PHILIPPINES TRIVIA Cebu is the frst Philippine City. Maria Teresa Calderon !orld "ha#pion speed reader as listed in the $uiness %oo& o' !orld Re"ords In the Philippines( )ilipinos *ere introdu"ed to the En+lish lan+ua+e in ,-/ by %ritish in0aders( not A#eri"ans. Philippines is the *orld1s 2rd lar+est En+lishsp ea&in+ nation( ne3t to the 4SA and the 45. Co"onuts the Philippines is "onsidered to be the lar+est produ"er o' "o"onuts $e##a Cru6 *as the frst )ilipina to *in an international beauty title Miss International ,78. 9an Inosanto 'ro# Mi&e Robandido Pinoy *ho tau+ht %ru"e Lee ho* to use arnis de #ano.  The se"ond o ldest philip pine printin + press ne3t to Mani la "an be 'oun d in Pila La+una. The frst boo& printed *as na#ed Vo"abulario 9elen+ua Ta+ala the philippines frst flipino spanish di"tionary *hi"h *as printed in ,,2( /: years older than the frst boo& printed in the 4nited States.  The Philippin e %as&etba ll Asso"iati on is Asia1s pre#ier an d the *orld1s se"ond oldest pro'essional lea+ue. A'ter Happy %irthday( the son+ #ost sun+ in the Philippines is Lupan+ Hiniran+( the national anthe#. Philippine Airlin es too& to the s&ies on Mar"h ,:( ,78,( usin+ a %ee"h Model ,; air"ra't a#id the spe"ter o' a +lobal *ar. It be"a#e Asia1s frst airline.  The *orld1s lar+est pea rl *as dis" o0ered by a ) ilipino di0er in a +iant T rida"na <#ollus&= under the Pala*an Sea in ,728. 5no*n as the >Pearl o' LaoT6u>( the +e# *ei+hs ,8 pounds and #easures 7 ,?/ in"hes lon+ and : ,?/ in"hes in dia#eter. As o' May ,7;8( it *as 0alued at 4S@8/ #illion. It is belie0ed to be years old. Alto %road"astin+ Syste# <A%S= Channel 2( the frst tele0ision station in the "ountry( *ent on the air in ,7:2. )ernando A#orsolo( a painter( *as the frst national artist de"lared by the Philippine +o0ern#ent. The a*ard *as "on'erred on A#orsolo in April ,7-/( se0eral days a'ter his death.  The *orld1s se"ond deepest spot under*ater is in the Philippines . This spot ( about 28(88 'eet <,(87- #eters= belo* the sea le0el( is &no*n as the Philippine 9eep or the Mindanao Tren"h. The Philippine 9eep is in the Boor o' the Philippine Sea. The $er#an ship E#den frst plu#bed the tren"h in ,7/-.  The *orld1s deepest part o' the o"ean is t he Marianas T ren"h( *hi"h is o0er ,,( #eters belo* the seal le0el.  The sy#boli" n a#e 'or the Philippines( uan dela Cru6( is not a )ilipino in0entionD It *as "oined by R. M"Cullo"h9i"&( a S"ottishborn ournalist


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• Cebu is the frst Philippine City.

• Maria Teresa Calderon !orld "ha#pion speed reader as listed in the $uiness

%oo& o' !orld Re"ords

• In the Philippines( )ilipinos *ere introdu"ed to the En+lish lan+ua+e in ,-/

by %ritish in0aders( not A#eri"ans. Philippines is the *orld1s 2rd lar+est

En+lishspea&in+ nation( ne3t to the 4SA and the 45.

• Co"onuts the Philippines is "onsidered to be the lar+est produ"er o'


• $e##a Cru6 *as the frst )ilipina to *in an international beauty title Miss

International ,78.

• 9an Inosanto 'ro# Mi&e Robandido Pinoy *ho tau+ht %ru"e Lee ho* to use

arnis de #ano.

• The se"ond oldest philippine printin+ press ne3t to Manila "an be 'ound in PilaLa+una. The frst boo& printed *as na#ed Vo"abulario 9elen+ua Ta+ala the

philippines frst flipino spanish di"tionary *hi"h *as printed in ,,2( /:

years older than the frst boo& printed in the 4nited States.

