlLSaws, tlie best.in-itnarltet, N OaKIpSi,Tliub.He notip>«i8ije;Mby pJverf.P 1 »ofJb|W J day-'bt ^p^r8©fi#af\ni>' City of DetroiD,in the state of Michigan-, thB)(i«' idersigned,while on the.steamboflt'OBeadi'W* ,lf0bbe4 of. his'PockeubBbte, oollta'^b•ingr*'"^«''' , . WARHANV'KO;. ,1-5',80L fibr'WACPdSj.ittfhiteinw' ;issfledrfnaer.iSctior'SBpt'r, I8B&. to J a m e s TripP 'fol'-the tawtir of Sasting» r Jn<*ne#oumy(of .0*fj N. ¥., which said Lartd Watrant was assign i vCj?h^eau.,4h^unTleSg%ttedf ^aiafUisllfiiSXiflll ,W Ttb the;.Ooi>)m'ssi<rfieK;o^''iPerijti'Wi8il'oit!avd , aplw» l C oWlSH'Al<fD MACKERE'15^3 lust rep'eiT- -directty-jr^ijrru-I'Cr-'Saidwiginal Warrant. ed'nfrd-To'F^'HIea'r'ihe-fi'rrAvfelbn slore'til - May IO5 1853. " . -, t " 35 •NORTON &• VtlttliAS. , 3.5:6 w iafTiiatiiis;*K'iiiw | | - iflonM Danvl GARRY CASTLE. '*^W> lj -rt Wm iti, IS&yXi w ^lck;.^'- ; c-!';-v- tUViSSsHr, ^t^£^i^liiuiUi^0M^Xi&^k S^f^^te.a(^5^i!M^wtijiiS^0Sl^feg5aiiT:iir. .-^atfigi^iofcagwaK^fejajiiiiAag?-w^-.^lra 'timu •-y-i- '-*..;»»<* Ift-ii-^ m/eg>*^!&iAa&%^^ •".sLLYi

nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn92061419/1853-07-14/ed-1/seq-6.… · "t?S."8^ .irClVS '.'iH&i m®. W™ 1 4P^> am §! i « is*mud,' Sitfet-.'ihurdiighiiatidtih'e

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Page 1: nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn92061419/1853-07-14/ed-1/seq-6.… · "t?S."8^ .irClVS '.'iH&i m®. W™ 1 4P^> am §! i « is*mud,' Sitfet-.'ihurdiighiiatidtih'e

~n~,t>> ^ 7 » 3»* _/_

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" t?S."8^ .irClVS


m®. W™ 1



§! i «

is*mud,' Sitfet-.'ihurdiighiiatidtih'e greatestExterna »rfe«ie>ly- ever used- it ia -eHihposod of Ncgetable E i „ tracts mid possesses- power unequalled in the undafs of I


fe^fc COgKlDEIN-SUCIiY « ^ 3 *

« o ^J i iO&TgN. STREET. AL9ANV. N * 5 " Y ^ ^ d O ^ ' S ' ' MEDICAL

"JbfirtftftJh nJs,! and patent hie .preserver 1«|ra.ins.| seminal tveali-1 IUI'AH; "U'r,'e<7oUe's".M<rchu.hteal £«$-4

••VSfttJvc Jnstru«irntf-fb?'- o^fljsUcg'' tlte-'elforis ol'naturo with inedical" meahs.heinj now perfecteiLproves

'• an, iiiinbr.taiitiis- WttU ad useful aux-ilfttrv'in the .-i|iei'uy reqtrvelrify frimi •inS'oUttarv nocturnal emissiun.and

• • „ V l l !

n o v r *

Id Curbing


oF'teeatnilhl: certtiin, VAM

IV/f OKTCBA^ftfl* W!?»»6fflnat8iaviiig been mm

i . ?4n<w 01 •ScR L ring dato the aDtli

recdWed"ihWdflto<$-<tf. on the 1st day of July,

mortgages, 911 .pages. 40o, id mortga|;e-thfer'Vi$eiuhjli-''j

ed^'iVflimika't'tliB time 0! the first pil)li,ofrfHon tS; .thi8tiDdte-;'ono4h6«saiid'twohinidved'aiidfittyo»iedoU

ni a. bVUpr "condition.— I lars and twenty-one cents,'d'l.i'.'il •->).) n r*no Btflt or" 'Uat8U'Wt6¥osTtP Wir-procee'ding'^tivwAav.ipir/lWMi. instituted to rocoVeH rfiUlo;nriiiruip'nnrphlot.| tho money secured by.,said mortgage oi\ any part-'

.(ftee^ontamnigautple : thereof; TOtioe js, .therefore, hereby given, that in

• •<

feU'ttttrbf the W W and'

being.- 40Bm«(H4t»7;-wr)ori v/Wch said mortga^e-th; ifcUniSS'.'etfto'be'mieiat'tliB time 0! the first fit

'[ajid-l^VinB the'siatom f.ihistiDdtei'oneitheusaiid'two hiiiidved'andfittyo»iec(ol

utietl »n tlie human ey-Weja, fur pwutiutqig inacniSblp PeVspirilion. ant! is mya'huthle m a)l disfoses of the tl«sh. Obstiiiajti.Uleers, 01trSorea.'ehi,iIilains, Sof> Tliroat, Hurrid,""tiits, eutunenusEruptinns, Siii-eNb. pies, k'nre breast.Diseases of th Eye, Ai;(ie In.titeKaoe, RhenmatieiPfttiis, contracted o'onJsV'Pfiin n th^Side? : l i a ^ ViWotlrer pTnrts-6fthe-sj's'tem-.--S<!aldi^a'1 Brut ses. i?resh wounds. Piles, arid'6Aery;liind; offsore com taining the least particlo of liiHaimn'ation, are perttia. ftently dtired by this Kf 'at remedy,'

i - . , fl^ALINQ V l R l ' D E S . I It Is a fact, nuthonticated herer. S w'ell-as- all over

the State, and iniwed the wjiole western States, t)iat>. , alJ diseases nrrsitip l>Mtf a j W . ^

and renot'ation, f" which'they 5»w.ju1jtly entitled ,.erorf-.asioiwd »? tliBptBiuaUire 1 it&tMSfice of the sexual •>*«»»<•»". ' , . , '' ,

b«f life nevi>" (Cud n'.rvel instrument; *-*hwt trial ol which Will convince tlmpativnts.ot i*» e' ! ' ; , " , 7 ' - , "^

' - t t i s manufacturedpt'nure silver. ea*)ly adju>t*d AI <i -«Sbm a»,niftlit wivhouglit^cojftj-entejieo.*-rnation i.r

. <pata:; ami .luring its iw»,it ia impossible, lor an emis­sion tu.take place. ,, -. .

*.-,,,<"• . T E S M S r O N t A l . « " iTo all whom it may rniu:e«i.—"For many years-!

" "•• •Vminal wcattiieasindured.

hy flieir •' heating vfttues," atad powers. \vd are not lUpoAn thii'se who ai%. pTene' t^epAbfai every, patent. bunjbii that comes alpiiJ{..aiJd>itljisHistance liave delnyeifoiir endorsement vntil vfle have been able to

kmate.as,suEaneo.doublysure, not«nly .bytesting theni I personally bu'rselVes, but from t h e testimony of a nu.

merous portion of (he community living.around us.—• I IllinoisjCJloDei Apribl3. B5U.. * '"»;•• •*'

L ^ s t aftd Largest Arrival!

