SIiLIT JABATAN PELAJARAN NEGERI .IOHOR PE,PERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN SPM 2OO9 BIOLOG I Kertas I September ,t | -' lan'l 155u1 Satu iam lirna bclas minit I .IAN(;AN BTIKA KIIII'|AS SOAT,AN INTSEHING(;ADIBT]RITAIIt] K t'r tu t .t rtt tI c ut i t ti utlt tIu h civ, i hu/ trt.s tt.. .\ottltttt tltt/unt buhu.ru lnggeri: mt:ntluhtrlui ,-oulen )'eng septdon dalunt hu lttt t tt,\ lc, I ttt'u. ('ulttrr t/ikt:ltenc/ttki nrenthttctt nttklumtt/ di hulumun halukung karlcts .toultrn ini. -1. Kcrtas soalatt itti rrrengandungi 31 halanrru bercctak cltin thalamern tidak bcreetak 4551/l .., 2{}oe ntrh ( ipra .tp\.1 lLihat sebelah STJLIT


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Satu iam l i rna bclas mini t



K t' r t u t .t r t t t I c ut i t t i u tlt t I u h civ, i h u/ t rt.s tt. .

.\ottltttt tltt/unt buhu.ru lnggeri: mt:ntluhtrlui ,-oulen )'eng septdon dalunth u lt t t t t t,\ lc, I ttt ' u.

('ulttrr t/ikt:ltenc/ttki nrenthttctt nttklumtt/ di hulumun halukung karlcts .toultrnini.


Kcrtas soalat t i t t i r r rengandungi 31 halanrru bercctak c l t in thalamern t idak bcreetak

4551/l . . , 2{}oe ntrh ( ipra .tp\.1 lL ihat sebelahSTJLIT


, l55l l l

Dragram 1 shows a typical plant cell.Rajah 1 menuniukkan satu sel tumbLthan Ltmum


l l i . \RW , i i j i ii


,1551/ l



Diagram 1Raiah 1

which of the structures labelled A, B, C or D absorb light energy to carry outphotosyntesis?'Yang

manakah antara struktur berlabetA, B, C atatr D menyerap tenage cahaya untukmenjala nkan fotostntesis?

Whrch of the following information is true about the differences beiween a

typical plant cel l and an animal cel l?Antara maklumat berikut. yang manakah benar bagi perbezaan di antara sel tumbuhandan sel harwan?

-- pm Animat ;i l-----" --

i - * Set tumbuhary- , 9", t3 iwani A

--Cettulose cel l wal l present I Chit inous cel l wal l present Ii A

-.-i Cethiose ceil wdt present I Chitinous cell wall present I

I L ruempunyat dinctins set b9!;91-y!9$-W7mp!!y3t aNUSSe!!5(1!q-- -- -]I e ' Golqi bodv absent I Golgi body present

I 1 Metipunyai lasad Spgt-----,)Jacta memlzu-n11y1?:99potg!I C i Centr ioles absent i Centr ioles present i[e i *;vr6;iot"nt---------iGntrroies present it__Ll@tmempunyaiserrtnol I

^t7l12!!y9!t9!491--:I O I Has smal l vacuole I Has large vacuole

L I 14ggpuny9!ye!!91-QzIgeE-4s9Ji-- I Meapvttq ve\u4 bqry9i19eaqI--


'1551/ l




Diagram 2 shows the movement of mineral X into a root hair cel l .Rajah2 menunjukkan pergerakan mrneral X ke dalam sallr se/ akar rambut


Low concentration of XKepekatan X yang rendah

i( !i \\ Hish concentration of X

t$l Kepekatan X yang trnggt

Diagram 2Rajah 2

Which process al lows X to enter the cel l?Apakah proses yang mentbenarkan X memasuki sel ini?

OsmosisOsmosrsSrmple di f fusionResapan ringkasActive transportPengangktttan aktifFaci l i tated dl f fusionResapan membantu

Diagram 3 shows an osmometer.Rajah 3 manunjukkan satu osmometer

Glass tubetiub kaca

Concentrated saltsolut ionLartttan garam pekat

Dist i l led waterAir sulrng " - Semi-permeable

membraneMembran se[)ara telap

Diagram 3Ralah 3

What wi l l happen to the level of the concentrated sal t solut ion in the glass tubeafter 60 nrinutes?Apakah akan terjadr kepada aras larutan garam pekat di dalan tiub kaca selepas 6aninit?

[ , ihat sebelahSTJI, IT

st i l - l ' f 4

A increases and then decreasesMeningkat dan kemudran menurun

B Decreases and then increasesMenurun dan kemttdian meningkai

C Increases and then stoPsMeningkat dan kentudian berhenti

D Decreases and then stopsMenurun and kemudian berhenti

455 | / l


Diagram 4 shows the condit ion of a plant cel l af ter being immersed in solut ion Yfor 20 minutes.Ralah 4 menunlukkan keadaan satu se/ tumbuhan sele/ah direndam di dalam larutan Yselama 20 minit

Diagram 4Ralah 4

Whrch of the fol lowing is the correct answer for Z and solut ion Y ?Yang manakah antara berrkut jawapan yang hetul untuk Z dan lartttan Y?

Solut ion Y iLarutan Y

lsotonrc solut ionLqlyla-n isotonik

Hypotonic solut iontgaq!-tpgJgs!-



Solut ion YLarutan Y

Hypertonic solut ionI Letvlen !!peI9!14l_ _ __ :::..:"-.. :

D i Vacuumi -_ vq!!!!_\-___ i,,_


lsotonic solut ionLarutan rsotontk

, l55l i lSI ,LIT


Diagram 5 shows a protein structure.Rajah 5 menunlukkan satu struktur proein

Diagram 5Ralah 5

Which of the following are examples of this type of protein?Yang manakah antara benkut contoh-contoh protein jenis ini?I Thyroxine

Tiroksinal l Haemoglobin

Hemoqlobtnl l l Kerat in

KeratinlV Pepsin


A I and l l onlyI dan ll sahaja

B I and lV onlyl dan lV sahaja

C l l and l l l ontyll dan lll sahala

D l l l and lV sahajal l l dan tV sahaja

7 Diagram 6 shows the ' lock and key hypothesis ' of enzyme act ion.Rajah 6 menunjukkan h/potesrs ' mangga dan kunci' bagi tindakan enzrm

455 r/r

I I - ihat sebelahS{JT,IT

n/ \ in/ t \J: - - \ / -" \ , /


^ c-\/ \ . \ .^ I

t -* I I

i - - t r - ,*"\ / I /l- Y-


Diagram 6Ralah 6

,1551/ l



;1551/ l

What is represented by P,Q and R?Apakah yang dtwaktli oleh P,Q dan R?





R Diagram 7 shows the organel les in an animal cel lRajah 7 menunlukkan organel-organel di dalam salu se/ haiwan

Diagram 7Ralah 7

Which of the organel les P,Q,R and S are involved rn the synthesis andsecret ion of extracel lular enzymes?Yang manakah antara organel P,Q,R dan S ter/lbal dalarn srnlesrs dan perembesanenztm luar sel?

P,Q and RP,Q dan RP,Q and SP,Q dan SQ,R and SQ,RdanSP,R and SP,R and S






'a ft,t'" **=.NorKrk, N\. -,/ "




4551/ l


A housewife uses a few slices of unripe papaya to tenderize the meat she iscooking for dinner.Which is the following sequences is correct?Seorang suri rumah menggunakan beberapa keping hirisan buah betik muda untukmelembutkan daging yang dimasak untuk makan malam.Yang manakah antara berikut urutan yang betul?

P Add the raw papaya slicesTambahkan hirisan betik muda

0 Boi l the meatRebus dagrng itu

R Leave the meat for one and a half hourBiarkan daEng tersebut selama satu jam setengah

S Cut the meat into smal l piecesPotong daging kepada htrisan kecil




Dragram 8 shows four stages of meiosrsRalah 8 menunjukkan empat penngkat meiosis..

\ ! .Jt




Diagram BRaph I

What is the correct sequence?Apakah susunan yang betul?



ILihat scbelahSUI,IT


t l_

,1551/ l

8 4551/ l

Diagram 9 shows chromosomes of an antmal cel l dur ing metaphase.

nalin S menunjuRkan kromosom cii dalam satu se/ hatwan semasa netaiasa.

Diagram 9Rajah 9

How many chromosomes are there in each of ihe daughter cel ls produced?Berapakai bilangan kromosom datam sel anak yang dihasilkan2

Which of the fol lowing is the correct comparison between Meiosis I and

merosrs l l?Manakah antara berikut perbandingan yang betul antara Melosrs I dan Meiosis ll?

Meiosis I

Synapsis doesoccur Slnapsls berlaku







I Kromosom beratttr dti satah khatulistiwa.

Homtogous --

ct ' l romorot*. ]l rne up at metaphase Plate IKromosom homolog beratur dl

chromatids are Pul led to the Iopposi te polesSentromer berPtsah dankromatid tertarik ke kutttb Yangbertentangan.





j Homologousi chromosomes separate

I and pul led to the

I opposite poles.I Kromosom homologI berpisah dan tertarik ke

l!t4tpEtS-p9l9!t9!s_e!,1 ___i_[iwo O-ugnter cel ls are j Telophase I Two daughter cel lslproduced. I lProducedi bua sel anak terhasil I I Dua sel anak terhasr!'i t j

ST]I, I 'T

sULt l '


{55 l / l


- , , - lI--t

- - l- - - l


Daughter cel l 2I Se/ anak 2: 4)

| /4

I tv



r oaughie-ic-eil 1 -

Sel anak 1





The diploid number cf chromosomes in an animal cel l is 24. Dur ing anaphase

l , a pair of the homologous chromosomes fai l to separate

What is the number of chromosomes in each daughter cel l af ter meiosis I is

completed?Briarigan kromosom cliptorcl pada satLt sel harwan ialah 24. Semasa anafasa l'

sepasang kromosam hontolog gagal berpisah.Berapakih bilangan kromosont Oi dalam setiap sel anaK setelah netos/\s I selesai?

Which vi tamin is required for blood clott ing?Vftamin manakah diperlukan untttk pembekuan darah?

A Vitamin AVitamrn A

B Vitamin DVrtantin D

C Vitamin EVitarnin E

D Vitamin K\,ttlarnin K

\ /h ich organel le absorbs l ight energy during l ight react ion of photosynthesis ?Oigare/ manakah fi)enyerap tenaga cahaya se/nasa tindak balas cahaya fofoslntesls?

A ChloroplastKloroplas

B Mitochondr ionMitokondrton

C Golgr apparatusJasad Golgi

D Rough endoplasmic ret iculumJ al tn a n e ndoPlasma kasar

Dragram 10 shows part of the human dtgest ive system.Rajah 10 menunlukkan sebahagran dartpa(Ja srstem pencernaan manusta

Diagram 1ORajah 10

IL ihat sebelahSTII , IT



i t )


Which part has an acidic medium?Bahagian manakah yang menlpunyai medium berasid?

