Ostrobothnia in English ISSUE 4

Ostrobothnia in English

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Page 1: Ostrobothnia in English

Ostrobothniain English


Page 2: Ostrobothnia in English

Editor ialby Teija T ynkkinen

T his t ime the magazine is more or less about entrepreneurs and

entrepreneurship - there are for example few introduct ions of new,

local companies. We also have a lot of new things on this issue, such as

the Social Media Corner and the world?s first English translat ion of

the Ostrobothnian comic str ip Pöyrööt.

Next t ime the main theme is spare t ime. We hope to see stor ies about

culture, hobbies or for example nature and outdoors in Ostrobothnia

area. I f you have a good story on your mind, do not hesitate to send it

even if it is about some other topic. You do not have to have previous

experience in writ ing or photographing, we are glad that the

magazine looks like you and me. We are happy to welcome you to join

us as a reader or a journalist !

T he next OIE will be published on the 9th of October. To get your

art icle published, the deadline for the mater ials is one week before,

the 2nd of October. Please send the mater ials:

[email protected]. Have a nice autumn!


CONTACT INFORMATION EDITOR IN CHIEF: [email protected] ART DIRECTOR: [email protected]

Page 3: Ostrobothnia in English

On the 27th of August, northern business will stand in the spotlight and get the attention that it deserves when the leading business forum in Northern Scandinavia, Northern Glow, takes place in Oulu. It is a continuation of the event launched last year. This year, the main focus will be on northern opportunities, sales and marketing as well as international business.

Northern Glow is dif ferent business forum, which gives new inspiration and helps companies to success globally. The program consists of keynotes and three streams: Digitalization changes the world, Boost the Business and Artic know-how.

The program is mainly in Finnish but afternoon session in the Artic know-how and Digitalization Changes the World ?streams are in English.The venue of the event is SuperPark Arena, which is located in Oulu, Limingantulli.

Place: SuperPark Arena Oulu, Finland 27.8.2015

Northern Glow gathers top business speakers to Oulu

Page 4: Ostrobothnia in English


A new worldwide map service of

social media

IMapYou.net is a new type of service

for both entrepreneurs and pr ivate

users. I t enables users to download or

find houses, to publish events or for

example inform their companies sales.

I t is possible to download temporary

treasure caches for the kids?

bir thdays, yard sales, find products or

rental property, such as apartments,

cottages or caravan. To download

whatever, whenever, wherever, it just

needs to have an address.

New type of social media map service

is used worldwide, so also the

internat ionalizat ion and new market

areas are just a few clicks away. T he

service has been published in August

2015 in Kokkola, Central

Ostrobothnia. As well as the locality,

the service offers possibilit ies to be

seen internat ionally. IMapYou.net is

also a great opportunity for new

realizat ions and innovat ive ways to

become known and use social media.

T hat is why imaginary and

interest ing ways to use the map

service are expected. I t is possible to

achieve more effect ive ways to be seen

and heart than ever before. T he

languages used are at the beginning

Finnish, Swedish and English and

they can be found on the web page


I MAP YOU is a worldwide innovat ion

on your computer.

T ry one month for free with a code:

FREE2015Try one month for f ree with a code: FREE2015

Page 5: Ostrobothnia in English

The w or l d 's on l y r ad i o chan n el , w her e You

can n ot hear a si n gl e w or d i n En gl i sh .

Rad i o Suom i Pop Aam u l ypsy show ever y

m or n i n g f r om 6 to 10, com pl etel y i n Fi n n i sh .

H aapavesi 105,6 K ok k ol a 106,3 K r uun upyy 105,3 K u r i k k a 101,1 Lapua 103,3

Lest i jär v i 92,9 Ou l u 96,4 Raahe 105,8 Si ev i 104,6 Vaasa 102,0 Äh tär i 104,9

Page 6: Ostrobothnia in English

" Our mission is to help business to thr ive in the Seinäjoki City"

In order to be able to work in the group,

one must be willing to open their

business idea to others, to give and

receive feedback from others. Most of all

you need to trust the group. Luckily,

many of the part icipants in the first

patch felt that networking and peer

feedback were the most valuable assets

of the short t raining.

