NAJAAR2018 - Standaard Uitgeverij · 2018-07-02 · Icelanders followed up their historic quarter-finals run at UEFA Euro 2016 by becoming the smallest nation (population 335,000)

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Page 1: NAJAAR2018 - Standaard Uitgeverij · 2018-07-02 · Icelanders followed up their historic quarter-finals run at UEFA Euro 2016 by becoming the smallest nation (population 335,000)


Page 2: NAJAAR2018 - Standaard Uitgeverij · 2018-07-02 · Icelanders followed up their historic quarter-finals run at UEFA Euro 2016 by becoming the smallest nation (population 335,000)

Prijs €17,99 | Verschijnt begin oktober 2018PAPERBACK | FULL COLOUR | FORMAAT 24,5 x 21 cm | OMVANG 160 pagina’s

NON-FICTIE | LEEFTIJD 8+ | ISBN 978 94 9289 917 0 | NUR 214

Zeer populair bij kinderen!

Page 3: NAJAAR2018 - Standaard Uitgeverij · 2018-07-02 · Icelanders followed up their historic quarter-finals run at UEFA Euro 2016 by becoming the smallest nation (population 335,000)

Dit boek is gemaakt in samenwerking met Cinekid. Naast het bekende festivalorganiseren zij film- en animatiework-shops op scholen overal in Nederland.

Govrien Oldenburger is journalist en werkte jarenlang bij Kidsweek en 7Days. Ook schrijft ze o.a. voor Cinekid en CJP. In 2018 kwam haar eerste kinderboek Het Rekenrijk uit, geschreven met Stefan Buijsman.

Animatievideo’s maken is makkelij-ker dan je denkt. En je hoeft geen tekenwonder te zijn… Dit boek laat zien hoe je zelf snel aan de slag kunt. Met tekeningen, klei, of met je eigen LEGO of Playmobil! Zelf animatievideo’s maken bevat decortips, trucs om licht en geluid goed te krijgen en talloze eenvoudige verhaal-ideeën. Kinderen leren over verschillende animatietechnieken aan de hand van beroemde voorbeelden. Ook is er een overzicht van handige apps die je kunt gebruiken om je animatie te filmen.

Zelf animatievideo's maken met je telefoon of tablet GOVRIEN OLDENBURGER


* Kinderen willen niks liever dan video’s maken!

* Verschijnt vlak voor het Cinekid Festival (herfst-vakantie 2018)

* Promotie i.s.m. Cinekid: o.a. via festival, site en festivalkrant

* Publiciteitscampagne

in samenwerking met

Zeer populair bij kinderen!

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Laat robots tot leven komen

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ga een robot-battle aan met vrienden, of ga op missie met een digitale drone.Eén ding is zeker: de robots komen eraan…

Robots zijn overal: bij ons thuis, in de lucht, diep in de zee en ver weg in de ruimte. Ook kinderen komen steeds vaker robots tegen. Als speel-goed bijvoorbeeld, of als leermiddel op school.

Met iROBOT ontdekken jonge lezers spelenderwijs de bijzondere wereld van robots.

Als je de pagina’s scant met de bijbe- horende app, wordt het boek pas echt spectaculair. Ontwerp je eigen robot,

Laat robots tot leven komen

OOK IN DEZE SERIE: ISBN 978 94 9289 911 8


Page 6: NAJAAR2018 - Standaard Uitgeverij · 2018-07-02 · Icelanders followed up their historic quarter-finals run at UEFA Euro 2016 by becoming the smallest nation (population 335,000)




Lightning strikesThis map shows the frequency of lightning strikes

around the world. Areas in warmer, tropical climates

(close to the Equator), and those in the region of

large mountain ranges (such as the Andes

and Himalayas), are the

most susceptible.

It is thought that up to

24,000 peoplemay be killed as a result

of lightning strikes

every year.








Lightning facts

Most of the world’s lightning

activity takes place in tropical

areas, but freak incidents can

happen anywhere!

Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela

The world’s lightning hotspot

experiences an average of

232.5 fl ashes of lightning per sq

km (602 per sq mile) per year.




Shenandoah National Park, USAPark ranger Roy Sullivan holds

the world record for surviving

lightning strikes: seven

between 1942 and 1977.

KEY Average lightning

strikes per year.

above 260180130100



sq m



sq k



above 100




Rio de Janeiro, BrazilIn 2014, a bolt of lightning

broke a fi nger o� the right

hand of Rio’s iconic statue

of Christ the Redeemer.


