' PicBasic Pro program to display result of ' 10-bit A/D conversion on LCD ' ' Connect analog input to channel-0 (RA0) ' Define LCD registers and bits Define LCD_DREG PORTD Define LCD_DBIT 4 Define LCD_RSREG PORTE Define LCD_RSBIT 0 Define LCD_EREG PORTE Define LCD_EBIT 1 adval var word ' Create adval to store r TRISA = %11111111 ' Set PORTA to all inp ADCON1 = %10000010 ' Set PORTA analog and ADCON0 = %11000001 ' Configure and turn on Pause 500 ' Wait .5 second loop: ADCON0.2 = 1 ' Start Conversion notdone: Pause 5 If ADCON0.2 = 1 Then notdone ' Wait for lo conversion finished adval.highbyte = ADRESH ' Move HIGH byte of adval.lowbyte = ADRESL ' Move LOW byte of re Lcdout $fe, 1 ' Clear screen Lcdout "Value: ", DEC adval ' Display the Pause 100 ' Wait .1 second Goto loop ' Do it forever End

PICBasic Pro Compilerサンプルプログラム - BIGLOBEtekhanzo/PICBasicProCompsmplp.pdf' PicBasic Pro program to display result of ' 10-bit A/D conversion on LCD ' ' Connect analog

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Page 1: PICBasic Pro Compilerサンプルプログラム - BIGLOBEtekhanzo/PICBasicProCompsmplp.pdf' PicBasic Pro program to display result of ' 10-bit A/D conversion on LCD ' ' Connect analog

' PicBasic Pro program to display result of

' 10-bit A/D conversion on LCD


' Connect analog input to channel-0 (RA0)

' Define LCD registers and bits


Define LCD_DBIT 4


Define LCD_RSBIT 0


Define LCD_EBIT 1

adval var word ' Create adval to store result

TRISA = %11111111 ' Set PORTA to all input

ADCON1 = %10000010 ' Set PORTA analog and RIGHT justify result

ADCON0 = %11000001 ' Configure and turn on A/D Module

Pause 500 ' Wait .5 second

loop: ADCON0.2 = 1 ' Start Conversion

notdone: Pause 5

If ADCON0.2 = 1 Then notdone ' Wait for low on bit-2 of ADCON0,

conversion finished

adval.highbyte = ADRESH ' Move HIGH byte of result to adval

adval.lowbyte = ADRESL ' Move LOW byte of result to adval

Lcdout $fe, 1 ' Clear screen

Lcdout "Value: ", DEC adval ' Display the decimal value

Pause 100 ' Wait .1 second

Goto loop ' Do it forever


Page 2: PICBasic Pro Compilerサンプルプログラム - BIGLOBEtekhanzo/PICBasicProCompsmplp.pdf' PicBasic Pro program to display result of ' 10-bit A/D conversion on LCD ' ' Connect analog

' PicBasic Pro program to display result of

' 8-bit A/D conversion on LCD


' Connect analog input to channel-0 (RA0)

' Define LCD registers and bits


Define LCD_DBIT 4


Define LCD_RSBIT 0


Define LCD_EBIT 1

adval var byte ' Create adval to store result

TRISA = %11111111 ' Set PORTA to all input

ADCON1 = %00000010 ' Set PORTA analog and LEFT justify result

ADCON0 = %11000001 ' Configure and turn on A/D Module

Pause 500 ' Wait .5 second

loop: ADCON0.2 = 1 ' Start Conversion

notdone: Pause 5

If ADCON0.2 = 1 Then notdone ' Wait for low on bit-2 of ADCON0,

conversion finished

adval = ADRESH ' Move high byte of result to adval

Lcdout $fe, 1 ' Clear screen

Lcdout "Value: ", DEC adval ' Display the decimal value

Pause 100 ' Wait .1 second

Goto loop ' Do it forever


Page 3: PICBasic Pro Compilerサンプルプログラム - BIGLOBEtekhanzo/PICBasicProCompsmplp.pdf' PicBasic Pro program to display result of ' 10-bit A/D conversion on LCD ' ' Connect analog

