Pizzeria plan de afacere

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  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere


  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere


    Cover Page

    his sample business plan has been made available to users of Business Plan Pro4, businessplanning software published by alo Alto #oftware, nc. 5ames, locations and numbers may have

    been changed, and substantial portions of the original plan te6t may have been omitted to preserve

    confidentiality and proprietary information.

    You are welcome to use this plan as a starting point to create your own, but you do not havepermission to resell, reproduce, publish, distribute or even copy this plan as it e6ists here.

    7e-uests for reprints, academic use, and other dissemination of this sample plan should be emailedto the marketing department of alo Alto #oftware at marketing8paloalto.com. )or product

    information visit our Website! www.paloalto.com or call! 9:;++:**.

    Copyright Palo Alto Software, Inc., 1!"#$$ All rights reser%ed.

  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere


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    1onfidentiality Agreement

    he undersigned reader acknowledges that the information provided by ??????????????? in thisbusiness plan is confidential@ therefore, reader agrees not to disclose it without the e6press written

    permission of ???????????????.

    t is acknowledged by reader that information to be furnished in this business plan is in all respects

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    5ame $typed or printed&


    his is a business plan. t does not imply an offering of securities.

  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere


    Table of Contents

    1.0 Executive Summary...............................................................................................................................1

    Chart: Highlights..................................................................................................................................1

    1.1 Mission...............................................................................................................................................11. !eys to Success..................................................................................................................................

    1." #b$ectives..........................................................................................................................................

    .0 Com%any Summary................................................................................................................................1 Com%any #&nershi%.........................................................................................................................

    . Start'u% Summary..............................................................................................................................

    Table: Start'u%....................................................................................................................................."

    Chart: Start'u%......................................................................................................................................".............................................................................................................................................................."

    ".0 Services..................................................................................................................................................((.0 Mar)et *nalysis Summary....................................................................................................................+

    (.1 Mar)et Segmentation.........................................................................................................................+

    Table: Mar)et *nalysis........................................................................................................................,Chart: Mar)et *nalysis -Pie...............................................................................................................,

    (. Target Mar)et Segment Strategy.......................................................................................................,

    (." Service /usiness *nalysis.................................................................................................................,(.".1 Com%etition an /uying Patterns...............................................................................................

    +.0 Strategy an 2m%lementation Summary.................................................................................................

    +.1 Com%etitive Ege...............................................................................................................................+. Mar)eting Strategy.............................................................................................................................

    +." Sales Strategy.....................................................................................................................................3

    +.".1 Sales 4orecast..............................................................................................................................3

    Table: Sales 4orecast.......................................................................................................................5Chart: Sales Monthly.......................................................................................................................5

    Chart: Sales by 6ear......................................................................................................................10

    +.( Milestones........................................................................................................................................10

  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere


  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere


    Pi==eria el Causamali

    9.+ C6ecutive #ummary

    iDDeria del 1ausamali is a new player in the restaurant industry. he restaurant is in acomfortable, familiar, small town that has a strong need for additional dining options. 'olstered

    by the need for more choices in family:oriented dining e6periences, combined with the option

    for home:delivery, the restaurant is positioned to take advantage of the market need and servethe families in the Beauville area.

    he BeauvilleEs population is rapidly growing with new subdivisions and young families movingto the rural suburb of the Fewgton area. t is iDDeria del 1ausamaliEs strategy to e6ploit the

    first:mover opportunity and establish itself as the preferred piDDa provider to the area. Webelieve a locally:owned restaurant is the best option to serve the rapidly growing

    population with a fresh, uni-ue menu as opposed to a national chain franchise.

    his business plan calls for an e6citing, profitable start:up year ahead with future forecasted

    growth as we meet the demands of the community. n all, this plan describes a healthycompany with good growth prospects, looking to manage its orderly growth in the near future.

