10 9 大學入學考試中心 109 學年度學科能力測驗 英文考科 試題詳解與分析>>>> 1

二、綜合測驗( 佔1 5 分)¹´學科... · Web view2020/02/03  · 高達1 3 題的答案完全命中,整大題的誘答選項和題幹關鍵字彙也幾乎全部出現於三民課本中。另外,本次詞彙題搭配不少

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二、綜合測驗( 佔1 5 分)







針對109學年度學科能力測驗英文考科,三民書局 車畇庭(蓓群)教授主編之高中英文教材擁有亮眼的命中率!只要是熟讀三民版課本的考生,都能擁有絕佳的表現!




15題詞彙題當中,高達13題的答案完全命中,整大題的誘答選項和題幹關鍵字彙也幾乎全部出現於三民課本中。另外,本次詞彙題搭配不少字首、字根、字尾的變化出題,所含的內容皆於三民課本中的word file單元介紹過。最後,今年詞彙題仍以線索推論為大宗,須由前後文意理解作答。三民課本提供情境完整的例句,力求學生能熟悉單字的正確用法,單字學習超扎實!






三民課本針對閱讀技巧的訓練相當扎實,每課Reading Task引導學生讀課文、抓重點,並實際操作skimming、scanning等閱讀技巧,再長篇的文章也能快速掌握重點!Reading Map則幫助學生釐清文章脈絡。而Comprehension Check出題方向和用字更是比照大考體例,舉凡主旨題、細節題、推論題和定義題、釋意題等,都在課本讓學生不斷練習。






109學年度學科能力測驗英文考科 試題詳解與分析




B 1. After hours of discussion, our class finally reached the _____ that we would go to Hualien for our graduation trip.

(A) balance (B) conclusion (C) definition (D) harmony


(A) 平衡 (B) 結論 (C) 定義 (D) 和諧

【解析】( 聯想關鍵線索:discussion、finally、reach

( 由文意,在幾小時的討論後,班上會去花蓮畢業旅行,得知班上應該是經過討論而最終達成畢業旅行地點的結論,故選(B) conclusion。本題亦可由搭配詞reach the conclusion選出答案。

( (A) balance為本教材B2U10單字。正解(B) conclusion為本教材B2U11單字。(C) definition為本教材B3U3單字。(D) harmony為本教材B1U8單字。

【補充】( reach the conclusion 達成結論 ( jump to a conclusion 匆忙下結論

B 2. Jane _____ her teacher by passing the exam with a nearly perfect score; she almost failed the course last semester.

(A) bored (B) amazed (C) charmed (D) informed


(A) 使厭煩 (B) 使驚奇 (C) 使著迷 (D) 通知

【解析】( 聯想關鍵線索:almost fail the course、pass the exam、a nearly perfect score

( 後句指出Jane上學期差點不及格,反推前句她以幾近滿分的考試通過考試,可知必定使老師驚奇,故選(B) amazed。

( 正解(B) amazed為本教材B1U7單字。(C) charmed為本教材B5U3單字。(D) informed為本教材B2U4單字。

D 3. The vacuum cleaner is not working. Let’s send it back to the _____ to have it inspected and repaired.

(A) lecturer (B) publisher (C) researcher (D) manufacturer


(A) 講者 (B) 出版商 (C) 研究員 (D) 製造商

【解析】( 聯想關鍵線索:not working、send it back、have it inspected and repaired

( 前句指出吸塵器壞了,搭配後句文意要讓吸塵器被檢測與維修,可推知是送回給製造商,故本題選(D) manufacturer。

( 字尾 “-er” 為本教材B2U11 word file。(A) lecture為本教材B5U9單字。(B) publisher為本教材B2U7單字。(C) researcher為本教材B2U11單字。正解(D) manufacturer為本教材B2U7單字。

【補充】have + O + p.p.:讓…被…

例:The owner of the restaurant had the walls painted yellow in the hope of increasing customers’ appetite.

D 4. Due to the global financial crisis, the country’s exports _____ by 40 percent last month, the largest drop since 2000.

(A) flattered (B) transformed (C) relieved (D) decreased


(A) 奉承 (B) 改造 (C) 緩解 (D) 減少

【解析】( 聯想關鍵線索:financial crisis、the largest drop,呼應decrease。

( 由文意得知,全球財政危機讓這個國家上個月經歷自從西元2000年以來最大的出口跌幅,可推測本句主要說明該國的出口數上個月減少40%,答案選(D) decreased。

( (B) transformed為本教材B5U5單字。(C) relieved為本教材B1U2單字。正解(D) decreased為本教材B1U8單字。

【補充】by用來描述程度、數量的差異,例:by three inches、by 0.6 seconds。

B 5. The potato chips have been left uncovered on the table for such a long time that they no longer taste fresh and _____.

(A) solid (B) crispy (C) original (D) smooth


(A) 堅硬的 (B) 酥脆的 (C) 起初的 (D) 光滑的

【解析】( 聯想關鍵線索:have been left uncovered、for such a long time、no longer taste fresh

( 由文意洋芋片沒有被遮蓋,被留在桌上如此地久,可推知應該已經變得不新鮮、也不酥脆了,故選(B) crispy。

( (A) solid為本教材B6U6單字。正解(B) crispy為本教材B1U7單字。(C) original為本教材B1U9單字。(D) smooth為本教材B1U2單字。

A 6. The townspeople built a _____ in memory of the brave teacher who sacrificed her life to save her students from a burning bus.

(A) monument (B) refugee (C) souvenir (D) firecracker


(A) 紀念碑 (B) 難民 (C) 紀念品 (D) 鞭炮

【解析】( 聯想關鍵線索:in memory of、built呼應monument。

( 後句指出英勇的老師犧牲她的性命以將學生從燃燒的公車拯救出來,可推知鎮民們建造紀念碑來紀念她,因此答案為(A) monument。

( 正解(A) monument為本教材B5U3單字。(B) refugee為本教材B5U3單字。

【補充】in memory of 紀念

C 7. The students in Professor Smith’s classical Chinese class are required to _____ poems by famous Chinese poets.

(A) construct (B) expose (C) recite (D) install


(A) 建造 (B) 揭露 (C) 朗誦 (D) 安裝

【解析】( 根據文意,Smith教授要學生朗誦中國名詩人的詩作,因此答案為(C) recite。本題也可由搭配詞recite poems選出答案。

( (A) construct為本教材B4U12單字。(B) expose為本教材B1U10單字。(D) install為本教材B4U8單字。

D 8. Although Mr. Tang claims that the house belongs to him, he has not offered any proof of _____.

