TURBINE CU GAZ Norma Petrom OMV G 2007 Proiectare si executie Pag.1 GAS TURBINES Design and Construction Petrom OMV Standard G 2007 Elaborat/ Compiled: Aniculesei Ion Verificat/ Checked: Decusara Felicia Rev: 1/21.12.2006 Eng: 1/21.12.2006 Aprobat/ Approved: Jeffrey Rinker Divizia Rafinare Petrom OMV isi rezerva toate drepturile asupra acestei documentatii si va da in judecata pe orice persoana neautorizata sa o utilizeze sau sa o transmita la terti Petrom OMV Refining Division reserves all its rights to these documents and will take legal action against anyone Aceasta norma a fost elaborata pentru rafinariile Petrom prin prelucrarea si adaptarea normei OMV G2007 rev.01.09.2001 This norm was elaborated for Petrom refineries by the processing and adapting of norm OMV G2007 rev.01 .09.2001 Capitol Cuprins Pag. 1.0 GENERALITATI 2 1.1 Domeniu de aplicare 2 1.2 Norme si prescriptii 2 1.3 Decizii generale 2 2.0 DECIZII, ABATERI SI COMPLETARI LA API 616 10 Anexa Norme si prescriptii 26 Point Contents Page 1.0 GENERAL 2 1.1 Scope 2 1.2 Standards and regulations 2 1.3 General decisions 2 2.0 DEFINITIONS, DEVIATIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS TO API 616 10 Annex Standards and Guidelines 26 using them or passing them on without authorization.

Petrom OMV_Norm_G_2007_rom_eng_rev.1_2006-12-01

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  • TURBINE CU GAZ Norma Petrom OMV

    G 2007

    Proiectare si executie Pag.1

    GAS TURBINES Design and Construction

    Petrom OMV Standard

    G 2007

    Elaborat/ Compiled:

    Aniculesei Ion

    Verificat/ Checked:

    Decusara Felicia Rev: 1/21.12.2006 Eng: 1/21.12.2006

    Aprobat/ Approved:

    Jeffrey Rinker

    Divizia Rafinare Petrom OMV isi rezerva toate drepturile asupra acestei documentatii si va da in judecata pe orice persoana neautorizata sa o utilizeze sau sa o transmita la terti

    Petrom OMV Refining Division reserves all its rights to these documents and will take legal action against anyone

    Aceasta norma a fost elaborata pentru rafinariile Petrom prin prelucrarea si adaptarea normei OMV G2007 rev.01.09.2001

    This norm was elaborated for Petrom refineries by the processing and adapting of norm OMV G2007 rev.01 .09.2001

    Capitol Cuprins Pag.


    1.1 Domeniu de aplicare 2

    1.2 Norme si prescriptii 2

    1.3 Decizii generale 2


    Anexa Norme si prescriptii 26

    Point Contents Page

    1.0 GENERAL 2

    1.1 Scope 2

    1.2 Standards and regulations 2

    1.3 General decisions 2


    Annex Standards and Guidelines 26

    using them or passing them on without authorization.

  • Pag/Page2 Norma Petrom OMV G 2007 /Petrom OMV Standard G 2007

    1.0 GENERALITATI 1.1 Domeniu de aplicare

    Prezenta norma este valabila pentru conceptia si executia turbinelor cu gaz industriale heavy duty de tip H, respectiv turbine cu gaz aero-derivative tip G, conform API 616 in cadrul Petrom OMV.

    1.0 GENERAL 1.1 Scope

    This standard applies to the design and construction of H-type heavy-duty industrial gas turbines and G-type aero-derivative gas turbines to API 616 that are used in the Petrom OMV.

    1.2 Norme si prescriptii Impreuna cu prezenta norma se vor respecta

    dispozitiile, normele si directivele valabile in Romania, in varianta lor aflata in vigoare, care sunt mentionate in Anexa.

    Nu consideram enumerarea noastra ca fiind una completa.

    Daca intre diferitele dispozitii, reglementari, norme si directive apar diferente sau contradictii, iar aspectele respective nu sunt in mod expres clarificate prin prezenta norma, se va aplica reglementarea cu formularea cea mai restrictiva. In cazul in care prevederile se exclud reciproc, atunci se va aplica reglementarea prevazuta de legislatia din Romania. Intra in responsabilitatea executantului sa verifice daca prevederile prezentei norme sunt adecvate scopului lucrarii respective. Aplicarea normei nu il degreveaza pe executant de raspunderea pe care o are in calitate de antreprenor profesionist si responsabil. Daca executantul are obiectii cu privire la una dintre prevederile stabilite, el il va informa imediat in scris pe angajator despre acest lucru.

    1.2 Standards and regulations In conjunction with this Standard, the respective specifications, standards and directives legally applicable in Romania and stated in the Annex should be taken into account in their currently valid form.

    This list is not claimed to be complete.

    In the event of deviations or conflicts arising between the various standards and specifications and there is no firm definition in this standard, the strictest formulation shall be applied in each case.

    Where they are mutually exclusive, the statutory Romanian regulations shall apply.

    The contractor is responsible for checking the appropriateness of this standard for the intended purpose. Its application does not relieve the contractor of his responsibility as a competent, independent entrepreneur.

    Should the contractor have reservations concerning an agreed definition, he shall notify the client of this in writing without delay.

    1.3 Decizii generale Furnizorul trebuie sa verifice atent conditiile de mediu de la locul de amplasare si trebuie sa tina cont la proiectarea filtrarii aerului, de marimea particulelor de impuritati si a celor de praf, concentratia acestora, impuritati speciale si influente climatice (umiditatea aerului, etc). In oferta vor fi prezentate numai turbine care au fost verificate prin mijloace tehnice avansate. Tipurile cu mai putin de 100.000 ore de functionare vor fi dovedite prin liste de referinte si trebuie aprobate de responsabilul de proiect Petrom OMV. In specificatie sunt enumerate toate regimurile de lucru. Functionarea in paralel va fi indicata in mod special. Furnizorul trebuie sa indice in mod explicit, in fisa de date, curentii masici si temperaturile gazelor de evacuare

    1.3 General definitions The supplier shall carefully examine the environmental conditions at the installation site and take dirt and dust particle sizes, their concentration, any special contamination and climatic effects (air humidity, etc.) into account in the air filter design.

    Only industrially tested gas turbines may be tendered. Types that are tested

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    (exhaustare) pentru regimurile de lucru in sarcina partiala. In cazul utilizarii caldurii gazelor de evacuare in instalatii cuptor, respectiv recuperatoare, valorile de emisii vor fi indicate pentru regimul de functionare minim maxim. La alegerea masinii se va acorda atentie standardizarii pieselor de schimb pentru locatia respectiva si limitarii pieselor de schimb individuale pentru generatorul de gaz si/sau rotorul turbinei de putere. Furnizorul unitatii de antrenare poarta raspundrea totala pentru agregat - in toalitatea acestuia (inclusiv compresor sau generator).

    for part load operation on the data sheet. If waste heat is used in furnaces or recuperators, the emissions for the operating range from minimum to maximum shall be indicated.

    When selecting the turbine, the spare parts shall be standardized for the location where possible and individual spare parts for gas generators and/or power turbine rotors restricted.

    The supplier or packager of the drive unit bears the overall responsibility for the entire set (including the compressor and generator).

    1.3.1 Alegerea tipului

    In general, pentru utilizarea in procesele de productie se prefera turbinele cu gaz de tipul H. Turbinele cu gaz de tipul G se utilizeaza preponderent in cazul combustibililor curati (gaze naturale), respectiv in conditii de spatiu restrans in domeniul transportului gazelor naturale. Totusi, in cazul saltului claselor de putere la utilizarea in procese de productie, producatorul va oferi turbina alternativa cu gaz de tip G. Pentru sistemele de antrenare, la care se impune un domeniu mai mare al turatiei (70% pana la 100%), se va folosi o turbina cu gaz industriala cu doi arbori. Sistemele de antrenare ale generatorului vor fi concepute cu turbine cu gaz industriale cu un singur arbore, in scopul asigurarii stabilitatii frecventei. La conceperea unei turbine cu gaz se vor indica in fisa de date urmatoarele pierderi: - murdarirea compresorului de aer; - imbatranire; - pierderi la admisie / evacuare inclusiv filtru de aer ; - sisteme auxiliare de antrenare antrenate, daca nu sunt continute in evaluarea ISO; - reductoare (in masura in care pot fi folosite); - pierderi pirn utilizarea caldurii gazelor de evacuare

    1.3.1 Type selection

    H-type gas turbines shall generally be preferred for process applications and G-type gas turbines primarily used for clean fuels (natural gas) or where space is restricted in the area of natural gas transport. The manufacturer should however tender a gas turbine of type G as an alternative when there is a jump in performance class in process applications.

    If a wide speed range (70% to 100%) is required for the drive, a twin-shaft industrial gas turbine should be used.

    Generator drives shall be designed with single-shaft industrial gas turbines to ensure frequency stability.

    When designing the gas turbine, the following losses shall be indicated on the data sheet: compressor fouling ageing intake/outlet loss, including air filter driven auxiliary drives, provided they are

    not included in the ISO evaluation gearing (where applicable) loss in waste heat use

    1.3.2 Amplasare

    La amplasarea turbinelor cu gaz se acorda atentie posibilitatii de acces pentru efectuarea lucrarilor de intretinere si pentru deservire. Furnizorul/ packager-ul trebuie sa specifice si mijloacele auxiliare stationare pentru demontare (macarale) ca pozitie si

    1.3.2 Installation

    When installing the gas turbine, good accessibility for maintenance and operation shall be ensured. The supplier/packager shall specify the required stationary transport aids (cranes) in terms of location and accessibility. Here the use of mobile cranes should also be evaluated regarding costs.

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    accesibilitate. In acest scop va fi evaluata si utilizarea de macarale mobile, din punct de vedere al costurilor. Amplasarea generala a unitatii turbinei cu gaz trebuie sa permita accesul in conditii de siguranta pentru lucrarile permanente de intretinere si control al functionarii. La pozitionarea dispozitivelor pentru ridicare se va avea in vedere demontarea fara dificultati a invelitorilor care constituie protectia antifonica si cea termica. .

