,.,q - e-artexte.ca · C.llery 1.1.1. School of Af1 Tl'le Unlvertlry of M•nllob.t Oela.b.er 6-27, 1815 Fum:.ng Jlii!IIJII'IC:t IIOil'! i he Ma.l\!lob• Ar" COIIOC'I · Cf\EDITS

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Page 1: ,.,q - e-artexte.ca · C.llery 1.1.1. School of Af1 Tl'le Unlvertlry of M•nllob.t Oela.b.er 6-27, 1815 Fum:.ng Jlii!IIJII'IC:t IIOil'! i he Ma.l\!lob• Ar" COIIOC'I · Cf\EDITS
Page 2: ,.,q - e-artexte.ca · C.llery 1.1.1. School of Af1 Tl'le Unlvertlry of M•nllob.t Oela.b.er 6-27, 1815 Fum:.ng Jlii!IIJII'IC:t IIOil'! i he Ma.l\!lob• Ar" COIIOC'I · Cf\EDITS

~~~ C.llery 1.1.1. School of Af1 Tl'le Unlvertlry of M•nllob.t Oela.b.er 6-27, 1815

Fum:.ng Jlii!I IJII'IC:t IIOil'! i he Ma.l\!lob• Ar" COIIOC'I ·

Cf\EDITS E~th 1bltbn Cu•ntor: 011111 Al"lul\dscn C.-ta!ogue huv. Flcbttl Enll"lit ~IAI()Que Phoeoor~~ny. Oal\ le<h ••nau II'IGKIII;ill(lf'l TOChnlc:iCII'I Z1100 Mann C.laleçue Ottlgn1 l oo Slrnotns

A $l:UlDWte cf tne numan ligurf (AOCilfll or al\ abs1tacl sculp:ure 011ne hum.&n ftguro (O;v•o Sn!iil) a,. 001n a pan 01 11:.-tt lo•-oon of olt. lt l-PP!nt. l~ l'l' t U" IJ tot9 !Jrir.QW): di~•~l\ti' :JI'J·""" zn,.. "-"" o ~uro ol A J'. • te~ • onet 01 ~ Thé i$-..cs.., ~. «t Uf'UIA eiWftlialy t• H ..... Thrt II"'UC:i.Wig lltlftg,. ftOA.CI'V'Of. irt .. aft'9 oor.ecy ~ 3t: teu~·•· <t lnM: oor..ay C-i!lfles. a. S:;;::!i:t~llll k-vd C1

soeta1 anc cutauraJ ~ne• whl<:n $e«!l$ to e.tay W11.& tee wora. hO 1'1"41%0r hG'N lar 11 6lTa'fS from 11\e 1ea1m ttt cne ulll~ana.n.

Cen.nn:s l'las al-.\"1)'• ~"' wb; ;antial concessions 10 tl'le ldOO ot tunet.on ünd ulllity tc.lh lechnlol!llly and 11C$l ... <:dcall'i • Ewm ln UKily's WCtld Whtrt! funçi:QA~I ceram,::& are llO longer 3 l'h)CQS;tity lor liUtvl,•al, ma" ;< QI thOII cot\Ct!$$1)()!1$ conlinuo 10 bo moco out or habit. Wi'lere lhe m"'i" tuncl lon ot • c«-t.mie «;je.et ~omo• 410JII\ul ~ Issues. S'llCII u 1tagJJily, roroCily, sanhary glazes., use 01 nort•IO:>O"IIIt na:e.nals.. beco'ne 5.1rle11t A fltlitltf 01

chcxc~ - l't :- .ctt!)ICf' l)aii'\Q mtot .n tht nli'~est of a.mhadc c:oMe.,t H.Jv~ tnllda w. d'!iii"'Qe rr~ anm., ~ """' b 'hal «M.te llo"ftCIIIQirl l$. • ~- onXa:-411. r~rtt bw!l able ta tnOfO lreretyo e:..pe~•••• Wl, ,..,.,. 'eôlbr.al ~ afld t;:wrntno œt:t\nlq".IIC$ 1Nr.h -- "'* ~. 1 .... to ~1Jc;~~~ ttlV d•l~unc:o bct:tfrr,ten d«or3l~ t1tt0 "''k)Co conto"": obo lhe lc.ea Gl s ~r&!'IL.Je vl'\!l~ o\'1110.1" Pf!tsonal a.~ c:onl ~'l'lp()taty S:W:ttl mel.all<"\0~.