TH E S-ubscitber :y*oii|<l say'to his customers l-Jtat he luts'JW.sti^eeiveiJ the J??gfs t variety

and best selected Assortment ot>

St;pyE^ AND H7VR-E>WAR& eyetJbfiimiSfoi in to Palasl t i , «n t t he ' is : matnUaclo,-r i b s a n d keeps.coifStanlly oa hand the most es -tensiyestock of ' * . " ' " ' .' • ' ' ' Jiww, Tin,, Copper and Slteet Iron Ware aitd - 1 ' . S'CQVE V i m .'-:\-tha j can tefouad in .thin ,sectii{u., H i s Jlardwr^re embraces " " '•

.the bdnafioiiili'esultsof ti \m, tpgelller .with

.letters t'r.om.'liigMJ'cX-[.. .v,KCCZTJrp7i,:iao .!,'.. uuve used i t inrtheir prac­tice, aud spea'h from their own observations. •

[•,«6? ft).. MUKOOfili, Agent, 1'ulasUj. AJ^o UJ Pru^gists d&Ph.»e.ii|x, Cle.veh>nd. Fulton, Os . • .wegtij-Jfltexiqo, "\VilHiim8tawn,&-o,

Pleminff,-M, D. Cananddlftin.' M. H. Mjjls.-M. DC RoiQliestsr. D. Y. Foote. jtt. B., Syraon'so, Prof; DnrtturVM. D., and i.0,'Orriok', M. D„ fealtltnor.— W. W. Reese,, M. Di New-York. " tV. PrasCott, M. D.Concord, N .H. 1 CentralDepott304Broadway,N.t.

WWiMrwa the «o«i re-1 puraiirtllfoW it'power th 'seli in —.. , . „.... sheotabre-feuireas of contained-and, of tlie statute in such casr.imule ana

nnd nrftotcd fherebv.' to w\p All that certain piece bt'parrJOlof lmif.t lyii'tr in the touns.of Sandy Oreelt 11M Richlnnd,, in' th»'county of Oswego and state ot New Yvik, boinfriv \mh of loti Nos. 103, 111, 11^, V-} aid li'J, in t<*vviishir> No. in, in Cimstanle's Patent, and is hfc-m.ded as ioHnvvs, to wih Beginning on.tlie north line of said lot N 0.. l i i and three ehamBfnm tho north'west comar thereof, and run? thence east

-3Btr?eloV'lifie.' 10 chains Slid' 10 imtar t tacjrwpt- th and paririleHo'tlie west lino of Said 'lot number 1-1-'. 'jy dluirh'd in|d"i)8'.liiflts to the e'enter of the roai.; .thenee north-easterly tilong the ocntev of stud rqa(l to the .south-west corner of lurid deeded to Hiineas ,Ste,wisRt;.tlie«co-..Orr.ithe,:fiu,tea.course,, being N. 70j degi OB E. aloviq: the center of tlie™8ame road five chiiiiis aud jaiinlta.to the south-west corner of land formerly AepAed tu Joel ..Stewaut; theuce north along said J.OrA'f.west Hue .aud continued forty-one

£ ^^ft

J i i l l S a w s , „ . Circular ,Saws, Cross, ga ' t ja -ws , WSod. Saw*, ' -H a n d Saw^,

/ Brass Kettles,

" Sira.w Gutters, Shovel and T o n g s , Blfrri'Sbovels',' Spades, « c . &c.

Rea<l! iteadtRead Take'Natnre's"o'surse,"tiVida:ll diBeiise wHl'leave j Man's shatered frame, aii'd'Htialtl) again VeVfra

">ViiiCim"M."Hale'a land:

tnd^ i rc f t r« - . t ^e5 , 7 le i , "Swen '&ot l J6V diseases j ™ e"™ S 7 I " " « ' » eu»u,ineof said Hale's old farm « , u u » , „ M I I » y.<i » 1= , «»= _i_ r?.,.,,.. L I „ •<£; • to the south-east corner thereoftithen.ee west along

the ->oittbl no of said, form .eigbtchains and pinetjo one links to the vyestj^ne efrlot one hundred and twqV tbo'nce south oji,vs,M;l)naa,few Units to the Aorth-

d fiirineily deeded p i l o s e s II. Por-

t ime lulmye'rib'trhad an pmivssJMn in the, day.ojr uig:ht., sMy/jfcheekware now- (lushed wjtli •heHlth'S clidicest gejii's; and 1 now" walk erect. 1 (Vel lifc'e a Tierwjmnn, a^id t ha t there tsnow aprospvi-enf my'liecyliiing a

• igainber of^nciety, inaead of bejpg an-inmate of the

,,Jlani»tioa>y}iim. " » , ^t. may. jiot be improperheite to state, t ha t V used forailpug.Krae, an uistrMmeut made by aiVATn-vrioan ^styled a-JErenchfJ^hysiciaii ofstlie oityjof Sew.Vnrk. but't6no*purpose. only an.i>ggravatkin instead of pal­liation- of Bymtoups-i- and that after I had exhausted

sever fteen^nBiieuj-'iiij yj. om, o.,., , ully cee*>jnirifend M nD^hn sUifeT as [ have dons.'

Albany,,_Jn!y 8,1852, ' . v . . 1 "'..il't^ipnsiwisliinffsthe ahbve'Jisoifnl' "(iraVeiitive,". will observe that tiiVprfce "f this instnuji,e.ti,t wjth 5teJjQrr(panying direetions',. securely paclted 0,'nrl.sent n anenveiopehwfrffiil^iJftrWrjnllars. MedictiiBBo:ui .ill an eiiveiujjp.i^ <> ^,„ „ , . t l > . . . .

pat„fw\varded by^express tQ.appftc.ants residintr in any 'parSiifthe ,United,Stn,teg lty onojosing a reriiitti hce; fqi^wlitphaa "tfiisr professional enqniries on th i s snb~ iebt,'aili!res8[poBt' paid]l,)r. Get), Gottke-, No.;} Norton

' fftrfegtYA'llany, N. T^nntlinr-of tt'ta/ge Medical work . on the.Di8e,ajteso(,\vo<rioii»aiu.l^iijld,rens Spermator­

rhoea and ,Vehereaf"Bist!'ases: git-th'g tlovit symtoros, strith reoipeS in, piairi'English Iffin*nftce for their suc--cess.fiulBl'anagejn^fi'•flfld-Jt'partaSBisrft recovery from all genital maladies ofl5tith.sexes.''The price 01 the .books j s fifty c ts . • If sent by mail fifty Cents and five litter" postage, s tamps, , pr . .pooke 's Medical -ivork cap be ob^if|gd,aTt1ie.Pp(asUi

.cess,fulm,aaagBjn«:nt!i alt genital sialadies .bjapkeis fifty c ts . • If sent by mail fifty Cents and five

„. v „ . ._„ . . . ^|1ie.Pp)asUiJ,Biji!kSt<)re. JJ^OTdfllr. pooKe—b.eit kno»yn~is the only ad-(rtfSiiiff'Pli^ician'lh tlie fnion if'ho has ever.trav-» led'dW, th'e>:CbrltiriBrttit,f..l'Jutopei)':Francei '.Belgvnn

_ ;•& Germany/', and 'llie'wnlv runcftoTwtio has also visfi-ted.their HrfJipitaTs^ahd-IIndrcaljTistJtutions. QfiiSK sopen on:'Sunday*,tniiMigh"wft,titetiifi.r.^;^...::

) . u-.-t i". GEORGE C O O K ? , M.D., L U D . AlViany. Aug. 0 """



1 - . — - »



' [CopJ of a-Letter froirKMri, R. W'. Rirltns,. chemist, " 7,¥reseot'Htreetiivei>pool, dated,Glh June, 185FJ . T o ProfissorHo.Li.oWAV,

.Star—iJtottr'PBls'andOmttrremt have stood the high­est on our sale list of proprietor)' Medicines for some

yfstt, A 'Onst.'mer, to whoui-1 can refer for any en-'•^rliribs, desires riie te le t YOU know tho particulars of JKetjc^lse?' Sh.e has been troubled forbears w i t h a d i s . OTOcred liver, 4n | l ' 'ae djpeVtiuu. On tiie last occa. %t6%j4in'wevef, the virulence of the attack was so alar. 4^'iftM'add fhp inflammation set in sg severely, that ^'pupts.were entertained of her being able.j,o.,be.Ar -up under it; fortunately She was indnteedtotry yoiii- Pills fehd-fr-e jnfo'rms-fne fhatsfter tli"e first, and each snc-ceddinj dose, she had great relief. She continued to take them, and although she* only used three Boxes, nee isinW in the .enjoyment of.perfect health. I co'd haye seni you many more vcases, but the above from the .severity, of the attack, and the speedy cure,1 tliuuV aneaks-mucb. in favor of your astomshirig Pills,1'


j?EVJciR,IN.VANDlEMAN'S'i,ANU. £C,opy of,n-Xettei;inserted in the HobartTown eour.

