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제 3 장 정규 언어

컴파일러 입문

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목 차

3.1 정규 문법과 정규 언어

3.2 정규 표현

3.3 유한 오토마타

3.4 정규 언어의 속성

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정규 문법과 정규 언어 A study of the theory of regular languages is often justified by

the fact that they model the lexical analysis stage of a compiler.

Type 3 Grammar(N. Chomsky)

RLG : A → tB, A → t LLG : A → Bt, A → t

where, A,B ∈ VN and t ∈ VT*.

It is important to note that grammars in which left-linear productions are intermixed with right-linear productions are not regular.

For example,

G : S → aR S → c R → Sb L(G) = {ancbn | n ≥ 0} is a cfl.

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Definition (1) A grammar is regular if each rule is

i) A → aB, A → a, where a ∈ VT, A, B ∈ VN. ii) if S → ε ∈ P, then S doesn't appear in RHS. 우선형 문법 A → tB, A → t의 형태에서 t가 하나의 terminal로

이루어진 경우로 정규 문법에 관한 속성을 체계적으로 전개하기 위하

여 바람직한 형태이다.

(2) A language is said to be a regular language(rl) if it can be generated by a regular grammar.

ex) L = { anbm| n, m ≥1 } is rl. S → aS | aA A → bA | b

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[Theorem] The production forms of regular grammar can be derived from those of RLG.(RLG => RG) (Text p.69)

(proof) A → tB, where t ∈ VT*.

Let t = a1a2... an, ai ∈ VT. A → a1A1 A1 → a2A2 . . . An-1 → anB. If t = ε, then A → B (single production) or A → ε (epsilon production). ⇒ These forms of productions can be easily removed. (Text pp.175-181) ex) S → abcA ⇒ S → aS1, S1 → bS2 S2 → cA A → bcA ⇒ A → bA1, A1 → cA A → cd ⇒ A → cA1', A1' → d

Right-linear grammar : A → tB or A → t,

where A, B ∈ VN and t ∈ VT*.

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1. 언어 L은 우선형 문법에 의해 생성된다.

2. 언어 L은 좌선형 문법에 의해 생성된다.

3. 언어 L은 정규 문법에 의해 생성된다.

정규 언어

[예] L = {anbm | n,m ≥ 1} : rl S → aS | aA A → bA | b

Text p. 70

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토큰의 구조를 정의하는데 정규 언어를 사용하는 이유

(1) 토큰의 구조는 간단하기 때문에 정규 문법으로 표현할 수 있다.

(2) context-free 문법보다는 정규 문법으로부터 효율적인 인식기를

구현할 수 있다.

(3) 컴파일러의 전반부를 모듈러하게 나누어 구성할 수 있다.

(Scanner + Parser)

문법의 형태가 정규 문법이면 그 문법이 나타내는 언어의 형태를

체계적으로 구하여 정규 표현으로 나타낼 수 있다.

if G = rg, L: re.

G Lderivation

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A notation that allows us to describe the structures of sentences in regular language.

The methods for specifying the regular languages

(1) regular grammar(rg)

(2) regular expression(re)

(3) finite automata(fa)




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정규 표현

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Text p. 71 Definition :

A regular expression over the alphabet T and the language denoted by that expression are defined recursively as follows :

I. Basis : φ , ε , a ∈ T. (1) φ is a regular expression denoting the empty set. (2) ε is a regular expression denoting {ε}. (3) a where a ∈ T is a regular expression denoting {a}.

II. Recurse : + , • , * If P and Q are regular expressions denoting Lp and Lq

respectively, then (1) (P + Q) is a regular expression denoting Lp U Lq. (union) (2) (P • Q) is a regular expression denoting Lp Lq. (concatenation) (3) (P*) is a regular expression denoting (closure)

{e} U Lp U Lp2 U ... U Lp

n ... Note : precedence : + < • < *

II. Nothing else is a regular expression.

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ex) (0+1)* denotes {0,1}*.

(0+1)*011 denotes the set of all strings of 0′s and 1′s ending in 011.