' Access PIC16C7x A/D

Include "modedefs.bas" ' Include serial modes

SO con 0 ' Define serial output pin

ADCON1 = 0 ' Set PortA 0-3 to analog inputs

ADCON0 = $41 ' Set A/D to Fosc/8, Channel 0, On

Pause 1 ' Wait for channel to setup

loop: ADCON0 = $45 ' Start conversion

Pause 1 ' Wait for conversion

Serout SO,N2400,[#ADRES,10] ' Send variable to serial out

Goto loop

Page 4: PICBasic Pro Compilerサンプルプログラム - BIGLOBEtekhanzo/PICBasicProCompsmplp.pdf' PicBasic Pro program to display result of ' 10-bit A/D conversion on LCD ' ' Connect analog

' PicBasic Pro program to display result of

' 10-bit A/D conversion on LCD


' Connect analog input to channel-0 (RA0)

' Define LCD registers and bits


Define LCD_DBIT 4


Define LCD_RSBIT 0


Define LCD_EBIT 1

' Define ADCIN parameters

Define ADC_BITS 10 ' Set number of bits in result

Define ADC_CLOCK 3 ' Set clock source (3=rc)

Define ADC_SAMPLEUS 50 ' Set sampling time in uS

adval var word ' Create adval to store result

TRISA = %11111111 ' Set PORTA to all input

ADCON1 = %10000010 ' Set PORTA analog and right justify result

Low PORTE.2 ' LCD R/W line low (W)

Pause 500 ' Wait .5 second

loop: ADCIN 0, adval ' Read channel 0 to adval

Lcdout $fe, 1 ' Clear LCD

Lcdout "Value: ", DEC adval ' Display the decimal value

Pause 100 ' Wait .1 second

Goto loop ' Do it forever


Page 5: PICBasic Pro Compilerサンプルプログラム - BIGLOBEtekhanzo/PICBasicProCompsmplp.pdf' PicBasic Pro program to display result of ' 10-bit A/D conversion on LCD ' ' Connect analog

' PicBasic Pro program to display result of

' 8-bit A/D conversion on LCD


' Connect analog input to channel-0 (RA0)

' Define LCD registers and bits


Define LCD_DBIT 4


Define LCD_RSBIT 0


Define LCD_EBIT 1

' Define ADCIN parameters

Define ADC_BITS 8 ' Set number of bits in result

Define ADC_CLOCK 3 ' Set clock source (3=rc)

Define ADC_SAMPLEUS 50 ' Set sampling time in uS

adval var byte ' Create adval to store result

TRISA = %11111111 ' Set PORTA to all input

ADCON1 = %00000010 ' Set PORTA analog

Low PORTE.2 ' LCD R/W line low (W)

Pause 500 ' Wait .5 second

loop: ADCIN 0, adval ' Read channel 0 to adval

Lcdout $fe, 1 ' Clear LCD

Lcdout "Value: ", DEC adval ' Display the decimal value

Pause 100 ' Wait .1 second

Goto loop ' Do it forever


Page 6: PICBasic Pro Compilerサンプルプログラム - BIGLOBEtekhanzo/PICBasicProCompsmplp.pdf' PicBasic Pro program to display result of ' 10-bit A/D conversion on LCD ' ' Connect analog

' Interrupts in assembly language

' Turn LED on. Interrupt on PORTB.0 (INTE) turns LED off.

' Program waits .5 seconds and turns LED back on.

led var PORTB.7

wsave var byte $20 system

'wsave1 var byte $a0 system ' Necessary for devices with RAM in bank1

'wsave2 var byte $120 system ' Necessary for devices with RAM in bank2

'wsave3 var byte $1a0 system ' Necessary for devices with RAM in bank3

ssave var byte bank0 system

psave var byte bank0 system

Goto start ' Skip around interrupt handler

' Define interrupt handler

define INTHAND myint

' Assembly language interrupt handler


; Save W, STATUS and PCLATH registers, if not done previously

myint movwf wsave

swapf STATUS, W


movwf ssave

movf PCLATH, W

movwf psave

; Insert interrupt code here

; Save and restore FSR and any other registers used

bcf _led ; If interrupt, turn off LED

bcf INTCON, 1 ; Clear interrupt flag

Page 7: PICBasic Pro Compilerサンプルプログラム - BIGLOBEtekhanzo/PICBasicProCompsmplp.pdf' PicBasic Pro program to display result of ' 10-bit A/D conversion on LCD ' ' Connect analog