. ier.pf the i s t Maroh,.1851, hy Major J. Walch. MiftgaretM-Oonnigan, nineteeu-Jears of age, resid-

*iug at" New Towjiihad-teen suffering f rem a violent rheumatic fe-verfor upwards of two months, w hich had entirely deprived her of the nse of her timbtf; during this period-shores under {lie care of the most eminent ra-adical.men in"Hobart Town, aud hy them •irer'case was considered hopeless. , A friend pre-zailed upon her to. try galloway's celebrated .Pills, which she ".-."•..••-«». ed to do, and in an increBUjle short space of 1 eBfeBteuVa-ferfect bure. CW-J of'.a pain, .and tighlpes? in Ike eAw/S and'\tlom-••: • •»-m~^ayerson8iyevj's of figs'.. ' .• Frbrn'SfesBrs/^Hieyv &V Son.-Proprietofsof the l.ynn '• AdvertUefy wn'6rclin vbuch for trie following state. • • ment.—A%g'Ust2d;'1951. - . • To ProfessorflftX-fcOwjAYV - Sin.:—Idesireto. bear testimony-to the gfibd effects

op.HollpBiay's-PiUs. For some years 1 Buflfereu' se ^rotft a pajn-and *^~1-i-— *~ *i>« -,I-,«,-I*.1T whic:

was Also aooompamed

consent-time they

.. 'flt'O-AN'S'"*

Horse & Cattle Medicine. •.lo.JAeuleine m use lias accunipfisned s'ta lnBtiy l x> J

traordinary. cures, an&givon so tlniversal Satisfaction'^ in ever/y. variety, and stage ufdiseuse, or-has'so exten-. sive1inctr»pid a sale, as Sloan's Ointment ojrd-cendi--tion Powder. " ;-•• .

The'OTntment is swiftly superceding all all.ptlieB Ointments, and Ijinimeivts • for the cure-of Fresh woundsv'Galls of alllohfls,' Sprains,'Bruisos, cracked Heels Ring-bone. windeulls.jPoll ETHI, Callous* Spav­ins, SweeneV. Pistulft.'Sitfast, Strains, Laineness. Sand cracks;!Er>uiftle-red Feet, Scratches or Grease, Mange .and Horse Distemper.

Tho condition Powder will remove all inHammatimv i'.and-fe*veri purify tlie blood, loosen the skirr, cleanse the water and strengthen every part of tl^e body ; and has proved a sovereign 'remedy tb+ tire following diseases: ,1 Founder. Dustempi(5r, Hiife"Bonhd. Lossof, Appetite, Inward Strains, -Yellow.water. InHummation of the Eyes, Fatigue from hard exercise; also" Rheumatism,, [commonly called stiff complaint] which proves so fa. taj to.niany valuable horses in r-bis country. It IB alsp, A safe'anu^certain remedy.fiir coughs and colds, which generate"so many fatal diseases. \ ••--, . These remedies never injure, and always-cure, if the directions are followed.

'For-firrther' particnlar8ji®l a multitude ofcertifi Cates of remarUablo-cures, ge'tl'aniplilet-i of agents^

W . B . SLOAN. " GrondDepot, 4" Lake St., Chicago, 111,

.gaS-All Mediolues and Books advertised by. ."B. SJiQAloVa-re-soLd by. T.i • Pox, sole agent for Pulas ki. Stillwell &, Co., Sand Bank, and by Merchants, Drugffists. &c. -hi neai-ly every town in the UriitSd States and Canadb. > . • ' " " - 9 - >

T h e articles heed but to be examined to be appro1-" V'ed. All of which he will sell:at tbe .\ '

' L O W E S T RATR& • H i s lot'of Stoves embraces latest styles, such as

Forest GlueeX Jeffe.rson Air .Tight , - -Star ol the West, Brother J o n a t h a n , " Lady ot the Lake, May Ftow-er,, &c.

'Also the largest assortment of Par lor and Plate-Stoves in this market. H e doe.snotjftatt.erbimself that he has a faculty of selling' a,u,*'old' or un­saleable anicte f o i i ^ i t nuch .ijis'a' ftety' and good one is worth. N o r doe's he mix in flour andTsalt,

rliui makes-flis trade his business; and hi$ friends. « iay r'est'fesufcd that no tricltefy will be resorted-

. t o i p this estab.tsh.meut--that all ar t ic les will be p'Warranted, a s reepmmended.

N.' B. Job- work done-rstf shmd£~be, Mi short notice. Heav j ' Copper work done in the best styte* •thisbeing the only place in lown' w^iere you can get your work <ioneas it f-hould be." .That 's so '

N-ATCJRE'S REMBDIALs ORiPILE S Y R U P , I c h a i , , s *-nu eighty-rvvo lhilravthence West 13 chains. Oafe-fn-lly'prepa-'re'd^ ,by"4J.' HiPPttfeKMAA,' has «> Uni(a»to .V|IB. line ot-

M d will c-are-the-Piles, ^s well 'awthey diseases 1 iUe™<> so»,ll> ""."••- <>™t>\ w h i c h lite -alieir'toy^ancl-a-s itisthe-ti 'niy ^ r u p hav ing for one ot i(s^bjecis d'ireritly, tbe fctire ol diseased, Spines, and1 a sure pxey.eutof o'i" thefr oe-'fJomvagso, tfeereloje, nqr profe'ssiona^man, me-, cyanic , merch'ani, cl-3'lr,.'olr any sedentary psfson,-! 9^otu)d' fee wi thopt i t , i |life-aftdihealth; ar,e,yal-

, In presenting my medicine to the/public, s.ome-th«a-g--is" due from m e , before that umpire^ which' 1* voluntarily place myself and which tests the efli-

and vir tue of ail in,ventionsi C l a i m i n " * " h» ™$z


Pu lask i . F*b. 1, 1852:



^rjSttvr^^lfQ 5}5*Afl-4 DOWN TR1MI1No for Lad les '^ear^


' 8 ^ " T H E LATES'T ARRiVAL.^IEl l


HA V I N G already announcd.their return from tbe-City, and the a r r iva l of their Stock bl

N E W G O O D S , would further say that the-' ' P&tMflpns JEXCEMIJVGJB, -'

.is now sbOndtmtiy filled with a large ahd^Varied assortmentf-aTranged in the several departments I n a ma'nrfer maiefiallyto assist a -ready ^inspec­tion arid examination-...

T h e D R Y Gtoons TjEr-'AftrMUPTembraces: ;... Ribbons, rO;OOf) y: Printy.Cambricks, Laces,. Carpeting, Sh?wls Drilling, Tickings, Cotton y a r n , ' Sheetings,

70, St.

Holloway's OiritmeBt ; A tiiosl. pilraciiepns cure of Sad Legs,

•VFTKR 43 YEARS SUFFERING. [Extract of.aMetter from Mr. "Wm.-G-alpin, of "I

Mary's St., Weymouth, dated May 15, l8j l . ] T<o Professor rlollowa}.: t -o-Sir-rAtthe-a-ffe-of l5(TOy wife (who is now 611 caught a violent cold, which settled' in her .legs, and evorsince that tim.e they havebeenSnore or les9-sore,rfuid greatly inflamed. Her agonies were distracting, and for month's togethershre-was deprived entirely of rest and-sleep.— Every reme-ly that tnediciilmeii advised was tried, but •4ithj>ftt. ejfeet i .her health suffered seveielf ."".and the state, of her logs was terrible. 1 had often read youf-advertisements, and advised her to try your Pills and 1 Ointment; and, as a last resource, after every other remedy .had proved useless, she consented to do s o . ~ She commenced siy weeks ago, and„strange to relate,.