•  The Philippine %as&etball Asso"iation is Asia1s pre#ier and the *orld1s se"ond

oldest pro'essional lea+ue.

• A'ter Happy %irthday( the son+ #ost sun+ in the Philippines is Lupan+

Hiniran+( the national anthe#.

• Philippine Airlines too& to the s&ies on Mar"h ,:( ,78,( usin+ a %ee"h Model

,; air"ra't a#id the spe"ter o' a +lobal *ar. It be"a#e Asia1s frst airline.

•  The *orld1s lar+est pearl *as dis"o0ered by a )ilipino di0er in a +iant Trida"na

<#ollus&= under the Pala*an Sea in ,728. 5no*n as the >Pearl o' LaoT6u>(

the +e# *ei+hs ,8 pounds and #easures 7 ,?/ in"hes lon+ and : ,?/ in"hes

in dia#eter. As o' May ,7;8( it *as 0alued at 4S@8/ #illion. It is belie0ed to

be years old.

• Alto %road"astin+ Syste# <A%S= Channel 2( the frst tele0ision station in the

"ountry( *ent on the air in ,7:2.

• )ernando A#orsolo( a painter( *as the frst national artist de"lared by the

Philippine +o0ern#ent. The a*ard *as "on'erred on A#orsolo in April ,7-/(

se0eral days a'ter his death.

•  The *orld1s se"ond deepest spot under*ater is in the Philippines. This spot(

about 28(88 'eet <,(87- #eters= belo* the sea le0el( is &no*n as thePhilippine 9eep or the Mindanao Tren"h. The Philippine 9eep is in the Boor o'

the Philippine Sea. The $er#an ship E#den frst plu#bed the tren"h in ,7/-.

 The *orld1s deepest part o' the o"ean is the Marianas Tren"h( *hi"h is o0er

,,( #eters belo* the seal le0el.

•  The sy#boli" na#e 'or the Philippines( uan dela Cru6( is not a )ilipino

in0entionD It *as "oined by R. M"Cullo"h9i"&( a S"ottishborn ournalist


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*or&in+ 'or the Manila Ti#es in the early ,7s( a'ter dis"o0erin+ it *as the

#ost "o##on na#e in blotters

• Mayon is the #ost beauti'ul #ountain I ha0e e0er seen( the *orldreno*ned

)uiya#a <Mt. )ui= o' apan sin&in+ into per'e"t insi+nif"an"e by "o#parison.

%ritish tra0eler*riter A. Henry Sa0a+e Landor

•IloIlo +ol' and "ountry "lub is the oldest +ol' "lub in the Philippines. It *asbuilt at ,7; by Irish En+ineers.

• E#ilio A+uinaldo lost to Manuel L. Fue6on in the "ountry1s frst presidential

ele"tions in ,72:.

• %a+u#bayan *as the ori+inal na#e o' Luneta Par&.

• G' the : &no*n "oral spe"ies in the *orld( 8;; are 'ound in the Philippines.

•  The Philippines is ho#e to so#e o' the *orld1s #ost e3oti" birds. Gne o' the

#ost endan+ered spe"ies is the e3oti" 5alan+ay or the Philippine "o"&atoo

<Ca"atua hae#aturopy+ia=( *hi"h belon+s to Psitta"idae or the 'a#ily o'

parrots. So#e "o"&atoos "an li0e up to : years. They are &no*n 'or

#i#i"&in+ hu#an 0oi"es. Most o' the# #easure 22 "enti#eters in len+th and

*ei+h ./7 &ilo+ra#

• 3. In 1992, Pepsi offered 1 million pesos to anyone who had a bottle cap

with “349” printed on it. Turns out, half a million bottle caps got the winning


• Dubbed as the“Number Fever”, the promo was offered by Pepsi-Cola ProductsPhilippines. On May 25, 1992, the winning numbers (i.e. 349) were finally

released. Thousands claimed the prizes but Pepsi officials revealed that there

was a technical glitch. In the end, the company spent more than 200 million

pesos to pay up to 500, 000 disappointed claimants. The case of the infamous

“Pepsi 349” fiasco was finally closed in 2006.