    The general layout of the gas turbine unit shall allow safe access for regular operation checks and maintenance. When positioning the hoisting equipment, ensure that soundproofing and thermal insulation can easily be removed.

    Dispozitivele electrice si AMC, inclusiv cablurile si cutiile de distributie, nu vor fi montate in zonele cu influenta accentuata a caldurii. Cablurile si conductele de combustibil /conductele hidraulice /tubulatura de dimensiuni mici pentru lubrifiere vor fi pozate astfel de-a lungul panourilor/zonelor libere, incat lucrarile de intretinere sa nu fie afectate. Nu sunt admise fixari pe panouri care urmeaza sa fie demontate pentru efectuarea de lucrari de intretinere. Suprafetele de depunere pentru unitatile / reperele demontate vor fi prevazute in conceptul initial si vor fi indicate in planul de amplasare (de exemplu, panouri ale carcasei de protectie antifonica, carcasa, rotoare, parti ale difuzorului de gaze de evacuare etc.) Suprafetele de depunere trebuie sa corespunda greutatii maxime a componentelor separate. Invelitorile vor fi concepute in asa fel incat sa permita accesul rapid si sigur, din punct de vedere al efectuarii lucrarilor de intretinere la componentele principale (demontarea pompei de ulei, turbinei cu gaz, etc). Dispozitivele AMC care trebuie reglate sau verificate in timpul functionarii turbinei cu gaz vor fi amplasate in afara carcasei pe un rastel. Dispozitivele pentru controlul functionarii, vor fi montate, daca carcasa este inchisa, in conditii care sa asigure o vizibilitate buna, daca acestea sunt destinate numai citirii valorilor. In timpul exploatarii turbinei cu gaz, trebuie sa fie posibil controlul functionarii fara deschidere usilor de inspectie ale carcasei, respectiv fara sa fie necesar accesul personalului de deservire. Se va asigura accesul pentru dispozitivele suplimentare pentru intretinere si control al functionarii peste fundatie prin podete si accesorii de urcare. Sculele speciale si accesoriile pentru demontare destinate intretinerii turbinei cu gaz vor fi cele adecvate si vor fi livrate de furnizor. Se va avea in vedere accesul liber pentru inspectiile cu boroscopul si la termoelementele camerei de ardere. Filtrele de aer vor fi proiectate in asa fel incat sa se poata face inlocuirea elementelor demontabile in timpul functionarii. Prepararea uleiului pentru lubrifiere /

    Electrical, measuring and control equipment, including cables and junction boxes, shall not be installed in areas exposed to great heat. Cables and small fuel/hydraulic/lubrication lines shall be laid along panel supports or in free areas, ensuring that maintenance work is not hampered. Attaching them to panels that have to be removed for maintenance work is not permissible. Surfaces for placing removed units/parts shall be planned in and indicated on the installation diagram (e.g. sound proofing panels, casing, rotors, parts of the exhaust diffuser, etc.). Such surfaces shall be suitable for the maximum weight of the individual components. Casing shall be designed to allow as fast and safe access to the main components as possible for maintenance (e.g. removal of oil pump, gas turbine, etc.). Measuring and control equipment that has to be adjusted or inspected during operation of the gas turbine shall be grouped together on a rack outside the casing. If the casing is closed and readings only have to be taken from the monitoring devices, they shall be mounted where they can easily be seen. During operation of the gas turbine, checks by the operators shall be possible without opening the casing inspection doors or entering the unit. Access for maintenance and operation checks on auxiliary equipment above the base shall be ensured with suitable platforms/ladders. The supplier shall also provide special tools and dismantling aids in suitable containers for gas turbine maintenance. Good accessibility for boroscope inspection and combustor thermocouples shall be ensured. Air filters shall be so designed as to allow the

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    completarea acestuia trebuie sa fie posibile in timpul functionarii turbinei cu gaz. Aerisirile pentru rezervorul de ulei vor fi amplasate astfel incat sa nu respire pe directia aspirarii de aer / traseelor filtrelor. Vor fi luate masuri preventive (racire maxima), pentru ca vaporii de ulei in urcare sa fie condensati in filtru Coalescer. Filtrele Coalescer vor fi echipati cu un bypass pentru curatare. Uleiul condensat, in functie de locul de colectare, va fi condus inapoi fie in rezervorul de ulei, fie intr-un rezervor separat. La iesirea conductei pentru aerisire, indiferent daca vaporii de ulei ramasi sunt trecuti in conducta de evacuare a gazelor arse sau in atmosfera, se va monta o siguranta de retinere a flacarii. Vaporii de ulei din rezervorul de ulei cu uleiuri sintetice trebuie transportati pe un traseu separat de vaporii de uleiuri minerale bazice (vedeti specificatia comenzii

    removable parts to be replaced during operation. Lubricating oil processing/refilling shall be possible during operation of the gas turbine.

    Oil tank vents shall be located where they do not breathe in the air intake/filter passages. Suitable precautions shall be taken to eliminate rising oil mist in the coalescer (e.g. maximum cooling).

    Coalescers shall be equipped with a bypass for cleaning purposes. Depending on where the turbine is installed, condensed oil should either flow back into the oil tank or into a separate tank. Irrespective of whether the remaining oil mist is conducted into the exhaust line or to atmosphere, a flame arrester shall be mounted at the vent line outlet. Oil mist from oil tanks containing synthetic oil shall be piped separately from mineral oil based oil mist (see tender specifications).

    1.3.3 Materiale Pentru carcasa turbinei cu gaz, dispozitivele si componentele supuse la temperaturi inalte, se accepta standardul producatorului. Certificarea materialelor se va face conform instructiunilor din specificatie. In general, turbinele cu gaz se vor realiza fara materiale neferoase. Acest lucru este valabil, in special, pentru reperele care vin in contact cu componente H2S, respectiv cu amoniac sau cu atmosfere ale acestora. Materialele care intra in contact cu H2S, trebuie sa corespunda NACE MR 175. Alegerea materialului pentru rotor si pentru paletele statorului va fi indicata furnizorului in fisa de date. Modificarile ulterioare ale materialelor trebuie aprobate de responsabilul de proiect Petrom / OMV. .

    1.3.3 Materials

    The manufacturers standard is permissible for the gas turbine casing, internals and components subject to high temperatures. Material certification shall be provided as stated in the specifications.

    The gas turbines shall generally be free of non-ferrous metals. This applies in particular to parts that come into contact with H2S compounds, ammonia or its atmosphere.

    Materials that come into contact with H2S shall comply with NACE MR0175.

    The supplier shall indicate the material selected for the rotor and stator blading on the data sheet. Subsequent material changes shall be approved by the Petrom OMV project manager.

    1.3.4 Starter (demaror) Procesul de pornire al turbinei cu gaz pana la atingerea turatiei de mentinere proprie se poate face prin utilizarea unui motor electric, starter cu gaz (necesar acceptul din partea responsabilului de proiect Petrom OMV) / starter cu aer sau motor hidraulic. Starterul trebuie sa fie astfel conceput incat turbina cu gaz sa poata fi spalata, respectiv sa fie posibile cel putin 3 procese succesive de pornire, urmate de un ciclu de pornire regulat. Nu este permisa preluarea de gaz IP (inalta presiune) pentru starterul cu gaz din Gasheader-ul turbinei cu gaz. Producatorul va instala o alimentare separata cu gaz prevazuta cu ventil de comutare, care in cazul intreruperii procesului de pornire sa permita destinderea in

    1.3.4 Starter The gas turbine may be started until the self-sustaining speed is reached by using an electric motor, gas/air starter (to be approved by the Petrom OMV project manager) or hydraulic motor.

    The starter shall be designed to ensure that the gas turbine can be washed or at least three successive start procedures followed by a regular start cycle are possible.

    Removing high-pressure gas from the gas turbine header for the gas starter is not permissible. The manufacturer shall install a separate gas supply with a changeover valve that enables expansion into the torch system if

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    sistemul de facla. Gazul destins pentru pornire va fi evacuat in instalatia de facla. Sistemul principal de antrenare al motorului starterului hidraulic se poate monta departat langa turbina cu gaz. Parti ale starterului, care se monteaza in zona de aspirare a aerului, vor fi asigurate special pentru a fi impiedicata desprinderea (asigurare prin puncte de sudura, sarma de asigurare inoxidabila, etc). Nu este permisa folosirea exclusiv a contrapiulitelor si altor asemenea piese.

    the start is aborted. Expanded starter gas shall be discharged to the torch.

    The main drive for the hydraulic starter motor may be mounted separately beside the gas turbine. Parts of the starter that are mounted in the area of the air intake shall be specially secured to prevent them from working loose (e.g. with spot weld, rustproof fuse wire, etc). Simply using counter nuts or similar is not permissible.

    13.5 Fundatie

    Turbinele cu gaz si agregatele auxiliare imediat apropiate de acestea se vor aseza pe un cadru suport comun. In situatia in care, la unitatile mari, acest lucru nu este posibil, vor fi prevazute cadre suport separate pentru turbina cu gaz si compresor/generator. Alegerea axei masinii si marimea cadrului vor fi astfel dimensionate, incat sa fie posibila efectuarea lucrarilor de intretinere la toate flansele masinii si conductelor fara sa fie necesare schele suplimentare. Cadrul suport va fi astfel dimensionat incat sa poata fi preluate cel putin greutatea dubla a echipamentului si cel putin de doua ori fortele si momente admisibile conform API, rezultate din flansele de racord ale masinii. Pentru asezarea plana este permisa, fara exceptii, numai folosirea de adaosuri din otel inoxidabil. Distantele mai mari vor fi compensate cu placi slefuite. Suruburile pentru ancorare vor fi livrate de furnizorul turbinei cu gaz (packager).

    1.3.5 Base Gas turbines and their immediate auxiliaries shall be installed on a common mounting base. If this is not possible because the units are too large, separate mounting bases for the gas turbine and compressor/generator shall be used. When selecting the machine axis and frame dimensions, ensure that maintenance work is possible on all machine and pipe flanges without additional scaffolding. The base frame shall be capable of withstanding at least twice the equipment weight and at least twice the permissible forces and moments to API resulting from the machine connection flanges. Only stainless steel supports may be used for aligning the machine. Greater distances shall be compensated for with ground plates. The gas turbine packager shall supply anchor bolts.

