Plant growth, development and differentiation (6 hr) - Plant growth and development - Plant cell differentiation - Plant hormones and their controls in plant development

Plant growth, development and differentiation ( 6 hr)

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Plant growth, development and differentiation ( 6 hr). - Plant growth and development - Plant cell differentiation - Plant hormones and their controls in plant development - Control of flowering. Growth การเติบโต Development การเจริญ. www.gutenberg.org. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Plant growth, development and differentiation ( 6  hr)

Plant growth, development and differentiation(6 hr)- Plant growth and

development- Plant cell differentiation- Plant hormones and their controls in plant development- Control of flowering

Page 2: Plant growth, development and differentiation ( 6  hr)


Growth การเติบโตDevelopment การเจรญิ

Page 3: Plant growth, development and differentiation ( 6  hr)

Plant growth and development depends on environmental signals

Page 4: Plant growth, development and differentiation ( 6  hr)

Plant growth regulators: plant hormones

Page 5: Plant growth, development and differentiation ( 6  hr)

-Embryogenesis-Vegetative development

- Reproductive development

Three stages of plant development

Page 6: Plant growth, development and differentiation ( 6  hr)

Web Figure 16.1.A   A summary of the events involved in the establishment of polarity in zygotes of the brown alga Fucus. (A) The zygote is polarized by an asymmetric stimulus from the environment, such as unilateral light. (B) A current flows (charged calcium ions move) through the polarized but still spherical zygote at the site at which the rhizoid will emerge, driven by Ca2+ uptake in the shaded half of the cell, from which the rhizoid will emerge. The current (Ca2+) flows out on the opposite side. (C) Cell polarity becomes fixed when actin microfilaments assemble at the site of rhizoid emergence and a cell wall is assembled around the zygote. The cell wall completely surrounds the zygote, but its composition differs in the rhizoid and thallus halves. Vesicles containing sulfated polysaccharides are transported by actin filaments to the plasma membrane and deposited in the cell wall only at the site of rhizoid emergence. (D) Finally, the zygote divides, and the rhizoid cell grows at its tip.

การเจรญิของเอมบรโิอเริม่จากการสรา้งแนวแกนราก-ยอด (root-shoot axis) และพกัตัวอยูใ่นเมล็ด


Page 7: Plant growth, development and differentiation ( 6  hr)

Web Figure 16.1.C   Cytoplasmic vesicles that contain specific cell wall components become asymmetrically distributed early in the development of Fucus zygote polarity. (A) A toluidine blue stained Fucus zygote before fixation of the polar axis. The toluidine blue dye stains a wall component in vesicles or in walls. (B) The embryo after establishment of rhizoid–thallus polarity, with toluidine blue staining confined to the cell wall in the rhizoid portion of the embryo. (From Quatrano and Shaw 1997, courtesy of R. S. Quatrano.)

Page 8: Plant growth, development and differentiation ( 6  hr)
Page 9: Plant growth, development and differentiation ( 6  hr)


Page 10: Plant growth, development and differentiation ( 6  hr)

Taiz and Zeiger 2006







Page 11: Plant growth, development and differentiation ( 6  hr)

Vegetative development

การเจรญิเติบโตในระยะก่อนเจรญิพนัธุ ์(vegetative stage) เนื้อเยื่อเจรญิสว่นปลาย (apical meristem) แบง่ตัว เกิดกลุ่มเซลล์ท่ีจะเจรญิต่อไปเป็นใบ (leaf primodium) ขอ้ (node) และปล้อง (internode) การเจรญิเติบโตเกิดในลักษณะซ้ำ้าเดิมเชน่น้ีอยา่งต่อเน่ือง เกิดเป็นต้นพชืท่ีประกอบด้วยสว่นท่ีเป็นปล้อง และขอ้ท่ีมตีาขา้ง (bud) และใบเจรญิอยู่

Page 12: Plant growth, development and differentiation ( 6  hr)

Reproductive development

การเขา้สูร่ะยะเจรญิพนัธุ ์(reproductive stage) ควบคมุโดยปัจจยัสิง่แวดล้อม เชน่ อุณหภมูแิละจ้ำานวนชัว่โมงแสง เนื้อเยื่อเกิดการเจรญิเป็น floral meristem

