Princeton University Ph501 Electrodynamics Problem Set 3 Kirk T. McDonald (1999) [email protected] http://physics.princeton.edu/~mcdonald/examples/

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Princeton University



Problem Set 3

Kirk T. McDonald


[email protected]


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Princeton University 1999 Ph501 Set 3, Problem 1 1

1. A grid of infinitely long wires is located in the (x, y) plane at y = 0, x = ±na, n =0, 1, 2, . . .. Each line carries charge λ per unit length.

Obtain a series expansion for the potential φ(x, y). Show that for large y the field is

just that due to a plane of charge density λ/a. By noting that∞∑



n= − ln(1− z) for

z complex or real, sum the series to show

φ(x, y) = −λ[2πy

a+ ln

(1 − 2e−2πy/a cos


a+ e−4πy/a


= −λ ln[2(cosh


a− cos



)]. (1)

Show that the equipotentials are circles for small x and y, as if each wire were alone.

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Princeton University 1999 Ph501 Set 3, Problem 2 2

2. Two halves of a long, hollow conducting cylinder of inner radius b are separated bysmall lengthwise gaps, and kept at different potentials V1 and V2.

Give a series expansion for the potential φ(r, θ) inside, and sum the series to show

φ(r, θ) =V1 + V2


V1 − V2


(2br sin θ

b2 − r2


Note that∑

n odd


n= 1

2ln 1+z

1−z, and Im ln z = phase(z).

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Princeton University 1999 Ph501 Set 3, Problem 3 3

3. The two dimensional region a < r < b, 0 ≤ θ ≤ α is bounded by conducting surfacesheld at ground potential, except for the surface at r = b.

Give an expression for φ(r, θ) satisfying these boundary conditions.

Give the lowest order terms for Er and Eθ on the surfaces r = a, and θ = 0.

As an application of the case α = 2π, consider a double gap capacitor designed for useat very high voltage (as in “streamer chamber” particle detectors):

The central electrode is extended a distance b beyond the ground planes, and is termi-nated by a cylinder of radius a � b. Calculate the maximal electric field on the guardcylinder compared to the field E inside the capacitor, keeping only the first-order termderived above.

You may approximate the boundary condition at r = b as

φ(r = b) �⎧⎪⎨⎪⎩

Eh(1 − θ/θ0), |θ| < θ0,

0, θ0 < |θ|π,(3)

where θ0 ≈ h/b � 1 and h is the gap height. Note that the surfaces r = a and θ = 0are not grounded, but are at potential Eh.

Answer: Emax � 2Ehπ√


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Princeton University 1999 Ph501 Set 3, Problem 4 4

4. Find the potential distribution inside a spherical region of radius a bounded by twoconducting hemispheres at potential ±V/2 respectively. Do the integrals to evaluatethe two lowest-order nonvanishing terms.

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Princeton University 1999 Ph501 Set 3, Problem 5 5

5. Find the potential both inside and outside a spherical volume of charge of radius a inwhich the charge density varies linearly with the distance from some equatorial plane(Qtot = 0).

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Princeton University 1999 Ph501 Set 3, Problem 6 6

6. A uniform field E0 is set up in an infinite dielectric medium of dielectric constant ε.Show that if a spherical cavity is created, then the field inside the cavity is:

E =3ε

2ε + 1E0 . (4)

This problem differs from our discussion of the “actual” field on a spherical moleculein that the field inside the remaining dielectric can change when the cavity is created.The result could be rewritten as

Ecavity = E0 +4πP

2ε + 1, (5)

where P is the dielectric polarization. A Clausius-Mosotti relation based on this anal-ysis is, however, less accurate experimentally than the one discussed in the lectures.

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Princeton University 1999 Ph501 Set 3, Problem 7 7

7. A spherical capacitor consists of two conducting spherical shells of radii a and b, a < b,but with their centers displaced by a small amount c � a. Take the center of thesphere a as the origin. Show that the equation of the surface of sphere b in sphericalcoordinates with z along the line of centers is

r = b + cP1(cos θ) + O(c2) . (6)

Suppose sphere a is grounded and sphere b is at potential V . Show that the electricpotential is

φ(r, θ) = V

[r − a

b − a



)− abc

r2(b − a)

(r3 − a3


)P1(cos θ) + O(c2)

]. (7)

What is the capacitance, to order c?

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Princeton University 1999 Ph501 Set 3, Problem 8 8

8. a) A charge Q is distributed uniformly along a line from z = −a to z = a at x = y = 0.Show that the electric potential for r > a is

φ(r, θ) =Q





)2n P2n(cos θ)

2n + 1. (8)

b) A flat circular disk of radius a has charge Q distributed uniformly over its area.Show that the potential for r > a is

φ(r, θ) =Q


[1 − 1





P2(cos θ) +1





P4 − 5





P6 + . . .

