医学考博冲刺课程 第一部分: 1. 基础:基本策略 2. 强化:总结考核题型,细化句型结构和常用词 3. 冲刺:重点难点题型,积累常用术语总结 第二部分:医学考博中文的行文规律是什么? 1. 论文题目: 对位英文:The article mainly discusses … 2. 定义:是…. 对位英文常用词:is…/can be defined as…: 3. 转折:然而、而、但是、可是、不过 对位英文单词:However, Nevertheless, 4. 分类:二种、三种、四种 对位英文:consist of …parts/fall into …categories 5. 列举:诸如、例如、包括(名词、名词、名词) 对位英文:such as…, range from A to B to C; include … 6. 举例:月,在人在;例如、比如 对位英文: for example, for instance, …to name a few, namely… 7. 统计调查:一项研究表明、正如 对位英文: A recent research has shown that … 8. 人物引言:正如所指出的;在其著作中曾经指出 对位英文:As …put it, 第三部分:医学考博的常用单词 1. 真题中的单词 2. 医学常识体裁中的单词 3. 不要光背词 第四部分:七大常考范围

医学考博冲刺课程 - studyfile.koolearn.comstudyfile.koolearn.com/2015-11/kbyxxz-ccjd.pdf · 2. 强化:总结考核题型,细化句型结构和常用词 3. 冲刺:重点难点题型,积累常用术语总结

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1. 基础:基本策略

2. 强化:总结考核题型,细化句型结构和常用词

3. 冲刺:重点难点题型,积累常用术语总结


1. 论文题目:

对位英文:The article mainly discusses …

2. 定义:是….

对位英文常用词:is…/can be defined as…:

3. 转折:然而、而、但是、可是、不过

对位英文单词:However, Nevertheless,

4. 分类:二种、三种、四种

对位英文:consist of …parts/fall into …categories

5. 列举:诸如、例如、包括(名词、名词、名词)

对位英文:such as…, range from A to B to C; include …

6. 举例:…年…月,在…, …人在…;例如、比如

对位英文: for example, for instance, …to name a few, namely…

7. 统计调查:一项…研究表明、正如

对位英文: A recent research has shown that …

8. 人物引言:正如…所指出的;…在其著作中曾经指出

对位英文:As …put it,


1. 真题中的单词

2. 医学常识体裁中的单词

3. 不要光背词



1) 心理咨询问题

1. 心理障碍:psychological barrier

2. 心理健康: psychological health/心理卫生: psychological health

3. 心理保健: psychological health

4. 心理疏通: psychological dredge/psychological consultation

5. 精神畸变: mental distortion

6. 精神病: mental diseases

2) 医学建设与社区建设

1. 预防医学 preventive medicine

2. 自我保健: awareness of

3. 疾病谱: spectrum of diseases

4. 慢性非传染性疾病发病: chronic non-infectious diseases

5. 预防: prevention

6. 健康服务: health service

7. 健康教育: health education

8. 基建:infrastructure

9. 低投入高产出的事业: a cause with low input and high output

10. 世界卫生组织: WHO

11. 运行机制: mechanism

12. 师资: teaching resources

13. 体系: system

14. 师资培养: training of teaching faculty

15. 社区网络: community network

16. 社区服务: community service

17. 服务站:service center:

18. 婴幼儿、青少年、中老年: infant, young people, elders

19. 心理门诊: outpatient

20. 开药治病: prescribe drugs

21. 指导: guidance


1. 体育锻炼:physical exercises

2. 新陈代谢:代谢:metabolism

3. 维生素:vitamin

4. 膳食:food

5. 卡路里:calorie

6. 脂肪:fat

7. 蛋白质:protein

8. 植物油:vegetable oil

9. 碳水化合物(carbohydrate)

10. 纤维素(cellulose)

11. 脂肪: fat

12. 维生素

13. 矿物质(mineral substances)

14. 镁(magnesium)

15. 铁: iron

16. 钙(calcium)

17. 糖: sugar

18. 碳水化合物(carbohydrate)

19. 消化: digestion

20. 脂肪: fat

21. 消化不良: indigestion

22. 胆固醇(cholester01)

