ORBI Class - Joe T 제기동 제일학원 - 서금철 T - 1 - Part 1. 인수 1, 1강~6강 Act 1. Voca 정리 01. 다음 숙어들의 의미를 쓰라 ① let down ② Overall Vs Gradually ③ jump to the conclusion that ~ ④ leave out ⑤ time and again ⑥ in ~ ing, by ~ing, on(upon) ~ing ⑦ full of beans ⑧ dispose, disposal, disposable ☞ Overall, there was an increase in commuters in each category from 2001 to 2011. Driving a car or van to work was the most common means of commuting in 2001 and 2011, I read the review of Social Distortion by Jack Churchill and couldn't have been more let down. 02. 밑줄 친 부분의 뜻을 쓰시오. ① Studies indicate that wind turbines kill up to [ ] 100,000 birds each year in the United States. ② City planners unveil their scheme [ ] for a new waste-disposal [ ] site without having involved the residents of the surrounding neighborhood ③ The national budget director and the President's chief of staff closet themselves with six congressional leaders and emerge with an agreed-upon set of budget cuts ; members of Congress who weren't involved denounce the agreement and reject it in the subsequent [ ] vote.

Part 1. 인수 1, 1강~6강

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Page 1: Part 1. 인수 1, 1강~6강

ORBI Class - Joe T

제기동 제일학원 - 서금철 T- 1 -

Part 1. 인수 1, 1강~6강

Act 1. Voca 정리

01. 다음 숙어들의 의미를 쓰라

① let down

② Overall Vs Gradually

③ jump to the conclusion that ~

④ leave out

⑤ time and again

⑥ in ~ ing, by ~ing, on(upon) ~ing

⑦ full of beans

⑧ dispose, disposal, disposable

☞ Overall, there was an increase in commuters in each category from 2001 to 2011.

Driving a car or van to work was the most common means of commuting in 2001

and 2011,

☞ I read the review of Social Distortion by Jack Churchill and couldn't have been more

let down.

02. 밑줄 친 부분의 뜻을 쓰시오.

① Studies indicate that wind turbines kill up to[ ] 100,000 birds each year in

the United States.

② City planners unveil their scheme[ ] for a new waste-disposal[ ]

site without having involved the residents of the surrounding neighborhood

③ The national budget director and the President's chief of staff closet themselves with

six congressional leaders and emerge with an agreed-upon set of budget cuts ;

members of Congress who weren't involved denounce the agreement and reject it in

the subsequent[ ] vote.

Page 2: Part 1. 인수 1, 1강~6강

ORBI Class - Joe T

제기동 제일학원 - 서금철 T- 2 -

④ As consultants, my colleagues and I have invested considerable[ ] effort in

advising business and government leaders on how to create more competitive


⑤ In order to avoid conflicting responsibilities to the client and the employer, a

prudent[ ] counselor will establish clear guidelines which are known to both

the employer and the client about who, other than the client, will have access to

records of counseling.

⑥ Business casual attire[ ]. No jeans or sneakers.

⑦ The train was the least used among the five means of commuting in 2001 and

2011, with less than 5,000 commuters in both 2001 and

2011 respectively[ ].

⑧ As we habitually use technology (and, let's admit, demand immediacy) in both

retrieving[ ] information and tendering our responses, we scatter our


⑨ Bartering[ ] also depends on what economists call a double

coincidence[ ] of wants.

⑩ In January-November 2010, chain bookshops accounted for[ ] the largest

market share with 30 percent of all book purchases, followed by[ ]

Internet-only retailers with 25.4 percent.

⑪ Find a unique and compelling[ ] story.

⑫ Every year we receive hundreds of applications for a limited number of available

positions[ ].

⑬ Beware[ ] of inventions that claim to use ordinary water as fuel ; these

usually obtain the hydrogen by using other energy to separate it from water, by

electrolysis or use of another fuel such as a purified metal.

⑭ Newer turbine designs use slower blade rotation speeds and do not provide places

for birds to perch or nest, which also reduces bird casualties[ ].

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ORBI Class - Joe T

제기동 제일학원 - 서금철 T- 3 -

⑮ This tendency to revert[ ] to the familiar is not a cultural trait, but it is

indicative of some of the deeper challenges faced by those who wish to promote a

different, more prosperous vision of the future.

⑯ The Conchos pupfish is not a spring dweller[ ] like others within its

genus; instead it prefers to occupy streams both large and small, avoiding springs

and their surrounding areas.

⑰ In central Mexico, the Otomi- and Nahuatl-speaking cultures have cultivated agaves

since the pre-Hispanic period, and the plants continue to hold economic and cultural

significance among indigenous peoples[ ].

⑱ Successful bartering depends on an agreement of value. In order for you to

strike[ ] an effective trade with your neighbor, you both have to agree that

one sheep is worth one coyote-fighting weapon.