]. (9)

For both examples, also calculate the potential for r < a.

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Princeton University 1999 Ph501 Set 3, Problem 9 9

9. A conducting disk of radius a carrying charge Q has surface charge density

ρ(r) =Q


a2 − r2(10)

(both sides combined).

a) Show that the potential in cylindrical coordinates is

φ(r, z) =Q



e−k|z|J0(kr)sin ka

kdk . (11)

See section 5.302 of the notes on Bessel functions for a handy integral.

b) Show that the potential in spherical coordinates is (r > a):

φ(r, θ) =Q




2n + 1




P2n(cos θ) . (12)

Note the relation for P2n(0) (see sec. 5.157) to obtain a miraculous cancelation.

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Princeton University 1999 Ph501 Set 3, Problem 10 10

10. A semi-infinite cylinder of radius a about the z axis (z > 0) has grounded conductingwalls. The disk at z = 0 is held at potential V . The “top” of the cylinder is open.Show that the electric potential inside the cylinder is

φ(r, z) =2V






J1(kla). (13)

Refer to the notes on Bessel functions for the needed relations.

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Princeton University 1999 Ph501 Set 3, Problem 11 11

11. a) Calculate the electric potential φ everywhere outside a grounded conducting cylinderof radius a if a thin wire located at distance b > a from the center of the cylinder carriescharge q per unit length.

Use separation of variables. Interpret your answer as a prescription for the imagemethod in two dimensions.

b) Use the result of a) to calculate the capacitance per unit length between two con-ducting cylinders of radius a, whose centers are distance b apart.

Answer (in Gaussian units, the capacitance per unit length is dimensionless):

C =1

4 ln(




) . (14)

c) [A bonus.] You have also solved the problem: What is the resistance between twocircular contacts of radius a separated by distance b on a sheet of conductivity σ?

Apply voltage V between the contacts. Field E appears, and current density J = σEarises as well. The total current is

I =∫

J · dS = σ∫

E · dS = 4πσQin , (15)

by Gauss’ law, and Qin is the charge on one of the contacts needed to create the fieldE. But if t is the thickness of the sheet, then the disk is like a length t of the cylindricalconductor considered in part a). Therefore, Qin/t = V C with capacitance C as in partb), assuming that J and E are two-dimensional. Hence, I = 4πσtV C = V/R by Ohm’slaw, and (15) leads to

R =1



. (16)


R�� =1




is the resistance of a square of any size on the sheet.

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Princeton University 1999 Ph501 Set 3, Solution 1 12


1. This problem is 2-dimensional, and well described in rectangular coordinates (x, y).We try separation of variables:

φ(x, y) =∑

X(x)Y (y) . (18)

Away from the surface y = 0, Laplace’s equation, ∇2φ = 0, holds, so one of X and Ycan be oscillatory and the other exponential. The X functions must be periodic withperiod a, and symmetric about x = 0. This suggests that we choose

Xn(x) = cos knx, with kn =2nπ

a. (19)

We first consider the regions y > 0 and y < 0 separately, and then match the solutionsat the boundary The Y functions are exponential, and should vanish far from the planey = 0. Hence we consider

Yn(y) =


e−kny, y > 0,

ekny, y < 0.(20)

However, we must remember that the case of index n = 0 is special in that the separatedequations are X

′′0 = 0 = Y

′′0 , so that we can have X0 = 1 or x, and Y0 = 1 or y. In the

present case, X0 = 1 is the natural extension of (19) for nonzero n, so we conclude thatY0 = ±y is the right choice; otherwise X0Y0 = 1, which is trivial. Then the potentialφ = ±y will be associated with a constant electric field in the y direction, which is tobe expected far from the grid of wires.

Combining X and Y , our series solution thus far is

φ(x, y) =


a0y +∑

n>0 an cos(2nπx/a) e−2nπy/a, y > 0,

−a0y +∑

n>0 an cos(2nπx/a) e2nπy/a, y > 0,(21)

where we have used continuity of the potential at y = 0 to use the same an for bothy > 0 and y < 0. Note, however, the sign change for a0, corresponding to the constantelectric field that points away from the wire plane.