Ali ,). 0\'<llk iS no« l·r~ DiJ:Ii,Mfl ~ and 1 125 ce.r~l!gte.!Je (tow 1re urthenwJre range) ,.,alng t otl11'11t•C•lJ underglue co!at•nls. and a k•ln ilfl<l burnu1s cl my o~m CoSign: lnl' ln lhO lnlçros~ oi achle'.'lng untQUt aur"acu n.ntl colon~ 'A'hicJ'I ouf< fo1 me. a molt Plll$0001.1 o10.pros~ion Most pfoc:oa 110 lil f!d a ftum~ Of limes ot d!Uoron1

JomportUt.noe. 10 acl'l:ieve lhe \'ar1ous e !fet:ts. Se-;a;,so qilhi~ degree 01 eomplo,!ly ;he p~9s are more Ira; le 11'11'1 \\OI.Ifd lxt eJ'DOC:I=c al i utih:arla"l

'* ConseQ~.,. ~r IJI'C'o'QI$ Ç.,.liMIU!fl ~ lbe l..:r~ aAO

CI611Ûii ty G "f .-::w• -.e ~ .. -

Page 3: ,.,q - e-artexte.ca · C.llery 1.1.1. School of Af1 Tl'le Unlvertlry of M•nllob.t Oela.b.er 6-27, 1815 Fum:.ng Jlii!IIJII'IC:t IIOil'! i he Ma.l\!lob• Ar" COIIOC'I · Cf\EDITS

Kilnlng Us SolUy: Thf!t An and Aestherics o/ Robe1t Flynll

l n Mï perl Od arl i!ltJ l'tl!.~<! 1h ! o,>lltm nf ciC•nQ t;.o 1tllt!9 SI they ~an hold Qn

tigialy IO Ul!- !'ellVOlltiOilS 3ll!J ~tMlliCrl$

or tne pas1 or !l'ley con a<3vnnoe aaocalf?tlcally. cu:hng lhems.e!-ve.s o11 lrorn plec?denl iO ma._1o:Eo. a 1\tUI a.nd

radical ~UilemenL lt $.h0uld come es no w rprise to ~iuc:ents of modetntsm !nat tl',e art prœuced in tne 20th centur)' has put an aoocal)•pl i:: cca~ ov:H ro:ne p1etly conwrvotive foundati.on g,:nmonlli Art in 1n-s ccntury has been a ser!e& ol rat11~ l declarations di:>Qtiisin9 whal ii i Jming oill lo be, ln totrospcc:t, û dU'I()to;>r..on1 ~hot is both ICS$ (I!Srup!i•;~ Md more llncl\r ~h\ln WO r'lltÇhl ha~ 11'10\.ç hl :li l;r,s~.

1 dc:>c'l' l SOO lili$ 3PI)\1rOnt COntrtu::fiCf:Q.'\ i» n probl~m f()l corll~lt'IPQf.fl ty tl î li&i!; who tt::1w l'l.t\•e the M\·~ntage of ;, lenglhy I!IOk tlS.!k C\·e t the 8:) <>f 1.1<> odd )'031S Ol lhiS Cen!UI)'. 'h'hHO OUt

IOfl'lill"'liO Cl8pOM 01'1 m.ey lti'IO apocalyp~e rnc:: aop~aMg Uran ar.comodatlon, out pract.ce nu~ more •nOlined to ra ... efse 1ne 1enc-enc!e!l

t cor.~lder Eva Pounc. the Amencan tom iitl.:l 1.~ Europ~ana«J mocern poet 10 b: amcn9 lhe most eophisl~otod aeslhe;ieian& of llte 20tn contury. His doclaration .. 10 rn;)ke h new" has a.S.$U-med ltHI weight c-t a moml impe-~a livu ilnd in sorne clrd9s MS t;C:e:tmcd IO hi)t.'O \l lta:;h.cd lho thrM ;M !n!J eeht>, " QI ei$C,. ~C 'h"ttte o.>~dcflllôi.tl cu:: hOt:$ !hM Pound's ~try

3'10 e:til ieism rnM o app3rOnt, ovun if t'lis Slt ktenl ll(lhOr~nl (ll{lfl 't. Pol.lnd ~ppe-ated to ha .. ~ sptung tull·bod·~ rrom Lne tot~head ot mod~rntsm, !lui his att eden,h•ely u&ee lho p3Sl. perne.ps even 10 1ne leve! ot f~erence. ke to::~k the bes! aspects or 81lC1ent Orletual and Europ:an _un.sibd!ly atu:: manlod lham to the mosc ogg.rosswe

M'Id provoc.ahvo &k:los ol Nonh Ar.u:r~n çuhur9 Chili'i1CI9(1.Sti~l)l, tl~

,.,3s ;j1Jr3$.ivo iind sublle al ~~ ume timo ln$vlllno t~r.d :sccvcir.g tho read-:r ln$!doe ;, slnnlo poq111 11'&.1nil1 <:Ombill<lliO•• 1l•~t lSOOms to be a: the neAII Ol elCCCr fti$m Dnd il ni<JY bo IÎ!oO mo'.'.!ment' !l cemiBI llCtomJ)htlhm c nt; !he s!ap tn the taeè' and :ho C\'lr(.!S:i :tao ng !he IM QIJl or lhO no<:k Lu::c;:u~g­c~: and tho aamé goswrn

1'\'e 1a1;e11 l1me le V11i~e abeu! Po:utd's -noderm~m bi?ca.use 1 see ln l~f ce1amîc sn of Aooan Flynn a continuation ol lf s mos1 challenglng ~1110 n osl problemal!c sspe<:l.~ Flynn c01n a!&o be ;:btiSJ\'e anc cbaJm:n;~ and l;m l n~1.1lgir.g in aspec1a cr hia 1) 0 1$0noti~Y only bocause 1 thin~" h•s .111

m!\nife$tJ ex<tcUy 1ho&e aualhie~

Fl~nn'$ pol$ ~u• daullng and ir;lv rial ing \Jt thO $3-:ne timo ond ;:momplfnv to ~;l>tl.•t'll~ Ovl wh1ch c:lcr.~on;:; rna~o 1ho v.e-... ·er Angry or p!M sc:d 1$ <~n 11'1"'1<1tion to go ou a rool'<~ crr t~~~d of l>O.,o L'OMiderahlo seo;:~ nno d1•1tUiM .