4) 常考的亚健康和情绪状态

1. 情绪低落:depression

2. 疲劳:fatigue

3. 失眠:insomnia

4. 头痛:headache

5. 注意力不集中:lack of concentration

6. 焦虑: anxiety

7. 抑郁: depression

8. 紧张: tension

9. 恐惧: fear

10. 疼痛: pain

5) 医学常识:

1. 艾滋病(AIDS)

2. 人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,简称 HIV)

3. 人体免疫功能: immune system

4. 感染和肿瘤: infection and tumors

5. 后天获得而不是先天: acquired and inborn

6. 恶性和良性: malignant and benign

7. 复杂症状: complex symptoms

8. 艾滋病病毒携带者: the AIDS virus barriers

9. 血液: blood

10. 炎症: inflammation

11. 溃疡: ulcer

12. 病毒: virus

13. 传染性: infection

14. 性传播:

15. 母婴: infant

16. 急性期: acute

17. 潜伏期: incubation

18. 淋巴结肿大: lymph node enlargement

19. 发热: fever

20. 腹泻: diarrhea

21. 体重减轻: weigh loss

22. 吸毒:drug taking

23. 输血: blood transfusion

24. 注射: injection

25. 保健: health

26. 血糖: blood sugar

27. 代谢: metabolism

28. 能量: energy

29. 负离子(anion)

30. 神经系统: nerve system

31. 胃肠消化: digestion

32. 氧气: oxygen

33. 交感神经(parasympathetic nerve)

34. 二氧化碳: carbon dioxide

35. 幼儿: infant

6) 常考的身体部位说法

1. 腰: waist

2. 颈: neck

3. 肩: shoulders

4. 腕部: wrist

5. 关节: joint

6. 筋骨: physique

7. 血液: blood

8. 骨骼: bones

9. 肌肉: muscle

10. 韧带: ligament

11. 呼吸: breathing

12. 循环: circulation

13. 胆: liver

14. 胰: pancreas

15. 肾: kidney

16. 肺部: lungs

17. 泌尿: urinary

18. 内分泌: endocrine

19. 神经系统: nerve system

20. 生理机能

21. 肾上腺素

22. 皮质类固醇

23. 分泌:secretion

24. 病菌: bacteria

25. 免疫: immune


1. 高血压: blood pressure

2. 冠心病: coronary diseases

3. 关节炎: arthritis

4. 大量出血: bleeding

5. 组织损伤:

6. 生理:physiology

7. 心理: psychology

8. 冠心病: coronary diseases

9. 脑血管疾病: cerebrovascular disease

10. 神经质: nervousness

11. 头晕目眩: vertigo

12. 失眠: insomnia

13. 癌症: cancer

14. 器官功能活动

15. 网络综合征: Internet syndrome

16. 生物钟紊乱: biological clock disorder

17. 食欲下降: loss of appetite

18. 体重减轻: weight loss


1. a/the 泛特指

2. 介词明修饰

3. 时态不乱用

4. 三单要重视


2005 年:艾滋病



艾滋病是一种由艾滋病病毒、即人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,简称



Immune Deficiency Syndrome)。这个命名表达了艾滋病的完整概念,从中我们可以了解到艾





艾滋病发源于非洲。1981 年全球首例艾滋病病例在美国被发现。1985 年在中国发现了

首例艾滋病例。全世界共有艾滋病病毒携带者和患者 4990 万,大多数在发展中国家,其中

非洲约 3700 万。截止 2002 年,我国艾滋病病毒感染总人数已突破一百万,所有省、自治区、









无症状期,也称潜伏期。除血清中抗艾滋病病毒抗体阳性外无任何 l 临床症状。第三期为艾






疗药物可分为三大类:抗 HIV 病毒药物,免疫调节剂和抗感染药物。近年来艾滋病的治疗



能抑制 HIV,且价格便宜,预计会有很好的应用前景。对艾滋病的治疗目前还没有传出令人


发现即使同时使用 3 种甚至 4 种药物也不能完全消除人体内的艾滋病病毒。相反,在体内潜



经过五到十年时间才发展成病人。一般在发病后的 2-3 年内死亡。与艾滋病人及艾滋病病毒






AIDS is a threat to the Whole World

The article mainly discusses AIDS, namely, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Its

definition gives us three distinctive features of the disease: First, It is “Acquired”, rather than

inborn (contracted in postnatal environment.) Secondly, it is due to "Immune Deficiency", that is,

pathogenesis of the disease can destroy the victim's immune system. Third and last, it is a kind of

"Syndrome" with complex symptoms due to various infection and cancers.