    1hart! Fighlights

  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere


    Pi==eria el Causamali

    Hur customers are our neighbors as we are residents of our market area. We will also createand nurture a healthy, creative, respectful, and fun working environment, in which our

    employees are fairly compensated and encouraged to respect the customer and the -uality ofthe product we produce. We seek fair and responsible profit, enough to keep the company

    financially healthy for the long term and to fairly compensate owners and investors fortheir investment and risk.

    9.* Ieys to #uccess

    he keys to success in this business are!

    Belivering the customer value proposition. Garketing! promoting a new company, product, and delivery channels to a rural


    roduct -uality and consistency.

    ricing effectively with respect to the project -uality and customer value proposition.

    )amily:oriented atmosphere with occasional nights of family entertainment.

    Ganagement! products delivered on time, costs controlled, marketing budgets managed.

    here is a temptation to fi6ate on growth at the e6pense of profits.

    7eporting and controls in place for inventory and financials.

    9.J Hbjectives

    he objectives for iDDeria del 1ausamali are!

    o establish the market presence needed to support marketing and sales goals and to

    attract customers.

    o reach healthy monthly sales by the end of the year, and average monthly salesincreasing modestly by steadily through Year J.

    o achieve double digit profit margins.

    o develop top:rated relationships with *:K well:respected, all encompassing distributors.

  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere


    Pi==eria el Causamali

    able! #tart:up



    Start-up Expenses

    Professional Fees (Legal, Accounting, Consulting) $,!""Placemats, Stationer#, usiness Car%s $,""Reno&ation $!,'""areting $*,+""

    Rent $*,"""Expense% Equipment $+,"""nsurance $'+"e.site /e&elopment $,"""isc Expense $',!""0otal Start-up Expenses $*+,!+"

    Start-up Assets

    Cas1 Require% $*',""Start-up n&entor# $2,"""3t1er Current Assets $+,*+"Long-term Assets $*",'""

    0otal Assets $+4,2+"

    Total Requirements $!",+""

    1hart! #tart:up

  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere


    Pi==eria el Causamali

    Table: Start'u% 4uning

    Start-up Funding

    Start-up Expenses to Fun% $*+,!+"Start-up Assets to Fun% $+4,2+"0otal Fun%ing Require% $!",+""


    5on-cas1 Assets from Start-up $',++"Cas1 Requirements from Start-up $*',""A%%itional Cas1 Raise% $"Cas1 alance on Starting /ate $*',""0otal Assets $+4,2+"

    Lia.ilities an% Capital


    Current orro6ing $"Long-term Lia.ilities $*+,"""Accounts Pa#a.le (3utstan%ing ills) $7,+""3t1er Current Lia.ilities (interest-free) $"0otal Lia.ilities $'4,+""


    Planne% n&estment

    n&estor $+,"""36ners $'","""A%%itional n&estment Requirement $,"""0otal Planne% n&estment $42,"""

    Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses) ($*+,!+")0otal Capital $*",+"

    0otal Capital an% Lia.ilities $+4,2+"

    Total Funding $!" +""

  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere


    Pi==eria el Causamali

    K.+ Garket Analysis #ummary

    Hur primary target market is people who desire a comfortable, family:oriented environment fordine:in piDDa. Hur secondary target market also desires a delivery service for piDDa, or a take:out approach. here is overlap of these segments.

    Beauville and its surrounding communities are a growing middle:class area with nearly 9K,+++residents. A majority of these residents are families of four or more. he boom in the area is

    primarily in response to an e6odus of families moving out of the over:populated areas and into

    a more rural setting.

