Plan de Afaceri - Infiintarea Unei Sali Internet

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I. Sinteza planului1. Firma i activitatea sa: SC. HEsoft SA se nfiineaz n 15.03.2012, cu un capital social integral privat de aproximativ 35.000 lei. Obiectul principal de activitate al societii l reprezint jocurile pe calculator. Sala va fi amenajat cu 30 de calculatoare, birouri, scaune i 2 bi. Costurile cumprrii spaiului de 15/4 m i amenajrii acestuia, cumprrii licenelor pentru jocuri, vor fi suportate din fonduri proprii provenite din vnzarea unui apartament, cheltuieli ce se ridic la un total de 40000 euro. Pe parcursul activitii sale sala de calculatoare i va mri nivelul de clieni, evolund de la 45% n anul 2012 la aprox. 75% n anul 2014. Valoarea lunar de nceput a cifrei de afaceri este estimat a fi n jur de 3000 lei. 2. Descrierea serviciilor: Sala de calculatoare SC HEsoft SRL ofer: - Jocuri pe calculator - Reparri software cit i hardware. - Vnzri de piese noi dar i second hand

II. Descrierea afacerii1. Descrierea ideii de afaceri: Calitatea ofertei i preturile accesibile vor atrage un numr important de clieni. Strategia afacerii: Strategia viitoare a afacerii va fi una de difereniere calitativ fa de oferta concurentei. 2. Descrierea societii: Prezentarea situaiei actuale: n prezent societatea dispune de un capital social de 2500 lei. Finanarea activitii sale se va face predominant din surse proprii, structura de finanare a activitii cuprinznd n proporie de 80% capitaluri proprii i 20% datorii curente ctre furnizori, acionari i instituii ale statului. SC HEsoft SA i va consolida imaginea i poziia de pia-int, valoarea cifrei de afaceri a anului 2013 este preconizat s ajung la nivelul de aprox 28000 lei. Structura preconizat a cifrei de afaceri lunare este urmtoarea: Structura lunar a Procent Valoare lunar Numr mediu de cifrei de afaceri (lei) clieni (zilnic) Reparri software i 8% 2.000 8 hardware Vnzri de piese noi sau 12% 3500 15 second hand Jocuri pe calculator 55% 22500 50 3. Descrierea produselor i serviciilor: Obiectivul unitii este de a satisface pe deplin exigenele clienilor, avnd n vedere c preocuparea oamenilor pentru calculatoare este n cretere n ultimii ani. 1

Produse i servicii: Sala de calculatoare HEsoft va atrage i satisface preteniile unor noi clieni prin varietatea produselor software. Actuala structur a ofertei poate fi urmrit n tabelul urmtor: TIP Produse software Produse hardware Nr. aproximativ 150 30 Procent 75% 15%

4. Localizarea slii de calculatoare: Sala de calculatoare HEsoft dispune de un vd comercial deosebit, fiind amplasat n apropierea interseciei dintre strzile Independenei i Mircea cel Btrn. Amplasamentul se afl vis-a-vis de Parcul Mitropoliei astfel nct HEsoft beneficiaz de vecintatea unui loc intens circulat.

III. Planul de marketing1. Segmentul de pia urmrit: Serviciile actuale ale firmei se adreseaz urmtorului tip de clieni: - persoane n special minore pentru jocurile pe calculator dar i adulte pentru toate serviciile oferite de ctre HEsoft 2. Concurena i alte influene: Concurena poate fi apreciat ca fiind intens n acest domeniu, la nivelul oraului activnd peste 10 uniti de acest fel. Din acest motiv S.C. HEsoft S.A. ncearc s se diferenieze i vine cu o oferta calitativ superioar ct mai variabil la preuri accesibile. 3. Strategia de marketing: S.C. HEsoft S.A. i propune s-i dubleze cota de pia deinut, prin deschiderea unui nou magazin cu produse hardware noi la preturi foarte accesibile i pentru care se vor achiziiona doua vehicule pentru transportarea rapid a produselor.


1.Company and its work: SC. HEsoft SA is set to 15/03/2012, with a private capital of approximately 35,000 lei. The main object of the company is computer games. Hall will be equipped with 30 computers, desks, chairs and 2 bathrooms. Purchase cost space 15 / 4 m and its planning, buying licenses for games, will be borne by equity from the sale of an apartment, expenses amounting to a total of 40,000 euros.


During its work the computer room will increase the level of customers, moving from 45% in 2012 to approx. 75% in 2014. Beginning of the monthly turnover is estimated to be around 3,000 lei. 2. Description of services: Computer room HEsoft SRL SC offers: - Computer games - Repair as software and hardware. - Sales of new parts and equipment II. Description of Business

1. Description of business idea: Offer quality and affordable prices will attract a large number of customers. Business Strategy: Future business strategy will be a qualitative differentiation from competitors offer. 2. Company description: Presentation of current situation: Currently the company has a capital of 2,500 lei. Financing its activities will be predominantly from their own sources of business financing structure comprising 80% equity and 20% of current liabilities to suppliers, shareholders and government institutions. About HEsoft SA will strengthen its image and market position target value of the turnover of 2013 is expected to reach about 28,000 lei level. Structure expected monthly turnover is as follows: Monthly Structure Percentage monthly turnover value (MDL) Average number of customers (daily) Software and hardware repair 8% in August 2000 Sales of new or second hand parts 12% 3500 15 Computer games 55% 22 500 50 3. Description of products and services: Unit objective is to fully satisfy customer requirements, given that concern people's computers is increasing in recent years. Products and services: HEsoft computer room will attract new customers and satisfy claims by the variety of software products. The current supply structure can be traced in the following table: TIP no. Approximate Percentage Software 150 75% 30 15% hardware 4. Computer3



HEsoft computer room has a very prosperous business, being located near the intersection of Independence and Mircea streets. The site is located across the street from Metropolitan Park neighborhood so HEsoft receive a high traffic place. III. Marketing Plan

1. Market aimed at: Current services company addresses the following types of customers: - People especially minor and adult computer games for all services provided by HEsoft 2. Competition and other influences: Competition can be considered to be intense in this area, turning the city over 10 units of this type. For this reason S.C. HEsoft S.A. trying to differentiate and comes with an offer as high quality affordable variable. 3. Marketing Strategy: S.C. HEsoft S.A. aims to double market share by opening a new store with new hardware products at very affordable prices and that will purchase two vehicles to transport goods quickly.