Unit 7 Which Zodiac Sign Do You Belong To? 圖圖圖圖Micheletb/Wikimedia commons/Public domain It is said that a person’s zodiac sign reveals certain aspects of his or her personality. Believe it or not, zodiac signs provide an extensive classification of personality traits. How to sort everyone? Twelve signs fit into a person’s date of birth and are assigned a planet as well. In addition to being ruled by the planets, each sign is classified by its nature or essence. Earth(Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) Those with Earth sign are known for the most stable, consistent, and sometimes rigid of all the signs. They are occasionally considered stuffy and limited because they are a bit shy and prefer to focus on reaching their goals, rather than socialization. They are well- rounded, down-to-earth types but fear of starting something new. It means they are not risk takers and prefer a conservative path. On the down side, they may become greedy and too money-oriented, stepping upon others to gratify themselves. zodiac [`zodI:Ak] n. 圖圖圖 certain [`sKtJn] adj. 圖圖圖 classification [:klAsJfJ`keSJn] n. 圖圖 trait [tret] n. 圖圖 essence [`EsNs] n. 圖圖 Taurus [`tOrJs] n. 圖圖圖 Virgo [`vRqo] n. 圖圖 Capricorn [`kAprIkOrn] n. 圖圖圖 rigid [`rIdjId] adj. 圖圖圖 39 Which Zodiac Sign Do You Belong To? Uni 7

nani.com.t€¦ · Web viewZodiac sign is one of the most popular topics in the world. Most people talk about zodiac signs when they want to start a conversation. It’s believed

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Page 1: nani.com.t€¦ · Web viewZodiac sign is one of the most popular topics in the world. Most people talk about zodiac signs when they want to start a conversation. It’s believed

Unit 7 Which Zodiac Sign Do You Belong To?

圖片來源:Micheletb/Wikimedia commons/Public domain

  It is said that a person’s zodiac sign reveals certain aspects of his or her personality. Believe it or not, zodiac signs provide an extensive classification of personality traits. How to sort everyone? Twelve signs fit into a person’s date of birth and are assigned a planet as well. In addition to being ruled by the planets, each sign is classified by its nature or essence. Earth-(Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)   Those with Earth sign are known for the most stable, consistent, and sometimes rigid of all the signs. They are occasionally considered stuffy and limited because they are a bit shy and prefer to focus on reaching their goals, rather than socialization. They are well-rounded, down-to-earth types but fear of starting something new. It means they are not risk takers and prefer a conservative path. On the down side, they may become greedy and too money-oriented, stepping upon others to gratify themselves.

*zodiac [`zodI:Ak] n. 黃道帶 certain [`sKtJn] adj. 某些的 classification [:klAsJfJ`keSJn] n. 分類;分級 trait [tret] n. 特點*essence [`EsNs] n. 本質*Taurus [`tOrJs] n. 金牛座*Virgo [`vRqo] n. 處女座*Capricorn [`kAprIkOrn] n. 魔羯座 rigid [`rIdjId] adj. 嚴格的

 occasionally [J`kejJnLI] adv. 偶爾 stuffy [`stVfI] adj. 保守的 well-rounded [`wEl`rZUndId] adj. 面面俱到的 down-to-earth [:daUntJ`RH] adj. 腳踏實地的 conservative [kJn`sRvJtIv] adj. 保守的*money-oriented [`mVnI`arIEntId] adj. 以錢為主的Air-(Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)


Which Zodiac Sign Do You Belong To?Unit


Page 2: nani.com.t€¦ · Web viewZodiac sign is one of the most popular topics in the world. Most people talk about zodiac signs when they want to start a conversation. It’s believed

高中英文(四) 延伸閱讀

圖片來源:H.L.I.T/Flickr/CC BY 2.0

  Those with Air sign are mostly talkers and communicators, optimistic and full of creativity. They tend to be very intellectual, open-minded, and free-spirited. Sometimes they are too idealistic. On the other hand, they get bored very quickly, always moving and changing, just like the air we breathe. Also, they are quite superficial, not fully understanding the emotional needs of others.Fire-(Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)  Those with Fire sign are the most arrogant of all the signs. Don’t go to a fire person for sympathy or comforting because they have no patience for emotionalism. They are action-oriented and once they have set their goals, fire people do not stop until they get what they want. They don’t mind acting on impulsive ideas because they are so adventurous. What’s more, failures don’t bother their way to success, whether win or lose, they always gain something valuable. Under unfavorable aspects, they can be very stubborn if life doesn’t go through their way.

