OP 1157 Rkt Ammo

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  • 8/4/2019 OP 1157 Rkt Ammo



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  • 8/4/2019 OP 1157 Rkt Ammo


    3.5 INCH AND 5.0 INCH AIRCRAFT ROCKET3,25 INCH MOTOR Ia.. The 3.5~inch and the 5.0~inch Aircraft Rocketsrle~ribed jn this punphlet are @W.abiljzd rocketsudng the 3.25-inch Motor Mark 7 Mad 0 as the

    propulsive wit.2.pMufpm .

    . a. he rocket equipped with a 35inch solid s&lhead is dc$ped for peoetratiqg the hulls of submar&n and other lightI)r armored VCSS&.

    b. The roc& quipped with 3.5inch or 5.~&Ihigh explosive heads are htended for use apinsttargets such as shipping, pwmnel, bivouac areas,and light armor.

    impulse pmsses t&rough a quib in an ignite locatedin the forward end of. the mntor tube. The squibsets off a charge of Mack powder itl the i&liter, fill-ing the interior of the motor.tube with hot burninggas under high pressztre, which, in, turn, raisee toignition tmpemture the surface of the pru@mt

    3.5 -imh HeaA Mk 1 or 2 6 16-12-41 H LZS. 1503.5 -ih Head Mk.3 or 5 . . 6 , l6g-1354-g . 1.4 135.5S,O -in& Head Mk 1 Nod 0 2 . 24+12+7%. 1.2ii IN53.25~inch Motor Mk 1 Mod 0 4 .5215$.&15$$fl 6.B 189NCISCFuze Mk 148 Wwi 0 28 . sB/ia Diam,-13~N 0.57 32Nose Fuze Mk 149 *Mod 0

    * Each Fwe comet i.n an bdividustl metal cati.

  • 8/4/2019 OP 1157 Rkt Ammo


    3,54NCH ND 5 . 0 4 4 C t l . Ai RCR AP T OCKE T AMMUNlTlON OP 1 1 1 5 7 l s f Rw.1




  • 8/4/2019 OP 1157 Rkt Ammo


    It pm@& the threads on the front of the motclr andseals the front end ot the motor from rmisture andfore+ matter cluring shipment tid stw+vilg~A

    (2), CARDBOARD TUBE AND WASEEK In the frontend of the motor ate several cm-dbc~td washers anda spacer tube used to 3111he space remaining in thetube after tbe other componmlts of the nu~tor havei>emr oaded, When assembling the rocket head tothe motOr, nolrle of the carrlbrd spacers~or W&INSare hl be re#OVed.

    (3). FELT PAD. The igniter is protected from&K$c$ by the felt pad which ako t&s UP anychange in the length of the pmpelknt grain due tothemd eqansion. The felt yad is h&I in place bpthe m&baafd washera, which are cem&ed in placeto the interior af the motor abc,

    (4) d UNITER MARK 9 h!b 0. The igniter Cm-s&s of a plamic ~3~2 containing Ma& powder an4au electric. squib. Leads are mnected to the squiband pass through the motOr tuk to the nuzzle wherethey are connected to the r?lectricat CunheetOr used inlirhg the rQcket+I

    (15). INHIBITOR-FRONT. Tlw inhibitnr is made ofplasbic rnatetisl and is cernlentcd to the. front end ofthe propelknt grain. It aids in controlling the burn-ing area of tlz propellant atrd, thcrtzlvy, COW& t heprewur~ which is dev&qxd.

    (6). PROPELLEXT&MN i k tA lk# 13 MOD 0. Theprupeilmt is a simgle g&in of ballktitc shiped in theform of a crws. Inhibitor strip, cemated to theg&in, control the burning area of the pin and,hence, the pressure dcve@d within the q~olor tube.

    (?> . INHIBITCJR-REICRThirs inhibitor is mark ofplastic ma&al md is cemented to the mr of thegrain, thus waratiq the grain from the grid. Pinson the grid tit thtuugh holes in the inhibitor intorqcesses in the end of the grain.

    (8). C&ID. This is a steel support for thr! propel-lent gkill having a arms-section similar to that ofthe propellcn~ grain. The grid, inhibitor-rear WN.Ihepropellant are preventti frwm rotating int!epndMlpby theif interlocking NMruction. The &rid keepstic gmin from moving toward the rear when ig-nit4, where it might clng up th nw~k and prevei-~tthe games from escaping, causing the rn&~r tube toburst. .