17 Table I shows the result of a food test on one food sampleJadttal 1 menunjukkan keputusan ujian makanan bagi satu sampel makanan

Solut ion Observation


.t551/ l

ST]LI1 '

Larutan i Pemerhati?lr_ _* iBenedict's solution I Brick red precipttate l

Table '1Jadual 1

Which of the following is present in this food sample ?Antara berikut yang manakah terkandung di dalam sampel makanan tersebut?

prorernproteinreducing sugargLtla penurun

vi tamin Cvitamin Cstarchkanji

I and l l onlyI dan ll sahajal , l l l and lV only! lll dan lV sahajal l , l l l and lV onlyll, l l l dan lV sahajal , l l , l l l and lVl , l l , l l ldan lV


i l l






.r55r /t


18. Diagram 11 shows a chi ld suffer ing from aRajah 1 1 menunjukkan seorang kanak-kanaknutnen.

.1551/ l

nutr ient def ic iency disease.yang menghidapr penyakit kekurangan


Which food of A B, C or DManakah antara makanan A,kanak ini untuk sembuh?

Diagram 11Ralan 11

should be taken of ten by the chi ld to recover?B. C atau D yang perlu rliambil dengan kerap oleh kanak-


Which of the fol lowing are the products of aerobic and anaerobic respirat ion inmuscles?Antara benkut yang manakah bahan hasil dari respirasi aerobik clan anerobik rli clatamototz

AnaerobiC Reafi;;tTon -r

Respirasi Anaerobik iEthanolEtanol

Carbon dioxide and water iKarbon diosrda dan arr _l

i _6gQe Ld r o s i d a d a n _a r r

lL ihat sebelahSUI,IT







455t / r

ST]LI1 '

Pressure inthe lungs




{55 I / l

t2 ,1551/ l

Time / masa


20 Which group of organisms undergo the process of exchange of respiratorygases through the skin?Kumpulan organisma n "ah menjalani proses peftukaran gas melalui kulit?


Graph 1 shows the changes of pressure in the lungs of a personGraf 1 menunjukkan perubahan tekanan dalam peparu seseorang.







Graph '1Graf 1

What is the movement of the r ibcage at t ime X?Bagaimanakah pergerakan sangkar rusuk di masa X X?A. Uowards and outwards

Ke atas dan ke luarB. Upwards and inwards

Ke atas dan ke daiamC. Downwards and inwards

Bawah dan ke dalamD. Downwards and outwards

Ke bawah dan ke luar




Diagram 12 shows an owlwith a rat.Rajah 12 menunjukkan seekor burung hantu dengan seekor tikus

4551/ l

IL ihat sebelahstrLt't-


Diagram 12Rajah 12

What is the type of interact ion between the organismsApakah jenis interaksi antara organisma-organtsma rtu ?

A ParasitismParasitisme

B Mutual ismMutualisme

C Commensal ismKomensalisme

D Prey - predatorMangsa - pemangsa

23 Diagram '1 3 shows an interaction between two living organismsRalah 13 menunjukkan interaksi antara dua organrsrna hidup.

Diagram 13Raph 13

Which of the fol lowing is true about organism X ?Antara berikut, yang ntanakah benar tentang organisma X ?

A Organism X is epiphyteOrganisma X ialah epifrt

B Organism X is parasi teOrganisma X ialah parasit

C Organism X harms organism YOrganisma X rnerugikan organrsma Y

D Organism X absorbs nutr ients from organism YOrgansima X menyerap nutrren darrpada organisma Y

{55t/ t


sut. tT ' 1"1

24 Diagram 14 shows a pyramid of numbersRajah 14 menuniukkan satu piramtd nombor.

4551 / l


trophic lr-r 'c-l,1rn.s trol 2

l" trt iphic level,lrus trof l

Diagram 14Ralah 14

Which organism occupies the second trophic level ?Organisnta manakah yang menduduki aras trof kedua ?

trophic ler,el.4rus trol 3

455r /1






J55l / l

\ \i$,- .' i \ . " -\ - -." \:,

bird L"lturu ng

l-5 4551/ l


25 Diagram 15 shows a food web in a gardenRajah 15 menunjukkan satu Jaringan makanan di sebuah taman



\ ) - -=.--( {;t-j-,",


\- ,'-l )-.,-.*/l}\

'a_* ' )_\ .

a2ternl l l . r

tulat beluncasProl I


Diagram 15Rajah 15

What is the role of the bird ?Apakah peranan burung ?

A ProducerPengeluar

B Tert iary consumerPengguna teftier

C Primary consumerPengguna primer

D Secondary consumerPengguna sekunder

Diagram 16 shows three different zones at a mangrove swampRalah 16 menunjukkan tiga zon yang berbeza di paya bakau.

Diagram 16Ralah 16

IL ihat sebel i rhS{TLIT

stlt , l ' t {551i r

Which types of roots are correct ly matched to the dominant mangrove plant in thezones P, Q, and R?Yang manakah lenrs akar dipadankan dengan betul kepada pokak bakau yanq domtnan dlzonP.QdanR?


Zon Q Zon R



, / : i .r l i

. f , t tb. :" , rF ,' l " * ' l '

,,,, 1, ,'i,l



, 4. 1 ' .. t , . , r '

..1r tl .

i , ' ," t. i

i . , 1, . t


27 Which of the fol lowing causes eutrophicat ion ?Antara yang benkut, yang manakah menyebabkan eutrofrkast

A DeforestationPenyahhutanan

B Open burningPembakaran terbuka

C Excessive use of fertil iserPe ngg u n aa n baja berlebih a n

D Burning of fossi l fuelsPembakaran f:ahan api fosrl

.1551/ l



Sti I , IT


"1551/ l

Concentrat ion ofatmospher ic C02

Keoekatan CO2atmosfera

Concentrat ion ofatmospheric C02

Kepekatan CO2atmosfera

Concentrat ion ofatmospheric CO2

Kepekatan CO2atmosfera

lAOO 1a50

1 aoo 1 AsO

1950 2ocJ0

i7 .r551/t

vuthich of the following graphs shows the correct relationship betweenconcentrat ion of atmospher ic C02 and global temperature ?Antara graf berikLtt yang manakah menunjukkan hubungan yang betul antara kepekatanCO2 atmosfera dan suhu global ?

Key :Kekunci

Concentrat ion of atmcspher icCO2Ke pe kata n CC) 2 almosfe rc

Globai temperatur-eSult t i c i i i l :a i


Global temperatureSuhu global

Global temperatureSuhu global

1 900Year


lAOO 1a50 1900 1950year



1 90()Year

Global temperatureSuhu global

IL ihat sebelahSTIT,IT

2000' l 950


Concentrat ion ofatmospheric CO2

Kepekatan Ca2atmosfera

Acid rainHulau asidLancisl idesTanah runtuhEutrophicat ionEutrofikasiOzone deplet ionPenipisan Iapisan ozon

lgoo 1950Year


Global temperatureSuhu global




IV Diagram 17 shows a human act iv i tyRajah 17 menunjukkan satu aktiviti manusia

Diagram 17Rajah 17

What rs the effect of this activity ?Apakah kesan aktiviti ini ?






1 450





t_ l


i correx ]




Body tissueTisu badan

IL ihat sebelahSULIT

19 -1551/l

Diagram 1B shows a cross section of a young dicotyledonous root.Rajah 1B menunlukkan satu keratan rentas'akar muda tumbuhan dikotitedon

Diagram 1BRajah 1B

ldentify the parts labelled X, y and Z?Kenalpasti bahagnn berlabel X, y dan Z?






31 Diagram 1g shows the blood circulatory system of a f ish.Rajah 19 menunjukkan sistem peredaran aarai ,t an.

Diagram 19Rajah 19

sUI-I ' I

,155l / l


What rs organ X?Apakah organ X

A GiI Iinsang

B LiverHati

C StomachPerut

D Intest ineusUs

P, Q R and S are some contmon character ist tcs of leucocytesP.Q,R dan S adalah bel:erapa ciri tsiasa pacla leukosti

LcbsC n,cieuJ ' l

Regular shape_ Ben\!_!e_t,ap___ __Granulated cytoplasm

Which are the character ist ics of granulocytes?Yanq ntanakah merupakan ari bagi granulastt ?

A QandSQdanS

B PandRP cian R.

C RandQRdanQ

D RandSR cjan S

Diagram 20 shows the act ion mechanism of a part icular ant ibodyRalalt 20 menunlukkart ntekanisme tindakan satu antibodi.

Diagram 20Rajah 20

J551/ l



Spherrcal nucleusNuc/eus berbentuk sfera

,ttri ,D

I, F'*\r1.


" t551/ l

0.003 cm minute- l0.03 cm minute- l0.3 cm minute-13 0 cm minute-1


What is tne mechanism?Apakah mekanisme tersebut ?

LysisLlsrsAggiut inat ionAgglutinasiOpsonisat ionOpsonisasrNeutral isat ionPeneutralan

Diagram 21 shows a potometer used to measure the rate of t ranspirat ion of aplantRajah 21 ntenunlukkan potometer yang digLtnakan untuk menentukan kaclar transpirasisatLt tL!mbLrhan

air bubblegetembung udara

-1 -r.

Diagram 21Rajah 21

The results of the experiment are recorded in the table below .Keputusan eksperrmen tetah direkoclkan cJalam jadual 11i bawah ;

. The distance travel led by the arr bubble from p to e = 3 cmJarak dilalui oleh gelembung udara dari p ke e = 3 cnt

. l*" taken by the air bubble to move from p to e = 10 mrnuteMasa diambil oleh gelenbung udara bergerak dari p ke e = 10 minitL-

What is the rate cf t ranspirat ion of the plant ?Berapakah kadar transpirasi tumbuhan ini ?






- ._ 1*

' , . i r " :

1-" ' ! I i

I t I



ILihat sebelahSTJLIT


.155r/ l

22 't551/ l


Diagram 22 shows a joint .Rajah 22 menunjukkan satu sendl

Diagram 22Ralah 22

Which part of A, B, C or D is structural ly tough and elast ic ?Antara bahagian A,B, c dan D, yang manakah kuat dan elastik strukturnva?

Diagram 23 shows a human vertebra.Rajah 23 menunjukkan vertetsra manusia.

What is the funct ion of y?Apakah tungsi Y?

A For muscle attacnnrentUntuk perlekatan otot

B To protect the spinal cordUntuk melindungi saraf tunlang

C To form joint with the ribsUntuk membentuk sendi dengan tulang rusuk

D To form with the vertebral columnUntuk membentuk turus veterbra





Diagram 24 shows some hurnan bones.Ralah 24 menunjukkan beberapa tulang manusra

, ,lK,*, l 'T" l i *l r ; ,

Diagram 24Rajah 24

Which bones are part of the axial skeleton?Tulang yang manakah sebahagian danpada rangka paksi?

PandQPdanQQandRQdanRP,QandSP,QdanSP,Q,R andSP,Q,RdanS



' i . . ' ! . .





38 Diagram 25 shows the human spinal cordRajah 25 menunjukan saraf tunjang manusia

Diagram 25Ralah 25

Which part A, B, C or D is the grey matter?Bahagian manakah A, B, C atau D ialah jrrim kelabu?

