'«nga,; kotos’- ' -j ilancU * plain5 5 i we§i iantc,* erl> t thenqi ng oji«jr ters of’ jmenf ?s an ul ,tol 0■*% , Court*- oaanjfi' IVaaSh*- fssiojft,! lUC-* e tvv^ ay rtF- use «$, toopx three? iddev jto thtf A. C/' , Id, jif ^ork, f tWQP ents, . and* dol- erestr dol- ; first , unto II ty o f pieces i San- sQuth.- ills to-, hteeir , bains tttiV i-nmfc md »rr ;o the south* |ty-se-, uning Iss rwasaivi^ ■ili.pnii. * a WMJ& i g m rr rb sb mini) rn4* t mix, becia A b ;~* and P m r i fecl if ro sc at* ov?r s4 xzJtjtEfiEtrfy vbat t t r i u i n o t 9M9 «y,ro pifBLisfTm ■v- F • • ' ■". .. -•■ • . . m . ; f^se^lor tlieincppfinei > . my xnenuj *»*(*• * iccu> *tv« », *■»* , ,, .. .* . t t - , r —- - - - - — t of a physical inability to perftjrm ' «vf hi« tU ^ c . itvfcrtns mode of p^ducimg parties, or lay cplmrsa- and if shdls dottmed to take h*r place m this thesm* arc compelled to W to the gtjvqrnrotpfc iromoMothmrohi.&^SteJ^teW.^.ms tkm ,^<, 4 . sutfi reliction*?* will «sti,<,l4 me long » funenjl ifa.n” of Nation.-theta^UI m wlenmity p o p w tw d to ite trees ps.d ^ riie, that he finds^yery, gitl© matter that Will eithci to beai n*y part in it,or to enjoy untno- this consolafiofSV Jeftt* fiei ? that sbe left no by themselves r>r their parent*. All the offi^ afford me exercise % Ttiy calling/ ife shrewd- lested my prpseht jinbittof reserve, whfph h$$ weans untried for hei Bnlvatton—-that she cers epgagfed in the^Jwiiess of the eqnfecrjp-2 lv cooiectures* t W tb e dnha^itirits of the Vil- almost betjome a second hatuie to mfe* fought to preserve fterextst^hS?,aa<l perished tion, are bound to tl , , !•'*'** J “ Yburs, 8tc* ' \ in.t]if&attempt . tim of the la>vs inJd lage have an icip^edMy ^*p»,a ae « SAMUEl* SOl&ER* ^ ■?*—r- \ estates real and penLmi. iso Jbrenpin\an ub^. termined to refider all vafltitiafa unnetebsa. ct p g. jf j ou ^ uld ever tahe up thh* sjdh* Tsi&JfaKXA&MltA. A^V^ttTISE'R der age of thmv as permitted yo icave hti fy, as respects th^m, by VoIu^tsiTily returning ject, do not forget to bestow your hioed’Of ap- T 0 M ST&TIlM 0 # €QN3'CRFPTION. plaqc of residence, or to- hold atfy office 'iphat- to that state of innocertceahcl ^irtttelo' which I Piause 6nthjd class of natuaed persons, OF the systehi it it now stands,'I shati en- cver un^er the ghrfemmeitit, unless he car*1 , 1 I f w S whoahtrays make it their M i t e * to entertain devour to give a hdef outline, ^hm n at all pr^ve, fey authentic dhcuihents, that he ha« had designed, by stealth, to^WnJg them. In those thsU m seg h ’cted by the rest of the com- pretending to enfer into the mlmjU* of its jpv discharged hts liability to thftcopsyctiptlon. the different # c le s he fr&jueiitsfhe observes pany; and to whdmtfiy^elf And fellow-suffc^ tatigementSj t ^ T he law of conscription, as at fii st eiwcte^' an uncommon wariness and. reserve in persons era are under peculiar obligatidns, S.S.’* . The Frei|bh Empire, including all the con- permitted no stibstitptibn. Tbewnpemlcon^ who have been noted>r theitforvyarducss and From my friend Will’s state&fcnt, I hofe § 2 ^ per mi t '1 tSfe-mtbislwr of war to g r a n f vbl«hil% of sptfecb, ahdErasingchnfidencedn theeause **“* f - •' others, wrhh haveBben as remarkable for their moved extreme diffidence, fevery soher and sedate should a relapse take placy^thja subject sh^ll *‘cotii^eirorsor|)ret«cj^ire ‘I liedepartmcnts a substitute provided by himfelf, who tpuat be person in the company, seetnsto be consider* be attended to hereafter. In the meantime, f of robust constifuti^,of pmpei aboveth| . , * I . . , , r , , ^ c C ^ ,fgoverned bv mo fille ts) the districts into are of 25 -and less than 40 . Tbd fott that cd asasp y, ahd regarded rather with an eye niy correspondent, M r.Sobei, may rest assur- ca^ns,abdtUeei^toi5^s into municipalities, of moreVhah twOjliundred poun'is,’terlingis fre- pf suspicion, by the inure volatile and ^ay ones, ed of my hearty commiseration of hia suffeti whifch there are in the French empite"^ity-five: qttdntly paid for a, substitute, V|ft eorjvey $pmd * **' " * * *’ *»> th^dland. Tfl^ ^ere^Jire.sidmg tfyer these rdta of Ihe scarcity of men t?otl?esSiftg tlieret- t»OUTidAL, . This hujhor of ihtrikingi themseVea under the itlgs. ’feyoQf britical Observation, which seems to ^ . pyevaihyirefty geheratlt, life observes, has ah ^ i^rnir»bie effect oh tbfe fnannew of the com-' pftOMTHE COHNECflCUT COURANT. | pany ; rfdr whife it operates ps a^chfeck upon Theadvocates of