Definition : if α is α regular expression, L(α) denotes the language associated with α. (Text p.72) Let a and b be regular expressions. Then,

(1) L(α+ β) = L(α) ∪ L(β) (2) L(α β) = L(α) L(β) (3) L(α*) = L(α)*

examples :

(1) L(a*) = {ε, a, aa, aaa, … } = {an | n ≥ 0}

(2) L((aa)*(bb)*b) = {a2nb2m+1| n,m ≥ 0}

(3) L((a+b)*b(a+ab)*) --- 연습문제 3.2 (3) - text p.115

= { b, ba, bab, ab, bb, aab, bbb, … }

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Definition : Two regular expressions are equal if and only if they denote the same language. α= β if L(α) = L(β).

Axioms : Some algebraic properties of regular expressions. Let a, b and g be regular expressions. Then, (Text p.73)

A1. α+β = β+α A2. (α+β) +γ = α+ (β+γ) A3. (αβ) γ = α (βγ) A4. α(β+γ) = αβ +αγ A5. (β + γ) α = βα + γα A6. α+α=α A7. α + φ = α A8. αφ = φ = φα A9. ε α = α = α ε A10. α* = ε +α•α*

A11. α* = (ε + α)* A12. (α* )* = α*

A13. α* + α = α * A14. α* + α+ = α*

A15. (α + β)* = (α* β *) *

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All of these identities(=Axioms) are easily proved by the definition of regular expression.

A8. αφ = φ = φ α (proof) αφ = { xy | x ∈ Lα and y∈ Lφ } Since y ∈ Lφ is false, (x ∈ Lα and y ∈ Lφ) is false. Thus αφ = φ .

Definitions : regular expression equations.

::= the set of equations whose coefficient are regular expressions.

ex) α,β가 정규 표현이면, X = αX+β가 정규 표현식이다. 이때, X의 의미는 nonterminal 심볼이며 우측의 식이 그 nonterminal이 생성하는 언어의 형태이다.

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▶ The solution of the regular expression equation

X = αX + β

When we substitute X = α*β in both side of the equation, each side

of the equation represents the same language.

X = αX + β = α(α*β) + β = αα*β + β = (αα* + ε)β = α*β.

fixed point iteration

X = αX + β = α(αX + β) + β = α2X + αβ + β = α2X + (ε + α)β . . . = αk+1X + (ε + α + α2 + ... αk )β = (ε + α + α2 + ... + αk + ...)β = α*β.

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Not all regular expression equations have unique solution.

X = αX + β (a) If ε is not in α, then X = α*β is the unique solution.

(b) If ε is in α, then X = α*(β + L) for some language L.

So it has an infinity of solutions.

⇒ Smallest solution : X = α*β.

ex) X = X + a : not unique solution

⇒ X = a + b or X = b*a or X = (a + b)* etc.

X = X + a X = X + a

= a + b + a = b*a + a

= a + a + b = (b* + ε) a

= a + b. = b*a

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Finding a regular expression denoting L(G) for a given rg G.

L(A) where A ∈ VN denotes the language generated by A.

By definition, if S is a start symbol, then L(G)= L(S). Two steps :

1. Construct a set of simultaneous equations from G.

A → aB, A → a L(A) = {a}·L(B) U {a} ∈ A = aB + a In general, X → α |β| γ ⇒ X = α + β + γ. 2. Solve these equations.

X = αX + β ⇔ X = α*β.

if G = rg, L: re.

G Lderivation

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ex1) S → aS S → bR S → ε R → aS

L(S) = {a}L(S) U {b}L(R) U{ε} L(R) = {a}L(S)

ree: S = aS + bR + ε R = aS S = aS + baS + ε = (a + ba)S + ε = (a + ba)* ε = (a + ba)*

ex2) S → aA | bB | b A →bA | ε B →bS

ree: S = aA + bB + b A = bA + ε ⇒ A = b*ε = b* B = bS ∴ S = ab* + bbS + b = bbS + ab* + b = (bb)*(ab*+b)