.t551/ lIL ihat sebelah




11 {55 l / t

39 What is the function of the afferent neurone?Apakah fungsi neuron ateren?

A Carries impuises from the effector to receptor.Mentbawa impuls Cari efektor ke reseptor

B Carries impulses fronr central nervous system to the receptorMembawa irnpuls dari .slslem sarrf iiusal ke reseptor

C Carries impulses from the central nervous system to the effector.Membawa impuls dan slstem .saraf pusaf ke efektor

D Carr ies impulses from the receptor to the central nervous system.Membawa imputs dari receptor ke sislern saral pusat

A labourer is doing vigorous work under the hot sun.Which of the fol lowing changes woutd occur in the man's bodyrseorang buruh sedang melakukan kerja berat cli bawah cahaya matahart yang rcnKApakah perubahan yang akan berlaku di dalam bacJan lelaki itu2

Hi ir erei toi muscle i alooO vessel under Skin temperatureOtat regang rerambut I the skin I, Suhu Kutit

Salur darah pada kulit :






: I Salur darah pada kulit i] R_elax j Drtate i Increasei , Mengendur_ , Mengembang Menrngkalt, Menggndur ',

\erygmbat)g . .-. __ , Menrngkal

i Helax Dj late Decreasel-Mcngendttr Menetembantl MenttrLtnI I - - - -lylelggLqllr, _,_*_l Mengembang_ MenururtContract tConstr ict iDu;rease -- l

lglIscut --_-+Wgggtl -- - ', MenLlrun iContract fconst lct- l fncreaie

_ty9!99,9!t_ _uSt$g,t ) A"l,tiG,__ , i

A4 Which of the fol lowing is the si te of female gamete formation?Manakah antara berikut tempat pembentLtkan glamet betrna?

A OvaryOvari

B UterusUterus

C OvuleOvul

D Vas deferensVas cJeferens


\L I - IT

J55 l / l

. l55l1l

Diagram 26

Which part is known as the ,","n,ff]Jl iuBahagran manakah dikenali seOagii integumen?

Which of the following substances are passed from the mother to the foetus viathe placenta?Manakah antara bahan-bahan berikut dapat merentas rnasuk daripada ibu ke fetusmelalui plasenta?

I OxygenOksigen

l l GlucoseGlukosa

l l l Fat ty acidsAsid lemak

lV Amino acidAsid amino

A landl lJ dan li

B l t and i l ll l clan Ill

C l , i lanolVt, t! dan lV

D l , t t , i l t and tVt. il, ill dan lV

Which hormone st imulates the development of eggs in ovar jes?Apakah hormon yang merangsang pentbentukan tetur dt daram avari?

A Fol l ic le-st imulat ing hormone_ Hornton perangsang FotikelB Luternis ing Hormone

Hormon pelutetnanC Progesterone

ProgesteronD Oestrogens


f Lihat sebelalrSI]LIT


Diagram 26 shows a longi tudinal sect ion of an ovureRajah 26 menunjukan keratan rentas ovul.




.t551/ l

26 45sl / l

45. Diagram 27 shows two type of variation . X and YRajah 27 menunjukkan dLta jents variasi X dan y

ntirnbe i



r t !mbe'




1g"r ' i

i ''lt ; \

l i i - l.-Lj*l i --*


I I . ' :l l ,' l !1,-{ ' l li]*i-* I I r

cnaraclc ' r5i i0Ol varralr0r l X

chaf i lc leI ' l3 l rd

c{ v i l r rat ,or Y

Dragram 27Rajah 27

Which of the fol lowing are examples of var iat ion X and y?Yang manakah antara berikut ialah contoh bagi variasi X dan y?

i Variation


BWarna mataWeightBeraIHeightTirrggiType of hairJents rambut

Kumpulan darahType of fingerprintJenis cap jariWeightBeratHerght

t - .I nnoal


zto. Diagram 28 shows the karyotype of an indivrdualRajah 2B ntenunlukkan kariotip seorarg induidu.

Diagram 28Rajah 28


ilf fifiltfiilfi9 10 I l 12

fif; llfi7a

{li finL4 l t :


at , rvufl fl



flnI ; ]


fr) tr9?

fifi fiil

ila fifi filrl6 1?

$18{/rr *.t ll *

21 22 xv

st i t , tT



What is the gender and genet ic disorder suf{ered by the individual?Apakah jantina dan masalah genetik yang dialam oleh indrvidu rtu ?

A Down's syndrome maleLelaki Sindrcm Down

B Down's syndrome femalePerempuan Sindrom Down

C Turner 's syndrome maleLelaki Sindrom Turner

D Kl inefel ter 's syndrome femaleFere m pu an Sin drom Kl rn efelter

Diagram 29 shows the changes of gene sequence in a chromosome afterexposure ro gamma rays.Raph 29 ntenunjukkan perubahan urutan gen pada satu kromosom se/epas terdedaltkepacta sinaran gamma

.fKI ,MN

Diagram 29Rajah 29

Name this type of change.Namakan jenis perubahan ini.

Delet ionPelenyapanTranslocat ionTranslokasiDupl icat ionPenggandaanInversronPenyongsangan

IL ihat sebelahST]LIT



iT-liF l| (; IlHli r lIjK iiL ilMltx,.j







.t55 | /1

l lJ .r551/r

48 Diagram 30 shows a monomer of DNA.Retlah 30 menunjukkan satu monomer DNA

aDiagram 30

Rajah 3AWhat is K?Apakah K?

Nucleot ideNukleotidaPhosphate groupKurnpulan fosfatNi t rogenous baseBes bernirogenDeoxyr ibose sugarGula dioksiritsosa

Diagram 31 is a schematic diagram for sex determinat ion.Rajah 31 ialah satu gambar rajah skema untuk penentuan jantina

|-r".'-'.1I napu !








/)o\ i *o


oDiagram 31

Rajah 31

st r t_t ' t


\ t l- t ] '

{55t / l

: ' t 4551 i I

i f the couple gets a baby gir l what are the genotypes of R,S and T:Jika pasangan itu mendapat anax peremp{tan, apakah genotip bagr R,S dan T?


- ' - . -R__-. . I i :_ ji44+X i4q+X iq++XX i:n-x____:4;_.< _- izz+xx


E[A___E:I_= i++ * xv-- _ Ii2211___laa|x__ - __I44 i,xi _ *r

50 The fol lowrng information shows some al leles found in human beinqsMaklumat yang benkut menunjukkan beberapa alel cjalam manusia.

Dominant al le le for black i r isAlel dominant untuk iris beruarna hitam

Recessive al lele for blue i r isAlel resesif t.tntuk iris berv,arna birtt

Domrnant al le le for cur ly hairAlel dominan untuk rambut kennting


Recessive al lele for straight hair IAiel resesif untLrk rambrrt lurus i


What is the probabi l i ty of a couple gett ing a chi ld with blue i r is and straight hair i fthe husband is homozygous dominant for both trai ts whi le the wife isnomozygous recesstve for both trai ts?Apakah kebaranglkatran pasanlJan int mertdapat anak yane mempunyai irrs benvarna brrudan berambut iurus iika suami homozigus clonlnan untuk kedua-dua trait mana1atatstelnya nc;ntozigLts resesrf Ltntuk xedua-dua tratt?

A 0.hB 25o/oc 50%D 1000k


ILihat scrbt' lahST i I , IT '




1. This quest ion paper consist of 50 quest ions.Kerlas soa/an ini rnengandLtngi 50 soalan

2. Answeral l quest ions.Jawab semua soalan

3 Answer each quest ion by blackening the correct space on the object ive answer sheetJawab dengan menghrtamkan ruang yangt betul pada kerlas.lawapan objektt.

4 Blacken only one space for each quest ion.Hitamkan satu rLtanag sahala bagi setiap soalan

5 l f you wish to change your answer, erase the blackened mark thai you have made. Thenblacken the space for the new answer.Sekiranya anda hendak menukar jawapan , padamkan tanda yang telah drbuat Kemucl6nhrtamkan jawapan yang baru

6 The diagrams in the quest ions provided are not drawn to scale uniess statedRajah yang mengiringi soalan tdak dilukis mengikut skala kecuali clinyataxan .

7 . You may use a non- programmable scrent i f ic calculator.Anda dittenarkan menggunakan kalkulator saintitik yang trclak boleh cliprogram.

.1551/l ! ?ooe nar ( iprx .u,\ .r


Peperiksaan Percubaan SPM 2009 Negeri JohorBiologyl(1551/1 )

Peraturan Pemarkahan





6789l0l ll2l3l r ll5l6l7t8l9202l222321?{

Sl-i l. lT


Class :



BIOI,OGYKertas 2September

I ! i , ,n,


Dua. j lm t ige prr l r rh nr i r r i t



Itrii.: tturnu dutt lingkulun arrtla putlu ruang 1'ungtlist,diukon

K(rtu.\ soalun ini udalalt rlulum dwihuha,su

.\oulun dulam hahus(r Inggcri.r mendahrtltri soalun yongse putlun dal am baltustt .\{alat'u

('ulort r./ibetrurkun menjavub keseluruhan ololl.:t'httlrugian ,rrtrtlan .sente edu dalurn huhasu Inggeri.suIuu huhu.yu Lk,luyu.

('uton dikchcnduki mamhaca nt.rklund di halunanht' I tt kt tn,q kcrtas .souIan i rt i.


Sorl ln i \ lark:rh \ lark alrdiperolc l

Kerlas soalan ini mengandurrgi 24 lralanran bercetak

.1551/2 .d 2oo9 rrat i c iDtr , rpN., IL ihat sebelahSULIT

\ f t .n

i i '

15r l , l

SIJI , I I '

[2 narks)l2 rnarkah]

Sect ion AEahagian A[60 marks]

{64 narkah l

Answer al l quest ions in this sectronJawab semua soalan dalam bahagian ini

Diagram 1 shows pyramid of number in a terrestr ial ecosystemRajah 1 menunjukkan piramid nombor dalam ekosistem rlaratan


Diagram 1Rajah 1

On Diagram 1, mark and labelPada Ralah 1. tanda dan labelkan


( i )( i i )

producer I pengeluarsecond trophic level / aras trof kedua

C' ipra JI 'N. l

ShrLrbs iTttmht.than

st. r t . t ' i .1551i2

[1 mark]l1 markahl

number of organisrns from the base to the top of

l:ilarrgtan organisnta daripada dasar ke puncak

( lr) Based on Diagram i ,Berdasarkan Rajah 1(r) construct a food chain consist ing of al l organisms shown.

btna satu rantat makanan yang mengandungi semua orgarisma yangdttunjukkan.

( i i ) Explain the change inthe pyramidTerangkan peruI'saltanpilatntd ttt i.

[3 marks]13 markahl

Pyrarnid of numbers can also show the sequence of organisms throughwhich energy is transferred.Pirantid nornbor jugta clapat menunjukkan turutan pemindahan tenaga paclaorgantsma.Explain why a iot of energy is lost to the environment as i t t ransferred fromone trophic level to the next.Terangkan mengapa banyak tenaga hilang ke persekitarar') se/rasa

penrindahan dari satu aras trof ke aras trof berikutnya.

