Ür illy .VrW*p «*|»rr, lMH*d O» Thiti-K», N tn in t, *r tou •* K i v r u N, j,_ Ht LM V I« A l>lt AK ë . ÎÎÎS: gATEHOF AÛVEHTU1NU. UTM «F " (km 1 “ im t W 10 «B Jgeet | M | um« D« >** Advrrltklnf al IM Ulti*» Allowed If Uw JOB, WORK : I h M fJ N ä MfUud fttlb. rimiti*, II* b*Ai. m*nk% hmrn*. BUI II« 4 . >W|*’ •X#e*t*4 «Hill tmimptneaa. ----- *o4 m r«**nb*Uf una* öEmbUiw Vo!« I f . Tòm 'a Rlvsr, IV. J., Thursday, January 28,1864 . Wo, 14, Miscellaneous. TERRIBLE CATASTROPHES S THE CHÜUCU OF TUE JK3CIT3, AT SANTIAGO. CIUM, DE- STROYED BY FIRE I ovza two tn ii .u*# woszx aid children eins to to deayh I ASK* -Of EVERT D**CMmO!»-OX BAR» ITT* ajkibwt ÂDvnmuviüt« ah » J y» W mh ! catM P ai » mm vm . cmouimib i A/ILJW f, DAVlJt tüWARf) %, DRA K * « Il H at P*MiAh#f t Th« fo|lciwine lilt of IpM NCWsp I|H1N. noi give eAjifw** Uul!.« to aoaUvf, *rr comfcdrr*4 U wtahiu* lo coo U bo * mlMCTlptlon* Il AatNfirtb^r* océrr tiw - diacotiflnn.oco ol ih*lr *«pA»*r*, tbe pu btt aber mtj contins* ta w*a«J lUcu> (Il ta utnitim *rt »tld **b*rrtb«r* tiewìrrt or roftt*« to t*ke thrlr (Mr*freso tbe oHc* to «rbUhthey ere diretLd. Ir—BQBAlbl* f% »rthem tati! thrjr bave Mtllod bill» and Ofdmd t ho» dteoootlused. Cour* hm 4*cld«'d thâl refaelna to Uk« „«f» froai tbe oflUm , or removing t»d letvliif jm«o«*Utd tor, Upriut* faci« ««Idea«;«of Intention- ! ?he fait* The low of , Makao* I Wr» «ko du If » f a t f alud Btâtf* Courte have *l*n raprAtrdly «4 tk«t a huatmMtar «ho aaftaet* to bI w #r»*o oatJo*. t* r*^tt'rcd by tbt l*cwt Ottn DrjiArtmim«, tllMvMorrabalof de »•on* Milli, » taken from (ht* cury of December 17th A citaatroph# gigantic, bumble, >m exampled in Ibe annulli of a nntry world, hue absorbed duy* for inany a person to take fromthe new «paner* addressed to him. render* the P»»*** liableto U mpublUhet torthessbecriptios price. P U O I » It I K T O I t s ’ O FFIC E, PERTH A*fB0Y, H. J. 8 V. R. PAiERSON. Pnrei'V’r Ocrera!, I LAWRENCI BOG j S, AHI prrhOB’- - tin* racorJA will ^b!5 Re; *t*htn£ tnfomntlou u pSwe ujipl" >1 ■inter e*lr»j|< » utiovr lim u-«in Nnrccrlee. very variety of fruit as » ohna MENTAL TREES. StIUL'US, VINK! un<I PLANTS, Can be procured of it*. Orilrm by null promptly aUeittUnl to. A'Mruu A. I1ANCE A SON, clb ly Ued Dank, N. J. BLACKSMITHING. N lî Stibsri iber respectfully nntmuitcr« fbut rMmies the ItlAcksimthiiix bu*tti«rt4, at hu*oP , in the vilhiKe of OM S RIVER, vill be itladtoatteint to all orders, dispatoli nié that Ills friend* and the public awv fuvnr hilt , in a «rurktnan-'ike manner, andat rca oualili ‘H . -chi attention flven to Horse K oeincr, alaoto ip Farm W agon* and Carriages. PAUL 1!. FMCKK. •* Itiver. June IR,)8ti2. ly. P . J. W eigel, atclimnker und Ain'irnlrpnt, T O M 'S R IV E R j N . J. II kind* of watch«** time pieces carefully re Ted anil warranted. mbrotyprs Taken at Short Notice in ’s fliv.*r, June 18,1802.- ly. ROUE It T ALI.EtV, Jr., COUNSELLOR AT LAW, MASTER INI CHANCERY, mmissiniicr of Ducds fur Now York Rod Hank, Munmoutli County, N. J, n 14 ly. •ml perlmpa of lliu every otto’« mind past. Wo will ttno tho utmoat lirovity in rolnting the calamity to our foreign r adorn. Ever ainoe the newly invoitod mya- t ry of (lie Iminaonlato Con Xlaro was declared at K nno the c' or It of tbe ConipHtiy belong,ng to the Jemi.ta, h tbe fooiio of dcvo'ion of In od oulle I the Diin»*ktfra ol w ic'i, mi payment of 10 mu uluioat all the women of u wme omul led. Every vear from the 8lh bor to the 9th of December, tbe InmiMouhite Conception lHpinii ilfculiv.il, in winch | m wie, a:nglng, and uatonm jdlgalily of Inneime, of ligl iliqudgaH, wax, and every ! comhustiblu In the World glil flared in every part, in t ic c nnieeH, m the ceiling, and particularly on the iiigli nltur. Every night the church blitzed with a bou of flame, and fluttered will clouds of inindin and giiusu dl'upet'ina. It could only bo lighted up ii time by hegiuiiing In the middle of the after noon, mid the wink of extinguishing was only ended when the night whs In 1858 ttioy thought ol copti n of In 1857. formerly id become vast Smtei- Mary, in cb t year, ur capitul of N'uvcm the day of hieteil orchi anail ling pru- ts of oil, luminous red und but tbe oiigi- S- S- O SB O R N , VEYOK, CONVEYANCER, AND MASTER IN CHANCERY. Ill devote his whole time to the duties of hti lesilon. urtons deulrlng to engRijo his service» will And MONDAY of each week, in hi» office, at residence near Burrsvillc. irriville, NOv. 2«, 1863. ly A - C _ M ” L E A N , ttovney and Counsellor ut Law DMASTER AND KXAMIXF.U IN CIlANCEItV, las removril to Freehold1 , und occupies I lie cce formerly of Judge Vredenburg, Lsq., on comer Of Main street, leading to the lic- it. jj' J hi ly lar advanced, adopting hydrogen gu «leer’s plan, though safe wua rejected. The church o f " the company,” built in the hitter Imlf of the seventeenth ccBtury, possessed a spacious but a roof tlmt dated only from year» ago jf painted timber, ly dour of easy uooobs to the giition was the principal me in tin centre , the sinnll doors leaf ing inti tbe aisles, being opened only half way and obstructed by scr ens. O E L P A R K E R , ATTORNEY AT LA W, FREiiHOId), N. J. Attends the Ocean County Courts, "ny 4, 1862. Near th high altar there was it little door com- municating with the sacristy A few minutes before 7 in the even- ing of Tuesday the 7th of December more than 3,000 women and t. few hun- dred men knelt in that church to overflowing-. Indeed the lighting of all t le lamps and candles bad hardly flirsl i d when the liquid gns in a transparency on the work and tbernade F . J_ S P E E R , -ounsello'r at Law and Master in Chancery, Office at Turn's River, N. .T . nno 10, 1862. ly ’ -D- HIGGINS M- D- PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, Office at G. Cowdrick's Hold Pj ly. © T H , S H R E V E , vll Engineer and Surveyor, master in chancery , on at the Court House, Tdto’s River, N. J. 023 61 tf T. YV. C A R M I C H A E L , Attorney at Law, TOM’S RIVER, N. J. Office with tbe Surrogate. siiliv W. ANDERSON MASKER a'OHNBV-AT-LAW AND SOLICITOR IX CHANCERY, Tom’* liivor, New Jersey. Ifflee In th.e Court House. ,J '21 tt fnncs River, Deeemher 2416. WALTER S. OLIPIIANT, Lorney at Law, and Solicitor in Ciiancery, ” JX.Qj1 iro“ “ * BiflldUg, Mount high altar, set on fire its wood wrapped in flame a kind of t wholly composed of canvas, pasteboard and wood. In less than two the iillar, about twenty-three yards high and ten broad, was an inextinguisha- ble bonfire. The advance of the fire wan perhaps even more rapid than the panic o f the audience. When tho fire hid from the altar to the roof, the whole flock of devotees rushed to th? princi pal door. Those near the lateral doors were able to escape at the first alarm others, and particularly the nun, gain- ed the little door of ilie saeristry, and lastly, those near the chief mi ed their way through tho throng, even still struggling to get in, ami indeed part of whiuli did get in, evi IfitCOof the fire, stimulated by the de- sire of getting a good place, which on this occasion meant a good pla in. Then, tho flames having crept along the whole roof, and consequently rVdeasi-d the lamps of oil and li ¡aid gas from the cornices to which they strung, a rain of liquid, bine fir? poured down upon the entangled throngs be- low. A new and more horrible conflagra- tion broke out then in that dense living mass, appalling the affrighted g pictures ten-fold more awlul limn tliosi wherein the Catholic imagination has labored to give an idea of the of the damned. In less than a of an hour two thousand human beings bad perished'—including many children tomb i bal vet y f«w nu*n. Although many heroic men perform- ed prodigies of daring and strength In tearing aome from tbe death-grasp of the phalanx ol death that choked the door—in some cases literally tearing off the.r arms, without being able to ex- I ** (ricalo them—the number o( the saved to hear tbe by this moans falls abort of fifty. More |ever Beared Berried mass of Are «tied wretches who, piled one above anothei1as