France who aeem desir* ^'the bold *md forward, who Sire nbt fund of the ous that her influence in fchis^ country should divisions, ^afe «(Ustilctjy subordinate add re- quisite ^ualifich^ioiis, and^fth'e aveVsien Whicti spflMjeihle^hphe* to his superiors. to geneially etiiertame^ agdlh8^ tftc xntUtary All the m&les its the empire* and secvtoe * Bat exemption even on tiiese teypi^ x%*r*)*ri * bVttirPM t h . fi.tr 'aSis* twenty is. in no case a no alter of ugfht^but tS ehtirety* iinthariied,* between the^ and twenty'-five years, are scriptioti. W hen tile gover^h^ mined to levy a certain con- discretionary with the minister of war. It is ^etfer- ih practice extended to the feVhrites ahd aup^ |estj it porteisof thtprt^ent |overnm«lt, and tofhose artlofr* foounht l>e co-^tcnsive with her dominion m Europe, roraeo » «vy » c«*«o si porteisot theprt^nt governtnem, and tothOse , them words mr act lobs to Ought ^ ^ o£ ^ ^ b ^ V*wmjt* anotde|- to de- slud.dts from iVhhse teseardheS it expects td r Irk *h»Rf«*rh+fist of T»ronrip*v. it p-ivfes catiraae J 4 , , hi e .. __ 'Darltnelu. Tils brefect in rhr tn . #tp»-,vn peculiar advautftcC submit to opphhssiqn k cao se another nauoti trici? noiong the cantom ponxersatlon, which is too frequently lm in an arbitrary, impolite, and imperti- &xt ,manner, becomes more general, and is ’duted ■Withm the limits d f propi rcty and ^omwaon settle,. * Should things continue in this favourable there will, 1 hope, be little or no Occa* cation has apparently the power ofoppce^ing., W,e are apt to treat with cold inajffeiehtc spi^cu* lotions upsn the politfcal stats of other nations, astho'tiKjy had no cotinexibh who tbe w'elftue of tnsr own ; but political piredtvXrJs are ajevqr niumcipalUies. Wherf11t4tl|tdeS,» c f <ht gt>\• t6 the head qqarteri of t h e ' j f o r ^ f i i c f e . r ' eminent have been lh»s cotpsunir^d to all they are respectuely v'' lw subotidinatc o ffi^ s ^ h e ^ n ic tp a l admin- 'ificorpemted’iitto W e to p ^ h ^ tm d return to tonipames, or even lifetrations a ie the prefects, li^ts % » te |e hnmW of m^h meni) mdtvidutilly ier-1 - ethics, if true, are J . te be Blighted whatever WW he^kappU- aubject to the cdttSfc^pnVithin their respeo vice is itnkmtet. tion General maxims bf pahcy as well as dccompahied wiU, a mmute Tim m equally s^ttl e^particul^fatfi . _ whereth« suae concurrence ofcxmum«tanceS age 0 C practice had prevailed i^a^fCTaf' |eftrt « The m- jictM: th w s im. S dn !bt aniniadvefBton bti the subject of the ^ « . J, - VTIIU 1 C^t*C MJUmtLliW WlUll^ft,rawub« - T f (_ ^ J I —— J --- - ,-'■3 lllawifig letter, which I lately received take&, «]ac6. They have the world at large are fflnfcuH to chrpl Ihtfmadves by calhng our by n apfecudW W f ratjhei: ppetl«a r-Mm*) 1 , » , , foivtlij>ir,bine)S»W«.sMsi«t “ I ant a person ofgocxl JiamTty, though to the regulation ofr put -o^i? low in ciTcutnstances of u>leii*bl« appearance, the opportunity offers fof their - o- 1 .r _ * s ^ -•>' -•«<s* ^ Kthllry itom o 4w aveisetocog»p«ny *, but am ceptiop. Sttth opimonyslMpildtwVei bep&»- dentdy thfcm. These two lists are then re- eeat/ear The toftscriplibH^^epftrtd;- Ot the same time, so extremely reserved -m rny ed over m gilence> as thtr have at tendency to ^ t)oc*to l”fe prfeiecta, who are responsible for j 8 10, for example, weie ci^jed.,b|if i^ tS O ^ ; disposition, that I am utt£ily incapably <?t ep^ prepoie. tlie public .m,nd fpra passive sobmis- their accuracy, and who immediately fansinlt No only atb the conscrrpta of tliefcurrfent End , toying w M now passes for /loto* co^versat^ siont to the will of that government, uhieh at th;S J 6 tb5 ^ mister of war , , succeeyJing ye^ts thus forced intothf , I will descril>o ta you sOmc «f ihe prmcipo.1 no very distant day wilt assuicdly make on when all these pieparatoty steps nave been ^ccoich?