⑲ Males gain some body coloration[ ] during the breeding[ ]

season in particular, when they develop an orange-yellow color on the dorsal fin on

their backs. The dorsal fin of the female and all juveniles[ ] has a dark spot

at its base called an ocellus.

⑳ Three generations of us have managed to walk this earth without understanding the

fundamentals of food production ─ when to plant seeds, when certain foods are

locally in season, how to put up garden produce, what cows, pigs, sheep and

chickens eat, how they are slaughtered and processed, or the labor that food

production entails[ ].

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제기동 제일학원 - 서금철 T- 4 -

03. 괄호에 들어갈 단어를 영어로 쓰시오

① When his body finally stopped spinning, his arm pointed away from the dancers on

stage and out at the 관중들[ s ] directly at Dan Tres. “Ohhhhs!” erupted from

the crowd as the younger, nimble b-boy accidentally called out the 33 year-old

history major, husband, father of three, and respected elder within the hip-hop

community, who looked surprised but then immediately started to 향하다[ h ]

for the stage

② To break a confidence could create legal 책임,책무 [ l ] for the counselor.

③ Such wannabe resolutions require changing 수십개의[ s ] of behaviors and

put us broadly at war with autopilot.

④ We have learned, however, that good answers to the 긴박한, 절박한 [ p ]

questions of economic development are not sufficient to engender the change

needed to reverse the tides of poorly performing economies.

⑤ She knew it was hard to get compliments from Megan and couldn’t hide her huge

웃음 [ g ].

⑥ Even elderly rats show brain changes in response to experience, contrary to the 속담

[ a ] about old dogs and new tricks.

⑦ As Jay liked to say, "The dogs may bark, but the 마차, 행렬[ c ] moves on."

⑧ The common name was given to it long ago because the plant accumulates

drinkable water within its leaf bases. This water can be collected during times of

drought or 기근, 부족 [ s ].

⑨ Agaves have a large, circular arrangement of leaves that extend outward from the

stem. The leaves tend to be wide and flat with 줄기, 척추 [ s ] on their edges.

... Would it work today? A 떨림, 전율 [ s ] of excitement ran down her spine.

She shut her eyes, prayed and pushed the button...

⑩ According to an Ohio State University study, even the least efficient 식물 [ p ]

food is nearly ten times as efficient as the most efficient animal food.

⑪ The button which had opened up her very own secret 통로 [ p ], her entrance

to a world of adventures.

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제기동 제일학원 - 서금철 T- 5 -

⑫ Also, the males have a prominent black band at the tip of the tail fin. For couples

who marry, the scales are 기울어지다 [ t ]ped even farther, and farther still when

the first child arrives.

⑬ Because it was a primary resource, I wanted to bring it to your attention

in case you are considering submitting a correction in your next 호[ i ].

⑭ Thank you for 싣다, 게재하다 [ r ]ning my article, "Strengthening Your Brand for

the 21st Century."

⑮ Recently, as traffic 량, 부피 [ v ]s have grown, and with new highway building

increasingly unaffordable or undesirable, some agencies have begun adding new

lanes to highways by either eliminating the shoulder lane or making the existing

lanes narrower.

⑯ One thing at a time : it's been around as a basic principle since the 새벽, 시작

[ d ] of time!

⑰ The car crash 앗아가다 [ c ]ed three lives.

⑱ She opened her own private practice a short time afterwards. However, the double

prejudices ─ against blacks and against women ─ conspired against her, forcing her

to close her 개업 [ p ].

⑲ If your 공장 [ p ] is releasing toxic vapors affecting our health, then you must

stop it immediately.

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Act 2. L O C O S

01. Researchers tend to measure whether or not teachers have learned the training

content but have focused little on their use of this content in their classrooms. In order

for successful implementation of training to occur, teachers must first learn the content,

but this is only the first step and evaluating the effectiveness of training based on this

step only would likely provide an [ accurate/ inaccurate ] conclusion. In addition, many

assessments of training effectiveness have focused on teacher attitudes toward the

training experience which can contribute to the body of knowledge on this topic but

leaves out a crucial component : [ i ]. 인수1, 1강 02번

02. Ownership is not necessarily the same as [ u ] control and access. To break

a confidence could create legal liabilities for the counselor. Counselors should be

cautious about giving employers access to confidential information. 인수1, 1강 06번

03. Recent studies of experience and the brain have begun to produce some very

interesting details. For instance, age is no object. While it was natural to try the

experiment first with very young rats, enrichment was later tried with rats of all ages.