    1.3.6 Sistem aspirare aer Locul de aspirare a aerului se va alege cu grija. Va fi prevazut loc suficient pentru acces si pentru efectuarea lucrarilor de intretinere si curatare. Aerul necesar generatorului de gaz va fi aspirat dintr-o zona fara pericol de explozie, cat mai apropiata de turbina cu gaz. Se va avea grija, ca in canalele de aer sa nu patrunda gaze inflamabile. Urmarirea se face printr-un detector de gaz in canalul de aer, care in caz de declansare opreste functionarea turbinei cu gaz. Sistemul de aer, in totalitate, va fi sudat etans cu imbinari suprapuse ale partilor realizate din otel inoxidabil si cu un studiu CFD (computational fluid dynamics).

    1.3.6 Air intake system The location of the air intake shall be selected with great care. Ample access for maintenance and cleaning work is essential. The air required for the gas generator should be drawn in from an area not subject to explosion hazards as close as possible upstream from the gas turbine. No combustible gases shall enter the air ducts. Gas shall be monitored for with a detector in the air duct that switches off the gas turbine if it triggers. The entire air system shall be in stainless steel sealed by welding with overlapping joints. A CFD study showing turbulence shall also be provided.

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    Pentru indepartarea apei pluviale din canale va fi prevazuta o panta spre un sistem de drenare inchis.

    To remove rainwater from the ducts, a gradient draining into a suitable closed system is required.

    1.3.7 Filtrarea aerului aspirat Producatorul turbinei cu gaz va indica inca din stadiul de oferta cantitatea maxima admisibila de aer aspirat la care nu sunt de asteptat limitari ale duratei totale de viata. Designul sistemului de filtrare a aerului va fi pus de acord cu responsabilul de proiect Petrom OMV. Toate carcasele filtrelor de aer vor fi prevazute cu obloane, table pentru protectie impotriva ploii, protectii impotriva efectelor cetii iar intrarea in carcasa filtrului va fi prevazuta in sus. Filtrele vor fi echipate pentru o diferenta de presiune de 10 mm coloana apa si viteza de trecere a aerului in stare curata prin filtru de 1,0 m/sec (maxim 1,5 m/sec.). Cu curatarea pulsatorie (Huff & Puff) se va interveni numai atunci cand nu este de asteptat ca in aerul mediului inconjurator sa apara aerosoli si vapori. Declansarea se poate face atat prin comanda la intervale de timp cat si prin comanda prin diferente de presiune, situatie in care, la ordonarea evaluarii diferentelor de presiune se va alege o pozitie reprezentativa. La filtrarea aerului aspirat pentru generatorul de gaz se vor respecta cerintele clasei de filtre EU 8 conform DIN 24185.

    1.3.7 Intake air filtering At the tender stage, the gas turbine manufacturer shall indicate the maximum permissible air to be taken in by the gas generator that is not expected to restrict its overall service life. The air filter design shall be agreed with the Petrom OMV project manager.

    All air filter housings shall be equipped with shutters, rain deflectors, mist deflectors and upward intake into the filter housing. Filters shall be designed for differential pressure 10 mm wc and air speed through the filter 1.0 m/s (max. 1.5 m/s) in a clean state.

    Cleaning using pulsing action (huff & puff) should only be used if no aerosols or mist are to be expected in the ambient air.

    It may be triggered by a timer or controlled by differential pressure as long as a representative location is selected for differential pressure evaluation.

    When filtering the gas generator intake air, the requirements of filter class EU8 to DIN 24185 shall be met.

    1.3.8 Sisteme de dejivrare

    Pentru evitarea depunerilor de gheata in zona de aspirare inclusiv in cea a gratarelor de ghidare este necesara incalzirea aerului mediului inconjurator la temperaturi

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    de evacuare. Canalele de evacuare a gazelor de ardere vor fi concepute in asa fel incat efectuarea lucrarilor de intretinere sa nu fie afectata, respectiv macaralele existente sa poata fi utilizate. Daca la turbinele cu gaz, in modul de operare pipeline canalul de conducere a gazelor de evacuare pe partea de evacuare din turbina nu permite amplasarea utilajelor de ridicat deasupra cuplajului (intre PT si compresor), atunci, in cazul seturilor de generatoare, amplasarea generatorului se poate face pe partea de admisie a aerului. Se vor respecta reglementarile legale privind dimensionarea inaltimii cosului.

    header. Exhaust ducts shall be located where they do not hamper maintenance work and enable existing cranes to be used. Where gas turbines used in pipelines and exhaust ducts on the turbine outlet side do not allow the hoisting gear to be positioned above the coupling (between PT and compressor), the generator may be located on the air intake side for generator sets.

    The official regulations shall be observed when determining the flue height.

    1.3.10 Emisii ale gazelor de ardere Vedeti specificatia.

    Se vor respecta prescriptiile legale privind masurarea online a gazelor de ardere.

    1.3.10 Exhaust gas emissions See specifications.

    The official requirements for online exhaust gas measurement shall be complied with.

    1.3.11 Instalatii pentru stingerea incendiilor Vedeti specificatia.

    Pentru toate instalatiile se va instala exclusiv un Fine Spray Water System verificat si care trebuie acceptat de autoritati. In stadiul de oferta, producatorul va prezenta responsabilului de proiect Petrom OMV documentatii de executie detaliate.

    1.3.11 Fire fighting equipment See specifications.

    Only a tested fine spray water system to be approved by the authorities may be used for all installations. During the tender stage, the manufacturer shall provide the Petrom OMV project manager with detailed design documents.

    1.3.12 Protectie antifonica Nivelul de zgomot admisibil precum si dovada ceruta de Petrom OMV in aceasta privinta sunt mentionate in specificatia tehnica. Vor fi luate in considerare evaluarile corespunzatoare Petrom OMV pentru locul de amplasare. Izolatiile antifonice vor fi construite sub forma de elemente peste zona turbinei cu gaz si a instalatiilor anexa. Turbocompresoarele antrenate nu se monteaza sub carcase antifonice. La realizarea carcasei antifonice se va avea in vedere, ca este necesar sa se poata face o demontare usoara dinspre exterior, pentru realizarea lucrarilor de intretinere precum si pentru controlul functionarii. In acest scop, se va instala un sistem de iluminat interior suficient. In scopul demontarii rapide, pe elementele din zona superioara nu se vor realiza fixari de trase de cabluri etc. Se vor marca zonele periculoase din interiorul carcasei antifonice si se vor realiza cai de evacuare pentru personal. Latimea caii de acces libere va fi de minim 600 mm.Trecerile pentru conducte si cabluri in zona inferioara se vor realiza etanse si rezistente la ulei. Evacuarea caldurii din elementele de protectie antifonica trebuie asigurata printr-un sistem de aerisire corespunzator. In cazul in care devine

    1.3.12 Noise control The permissible sound power levels and certificates required by Petrom OMV are given in the Technical Specifications. The relevant Petrom OMV expertises for the location shall also be taken into consideration.

    Modular soundproofing shall be installed round the area of the gas turbine and related equipment. Do not install driven turbo compressors inside acoustic enclosures.

    When mounting acoustic enclosures, ensure that they are easy to remove for maintenance work and that checking turbine operation is still possible from the outside. Adequate interior lighting shall therefore be installed for this purpose. Do not attach cable ducts, etc. to the roof elements so that they can be removed more quickly and easily. Hazardous areas inside the acoustic enclosure shall be marked and escape routes indicated for the staff. The free access area round the turbine shall be a minimum of 600 mm wide. Pipe and cable penetrations in the floor area shall be leak proof and resistant to oil.

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    necesara compartimentarea, vor fi prevazute admisii si evacuari separate ale aerului. Carcasa de protectie antifonica trebuie dimensionata astfel incat sa reziste presiunii celei mai mari care poate interveni (ambele suflante in functiune si clapeta de evacuare inchisa). In cazul caderii suflantei trebuie pornita suflanta de rezerva. Daca nici atunci nu se atinge cantitatea de aer necesara aerisirii, trebuie sa intervina intreruperea functionarii turbinei intr-un interval de 30 sec. Aerul pentru aerisirea carcasei antifonice trebuie sa fie filtrat si conducta trebuie sa se ramifice dupa filtrul principal al aerului de admisie al generatorului de gaz.

    Heat dissipation from the soundproofing shall be ensured with suitable ventilation. If bulkheads are necessary, they shall be aired and vented separately. The acoustic enclosure shall be designed to withstand the highest possible pressure that will occur (both blowers in operation and outlet cover closed). Should the blower fail, the back-up blower must start. If the air volume required for ventilation is still not reached, the gas turbine shall shut down within 30 sec. The ventilation air for the acoustic enclosures should be filtered and branch off after the main filter for the gas generator intake air.

    Se va acorda atentie ca directia curentului de aer sa curga de la agregatul de antrenare spre agregatul antrenat, pentru a impiedica trecerea gazului inflamabil (gaz de ardere respectiv gaz din turbocompresor etc.) peste repere fierbinti ale turbinei, daca acestea, in cazuri de exceptie, se afla sub aceeasi carcasa de protectie antifonica

    Ensure that the air flows from the driving to the driven unit to prevent combustible gas (fuel gas or gas from the turbo compressor, etc.) from being conducted over hot turbine parts if in exceptional cases they are located under a common acoustic enclosure.

    1.3.13 Combustibil

    Vedeti specificatia.

    Producatorul turbinei cu gaz trebuie sa verifice posibilitatea de utilizare a combustibilului si trebuie sa confirme respectarea emisiunilor de gaze de ardere. Daca exista dubii din cauza amestecurilor de gaze, producatorul turbinei cu gaz trebuie sa faca teste preliminare si sa indice masurile care trebuie luate pentru adaptarea combustibilului

    1.3.13 Fuel See specifications.

    The gas turbine manufacturer shall check the fuel selected in the specifications for usability and confirm compliance with exhaust gas emission requirements. If there is any doubt where a mixture of gases is used, the gas turbine manufacturer shall perform tests beforehand and take the necessary action to adjust the fuel to be used.