Fh·M tS flC:utely 8\Y.'Jri!-.OI t'li! 1e10110n IO Eu1cpean rtlCCatrtiSM and Ol lM ways 1n whic.h lhc Eur~n $Qr1Sil:ii1ily l'las stlnpOO- and œmlnues to sh:tpe - anlstlc act.v1ty ln t~orth America. lt' s. a p!rs1S1en1 •nlluen.ce w1th "'hien he nu liure patience:

" Eacl'l wne 'A? ge1 a syssem tllai &.:art& to wotk we Europeana e ' '· W: &;att talking atxxrt tne celicale ~o~;hetiç- ~nd ;ho $Ophisrlcaïed nuonco ot things. 1 lond 10 fan bac~ on tOCh!lltal oolul ionli l 'rn fnaJnlng 10 1.10 (ln a,rti&t antl tl!>t onlf a cta(lt>­'" {lrl, \'.'o r;(Jn lv<Jr.n ;rn immonse a•:rounl lrom Eu:o;>oa!'l cultore ~lfl we dOf'l' l n~ il$ çon:~;~nl, "

F!t•nn'$ ))O~'SOnôll e.tO:K•ip:iOrl <>1 hl$ el(ccue-r,ec wi~ll tr(l(li liOr! and o! l liO A~tion nece~a'v to h~ft hrm~l llom ''~

wQigh'; i$ m>: C.."'tly 01:e arh$f.S pttXJicamcm ~~ $llilo.es me 3$ a ~tmtegy necessary rot a!l an:srs wno

a!~ lnteres1ed 1n ma~ing V;nifiçanl v..wlr.. '1 tt.1d ;: sense ;hat rtg :nn~ss anc:

oropome&1 !1'1 the making 01 an objoct wos a physlca! a1ra1nmen1 -thv und o1 a t ainbow scmO\\i'lere -an:J lh<d peJfet~!cn O'tas ~o'neLhlng :hat ç-ovtd bo reached. Wt:~En lt blol(o c:own lor !ile ri broklt down prett,­violen:ly 1 co..-.'t ~row exactly ho\'t 1 ct;o it, 1 lri~ of .w.sh 1 <:id, But wl-.:.1 11 ielt behln.O v.·e-' vary lltllo 1 was su re o!, 'TM l!lSuC b«~!T<C ono oi gt'lolng ne ol lho p rOQ<lf w~yG 01 rno:Oing Lhmg;- lh(<>wing , <;lazlng, d~ccratlng . lne t.!tUCturt•i iuc:hnic aes 1 s~arted ÇOf19 lhroug!r l~ttso ro~leli and 1 lhraw ih''a:y everylhrng lhl)! ob'l iousry cl dn' l make seMe TI\Oro v;cre EO ma~y kneejerk respon~-$ go!r.ç in:o t."'en 1 c'.an' l ~new \\'lll\1 was righi. so 1 had 10 1nrc•n a\\':)? I?\!Gt)'lhing 1 coulé tn!nk ot ana f'm ; :ill lf.nc:ling nv..v ihings lo lhtow ftWCIV Wh;~ ; wa.-s 1!?1~ CY~I is. llO IDn!)Cr rt!)•d .,,,.oid&. MY ...._nd of tlll~iOh1 1 ino, ll:vcids any k•nd ot ltMW<>M I tochr.iquo wnich •s easily fc-l)l'!\lltlOIU 011d pla~ ngid Sl t!;:;~Ur!'S 4Ç!lill$~ $QI': GIII.IC"IUi c.'S, S o )'OV kno1•l lha DAille o1 tl1\l tttrn;i;;m Slill goas on.