Even elderly rats show brain changes in response to experience, contrary to the adage

about old dogs and new tricks. Also, since most of the changes in structure, at all ages,

were in the visual part of the brain, it seemed possible that merely seeing more could

make the difference. Rats were kept in small cages within the larger "enriched

environment" cages, from which they could watch the toys and other rats but not

participate. Their brains showed no changes. Evidently, we must grapple with the world

to change the brain, not just [ ]. 인수1, 2강 01번

04. One of the most common negotiating mistakes [ is / are ] to announce that you

have found the solution to the problem. ... The national budget director and the

President's chief of staff closet themselves with six congressional leaders and emerge

with an agreed-upon set of budget cuts ; members of Congress who weren't involved

denounce the agreement and reject it in the subsequent vote. So, too, your negotiating

counterparts are likely to [ r ] your proposal if they have no role in shaping it.

인수1, 2강 01번

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05. On the other hand, wider lanes, which are presumably safer, have been shown to

increase speed Indeed, some reports have even suggested that lanes wider than the

typical U.S. twelve-foot standard may actually be less safe. So far, studies that have

looked into the narrowing of highway lanes have come to [ m ] conclusions on

whether the new layouts are more or less safe. In some cases, the difference was not

statistically [ minor/ significant ]. 인수1, 2강 03번

06. The `personality causes behavior' theory predicts there would be a high level of

consistency in the boys' actions, with the extroverted teenagers constantly chatting away

and the introverted ones repeatedly hiding away in the corner. [ 연결사 ], the results

failed to show any evidence of such consistency. 인수1, 2강 04번

07. On average, about twenty times more energy is required to produce meat calories

than to produce plant calories. According to an Ohio State University study, even the

least efficient plant food is nearly ten times as efficient as the most efficient [ a ]

food. Using the more conservative number from the study, we realize that we can

produce plant calories with 90 percent [ more /less ] energy from fossil fuels than it

takes to produce the same number of meat calories. 인수1, 3강 01번

09. When we decide to improve ourselves-to shake things up-we run straight into

resistance from autopilot. While the autopilot system in a car can easily be switched off

so that the driver can resume control, disabling any part of your personal autopilot

requires real effort. Autopilot likes [ r ] and resists [ c ]. The more

change we impose on ourselves, the more resistance we must overcome. And yet we

nearly always shoot for an instant transformation, resolving to be slim, to be neat, to

be on time. Such wannabe resolutions require changing scores of behaviors and put us

broadly at war with autopilot. 인수1, 3강 04번

10. Bartering also depends on what economists call a double coincidence of wants. The

system is most successful when you and a second person both want/need what the

other has, at the same moment in time. But what if that's not the case? What if your

neighbor isn't in the market for more sheep? Maybe his pressing need is a new blanket

to keep his baby warm. This complicates things. In order to make the trade, you'd first

have to find someone who is willing to trade a blanket for your sheep. Then, you'd

turn around and trade the blanket for the weapon. This method of [ in ]

trading is clumsy and more time-intensive, but it can work if everyone agrees on the

value of all items involved. 인수1, 3강 05번

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Act 3. 구문연습

01. I observed a group of teenagers from our neighborhood [ to conduct/ conducting ]

a peaceful protest in front of your plant. 인수1, 1강 03번

02. In addition to [ march / marching ] near your front gate, they were chanting and

carrying signs advocating "Environmental Justice" and "Clear the Air for Everyone." As

your car [ approached/ approached to ] the plant, I was surprised to see you drive

dangerously close to the protesters. I also heard you insult the protesters. I believe you

owe these young citizens an apology. 인수1, 1강 03번

03. I now find it interesting and a bit amusing that one of my first encounters with

newspapers was one of disrespect. In the early days of our brand, Jay and I tried to

advertise for distributors in the classified sections of newspapers. The advertisement

simply [ read/ was read ] : "Make $1,000 a month part time. Complete training

available." ... If you believe in [ which/ what ] you're doing, you have to move forward

against the disrespectful crowd. 인수1, 1강 04번

04. The only reason I can think of that you would even print this uninspired review [ is/

are ] to use the photos that were taken at the show. 인수1, 1강 05번

05. Counselors who have not clarified their employers' access to records in advance of

counseling and are working without a corresponding agreement with their clients about

access are likely to find themselves [ to catch/ caught ] between two principles which

have both ethical and legal implications. The usual principle is that records made on

materials provided by an employer or in the employer's time belong to that employer.

However, the principles and law of confidentiality suggest that there [ is / are / be ]

restrictions on how the employer exercises that ownership. 인수1, 1강 06번

06. We have learned, however, that good answers to the pressing questions of

economic development are not sufficient to engender the change needed to reverse the

tides of poorly performing economies. Individuals will often accept intellectual

arguments, understand their need to change, and express commitment to [ change /

changing ], but then resort to what is familiar. This tendency to revert to the familiar is

not a cultural trait, but it is indicative of some of the deeper challenges [ facing / faced

] by those who wish to promote a different, more prosperous vision of the future. 인수

1, 2강 06번

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07. 틀린 곳을 찾으시오.