they climb- ed over to rvach tho air, wildly ft «ton- ed tlm gripe ol death upon any one coping, in or order that they might bo drtfrgvd oat with them. Timm who longed to save them wrm dumuc I moat harrowing sight that human eye-balls. T than five hundred persons of our high. est si part , defy uttrif Ol have , 'Halted—the gre of filWn to H “r osr perisliefl ». Two thirds h I ‘ I* To see mother*, sister*, mid women dying that di ily fist I tender and |y oadful dentil I man, within ” How long have yots t Presence allico your last gn •* About two thousand yet •eem only a-few hours, i i hardly worth menthir be absent ninny tlioits they are nothing—a ua out of eternity. What haw |an carefully folded up, and ur Imsnm so tenderly !" I t U ' t Otsa* I The H«error« ml We have apnk« h simcahat St I on the evil* of tippling and drsm-drtnjt, ing, whirl» le the *ter|li.g-p»ln» of art evil that I* aendltig »<> many to an rae- ly grave, and oaesldng malty tears to Is- abed and hvart* to blar-d, «list. If th* first steps had been avoided, all this t l M111»*, III tig bask Mstdd. The hot n.r« of drnnkinmnw ! who can depbi them t Se* how raging la the thirst of the inebriate, tie erica for more, nh n , yet they he knows that it will ruin him and hi# oh ns family, if he has one. Hell mid deatrno- y now hie right 1» foie him, sud yet he k bur, cries for more. Ilia sppviite Is ungov- d ! i-rnuble. Hv hue fiatvn J it SO luug yon there that It has her] ■veil in th si work f nu g. I may J years j I drop dipif csrrie A > Eun •wel fro It ! Ear irti. Oh I tic convenient und luve, fifteen The on— * mngregti- vlctims were servants, and there arc malty houses If) which not otic Ims e s - caped. Several houses have been not- ed by the police as empty, because all their inlmhitanta have perished. The people think of nothing but the victims and their obsequies. All with one vo'cu demand the demolition of the ruinous walls of the fatal temple and the offering of a monument to the deer memory of the mprtyre. The munici- pal Isaly solicited this by the medium of a commission on the lffdi, mid the Government is ri-anlvi d on compliance. During the past week the tribunals end the Government itsell have suspen- ded their labors. The people only tveep, and their pub- ic writer« could otily offer tours to the n ition’s mourning. Santiaoo, Dec. 14, 1883. Before 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the hour appointed to etltion the Presi- dent of the Republic for the demolition of tho walla of the church of “ tho Com- pany," a numerous und select meeting of iHI the Hociul clitsics h.td collected in tho open space In front of tho mini. The decree of demolition having boon signed by his Excellency, Don Guiller- mo Matta aHi'iMideil to the upper story ol the Congress House, und thence ad- dressed the people, rending the decree promulgated it few hours before, mid culling for a viva for his excellency, which wan enthusiastically given by tho immense assembly that filled the square. l'HE OIFERIXO CP 07 THE IVXXl.VO SACRI- FICE. A dreadful visitation has fallen upon ns ! Truly this is n day of trouble and rebuke and blasphemy. The voice of lamentation is heard all over the land. Kam Tor thru ■creaming and livra over and over t war maddening— th wring?(fir o f hands for help ns the re- morseless flames came mi, and then, save when sumo already dead with frkht, wer* burnt in ghastly hid (Ter- ence, their horrible agony, sum* in prayer, some tearing their hair and bat- tering their face« Women seized in the embrace of the flame* Were seen to undergo a trans- formation i* though by an optical de- lusion, first datzlingly bright, then hor- ribly lean and shrunk up, tli -n black statues, ridgidlv fixed in a writhing attitude. The fire. Imprisoned by the Immense thickness of the walls, had devoured everything combustible by 10 o'clock. Then, defy|ng the sickening stencil, people came to look for their lost ones. Oh, what a sight the fair, placid moon Junked down upon I Close-pnck- ed crowds of calcined, distorted forms, wearing the fearful expression of the Inst pit g, whose smile was once n Heaven, the ghastly phalanx of black statues twistrd in every variety of ugony, stretching out their arms as imploring mercy, ami then of tho houp that had choked up the dour, multi tu-lcs with the iiutmiehed. and one arm or foot Un- lo hi* great work. I Itavi tad tlie opportunity to via nevi : It t .... t 1 JC : but I ! are all his peril ct master— J he ttimely yli W« to it« cravings. Tell j him that Id* reput t«n will be t umed, ! h a business neglected, hi# wifi* tni (tru- ing End pining in grief end want, his ! cl I (Iren begging for bread, ragged und ancared for ; his relative» and fihttda sorely grieved, h a future' prospects brgbted and ruined, hie soul *1« n a abort tune, Until be slops. Tell him all this and it bun no irfinencc on him,— II a appetite is stronger than Jds judg« mt n(. His will 1« weak itad powerless, hi* mart I sensildlity is hciiurnhi d, his h itrt euiiotiH, hi« “ conscience nvnred have heard many songs, but none so j with a hot iron,* and his Qud t Bended j loud nr *o sweet of theirs. They sing ■ and tui regard« it not, ho still cries for of redeeming love, fl'iw they svmps-1 more j and mate lie will have, if he can tliixo with nil that is done in their w lid 11 get it. He -ill suer fit*» «11 thnt isdesr But I shall not hinder you, nor will I nml valuable on earth, and barter his inquire further r.s to y> ur precious Interest in Heaven for rum— more mm- know all Its history, and liuve tlm pro- most mnidetvd, and wl I lx* quite, niisc that I shall go there some day I e- fime it is biiruud up and destroyed.— Perhaps I tuny he sent on aome errand •>f great mercy ! I have seen mnltl- ttides who were created there, wl o c tine up to live with «» in Heaven. I charge. Farewell I” " Farewell, noble one ! May every blessing attend you I" So they separated. Then upward still1 darted the angel, straight towards the heavens. As ho entered the golden gates nil made way for him, for they saw he ; had brought something very precious.! No one stayed to ask it question.— He pawns his watch, Ills clothes, his wif, *a wearing apparel—anything, for mote liquor. Thus he Uvea, nlmott » living death, tormented with the mania potu. Hobgoblins sud satyrs dance bo- llire his bewildered und rem-dtsnrdemi imagination j he raves like a madman,1 as in faet he really is, and in the inlor- im of tin !,.• paroxysms ho culls for u ore lower parti perfectly some all it shapeless muss, but with scathed. The silence, after those piercing screams were hushed in death, was hor- rible. It was the silence of tho grave unbroken but by tho bitter wail or fainting cry. Two thousand sou’ s had passed through that ordeal of lire to the judg- ment-seat o f God. Heroic acts of sublime during have not been wanting. Enduring grate riiioitgli the ranks of glorious ones he . 0f die poison that tins brought upon him passed, till ho Stood before the great u|] these miseries, anti he drinks it end white 111 rone when- wue light greater | shortly dies, and goes to l>o “ judged tlinn u thousand suns would emit. As f0, the deids done in tho body.” Ilia ho bowed in awo und love, a voice came ^ companions 1 1 sin mid drinking look on forth : "Good servant, hast thnn done . and view the scene, and. heedless of the thine errand?” Carefully and gently warning, continue to pursue the si me •he angel took from li s bosom a beau- eon tee, till (hey, too, shunt the gulf, and tiful thing. It seemed liglitei than air, J are no more seen on earth, sweeter than the breath of morning, | Oh, if we could uncap eternal muse- um] seemed to fl int like music. The j ry, mid then behold tho victims of the everlasting armn were stretched out to , d anon intemperance, ued see them receive it. It wus tho soul of u little writhing in the agonies of the lost, und I hear them cry in vain like the rich until mo, for of for water to cool their tongues, would it not arouse us to activity end labor, the bitter weeping of fathers, husbands ! ,IRle has bc-n excited in every Gliiliiin and lovers, for those who were tils joy heart by the gallant efforts of Mr. Nel- son. the Minister of tlm United States, his countryman, Mr. Meiggs, and sev- eral other foreigners. There were gen cram mod and brightness or their life, that re- fused to be comforted because they tire not. Hundreds of young girls—only yes- ! firi>l's men who defied the fury of the terday radiant and beautiful in the Iflain,‘s to save lives, and some of these luxuriant bloom of tho fresh, hopeful ‘bed martyrs to their noble hearts.