HerlegS are, pamless,witHotk

ttHinventprpt a uiedierneIupoti|anenJ«V-J-»«»7>rit^ •dplcor fowadation, and a t the some t ime, the only. -correct theory ol disease—returning and giving

, health to the attimal on tUc-same prifkciple thai ( nature 'does to the material world : lor as nature

co'mmences~immediately lertaliziug the exhausted sailSvheri forsaken ;by manj_By_rich JgfQwths- of tbliage,sim.ilarly should mail do to regain uia Ibr-i'eitecl health. Medical treatmeut. should, in «11' instances, tend lo.agsist namre.,an.d.not stapeicede I her; and theuivenior /c la jms for Natures Reme-y|

l-dsftlthat it will Assist nature ip resterltig' health' a n d accomplishing whai she,is'tod feeble-to to oh account of a continued abuse of her laws byrlfhe

•suflerer. T o sedentary persons it will ,be found .ol g n a t benefit in strengthening the tyngs aadspiOe, a d keeping tha,system in a Ijeal'hyTbne.

In cases of pregnaneyT td-J8Sate--4a,!A- deliveiry and healthy.,(iffspiring, I knojy ofnos.atniole- so pe­culiarly a nd emphaticaly ealoulated a s . N a t u r e ' s remedial, for while it tends1.0 allay the longings, appetite, & c , it gives strength anp stability to- the systeuii. ^ -•-, -. ... fjv . . " V

I havn used Kature'slteniedial or Pile'Syru'p fn my practice and believe it has.given evidence of pcitrs*-" easing -prqportiea heculiarly adapted-to the. cure ol teli Pilot, for'wliicli djsease-t'knowofiijcititiingbetter.

Durhamvilie., Aug2lf,i831. J . ' F .HUN3;LEV. M.D. ROME, Aug Id, 1851.

I have been for more than ten years afflicted with the Piles, (both internal and external,) and fora-yaar previous to .the first of May last, I had not been free from them a single day. I have consulted many enii. nent [iliysicians and used manykinds of. medicines without ai?y permanent relief,until 1 commenced .using Nature's Remedial or Pile Sytup. U^ingit a c .

'"cording th directions, before 1 had used two quarts I _k>v.nd tnyscn Iree lrom the complaint, and remain so still, and have no hesitation in attributing the cure to the use ol this medicine. GEO S. T H R A L L .

For further part iculars see circulars left with agents'. Sold hv E. W . Fox, Pu lask i ; C. Simp, Mexico,;, S . WiHjams, Anaboy; E., A-JSperry, WilliamstOAm.F. S. Law, Kasoag, and H. 'Mur-dock & Son, Pulaski . \

i^a.st corner of land . . . .-. . r f . . . ter;. tlitiiieb'north72degreos W. along tlie.noith line of, said Porfiir farm to th^(flQrth-wes| corner of a piece of land deeded hy Ut^ said Thpmiis S. Meach-am to said Clark in'1858; tliepce sauth four degrees west on the west lineof said land and continued on the eastlme. of land -formerly- owned by "SVilliam Wilder to the south-east corner of thesanie, beinfijin tlie center of the aforesaid road; thence, north eighty five degrees west along the south line of said land ont'e deededfeosaid Wil i»'r, al-i nt lii chains and If) links j o a p,qjiifc,e.igh,t chains sus Ijuk^distunt from the nortTi-eus't corner of' land owned by 'Simon Meocli-ami thi-uca south and parallel to said'S. Meiicham's eaitlirie,.twenty-(ine chains 17 links to the north line oflcrfl21; tlien"ce east along the same to ' the 'north­east cornerKbf ifind oifSe deeded -to Joel and Sifas: Harman;i thence south along tlieir east line twenty-one chaiflSpne ludt.to the north line, of-tland deeiued to "W'eet}, aU(j Meactiajn; thence along the. same and atone the north line of laiid deeded to.Betsey G,-

'S'ttid^rd.'Hfirt.y^neCtiains and IS links tohemorth-eastcpmeiv and thence north twenty-one. chains to the placo of beginning, containing two hundred nipe^y-etght acres Hud twenty-three hundredths, be the same mm e or l.qss^excepting- and reserving, hoyv-ever, for Henry Tarter and his ^ssigns "about nine acresj part 0.' Sara lot No. 112', bounded on the east hy the east ljne'6f-»thb' ftliove convened premises; on tiiesontll by-thssouth'lide of said'lot No. 112 (i'nil on the north-by the center-of the above-mentioned road, being 12 rods on said south line and bounded on the w-est by a line -H rods from tjie east line-end par-

inUel-witWitr also" excepting and 'reserving eighteen 'acres and a'half, ly in^ in the north-ea.-.t part of tlie fljboyp conveyed premises, being- part of said lot No. J-02, as the said l?*i acres were conveved't'o William' M~. Hale hy the parties of the first part hereto by deed .executed-m l**b>—will be Hold, at ;mbli'c vo'ndne t° tfie highest hidiler, at_the Salmon River'House, now kept by E. B. EaruTTu"~£Tfe village of Pulaski, on the laili ila^ of Aim, Jh33. nt In o'clock in (lie fore­noon of th'aifdaTi" 20B#n;i!a» 1!M8S3., " '

^ "HEWtlY'DE t A M A T E R , Mortgagee. MCC'AHTY-& \ixsa. Attorneys, Pulaski, N. 1. 33

St(t,t6,0l''"JNSVin ^ 0 ^ ^ 0 ™ e P W 8 K # » ^ R u J . « S B.

1 rffi>.tlfe,W re-BilMmMy of

„. . . . . . . „ . , tsm, fjfilWci'Ii A,M., irr^bersa2 gijuMprlg4lg6j3ji^_nA«* lHar,\Hilcb-

'W.Abeam %wx\ V?wMmii$lmitea& thfere is oWW&ftd be due'a,r' hw'titad bftlie 'first ptiblieaiiton oAlf is hotfceclW11 mm >pf .{$1^,83) -one hundred apdseveilljr-siJcdoUajTs > aJiHiteWhty.

^ v . , ! . _ . * . i u™™,- - ^ t b e r ylars

\ m . and "no s u T t ~ o T j ¥ « a i B ' g » ^ I ^ H a V i t i j ? been iflstitutfed.tofecov.er-.tbeijBon^i-sstofed by said Mortgage, o r^any ip j i r t thece^ i . t a y l A e r e -tore notice tlrbereby g i .ve .h .^Mrimirs i j ancBpt a

power o t ' s ^ e conta1nea.in's:iiffl^I6rtg|ig6, ?m or me statute iusaohsCdae rfiadb ittid.|jlWtferl;! the niemlies desurlbett ij«nd,COVeV!SEtvp}i!sar;kt Mort­gage to w i t ; " Tlie equal uhiHTad)fflji|iiB.rfiair0f the Grist MiU and one half of a t ) thai tract or parcel of land situate J,n, the y U l a g e ^ t ' Wpshing. tonviUein the.i(jwhof;Sjtndy Cj-eek in, .said CJotrmy and State'aibVesaid, it hetbg the one liiili

-of (he-Grist iWll-aind-ulisspii^itlageS'ttie'rewiih qonneoted, H bew&IoeatedMn'?.IsPtrtSPfr49 in T p w n s h i p N p J O j ' b l ^ P B W l ? ? , S f l ^ K f t P ? Wn-dedanf described % s " m e n U q n e ^ o a deed tfiie day •executed b y ' t h e said"fe'ufts' ^ ' S M r e M ^ - ^ n d ? L o r a . W . h i s ' w i i e -to- Win'.said" Naltian«Bur-rell" to #>}\kh t'efcrerice Js- -hereby •:mndIe> will be sold a t .PBUUC auction a t th,e^{d.man,&$vei - % u s e Iter t by E . B . ^ f l l ta Ihg- vt)l |ge oi PtfTasT Iti io- said county, iijel7th 'day o T Sebtembel'.iiejt, at 10 o'clock in the foi*ehoonof t b « f (la'"."Dated June23rd-L853.--f. • A B f t A M - a U K P l i i l a

J O H U - B . WA^SO,N, Altorney, jLny AssjgfiB?. ; ' ?,ulusld,^.'y.'r., '

ill! rf ...

HEIUFF'S SALE.—By,-vii*Ug o f ahr|K(9ciiti0U is-,' mied But of .the Supreme' QoUJrt.pj t(ift p.tate 0"

NBSvYork, tri methrecU'-fl ahd'aeliVlro(h, '^iipst tin s [ t e s t a t e «r ns t the atiChard goods and • chattels, landa and,, teneaneittsu

Dodge, WilUnip J , Dodge, I have seized' and taken all of the said Richard' Dodge, James JL Humphrey:, which they OP ^theriofrthehMliail

j Grocery and Provision Store. BUMPUS & KNOWLTON.