(A) convention (B) relationship (C) insurance (D) ownership


(A) 習俗 (B) 關係 (C) 保險 (D) 所有權

【解析】( 聯想關鍵線索:belong to呼應ownership。

( 由Although可知前後文意相反,雖然湯先生聲稱房子屬於他,但是他未提供相關證明,故推測答案選(D) ownership。

( 字尾 “-ship” 為本教材B1U5 word file。(B) relationship為本教材B1U5 word file單字。(C) insurance為本教材B2U6單字。正解(D) ownership為本教材B1U5 word file單字。

C 9. Ancient Athens, famous for its early development of the democratic system, is often said to be the _____ of democracy.

(A) mission (B) target (C) cradle (D) milestone


(A) 任務 (B) 目標 (C) 搖籃 (D) 里程碑

【解析】( 聯想關鍵線索:Ancient、early development → the cradle of democracy

( 由文意古雅典以它很早就發展的民主系統聞名,推知它是民主的搖籃,故選(C) cradle。

( (A) mission為本教材B4U3單字。正解(C) cradle為本教材B5U9單字。(D) milestone為本教材B6U9單字。

C 10. The candy can no longer be sold because it was found to contain artificial ingredients far beyond the _____ level.

(A) abundant (B) immense (C) permissible (D) descriptive


(A) 大量的 (B) 巨大的 (C) 許可的 (D) 描述的

【解析】( 聯想關鍵線索:can no longer be sold → beyond the permissible level

( 由文意這糖果因為含有人工原料而不能再被販售,可推知應是檢出超過許可的量,故選(C) permissible。

( (A) abundant為本教材B6U5單字。(B) immense為本教材B4U9單字。正解(C) permissible為本教材B3U10單字。字尾 “-able” 為本教材B1U12 word file。(D) descriptive為本教材B1U4單字。字尾 “-ive” 為本教材B2U10 word file。

A 11. Jack’s excellent performance in last week’s game has _____ all the doubts about his ability to play on our school basketball team.

(A) erased (B) canceled (C) overlooked (D) replaced


(A) 消除 (B) 取消 (C) 忽視 (D) 代替

【解析】( 聯想關鍵線索:excellent performance → erase all the doubts about his ability

( 由前後文意可推知Jack的優秀表現消除了大家對他能力的疑慮,得知答案選(A) erased。

( 正解(A) erased為本教材B3U1單字。(C) overlooked為本教材B4U9單字。

A 12. It is bullying to _____ a foreign speaker’s accent. No one deserves to be laughed at for their pronunciation.

(A) mock (B) sneak (C) prompt (D) glare


(A) 嘲笑 (B) 偷偷地走 (C) 引起 (D) 發出刺眼的光芒

【解析】( 聯想關鍵線索:be laughed at呼應mock。

( 後句表明沒有人應該因為發音被取笑,可回推取笑外國人的口音是一種霸凌,因此答案選(A) mock。

( 正解(A) mock為本教材B3U8單字。(B) sneak為本教材B6U5單字。(C) prompt為本教材B2U2單字。(D) glare為本教材B4U10單字。

【補充】deserve to:值得,應受

D 13. Mary lost ten kilograms in three months, so her _____ skin-tight jeans are now hanging off her hips.

(A) barely (B) evenly (C) currently (D) formerly


(A) 幾乎不 (B) 平均地 (C) 目前 (D) 以前

【解析】( 聯想關鍵線索:lost ten kilograms、now、hang off her hips → formerly skin-tight

( 由前文Mary三個月內減了十公斤,後文提到牛仔褲現在變成鬆了,故可推論以前是緊身的,答案選(D) formerly。

( 字尾 “-ly” 為本教材B1U1 word file。(A) bare為本教材B1U7單字。(C) current為本教材B4U1單字。

A 14. The police officer showed us pictures of drunk driving accidents to highlight the importance of staying _____ on the road.

(A) sober (B) majestic (C) vigorous (D) noticeable


(A) 清醒的 (B) 宏偉的 (C) 精力充沛的 (D) 明顯的

【解析】( 聯想關鍵線索:drunk driving accidents → the importance of staying sober

( 由前文警察讓我們看酒駕肇事的照片,可推知警察要強調開車時應保持清醒,答案選(A) sober。

( 正解(A) sober為本教材B4U6單字。(D) noticeable為本教材B1U12單字。

【補充】stay + adj.:保持

B 15. The claim that eating chocolate can prevent heart disease is _____ because there is not enough scientific evidence to support it.

(A) creative (B) disputable (C) circular (D) magnificent


(A) 有創意的 (B) 有爭議的 (C) 圓形的 (D) 壯麗的

【解析】( 聯想關鍵線索:not enough scientific evidence → disputable

( 後句文意指出目前沒有足夠的科學證據,可回推吃巧克力可預防心臟病的有討論的餘地,所以答案選(B) disputable。

( (A) creative為本教材B2U10單字。正解(B) disputable為本教材B3U5單字。(D) magnificent為本教材B4U12單字。

【補充】在本題中以that名詞子句當the claim的同位語,作補充說明。



The art and tradition of using all-natural paste from the henna plant to create temporary henna tattoos goes back to ancient Asia and the Middle East. Over the centuries, henna tattoos 16 used in weddings and holiday celebrations because they are thought to carry blessings from the gods. Today, the ancient art form has found a new 17 in the hands of contemporary artists.

Henna Heals, an artist group based in Canada, uses henna tattoos to help women suffering from cancer feel confident and beautiful again. They draw elegant henna crowns on the women’s bare heads to help them 18 the loss of their hair after cancer treatment. Featuring floral patterns, religious symbols, and messages of hope, the painted henna crowns are amazing substitutes for the hats and wigs that the cancer patients would 19 use to cover their heads. Many women report that the henna crowns really work as a healing device, helping them build a more 20 self-image at a time when they are vulnerable and depressed. According to Frances Darwin, founder of Henna Heals, the number of artists now involved in the project across Canada and the US has grown to over 150.



B 16.

(A) were being

(B) have been

(C) will be

(D) had to be

【解析】( 本題測驗時態的概念。由文意得知,在幾百年來,指甲花彩繪紋身一直被使用在婚禮與節日慶典中。本句表示持續一段時間(Over the centuries)的情況,應使用完成式,加上主詞為henna tattoos,所以動詞應使用完成被動式have been + p.p.,故答案應選(B) have been。

【補充】( be being + p.p.:正在被 (進行被動式)

例:The damaged church is being repaired.

( will be + p.p.:將會被 (未來進行式)

例:The novelist’s new fiction will be published next year.

B 17.

(A) competition

(B) application

(C) investigation

(D) participation

(A) 競賽

(B) 用途

(C) 調查

(D) 參加

【解析】( 前句說明指甲花彩繪紋身的古老用途,第二段描述此種紋身被加拿大藝術家用來幫助罹癌的婦女重拾自信與美麗,可知本句應是介紹新用途的引言,因此應選(B) application。

( (A) competition為本教材B4U2單字。正解(B) application為本教材B1U4單字。(C) investigation為本教材B6U3單字。(D) participation為本教材B3U9單字。

C 18.