Part icipat ing also gave structure, t ime

limits and deadlines to those who needed

the extra push and encouraging in the

first metres of their way. Not all of the

business ideas came through, but that is

also one our purposes: to offer a test ing

plat form and a chance to think whether

entrepreneurship is my choice. Not all of

the business ideas turn into sparkling

start ups, but some also offer a living for

talented and hard-working people. Both

of which are equally important,

honourable and welcome to our


I f the abovementioned services interest you or you have concerns consider ing your business, please do give a call or wr ite us an email. You can find our contact info from www.intoseinajoki.fi. ; click EN on the r ight upper corner. You can also find us from Facebook and L inkedIn.

Into Seinäjoki Oy L td was

established in the beginning of the

year 2015 when Seinäjoki business

centre SEEK and the regional

business development company

Frami Oy L td were merged into

one company. T he company is

affiliated to the City of Seinäjoki.

Seinäjoki University of Applied

Sciences also owns a piece of the

company. Our mission is to help

the local businesses to thr ive and

develop. Our customers are

entrepreneurs, start ing and

exist ing businesses, and also

business that are relocat ing and

expanding the business to our

area. We also try our very best to

funct ion as a br idge between the

businesses and the City of


As ment ioned Into Seinäjoki Oy also

offers services to exist ing business.

We are specialised in refining

business ideas and in regenerat ing

business act ivity. Our business

development services also offer

pitching coaching, business idea

test ing forum called Ideaprässi and

assistance in for example Tekes

projects. Our relocat ing services

offer help in finding the suitable

business premises and environment

from Seinäjoki City. We are

specialised in adapt ing the premises

on offer and in mediat ion of business

and industr ial plots in the Seinäjoki

area. Into Seinäjoki Oy is also an

act ive member in developing and

market ing Seinäjoki as a business

environment. We focus especially on

the development of the city centre,

stat ion area, logist ical areas and

boost ing the ecosystem for food

system operat ions.

Into Seinäjoki Oy has 32 staff

members and I am one of them. I

work in our Service team as a project

manager. Last spr ing we launched a

short t raining programme called

?L iikeideat lentoon? as a plat form for

developing new business ideas. T he

programme is targeted to

entrepreneurs or teams that are on

the verge of start ing a business.

?L iikeideat lentoon? training

programme consist of six group

sessions where we work on the

customer profiles, value promises,

product or service line and sales

pitch of the business.

written by Päivi Alaniska

Page 7: Ostrobothnia in English

An entrepreneur, me?

I st ill remember vividly the t ime

when I was sure that I would never

be an entrepreneur. I grew up in an

entrepreneur family and later

marr ied an entrepreneur, so I have

realist ic picture of the ups and

downs of an entrepreneur?s life. I t

wasn't the work that scared me for I

was quite used to working long

hours and doing my work

independent ly. I was more afraid of

the stress that could be caused by

the incomes irregular ity and the fact

that I should be T HE spokes person

of my own business. I t is a lot easier

to hide behind your computer and do

the task assigned to you than to step

out to the spot lights ?especially if

you?re a shy and insecure person like

I am.

T he Finnish language has a phrase

?elämä kasvattaa? meaning that you

live and learn - and that was the case

with me as well. After var ious events

and coincidence, in December 2014 I

found myself thinking about sett ing

up a business of my own. After

pondering for a while, the idea

didn?t actually seem that impossible.

After all, the past few years had built

my social skills and confidence and

made me realize that, for example,

meet ing new people and networking

isn?t really that bad. On the

contrary, it is quite rewarding when

you can use your own know-how and

skill in helping someone!

