ABERDEEN ST MARK’S CHURCH OF SCOTLAND Member of the Aberdeen City Centre Parish Grouping Sunday 7 April 2013 LIVING FOR CHRIST IN TODAY’S WORLD “RISEN CONFIDENCE” On the evening of the first day of the week….Jesus came and stood among them, and said, ‘Peace be with you!’ John 20: 19 (NIV)

Order of Service 7 April 2013

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Order of Service for the First Sunday of Eastertide 7 April 2013

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Member of the Aberdeen City Centre Parish Grouping

Sunday 7 April 2013



On the evening of the first day of the week….Jesus came and stood

among them, and said, ‘Peace be with you!’ John 20: 19 (NIV)

Page 2: Order of Service 7 April 2013

Welcome and News

Gathering words

Call to worship

Praise: CH4 197: As we are gathered, Jesus is here

(The offering will be carried to the Lord’s Table during this praise)

Prayers of adoration and dedication

Reflection by Alex McConochie

Praise: CH4 641: Seek ye first the Kingdom of God

Reading: John Ch 20 v 19 – 31 (page 894)

Prayer of confession and the Lord’s Prayer

Praise: CH4 486: Forgive our sins, as we forgive

Statement of forgiveness and renewal through the Risen Christ Jesus

Reading: Acts Ch 5 v 27 – 32 (page 901)

“Risen Confidence?”

Prayer of thanksgiving

Praise: CH4 251: I, the Lord of sea and sky

Prayer for the World

Praise: CH4 153: Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father


CCL Licence No 409105 Scottish Charity No SCO15451

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Sunday 7 April 2013

1. Aberdeen St Mark’s Church has been cited to be represented at a

Meeting of the Presbytery of Aberdeen on Tuesday 16 April 2013 at

7pm in Holburn West Church. All Congregations have been cited to

attend this meeting. (For your information only.)

2. The Congregational Board will meet tomorrow evening at 7.30 pm.

Relevant papers are available in the Deacons’ Room this morning.

3. The Session Minute for the meeting of Wednesday 20 March is ready

for uplifting from the Deacons’ Room.

4. The Strollers will meet on Saturday 13 April at 2pm outside the Hydro

Electric Shop on Union Street. You are welcome.

5. The Cast of the Aberdeen Student Show 2013 presents The Annual

Spring Concert in St Mark’s Hall on Wednesday 10 April at 2 pm: £3

entry includes tea/coffee and fine pieces

6. Go Walkies at Beach Esplanade: please support Paula Garden and

Yorik as they raise money for the Guide Dogs on Sunday 14 April at 2

pm. If you want to walk along with others and exercise, meet at Fittee

end of the Beach Esplanade. You don’t need a dog to do the walk but

if you do have a four-legged friend bring him/her along. Sponsorship

forms are available this morning.

7. St Mark’s Rambling Group are going to Glen Tanar on Saturday 13

April. If you have transport meet there at 10 am. If you require

transport speak to Ian Lord. Bring flask and sandwiches!!

8. Any Intimations for the Pew Leaflet must be given to the office, by e-

mail or in writing, by Wednesday of each week.

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Forthcoming Services

Sunday 14 April 11 am Morning Worship


“Restoration and peace”

6.30 pm OAK Evening Service

Crown Terrace Methodist Church

Preacher: Rev Diane Hobson

Sunday 21 April 11 am Morning Worship


“Gifts from God”

Sunday 28 April 11 am Morning Worship


“First for God”

Sunday 5 May 11 am Morning Worship


“Sharing 4 U”

Tea/coffee in the Hall after the service