The infectious channels fall into three catogories: sex contact, blood contact and infant birth.

Generally, there exist four stages in the process of AIDS. Its symptoms vary, but in the last two

periods, they range from swollen lymph nodes to fever to tumors.

AIDS is a kind of deadly disease, but it can be prevented by some measures. Nowadays, there

are three kinds of medication for its treatment: the drugs to combat the viruses, the ones to

regulate the immune system and the ones to fight against infections. Scientific studies show that

some Chinese herbal drugs can have medical effects on HIV.

Apart from medial methods, other measures can be taken to prevent AIDS, for example,

refusing unsafe sex, avoiding unauthorized blood transfusion or prevention of drug abuse. Today,

nearly 50 million people are infected with HIV in the world. It is a battle So it takes a long time to

fight against AIDS. So joint efforts are important in the process of combating AIDS.


1) 术语名词尽量直译或者分拆

2) 注意两个名词的直译

3) 语序

4) 比对题目,读首尾、转折,注意名词的重现率

2007 年:手术与心理学





























美国洛杉矾医学院的专家们作了一次实验,它们对 54 位严重心率紊乱的男女病人进行观察,








The article mainly discusses the relationship between surgery and fear. A surgical operation is

a process full of psychological reactions such as depression, anxiety and fear. Unsuccessfully

handled, these responses will cause many side-effects on the medical treatment.

Surgical operations vary in nature, but they usually cause pains, bleeding and tissue damage.

Under these influences, patients are full of tension. Apart from psychological problems, a chain of

physical reactions occur. Before surgical operations, some patients have emotional responses,

which threaten their immune systems. Even after operations, many patients still have passive

emotions such as depression and worry. The patients, those with serious complications and

malignant tumors, suffer from disappointment and depression.

In these situations, some measures can be taken to deal with the psychological problems.

Apart from some explanations and comfort, there exist many other methods to relieve patients

from their passive feelings. For example, medical workers can give some guidance on how to keep

self-control. For those who first have medical operations, it is important to help them remove

anxiety. For those who suffer from intense emotional reactions, it is essential that medical staff

members offer love and car. To sum up, love and care brings mental security, good physiological

and psychological effects.

2010 年:药理心理学

新兴学科:药物心理学 (Pharmacopsychology)
















的生理机能,增加肾上腺皮质激素的分泌;而适量的肾上腺素能耐受 200-400 倍致死量的细






















The essay discusses pharmacopsychology, which plays an important role on the curative

effects of drugs.According to modem pharmacology, drugs can have two kinds of effects:

physiological and psychological.The latter brings positive influences to the medical effects of


Psychological effects of drugs are a combination of several factors, namely, doctor's authority,

patients' trust in drugs,patients' experience and evaluation of drugs,and the influence of

advertisements.All of them play a role in the curing effects, but good psychological status of a

patient is of great importance.

Three elements are closely related to pharmacopsychology. First, reputation of the drugs

cannot be ignored. Without it, it is difficult for a patient to build up faith in his medical treatment.

Second, the attitude of medical staff members is an important factor, including their language,

behaviors and manners. All these relieve patients’ pain, meanwhile bringing them comfort and

encouragement. Third and last, placebo and suggestion therapy play a positive role in patients'

recovery. The former influences the psychological status of a patient, and afterwards, his

physiological functions. The latter brings comfort to this patient, and changes his organ functions.

结语 1:几个“救命”的招数:

1) 开头要切题

对位英文:The article mainly discusses

2) 如果文章段落中分类复杂:先说不同,再说相同

对位英文:Though there exist various kinds of …, and they vary in nature, one thing is common:

3) 如果中文单句过于复杂:要想到那些救命词组


1) IPGPSBOAT: 十大“保命”词组

重要:become increasingly important/is of the utmost importance/plays an important


喜欢:become increasingly aware of the position of/be in preference for

重视:give more priority to…、注意:pay attention to its position of/its threat


影响:The influence of…is essentially positive/negative/adverse/beneficial

利弊:The benefits of…outweigh the so-called disadvantages.