^ /o/ow, bdt those v Of the p^efefdin^ ; taijset of thiSj iingolut to silence, open and direct attack or* out rights to wrest ^ t toconscupnqn assfem- \eais, who have been disch^rgedfrom ih ^ ? ^ ^ith which I am afiitckd, « u l you yvirt be etia- them from out hands It is- by such pbnci- hied to pudgfc whether the fimbt is1 entirely fay own 4 r not. I hpy ayei as follow*:-— U Aodis- rehsk for every species’' of otsscfciie Conversa- A memory so ihswucfnlty treache- that ft capuotcontaicl tbe m ost .essential pdinta, mflch less, th? particqlarp, of a long, by 3 change ofruleix———Th^re is nothing keT&ote, afld protracted story, of wluch the which giyp the lyasi degree of plausibility to graCewrt Attitude, accent, add gesticulation of the prediotfonf that It will be improved by a «W W speaker, forms miiej* the most intei- further extension other povrer( But ip what- esting pavt-^of course, being unable ju> giye ^vergobd the end rhay result, thi3 can fcevet* anyidther answci to the mifh-erous enquiries san^pfy the crimes thro ttluch the conqueior Of v^hat I think of such and avtali parts of the w^des to empire ) and when the means em- relai.on, than a mere mdinaUefi oi the head — ployed afe tdarked vJiih Hagraftc Injustice, we 31 . Awa^e of knbwletl^em t)he artof looking — are always bound to resist then*. AltHo We 4 . An u‘ tei aveisihn to pohnos, arid 10 public have reason ta believe that all m eant w ill be jm d .privaie scandal bie in each cattfonjandItstd . ai-^rbiaid<5 - b u t v i i ^ j ^ ( l;,haVe ' i j h tit'T fc ^ frifC fr; those who are capable of performi% M U aif •tixtmjptiohl^qn'yanouii .arkitfky servjcCjj'; whether ysfeaeiit or apscnt. Tickets - - ^ -'- - ' *l -1 ^ "fhti e is nrfthing itv^he present! state of the !:bcrt !n ?n ulA 10 plcsthatshfc has prostrated ffecontmeht at . , _ . . - £er feet. ' servrce(f whether present 01 ab(scnt Tickets agaitt dragged into the field, by the thilitary^ fh c te is nrfthing ifi^the present state of the \r<stbcrt d eb ited m an uth, to Ihe aihobnt of thief, ot the departments, ..B> conquered wations of Fnmp^ wluch msufks ^ lists made {— And as the number requued undtr the nuht&ty age,xvl b the assertion that her condition ui ameliorated frow ^acb caaton » before hhnd spmfied, eve- nbntee by the public lejjistel;.of 6|rtbs ^ M ry one Who diawsn ticket on which is niscnb- the cbnfusions of the revolution have rctiderelq ed a. number less, than that - h^tlir;tjuotis de*,' |o^c^ ih|tt manded, is immediately cbn^ide^d at the difi; the seryme." t^ e Ijrseuln <»’ ^ poval *Jf the gove.minent*^ . Ifd -t|ib.'''^fcers. - - j ^ 1 th o se #|fi£>‘Are?’ edt eXexhptioti,. thenarties 6f the respective K1WPCI 't-W. A JLXV . IJOVUU1 VI CtV^^VIU^V) “ t V4 setninmlea fdr the education of intended fbr the priesthood 5 the umve^i|#| oflaw and physic, are obliged tb stsryehder tb dal —5 An unwillingness to ordered tb d good end by the Supreme Dispo^ c^^dered refractory, and if, after bom^ en- while speakwig, o f \ cl speak sei of eycnts s yet we are neVtr to admit the * among the ■dtfemut'c de t i they £ *1^ . ri_ rl .il-. __ i. do not immediately tom their respective corns di atvei's m e affixed, that they may on ant? thd Jrcss gang the fairest buds o f 'scifetice ah'd! emergency be called mto Service, m the older 0f genius, which ehhtr bloom IShiioBced arid in tv Inch forthne h^s placed them They who waste their sweetness*’ afnid the hurtle, the absent therinfeelven frofh theBe meetings are confusion and imqinnes of the tam p, or are after en- blasted prematurely by 'the hand of death, The fours ©f coBSctijpfiioh j t b ex^ cnt^ ^Vrtlir . N. ■*T~ l5ur-; stater De- sight two ervtsy1 '- saidt 11L. ►em sr ove- d as , the d in ence ■ ttnr- take- ence-' An- ptice- and- and, m a and rty- t be- Und t of St ef a pur- >ro- i at day us© uck interrupt others ........ t.. ... ... ........... ........ ^ , ^ ... ... . . ................... . .. .. ... . . . . . ia j self ^ 1U10 ut a prospect o fbeing heai d-<- weak pnnciple tliat men are voluntarily to be per- d(° ^ immediately |om their respective corps pecuhai rigor against that numerous and tin- I6nga — k, These, sir, arts a few of the caiBes lotted to Idcomplish any parpoaethro ihmui- thf Pun,shedwtth ten years confinement fortunate class bl men the tmvpe*t p i Chnigtetits, 6f that extreme taciturnity walk which f am ty Therein no certainty it m il he atftuned, ^ ha^d Ubonp, and witih a fine of 1500 franca, whose chdfdrfcli are torh from them to generally charged. I anrihviied to almost ill nor can webfe assured that U may nbt bear- (»««»««« five hundred and thnty- the battles bf an usurper^ whom tfiey at e tingbt the paftiefr in the Villdge, and have not unfre- comblislied thro other means perfectly ittstt* «»*»« do0ar«5 togeth«rt*^rith the expencb of frbm thfeir ixifajicy to regard with horror and fluently sat a whole evening, without once flUblx* These considerations of thtmseives i5WK?Ul** j.6 lflid ®n rta| aod persona) ferop* aveifeioh. A hbst bf mfotmers lit the pay o f dividing my lips, except fot tlieeelfish purpose aie sUfncient