The first miles of the Graphic Design Koivuporras I became an entrepreneur officially

in March 2015 when Graphic Design

Koivuporras started doing business.

I was quite fortunate since I didn?t

need any big investments to get

started. T he tools I needed to do my

work were already mine and I also

had a few clients ready. However, the

biggest quest ion was: where to get

more clients or new clients?

In May 2014 I part icipated to the

L iikeideat Lentoon ?training

programme organized by Into

Seinäjoki Oy. T he training gave me

the t ime and tools to think about my

business idea more thoroughly.

Furthermore, I received valuable

contacts from the training and also a

good boost on the networking way

useful to all entrepreneurs.

My history as an entrepreneur is

hardly a long one, nor do I have

clients queuing on my doorsteps, but

I?ve grown to like my small business a

lot . I love the fact that I?ll get to do

the work that I love the most. I am a

market ing person with a capital M, a

visual one. Helping people in

developing their visual image and

market ing communicat ion is great!

Only seeing a sat isfied customer

beats that.

When I think about the pros of being

an entrepreneur, flexibility and

making my own schedules is

definitely on the top of my list . Even

though some days might turn long, I

know that I can have a day off in the

middle of the week every now and

then. In fact , working late in the

night is quite accepted, if you have a

good dr ive on. I also like my work for

its' versat ility. Working on a book

project feels great after revising

online store sett ings or the other way


T he years I spent working as a

graphic designer at Honkatalot gave

me a good overall understanding of

market ing communicat ions. I?ve

studied digital market ing and social

media to add up my know-how. I

think that my strongest asset is my

versat ility. I can offer a broader rage

of services to my clients than many of

my colleagues, and thus, save my

clients t ime, money and effort .

I hope that businesses would learn

to see market ing communicat ions as

a cont inuing project instead of just

one purchase. At the end, market ing

is vital when it comes to finding new

customers and maintaining a

customer relat ionship. Plus, working

closely and persistent ly with your

market ing person, usually gives you

better results.

I?m looking forward to the Autumn.

T here are some interest ing projects

coming up and it seems that

Seinäjoki is also serving interest ing

networking events and seminars for

us entrepreneurs.

See you there, eh? J

F or mor e inf or mat ion on G r ap h ic Design K oivup or r as, look gd .k oivup or r as.com.

P ict ur e: S t ud io St r eet

Writ ten by Pia Koivuporras

Page 8: Ostrobothnia in English

For a few years after t rying art school I was taking turns

working at a recycling centre and trying other jobs I

might like for short per iods of t ime. All careers I had

considered for myself eventually didn't work out for

mult iple reasons. During this t ime I had started to write

an animat ion and comic review blog, which today has

become very popular. I regular ly read comics and other

kinds of art books, most of them I 've ordered online. Over

t ime I received a lot of similar comments in my blog about

how the reader was sad as they couldn't read these comics

too. Some didn't know English well enough, they didn't

dare to order anything from foreign countr ies or didn't

know how to, or the shipping costs were too high. I

realized that someone should publish these comics in

Finnish. And that someone could be me.

T he comics industry in Finland is doing well, especially

Japanese comics, known as manga, are dominat ing the

market and selling well year after year. However there

were almost no comics available in Finnish about animals

and nature, especially not aimed for older teens and


ANIMAL AND NATURE THEMED STORIES FOR OLDER PEOPLEI have always been an art ist ic soul. When I was younger I wanted to become a full t ime art ist ,

but once I started going to an actual art school I finally realized how hard and close to

impossible it was to support myself with art alone. T he art market in Finland is quite small and

it takes a lot of effort , talent and sheer luck to be successful here. I decided it wasn't worth it . I

wanted to keep personal art as a simple hobby and do something else instead.

by Nara Uusihanni

I 've always been an animal lover, but the cr it ter comics

published here were most ly too cutesy and aimed for a very

young audience. T here were a few except ions, of course, but

major ity of the animal comics were very harmless and dull for

a twentysomething like me.

