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ا ة د س ط ح خ د ر س ص ط ػ ص ض ط ظ ع غ ؾ ق ن ل و و ء ي

Always Rounded

Rounded Except With Kasrah

Special Rules Apply

TYPE Point of Articulation English

Equivalent Letters

Maddah Letters

The hollow portion of the mouth الحروف النده –A, U, E when

used as vowels ا و ى

Throat Letters –

الحروف الحلق

Lowest part of throat A, H ء ه Middle part of throat - ع ح Upper part of throat - غ خ

Tongue Letters –

الحروف اللشاه

Back of Tongue & touches soft palette near uvula - ق Similar as above except Tongue Slightly towards mouth

touching area where hard and soft palette meet K ك

Tongue touching hard palette near end of dome. J, SH, Y ج ص ى Side edge of tongue when touching upper molars - ض

Tongue near tip touching gums of upper incisors L ل

Tongue as above but slightly inward touching gums of upper

front teeth blocking oral air passage forcing it through the

nasal cavity

N ه

Similar as above except slight air passage is allowed near tip.

The tongue vibrates two times. Excessive vibration is not


R ر

Tip of Tongue touching upper incissors - ت د ط

Tip of Tongue touching edge of upper incisors and protruded

enough to be visible ث ذ ظ -

Tip of Tongue near lower incisor gums allowing air passage

between it and upper incisors S, Z, SW س ز ط

Lip Letters –

الحروف الضفويةBringing Lips together for م & ب and protruding forward for و B, M, W ب م و

Upper incisors against lower lip allowing air passage between

the two F ف

Nasal Letters –

& as in Limbo م and mouth closed for ه Nasal sounds with mouth open for الحروف الخيضوم

Pink م ه

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ا ال ثب ل جل ثهت ن كت كذ كب ثكذ ركش ة د ي

ثب ب رب ب صب ثظ ظ ض رض صط صظ رح ح ثظ مب مي من مت مث ىب ىي ىن ر ص

جم رم زم صضم نب ث رني نت صض ط ح خ حش خت عذ حتذ خبذ ح ثخ هت هبب هبى

د ر عذ خز س ص خض ش رض ط ػ عم شم ص ض ط ظ طت طت ضب ع غ عش عض

ؼش ػ ثعذ رؽز ؾ ق و لم ـى لى مش فش ؿ و حى متذ

مئع ؤ أ ئ

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Vowels – Fathah, Kasrah and Dammah

1. Letters خ غ and ق are rounded except with Kasrah

2. Letters ط ض ط and ظ are always rounded

3. Rest of the Letters are pronounced in a flat manner

4. Shaded Letters are rounded The rounded letters are خط ضغط كظ

5. Letter Raa ر with Fathah or Dammah is rounded. Other rules apply to this letter and will be

studied later

أ إ أ ع ع ع ح ح ح غ غ غ خ خ خ ق ق

ق ن ن ن ط ط ط ػ ػ ػ

ي ي ي ض ض ض ل ل ل

س س س ط ط ط د د

د د د د ص ص ص ط ط ط ص ص ص ظ ظ ظ ر ر ر س س س ؾ ؾ ؾ و و و ة ة

ة و و و


Slanted Dash above letter


Slanted Dash underneath letter Dammah

Comma on top of letter

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Tanween – Fathatain, Kasratain and Dammatain

1. Letters خ غ and ق are rounded except with Kasrah

2. Letters ط ض ط and ظ are always rounded

3. Rest of the Letters are pronounced in a flat manner

4. Shaded Letters are rounded The rounded letters are خط ضغط كظ

5. Letter Raa ر with Fathah or Dammah is rounded. Other rules apply to this letter and will be studied later

يب و و ثب ة ة وا و و ـب ؾ ؾ صب س س ري ر ر ظب ظ ظ صا ص ص عب ط ط طب ص ص ح ح

ح دي د د طب ط ط سا ال ل ل س س ب ضب ض ض ب ي ي شب ػ

ػ عب ط ط كب ن ن لب

ق ق خب خ خ ؼب غ غ

ب حب ح ح عب ع ع

ء ء ء


Double Dash above letter Kasratain

Double Dash underneath letter Dammatain

Double Comma above letter

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1. Timing – Each letter is pronounced the length of One Harakah