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• 4. Major Archibald Butt, former military captain in the Philippines, died in

the sinking of Titanic in 1912.

• A former journalist, Butt was a well-known military aide and adviser to US

presidents William Howard Taft and Theodore Roosevelt. He joined the army who

fought during the Spanish-American War.

• After the war ended, he was assigned to the Philippines as a volunteer and later

promoted as Assistant Quartermaster with the rank of Captain. He stayed in

Manila until July 1903.

• In 1912, after a short trip to Europe, Butt embarkedTitanicto return to the US.

Sadly, he was one of the victims who perished when the ship sank. His body was

never recovered.




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• 5. Jaz Cola, a beverage produced by The Coca Cola Company, was

specifically made for the people in the Visayan Islands.

• Image source:Flickr

• Jaz Cola is a cola-flavored drink and just one of the many custom beverages

made by Coca-Cola for the Philippine market. Originally created for consumers

living in the Visayan region, Jaz Cola has reportedly“fueled Visayan pride

among its teen consumers.”



• 6. Aluling Bridge in Ilocos Sur took 35 years to complete.


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• Image source:www.dpwh.gov.ph

• After 35 years and 6 presidents, the Aluling Bridge was finally completed on

March 25 of this year. It’s construction first started in 1978 but due to a host of

factors such as unpredictable weather and difficulty of navigating the river, the

completion was delayed for more than 3 decades. Aluling Bridge connects the

provinces of Ilocos Sur and Mountain Province.



• 7.Gollum suluensisis a shark named after Gollum of the movie “Lord of

the Rings” and Philippines’ very own Sulu Sea.


• Image source: LAST & GAUDIANO, Zootaxa 3002 (2011)

• Discovered in Sulu, this New Zealand shark is one of the species of the genus

Gollum. Compared to it’s cousin (G. attenuatus), this shark has a“darker, plainer

and less contrasted coloration, softer body, shorter and broader snout, smaller

spiracle, larger pectoral fin, wider head, as well as larger proportions of the

nostril, mouth and interorbital space.”



• 8. The first same-sex marriage in the Philippines was between two NPA



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• Image source: www.workers.org

In February 2005, Ka Andres and Ka Jose, two members of the NPA (NewPeople’s Army), exchanged vows in a symbolic ceremony held in the Compostela

Valley province in Mindanao.

• In addition to a choir which serenaded the two with revolutionary love songs, the

event was also participated by their comrades and few closed friends. During the

wedding, the two held each other’s hand while keeping a bullet in the other to

represent their commitment to the armed struggle.



• 9. A dog named “Serging” (alias “Avante”) received numerous awards in

1957 for his heroic act during theMagsaysay plane crash.


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• Marcelino Nuya with his pet dog, “Avante”. (Image

source:www.philippinestudies.net )

• Originally known as “Serging”, the dog was later renamed “Avante” to avoid

offending Sergio Osmeña Jr. who was a Cebu mayor at that time. “Avante”, along

with his owner Marcelino Nuya, helped save Nestor Mata, the only survivor of the

plane crash that killed the late President Ramon Magsaysay.

• For their heroic roles in the tragedy, the two received gold medals from

the Philippine Constabulary (PC) and various government officials. Avante also

received recognition from an animal rights group.




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• 10. In the 1970s, a 22.6-foot reticulated phyton terrorized Luzon and

swallowed an Agta Negrito.

• The22.6-footreticulated python, shot by Kekek Aduanan on June 9, 1970.

(Image source: www.mattsoniak.com)

• Agta Negritos are indigenous people in Luzon who, in the 1970s, competed with

a reticulated phyton for their main sources of food namely Philippine deer,

Philippine warty pigs and long-tailed macaques.

• Thomas N. Headland, an anthropologist who lived with and studied the group,

later found out that 15 of 58 men and 1 of 62 women were attacked by the giant

snake. Worse, 6 of them were killed, one of whom was discovered within the

snake’s belly after butchering.