    According to a rowth lan Beauville conducted in *++9, population within Beauville ise6pected to increase. Fowever, the number of persons per household is e6pected to decline,

    meaning the need for additional housing in Beauville will continue to grow. )rom the sameplan, population is listed as being evenly distributed by age groupings, with appro6imately JJ3

    of the population being minors. Another K+3 are less than 2K years of age, indicating a majorconcentration of the Beauville population being families. he report forecasts there being

    nearly 9,

  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere


    Pi==eria el Causamali

    able! Garket Analysis

    Market Analysis

    8ear 8ear * 8ear ' 8ear 4 8ear +

    Potential Customers 9ro6t1 CA9R

    /ine-n or 0ae-3ut :; ',!2" 4,!'" +,!2! 2,7:7 !,2! :

  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere


    Pi==eria el Causamali

    Hther restaurants in Beauville are taverns and are not conducive to family activities. Hne ofthe bars in Beauville serves a homemade piDDa.

    n conversations with an independent piDDa operator in Lakeshore Faven, an hourEs drive away,he indicated piDDa sales in his community are thriving despite competition from K other piDDa

    establishments, including iDDa Fut$7&. While e6act figures were not shared, he indicated ahigh level of penetration into the piDDa market in his area with profitable margins. Fe also

    provided suggestions and tips to minimiDe costs, and components of his restaurant he would dodifferently, including payroll handling, vendors, and layout.

    K.J.9 1ompetition and 'uying atterns

    here is minimal competition for piDDa in the Beauville area, besides the bar establishments

    previously mentioned. he closest locales for piDDa to the Beauville area are 'olingbrooke,Avro, and de Favilland. 5one of these competing piDDa locations deliver to the Beauville area.

    Additionally, iDDeria del 1ausamali would be the only family:oriented, non:smoking restaurantin Beauville.

    2.+ #trategy and mplementation #ummary

    Hur strategy is based on delivering a strong customer value proposition in a niche market. he

    world is full of small, family:oriented towns that do not have endless opportunities for diningout. We are looking to offer the Beauville and its surrounding areas a new choice in food



    What begins as a need to satisfy a need in the community, can eventually turn into a

    mainstay in the small town community. We are building our marketing infrastructure so that we can eventually reach additional

    towns with the same offering.

    We focus on satisfying the needs of small towns.

  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere


    Pi==eria el Causamali

    advertisements will continue throughout the year to promote upcoming events. Gost initiativeswill focus on the local Beauville papers as the target of these papers is specifically the Beauville

    residents. Additional marketing efforts will come in the form of on:bo6 coupons for futurepurchases.

    Additionally, family:oriented events will be hosted by iDDeria del 1ausamali to attractcustomers such as trivia nights, birthday parties, and priDe giveaways. )re-uent buyer cards

    will be employed to entice repeat customers. iDDeria del 1ausamali will also sponsor a localLittle League baseball team, and a bowling team to publiciDe the restaurant within the

    community events.

    )uture plans of working in coordination with the adjacent video store to offer Obundle savingsO ifboth piDDa and video rentals are purchased will be pursued within the second year of operation.

    2.J #ales #trategy

    he Beauville area has e6pressed its need for additional restaurants, specifically a desire forpiDDa. 'ecause of this, there is pent:up demand for piDDa in this area. We will e6pect a high

    rate of sales growth within the first J months as this customer desire is met.

    )or the ne6t year, we continue to focus on a growing presence in the community and

    advertising heavily throughout the community. As a major convention center and water parkopen in nearby )airchild, we will focus our attention on becoming the recogniDed provider of

    piDDa to that establishment.

    2.J.9 #ales )orecast

    Hur sales forecast assumes a modest change in annual costs to accommodate new entry into

    the market.

