Tena koutou, Malo e lelei, Kia orana, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ciao, Namaste, Al Salaam a’alaykum, Ni hao, Merhaba, Konnichiwa, Hola, Annyong hasayo, Greetings Balmoral School Newsletter Te Kura o te Roto a Rangi 19 Brixton Road, Mt Eden Auckland 1024 Phone 638 7960 Fax 630 1944 Email [email protected] www.balmoral.school.nz Vision To value diversity and to develop curious, confident and connected learners. Friday 3 November 2017 Intermediate Dates to Diary Year 7 Picnic Day Thursday 7 December, 10am-2pm (Parnell Baths) Year 8 Picnic Day Friday 8 December, 10am-2pm (Point Erin Pools) Library Books Returned Friday 8 December Year 7 Peter Pan Friday 8 December Intermediate Prize-Giving Wednesday 13 December, 1pm-3pm Year 8 Poroporoaki (graduation) Thursday 14 December, 1:30pm Meet Year 8 Teachers Friday 15 December, 10am School Closes Friday 15 December, 1pm Canteen Days Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Tena koutou e te whanau, he mihi nui kia koutou katoa As this is our last newsletter of the year I would like to wish you all the best for the festive season. To all those students leaving our school at the end of the year I do wish you all the best for the future. To those families returning to Balmoral School we all look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 30 January 2018. I also wish to thank the following teachers and support staff who are leaving at the end of this year. Nicky Bunz, Rosalie Sinclair, Carl Pynenburg, Gillian Appleby, Kate Watson and Rebecca Wharton leave from our teaching staff. Glenda McLuckie and Kelee Hackett leave from our Learning Support Team.

Ni hao, Merhaba, Konnichiwa, Hola, Annyong hasayo ... · PDF fileNicky Bunz, Rosalie Sinclair, Carl Pynenburg, Gillian ... Louise Garbett and Sasha Halstead. ... • Image Centre Group

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Page 1: Ni hao, Merhaba, Konnichiwa, Hola, Annyong hasayo ... · PDF fileNicky Bunz, Rosalie Sinclair, Carl Pynenburg, Gillian ... Louise Garbett and Sasha Halstead. ... • Image Centre Group

Tena koutou, Malo e lelei, Kia orana, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Ciao, Namaste, Al Salaam a’alaykum,

Ni hao, Merhaba, Konnichiwa, Hola, Annyong hasayo, Greetings

Balmoral School Newsletter

Te Kura o te Roto a Rangi 19 Brixton Road, Mt Eden Auckland 1024

Phone 638 7960 Fax 630 1944

Email [email protected]

w w w . b a l m o r a l . s c h o o l . n z

Vision To value diversity and to develop curious, confident

and connected learners.

Friday 3 November 2017

Intermediate Dates to Diary

Year 7 Picnic Day Thursday 7 December, 10am-2pm (Parnell Baths)

Year 8 Picnic Day Friday 8 December, 10am-2pm (Point Erin Pools)

Library Books Returned Friday 8 December

Year 7 Peter Pan Friday 8 December

Intermediate Prize-Giving Wednesday 13 December, 1pm-3pm

Year 8 Poroporoaki (graduation) Thursday 14 December, 1:30pm

Meet Year 8 Teachers Friday 15 December, 10am

School Closes Friday 15 December, 1pm

Canteen Days Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Tena koutou e te whanau, he mihi nui kia koutou katoa

As this is our last newsletter of the year I would like to wish you all the best for

the festive season. To all those students leaving our school at the end of the

year I do wish you all the best for the future.

To those families returning to Balmoral School we all look forward to seeing

you on Tuesday 30 January 2018.

I also wish to thank the following teachers and support staff who are leaving

at the end of this year. Nicky Bunz, Rosalie Sinclair, Carl Pynenburg, Gillian

Appleby, Kate Watson and Rebecca Wharton leave from our teaching staff.

Glenda McLuckie and Kelee Hackett leave from our Learning Support Team.

Page 2: Ni hao, Merhaba, Konnichiwa, Hola, Annyong hasayo ... · PDF fileNicky Bunz, Rosalie Sinclair, Carl Pynenburg, Gillian ... Louise Garbett and Sasha Halstead. ... • Image Centre Group

I wish them all the best for the future and appreciate their contribution to our

school community.

“Meri Kirihimete me te Hape Nū Ia” ki ngā iwi me ngā hapū katoa

Malcolm Milner

Principal (Te Tumuaki)

School Fair

Many thanks to all the members of our community who helped out at the

school fair on Saturday 18 November. It was a a fun filled day for friends,

family and the wider community. The key organisers work extremely hard to

keep costs down. This effort certainly paid off and we raised a significant

amount of money to invest in our capital purchases next year.

I would also like to acknowledge the huge amount of work by our key

organisers Deb Campbell and Kristen de Monchy who were the main driving

force behind this event.