— Spring of life—to-day ettloined, hideous An Englishman or American, it is un- corpses, horrible, loathsome to the [ known which, was seen to rush through sight, impossible to be rccogniz- ^lH tn seize in his powerful ed. | arms a lady, stride with her a little The 8th of December was a great tri- 'v;ly> an‘l then, his hair in a blaze nod llinpli for the Church of the Jesuits in choked with smoke, fall back into the Suitingo. An enthusiastic audience v‘ dcano never to rise again. A young filled every nook. There were hardly bidy named Oiella, having in vain im- any men there, but 3,000 women, com- p',,ri'(l 8"ine bystanders on her knees prising the flower of the beauty and i to 8,1ve ber mother, rushed in, and minutes j fashion of the capital, were at the feet shortly afterward miraculously issued of the ecclesiastics, very many against birth hearing her glorious load. " Suffer it to come unto such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” The Iteuiitifu! little thing uttered no sound, but it seemed thrilled with joy unutterable. Then ten thousand voices broke forth into songs of prais*,, and all the harps of heaven seemed to awake, and the daughters nfamn«io came firth from every quarter, and uttered his praise. I’or through all the courts the to endi avor to save some of these dehl. dt d, besotted, yet blood-lion - lit immor- tal souls, from tho impending doom.— But this sight cannot be granted us in this life ; God’s word alone (ells tho whole truth about ihe matter, |\nd wo there read : “ No drunkard shall inher- it the kingdom of God,” Look nt the example the rum-drinker tidings spread that another jewel had sets to his children and all around him. come to shine in the eternal crown of Christ On earth there was a funeral. That night the mother dreamed that her lit- tle one was with her arms to take it, and it was not (hire ns she awoke in tortures quarter the will of fathers and husbands; but that of course only showed forth the power and might of the Gospel. Never had such pyrotechny been seen before—20,000 lights, mostly cam- pheno, in long festoons of colored globes, blazed the church into a Hull of Fire. But the performance had not yet be- gun when the crescent of fire at the foot of the gigantic image of the Vir- gin over the high altar, overflowed and climbing up the muslin draperies and pasteboard devices to the wooden roof, rolled a torrent, of flame. The suddenness of the fire was aw- ful.' Tho dense mass of women od out of their senses— numbers fainting and all entangled by their long swelling dresses, rushed as those who knew that death was at their heels to the one doer which Boon be- eamo choked np. Fire was every- where. Streaming along the wooden ¡ceiling, it flung the paraffine lamps hung in rows there among the strug- gling women. In a moment the gorg- eous church Was ii-seu of flame. Mich- ael Angelo’s fearful picture of Hell was there, but exceefled. Help was till but imp: st’ldc. A Hercules might have strained bis strength in vain to pull one from tbe A young lady, just before the smoke suffocated her, had the presence of mind to knot her liankurehief round her leg, so that her corpse might be recognized. j tears. The littl ful body era in the waxen hands as they lay folded on its bosom. The whole house was in deep mourning, for the sun. beam had been quenched. The mother sobbed and kissed the cold face of her child, and called it dead. And she thought of it ns dead. She could not resize that Christ could love her child more than she did, or that niiy-| body could take care of it ns she Could; I And too frequently the sons follow the parents’ footsteps. But if perchance a child should be warned by the l»ittcr j fruits of this ctnai'd evil, that they be-. , hold in n parent, and avoid the fata] | cup, seek tho path that wisdom points The Angel’s Treasure. UY REV. JOHN TODD, D. I>. coffin hold the benntrj ont ; what it painful reflection to tho Friends had put white flow’ child, to think, ray father died a drunk- ml. 0, horrid to think of, that chil- dren ...... Id have before them such ex- amples as this. Parents in nil things should be patterns worthy of imitation, so that when they are dead und gone, tit dr memories will be sweetly cherish- ed, and the children bless God that they ever had such parents. Come, neighbor and friend ; yon who , are iii this road of intemperance, now or that any other world would be «■ j det„Plltill0 to be a malt . rise good a place to educate and train it ns nlig,,ti aild hy the l)k>a8ing 0, G()d this, or that any bosom could shield it It was midnight when the angel of light sprang from the earth to go up- ward. There were sobbings and groans as he left, for lie came out of a half lighted chamber. Upward and upward he flew, and soon soared out of earth’s, night. Then he saw the sun before! him. Onward and onward he flew, frighten- j llJllv!"i? tlic planet Venus on the right I ,,f j hand, end then Mars, and Saturn, and j Jupiter, and the great Sun himself were | left behind—far behind. Still upward I he bent bis flight, through the Milky Way into the vast regions of space, passing worlds and systems of worlds straight upward and onward. At length he met a fellow-angel on his way to a distant part of God’s creation—so dis- tant that it would take many thousands of our years to reach it. The heautdul and noble beings paused to greet each other. 11 Whither bound, my friend ?” “ To the far-off world never yet pressed by angels’ feet.” as well as hers, or that it was far bet- ter off than to bo here. Will she ever meet it again ? Will she know it among tho angels of clay when she next sees it? Will it have anything about it by which any one would know that it was earth-born? Will it be her child to fondle and love? Who can tell? Ah! mother, if you are n Christian, when you come to see as you are seen, and j to know' as yon 'are' known, you will ! see and feel that this removal of your | child was all right-, and just as you jiire glad to have it. Dry up your tears, then, and trust all to the wisdom and goodness of your Redeemer.—S. S. Times. may see better days yet- ymt may. God wills it, and if yon v you yep, indeed t it, you may rise to usefulness, ha, ness1 , respectability and thrift. Only dash the cup away ¡it once and forever, “ touch not, taste not, handle not,” seek a new spiritual life from 3od, ami you may yet shine as a trophy of the Sa. vlour ii> the Kingdom of Glory, Tom’s River. Joseph Atwood . Somebody 1ms said that tlie cream upon milk is the only article that has not risen of late. A young lady of Paterson, New Jersey, on Christmas day skated all j assidn.msly the quiet sentiments the way from that city to Newark,......... took dinner with a friend and skated back, a d,stance of thirty miles. When is a clock guilty of liisdo- meanor ? When it striker one. The Boston Journal very truly says : ’■Not one-tenth part of the local sews which transpires in any comity or town finds its way into a city paper, mid lie who takes the latter to the exclusion of his town or county paper, does not ful- fil his duty-as a citize.n. Such a man is unworthy to fill a town office, for ha most certainly lacks local pride.” In “ Talks about Health,” Dr. Dio Lewis remarks : " I f married, cultivate of do- mestic life. If unmarried, and of pro- per age and health, sock in this most perfect and satisfactory of ail earthly r datums that freedom from the fret and discontent of life which only a true marriage can give."