解决问题:…solve many practical problems/带来益处:益处:…benefit tremendously

from/gain numerous material benefit from

反对:…object to/withstand/倡导:…advocate/encourage/promote/propose

有害:…threaten to do more harm than good/turn a blind eye to…

2) 常用动词归纳

1. 是:can be seen as a kind of…/can be regarded as…/can be accepted as/can be

viewed as/can be interpreted as/(Nowadays, many people always see … as a kind


2. 做/承担:do one’s best in …/perform/try to do/carry out/fulfill

3. 不承担:seldom/hardly/never/fail to/refuse to carry out

4. 需要: are in great need of

5. 不需要:dislike, hate, be unwilling to do

6. 有:have, be in the ownership of, possess, be in possession of,

7. 没有:lack, be short of,

8. 给:give, bring, offer, provide somebody with….,

9. 得到:get, obtain, gain, receive, acquire, have an easy access to

10. 失去:lose, be deprived of,

11. 改进:promote, improve, strengthen, boost, encourage somebody to do, achieve

12. 阻碍:it is more difficult for somebody to…/hinder one’s further development

13. 展示:show, display, highlight, demonstrate

14. 依赖:rely on..for…, depend on …for…

15. 态度: express (positive/negative/neutral)attitude/view towards主题词

16. 扩展:broaden, enlarge, extend, expand

17. 压缩:shorten, reduce, shrink

18. 缓解:ease, relieve, alleviate

19. 保护:protect, conserve

20. 破坏:ruin, damage, destroy, undermine

21. 量词:various kinds of/different kinds of/a group of

结语 2:提纲作文的要旨

1) 注意段落大意归纳

2) 注意常见的论证手法及其用词

3) 积攒一定的术语

4) 从真题入手多练习


1) 新东方黄培辰的微博

2) 微信公众平台:AlexHuangpeichen



1998 年题目:心理咨询问题

7. 心理障碍:psychological disorder

8. 心理健康: psychological health

9. 心理卫生问题: psychological health

10. 心理保健: psychological health

11. 综合统计:consensus

12. 心理疏通: psychological dredge/psychological consultation

13. 咨询: consultation

14. 去痛片: somedon (止痛药:painkillers)

15. 麻醉药: anesthetic

16. 精神畸变: mental distortion

17. 精神病: mental diseases

18. 症状: symptom

19. 自尽: suicide

1999 年考题:医学问题

1. 社区: community

2. 共同体: community

3. 共同价值: shared values

4. 关系密切: close relationship

5. 人情味: human kindness

6. 整体医学观: holistic medicine

7. 社会医学观: social medicine

8. 人文医学观: humanistic medicine

9. 卫生改革: medical reform

10. 新潮流: new trend

11. 社区卫生服务: community health service

12. 主观自我与客观自我: subjective self and objective self

13. 心理社会背景: psychological social background

14. “仁术”: kindness, humanity, benevolence

15. 传统医学: traditional medicine

16. 科技主导型医学: science-oriented medical science

17. 需互补优缺: complementary

18. 连续性: continuity

19. 系统性: systematicness

20. 综合性: comprehensiveness

21. 方便性: convenience

22. 相得益彰: bring out the best from each other

23. 误诊: misdiagnose

24. 临床诊断: clinical diagnosis

25. 病理诊断: pathological diagnosis

26. 物化: materialization

27. 开个处方: prescription

28. 取药: get medicine

29. 打针: take an injection

30. 人文精神: humanism

31. 社会心理因素: social psychological factors

32. 全科医学: general family medicine

33. 戒烟酒: quit smoking

34. 高血压: high blood pressure/hypertension

35. 血管: blood vessel

36. 急救知识: first aid knowledge

2000 年:医学建设

22. 预防医学 preventive medicine

23. 自我保健: self-care/self-help

24. 疾病谱: spectrum of diseases

25. 模式: mode

26. “生活方式病”lifestyle diseases

27. 健康教育: health education

28. 公共卫生问题: public health

29. 慢性非传染性疾病发病: chronic non-infectious diseases

30. 预防: prevention

31. 健康服务: health service

32. 健康教育: health education

33. 低投入高产出的事业: a cause with low input and high output

34. 世界卫生组织: WHO

35. 议程: agenda

36. 纲要: sketch/schema

37. 生活质量: living standards

38. 运行机制: mechanism

39. 师资: teaching resources

40. 体系: system

41. 师资培养: training of teaching faculty

42. 人才培训: talent training

43. 社区网络: community network

44. 社区服务: community service

45. 服务站 service center:

46. 婴幼儿、青少年、中老年: infant, young people, elders

47. 心理门诊: psychological clinic

48. 指导: guidance

49. “拯救自杀中心”:Suicide Salvation Center

50. “儿童问题中心”: Children Center

51. 健康档案: health files

2001 年:健身问题

1. 体育锻炼:physical exercises

2. 滑冰:skating

3. 滑雪: skiing

4. 晨练:morning exercises

5. 冬泳: winter swimming

6. 新陈代谢:代谢:metabolism

7. 血管扩展: blood vessel extension

8. 抵抗能力:resistance

9. 维生素:vitamin

10. 膳食:food

11. 卡路里:calorie

12. 脂肪:fat

13. 蛋白质:protein

14. 糖:sugar

15. 植物油:vegetable oil

16. 肾上腺: adrenal gland

17. 疾病:diseases

18. 冷水浴: cold bath

19. 脑血管病: cerebrovascular disease

20. 溃疡:ulcer

21. 关节炎: arthritis

22. 月经期: menstrual period

23. 酸: acid

24. 气管炎: trachitis

25. 喉炎: laryngitis

26. 结膜炎: conjunctivitis

27. 过敏性疾病: allergic disease

28. 鼻道: nasal passage

29. 鼻粘膜: nasal mucosa

2002 年:亚健康


1. 情绪低落:depression

2. 疲劳:fatigue

3. 失眠:insomnia

4. 头痛:headache

5. 注意力不集中:lack of concentration

6. 血糖: blood sugar

7. 代谢: metabolism

8. 能量: energy

9. 碳水化合物(carbohydrate)

10. 纤维素(cellulose)

11. 脂肪: fat

12. 薄荷(mint)

13. 百花香味(fragrance)

14. 维生素: vitamin

15. 矿物质(mineral substances)

16. 提神醒脑: refresh oneself

17. 镁(magnesium)

18. 铁: iron

19. 锻炼: take exercises

20. 负离子: anion

21. 神经系统: nerve system

22. 胃肠消化: digestion

23. 肺部: lungs

24. 氧气: oxygen

25. 交感神经: parasympathetic nerve

26. 二氧化碳: carbon dioxide

2003 年:营养学


1. 幼儿: infant

2. 蛋白质: protein

3. 钙(calcium)

4. 糖: sugar

5. 龋齿(decayed tooth)

6. 肥胖: obesity

7. 饼干: biscuits

8. 馒头: steamed bread

9. 肌肉和骨骼: muscle and bones

10. 维生素 C: vitamin

11. 热量: energy

12. 大饼: pancake

13. 碳水化合物(carbohydrate)

14. 脑力活动与体力活动: mental and physical activity

15. 组织器官: tissue and organs

16. 生理功能: physiological function

17. 体育锻炼: physical exercise

18. 膳食: food/diet

19. 钙: calcium

20. 磷(phosphorus)

21. 热量: energy

22. 脂肪: fat

23. 碳水化合物:carbohydrate

24. 新陈代谢(metabolism)

25. 骨质疏松(osteoporosis)

26. 面条: noodles

27. 肉松: dried meat floss

28. 花生酱: peanut butter

29. 消化: digestion

30. 油炸类食品: deep-fried foods

31. 脂肪: fat

32. 消化不良: indigestion

33. 胆: liver

34. 胰: pancreas

35. 致癌物质: cancerogenic substances

36. 甜食: dessert

37. 糖: sugar

38. 肾: kidney

39. 胆固醇(cholesterol)