13 marksl{3 narkahl

.+-s,s l , '2 , t . r 1009 l l rk Ci ipta. l l ,N.t


IL ihat sebelahSULTT

: ( t r l { r )

I r---1L-LI

I rs i

l (h)( i l )


SULIT ,15_5 ii2

(d) The giraffes in Diagram t has decreased in number.Bilangan zirafah dalam Rajah 1 telah berkurangan.( i ) Based on your biological knowledge , suggest a way to increase ihe

number of thrs organism again.Berdasarkan pengetahuan Biologi anda, cadangkan satu cara untukmeningkatkan semula bilangan organisma tersebut.

l 'se

11 narkl11 markah)

( i i ) Explain your suggest ion in d( i) .Terangkan cadangan anda di d(i)

[3 narks]13 markahl


. l -551/2 C) 2009 l tak Cipta JPN.I

l ( ! l l i r l

I rJ(r)


SULI ' f

2. Diagram 2.1 shows the respiratory system of an insect . Diagram 2.2 shows therespiratory system of a human.Raiah 2"1 menuniukkan srslem respirasi serangga. Rajah 2.2 menunjukkan slsfemrespirasi ntanusia.

organs in both systems are adapted for an effective gaseous excnange.Organ-organ dalam kedua-dua sistern diubahsuaikai untuk pertukarin gas yangberkesan


l l tdnuttr :

i 1," 'II


Diagram 2.1Ralah 2.1

(aXi) Name the parts labet led p and R.Namakan bahagian berlabel p dan


Diagram 2.2Rajah 2.2


12 marksl12 markahl

( i i ) Name the respiratory system shown in Diagram 2 1.Namakan sisfem respirasi yang ditunjukkan dalam Raiah 2.1.

l1 markl11 markahl

-t5-5 li: rat, 2009 t {ak Cipta .tt)N.l ! , ihar scbclahST]LIT

sU t_t'r "15.5 1i2

(b) State one simi lar i ty and one di f ference of structure P in Diagram 2 1 andDiagram 2.2Nyatakan satu persamaan dan satu perbezaan strukturP dalan Ratah 2.1 danRaiah 2.2

Similarity lPersamaan

Difference I Perbezaan

l2 ntarksl12 ntarkahl

(c) Explain how structures Q and s increase the efficiency of gaseous exchangern each organtsm.Terangkan bagaimana struktur Q dan S meningkatkan keberkesananperlukaran gas dalam setiap organisma tersebut.

[2 marks)12 markah)

State how air is drawn from R to S.Nyatakan bagaimana udara ditarrk dari R ke S

1.2 marksl12 markah)

,1551/2 iCr 2009 l{ak Cipta jpNJ SI,JLIT



Str l . l ' l 455 U2

{e) Humans and cockroach have different respiratory system. Explain one differencebetween the resprratory sysiem of a human and a cockroach.

Manusia dan lipas mempunyai sisferrr respirasi yang berbeza-beza. Terangkan satuperbezaan di antara slslen respirasi manusia dan lipas

[3 marks][3 markah]

j5 i I ' l , ( t 1009 I lak Cipra JpN. l IL ihat sebelahSULTT

[ . r 'nnutt , . i

i r t )

I r-----1I l , l



SULI ' I 4551t2

Extttntnar sDiagram 3 shows the mechanism of an enzyme reaction

Rajah 3 menunjukkan mekanisme tindak balas enzim

rty''r) ii"'.X ,',f";;a,i ' l 1 i . i u \ \\ ',:, .:" ,*qs \ '\ . / r t . :

t..\.. "-tar,

\--- ' tr. ' .... ". . -...

i':':*-',/ ''l*:.=-,,-,o/

/ , . t

Diagram 3Rajah 3

(a) ( i ) Name structure X Y and ZNamakan struktur X,Y dan Z

13 marksl[3 markahl

Based on Diagram 3, which structure wi l l be denatured i f thetemperature is increased ?Berdasarkab kepada Rajah 3, struktur yang manakah akan clinyahasliapabila suhu dinaikkan?



( i i )

[1 mark]il ntarkahl

455 l /2 ( i ) 2009 f lak Cipta . tPNJ SLJLIT

- i t rXr)

l { r ) ( r i )

Sl, l . l l

(b) (i) List three characreristics of the enzyme shown in Diagram 3.Senaraikan tiga ciri enzint yang ditunjukan dalam Rajah 3.


Why enzyme is said to be highty specific?Mengapakah enzim dikatakan bersifat khusus?

| <( | , '1aJ-, t t -


13 marksll3 markahl

( i i )

[3 marks)[3 markah]



Biological enzymes are added to the washing powOer t lboost its effectiveness

Enzint biologi ditantbahkan dalam serbuk pencucipakaian untuk meningkatkan keberkesanannya

Give one example of a biological enzyme that can be added to washinq powderExplain the act ion of this enzymeBerikan satu contoh enzim biotogi yang boteh clitambah keapda serbuk pencuciTeratrykan tindakan enzim ini

[2 marks]12 markahl

! i ) l / l (cr 2UOn l iak Cipta.tpNJ f l- ihat sebelahST]I,IT

I l tunuttr s

_t i*

I r*-1I l ' l

' l:'

r-1l l ._I t l ) I

st. r t . t

i ,s l ,

-1i x)( | )


Diagram 4.1 shows the reproductive structures of a flowerRajah 4.1 menunjukkan struktur pembiakan bagi satu bunga

! i i r , r t

(a) ( i ) Based on Diagram 4 1,plant.Berdasarkan Rajah 4.1,tumbuhan in i .

Diagram 4.1Rajah 4.1

name the type of reproduction carried out by this

namakan lenis pembiakan yang di jalankan oleh

(r i ) Based on Diagram 4.1Berdasarkan Rajah 4.

11 ntark)i1 narkah)

. state the number of seed produced1, nyatakan btlangan biji benih yang aket) Cihasilkan.

155112 e) 2009 I lak Cipta JpN.l

11 markl[1 markah)


sLil_t1- il

(b) What is the importance of the type of reproduction mentioned inanswerApakah kepentingan jenis pembiakan yang disebut dalam (a) (i).lawapan ancia


(a) ( i ) . Explain your


. i (b l

I r--lI l i ll l ' l


[3 ma*s][3 markah]

Reproduct ion in plants involves the fusion of male and female gametes. Diagram4.2 shows a male gamete. Diagram 4.3 shows the early stage of double fert i l isat ionin f lowering plant.Pentbiakan tumbultan melibatkan percantuman gamet jantan dan gamet betina.Rajah 4.2 menunjukkan satu gamet jantan. Rajah 4.3 menunjukkai peringkat awa!persenyawaan ganda dua dalam tumbuhan berbunaa.

(r) Based on Diagram 4.2,Berdasarkan Rajah 4.2,

Diagram 4.2Rajah 4.2

Diagram 4.3Rajah 4.3

name structure Snamakan struktur S

11 markl11 markahl

1551i2 O ?009 I Iak Cipta JpNJ ILihat sebelahSTILIT




( i i ) Explain what happen to structure S when i t lands on structure TTerangkan apa yang berlaku kepada struklurS apabila ia lattth cli ata'< struktur

[3 rnarks]13 ntarkahl

Complete Dragram 4.4 below to show how double fert i l isat ion occurs.Lengkapkan Rajah 4.4 di bawah untuk menunjukkan bagarrnanapersenyawaan ganda dua berlaku

Diagram 4.4Rajah 4.4

[3 nrarks]13 narkalt)



+.t51/ i C) 2009 I lak t l ipta JPNJ st i t . t I

st [_ l ' t ' t3

Diagram 5.1 shows the human nervous systemRajah 5 1 rnenunjukkan sislenr saraf rnanusia.

Tlroracic verfebrae

Vertebra torahs

-+55 l1:

Lr.rnrbar vertebrae {

Veftebra lumbar I

sacrat venebrae IVerteltra sakruml

Caudal vertebrae JVerlebra koksik L

Diagram 5 1Ralai i 5. 1

(a) Name the par ls labei P Q and R in ihe spaces provided rn Diagram 5 , .Namakart hahaqrarr t i, C) cJan /? p,:cja ruang yang disediakan datafttRalah 5 1.

[3 nrarks]13 ntarkahl

:15,5 i , ' : 11 1009 Huk Cipt:r . t t ,N. l f l - ihat scbclahStrLI ' l '



[ :sanint ' r 's

IT .155 l/2

(b) The line XY cuts across paft of the central nervous system connecting tothe sensory receptors of the fingers.in the space provided, draw cross-sect ion of a label led diagram throughXY of the central nervous system.Garisan XY memotong sebahagian darrpada sislem saraf pusat yangmenyambung kepada reseptor deria pada jari tangan.Dalam ruang di bawah, lukiskan keratan renlas satu rajah berlabelbahagian sislem saraf pusat yang melalui XY dalant ruang yangdisediakan.

r:l l ' l


'1551/2 (O 2009 Hak Cipta JPn-. |

13 marksl[3 markah]


S t . i t .1 '1 ,155 L/2

(c) Diagram 5.2 shows the nerve pathway of a reflex arc when the hand touches a hotrronRaiah 5.2 menunjukkan lintasan saraf satu arka refleks bila tangan tersentuh seterikaoanas



( i i ) Based on Diagram 5.2,Diagram 5 3Berdasarkan Rajah 5.2,Rajah 5 3.



. [3 niarks]13 markah]

complete the ref lex arc for the impulse pathway in

lenglkapkan arka refleks untuk lintasan impuls dalam


( i )

Diaqram 5.2Raiil 5.2

On Diagram 5.2, labels, T and U in the spaces providedPada Rajah 5.2. labelkari S, f dan IJ pada ruang yang disediakan

----,lTl-l .-.--*

Diagram 5 3Rajah 5.3

12 marksl12 narkahJ

.15,s l i2 iO 2009 I Iak Cipta JpN.l IL ihat scbelahSTILIT


[ , toni t t t r , ;


sLu_t f

Seci ion BBahagran B

[40 marks ]| 40 ntarkah l

Answer any two questions from this section.Jawab mana - ntana dua soalan daripada bahagian ttt,

6 (a) Dragram 6 1 shows the movement of molecule P across the ptasma rre mbraneRajah 6.1 menunlttkkan pergerakan ntolekul P mereniasi ntembr;tr:.,as/lla



'*). "J


Based on Dragram 6 1n1enl brane.Ratdasarharr Rajah 6 1rnerrrhran piasma

JDragram 6.1

Ralal t 6.1

explain how molecule P moves across the

tenngkan bagarntana ntolekul P bergerak



14 ntarksji4 narl.,ai.

rh l

The blooci osmot ic pressure neecj to be maintained at normal level rn 3r1i . : :11' f gred biood cei ls to f i rnct ion opt inral ly

Tekanan os/l lo.si.\ ,7;irah lterltt cJikekalkart paoa a/e.s narntar,sr./pat,rr sr_ t-t. _:,)r! tel al! I xi lelt bt;r lt :t ir7..; l .sqis;,11-, aptitn?t

BrG-d on ;bovJiniornijiia,'"' citsc-nbnwr-,atiili r-rappen ,r t Jrriooi, ,r. ,pressure is not maintained at norntal level


[)erdasarkan rrtaklurnai dt alas u.\,a!al.:an apa akari berlaki.t j ika tek,ar. j,..--.:,,]r;, i :Sclarah tdak dtkekalkan pada aras itctnnAl

.^ , 'ra.'^ s][6 nrarAertr ]

+5..1 ' l r .1009 l lak ( ' iptrr . i l r \ . I

\L i - I I t l

(c) Diagram 6.2(a; shows concj i t ion of a prant dur ing drought anci Diagram 6 2(b)shows the condrt ion of the same plant af ter the plant i i g iven water.Rajah 6.2(a) menunjukkan keaclaan sepohon pokok semasa kemarau danRajah 6 2(b) menu,.lukh:a, keatlaan pakok yang sama se/epas pokoktersebut drsiram derwan air

,155l i l

iL ihat scbclahSt]LIT

i ,i '. "'i'|i},iii. i \'

. , ' t

- '1 I

Diagram 6 2(a)Rajah 6.2(a)

Cel l PSe/ P

-15.5l l : i (_ 1009 I lak t ' ipra Jp.,r ,* . |

Diagram 6.2(b)Rajah 6 2(b)

Diagram 6.3 shows two root epidermai cel ls, p and e which are obtained fromthe plant in Diagram 6.2Ralal6,3 menunjukkan clua sel epiderntis akar, p clan e yang diperoteh daripokok dalant Rajah 6 2

' l r

/ ' - -t:- ./

t i it . . - - - . ) . t

1-al l A

Se/ Q

( r)

( i i )

Diagranr 6.3Ra;ah 6.3

Match cel l P and cel l e to the correct plant in Diagram 6.2Paelankan sel P dan se/ e kepada pokctk yang betut craram Ralah 6.2

[2 marks)[2 markah]

Based on Diagram 6.2 anci 6.3, explain what had happened to the plantBerdasarkan Ralah 6 2 clan 6 3. terangkan apa yang telah berlaku paclatttmbuhan tersebut

[B marks]IB ntarkah]

SI, I I ]

"155 l /2 i r l ' 2009 I Iak L' ipra . lpN.l

Explarn the two types of immunity.Tcrangkan ctt ta lerr is keimttnart tersebtf t .