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 The exotic jeepney is a post-war creation inspired by the GI jeeps that the American soldiers

brought to the country in the 1940s !nterprising "ilipinos sal#aged the surplus engines and came out

uni$ue #ehicles o% art

  &hort distance and %eeder trips could not be more exciting than #ia 'hilippine $uic( transports )

the tricycle* a motorcycle with a sidecar* and the pedicab* a bicycle with a sidecar

  The world+s longest underground ri#er system accessible to man can be %ound at the &t 'aul

,ational 'ar( in the pro#ince o% 'alawan

  The largest 'hilippine wild animal* the tamaraw* is a species o% the bu%%alo that is similar to the

carabao It is %ound only in the island o% indoro

  The highest mountain in the 'hilippines is t Apo* a dormant #olcano %ound in indanao* at .*9/4

meters 9*29 %eet3 t 'ulog in u5on is the second highest at .*9.2 meters 904 %eet3

  "ilipino bowler 6a%ael 7'aeng7 ,epomuceno was the %irst bowler to be ele#ated to the International

8owling all o% "ame based in &t ouis* issouri* :&A The 'hilippine ;ongress has named him

 <Greatest "ilipino Athlete o% All Time= 

  'hilippine ,ational ero and writer >ose 6i5al could read and write at age . e grew up to spea(

more than .0 languages* including atin* Gree(* German* "rench* and ;hinese ?hat were his last

words@ 7;onsummatum est7 7It is done73

  The largest city in the 'hilippines is Ba#ao ;ity ?ith an area o% .*.11 s$ (m* it is about three

times the si5e o% the national capital* etro anila

  ;ebu is the oldest 'hilippine city

  ,egros Cccidental has the most cities among 'hilippine pro#inces

  "ilipinos celebrate the world+s longest religious holiday The ;hristmas season begins on &eptember

1st* as chillier winds and ;hristmas carols start %illing the air* and ends on the %irst wee( o% >anuary*

during the "east o% the Three Dings

  'as(uhan Eillage in the pro#ince o% 'ampanga is Asia+s only ;hristmas theme par( and the third o%

its (ind in the world

  The great ;hristmans lanterns o% &an "ernando* 'ampanga can reach as big as 40 %eet in diameter*

using as many as 1*000 glowing bulbs

  The exotic jeepney is the "ilipino #ersion o% the jitney* the taxiFminibus that tra#els along a %ixed

route* %ound in many countries

  The popular toy* the yoyo* was in#ented by 1th century hunters in the 'hilippines


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  The word 7boondoc(s*7 which is now a part o% the !nglish language* dictionary* and #ocabulary*

comes %rom the Tagalog word 7bundo(*7 meaning 7mountain7

  The 'hilippines became the %irst Asian country to win "IE! major international beauty pageant

crowns two %or iss :ni#erse* in 199 and 19H* and three %or iss International* in 19/* 19H0*

and 19H9

  Bi#ing paradise Anilao* in the pro#ince o% 8atangas* is the theme o% a picture boo( that bagged the

International 'ri5e %or :nderwater Images at the .Hth ?orld "esti#al o% :nderwater Images in "rance

in ,o#ember .000 <Anilao7 boo( creators and "ilipino scuba di#ers &cott Tuason and !duardo ;u

:njieng de%eated big names in underwater photography such as >ac$ues ayol* 'ascal Dobeh*

oni$ue ?al(er* and Alessandro Tommasi

  The biggest game preser#e and wildli%e sanctuary in the 'hilippines is located on ;alauit Island in

'alawan* which has the largest land area among the 'hilippine pro#inces

  The antibiotic erythromycin used to treat a wide #ariety o% bacterial in%ections* such as

respiratory tract in%ections* middle ear in%ections* and s(in in%ections was created by "ilipino

scientist Abelardo Aguilar* and has earned American drug giant !li illy billions o% dollars ,either

Aguilar nor the 'hilippine go#ernment recei#ed royalties

  "ernando Amorsolo was o%%icially the %irst ,ational Artist o% the 'hilippines e was gi#en the

distinction o% ,ational Artist %or 'ainting in 19H.