Flynn's rcspon~ t<> .-.Mt cc e<~ tl3

.. lh& b~U!o ol Ille l 4:rn&icn,. ht~s been \ln~;omprgmi$in;J omd oççontric:. ln the hl$1 Oigh iCOrl IIIOtl!hS l'le 1'1~$ m ;)(:IO IO\\' po1s lMl Me simil.tl ond, ln tru:1 hat O!<:la ted tr.llJ he doesn' ! lcr'row whtl.l hl$ ~ts are 1er. ancl boy<; tl<' lh:u h;)$ a:m!~rec tnal, "1 c on·1 )!no•,.,. Wl\lll l 'tri 1or " This aclmiSston nu ~e1h 1ng 10 do with aes.lh edc stopp1n.:ss- Flynn c-an ma~~;e te:nr,ically supato poli. and csn use g~zos.precisery- tlUI ll does na\'e to co wrlh a conowon o~ "''!!led eclect!c:;sm. an op•mn'l!ss 10 e'oerimemai :On and the 'Yagaoi:e; cl enonce. h Ol$o ind!::.J1os iJ hc\ll :h)' toler:tnee tor lt,~ih.uc . ln Il fvndarnur.k11 w:\y. Flynn. i$ ung>lg<td ln or çc:n trnual Q'<XC~ ô l :IOSIIt.~,.'1ic sull·sabbota.ço

FlyM lt not onlï rully tl \\'o1JO or tho

rî$}1& in•;ol~oo ln his aeslheUc approaon, bvl ho $CO~ to ta.ke a oettaon deg~e 01 eomte:t '" tho u.r·t~tccficl<"~ility 'lha; j,lt!)t in bohind l bor.p "l'l'El delmlt:<~ got 100 ll'll)!'l '( ir(lfl$ in l.lllt rlto. but i;'s l ike $~1neort~ lr~i:'l9 lo ICt~rn ballet by IM::nil'9 on~ rn.:w~rner.l (IC'I'frç11'( >"~ne! then mo•;h~g on !-:> n t<t n (lltl !'ltO\'Ur-t tml. Il c:oesn'l al\\'l)'S ·~101k lll'ld il nevtu wo:tts: lor me. 1 ... cu~ just BS soon S;ludy SI) or se'/!11 1n1ng; at once,"

Ils •rnpoll3.1\l lo re-e.tj~ lha.l a modermst is by his very nil1Ute corh &or.lunamat aMI cppo.rtumstlc Put crucety he'& lhe lrind c1 ar:ist v.no rapu \ho c:ul tutal PiU1 ar1C âfteMiil d S 1S Q9tt~o~lnoly rorrofsotul aOOul lM activity, Flyni\' ls il\'Oill'lt of H·..at Dilli o1 his maO:e· up i\nd o.spociidly ~w.1re !l'l-il l :he rnl,)durnisl wt~lks t1 delicate <rnd ohen conh!dlej()fy l.n O bOtwcl(lrl the} IWO COnr;llfÎOI'I$ A.t <>~ t10i l'l1 1n tOnt+CIS<tlbn he's lik'ely 10 ~ 811 advoc~le ol lh\1 clrsrup!lve. '·Il'$ vory h;)rd tor ,.,q lo m&l:a somethlrlg cold CO\ll$~ IUld rouçn. neally han!. l'm Aferctee to ptetty l i"ll f'lgS. l'm ad!!rC1!W 10 me smootn and lhe ne3t 3nd lM VO: .. ptlious. 1 have t::~ fight 11 consmn~l/ l 'd llk~ 10 ma!!e sorne frat~l\eosl !lln pets." Then ia ler fn the same lmervœw he will uansform his monstor rnto !la bcnlçn croo•<>r ''l'm nlwayo higt'l')' q •nlc:,\11 11-botJI o y 0'1.'1'1 mot Nes. l'm going lo malte rt blighcer, shiniet . biç~QI'. mo~e ccmp!ex1 Just basically so il,$ 9Qii'!D 10 9C"I <'l ltCniiO, lhill'S JUS1 \hO wa~· 1 lltm, bul il v•oul;l t<: niçe to tor.e i; down a hltla b,l b&e<hl$0 1 rJo llk,., uçmo things lh31 ~1e nQ; IOI.Id Md obnox~~.~s

1 v.oule llke to 11e !lub11e rn my obwsetle~s. 1 gueu.. VO'J k•~•~ l'd liké lO put t=Utlk aJ!.CI green loge!hef but 1 lhlnk gold dol i mlgh1 Ge puthlng !1 a litlil" bit .. Th~ pots themsel\'es make th!s sptm

ol ris!t and ouuagaousne~s clea1 onough. Flynn ls makl11g a verintion ol r.eramie ob;e::js: tatg:e and .small

Page 4: ,.,q - e-artexte.ca · C.llery 1.1.1. School of Af1 Tl'le Unlvertlry of M•nllob.t Oela.b.er 6-27, 1815 Fum:.ng Jlii!IIJII'IC:t IIOil'! i he Ma.l\!lob• Ar" COIIOC'I · Cf\EDITS

SlOI&ge !.a.!S. l:a:<,IS, CC'Iell?d Dô-1;~:ts. vases. platlars of va.1ious s:zes ond uopn!es Tney can besl be c~sGnbeo •n a t:r:n ne co'ned h•mselt ' "the neclhn•c œ roQue. ·· ll's. a Lerm Ill al perf~uy coptule& tt,e an:agon•&llC l 'l'lputses thEt art> lntorm•no his work. Put simply. the Jlll.lf!DI• ls bcrlwc+;n i';\Pe,1s ol lhe boubl)riC énd lhO ll)rinod or.Cl Avnn hinit.Oif 1$ nol MVcrso to contt'li.ning t.hi$ pol~1lty wilh!n 11 ~""'al hM:~or~, "'· 9î:l1t'$it l hlil beg ... s to indi:a:& u,~.