At the boundary, y = 0, the surface charge density is

σ = λ∑n

δ(x − na) =1


+) − Ey(0−)) =


(−∂φ(x, 0+)


∂φ(x, 0−)



= − a0





nan cos(2nπx/a). (22)

We evaluate the an by considering the interval [−a/2 < x < a/2]. Multiplying bycos(2nπx/a) and integrating, we find

a0 = −2πλ

a, and an =

n. (23)

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Princeton University 1999 Ph501 Set 3, Solution 1 13

The potential is then,

φ(x, y) = −2πλ|y|a

+ 2λ∑n>0


ncos(2nπx/a) e−2nπ|y|/a. (24)

To sum the series, we write it as

φ(x, y) = −2πλ|y|a

+ 2λRe∑n>0


ne2nπx/a e−2nπ|y|/a

= −2πλ|y|a

+ 2λRe∑n>0


n(e2πix/a e−2π|y|/a)n

= −2πλ|y|a

− 2λRe ln(1 − z), (25)

wherez = e2πix/a e−2π|y|/a. (26)

To take the real part, we note that if

ln(1 − z) ≡ u + iv, then 1 − z = eu eiv, |1 − z| = eu, (27)


Re ln(1 − z) = u = ln |1 − z|= ln |1 − e−2π|y|/a[cos(2πx/a) + i sin(2πx/a)]

= ln√

1 − 2 cos(2πx/a)e−2π|y|/a + e−4π|y|/a


2ln[1 − 2 cos(2πx/a)e−2π|y|/a + e−4π|y|/a]. (28)

The potential is now

φ(x, y) = −λ ln e2π|y|/a − λ ln[1 − 2 cos(2πx/a)e−2π|y|/a + e−4π|y|/a]

= −λ ln[e2π|y|/a − 2 cos(2πx/a) + e−2π|y|/a]

= −λ ln[2 cosh(2π|y|/a)− 2 cos(2πx/a)]

= −λ ln[cosh(2π|y|/a)− cos(2πx/a)] − λ ln 2. (29)

For x, y small:


a− cos


a≈ 1 +






+ . . . − 1 +1





+ . . . =1






where r2 = x2 + y2. Thus, at small x, y,

φ(x, y) → −2λ ln2πr

a, (31)

which is just the potential for an individual line charge λ. Close to each wire, theequipotentials are cylinders around this wire.

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Princeton University 1999 Ph501 Set 3, Solution 2 14

2. For a 2-dimensional potential problem with cylindrical boundaries, it is appropriate touse polar coordinates (r, θ). In general, the potential could be expanded in a series ofterms in r±n cosnθ and r±n sinnθ. For a bounded potential in the region r < b, onlyfactors of rn can occur.

In the present problem, we measure θ from the plane that separates the two halfcylinders, and take 0 < θ < π on the half cylinder at potential V1. Since θ variesover the full range [0, 2π], n must be an integer. The average potential is (V1 + V2)/2,and the variable part of the potential has the symmetries φ(r,−φ) = −φ(r, φ), andφ(r, π − θ) − φ(r, θ). The first implies that only factors of sinnθ can occur, and thesecond tells us that n must be odd.

Thus, the potential has the form:

φ(r, θ) =V1 + V2


n odd

anrn sinnθ. (32)

To fix the coefficients an, we use the boundary conditions at r = b, which can bewritten as ∑

n odd

anbn sinnθ =

V1 − V2

2sign(θ), (33)


sign(θ) ≡⎧⎪⎨⎪⎩

+1, 0 < θ < π,

−1, −pi < θ < 0.(34)

Thus, we have to learn how to decompose the function sign(θ) in Fourier series.

For a straightforward evaluation of the Fourier coefficients an, multiply (34) by sinnθand integrate from 0 to 2π:

πanbn = (V1 − V2)

∫ π

0sinnθ dθ =


n(V1 − V2). (35)


φ(r, θ) =V1 + V2



π(V1 − V2)

∑n odd



=V1 + V2



π(V1 − V2)Im

∑n odd



=V1 + V2


V1 − V2

πIm ln

1 + reiθ/b

1 − reiθ/b

=V1 + V2


V1 − V2

πIm ln

1 − (r/b)2 + 2i(r/b) sin θ

1 + (r/b)2 − 2(r/b) cos θ

=V1 + V2


V1 − V2


(2br sin θ

b2 − r2

). (36)

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Princeton University 1999 Ph501 Set 3, Solution 2 15

In the above, we used the facts about logarithms stated in the problem; the second ofwhich follows from (27).

As a sidelight, we can compare (33) with (36) to learn that

sign(θ) =4


∑n odd


n. (37)

This is, of course, also the famous Fourier expansion of a square wave, since that is theresult of periodically extending the definition (33).

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Princeton University 1999 Ph501 Set 3, Solution 3 16

3. The general possibilities for a series expansion for this problem are similar to those ofproblem 2. Since φ(r, 0) = 0 = φ(r, α), the angular factors can only be sin(nπθ/α).Then, since the radial extent includes neither the origin nor ∞, factors of both rnπ/α

and r−nπ/α can occur. Thus, the potential can be written

φ(r, θ) =∞∑






+ bn





α. (38)

The use of factors r/a and a/r is convenient for enforcing the boundary conditionφ(a, θ) = 0, since this simply requires bn = −an.