School Canteen

Please note school canteen closes for the year on Friday 1 December and

reopens Wednesday 7 February 2018.

Kids 4 Kids Concert

Trusts Arena

On Tuesday 21st November the 67 members of our Kids 4 Kids Choir took a

bendy bus to the Trusts Arena for a dress rehearsal for our Kids 4 Kids concert.

The show was called ‘KIWI AS’ and we had spent a good part of the year

preparing for the 19 New Zealand songs we were about to perform. Our two

amazing music directors, Chris Lamsam and Brooke Baker, and our hosts,

Nathan King and Jackie Clarke rehearsed us, actions and all, for our evening


Each school was allowed to provide 4 pre-auditioned students to audition for

special solo parts in the evening performance.

Everyone sung so beautifully, but Balmoral stood out from the crowd; three of

our four soloists who auditioned were accepted for the 7 solo parts!

Wow! Jackson Boswell opened the show with a fantastic rap in the ‘Kids 4

Kids Anthem’, Marli Comer sang a beautiful solo in ‘Love Love Love’ and

Emma Newland did an epic narration of the ‘The Wonkey Donkey’ with

Jackie Clarke; each song was backed by the wonderful Kids 4 Kids choir.

They did us so proud and we cheered them on like we had been chosen for

the parts ourselves!

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Our whole choir represented Balmoral School so well, with incredible singing,

enthusiasm and behaviour. Sarah might have even had tears in her eyes at a

few points, she was so proud! Go Balmoral. You were impressive!

Balmoral School Redevelopment

The BoT have signed a Memorandum of Understanding which outlines how

the school and the MoE will interact throughout the rebuild. The Board have

also agreed to the Master Plan.

This means that the design phase is now underway. This week representative

teachers from the primary and intermediate school met the architects

separately to ensure that we develop flexible learning spaces to further

enable what and how we teach.

We have also received plans for the location of the remaining four

relocatables which we will use throughout the build process. These plans are

currently with the Auckland Council awaiting consent.

Intermediate News

Tēnā koutou Intermediate Whānau,

This time of year is always bittersweet. We reflect on the great learning and

experiences our students have had and sadly farewell our Year 8 students as

they embark on the next step in their education.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the hardworking intermediate

staff for their commitment and dedication to our children’s learning and

development. We are incredibly lucky to have such a positive and

enthusiastic team of practitioners.

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In these last weeks of the year, I look forward to seeing many of you at our

Prize Giving Year 8 Poroporoaki as we celebrate our students’ successes in


On behalf of the intermediate team, I would like to wish our Year 8 children

all the best for 2018 and beyond and happy holidays to our Year 7 children.

Naku noa,

Kate and the Intermediate Team

Shared Learning from Rooms Aparangi (Year 8)

Room 3

“The year is 2050. Man is now colonising the moon and you have decided to

open the first lunar theme park in history”. So for Maths we have become

Theme Park designers/creators! We are in the process of creating a theme

park on a budget of $500k. This includes all our rides, shop, cafes etc and our

daily costs including electricity, staffing etc. Here’s some of our logo’s we

have designed for our theme park. Which one would you like to go to?!

Room 4

In Room 4 we’re exploring art-making

conventions while creating original art

inspired by imagery found in the

production of the text ‘LOTR: The

Fellowship of The Ring’. We initially

developed some ‘firework’ art (inspired

by Smaug’s doppleganger at Bilbo’s

party) that made use of chalk, dye,

acrylic paint, and pastel on black

paper. Our follow-up projects are

currently underway and are quite

representative of our individuality and

artistic flair!

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Room 4.75

Room 4.75 have been setting up businesses and managing a class economy

for CIB. The class has a functioning court system, currency, taxation, a

business register and a parliament to create legislation as needed to

promote fair business. Below are some examples of the kinds of goods and

services on offer.

Rm 5

Room 5 have been

exploring Culture in our

CIB and are trying to to

answer our over-

arching question of our

inquiry “What makes up

a culture?”. We have

looked into Family,

Food, Routine, Fashion,

The Arts and more

recently, Sports.

Exploring Sports, we

looked at similarities of

them across different

cultures and created

our own definitions of

sport to help us

understand how they

slot into the great tapestry of Culture. Here are some pictures of sports we

created when we mixed sports already a part of most cultures to explore

them physically as well as philosophically.

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Rm 6

For Literacy, Room 6 have had the joy of reading the book Wonder by R. J.

Palacio this past term. We’ve been digging deep into the ideas of bullying,

standing out and fitting in.

For Maths, we’ve been creating board games for our Year 4 buddy class to

help and encourage their learning. The board games use math ideas and

have themes that are based on our buddies likes so they are motivated to


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Rm 31

Room 31’s inquiry learning has been about human behaviour - exploring how

we behave and what or who could influence our behaviour. Integrating CIB

and P4C discussions, we celebrated the World Philosophy Day 2017

Challenge by viewing a video of ‘the Philosophy man’ talking about Nelson

Mandela’s influence on South Africa’s people and their Constitutions. Our

class took up the challenge to create their own constitution - rules that they

would set for themselves, so that in the future they would do the right thing,

even if it is difficult. Here are some of their constitutions.