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Üri l l y . V r W * p «*| »rr ,l MH*d O» T h iti-K », N t n i n t ,

* r t o u •* K i v r u N , j,_Ht LM V I « A l>lt A K ë .


" (km 1 “ imt W 10 «B

Jgeet | M | • um « D « >**A d v r r lt k ln f a l I M U lti*» A l l o w e d I f U w

J O B , W O R K :I hM fJNä M fUud fttlb. rimiti*, II* b*Ai. m*nk% hmrn*. BUI II« 4 . > W |* ’•X#e*t*4 «Hill tmimptneaa. -----*o4 m r«**nb*Uf una*

öEmbUiwV o ! « I f . T ò m 'a Rlvsr, IV. J., Thursday, January 28,1864 . Wo, 14,

Miscellaneous.T E R R I B L E C A T A S T R O P H E S S



o v z a tw o t n ii .u * # w o s z x a id ch il d r e n

eins to to deayh IASK* -Of EVERT D**CMmO!»-OX BAR»

ITT* ajkibwt ÂDvnmuviüt« ah» J y» Wmh ! cat M Pai» mm vm.cm ouimibi A/ILJW f, DAVlJt tüW ARf) %, DR A K* «Il Hat P*MiAh#f t

Th« fo|lciwine lilt of


noi give eAjifw** Uul!.« toaoaUvf, *rr comfcdrr*4 U wtahiu* lo cooUbo*mlMCTlptlon*Il AatNfirtb r* océrr tiw- diacotiflnn.oco ol ih*lr *«pA»*r*, tbe pu btt aber mtj contins* ta w*a«J lUcu> (Il ta utnitim *rt »tld**b*rrtb«r* tiewìrrt or roftt*« to t*ke thrlr (Mr* freso tbe oHc* to «rbUh they ere diretLd.I r—BQBAlbl* f%»r them tati! thrjr bave Mtllod bill» and Ofdmd t ho» dteoootlused.Cour* hm 4*cld«'d thâl refaelna to Uk« „«f» froai tbe oflUm, or removing t»d letvliif jm «o«*Utd tor, U priut* faci« ««Idea«;« of Intention-! ? h e fait*

T h e l o w o f, Makao* I Wr» «ko du


» f a t f alud Btâtf* Courte have *l*n raprAtrdly «4 tk«t a huatmMtar «ho aaftaet* to bIw #r»*o oatJo*. t* r*^tt'rcd by tbt l*cwt O ttn DrjiArtmim«, tllMvMorrabalof


Milli, » taken from (ht* cur y of December 17th

A citaatroph# gigantic, bumble, >m exampled in I be annulli of a nntry

world, hue absorbed duy*for inany

a person to take from the new «paner* addressed to him. render* the P»»*** liable to Um publUhet tor the ssbecriptios price.

P U O I » I t I K T O I t s ’ O F F I C E ,P E R T H A * f B 0 Y , H . J.

8 V . R . P A i E R S O N .Pnrei'V’r Ocrera!,


tin* racorJA willb!5

Re;*t*htn£ tnfomntlou u

pS we ujipl"


» utiovr

l im u -« in N n rccr lee .very variety of fruit a s» ohna


Can be procured of it*. Orilrm by null promptly aUeittUnl to.

A'Mruu A. I1ANCE A SON,clb ly Ued Dank, N. J.

BLACKSMITHING.Nlî Stibsri iber respectfully nntmuitcr« fbut rMmies the ItlAcksimthiiix bu*tti«rt4, at hu* oP

, in the vilhiKe of

OM S RIVER,vill be itladto atteint to all orders, dispatoli nié that Ills friend* and the public awv fuvnr hilt , in a «rurktnan-'ike manner, and at rca oualili‘H.-chi attention flven to Horse K oeincr, alaoto ip Farm W agon* and Carriages.

PAUL 1!. FMCKK.•* Itiver. June IR,)8ti2. ly.

P . J . W e i g e l ,a tclim nker und A in 'irn lrp n t,

T O M ' S R I V E R j N . J .II kind* of watch«** time pieces carefully re

Ted anil warranted.mbrotyprs Taken at Short Noticein’s fliv.*r, June 18,1802.- ly.R O U E It T ALI.EtV, Jr.,

COUNSELLOR AT LAW, M ASTER INI CHANCERY,mmissiniicr of Ducds fur Now York Rod Hank, Munmoutli County, N. J,

n 14 ly.

•ml perlmpa of lliu every otto’« mind past.

Wo will ttno tho utmoat lirovity in rolnting the calamity to our foreign r adorn.

Ever ainoe the newly invoitod mya- t ry of (lie Iminaonlato Con Xlaro was declared at K nno the c' or It of tbe ConipHtiy belong,ng to the Jemi.ta, h tbe fooiio of dcvo'ion of In od oulle I the Diin»*ktfra ol w ic'i, mi payment of 10 mu uluioat all the women of u wme omul led.

Every vear from the 8lh bor to the 9th of December, tbe InmiMouhite Conception

lHpinii ilfculiv.il, in winch | m wie, a:nglng, and uatonm jdlgalily of Inneime, of ligl iliqudgaH, wax, and every ! comhustiblu In the W orld glil flared in every part, in t ic c nnieeH, m the ceiling, and particularly on the iiigli nltur.

Every night the church blitzed with a bou of flame, and fluttered will clouds of inindin and giiusu dl'upet'ina. It could only bo lighted up ii time by hegiuiiing In the middle of the after noon, mid the wink of extinguishing was only ended when the night whs

In 1858 ttioy thought ol

copti n of In 1857.formerly

id become vast Smtei-

Mary, incb t year, ur capitul

of N'uvcmthe day of

hieteil orchi an ail ling pru­ts of oil, luminous red und

but tbe o iig i-


CHANCERY.Ill devote his whole time to the duties of hti lesilon.urtons deulrlng to engRijo his service» will And MONDAY of each week, in hi» office, at residence near Burrsvillc. irriville, NOv. 2«, 1863. ly

A - C _ M ” L E A N ,ttovney and C ounsellor ut L awD MASTER AND KXAMIXF.U IN CIlANCEItV,

las removril to Freehold1, und occupies I lie cce formerly of Judge Vredenburg, Lsq., on comer Of Main street, leading to the lic­

it. jj' J hi ly

lar advanced, adopting hydrogen gu «leer’s plan, though safe wua rejected.