; Restore saved registers

movf psave, W

movwf PCLATH

swapf ssave, W

movwf STATUS

swapf wsave, F

swapf wsave, W

retfie ; Return from interrupt


start: TRISB = $7f ' LED out, rest in

OPTION_REG = $7f ' Enable PORTB pullups

INTCON = $90 ' Enable INTE interrupt

led = 1 ' Turn LED on

loop: If led = 1 Then loop ' Wait here while LED is still on

' If we get here, LED is off

Pause 500 ' Wait .5 seconds

Goto start ' Start over (turn LED back on)

Page 8: PICBasic Pro Compilerサンプルプログラム - BIGLOBEtekhanzo/PICBasicProCompsmplp.pdf' PicBasic Pro program to display result of ' 10-bit A/D conversion on LCD ' ' Connect analog

' Sample program to show assembler interrupt handler for PIC17Cxxx

Define INTHAND8 myint ' For first interrupt vector

psave var byte bank0 system

ssave var byte bank0 system

wsave var byte bank0 system

Goto start ' Skip interrupt handler


myint ; ALUSTA, BSR, PCLATH and W saved already

; Put assembler interrupt code here

movfp psave, PCLATH ; Restore registers

movfp wsave, WREG

movfp ssave, ALUSTA


retfie ; Interrupts over


start: Goto start ' Basic program goes here

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' PicBasic Pro program to demonstrate conversion to and from BCD.

pinout VAR PORTC.6 ' Define serial output pin

pinin VAR PORTC.7 ' Define serial input pin

bcdin VAR BYTE ' BCD data in

bcdout VAR BYTE ' BCD data out

binhold VAR BYTE ' Binary data

addamt CON 12 ' Set value to add

ADCON1 = 7 ' Set ports A and E to digital


Serout2 pinout,396,["Enter 2-digit decimal number:",10,13] ' Send

prompt to user

Serin2 pinin,396,[HEX2 bcdin] ' Receive 2 characters as BCD data with the

HEX2 modifier

binhold = ((bcdin >> 4) * 10) + (bcdin & $0f) ' Convert bcdin to binary

binhold = binhold + addamt ' Add addamt to binary value

If binhold>99 Then errmess ' Make sure result is less than 100

bcdout = ((binhold / 10) << 4) + (binhold // 10) ' Convert binhold

to BCD

' Send data as BCD with the HEX2 modifier

Serout2 pinout,396,[HEX2 bcdin, " + ", DEC addamt, " = ", HEX2 bcdout,10,13]

Goto loop ' Do it forever

errmess: ' Send error message

Serout2 pinout,396,[10,13,"ERROR: Result greater than 99",10,13,10,13]

Goto loop ' Begin again


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' Example program from manual to blink an LED connected to PORTB.0 about once a second

loop: High 0 ' Turn on LED connected to PORTB.0

Pause 500 ' Delay for .5 seconds

Low 0 ' Turn off LED connected to PORTB.0

Pause 500 ' Delay for .5 seconds

Goto loop ' Go back to loop and blink LED forever


Page 11: PICBasic Pro Compilerサンプルプログラム - BIGLOBEtekhanzo/PICBasicProCompsmplp.pdf' PicBasic Pro program to display result of ' 10-bit A/D conversion on LCD ' ' Connect analog

' BUTTON Command


' Demonstate BUTTON command. Prints working variable (in this case B0) to

' show how auto-repeat works. Prints "PRESS" when button is pressed or

' repeated.

Include "modedefs.bas" ' Include serial modes

SO con 0 ' Define serial output pin

B con 5 ' Define Button input pin

B0 var byte

B0 = 0 ' Zero Button Working Buffer

loop: Button B,1,10,5,B0,0,notp ' Check Button (Skip if Not Pressed)

Serout SO,N2400,["Press",13,10] ' Indicate Button Pressed

notp: Serout SO,N2400,[#B0,13,10] ' Show Working Variable

Pause 100 ' Visual Pause

Goto loop ' Forever

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' EEPROM, READ and WRITE Commands


' Demonstate commands for EEPROM. Works on PIC16F(C)84 targets only!!!

' Initialized address 0..5 and 9. Writes 10..63. This leaves addesses

' 6..8 undefined (assuming your programmer doesn't unconditionally

' program all EEPROM locations).