*Gemini [`djEmJ:nZI] n. 雙子座*Libra [`libra] n. 天秤座*Aquarius [J`kwErIJs] n. 水/寶瓶座 intellectual [:IntL`EktSUJl] adj. 聰明的*free-spirited [fri`spIrItId] adj. 自由奔放的 idealistic [ZI:dIJl`IstIk] adj. 理想主義的*superficial [`supK`fISJl] adj. 膚淺的*Aries [`Eriz] n. 牡/白羊座*Leo [`lio] n. 獅子座

*Sagittarius [:sAdjI`tErIJs] n. 射手座;人馬座 arrogant [`ArJqJnt] adj. 傲慢的 sympathy [`sImpJHI] n. 同情*action-oriented [`AkSJn`arIEntId] adj. 行動派的 impulsive [Im`pVlsIv] adj. 衝動的*unfavorable [Vn`fevrJbL] adj. 不利的 stubborn [`stVbKn] adj. 固執的

Water-(Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)  Those with Water sign are intuitive, secretive, and feel everything quite deeply. They are usually considered the feelers of the world. They want to care for others and are always willing to help. They are compassionate and receptive; you can find them at movies crying loudest and most often. Everything seems to touch them. For the bad parts of them, they can be so moody and emotional that may tend to dwell on the bad things.


Page 3: nani.com.t€¦ · Web viewZodiac sign is one of the most popular topics in the world. Most people talk about zodiac signs when they want to start a conversation. It’s believed

Unit 7 Which Zodiac Sign Do You Belong To?

  It’s interesting to sort everyone into 12 personality types, but as time goes on, you will see it is likely to work surprisingly well. Yet, you are still the one to control your own life. You are the very only one to fight for your fate.

*Cancer [`kAnsK] n. 巨蟹座*Scorpio [`skOrpI:o] n. 天蠍座*Pisces [`pZIsiz] n. 雙魚座*intuitive [In`tyuItIv] adj. 有直覺的

*secretive [sI`kritIv] adj. 詭密的*receptive [rI`sEptIv] adj. 有包容心的 dwell [dwEl] v. 思索


Page 4: nani.com.t€¦ · Web viewZodiac sign is one of the most popular topics in the world. Most people talk about zodiac signs when they want to start a conversation. It’s believed

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Earth SignTaurusVirgoCapricorn

Personal traitsPeople who belong to these signs have the personality of consistence and stability. They are shy and well-rounded; yet, they are criticized to be money-oriented and greedy.

Air SignGeminiLibraAquarius

Personal traitsThey are talkative, creative, and optimistic. Losing freedom is never acceptable for them; nonetheless, being superficial and not sympathize to other’s feelings is often disliked.

Fire SignAriesLeoSagittarius

Personal traitsThey tend to take risks courageously, and they are action-oriented and have strong impulse for their goals; however, they are stubborn when bumping into changes.

Water SignCancerScorpioPisces

Personal traitsThose who fall into these signs are sensitive, compassionate, and receptive; but the traits make them become moody and emotional.

Page 5: nani.com.t€¦ · Web viewZodiac sign is one of the most popular topics in the world. Most people talk about zodiac signs when they want to start a conversation. It’s believed

Unit 7 Which Zodiac Sign Do You Belong To?

I. True or False: Mark T for a true statement and F for a false statement.____ 1. We sort our zodiac signs by names.____ 2. Every zodiac sign is ruled by one planet.____ 3. Virgo sometimes is considered greedy and money-oriented.____ 4. Cancer is the most arrogant one among the twelve.____ 5. Water signs are emotional and moody.

II. Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer based on the reading.____ 1. What is the main idea of this article?

(A) Learning how to sort everyone into different planets.(B) Knowing everyone’s personality by zodiac signs.(C) Understanding your goal of life.(D) Choosing your favorite zodiac signs among twelve.

____ 2. Which of the following signs is NOT action-oriented?(A) Aries.(B) Scorpio.(C) Leo.(D) Sagittarius.

____ 3. What does the word “gratify” mean?(A) Satisfy.(B) Excite.(C) Surprise.(D) Embarrass.

____ 4. Which of the following statements is true?(A) We can find our own zodiac sign by watching sky.(B) Air signs are rarely talkers and communicators.(C) If you feel unhappy, just go to a fire person for sympathy.(D) Everything seems so touching for water person.