Essex, EnglandIn 2009, 14-year-old Sophie

Frost survived when a bolt

hit her MP3 player, diverting

the power down the wires

instead of through her body.


Gothenburg, Sweden12-year-old Alice Svensson

was hit by lightning twice

while she was in the shower

in 2011. The lightning had

surged through the

home’s plumbing.


Kifuka, DR CongoCentral Africa is the largest

region to receive a lot of

lightning. One village,

Kifuka, is struck at least

158 times a year.


Dagar, PakistanA collision of warm and cold

air in the Himalayan foothills

makes this the sixth-most

struck place in the world.


IndonesiaThe mountain ranges in the

Indonesian islands of Java

and Sumatra’s are hotspots

for lightning.


Malabar, AustraliaUnfortunate Joanne Nitscke

has had her house struck

three times by lightning in

20 years – this happened

even though she moved

homes during that time.


Hi-BrazilO� the coast of IrelandAccording to legend, there was an island called Hi-Brazil. It was said to be hidden by mist and inhabited by magicians and fairies. Several expeditions set out to fi nd it, but the island did not exist.

The Supper at Emmaus Rotterdam, The Netherlands Famous forger Han van Meegeren claimed one of his forgeries was a painting by Dutch Renaissance master Johannes Vermeer. It was bought by a gallery in Rotterdam for $6 million.

Duck-billed platypus Australia In 1799, London’s Natural History Museum received a strange specimen. They were sure it was a hoax – it turned out to be a duck-billed platypus.

Titanic sinksNorth Atlantic OceanWhen RMS Titanic was built it was believed to be unsinkable, so it set sail in 1912 with only 20 lifeboats for more than 2,000 passengers and crew. It hit an iceberg, sank, and more than 1,500 people died.

Afghan hound artist Iowa, USAThe judges at an art competition in 1974 got a shock when they awarded fi rst prize to an interesting wall hanging. Its creator turned out to be a six-year-old Afghan hound dog!

Columbus’ voyage Dominican RepublicExplorer Christopher Columbus set o� from Spain in 1492 to fi nd a route to India. He landed on the island of Hispaniola and accidently “found” the continent of North America instead.

The world’s largest tortoise Iseshima, JapanIn 2012, a story went around the Internet that a giant tortoise – 18 m (59 ft) tall and 529 years old – had been found. This giant tortoise turned out to be a prop for a fi lm called Gamera the Brave.

Dodo Mauritius, Indian OceanEuropean sailors who visited Mauritius in the 17th century hunted the dodo. Their ships carried rats and other animals who ate dodo eggs and competed with the birds for food. The dodos died out and were lost forever.

Giant tortoisesGalápagos IslandsEnglish naturalist Charles Darwin set sail from the Galápagos Islands in 1835 with giant tortoises on board his ship. However, they were not to study but to eat. Later, Darwin realized how important the creatures were to his theory of evolution.

Leaning Tower of Pisa Pisa, ItalyConstruction of the Tower of Pisa began in 1173 and it started to lean in 1178. Unfortunately, the tower was erected on soft ground and when the soil shifted under its foundations, it started to tilt.

War of the Worlds

New York, USA

Clever HansGermany

Columbus called the people of Hispaniola “Indians” because he mistakenly believed he had reached India.


Big mistakes

History is littered with mistakes, whether it’s believing that a radio drama is a real event or failing to accept that a furry animal with a beak actually exists. Even experts get it wrong sometimes.




Clever HansTrainer Wilhelm von Osten claimed he had taught this horse, Clever Hans, to “solve” mathematical problems. However, an investigation in 1907 revealed that, instead, the horse was responding to cues from the trainer, such as his body language.

War of the WorldsA radio dramatization by Orson Welles of H. G. Wells’ science-fi ction book The War of the Worlds in 1938 was so realistic that some people in the US feared that a Martian invasion was actually taking place.

Prijs €22,50 | Verschijnt januari 2019GEBONDEN | FULL COLOUR | FORMAAT 25,5 x 30 cm | OMVANG 168 pagina’s

NON-FICTIE | LEEFTIJD 9+ | ISBN 978 94 9289 914 9 | NUR 232

Ufo’s, hamburgers en onderwatersteden…

Page 7: NAJAAR2018 - Standaard Uitgeverij · 2018-07-02 · Icelanders followed up their historic quarter-finals run at UEFA Euro 2016 by becoming the smallest nation (population 335,000)

bizarre mensen, plaatsen en gebeurte-nissen vind je in dit boek. Een atlas op groot formaat waarbij ieder nieuwsgierig kind steeds weer verrast wordt.