On the other hand, wider lanes, which are presumably safer, have been shown to

increase speed. Indeed, some reports have even suggested that lanes wider than the

typical U.S. twelve-feet standard may actually be less safe. 인수1, 2강 03번

08. In one study, for example, counselors working at a summer camp for teenage boys

were asked to secretly note down the degree [ which/ in which/ to which ] the boys

displayed various forms of extroverted behavior, such as talking during mealtimes,

seeking the limelight, and initiating conversations. 인수1, 2강 04번

09. As consultants, my colleagues and I have invested considerable effort in advising

business and government leaders on how to create more competitive economies. We

have tried to do so in a manner [ that/ how ] is respectful of local heritages and

institutions. 인수1, 2강 06번

10. Did you know that it takes two calories of fossil fuel to produce one calorie of

energy from soybeans? That doesn't sound like a very good deal until you learn that it

takes fifty-four calories of fossil fuel to produce one calorie of energy from beef. Herein

[ lies / lie ] a golden opportunity - perhaps the overall best opportunity to greatly

reduce our global consumption of energy. ... According to an Ohio State University

study, even the least efficient plant food is nearly ten times as efficient as the most

efficient animal food. [ Using / Used ] the more conservative number from the study,

we realize that we can produce plant calories with 90 percent less energy from fossil

fuels than it takes to [ producing/ produce ] the same number of meat calories. 인수1,

3강 01번

11. It's been estimated that 25 percent of our workdays are spent immersed in

information overload, and indeed, some of that information is bad and some is good.

So not only [ we lack / do we lack ] true downtime, but we also miss true thinking

time, which can help us separate the wheat from the chaff. As we habitually use

technology (and, let's admit, demand immediacy) in both retrieving information and

tendering our responses, we scatter our attention. 인수1, 3강 02번

12. Resolving to be slim [ means / mean ] changing your habits in almost every eating

circumstance : what you eat, how often you eat, how much you eat, the way you eat.

Suddenly every action, every choice [ demands / demand ] scrutiny, conscious effort,

and willpower. 인수1, 3강 04번

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13. Retailer app use accounted for 27 percent of the time [ spent / are spent ] by

consumers on shopping apps in December 2012, showing an increase of 12 percentage

points compared to December 2011. 인수1, 4강 08번

14. Because members of the Aloe genus tend to be more familiar to people, agaves are

often mistaken for aloes. A difference between agave and aloe is that the leaf of agave

is fibrous whereas the leaf of aloe is gelatinous. 인수1, 5강 01번

15. She opened her own private practice a short time afterwards. However, the double

prejudices ─ against blacks and against women ─ conspired against her, forcing her to

close her practice. Nevertheless, she continued to work with other organizations

[ committing / committed ] to the advocacy of African-Americans and women. 인수1, 5

강 02번

16. The decision of the judges is final. Contestants need not [ to be/ be ] present, only

the frogs that are jumped in their name. 인수1, 5강 04번

17. 틀린 곳을 찾으시오.

Many people think that the travelers’ tree is a kind of palm because its many sturdy

trunks very much resemble certain palms. 인수1, 5강 06번

18. 틀린 곳을 찾으시오.

It made my heart pound just to see it. This was something quite new, no mere hike

or treasure hunt. Well, yes, it was a treasure hunt, for real treasure: a tiny summit, high

in the sky. Soon this treasure would be our. 인수1, 6강 03번

19. Well, that was all it took for a wild food fight to be in full swing. Then our dog,

Petey, not wanting to be left out of the fun, came bounding into the dining room.

Landing on some noodles, his front legs slid one way, his back legs [ the other/

another ] as he struggled for balance. ... Happy as can be, Petey, his head covered in

noodles, his body stained red with spaghetti sauce, barked and wagged his tail. What a

mess! We laughed so hard we had to hold our stomachs because they hurt from

laughing. 인수1, 6강 05번

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제기동 제일학원 - 서금철 T- 11 -

Act 4. 1강~6강 중요문제

☞ 인수1, 2강 05번

As consultants, my colleagues and I have invested considerable effort in advising

business and government leaders on how to create more competitive economies. We

have tried to do so in a manner that is respectful of local heritages and institutions.

Time and again, we have made strong arguments for the need to change specific

policies, strategies, actions or modes of communication. For the most part, the leaders

with whom we have had the privilege of working have acknowledged the validity of our

perspective. We have learned, however, that good answers to the pressing questions of

economic development are not sufficient to engender the change needed to reverse the

tides of poorly performing economies. Individuals will often accept intellectual

arguments, understand their need to change, and express commitment to changing, but

then resort to what is familiar. This tendency to revert to the familiar is not a cultural

trait, but it is indicative of some of the deeper challenges faced by those who wish to

promote a different, more prosperous vision of the future.

③익숙한 것으로 되돌아가려는 성향이 경쟁력 있는 경제를 만드는 데 문제가 된다.