40. 冠心病: coronary diseases

41. 动脉硬化: arteriosclerosis

42. 高血压: high blood pressure/hypertension

43. 心脑血管疾病: cardiovascular diseases

2004 年:保健卫生


1. 合资医院: joint venture hospital

2. 执业执照: license

3. 儿童乐园: children’s park

4. 挂号: register at hospital

5. 划价: have a prescription priced

6. 交费: pay

7. 取药: get the medicine

8. 心理咨询: psychological consultation

9. 健康教育: health education

10. 药品差价: drug price difference

11. 民营医院: private hospital

12. 社会资本: social capital

13. 私人诊所: private clinic

14. 个体医生: (solo) practitioner

15. 卫生机构: health agency

16. 医疗服务:medical service

17. 基础设施: infrastructure

18. 诊疗设备: medical equipment

19. 技术水平: technological level

20. 收购: acquisition

21. 重组现有公立医院: recombination (regroup) of public hospitals

22. 医疗机构: medical institutions

23. 慢性病: chronic diseases

24. 婴幼儿保健: health care of infants

25. 相辅相成: complementary

26. 政府支持: government support

27. 财政补贴: fiscal subsidies

28. 满腹牢骚: complaint

29. 医患关系: doctor-patient relationship

30. 正常化: normalization

31. 管理体制: management system

32. 人事制度: personnel system

33. 环境: environment

34. 医生预约制: the doctor appointment system

2005 年:艾滋病


1. 艾滋病(AIDS)

2. 人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,简称 HIV)

3. 人体免疫功能: immune system

4. 感染和肿瘤: infection and tumors

5. 后天获得而不是先天: acquired and inborn

6. 发病机理: pathogenesis

7. 恶性和良性: malignant and benign

8. 复杂症状: complications

9. 病例: case

10. 艾滋病病毒携带者: HIV carriers

11. 血液: blood

12. 精液: semen

13. 阴道分泌物: vaginal discharge

14. 皮肤粘膜: skin mucous membranes

15. 炎症: inflammation

16. 溃疡: ulcer

17. 渗出液: percolate

18. 唾液: saliva

19. 泪水: tears

20. 汗液: sweat

21. 尿液: urine

22. 病毒: virus

23. 传染性: infection

24. 性传播:sex contact

25. 血传播: blood contact

26. 母婴: infant contact

27. 急性期: acute

28. 潜伏期: incubation

29. 淋巴结肿大: lymph node enlargement

30. 晚期: later period

31. 发热: fever

32. 腹泻: diarrhea

33. 体重减轻: weigh loss

34. 二重感染: double infection

35. 免疫调节剂: immunomodifier

36. 感染药物: infection drugs

37. 免疫: immune

38. 中药: Chinese medicine

39. 鸡尾洒疗法: the cocktail therapy

40. 公共设施: communal facilties

41. 咳嗽: cough

42. 喷嚏: sneezing

43. 蚊虫叮咬: mosquito bite

44. 性道德: sex morals

45. 注射器: syringe

46. 吸毒:drug taking

47. 输血: blood transfusion

48. 注射: injection

49. 拔牙: pulling out tooth

50. 血液制品: blood products

2006 年:走路与健康


1. 运动: physical exercises

2. 特殊设备: special equipment

3. 生命活力: vigor

4. 延年益寿: life expectancy

5. 做操: take exercise

6. 保健: health

7. 关节: joint

8. 筋骨: physique

9. 气血流通: blood circulation

10. 五脏: the five internal organs

11. 血液: blood

12. 骨骼: bones

13. 肌肉: muscle

14. 韧带: ligament

15. 呼吸: breathing

16. 循环: circulation

17. 消化: digestion

18. 泌尿: urinary

19. 内分泌: endocrine

20. 神经系统: nerve system

21. 内脏: internal organs

22. 生理平衡: physiological equilibrium

23. 新陈代谢: metabolism

24. 骨质疏松: osteoporosis

25. 柔软灵活: flexibility

26. 疼痛: pain

27. 血管壁沉淀物: the vessel wall sediment

28. 按摩: massage

29. 血管平滑肌: vascular smooth muscle

30. 生理机能: physiological function

31. 胆固醇: cholesterol

32. 高血压: blood pressure

33. 热量: calorie

34. 过度紧张: tension

35. 健美和减肥: fitness and weight loss

36. 冠心病: coronary diseases

37. 高血压: pressure

38. 脑出血: cerebral hemorrhage

39. 后遗症: sequelae

40. 关节炎: arthritis

41. 胃肠病: gastroenteropathy

42. 反臂背向行走法: the arm back to walk

43. 穴: hole/point

44. 老年痴呆症: AD (Alzheimer’s disease)

