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OMC 商業智庫


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Enjoy Your Life

主講人 劉 偉 澍

David W. S. Liu 劉偉澍,朋友都叫他 David ,商業智庫首席顧問,中美晶監察人,前福特六和汽車公司財務長,同時任教於國立台北大學商學院,教授企業管理、國際貿易等課程,並常受邀在工商企業界作專題演講。曾榮獲中華民國十大傑出經理人,中華民國管理科學學會管理獎章。個性溫文儒雅、和善幽默,即便平日工作繁忙,但公私分明、善於時間管理,仍常為自己安排不少休閒活動,諸如攝影、旅行、音樂、字畫、閱讀、籃球、桌球、‥‥等,動靜皆宜,希望能活得精彩。著有 1.「台灣汽車工業發展文集」, 2. 「 Travel 趴趴走 David 帶你環遊世界,行遍天下」,3. 「活得精彩,做好個人管理」三書。

「活得精采,劉偉澍的部落格」 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/dwsliu

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2008 David W. S. Liu

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Outline for Brand Management

I. Understand Your Brand• Brand Strengths and Weaknesses• Why Does a Brand Fail?• Successful Brands

II. Key Elements of Strategy• Know your brand, Know your competition and Know your

customer• Define the brand’s personality; Integrate all marketing

elements; • Be creative and innovative• Present the plan to your boss in a clear and effective way; • Once approved, present the plan to the whole team• Set standards in execution: DO NOT ACCEPT ‘nearly,’ ‘almost’• Demand excellence and Set milestones

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Outline for Brand Management

III. How to Identify Customer Needs and Position a Brand

IV. Strategy that Promotes a Brand

V. Measuring Brand Performance

• Customer satisfaction

• What is the market share?

• Financial returns

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Time Management

時 間 管 理

David W. S. Liu2008

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1. 時間管理是什麼

2. 時間管理的架構

3. 時間管理的方法

4. 如何提高工作效率

5. 時間管理的小技巧

6. 如何管理你的 emails

7. 如何展開你的計劃

8. 執行能力的強化


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談「壓力管理」 談「壓力管理」 StrStress Managementess Management

劉 偉 澍劉 偉 澍 David W. S. LiuDavid W. S. Liu

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壓力管理大綱壓力管理大綱 Stress ManagementStress Management

一、 認識壓力二、 壓力與我們的性格三、 面對壓力的態度四、 找出壓力的來源五、 如何紓解身心壓力How to release your stress

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一、減低工作上的壓力二、多交好朋友,增進人際關係三、學習正面思考四、不要杞人憂天,減少沮喪的時間五、學習微笑,保持心情愉快 六、適度的運動,以鬆弛身體七、走出戶外,參與其它的休閒活動八、生活有規律,營養要均衡九、化解壓力,生活上的注意事項 Smile, the whole world smile with you; Cry, you cry alone.

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有效的溝通管理 Effective Communication

David W. S. Liu

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Effective Communication

一、 為什麼溝通不良二、 溝通的態度三、 溝通的方式四、 溝通的內容五、 你說對了話嗎? 六、 圓融的溝通 - 傾訴與傾聽 七、 有效溝通的技巧

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改善人際關係 Improve your Interpersonal Skill

David W. S. Liu

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Improve your interpersonal skill

一、人際關係網狀圖二、管理你的人際關係和友誼三、人生要有好的朋友四、性格與我們的人際關係五、四種不同的人際風格 Social Style六、人際關係的一些基本原則七、六種「使別人喜歡你」的方法

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David W. S. Liu

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1. Finance Role;

2. Finance Functions;

3. Follow the Money Concept;

4. Revenue Management Concept;

5. Pricing;

6. Business Planning

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Revenue Management

David W. S. Liu September 13, 2007

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營收管理大綱 Revenue Management

I. What is Revenue Management? Revenue Management is managing revenue by selling the right produ

ct at the right time to the right customer at the right price to maximize profitability.