____ 5. What can we infer from the passage?(A) Water signs are emotional, so they are not a good type of friend.


〔1. We sort our zodiac signs by date of birth.〕

〔4. It is not mentioned in the article.〕

〔1. (A)、(C)、(D)本文未提及。〕

〔2. (A)、(C)、(D)皆為火象星座,依照文意是 action-oriented的人格特質。〕

〔3. (B)興奮的;(C)驚訝的;(D)尷尬的〕

〔4. (A)文章未提及。(B)通常是溝通者和說話者(C)火象星座沒耐性提供同情。〕

〔5. (A)未提及。(B)星座並不是道聽塗說。(D)未提及。〕

Page 6: nani.com.t€¦ · Web viewZodiac sign is one of the most popular topics in the world. Most people talk about zodiac signs when they want to start a conversation. It’s believed

高中英文(四) 延伸閱讀

(B) Zodiac is nonsense; we shouldn’t believe it.(C) In the world, we are the only one to change our fate.(D) Air signs are creative, and we can learn something from them.

III. Match the Words: Fill in the blanks using the following words.

  optimistic stubborn traits dwell down-to-earth  free-spirited reveal gratified impulsive unsympathetic

  Zodiac sign is one of the most popular topics in the world. Most people talk about zodiac signs when they want to start a conversation. It’s believed that zodiac signs _________ a person’s ________. You can sort your friends easily and understand their personalities well. Also, you can avoid touching their weakness and get along with them by knowing their special needs. For instance, Earth person sometimes is _______________, yet it doesn’t mean he/she doesn’t want to make friend with you. Furthermore, Earth person is very ______________, so he/she may be afraid to try something new. You can encourage them to be more ____________ and give new stuff a try if you have this kind of friend. On the other hand, if you have Fire person as friends, you should give them some ideas to make them ________ deeply because they are considered ____________. However, they might be so ___________ that they couldn’t take any advice. Making friends is a happy, ______________ thing. It would be nice if we can understand others’ zodiac signs and make them __________.


Page 7: nani.com.t€¦ · Web viewZodiac sign is one of the most popular topics in the world. Most people talk about zodiac signs when they want to start a conversation. It’s believed

Unit 7 Which Zodiac Sign Do You Belong To?


  據說,一個人的星座顯示出他/她真正的個性。不論相信與否,星座提供了廣大的個人特質來將世界上的人做分類。該如何的區分呢?12星座以生日來作搭配。另外,每一個星座都有它所掌管的星球,是以星座的本質來作區分的。土象星座(金牛座、處女座、魔羯座)  這些土象星座的人通常給人家印象是非常穩重、有始有終,有時候更可以說是嚴格的。他們偶爾沉悶古板。這種冷漠的評價是由於他們羞怯的個性和他們喜歡專注在完成獨自的目標而不注重社交活動。他們圓融、腳踏實地,但害怕去嘗試新的事物。這代表著他們寧願選擇平穩的道路而不願意冒風險。相反地,他們也許會太現實,一步步接近他人來滿足自己。風象星座(雙子座、天秤座、水瓶座)  這些風象星座的人通常是個談話者或溝通者,擁有樂觀豐富的創造力。他們聰明,有開闊的思想和自由的心靈。但有時候太過於理想主義而無法與現實連結。另一方面,他們太容易感到無趣了,他們就像我們呼吸的空氣一樣,不斷地移動和改變。再者,他們非常膚淺,不充分去了解別人在感情上的需求。火象星座(牡羊座、獅子座、射手座)  這些火象星座是所有星座裡最自大的星座。不要向火象星座的人尋求同情或安慰,因為他們對多愁善感沒有太大的耐心。他們是屬於行動派的人,一旦他們設定了目標,火象星座的人絕對勇往直前到目標完成。他們不介意採用衝動的想法,因為他們就是愛冒險。再者,失敗從來沒有影響到他們往成功之路邁進,因為不論輸贏,他們總是能獲得一些有用的知識。在缺點方面,若是生活沒照著他們所想的進行,他們會變得非常固執。水象星座(巨蠍座、天蠍座、雙魚座)  水象星座相當詭密且直覺力高,每件事都能夠深層思考。他們通常被認為是世界的感覺者。他們關心別人並且非常願意去幫助他人,富有同情心且有包容心,你會很容易發現水象星座在電影院裡總是那些哭得很嚴重且最常哭的。任何事似乎都可以感動他們。不好的部分,他們太過於情緒化而可能把事情想得很悲觀。  將每個人分成十二種是還蠻有趣的,但隨著時間,你會發現這還滿準的。然而,在生活中,你還是那一個掌管著你的人生,為你自己的命運而奮鬥的那一個人!