RiffiP 6h.fiandfor saferfft th^Stote l a te lyocc t rp ied by A. H . S t o v e h s . a

lull and extensive assortment of FAMILTfTSRO-CER1ES, embracing every article jn the l i n e -

is. now-in good health. Berlegsare.galnless.witnoutjjThey also sell Pork, Lard, Butter, Cheese, Flour., seam or sear,.and her sleep is sound aud, updiaturbe'dTpann'' the -various -artif les of provisions Used- in

- • «• . .-. . . .« — ...:<._ I fanmijes. Not disposed to brag up their good6, or boas t of law pricpf. they respectfully, ask tht buyers in Pu la s t i and adjoining towns to rjall and examine their stock and prices, pomising to sell as low as iliey can"afford to; whTdnr rcy believe quire as low .is like articles can be had elsewhere.

T. J. JlCMPU". • : D.O KNOWLTON. Pulaski , Dec 1853. ..



elyfrortl a pftin and. tightness in the stomach which ...^Alsq aooompamed by a shortness of breath, that preVenteanje from waikipgabeut. I um 84 years oi age, .ayiuofvri^s'tahdmffrny advanced state o'fTifo," tliese.P.iMi(i«iy"e 60 relieved,me, tb»t I am desirous that Others sHoiiifi"DO made acquainted with their virtues. 1 am nWrSofler'eaby. th'elr meahsi comparatively ac . tive, and can tailtSr.exercise without inconvenience or paini which I epula\notdo1refoye. j * , lkg«ed) W K M S , Nrirth St, Lynn. NdrfoTE" Ttieso celebratirl'Tilfi are woridertnlly efficacious ip

-^lietotewing complaints. - * t jSgtte """' ''-feVCTS-ofrallkinds- Serofula^ nr .... AsthmS •' Fitfr ' Ki'tig'sEpl BUliofls'Cdrapl'tB Gout' ;* . iSore Throats"" Blolchei-W&e • Hea'diache " Stone &. Gravel

jSkinre1 • • ItidigestiSn Secondary BftvyelCdmplrintalnflam'matioh Symptoms , Cwfes, B V v • Jaundice . Tic Douloureiik-

, Constipation ol Liver Complaints Tumora rttheBoweJs Lumbago • Vlcers i

Consumption Piles Venereal Aftac-peWRty-"—"'" . Rheumatism of a l l , , thuis Dropsy - t n k l n t l s ' 1,' >• Vf worms of all Dysentery Retention of Brine kinds ^0,SiB,Bl9%-l'aAale!4 r re?ular iyea*ad iteakness, from

SoJjl at tiie establtshlnlmt of P-rofemof. Holloway,

tStropdi; (Mar,Teni^a-B,ar, Londim.) and '.hyf-aji ecM^^brTdggiste tod DsnfeabvMedicines M 0-', &e#ritialt.Empire,'ahd of those oP the United S»iSffte&*t8je. , 87c..atid $1,50 each. Whote-

• B^bw8TOihdIp'al Druffhcflsesinthe L'nion. ariuW, .- Messrs.Ai!B^fiU). Sap£s,„New York. , ' {'-J

J^ , I^4^^a,WojUidef ibTS' saving % " taking the'.


' %m$m

GinghamSj Alpaccas, MusHus, Dejains, Mulls, Merinos. Silks, . Paramettos, Satt ins, 1' Cashmeres, Bombazines, Poplins, Bareiges,. Threads, includiug also, every article in the ' line~oi Dress and Domestic Goods otthe Fa l l and Win te r styles

In the'GnooBRV Department will be found! T e a s . Pepper, Dride Frui t , • Sugar , • Spices, Cod F i sh , " Molsses, BrfgSa.lt, ' JVIaCkgrel, Ginger, v Rasins, " ^Starch, . J and every"other article in the line, selected Witt. much' care for family Use, a n d a r t sold v e r t low

T h e CROCKBKV department -rstttlland compute . embracing With oftTerarticles ^ . Lookng Glassfes SoHar lamps , vEarthen- W a r e , Glass War-e, Stone W a r e , Porcelain, &c. '" T b e HABDWAHB Departfh^ Bl is varied and em braces articles usuallycalledfoi! ,amougwhicharK Shovels, . J * LogCha lns , ."iRope Halters , Mahore fo r l r s , Binding (iq. ' Carp't . Tools, • Hay do, T r a c e .do. 'Jgiass B ettles, Bed cords , Halter ' uo , rWvod Saws,

A n d now comes our Depantroent.for

Rieady-Made <jlothing 'vi which i s$ i^ . ipos t extensive in this' section-*an; contaitis,.bCsidfeja lull and complete aisortriiet. of every .'garment, a large s tock ol Brbad'cVoth','-. ' H a t s , & C a p s L Umbrel las , Cassimefs , Boots & Shoes , Fur Goods, Vestings, . Gloves, Rubbers, Hosietji,, . Mittens, • . Buffalo Robes, Comlofters; .tBIanketSj. Satchels ;&c.

%gT Thebesjw.Qrkmena-ntd the most, experieE cedCuUer aree,mployed .iu:UlSs derJartment, ah : any. gajnient desired w,iil b e made to order, ir the. be.?i.auci'most fashiortable manner,-add ever, ar t iclpiyi l l be-so warranted.

T h e r e is alsto a MISCBULANEOOS DepartroM which includes,numeroUs,article8 n,ot mentionet1

but m a k e up tbejuiost oofergtstSstoc^of GOOD. in Pulaski-,'and*f(Jf B O W PRICES, w e are rea. ,

I dyjto compete witirany'stq.re in town on the sanj '; qu^.lil!T«f goods; tVe sell as<;liep as ' the cheapeS' • [•..anti-tWready ynry"tt®lAe-tlito.f(>r. -^

, JOJ^JB^ .& McCARTY • 0B:hand again-as usual-ai the

. ' \X^H^iRli ; , 'we-ttre' H6«J receiVlbga•I'iflVsupply'

could you have witnessed the sufferings of my .wifi during tlie last 43 years, and contrast them with her present enjoyment of health, you would indeed feel de­lighted in.havi ng been* the means Of so- greatly'allevia. ting tlie sufferings of, a. fellow .creature".


OP 30 VEVRS' STANDING,. [Copyol a letter from Mr. win. Abbs, builder of Gas

Oven's, of Rushcliffe, near HuddersfiehJ, dated May 31st, 1851.] ,r n

^I^To-Prpfessor Hollaway: Sir—I suffered for a period of 30 years from a bad

leg, the resftlt of two or three different accidents atgns works accompanied by scorbutio symptoms. I had recourse to a variety of medical advice, without deriv. ing'any behefit,"afid was even toldthat tnelegrnust be arrinutated, yet, in opposition to tha,t,opinion, your Pills and Ointmenthaveeifecteda qompleteeure^a-so short a time, thaUew who had n.ot witnessedit Would I cretlit the fact. ' '(-Signed) ;\vILEIAM ABBS. *

The truth of this statement can be' verified' By Mr, w. P. England, cliemist, 13 Market St., Huddersfield. DREADf-T'L BAD BREAST CURED i s 1 MONTH. [Extract of a letter from Mr. Frederick Turner, of . _ Pepshujst, Kent, dated December 1^18op.] " To Professor H-alloway: ; '

Deaf Sir—My wife had suffered from bad breasts for more than six months, and during the whole period had -the-best medical attendance; but all to Ub use.— Having before healed anawfulwound in my own leg by youMmrivalled medicine, Jr determined again to use your Pills and Ointment, and therefore gave'them a trial in'Her case, and fortunate .it wa91 aid so, for in Iess«th4an,» month a; perfect cure was effected, and the benefit that various other branches of my family have derived from their uRe is -really astonishing. I now strongly recommend them'to all mv friends.