II. How do we manage & optimize revenue?

III. Manage Revenue Process– Price Strategy– Marketing Spending– Market Research– Production Planning/ Sales Target/ Inventory Management

• Be aggressive on high-margin vehicles and • Be conservative on low-margin vehicles

– Vehicle Profits

IV. How to implement Revenue Management

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主講人 : 劉 偉 澍

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( 一 ) 經營環境與企業經營( 二 ) 企業經營分析( 三 ) 企業定位一經營策略之擬定

– 建立企業目標– 決定達成目標之策略– 策略規劃– 產品策略– 價格策略

( 四 ) 經營策略之執行與控制

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Enjoy Your Life

管理與人生Zest for Your Life

David W. S. Liu

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Enjoy Your Life

I. Stages in your lifeII. What is the most important thing at

each stage of your life?III. 24 hours a dayIV. Manage your lifeV. What is your favorite hobby?VI. Travel and Photography for exampleVII. Sharing

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樂在工作 The joy of working

劉 偉 澍 2008

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樂在工作大綱 The Joy of Working

一、 做工作的主人二、 工作應有的態度三、 工作的能力 Capability 與 執行力 Execution

四、 如何樂在工作五、 「樂在工作」應注意事項

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6 SigmaTraining

by David W. S. Liu

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6-Sigma 訓練大綱

Section I. 6-Sigma 簡介 (one hour) 引言 6σ 的目標 6-Sigma examples 6-Sigma 專案選擇 DMAIC 過程

Section II. 定義與量測階段 (two hours)◆ Define Stage 定義階段 1. 定義問題 2. 鑑別顧客 3. 鑑別 CTQ 4. 繪製 SIPOC 過程圖 5. 修正專案範圍 -- 因果矩陣圖 Cause & Effect 6. 更新專案綱領◆ Measure Stage 量測階段 1. 鑑別量測與變異 FMEA 失效模式及其影響分析 Failure Mode Effect Analysis 2. 決定數據類型 3. 發展數據收集計劃 4. 進行量測系統分析 5. 進行數據收集 6. 進行能力分析

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6-Sigma 訓練大綱

Lunch Break (one hour)

Section III. 個案研究–分組活動 (two hours)

Section IV. 分析、改善與管制階段 (two hours) ◆ Analyze Stage 分析階段 1. 檢視分析工具 2. 應用圖形分析工具 3. 鑑別變異源◆ Improve Stage 改善階段 1. 提出改善方案 Feasible Alternatives 2. 試行 3. 驗證改善 4. 創建真實的 /未來狀況的 Should Be/ Future State 過程圖 5. 更新 FMEA 6. 實施成本 / 效益分析 Cost Effectiveness Analysis

◆ Control Stage 管制階段 1. 制訂管制策略 – 預防與偵測 2. 制訂管制計劃 3. 更新 SOP訓練計劃

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Cost Control Training


David W. S. Liu2008

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I. Introduction of Cost Control and Cost Analysis (2 hours for cost concept, cost control, cost analysis and

cost performance reporting introduction)

II. How to reduce our operating costs? (1 hour introduction how to reduce our cost by doing more with


III. Cost Reduction Initiation Group Discussion (2 hours group discussion to initiate cost reduction within the

company) Cost Reduction Brain Storming Cost Reduction Ideas Generation Group Discussion and reach consensus for Cost Reductions Group Presentation for Cost Reduction Implementation

IV. Revenue Management Company profit comes from either (1) reduce costs or (2) increase

company revenue. Usually we will focus on how to reduce costs, however, it is equally important how to manage our company revenue. This 2-hour section will bring everybody a brand new concept of revenue management.

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Negotiation SkillNegotiation Skill Trai Trainingning

By By David W. S. LiuDavid W. S. Liu


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(a) 、談判的開場佈局 (b) 、談判的中場攻守 (c) 、談判的收場施壓

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(a) 自我約束(b) 察言觀色