    1.3.14 Receptie si verificari

    Verificarile pentru receptie se vor lua din specificatie. Daca se utilizeaza amestec de gaze drept combustibil, se va face un test al arderii. Seturile de masini neredundante vor fi supuse, de regula, unui full-load-test sau part-load-test (vedeti specificatia). Pentru aceste teste se vor folosi combustibili comparabili si agregate auxiliare, ca la locul de amplasare. Procedura de testare se va preda din partea producatorului turbinei cu gaz, responsabilului de proiect Petrom OMV, inca din faza de oferta.

    1.3.14 Acceptance and testing Refer to the specifications for acceptance testing. If gas mixtures are used as fuel, a combustion test should be carried out.

    Non-redundant machine sets generally have to undergo a full-load or part-load test (see specifications). Fuels and standby generator sets comparable to those at the installation site shall be used for these tests. The gas turbine manufacturer shall make the test procedure available to the Petrom OMV project manager at the tender stage.


    Prezenta norma contine capitole din API 616,


    This standard contains sections from API 616, 4th

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    editia a 4-a, februarie 1998, care sunt necesare pentru conceptia si realizarea turbinelor cu gaz. Capitolele din API 616 sunt valabile fara restrictii, in masura in care pentru enunturile separate nu sunt stabilite modificari si/sau completari in punctul 1.3 al prezentei norme

    edition, February 1998 that are required for the design and construction of gas turbines.

    The sections in API 616 apply without restriction provided that there have been no amendments and/or supplements to individual statements in item 1.3 of this standard.

    2.1 (2.0) Norme conexe Normele si directivele americane enumerate in acest capitol al API 616, pot fi inlocuite prin normele listate in specificatiile tehnice. .

    2.1 (2.0) Other applicable standards The American standards and regulations quoted in this section of API 616 may be replaced by the standards listed in the Technical Specifications.

    Relatiile de specialitate la care se refera API 616, sunt valabile ca sens, la aplicarea normelor mentionate in specificatiile tehnice. Daca in specificatia tehnica nu sunt mentionate norme, atunci sunt admise, cu aprobarea scrisa din partea responsabilului de proiect Petrom OMV, normele mentionate in API 616

    Topics in American standards that API 616 refers to apply by analogy to the standards listed in the Technical Specifications.

    If no standards are given in the Technical Specifications, the definitions listed in API 616 are permissible with the written permission of the Petrom OMV project manager.

    2.2 (4.1.4) Functionare in gol

    Unitatile de turbine cu gaz trebuie sa lucreze timp de mai multe luni, conform specificatiei, in gol, fara proceduri suplimentare de intretinere.

    2.2 (4.1.4) Idling Gas turbine units shall be operated at idle to specifications for a period of several months without requiring additional maintenance procedures.

    2.3 (4.1.5) Domeniu de lucru

    Daca s-a specificat numai o turatie de lucru, sunt valabile urmatoarele domenii de turatie pentru: - masini cu un singur arbore: 93 % pana la 105 % din turatia de conceptie ; - masini cu doi sau mai multi arbori: < 50 % pana la 105 % din turatia de conceptie.

    2.3 (4.1.5) Working range

    If only one operating speed was specified, the following speed ranges apply:

    - Single shaft turbines: 93% to 105% of design speed

    - Two and multi-shaft:

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    into consideration.

    2.7 (4.1.11) Sistem de racire apa

    Sistemele de racire cu apa si tubulaturile acestora se vor realiza conform clasei de conducte Petrom OMV si documentatiilor de proiect specifice locului de amplasare. In principiu, se vor prefera sistemele de racire cu aer

    2.7 (4.1.11) Cooling water system Cooling water systems and the piping for them shall be designed to Petrom OMV pipe class and location-specific planning principles.

    Air cooling systems shall generally be preferred.

    2.8 (4.1.14) Echipament electric In specificatie sunt indicate gradul de protectie Ex- si varianta de executie.

    2.8 (4.1.14) Electrical equipment Explosion-proof type and design are indicated in the specifications.

    2.9 (4.1.22) Bleed Air

    Nu este permisa scoaterea Bleed air din Seal air system. Bleed air se va scoate din conducta de presiune a compresorului axial sau din tubulatura de limita pompare. .

    2.9 (4.1.22) Bleed air Removing bleed air from the seal air system is not permissible. Bleed air shall be removed from the axial compressor pressure line or surge limit line.

    2.10 (4.2.4) Carcasa turbina cu gaz

    Carcasa turbinei cu gaz trebuie dimensionata astfel incat, in caz de deteriorare, parti provenite din ruperea paletelor, saibe sau alte componente sa nu poata cauza afectarea persoanelor sau pagube materiale. Producatorul va livra dispozitivele de protectie necesare.

    2.10 (4.2.4) Gas turbine casing The casing of the gas turbine shall be so designed as to ensure that in the event of damage, parts of broken turbine blades, discs and other components cannot hurt people or damage property. The manufacturer shall supply the necessary guards.

    2.11 (4.2.7) Deschideri pentru inspectare Echilibrarea in exploatare nu este permisa. Pe carcasa vor fi prevazute deschideri corespunzatoare de inspectare pentru controlul vizual al compresorului, camerei de ardere, duzelor, arzatoarelor si paletilor in partea fierbite cu boroscop. Adaptorul si sculele speciale vor fi livrate de producator. Deschiderile pentru inspectare vor fi concepute cu acces liber, fara demontarea dispozitivelor auxiliare si vor fi inscrise clar in desenele de sectiuni. In documentatie se va insemna capitolul de verificari

    2.11 (4.2.7) Operational balancing Operational balancing is not permissible.

    On the casing suitable apertures for visual inspection of compressor, firebox, nozzles, burners and plates from from the hot side with boroscope, are to be provided.

    The manufacturer shall supply the adapter and special tools.

    The apertures for inspection are to be designed with a free access, without dismantling auxiliary devices and are to be clearly specified within the section drawings. The check chapter is to be also specified within the documentation.

    2.12 (4.2.9) Echilibrare in exploatare

    Echilibrarea in exploatare nu este permisa.

    2.12 (4.2.9.) Balancing during exploitation

    Balancing during exploitation is not allowed.

    2.13 (4.3.2) Camera de ardere Camasa camerei de ardere trebuie sa poata fi

    demontate fara sa fie necesara demontarea de parti mari ale carcasei.

    2.13 (4.3.2) Firebox Firebox liner shall be removable without dismounting large casing parts.

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    2.14 (4.3.3) Duze combustibil

    Duzele pentru combustilbil trebuie elaborate conform specificatiei. Producatorul va da asigurari ca duzele sunt elaborate pentru posibila depunere de cocs respectiv murdarire datorita combustibilului si ca nu necesita service suplimentar in perioadele dintre opririle din functionare indicate.

    2.14 (4.3.3) Fuel injectors Fuel injectors shall be designed to specifications. The manufacturer shall ensure that the injectors are designed to withstand possible coking or fouling by the fuel and do not require additional servicing between the specified intervals.

    2.15 (4.3.7) Proprietatile combustibilului

    Se vor asigura proprietatile numite in specificatie pentru combustibili. Daca este specificata, injectarea de apa se va face prin duze separate

    2.15 (4.3.7) Fuel properties Fuel properties given in the specifications shall be guaranteed. If specified, the water injection system shall use separate injectors.

    2.16 (4.4) Racorduri carcasa

    Nu este permisa utilizarea flanselor din fonta. Pe carcasa trebuie prevazute stuturi de golire, care sa asigure golirea completa, fara sa ramana resturi, dupa procesul de spalare.

    2.16 (4.4) Casing connections The use of cast iron flanges is not permissible. On the casing, drainage ports should be planned to ensure complete drainage after the washing process.

    2.17 (4.5.2) Rotor

    Turbinele cu gaz care antreneaza generatoarele, trebuie sa fie astfel concepute, din punct de vedere mecanic, incat sa reziste unui moment tranzitoriu de scurtcircuitare > 600% din momentul nominal de sarcina. Se va avea in vedere functionarea de sincronizare in afara fazei. Rotorul va fi conceput pentru o durata de viata de 200.000 ore de functionare la sarcina nominala, conform specificatiei

    2.17(4.5.2) Rotor Gas turbines that drive generators shall be mechanically designed to ensure that they can withstand a peak transient torque >600% rated load torque. Out-of-phase synchronizing operation shall be taken into account.

    The rotor shall be designed for a service life of 200,000 operating hours at rated load to specifications.

    2.18 (4.5.3) Echiparea cu palete

    Paletele si duzele turbinelor cu gaz vor fi concepute conform API 616 pentru > 100.000 ore de functionare la sarcina nominala, conform specificatiei.

    2.18 (4.5.3) Blading Gas turbine blades and injectors to API 616 type G shall be designed for >100,000 operating hours at rated load to specifications.

    2.19 ( Uzura prin frecare

    Uzura prin frecare a paletelor in miscare de rotatie va fi indicat de producator. Prin acesta nu va fi afectata, in nici un caz, racirea interna, respectiv curentul de aer de etansare.

    2.19 ( Rubbing The manufacturer shall indicate any rubbing of the rotating blades. Under no circumstances may the internal cooling or sealing airflow be impaired as a result.

    2.20 (4.6) Etansari Garniturile de etansare racite cu aer se vor folosi peste tot, acolo unde exista pericolul ca gazul fierbine sa patrunda in lagare sau in alte componente. Aerul de etansare va fi tras de la compresor la punctul corespunzator (fara turbulente). In oferta, producatorul trebuie sa

    2.20 4.6) Seals Air-cooled seals shall be used wherever there is a risk of hot gas penetrating bearings or other components. Seal air should be extracted from the compressor to a suitable location (without turbulence). The manufacturer shall indicate all the seals to be supplied with seal air in the

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    indice toate zonele de etansare care trebuie alimentate cu aer de etansare. Racitoarele de aer necesare coborarii temperaturii seal-air vor fi amplasate pe curentul de aspirare al aerului numai cu acordul responsabilului de proiect Petrom OMV. Pentru calcularea randamentului se va tine cont de pierderile de aer de la compresor.

    tender. Any air coolers required for reducing the seal air temperature may only be used in the intake airflow if approved by the Petrom OMV project manager

    The compressor air losses shall be taken into account in efficiency calculations.