☞ 인수1, 3강 03번

Studies indicate that wind turbines kill up to 100,000 birds each year in the United

States. Most wind turbines involved in these deaths were built 20 years ago from now

outdated designs, and some were built in bird migration corridors. Wind power

developers now study bird migration paths in order to avoid them when building wind

farms. Newer turbine designs use slower blade rotation speeds and do not provide

places for birds to perch or nest, which also reduces bird casualties. In fact, wind power

is a very minor cause of bird deaths compared to a number of other causes. Each year,

according to Defenders of Wildlife, more than 1.4 billion birds are killed by collisions

with buildings and other human structures and by cars, trucks, and cats. And each year

coal-burning power plants kill about 14.5 million birds and nuclear power plants about

327,000. Together these numbers total about 1.5 billion birds a year in the United

States - 15,000 times the number of birds killed by wind turbines.

① new trends in power system protection

② potential problems of building wind farms

③ effects of wind turbines on bird populations

④ reasons bird migration is difficult to analyze

⑤ necessity to intensify monitoring of bird migration

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☞ 인수1, 3강 05번

Successful bartering depends on an agreement of value. In order for you to strike an

effective trade with your neighbor, you both have to agree that one sheep is worth one

coyote-fighting weapon. If you don't agree on the sheep's value, it's going to be hard

to make a trade. Bartering also depends on what economists call a double coincidence

of wants. The system is most successful when you and a second person both want/need

what the other has, at the same moment in time. But what if that's not the case? What

if your neighbor isn't in the market for more sheep? Maybe his pressing need is a new

blanket to keep his baby warm. This complicates things. In order to make the trade,

you'd first have to find someone who is willing to trade a blanket for your sheep. Then,

you'd turn around and trade the blanket for the weapon. This method of indirect

trading is clumsy and more time-intensive, but it can work if everyone agrees on the

value of all items involved.

① various types of trade agreements

② factors that affect the price of goods

③ effects of the barter system on the economy

④ developmental stages of the market economy

⑤ conditions under which bartering takes place

☞ 인수1, 3강 06번

Researchers call the time imbalance between paid work and unpaid domestic chores

the "gendered division of labor" and, they say, it's been stalled for years. In a study of

German couples, Berlin economist Miriam Beblo explained to me, even when more

egalitarian-minded couples decide to live together - before marriage, before children

- women spend more time doing housework while men enjoy more leisure time. For

couples who marry, the scales are tipped even farther, and farther still when the first

child arrives. Through the years, I have seen an increasing number of fathers strapping

on baby carriers and taking the baby for a walk, shopping for groceries, taking kids to

school, and doing the ballet pickup. Surveys are showing that fathers are feeling more

time squeeze than mothers. Still, time-use researchers report that the ratio of mothers'

childcare time to fathers' ranges from 2:1 in the United States, Canada, the Netherlands,

and Norway, to more than 3:1 in Estonia, Austria, France, and Palestine, to nearly 10:1

in South Africa. 인수1, 3강 06번

① The Importance of the Father's Role

② Cultural Differences in Parenting Styles

③ Gender Equality at Home: Yet to Come

④ Different Countries, Different Family Structures

⑤ The Baby Care Market: Larger than Ever Before

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Part 2. 인수 1, 7강~10강Act 1. Voca 정리

01. 다음 숙어들의 의미를 쓰라

① tailor it to his needs

② take o into account

③ The odds are that~

④ reading between the lines Vs drawing the line

⑤ give in

⑥ strive to V

⑦ defected to ~

⑧ be fed up with~

: Many bus users have defected to other means of transport, particularly cars, over the

last ten to fifteen years.

: Tom dislikes his navigation system, even though he agrees that at times it would be

useful. But he has no way to interact with the system to tailor it to his needs.

: If you are in a flock of 100 sheep then the odds are you will not be eaten. If you

leave the flock it is a certainty that you will be.

: This system is based on the assumption that human beings strive to learn and achieve

when they are externally rewarded for such behavior.

: Does it take into account the long traffic signals and the large number of stop signs?

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02. 밑줄 친 부분의 뜻을 쓰시오.

① While punctuality[ ] is highly valued in the United States, arriving too

early is not advised as it may be perceived as being overanxious.

② Bread is not a "natural" food. It is the result of a complex process of production

and technology, and of a refined[ ] alimentary civilization that learned to

control and utilize nature's secrets.

③ It was from these duties, Motsohi told us, that he derived[ ] "a sense of

pride of working on the garden and the fruit trees."

④ They may feel insecure in their ability to "keep up" in their fields and can react

badly when forced to put more important work on hold to complete a task that

doesn't intrigue[ ] them.

⑤ If the parasite survives initially, the body learns to tolerate it. A team of peacekeeper

cells calls off[ ] the antiparasite armed forces. The peacekeepers balance

the response.

⑥ A senior manager developed a new information system for his company's

manufacturing process. To implement[ ] it he needed the agreement of

all the plant managers across the country.