For the electric field, we get:

Er = −∂φ

∂r= −∑














α, (39)

Eθ = −1



∂θ= −∑








− 1







At r = a, Eθ = 0. At θ = 0, Er = 0, as expected. At r = a,

Er = −2π


nan sinπnθ

α. (41)

At θ = 0,

Eθ = − π










)πn/α]. (42)

To obtain this, we ignored the small terms proportional to (a/b)n/2 compared to theterms proportional to (b/a)n/2 in φ(r = b).

We cannot determine the coefficients an until the boundary condition at r = b isspecified.

For the example of a “Streamer Chamber”, α = 2π. The surfaces r = a and θ = 0, 2πare at potential Eh rather than 0, but we can accommodate this by simply adding Ehto (38). To evaluate an, we use the boundary condition (3) at r = b. Since a � b, wecan approximate the potential there as

φ(r = b) ≈ Eh +∑n








Eh(1 − θ/θ0), |θ| < θ0,

0, θ0 < |θ|.(43)

Subtracting Eh from both sides, we find









−Ehθ/θ0, |θ| < θ0,

−Eh, θ0 < |θ|.(44)

On multiplying by sin(nθ/2) and integrating from 0 to π, we find

nan =2Eh






2− 2




). (45)

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Princeton University 1999 Ph501 Set 3, Solution 3 17

From (41), the field on the surface of the guard cylinder is

Er(r = a) = −2Eh







2− 2





2. (46)

Since a/b is very small, it suffices to keep only the first term, which is maximal atθ = π:

Er,max(r = a) � 2Eh


ab. (47)

For reasonable values of a, b and h, we have Er,max<∼ E.

A sign that our approximations are somewhat delicate is obtained by evaluating Eθ(r =b) using (42). If we keep only the first term, we find that Eθ(r = b) ≈ Eh/πb, insteadof E. However, because of the form (45) of the an, the leading term at each order nin series (42) does not have any factors of a/b, and this series converges much moreslowly than does (41). The terms are of similar magnitude until nθ0 ≈ π, i.e., untiln ≈ πb/h, and Eθ(r = b) sums to E.

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Princeton University 1999 Ph501 Set 3, Solution 4 18

4. This problem involves a spherical boundary, so we seek a solution in spherical coordi-nates (r, θ, ϕ). Since the problem has axial symmetry, the potential will be independentof ϕ, and of the general form

φ(r, θ) =∑n





+ Bn



)n+1]Pn(cos θ). (48)

The region of interest contains the origin, so we must have Bn = 0 for a finite potentialthere.

To find the An, we use the boundary condition at r = a: multiply (48) by Pn andintegrate over cos θ to find

An =2n + 1



φ(a, θ)Pn(cos θ) d cos θ =2n + 1

4V[∫ 1

0(Pn(z) − Pn(−z)) dz

]. (49)

Since Pn(z) = (−1)nPn(−z), we get An = 0 for even n. For odd n, we get

An =2n + 1

2V∫ 1

0Pn(z) dz. (50)

Using the explicit expressions for the polynomials Pn, we find for the first 2 nonvan-ishing terms:

A1 =3

2V∫ 1

0zdz =


4V, (51)

A3 =7

2V∫ 1



2(5z2 − 3z)dz = − 7

16V. (52)

The potential is:

φ(r, θ) =3



aP1(cos θ) − 7





P3(cos θ) + . . . (53)

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Princeton University 1999 Ph501 Set 3, Solution 5 19

5. This problem has an axially symmetric charge distribution ρ(r), so we can evaluatethe potential via the multipole expansion. This is the sum of two series, one forcontributions from charge at radius r′ < r and the other for charge at r′ > r:

φ(r, θ) =∑n

Pn(cos θ)


∫ r


′2 dr′∫ 1

−1d cos θ′ρ(r′)r

′nPn(cos θ′)


rnPn(cos θ)∫ ∞


′2 dr′∫ 1

−1d cos θ′ρ(r′)

Pn(cos θ′)(r′)n+1

. (54)

In the present problem, the charge distribution is nonzero only for r < a, where it hasthe form ρ = ρ0z = ρ0r cos θ = ρ0rP1(cos θ).

We first evaluate the potential outside the sphere of radius a, for which we need onlythe first series of (54). The integral is

∫ a


′2 dr′∫ 1

−1d cos θ′ρ0r

′P1(cos θ′)r′nPn(cos θ′) =



523ρ0, n = 1,

0, n �= 1., (55)

using the orthogonality relation

∫ 1

−1d cos θ Pn(cos θ)Pm(cos θ) =


2n + 1. (56)


φ(r > a, θ) =4πa5ρ0


cos θ

r2, (57)

which the potential due to a dipole of strength p = 4πa4ρ0/15.