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Intermediate Sport

Central Zone Badminton Tournament

On Wednesday, 15

November the Balmoral

Central Zone (CZ)

Badminton team went to

the Auckland Badminton

Centre for the CZ Badminton

tournament. It was an

amazing experience for

everybody. Each year group

had a doubles team and a

single player. Everybody had

challenging games with wins

and losses throughout the

day and everyone got on

very well.

The best result overall was

Jacob Wolf who placed 2nd

in Year 8 singles losing only by a small margin to Remuera. The Year 8 doubles team -

Jayman Bhana and Jackson Somerville - came 4th just missing out on a placing by one

point to Mt Roskill. Overall all the players were happy with how they played and if they

could, they would do it again.

Big thanks to Michelle for organising, all the parents for transport and Deb Wolf for

managing the teams on the day.

Jayman Bhana and Jackson Somerville

Central Zone Athletics

The Team

Year 7 Girls Year 7 Boys Year 8 Girls Year 8 Boys

Lucca Landon-Paniora Caitlin Douglas-Bell Cassia Reinsfield Ruby Pengell Tasha Greenway Bianca Power Stella Nola Mridul Singh

Cole Rogers Miro Osmond Lucius Fox-Griffiths Ethan Faleni Marco Bethan-Copisarow Connor Ashton Harry Speight Jay McElwee Noah Freundlich Callum Michie James Ray Cyrus Stowers-Sao

Caitlyn Mossman Soana Musie Wainouna Kaleopa Rebecca Clement Zoe Tritt Pip Hawksworth Madison Oliver Sarah Brinck Ella Lord Melani Percival Lara Grozev Hannah Brook

Cassius Tia Josh Lafaele-Cameron Arius Percival Elliot O’Connell Toby Fernandez Ben Mitchell Jack Frear Oliver Fox Theo Bus Josh Chote Lenny Anderson

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TA News

Balmoral Spring Festival goes off!

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Wow – we made a massive $50,000 at the Balmoral Spring Festival! What a great result. A huge thanks to everyone who helped out in anyway - whether you made cakes; staffed stalls; cooked anything from curries to sausages to dumplings; made crafts; played music; filled jolly jars; packed down marquees and then packed them back up again; or turned-up enjoyed yourself and spent money on the day! A truly successful festival only happens when everyone pitches in to make it work, so many thanks for the part you played. We had an amazing fun-filled day and managed to make a huge amount for the school. The total the Balmoral School PTA has now raised for the school this year stands at an incredible $110,000!! Finally, a big thanks to the Balmoral PTA leadership team, who have lived and breathed the Spring Festival for the past term. Your commitment and energy has been unwavering and incredible. Thank you Kristen de Monchy, Debbie Campbell, Louise Garbett and Sasha Halstead. A special thanks also to Anna Morton for all the hard work with the sponsorship.

Thank you to our sponsors: We’d like to say a huge thank you to our sponsors and supporters for helping to make the Balmoral Spring Festival such a success! A special thanks to our sponsors:

• Lindesay Construction

• Anna Copeland at Barfoot & Thompson Mt Eden

• The Finance Marshall


• The Tile People

And a big thank you to all those other individuals and businesses that supported us:

• Commonsense Organic

• Countdown

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• Image Centre Group

• Hellers Sausages

• Bakers Delight

• Aotearoa Martial Arts Academy

• All Blacks

• Health and Sports Gym

• Michael Overend Photography

• Hello Saturday


• Active Plus Physio

• Eat Auckland

• My Food Bag

• Farro

• McDonalds Balmoral

• Clip n Climb

• Trent Bray Swim School

• Snowie

• The Dance Studio

• Virtual Flight

• Rapid Crossfit

• Heritage Anchorage Resort Taupo

• Te Puia Rotorua

• Skyline Gondola and Luge Rotorua

• Malcolm Milner

• Think Water

• Jones Road Cider

• The Hangman

• Pak n Save

Don’t forget to pick up your Christmas Tree tomorrow

Those who have ordered their Christmas Trees can pick them up at school tomorrow between 11am and 3pm. There will be a limited number of trees for sale for those who haven’t pre-ordered so get in quick. We’ll also be selling ice blocks, Christmas crafts and our awesome Balmoral School cookbook, Everyday Easy Eats.

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Get your Everyday Easy Eats Christmas supplies now!

Our awesome Balmoral School cookbook, Everyday Easy Eats makes the perfect Christmas present!

Get your copies at the school office - they’re only $25 each or you can get two for $40. What a bargain!

If you want to order a number of copies, contact Louise on: [email protected]

Community News

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