  'hilippines erald war journalist ;arlos ' 6omulo was the %irst Asian to win a 'ulit5er 'ri5e in

>ournalism in 194. e was also aide-de-camp to General Bouglas acArthur in ?orld ?ar IIJ

'hilippine resident commissioner in the :& ;ongress %rom 1944-4J and the %irst Asian to become :,

'resident in 1949

  The largest %ish in the world* the ?hale &har(* locally (nown as 8utanding* regularly swims to the

'hilippine waters

  The world+s shortest and lightest %reshwater %ish is the dwar% pygmy goby 'anda(a 'ygmaea3* a

colorless and nearly transparent species %ound in the streams and la(es o% u5on ales ha#e an

a#erage length o% 2H mm and weigh 4-/ mg

  Cn >anuary 12* 199/* 'ope >ohn 'aul II o%%ered mass to an estimated 4 to / million people at

uneta 'ar(* anila* 'hilippines* ma(ing it to the Guiness 8oo( o% ?orld 6ecords %or the 8iggest 'apal


  The 'hilippine adrigal &ingers bagged the 199H !uropean ;horal Grand 'rix* the choral olympics

o% the world+s best choirs The group* being the only Asian choir* bested %i#e regional champions %rom

all o#er !urope* earning them the title as the 7world+s best choir7

  There are 1.*000 or so species o% seashells in the 'hilippines The ;onus Gloriamaris or 7Glory o%

the &ea7 is the rarest and most expensi#e in the world

  C% the /00 (nown coral species in the world* 422 are %ound in the 'hilippines


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  C% the eight species o% marine turtles worldwide* %i#e are reported to be %ound in the 'hilippinesK

the Green Turtle* aw(bill* eatherbac(* Cli#e 6idley* and oggerhead

  C% the eight (nown species o% giant clams in the world* se#en are %ound in the 'hilippines

  The 8asilica o% &an &ebastian is the only steel church in Asia and was the second building to be

made out o% steel* next to the !i%%el Tower in 'aris

  The largest bell in Asia hangs at the bel%ry o% the ..1-year old 'anay ;hurch It is H %eet in

diameter and H %eet in height* and weighs 104 tons Its tolling can be heard as %ar as 2 (m away It

was casted %rom H0 sac(s o% coins donated by the townspeople as a mani%estation o% %aith and


  The ?orld ;up* which was instituted in 19/* is contested annually by the national champions o%

the "ederation Internationale des Luilleurs "IL3 The highest number o% wins is 4* by "ilipino bowler

6a%ael <'aeng= ,epomucenoK 19H* 1920* 199.* and 199

  "ilipino !riberto , Gon5ales >r consumed /0 chilis in minutes at the annual agayon "esti#al

chili-eating contest held at 'enaranda 'ar(* ega5pi* Albay on ay .H* 1999* ma(ing it to the Guiness

8oo( o% ?orld 6ecords %or the most chilis eaten

  The longest possible eclipse o% the &un is H min 1 sec The longest eclipse in recent times too(

place west o% the 'hilippines on >une .0* 199/* lasting %or H min 2 sec

  ;amiguin pro#ince holds the distinction o% ha#ing the most number o% #olcanoes per s$uare

(ilometer than any other island on earth It is also the only place in the 'hilippines which has more

#olcanoes H3 than towns /3

  The 900 s$ m 6elie% ap o% indanao in Bapitan ;ity was personally done by Br >ose 6i5al It was

used as a de#ice %or teaching history and geography to towns%ol(

  The Mamboanga Gol% ;ourse and 8each 'ar( was %ounded in 1910 by Go# >ohn 'ershing It is one

o% the oldest gol% courses in the 'hilippines

  Isabela ;ity is the youngest city in the region It was only on arch /* .001 that the unicipality o% 

Isabela* 'ro#ince o% 8asilan was con#erted into a component city Through 6A 90. Cn April ./* .001*

IsabeleNos rati%ied the new status o% Isabela

  The Dinabayo is an exotic and color%ul pageant re-enacting the &panish-oorish ?ars* particularly

the 8attle o% ;o#adonga where the &panish %orces under General 'elagio too( their last stand against

the &aracens They were able to re#erse the tide o% war with the miraculous apparition o% &t >ames*

the Apostle A Dinabayo "esti#al is celebrated e#ery >uly in Bapitan ;ity* attracting thousands o%

tourists to the city

  The altar at the oly 6osary ;athedral in Bipolog ;ity was designed by Br >ose 6i5al The