esseml~t eele<:Ucism. not onty or Aynn "$

WOfk, DtJI or me moe1om1s1 etttcr·prl!le 11!1

weil "'1 hlta cru~e lhil\gs \\ •ln ouulllul d eSI<;II'\5 Cfl IJtem." ft !- 5a)'$., "l lh!n~ I l como; o:.J c.l mj· Celdc heNtage "

lt &lw ccmes. oui of l l'.e " 1nspln!)9 lechnolog"{' o1 the ~Olt! cemu1y • ..a technolog')' tnat has. lour.<J its. head ol!ice in l~or.h Ametica. AyM l s enm~curcd of hot rod 1ochnology and <IO>PfOVIrt.Jiy QUOt9S: Tom Wolie: POP cul!\119"$ •minonc• blanch•, çn lhe I)Oi~Siv(l il'llfi.IOI'lC(t Of liOl •Od$ ::11)(1 neon si~'"·· White he has,n'1 saltl so d ii!:CI!y, Il'!. s.tle 10 .US•Jm!. thal 'A'~(~

ne l:> envisicn lite- tecond COI'It11'1Q oj Oe~hl s. Khon a~d hie norde3. Flynn woulct îma;.1ne th1S new wave ot Dëtrbar•sm tn meti-·ftalte fuel arag~ters burm ~~c; out across lM> Alps on the !'leon gree.11 l:gh11rom a N ational Hot Aod Asso:ia;ion - ct'lr istmas treo, ••

If VOJ loo": at one ci Flynn'& larç-t! f•c;>h.ie& you 9111 11'19 !dea: pedao;lals pl;.y1nl) lèJP hog, Qilêd OJ\.0 01'1 tOP <>i Hie otner ""'"' tout OC>ils o! d JiV IMl lnok ll~:e no~ 11nç.s t01 a mu!:i·tôk:lun!d ~u!l ln !he Chlff3 shcp ol troa.tion.ai c-emmec: e11:pre: son fM su:13ce ol me pota ,, llkety ta or.er a conluslon ot ncn ne:>n tOlovr - t~inks. blues. pwples ana f'1!.ilçontil:S - ihe ~ind of hlgMKh lniCtSC()nto you .Qui whon you 111ht ga$0lino Bnd wntor. " They'1e h~l'!· lcch

hke Of8Ç~I!.1S t.lf!' h1gn•tceh.,"" r-t·~n $t:l~.

··ws l!ke talllf\9 3 200 lt01$<I•POwur rnass-produted englne 4t'od turn1n9 il

1n:o an St>:> horsep:>>\ Ef monsUOS1Iy, will"l gold and ctuorne and oin<~SUip!ng. Tt"iiu î"nœrests: me."

ll's thts tasci11~tion Y•hich distinguishes his -~~oriç !rom tn.e tradltîonal objcct:s of Eu•opoaf'l arod, Pilrticulmly, Oricnt11l culturo: ·•1 «ll'll~ntly ot~v with i tle 'i?~ in ln~ tuil~hi•~. And Uto KOTtJans '1\'0t.lld say ll131 to ~:~() 'Vol•r IX)ls loci( lî~c you lcvo ri'Hl(;hw,:e~1;" i$ rough.ly thct """'V !1 woo~

lf'èfiStale Tt\~11 1)01~ IOOkfd b'-.d 1h<ty lo·IEd the eann. r.ly pols look lil\o 1 loYeo rne me.tntno."

ll!'s wort."l nchng ' " passing lh !ll Aynn 1s ccntem:~l:.i'OIIS ot the 'hulnDte· ,.,'Cf.ltOI·in·Ciay"' a?soneuo 1!1a1 nas be-en the stock·ond-trado of oe.farn~tSt3 tor u·r,l>~lîes" My traçl"!er usee til sav 11\ilt he 'A'ilS noJ1l!I'I::J buJ a humbie c•alt:;mon Weil. t.h.at hutt~bla c•af1sll't<ln :;çld I OOPOI~ tor S350 in19SS. Th<11 didn "t ~•'" \'crv h~o~mbtc ;o mo." At the sbm u timo. kt- Î$ ;~ $11'Qng QIJv?:uto of scp~i!lliCl'l.l (()tl omefgi,,g lram une:opee1ed sources "The lacl i$ llie people ln u·us culh.tl!: are lliQI aes1helitl! ly 1llltera1.e~ 1 çe1 ~atn\ers·

sons in &ss &nd 1he:,• kr.:>li a toi sbout v.tla;'.s t ight ana '11101'19 r.hen -yeu pu! YISUal things toget!ler." Flynn t6 a o~ cl an h::onodast hera and 1ne l ltli3QSS l"le"s b!eall!ng are as: muon n1s a11n creations as any ~c's inheril~o: from the ccramic tra;iiiJQn. 1 lt ' (;!TIN lrçm a ';)lv9 co!J~r nHUUlg~;.~lm,m~ t:açk.glol•nel: h u Î$

paticnlly at>d hvmbly building 11cm ~CIBith B fA!'! motoreyclf! and ha!~: ftln)Seli bee(l SuCC~SSI'JI h\ ih~ ··pot 111U11et. •· al!ho.ugn llls totusat !o sLav v.l:h a:w ol 1rte g.x.o. l t\!ngg ne·s

O!sco..-e•ed nas made hlm an lnconsistel\l tn31l<et pres~nte).

The nel'1 pois oould eas•IV chs.nge t h!~ inc.oos.tancy. Tney are so q \oill lc)' -and 1 mean ttlis as prais.! - and .so fnlriou1r.gly detOI"a!ed ll"lal 1 ca:n imagme lll t:m ~,(>;>Oaling 10 !ho most ad~ancod po!ll·me<~.runilits. ;ho&<t '"'"'~'~~l'IQe-t.$

amcng lM a:t1c graces ana t:1ase-rn.e-n1 tlaunls aJ nlslory-!1 at'itMI!C :!llylc~ Wh1!e FI'(M '9 WO! k h3S nolnlng abo~:l 11 !hat aspiles. tcwar~i l he lr.or.ul'lletllal, 1 lhifllt c-1 •1 as M1ng pcl1octty complerna·•ttar)• wun 1 r:~ lM oest ex~s~n cl an aJCI'11Ieetlll-.e M •cheat Or:tves Of m in lne tes-s tull""Jiel'll t:h3f3CI<HI!Ilit:!l cl Kent'.y Scharf !l CUSIOmiU C ëpplfar.ces.