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Text p.1163.5(5)


ex3) A → 0B | 1A ex4) S → aA | bS B → 1A | 0C A → aS | bB C → 0C | 1C | ε B → aB | bB | ε ex5) S → 0A | 1B | 0 ex6) X1 = 0X2 + 1X1 + ε A → 0A | 0S | 1B X2 = 0X3 + 1X2 B → 1B | 1 | 0 X3 = 0X1 + 1X3 ex7) A1 = (01* + 1) A1 + A2 ex8) A → aB | bA A2 = 11 + 1A1 + 00A3 B → aB | bC A3 = A1 + A2 + ε C → bD | aB D → bA | aB |ε ex9) X → α1X + α2Y + α3 ex10) PR → b DL SL e Y → β1X + β2Y + β3 DL → d ; DL | ε

SL → SL ; s | s

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☞ A recognizer for a language L is a program that takes as input string x and answers “yes ” if x is a sentence of L and “no ” otherwise.

• Turing Machine

• Linear Bounded Automata

• Pushdown Automata

• Finite Automata

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Definition : fa

A finite automaton M over an alphabet ∑ is a system (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F)

where, Q : finite, non-empty set of states. ∑ : finite input alphabet. δ : mapping function. q0 ∈ Q : start(or initial) state. F ⊆ Q : set of final states.

mapping δ : Q x ∑ → 2Q. i,e. δ(q,a) = {p1, p2, ... , pn}


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G = (VN, VT, P, S)

re : φ, ε, a, + , • , *

M = (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F)

Text p. 78

유한 오토마타

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목차 - FA

1. DFA

2. NFA

3. Converting NFA into DFA

4. Minimization of FA

5. Closure Properties of FA

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1. Deterministic Finite Automata(DFA)

deterministic if δ(q,a) consists of one state.

We shall write "δ(q,a) = p " instead of δ(q,a) = {p} if deterministic. If δ(q,a) always has exactly one number, We say that M is completely specified. extension of δ : Q x ∑ ⇒ Q x ∑* δ(q, ε ) = q δ(q,xa) = δ(δ(q,x),a), where x ∈ ∑* and a ∈ ∑. A sentence x is said to be accepted by M if δ(q0, x) = p , for some p ∈ F. The language accepted by M : L(M) = { x | δ(q0,x) ∈ F }

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ex) M = ( {p, q, r}, {0, 1}, δ, p, {r} ) δ : δ(p,0) = q δ(p,1) = p δ(q,0) = r δ(q,1) = p δ(r,0) = r δ(r,1) = r 1001 ∈ L(M) ?

δ(p,1001) = δ(p,001) = δ(q,01) = δ(r,1) = r ∈ F. ∴ 1001 ∈ L(M).

1010 ∈ L(M) ? δ(p,1010) = δ(p,010) = δ(q,10) = δ(p,0) = q ∉ F. ∴ 1010 ∉ L(M). δ : matrix 형태로 ≡ transition table. ex)

p q p

r r r p r q

1 0 Input symbols


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Definition : State (or Transition) diagram for automaton.

The state diagram consists of a node for every state

and a directed arc from state q to state p with label

a ∈ ∑ if δ(q,a) = p.

Final states are indicated by a double circle and the initial state is marked by an arrow labeled start.

p rstart

0, 11





letter, digit


Identifier :

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Text p. 82Algorithm : w ∈ L(M). assume M = (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F); begin currentstate := q0; (* start state *) get(nextsymbol); while not eof do begin currentstate := δ(currentstate, nextsymbol); get(nextsymbol) end; if currentstate in F then write(‘Valid String’) else write(‘Invalid String’); end.


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2. Nondeterministic Finite Automata(NFA)

nondeterministic if δ(q,a) = {p1, p2, ..., pn}

In state q, scanning input data a, moves input head one symbol right and chooses any one of p1, p2, ..., pn as the next state.

ex) NFA (Nondeterministic Finite Automata)

M = ( {q0,q1,q2,q3,qf}, {0,1}, δ, q0, {qf} )

if δ(q,a) = φ, then δ(q,a) is undefined.