The total charge in the upper hemisphere is

Q0 =∫ a

02πr2 dr

∫ 1

0d cos θ ρ0rP1(cos θ) = 2π






4, (58)

with −Q0 in the lower hemisphere. The effective height z0 of this charge is such thatthe dipole moment is p = 2Q0z0, so z0 = 8a/15.

For the potential inside the sphere, we must evaluate both series in (54), but we see ineach case that only the n = 1 term survives the angular integration. Therefore,

φ(r < a, θ) =P1(cos θ)


∫ r


′2 dr′2


′2 + rP1(cos θ)∫ a


′2 dr′2




= πρ0 cos θ


3− 2r3


). (59)

Expressions (57) and (59) give the same value at r = 1, as expected.

For possible instruction, we give a second solution for the potential inside the sphere,where Poisson’s equation applies:

∇2φ = −4πρ = −4πρ0rP1(cos θ). (60)

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Princeton University 1999 Ph501 Set 3, Solution 5 20

Since this is a linear partial differential equation, a solution can be found in terms of aparticular solution φp to (60) plus the general solution to the homogeneous equation,

which is Laplace’s equation ∇2φh = 0 in the present case. Also, we must match oursolution for r < a to that found for r > a.

This problem has axial symmetry, so the general solution to the homogeneous equationfor r < a can be written

φh(r, θ) =∑n

Anr2Pn(cos θ). (61)

Since the solution for r > a involves only P1, we expect that the solution for r < a willalso. Then, φh = Ar cos θ.

Returning to Poisson’s equation, writing μ = cos θ, we get




(r2 ∂φ






[(1 − μ2)



]= −4πρ0rμ. (62)

We hope for a simple power law solution in r, and expect the angular function to bejust P1 = μ. That is, we try φ = Brnμ. Inserting this into (62), we learn that theparticular solution is φp = −2πρ0r

3μ/5. The complete solution then has the form

φ(r < a, θ) = φh + φp = Ar cos θ − 2πρ0r3

5cos θ. (63)

Matching this to (57) at r = a requires:

Aa − 2πρ0a3



15, (64)

which gives A = 23πρ0a

2, and hence the solution (59).

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Princeton University 1999 Ph501 Set 3, Solution 6 21

6. Let the potential be given by the function φ1(r, θ) inside the sphere (r < a) and φ2(r, θ)outside. The boundary conditions for the potential are

φ1(a, θ) = φ2(a, θ), (65)

∂rφ1(a, θ) = ε

∂rφ2(a, θ), (66)

where ε is the dielectric constant of the medium at r > a.

Since the asymptotic electric field at r → ∞ is E0 = E0z, the potential φ2 approaches

φ2(r → ∞) → −E0z = −E0rP1(cos θ), (67)

even after we have created the cavity at the origin. Hence, it is clear that the decompo-sition of φ in spherical harmonics should contain only terms proportional to P1(cos θ).Recalling the general form (48), we expect

φ1(r, θ) = Ar

aP1(cos θ), (68)

φ2(r, θ) =

[−E0r + B



)2]P1(cos θ). (69)

From the boundary conditions at r = a, we get

A = −E0a + B = ε(−E0a − 2B). (70)

Solving for A and B, we get

φ1 = − 3ε

2ε + 1E0r cos θ = − 3ε

2ε + 1E0z, (71)

E(r < a) =3ε

2ε + 1E0z. (72)

The asymptotic value of polarization is related to E0 via

P =ε − 1

4πE0. (73)

Thus, we may rewrite E(r < a) in terms of E0 and asymptotic value of P as

E(r < a) = E0 +4πP

2ε + 1. (74)

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7. The equation of the surface of the sphere of radius b and center at z = c is

b2 = r2 − 2rc cos θ + c2 = r2(1 − 2


rcos θ

)+ c2, (75)

where r is measured from the origin in a spherical coordinate system. For small c, weapproximate this as

r = b + c cos θ + O(c2) = bP0(cos θ) + cP1(cos θ) + O(c2). (76)

Between the spherical shells of radii a and b, the potential φ has the general axiallysymmetric form (48). From the boundary condition φ(r = a) = 0, we conclude that

φ(r, θ) =∑n








)n+1]Pn(cos θ). (77)

The boundary condition on the outer shell can expressed via (76) in terms of P0(cos θ)and P1(cos θ). Hence, it is plausible that only A0 and A1 are nonzero in (77), whichthen reads

φ = A0

(1 − a


)+ A1


a− a2


)P1. (78)

[For a discussion that does not make this leap, see eqs. ]

The boundary condition on the outer shell now implies that

φ(r = b + cP1) = V

= A0

(1 − a

b + cP1

)+ A1

(b + cP1

a− a2

(b + cP1)2

)P1 (79)

≈ A0

(1 − a





b2+ A1


a− a2



where we have dropped terms in P 21 in the last line of (79) as these lead to a correction

to A0 of order c2. Hence, the constant term on the last line of (79) equals V , whilethe coefficient of P1 must be zero. This determines the values of A0 and A1, and thepotential is

φ(r, θ) = V

[r − a

b − a


r− abc

r2(b − a)

(r3 − a3

b3 − a3

)P1(cos θ) + O(c2)

]. (80)

To find the capacitance C = Q/V , we have to find the charge ±Q on the sphericalshells. It is simpler to calculate this for the inner shell which is at r = q.