    743574 '. 7 2 RESTRICTED . 7

  • 8/4/2019 OP 1157 Rkt Ammo


  • 8/4/2019 OP 1157 Rkt Ammo





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  • 8/4/2019 OP 1157 Rkt Ammo


    7* FmmBa. Nasa he hrk 149 k&d'@(1). If ~vajlabh, OP. 1017 shcmld be studied for

    a more complete descriptj& of this fune.(2)- l3s.s~p~1o~. This fuze is an air arming, im-

    pact firing Sure designed for use with 3.5-k& and5.&&b Forward Firing Aircraft Rockets. The ftm.bdy fits difictly into the fuze seat liner ritlg in thenti~ of the rocket without requiring an adapter.In the una;ined position, the firing pin is scrrr~ed

    down almgside the detonator shutter holdinR it .in IIsafe pitih, The pmpelter is attached to the firingpin and is premted from turning by. thfz propellerlocking pin, which IS attached .to the prqMler luckingpellet, The cap on the nose of the fuze is held tightlyin phcc {#I the m&et by .a clamp assembly heEdtogether by a safety wire, or a fuze arming wirewhen the round is loaded OYI launcher, and is wadyti, fire. This cap prevents expmure of the fuze to theweatlter tid is removed c+ when tht projectile isfired. A cap sprhg Iocated utlder ~Iw cap bears CHJthe top of the propellc~, prcvating it from turningas long as the cap is secur4 by the safety or armingwire. When an aawmbled rend is Ibad&! CM helauncher the arming W~I-Ps first inserted ia a holeprovidtrd next to the ssfetp wire in the! cIanq piaand bushing asmbly, after which the saftiy wireis r+yxwd. THIS ORDER MI[;ST NOT BE RE-VERSED OR TKE CAP WILL FLY OFF Ex-POSING THE PROPELI,ER. . .

    (3). HOW IT WORKS; When the rcnrvd is fired, thetrrmiq wire puIls fre, r&aqing the &rap am-bly, allowing the cap spring to thrpw off the cap,thrra exposing the propeller. At the aamc tim, ac-&ration retracts the prop&r bcking pin, Reid&@the prop&m4 ks long a$ ac~~kration cW%HM%,hedetonator shutter is Locked in piam by tlx shutterlock& pin which iti attached to the shutkr kxkirlgp&t. The pmpdlcr fums &ward in a ChWkxb+edir&icq cleating tht: dtiotlator shutter, Abcmt 8turns of the ppp4ler are squired for &e firing pia

    . to rekasre the detorrator shutter, When accekratimcm-, the &utter bbcking pin is withdraurn by theacticm of &e actback spring M the shvtter lockingpellet, and the &km&or shutter ia swung into ihearmed p&km by the act&a of the shy&r spring,provided tic firing pin has by this tia admtttisuficientiy tct clear the detonator shutter. The shut-ter is focked in the armed poti& by the detent en-RaRjng in a hole in the firin@ pin guide. The fitiq.w RES-ICIEI)

  • 8/4/2019 OP 1157 Rkt Ammo


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  • 8/4/2019 OP 1157 Rkt Ammo



    s+ RcxKEY HEAD MA RK I -MOD. 0 AND Pm Ab APTEk



  • 8/4/2019 OP 1157 Rkt Ammo


    T,- .HUlXU LOtKIWi PELLET- CLAMP_ - -..._ - -


    Y-MPPI NG tVA .Rb



  • 8/4/2019 OP 1157 Rkt Ammo


    free the detonator shutter ; Seccnd, as mehtiondabove, as the mleration increases (with increasinginitial 6rhg tempraturc) , tbc friction between theshutter atrd thl: lead-in &SC inmeases, md arming isoften not completed until propelhni burning 6c~scs.Meglecting this friction &3X, the! minimutn armingdistance due to the pr~pdler torque an lx sunjrcw-iced a8 follows:

    -- . . . . .Aircraft Sped Mhimum Arming Dist.w~c~

    { kms) from Aikra ft {f cet)0 .300

    150 . 150m 125350 - 40 ( reimnted)







    -. MAGA;U~~E

    -- mlw




  • 8/4/2019 OP 1157 Rkt Ammo


    .3 , 5 = 1 WCc IAND 5 . 6 1 NCH . AE RCRAF l r ROCKET

  • 8/4/2019 OP 1157 Rkt Ammo


    lb - RESIRtCrED

  • 8/4/2019 OP 1157 Rkt Ammo


    {b)- See th& the lug bands fit the type of hunchcrjnstalled 011 the aimIt. A boss VII t.k k;de of thhIxzar lug band should drop itlto a depreshon an themmt tube whm it is hwd Up properb with thef r o n t lug band. If the motors, as issued, have buttoulug bands fore and aft, they wiU 6it ckiy AircraftLauncher Mark 4 Mod 0. If they arr to be u& withAircraft ~Launcbx Mark 5, Mods 1, 2, or 3, it fillh ncreartary to. remove button after lug bend andreplace it wi& a tunnel lug basd. If the tiet is tobe fired irotw a Grumman Type Launcher, either lugband rnair be used on the aftcf end, but if a butttmis used, it must be rotated 90 degrees horder not tostrike the forward Jauncher pnst on firing.