to stamp the diameter of tash- 22 of gbvem^ntBdfterttodeyi^nfrbin^trict- bf taking m relreshment ; nor do X got rmjbh ness and impiety upon tbe stttewndt* Froher- ^ho munlarc thei*is^ves§ to avaid con^erm- ness of the conschption laws to pass unnoticed ^htrf fiom listening to the conveiaatihn of ly speak if i we cannot uidee conedtlf of W ll&n* «« P^ced\t the disposal of the govbHi- or unpunished. Every Symptom oflepty m others-— is generally canned m bv 60 thmgbut the charhctet of otir mmedtate J . g»«»t for five years Health Officers making the inferior executive ofiiceir is repressed by many diffeiem clubs at the snmetimei and in urns. To all rnofhT purposes we can fudge False returns, are punisbedthtbfueyearscdn- fb^m dk severe teguUUons. , saoJi a ckmewjtis manner, that it is very stl- infallibly whether thefee aie right or wiofiv» hnfcmcnt ip trons ^ En one case an aged lather Stick i$ the System which pervades tcgcn$- im my ear catches a whole sentence. Tne and accordinsp as they belong to one or the atte,?l)tmS by hrtifice to exempt Bom military v&tt Trabee. Such is the gland resuH of tmly ^ratificatiohor benefit I receive, is-by ob- other description, aie we to estimate their sem ce a son who tvas the only stay of his age, th<,se fhighty prcjects of atntftoiatitii of those r ©crying.the th % eitt ge§ti«^s and variable tui n WOrth * was condemned 10 m ekpositiofc m ^ we those sthemes for dousing liberty ana happi-, of eMpfes^on id the couptenatjees of each qf The same uncertainty as to the event of A &i* hours, to be branded with a hot iron, to pay he?S throughout the civilized ymi)& which iaettning and motives, ey^cn i f they coul^ be perate.— *v«vWW. » u « . a « . u .w., , , . -■ . distinctly heard, while the countenance speaks aie aij in theJhaftds of an overruling Piovi- hundred franf» befF e th? <xPfinfccs dt P“rsdlt r& £ s »/ mm leniemherddbht as k dream. 4 language whnih is s^ld(*m mi^takeu, I thmk dence, will justify the confidence that oppobi* *captuie, kvred on the propel ty of the The code of conscription affords a stilting * - J a«. k«i Those refractory lil«sti-nuon~of^ morhentous truth— the bekt roh^ted fiotn approach- verted to the worst of put poses. ptinci-i purpose of prcwnqting soqial iatuicout*e and and leave the rest to God- W ho would have wUhin twenty JeaguJFof the Capital — pie hi the science pf government is ’more in- i^ocding an oppoitumty fer mutual in let- thought that all the coaKtioiis against France When taktn they 4re, as a maijc »f disgrace, disputably correct than that by „wbtoh the ad” «iapge of sentiments and ideas on, rational would, have, proved aboi ti ve, and ©lie able to * By the law of the directory, tbe warned men vocites of the 11 ench system of conscription tflpics > or, ire they made solely for the grab- TOftke head against them aH-with her com- *** e^ 1 ht>tn serv,c<!»th,s IS *ftw al* fretepd to justify it A country has ft right to T’ M k.tf.4M 0f parawsly fable mem. f i»able top,?- ,Mf% r,t,„..#,C i,64Wl„ , . , c m ti»t e d.s« S» » re ann^ntauou&display of sypeifiucms l u x u r y d i e t ilow, when the complexion of afiaus is ^ s s a n l y exempted, but are nevertheless compel- *****¥#*#t'fff*?- « is by the abuse of ^siinpect the latter is tot* often the case, and wholly changed, and the advante-ge lieaon her led to-pay an inaquystty to the government *this principle that the rrench governjnem that it ia a principal aim of these jinrty-maket 3 SKje , that the fortune of tlic war may not also | This is Just the manner m which Mr- Jefferson claim the right or dragging its subjects ' into, to coiiYince us, by accular demonstiation, that ohaqo’C. National Changes tw e been brought i b^coNstini^TteNs for his standing army of ffe field to, support it irt unnecessaryx S“ a" r tban ^*>ntV Mrailr> br n>^J,rea«.i»ngaAn«. ? n ,. p*,i.!Wsi«*. «ku h.d we may have fla tte d ourselves altogether inadequate to the effect pi oduced— &L practised, and it is wellknbwti tfcey had been Jo ^ ^ e m o te s t comars ht tne e&riliia I have ventuied to apply to you, sir, for and tejieially the result of iSfational Councils can-ifd to an Extent that mabeshuitiim nhture shud* ngm tnp fatties 01 awwtiiJn* ■, l . , , , T<hef and comfort, ft pm a pi esertimem, that a^d cntsrpm es, twtve been fttch -as to baffle a’i deft© thbikof» - v * ho peaSaJUis totti frofla: the raiuu^ . . . - v . 1 - : - • • > . #. ^ . . . i 0-- • * . . ■> i . ., ^ ■- . . * 1 - t -f *■ - a- -