δ 0 1 q0 {q1, q2} {q1, q3} q1 {q1, q2} {q1, q3} q2 {qf} φ q3 φ {qf} qf {qf} {qf}

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To define the language recognized by NFA, we must extend δ. (i) δ : Q x ∑* → 2Q δ( q, ε ) = { q } δ( q, xa ) = U δ(p,a), where a ∈ VT and x ∈ VT

*. p ∈ δ( q, x ) (ii) δ : 2Q x ∑* → 2Q δ({p1, p2, ..., pk}, x) =

Definition : A sentence x is accepted by M

if there is a state p in both F and δ(q0, x).

ex) 1011 ∈ L(M) ? δ(q0, 1011) = δ({q1,q3}, 011) = δ({q1,q2},11) = δ({q1,q3},1) = {q1,q3,qf} ∴ 1011 ∈ L(M) ( ∵ {q1,q3,qf} ∩ {qf} ≠ Φ)

ex) 0100 ∈ L(M) ?


i=1 δ (pi,x)

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Nondeterministic behavior q0

q1 q3

q1 q2 φ q1 q3 φ

q1 q3 qf If the number of states |Q| = m and input length |x| = n, then

there are mn nodes. In general, NFA can not be easily simulated by a simple

program, but DFA can be simulated easily. And so we shall see DFA is constructible from the NFA.

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Text p. 863. Converting NFA into DFA

NFA : easily describe the real world. DFA : easily simulated by a simple program.

===> Fortunately, for each NFA we can find a DFA accepting

the same language.

Accepting Sequence(NFA) δ(q0, a1a2 ... an) = δ({q1,q2, … ,qi}, a2a3 ... an) ... ... = δ({p1,p2, … ,pj}, ai ... an) ... ... = {r1,r2, ... ,rk}

Since the states of the DFA represent subsets of the set of all states of the NFA, this algorithm is often called the subset construction.

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[Theorem] Let L be a language accepted by NFA. Then there exists DFA which accepts L. Text p.86

(proof) Let M = (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F) be a NFA accepting L. Define DFA M' = (Q', ∑, δ', q0', F') such that (1) Q' = 2Q, {q1, q2, ..., qi} ∈ Q', where qi ∈ Q. denote a set of Q' as [q1, q2, ..., qi]. (2) q0' = {q0} = [q0] (3) F' = {[r1, r2, ..., rk] | ri ∈ F} (4) δ' : δ' ([q1, q2, ...,qi], a) = [p1, p2, ..., pj] if δ({q1, q2, ..., qj}, a) = {p1, p2, ..., pj}.

Now we must prove that L(M) = L(M’) i.e, δ' (q0',x) ∈ F' ⇔ δ(q0, x) ∩ F ≠ φ. we can easily show that by inductive hypothesis on the length

of the input string x.

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ex1) M = ({q0,q1}, {0,1}, δ, q0, {q1}),

⇒ dfa M' = (Q', ∑, δ', q0', F'), where Q' = 2Q = {[q0], [q1], [q0,q1]} q0' = [q0] F' = {[q1], [q0,q1]}

δ' :δ'([q0],0) = δ({q0},0) = {q0,q1} = [q0,q1] δ'([q0],1) = {q0} = [q0] δ' ([q1],0) = δ(q1,0) = φ δ' ([q1],1) = δ(q1,1) = {q0,q1} = [q0,q1] δ' ([q0,q1],0) = δ({q0,q1},0) = {q0,q1} = [q0,q1] δ' ([q0,q1],1) = δ({q0,q1},1) = {q0,q1} = [q0,q1]

δ 0 1 q 0 {q 0 , q 1 } {q 0 } q 1 φ {q 0 , q 1 }

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State renaming : [q0] = A, [q1] = B, [q0,q1] = C.

Since B is an inaccessible state, it can be removed.

δ’ 0 1A C AB φ CC C C

A Cstart

0, 11




A Cstart

0, 11


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Definition : we call a state p accessible if there is w such that (q0, w) ⇒ (p, ε) , where q0 is the initial state.

ex2) NFA ⇒ DFA

NFA : δ 0 1

q0 {q1,q2} {q1,q3}

q1 {q1,q2} {q1,q3}

q2 {qf} φ q3 φ {qf}

qf {qf} {qf}

DFA : δ’ 0 1

q0 q1q2 q1q3

q1q2 q1q2qf q1q3

q1q3 q1q2 q1q3qf

q1q2qf q1q2qf q1q3qf

q1q3qf q1q2qf q1q3qf


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Definition : ε - NFA M = (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F) δ : Q × ( ∑ ∪ {ε} ) → 2Q