    (c 5. Push the fin ;~ssembly onlo the rear end oftlw motor until- it is pbsition@cl agai&t the rear lugExwl, with the lug band cenkred between two fins.

    (cl}. Screw the tail ring onto t he m&w, l&&qthe fin assembly in plaw.

    (c). Wsscrew the froIlt shipping cap f ccxn themottx-. Do not remove w-t)-of the cardboard washergor spacers.

    (f). Strew the head onto the frunt en{1 oi themotor, using a suitable wrench. When the hvad andmotor are crwx+threaded, separation may be CX-mcd to mxur on the la&chcr. With then3.5-inchAircraft R&et, 3.25-inch Motor, aossthrtading ise;lsj!y detecied by the one-half inch or more spawthat scparakes the head skirt fmm the forward lugband when improperly assembled. With the S.&inchAircraft Rockt, 3,25 -inch Motor, cross-threadingrtwy lx d&x&d by the c-xpnw-l motor fhreaclg indi-eating partial assembly.

    (a ) _ Unscrew the tail ring and r&~-~~ve.he shipptw cap which protects the electrical conocctor inthe. rezu of th c mb&W.CAUTION : Leave thd short-ing cIip on the crlectricalC~ntlecIOr plug $ns, as ac7cidmtal ignition will fire the round at full vchcity.Rc careful not to break the nozzle closure or dam-age the el&ricA connectnr cabIt nnd plus duringsubsequent o~raticms.

    {b). See that the lug bands fit the type af launcherjnst&d au the aircraft. A button iug band isshipped with each X25-inch Motor Mark 7 Mod 0jn case a chatgc of the mar lug bmd ix neccs.s.ar~~.

    (h). Screw the Now Fuze Mark 1481Mod 0 intolhe fuz42 adapter.{i). Do not stand the rouncf on its tail, as thismay darraage the ckctrkal cabk

    peratutes defining the range within which it is safet* fire the rocket. An attempt to fief a rc~ke~ whose .temperaturk is 1~5s than the Eower tmpcratum in&-rated w jll WSU!~ n spasmodic or partial burning(often called rchufing from the noise made b-y the

  • 8/4/2019 OP 1157 Rkt Ammo



    b. OP 1235 iltustmtcs how rocket temperaturecan be accurately computed. Hcawcver, except forvery short flights an accurate mmputation is notne~sary. A good general rule in estimating rockettemptn~.~~ is to consider the r&et the same tern-gerature as the magazine, if the wket has otily.m-mtly hen removed from the magazine, but is notyet in flight If the rocket has ~CXII out of ;Chev-tine for 2 hdurs or more, but not yet in Aight, i@temprahlre can Ix: considered to be the sanle as theair ten~perat~rr, If the mutld has beets mt of themqazinrr for s to 1% hours, tur is not yet inflight, its knqwatuvz can be cc&dcwd to be theaverage between the magazim tempemture am.i airtempma~ure. When a rocket is outside its safe firingtemperature range, it must be te&md to thti safefiring temptwe range before it mn be f&d.Chatyte in temperature is depend& upaiti many fac-ton, but a general rule to follow is to consider thata return tB 8 safe firing temprature til1 take plaC.eafter the rockti hns been exposed for 6 or nmr~ hours to the temperature desired. Zf any doubt ex-i5ts as to the nxkt tempcratunt after that fw oftkc aa aca.aate txmptmmre cxmputatiti should bemade as illusrated in OP 1235.

    3. Until the head is ~~CULTAo it, the moto r Isnoa-propulsive The motor is shipped and stowedwith the metal shipping cap on the front &d. Thiscap is of light construetion~and will b.l& out at I-&-tively low prcssur& The hot gas b&t will issue from!x& ew& of the motor and, hencq constitute a firehtt~ard. E the cnotors are stowed in contatt with

    . one another, it is not probable that one motor willignite those around it.


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