" fSpsr fT^"• FREDERICK TURNER^-T h e Pills hould.be used conjointly with' the Oint­

ment in most of the following pases •• \


of Choice Sobds, selected with care.'an'd suited to the Fal l aod Wfn'tfeV Tt-aflel/arrd witi be sold as.low as£heflc|west'arri6hgUa,'C?ii,n sell, lo all such a s are in th&li'abit ofrpayingrroLwKat they buy. J^mong ourassor tm^pt may be'fbund rfsar-iy a i l kinds ol'Go'ids'bsiriaUJ-'ltept in t l i ts village.-

! ..saa'tf- &M@>'&®B. •:'::r

\ Mus l in DeLanes oW-oolen Cloths. AII-Wpol-DeLiaues Cas.sjmeTe^arjcLSgtiuettft. P i in t so f all Rinds PaKi^y-Jeans and Tweeds Alpacas,MoHnirLrfstrs Cot and Wool F laaueU, Irislt-S'iltt'Poplins, Woolen Pla ids , 65c. •*. Cashmere and Woolen L,pngFShawis.- Hosiery , the best assortment-id this ' ' market. A l so a good variet ; -

1 aiiytb4#g atrfldlOTi

mi$W patterjns.and priceB, takl%x


fey Wiffip

nftWVSwittwea itre a^eiitsi;&i*/|lhe.'Brow^ A»*viU«JiaMa.tua..C!onipaayy- and wilNeH-a

--«: 1 w v \ HOTS8- A'NTr>4!iio?esp 0 %* i •Groc'eriSBj- DrtifesalldMedWiflei, • J

, -errtClreify,-' ••• P-iivntsr.atid'OIl*!, ' ' ' ' - '-Hak-rd W a r e , ' SasS'Sivd Glasic, ' • • ,'

n fw BfSWs Kettles, Wihe i^* l . t av i r j i r s . hf*aie'ats6'nbw recelv^^flotsJ^fewiairid splen* prJi"<l;'pattei'tiWt I - ' 1 ;'lhV<^- ' '"•':

' <, Cooking and )l»«JlrWT&ta*M»V •., > t ^ ^ . ! ^ r i | f t , 0 a ^ e ^ i t o 3 1 f f i * b ^ r t , | B t i d ' a J l w n i b e

jSfftve Plpe^and T i n W a r e alwrfys on.hand.

fgr*'.- '• . ' • ,r ' . .vtr^r

Bad Legs, Curns (soft) Rheumatism Bad Breasts, Cancers* Scalds Burns, Contracted & Sore Nipples 'Bunions, ' StiffJoints Sore Throats Bite of.Mos. Elephantiasis Skin diseases "~

chetoes and Fistulas- Scurvy Sand-Plies, Gout Soreheads

Coco-bay, Glandular Tumours Chiege-foot Swellings X'lcers,; Chilblains, Lumbago wounds

'©happedliand Piles. ' Yaws Sold at the establishment of-Professor lJpllowa'y,244, Strand,'(near Temple Bar. London) and by all respec­table Druggists arid dealers in Medicines throughout tne British T^mpire, and of those of the United States, in fyuiat37$tt,.$?c, and $1,«0 each, wholesale by .tWprinrapttr ©Wig houses in the Union,and hy Messrs I A. B..&i>. Sands, Now York. . ' '

^^^T l id re is a considerable saving by toting the larger sizes. . .

N. B, Directions for the guidanoe ofpatletitsin ev-ery-disordeT are affixed to each Pot. if)

f[3f*The above medicine is for sale by H-. M . M U R D O C K . in the village of P u t o l t i . ' '

N" I _ OTlC.E OP IHSTaiBUTION.—Notice isItere-•by given, that the balance remaining ofthe,prti'

cpeds of'thosale-oftliareal estate of Amaziah.Darrow late,pf the town of Or!&e.ll,._in tlie county of.Oswego, deceased, intestate, lately'made under the Qrcle'r of tn& Suiro'gate of said county, by Dorcas Darrow, tbe" ad­ministratrix,.and AbelDarrow, the. administrator, of all and singular the goods-, chattels and onSdits of the said intestate, will -be divided by the said -Surro­gate among the oroditori( of_ the said .in.testata, a t t h e Surrogate'i, OITice in the Siiy "bTQswego, on the 23d day of May next; at 10-o'oloek in the forenoon of that dav. ' Dated this aSth day of March, A. D. 1853.-. .29:6w J. BROWN, Surrogate.

• B E STJBSORlB^rt-has dn'ha'nd a number pf S L E I G H S a n d ' C U T T E R S , and a l s p i e v e r a l

W A & 0 j { s ! made in the best and most fashioha^ ble uJanSeri -svnd (Jf the .best mater ia l , which h1? will sell on a | gopd- terms as ean be purchased e l s awhere in ih i sco j jn ty . . fa rmers , and c^bsss in wani.o.t:SIeigh«(.^..Cutters, are paliiculariy .ijrivi-t^dto gjve hit jn 'aca|L as he fetjsoonfideist pi"be-. i i igab le to ' sa t i s iy i thenu . „_ '

PJ3CAJKING don,e,pn''s:orl1,i)otice,a i5din t h e bestefnanuer, ..cheap'. .^Produce. ;receivtt>'at 1'air

j; prices.

H a v i n g added to the previous large assortment a number of varieties of ' - -

the Democrat Office is now prepared to execute af kinds of

in as good style as the same can be done iri.this, section of (he state. Th f s remark applies1 particu larly to Bal l Tickets a n a Ca'rds.Donati'on Ticaets , "and every variety of Blank and Fancy Print ing. Orders respectfully solicited—and, work will be promptly and neatlv executed, at low ra tes

Fresh Groceries. • ..E. W, FOX

H A S just received a good supply of Gro • cgries, embracing all the leading articles in

the l i n e ^ ' T h e y were brought on to be sold, and he is disposed to'seTl thein atlhe L O W E S T LIV­I N G PRICES. A general stock "of © a W S & M EDrCINES w n r a l s o b^foTIBtt arWJTsToTe, Wnv brac iug the leading prepared and patent rifedi-cines. Pork-, Flour, La id , Cheese, Seeds/Paints and Oils, Spirit Gas's, and a g^eat variety ot Oth­er articles on hand. H i s goods have been selec. ted with'jCare, with particular r'ele-re'nce to the' quality, aJid he/eels confident they wil l suit his^ customer^, „The patronage of the public, of all who pay for gootls, is resjiectiully solicited. ' " '

October 2,52. E . "W. F O X .

Fashionable Emporium, M R S ' . . F R O W D ,

HAS retnred from New York, and haying ta . ken unwearied pains in making choice Se- J

lections, she is now exhibiting the inost splendid I assortments . o'f MILLINlERY : GOODS and ' •PR'ENCrl S T Y L E S , far-superior in quality, to any ever brought in town, such as S!itmiA,,X?'-vets, Ohifra Silks, Embroideries' of evety.. disCr*ip:' tion, Riband, Gloves, Mitts;Y^lvet tlt!ii,anQ',mdrn-i'ng Collars ,Fal ls ,andE6ve Ve!ls,GalorJiis,'^!i[palt,'• an'd.Dress-trimings,of all' kinds too nnnletotl^ to ment^on!..-'A,ii'ot11a.ving.employed .tbe.'JtiolLjomr-

P'^ttf'help in the county, she feels' ddhMeftt of a s inga l lwho have .exquisite taste and .|oo(l

;udgCnient. Ladies, please accept t h e ' t h a n k s ol Mrs-.'.J. Frowd for p^stpatronage. andcaU'and'ex-amtnC hW new gtfuds. Pulaski Cfov. 1st, 1852.