To my surpr ise my business idea was taken ser iously. I

started seeing a company advisor in autumn of 2014. In ear ly

2015 I received a business loan and company start ing money,

both with the first applicat ion. I paid the licensing fee for an

American independent comic called Virus Rising by K.M.

Heyward and began translat ing it . I also ordered the last

remaining stock of an art card deck featur ing endangered

wildlife, so I could have var iety in my products ear ly on. Both

of these items are for sale in my web store at the moment.

I really enjoyed working with the translat ion. T ranslat ing a

comic book is very different compared to a regular book, as

comics are all about visuals. T he text has to both look and

sound good, the words have to have a good flow but also fit

the text bubbles well. T hen there's font choices, I couldn't

use the some of the or iginal fonts as they didn't have ä and ö

commonly used in Finnish, so I had to find similar fonts. T he

translat ion should sound good to a Finnish reader, but I st ill

have to preserve the nuances that were in the or iginal edit ion.

T he smallest changes can make the text sound very different.

I 'm happy with the final product, it looks quite professional,

has very vivid colours and good quality paper. I hope I can

cont inue doing this as a proper career, as this work seems

just r ight for me. I enjoy working with art- related subjects,

but I don't see myself as talented and dr iven enough to create

art myself on a large scale. I also love to keep up with the

comics industry, discover ing and reading both new and old

works and talking about them with other readers and art ists. Visit Krieger Comics online at www.kriegercomics.com

Page 9: Ostrobothnia in English

I opened a small baggage at the

corner of my bed. I was thinking

about, what would be needed for the

travel dur ing the coming weekend.

About ten years ago, as a 20-year old

youngster, I used to pack a tent, food

and some dr inks. I was confused about

how many t ime t imes I had visited

Provinssirock. Was it 15 t imes?

Because of several re- locat ions around

the country dur ing the last few years,

and nowadays in an other town, this

year I decided to rent an apartment for

a few nights from the same

neighbourhood a the fest ival venue.

I was excited about what was to

come. I was going to t ravel alone and

to br ing my bicycle with me. My hopes

were high that there would be more

fest ival goers this year after a few low

visitor years. At least the art ist

repertoire was impressive. My

favour ites were Die Artwood, Muse

and Fink. T he other musical styles

were free to drop in to my conscience

on feeling.

Many years back, when I was

younger and my income was smaller

than my spending, I used to visit

Provinssirock more or less with the

spir it of a fest ival camper. A few t imes,

I even bought myself a day- t icket as an

bonus. Attempts were made to sneak

in to the area, but the at tempts showed


SUMMERTIMEPhotos & story by Henna Ikola

I remember from those ?camping?

-years one fr iend, whom I met at our

Camping site and who I saw many

years to come at Provinssirock. Later

on, I bumped into him when I was

studying in Jyväskylä. I t felt very odd.

I didn't really know what to say, the

situat ion lacked the familiar fr iends

and the fest ival-van. Later on, I

bumped in to him when I was studying

in Jyväskylä. I t felt very odd. I didn't

really know what to say, the situat ion

lacked the familiar fr iends and the

fest ival-van.

Lets begin again. I packed my bag

and jumped in to my small red

Hyundai towards Seinäjoki. I left my

husband and dog at home. Freedom,

here we come!

T he weather was bleak. I

programmed into the navigator the

address of my rented appartment.

When I arr ived, I was surpr ised. T he

appartment was in very close vicinity

next to a house where a family of four

lived. T his was nice. I felt again as a

young student who had just moved in

to a new appartment. My budget did

not allow for an one-roomer in the city

centre so this was a choice made by a

compromise. T his is all that a human

being needs! A bed, a shower, coffee

and maybe some wine too. I was so

excited about my ?small home? that I

decided to postpone my leaving for the

fest ival area.