Flynn ÎJ unouingly ((lll!vr'npo,ary &l)d tt~ pots look most 1igl\l, Il the .!.llli~MMI doesn'l ~'1'1 ;oo per~etse ­whM they look most \\'ror,g lhe VIO"< nas a ~c.cality 11131 mel<.€"9; vou respect Il 4!\ 'Qn wl\en )~U ocn'r bke h. f lynn 1111.&: ~op ~e 1n1r.:gs 1oge:her - peta .rnoloiCyctes. even aes.rhetic tl'u~ories -~11.d he m.es not to hld!! tne variovs oarls and lhei• vi.sual •ol ation~i;l$

V.-'l'!on ;M y WOfk weil, ilS do hi!l l(!i"'p~:\., tus dÎI1icult ~a:tOI$ ;r,n.t:l fif'l~lly, k•$ wingud pol$ - lh\ly 0'10 CQrnPIOI~tly ( CMinçing Olle Ol 11!C! Wlng!C pOl!l lOoks as lt n ·.e V!C•IO:Y at Samolhte.te h!~ decided lo change- hers: tl tnlo a pol, ll 's. a disaurung ;ransfarmation a.'ld someno.v an epprcP,ilue or.e. Tna mmd's E'}'e picltir.g up echoes frorn tho past, re·lhlnllmg rhem1 m~~ing !hern

••• Robflrt ënrigh:, Sc:;J:cmt;cr t985

Fi.:IOOI1 .;., nan• wn~ tlle W~r-nrn CQttll:lP~n:!c.,: 'cr C.B C. SrC."((C U::tr.oi:-~ !ro:n r~EO 15. H& c""",~"f e-3;ts Anrs· t,.\.\MTOBA, t Oitllibvle$ l~jjvl ~1!y 11) C:.o;ttd·:.n A•! W'ld ,\t~k!a ~,.~ a. 'Id v.~•b ua. l•a-l.t-,ce ol'lrl ti Îii ~ anl.l Cloti!IOt'

Page 5: ,.,q - e-artexte.ca · C.llery 1.1.1. School of Af1 Tl'le Unlvertlry of M•nllob.t Oela.b.er 6-27, 1815 Fum:.ng Jlii!IIJII'IC:t IIOil'! i he Ma.l\!lob• Ar" COIIOC'I · Cf\EDITS
Page 6: ,.,q - e-artexte.ca · C.llery 1.1.1. School of Af1 Tl'le Unlvertlry of M•nllob.t Oela.b.er 6-27, 1815 Fum:.ng Jlii!IIJII'IC:t IIOil'! i he Ma.l\!lob• Ar" COIIOC'I · Cf\EDITS
Page 7: ,.,q - e-artexte.ca · C.llery 1.1.1. School of Af1 Tl'le Unlvertlry of M•nllob.t Oela.b.er 6-27, 1815 Fum:.ng Jlii!IIJII'IC:t IIOil'! i he Ma.l\!lob• Ar" COIIOC'I · Cf\EDITS
Page 8: ,.,q - e-artexte.ca · C.llery 1.1.1. School of Af1 Tl'le Unlvertlry of M•nllob.t Oela.b.er 6-27, 1815 Fum:.ng Jlii!IIJII'IC:t IIOil'! i he Ma.l\!lob• Ar" COIIOC'I · Cf\EDITS
Page 9: ,.,q - e-artexte.ca · C.llery 1.1.1. School of Af1 Tl'le Unlvertlry of M•nllob.t Oela.b.er 6-27, 1815 Fum:.ng Jlii!IIJII'IC:t IIOil'! i he Ma.l\!lob• Ar" COIIOC'I · Cf\EDITS
Page 10: ,.,q - e-artexte.ca · C.llery 1.1.1. School of Af1 Tl'le Unlvertlry of M•nllob.t Oela.b.er 6-27, 1815 Fum:.ng Jlii!IIJII'IC:t IIOil'! i he Ma.l\!lob• Ar" COIIOC'I · Cf\EDITS
Page 11: ,.,q - e-artexte.ca · C.llery 1.1.1. School of Af1 Tl'le Unlvertlry of M•nllob.t Oela.b.er 6-27, 1815 Fum:.ng Jlii!IIJII'IC:t IIOil'! i he Ma.l\!lob• Ar" COIIOC'I · Cf\EDITS