De meest bizarre dingen op aarde telt meer dan zestig fascinerende kaarten. Natuurlijke en bovennatuurlijke feno-menen komen voorbij, maar ook de meest

Waar kun je les krijgen op een ham-burgeruniversiteit? Waar worden de meeste ufo’s gespot? En waar kun je onderwatersteden bezoeken? Of wat dacht je van een toiletten museum, een kikkerfestival en de gevaarlijkste wegen ter wereld? * Samenwerking met Kidsweek

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De meest bizarre dingen op aarde


Ufo’s, hamburgers en onderwatersteden…

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9/6/16 4:26 PMPrijs €14,99 | Verschijnt november 2018GEBONDEN | FULL COLOUR | FORMAAT 14 x 21 cm | OMVANG 224 pagina’s

FICTIE | LEEFTIJD 7+ | ISBN 978 94 9289 918 7 | NUR 282 Ook verkrijgbaar als E-BOOK

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Display met 8 exemplaren PRIJS €119,92ISBN 978 94 9289 929 3

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DOG MAN gaat los! is een dik boek vol grappige tekeningen en onzinnige grappen. Zo ontsnapt Karel uit de gevangenis door een papieren dubbelganger van zichzelf te maken. Ondertussen wordt Dog Man smoorverliefd op een poedel en krijgt hij te maken met een gevaarlijke slechterik die in een vissenkom woont. Bizar, vrolijk en vooral heel erg grappig!


In deel twee van deze internationale bestsellerserie beleeft Dog Man weer een bizar avontuur. Dit keer krijgt hij niet alleen te maken met de stre-ken van gemene kat Karel. Nu is er ook een vis met snode plannen…

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OOK IN DEZE SERIE: ISBN 978 94 9289 901 9

Display met 8 exemplaren PRIJS €119,92ISBN 978 94 9289 929 3



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De naam blijkt verrassend goed te passen, zeker als het vriendelijke maar hongerige beestje gaat snoepen van de krachtvoeding van de opschepperige gymleraar. Sam en zijn nieuwe supersterke minivriend nemen het samen op tegen Kees ‘De Stier’ van der Kop, de ergste pester in de geschiedenis van de school. De Stier is niet bang voor een rare school hamster. Maar misschien zou hij dat wel moeten zijn…

Als Sam achter in zijn klaslokaal een mysterieuze, grommende hamster ziet, weet hij direct hoe hij dit beest moet noemen: HAMSTERSAURUS REX.

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Hamstersaurus Rex TOM O'DONNELL

Been- platen

Nog grotere



DinotandenMesscherpe klauwen


Hier nog meer klauwen

Page 11: NAJAAR2018 - Standaard Uitgeverij · 2018-07-02 · Icelanders followed up their historic quarter-finals run at UEFA Euro 2016 by becoming the smallest nation (population 335,000)

Eerste boek in een nieuwe serie!

Prijs €14,99 | Verschijnt december 2018 GEBONDEN | ZWART-WIT, GEÏLLUSTREERD | FORMAAT 14 x 21 cm OMVANG 272 pagina’s | FICTIE | LEEFTIJD 8+ | ISBN 978 94 9289 916 3

NUR 282 | Ook verkrijgbaar als E-BOOK

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Prijs €14,99 | Verschijnt januari 2019PAPERBACK | FULL COLOUR | FORMAAT 24 x 24 cm | OMVANG 128 pagina's NON-FICTIE | LEEFTIJD 7+ | ISBN 978 94 9289 927 9 | NUR 214

De beste uitvinders zijn kinderen…

Page 13: NAJAAR2018 - Standaard Uitgeverij · 2018-07-02 · Icelanders followed up their historic quarter-finals run at UEFA Euro 2016 by becoming the smallest nation (population 335,000)

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patent-certificaat voor die ene briljante uitvinding waarmee je de wereld gaat veroveren.