45. 摆臂行走法: The swing arm walking method

46. 肩周炎: periathritis of shoulder

47. 气管炎: trachitis

48. 肺气肿:emphysema

49. 腹部: belly/abdomen

50. 消极: negative/passive

51. 血液稀释: hemodilution

52. 血管栓塞: vessel embolization

2007 年:手术与心理学


1. 心理刺激: mental stimulation

2. 焦虑: anxiety

3. 抑郁: depression

4. 紧张: tension

5. 恐惧: fear

6. 生理反应: physiological reaction

7. 手术神经症: surgery neurosis

8. 频发手术症: frequent operations

9. 器官移植: organ grafting/organ transplantation

10. 清创: debridement

11. 缝合: suture/seaming

12. 阑尾切除术: appendicectomy

13. 肾脏移植: kidney transplantation

14. 心脏冠脉搭桥术: coronary artery bypass grafting

15. 剖腹探查: abdominal laparotomy

16. 心导管检查: cardiac catheterization

17. 病理切片: pathological section

18. 疼痛: pain

19. 大量出血: bleeding

20. 组织损伤: tissue damage

21. 生理:physiology

22. 心理: psychology

23. 性格缺陷: defects in character/character flaw

24. 情绪反应: emotional reaction

25. 心身症: psychophysical disorder

26. 心悸: palpitation

27. 气促: shortness of breath/anhelation

28. 胸闷: sense of suppression in the chest

29. 出汗: perspiration

30. 失眠: insomnia

31. 血压升高: high blood pressure

32. 儿茶酚胺: catecholamine

33. 交感神经兴奋: sympathetic nerve

34. 冠心病: coronary diseases

35. 脑血管疾病: cerebralvascular disease

36. 肾上腺素: epinephrine

37. 皮质类固醇: corticosteroids

38. 分泌:secretion

39. 免疫机制: immune system

40. 细菌感染: bacterial infection

41. 并发症: complication

42. 恶性肿瘤: malignant tumor

43. 调控方法: regulation and control

44. 脱敏治疗法: desensitization

45. 爱抚: tender care

46. 思想负担: the thought burden

47. 心率测试仪: the heart rate tester

48. 拿脉: take the pulse

2009 年:水果能不能吃


1. 矿物质: mineral

2. 抗氧化作用: antioxygenation

3. 细胞衰老: cell aging

4. 维生素: vitamin

5. 胆固醇浓度: cholesterol

6. 可溶性纤维: soluble fibre

7. 中风: stroke

8. 冠心病: coronary disease

9. 肺癌: lung cancer

10. 维生素制剂: vitamin

11. 人工合成的维生素: synthetic vitamin

12. 预防作用: preventive effects

13. 营养: nutrition

14. 天然食物: natural food

15. 超氧化物: superoxide

16. 岐(质)化酶(SOD)

17. 活性: activity

18. 衰老: aging

19. 膳食: food

20. 钙化: calcium

21. 肾脏: kidney

22. 损伤: damage/harm

23. 血栓: thrombus

24. 发热: fever

25. 手术: surgery/surgical operation

26. 心肌梗死: myocardial infarction

27. 肝肾功能不良: hepatic and renal function

2010 年:药理心理学

新兴学科:药物心理学 (Pharmacopsychology)