The church of " the company,” built in the hitter Imlf of the seventeenth ccBtury, possessed a spacious but a roof tlmt dated only from year» ago j f painted timber, ly dour of easy uooobs to the giition was the principal me in tin centre , the sinnll doors leaf ing inti tbe aisles, being opened only half way and obstructed by scr ens.


FREiiHOId), N. J.Attends the Ocean County Courts, "ny 4, 1862.

Near thhigh altar there was it little door com­municating with the sacristy

A few minutes before 7 in the even­ing of Tuesday the 7th of December more than 3,000 women and t. few hun­dred men knelt in that church to overflowing-.

Indeed the lighting of all t le lamps and candles bad hardly flirsl i d when the liquid gns in a transparency on the

work and tbernade

F . J _ S P E E R ,-ounsello'r at L a w and Master

in Chancery,Office at Turn's River, N. .T.

nno 10, 1862. ly ’


Office at G. Cowdrick's Hold P j ly.

© T H , S H R E V E ,vll E ngineer and Surveyor,

m a s t e r i n c h a n c e r y ,on at the Court House, Tdto’s River, N. J.

023 61 tf

T. YV. C A R M IC H A E L , Attorney at L a w ,

T O M ’ S R I V E R , N. J . Office with tbe Surrogate. siiliv


CHANCERY,Tom’* liivor, New Jersey.

Ifflee In th.e Court House. ,J'21 ttfnncs River, Deeemher 2416.

W A L T E R S. O LIPIIA N T, Lorney at L a w , and S olicitor

in Ciiancery,” JX.Qj1 iro““* BiflldUg, Mount

high altar, set on fire its wood wrapped in flame a kind of t wholly composed of canvas, pasteboard and wood. In less than two the iillar, about twenty-three yards high and ten broad, was an inextinguisha­ble bonfire.

The advance of the fire wan perhaps even more rapid than the panic of the audience. When tho fire hid from the altar to the roof, the whole flock of devotees rushed to th? princi pal door. Those near the lateral doors were able to escape at the first alarm others, and particularly the nun, gain­ed the little door of ilie saeristry, and lastly, those near the chief mi ed their way through tho throng, even still struggling to get in, ami indeed part of whiuli did get in, evi

I fit CO of the fire, stimulated by the de­sire of getting a good place, which on this occasion meant a good pla in. Then, tho flames having crept along the whole roof, and consequently rVdeasi-d the lamps of oil and li ¡aid gas from the cornices to which they strung, a rain of liquid, bine fir? poured down upon the entangled throngs be­low.

A new and more horrible conflagra­tion broke out then in that dense living mass, appalling the affrighted g pictures ten-fold more awlul limn tliosi wherein the Catholic imagination has labored to give an idea of the of the damned. In less than a of an hour two thousand human beings bad perished'—including many children


bal vet y f«w nu*n.Although many heroic men perform­

ed prodigies of daring and strength In tearing aome from tbe death-grasp of the phalanx ol death that choked the door—in some cases literally tearing off the.r arms, without being able to ex- I **(ricalo them—the number o( the saved to hear tbe by this moans falls abort of fifty. More | ever Beared

Berried mass of Are «tied wretches who, piled one above anothei1 as they climb­ed over to rvach tho air, wildly ft «ton­ed tlm gripe ol death upon any one coping, in or order that they might bo drtfrgvd oat with them. Timm who longed to save them wrm dumuc I

moat harrowing sight that human eye-balls.


than five hundred persons of our high.est sipart ,



have ,'Halted—the gre of filWn to H“r osr perisliefl ». Two thirds h

I‘ I*

To see mother*, sister*,mid women dying that di

ily fist I

tender and | y oadful dentil I man, within

” How long have yots t Presence allico your last gn

•* About two thousand yet •eem only a-few hours, i i hardly worth menthir be absent ninny tlioits they are nothing—a ua out of eternity. What haw

| an carefully folded up, and ur Imsnm so tenderly !"

I t U't Otsa* I The H«error« mlWe have apnk« h simcahat St I

on the evil* of tippling and drsm-drtnjt, ing, whirl» le the *ter|li.g-p»ln» of art evil that I* aendltig »<> many to an rae- ly grave, and oaesldng malty tears to Is- abed and hvart* to blar-d, «list. If th* first steps had been avoided, all this t l M 111»*, III tig bask Mstdd. The hotn.r« of drnnkinmnw ! who can depbi them t Se* how r a g i n g la the thirst o f the inebriate, tie erica for more, nh n

, yet they he knows that it will ruin him and hi# oh n s family, if he has one. Hell mid deatrno- y now hie right 1» foie h im , sud yet hek bur, cries for more. Ilia sppviite Is ungov-

d ! i-rnuble. Hv hue fiatvn J it SO luug yon there that It has her]

■veil in th si work f

nug. I may J years jI drop dipif


A >Eun

•wel fro It ! Ear

irti.Oh I tic

convenient und

luve, fifteen

The on—*m n g re g t i-

vlctims were servants, and there arc malty houses If) which not otic Ims es­caped. Several houses have been not­ed by the police as empty, because all their inlmhitanta have perished.

The people think of nothing but the victims and their obsequies. All with one vo'cu demand the demolition of the ruinous walls of the fatal temple and the offering of a monument to the deer memory of the mprtyre. The munici­pal Isaly solicited this by the medium of a commission on the lffdi, mid the Government is ri-anlvi d on compliance.

During the past week the tribunals end the Government itsell have suspen­ded their labors.

The people only tveep, and their pub­ic writer« could otily offer tours to the

n ition’s mourning.

Santiaoo, Dec. 14, 1883. Before 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the

hour appointed to etltion the Presi­dent of the Republic for the demolition of tho walla of the church of “ tho Com­pany," a numerous und select meeting of iHI the Hociul clitsics h.td collected in tho open space In front of tho mini. The decree of demolition having boon signed by his Excellency, Don Guiller­mo Matta aHi'iMideil to the upper story ol the Congress House, und thence ad­dressed the people, rending the decree promulgated it few hours before, mid culling for a viva for his excellency, which wan enthusiastically given by tho immense assembly that filled the square.l'HE OIFERIXO CP 0 7 THE IVXXl.VO SACRI­


A dreadful visitation has fallen upon ns !

Truly this is n day of trouble and rebuke and blasphemy. The voice of lamentation is heard all over the land.

Kam Tor thru ■creaming and

livra over and over t war maddening— th wring?(fir o f hands for help ns the re­morseless flames came mi, and then, save when sumo already dead with frkht, wer* burnt in ghastly hid (Ter­ence, their horrible agony, sum* in prayer, some tearing their hair and bat­tering their face«

Women seized in the embrace of the flame* Were seen to undergo a trans­formation i* though by an optical de­lusion, first datzlingly bright, then hor­ribly lean and shrunk up, tli -n black statues, ridgidlv fixed in a writhing attitude.

The fire. Imprisoned by the Immense thickness of the walls, had devoured everything combustible by 10 o'clock. Then, defy|ng the sickening stencil, people came to look for their lost ones.