⑦ It has been constantly repeated that the sociologist should abstain from

[ ] judging the human groups he studies in terms of his personal and

cultural values.

03. 괄호에 들어갈 단어를 영어로 쓰시오

① With the 도래[a ] of computers and keyboarding over the past two to

three decades, many have said that the need for handwriting is not so important


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② They reserve the body's energy to fight another day against a more beatable or

virulent 적[f ].

③ You don't have to have a formal discussion, requesting that a person become your

official mentor with 엄격한[r ]ly scheduled appointments and bi-weekly

progress reports.

④ Investigators are not interested in leadership, and developing the interpersonal skills

necessary to fuel collaboration is a 장애물[h ] for many of them.

⑤ Education that respects diversity creates an inclusive safe environment and also

engages student motivation. This means creating learning experiences through which

learners can maintain the 본래의 완전무결함, 성실, 인격[i ] of their

cultural identity as they succeed in their educational goal.

⑥ I presented the book and note to Reina in our English class. She was so happy and

proud, and the class gave her a healthy round of 박수[a ].

⑦ The systems manager's appeal to the company president 역풍[b ]d, since it

implied the manager couldn't work smoothly with peers. What's more, the president

refused to 개입하다[i ].

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Act 2. L O C O S

01. Theft of hotel towels isn't high in the hierarchy of world problems, but it can be

expensive for hotels. Moral prohibitions against stealing prevent most people from

stealing towels. Many hotels put their name or logo on their towels. That works as a

reputational pressure system; most people don't want their friends to see obviously

stolen hotel towels in their bathrooms. 인수1, 7강 02번

02. 이 글의 요지는? [ ] 때문에 석유는 대체되어야


True or not they do seem to get the most attention and blame. It does not matter

because we all know the age of oil for transportation fuels is over. Not because of

global warming, but because we import more and more oil every year and the cost

fluctuates for a variety of reasons constantly hurting our economic stability. So we can

all agree, no matter what you believe about global warming, oil as a fuel has to go.

The good news is a viable clean replacement will be supported by all factions of the

issue and therefore the only issue is how and when we find that replacement. 인수1, 7

강 03번

03. Is handwriting [ I ] important anymore? With the advent of computers and

keyboarding over the past two to three decades, many have said that the need for

handwriting is not so important anymore as computer keyboarding replaces the need

for using pen and paper. However, there is a problem with legibility in handwriting that

the computer has not been able to remedy. Illegible or poorly formed handwriting is

seen not only in the infamous "doctor" handwriting but also in educated children and

adults. 인수1, 7강 04번

04. Bread is a truly great invention, [ 관계사 ] secret is known only to man and to no

other living creature. [ 연결사 ] ancient Mediterranean societies viewed bread as a

symbol not only of civilization but of the very identity of man, who distinguishes

himself from other animals in that he knows how to construct his own food. 인수1, 7강


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05. 다음의 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 것은?

You'll never know until you ask.

How do you find a mentor? ①You may already be acquainted with someone who

would make a good mentor. ②Maybe there is someone at your work who is in a

position that you would someday like to have. ③Or perhaps there is a college professor

who might have the time to help you along with your journey. ④You don't have to

have a formal discussion, requesting that a person become your official mentor with

rigorously scheduled appointments and bi-weekly progress reports. ⑤Instead, you may

want to simply approach the subject by telling the person that you are trying to get to

a certain point in your life and you would love to have someone's guidance. 인수1, 7강


06. When a parasite is ensconced and initial attempts to expel it are unsuccessful, what

should the body do? It could fight forever. In some cases this does happen and when

it does, the disease and the problems caused by the body's immune response almost

inevitably [ o ] the trouble caused by the worm itself; the reality that the

worm is present and learning to tolerate it. 인수1, 8강 03번

07. The strengths of e-mail as an online learning tool are many. From the online

student's perspective, perhaps the greatest strength of e-mail is its ability to promote a

sense of [ c ] with the instructor and the course overall. In an online learning

environment, a sense of disconnectedness can often lead to poor quality work or to the

student dropping out of the course. Any anxiety a student may be feeling prior to, or

during, a course can be lessened through e-mail contact. Because e-mail is

asynchronous, another advantage as a learning tool is that it offers a communication

medium that avoids scheduling conflicts. This ability to communicate at the user's and

instructor's own [ c ] is one of the highly touted benefits of online

education in general. E-mail is one of the tools that allow this benefit to occur. When

teaching adults or students located in various time zones, this asynchronous capability

becomes an even more obvious benefit. 인수1, 8강 06번

08. (A)를 의역하시오.

When Sameer first contacted his new boss to negotiate, he asked for a salary

increase and reimbursement of his business school tuition. This matched what other

firms were offering, but the boss came back with disappointing news from Human

Resources: they weren't able to grant either request. At that point, Sameer felt the urge

to back down. He wanted to be (A) a giver toward his boss, and he was worried that

getting more money would harm his boss's performance or [ 훼손시키다 ] his budget.