    2.21 ( Rezonante Se va taia: unless the resonances are critically

    damped. Furnizorul trebuie sa specifice toate turatiile critice

    ale rotorului, frecventele proprii si armonicele pentru fundatie inclusiv agregat de antrenare, respectiv sa le coordoneze cu inginerul constructor.

    2.21 ( Resonances unless the resonances are critically damped shall be deleted.

    The contractor shall specify all possible critical speeds for the rotor, natural frequencies and harmonics for the base including drive unit or coordinate them with the structural engineer.

    2.22 (4.8.2) Rulmenti Producatorul rulmentilor destinati rotoarelor si

    sistemelor de antrenare ale accesoriilor trebuie sa dovedeasca in scris testarea si calculul acestora. Fiecare unitate aflata in miscare de rotatie trebuie echipata cu cel putin doua lagare independente.

    2.22 (4.8.2) Roller bearings The manufacturer of roller bearings for rotors or auxiliary drives shall certify in writing that they have been calculated and tested. Every rotating unit shall be equipped with at least two independent bearings.

    2.23 ( Masurarea vibratiilor

    Langa fiecare loc de lagar se vor instala cate doua buc. traductoare de vibratii ale arborelui fara contact, amplasate decalat la 90. Pentru aceste traductoare trebuie sa existe posibilitatea de reglare si inlocuire din exterior. La fiecare arbore al coloanei se va instala un Keyphasor pentru urmarirea turatiei. Pentru turbina cu gaz montata pe fundatie in instalatie sunt valabile, pentru vibratiile suportilor de lagare ca viteza admisibila a vibratiilor valorile limita conform DIN ISO 10 816-4 si DIN ISO 7919-4. Unitatile de adaptare instalate pe masina la fata locului trebuie sa fie prevazute cu o posibilitate suplimentara de racord destinata unui aparat de masura portabil, astfel incat sa nu fie necesara decuplarea iesirilor instalate. In cazul in care specificatia tehnica nu prevede altceva, atunci unitatile aferente pentru receptie si alimentare vor fi instalate in unitatea de intretinere. Cablurile locale pentru transmiterea valorilor masurate la masina vor fi pozate in tevi de protectie. Daca trebuie luate in considerare demontari frecvente, atunci pot fi prevazute furtune de protectie (furtine metalice flexibile, rezistente la calcare), care vor fi imbinate cu racorduri filetate.

    2.23 ( Vibration measurement Beside every bearing, two non-contact shaft vibration transducers shall be installed at 90 to each other. These transducers should be adjustable and replaceable from the outside.

    A key phasor for monitoring the speed should be installed on each shaft of the line.

    If the gas turbine is mounted on the base, the limits given in DIN ISO 10816-4 and DIN ISO 7919-4 apply as the permissible speed for bearing block vibrations.

    Adapters installed locally on the machine shall have an additional means for connecting a portable meter so that the installed outlets do not have to be disconnected.

    Unless stated otherwise in the Technical Specifications, the relevant receiver and power supply unit shall be installed on the instrument board.

    Local cables for the sensor on the machine should be laid in conduits. If frequent dismantling has to be taken into account, they may be laid in protective tubes (crushproof flexible steel hoses) connected using bolted joints.

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    Masurarea pozitiei axiale a rotorului se va face in principiu prin intermediul traductorilor de pozitie fara contact. Masurarea se face in ambele directii axiale si se va realiza cu alarma si intreruperea functionarii in sistem 2 din 3. Ca exceptie, se admite o intrerupere 2 din 2, in situatia in care, din ratiuni care tin de constructie, nu au putut fi montate trei puncte de masurare.

    Pentru aceasta situatie este necesara aprobarea expresa din partea responsabilului de proiect Petrom OMV.

    Domeniul de masura va fi ales in asa fel incat, fata

    de pozitia zero a rotorului (rotorul se afla in mijloc in momentul reglarii) sa poata fi prevazute doua puncte de conexiune (alarma si deconectare), (domeniul minim de masura +/- 1 mm).

    The axial clearance of the rotor should generally be measured using a non-contact transducer. It should be measured in both axial directions and the device should be equipped with an alarm and shut off as 2 out of 3 logic. 2 out of 2 logic is permissible as an exception if the design does not permit three measuring points to be accommodated.

    This option shall however be expressly approved by the Petrom OMV project manager.

    The measuring range shall be selected ensuring that in relation to the zero point (the rotor at the position in the middle) two switching points (alarm and shut off) can be located in each direction (minimum measuring range 1 mm).

    2.24 (4.9.1) Ulei pentru lubrifiere Se vor folosi uleiuri standardizate prescrise.

    2.24 (4.9.1) Lubricating oil Commercial lubricating oils should be used.

    2.25 (4.9.7) Sistem de ungere Alegerea antrenarii pompei principale de ulei prin

    rotor este permisa numai cu acordul responsabilului de proiect Petrom OMV. De regula, se prefera pompele de ulei antrenate de motoare electrice.

    Pentru proiectarea partii hidraulice a sistemului de ungere, se va avea in vedere exploatarea in paralel cu comutare automata de la pompa principala pe pompa auxiliara. Vor fi prevazute puncte corespunzatoare pentru prelevarea de probe de ulei.

    Timpul de mentinere in rezervor a uleiului pentru ungere trebuie sa fie de minim 8 minute. Aerisirile rezervorului de ulei vor fi astfel concepute incat vaporii de ulei sa nu poata iesi in atmosfera.

    Daca in specificatia tehnica nu s-a prevazut

    altceva, se vor instala indicatoare de functionare a pompei si indicatoare de masurare a temperaturii pe partea de intrarea si pe cea de iesire a racitorului de ulei.

    2.25 (4.9.7) Lubricating oil system The drive for the main oil pump from the rotor may only be selected with the Petrom OMV project managers approval. Oil pumps driven by an electric motor are generally preferred.

    Parallel operation and automatic reversing of the main and auxiliary oil pumps shall be taken into consideration in the hydraulic design of the lubricating oil system. There shall be suitable places for taking oil samples.

    The lubricating oil dwell time in the oil tank should be at least 8 minutes. Oil tank vents shall be designed to ensure that no oil mist can escape to the atmosphere.

    Unless stated otherwise in the Technical Specifications, pump operation displays and temperature meters shall be installed on the inlet and outlet sides of the oil cooler.

    2.26 (4.10.1) Materiale

    Pentru reperele supuse la presiune nu este permisa folosirea fontei cenusii.

    2.26 (4.10.1) Materials The use of grey iron for parts under pressure is not permissible.

    2.27 ( Repararea reperelor turnate Reparatiile asupra pieselor turnate trebuie

    semnalate obligatoriu responsabilului de proiect Petrom OMV. Procedeul de reparatie va fi pus

    2.27 ( Casting repairs All repairs to castings shall be reported to the Petrom OMV project manager without exception. The repair procedure shall be agreed with the Petrom OMV project manager and suitably

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    de acord cu responsabilul de proiect Petrom OMV si trecut intr-un proces verbal corespunzator.


    2.28 ( Reparatii asupra materialelor sudabile

    Inainte de inceperea lucrarilor de reparatii prin sudura, furnizorul trebuie sa prezinte spre aprobare responsabilului de proiect Petrom OMV, planul de asigurarea calitatii pentru reparatie. Daca este necesar se va face un tratament termic destinat asigurarii proprietatilor materialului.

    2.28 Repairs to weldable materials Before starting repair welding, the manufacturer shall submit the repair QA plan to the Petrom OMV project manager for approval.

    Heat treatment to guarantee the material properties shall be carried out in every case.

    2.29 ( Incercarea de rezilienta In functie de conditiile de la locul de amplasare,

    se va face dovada unei incercari de rezilienta la temperaturi de exploatare sub 0 C.

    2.29 ( Notch impact test At working temperatures below 0C a notch impact test shall be proved in accordance with the location conditions.

    2.30 (4.11.3) Placa de timbru Placa producatorului se va realiza din otel

    inoxidabil cu scrierea prin gravura. Inscriptionare in limba romana / engleza

    2.30 (4.11.3) Nameplate The nameplate shall be made of stainless steel with the details engraved in it.

    The lettering shall be in Romanian/English.

    2.31 ( Starter - turbina cu abur conform API 611

    Se aplica instructiunile din Norma Petrom OMV G 2005.

    2.31 ( Starter steam turbines to API 611

    The specifications in Petrom OMV Norm G 2005 shall apply here.

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    2.32 ( Turbine auxiliare cu abur conform API 612

    Se aplica instructiunile din Norma Petrom OMV G


    2.32 ( Auxiliary steam turbines to API 612 The specifications in Petrom OMV Standard G 2006 shall apply here.

    2.33 ( Sisteme de antrenare cu motor electric

    Se aplica instructiunile din Norma OMV N 3401.

    2.33 ( Electric motor drives

    OMV Standard N 3402 shall apply here. 2.34 ( Cuplaje sistem de antrenare

    starter Cuplajele sistemului de antrenare starter trebuie

    sa decupleze la atingerea turatiei de mentinere proprie si cuplarea acestora trebuie sa fie impiedicata in conditii nestationare.

    2.34 Starter drive couplings

    Starter drive couplings shall disengage when the self-sustaining speed is reached and be prevented from engaging in transient conditions.

    2.35 ( Starter cu expansiune de gaz Utilizarea starterelor cu expansiune de gaz

    trebuie aprobata de responsabilul de proiect Petrom OMV. In principiu, nu este permisa preluarea de gaz IP (de inalta presiune) pentru starterul cu gaz, din gasheaderul turbinei cu gaz.

    2.35 ( Gas expansion starter The use of gas expansion starters shall be approved by the Petrom OMV project manager. Removing high-pressure gas from the gas turbine header for the gas starter is not permissible.

    2.36 (5.1.2) Conceperea starterului Sistemele de antrenare cu starter trebuie sa se preteze procesului de spalare al compresorului de aer al turbinelor cu gaz.

    2.36 (5.1.2) Starter design Starter drives shall be suitable for the gas turbine compressors washing process.