    We are e6pecting to increase sales modestly but steadily over the ne6t year, which isa respectable growth rate. he growth forecast is assumed given this is a new product for the

  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere


    Pi==eria el Causamali

    able! #ales )orecast

    Sales Forecast

    8ear 8ear * 8ear '


    Pi==a $'',7"" $4',!"! $+',!:+rea%stics $!,22: $7,7:' $*,':eer $':,''' $'7,74: $4*,:4'/rins $+",::' $+4,'*: $+!,'"0otal Sales $*4",2:' $*+!,"++ $*:2,*"

    /irect Cost of Sales 8ear 8ear * 8ear 'Pi==a $4*,!4! $44,77" $4:,*4"rea%stics $',:'' $',7*" $4,2eer $:,42: $:,!4" $!,*'*/rins $*,+'7 $*,222 $*,:77

    Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales $+2,+!: $+7,42 $2*,'!:

    1hart! #ales Gonthly

  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere


    Pi==eria el Causamali

    1hart! #ales by Year

    2.K Gilestones

    he following table lists important program milestones, with dates and managers in charge, andbudgets for each. he milestone schedule indicates our emphasis on planning for


    able! Gilestones


  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere


    Pi==eria el Causamali

    1hart! Gilestones

    >.+ Web lan #ummary

    he iDDeria del 1ausamali website will be the virtual business card and portfolio for the

    company, as well as its online Ohome.O t will showcase the history, product information,and offers for iDDeria del 1ausamali. #pecial online:only offers will be made available on thewebsite, along with customerEs opportunity to sign:up for email news and offers.

  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere


    Pi==eria el Causamali

    he user interface designer will work with a graphic artist to come up with the website logo,and the website graphics.

    he maintenance of the site will be done by the owners. f the website rolls out futuredevelopment such as newsletters and online ordering, the internal staff at iDDeria del

    1ausamali will design, implement, and e6ecute the technology.

    =.+ Ganagement #ummary

    We are a small company owned and operated by Garion and Garianne 'ru6ellesprot, husbandand wife, as a partnership. Ganagement style reflects the participation of the owners. he

    company respects its community of co:workers and treats all workers well.

    Garianne 'ru6ellesprot is a 9

  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere


    Pi==eria el Causamali

    able! ersonnel

    Personnel Plan

    8ear 8ear * 8ear '

    ?itc1en Lea%s $*!,"!" $*7,4!4 $'",7+!?itc1en>ait $':,44" $'7,'* $4,*:!/is16as1er $+,2"" $2,'!" $:,7736ner $7,""" $7,4+" $7,7*'/eli&er# $+,2"" $2,'!" $:,770otal People * * *

    Total Payroll $"+,:*" $,""2 $2,++2

    ;.+ )inancial lan

    he financial picture is -uite encouraging. We will be slow to take on debt and heavily investingour own assets, but with our increase in sales we do e6pect to apply for a credit line with the

    bank, to a limit of N2+,+++. he credit line is supported by assets.

    ;.9 mportant Assumptions

    he financial plan depends on important assumptions, most of which are shown in the followingtable. he key underlying assumptions are!

    We assume a fairly high:growth economy for piDDa in the Beauville area, given the lack of

    competition and interest in having a piDDa restaurant available in the area and pent:up


    We assume, of course, that there are no unforeseen changes in technology to make ourproducts immediately obsolete.

    We assume access to e-uity capital and financing sufficient to maintain our financial plan as

    shown in the tables.

  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere


    Pi==eria el Causamali

    3. /rea)'even *nalysisHur break:even analysis is based on running costs, the Oburn:rateO costs we incur to keep the

    business running, not on theoretical fi6ed costs that would be relevant only if we wereclosing. he essential insight here is that our sales level seems to be running comfortably abovebreak:even.

    1hart! 'reak:even Analysis

    able! 'reak:even Analysis

  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere


    Pi==eria el Causamali

    able! rofit and Loss

    Pro Forma Profit and Loss

    8ear 8ear * 8ear '

    Sales $*4",2:' $*+!,"++ $*:2,*"/irect Cost of Sales $+2,+!: $+7,42 $2*,'!:3t1er Costs of 9oo%s $" $" $"0otal Cost of Sales $+2,+!: $+7,42 $2*,'!:

    9ross argin $!4,"!: $7!,2'7 $*',:''9ross argin ; :2

  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere


    Pi==eria el Causamali

    1hart! rofit Gonthly

    1hart! rofit Yearly

  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere


    Pi==eria el Causamali

    1hart! ross Gargin Gonthly

    1hart! ross Gargin Yearly

  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere


    Pi==eria el Causamali

    1hart! 1ash

    able! 1ash )low

    Pro Forma Cash Flo

    8ear 8ear * 8ear '

    Cas1 Recei&e%

    Cas1 from 3perations

    Cas1 Sales $*4",2:' $*+!,"++ $*:2,*"Su.total Cas1 from 3perations $*4",2:' $*+!,"++ $*:2,*"

  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere


    Pi==eria el Causamali

    5et Cas1 Flo6 $*',+:" $**,"4* $*7,:!7

    Cash "alance $42,2:" $2!,:* $7!,+"

  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere


    Pi==eria el Causamali

    ;.2 rojected 'alance #heet

    As shown in the balance sheet in the following table, we e6pect a healthy growth in net worth.he monthly projections are in the appendices.

    able! 'alance #heet

    Pro Forma Balance Sheet

    8ear 8ear * 8ear '


    Current Assets

    Cas1 $42,2:" $2!,:* $7!,+"n&entor# $,:*" $,774 $*,"743t1er Current Assets $+,*+" $+,*+" $+,*+"0otal Current Assets $+',24" $:+,7+2 $"+,!4+

    Long-term Assets

    Long-term Assets $*",'"" $*",'"" $*",'""

    Accumulate% /epreciation $*,"4" $',!:2 $+,+*!0otal Long-term Assets $!,*2" $2,4*4 $4,::*0otal Assets $:,7"" $7*,'!" $*",2:

    Lia.ilities an% Capital 8ear 8ear * 8ear '

    Current Lia.ilities

    Accounts Pa#a.le $7,*2: $7,427 $7,72!Current orro6ing $" $" $"3t1er Current Lia.ilities $" $" $"Su.total Current Lia.ilities $7,*2: $7,427 $7,72!

    Long-term Lia.ilities $7,""" $7,""" $"0otal Lia.ilities $*!,*2: $!,427 $7,72!

    Pai%-in Capital $42,""" $42,""" $42,"""

  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere


    Pi==eria el Causamali

    ;.> 'usiness 7atios

    #tandard business ratios are included in the following table. ndustry profile ratios are shownfor comparison, and are based on #tandard ndustrial 1lassification $#1& code 2;9*.+>++,

    iDDa 7estaurants. he ratios show a plan for balanced, healthy growth. Hur return on sales

    and return on assets remain strong in percentage terms.

    able! 7atios

    !atio Analysis

    8ear 8ear * 8ear ' n%ustr# ProfileSales 9ro6t1 n

  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere


    Pi==eria el Causamali

    Di$idend Payout "

  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere



    able! #ales )orecast

    Sales Forecast

    Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12


    Pizza 0% $7,200 $12,600 $11,160 $12,000 $11,460 $11,340 $11,820 $11,160 $11,320 $11,640 $10,560 $11,640Breadstics 0% $1,000 $1,750 $1,550 $1,667 $1,592 $1,575 $1,642 $1,550 $1,642 $1,617 $1,467 $1,617Beer 0% $2,000 $3,500 $3,100 $3,333 $3,183 $3,150 $3,283 $3,100 $3,283 $3,233 $2,933 $3,233!rins 0% $2,720 $4,760 $4,216 $4,533 $4,329 $4,284 $4,465 $4,216 $4,465 $4,397 $3,989 $4,397"otal Sales $12,920 $22,610 $20,026 $21,533 $ 20,564 $ 20,349 $21,210 $20,026 $ 20,710 $ 20,887 $18,949 $20,887