«nga,; 9M9 - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn85035503/1809-08-05/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · '«nga,; kotos’-'-j ilancU * plain5 5i we§i iantc,* erl> t thenqi

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'«nga,; kotos’-'

-jilancU *

plain55i we§i iantc,* erl> t thenqi ng oji«jr ters of’ jmenf ?s an ul,tol 0■*%, Court*- oaanjfi'

IVaaSh*- fssiojft,! lUC-* e tvv^ ay rtF- use «$,toopxthree?iddevjto thtf

A. C /' — ,Id, jif ^ork,f tWQP ents,. and*

dol- erestr

dol- ; first

, unto II t y o f pieces i San- sQuth.- ills to-, hteeir ,

bains tttiV

i-nmfc md »rr ;o the south*

|ty-se-, uning

Iss rw asai v i ^ ■ili.pnii. *a WMJ& i g m r r r b s b m i n i ) r n 4 * t m i x , b e c i a A b ;~ * a n d P m r i f e c l i f r o s c a t* o v ? r s 4 x z J t j tE f iE tr fy v b a t t t r i u i n o t

9M9« y ,ro pifBLisfTm■ v- F • •' ■". ..

-•■• . .m .


f^se^lor tlieincppfinei

> . m y xnenuj *»*(*• * iccu> *tv« », *■»* , , , .. .* . t t - , r —- - - - - — t of a physical inability to perftjrm' «vf hi« tU ^ c . itvfcrtns mode of p^ducim g parties, o r lay cplm rsa- and if shdls dottmed to take h*r place m this thesm* arc compelled t o W to the gtjvqrnrotpfc

iro m o M o th m ro h i .& ^ S te J ^ te W .^ .m s tkm ,^ < ,4. sutfi re lic tio n * ?* will «sti,<,l4 me long » funenjl ifa.n” of N ation .-theta^U I m wlenmity p o p w t w d to i te trees ps.d riie, that he finds^yery, gitl© matter that Will eithci to beai n*y part in it,o r to enjoy untno- this consolafiofSV Jeftt* fiei ? that sbe left no by themselves r>r th e ir parent*. All the offi afford me exercise % Ttiy calling/ ife shrewd- lested my prpseht jinbittof reserve, whfph h$$ weans untried for hei Bnlvatton—-that she cers epgagfed in the^Jw iiess of the eqnfecrjp-2 lv cooiectures* tW tb e dnha^itirits of the Vil- almost betjome a second hatuie to mfe* fought to preserve fterextst^hS?,aa<l perished tion, are bound to tl, , !•'*'** J “ Yburs, 8tc* ' \ in.t]if&attempt . tim of the la>vs inJdlage have an icip^edM y ^*p»,a a e ‘ « SAMUEl* SOl&ER* ■?*—r - \ estates real and penLm i. iso Jbrenpin\an ub^.termined to refider all vafltitia fa unnetebsa. ct p g. j f j ou ^ uld ever tahe up thh* sjdh* Tsi&JfaKXA&MltA. A^V^ttTISE'R der age of thmv as permitted yo icave h tify , as respects th^m, by VoIu tsiTily returning ject, do not forget to bestow your hioed’Of ap- T 0 M ST& TIlM 0 # €QN3'CRFPTION. plaqc o f residence, o r to- hold atfy office 'iphat- to that state of innocertceahcl irtttelo' which I Piause 6nthjd class of natuaed persons, OF the systehi i t it now stands,'I shati en- cver un^er the ghrfemmeitit, unless he car*1, 1 I f w S whoahtrays make it their M i t e * to entertain devour to give a hdef outline, ^ h m n at all pr^ve, fey authentic dhcuihents, that he ha«had designed, by stealth, to^WnJg them. In those thsU m seg h ’cted by the rest of the com- pretending to enfer into the mlmjU* o f its jpv discharged hts liability to thftcopsyctiptlon. the different # c le s he fr&jueiitsfhe observes pany; and to whdmtfiy^elf And fellow-suffc^ tatigementSj t ^ T h e law of conscription, as at fii st eiw cte^'an uncommon wariness and. reserve in persons era are under peculiar obligatidns, S.S.’* . The Frei|bh Empire, including all the con- permitted no stibstitptibn. Tbewnpemlcon^who have been no ted> r theitforvyarducss and From my friend Will’s state&fcnt, I hofe § 2 ^ per mi t '1 tSfe-mtbislwr of war to g ra n f vbl«hil% of sptfecb, ahdErasingchnfidencedn theeause **“* f - •'others, wrhh haveBben as remarkable for their movedextreme diffidence, fevery soher and sedate should a relapse take placy^thja subject sh^ll *‘cotii^eirorsor|)ret«cj^ire ‘I liedepartmcnts a substitute provided by himfelf, who tpuat beperson in the company, seetnsto be consider* be attended to hereafter. In the meantime, f of robust constifu ti^ ,o f pmpei aboveth |

. , * I . . , , r , , c C ^ ,fg o v e rn e d b v m o f i l l e t s ) th e districts into a r e o f 2 5 -and le s s than 4 0 . T b d fo t t th a tc d a s a s p y , ahd regard ed ra th e r w ith an eye n iy correspondent, M r .S o b e i, m ay r e s t assur- ca ^ n s ,a b d tU e e i^ to i5 ^ s into m unicipalities, o f m oreV hah twOjliundred p o u n 'is ,’te r l in g is fr e -pf suspicion, by the inure volatile and ay ones, ed of my hearty commiseration of hia suffeti whifch there are in the French empite"^ity-five: qttdntly paid for a, substitute, V|ft eorjvey $pmd

* **' " * * ’ ‘ *’ ” *»> th^dland. Tfl^ ^ere^Jire.sidmg tfyer these rdta of Ihe scarcity o f men t?otl?esSiftg tlieret-

t » O U T i d A L ,

. T h is hujhor o f ihtrikingi them seV ea un d er the itlgs.

’feyoQf britical Observation, which seems to ^ .pyevaihyirefty geheratlt, life observes, has ah

i^rnir»bie effect oh tbfe fnannew of the com-' pftOM THE COHNECflCUT COURANT.| p an y ; rfdr w hife i t op erates ps a^chfeck upon T h e advocates o f F ran ce w h o aeem desir*^'the bold *md forw ard, w ho Sire nbt fund o f th e ous that her influence in fchis country should

divisions, ^afe «(U stilctjy subordinate add re- quisite ^ualifich^ioiis, and^fth'e aveVsien Whicti spflMjeihle^hphe* to his superiors. to geneially etiiertame^ agdlh8 tftc xntUtary