    2.37 ( Dispozitiv de rotire Pentru lucrarile de intretinere trebuie instalat un

    dispozitiv mecanic de rotire. Pentru protectia persoanelor, pe cuplaj trebuie instalat un blocaj de pornire la starter.

    2.37 ( Turning gear Mechanical turning gear shall be installed for maintenance work. A locking device for the starter shall be installed on the coupling to protect the operator.

    2.38 (5.2.1) Reductor Reductorul principal, respectiv reductoarele

    sistemelor de antrenare auxiliare trebuie sa fie unitati cuplate separat si vor fi elaborate conform API 613. Alte reductoare necesare pot fi construite dupa standardul producatorului, daca acesta a fost pus de acord cu responsabilul de proiect Petrom OMV.

    Reductoarele si lagarele care nu sunt necesare pentru exploatarea propriu zisa a turbinei cu gaz, nu vor fi lasate sa functioneze insotitor fara sarcina.

    2.38 (5.2.1) Gearing The main and auxiliary drive gearing should be separately coupled units and designed to API 613.

    Other gearing required may be built to the manufacturers standard if agreed with the Petrom OMV project manager.

    Gears and bearings that are not required for actual gas turbine operation shall not operate at the same time without a load.

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    2.39 ( si Cuplaje

    Cuplajul principal va fi elaborat pentru momentele maxime de rotatie care apar in starea de pornire/oprire si in timpul exploatarii precum si, daca se utilizeaza, momentul maxim al sistemului auxiliar de antrenare. In principu, pentru sistemele de antrenare principale si auxiliare se accepta numai cuplaje cu membrana metalica. Abaterile pentru cuplajele interne trebuie aprobate de responsabilul de proiect Petrom OMV. Cuplajele pentru puteri nominale mai mari de 1,0 MW trebuie prevazute cu butuc pentru montare si demontare hidraulica (suprafata de asezare conica). Toate cuplajele vor fi prevazute cu piese intermediare de lungime corespunzatoare, care sa permita demontarea fara probleme a butucilor cuplajului, lagarului si garniturilor de etansare.

    2.39 ( & Couplings The main coupling shall be designed for the maximum torques occurring under start-up/ shutdown conditions and during operation and, if applicable, for the maximum torque of the auxiliary drive.

    Only metal membrane couplings are generally permissible for all main and auxiliary drives. Deviations for internal couplings shall be approved by the Petrom OMV project manager. Couplings for rated power greater than 1.0 MW shall be fitted with a hydraulically mountable and removable hub (conical seat). All couplings shall be fitted with suitably long adapters to enable the coupling hubs, bearings and seals to be removed without obstruction.

    2.40 ( Mijloace auxiliare pentru ajustarea pozitiei

    Toate placile/cadrele de montaj, indiferent de

    greutate, vor fi prevazute cu suruburi pentru reglare pe directie orizontala si verticala. Pentru cadrul masinii principale vor fi livrate suplimentar fusuri de reglare, in numar suficient.

    2.40 Alignment aids Irrespective of the weight, all mounting plates and frames shall be fitted with adjusting screws for alignment in horizontal and vertical directions. In addition, an adequate number of levelling screws shall also be supplied for the main machine frame.

    2.41 ( Cadru suport

    Daca setul de masini premontat pe cadrul suport se ridica pe fundatie ca unitate, trebuie prevazut un numar corespunzator de urechi de ridicare pentru distribuirea uniforma a greutatii. Sageata maxima admisibila de incovoiere a cadrului suport este lungimea totala/2000. Cadrul suport va fi astfel dimensionat incat sa poata fi preluate cel putin greutatea dubla a echipamentului si cel putin de doua ori fortele si momente admisibile conform API, rezultate din flansele de racord ale masinii. Suportii turbinei cu gaz trebuie dimensionati in asa fel incat sa permita expansiunea carcasei turbinei, fara sa se modifice ajustarea pozitiei masinii, respectiv in urma expansiunii termice sa nu apara influente asupra racordului carcasei de evacuare a gazelor de ardere. Dispozitivele necesare (lagar vertical) pentru compensarea expansiunii termice, vor fi comunicate responsabilului de proiect Petrom OMV inca din faza de oferta.

    2.41 Base frame If the machine set premounted on the base frame is hoisted as a unit onto the base, there shall be an adequate number of lifting lugs to distribute the load evenly. The entire frame may only bend a maximum of total length/2000 in the process.

    The base frame shall be capable of withstanding at least twice the equipment weight and at least twice the permissible forces and moments to API resulting from the machine connection flanges. Supports for the gas turbine shall be designed to allow for expansion of the turbine casing without the machine alignment being changed or the exhaust housing connection being affected by thermal expansion. The Petrom OMV project manager shall be notified at the tender stage of any equipment (pedestal bearing) required for compensating for thermal expansion.

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    2.42 ( Placute pentru asezarea plana

    Pentru asezarea plana este permisa, fara exceptii, numai folosirea de adaosuri din otel inoxidabil. Distantele mai mari vor fi compensate cu placi slefuite.

    2.42 ( Alignment plates Only stainless steel supports may be used for aligning the machine. Greater distances shall be compensated for with ground plates.

    2.43 (5.4.1) Tehnica de masura si reglare Panoul de comanda local va fi livrat de furnizor

    conform cerintelor din specificatia tehnica si Normei Petrom OMV K 1001. Aparatele din panoul de comanda local nu vor fi legate direct la fluidul de proces sau la produsele de sistem.

    Masurarile temperaturilor, care sunt indicate la

    panoul de comanda, trebuie sa se faca cu senzori electrici de temperatura si aparate de indicare corespunzatoare.

    Panourile se vor pozitiona in exteriorul carcasei de protectie antifonica. Pentru sistemele de antrenare in varianta redundanta, respectiv Back-up (pompe de ulei, sisteme de antrenare ale ventilatoarelor, aerisirea carcasei de protectie antifonica, etc.) vor fi echipate cu dispozitive de comanda cu Main Function variabila si contor de ore de functionare.

    La agregatele auxiliare antrenate cu motoare electrice (strater electro-hidraulic, pompa ulei de lubrifiere,..) va fi prevazut in functie de locul de amplasare un sistem de pornire lina.

    Toate cablurile din Package vor fi livrate de furnizor Packagersi se va specifica rezistenta la temperatura (minim +90 C).

    Tevile pentru protectia cablurilor vor fi

    confectionate din otel, respectiv in functie de locul de amplasare, din aluminiu.

    La partea exterioara a carcasei de protectie antifonica se va pozitiona un buton OPRIRE de URGENTA.

    2.43 (5.4.1) Measuring and control equipment The contractor shall also supply the on-site control panel in accordance with the requirements given in the Technical Specifications and Petrom OMV Standard K 1001.Devices in the local control panel shall not be connected direct to the process fluid or lubricant. Temperature readings that are displayed on the control panel shall be obtained using electric temperature sensors and suitable indicators. Terminal boxes shall be located outside the acoustic enclosure. Redundant or backup drives (oil pumps, fan drives, acoustic enclosure ventilation, etc.) should be equipped with variable main function in the controls and an hours run meter.

    If electric motor driven auxiliaries are used (electrohydraulic starter, lubricating oil pumps, etc.), they should have a soft start suitable for the specific site. All the cables in the package should be specified as temperature resistant (at least +90C) and supplied by the packager.

    Cable conduits shall be made of steel or aluminium, depending on the site.

    An easily accessible EMERGENCY STOP button shall be located outside the acoustic enclosure.

    2.44 ( SCS (Start Control System)

    Secventa de pornire trebuie indicata in PLC si trebuie reprezentata fiecare faza. Daca in timpul pornirii intervine o conditie de eroare, este necesar sa fie initiat un proces normal de oprire a turbinei cu gaz a agregatelor racordate la aceasta.

    2.44 ( SCS (start control system) The start sequence shall be displayed in the process control system and show each phase. If an error occurs during start-up, a normal shut down process shall be started for the gas turbine and its connected units.

    2.45 ( Masuri de inertizare In timpul desfasurarii secventei de pornire prin

    SCS (Start Control System), se va asigura un timp de spalare suficient pentru inertizare, pentru cel putin 5 volume complete ale filtrelor de aer, turbinei cu gaz, sistemului de evacuare a gazelor arse si dupa caz, recuperatoarelor de caldura conectate, inainte de admisia combustibilului si de activarea aprinderii.

    2.45 ( Inertisation During the SCSs start sequence, adequate purging time shall be ensured to allow inertisation for at least five complete volumes of the air filter, gas turbine, exhaust system and if connected, heat recovery system before fuel is added and ignition can be activated.

    Irrespective of the type of start sequence,

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    Spalarea se va face intotdeauna obligatoriu, indiferent care este felul secventei de pornire.

    purging shall always be carried out.

    2.46 (5.4.4) Alarma si deconectare

    In principiu, se vor respecta mecanismele de reglare valabile pentru locul de amplasare. Opririle care tin de tehnica de proces vor fi mentionate in specificatia tehnica. Procesul normal de oprire nu va fi cuplat cu programul de oprire de urgenta. In toate cazurile, lubrifierea si spalarea, respectiv evacuarea dirijata a caldurii partilor de echipamente trebuie asigurate in timpul procesului de oprire.

    2.46 (5.4.4) Alarms and shutdown The rules and regulations governing the site shall be observed. Shutdowns required by the process are described in the specifications.

    The normal shutdown process should not be combined with the emergency shutdown programme. In every case lubrication and purging of the system parts and heat dissipation shall be ensured during the shutdown process.

    2.47 ( Conducte de dimensiuni mici Nu sunt admise imbinarile filetate cu inel de taiere

    si imbinarea cu filet a tevilor destinate produsului si produselor de sistem.

    Se vor prefera imbinarile metalica sudate de etansare < 20 mm diametru). Toate celelalte conducte se vor realiza cu flanse de imbinare, nefiind permisa utilizarea de imbinari Socket-weld.

    2.47 ( Small lines Olive-type tube fittings and screwed pipes are not permissible for products and lubricants.

    Preference should be given to the use of metal-to-metal welded joints (< 20 mm diameter). All other lines shall have flanges, although socket welds may not be used.