- CUSTOlvl ^RrrJDIxAig.:!;

J^ L O U R A N D M E A L . T - ' ' K N O , W f L T O N , S • M I L L " has been repaired, eSrery, part put in

the best order, and a competent MiUer.-ernplpyed. Custom Grinding.wil l be promptly.-attended; to.lj

• Floor and Meal kept on Tiand at ihe->M1ll, and at the Stbre of BDMPUS & KNOW^ON—^as goodian article, and a t as low prices as can be, had eteey where in town. D. 0 , K N O Y v X T O N . •

Pnlasiti, February"!, 185%


Erysipelas, Salt EheiuiCScrof-11I0113 Humors, l iver Cbm-

•platntir, Canklerj and all Diseases arising from

fcnpure Blood. These modicihes are the scientific preparations of a

regular.Physician. T H E SyRUPisaf l article which stands unrivalled

and unequalled in this or any other country as a great Humor Medicine,- I t is entirely different from any pre parationof SarsapariUaor Dock, and is far better than any or ajl qfthem. It has now been tested -in more than 50,000 cases^embracing persons of both sexes, all ages and in every station .of, life,.and for all the above named\ilseas&s, and as yet.to bii'r Knowledge there has not been the first instance, where itlias not done thework just as it .was stated it wrinld do. More than 100,000 cases of humors in all their forms.have been treated'and permim^ntly. cured-by it. _ -ERfsiPE LAS .—Patients who have sufferedfrom this distressrrig complaint for years, have in everv^known

leasoljeen eUreot>y these medicines. At. least 50,000 Salt Rheum Patients l.»u- used tho

Syrup, togetherwitlrtho cerate,"many of linn, old and inveterate Cases, and in every instance eflected a cure.

:FOR .ALL.tS(;n»w«LPHH-IIi»io,as.—-The Syrup for thonrhas no eqiihl in Sarsoparillaor any thing else.

FEMALE iRUF.Gt-'L.VRiTiKS.—Mhere is ' no one cause which produces a greater amount of suffering than, the irreguhtraction.pf tlie female tunc lions. In these it re-.. stores to health, strength and vigor, and enables nature to assume her natural periods.

- NuRsfNO SORE MOUTH.—This truly distressing dis. ease need-no. longer be thedrend of nursing mothers, for there isnow- a Reliable remedy. Tbe Synin. tuprther with the canker cnre.wiU lit once moat effectually and permanently nirethis disease.

VKKKBEA-LTAINTS.Attn MERCUHEAL DISEASES, are -poisoiious impuiaties of the blood, which through their J -effect^ipon t.hog^nnd^ amfnit in every port of tha human-system. In such c,iscs, if there was ever a specific for any disease," tlie Syrup is for this,

GAUTTOF.—Neither ofJliese articles are genuine with­out the signature of S. A." W E A V E R & c o . on the out. side wrapper. ' • " '

Manufactured by S. A. W E A V E R & co.. RewLon. "don. Conn', to whom -all orders must be addressed. - , Soldby H. MunDocjt-& SON, Pulaski; C. 81ms, Mex­ico* S. (5. Merriam, New Hayen; H. & F. S. Stone, Sciiba; Monroe &, >V"oolsy, Sandy Creek; Earl,& Wil.

,der, Manns'yille; G.M. Hoplunson, Ellisburg. 48

part=ofjtuwnsliip No, 6 of a tracttdCla.n'il.etilJed Sen. has Patent, bejiyj aoventy-rfour'^uid mie&njfch acre's of land to be taken off from the"east%3ae .of subdivision No 82 by a lino parallel *riMi the feast line '6f 'said lot pumb<ir 82, also all that'pieqe,or parcel of land' .bting jiart of lot No, §5 in siiii township., hounded and dcs. cribed asfbllows via- Beginning a£t.!V9"'soget for tlie No/th East corner 6f said lotNotf 05 lind'TUnniriK thence N 60? ."SV.07.=T.23c|i^n.s."tflithe!c.i|n(rer.pf the old Stale road : tlionce-alpng said -centre of said .oh! State road S 2 2 ^ E to-chaius aHi 48-lihliHo t(re east,

.erly flneofeaitiilo ,N'o.-0»; t!|'Bn-ee--along «ttiaV-east lineN,2-l'« E 2 3 » 28cliain8 *ijd S^inkfyp;the.,p)are of beginning and contains 20 and pn-1C0 acres ofjaml according to a stfrvBy*rna'db by-'At Tf.,''Pos{er,f!fi8crl'ou\ 1H-17 heingthe wnrjo premises descTibedin a jleed In-Jaihes L. Humphrey andlwife-and1 ^Villlhtrt .1. iDodc'c and wife to 'VYiiliajii Humphrey ^Vihioll^fQd, Bears tfnte I JSov. lytb 1852, and is recorded-m tho Oswego County ClerRs'Office.ih BonK of deeds N o . 59 'nnd"on! Piigej OfiSand 650, all ofwhiohnlKwc^meiitiongjI property I will expose fpr solpat public .venjlue af -tlie Ja.w, >'i-'rects,' at the Salmoh-River flouSe', now kept ny E. K, Earll ih the village of Pulaski ,"^ the 20th day of 3\s> ly next a t ten o'cloek in the foremwn of Uiat (lay.

Dated, June Jfith.. 13,'wV-

By \YU>U-AM4J^G4tA->

MOKI GAGE SALE.—Default having been made ip'the payment of tho moneys' secured to lie

paid by a mortgage executed hy Harrison Rich of the town of Williamstown, in the ,*t>xiiity ol Oswego, .to Joseph'Allen of MonteomerJ ' ccwnfyl N.'E'„'"twhich nioctgofie is dated the 31st day of Jannary, 18?7, and' recorded in the ClBrli's Office of Oswego county Feb", riiary Cth 1837, a t I o'clock, P . M. In bodK K". of I mortgages, page 891, upon'whjcii nrtrftgage there- is I cjaimed to be due af the time of t h e first .publication-ot 'this j)ftice the sum of three bundled dollars, ami no proce'ejdirigs at law have b e e n inslitirfed for the recovery of the) same or any part <efaereof. 'Said tnorf gage has been duly assigned-hy sa id Jnseph A Hen-to Washington Senrln. N;.w, therefore, IiotifiS.isJiBre. 15y"^tvelintyatt!i7Tm^naTree""oro^iiwe|'Bf^^ said mortgaged contained, the mortgaged premises will be sojd at public aucti n at the EmpiM.Hotel in. the villageuof Mexico, onthe Cth day of July, 1653." at 10-oVlnck^ A. M. of that day.' 'Ffte premises are' des-cribed ih said, mortgage 'as fpUw-wsyAU.that,Certain piece or parcel oila.nd sitiliite-, lying*and.|ging in the town of williantffnw'n tmd coujyt"v of Os\yegp, beinc all that part of Lot No. lfiS-jjj Scribn's'''Pa'terrt.'iii Township. No. 5 orMt^y-ntent. -"bbiiftKirn^TrfriDTrs: begrrming at the southeast.conuSr-oi the. saul lot. and i-uiiniiig therice north GO0 wes"t 30 chains and 2; links ; thence north 21 ° east '24 chains- arid 87 lii.kv thence .south 09° east lOchains . and 'UO links to-tlie center of tlie highway leading p ^ t J.«cob -JSlitler's tc

|,William Hamilton's; t lTencesot i th lo 0 28 minut'ri east alpiig. tlie center of the S'lg-li-w.ayiSl^chains and 40-iinftsTW the place of beginning, cautrfmirjgjl. acrci 2roods and 13 perches of land, a»s surveyed b^'Abel Wentherly October 18, 183(1. w i t h a reserve pf-Snu-teen acres heretofore deede'd'by tne!'paYty of the flnl I part to James Filkins from, the Sohth West corner o( I said lot. Dated Mexico, Aprtrer 1853. '

WASHINGTON SB.AREE, "Assignee X-D.-SitiTKlofMesicoi Att 'y. ' ' "' '» 29idl



TICF. is hereby given according to law, to nil "'persons having olaim's aga ins t Steplreri 'Taylqt

late the town of Richlandin t b e County of Oswego defeased, that they are required to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to tlie subscriber1; the Exec­utor of the last wiU-aTM testamejnt of the said deceased at his residence ill the--6aid.t9w.j1 of Richland, on or hefore the 22cJ day.of July next t Datod this; 14th da; " January, IS53; STEPHilfPf TINKEjiVExecutoi

TVroflClS T O CREDIT-0RS.— NiUce" !is herekl l l given according to law, t o all w|s"ons having! claims against Tunis Vroman.trtte o'f the' thwW of Iln-P tings in the ctumty of O.swe.gp, deceased, that they areV reipiired to exhibit the same W i t h the vouchers thereof jf

"to tlie subscriber, tho Administrator of all aric|^inguj«r;

the gi ods, chattels andcredits o f i b a S|ua.,decpased at his rosirlence in thesaid'town of Hftstirt|s,'ohorbsffire tl 2 3Uth day of Julv next. Da.ted Jartttafy'24; 18S8.