Page 13: Plant growth, development and differentiation ( 6  hr)

สว่นต่างๆ ของพชืเกิดมาจาก meristem

Page 14: Plant growth, development and differentiation ( 6  hr)
Page 15: Plant growth, development and differentiation ( 6  hr)

Vegetative development

Page 16: Plant growth, development and differentiation ( 6  hr)

Cell division, growth, and differentiation

Page 17: Plant growth, development and differentiation ( 6  hr)



การยดืตัวของเซลล์ใน Elongation zone

การสรา้งเซลล์ใหม ่โดย apical root meristemใน division zone

การเปล่ียนแปลงรูปรา่งของเซลล์ใน differentiation zone

Page 18: Plant growth, development and differentiation ( 6  hr)


Longisection of a root, showing the origin of a lateral. The formative regions are labeled according to mature regions into which they develop. http://www.soilandhealth.org/index.html

Root X-section http://www.nsci.plu.edu/

เนื้อเยื่อท่ีไมใ่ช ่meristem สามารถเปล่ียนเป็น meristem ได้ เชน่ เนื้อเยื่อชัน้ pericycle แบง่เซลล์เพื่อเจรญิต่อไปเป็นรากแขนง

Page 19: Plant growth, development and differentiation ( 6  hr)

Cell division, growth, and differentiation>> tissue systems

Page 20: Plant growth, development and differentiation ( 6  hr)
Page 21: Plant growth, development and differentiation ( 6  hr)
Page 22: Plant growth, development and differentiation ( 6  hr)
Page 23: Plant growth, development and differentiation ( 6  hr)


การเติบโต (growth)“การเพิม่ปรมิาตรหรอืขนาดอยา่งถาวร ”การแบง่เซลล์โดยท่ีปรมิาตรรวมเท่าเดิมไม่ถือวา่มกีารเติบโต

Page 24: Plant growth, development and differentiation ( 6  hr)

Cell Growth-Diffuse growth

-Tip growth

Page 25: Plant growth, development and differentiation ( 6  hr)

Figure 1   Growing pollen tubes exhibit a pronounced "tip-focused" calcium gradient (top, left and right). The gradient oscillates between high (left) and low (right) levels. The pollen tube was injected with the calcium sensitive dye, fura-2-dextran, and photographed using ratio-metric ion imaging. Growing pollen tubes also exhibit a pH gradient in which the tip is slightly acidic (bottom, left and right). Back from the tip is a prominent alkaline band. This band oscillates between high (left) and low (right) pH. The pollen tube was injected with the pH sensitive dye, BCECF-dextran, and subjected to ratio-metric ion imaging. Bar = 10 μm. (From Hepler et al. 2006.)


Tip-growth: pollen tube

Page 26: Plant growth, development and differentiation ( 6  hr)

Figure 5   Lily pollen tube exhibits a prominent cortical actin fringe in the apical domain (a). The fringe can start 1–5 μm behind the apex and extend for an additional 5–10 μm. In the shank of the tube, the actin microfilaments are evenly dispersed throughout the thickness of the tube. This pollen tube was prepared by rapid-freeze fixation and freeze substitution. The pollen tube was then rehydrated and probed with anti-actin antibodies, and imaged by confocal laser scanning microscopy (b). Lily pollen tube prepared as above but stained with an antibody to lily ADF (actin depolymerizing factor). Note that ADF colocalizes with the cortical actin fringe. Bar = 10 μm. (From Lovy-Wheeler et al. 2005, 2006.)

Page 27: Plant growth, development and differentiation ( 6  hr)

- cell expansion- cell elongation

Growing cells

- Biochemical wall loosening

- Deposition of new material

- Water uptake to increase turgor

Page 28: Plant growth, development and differentiation ( 6  hr)

ผนังเซลล์ปฐมภมู ิ(primary wall)

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Page 30: Plant growth, development and differentiation ( 6  hr)

ทิศทางการขยายขนาดของเซลล์ก้ำาหนดโดยรูปแบบการจดัเรยีงตัวของ cellulose microfibril ท่ีผนังเซลล์ longitu


Page 31: Plant growth, development and differentiation ( 6  hr)

Cell growth rate = m (p – Y) tur


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