Oh, what a sight the fair, placid moon Junked down upon I Close-pnck- ed crowds o f calcined, distorted forms, wearing the fearful expression of the Inst pit g, whose smile was once n Heaven, the ghastly phalanx of black statues twistrd in every variety of ugony, stretching out their arms as imploring mercy, ami then of tho houp that had choked up the dour, multi tu-lcs with the iiutmiehed. and

one arm or foot Un-

lo hi* great work. I Itavi tad tlie opportunity to via

nevi : It t

.... t1 JC :but I !


his peril ct master—J he ttimely yli W« to it« cravings. Tell j him that Id* reput t«n will be t umed,! h a business neglected, hi# wifi* tni (tru­ing End pining in grief end want, his

! cl I (Iren begging for bread, ragged und ancared for ; his relative» and fihttda

sorely grieved, h a future' prospects brgbted and ruined, hie soul *1«

n aabort tune, Until be slops. Tell him all this and it bun no irfinencc on him,— II a appetite is stronger than Jds judg« mt n(. His will 1« weak it ad powerless,hi* mart I sensildlity is hciiurnhi d, hish itrt euiiotiH, hi« “ conscience nvnred

have heard many songs, but none so j with a hot iron,* and his Qud t Bended j loud nr *o sweet of theirs. They sing ■ and tui regard« it not, ho still cries for of redeeming love, fl'iw they svmps-1 more j and mate lie will have, if he can tliixo with nil that is done in their w lid 11 get it. He -ill suer fit*» «11 thnt isdesr But I shall not hinder you, nor will I nml valuable on earth, and barter his inquire further r.s to y> ur precious Interest in Heaven for rum— more mm-

know all Its history, and liuve tlm pro- most mnidetvd, and wl I lx* quite, niisc that I shall go there some day I e- fime it is biiruud up and destroyed.—Perhaps I tuny he sent on aome errand •>f great mercy ! I have seen mnltl- ttides who were created there, wl o c tine up to live with «» in Heaven. I

charge. Farewell I”" Farewell, noble one ! May every

blessing attend you I"So they separated. Then upward still1

darted the angel, straight towards the heavens. As ho entered the golden gates nil made way for him, for they saw he ; had brought something very precious.! No one stayed to ask it question.—

He pawns his watch, Ills clothes, his wif, *a wearing apparel—anything, for mote liquor. Thus he Uvea, nlmott » living death, tormented with the mania potu. Hobgoblins sud satyrs dance bo­llire his bewildered und rem-dtsnrdemi imagination j he raves like a madman,1 as in faet he really is, and in the inlor- im of tin !,.• paroxysms ho culls for u ore

lower parti perfectly some all it shapeless

muss, but with scathed.

The silence, after those piercing screams were hushed in death, was hor­rible. It was the silence of tho grave unbroken but by tho bitter wail or fainting cry.

Two thousand sou’s had passed through that ordeal of lire to the judg­ment-seat of God.

Heroic acts of sublime during have not been wanting. Enduring grate

riiioitgli the ranks of glorious ones he . 0f die poison that tins brought upon him passed, till ho Stood before the great u|] these miseries, anti he drinks it end white 111 rone when- wue light greater | shortly dies, and goes to l>o “ judged tlinn u thousand suns would emit. As f0, the deids done in tho body.” Ilia ho bowed in awo und love, a voice came companions 1 1 sin mid drinking look on forth : "Good servant, hast thnn done . and view the scene, and. heedless of the thine errand?” Carefully and gently warning, continue to pursue the si me •he angel took from li s bosom a beau- eon tee, till (hey, too, shunt the gulf, and tiful thing. It seemed liglitei than air, J are no more seen on earth, sweeter than the breath of morning, | Oh, if we could uncap eternal muse­um] seemed to fl int like music. The j ry, mid then behold tho victims of the everlasting armn were stretched out to , d anon intemperance, ued see them receive it. It wus tho soul of u little writhing in the agonies of the lost, und

I hear them cry in vain like the rich untilmo, for of for water to cool their tongues, would

it not arouse us to activity end labor,

the bitter weeping of fathers, husbands ! ,IRle has bc-n excited in every Gliiliiin and lovers, for those who were tils joy heart by the gallant efforts of Mr. Nel-

son. the Minister of tlm United States, his countryman, Mr. Meiggs, and sev­eral other foreigners. There were gen

cram mod

and brightness or their life, that re­fused to be comforted because they tire not.

Hundreds of young girls— only yes- ! firi>l's men who defied the fury of the terday radiant and beautiful in the I flain,‘s to save lives, and some of these luxuriant bloom of tho fresh, hopeful ‘bed martyrs to their noble hearts.— Spring of life—to-day ettloined, hideous An Englishman or American, it is un- corpses, horrible, loathsome to the [ known which, was seen to rush through sight, impossible to be rccogniz- ^lH tn seize in his powerfuled. | arms a lady, stride with her a little

The 8th of December was a great tri- 'v;ly> an‘l then, his hair in a blaze nod llinpli for the Church of the Jesuits in choked with smoke, fall back into the Suitingo. An enthusiastic audience v‘dcano never to rise again. A young filled every nook. There were hardly bidy named Oiella, having in vain im- any men there, but 3,000 women, com- p',,ri'(l 8"ine bystanders on her knees prising the flower of the beauty and i to 8,1ve ber mother, rushed in, and

minutes j fashion of the capital, were at the feet shortly afterward miraculously issued of the ecclesiastics, very many against birth hearing her glorious load.

" Suffer it to come unto such is the Kingdom of Heaven.”

The Iteuiitifu! little thing uttered no sound, but it seemed thrilled with joy unutterable.

Then ten thousand voices broke forth into songs of prais*,, and all the harps of heaven seemed to awake, and the daughters nfamn«io came firth from every quarter, and uttered his praise. I’or through all the courts the

to endi avor to save some of these dehl. dt d, besotted, yet blood-lion - lit immor­tal souls, from tho impending doom.— But this sight cannot be granted us in this life ; God’s word alone (ells tho whole truth about ihe matter, |\nd wo there read : “ No drunkard shall inher­it the kingdom of God,”

Look nt the example the rum-drinkertidings spread that another jewel had sets to his children and all around him. come to shine in the eternal crown of Christ

On earth there was a funeral. That night the mother dreamed that her lit­tle one was with her arms to take it, and it was not (hire ns she awoke in


the will of fathers and husbands; but that of course only showed forth the power and might of the Gospel.

Never had such pyrotechny been seen before—20,000 lights, mostly cam- pheno, in long festoons of colored globes, blazed the church into a Hull of Fire.

But the performance had not yet be­gun when the crescent of fire at the foot of the gigantic image of the Vir­gin over the high altar, overflowed and climbing up the muslin draperies and pasteboard devices to the wooden roof, rolled a torrent, of flame.

The suddenness of the fire was aw­ful.'

Tho dense mass of women od out of their senses—numbers fainting and all entangled by their long swelling dresses, rushed as those who knew that death was at their heels to the one doer which Boon be- eamo choked np. Fire was every­where. Streaming along the wooden ¡ceiling, it flung the paraffine lamps hung in rows there among the strug­gling women. In a moment the gorg­eous church Was ii-seu of flame. Mich­ael Angelo’s fearful picture of Hell was there, but exceefled.

Help was till but imp: st’ ldc. A Hercules might have strained bis strength in vain to pull one from tbe

A young lady, just before the smoke suffocated her, had the presence of mind to knot her liankurehief round her leg, so that her corpse might be recognized.

j tears. The littl ful bodyera in the waxen hands as they lay folded on its bosom. The whole house was in deep mourning, for the sun. beam had been quenched. The mother sobbed and kissed the cold face of her child, and called it dead. And she thought of it ns dead. She could not resize that Christ could love her child more than she did, or that niiy-| body could take care of it ns she Could; I

And too frequently the sons follow the parents’ footsteps. But if perchance a child should be warned by the l»ittcr

j fruits of this ctnai'd evil, that they be-. , hold in n parent, and avoid the fata]| cup, seek tho path that wisdom points

The A ngel’ s Treasure.


coffin hold the benntrj ont ; what it painful reflection to tho Friends had put white flow’ child, to think, ray father died a drunk-

ml. 0, horrid to think of, that chil­dren ...... Id have before them such ex­amples as this. Parents in nil things should be patterns worthy of imitation, so that when they are dead und gone, tit dr memories will be sweetly cherish­ed, and the children bless God that they ever had such parents.