Include "modedefs.bas" ' Include serial modes

SO con 0 ' Define serial output pin

B0 var byte

B1 var byte

B2 var byte

EEPROM ["vwxyz"] ' EEPROM[0..4] = 118..122

EEPROM 9,[100] ' EEPROM[9] = 100

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' I2CREAD and I2WRITE Commands


' Write to the first 16 locations of internal I2C EEPROM

' Read first 16 locations back and send to serial out repeatedly

' Note: for PIC12CE67x MCU's

Include "modedefs.bas" ' Include serial modes


ADCON1 = 7 ' Set ADC pins to digital operation

SO con 1 ' Define serial output pin

DPIN var GPIO.6 ' Data line to internal EEPROM

CPIN var GPIO.7 ' Clock line to internal EEPROM

B0 var byte

B1 var byte

B2 var byte

For B0 = 0 To 15 ' Loop 16 times

I2CWRITE DPIN,CPIN,$A0,B0,[B0] ' Write each location's address to


Pause 10 ' Delay 10ms after each write

Next B0

loop: For B0 = 0 To 15 step 2 ' Loop 8 times

I2CREAD DPIN,CPIN,$A0,B0,[B1,B2] ' Read 2 locations in a row

Serout SO,T2400,[#B1," ",#B2," "] ' Print 2 locations

Next B0

Serout SO,T2400,[10] ' Print linefeed

Goto loop

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' I2CREAD and I2WRITE Commands


' Write to the first 16 locations of internal I2C EEPROM

' Read first 16 locations back and send to serial out repeatedly

' Note: for PIC16CE62x MCU's

Include "modedefs.bas" ' Include serial modes


SO con 0 ' Define serial output pin

DPIN var EEINTF.1 ' Data line to internal EEPROM

CPIN var EEINTF.2 ' Clock line to internal EEPROM

B0 var byte

B1 var byte

B2 var byte

For B0 = 0 To 15 ' Loop 16 times

I2CWRITE DPIN,CPIN,$A0,B0,[B0] ' Write each location's address to


Pause 10 ' Delay 10ms after each write

Next B0

loop: For B0 = 0 To 15 step 2 ' Loop 8 times

I2CREAD DPIN,CPIN,$A0,B0,[B1,B2] ' Read 2 locations in a row

Serout SO,N2400,[#B1," ",#B2," "] ' Print 2 locations

Next B0

Serout SO,N2400,[10] ' Print linefeed

Goto loop

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' FOR..NEXT Command


' Prints series of numbers showing STEP facility.

Include "modedefs.bas" ' Include serial modes

SO con 0 ' Define serial output pin

B0 var byte

B1 var byte

loop: For B0 = 3 To 1 Step -1 ' Countdown step size

For B1 = 0 To 10 Step B0 ' Count to 10 (or so)

Serout SO,N2400,[#B1," "]

Next B1

Serout SO,N2400,[13,10] ' End of line

Pause 100 ' Delay

Next B0

Goto loop

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' PicBasic Pro Program to demonstrate hardware PWM.

' Output is a 1Khz signal with duty cycle sweeping

' from 20% to 80% once per second

' Note: PWM output will be on the CCP1 pin. Register

' names are for the PIC16F87x devices.

' PR2 = Timer2 period register, controls PWM period.

' CCPR1L and CCP1CON<5:4>bits control the duty cycle,

' and should be treated as a 10-bit word.

' Fosc = Clock Frequency (4MHz)

' PS = Timer2 Prescale Value (T2CON<1:0>)

' Freq = PWM output frequency

' Duty% = Duty cycle (20% = 0.2)

' formulas:

' PR2=(Fosc/(4*PS*Freq))-1

' CCPR1L:CCP1CON<5:4>=(PR2+1)*4*Duty%

duty VAR WORD ' Duty cycle value (CCPR1L:CCP1CON<5:4>)

TRISC.2 = 0 ' Set PORTC.2 (CCP1) to output

CCP1CON = %00001100 ' Set CCP1 to PWM

T2CON = %00000101 ' Turn on Timer2, Prescale=4

' Use formula to determine PR2 value for a 1KHz signal,

' 4MHz clock, and prescale=16. (4E6/(4*4*1E3))-1=249

PR2 = 249 ' Set PR2 to get 1KHz out

' Use formula to determine CCPR1L:CCP1CON<5:4> value for

' ends of range 20% to 80%. (249+1)*4*0.2=200 (20% value)

' (249+1)*4*0.8=800 (80% value)