;athedral was erected by the &panish %riars sometime in 129/* be%ore Bipolog ;ity became a



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  The 6i5al &hrine in Bapitan ;ity is the original estate o% Br >ose 6i5al which he ac$uired by

purchase during his exile in Bapitan %rom 129. to 129

  6A 29H signed by then 'resident >oseph ! !strada in "ebruary .001 created the pro#ince o%

Mamboanga &ibugay A total o% sixteen municipalities compose this newest pro#ince in the Mamboanga


  agat Bam is Asia+s biggest dam project at the time o% its construction It ser#es the primary

%unction o% power generation and irrigation

  The ;agayan 6i#er or 6io Grande de ;agayan is the 'hilippines+ mightiest watercourse ) the

longest and widest ri#er in the country &mall streams originating %orm 8alete 'ass* ;ordillera*

;araballo and &ierra adre ountains meet other streams and ri#ers and %low to the ;agayan 6i#er

  agapit &uspension 8ridge is the %irst o% its (ind in Asia It spans the ;agayan 6i#er at allo and is

0H (ilometers long The hanging bridge lin(s the %irst and second districts o% ;agayan going towards

the Ilocos 6egion #ia the scenic 'atapat 6oad on the Ilocos ,orte-;agayan Inter-'ro#incial national


  Angono 'etroglyphs ) This cultural heritage site dates bac( to circa 000 8; and is the most

ancient "ilipino* or more aptly* prehistoric "ilipino wor( o% art 8esides being the country+s oldest <wor(

o% art= it also o%%ers us an e#ocati#e glimpse into the li%e o% our ancestors The site has been included

in the ?orld In#entory o% 6oc( Art under the auspices o% :,!&;C* I;;6C and I;CC& and

nominated as one o% the <100 ost !ndangered &ites o% the ?orld

  'A,;IT A8A8 ucban3-ade %rom rice %lour* these local noodles ac$uired its name and

de#eloped its uni$ue attraction by the way it is eaten Ctherwise (nown as 'ancit ucban* thesenoodles are haw(ed in the streets and ser#ed on a piece o% banana lea%* sans %or( or any other

utensils Thus* it is eaten straight %rom the lea%* lic(ing permitted 7habhab7-style

Tagala - the 'hilippines %irst "ilipino-&panish dictionary which was printed in 11* ./ years older

than the %irst boo( printed in the :nited &tates

  ayon is the most beauti%ul mountain I ha#e e#er seen* the world-renowned "ujiyama t "uji3 o%

>apan sin(ing into per%ect insigni%icance by comparison 8ritish tra#eler-writer A enry &a#age andor

  Ilo-Ilo gol% and country club is the oldest gol% club in the 'hilippines It was built at 1902 by Irish


  imasawa Island ) where "erdinand agellan %irst landed in the 'hilippines which gi#e way to the

disco#ery o% the 'hilippines and where the %irst mass was celebrated

  &an >uanico &trait - said to be the narrowest yet the most na#igable strait in the world

  ;albiga ;a#e ) The 'hilippines+ biggest (arst %ormations and one o% the largest in Asia* the .*92-

hectare ca#e system is composed o% 1. ca#es with wide underground spaces* uni$ue roc( %ormations

and sub-terranean watercourse


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  At the Immaculate ;onception ;athedral can be %ound the only existing pipe organ in indanao

The .nd largest pipe organ in the 'hiippines The huge instrument too( . years to built and was

brought o#er by sea %rom Germany in . crates

  ;agayan de Cro ;ity - <The ;ity o% Golden "riendship*= (nown %or its warm people and old-

%ashioned hospitality

  t Apo* the 'hilippines highest mountain at 10*11 %eet abo#e sea le#el* and considered as the