Come, neighbor and friend ; yon who, are iii this road of intemperance, now

or that any other world would be «■ j det„Plltill0 to be a malt . risegood a place to educate and train it ns nlig,,ti aild hy the l)k>a8ing 0, G()d this, or that any bosom could shield it

It was midnight when the angel of light sprang from the earth to go up­ward. There were sobbings and groans as he left, for lie came out of a half lighted chamber. Upward and upward he flew, and soon soared out of earth’s, night. Then he saw the sun before! him. Onward and onward he flew,

frighten- j llJllv!"i? tlic planet Venus on the right I ,,f j hand, end then Mars, and Saturn, and j

Jupiter, and the great Sun himself were | left behind—far behind. Still upward I he bent bis flight, through the Milky Way into the vast regions of space, passing worlds and systems of worlds straight upward and onward. At length he met a fellow-angel on his way to a distant part of God’s creation—so dis- tant that it would take many thousands of our years to reach it. The heautdul and noble beings paused to greet each other.

11 Whither bound, my friend ?”“ To the far-off world never yet

pressed by angels’ feet.”

as well as hers, or that it was far bet­ter off than to bo here. Will she ever meet it again ? Will she know it among tho angels of clay when she next sees it? Will it have anything about it by which any one would know that it was earth-born? Will it be her child to fondle and love? Who can tell? Ah! mother, if you are n Christian, when you come to see as you are seen, and

j to know' as yon 'are' known, you will ! see and feel that this removal of your | child was all right-, and just as you jiire glad to have it. Dry up your

tears, then, and trust all to the wisdom and goodness of your Redeemer.—S. S. Times.

may see better days yet- ymt may. God wills it, and if yon v

you yep, indeed

tit, you may rise to usefulness, ha, ness1, respectability and thrift. Only dash the cup away ¡it once and forever, “ touch not, taste not, handle not,” seek a new spiritual life from 3od, ami you may yet shine as a trophy of the Sa. vlour ii> the Kingdom of Glory,

Tom’s River. Joseph Atwood.

Somebody 1ms said that tlie cream upon milk is the only article that has not risen of late.

A young lady of Paterson, New Jersey, on Christmas day skated all j assidn.msly the quiet sentimentsthe way from that city to Newark,.........took dinner with a friend and skated back, a d,stance of thirty miles.

When is a clock guilty of liisdo- meanor ? When i t striker one.

The Boston Journal very truly says : ’■ Not one-tenth part of the local sews which transpires in any comity or town finds its way into a city paper, mid lie who takes the latter to the exclusion of his town or county paper, does not ful­fil his duty-as a citize.n. Such a man is unworthy to fill a town office, for ha most certainly lacks local pride.”

In “ Talks about Health,” Dr. Dio Lewis remarks : " I f married, cultivate

of do­mestic life. If unmarried, and of pro­per age and health, sock in this most perfect and satisfactory of ail earthly r datums that freedom from the fret and discontent of life which only a true marriage can give."

Page 2: Ür öEmbUiw ml

The Ocean EmblemTOM’"* RIVER, JAKÜART SS, INW.


Abraham Lincoln.A t»o«ri Cftlisen Gone.

Onr mm tn nut tv hin siiSVltd Ml pnrald«? loes. One of out citiiei bi en fftIM to his long1 itit, ni

• haid hi

tjfe# Oh m EjRbimt 1Tiim'i R itf, lûïb

Mr. Editori—It #111 Ho gfutlfyiitf to’

A Itm tt'.TS ro ir« ic^e fuolbh fiop ll la iW

w.»rM «liti httT# iti itS l thitt* othrr

Til* fi*TMB*f*l «•**••*.The Ug(*l»tor* of New Jvrtey m» j

1 rri rd ut Trentun oh TumJ&V, tH« 1 Ab j! 1 * -, I - - > tr-t'itff l*V (flit 4 !(«*• 1

! pinte* Bpan rvrtsln eondHIw»* Divrri# fipre—b(T • qnantltv «f P«trihs iBiri», « ¡L i fo 8t*.0?U am * for ewri, Srn.-fcir »mi HrpriHfiuitivf 1«liti,, „M tuftliìili lui t|l Ys tlì»tl ttH IHt J (HflR RfT IWv'W **

! CñAlHll CoVHKTMffilf (A irtvii l b t¡7*I iiifc wnrdi of that hrir«« in*Î Jlçr mu) cun*- 1 . « #■*} „j _■{-*. Wh!!« ln WiHtllipftiltt

Iiim) rn n b» u* n»«i tmmiy ti» )u« t?im**§t-

—wti<» 1« iu ntudt «live Iti l!t« h «»Un, iu!«ttiit« and fWtinir* *>f th**«« artmtNl i

Itt'ttr! to fi'»w out tuwanl tl»«* putir, tlw* | wtak ami Uiwly a« la m»U bini torri,

l’ri-stilentnf tl»* âunstr, and J, S*. T»f-

the* Aurtnl«!? tjij» 1 ti ti i i'tt liit«*iifnl :I » fhr rt*«d iK of Ciuf. Pritk«M'*ii Alttifll \ Meflvair1. TliU docttm^ut uf ctmr«e, to !

ouiitlUl is fo bo ftrltpotri wlthlfi it«

al $1 «mJ l«Poiitjf-flfS cvttt» |H?f «» «S ¡ tilt* «fcrt’lÄi'V <»f lint Interior, upo** (io ¡#1«, firrrnft.»*N» «*»H urof^r «nf»H- *

I'»*" •*iffiuliU «f A merleta npp i. w. il down by llm luaJa j ( S orihfpprr*, N«, matt es«?th mir, Slavery la dead end b«fj

h* Pts-*»« .»a<1 t*JThe

Wo read in Holy


p.'Oe l

rol.U-d a* of on* whose place , hit* Situ 4ariit at lotIt b f supplied. Mr Francis L I *a|ri his «of till* Village, died oh Sat- | ms by litsafter an tHnsrs ef a f-w d .*>an e*rly Imtir on Tneaduy. •rUhed w illie and Odd Fellow«' Hull* Ilude l.y the Urin■d In mourning, *nd every- i referredt mir village *|ioki! ol nor- \\ malli liffinn, 11 xsrmdliens. Fnpai ¡ilion» li*v- NY*iihingtnn, 1made fur conducting tl e fu- Henrynntiif 4 'it'FGrfi’ llff to the f I ** t .1« If <nnL A-J-.

! with thf f h-nd* <>f

rg of that tlmriionortd no* lutin! si the ir Utili, nnd in rif»t ('tiri

•ri I."rti .ieriUri, ii with representative* from délavé») Then th'allow*’ Iiodge, proceeded in quickly,' ' were hi*to the house of their decea*- t > perform the 'a»t sad rit '* As iA <dmilitleas


rlci I.