All the m&les its the empire* and secvtoe * Bat exemption even on tiiese teypi^x%*r*)*ri * bVttirPM th . fi.tr 'aSis* twenty is. in no case a no alter o f ugfht^but tS ehtirety*iin th ariied ,* betw een the^

and twenty'-five y ea rs , a re scriptioti. W h e n tile gover^h^ m ined to le v y a certain

con- d iscretionary w ith th e m inister o f w ar. I t i s ^etfer- ih p ra ctice extend ed to th e feVhrites ahd aup^

|estj it p o r te is o f th tp rt^ e n t |o v e rn m « lt, and to fh o s eartlofr* foo u n h t l>e c o -^ tc n s iv e w ith her dom inion m E u ro p e, roraeo » « v y » c « * « o si p o rte iso t t h e p r t ^ n t governtnem , and toth O se, them w ords mr act lobs to Ought ^ ^ o£ ^ ^ b ^ V * w m jt* anotde|- to de- s lu d .d ts fr o m iVhhse teseardheS i t ex p ects tdr Irk *h»Rf«*rh+fist of T»ronrip*v. it p-ivfes catiraae J 4 , , h i e .. __ 'Darltnelu. T ils brefect in rhr tn . #tp»-,vn peculiar advautftcC

subm it to opphhssiqn k c a o s e another nauoti trici? noion g th e can tomponxersatlon, w h ich is too frequently

lm in an arbitrary, im polite, and im perti-

& xt,m anner, becom es m ore gen eral, and is

’d u ted ■Withm the lim its d f propi rcty and

^omwaon settle,.* Should things continue in this favourable

there w ill, 1 hope, b e little o r no Occa* cation

has apparently the pow er o fo p p c e ^ in g ., W ,e are apt to treat w ith c o ld in a jffe ie h tc spi^cu* lotions up sn the politfcal stats o f o th er nations, a sth o 'tiK jy had no cotinexibh w h o tb e w'elftue o f tnsr ow n ; but political piredtvXrJs a re ajevqr

nium cipalU ies. W herf11t4tl|tdeS,» c f <ht gt>\• t6 the head q q a r te r i o f t h e ' j f o r ^ f i i c f e . r ' em in en t h ave been lh » s c o t p s u n i r ^ d to a ll th e y a re r e s p e c tu e ly v''lw subotidinatc o f f i ^ s ^ h e ^ n i c t p a l adm in- 'ificorpem ted’iitto W e

to p ^ h ^ tm d return to tonipames, or evenlifetrations a ie th e p refects, li^ts % » t e |e hnm W of m^h meni) mdtvidutilly ier-1-

ethics, i f tru e , are

J .te be Blighted w h atever W W h e ^ k a p p U - aubject to th e c d ttS fc ^ p n V ith in th e ir r e s p e o v ice i s itn k m tet. tion G en eral m a x im s bf p a h cy as w e ll as dccom pahied wiU, a m m ute T i m m

equally s ^ ttl e ^ p a r t i c u l ^ f a t f i . _whereth« suae concurrence ofcxmum«tanceS age 0 C practice had prevailed i^a^fCTaf' |e f tr t «

T h e m- jictM: thws


S dn !b t aniniadvefBton bti th e sub ject o f the « . J, - VTIIU1 C t*C MJUmtLliW WlUll^ft,rawub« - T f (_ ^ c» J — I — — J --- - ,-'■3

lllaw ifig letter, w hich I la tely rece ived take&, «]ac6. T h e y h ave th e w o rld a t large a re ffln fcu H t o chrpl Ih tfm adves b y c a lh n g o u r b y n a p fe c u d W W f ratjhei: p p e t l « a

r-Mm*) 1, » , , fo iv t li j> ir ,b in e ) S » W « .s M s i« t“ I a n t a person o fg o cx l JiamTty, th ough to th e regulation ofr put -o^i?

low in ciTcutnstances o f u>leii*bl« appearance, the opportunity offers fo f their - o- 1 . r _ * s ^ -•>' -•«<s* ^Kthllry ito m o 4w a v e is e to c o g » p « n y *, bu t a m ceptiop. S ttth opim onyslM pildtw Vei b e p & » - dentdy thfcm. T h e s e tw o lists are then re- e e a t / e a r T h e t o f t s c r i p l i b H ^ ^ e p f t r t d ;-Ot the sam e tim e, so extrem ely reserved -m rny ed over m gilence> as t h t r have at tendency to t)oc* to l ”fe prfeiecta, w ho are responsible fo r j 8 10, for ex a m p le , w e ie ci^jed.,b|if i ^ t S O ^ ;disposition, that I am utt£ ily incapably <?t ep^ prepoie. tlie p u b lic .m,nd f p r a passive sobm is- th eir a ccu ra cy , and w h o im m ediately fa n s in lt N o only a tb th e conscrrpta o f tliefcurrfent End ,to y in g w M n o w p asses fo r /loto*c o ^ v e r s a t^ siont to the w ill o f that g o v ern m en t, u h ie h at th ; S J 6 tb 5 ^ m ister o f w a r , , succeeyJing ye^ ts thus forced in to th f ,I w ill descril>o ta you sOmc « f ihe prmcipo.1 no very distant day wilt assuicdly m a k e on when all these pieparatoty steps nave been ^ccoich?^/o/ow, bdt those v Of th e p^efefdin^ ; taijset of thiSj iingolut to silence, open and direct attack or* out rights to wrest ^ t toconscupnqn assfem- \eais, who have been disch^rgedfrom i h ^ ? ^

^ith which I am afiitckd, « u l you yvirt be etia- them from out hands I t is- by such pbnci- ’ ‘hied to pudgfc w hether th e fimbt is1 entirely fay ow n 4 r not. I hpy ayei as fo llo w * :-— U Aodis- re h sk fo r every species’' o f otsscfciie Conversa-