1. 药物: medicine/drug

2. 生理作用: physiological function

3. 心理效应: psychological effects

4. 信任感: sense of trust

5. 体验: experience

6. 评价: evaluation

7. 广告效应: influence of advertisement/advertising effects

8. 新兴边缘学科: interdisciplinary subjects/boundary science

9. 心理精神疾病: mental diseases

10. 生理机能: physiological functioin

11. 肾上腺皮质激素: adrenocortical hormone

12. 分泌: secretion

13. 内分泌: endocrine

14. 心脑血管系统: cardiocerebral vascular system

15. 抗病能力: disease resistance

16. 病菌: bacteria

17. 免疫: immune

18. 神经质: nervousness

19. 意志薄弱: frailty/hypobulia

20. 心理缺陷: mental defect

21. 安慰剂: placebo

22. 心理安慰: psychological comfort

23. 内源性脑啡肽: endogenous enkephalin

24. 吗啡: morphine

25. 自觉症状: subjective symptom

26. 慢性病: chronic diseases

27. 恶心呕吐: vomit

28. 头晕目眩: vertigo

29. 失眠: insomnia

30. 心理暗示: psychological suggestion

31. 癌症: cancer

32. 类风湿性疾病: rheumatic disease

33. 特效药: specific medicine

34. 药物心理学: pharmacopsychology

35. 暗示疗法: suggestive therapy

36. 安慰剂: placebo

37. 器官功能: organ function

38. 躯体症状: physical symptom

2013 年:走出亚健康


1. 疲劳: fatigue

2. 不愿意运动: unwilling to do exercises

3. 失眠: insomnia

4. 头痛: headache

5. 注意力不集中: lack of concentration

6. “灰色状态”: grey status

7. 均衡营养: balanced nutrition

8. 合理膳食: rational diet

9. 糖: sugar

10. 蛋白质: protein

11. 脂类: fat

12. 矿物质: mineral

13. 维生素: vitamin

14. 热量过剩: excessive heat

15. 热量不足: insufficient heat

16. 脂肪类食物: fatty food

17. 韭菜: leek

18. 鳗鱼: sea eel

19. 放松: relaxation

20. 高峰: peak

21. 低谷: low ebb

22. 精力充沛: energetic

23. 痛苦和烦恼: pain and vexation

24. 心理调节: psychological adjustment

25. 心理平衡: psychological balance

26. 超负荷运转: overload operation

27. 丹田: the public region

28. 负离子浓度: aeroanion concentration

29. 神经系统: nerve system

30. 胃肠消化: digestion

31. 体力、脑力、心理: physical energy,

32. 慢性疾病: chronic diseases

33. 打盹: nap

34. 颈项: neck

35. 腰部: waist

36. 肌肉紧张: muscular tension

37. 颈肩病: neck and shoulder disease

2012 年:电脑和健康


1. 忧虑: depression

2. 显示器: monitor

3. 电子束: electron beam

4. 辐射: radiation

5. 电磁波: electromagnetic wave

6. 肌肉骨骼系统: muscle and bones

7. 腰: waist

8. 颈: neck

9. 肩: shoulders

10. 腕部等: wrist

11. 生理: physiology

12. 心理: psychology/mentality

13. 多梦: dreaminess

14. 神经衰弱: neurasthenia

15. 紧张: tension

16. 烦躁: vexation

17. 焦虑不安: anxiety

18. 身心疲惫: fatigue

19. 心理障碍: psychological disorder

20. 人格障碍: personal disorder

21. 交感神经:sympathetic nerve

22. 网络综合征: Internet syndrome

23. 兴趣丧失: loss of interest in

24. 睡眠障碍: sleep disorder

25. 生物钟紊乱: biological clock disorder

26. 食欲下降: loss of appetite

27. 体重减轻: weight lossL

28. 思维迟缓: retardation of thinking

29. 饮酒: drinking

30. 滥用药物: drug abuse

31. 自我保健: self-help

32. 身体检查: physical examination

33. 心理测定: psychological measurement

34. 营养: nutrition

2011 年:饮食和健康


1. 世界卫生组织: WTO

2. 膳食营养: food

3. 遗传因素: inheritance factor

4. 营养不良: malnutrition

5. 主食: staple food

6. 副食: non-staple food

7. 氨基酸: amino acid

8. 无机盐: inorganic salt

9. 脂肪酸: fatty acid

10. 磷脂: phospholipid

11. 钙: calcium

12. 镁: magnetic

13. 油腻食物: fatty food

14. 饮食要适量: proper diet

15. 饮食应定时: have one’s meals at regular time

16. 脑力劳动者: mental worker

17. 蛋白质: protein

18. 糖: sugar

19. 钙: calcium

20. 铁: iron

21. 锌: zinc

22. 维生素: vitamin