Page 12: ,.,q - e-artexte.ca · C.llery 1.1.1. School of Af1 Tl'le Unlvertlry of M•nllob.t Oela.b.er 6-27, 1815 Fum:.ng Jlii!IIJII'IC:t IIOil'! i he Ma.l\!lob• Ar" COIIOC'I · Cf\EDITS
Page 13: ,.,q - e-artexte.ca · C.llery 1.1.1. School of Af1 Tl'le Unlvertlry of M•nllob.t Oela.b.er 6-27, 1815 Fum:.ng Jlii!IIJII'IC:t IIOil'! i he Ma.l\!lob• Ar" COIIOC'I · Cf\EDITS
Page 14: ,.,q - e-artexte.ca · C.llery 1.1.1. School of Af1 Tl'le Unlvertlry of M•nllob.t Oela.b.er 6-27, 1815 Fum:.ng Jlii!IIJII'IC:t IIOil'! i he Ma.l\!lob• Ar" COIIOC'I · Cf\EDITS


R obetl K,. '''""

PE!lSOfl~ &of"' Jol'!)llr, tZ' •tu T.,wc._ .._ ..,.,., \/.tll!.tll Sl*H"'" c~~ L•~tonno·an~

ED IICA T ION AtJO EXPERI! NCC A!l:sr.c:,"" liltr~'IO" U'l•~tt'O•IV Ol t.,,lo(lotot:a, 11~111 :11000r1 t'l ~ '•"'Il." ((lrt~n+e' Df t' l 1 !)7~ 1C ttY• 10, !OII·Ii! I'J6;·Sii

0JI!l''! L..!ôi MI!' l(,~o~~; ~"•• VRVilfl.l't. S eo.JI S; l(uN JwN..,.!OII liiU. Rt"to~.,.,, Cr~ Ale •ut Ar;~y Fc,lll,.:o-::IQtl ,g 1'J-., s.uoaa nt. '~~" 'ne; \.et:~.. -r J;"'é-) ,..,. 5c"<tt .. 0a:9' ~., ..... ,.,. \',.~ .. ~ ~ Dfto Cc:k-;'1'. f' t1J Ofto:t Abe- ,..,_. •911

1\ft>Otr~ f'«*, Altha 11'3}' fca.-r~ar~ ""&19>'\fo. ..,~. J" 'f ,J1Z IO Sf~ltii"!!C'I 1f1l u fi a (•·~~•

. Hn~ \ •u•o1 1$(1'1(41 Of Ceo''il" 1~12-

S.F A. OIII.'IIIC4 Unlot1;1'8+1( 01 MIUMn.ttG:!S. 1;10

GAAtnS ,.,.,,~t~ua r .. •~" COJI"C• C.•af• t m t.!.l-'Wiot~ t••uN.-.:~ co.,_., Otl"' stan


c.1~a:iti eu·,e~~t ~l'!:a t:r.itat.o:1<1t -C.~r IS.C W.ct-crTh"ft'Pt*::t. -~·~WSh:zw \\'~19!-A

,e ... co~Ct'Md• -u~~~~__.:o:.-_... u.o--o• ,,. lt~ -~iiO'~M- ft .. b •'till GiHsft. C.yvy tN)

l.~r<t~ ~~ ~ry. W t~t~•PfO l"tilh.l!f O Cf'llll'llfl'i 11132

Ga!lll)' Orot Ont 0'1• Wlnrlp.t~. ).mill\ t noN litt

lit'-"'in Ü111y llw ~~~''"n' ~!!lee;\. Menll\11!1, •Oil? M;on !COll. C t ll!lt Ctt.lf'C 1 lll., l.flllo r a t W 'lrt:lcg. lUt

V.,..l4 ._. .. t.tt'IO• fottssoctl.lo:;~m

:..-.r~ ·~ ~~MC:Ji • .,..~,.,.~ ~., .. -a.. 19!11)

~ .... e .. ..,. ~ !.t:n: • .,. ~""..._ tJTJ Di.~ Al1 (a Qty, U!onrN•~·~--. f>"Uutb.l~ Il to+:II."ONII U?9 .,, .. , ., L.t.O.,..,Oôd, 11...,1!::.')11 Ofle •nl4'1 tl'ltlw ,97! \I~IIJlOW CI,D;I'ttfl'\01'1, 1//·fl~ : CQ, !n.,tl:ti•Ort! \91'7 11111 hll O illiff't TO()I'IIO (ln~.tnan trl')o~~ •e16 '1.1110"0 ' Cot.:tt'l' C$ fl{nG•tO'! C<t'Ç.Jry, ,jUI'IIdo 'On!

~ .. ., .. CM·~ h!O'It"ii~ l 'W!..-cuil tt-:. 'fo.l'll9 ~"'(à~. '"'-~ I'Mra"l~ ··~ ~dYm»rnCw--- .. o~1• ~cnlil 111'5 Ct•orr Col• Or-• Orl11 .... .,,,~ 01'10-fnll" l'ION 1t7i

VIti" ~ "'' G• II•!V Wlrri~>U9· ltoo•!llll rllflfl 11'1!