A m em ory so ihswucfnlty treach e- th a t ft capuotcontaicl tbe m o s t .essential

pdinta, m flch less, th ? particqlarp, o f a long, b y 3 ch an ge o fr u le ix ———T h ^ re i s nothing keT&ote, afld protracted s to ry , o f w lu ch the w hich g i y p th e lyasi d egree of p lausibility to graCewrt Attitude, accent, add gesticu lation o f the prediotfonf that I t w ill b e im p roved by a «W W speaker, fo rm s miiej* the m ost in tei- fu rth er extension o t h e r povrer( B u t ip what- estin g pavt-^of course, b e in g unable ju> g iy e ^ v e r g o b d the end rhay re su lt, thi3 can fcevet* anyidther answci to the mifh-erous enquiries san^pfy th e crim e s thro ttluch th e conqueior O f v^hat I think o f such and avtali p arts o f th e w^des to em p ire ) and w h en th e m ean s em - relai.on, than a m ere m dinaUefi o i the head — ployed a fe td ark ed vJiih Hagraftc Injustice, we 31. A w a^ e o f knbw letl^em t)he a r to f looking — are alw ays bound to re s is t then*. AltH o We 4 . A n u‘ tei aveisihn to p ohnos, arid 10 public h av e reason ta b elieve that a ll m e a n t w i l l be

jm d .privaie scandal

bie in each cattfon jan d Itstd .ai-^rbiaid<5- b u t v i i ^ j ^ ( l ;,haVe ' i j h t i t ' T f c ^ f r i f C f r ; those w h o are capable o f p e rfo rm i% M U a i f • t ix tm jp t io h l^ q n 'y a n o u ii .a r k itfk y servjcCjj'; w hether ysfeaeiit or apscnt. T ick e ts - - ^ -'- - ' *l-1 ^

" fh ti e is nrfthing itv^he present! s ta te o f the !:bcrt ! n ? n ulA 10

p lc s th a ts h fc h a s prostrated ffe c o n tm e h t at . , _ . . -£er feet. ' servrce(f w hether p re se n t 01 ab(scn t T ick e ts agaitt d ra g g e d into the field, b y th e thilitary^

f h c t e i s nrfthing ifi^the present s ta te o f the \ r<stbcrt d e b i t e d m an uth, to Ihe aihobnt o f th ie f , ot the d ep artm en ts, ..B>conquered wations o f F n m p ^ w lu ch m s u fk s ^ lists m ade {— And as the num ber req u u ed u n d tr th e nuht&ty age,xv l bthe assertion that her condition ui am eliorated f r o w ^ acb caaton » before hhnd sp m fie d , eve- n b n te e b y the p u b lic lejjistel; .o f 6|rtbs M ’

— ry one Who d ia w s n ticket on which is n iscn b - the cbnfusions o f th e revolution have rctiderelqed a. num ber less, than that - h^tlir;tjuotis de*,' |o ^ c ^ ih |ttm anded, is im m ed iately cbn^ide^d at the d ifi; th e se rym e ." t ^ e Ijrseuln <»’ ^poval *Jf th e gove.minent*^ . Ifd -t|ib.'''^fcers. ‘ - - j 1those #|fi£> ‘Are?’edt eXexhptioti,. thenarties 6 f the respective

K1W PCI 't-W. A JLXV. IJOVUU1 VI CtV VIU V) “tV4setninm lea fdr th e education o f intended fbr th e priesthood 5 th e u m v e ^ i|# | o f la w and p h y s ic , a re o b liged tb stsryehder t b

dal — 5 A n unw illingness to ordered tb d good end by the S u p rem e Dispo^ c ^ ^ d e r e d refractory , and if, after bom ^ en-w hile speakw ig, o f \cl sp eak sei o f eycn ts s y e t w e a re neV tr to adm it the * am o n g the ■dtfemut'c de t i they

£ * 1 ^ . r i_ r l .i l- . __ i . do n ot im m ed iate ly tom their respective corns

di atvei's m e affixed, that th e y m a y on ant? thd Jrcss g a n g th e fa irest buds o f 'scifetice ah'd! em erg en cy be ca lled m to Service, m the o ld e r 0f g e n iu s , w h ich e h h t r bloom IShiioBced arid in tv In ch forthne h^s p laced them T h e y w ho *« w a ste th e ir sw eetness*’ a fn id th e hurtle, th e absent therinfeelven fro fh theBe m eetin gs are confusion and im qinnes o f th e ta m p , o r a r e

after en- blasted prematurely by 'the hand o f death, The fours ©f coBSctijpfiioh j t b e x ^ c n t^ ^Vrtlir

. N. ■*T~



ervtsy1'- saidt

11L. ►em s r ove-

d as , the d in ence ■ ttnr- take- ence-' An- ptice- and- and, m a and rty- t be- Und t o fSt­ef a pur- >ro- i a tdayus©uck

interrupt others ........ t.. ... ... ................... ^ , ^ . . . ... . . .................... .. .. ... . . . . .i a j s e lf 1U10 ut a prospect o f bein g heai d-<- w eak p n n cip le tliat m en a re voluntarily to be per- d(° ^ im m ed iate ly |om their respective co rp s p ecu h ai r ig o r a g a in st that num erous and tin- I6nga — k, These, sir, arts a few o f the ca iB es lo tte d to Idcom plish a n y p arp oaeth ro ihm ui- thf P un,sh ed w tth ten years confinem ent fortunate c la ss bl m e n th e tmvpe* t p i Chnigtetits, 6 f that extrem e taciturnity walk w h ich f am ty T h e re in no certain ty it m il h e atftuned, ^ ha^d Ubonp, and witih a fine o f 1500 franca, w h o se chdfdrfcli a r e torh from th e m to gen erally ch arged . I anrih viied to alm ost i l l n or can w ebfe assured th at U m ay nbt b e a r - ( » « « » « « « five hundred and th n ty - th e battles b f an u su rper^ w hom tfie y at e t i n g b t the paftiefr in the V illd g e , and have not unfre- com blislied th ro oth er m e a n s p e rfe c tly ittstt* «»*»« do0ar«5 togeth«rt*^rith the e x p e n c b o f frbm thfeir ixifajicy t o re g a rd w ith horror and