    2.48 (5.5.2) Sisteme de ulei Conductele de ulei de lubrifiere si de ulei pentru

    reglare la turbina cu gaz trebuie pozate astfel incat in cazul unei eventuale imbinari cu flanse neetanse, sa nu existe posibilitatea ca uleiul sa poata sa stropeasca reperele fierbinti. Acolo unde aceasta preventie nu poate fi aplicata, se vor instala table de deviere.

    Toate sistemele de conducte se vor executa din tevi fara sudura din materiale inoxidabile (1.4571). Inainte de umplerea cu ulei, sistemele vor fi decapate, pasivate si spalate. Golirile si aerisirile vor fi dirijate spre un punct sigur la marginea placii suport (vedeti specificatia). Racordurile necesare ale carcasei, care nu pot fi sudate, se vor realiza in NPT.

    2.48 (5.5.2) Oil systems Lubricating and control oil pipes in the gas turbine shall be laid ensuring that no oil can spray directly onto hot parts if any flanges should leak. Where this precaution cannot be implemented, suitable deflector plates shall be installed.

    All pipe systems shall be made of seamless tubing and rustproof materials (1.4571). Before filling with oil, the systems shall be pickled, passivated and flushed. Drainage and ventilation pipes shall be located in a safe place on the edge of the base plate (see specifications). Any necessary casing connections that cannot be welded shall be NPT.

    2.49 ( Sistem filtru aer aspirare La filtrarea aerului de aspirare generator de

    gaz se vor respecta cerintele clasei de filtre EU8 conform DIN 24185. In camera principala de aer se vor instala geamuri de observatie pentru a putea efectua controlul functionarii in timpul exploatarii. Daca este posibila observarea pe primul rand al paletelor rotorului compresorului axial, usile de acces pentru inspectie vor fi amplasate axial. In cazul in care carcasa nu permite acest lucru, amplasarea se va face in zona duzelor de spalare Online. Nu este permisa etansarea cu mastic in cadrul sistemului de filtrare. In uzina producatorului se va face un test complet al etanseitatii cu produs fumigen. Daca, din ratiuni de tehnica a emisiei de zgomot se face o deviere cu 90 inainte de intrarea in

    2.49 ( Intake air filter system The requirements of filter class EU8 to DIN 24185 shall be complied with for filtering the gas generator intake air. Inspection windows shall be installed in the main air chamber to enable function checks to be carried out during operation. If the first axial compressor blade row can be seen, the inspection doors should be located axially. Should the casing prevent this, they should be located in the area of the online washing nozzles. Sealing the filter system using mastic is not permissible. A complete leak test with smoke shall be carried out at the manufacturers plant. If a 90 bend is installed in front of the air filter chamber intake to control noise, care shall be taken with rain on the casing. Rainwater running off the surface shall not enter

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    camera de filtrare, se va asigura scurgerea apei pluviale de pe suprafata carcasei. Apa pluviala care se scurge de pe suprafata nu trebuie sa patrunda in curentul de aer aspirat, ci scurgerea acesteia va fi dirijata.

    the intake airflow, but drain properly.

    2.50 ( Clapeta de implozie Furnizorul (Packager) verifica necesitatea unei

    clapete de implozie. Daca aceasta este necesara, ea va fi realizata sub sarcina de arc sau de greutate. La proiectare trebuie urmarit sa se aleaga o varianta corespunzatoare ca rigiditate, avand in vedere diferentele maxime de presiune, pentru a asigura etansarea. Producatorul trebuie sa aiba in vedere ca aceasta clapeta de implozie trebuie sa-si pastreze functionalitatea si la temperaturi scazute ale mediului inconjurator. Dupa caz, va fi prevazut un sistem de incalzire.

    2.50 Anti-implosion valve The packager shall check whether an anti-implosion valve is necessary. If one is required, it should be spring or weight loaded. A suitably stiff design should be selected taking the maximum possible differential pressures into consideration to guarantee a good seal. The manufacturer shall ensure that the anti-implosion valve also remains functional at low ambient temperatures. A heating system shall be installed if necessary.

    2.51 (5.5.5) Izolatie antifonica la admisie si la evacuare

    Se vor respecta instructiunile din punctul 2.7.

    2.51 5.5.5) Inlet and outlet silencers The noise control requirements given in Sec. 2.7 shall be observed.

    2.52 ( Material pentru izolatia antifonica la admisie

    Carcasa atinsa de curentul de aer si partile

    interioare se vor realiza din otel inoxidabil.

    2.52. Inlet silencer material The casing and interior parts in contact with the air flow shall be made of stainless steel.

    2.53 ( Izolatia antifonica la evacuare, sustinere cos

    Fortele eoliene care intervin si momentele

    cosului asupra izolatiei antifonice de la evacuare vor fi indicate de furnizor (Packager) conform documentatiilor de proiectare si acesta va tine seama de ele.

    2.53. ( Outlet silencer, flue support The packager shall indicate wind forces and moments from the flue exerted on the outlet silencer in accordance with the planning criteria and take them into consideration.

    2.54 ( Clapeta explozie Furnizorul (Packager) verifica necesitatea unei

    clapete de explozie. Daca aceasta este necesara, se va avea grija sa nu se produca o situatie de pericol pentru persoane la momentul declansarii acesteia

    2.54. ( Anti-explosion valve The packager shall check whether an anti-explosion valve is necessary. If one is required, it should ensure that people are not at risk when it is activated.

    2.55 (5.5.7) Compensatoare Se vor respecta instructiunile privind tehnica de

    antifonare de la punctul 2.7.

    2.55. (5.5.7) Compensators The noise control requirements given in Sec. 2.7 shall be observed.

    2.56 ( Protectie impotriva atingerii, Izolatie

    Protectia impotriva atingerii se va realiza pentru

    acele parti ale echipamentului cu temperaturi ale suprafetelor > 60 C. Materialele pentru izolatie nu vor fi inflamabile si nu vor contine azbest. Elementele izolatiei trebuie protejate mecanic impotriva patrunderii de ulei.

    2.56. ( Personnel protection, insulation Personnel protection is required for parts with surface temperatures >60C. Insulation materials shall be fire proof and asbestos free. Insulation elements shall be mechanically protected to prevent oil from penetrating.

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    2.57 (5.7.3) Dispozitive pentru stingerea incendiilor

    Executia si componenta dispozitivelor pentru

    stingerea incendiilor respectiv a dispozitivelor de urmarire sunt mentionate in specificatia tehnica.

    Producatorul trebuie sa instaleze, in orice caz, un sistem aprobat si verificat de autoritati.

    2.57. (5.7.3) Fire fighting equipment

    The design and scope of fire fighting equipment and monitoring devices is given in the Technical Specifications.

    The manufacturer shall use a tested system approved by the authorities in every case.

    2.58 (5.7.4) Protectie antifonica

    Nivelul admisibil de zgomot precum si dovada acestuia ceruta de responsabilul de proiect Petrom OMV este indicat in specificatia tehnica. Se va tine cont de evaluarile pentru respectivul loc de amplasare Petrom OMV.

    2.58. (5.7.4) Noise control The permissible sound power levels and certificates required by the Petrom OMV project manager are given in the Technical Specifications. The relevant expertises/requirements for the Petrom OMV site shall also be taken into consideration.

    2.59 (5.7.5) Carcasa de protectie antifonica Se vor respecta instructiunile privind tehnica de

    antifonare de la punctul 2.7. Daca urmeaza amplasarea in aer liber a carcasei

    de protectie antifonica, aceasta trebuie realizata in asa fel incat sa fie rezistenta la intemperii. Usile si deschiderile carcasei trebuie astfel construite incat accesul sa se poata face repede pentru efectuarea lucrarilor de intretinere.

    La toate elementele demontabile ale acoperisului se va monta un numar suficient de inele de ridicare.

    Daca se face amplasarea in aer liber, elementele de acoperis vor fi prevazute cu o bordura cu scurgere definita si burlane.

    In conceptul carcasei pentru protectie antifonica vor fi prevazute usi pentru evacuarea de urgenta cu inscriptionare clara, pentru a putea asigura o cale de evacuare din toate sectoarele. Vor fi prevazute dispozitive de iluminat de avarie.

    2.59. (5.7.5) Acoustic enclosure The noise control requirements given in Sec. 2.7 shall be observed.

    If the acoustic enclosure is installed outdoors, it shall be weather proof. Doors and openings in the acoustic enclosure shall be designed to enable quick access for maintenance work.

    There shall be an adequate number of lifting lugs on the removable roof elements.

    When the enclosure is installed outdoors, the roof elements shall have an upturned edge with a defined drain and gradient.

    Clearly marked emergency exit doors shall be included in the acoustic enclosure concept to provide an escape route from every area. Emergency lighting shall also be installed.

    2.60 ( Ventilare si evacuare aer carcasa de protectie antifonica

    Din cuprinsul livrarii carcasei de protectie antifonica fac parte, de regula si doua suflante 100% (functionare si Stand by) pentru asigurarea ventilarii sau evacuarii aerului, conform specificatiei. La elaborarea suflantei se va avea in vedere ca se va face un schimb de aer de cel putin de 20 de ori si ca temperatura de evacuare nu va depasi cu mai mult de 20 C temperatura mediului inconjurator. Trebuie sa existe certitudinea ca temperatura la evacuare nu va depasi 60 C si in carcasa local 80 C. Zonele unde aceste limite se depasesc, vor fi definite de furnizor Packager in stadiul de oferta. Aerul din carcasa de protectie antifonica trebuie sa fie filtrat si ramificat dupa filtrul principal

    2.60. ( Acoustic enclosure air/ventilation The scope of delivery for the acoustic enclosure shall generally also include two 100% blowers (operation and standby) for ensuring air or ventilation to specifications. When selecting the blower design, ensure that the air is exchanged a minimum of 20 times and the outlet temperature is no more than 20C above the ambient temperature. Make sure that the outlet temperature does not exceed 60C and 80C locally in the acoustic enclosure. Areas where the limits are exceeded shall be defined by the packager at the tender stage.

    The acoustic enclosure air should be filtered and branch off after the main filter for the gas

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    pentru aerul de admisie generator gaz. generator intake air. 2.61 (5.8.1) Sistem combustibili Se utilizeaza numai combustibili gazosi.