2. Be careful about preserving the Tafkheem (Roundedness) and Tarqeeq (Flatness/Thinness) quality of

letters 3. Exercise: Fill each empty box with letter “R” or “F” to indicate roundedness or flatness of the

corresponding letter of the word immediately above.

أيش أب ذأح أخز أر أثذ

ع حغذ حشش ثخم ثشسح ععم ع خهك خهك ركش سـع سلجخ خش

عشس عفشح طحفب وعطب طجك طجمب

ذ عت طىي عجظ عذل عهك ع ؼجشح ـعم لزشح لزم لذس لشئ

لغى كجذ كزت كغت كفش كفىا ضح نهت يغذ خشح وعذ نجذا ن ذي ضح ت وعك ولت ونذ و

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LESSON – 6 & LESSON - 7 (Huroof – ul – Maddah حروف النده)

1. Letters that cause Madd or prolongation to happen are و ا and ى

2. Whenever a letter with Fathah on top is followed by an Alif (ا ) then the length of its recitation is prolonged

from one harakah to two such as in ةا 3. Whenever a letter with Dammah on top is followd by a Wow Saakin then the length of its recitation is

prolonged from one harakah to two such as in ةوا 4. Whenever a letter with Kasrah below is followd by a Yaa Saakin then the length of its recitation is prolonged

from one harakah to two such as in ةي

ثب ثىا ث رب رىا راحى ح صب صىا ص حب خب خىا خ سا سوا سي

صا صوا صي طب طىا ط ظب ظىا ظ ـب ـىا ـ

ب ىا ىا ب ا أو إي عب عىا ع دا دوا دي را روا ري عب عىا ع شب شىا ش

طب طىا ط ضب ضىا ض عب عىا ع ؼب ؼىا ؼ لب لىا ل كب كىا ك

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ال نىا ن يب يىا ي

ب ىا وا ووا وي

(Extra) Exercise with Fatha and Alif







ق ق لب

ن ن كب

ل ل ال

و و يب ب

و و واب ء ء ءا ب







ص ص صا ط ط عب

ػ ػ شب

ص ص طب

ض ض ضب

ط ط طب

ظ ظ ظب

ع ع عب

غ غ ؼب

ؾ ؾ ـب







أا ا ة ة ثب

د د رب

س س صب

ط ط عب

ح ح حب

خ خ خب

د د دا ر ر را س س سا

(Extra) Exercise with Kasra and Yaa

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Two Haraka


Two Haraka


One Haraka


يق ل ق

ين ك ن

يل ن ل

يو ي و ي

يو وي و ي يء ءي ء

Two Haraka


Two Haraka


One Haraka


يص صي ص يط ع ط

يػ ش ػ

يص ط ص

يض ض ض

يط ط ط

يظ ظ ظ

يع ع ع

يغ ؼ غ

يؾ ـ ؾ

Two Haraka


Two Haraka


One Haraka


اي يإ

يإي ا إا

ية ث ة

يد ر د

يس ص س

يط ع ط

يح ح ح

يخ خ خ

يد دي د ير ري ر يس سي س

(Extra) Exercise with Dummah and Wow


Harakah Two

Harakah One


وق لىا ق

ون كىا ن


Harakah Two

Harakah One


وص صوا ص وط عىا ط


Harakah Two

Harakah One


وأاو وا أا وة ثىا ة

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ول نىا ل

وو يىا و و ىا

وو ووا و ىا و وء ءوا ء و ىا

وػ شىا ػ

وص طىا ص

وض ضىا ض

وط طىا ط

وظ ظىا ظ

وع عىا ع

وغ ؼىا غ

وؾ ـىا ؾ

ود رىا د

وس صىا س

وط عىا ط

وح حىا ح

وخ خىا خ

ود دوا د ور روا ر وس سوا س

(Huroof – ul – Leen حروف الليه )