flu en tly sat a w hole evening, w ithout once flUblx* T h e s e considerations o f th tm se iv e s i5WK?Ul** j.6lflid ®n r t a | aod persona) ferop* aveifeioh. A hbst b f m fotm ers l i t th e p ay o f d ividing my lips, excep t fot tlieeelfish p urpose a ie sUfncient to stam p t h e d ia m e te r o f tash - 2 2 o f g b v e m ^ n t B d f t e r t t o d e y i ^ n f r b i n ^ t r i c t -b f taking m relreshm ent ; nor do X g o t rmjbh n e s s and im piety upon tb e stttewndt* F roh er- ^ h o munlarc thei*is^ ves§ to avaid con^erm - n ess o f the co n sch p tion la w s to pass unnoticed ^ h trf fio m listening to th e conveiaatihn o f l y sp eak if i we cannot u id ee c o n e d tlf o f W ll&n* « « P ^ c e d \ t th e disposal of th e govbHi- or unpunished. E v e r y Sym ptom o f l e p t y m ot hers-— is g en era lly canned m b v 60 th m g b u t the charhctet of otir mmedtate J . g»«»t fo r five y e a rs H ealth Officers m akin g th e in ferior e x e c u tiv e ofiiceir is rep ressed b y m any diffeiem clubs at th e sn m e tim e i an d in urns. T o a ll rnofhT purposes we can fud ge False retu rn s, are p u n is b e d th tb fu e y e a r s c d n - fb ^ m d k se v e re teg u U U o n s. ,saoJi a ckm ew jtis m ann er, that it is ve ry s t l- infallibly w h eth er thefee a ie r ig h t or w iofiv» hnfcm cn t ip trons ^ En on e case an aged la th e r S tick i$ th e S ystem w h ich p ervades tcgcn$- i m m y ear catch es a w hole sentence. T n e and accordinsp as they belong to one or the atte,? l )tmS b y hrtifice to exem p t B om m ilitary v & t t T ra b ee . S u c h is th e g la n d resuH o f tmly ^ratificatiohor benefit I receive, is-b y ob- oth er description, a ie w e to estim ate th eir se m c e a son w ho tvas th e only stay o f his a g e , th<,se fh ig h ty p rc je c ts o f atntftoiatitii o f th o se

r ©crying.the t h % e i t t ge§ti«^ s and variable tui n WOrth * was condem ned 10 m ekpositiofc m w e those s th e m e s fo r d o u s in g liberty ana happi-,o f eMpfes^on id th e couptenatjees o f each q f T h e sam e uncertainty as to the e v e n t o f A &i* h ours, to be branded with a hot iron, to p a y he?S th ro u g h o u t th e civ ilized ym i)& w h ic h

iaettning and motives, ey^cn if they coul^ be perate.— *v«vWW . » u « . a « . u .w., , , . -■ .distinctly heard, while the countenance speaks aie aij in theJhaftds of an overruling Piovi- hundred franf» bef F e th? <xPfinfccs dt P“rsdlt r& £ s »/ m m leniemherddbht as k dream.4 language whnih is s^ld(*m mi^takeu, I thmk dence, will justify the confidence that oppobi* * captuie, kvred on the propel ty of the T he code of conscription affords a stilting * ■ - J a«. k«i Those refractory lil«sti-nuon~of^ morhentous truth— the bekt

roh^ted fiotn approach- verted to the worst of put poses. ptinci-i purpose of prcwnqting soqial iatuicout*e and and leave the rest to God- W ho would have wUhin twenty JeaguJFof the Capital — pie hi the science p f government is ’more in- i^ocding an oppoitumty fer mutual in let- thought that all the coaKtioiis against France W hen taktn they 4re, as a maijc »f disgrace, disputably correct than that by „wbtoh the ad” «iapge of sentiments and ideas on, rational would, have, proved aboi ti ve, and ©lie able to * By the law of the directory, tbe warned men vocites of the 11 ench system of conscription tflpics > or, i r e they made solely for the grab- TOftke head against them aH -w ith her com- * ** e^ 1 ht>tn serv,c<!»th,s IS *ftw al* fretepd to justify it A country has ft right t o T’M k . t f . 4 M 0 f paraw sly fab le m em . f i»able top ,?- ,Mf % r, t,„ ..# ,Ci,64Wl„ , . , c m ti»t e d.s« S» » reann^ntauou&display of sypeifiucms l u x u r y d i e t ilow, when the complexion o f afiaus is ^ s s a n l y exempted, but are nevertheless compel- * * * * * ¥ # * # t ' f f f * ? - « is by the abuse o f ^siinpect the latter is tot* often the case, and wholly changed, and the advante-ge lieaon her led to-pay an inaquystty to the government * ’ th is principle th a t the rren ch governjnem that it ia a principal aim o f these jinrty-maket 3 SKje , that the fortune of tlic w ar may not also | This is Just the manner m which Mr- Jefferson claim the righ t o r d rag g in g its subjects ' into, to coiiYince us, by accular demonstiation, that ohaqo’C. National Changes t w e been brought i b^coNstini^TteNs for his standing army of f f e field to, support it irt unnecessaryx

S“ a" r tban ^*>ntV Mrailr> br n > ^ J ,re a « .i» n g a A n « . ? n , . p* , i . ! W si«* . «ku h.dwe may have f l a t t e d ourselves altogether inadequate to the effect p i oduced— & L practised, and it is wellknbwti tfcey had been Jo ^ ^ e m o t e s t com ars ht tne e& riliia

I have ventuied to apply to you, sir, for and tejieially the result of iSfational Councils can-ifd to an Extent that mabeshuitiim nhture shud* ngm tnp fa ttie s 0 1 awwtiiJn* ■, l . , , ,T<hef and comfort, ft pm a pi esertim em , that a^d cn tsrp m es , twtve been fttch -as to baffle a’i deft© thbikof» - v * ho peaSaJUis to tti frofla: the raiuu^

. • . . - v . 1 - : - • • > . # . • ^ . . . i 0 - - • • • ■ * . . ■> i . ., ^ ■- . . * 1 - t - f *■ - a- -