(A) carry away

(B) build on

(C) cope with

(D) get off

(A) 使…忘形

(B) 以…為基礎

(C) 對付

(D) 離開

【解析】( 本題測驗片語的意思。本句指出,藝術家在罹癌婦女的光頭上畫出雅致的皇冠。由關鍵字「help」可推知是要幫助她們「對付」在癌症治療後的掉髮狀況,故答案選(C) cope with。

( (B) build on為本教材B4U8片語。

D 19.

(A) moreover

(B) altogether

(C) namely

(D) otherwise

(A) 此外

(B) 總共

(C) 也就是說

(D) 別種方式

【解析】( 由文意得知,指甲花彩繪紋身是癌症病患會用來取代帽子與假髮的其他辦法,因此答案選(D) otherwise。本題也可由關鍵字substitutes推測出相關文意的答案應為(D) otherwise。

( (A) moreover為本教材B1U12單字。(C) namely為本教材B4U6單字。正解(D) otherwise為本教材B2U12單字。

A 20.

(A) positive

(B) general

(C) flexible

(D) considerate

(A) 積極的

(B) 普遍的

(C) 可變通的

(D) 體貼的

【解析】( 前句提到很多婦女表示指甲花彩繪皇冠確實具備療效,另外從第二段第一句可得知此種紋身用意在幫助因罹癌掉髮的女性能感到自信,為建立正向的自我形象,因此本格應選(A) positive。

( 正解(A) positive為本教材B1U6單字。


When a person sneezes, the droplets can spread diseases. Now research shows that plants have a somewhat 21 problem. Plant diseases can also spread through tiny water drops that jump off leaves—a plant’s version of a sneeze.

Scientists already knew earlier that wind and splashes of rainwater can move bacteria and other germs from leaf to leaf. 22 other possible transmission routes, researchers at Virginia Tech observed water drops on the leaves of wheat plants that were infected with leaf rust. They found that the sick plants could “sneeze” and 23 tiny water drops filled with leaf rust germs, spreading the disease to neighboring plants.

The researchers noticed that small drops of water on the wheat leaves would move to combine and form a larger drop. As they were moving, the energy of the droplets in motion would be released. This energy allowed the water 24 into the air, which looked just like sneezing!

However, not all plants can sneeze. The ability is 25 to those with leaves that are hydrophobic, or repel water—a special feature that forces the liquid to move away when the leaf is exposed to it.





A 21.

(A) similar

(B) miserable

(C) realistic

(D) temporary

(A) 相似的

(B) 痛苦的

(C) 現實的

(D) 暫時的

【解析】( 第一句說明人打噴嚏時,飛沫會傳疾病。第三句承接文意,指出像植物版的噴嚏一樣,植物疾病也會藉由葉子滴落的小水滴而傳播,由此得知,人與植物有相同的噴嚏傳染問題,故選(A) similar。

( 正解(A) similar為本教材B1U5單字。(B) miserable為本教材B2U12單字。(C) realistic為本教材B2U3單字。

B 22.

(A) As a result of

(B) In a search for

(C) With a view to

(D) To the extent of

(A) 因為

(B) 尋找

(C) 目的是

(D) 到達…的程度

【解析】( 本題測驗介系詞片語的意思。前句指出科學家已知風和雨水可傳播細菌,後句表示維吉尼亞理工大學的研究員觀察從染病後的植物流下的水滴,可回推此舉應是在尋找其他可能的傳播路線,故可知答案選(B) In a search for。

( (C) with a view to為本教材B3U6片語。

A 23.

(A) shoot out

(B) hold on

(C) come across

(D) give up

(A) 射出

(B) 緊緊抓住

(C) 給人以…印象

(D) 放棄

【解析】( 本題測驗片語的意思。研究人員發現生病的植物會「打噴嚏」,後句指出這會散佈疾病到鄰近的植物,回推應該是植物會將充滿葉鏽病菌的小水滴彈出因而傳染病菌,因此答案選(A) shoot out。

( (C) come across為本教材B3U4片語。(D) give up為本教材B6U6片語。

B 24.

(A) jump

(B) to jump

(C) jumping

(D) jumped

【解析】本句主動詞為allow,得知本格需使用與allow搭配的不定詞用法,故答案選(B)to jump。

C 25.

(A) curious

(B) relative

(C) unique

(D) primitive

(A) 好奇的

(B) 相對的

(C) 獨一無二的

(D) 原始的

【解析】( 前句表示並非所有植物都會打噴嚏,推知本句應是接續文意說明哪些植物有這種特質。另外,由本格後的介系詞to可確定答案為(C) unique。

( (A) curious為本教材B2U7單字。正解(C) unique為本教材B2U3單字。(D) primitive為本教材B6U3單字。


The idea of Blue Monday dates back to a 2005 campaign by Sky Travel. The travel company wanted to 26 people to take January vacations, so they reached out to a psychologist. The scholar then developed an equation to find the most depressing day of the year, and it turned out to be the third Monday in January. Since then, other companies have jumped on the bandwagon to promote everything from soft drinks to new clothes as a 27 . A group in the UK even started a website devoted to “beating Blue Monday.”

Many scientists, however, say there is no evidence that Blue Monday causes any more sadness than other specific days of the year. 28 , the idea of Blue Monday persists. According to psychologist Dean Burnett, people feel down in January 29 post-holiday discontent, and the Blue Monday claim makes it seem like there are scientific reasons for this. Also, the idea 30 a very complex issue regarding depression into something simple and easily understandable, and that tends to appeal to a lot of people.



D 26.

(A) increase

(B) require

(C) command

(D) encourage

(A) 增加

(B) 需要

(C) 命令

(D) 鼓勵

【解析】( 前句指出憂鬱星期一的想法是由藍天旅行社發起,本句後半提到他們求助於心理學家,由文意可猜測是因為該公司想增加業績而鼓勵人們在一月休假,因此選(D) encourage。

( (A) increase為本教材B1U4單字。(B) require為本教材B1U5單字。(C) command為本教材B3U5單字。正解(D) encourage為本教材B1U5單字。

C 27.

(A) disguise

(B) merit

(C) remedy

(D) ceremony

(A) 將…偽裝起來

(B) 優點

(C) 療法

(D) 典禮

【解析】( 前文指出心理學家發現人們一年中最感憂鬱的日子是一月的第三個星期一,從那時起,許多公司加入行列以促銷許多東西,推測應該是鼓吹人們用消費來作為對抗憂鬱星期一的療法,故答案選(C) remedy。

( 正解(C) remedy為本教材B2U8單字。(D) ceremony為本教材B1U9單字。

B 28.

(A) If so

(B) And yet

(C) On that

(D) With this

【解析】本題測驗文意判斷。前句指出許多科學家認為憂鬱星期一並無證據,為否定意思,而本格後句提到憂鬱星期一的想法仍然存在,為肯定意思。由前後文意一正一反來看,可知答案為表相反的(B) And yet。

B 29.