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duty = 200 ' Set duty cycle to 20%

loop: CCP1CON.4 = duty.0 ' Store duty to registers as

CCP1CON.5 = duty.1 ' a 10-bit word

CCPR1L = DUTY >> 2

duty = duty + 10 ' Increase duty cycle

' Since the total sweep of duty is 600 (800-200) and

' we are adding 10 for each loop, that results in 60

' steps min to max. 1 second divided by 60 = 16.67mS

Pause 17 ' Pause 1/60 of second

If (duty < 800) Then loop ' Do it again unless 80% duty cycle

duty = 200 ' Reset to 20% duty cycle

Goto loop ' Do it forever

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' PicBasic Pro program to send and receive from the hardware serial port

char var byte ' Storage for serial character

start: Hserout ["Hello World", 13, 10] ' Send text followed by carriage return and


loop: Hserin 10000, start, [char] ' Get a char from serial port

Hserout [char] ' Send char out serial port

Goto loop ' Do it all over again


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' I2CREAD and I2WRITE Commands


' Write to the first 16 locations of an external serial EEPROM

' Read first 16 locations back and send to serial out repeatedly

' Note: for EEPROMS with byte-sized address

Include "modedefs.bas" ' Include serial modes

SO con 0 ' Define serial output pin

DPIN var PORTA.0 ' I2C data pin

CPIN var PORTA.1 ' I2C clock pin

B0 var byte

B1 var byte

B2 var byte

For B0 = 0 To 15 ' Loop 16 times

I2CWRITE DPIN,CPIN,$A0,B0,[B0] ' Write each location's address to


Pause 10 ' Delay 10ms after each write

Next B0

loop: For B0 = 0 To 15 step 2 ' Loop 8 times

I2CREAD DPIN,CPIN,$A0,B0,[B1,B2] ' Read 2 locations in a row

Serout SO,N2400,[#B1," ",#B2," "] ' Print 2 locations

Next B0

Serout SO,N2400,[10] ' Print linefeed

Goto loop

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' PicBasic program to demonstrate operation of an LCD in 4-bit mode


' LCD should be connected as follows:


' DB4 PortA.0

' DB5 PortA.1

' DB6 PortA.2

' DB7 PortA.3

' RS PortA.4 (add 4.7K pullup resistor to 5 volts)

' E PortB.3

' RW Ground

' Vdd 5 volts

' Vss Ground

' Vo 20K potentiometer (or ground)

' DB0-3 No connect

Pause 500 ' Wait for LCD to startup

loop: Lcdout $fe, 1 ' Clear LCD screen

Lcdout "Hello" ' Display Hello

Pause 500 ' Wait .5 second

Lcdout $fe, 1 ' Clear LCD screen

Lcdout "World"

Pause 500 ' Wait .5 second

Goto loop ' Do it forever

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' Display Truth Table for Binary Logical Operators

Include "modedefs.bas" ' Include serial modes

SO con 0 ' Define serial output pin

B0 var byte

B1 var byte

B2 var byte

loop: Serout SO,N2400,[" & &/ | |/ ^ ^/",10,13]

For B0 = 0 To 1

For B1 = 0 To 1

Serout SO,N2400,[#B1," ",#B0," : "]

B2 = B1 & B0 : Gosub disp

B2 = B1 &/ B0 : Gosub disp

B2 = B1 | B0 : Gosub disp

B2 = B1 |/ B0 : Gosub disp

B2 = B1 ^ B0 : Gosub disp

B2 = B1 ^/ B0 : Gosub disp

Serout SO,N2400,[10,13]

Next B1

Next B0

Serout SO,N2400,[10,13]

Goto loop

disp: B2 = B2 & 1

Serout SO,N2400,[#B2," "]


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' LOOKDOWN Command


' Convert ASCII Hexadecimal characters to numeric equivalents.

Include "modedefs.bas" ' Include serial modes

SO con 0 ' Define serial out pin

SI con 1 ' Define serial in pin

B0 var byte

B1 var byte

loop: Serin SI,N2400,B0 ' B0 = Next Character

B1 = 255 ' B1 = Convert to Hex (255 if Fail)

Lookdown B0,["0123456789ABCDEF"],B1

If B1 = 255 Then loop ' Skip Non-Hex Characters

Serout SO,N2400,[#B1,13,10] ' Output Decimal Equivalent

Goto loop ' Forever

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' LOOKUP & RANDOM Commands


' Convert numeric value to ASCII hexadecimal equivalents.