ε - CLOSURE : ε을 보고 갈 수 있는 상태들의 집합

s가 하나의 상태

ε-CLOSURE(s) = {s}∪{q|(p, ε)=q, p ∈ ε-CLOSURE(s)} T가 하나 이상의 상태 집합인 경우


ex) ε - NFA에서 CLOSURE를 구하기


A Dstarta






ε-CLOSURE(q) ∪ q∈T

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Ex) ε - NFA ⇒ DFA

A = [1,3,4], B = [2], C = [3,4], D = [4]

Dstart a bA B






2 b

ε ε3


δ CLOSURE(1) = {1,3,4}

→ [1,3,4]


CLOSURE(2) = {2}

→ [2]


φ CLOSURE(3) = {3,4}

→ [3,4]


[2] φ CLOSURE(4) = {4}

→ [4] φ



φ φ CLOSURE(3) = {3,4}

→ [3,4]

φ φ φ

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Text p. 954. Minimization of FA

State minimization => state merge Definition :

ω ∈ ∑* distinguishes q1 from q2 if δ(q1,ω) = q3, δ(q2,ω) = q4 and exactly one of q3, q4 is in F.

Algorithm : equivalence relation(≡) ⇒ partition.

(1) ≡ : final state인가 아닌 가로 partition. (2) ≡ : input symbol에 따라 다른 equivalence class 로 가는가? 그 symbol로 distinguish 된다고 함. : (3) ≡ : 더 이상 partition이 일어나지 않을 때까지.

⇒ The states that can not be distinguished are merged into a single state.

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Text p. 119 3.11Ex)

≡ : {A,F}, {B, C, D, E} : 처음에 final, nonfinal로 분할한다.

≡ : {A,F}, {B,E}, {C,D} : {B, C, D, E} 가 input symbol b에 의해

partition 됨

≡ : {A,F}, {B,E}, {C,D}.











b b




a b

[AF] [BE][BE] [CD][CD] [AF]



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How to minimize the number of states in a fa.

<step 1> Delete all inaccessible states;

<step 2> Construct the equivalence relations;

<step 3> Construct fa M’ = (Q’, ∑, δ’, q0’, F’), (a) Q’ : set of equivalence classes under ≡

Let [p] be the equivalence class of state p under ≡.

(b) δ’([p],a) = [q] if δ(p,a) = q. (c) q0’ is [q0].

(d) F' = {[q] | q ∈ F}.

Definition : M is said to be reduced.

if (1) no state in Q is inaccessible and

(2) no two distinct states of Q are indistinguishable

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ex) Find the minimum state finite automaton for the language specified by

the finite automaton M = ({A,B,C,D,E,F}, {0,1}, δ, A, {E,F}), where δ is given by

≡ : {A, B, C, D}, {E, F} ≡ : {A}, {C}, {B, D}, {E, F}






0 1Text p. 119 3.11(2)




0 1

[B,D]=r s s[E, F]=s r s

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<연습문제 3.20> --- 교과서 121쪽

Input Design Data Structure

Minimization of DFANFA to DFA DFANFA Reduced


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5. Closure properties of FA

[Theorem] If L1 and L2 are finite automaton languages (FAL),

then so are (i) L1 U L2 (ii) L1 • L2 (iii) L1*.

(proof) M1 = (Q1, ∑, δ1, q1, F1)

M2 = (Q2, ∑, δ2, q2, F2), Q1 ∩ Q2 = φ (∵ renaming)

(i) M = (Q1 U Q2 U {q0}, ∑, δ, q0, F) where, (1) q0 is a new state.

(2) F = F1 U F2 if ε ∉ L1 U L2. F1 U F2 U {q0} if ε ∈ L1 U L2. (3) (a) δ(q0,a) = δ(q1,a) U δ(q2,a) for all a ∈ ∑. (b) δ(q,a) = δ1(q,a) for all q ∈ Q1, a ∈ ∑. (c) δ(q,a) = δ2(q,a) for all q ∈ Q2, a ∈ ∑.