Mijn gekke uitvindingen schetsboekANDREW RAE EN LISA REGAN


Mijn gekke uitvindingen schetsboek is gevuld met allemaal waanzinnige fantasie-uitvindingen. Wat dacht je van een hondenparasol? Een onder-zeeër die eruitziet als vliegtuig? Of een zwemmachine om in te zwemmen zonder dat je nat wordt?

Kinderen kunnen volop ideeën opdoen. En ze mogen meetekenen! Ontwerp de ultieme sportschoen, Transformer-dino, of het lekkerste snoepje ooit. Inclusief een

Page 14: NAJAAR2018 - Standaard Uitgeverij · 2018-07-02 · Icelanders followed up their historic quarter-finals run at UEFA Euro 2016 by becoming the smallest nation (population 335,000)

THE GROWTH OF THE QUALIFYING COMPETITIONThis charts the number of countries entering qualifiers for the FIFA World Cup finals. Some withdrew before playing.

World Cup Teams entering Uruguay 1930 -Italy 1934 32France 1938 37Brazil 1950 34Switzerland 1954 45Sweden 1958 55Chile 1962 56England 1966 74Mexico 1970 75West Germany 1974 99Argentina 1978 107Spain 1982 109Mexico 1986 121Italy 1990 116USA 1994 147France 1998 174Japan/South Korea 2002 199Germany 2006 198South Africa 2010 205Brazil 2014 203Russia 2018 210

ORANJE AND AZZURRI FADE-OUTAmong the notable European absentees from the party in Russia were Italy, winners in 2006, and the Netherlands, runners-up in 2010 and third in Brazil in 2014. The Oranje were eliminated after finishing third in Group A, behind Sweden on goal difference. Italy lost 1-0 on aggregate to Sweden in the playoffs. The Swedes won 1-0 at home then withstood everything the Azzurri could throw at them at the Stadio Giuseppe Meazza in Milan. Veteran goalkeeper and captain Gianluigi Buffon twice charged upfield at stoppage-time corners, but in vain. Italy – in 1934 the only hosts ever to go through the qualifying competition – were left to rue only their third-ever absence from the finals: they did not enter in 1930; and failed to qualify in 1958.

MORE COLLAPSE THAN CALYPSO FOR TEAM USAIn 2017, the United States failed to reach the World Cup finals for the first time since 1986. After a 4–0 defeat away to Costa Rica in the final group stage, World Cup old-hand Bruce Arena replaced coach Jurgen Klinsmann, but it was not enough to save them. Team USA would have made it to Russia with a win in their last match, away to Trinidad & Tobago, the group’s bottom team. Instead they lost 2-1 and victories for Panama and Honduras dropped them from third to fifth in the group.

BALLON D’ORIBEMexico booked the final spot at the 2014 FIFA World Cup by beating Oceania representatives New Zealand 9-3 on aggregate in a two-

legged November 2013 play-off. Caretaker manager Miguel Herrera – Mexico’s fourth boss of the year – earned the job on

a permanent basis, masterminding 5-1 home and 4-2 away wins. His squad relied purely on domestic-based players, meaning there were no European-based stars such as Villarreal’s Giovani dos Santos or Manchester United’s Javier Hernandez. The goalscoring hero was Oribe Peralta, who scored five goals in the two games – including the first three in the victory at Wellington’s Westpac Stadium.

TAKING AIMThe 2018 World Cup qualification tournament saw all 210 FIFA member nations enter – the 211th, Russia, qualified automatically as hosts – but both Zimbabwe and Indonesia were excluded before they had played a match. Four nations made their World Cup debuts: Bhutan, Gibraltar, Kosovo and South Sudan.

WELCOME NEWCOMERSPanama and Iceland qualified for their first World Cup finals in Russia. The Icelanders followed up their historic quarter-finals run at UEFA Euro 2016 by becoming the smallest nation (population 335,000) to qualify for the FIFA World Cup finals. Panama left it late to make their own little bit of history. A goal two minutes from time by defender Roman Torres earned a 2-1 win over Costa Rica in their last game to clinch an all-important third place in the final CONCACAF group.

QualifiersFifaworld cup

ABSENT HEROES Remarkably, the 2018 World Cup finals lacked the regional champions of South America, Africa, central and north America as well as Oceania. Chile, Copa America winners in 2015 and 2016, were bitterly disappointed to miss out, having also finished runners-up in the FIFA Confederation Cup in Russia in 2017. African title-holders Cameroon led a sad parade of absent continental former finalists who included Algeria, Ghana, Ivory Coast, South Africa and Togo. The United States, CONCACAF Gold Cup holders, fell in the last group stage while Oceania champions New Zealand were beaten by Peru in the intercontinental play-offs.