Describe how imnrunity is obtained through :Huratikan l'tagaintanzt keimunan rlicapai ielalui :( i ) act ive immunrty

kcrntt t rrart aktr f( i r ) passive immunity

keimunan pasif


['i ne,*s]14 ntarka!;1

[6 nrarks]16 ntarkahl




Mr suhardi who is 42 years ord is an editor for a famous magazine. Receni ly.he is confirmed to be suffering from cardiovascurar disease. He has a few badhabits such as smoking 20 cigarettes a day taking fast food mear and rackingof exercise.

Ettcik stthardi berrmur 42 tahun acJatah seorang pengarang sebuah malatahltang terkenat. Baru-baru ini. betiau tetah disahian m6ngniiap pi,iyaxitkardiovaskLtlar Berrau ntempunyai beberapa tabiat burtik sepe'rti merokok 20

,s"* Jin i;';;;; ;'": ;;*r*

Based on your biorogicar knowredge, exprain why he has cardiovascurardrsease.Berdasarkan pengetahuan biologi anda, terangkan mengapa behaLtrne ng h id ap pe nya ki t karcl i ova skul a r

I lJ 'narr i : ]

| | J , '1- . ] ra

- !


Si I t -11

There are two types of immunitydrseases.Terdapat eltra lenis kctntunatt pac!,-t

1angkitan darl Stenyakit.

In human to prevent infeciron from

matinsa untuk menghatang sebarang


8 (a)

l9 .15-sI i l

* - i l__Tumb,uhan

Diagram B shows one phenomenon in the ecosystem due to an unplanneddevelopment.Rajah B ntenunjukkan satu fenomena dalant ekosislenr yang ctisebabkan olehpembangunan yang tidak terancang.


Diagram BRajah B

Based on Diagram 8, explain the phenomenon and i ts effects to the environmentBerdasarkan Rajah 8, terangkan fenomena ini dan kesan-kesannya terhacLapalam sekltar,

[10 marks][10 markalt)

The world populat ion is now growing drast ical ly.In order to ful f i l l the needs of the increasing populat ion, acres of lands haveto be developed into housing areas schools, factor ies and highways

Populasi penduduk dttnia sekarang meningkat dengan drastik.Bagi memenuhi keperluan penambahan populasi ini, berekar-ekartananterpaksa dibangunkan nterladi kawasan perumahan,sekol ah, kilang clanlebuh rava.

Give an evaluat ion on the above statement with impacts in environmentalaspect.Berikan satu peni!aran tentang pernyataan di atas dengan mempeftimbangkanrntpak ke atas alam sekitar.

,1-)5 i i2 Cr 2009 I lak ( i ipra. lpNJ

['10 rnarks]{10 markahl

I i . ihat scbclahST]LTT


s t-i i_ I-i 20

A student collected some characterrstics of the garden pea plants Pisurn -qatit;LtmHe l isted his observat ions and f indings in Table 9.1.

Seorang pelajar nrengumpul cin-crri pokok kacang pea Pisum sativurnDia senaraikan pemerhatian dan dapatan tlalam Jadual 9.1.


Dominant al le le Recessive al le le

-- T. rai ts




Shape of seedBentuk biji 5474 Round

5474 Bulat1850 Wrinkleci1850 Berkedut


I. t


, l

Colour of seed ; - - - - .) t^;.;;^ i,,, --- i ooz2 yeilow 2001 Green

lvvcl t t td uut

6022 Kttnrnq ,

2001 Hi jau_l +_

i Height of p larr t jo- a^, t | ^_- ^,, Ketlnggian pokok ' 7 87 Tall i 277 Short l

i 78v Tinggi i Zr7 Kerdit ii__ _____,_,,t_I Ratio of second filiit-* l- i ---*---_ - '

I g.eneration (F2)) Nisbah generasi filial, kedua (Fl-_

Table I 1Jadual 9.1

(a) ( t) Based on Table g 1, draw a bar chart to show the total number of tal l and shortplants against the height of plant on the graph paper provrded in page 23.Berdasarkan Jadual 9.1, lukis satu cafta bar untuk menunlukkan bitangan pokoktinggi dan kerdil melawan ketinggian pokok pacla kefias graf yang disediakan dirrtuka surat 23.

[3 marks]13 markahl

( i i ) BaseO on the bai ' chart constructed in (a)( i ) ,what js the type of var iatron shownby the plant ? Explain your answer.Berdasarkan carta bar yangl dilukis dalam (a)(i), apakah jenis vanast yangditttnjukkan oleh Stokok itu ? Terangkan jawapan ancla.

[3 nrarks]i3 narkahl

.155 l/2 a!t' ' 1009 I lak Cipta j P,'r*.I St ]LI ' f

SLr Ll l ' l-{-i l ,/ l

( i i i ) A cross between pure-breedrng tal l p lants with pure-breeding short piantsproduces al l ta l l p lants rn the f i rst f i t ia l generat ion (F,) plants."T' ' represents dominant al le le for tal l p lanrs whi le ' t " represents therecessive allele for short plants.Use a schematic diagram to show the resr-rlts of the self-pollination betweenprogeny of the F, generat ion to produce the second f i l ia l generat ion (Fr)

Satu kacukan antara baka tulen pokok tinggi dengan baka tuten pokok kerdilmenghasilkan semua pokok tinggi dalant generasi fitial pertana (F,)."7" mewakili alel dominan untuk pokok tinggi dan "t" mewakiti ale! resesif untuk

tsokok kerdil.Gunakan satu rajah sketna untuk menunlukkan hasit pendebungaan sendi4antara progenigenerasi F, untuk menghasilkan generasifilial keclua (Ft)

14 marks)14 rnar kahl

(b) Based on the characters In Table g.1 the heterozygous pea plants from the f i rstf i l ia l generat ion (F1) with round and yel low seeds were sel f-pol l inated to produceseeds for the second f i l ral generat ion ( fr : )

Berdasarkan ctn-ciri dalam ,Jaclual g.1, pokok kacang pea yang heterczigus clarigenerasifilial perlama (F,) yang berbiji bLtlat clan berwarna kuning lelah ntelakttkanpendebungaan sendiri untuk ntenghasilkan biji benih bagi generasifil ial keclua (F2t.

Use schematic diagram and Punnett square to show the inheri tance ofthe phenotypic and genotypic characters of the seeds (shape and colour) f romthe l :1 generat ion to the l i l generat ion piants

Dengan menggunakan rajah skenra clan segients.at punnett, tunlukkartpewansan cin-cirifenotip clan genotip brjt benih (bentuk rjan warna) dari pokok-pokok generasi ['t kcltuiu gcnaro\i F .

[6 marks][6 ntarkah]

+,5 j l i2 O 1009 I lak Cipra . tPn'J [ [ - ihet scbelahSTiLIT


Given that.Diberi bahawa:

R = dominant allele for round seed / R = isle! rlominan untuk biji butat

r = recessive allele for wrinkled seed / r =alelresesif untuk biji berkeclut

Y = dominant allele for Yellow seed / Y = alel clominan untuk biji bewarna kuning

y = recessive allele for green seed i y = alel resesif untuk biji bewarna hrjau

st i i_t1 ' 1{i1.-)

(ii) 3600 seeds of the [r2 generation were collectedBased on the results of characters distr ibLrt ion in (c)( i ) , calculate the numberof seeds with different sirapes and colours in the F] generation

36AA bili henih generasi [:l telah dikumpulkan.Eerc|asarkan keputusan taburan crrt-ciri di (c)(i), hitung bilangan btlr benrltyang nempunyai bentuk dan warna yang berlatnan dalarn gerrerast I:.

14 ntatx: :14 ntarkan


{551i2 i ( ' , l { , )0t) f la l i c ' ipta . lPN. l st i t t ' l

l l

st r i_ l i

i li1iai it1



__ -_"t


l l . , l . i i -ebclalri s l i l [ ' t

l t l i r { t I t . . ' I . : .^ , . . r t } \ '_, ; , , , I l , l ' \ \ r l r rJ. i l r \

. !



PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN SPM 2OO9BIOLOGYKertas 2Peraturan PemarkahanSeptember

4ss l i2(PP)



I annanaxII

I Peraturarr pernarkahan ini SULI'I dan IIak Cipta JPNJ. Kegunanya khusus untuk

I penreriksa yang herkenaan sahaja. Sebarang maklurnat dalarn peraturan pemarkahan! penreriksa yang herkenaan sahaja. Sebarang maklurnat dalarn peraturan pemarkaha

I lni tidat boleh clirraklirinkan kepada sesiapa. Peraturan pemarkahan ini tidak boleh

I dikeiuarkan dalam apa - apa bentuk media.

Peraturan pemarkahan ini rnengaridungi l4 halatnan bercetak

It,ihat setrelahSULIl-

455 l(PP) c) 2ooe Hak cipra JPri.l


Marking schemeSection A


L!e-: f -- --:_------ --ue$ueie! -"re--_-.--_----- ---__I t(a) | Able to mark and label producer second trophic level.I I

I I Answer:i I Prctducer label at sfirubsI I Second trophic level label at giraffes


i (bxi) | Able to construct a food chain consisting all organism.

I Anr*"r,I Shrubs *--r> giraffes lionII

(ii) i nnte to explain tfre change in number of organisms from the baseto the top of the pyramid.

Sample answer :F: As we go up the pyrarnid, there are fewer giraffes than

trees/shrubs // fewer lions than giraffes.

Pl . many trees / shrubs providing energy to giraffes ll rnanygiraffes pr"oviding energy to lion.

t l

I i P2 . a large number of living organisms at the base of the pyramidI i is required to support a few organisms at the top of the

i i PYrarnidr - - - - - - - - - - - l - - '

I (cl I nUte to explain why a lot of energy is lost to the environment as itI nnte to explain why a lot of energy is lost to the environment asI transferred frorn one trophic levei to the next.I

Sarnple answer :P1 . Energy is lost as heat during respiration at every trophic levelP2 : through undigested matter egested by consumerF3 : through excretory product I urea from consumer

EntJio suggesia wattolncr-ease tne nunnr'ers oifrris organismagain,

Sample answer:1. Reduce the population of predators by killing / destroy the

predators2. Conserve the organism in the 2nd trophic level3. Breed the organism in the 2nd trophic level4. Increase the organisms in the 1st trophic level

Any one








455112 O 2009 IIak Cipta JPNJ SI.JI,IT'


2 (a) ( i)


( i i ) Able to explain the suggestion.