인수1, 9강 06번

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09. 밑줄 친 부분의 의미를 한 단어의 형용사로 쓰라.

Investigators as a personality type place a high value on science, process, and

learning. They excel at research, using logic and the information gained through their

senses to conquer complex problems. Nothing thrills them more than a "big find."

Intellectual, introspective, and exceedingly detail-oriented, investigators are happiest when

they're using their brain power to pursue what they deem as a worthy outcome. They

prefer to march to their own beat, and they dislike overly structured environments that

necessitate a set response to challenges. 인수1, 8강 01번

10. Since the invention of sociology by August Comte it has been generally recognized

that the function of the sociologist is 'to know', 'to predict' and eventually 'to act' on

the basis of his predictions, and it has been constantly repeated that the sociologist

should abstain from judging the human groups he studies in terms of his personal and

cultural values. In spite of this commitment to [ o ], sociologists have been rather

abundantly evaluating their 'human data', passing judgments on their morality, efficiency,

taste. Ethnocentrism - a tendency to judge other peoples in terms of one's ethnic (or

national) values ― was identified as the source of dangerous biases in sociology. 인수1,

10강 01번

11. The championship-level players of Rock Paper Scissors (RPS) seem to place a lot of

importance on strategies that deliberately depart from randomization, and try to exploit

the other player's attempts to interpret patterns. How successful are these attempts?

One kind of evidence would come from [ c ] of success. If some players are

better at deploying nonrandom strategies, they should do well in contest after contest,

year after year. 인수1, 10강 04번

12. I saw her duck. ... There's little reason to believe ambiguity like this tells us anything

interesting? about English or about language in general. While it might pose a problem

for a computer, it seldom does for ordinary folks. In an actual conversation, [ c ]

would almost certainly clear up the meaning of a sentence like this. Wittgenstein

observed this when he made the claim that philosophical problems arise when language

"goes on holiday" ― that is, when it's removed from the meaningful activities or

"language games" in which it normally functions. 인수1, 10강 05번

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Act 3. 구문연습

01. The interviewer sometimes asks the receptionist [ 관계사 ] the applicant did while

waiting. If the candidate is snobbish or rudely uses the cell phone while waiting, the

receptionist is even more likely to report that behavior than when the candidate is

friendly and polite. 인수1, 7강 01번

02. The result is that the scope of defection is higher than hotels want. And large, fluffy

towels from better hotels are expensive to replace. 인수1, 7강 02번

03. Already in the Poem of Gilgamesh, a Sumerian text of the second millennium B.C.,

primitive man becomes civilized when he is no longer limited to [ consume/ consuming

] foods and drinks available in nature, such as wild herbs, water or milk, but [

beginning/ begins ] to eat bread and drink wine, "artificial" products that he has come

to know thanks to a woman who made a gift of them. 인수1, 7강 05번

04. Investigators are not interested in leadership, and developing the interpersonal skills

necessary to fuel collaboration is a hurdle for many of them. They may feel insecure in

their ability to "keep up" in their fields and can react badly when [ force/ forced ] to

put more important work on hold to complete a task that doesn't intrigue them.

인수1, 8강 01번

05. This system is based on the assumption that human beings strive to learn and

achieve when they are externally rewarded for such behavior. Strongly supportive of this

network of incentives [ is/ are ] the implied value that individual accomplishment merits

academic and social rewards. However, an extrinsically based approach to [ teach/

teaching ] is ineffective for many minority students and across many cultures. 인수1, 8강


06. Ever remember [ being told/ to be told ] fairy tales when you were little? William

Goldman remembers one - a story his father told him when he was ten and sick and

stuck in bed for three weeks. 인수1, 9강 01번

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07. 밑줄 친 부분의 문법적 기능은?

He grew up in a poor family like Mandela's. Motsohi's father had begun by working

in the mines, but illness forced him to find another occupation. With the help of a

benefactor, he became a school principal. A farmer at heart, he passed on his love of

growing things by encouraging his children to help tend the family garden. It was from

these duties, Motsohi told us, [ what/ that ] he derived "a sense of pride of working on

the garden and the fruit trees." 인수1, 9강 02번

08. 밑줄 친 부분을 해석하시오 ?