(A) as for

(B) owing to

(C) in spite of

(D) with respect to

(A) 至於

(B) 因為

(C) 儘管

(D) 就…而言

【解析】( 由文意得知,心理學家指出人們在一月覺得心情低落,空格後接假日後的不滿足,可判斷出二者為因果關係,故答案選(B) owing to。

( (A) as for為本教材B1U4片語。正解(B) owing to為本教材B2U11片語。(C) in spite of為本教材B2U3片語。(D) respect為本教材B3U4單字。

【補充】「post-」為表「後…」的字首,例如:post-war period 戰後的時期、post-industrial age 後工業化時代。「pre-」為表示「先…」的字首,例如:preview 預習、preschool 學前的。

A 30.

(A) breaks down

(B) mixes up

(C) tears off

(D) results in

(A) 分解

(B) 混淆

(C) 迅速離開

(D) 導致

【解析】( 本格後面有介系詞into,可推知與動詞片語break down搭配。此外從前文的complex issue與後文的something simple能推論由此論述將有關憂鬱的複雜議題分解成簡單易懂的事情,確定答案為(A) breaks down。

( 正解(A) break down為本教材B1U7片語。(D) result in為本教材B1U9片語。




Dimples are small folds or indentations on the cheeks of one’s face. Generally, they appear on both cheeks; a single dimple on one cheek is a relatively 31 phenomenon. Some cultures are found to show preference for dimples on one’s cheeks, as the feature is claimed to be a sign of 32 .

Though often associated with beauty, most dimples are actually a genetic 33 caused by shortened facial muscles. When a person smiles, the shorter-than-normal muscle pulls up the facial skin, which in turn creates a small indentation—or dimple—in the skin. Such dimples tend to occur in families, and are assumed to be an inherited feature. In fact, some researchers believe that the 34 of dimples from parents to children takes only one gene. If neither of the parents has dimple genes, their children will not 35 the trait.

Not all dimples are formed by a genetic defect, though; some may appear due to the 36 of excessive fat on the face. Such dimples are not a permanent trait, for they vanish when the excessive fat goes away. Many babies, for example, have dimples on their 37 cheeks. As they grow older and lose their baby fat, the dimples may 38 with time.

For those people who were born without 39 dimples, various methods can be applied to successfully create them. These methods 40 from a simple step like makeup to a drastic one like surgery. It all depends on whether you think it is worth the effort.





(A) flaw

(B) exhibit

(C) chubby

(D) attractiveness

(E) fade

(F) rare

(G) range

(H) transfer

(I) natural

(J) presence

(A) 瑕疵 n. [C]

(B) 展示 v.

(C) 圓胖的 adj.

(D) 吸引力 n. [U]

(E) 逐漸消失 v.

(F) 罕見的 adj.

(G) 範圍變動 v.

(H) 遷移 n. [C]

(I) 天生的 adj.

(J) 存在 n. [U]


F 31.

. . . a single dimple on one cheek is a relatively phenomenon,空格前有副詞relatively,後有名詞phenomenon,可知空格應為形容詞。本句前半部指出酒窩通常出現在兩邊的臉頰,可推知只顯現在單邊臉頰的酒窩很罕見,故選(F) rare。

D 32.

. . . , as the feature is claimed to be a sign of ,空格位於介系詞of後,可知應填入名詞。本句前半提到有些文化偏好(show preference for)酒窩,由連接詞as(因為)得知後半應與前文正向相關,所以選(D) attractiveness。attractiveness為本教材B2U10單字。字尾“-ness”為本教材B1U2 word file。

A 33.

. . ., most dimples are actually a genetic caused by shortened facial muscles,空格前有不定冠詞a與形容詞genetic,可知應填單數名詞,後方有形容詞片語caused by shortened facial muscles修飾。從關鍵線索Though(雖然)可知,本句前後應為相反文意,前半提及beauty,為正面特質,可知本格應為負面特質的字,從文意可推知酒窩事實上是一種基因瑕疵,故答案選(A) flaw。flaw為本教材B5U4單字。

H 34.

In fact, some researchers believe that the of dimples from parents to children takes only one gene,空格前有定冠詞the,後有介系詞of,可知應填名詞。前句指出有些酒窩被認為屬於繼承的特質,另外,本句提到from parents to children,結合前後文情境可推知選(H) transfer。transfer為本教材B5U9單字。

B 35.

If neither of the parents has dimple genes, their children will not the trait.,空格前有助動詞will,後有名詞,應填入及物動詞。承續前句文意,酒窩傳承自父母,可推知如果父母都沒有酒窩的基因,小孩就不會展現出此特徵,故選(B) exhibit。exhibit為本教材B1U3單字。

J 36.

. . . some may appear due to the of excessive fat on the face,空格位於定冠詞the後,介系詞of前,應填名詞。根據前後文,並非所有酒窩都是由基因瑕疵所形成,有些是因為臉上過多的脂肪,可推論答案應選 (J) presence。

C 37.

Many babies, for example, have dimples on their cheeks.,空格前有所有格their,後有名詞cheeks,應填入形容詞。由for example線索得知本句與前文有正向相關,句意提到嬰兒的臉上會出現酒窩,故答案選(C) chubby。

E 38.

As they grow older and lose their baby fat, the dimples may with time.,空格位於助動詞may後,介系詞with前,應填入不及物動詞。第三段第二句提到,非天生的酒窩在臉部脂肪不見後即會消失。由前句的when the excessive fat goes away與本句的as they grow older and lose their baby fat得知,they vanish與本句的答案相對,故應選(E) fade。

I 39.

For those people who were born without dimples, . . .,空格前有介系詞without,後有名詞dimples,應填入形容詞。本句後半部指出使用不同的方法可以製造出酒窩,反推這是針對沒有天然酒窩的人而言,故答案選(I) natural。natural為本教材B1U4單字。

G 40.

These methods from a simple step like makeup to a drastic one like surgery.,空格前有名詞,後面有介系詞from . . . to,應填入可與此用法搭配的不及物動詞。前句提到various methods可知有很多種方法,故本格應選可與之呼應的range from A to B,因此選(G) range。range為本教材B4U8單字。




The flip-flop is the simplest shoe on the planet. It consists of a piece of rubber, plastic, leather, or woven material in the outline of a foot, with a strap holding the sandal to a wearer’s toes. The name comes from the sound the sandals make when they slap the walking feet.

The earliest record of people wearing the flip-flop comes from Egypt, but many ancient cultures had their own variants of the footwear. In the Greek version, the toe strap ran between the first and second toes, while Roman sandals had the strap between the second and third toes. The Mesopotamians wore the strap between the third and fourth toes. In India, “toe knob” sandals had a knob between the first and second toes.

Modern flip-flops derive from Japanese zōris, which were often worn with socks dividing the big toe from the rest, and were typically made of rice straw. During World War II, Japan seized much of Southeast Asia’s rubber. In 1945, devastated from the war, the country set about establishing a cheap industry that could rebuild its economy. The Japanese used their rubber reserves from the war to mass-produce the simplest Japanese footwear. Rubber thus replaced rice straw as the major material for the flip-flop.