Sample answer :P1 : Lion is the predator // Shrubs is the producer

P2 : When the nurnber of predator decreases , the giraffes will

not kre eaten /i When the number of producer increases, the

giraffes have more food supply.

P3 : The breeding rate of the giraffes increase i the population ofthe giraffes increase


Abreio 'annG t,.," FaGl"*#1:"fflHe -*--

Able to name the respiratory system shown

Answer:Tracheal system

Able to state the one similarity and one difference of structure P

Sample Answer:SimilaritvBoth walls of P consist of rings to strengthen it

Differences:The wall of P in insect consists of chitin ring while P in humansconsrsts of cartilage rirrg.

Able to explain how structures Q and S increase the efficiency ofgaseous exchange in each organisrn.

Sample Answer :F1 : Consist of (millions of) alveoli in lung and many tracheal

tubes/ tracheole / thin layer / 1 cell thick

P1 : to increase total surface area per volurne ratio for gaseousexchange.

F2 : The inner surface of alveolus and tracheoles end consists oftissue fluid I moisture

P2 : to provide moist surface for gas diffusion / to dissolveoxygen/gases for diffusion.


, l lt i

1i i__r_l




455112 O 2009 Hak Cipra JPNJ




3(a) ( i )


Marking Q1(F1eAble to name structure X.Y and Z

$ample-answer:X : substrateY : enzymeZ : enzyme-substrate complex

Able to identify correct structure

Sampl€ answer:Structure Y

Able to list down 3 characteristics of enzyme from the diagramgiven

-$erule-arsws!Fl - enzyme is highly specific/lenzyme reaction follow the lock

and key hypothesisF2 - enzyme is not destroyed after the reaction/ican be reused

again//remain unchanged after the reactionF3 - enzyme has specific site for its substrate




Marks -l

T-li it i

I i F4 - enzyme hydrolyses / breaks down substrate to form products

I | (Any 3)





455112 CI 2009 X[ak Cipta JPNJ SULIT


SULIT 4551t2

Able to explain the meaning of highly specif ic

Sample answer.F1 - Enzyme has specific site called active siteF2 - the active site has a distinctiveF3 - the shape of the substrate must fit the enzyme precisely if a

reaction is to be catalysed//complements its substrate

Able to give one example and explain the reason

Sample a[swer:F1 - Protease / lipase I amylaseP1 - to breakdown/dissolve/hydrolyses protein stain/ fat stain /

starch stain

F and P must correspond





No4(a) ( i)


Able to name the process

Sample angwerSexual reproduction

Able to identify the number of ovule

Sample answer16

Able to state the irnportance of the reproduction

Semplg_answelF 1 - There is variation/ diversity ( in gene composition of the

offspring)F2 - when conditions become unfavourable some

rndiviciuals rnay surviveF3 - And able to reproduceF4 - This will prevent the extinction of the species

Able to state structure S

Sffnple_atswelPollen grain


---Marka ---- [ - i

1 11 i

l i





L ___

3III 'Il___

455112 SULIT

SULIl' 455112

(cXii) Able to explain the process

Sample answerF1 - Sucrose solution/sugar on structure T stimulate germination

ofSF2 - pollen tube grows out from SF3 - lt grows down (the style) into the ovaryF4 - enter the ovule through micropyle

Able to draw and label the diagram correctly


Pol len tube{2) polar nuclei

Embryo sac

i l \ lI \Micropyle

i iI I Mrcropvle i

I ,2) mare samete

| | It l l lI Criteria of the diagram: I I ij Corru"t drawing with pollen tube enter through the rnicropyte end I t I II Correct drawing of embryo sac with 2 polar nuclei ancl egg | . I iInucleusinside 11 i II Correct drawing of potten tube with 2 mate nuclei

| ',

I 3

Ii with correct labels i I il i l l- - -F - - f -+ -- it t i

--]- -r,oler-i-*- --L1?------l

(2) male gamete

Criteria of the diagram:Correct drawing with pollen tube enter through the nricropyle end I 1


4551t2 O 2009 Hak Cipta.IPNJ SUI,]T




5 (a) Ab,- *" n'*",h" prn, r"b##ffs -sibg!]ng_-


P: BrainQ: Spinal cordR: Peripheral nervous system / Spinal nerve

Able to draw cross-section of a labelled diagramcentral neryous system

(b) through XY of the



lnterneuroneit l

D: Able to draw transverse section through spinal cordL. Able to label grey matter and white nratter correctly

Able to label S, T and U correctly


S: InterneuroneT: Motor neurone // Efferent neuroneU. Sensory neurone // Afferent neurone

Able to complete the reflex arc for the nerve impulse.Answer:


Etfector T't IEfekror L--J



455112 O 2009 Hak Cipta.IPNJ SULIT


Question 6



Section B



IL,If :I

f :













Markino scheme-,-,--L-

noeToGxpta'n ffiw molecuteF rnove Jcross ttre plalfi;membrane

Sample answer

F - Molecule P moves across the plasma membrane by facildiffusion

P1 - Molecule P is water soluble / not soluble in l ipidP2 - Molecule P rnoves fnom higher concentration region to lower

concentration negion // against the concentration gradientF3 - Molecule P bind to the binding site of carrier proteinP4 - Carrier protein change its shapeP5 - Molecule P move through carrier protein

f r alv.s_et-Auie to oescriG wrrit wiil Gppen lf thtbloo-d osrnot-c preJsure isnot maintained at normal level

Sample answer

P1 - lf the blood osmotic pressure is lower than normal, waterdiffuses into the RBC by osmosis

P2 - Plasma membrane of RBC is too thin and delicate, so itcannot withstand the high osmotic pressure

P3 * RBC swell up and finally burstP4 - Haemoiysis occurs!MrO- --Q1 - lf the blood osmotic pressrire is higher than normal, water

diffuses out of the RBC by osmosisQ2 - Thre internal pressLtre of RBC decreasesQ3 - The RtsC shrinkQ4 * Crenation occurs

-Srv-sL-Able to match cell F and cell Q to the correct plant

AnswglCell P is obtained from plant in Diagram 6.2(b)CellQ is obtained from plant in Diagram 6.2(a)

sample-arwsrF1- Plant in Diagrarn 6.2(a) wil tsP1 - During drought, soi l water dries upP2 - Soil water becomes hypertonic to the cell sap of the root

epidermal cel lsP3 * Water diffuses out of the cells by osmosisP4 - Root epidermal cells plasmolysed(F1 + any 3Ps)




455112 O 2009 Hak (-iptu JPNJ S(,IT"IT

ST]I,IT 455112

F2 * T6plant regams rta noim;l condrlibnlirlisidit/P5 - After water is given to the plant, the soil water becomes

hypotonic to the cell sap of the plantP6 - Water diffuses into the plant cells by osmosisF7 - The plasmolysed cells regain water// deplasmolysis occursP8 - The plasmolysed cells become turgid(F2 + snY 3Pt;

r; i ilj--lI

r l



Iown antibodies in response to I

- Active imrnunity- means the body produces itsstimulation by an antigen.

- Passive immunitymeans the body receive an antibodies frorn an outsidesource

Sample answerActive immunityP1 - Active irnmunity can be obtained by

vacci nation/inoculation/lartifici ally acquiredP2 - Vaccine is a suspension of dead or weakened

bacteri a/vi rus/pathoge nF3 - White blood cells are stimulated to proctuce antibodies

againsts the pathogenP4 - Active immunity is also obtained wlren an individuai has

recovered from a certain disease//naturally acquiredP5 - A ready rnade supply of antibody will give immunity towards

that disease.

$amel-e=rygtPassive imrnunityP1 - Passive immunity can be obtained by an individual by

injecting antibodies/antiserunt into the body//artificiallyacquired

P2 - No antigen is put into the body, so the body does notproduce its own antibodies

P3 - Passive immunity can also be obtained by a baby when theantibodies from the rnother's blood plasma diffuse into the








455112 O 2009 |{uk Ciota.IFNJ SUI.IT

STII,IT 10 455112

Sample answetF1- ln the cigarette/tobacco smoke, there is carbon monoxide, tar

and nicotine that cause cardiovascular disease.P1 - Carbon monoxide reduces the oxygen supply to the heart

and body cells because it combines with haemoglobin fasterthan oxygen//has higher affinity for oxygen than haemoglobin

P2 - Carbon monoxide increase the sedinrentation rate of fat andcholesterol on the wall of the blood vessels causingarteriosclerosis.

P3 - Nicotine stimulates the production of adrenaline hormone,which increases the heart rate and blood pressure.

P4 - Nicotine encourages blood clotting in the narrow arterycausing cardiovascular diseases

F5 - Tar in tobacco smoke is carcinogenicleause cancer/causemutation

(Fl + any 3Ps)

Able to explain the reason of cardiovascular disease becauseconstantly taking fast food meal

Seapie srswer

F2 - Fast food contain a lot of unsaturated fat and cholesterolP6 - Fat and cholesterol deposit on the arterial wallsP7 - The lumen becomes small, and its wall hardensP8 - l-ess blood flow / blood flow is blockedF9 - Causes atherosclerosisF10 -Blood clots can be formed in the artery causing thrombosis.{F2 + any 2Ps)

Able to explain the reason of cardiovascular disease because oflaci<ing of exercise


F3 - Exercise reduces the fat level in the bloodP11 - Reduces the risk of arteriosclerosis because there is less

fat deposits on the blood vessel wallsP12 - lncrease cardiovascular durabil i tyP'13 -- Blood circulatory system becomes more efticient and

smoothP14 - lncrease the heart's strength.(F3 + any 2Ps)









455112 O 2009 [{ak Cipta.IPN.I SULI'f




i1 4551/2

-lterlhs-ggllelreAble to explain the phenomenon and its effects to theenvironment.Criteria:Fact (F): Name of phenomenonExplanation (E): Formation of phenomenonEffects(Ef)

9auplc-ensre.F" ( The phenomenon ) is acid rain.E1. Factories / motor vehicles released large amount of

oxides of nitrogen to the atmosphere: and sulphur dioxideoxides of nitrogen combines with wateratmosphere ) to form nitric acid:sulphur dioxide combines with water

atmosphere ) to form sulphuric acid: The rain falls as acid rain.




vapour ( in the

vapour ( in the

F + Any 4Es

Effects.Ef1. May corrode buildingsEf2. Aquatic lives may die due to acidic waterllow pHEf3. Minerals in soil will be dissolved / washed into riversEf4. Soil becomes infertile / not suitable for agricuitureEfS. Plants may die due to infertile soil / acidic soilEf6. T'he ecological balance of ecosystem disrupted

5 EfsE(b) Able to evaluate the statement with impacts in environmental

aspect.Criteria:E - Evaluationlrn - lmpacts on environment

$emgle._an9lryers:.Evaluation(E)" -81. Brings more had irnpacts to the environment i 1h'1. Ertngs more hacl rrnpacts to the environmen*

| t

Ilrnpacts on environment (l) : - |lm1 - Deforestation will lead to flash fiood I land slide I tInn2 - Open burning will lead to air pollution / formation of haze | 1lm3 - More carbon dioxide ( from open burning ) trap heat | 1lm4 - Lead to greenhouse effects / globalwarming I tlm5 - Lead to changes in world clirnate | 1lm6 - Greenhouse effect / global warming increases the earth | 1

temperature Ilm7 - Desiroying flora and fauna I flm8 - Migration of fauna / birds I tlm9 - Lead to loss of herbs for medical purposes / timber | 1lm10 - No more i Disrurpted water catchment area I 1G_r_elv sn-sl_--- _--_-fTotal ___ l__