Q =∫

σ dS =∫

Er(r = a)

4πdS = −a2


∫ 1

−1d cos θ

∂φ(a, θ)

∂r. (81)

The terms in the integrand proportional to P1(cos θ) will integrate to zero, so thecapacitance is unchanged by a small offset c.

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For the record, Q = abV/(b − a) = CV so the capacitance is C = ab/(b − a) (which isa length, as always in Gaussian units).

As a footnote, we show how the boundary condition on the outer shell could be imple-mented without immediately assuming that only coefficients A0 and A1 are importantin (77). Neglecting terms of O(c2), we find

φ(r = b + c cos θ) = V






)n (1 + n


bcos θ




)−n−1 (1 − (n + 1)


bcos θ

)⎫⎬⎭Pn(cos θ)










)−n−1⎤⎦Pn(cos θ)









+ (n + 1)



)−n−1⎤⎦P1(cos θ)Pn(cos θ). (82)

At this point, we invoke the recurrence relation

P1(cos θ)Pn(cos θ) =n + 1

2n + 1Pn+1(cos θ) +


2n + 1Pn−1(cos θ). (83)

The constants An are determined from the requirement that the coefficients of Pn in(82) should be zero for n > 0, and the coefficient of P0 = 1 is V . This leads torecurrence relations for An of the following form (schematically):

(· · ·)An + c(· · ·)An+1 + c(· · ·)An−1 = 0, n > 0. (84)

By iteration, we find a solution with the property An ∝ O(cn). It is straightforwardto find the first two coefficients A0 and A1, which again gives (80).

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8. The problem concerns two examples of specified, axially symmetry charge distributions.Hence, the multipole expansion (54) can be used to calculate the electric potential.

a) The charge distribution is ρ = Q/2a along the line from z = −a to z = a. Thus,there is charge only for cos θ = 1 and −1, and the charge distribution is symmetric incos θ. Since Pn(−1) = (−1)nPn(1), the integrals in (54) will be nonzero only for evenn. For an observer at r > a, the multipole expansion simplifies to

φ(r > a, θ) =Q



P2n(cos θ)

r2n+1· 2∫ a

0dz′(z′)2nP2n(1) =






)2n P2n(cos θ)

2n + 1. (85)


φ(r < a, θ) =Q



P2n(cos θ)

r2n+1· 2∫ r





r2nP2n(cos θ) · 2∫ a







P2n(cos θ)


2n + 1+



[1 −(




. (86)

As expected (85) and (86) agree at r = a.

b) As in example a), the charge distribution is symmetric in cos θ, so only even n willcontribute to the multipole expansion of the potential. The charge distribution on thedisc r < a, cos θ = 0 is ρ = Q/πa2. Hence, the potential for r > a is

φ(r > a, θ) =Q



P2n(cos θ)


∫ a

02πr′ dr′ (r′)2nP2n(0)




(−1)n(2n − 1)P2n(cos θ)

2n(n + 1)




, (87)

which gives (9), noting that P2n(0) = (−1)2(2n − 1)/2n. Similarly,

φ(r < a, θ) =Q



P2n(cos θ)


∫ r

02πr′ dr′(r′)2nP2n(0)




r2nP2n(cos θ)∫ a

r2πr′ dr′






(−1)nP2n(cos θ)


[4n + 1

n + 1− 2(



)2n−1]. (88)

Again, these two expressions agree at r = a.

The charged surfaces in these examples are not conductors, so those surfaces are notequipotentials.

If you had forgotten the multipole expansion, you could have proceeded by first solvingthe simpler problem of the potential on the axis. For example, in the case of the charged

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φ(z > a) =Q



2πr dr√r2 + z2



[√z2 + a2 − z




[1 − 1










− 5





+ . . .

]. (89)

The potential φ(r, θ) is obtained from this simply by replacing z by r and multiplyingthe term in 1/rn by Pn(cos θ), etc.