    2.61. (5.8.1) Fuel system Only gaseous fuels shall be used.

    2.62 ( Combustibili gazosi Combustibilii gazosi vor fi pregatiti la conditiile de

    temperatura/presiune conform specificatiei. Producatorul trebuie sa confirme in scris, in faza de oferta domeniile maxime posibile de compozitie a gazului, puteri calorice, punct de roua si indicele Wobbe ale gazului.

    Informatiile privind impuritatile posibile (solide) si

    componentele corosive (metale alcaline, sulf) se vor lua din specificatia tehnica.

    2.62. ( Gaseous fuels Gaseous fuels shall be provided at the temperature/pressure conditions to specifications. The manufacturer shall confirm these specification criteria, the maximum possible gas composition ranges, calorific value, dew point and Wobbe index of the gases in writing at the tender stage.

    Refer to the specifications for any possible contamination (solids) and corrosive constituents (alkali metals, sulphur).

    2.63 (6.2) Inspectie Volumul inspectiei se va lua din specificatia

    tehnica. Inca din faza de oferta se vor depune din partea producatorului planurile pentru inspectia interna a turbinelor cu gaz si a accesoriilor.

    2.63. (6.2) Inspection Refer to the Technical Specifications for the scope of inspection. The manufacturer shall submit the internal inspection plans for the gas turbine and accessories at the tender stage.

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    2.64 (6.3) Receptie / test

    Volumul receptiei se va lua din specificatia tehnica. In modificarea paragrafului din API 616, producatorul va comunica anticipat desfasurarea testelor in stadiul de oferta si cu cel tarziu 3 luni inainte de efectuarea testelor le va transmite prelucrate, responsabilului de proiect Petrom OMV. Toate rotoarele trebuie supuse unui test de centrifugare la 115 % turatia nominala urmat de verificarea existentei de fisuri. Metodele de echilibrare : - echilibrare la turatie joasa (turatia de echilibrare mai mica decat turatia de lucru) - echilibrare la turatie inalta (turatia de echilibrare egala sau apropiata de turatia de lucru) vor fi stabilite de furnizor, in functie de necesitatile masinii.

    Dupa incheierea echilibrarii rotorului in totalitate, se va trece in proces verbal calitatea echilibrarii conform standardelor si normelor. In modificarea paragrafului din API 616, producatorul il va informa pe responsabilul de proiect Petrom OMV cu cel putin 14 zile inainte de test. Costurile pentru repetarea testului de functionare trec in sarcina producatorului.

    2.64. (6.3) Acceptance / testing Refer to the Technical Specifications for the scope of acceptance. In contrast to Sec. of API 616, the manufacturer shall disclose the test procedures in advance at the tender stage and submit revisions to the Petrom OMV project manager no later than three months before the test.

    All rotors shall undergo an overspeed test at 115% of the rated speed followed by crack inspection.

    The contractor shall specify the balancing methods:

    - low-speed balancing (balancing speed less than operating speed) - high-speed balancing (balancing speed the same as or close to operating speed)

    to suit the machine requirements.

    After the entire rotor has been balanced, the balance quality shall be certified to the applicable standards and regulations.

    In contrast to Sec. of API 616, the manufacturer shall notify the Petrom OMV project manager at least 14 days before the test. Retesting costs shall be borne by the manufacturer.

    2.65 (6.3.2) Probe de presiune

    Cuprinsul probelor de presiune se va lua din specificatia tehnica. Producatorul trebuie sa specifice si sa certifice calitatea apei folosite la standul de incercari.

    2.65. (6.3.2) Pressure tests Refer to the Technical Specifications for the scope of pressure tests required. The manufacturer shall specify and certify the test rig water quality.

    2.66. (6.3.3) Proba de functionare mecanica Cuprinsul probei de functionare se va lua din

    specificatia tehnica. Turbinele cu gaz trebuie testate conform ISO 2314. In succesiunea probelor de functionare se va avea in vedere ca, functionarea de proba se realizeaza cel putin 30 de minute la temperatura minima specificata a uleiului de lubrifiere si cel putin 30 de minute la cea maxima. Ca inceput al intervalului de timp pentru test se considera intotdeauna momentul atingerii temperaturii de regim. In timpul functionarii de proba vor fi consemnate toate valorile de lucru inclusiv analizele vibratiilor si vor fi predate responsabilului de proiect Petrom OMV in format corespunzator.

    2.66 6.3.3) Mechanical testing Refer to the Technical Specifications for the scope of mechanical tests. Gas turbines shall be tested to ISO 2314. In the test procedure, take into consideration that the test must be carried out for at least 30 minutes at the minimum and at least 30 minutes at the maximum specified lubricating oil temperature. The beginning of the test period is always when steady-state temperature is reached. During the test, all performance data including vibration analyses shall be recorded and submitted to the Petrom OMV project manager in a suitable form.

    2.67. (6.3.4) Teste optionale

    Cuprinsul testelor optionale se va lua din specificatia tehnica. Filtrul de aer si carcasa de

    2.67 6.3.4) Optional tests Refer to the Technical Specifications for the scope of optional tests. Air filters and intake

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    la partea de aspirare se vor testa la producator in stare premontata, conform punctului 2.48. La o presiune interna de 1,2 bari si material fumigen nu trebuie sa iasa fum la nici o imbinare cu flanse. In continuare se va demonstra functia de curatare, din punct de vedere electro-mecanic.

    housing shall be tested to Sec. 2.48 at the manufacturers plant in premounted condition. At 1.2 bar internal air pressure, smoke shall not escape from any flange gasket. In addition, proof of a mechanical/electrical function test for the cleaning system shall be provided.

    2.68 ( Verificarea nivelului de zgomot Masuratorile de receptie vor fi solicitate de

    producator unui organism autorizat de receptie si vor fi facute la locul de amplasare (santier).

    2.68 ( Noise test The manufacturer shall contract an authorised organisation to carry out acceptance measurements at the construction site.

    2.69 (7.3.6) Documentatie

    Toate documentatiile vor fi predate in limba romana / engleza, conform specificatiilor tehnice, responsabilului de proiect Petrom OMV.

    2.69 (7.3.6) Documentation All documentation shall be submitted to the Petrom OMV project manager in Romanian/English, in accordance with the Technical Specifications.

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    Anexa - Norme si prescriptii


    BGBI.152/1950 Legea unitatilor de masura si etaloanelor

    BGBI.265/1851 Ordonanta generala privind protectia salariatilor

    BGBI 211/1992 Legea cazanelor

    BGBI.306/1994 Ordonanta privind siguranta utilajelor

    BGBI.450/1994 Legea privind protectia interna a angajatilor

    Annex Standards and Guidelines


    Federal Gazette 152/1950 Weights and measures

    act Federal Gazette 265/1951 General employee

    protection directive Federal Gazette 211/1992 Boiler act Federal Gazette 306/1994 Machine safety

    directive (MSV) Federal Gazette 450/1994 Employee protection


    Norme Petrom OMV 330 Manuale de exploatare 130 Procese verbale.Receptie si predare.derulare si

    volum 220 Panouri si suporti de panouri 301 Planuri si desene,realizare 302 Diagrame de flux 310 Sistem de ordonare; marcare documentatia tehnica DEF2001Aparate sub presiune; Conceptie si executie E 2001 Schimbatoare de caldura; Protectia

    suprafetelor cu materiale organice G 2005 Turbine cu abur conform API 611 - General Purpose Steam Turbines Proiectare si executie G 2006 Turbine cu abur conform API 612 Special Purpose Steam Turbines Proiectare si executie H 1001 Conducte din otel si otel turnat.Principii de

    constructie si proiectare H 1002 Ventile de siguranta; Conceptie H 2002 Robineti cu sertar pana pentru rafinarii DIN H 2003 Robineti cu sertar pana pentru rafinarii ANSI H 2004 Robineti cu sertar de mici dimensiuni DIN si

    ANSI H 2005 Robineti cu bila si robineti cu cep conic DIN si

    ANSI H 2009 Indicatoare de nivel pentru lichide;

    reflectorizanti si transparenti DIN si ANSI H 2204 Conducte; stuturi pentru ventile de siguranta

    pentru dilatatie termica DIN si ANSI H 2266 Conducte; Stuturi priza de presiune DIN si

    ANSI H 2267 Conducte; Stut de racord pentru termometru

    DIN si ANSI H 3002 Ventile de siguranta; Executie H 3305 Conducte din otel si otel turnat; Sudare si

    verificare K 1001 Masurare, comanda, reglare; Conceptie


    330 Exploitation Manuals 130 Reports; Acceptance and delivery.

    Development and volume. 220 Tags and tag holders 301 Technical drawings; implementation 302 Flow charts 310 Classification system, labelling of

    technical documentation DEF 2001 Pressure vessels; design and

    construction E 2001 Heat exchangers; surface protection

    with organic materials G 2005 Steam turbines to API 611 general

    purpose steam turbines - design and construction G 2006 Steam turbines to API 612 special

    purpose steam turbines - design and construction H 1001 Steel pipes; above ground, design H 1002 Safety valves; design H 2002 Refinery gate valves; DIN H 2003 Refinery gate valves; ANSI H 2004 Small gate valves; DIN and ANSI H 2005 Ball valves; DIN and ANSI H 2009 Liquid level indicators; reflection and

    transparent; DIN and ANSI H 2204 Piping; safety valve stubs for thermal

    expansion; DIN and ANSI H 2266 Piping; pressure tapping stubs; DIN

    and ANSI H 2267 Piping; temperature metering stubs;

    DIN and ANSI H 3002 Safety valves; construction

  • Norma Petrom OMV G 2007 / Petrom OMV Standard G 2007 Pag 27

    K 1002 Sisteme de semnalizare, comanda si protectie K 3402 Cabluri de masura si comanda (fara cablu de

    compensare) K 3403 Cabluri de compensare K3451 Tuburi de protectie pentru termometre N 3402 Extinderea instalaiilor existente de joasa

    tens.si a tablourilor de distr. pentru raf.Schwehat. Executie

    P 1001 Protectie anticorosiva, Conceptie P 3001 Protectie anticorosiva; Realizare

    H 3305 Piping made of steel and cast steel; welding and testing