1 I--1

455112 O 2009 llak Cipta JPN.I SULIT


Question 9


(a)(i i)

t2 455U2

[&t[iitg_S_ch9!!eAble to draw the bar chart correctly

Sample answel


short Height of plant


P: Correct title on both horizontal and vertical axisT: Bars of equal thickness, correct height and separatedL. Label tall and short with correct numbers

Able to state and explain the type of variation


F : Discontinuous variationrP1: the differences in the character is distinctive / with no

intermediate charactersP2. The character is qualitative / cannot be measured frorn one

extreme to the otherP3: the graph shows a discrete distributionP4'. A single gene/ a pair of alleles determines the differences i

the character/ traitsP5: the phenotype is controlled by a pair of alleles

(F + any 2Ps)

Numbcr of plants

eoo-1800-l700--l600"-ls00 -j4001300120olr00-L

455112 A 2AA9 Hak Cipra.IPNJ SULIT


(a)(i i i )


Able to draw a schematic diagram of the cross breeding

Sample answer;

Parental genotype






(Any four)

T'all Tall Tall Short



Able to draw schematic diagram and Punnett square show thegenotypic characters correctlySamgle_angwgl





(Any three)

Round, Yellowseed(Heterozygote)

Round, Yellowseed


4551/2 O 2009 Hak C'ipta JPN.} SULIT












JA3600 x *l-

l6= 675



IGametes = 1 mGenotype = 1 m

(Any three)Criteria:.Phenotypes = 1 mPhenotypicrat io= 1nr

Able to calculate the number of seeds with each characters

Sample answer


3600 x

= 1)4

CriteriaRound, yellow seeds = 2A25Round, green seeds = 675Wrinkled, yellow seeds = 675Wrinkled, green seeds = 225




455112 ro 2009 l-lak Cipta JPNJ S(ILIT

sul, l ' rNO K;\ t) P[I.\CI]N A I..;\ N

ANCKA ( l lL lR;\N

f-- ' l I iL ,- . r





Satu jam t iga puluh mini l


. I , \N(;AN I}UKA KIiRI"

7)r/ l .r nrrnrbor kad pengenalan ( lotrtttt{tt lxttlu 1taIuk .t ung di.tediukun.

Ktrlu,s soulun itri udi.tluh Julanr tlyt'ihulunu.

,\ t t u I Lt n rlu I o nt b r t h u s tt I nggt r i.r m t ndu h t t I r t i : rt u I i t n .t u n iqrt ' l t t t t /o rt r I o Io rn hu hustt ' \ t c I t ' ru

( 'ul t tr t dibt 'r turkurt t t t t 'njatrab kt.seluruhurt utuu.t t' lr u lrug i t t n t o Lt l t r tt .: u nr d dL t dtil ont h t t lt t t.s u l n ::ge r t \ ( t l { t uh u h tt s t r , \ I L I u.t . ' t r .

( ' t t l t tr t cl ikelrrtduki ntt .mhttcu nttk!untut r l ihuluntunht' I t rkun.g stto I tt tt i n i.


Sngkrt g i l i ran l : UnruA Ktgt , tuun l . t ,nt t r ik : , t I


, Kocl Pcnrcr iksl t :

lu nr lah

Kcnas sonlan ir-r i nrcngandungi 12 halrnran be rcetak

-155 | /.1 r, :olq < op1. ri(h(s .tp\,1 st- iL l ' t '

SULIT 4551/3

Answer all questionsJawab semua soalan

1. A group of students carry out an experiment io study the type of variation forthumbprints among a group of students in Form 5 in a school.The pattern of thumbprint that has the highest number of students is thedominant trait in that sample. Variation is influenced by genetic and environmentfactors.Sekumpulan pelaiar menialankan satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji jenis variasi bagi capjari antara pelajar-pelajar Tingkatan 5 di sebuah sekolah.Corak cap jari yang mempunyai bilangan pelajar pating tinggi adalah trait yang dominandalam sample itu. Variasi dipengaruhi oleh faktor genetik dan faktor persekitaran.

Table 1 shows the different types of pattern of thumbprrnt.Jadual 1 menunjukkan jenis corak berlainan bagi cap jari



L__Table 1Jadual 1

Diagram 1 shows the thumbprint patterns of 50 students selected randomly fromthe population of form 5 students in that schoor.Rajah 1 menunjukkan corak cap jari s0 orang pelajar yang telah dipilih secara rawakdaripada populasi pelajar-pelajar tingkatan S di sekolah itu.

455 l/ l .g') r,rak c'ipta JpNJ 2009 [L ihat sebelahSTJLI ' I

455 l i i ie; t lak Cipta JPN, :ooeSULIT

l :orl - . ranr incr 's

( lsr'


i , j

SULIT 4551/3

(a) Record the number of students with the same pattern of thumbprint in the boxesprovided in Table 2.Rekodkan bilangan pelajar yang mempunyai corak cap jari yang sama di dalampetak yang disediakan dalam Jadual 2.

[3 marks][3 markah I

Number of students with the samepattern of thumbprint

Bilangan pelajar dengan corak cap

students ip?!1:' I

students iPelajar I

Fn yang sama



ILihat sebelahST]t , IT

Table 2Jadual 2

-155 l / i ,1( ' i lak Crnra JPNJ :00()

[---p;ft;na ofi Thumbprintsi InumDpflnls

I Corak cap lariI



(b) (i) State two different observations made from Table 2.Nyatakan dua pemerhatian yang berbeza yang dibuat daripada Jadual 2.

Observation 1 | Pemerhatian 1 :

Observation 2 I Pemerhatian 2'.

[ 3 marks][3,narkah]

State the inference which corresponds io the observations in 1 (b) (i)Nyatakan inferens yang sepadan dengan pemerhatian di 1 (b) (i)

Inference from observation 1 | lnferens daripada pemerhattan 1

lnference from observation 2 I lnferens daripada pemerhatian 2

[ 3 marks][3 markah]

.1551/ i O t tak Cipta . lPNl lo09SULIT

( i i )

I o1

l : r i rnr inetl \a

1 th\ / i \

- l



1(bxi i )

f - :-** ' l

- , )3

L.- l


I i r rI i r l r rn i r rcr 's

[ . : r




ST]t, IT

(c) Complete Table 3 based on this experimentLengkapkan Jadual 3 berdasarkan ekspriment ini


TII Variable

?.epPplpnubah _ _Manipulated var iable

Pem boleh ubah dim a ni pulasi

Method to handle the var iableCararnengendaliperr2_olehubah _;


[ 3 marks][3 markahl



Responding vj i i iote '

Pe mboleh uba h be rge rakbal as

Constant var iablePem boleh uba h drmalarkan

Table 3Jaclual 3

State the hypothesis for this experiment.Nyatakan hrpofesrs bagi eksperimen ini

l . i5 | ' i t I l i rk ( i f r r . iP\J :U09

[3 marks][3 markahJ

IL ihat sebelahSULIT


(e) (i) Construct a table and record all the data collected in this experiment.Bina satu laduat dan rekadkan semua data yang dikumpul dalam eksperimen ini

Your table should have the following aspects.Jadual anda hendaklah mengandungi aspek-aspek berikut.'

Number of studentsBilangan pelajar

[3 marks][3 markahJ

(ir) Using the data in Table 2 draw a bar chart of the number of studentsagainst the pattern of thumbprint in the graph paper providedMenggunakan data di Jadual 2, lukiskan cafta bar bilangan pelalarmelawan corak cap jari di dalam kertas graf yang disediakan.

155 t /3 (e I lak { ' iprrr JP\ l 2009

[3 marks][3 markahl




l :orl - }anincr 's


1(e)( i )

r----| -,:I '? li -r," j

1(e)( i i )

l -_,1j3

SLILIT ;t551/3

l : ** . : . i : . , : : *1. : . : . !** ] : "* : - . ; :** . : .* : : ;* : .* . . : : , . ' * - iY. | . : ]*

: ) - i . : , i :

. r r . , : , : i , . ' , i : ' i ' 1, , i , , ; : :

I , . i

I r , " . i , , , ' , s : ,1. , , " i , , ' , . . , , - i t ' , l ) , , , ,

, 1 I ' . r . , ' : i : i ' . i i r i . ) , : . " i ' . , I

, ' l I i I i , l , . l ' : . X 1, . i .

i . , ' i , i , r , ! l . . i , l : Ii

1,, ' il . . l

. - - ^ ' - -*" j*- , . " \ - . " - r *

i - ' ' " t ' ' ' . : )I

4551/3 (O t tat C ipta JpNJ 200e IL ihat sebelahST]LTT


SULTT ,l55l13

(0 Based on the bar chart in e (ii) , determine the type of variation found in patternof thumbprint. Using your biology knowledge , give reasons for your answerBerdasarkan kepada cafta bar di (e) (iil, tentukan jenis variasi yang dijumpai dalamcorak cap 1ari. Menggunakan pengetahuan biologi, berikan alasan untuk jawapan anda.

[3 marks][3 markahJ

This experiment is repeated by replacing the thumbprint with the herght ofthe student. Predict the shape of the histogram in (e) ( i i ) and explainEksperimen ini diulang dengan menggantikan corak cap jari dengan ketingEten celajar.Ramalkan bentuk histogram dalam (e) (ii) dan terangkan.

[ 3 marks][3 ma rkah I

Based on the result from the experiment what can be deduce aboutdiscont inuous var iat ion.Berdasarkan keputusan daripada eksperimen ini, apakah yang dapat dirumuskan tentangvaiasi tak selanjar.

[ 3 marks][3 markahJ

455 l /3 e l lak Cipta JPNJ 2009ST]LI1



i --l| --*,-l| , :1

LorF,r t rn iner ' 's

[ . ]se





lorl : r lnr incr ' :

I . . :c

1( i )

t r_i

t - l


( i) The fol lowing are var iat ions found in human.Berikut adalah variast yang terdapat pada manusta

Variasi selanjar


List the all the above variations according to their type in Table 4Senaraikan semua variasi di atas mengikut jenis dalam Jadual 4

Discontinuous VariationVariasi tak selanjar

[ 3 marks][3 markahl

Height Eye colourKetinggian Wama anak mata

Abi l i ty to rol l tongue Ear lope shapeKebolehan menggulung Iidah Bentuk cuping telinga

Body weight Type of blood groupBerat badan Jenis kumpulan darah

+5-i | ' .1 i lak < ipra JpNJ t00q ILihat sebelahSII I , IT


Two farmers found that the Yieldthough they used the same soi l ,planted more paddy plants thenthan Farmer A.


from their paddy plants was not the same, evensame fertil izer and same seedlings. Farmer A

farmer B, but the yield from Farmer B is more


Based on the above information, plan a laboratory experiment to study howthe effect of distance between the paddy plants can affect its growth rate .Berdasarkan maklumat di atas, rancang satu eksperimen makmal untukmengkaji bagamanakah kesan iarak antara pokok padi bolehmempengaru h i kadar peftum buh annya.