Page 10: Ostrobothnia in English

I t started to rain, and no way I would

go out yet. I focused myself on

dr inking some wine and listen to some

music from my portable speaker. I t

seems that I have become one that

seeks comfortability.. T here was no

need to go and see my favour ite bands

if it meant to exper ience it in the cold


When Muse were going to start

playing, I finally decided that now it is

t ime go. T he last t ime I saw Muse, was

in the year 2002 at I losaar irock in

Joensuu. I put on several layers of

clothing and jumped on the bicycle

towards the fest ival area. When I

arr ived, I not iced to my surpr ise, that

there were a lot of people, even

though the weather was bad. After the

gig evening I speeded with my bicycle

back to my apartment. In my mind

was a hot shower, a cup of warm tea

and to cover myself under some thick


T he next morning was cloudy with

some sunshine. I went with my bike to

the Siwa at K ivistö to buy a few

fest ival beverages and some food. I

was in a summer mood and excitement

when two of my fr iends joined me.

When I arr ived at the fest ival area, I

could hear from a distance Kaija Koo

singing. In my own childhood, there

was a moment when T uulen Viemää

by Kaija Koo on a C-cassette rocked!

T he feeling in the record where Kaija

descr ibes a lost close one. I almost

dropped a tear.

T he evening was finalized for me with

Jukka & Jytämimmit, who was the most

energet ic appearance dur ing the

evening. Fink?s gig was in an int imate

sett ing in the Soundstage tent.

Also, somewhat different from these

two, was Antt i T uisku, who surpr ised us

all with his massive crowd. T here was a

sh* t load of people watching him! Antt i

held the public at his fingert ips with

?Peto on ir t i? (T he beast is unleashed!).

We watched him for a few songs and

then left him shaking his hips while we

went on elsewhere. After dancing to

Calvin Harr is a while, I felt the sudden

urge to leave for the apartment and go

to sleep under those comfortable bed


I went back on Saturday to see my

fr iends and enjoy some music. Refused

from Umeå was impressive. T he singers

stage presence got this ladys feet

spaghett i- like. T he highlight of the

night though, was watch from the top of

a Ferr is Wheel Faith No More play

Midlife Cr isis.

I will definitely cont inue the

Provinssirock tradit ion for the next 15


Page 11: Ostrobothnia in English

SOCIAL MEDIA CORNER Ostrobothnia in English ?magazine?s own Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/ostrobothniainenglish

T he upcoming deadlines, publicat ion dates, informat ion about the upcoming themes, links to the previous OIE-news etc.

Pohjanmaan kautta (Visit Pohjanmaa) ht tps://www.facebook.com/PohjanmaanKautta Experiencing Ostrobothnia and South Ostrobothnia.

Second hand shop of Ikea in Ostrobothnia area:

ht tps://www.facebook.com/groups/ikeakirpputor ipohjanmaa You may buy and sell Ikea products.

Young entrepreneurs in Central Ostrobothnia: ht tps://www.facebook.com/groups/nuoretyr it tajat

Under 40 years old entrepreneurs in Central Ostrobothnia. T he group is for the entrepreneurs and people who wish to start their own business. I t is a place for the like-minded people to co-operate and change ideas.

Pöyrööt: ht tps://instagram.com/poyroot/ Ostrobothnian comic str ips in Finnish. English versions are coming soon!

You may send your social media link t ip to: [email protected].




Page 12: Ostrobothnia in English

Arct ic Air linkT he Arct ic Air link flight connect ion has taken its place as an important part of Northern logist ics.

Arct ic Air link is a completely new route connect ing Oulu, Luleå and T romsø, the towns that increasingly

work in direct cooperat ion in business, academic, urban, administrat ive and tour ism sectors.

T he connect ion Arct ic Air link flies the route five t imes per week: on Mondays, Wednesdays, T hursdays,

Fr idays and Sundays. T he flight is operated by Next jet , who uses Saab 340 aircraft with 33 passenger seats.