Apelles went to visit him, but when he arrived Protogenes was away from home. The

old woman servant asked Apelles who she should tell her master had called on him in

his absence. In reply Apelles took a brush and traced upon a panel, with a single

continuous line, a shape of extreme delicacy. 인수1, 9강 03번

09. If he had been interested in the practical application of his innovative research,

Joseph Henry might have built the first intercity telegraph, the first telephone, maybe

the first commercial electric motor. [ 연결사 ], as biographer Thomas Coulson wrote,

"Like a child he went on asking 'Why?' without seeking a final answer." Henry's greatest

discovery was self-induction, which [ makes/ is made ] possible the transmission of

electrical pulses through long wires. 인수1, 9강 04번

10. Reina was always excited to talk and read about anything related to the Freedom

Writers. So when I told her that I was going back to California in April for another [

session/ sessions ], her eyes lit up. 인수1, 9강 05번

11. 밑줄 친 두 부분에 공통적으로 들어갈 표현을 쓰시오.

[ ] the high running costs of cars, the congested roads, and the difficulty

of parking them in cities, customers were fed up with waiting at bus stops for buses

that never arrived, or arrived so overdue that two came together. ... Huge numbers of

ex-bus-users still believe it to be like this [ ] the investment bus companies

have made in new vehicles which are cleaner, faster, quieter, and more comfortable. Old

opinions die hard and it will take a major shift in opinion (or legislation) to get people

back on buses. 인수1, 10강 06번

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Act 4. 7강~10강 중요문제

☞ 인수1, 7강 03번

As you know, almost all of our modes of transportation are fueled by oil. Jet fuel

comes from oil. Diesel fuel comes from oil. Gasoline comes from oil. Cars, trucks and

planes [ consider/ are considered ] the biggest contributors to greenhouse gas

emissions. True or not they do seem to get the most attention and blame. It does not

matter because we all know the age of oil for transportation fuels [ is/ are ] over. Not

because of global warming, but because we import more and more oil every year and

the cost fluctuates for a variety of reasons constantly hurting our economic stability. So

we can all agree, no matter [ how/ what ] you believe about global warming, oil as a

fuel has to go. The good news is a viable clean replacement will be supported by all

factions of the issue and therefore the only issue is how and when we find that


☞ 인수1, 8강 03번

It turns out we had completely missed a key component of the immune system, the

peacekeepers. When a parasite is ensconced and initial attempts to expel it are [

successful/ unsuccessful ], what should the body do? It could fight forever. In some

cases this does happen and when it does, the disease and the problems caused by the

body's immune response almost inevitably outweigh the trouble caused by the worm

itself; the reality that the worm is [ absent/ present ] and learning to tolerate it. The

answer appears to be, again and again, that if the parasite survives initially, the body

learns to tolerate it. A team of peacekeeper cells calls off the antiparasite armed forces.

The peacekeepers balance the response. They [ drain/ reserve ] the body's energy to

fight another day against a more beatable or virulent foe.

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☞ 인수1, 8강 04번

Education that respects diversity creates an inclusive safe environment and also

engages student motivation. This means creating learning experiences through which

learners can ①maintain the integrity of their cultural identity as they succeed in their

educational goal. According to Wlodkowski and Ginsberg, teaching and learning

strategies that ②promote such experiences are based on the intrinsic motivation

framework. However, common teaching and evaluation practices in many schools ③

follow extrinsic motivation patterns through the practice of competitive examinations,

teach-and-test practices, and academic track placement of students based on grades.

This system is based on the assumption that human beings strive to learn and achieve

when they are externally rewarded for such behavior. Strongly ④supportive of this

network of incentives is the implied value that individual accomplishment merits

academic and social rewards. However, an extrinsically based approach to teaching is ⑤

effective for many minority students and across many cultures. Using extrinsic reward to

motivate students to learn may undermine interest and value for the subject matter

being learned.

☞ 인수1, 8강 05번

One of the great cop-outs in life is to avoid making choices. Not choosing can save

us from risk. One way that a person can avoid making choices is to let others be their

[ guide/ competitor ] for how to live. This is what 19th-century philosopher Nietzsche

calls the mentality of the herd. A useful illustration can be gained by watching sheep. A

friend of mine once noted that sheep only become really [ intelligent/ stupid ] when

they are separated from the flock. They have no guiding principles of their own and

thus follow the leader, who also generally has no idea where she is heading. Sheep are

programmed genetically to operate as a flock. This has a [ destructive/ protective ]

function as it provides some safety for when a wolf comes. If you are in a flock of 100

sheep then the odds are you will not be eaten. If you leave the flock it is a certainty

that you will be.

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☞ 인수1, 10강 04번

The championship-level players of Rock Paper Scissors (RPS) seem to place a lot of

importance on strategies that deliberately depart from randomization, and try to exploit

the other player's attempts to interpret patterns. How successful are these attempts?

One kind of evidence would come from consistency of success. If some players are

better at deploying nonrandom strategies, they should do well in contest after contest,

year after year. The World RPS Society does not "have the manpower to record how

each competitor does at the Championships and the sport is not developed enough so

that others track the information. In general, there have not been too many consistent

players in a statistically significant way, but the Silver medalist from 2003 made it back

to the final 8 the following year." This suggests that the elaborate strategies do not

give any persistent advantage.