In the 1950s, flip-flops became popular in the United States as soldiers returning from occupied Japan brought zōris home. The sandals have subsequently undergone redesign, often appearing in bright colors in line with Californian beach culture. They have remained popular due to their convenience, and are often worn with bathing suits or summer clothing. Some people also wear dressy versions for more formal occasions.

Despite their popularity, flip-flops provoke some questions. Their simple design is responsible for many foot injuries. Another issue is the suitability of exposing feet on the street and places other than the beach. But even more serious is their environmental impact: Millions of plastic discards end up in landfills or the ocean, releasing chemicals and at the same time taking centuries to decompose.


埃及是最早記載人們穿夾腳拖鞋的地方,但許多古文化中也都有自己版本的夾腳拖鞋。希臘版的夾腳拖鞋,繫帶由拇趾延伸至第二腳趾;羅馬拖鞋的繫帶則在第二根腳趾及第三根腳趾之間;而美索不達米亞人的拖鞋繫帶在第三腳趾與第四腳趾之間。在印度,所謂的「toe knob」拖鞋在第一跟第二根腳趾之間有著一個把手狀的突起物。




D 41. Which culture most likely created the sandals shown in the picture?

(A) Indian.

(B) Greek.

(C) Mesopotamian.

(D) Roman.


(A) 印度。 (B) 希臘。 (C) 美索不達米亞。 (D) 羅馬。


A 42. Why is the footwear discussed in the passage called “flip-flop”?

(A) Because of the noise it makes.

(B) Because of its changeable design.

(C) Because of its simple structure.

(D) Because of the comfort of wearing it.


(A) 因為它所發出的聲音。 (B) 因為它的設計可改變。

(C) 因為它的結構很簡單。 (D) 因為它穿起來很舒適。


D 43. Which of the following is true about the modern development of the flip-flop?

(A) Modern flip-flops originated from Indian toe knob sandals.

(B) Americans loved the Japanese flip-flop because of its bright colors.

(C) Rubber became the major material of the flip-flop before World War II.

(D) The sandals American soldiers brought home from Japan later became modern flip-flops.


(A) 現代夾腳拖鞋源自印度的「toe knob」拖鞋。

(B) 美國人喜愛日式夾腳拖鞋是因為它明亮的顏色。

(C) 第二次世界大戰以前橡膠就成為夾腳拖鞋的主要原料。

(D) 美國軍人從日本帶回國內的涼鞋之後成為現代的夾腳拖鞋。


( 第三段第一句說明現代的夾腳拖鞋是由日本的草履衍生而來的,故此選項敘述錯誤。

( 第四段第三句提到因為夾腳拖鞋穿起來很方便,在美國人氣持續不減,故此選項敘述錯誤。

( 第三段的第二句指出日本在第二次世界大戰期間掠奪了東南亞大量的橡膠,末二句表示日本人使用持有的橡膠大量生產最基本的日式鞋類。橡膠因此成為夾腳拖鞋主要的原料,故此選項敘述錯誤。

( 第四段第一句指出在1950年代,夾腳拖鞋開始風靡美國,因為當時軍事佔領日本的美國軍人把日本的草履帶回國內,故選(D)。

B 44. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a concern of wearing the flip-flop?

(A) Personal health.

(B) Poor quality.

(C) Social appropriateness.

(D) Marine pollution.


(A) 個人健康。 (B) 品質不佳。

(C) 社交場合適切性。 (D) 海洋汙染。

【說明】第五段的第一句提到夾腳拖引發一些問題(provoke some questions),包括造成足部損傷( = poor health)、在街上及海灘以外的場合露出足部的適當性 ( = social appropriateness)與對環境的衝擊(marine pollution),得知本文未提及品質不佳,故答案選(B)。


Ships are the lifeline of trade among countries. Almost everything, from food to machinery, comes by way of the sea in huge ships piloted by captains. But the captain of a ship is responsible for guiding the vessel until they hit a port, waiting to enter the harbor. The task of bringing the ship into the harbor and anchoring it is taken up by a different captain. This captain is called a marine pilot.

A marine pilot is a boat pilot with specialized knowledge of a particular port or harbor. The pilot is needed to direct large ships into a port, where there are often deep water channels surrounded by shallower seabeds. Without the services of a marine pilot, docking ships would be hazardous. There would be a real chance of running aground and damaging the ship and the cargo, some of which might be dangerous if released into a water-based ecosystem.

In addition to the shallower seabeds, tide and wind pose further challenges for bringing ships into a port. During different tides, currents may change from one direction to the other. The same strategy for docking a vessel during an incoming tide may not work during an outgoing tide. Also, the wind can significantly alter the direction of the ship and how it reacts, adding to the difficulty of anchoring the ship.

Marine pilotage is a job that requires a high degree of proficiency as well as quick and independent thinking. Above all, it is about risk management. A marine pilot goes on board at a crucial time and controls the vessel based on his or her knowledge of the port and the situation at hand. The pilot is responsible for not only the safety of the ship but also the protection of the port and the marine environment.





A 45. What is the passage mainly about?

(A) A special profession. (B) Shipping and trading.

(C) Guidelines for safe docking. (D) Protection of the marine environment.


(A) 特殊的職業。 (B) 貨運跟貿易。

(C) 安全停泊的指導方針。 (D) 保護海洋環境。


C 46. Which of the following is part of the knowledge that a marine pilot must have?

(A) The value of the ships.

(B) The content of the cargo.

(C) The weather conditions.

(D) The diversity of marine life.


(A) 船隻的價值。 (B) 貨物的類別。

(C) 天氣狀況。 (D) 海洋生物的多樣性。


D 47. What does “a crucial time” in the last paragraph refer to?

(A) When the vessel hits a flat.

(B) When the channel is not deep enough.

(C) When there is a collision of two ships.

(D) When a ship is waiting to enter the port.


(A) 船隻抵達水邊平地。 (B) 水道不夠深。

(C) 兩艘船相撞。 (D) 船隻等著要進港。


C 48. How does the author conclude the passage in the last paragraph?

(A) By adding new details.

(B) By predicting future development.

(C) By summarizing the main points.

(D) By giving advice to the general public.


(A) 再添細節。 (B) 預測以後的發展。

(C) 總結重點。 (D) 給大眾出主意。



Probably the most widely used oil in cooking, olive oil is made by crushing olives with stone or steel blades to release the oil. Extra virgin oil, the finest grade, is made from the first pressing of the olives and has a very low acidity rate (under 1%). To be qualified as “extra virgin,” the oil must also pass both an official test in a laboratory and a sensory evaluation by a trained tasting panel. It must be free from impurity, while exhibiting some fruitiness and creating a pleasant bitter flavor along with a peppery sensation in the mouth. Second on the ranking is virgin olive oil. It is also a first pressing, but has a slightly higher acidity level (under 2%). Lastly, pure olive oil is the cheapest olive oil. It is refined to remove its impurities and blended to improve flavor, and is recommended for all-purpose cooking.