دو دي رو ري صى ص رى ر شى ش سو سي صو صي عى ع ظى ظ طى ط ضى ض طى ط أو أي ثى ث ى نى ن عى ع خى خ حى ح عى ع كى ك لى ل ـى ـ ؼى ؼ ى ى وو وي يى ي

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Kalima-e-Tayyabah (Word of Purity)

Laaa Ilaaha Illa-llaahu Muhammadur-Rasoolu-


There is none worthy of worship except Allah

and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

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Kalima-e-Shahaadat (Word of Testimony)

Ash-hadu Al-laaa Ilaaha Illa-llaahu Wahdahoo

Laa Shareeka Lahoo Wa-Ash-hadu Anna

Muhammadan 'Abduhoo Wa Rasooluhu.

I bear witness that none is worthy of worship

but Allah, the One alone, without partner, and I

bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and


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Surat Al-Fathia

﴾١ثسن الله السحوي السحن ﴿

eemi (1) hni alrraamhhi alrraaBismi All

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. (1)

﴾ ٢الحود لله زة العبلوني ﴿

lameena (2) ahi rabbi alAAaamdu lillhAl

Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds; (2)

﴾ ٣السحوي السحن ﴿

eemi (3) hni alrraamhAlrra

Most Gracious, Most Merciful; (3)

﴾ ٤هلل ىم الدي ﴿

liki yawmi alddeeni (4) aM

Master of the Day of Judgment. (4)

﴾ ٥إبك عجد وإبك سحعني ﴿

ka nastaAAeenu (5) aa naAAbudu waiyykaIyy

Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek. (5)

﴾ ٦اهدب الصساط املسحقن ﴿

(6) a almustaqeemaatirssal aIhdin

Show us the straight way, (6)

﴾ ٧صساط الري أعوث علهن غري املغضىة علهن وال الضبلني ﴿

oobi dAAalayhim ghayri almagh eena anAAamtatha allaatirS

lleena (7) ddaal aAAalayhim wal

The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those

whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray. (7)

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Surat Al-Asr

﴾ ١والعصس ﴿

ri (1) sWaalAAa

By (the Token of) Time (through the ages), (1)

﴾ ٢خسس ﴿ إى الإسبى لفna lafee khusrin (2) aInna alins

Verily Man is in loss, (2)

ىاصىا إلب الري آهىا وعولىا الصبلحبت وجىاصىا ثبلحق وج ﴾ ٣ثبلصجس ﴿

aw asaqqi watawhaw bialasti watawhalissamanoo waAAamiloo alaeena thalla aIll

abri (3) ssbial

Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual

teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy. (3)

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Surat Al-Kauthar

﴾ ١إب أعطبك النىثس ﴿

ka alkawthara (1) aayntaAA aInn

To thee have We granted the Fount (of Abundance). (1)

﴾ ٢فصل لسثل واحس ﴿ar (2) halli lirabbika wainsFa

Therefore to thy Lord turn in Prayer and Sacrifice. (2)

﴾ ٣إى شبئل هى الأثحس ﴿niaka huwa alabtaru (3) aInna sh

For he who hateth thee, he will be cut off (from Future Hope). (3)

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Surat Al-Ikhlas

﴾ ١قل هى الله أحد ﴿

adun (1) hhu aaQul huwa All

Say: He is Allah, the One and Only; (1)

﴾ ٢الله الصود ﴿amadu (2) sshu alaAll

Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; (2)

﴾ ٣لن لد ولن ىلد ﴿Lam yalid walam yooladu (3)

He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; (3)