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9. a) We expect any solution of Laplace’s equation having axial symmetry in cylindricalcoordinates (r, θ, z) to be a sum of expressions of the form

e±kzJ0(kr). (90)

In the example of a conducting disk, there are no boundary surfaces, so the separationconstant k will be continuous. The problem is symmetric about the plane z = 0, sowe look for a solution of the form

φ(r, z) =∫ ∞

0dk f(k)e−k|z|J0(kr). (91)

To find the Fourier coefficients f(k), we note that the electric field experiences a jumpacross the conducting disk at z = 0:

∂zφ(r < a, z = 0+) − ∂

∂zφ(r < a, z = 0−) = −4πσ. (92)


− 2


kf(k)J0(kr) dk = −2Q


θ(a − r)√a2 − r2

, (93)

using expression (10) for the charge density σ. Given the integral relation

∫ ∞

0sin kaJ0(kr) dk =


0, r > a

1√a2−r2 , r < a

⎫⎪⎬⎪⎭ =

θ(a − r)√a2 − r2

. (94)

we find that f(k) = Q sin(ka)/ka, and the potential is given as in (11).

b) To give a solution in spherical coordinates for the potential due to a specified, axiallysymmetric charge distribution, we again use the multiple expansion (54). The presentproblem is quite similar to problem 8b, so we write

φ(r > a, θ) =Q



P2n(cos θ)


∫ a

02πr′ dr′


√a2 − r′2






P2n(0)Γ(n + 1)

(2n + 1)Γ(n + 3/2)




P2n(cos θ),





2n + 1




P2n(cos θ), (95)

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10. This problem has boundary conditions on the potential that φ(r = a) = 0, and φ(z =0) = V , so a solution in cylindrical coordinates (r, θ, z) for r < a, z > 0 will have theform

φ =∑


Ale−klzJ0(klr). (96)

where J0(kla) = 0. At z = 0, we have

V =∑


AlJ0(klr). (97)

The {J0(klr)} are an orthogonal set of functions on the interval [0, a] upon integrationwith respect to dr2 rather than dr. Hence, we can evaluate the Fourier coefficients Al

by multiplying (97) by J0(kmr) and integrating:



∫ a

0r dr J0(klr)J0(kmr) = Am



= V∫ a

0r dr J0(kmr) = V


kJ1(kma), (98)

using 5.297(3) and 5.294(7) of Smythe. With this, we obtain the expansion

φ(r, θ, z) =2V






J1(kla). (99)

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11. This two dimensional problem involves cylinders about the z axis, so we use cylindricalcoordinates to discuss the potential φ(r, θ). The first conducting cylinder of radius ahas its axis along the z.

a) A wire at (r, θ) = (b, 0) carries charge density q per unit length.

We present three related solutions; the first two use Fourier series, where the firstdecomposes the potential into φ = φwire +φcylinder, while the second does not; the thirdsolution is more elementary.

In all cases, we have the symmetry φ(−θ) = φ(θ), so the Fourier expansion for thepotential contains terms in cosnθ, but not sin nθ.

The potential due to the wire has the general form

φwire(r, θ) =


a0 +∑

n=1 an


)ncosnθ, r < b,

a0 + b0 ln rb+∑

n=1 an


)ncos nθ, r > b,


since this should not blow up at the origin, should be continuous at r = b, and canhave a logarithmic divergence at infinity.

The potential due to the conducting cylinder has the form

φcylinder(r > a, θ) = A0 + B0 ln r +∑n=1


rncosnθ. (101)

The cylinder is grounded, so the total potential (and not φcylinder) obeys φ(r = a) = 0.Hence,

a0 + A0 + B0 ln a = 0, An = −an




, (102)

and so the potential due to the cylinder is

φcylinder(r > a, θ) = −a0 + B0 lnr







cosnθ, (103)

where coefficient B0 is not yet determined.

Comparing (103) to the form (100) of the potential due to the wire for r > b, we seethat these are the same for terms with n > 0, except for an overall − sign, and thesubstitution b → a2/b. Since we are still free to choose the value of B0, we set it to−b0 ln b/a, and the potential of the cylinder becomes

φcylinder(r > a, θ) = −a0 − b0 lnr







cos nθ, (104)

and now the n = 0 terms are also related to those of eq. (100) in the same way as theterms with n > 0.

This suggests that the potential due to a grounded, conducting cylinder of radius a inthe presence of a line charge density q at r = b is the same that due to a line chargedensity −q at r = a2/b. This is the desired image method for cylindrical geometry.

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There was no need to evaluate the Fourier coefficients an to reach this conclusion!

In the second solution, we do not separate the potential into two parts, and we carryout the evaluation of the Fourier coefficients.

The cylinder r = a is at zero potential, so the most general form that satisfies theseconditions for a < r < b is

φ(r, θ) = b0 ln r − b0 ln a +∞∑









)n]cos nθ (a < r < b). (105)

Beyond the wire at r = b, we can only have the form

φ(r, θ) = c0 + d0 ln r +∞∑






cos nθ (r > b). (106)

As this problem is meant to represent a real 2-wire system, the energy per unit lengthmust be finite. Therefore, we must have d0 = 0, so that no field lines from the wireescape to infinity. This also means that the charge on the cylinder at r = a must be−q.