Packaging and storage also have an impact on the quality of olive oil. Olive oil spoils quickly when exposed to direct sunlight, so it should be stored in the dark at 16-18°C. Moisture and oxygen promote oxidation and therefore limit its shelf life. Plastic containers usually do not provide adequate protection from light, heat, or moisture; additionally, small particles in plastics can leak into the oil, which further reduces its quality.

Olive oil tasters have long adopted descriptive terms such as “pure” and “light” to evaluate the quality of olive oil. Recently, however, the International Olive Council (IOC) is seeking input on test methods to improve the transparency of the testing process and boost the accuracy of the results. A redefinition of the term “olive oil” is also proposed to make a clear distinction between virgin olive oil and pure olive oil. Industry members of the IOC hope to promote the trade of olive oil by initiating these changes.




D 49. What is the passage mainly about?

(A) The flavor of olive oil. (B) The trade of olive oil.

(C) The promotion of olive oil. (D) The quality of olive oil.


(A) 橄欖油的風味。 (B) 橄欖油的買賣。

(C) 橄欖油的宣傳。 (D) 橄欖油的品質。


D 50. Which of the following statements is true about extra virgin olive oil?

(A) It is free from any bitter flavor.

(B) It is refined to remove its impurities.

(C) It requires mixing of more than one kind of oil.

(D) It has a lower acidity rate than virgin olive oil.


(A) 絲毫沒有苦味。 (B) 經精煉除去雜質。

(C) 需要跟一種以上的油混合。 (D) 酸度比初榨橄欖油的還低。


( 第一段第四句提到特級初榨橄欖油帶有果香與苦味,故(A)不是答案。

( 第一段第二句指出特級初榨橄欖油是由果實榨取的第一道油,可知並未經過提煉,故(B)不是答案。

( 由第一段第二句可知是初榨橄欖油是初榨的純質油,故(C)不是答案。

( 第一段的第二句表示初榨橄欖油的酸度為1%,比第一段第六句提及的初榨橄欖油酸度(小於2%)還低,故答案為(D)。

C 51. According to the passage, what is the best way to store olive oil?

(A) In a plastic container in a damp cellar.

(B) In a clear glass bottle near the kitchen stove.

(C) In an airtight glass bottle in a kitchen cupboard.

(D) In an airproof bottle next to a well-lighted window.


(A) 裝在塑膠容器裡,置於潮濕的地下室。

(B) 裝在透明的玻璃瓶裡,置於瓦斯爐附近。

(C) 裝在氣密的玻璃瓶裡,置於廚房的櫥櫃裡。

(D) 裝在不透氣的瓶子裡,置於光線充足的窗戶邊。


B 52. What is the IOC trying to do?

(A) Train more qualified olive oil tasters.

(B) Improve the ways of grading olive oil.

(C) Look for new techniques to boost production.

(D) Build better connections among industry members.


(A) 多訓練合格的橄欖油試味員。

(B) 改善橄欖油的評等方式。

(C) 尋找可以提升產量的新技術。

(D) 活絡工業成員的關係。



Researchers in Japan have installed on a train a speaker that barks like a dog and snorts like a deer in order to prevent collisions with animals on the tracks.

The country has been troubled by a problem with trains colliding with deer on its railways. According to Japan’s transport ministry, there were 613 cases of train services suspended or delayed for at least 30 minutes resulting from collisions with deer and other wild animals in 2016-17.

Deer are attracted to railway lines because of a need for iron in their diets. They lick the rails to pick up iron filings caused by the action of wheels against tracks. This dietary need has led to a constant battle to keep the deer separate from the unforgiving nature of tons of onrushing rolling stock. In the past, flashing red lights and even lion faces have been unsuccessfully trialed in an attempt to keep deer off the tracks.

This new device has been invented by a team at the country’s Railway Technical Research Institute (RTRI). RTRI officials explain that deer have a habit of repeatedly snorting short, shrill sounds to alert other deer when they perceive danger. The barking of the hound, which drives deer to panic, strengthens the effect of the warning noise, according to the RTRI. When the deer hear a combination of a 3-second-long recording of a deer’s snort and 20 seconds of a barking dog, they panic and flee rapidly.

RTRI researchers say late-night tests, at times when deer are most frequently seen by railway tracks, have resulted in a 45 percent reduction of deer sighting. Future plans include static barking sites where deer are commonly seen, but “the noises will not be blared in areas where people live beside the tracks.”






B 53. Why are deer attracted to train tracks?

(A) They mate at night near railways.

(B) They need nutrition from train tracks.

(C) They like to snort at the passing train.

(D) They sharpen their horns rubbing against the rails.


(A) 鹿夜間會在鐵路附近交配。

(B) 鹿需要鐵軌裡的營養。

(C) 鹿喜歡對來往火車發出噴鼻息的聲音。

(D) 鹿會一面磨蹭鐵軌一面磨鹿角。


C 54. What device has NOT been used to solve the railway problem in Japan?

(A) Flashing lights. (B) Barking speakers.

(C) Noisy train tracks. (D) Lion face paintings.


(A) 閃紅燈。 (B) 發出犬吠聲的喇叭。

(C) 發出嘈雜聲的鐵路。 (D) 獅臉圖案。


A 55. Which of the following is true about the deer issue discussed in the passage?

(A) RTRI’s new invention prompts deer to run away.

(B) People living near the tracks complain about deer snorts.

(C) 45 percent of train delays in Japan was caused by deer collision.

(D) A combination of sound and visual devices attracts more deer to the tracks.


(A) 有了鐵道綜合技術研究所的新發明,鹿就會逃跑。

(B) 鐵道附近的居民抱怨鹿的噴鼻息聲太吵。

(C) 日本百分之四十五的火車誤點因火車撞鹿而起。

(D) 運用聲音跟視覺合一的方法,前來軌道的鹿越來越多。


( 第四段描述了鐵道綜合技術研究所發明的裝置可將鹿趕走,故答案為(A)。

( 第五段最後一句指出廣播的噪音不會在鐵軌附近有人住的地區響起,故(B)不是答案。

( 第二段第二句表示在2016-17年有613件火車誤點案件是由鹿與其他動物的衝撞所引起,並未指出是45%的比例,故(C)不是答案。

( 第三段的最後一句提到閃燈與獅臉圖案畫等視覺裝置被用來驅趕鹿,第一段介紹利用狗吠與鹿噴鼻息聲音的裝置來驅趕鹿,二者都是驅趕鹿的方式,故(D)不是答案。

D 56. What does the author mean by “the unforgiving nature of tons of onrushing rolling stock” in the third paragraph?

(A) The heavy weight of iron materials.