 <Grand-%ather o% all 'hilippine ountains= 

  a(e anao is the second largest la(e in the 'hilippines* probably the deepest in the country and is

considered one o% the major tropical la(es in &outheastern Asia The la(e is home o% endemic

cryprinids* the species %ound only in the la(e and nowhere else in the world

  alo-alo alo-halo literally means* 7mix-mix7 And its is just thatK a mixture o% sweetened %ruits

and beans* la#ished with pinipig crisp %lattened rice %la(es3* sugar and mil(* topped by crushed ice

and ice cream Oou (now its summertime when halo-halo stand start sprouting by the roadside and by

the beach* all whipping up their hea#enly concoctions o% such a re%reshingly di#ine dessert Oou can

ma(e your own by selecting and mixing your ingredients to ma(e a per%ect alo-alo alo-alo is

uni$uely* un%orgettably "ilipino

DA!&A - The (alesa or (aritela is a horse-dri#en carriage that was introduced during the 12th

century It was used by &panish o%%icials and the nobles as a means o% transportation The Ilustrados*

the rich "ilipinos who had their own businesses* used the (alesa not only %or tra#eling but as a means

a means o% transporting their goods as well

8ADOA-ade primarily o% lightwood laniti and santol trees3* it is sculpted with a slope and sha#ed

to a smooth %inish* then painted with %loral designs or #arnished to a high sheen The upper portions*

which are made o% rubber or transparent plastic* are %astened to the sides by thumb nails called

7cla#itos7 The ba(ya industry prospered during the 190s when the "ilipinos began exporting these to

the other countries

&C68!T!&-This sweet treat was concocted in the early 19.0Ps* a time where a single centa#o could

buy you almost anything The process o% this ice cream ma(ing and selling it in carts with color%ul

designs is still the same 8ac( in the old days* these ice cream dealers bred their own cows and mil(ed

them with their own hands to ensure the %reshness and sanitation o% the mil( needed to ma(e the

7dirty ice cream7

?aling ?aling Crchids - ?ith some 200 to 1*000 species o% orchids* the 'hilippines has one o% the

richest orchid %loras in the world 'hilippine orchids come in an ama5ing array o% shapes* si5es and

colors ost grow only in old-growth %orest* o%ten on branches o% huge trees do5ens o% meters abo#e

the %orest %loor

  aria Teresa ;alderon ) A "ilipina ?orld champion speed reader as listed in the Guinness 8oo( o%

?orld 6ecords


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  In the 'hilippines* "ilipinos were introduced to the !nglish language in 1H. by 8ritish in#aders*

not Americans 'hilippines is the worldPs rd largest !nglish-spea(ing nation* next to the :&A and the


  The 'hilippine 8as(etball Association is AsiaPs premier and the worldPs second oldest pro%essional


  'hilippine Airlines too( to the s(ies on arch 1/* 1941* using a 8eech odel 12 aircra%t amid the

specter o% a global war It became AsiaPs %irst airline

  The worldPs largest pearl was disco#ered by a "ilipino di#er in a giant Tridacna mollus(3 under the

'alawan &ea in 194 Dnown as the 7'earl o% ao-T5u7* the gem weighs 14 pounds and measures 9

1F. inches long and / 1F. inches in diameter As o% ay 1924* it was #alued at :&Q4. million It is

belie#ed to be 00 years old

  Alto 8roadcasting &ystem A8&3 ;hannel * the %irst tele#ision station in the country* went on the

air in 19/

  The worldPs second deepest spot underwater is in the 'hilippines This spot* about 4*440 %eet

10*49H meters3 below the sea le#el* is (nown as the 'hilippine Beep or the indanao Trench The

'hilippine Beep is in the %loor o% the 'hilippine &ea The German ship !mden %irst plumbed the trench

in 19.H

  The symbolic name %or the 'hilippines* >uan dela ;ru5* is not a "ilipino in#ention@ It was coined by

6 c;ulloch-Bic(* a &cottish-born journalist wor(ing %or the anila Times in the early 1900s* a%ter

disco#ering it was the most common name in blotters

  ipa ;ity in 8atangas is dubbed as the <6ome o% the 'hilippines= because o% the number o%

seminaries* con#ents* monasteries* retreat houses* and a %amous cathedral located in it

  ;ompostela Ealley is (nown to be laden with gold* thus earning the monic(er <Golden Ealley o%


  8asilica o% &t artin de Tours in Taal* 8atangas built by Augustinian issionaries in 1/H.* is

reputed to be the biggest catholic church in !ast Asia It is so huge that it can house another big


  Dibungan is (nown as the <&wit5erland o% 8engued= because o% the %rost during the cold months