The potential is continuous at r = b, which leads to the conditions

c0 = b0 lnb

a, Bn = An







)n]. (107)

The remaining condition is obtained by considering a Gaussian surface (of unit lengthin z) that surrounds the cylindrical surface (b, θ):

4πqin =∫

E · dS =∫

b dθ (Er+ − Er−). (108)

For this we learn that

4πqδ(θ) = b(Er+ − Er−) = b






= b0 +∑n

n cos nθ

{Bn + An








. (109)

Multiply this by cos nθ and integrate over θ to find

b0 = 2q, Bn + An









n. (110)

Combining this with (107), we learn that

c0 = 2q lnb

a, An =






, Bn =2q


[1 −(



)2n]. (111)

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For a < r < b we now have

φ(r, θ) = 2q lnr

a+ 2q






)n [(r







= 2q lnr

a+ 2qRe











= 2q lnr

a− 2qRe


(1 − reiθ


)− ln

(1 − a2eiθ



= 2q lnr

a− 2q ln

∣∣∣∣∣1 − reiθ


∣∣∣∣∣+ 2q ln

∣∣∣∣∣1 − a2eiθ


∣∣∣∣∣= 2q ln


a− 2q ln

∣∣∣b − reiθ∣∣∣+ 2q ln

∣∣∣∣∣r − a2eiθ


∣∣∣∣∣ (112)

= 2q lnb

a− 2q ln

√r2 − 2br cos θ + b2 + 2q ln

√√√√r2 − 2ra2

bcos θ +





Recall that the potential at distance R from a line of charge q per unit length isφ = −2q lnR + const. Thus the second term of the last line of (112) is the potentialdue to the line of charge density q at (r, θ) = (b, 0). The second term is equal to thepotential due to a line of charge density −q at (r, θ) = (a2/b, 0).

Hence, we have demonstrated the cylindrical image method: the image in a conductingcylinder of radius a of a line of charge density q at radius b is a line of charge density −qat radius a2/b. In terms of distances r1 and r2 shown in the figure below, the potentialis then,

φ(r, θ) = 2q lnbr2

ar1. (113)

[We skip the demonstration that this prescription also works for r > b.]

For a third solution, we suppose that there exists an image wire carrying charge densityq′ at distance c from the center of the conducting cylinder, as shown in the figure.

Then the potential at an aribtrary point (r, θ) due to the two wires is

φ(r, θ) = φq + φq′ = K − 2q ln r1 − 2q′ ln r2

= K − q ln(r2 + b2 − 2br cos θ) − q′ ln(r2 + c2 − 2cr cos θ). (114)

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The cylinder is grounded, so

φ(r = a, θ) = 0 = K − q ln(a2 + b2 − 2ab cos θ) − q′ ln(a2 + c2 − 2ac cos θ). (115)

This can be arranged by putting q′ = −q, so that (115) simplifies to

K = q lna2 + b2 − 2ab cos θ

a2 + c2 − 2ac cos θ. (116)

If we take c = a2/b (inspired by our knowledge of the spherical image method), wefind that the argument of the logarithm becomes b2/a2, which is independent of θ, asdesired. Hence, K = 2q ln(b/a), and the potential is again (113).

b) Suppose we have two parallel conducting cylinders of radius a each, carrying charge+q and −q per unit length, whose axes are distance b apart. We want to find locationsfor two line charge densities +q and −q such that the fields from these lines chargesare the same as those due to the two conducting cylinders.

Clearly, these lines charges should be placed symmetrically in the plane containingthe axes of the cylinders, say distance c apart. Then the first line charge is distance(b+c)/2 from the center of the second cylinder. Its image charge would then be locateddistance 2a2/(b + c) from the center of the second cylinder. We want the image chargeto be the same as the second line charge, which is at distance (b− c)/2 from the centerof the second cylinder. Equating the two distances, we find that

c =√

b2 − 4a2. (117)

To find the capacitance C = q/ΔV , we need the potential difference ΔV betweenthe two cylinders. We can calculate the potential on a conducting cylinder at anyconvenient point. For example, consider the point on one cylinder closest to the other.This point is distance a − (b − c)/2 from one line charge, and distance (b + c)/2 − afrom the second line charge. The potential at this point is therefore

V = −2q ln[a − (b − c)/2] + 2q ln[(b + c)/2 − a] = 2q lnc + b − 2a

c − (b − 2a)

= 2q lnb + c

2a. (118)

The corresponding point on the second cylinder is at potential −V , so ΔV = 2V , andthe capacitance is

C =1

4 ln b+√



. (119)