(B) The cruelty of a barking hound.

(C) The battle between deer and other animals.

(D) The danger of a fast-moving train.

作者在第三段裡說the unforgiving nature of tons of onrushing rolling stock,這句話是什麼意思?

(A) 鐵原料的重量很重。 (B) 吠叫的獵狗很凶殘。

(C) 鹿跟別的動物戰爭。 (D) 高速行駛列車的危險。


【補充】unforgiving 棘手的;不饒人的 nature 基本性質

onrushing 急速往某方向前進 rolling stock 鐵道上運行的車輛






1. 我們有時會違背自己的意願去做某些事情,就只為了要取悅朋友。


(主要句型結構:S + V + O

( 時態:談論事實用現在式

( 違背自己的意願 against our own will

( 為了 to V/for the purpose of V-ing

(取悅 please

( 作答:Sometimes we do certain things against out will just to please/for the purpose of pleasing our friends.

2. 其實,在面對同儕壓力的時候,我們應該學習堅持自己的原則。


(主要句型結構:S + V + O

( 時態:談論事實用現在式

(堅持原則 stick to principles

( 面對face/be faced with/be confronted with

( 同儕壓力 peer pressure

( 作答:Actually, we should learn to stick to our own principles when facing/faced with/confronted with peer pressure.






What do shopaholics look forward to before gift-giving seasons start? The departments’ anniversary sales, of course! Annual sale promotions aim to bombard frenzy customers to make them spend as much money as possible. Last year Amy had the chance to join such an event with her mom. Attracted by the advertisement, Amy’s mom set her heart on a brand-name bag limited in number. To ensure that they were “early birds,” they hurried to the department store in the early morning. To their surprise, when they arrived, there had been a long line formed. As soon as the door opened, what people did was rush into the store, elbowing their way to get to the targets, just like football players throwing quick touchdowns. Amy was not used to the rush and couldn’t help but frown.


But the story didn’t end here. To get real bargains, Amy and her mom had to make efforts to reach the bag shop. She nearly got suffocated by the crowds that left only little room for one another! After they finished the shopping trip, Amy gave a sigh of relief. This was the worst shopping experience she’d ever had. What’s worse, her mom found that the bag was stained, which she didn’t notice as she had to shop in a rush with little time allowed for decision. Disappointed at the quality of the bag, Amy’s mom decided to ask for a refund. However, this made Amy frown again. She never wanted to do the shopping like fighting on a battlefield. To her, she would like to be a wiser shopper who shops at leisure, carefully makes her shopping list and examines the quality of products. Simply being stimulated or making impulse purchases is the last thing she would do again!


◎第一部份 選擇題



1. 15題中考名詞5題、動詞5題、形容詞4題以及副詞1題。選項的單字難易度廣,但都在五級以內的單字範圍,大部分為三、四級,有些字需要搭配字尾的概念來辨識。有1題為二級字的變化 (former → formerly),1題為四級字的變化(dispute → disputable),3題為五級字彙(mock、permissible、sober)。建議學生在準備學測時務必要以4500字為基礎再向上延伸,並搭配字首、字根、字尾的變化原則背誦。

2. 15題中仍以線索推論為大宗,每一題都有充分的線索讓學生做為作答的依據。一向熱門的字詞搭配/片語題在今年仍受到相當比例的重視(reach the conclusion、exports decreased、recite poems)。雖然多數題目需要從判斷文意作答,但有些題目若能加上搭配詞用法能更快速、準確找出答案,因此在單字學習中,建議學生平時除了搭配閱讀句子以增進文意理解能力,也要多留意搭配詞的背誦。

3. 在解題中,有些需要善用題目提供的線索,有助於快速推論出答案 (表示讓步→ although,原因→ because,目的→ to、結果→ such ... that、因果→ so、that)。特別注意的是,有些題幹的字可直接對應到選項而找出解答 (第4題:drop與答案decreased對應、第6題:in memory of與答案monument對應、第8題:belong to與答案ownership對應、第12題:be laughed at與答案mock對應)。因此,建議學生平時可多背誦同義字或相關字、多注意文章提供的舉例論點、練習常用句型,並增加閱讀量與加強文意理解能力。

4. 與往年相同,今年主題取材仍多與學生的生活經驗與環境相關,如(1) 畢旅討論、(2) 學科考試、(5) 洋芋片受潮、(7) 背誦唐詩、(11) 籃球比賽、(13) 減重、(15) 巧克力。今年國際時事雖未入題,仍建議學生平時多留意生活化與常識類主題的英文單字,並養成關注國際時事的習慣。



1. 第一篇介紹漢娜彩繪紋身,第二篇探討植物打噴嚏傳染病菌,第三篇說明憂鬱星期一的由來,主題多元,學生平時即應多閱讀不同主題與長度的文章。

2. 15題的難度中等偏易,有單字6題(單字17、20、21、25、26、27),片語5題(18、22、23、29、30),文法2題(16、24)、副詞2題(19、28)。

3. 今年的出題方向仍偏重文意理解與推論,單字與片語題佔大部分,難度不高,學生如能細心閱讀上下文意,即能找出線索(17題:uses與application對應、19題:substitutes與otherwise對應)。

4. 文法題測驗的為基本概念(16題:動詞時態、24題:動詞的基本用法),只要觀念清楚就能輕鬆解答。

5. 總結來說,建議學生平日宜多涉獵不同題材的文章,盡量擴充字彙庫與片語量,並培養從上下文意推論聯想及文意關係(如因果、讓步、對比等)的能力。



1. 主題為酒窩形成的原因,段落分明,結構清楚易懂,可由每段的主題句掌握內容。

2. 全文10格都是實詞,以動詞、名詞、形容詞為主,本次未出現副詞與片語。


名詞: flaw、attractiveness、transfer、presence

形容詞: chubby、rare、natural

3. 此篇文章不難,沒有文法題,均可靠文意作答,有些可融合搭配詞用法加速找到答案,如:34題(transfer from A to B)、40題(range from A to B),有些可從連接詞判斷出文句關係,如33題(Though)、37題(for example)。

4. 教師可提醒學生多練習文意選填的答題技巧,先瀏覽過選項的字詞,答題時從結構判斷空格所需要的詞性,再由符合詞性的選項中挑選符合文意的選項。可鼓勵學生記憶單字時要注意詞性,並多學習搭配詞與基本句型的用法。



1. 第一篇說明夾腳拖的由來、演變與問題,第二篇介紹引水人的工作內容與特性,第三篇說明橄欖油的品質分級,第四篇談論日本鐵道的護鹿新發明。

2. 本次閱讀測驗仍舊以主旨題、細節題、定義題、文意判斷題為主要方向:


3. 今年的有些題目未照文章順序出題,學生必須善用skimming與scanning的技巧以快速篩選資訊以找到答案,因此教師可多鼓勵學生練習閱讀訊息量大的小說或長篇文章,以訓練閱讀速度與理解。