    !irect #ost o Sales Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

    Pizza 32% $2,304 $4,032 $3,571 $3,840 $3,667 $3,629 $3,782 $3,571 $3,622 $3,725 $3,379 $3,725Breadstics 20% $200 $350 $310 $333 $318 $315 $328 $310 $328 $323 $293 $323Beer 20% $400 $700 $620 $667 $637 $630 $657 $620 $657 $647 $587 $647!rins 5% $136 $238 $211 $227 $216 $214 $223 $211 $223 $220 $199 $220

    Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales $3,040 $5,320 $4,712 $5,067 $4,839 $4,788 $4,991 $4,712 $4,831 $4,915 $4,459 $4,915

    Page 1

  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere



    able! ersonnel

    Personnel Plan

    Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

    itchen &eads 0% $2,340 $2,340 $2,340 $2,340 $2,340 $2,340 $2,340 $2,340 $2,340 $2,340 $2,340 $2,340itchen'(ait 0% $3,120 $3,120 $3,120 $3,120 $3,120 $3,120 $3,120 $3,120 $3,120 $3,120 $3,120 $3,120

    !ish)asher 0% $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300*)ner 0% $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750!eli+er 0% $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300"otal Peo-le 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

    Total Payroll $8,810 $8,810 $8,810 $8,810 $8,810 $8,810 $8,810 $8,810 $8,810 $8,810 $8,810 $8,810


  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere



    able! eneral Assumptions

    General Assumptions

    Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

    Plan Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

    #.rrent /nterest ate 600% 600% 600% 600% 600% 600% 600% 600% 600% 600% 600% 600%&onter /nterest ate 500% 500% 500% 500% 500% 500% 500% 500% 500% 500% 500% 500%

    "a ate 3000% 3000% 3000% 3000% 3000% 3000% 3000% 3000% 3000% 3000% 3000% 3000%

    Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    Page "

  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere



    able! rofit and Loss

    Pro Forma Profit and Loss

    Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

    Sales $12,920 $22,610 $20,026 $21,533 $20,564 $20,349 $21,210 $20,026 $20,710 $20,887 $18,949 $20,887

    !irect #ost o Sales $3,040 $5,320 $4,712 $5,067 $4,839 $4,788 $4,991 $4,712 $4,831 $4,915 $4,459 $4,915*ther #osts o oods $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    "otal #ost o Sales $3,040 $5,320 $4,712 $5,067 $4,839 $4,788 $4,991 $4,712 $4,831 $4,915 $4,459 $4,915

    ross Marin $9,880 $ 17,290 $ 15,314 $ 16,467 $ 15,726 $ 15,561 $ 16,220 $ 15,314 $ 15,880 $ 15,973 $ 14,491 $ 15,973

    ross Marin % 7647% 7647% 7647% 7647% 7647% 7647% 7647% 7647% 7668% 7647% 7647% 7647%


    Paroll $8,810 $8,810 $8,810 $8,810 $8,810 $8,810 $8,810 $8,810 $8,810 $8,810 $8,810 $8,810

    Sales and Maretin and *ther-enses

    $500 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $250 $250 $500 $500

    !e-reciation $170 $170 $170 $170 $170 $170 $170 $170 $170 $170 $170 $170

    ent $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200

    tilities $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600

    /ns.rance $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 $350

    Paroll "aes 15% $670 $670 $670 $670 $670 $670 $670 $670 $670 $670 $670 $670(esite :ostin and Maintenance 15% $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50*ther $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    " ot al *- er at in - en se s $ 12 ,3 50 $ 12 ,6 00 $ 12 ,6 00 $ 12 ,6 00 $ 12 ,6 00 $ 12 ,6 00 $ 12 ,6 00 $ 12 ,6 00 $ 12 ,1 00 $ 12 ,1 00 $ 12 ,3 50 $ 12 ,3 50

    Proit Beore / nterest and "aes ;$2 ,470< $4 ,690 $2,714 $3 ,866 $3,1 25 $2,96 1 $3,619 $2 ,714 $3,7 79 $3,87 2 $2,140 $3 ,622