Include "bs1defs.bas" ' Include BS1 variable and serial


SO con 0 ' Define serial out

loop: W6 = W0 : Gosub HexW ' Print W0

Serout SO,N2400,[13,10] ' Print end of line

Random W0 ' Randomize W0

Goto loop ' Do this forever!!!

' Send W6 as XXXX (Uses W5)

HexW: Gosub HexB13 ' Print MSB

B13 = B12 ' Print LSB

HexB13: B11 = B13 / 16 ' Print MSN

Gosub HexB11

B11 = B13 & 15

HexB11: Lookup B11,["0123456789ABCDEF"],B10 ' B10 = HEX$(B11)

Serout SO,N2400,[B10]


' MAX/MIN Operators


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' Use MAX and MIN operators to Bound [0..9] to [3..7]

Include "modedefs.bas" ' Include serial modes

SO con 0 ' Define serial out pins

B0 var byte

B1 var byte

loop: For B0 = 0 To 9 ' B0 = 0..9

B1 = B0 Max 3 Min 7 ' B1 = B0 Bounded to [3..7]

' Display Results

Serout 0,N2400,[#B0," ",#B1,10,13]

Next B0

Serout 0,N2400,[10] ' Line Break

Goto loop ' Forever

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' On Interrupt - Interrupts in BASIC

' Turn LED on. Interrupt on PORTB.0 (INTE) turns LED off.

' Program waits .5 seconds and turns LED back on.

led var PORTB.7

OPTION_REG = $7f ' Enable PORTB pullups

On Interrupt Goto myint ' Define interrupt handler

INTCON = $90 ' Enable INTE interrupt

loop: High led ' Turn LED on

Goto loop ' Do it forever

' Interrupt handler

Disable ' No interrupts past this point

myint: Low led ' If we get here, turn LED off

Pause 500 ' Wait .5 seconds

INTCON.1 = 0 ' Clear interrupt flag

Resume ' Return to main program


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' PULSIN Command


' Serial Pulse Width Meter

Include "modedefs.bas" ' Include serial modes

SO con 0 ' Define serial out pin

FI con 4 ' Define frequency input pin

W0 var word

loop: Pulsin FI,0,W0 ' Measure pulse (in 10 uSec)

If W0 = 0 Then disp ' If non-zero, display

Serout SO,N2400,[#W0]

disp: Serout SO,N2400,["0 uSec",13,10] ' Display trailer

Goto loop ' Forever

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' PULSOUT Command


' Variable Pulse Generator. Two buttons adjust from off to 10mSec in

' 10 uSec steps.

Include "bs1defs.bas" ' Include BS1 variables and serial modes

DN con 5 ' Define frequency down button

UP con 4 ' Define frequency up button

PO con 3 ' Define pulse output pin

W0 = 0

Low PO ' Initialize output polarity

inc: If (Pin4 = 1) Or (W0 = 1000) Then decr ' Increment freq on button

W0 = W0 + 1

decr: If (Pin5 = 1) Or (W0 = 0) Then pulse ' Decrement freq on button

W0 = W0 - 1

pulse: Pulsout 3,W0 ' Generate pulse

Pause 10 ' Intra-pulse delay

Goto inc ' Forever

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' PicBasic Pro Code that demonstrates the use of modifiers

' with the Serin2 and Serout2 commands.

testword VAR WORD ' Define word variable

testbyte VAR BYTE ' Define byte variable

test8 VAR BYTE[8] ' Define array variable with 8 locations

pinin VAR PORTC.7 ' Define pinin as PORTC.7

pinout VAR PORTC.6 ' Define pinout as PORTC.6

' For these examples, assume that the following string

' is being received continuously at 2400 baud on PORTC.7:

' "X-1011Y-546Z-F7ZZ-0001"


Serin2 pinin,396,[WAIT("X"),testbyte]

Serout2 pinout,396,["1: ",testbyte,13,10] ' 1: -

' Waits for ascii "X", then reads the next byte without a modifier.

' Numeric value of testbyte is 45, the ascii code for "-".