The planning of your experiment must include the fol lowing aspects.Perancangan eksperimen anda hendaklah meliputi aspek-aspek berikut

Problem statementPenyataan masalah

Objective of investigationOblektif kalian

VariablesPe m b o le h tt ba h -pe m bol e h u b a h


List of mater ials and apparatusSenarai bahan dan radas digunakan

Technique usedTeknik yang digunakan

Experimental procedure or methodKaedah ataLt prosedur eksperimen

Presentation of dataCara data dipersembahkan



.155 l l3 (O t tak c ipta . IPNJ 2oo9

[ '17 marks][17 markah]


Dua orang peladang mendapati hasil keluaran padi mereka tidak sama, walaupunmereka menglgunakan tanah yang sama , baia yang sama dan benih yang samaPeladang A menanam lebih banyak pokok padi berbanding Peladang B tetapi hasil dari

Peladang B adalah lebih daripada Peladang A.







Able to record all the data correctly.1(a)lKB0603 -lvleasuring


(b) (i)lKB0601 -


Sample answers:

Pattern ofThumbprintCorak capiari N[W_I

t"*-- I a"r*.'*t -*-- -

r- -l- ::--

1. The number of students with the pattern of thumbprintcomposite is 22.

2. The i-n'mber r:f str.rdents with the pattern of thumbprint

1. The number of students with the pattern ofcomposite is ltigh.

2. The number of str"tdents with the pattern ofarch is low.



@lNumber o{StudentsBilanganpe!aJar

Able to record 3 data correctlY

Able to record 2 data correctlY

Able 1o rfdrd only 1?ata or-not aute to respond / wrongresponse.

Able to state two different correct observations

Sample answers:


(b) ( i i)

IKE]0604 -MakingInferencel

Able to state only one correct observation or two observation atidea level.


1. The number of student for each thumbprint is different2. Every student have diffrent pattern of thumbprint .

No response or incorrect response or two inaccurate observationor one idea only.

Able to make twoiorrect rnterences naseO on two aseeCis(i) Dominant / recessive(ii) Number of students highest / not highest

ggrngle answgl*

1. The composite pattern of thumbprint is dominant (to otherpatterns of thumbprint) because it has the largesUhighestnumber of students.

2. The arch pattern of thumbprint is not dominant / recessive (toother patterns of thumbprint) because it is not the largestnumber

Ab]e to state one-To-rrect-inte-rence and one lnadurte inieienceor able to state two inaccurate inferences.

Sample answer:

1. Composite thumbprint is dominant.2, Arch th' imLrprint is not dominant

Able to state only one correct inference or able to state twoinference at idea level.

Sample answer:

1 Thurnbprint is an example of variation.

No response or inaccurate resPonsI


(c)[K80610 -ControllingVariablel

Able to state S variablel anU rneliro'Os to nin-Ate etch vaitablecorrectly.


t - - Variable

Dominant / not dominantof Thumbprint

1.Type of finger2.The thumb

Count ihe number of studentswith each pattern of thumbPrintand record the data.

1.Use the2. Al l the

same type of fingerstudent use the thumb


P1 +P2+H

1. When the pattern of thumbprint is compositelwhorl/loop/arch, the number of students is highest.

2. When the pattern of thumbprint is domlnant, the numberof students is the highest.

3. When the pattern of thumbprint is recessive, the numberof students is the lowestThe composite pattern of thumbprint is dominant whenthe number of the student is the lowest.The arch pattern of thumbprint is recessive when thenurnber of the student is the lowest.



t_--_-I ManiRulated variable

II Pattern/type ofj thumbprintF.--.._---.-:.--:--

I Responding Variable:II

I number of studenU

IIi Different patterns of thumbprint

Able to state a hypothesis relating the manipulated variable andthe responding variable but less accurately.

Sample answel

1. The number of student is influence by the pattern ofthumbprint.

Able to state one idea of a hypothesis.

Sample answer

1. Different student has different pattern of thumbprint

Able to construct a table correctly with the following aspects:(e) ( i)lKB0606 -Communicating data l

T:Ti t lesS : Pattern of thumbprintD : Number of students

Samplq answer :

Any two correct aspect

Any one aspect correct

No response or incorrect resPons

- 1 mark- 1 mark- 1 mark

(e) (ii)lKB0607 *Correlatingtime andspace l

Able to draw the histograspects .

B(bentuk) : 4 bars

which include the following

P(paksi) : title of x-axis and y-axis - 1 mark

T(Trtik) : 4 bars drawn with correct number of students- 1 mark- 1 mark

Any two correct aspect

Any one aspect correct

No response or incorrect fesponse

Able to determine and give reasons correctly based on thefollowing criteria.

Rl : Type of variation - discontinuous variationR2 : there is no range of values between the different type of

thumbprint patternsR3 : influence by genetic factor only llnot influence by

environmental factor/fthe students either have the particular type of thurnbprintor do not have it or have another type.

Sample answel-

1. - The type of variation found irr thumbprint isdiscontinuous variationbecause thereris no range of values between thedifferent thumbPrint patternsand the students either have the particular type ofthumbprint or do not have rt /l influence by geneticfactor only.

Able to explain the relationship using any two aspects'


1. The type of variation found in thumbprint is discontinuousvariation because there is no range of values betweenthe different thumbprint patterns

2. The type of variation found in thumbprint is discontinuousvariation because the students either have the particulartype of thurnbprint or do not have it'

L- ______.]*

(g)IKB 0605 -Predictingl


lKBo60e -define


nOte to explain the relationship using one aspect only.

SamDle answer:

I . T!g@ud$-gi.s!9$!tr9!s ve!q!ig!.No response or incorrect resPons

AOfe to preOrct anO expfain tf'e-ouicomtottfre experim-inicorrectly with the following criteria:

C1 : Predict the shape of the histogramC2 : Type of variationC3 : Factors that influence variation

Sample answer

C 'l : bell shape / normal distributionC2 : Height is continuous variationC3 : Height is influence by both genetic and environment


1. The shape of histogram is normal distribution / bell shapebecause the height is continouos variation and influenceby the genetic and environment factors.

Any two criteria stated

Any one criteria stated

No response or incorrect resPonse

Able to define operationally the discontinouos variation.

C1 : Numbers of studentC2 : The shape of histogramC3 : Factors that tnfluence


1. Discontinouos variation can be determined by countingthe numbers of student with different pattern of thumbprintand shown in the bar chart drawn, and is influence by thegenetic factors.

Any two criteria stated

Any one criteria stated

No response or incorrect response



Able to classify the variations into different types

Sample answer :

Continuous Variation

Eye colour

Ear lope shape

Abil i ty to rol l tongue

Type of blood group

lL-- -- l - -tI Any two criteria statedIiAny one ariGna ;tated


I *"'":*::' "r':irect


AnswernroOtem I Abte to state problem statement by relating P1,PZ and P3 in a

statement: i question form correctly.

01 P1: manipulated variableDistance between paddy plants

P2: responding variabledry mass/the heighU the growth rate of paddy plant

P3: question form

Sample answer:

Does the distance between the paddy plants affect the dry massiErowth rate of paddy plant?

paddy plant.

Able to state at idea level.

Sample answerThe paddy plants affect the dry mass

IF..--- . - - -

I No response or wrong responseI

t)bjeciite Able to state the objective correctly

Sample answer

To study how the distance between the paddy plants can affect thegrowth rate of pacldy plant.

Able to CAie the hypothesis by relating two variables correctlywith the following aspectP1 : manipulated variable

Distance between paddy plants/seedlingsP2: responding variable

Dry mass/the heighV the growth rate of paddy plantslseedlingsH : relationship

Sample answer:1" The longer/further/shorter/nearer the distance between the paddyplants/seedlings, the higher/lower the groMh rate of paddy plant'

3 mark


2 mark


Tick1 mark






lAb[Jto statJany-Z aqi-ects Coirectly or inaccurate hypothesis


i Sample answerI t. fne distance between the seedlings affects the growth rate of paddy

I Plant.2. The growth rate of paddy plant is influenced by the distance between

the seedling.

Afie to state the idet of hyPothesis

Sample answer

I ttre Oistance between the seedlings affects the paddy plant

VariablesSample answer

Manipulated variables - distance between paddy plants/seedlingsResponding variables -dry massl height /growth rate of

seedlingsControlled variables -quantity and type of garden soil, amount

&pglalus1. A meter rule2 " Traylbasin/container3. O'len + electronic balance


2 marksP1+P2l



1 marks


0 marks ---,1

Tick3 mark

34+ 3M

Tick2 marks

2M+24Tick1 marks1M +1ATick

l*Arrle-to risi a ntT mtte riait ian-o inf i a pparatusi Al . r lv tw ! !Dt c l l iy I l r tqasr rqr+ sr ]v s


i Wrong response or no response


l81Technique I nUf" to state the correct technique I 1 mark

r lI Sampte ansrver I

l.Measure and record the dry mass of thepaddy plant by using electronic balance

2. Calculate and record the average height of the seedling by usingformula

= total-h_eiqht of 1Q_se_edling (cm)10 seedlings

3. Calculate and record the growth rate of plant by usingformula

=th@edlpgTime taken/day Tick



0r$Able to state Kl, K2, K3, K4 and K5 correctly.K1 : The set up of apparatus (steps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) at least 3 stepsK2 : How to fix the constant varlable? ( steps 1, 3, 4) one step onlyK3 : How to operate the responding variable? (steps 6, 7, 8) all 3 stepsK4 . How to operate the manipulated variable? (step 3)K5 : Precaution/Accuracy of experiment (steps 5, 7) one step only

Sample answer :1. Three planting trays are filled with 4 kg of garden soil.2. The trays are labeled as A, B and C using waterproof paint^3. 30 paddy seedlings are planted in tray A at a distance of 10 cm

intervals , 30 paddy seedlings in tray ts at a distance of Sr:rnintervals and 30 paddy seedlings in tray C at a distance of 2cmintervals.

3 markAII 5K





: ]

. lx x2cmSAMPLEXXX












ABC4. Each tray is watered daily with the same amount of water for 30

days.5. After 30 days, removel0 paddy seedlings randomly from tray A

and the root of seedling are washed them under running water'6. Heat and dry the paddy seedlings at 1050C in an oven7. Weigh the dried paddy seedlings to obtain an average dry mass

The average dry mass is calculate using the formula

:=*tbe dllm-qs-g pL 10 seeellings /g10 seedlinqs

8. Step 5 to 7 are repeated for seedling from B and C. The average I




l l

. ro;;- .,,SAMPLE


9. The result are recorded in a table.

Able to state any 3 K to 4 K correctlY

Able to state any 1 K or 2 K correctlY

Wrong response or no response

Abfi6;onstrnct a table to redrd data-witti ttre foti-owingrespeCt

Column for manipulated variable - distance between thepaddy plantsColumn for operating responding variable - Average drymass / height of paddy PlantsGrowth rate of paddy plants

Title with correct unit

Data is not required

Able to state the conclusion correctly.

Sample answer

The longer the distance between seedlings, the higher the growth rateof paddy plant.

Ablelo siate z-g aspects of expe7n-ental ptinni;g whilh inctu?esthe following:

7-9t ick =J4-6t ick =l1-3t ick = ' t

2 MarkTick1 markTick0 mark

82- 1





Total Mark





I' - l