GERMANY IN A HURRY Germany were the only European team to complete their 2018 qualifying programme with a 100 percent record, winning all 10 group stage matches. Coach Joachim Low’s team scored 43 goals and conceded only four. Remarkably Germany’s goals were shared among 22 players (including one own goal). Their top marksmen, Thomas Muller and Sandro Wagner, scored a modest five goals apiece.

qualifiers 161160 fifa world cup

BIGGEST WINS IN WORLD CUP QUALIFIERS1 Australia 31–0 American Samoa 11 April 20012 Australia 22–0 Tonga 9 April 20013 Maldives 0–17 Iran 2 June 19974 Australia 13–0 Solomon Islands 11 June 1997= New Zealand 13–0 Fiji 16 August 1981= Fiji 13–0 American Samoa 7 April 20017 Syria 12–0 Maldives 4 June 1997= Maldives 0–12 Syria 9 June 1997= West Germany 12–0 Cyprus 21 May 196910 Australia 11–0 Samoa 16 April 2001= Mexico 11–0 St Vincent & The Grenadines 6 December 1992

Hét cadeau voor de feestdagen

Prijs €24,99 | Verschijnt oktober 2018 GEBONDEN | FULL COLOUR | FORMAAT 21 x 27,5 cm | OMVANG 256 pagina’s NON-FICTIE | LEEFTIJD 9+ | ISBN 978 94 9289 919 4 | NUR 229

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THIERRY’S TRICKERYFrance qualified for the 2010 FIFA World Cup finals thanks to one of the most controversial international goals of recent history. The second leg of their play-off against the Republic of Ireland in November 2009 was 14 minutes into extra-time when striker Thierry Henry clearly controlled the ball with his hand, before crossing to William

Gallas who gave his side a decisive 2-1 aggregate lead. After Swedish referee Martin Hansson allowed the goal to stand, the Football Association of Ireland first called for the game to be replayed, then asked

to be allowed into the finals as a 33rd country – but both requests proved in vain.

ITALY FORCED TO QUALIFYItaly are the only host country who have been required to qualify for their own tournament. The 1934 hosts beat Greece 4-0 to go through. FIFA decided that, for the 1938 finals, the holders and the hosts would qualify automatically. That decision was changed for the 2006 finals. Since then, only the hosts have been exempt from qualifying, though South Africa played in the second round of qualifying for 2010. This is because it doubled up as qualifiers for the 2010 Africa Cup of Nations.

TITE TURNS BRAZIL AROUNDBrazil, winners of a record five World Cups and 2016 Olympic Games gold medallists, were the first nation to qualify to join Russia in the 2018 finals after winning the South American group with four matches to spare. New coach Tite instilled a new aura of confidence after disappointing results in the 2016 Copa America Centenario and initial World Cup qualifiers under former Cup-winning captain Dunga. Gabriel Jesus was their seven-goal top scorer, supported by Neymar and Paulinho with five apiece.

GOING UNDERCOVERThe Kingdome in Seattle, United States, hosted the first FIFA World Cup qualifier to be played indoors, when the US beat Canada 2-0 in October 1976 – just a few months after the same venue had staged its first rock concert, by Paul McCartney’s post-Beatles band Wings, and a religious rally featuring evangelist Billy Graham and country singer Johnny Cash. Canada gained revenge by beating the US 3-0 in a play-off, hosted in Haiti, to reach the next stage of the CONCACAF qualifying round. But only Mexico would go on to represent the Confederation at the 1978 FIFA World Cup in Argentina.

THE “FOOTBALL WAR”War broke out between El Salvador and Honduras after El Salvador beat Honduras 3-2 in a play-off on 26 June 1969 to qualify for the 1970 finals. Tension had been running high between the neighbours over a border dispute and there had been rioting at the match. On 14 July, the Salvador army invaded Honduras.

TURKEY THROUGHON LUCK OF THE DRAWTurkey were the first team to qualify for the FIFA World Cup finals after the drawing of lots. Their play-off against Spain, in Rome on 17 March 1954, ended 2-2. Qualification was decided by a 14-year-old Roman boy, Luigi Franco Gemma. He was blindfolded to draw the lots – and pulled out Turkey, instead of much-fancied Spain.