새로운 시작 상태를 만들어 각각의 fa에 마치 각 fa의 시작 상태에서 온 것처럼

연결한다. 그리고 ε 를 인식하면 새로 만든 시작 상태도 종결 상태로 만든다.

ex) p.98 [예 28]

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(ii) M = (Q1 U Q2, ∑, δ, q0, F) (1) F = F2 if q2 ∉ F2 F1 U F2 if q2 ∈ F2

(2) (a) δ(q,a) = δ1(q,a) for all q ∈ Q1 - F1. (b) δ(q,a) = δ1(q,a) U δ2(q2,a) for all q ∈ F1. (c) δ(q,a) = δ2(q,a) for all q ∈ Q2.

M1의 종결 상태에서 M2의 시작 상태에서 온 것처럼 연결한다. 그리고 M1

의 시작 상태가 접속한 오토마타의 시작 상태가 된다.

A Bstart


M1 : => 01*

X Ystart


M2 : => 01*

A Ystart


M1 •M2 : => 01*01*B0


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정규 언어의 속성

Regular grammar (rg)

Finite automata (fa) Regular expression (re)

※ re ===> fa : scanner generator

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목 차

1. RG & FA

2. FA & RE

3. Closure Properties of Regular Language

4. The Pumping Lemma for Regular Language

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1. RG & FA Given rg, there exists a fa that accepts the same language

generated by rg and vice versa.

rg ⇒ fa

Given rg, G = (VN, VT, P, S) , construct M = (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F). (1) Q = VN U {f}, where f is a new final state.

(2) ∑ = VT. (3) q0 = S. (4) F = {f} if ε ∉ L(G) = {S, f} otherwise.

(5) δ : if A → aB ∈ P then δ(A,a) ∋ B.

if A → a ∈ P then δ(A,a) ∋ f.

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If ω is accepted by fa then it is accepted in some sequence of

moves through states, ending in f.

But if δ(A,a) = B and B ≠ f , then A → aB is a productions.

Also if δ(A,a) = f then A → a is a production.

So we can use the same series of productions to generate ω in G

Thus S => ω.

ex) p.101 [예 29]


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fa ⇒ rg

Given M = (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F), construct G = (VN, VT, P, S). (1) VN = Q (2) VT = ∑ (3) S = q0 (4) P : if δ(q,a) = r then q → ar. if p ∈ F then p → ε.


p rstart

0, 11




p → 1p | 0q q → 1p | 0r r → 0r | 1r | ε

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2. FA & RE

fa ⇒ rg ⇒ re ex) p.118 3.10 (1)

A Dstart






A = bA + aBB = aB + bCC = aB + bDD = aB + bA + ε = A + ε

∴ A = (a+b)*abb

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re ⇒ fa (※ scanner generator)

For each component, we construct a fa inductively :

1. basis

2. induction - combine the components.

i f ε :ε

i fa ∈ Σ : a

(1) N1 + N2









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(3) N*

i f ε ε





(2) N1 •N2

N1i N2 f

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Definition : The size of a regular expression is the number

of operations and operands in the expression. ex) size(ab + c*) = 6 decomposition:

The number of state is at most twice the size of the expression.

(∵ each operand introduces two states and each operator introduces at

most two states.)

The number of arcs is at most four times the size of the expression.



R3 +

R1 R2



a b c


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Simplifications : p.106

※ ε -arc로 연결된 두 상태는 소스 상태에서 나가는 다른 arc가

없으면 같은 상태로 취급될 수 있다.

ex) p.105 [예 31]

re ⇒ ε-NFA (간단화) ⇒ DFA ex) p.109 [예 33]

The following statements are equivalent :

1. L is generated by some regular grammar. 2. L is recognized by some finite automata. 3. L is described by some regular expression.

A B ε



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p.120 3.14

(1) (b + a(aa* b)*b)*b







(2) (b + aa + ac + aaa + aac)*




a, cX


a, c

(3) a(a+b)*b(a+b)*a(a+b)*b(a+b)*



a, b

Za a b

a, b a, b a, b

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3. Closure Properties of Regular Language

[Theorem] If L1 and L2 are regular languages, then so are (i) L1 U L2 , (ii) L1L2, and (iii) L1


(proof) (ii) Since L1 and L2 are rl, ∃rg G1 = (VN1, VT1, P1, S1) and rg G2 = (VN2,VT2, P2, S2), such that L(G1) = L1 and L(G2) = L2.

