Nešto o Udicama

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  • 8/11/2019 Neto o Udicama


  • 8/11/2019 Neto o Udicama


    would ride on to and not snag the #ottom. ut alas" keel hooks never sold very well

    straight-shank hooks remained kingand the manufacturers stoed making them. =ustad

    stoed making the last keel hooks a little more than a year ago" so gra# them if you see them

    in your local fly sho.

    Sometimes you can tie a attern using a variety of hooks. 6rofessional fly tier =ike

    achkosky gave me a coule of his deadly Hendrickson 3mergers with instructions to use

    them at the onset of Hendrickson season. his attern is tied on a long-shank curved nymh

    hook and looks uite interesting. Bne day in early =ay" when , wasn&t having any success

    with my own atterns" , tied on one of =ike&s. he success was immediate' five nice #rowns

    in five casts. his changed my thoughts on tying emergers on traditional straight-shank hooks.

    , took it one ste further and tied =ike&s uniue attern on a swimming-nymh hook and had

    even greater fishing success. , don&t know if it was the attern or the hook" #ut if it was fresh

    enough for 5atskill trout" it was fresh enough for me. Since then =ike sent more of his deadly

    Hendrickson emergers as well as some tied on swimming nymh hooks. , have #een tying a

    variety of mayfly emergers and susending atterns on these hooks.

    Swimming-Nymph Hooks for Dry Flies

    ,f you e!amine the swimming-nymh hooks availa#le on the market" you&ll discover that they

    are made of fine wire instead of the usual heavy wire used to manufacture straight-shank

    nymh hooks.