    B/"!= ;$2,300< $4,860 $2,884 $4,036 $3,295 $3,131 $3,789 $2,884 $3,949 $4,042 $2,310 $3,792

    /nterest -ense $102 $100 $98 $96 $94 $92 $90 $88 $85 $83 $81 $79

    "aes /nc.rred ;$772< $1,377 $785 $1,131 $910 $861 $1,059 $788 $1,108 $1,137 $618 $1,063

    >et Proit ;$1,801< $3,213 $1,831 $2,639 $2,122 $2,008 $2,471 $1,838 $2,586 $2,652 $1,441 $2,480

    Net Profit/Sales 1394% 1421% 914% 1226% 1032% 987% 1165% 918% 1249% 1270% 761% 1187%

    Page (

  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere



    able! 1ash )low

    Pro Forma Cash Flow

    Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

    #ash ecei+ed

    #ash ro *-erations

    #ash Sales $12,920 $22,610 $20,026 $21,533 $20,564 $20,349 $21,210 $20,026 $20,710 $20,887 $18,949 $20,887

    S.tota l #a sh ro *-erati ons $12,92 0 $22,61 0 $20,02 6 $21,533 $ 20,564 $ 20,349 $ 21,210 $2 0,026 $2 0,710 $2 0,887 $18 ,949 $20 ,887

    =dditional #ash ecei+ed

    Sales "a , ?=", :S"'S" ec ei+e d 000% $0 $0 $0 $0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0>e) #.rrent Borro)in $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    >e) *ther &iailities ;interestree< $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    >e) &onter &iailities $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    Sales o *ther #.rrent =ssets $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    Sales o &onter =ssets $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    >e) /n+estent ecei+ed $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    S.total #ash ecei+ed $12,920 $22,610 $20,026 $21,533 $20,564 $20,349 $21,210 $20,026 $20,710 $20,887 $18,949 $20,887

    -endit.res Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

    -endit.res ro *-erations

    #ash S-endin $8,810 $8,810 $8,810 $8,810 $8,810 $ 8,810 $ 8,810 $ 8,810 $ 8,810 $ 8,810 $ 8,810 $8,810

    Bill Paents $9,590 $ 2,921 $ 9,309 $ 9,037 $10,016 $9,381 $9,359 $9,806 $ 9,113 $ 9,189 $ 9,254 $ 8,409

    S.tota l S-ent o n *-erati ons $18,40 0 $11,73 1 $18,11 9 $17,847 $ 18,826 $ 18,191 $ 18,169 $1 8,616 $1 7,923 $1 7,999 $18 ,064 $17 ,219

    =dditional #ash S-ent

    Sales "a, ?=", :S"'S" Paid *.t $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    Princi-al e-aent o #.rrent Borro)in $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    *ther &iailities Princi-al e-aent $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    &on ter &iai li tie s Princ i- al e-a ent $5 00 $5 00 $50 0 $50 0 $50 0 $50 0 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

    P.rchase *ther #.rrent =ssets $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    P.rchase &onter =ssets $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    !i+idends $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    S.total #ash S-ent $18,900 $12,231 $18,619 $18,347 $19,326 $18,691 $18,669 $19,116 $18,423 $18,499 $18,564 $17,719

    >et #ash @lo) ;$5,980< $10,379 $1,407 $3,187 $1,238 $1,658 $2,541 $910 $2,288 $2,388 $386 $3,168

    Cash Balance $17,120 $27,499 $28,906 $32,093 $33,331 $34,989 $37,530 $38,440 $40,728 $43,116 $43,501 $46,670