E E T E R ' D E V J E N D Q R F , AdmlaMnltor.

N O T I C E T O C R E D I T O R S . T ' '''

NO T I C E is bereby given accorijin'g JC5, layv., to | all pe r soushav ing e l a i n s !a^;a,ms| TJroniasB

Soul, late of the town of Richland,'.lffi Qswegol County, deceased, that they a r e ' required' to ei-f (libit the Same with the v o u c h e r s tttBOrlGfrfHg.ihe| snbscriher one-of the Administrators-ojlthe'estaleJ of the said deceased, at hi* residence lr> '.the se id I town of Richland on tire 26th. day tff:' Sephhnbetl next ot ]0 o'clnck.in tbe forenoon ot tha t ' d ^ y . - i Dated, this 16th day a f .Marcb ,18B3. ' '", ,'.

• 1 V O R T H V r WAj'tl^K'S,

The Place. to B*uy,Giife^p! • - A N G E J J L & H E M P S T E A D *

A R E S E L L W O - O F F t h e Largest atid BCHI . stock of Goods ever offered In P u l a s k i , af I

iower pr ices fo'r cash of r e a d y ' pay thah'.'Can lit | had at a n y o t h e r ;store! m Oswegb cdupfy. their stock wilf'be found *' T~, '

Fashionable-. Cloctli ant* Urtia Gtmdt,

This p rep l ra i ion ni'warra.nte'd to exiepmibati Rats and Mice, wht never t s e d hs directed, arid t # leave no offensive slench-on. the.premises cleared of these annoying vermin. I t s -us?.-is perfecitly sale in a n y place and a t al l t imes , 'wh ich is not the case with-ordinary "remedies fo r th i sev i l .

•6avMo%)^-b&aate of coWiiterJHls.—-The extraordi­nary success nf M.Duboy'-ff-Kai-Exterrninator'has excited t h e cupidity of,', somedishone,st persons to courtterfeitit. ,tnn-uir!i'Jrpr MsDub |y ' s .Ra t Ex'er-mina.lor and'tafte.rfo qtner. i n large boxes at 25 tients each. Lvpde 'So Oflbum, ttoohesterr N^vy.,-b.i|e American Agents, to. w h o m all orders should

1 be addressed. J O N E S & Me'O A R T Y , Agent*. i • - - « i M U H D . O O K &SON-, Pulaski .


S ' H . S T E V E N S has jemovedih i s H a t , Cap . and Fur Store-to the Brick ' Bui ld ing four

' d'oorsnorth of the PoSit Office. Puiaski , Nov,-i852.



j 'Wju f f - ; -

t-. . r , J s a y l o (he pUblicthV' -«•«"='•

•Mn&J&JiuGM 1 Steroii "JfilfiMtfrfstte'c'c i'-.

%?ft»'w0Ml litre 1 t o r pas t t a licth"a> J iW, , s t i . .

PO T A T O E S A N D BARLEY F O R S S E D . ^ -T b e subscnoerha9 abbut two hundred bush-

,els of EARLY POTATOES ' afrda qflahttty ol •SEEDBARLEY, which he will .sdll at fair prl-- ^-"•"-Residence 21 roi'.es"t(qMh, of PtjIaslH'.

U R K ' s I S ' L A I N D SALT^Gl*ound jifor rjairjr'. rneus 'use, l 'orsaleb.y the^acl<-^r--buHhel. ' '

- ,-• .-'".'I.*.; N O I t T 0 N , > ,FU,LLER&. May. 18,1,853, -.3f

; T S t ' i r l L S - b l all size* and ajtalltg13! i \ tt't "the Hardware Store pf

l o u "

' M e r l i i r n g i ngs, and the newest" sf t les o . — - - - v . i « «« A » * „,- .« » » • W i n f 6 w shad i i , may bVlbiinoVat the -1 .!& ' MW, 4 ^ 8 o 3 . . . -HARMON C R Q N K ,

' P t lLASjU BOOKSTORt .^>1 % T X T < R A F A M I L Y F L ; 6 £ R - l r e s b g r o u n d -JLw manufajturedfrom Wff ie Ohio Wheaf|-rthe" best iti 'tijwa^i JPc- sale cheHp^and' warranted;

NORTON" & T 0 L L f R c T May 18,1853.

r t l H E Copartpersbip knOWna a^ Richards & ^l ' Waterbury ' i s tfiis day by.tautupl, consent

rjissolve'd. Ai.accounts1 will-"be"iettled-ty C h a i . I Jage'to s i v e them a caJJ. Rice and W m . Weterbury . I. ; .w„ v „ , / . ; . ' '

J ' K . RICHARDS. „ ., • , , •••••- - W m . W A T E R B U R Y

Dated Salnfoii'-River. M a r c h i y h 7 r 8 5 ^ , F l E s M ' sulipty of f e a , \Suga r , M p j ^ s e s

Syrup, Ra}sJtflsf,Citron,.6Vc,. fot.saie ^h'eanfor N O R T O N & F t t L L E R S ; -

35 cash


Ribbons, L^feetjt Sheet ings, Ya'tns, ^n,4 stock of,Domestic an'd.'JFancy Goqd.8i> ;' •

Clo t l i s aiid-Ecnfly JWadoi'OlothSiig, < tor Gent lemen d'h'd''SrJps--^S'',betterv«itefek -and-sl I lower p r i ces thaff caw be h a d elsewheir'ff^tiJWwn'

.' , ~~®.im <@h m a 5 # ^ l r J, Teas , Sugars ,Molasses ; S p i c e s , Fisji,SaItiji5rl«| Fruit,-arid everyiarticledesSr'ddsiniithelidfe."^:

G R O C K E U t A N P , s J | ^ X . F H A R W - I ^ S ; of the mosf.f'a'fthianaljlfeahifi lj.eaufifp.1 'styies-tlit | best-a9so.r,trrient,ln.tp.wti»-j . t * , ; . , , ! i , , i Boots, Shoes am' R u b b e r y H a t s and Gaps , awlj a large va r i e ty of iAher-ifticIeS, tod Ynimerous »1 mention; tttfl kcpt:a't,

(3hi's•,•.Sto'Te^, ' t h e ' v'eTy t » l inouc-enierlts" dfTeVed to r e a d y pay rJustbYn^iJs.'

. . . .! ' p R d f i U C E > S AX!, ' i ^ - D ' s ' / , . , , „ recefved in exchang fo,riGp'od.s.,.P!(rrners(wi6niiiJ| to dispQse.of produce wi l i fiid fl lo the i r advaA-|

for sale by May MPSrV

t-itVItlLSaws, tlie best.in-itnarltet,

NOaKIpSi,Tliub.He notip>«i8ije;Mby pJverf .P 1

» o f J b | W J d a y - ' b t ^ p ^ r 8 © f i # a f \ n i > ' City of DetroiD,in the s ta te o f Michigan-, thB)(i«'

iders igned,whi le on the.steamboflt 'OBeadi 'W* ,lf0bbe4 of. h i s 'PockeubBbte , oollta'^b•ingr*'"^«''',

. W A R H A N V ' K O ; . ,1-5',80L fibr'WACPdSj.ittfhiteinw' ;issfledrfnaer.iSctior'SBpt'r, I8B&. to J a m e s TripP 'fol'-the tawtir of Sasting» rJn<*ne#oumy(of . 0 * f j

N . ¥ . , which said Lartd W a t r a n t w a s ass ign

i vCj?h^eau.,4h^unTleSg%ttedf ^aiafUisllfiiSXiflll , W Ttb the;.Ooi>)m'ssi<rfieK;o^''iPerijti'Wi8il'oit!avd,aplw»l

Co W l S H ' A l < f D MACKERE'15^3 lust rep'eiT- -directty-jr^ijrru-I'Cr-'Saidwiginal Warrant . ed'nfrd-To'F^'HIea'r'ihe-fi'rrAvfelbn slore'til - May IO5 1853. " . -, t "

35 •NORTON &• VtlttliAS. , 3.5:6 w

iafTiiatiiis;*K'iiiw|| - iflonM



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