Serin2 pinin,396,[WAIT("Y"),DEC testword]

Serout2 pinout,396,["2: ",SDEC testword,13,10] ' 2: -546

' Waits for ascii "Y", then looks for an ascii string that could represent

' a decimal number. It finds the string "-546", which it converts to a

' signed integer. Since the value of testword is signed, we use SDEC to

' send it.

Serin2 pinin,396,[WAIT("Y-"),DEC testword]

Serout2 pinout,396,["3: ",DEC testword,13,10] ' 3: 546

' Same as the above example, but we change the WAIT parameter so that the

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' ascii "-" is ignored. The DEC modifier then finds the first decimal

' sting, "546".

Serin2 pinin,396,[WAIT("X"),BIN testbyte]

Serout2 pinout,396,["4: ",ISBIN testbyte,13,10] ' 4: %-1011

' Waits for ascii "X", then looks for an ascii string that could represent

' a binary number. It finds the string "-1011", which it converts to a

' signed integer. Since the value of testbyte is signed, we use the S

' prefix to send it. The I prefix inserts the ascii "%" to denote binary.

Serin2 pinin,396,[WAIT("X"),BIN testbyte]

Serout2 pinout,396,["5: ",BIN testbyte,13,10] ' 5: 11110101

' Same as example 4, but shows what is sent when the I and S prefixes

' are omitted from the SerOut2.

Serin2 pinin,396,[WAIT("ZZ-"),BIN testbyte]

Serout2 pinout,396,["6: ",IBIN4 testbyte,13,10] ' 6: %0001

' Waits for ascii string "ZZ-", then looks for a string that could represent

' a binary number. It finds "0001", which it converts to a signed integer.

' We use the IBIN4 modifier, which inserts the "%" denoting binary, and

' sends 4 digits. With only IBIN, the result is: 6: %1

Serin2 pinin,396,[WAIT("X-"),HEX testbyte]

Serout2 pinout,396,["7: ",IHEX testbyte,13,10] ' 7: $11

' Waits for ascii string "X-", then looks for a string that could represent

' a hexadecimal number. It finds "1011" which it tries to store in the

' testbyte variable. Since the value of $1011 is too large for a single

' byte, it only stores the least significant 8 bits.

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Serin2 pinin,396,[WAIT("X-"),HEX2 testbyte]

Serout2 pinout,396,["8: ",IHEX testbyte,13,10] ' 8: $10

' Same as example 7, but we have used HEX2 in the SerIn2 statement.

' This causes the compiler to collect the string "10" and store it

' in testbyte.

Serin2 pinin,396,[WAIT("Z-"),HEX testbyte]

Serout2 pinout,396,["9: ",IHEX testbyte,13,10] ' 9: $F7

' Since this example waits for the string "Z-", it ignores the "1011"

' string. The first string it finds that could be hex data is "F7".

Serin2 pinin,396,[WAIT("Y-"),DEC testword,testbyte]

Serout2 pinout,396,["10: ",DEC testword,",",testbyte,13,10] ' 10:


' Waits for ascii string "Y-", then looks for a string that could represent a

' decimal number. It finds "546" and stores the value in testword. Since we

' have a second item after testword, it stores the next charater "-" in

' testbyte.

Serin2 pinin,396,[WAIT("Y-"),DEC testword,WAIT("-"),HEX testbyte]

Serout2 pinout,396,["11: ",IDEC testword,",",IHEX testbyte,13,10]

' 11: #546,$F7

' Waits for the string "Y-", then collects a string that could represent

' a decimal number ("546"). It then waits again for the string "-". After

' that it collects the next string that looks like hex data, "F7". We use

' the I prefix to send both numbers to differentiate between decimal and hex.

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Serin2 pinin,396,[WAIT("Y-"),DEC2 testword,testbyte]

Serout2 pinout,396,["12: ",DEC testword,",",testbyte,13,10] ' 12:


' In this example, we use the DEC2 modifier to collect the only 2 decimal

' digits after the wait-string "Y-" is received. This results in "54" being

' stored to testword. The next character is "6", which is stored as ascii

' in testbyte.

Serin2 pinin,396,[WAIT("Y"),SKIP 2,DEC2 testword,testbyte]

Serout2 pinout,396,["13: ",DEC testword,",",testbyte,13,10] ' 13:


' Waits for the string "Y", then skips the next 2 characters "-5". It then

' collects a 2-digit decimal number ("46") and stores it to testword. The

' next byte received is "Z", which is stored as ascii to testbyte.