    Page +

    * i

  • 8/12/2019 Pizzeria plan de afacere



    able! 'alance #heet

    Pro Forma Balance Sheet

    Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

    =ssets Startin Balances

    #.rrent =ssets

    #ash $23,100 $17,120 $27,499 $28,906 $32,093 $33,331 $34,989 $37,530 $38,440 $40,728 $43,116 $43,501 $46,670/n+entor $6,000 $2,960 $1,862 $1,649 $1,773 $1,694 $1,676 $1,747 $1,649 $1,691 $1,720 $1,561 $1,720*ther #. rrent =s sets $5,250 $ 5,250 $5 ,250 $5,2 50 $5,25 0 $5,250 $ 5,250 $5 ,250 $5, 250 $5,2 50 $5,250 $5,250 $5 ,250" ot al #. rr en t =sse ts $ 34 ,3 50 $ 25 ,3 30 $ 34 ,6 11 $ 35 ,8 05 $ 39 ,1 16 $ 40 ,2 75 $ 41 ,9 15 $ 44 ,5 27 $ 45 ,3 39 $ 47 ,6 69 $ 50 ,0 86 $ 50 ,3 12 $ 53 ,6 40

    &onter =ssets

    &on ter =ss ets $ 20,300 $2 0,300 $20 ,300 $20,3 00 $20,30 0 $ 20,300 $2 0,300 $20 ,300 $20,3 00 $20,30 0 $ 20,300 $2 0,300 $20 ,300=cc ..late d !e- re cia tion $ 0 $170 $340 $ 510 $6 80 $85 0 $ 1,020 $1 ,190 $1, 360 $1,5 30 $1,700 $1,870 $2 ,040" ot al & on t er = sset s $ 20 ,3 00 $ 20 ,1 30 $ 19 ,9 60 $ 19 ,7 90 $ 19 ,6 20 $ 19 ,4 50 $ 19 ,2 80 $ 19 ,1 10 $ 18 ,9 40 $ 18 ,7 70 $ 18 ,6 00 $ 18 ,4 30 $ 18 ,2 60"otal =ssets $54,650 $45,460 $54,571 $55,595 $58,736 $59,725 $61,195 $63,637 $64,279 $66,439 $68,686 $68,742 $71,900

    &iailities and #a-ital Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

    #.rrent &iailities

    =cco.nts Paale $9,500 $2,611 $9,008 $8,702 $9,703 $9,070 $9,031 $9,503 $8,806 $8,880 $8,975 $8,089 $9,267#.rrent Borro)in $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0*ther #.rrent &iailities $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0S . to ta l #. rr en t & ia il it ies $ 9, 50 0 $ 2, 61 1 $ 9, 00 8 $ 8, 70 2 $ 9, 70 3 $ 9, 07 0 $ 9, 03 1 $ 9, 50 3 $ 8, 80 6 $ 8, 88 0 $ 8, 97 5 $ 8, 08 9 $ 9, 26 7

    & on te r & ia i li ti es $ 25 ,0 00 $ 2 4, 50 0 $ 24 ,0 00 $ 2 3, 50 0 $ 23 ,0 00 $ 2 2, 50 0 $ 22 ,0 00 $ 2 1, 50 0 $ 21 ,0 00 $ 2 0, 50 0 $ 20 ,0 00 $ 1 9, 50 0 $ 19 ,0 00"otal &iai lities $ 34,500 $ 27,111 $ 33 ,008 $ 32,2 02 $ 32,70 3 $31,570 $ 31,031 $ 31 ,003 $ 29,8 06 $ 29,38 0 $28,975 $ 27,589 $ 28 ,267

    Paidi n #a- ital $ 46,000 $ 46,000 $ 46 ,000 $ 46,0 00 $ 46,00 0 $46,000 $ 46,000 $ 46 ,000 $ 46,0 00 $ 46,00 0 $46,000 $ 46,000 $ 46 ,000etained arnins ;$25,850< ;$25,850< ;$25,850< ;$25,850< ;$25,850< ;$25,850< ;$25,850< ;$25,850< ;$25,850< ;$25,850< ;$25,850< ;$25,850< ;$25,850