UNITED STATES LEAVE IT LATEThe latest of all qualifying play-offs took place in Rome on 24 May 1934, when the USA beat Mexico 4-2 to clinch the last slot in the FIFA World Cup finals. Three days later, the Americans were knocked out 7-1 by hosts Italy in the first round of the tournament.

qualifiers 165164 fifa world cup

NOT SO FASOBurkina Faso lost their final qualifying play-off in the Africa section on away goals to Algeria, following a 3-2 victory at home and a 1-0 defeat away. They then tried to have Algeria disqualified, claiming that crucial goalscorer Madjid Bougherra was ineligible. Burkina Faso officials, hoping to reach their first FIFA World Cup, claimed he should have been suspended following two yellow cards in previous matches but FIFA ruled he had been booked only the once.

FIRST-TIME QUALIFIERS1930: Argentina, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile,

France, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Romania, USA, Uruguay, Yugoslavia

1934: Austria, Czechoslovakia, Egypt, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland

1938: Cuba, Dutch East Indies, Norway, Poland1950: England1954: Scotland, South Korea, Turkey, West Germany1958: Northern Ireland, Soviet Union, Wales1962: Bulgaria, Colombia1966: North Korea, Portugal1970: El Salvador, Israel, Morocco1974: Australia, East Germany, Haiti, Zaire1978: Iran, Tunisia1982: Algeria, Cameroon, Honduras, Kuwait,

New Zealand1986: Canada, Denmark, Iraq1990: Costa Rica, Republic of Ireland, United Arab

Emirates1994: Greece, Nigeria, Russia, Saudi Arabia1998: Croatia, Jamaica, Japan, South Africa, Yugoslavia2002: China, Ecuador, Senegal, Slovenia2006: Angola, Czech Republic, Ghana, Ivory Coast,

Serbia and Montenegro, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Ukraine

2010: Serbia, Slovakia2014: Bosnia and Herzegovina2018: Iceland, Panama


1 Europe 245 2 South America 85 3 Africa 44 4 North/Central America & Caribbean 42 5 Asia 37 6 Oceania 4

WORLD CUP QUALIFICATION COMPETITION RECORD Team Tounaments P W D L GF GAPortugal 20 139 76 33 30 262 139United States 18 154 77 36 41 266 181Netherlands 18 125 82 24 19 296 93Spain 18 117 81 25 11 276 76Mexico 16 175 113 37 25 436 126Costa Rica 16 172 85 43 44 295 176Australia 14 141 82 36 23 362 113South Korea 14 135 82 36 17 264 86Argentina 13 136 75 36 25 235 127Brazil 12 110 68 30 12 240 70

THE FIRST SHOOT-OUTThe first penalty shoot-out in qualifying history came on 9 January 1977 when Tunisia beat Morocco 4-2 on spot-kicks after a 1-1 draw in Tunis. The first game, in Casablanca, had also finished 1-1. Tunisia went on to qualify for the finals.

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Page 19: NAJAAR2018 - Standaard Uitgeverij · 2018-07-02 · Icelanders followed up their historic quarter-finals run at UEFA Euro 2016 by becoming the smallest nation (population 335,000)

* Eerste deel in een serie van zes boeken

* Vertaald in het Deens, Japans, Roemeens en Turks

* Van prijswinnend duo Marcus Sedgwick en Pete Williamson


kan worden. En proberen ze intussen hun wereld te beschermen tegen trollen, ogers, heksen en andere duistere wezens uit het griezel woud. Geestig en sprookjesachtig, van succes schrijver Marcus Sedgwick.

Iek… het avontuur begint!

Raafjongen heeft kort en puntig zwart haar, geweldig zicht in de nacht en hij kan praten met dieren. Elfmeisje is lichtvoetig, een snelle denker en… helemaal elf. Ze had niet verwacht dat ze Raafjongen zou ontmoeten. Want hoe vaak komt het nou voor dat iemand uit een boom valt en je huis plet?

Voor ze het weten beleven ze samen heel vreemde, griezelige avonturen, waar gelukkig af en toe ook nog om gelachen

Elfmeisje en RaafjongenHET GRIEZELWOUD

Page 20: NAJAAR2018 - Standaard Uitgeverij · 2018-07-02 · Icelanders followed up their historic quarter-finals run at UEFA Euro 2016 by becoming the smallest nation (population 335,000)



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, Haa


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