Serin2 pinin,396,[WAIT("F"), STR test8¥8]

Serout2 pinout,396,["14: ",STR test8¥8,13,10] ' 15: 7ZZ-0001

' Waits for the string "F", then collects the next 8 characters. These are

' stored as ascii in 8 locations of the array variable test8. The SerOut2

' statement uses the same modifier to send all 8 locations of the array

' variable as an ascii string.

Serin2 pinin,396,[WAIT("Z",45), STR test8¥8¥"0"]

Serout2 pinout,396,["15: ",STR test8¥8,13,10] ' 16: F7ZZ-

' This example demonstrates how you can put multiple characters in the

' WAIT. It waits for the string "Z-", since the ascii code for "-" is

' 45. The STR item is the same as above except we have added the stop

' character "0". When it encounters "0" at the sixth character, it

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' replaces it and fills the rest of the test8 array with null characters.

Pause 2000

Goto loop

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' SERIN & SEROUT Commands


' Upper case serial filter.

Include "modedefs.bas" ' Include serial modes

SO con 0 ' Define serial out pin

SI con 1 ' Define serial in pin

B0 var byte

loop: Serin SI,N2400,B0 ' B0 = input character

If (B0 < "a") or (B0 > "z") Then print ' If lower case, convert to upper

B0 = B0 - $20

print: Serout SO,N2400,[B0] ' Send character

Goto loop ' Forever

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' SERIN Command w/ Qualifiers


' "Crude" serial filter for C++ Style Comments

Include "modedefs.bas" ' Include serial modes

SO con 0 ' Define serial out pin

SI con 1 ' Define serial in pin

B0 var byte

wait1: Serin SI,N2400,["//"],B0 ' B0 = first char on comment

loop: Serout SO,N2400,[B0] ' Print character

If B0 = 13 Then wait1 ' Continue til CR

Serin SI,N2400,B0 ' Get next character

Goto loop ' Forever

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Include "modedefs.bas" ' Include shift modes

D1PIN var PORTA.0 ' Shift data pin 1

C1PIN var PORTA.1 ' Shift clock pin 1

D2PIN var PORTB.0 ' Shift data pin 2

C2PIN var PORTB.1 ' Shift clock pin 2

bvar var byte

wvar var word

' Shift in 10 bits of data

Shiftin D1PIN, C1PIN, MSBPRE, [wvar¥10]

bvar = wvar

' Shift out 8 bits of data onto other pins

Shiftout D2PIN, C2PIN, MSBFIRST,[bvar]


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' SLEEP Command


' Slowly Blink LED Using Low Power Mode Delay

LED con 2 ' LED Pin

loop: Toggle LED ' Toggle LED

Sleep 10 ' Sleep for 10 Seconds (or so)

Goto loop ' Forever

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' SOUND Command


' Make random computer-like noises. More refinement might make sound effects

' realistic enough to convince your boss you're working when you're really

' just playing Doom!!!

Include "bs1defs.bas" ' Include BS1 variables

SND con 0 ' Define speaker pin

loop: Random W0 ' Randomize W0

B2 = (B0 & 31) + 64 ' Generate notes [64..95]

If B2 >= 68 Then beep ' Make [64..68] silence

B2 = 0

beep: Sound SND,[B2,4] ' Generate sound

Goto loop ' Forever

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' Read and write hardware USART

B1 var byte

' Initialize USART

TRISC = %10111111 ' Set TX (PortC.6) to out, rest in

SPBRG = 25 ' Set baud rate to 2400

RCSTA = %10010000 ' Enable serial port and continuous receive

TXSTA = %00100000 ' Enable transmit and asynchronous mode

' Echo received characters in infinite loop

loop: Gosub charin ' Get a character from serial input, if any

If B1 = 0 Then loop ' No character yet

Gosub charout ' Send character to serial output

Goto loop ' Do it forever

' Subroutine to get a character from USART receiver

charin: B1 = 0 ' Preset to no character received

If PIR1.5 = 1 Then ' If receive flag then...

B1 = RCREG ' ...get received character to B1


ciret: Return ' Go back to caller

' Subroutine to send a character to USART transmitter

charout: If PIR1.4 = 0 Then charout ' Wait for transmit register empty

TXREG = B1 ' Send character to transmit register

Return ' Go back to caller