4. 在本次閱測中,第一篇主題為夾腳拖,段落架構清楚,學生若能掌握主題句有助快速定位找答案。41題為圖片題,只要能掌握文章內容並細心看圖即可輕鬆得分。42、43題可由主題句定位到範圍,分析順序即能輕鬆作答。44題可搭配歸納的方法作答。第二篇主題為引水人的工作,段落分明。46、47題需要讀懂文章後搭配推論能力作答,48題測驗文章組織的判斷,學生除了閱讀文意之外,還需有判斷寫作方法的能力。第三篇主題為橄欖油的品質分級,段落清楚,本篇亦可由閱讀主題句方法快速定位。51題需要讀懂文意、加上資訊整合與推論的能力。第四篇主題為日本鐵道的護鹿新發明,文章雖有難字,但均能從前後文句推敲出意思,若能運用技巧,仔細閱讀,小心作答即可得分。

5. 教師可提醒學生在答題前先掃瞄題型,判斷何者需用略讀技巧,何者需要閱讀全文,搭配主題句定位的策略以便縮短答題時間。

◎第二部份 非選擇題


1. 本次翻譯題句構不難。第一句敘述事實,使用現在簡單式,第二句談論事實,使用現在簡單式。

2. 第一句須特別注意句子的主要句型結構用S + V + O,以及「違背自己的意願」、「為了」、「取悅」等說法。

3. 第二句談論事實,主要句型結構用S + V + O,注意特定字詞的說法,如「堅持原則」、「面對」、「同儕壓力」。


1. 最近幾年的英文試題穩定度高,以中間偏易為原則。今年的試題仍維持原則,與去年相較,難度下降。測驗的字彙難度平均,搭配詞的概念出現多題。另外,未考艱深的文法題,只出現基本的文法概念,並以融入文意的方式測驗。

2. 選擇題:

(1) 字彙題的題幹落在17~22字間,單字大部分在4500字範圍,難度平均分配,多數題目為線索推論題,須靠聯想與推論得到答案,若要得高分平時需增加閱讀量以訓練理解與推論能力。

(2) 綜合測驗測驗重點包括單字、片語、文法。

















(3) 文意選填的難度偏易。







(4) 閱讀測驗





















1. 翻譯題:








2. 作文:









國立員林崇實高工英文科(格林法則魔法學校推廣講師) 魏延斌老師、陳冠名老師

國立員林家商應用外語科(格林法則魔法學校推廣講師) 楊智民老師

1. conclude v. 下結論;結束

conclusion n. 結論;結束 (end)


con(together) + clus(close) + ion → 把所有東西「關」在「一起」,表示「下結論」。可用close這個單字,轉音,母音通轉,來記憶clud、clus,皆表示「關閉」。


2. amaze v. 使驚奇 (surprise、astonish、astound)


a(intensive prefix) + maze(confuse) → 本義「處於」「困惑」的「狀態」,但可用maze的另一語意「迷宮」來巧記,在迷宮中找不到路會使人「困惑」,發現出路也令人感到「驚奇」。

3. manufacture v. 製造(make、produce);捏造(fabricate、invent)

manufacturer n. 製造商(maker、producer)


manu(hand) + fact(do, make) + ure + er → 工業革命前用「手」「做」東西,er表示「人」。


4. decrease v. 減少、減小 (reduce ≠ increase)

n. 減少、減小 (reduction ≠ increase)


de(away) + creas(grow) + e →「成長」「離開」,表示「減少」。

5. crispy adj. 酥脆的



6. monument n. 紀念碑、塔、館;歷史遺跡


mon(remind、warn) + u + ment → 讓人的「心」裡回憶起一些過往的建築,用以「提醒」、「警告」世人。mon和mind 同源,母音通轉,原意是「心(智)」、「思考」,後衍生為「警告」、「提醒」。


7. recite v. 背誦;朗誦


re(back、again) + cit(call) + e → 本義「再次」「喊」出來,引申為把腦內的東西「背誦」出來。


8. ownership ɚ n. 所有權


own(have) + er + ship →「擁有」「者」的「狀態」。字尾ship本指「特性」、「狀態」,源自古英文,和表示船的ship不同源。ship語意可再細分為四大類:第一,表示「職業」、「行業」,如:governorship;第二,表示「擁有狀態」,如:ownership;第三,表示「(特殊)技能」,如:workmanship;第四,表示「特定群體的所有成員」,如:readership。

9. cradle n.搖籃;發源地


cradle (basket) → 原意「籃子」,表示「搖籃」或「發源地」。此外,子音群cr發,可用來表示「撞擊」或「壓碎」等動作,常見字有crash、crack、crush、crispy、crackers等。cradle的cr表示「撞擊」,嬰兒睡搖籃床可以幫助他們入眠,但為避免嬰兒在搖晃過程中受到撞擊,搖籃床常使用柔軟的材質來製作,甚至加個墊子,以防嬰兒「撞傷」。

10. permit v. 允許(allow)

permission n. 允許、許可 (authorization、consent)

permissible adj. 法規允許的 (allowable ≠ impermissible)


per(through) + miss(send) + ible →將人或物「送」入某個地點或機構,「可以」「通過」錄取門檻,表示「法規允許的」。miss, mis, mit同源,轉音,母音通轉,皆表示「送」。


11. erase v. 消除;擦掉;抹去

eraser n. 橡皮擦

razor [] n. 刮鬍刀、剃刀


e (= ex = out) + ras(scrape) + e →「刮」「掉」,表示「消除」、「擦掉」、「抹去」。ras和raz同源,轉音,皆表示「刮除」,razor表示「刮」鬍子的「剃刀」。


12. mock v.嘲弄、(為取笑而)模仿 (make fun of)


mock (= mucus = blow the nose) → 可能來自拉丁語mucus「鼻涕」,即做出「擤鼻涕」的


13. formerly adv. 以前、從前 (previously)


for(before) + m + er + ly → for和字首per同源,/轉音,母音通轉,皆表示「前」。

14. sober [] adj. 沒喝醉的


so (= se = without) + ober(drunk) → 「沒有」「酒醉的」。

15. dispute v. 爭論(argue, disagree) n. 爭論(argument, disagreement)

disputable [] adj.有爭議的(≠ indisputable)


dis(apart) + put (count、consider、think) + able(able) → 想法不一致,彼此的「想法」「離」得很 遠,表示「有爭議的」。



1. b / p / m / f / v ㄅ/ㄆ/ㄇ/ㄈ

2. d / t / n / l / r / z / s / ʒ / ʃ / θ / ð ㄉ/ㄊ/ㄋ/ㄌ/ㄖ/ㄓ/ㄙ

3. g / k / h / dʒ / tʃ / ŋ / j ㄍ/ㄎ/ㄏ/ㄐ/ㄑ/ㄥ/ㄧ

4. u / v / w字母對應

5. h / s字母對應

6. 母音通轉