﴾ ٤ولن ني له مفىا أحد ﴿adun (4) hWalam yakun lahu kufuwan a

And there is none like unto Him. (4)

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Surat Al-Nas

﴾ ١قل أعىذ ثسة البس ﴿

si (1) au birabbi alnnthQul aAAoo

Say: I seek refuge with the Lord and Cherisher of Mankind, (1)

﴾ ٢هلل البس ﴿si (2) aMaliki alnn

The King (or Ruler) of Mankind, (2)

﴾ ٣إله البس ﴿si (3) ahi alnnaIl

The Allah (for judge) of Mankind,- (3)

﴾ ٤ىسىاس الخبس ﴿هي شس الsi (4) asi alkhannaMin sharri alwasw

From the mischief of the Whisperer (of Evil), who withdraws (after his whisper),- (4)

﴾ ٥الري ىسىس ف صدوز البس ﴿si (5) audoori alnnsee yuwaswisu fee thAlla

(The same) who whispers into the hearts of Mankind,- (5)

﴾ ٦الجة و البس ﴿ هي

si.n.m,.m (6) aMina aljinnati wa alnn

Among Jinns and among men. (6)

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Surat Al-Falaq

﴾ ١قل أعىذ ثسة الفلق ﴿

u birabbi alfalaqi (1) thQul aAAoo

Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of the Dawn (1)

﴾ ٢هي شس هب خلق ﴿khalaqa (2) aMin sharri m

From the mischief of created things; (2)

﴾ ٣وهي شس غبسق إذا وقت ﴿waqaba (3) thasiqin iaWamin sharri gh

From the mischief of Darkness as it overspreads; (3)

﴾ ٤وهي شس الفبثبت ف العقد ﴿

ti fee alAAuqadi (4) athaWamin sharri alnnaff

From the mischief of those who practise secret arts; (4)

﴾ ٥وهي شس حبسد إذا حسد ﴿asada (5) h thasidin ihaWamin sharri

And from the mischief of the envious one as he practises envy. (5)

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Extra Credit/Optional Surahs:

Surat Al-Masad

﴾ ١ججث دا أث لهت وجت ﴿abee lahabin watabba (1) aTabbat yad

Perish the hands of the Father of Flame! Perish he! (1)

﴾ ٢هب أغى عه هبله وهب مست ﴿kasaba (2) aluhu wamaAAanhu m aaghn aM

No profit to him from all his wealth, and all his gains! (2)

﴾ ٣سصلى بزا ذات لهت ﴿ta lahabin (3) tharan an alsSaya

Burnt soon will he be in a Fire of Blazing Flame! (3)

﴾ ٤واهسأجه حوبلة الحطت ﴿abi (4) tahlata alaammhWaimraatuhu

His wife shall carry the (crackling) wood - As fuel!- (4)

﴾ ٥ف جدهب حجل هي هسد ﴿

ablun min masadin (5) h aFee jeedih

A twisted rope of palm-leaf fibre round her (own) neck! (5)

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Surat Al-Masad

﴾ ١ججث دا أث لهت وجت ﴿

abee lahabin watabba (1) aTabbat yad

Perish the hands of the Father of Flame! Perish he! (1)

﴾ ٢هب أغى عه هبله وهب مست ﴿kasaba (2) aluhu wamaAAanhu m aaghn aM

No profit to him from all his wealth, and all his gains! (2)

﴾ ٣سصلى بزا ذات لهت ﴿

ta lahabin (3) tharan an alsSaya

Burnt soon will he be in a Fire of Blazing Flame! (3)

﴾ ٤واهسأجه حوبلة الحطت ﴿abi (4) tahlata alaammhWaimraatuhu

His wife shall carry the (crackling) wood - As fuel!- (4)

﴾ ٥ف جدهب حجل هي هسد ﴿

ablun min masadin (5) h aFee jeedih

A twisted rope of palm-leaf fibre round her (own) neck! (5)