Construct G=(VN1 U VN2,VT1 U VT2, P, S1) in which P is defined as follows : (1) If A → aB ∈ P1, A → aB ∈ P. (2) If A → a ∈ P1, A → aS2 ∈ P.

(3) All productions in P2 are in P. We must prove that L(G) = L(G1) . L(G2). Since G is rg, L(G) is rl. Therefore L(G1) . L(G2) is rl. ex) P1 : S → aS | bA A → aA | a P2 : X → 0X | 1Y Y → 0Y | 1 ⇒ P : S → aS | bA A → aA | aX X → 0X | 1Y Y → 0Y | 1

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(iii) L : rl, ∃rg G = (VN, VT, P, S) such that L(G) = L.

Let G' = (VN U {S'}, VT, P', S') P' : (1) If A → aB ∈ P, then A → aB ∈ P'. (2) If A → a ∈ P, then A → a, A → aS' ∈ P'. (3) S' → S ┃ε ∈ P'.

We must prove that L(G') = (L(G))*. ∀ω ∈ L(G), S => ω. S' => S => wS' => w*S' => w*. ∴ (L(G))* = L(G').

ex) P : S → aS, S → b P' : S → aS, S → b, S → bS', S' → S, S' → ε . note P : S = aS + b = a*b P' : S = aS + b + bS' = a*(b+bS') = a*b + a*bS' ∴ S' = S + ε = a*bS' + a*b + ε = (a*b)*(a*b + ε ) = (a*b)*(a*b) + (a*b)* = (a*b)*

* * *

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4. The Pumping Lemma for Regular Language

It is useful in proving certain languages not to be regular.

[Theorem] Let L be a regular language. There exists a constant p such that if a string w is in L and |ω| ≥ p, then w can be written as xyz, where 0 < |y| ≤p and xyiz ∈ L for all i ≥ 0. (proof) Let M = (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F) be a fa with n states such that L(M) = L. Let p = n. If ω ∈ L and |ω| ≥ n, then consider the sequence of configurations entered by M in accepting w. Since there are at least n+1 configurations in the sequence, there must be two with the same state among the first n+1 configurations.

Thus we have a sequence of moves such that δ(q0,xyz) = δ(q1,yz) = δ δ(q1,z) = qf ∈ F for some q1.

But then, δ(q0,xyiz) = δ(q1,yiz) = δ(q1,yi-1z) = ... = δ(q1,z) = qf F. Since w = xyz L, xyiz≤ L for all i ≥ 0.




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Consequently, we say that “finite automata can not count”, meaning they can not accept a language which requires that

they count the number exactly.

ex) L = {0n1n | n ≥1} is not type 3.


Suppose that L is regular. Then for a sufficiently large n, 0n1n can be written as xyz such that | y| ≠ 0 and xyiz ∈ L for all i ≥ 0. If y ∈ 0+ or y ∈ 1+ , then xz = xy0z ∉ L.

If y ∈ 0+1+, then xyz ∉ L. We have a contradiction, so L can not be regular.

ancbn → not rl

ancbm → rl

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연습문제 3.5 풀이교과서 116쪽

A = aB + bA ……………………… (1) B = aB + bC ……………………… (2) C = bD + aB ……………………… (3) D = bA + aB + ε ……………………… (4) 식 (4)에서 bA + aB = aB + bA = A 이므로 D = A + ε ……………………… (5) 식 (3)에 식 (5)를 대입 C = b(A + ε) + aB = bA + aB + b = A + b ……………………… (6) 식 (2)에 식 (6)을 대입 B = aB + b(A + b) = aB + bA + bb = A + bb ……………………… (7) 식 (1)에 식 (7)을 대입 A = aB + bA = a(A + bb) + bA = aA + abb + bA = (a + b)A + abb = (a+b)*abb ∴ L(G) = (a+b)*abb