Mi11'11100f Hltt!tt CUII&, '/lll'lno~; II'I•'IIDHI'IO! 1 01~

1,.11 OJrntfO'l Ca! Ill)'. \\' M i:eo-. Cr'ot•'l'iln &hO'..,, 1174

-~ltiltllt 041!..... 90lt+l'ltf\. t.IC-"''I.a.,a Ot'<l'~"'•" •no-. ,,n,

A 'Cft t .,., ~n:&';let\. ~er .;a. ~.,qq c•l"'lan .,....., '"ii a- •ote ~ Al.s•1 G..lr') C·•• ,_ ... ~'!M'Id tsn ,..,.,••a• ~tfi ~.._.. r;t:~~;'"~ S0»1110 /,.l'lOCi, 151'1

1\1. u~! Glll•"f G!ea: r e1b.. Jw•d \f11 i HII iGS 011XdDI"' Ma.,~:nut~ll s. Jlolr O:L tt7t-IM .CII'II I III'.ICIIUI Cilly fL..-.13·(. !:;w& CiiJ, Jw• w'J 191t SO..tno•n f <t t Ctaltt, ccrnng, NY . Jw•~ lt12 So,.~,ar '11\IJ 1 'l?llii•O'I~I. PMn $•_.. V"i<rolt ... ,,. 1"91•

~ Y or< O n:t lltlkoil. ... •ot• ...... Cl ,,,,

O.ak (l.•y \.ft<M ... .., l.l.1n::au qrs

9!"~ .wn.. tnt

P.~'"*' <:aM $toM, Fmr..-nenœ., .. 10rot. un ;.10\'hS.nr:t JI.II'Jor Co:lo!)l Emb!. ::otO,IC.I'It'e. A 1. J'iitl..:l. 1971 C111111 Ot!ltf'V. Lev••~•• . t.UU&c'lvs~us • 1 11~11.11 0'1•1. 1067-69.


W•llt Céll~o Col'~:ct..::n, O~~·•ca. Cill~ro >L

c ., n ~n .... M!Jnum, O...t riltt . .-.b'o!M. ltRC.W.tten G~1rtf-, ' .v.tvtotQ. u~a.

~ ..... ,,~ ....... v.,.. .... UnlwtiWII)'OII..ti~".IICiOJ 'NIM POO ll fi'QIOb.l


.,,,. c.,t ... &lf\1!. ,l.l~ t l)B.

~ o..t Cor-ot. •tK~ t%5. ~Ill\> \)1 O..a ... 11(>4'w :N.tw-.. t tel

Or-r~·~*~:Y Sp::....­'l,'ati'W'lJIO" IHl

Vo'-l111\ ~ Al! G:dt~rq. Wtnn;p:; .. ,., Ill) ... 19tl

Ul' ~fil!)' Cil l.'or.an• 04U"'''A'I, V.oottSnll, 198:1.

Jhcr.rt 5 'J)' r<lvl\ll(lllen, !'4th,rll, Mllr, l&l!a, \SII2.

Vi! 'lttt.ty ' ' $Uioaitt1t.v.~. f'ltO ""· e•t·ll~en~a,, ~sa2 CPOI101'1 Ulll•t•ilty. lt.,., J~ 1(,,..~. 1;e2.

u~ \JI'Vo..,...._"' ~ K:cJN t'Ml

r..o-tu"-o ur~.~r~ •Ha. ·~"'9 Mff Ul*t«W, Sto;l . <:lta. 1912 ~ ... ,c.,.w~·~

~,a P:;r.- ltUC>::iatOI'I 19!11

_.,, c~• lllllf'COI' t.f tn•:it!t ,,a, l.lioO'I~IId UI'NO"'Itf, tl!ueçe- e ny t!ITI

1'00 Dot6 COIIOQe, A!l:letlll. 1'977 ,:~:~tty ct At:::!lhochJrii-Unl•'~l•lt~ vt tA .. nl::!!;a., lM'&. A'C"'t' 011y rc"'rd"i!tn, ~IOitl'lfl, M ONIII'tl. 191'l

$011001 11t Ant am: Crll!l: 011(10•1 t.'IC~IOJI'\ 197'J. AI'Ottt •• 'Id &:""'d (Il ~iq'l r.o. \'IIMC.t, tt13

Page 15: ,.,q - e-artexte.ca · C.llery 1.1.1. School of Af1 Tl'le Unlvertlry of M•nllob.t Oela.b.er 6-27, 1815 Fum:.ng Jlii!IIJII'IC:t IIOil'! i he Ma.l\!lob• Ar" COIIOC'I · Cf\EDITS


f'<lolo 2

r~~ '""' " " .f9 Cl't; Mgur~ 3 Cov~!~J'f'l1 .. 't• 1P!~ :-~ t."'1, FiQUIO ,; .. r~r. •ObG • .JT cm. FIÇVIO G Tr.t~;,:>l Hl83 J'(l t;"'~ r-19.jm a CO!ItN•!l J'l' I?Jii ~.~ t:".'fl

Fig.mJ 7 P.'d!i fJJl JO CPI

t-•g "' '" e c~~ J•· '"~ ~.! :.-n

~J··· :~~ ,,._.. ~ A .If c.<"l.

fi!;'J'f' 10 ~ ((.110 1\.~=- '1-1, ..1?,. RgtJ~ ,. 7~':'j', t{lJ( 51 C'l'l

RQtr • ,2: Cot-v·v' .l~· fQ6!i. 21 > .,;3 cm

, -~

~ . ·' ' \

r• • \1 -_...,...., . pl& - • ~ ~· -. ----


Page 16: ,.,q - e-artexte.ca · C.llery 1.1.1. School of Af1 Tl'le Unlvertlry of M•nllob.t Oela.b.er 6-27, 1815 Fum:.ng Jlii!IIJII'IC:t IIOil'! i he Ma.l\!lob• Ar" COIIOC'I · Cf\EDITS