  The Belmonte 'ineapple 'lantation in 8u(idnon is considered to be the biggest in the %ar east

  8oth Tridacna gigas* one o% the worldPs largest shells* and 'isidum* the worldPs tiniest shell* can be

%ound under 'hilippine waters Tridacna gigas grows as large as one meter in length and weighs 00

pounds while 'isidum is less than 1 millimeter long A shell called glory o% the sea ;onnus


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gloriamaris3 is also %ound in the 'hilippines and considered as one o% the most expensi#e shells in the


  &eahorses are small saltwater %ish belonging to the &yngnathidae %amily order Gasterostei%ormes3*

which also includes pipe%ish and sea dragons ost seahorse species* probably the most peculiar

creatures in the water* li#e in the ;oral Triangle There are at least /0 (nown seahorse species in the

world They inhabit temperate and tropical waters but most o% them are concentrated in the warm

coastal waters o% the 'hilippines

  Bonsol* a %ishing town in &orsogon pro#ince* ser#es as a sanctuary to a group o% 40 whale shar(s

6hincodon typus3* which are considered as the largest %ish in the world ocally (nown as

7butanding7* whale shar(s #isit the waters o% Bonsol %rom ,o#ember to ay They tra#el across the

oceans but nowhere else ha#e they been sighted in a larger group than in the waters o% &orsogon

They measure between 12 to / %eet in length and weigh about .0 tons

  The 'hilippines is home to some o% the worldPs most exotic birds  

Cne o% the most endangered species is the exotic Dalangay or the 'hilippine coc(atoo ;acatua

haematuropygia3* which belongs to 'sittacidae or the %amily o% parrots &ome coc(atoos can li#e up to

/0 years They are (nown %or mimic(ing human #oices ost o% them measure centimeters in

length and weigh 0.9 (ilogram

'alawan bearcat is neither a bear nor a cat Dnown in &outheast Asia as binturong* the bearcat is a

species o% its own* with population in the %orests o% 'alawan* 8orneo* 8urma and Eietnam It belongs

to the %amily o% Ei#erridae ci#ets3 The 'alawan bearcat has a long body and a pointed %ace leading to

the nose Its head and body measure 1 to 9 centimeters in combined length while its tail is almost

as long It weighs 9 to 14 (ilograms and li#es up to .0 years

  ;alamian Beer - ;alamian Islands* north o% 'alawan pro#ince* (eep a species o% deer that cannot

be %ound elsewhere &cientists re%erred to the hog deer in the islands as ;alamian deer in order to

distinguish them %rom other hog deer in the world An ordinary ;alamian deer measures 10/ to 11/

centimeters in length and 0 to / centimeters high at the shoulder and weighs about to /0

(ilograms It is said to ha#e longer and dar(er legs* compared with other hog deer

  ?orldPs &mallest oo%ed ammal - &outh o% 'alawan* lies the 8alabac Island* home o% the worldPs

smallest hoo%ed mammal - the 'hilippine mouse deer ocally (nown as 'ilando( Tragalus nigricans3*

this ruminant stands only about 40 centimeters at the shoulder le#el

"lying emur - Cne o% the most distinct creatures on !arth li#es in the 'hilippines It doesnPt ha#e

wings but it can glide across 100 meters o% space in a single leap i(e the lemurs o% Asia* it mo#es

around at night Its head resembles that o% a dog while its body has similarities with the %lying s$uirrelo% ;anada

In indanao* people call it 7(agwang7 Around the world* it is (nown as colugo or the %lying lemur

  Bid you (now that the %irst %our cities o% etropolitan anila areK anila* Lue5on* 'asay and


  The %lagpole located in 6i5al 'ar(* is where the starts o% 0 (ilometer reading in measuring all

distances %rom anila


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  Lue5on ;ity is the second biggest city in the 'hilippines

  The 8oni%acio onument in onumento* ;aloocan ;ity was designed by a noted "ilipino sculptor

Guillermo Tolentino

•   In 191* in the 'hilippines* an o%%ensi#e style o% passing the ball in a high trajectory to be

struc( by another player the set and spi(e3 were introduced The "ilipinos de#eloped the

7bomba7 or (ill* and called the hitter a 7bomberino7 sourceK