, iL| - _e of theto til!« w

limili «1 i

d amongir of lift»- xperWuc

K lirf that lie wlK V’M 1 Hi 11in hi* *phere, if i

t.—-* newt i,trol. tha helm

J \V< id l<We Ilio I

i lit» h

Hoi why, wo would uk, tn roteili *g*l**t th* coarte of \ »»»I Government, made to .a

* Who* dn

did Uni of Ilia EiTrenton ttun propone to do ,(* * !£ ,

S Siili OnCATRtt ' aafo to coticlude that hi* n.r* immonda- to the>ohinWftwti'«* of si lei

endowmwnt an

ed ot a w.uni ; lion* «vii!1 carry much wvigili with Iwhere ihch'sdiiig«»hji»c*t «hill tu (cuelie who con­ thorn. Tlii* mense g „• coni alus irti *h ... ..Ma.ei, sui'ii urauuu s m iv.unling «a are rol«tilo Shin of that i* ffood ami commeridable ; m ’ cd to Agriculture antl the Mechin

,i Aro II uvernor a computi^ gi*. rniinçr of Legislative action tifi* li. 1er ? Arc more Infnmeaa , I .ululiuna tu disgrace eur statata!C ' tliia ipsaion ? Wp-ahnl

dolililaut hi an lu

over the r loved and

ctituintt of one whom tin y all respected. Sickne** of their :

Chaplain prevented the Order from per­forming the full burial service, and the I Rev. Mr. Atwood delivered a very in' j tcresting discourse, nfler which the remains were taken in charge by Ida Masonic brolhera and borne to tlm vil­lage burying ground. Here, after the customary preliminary service and ad-, dross by the Master, the lamb-skin or j white apron was deposited in the grave, after which the tallowing service was i recited i

This emblem I now deposit in tlm grave of our deceased Brother. By it | we are reminded of the universal do­minion of death. 1 lie arm of friend­ship cannot interpose to prevent his coming; the wealth o f the world cam, not purchase our re lens.1 ; nor will tl e innocence of youth, or the charms ot lieauty propit into his purpose. The mattock, tiic coffin, and the melancholy grave, admonish us of our mortality, that, sooner or later, these frail bedits j must moulder in their parent dust.

This completed, the Master deposits the evergreen in the open grave, and j

ceased above iof our to

well Known,I tided tu was n i, Messrs. Geo. rthwuit, and a

thebrnt W. ison

her ;i ml i

ofJames P. C<James Cowperthwait, L'*p, ef Now Egypt, Ocean county. The blood of another Christ! n patriot Inis been fit*iily j.iv n to redeem our S-cl *v. d government from the curse of a wicked rebelii m for the | c p?.nation of Ameri­can slavery. The death of every pc- triot soldier is a fresh guarantee that the death and destruction of a mon­strous oppression is Irrevocably sealed.

men t hinco ■ and «

the inniienco anda upon timi • vaHt their V n in 1860. O latea fur the

t this appreciation o< y ('¡trititi m character, :o which prompted lotisamls of Ctiriatiau

os for Ahruham er men, and other Preside noy, may a love for their hat true great-

based up-




cou d as follows iout n,mnito (he stunMisan<1 d'dl.tr« r the13, will *Imj pal»1 onich w•ill not onlv• liq-ut will leave a hul-itiry* after the psy.film'sri, to til.* Credti

A everSeems to be raging in town,

though not 1 dal 1 1 our nt" dents, is sweeping away many

have had as warm oott ttry, but the fact liras cannot be found mile on real worth and goodness is evident truth. There were i men, ns the world carelessly than Washington, yet was there whose qtmlilicatioiia would have him t» hold, ns withliU.illri, inC* .tit It Ui'ldeuce of a nation r

n* tlio nliiipk» rtiuU'irrit y niul



JiUlgCb,a nmii

I fitted f tin*litio otitiii


i !i<

nd for the ¡Ali inte; »limi, itimioblò in hi

;| A (Vieni o invi ni. t ■

¡jiirtt provi, .•clini.

wor Wllift!

riti iÜU8Ani.

mintin ¡ty



f Washin-í List President e who wero d a certain Deiuii«r tito tuent

i eratie party measure then about t» puss j tlie r . S. Sen.ile, w.m a candidile for j tin*pivBidt'dcy.SejitiiTientB.u f \vorof the

.... I.... I ..3.

This evergreen, which once marked the temporary resting place of the il­lustrious dead, is nn emblem of our f iit!i i 1 the imm irtality of tlie soul.— By this we are reminded that we have ail immortal part within us, that shall aurvivj tlie grave, and which aliall nev­er never, never die. By it we are ad­monished, that, though like our brother whose remains lie beforo us, we shad soon be clothed in the habiliments of lleath and deposited in the silent tomb, yet, through the merits of a divine ami, ascended Saviour, we may confidently hope that our souls will bloom in eter­nal spring.

The remaining portions of-the beau­tiful and appropriate burial service were then repeated, concluding as fol­lows:—Then let us improve this solemn warn­

ing, that at. last, when the “ sheeted j dead” are stirring, when the 11 great I white throne” is set, we shall receive! from the Omniscient Judge, the thrill-1 ing invitation, Coni ', ye blessed of my j Father, inherit tlie kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

Thus passes away a warm-hearted, genial friend, an affectionate husband and father, and an industrious and lib­eral c ’tizcrt. As we have abundant oc­casion to know-, his heart was ever rea­dy to respond to tlic call of the poor and needy, and to every benevolent call | the band of our good friend “ Frank j was nwer slow to bestow oi his means according as Cod had prospered lum.— Byes unused to weep have offered to his memory the tribute of a tear, and may it not be hoped that all that was lovea­ble and endearing in the character of our deceased neighbor, will bo imitat­ed and f llowod and prized by the liv­ing ? Let us be wise in laying to heart this fresh reminder that “ in such an hour as wo think not the Son of Mancorneth,”

which,IN' ivsi- of mir

aged friends who have for many hm; years blessed our streets with tliei grateful presence, and by their friendly nod* have beckoned tlie weary travel, lor to the coid refreshment of their tempting shade. • We allude, of course, to those old patriarchs, tlio oaks and cherry trees. We recogniz' nnd ac­knowledge the general fact, that a man has a right to do ur he pleases with his own, though to this proposi­tion tlure are exceptions. A man’s life is his own, to a certain extent, yet lie has no right to dc- troy it. A man’s |: house is his own, yet he is not at liber­ty to burn i’ . So if a man possess a tree, standing by the side of the street, injuring neither himself or neighbor, and which, by its shade and inducement offered to birds to con­gregate around onr liomea, 11ms he­roines a public good, we almost doubtwhether a man should destroy it. A d.. wU|<j |ear> Btl,.amt,j Aovu hjB milting Ills right, we quest ion very!., ,,

tyiiruÍ0 th

Durlng of mie liuti tnx le vieti State ucce «lidate thè debt, 1 muco in thè Tret menl'of «Il indoli of thn Stato acromit proper, ainouiithif to thè Mini of 170,154 OH.

The recelpt» oftlie Bacai year onditi. N v mbet 30, 10CI, (not tnrlud n : Ilio t x tu la* pah! durò g tlm preseli« monili «Ulve referred tu are es imaled nt aUmt two Inmdied nndiiiuvty tinaia» and dill.irs, w li idi suri! «vili pribahlv • xtveil thè l'Xjieii»**«, r i tlmt t lieti! w 11 li1 in thè Treasnry at thè end of thè li*-

; all indchtediiosS,,l»c CrilililitU'U ri- illy dimitimhed, or d tiary legislative inde. It will not

On the £ Leririlwtiirt

1st day of Mu ■ ut* this »tale i

reh Inst nnsricd ni

1 HOi'i nting the term* i f sai11 , id net nii gres*, ut tl assent nz timi,«« um h: Impili Inni 1 1 tut V of the

rust. 1 a (Id re««Interior on tin

M*d tlm f ' •uhjeet,


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-I (1,813 pineu quarter h e re gn te of

last, obtalmd agli Ilio Coite

(Bee, one1 and twelve privile

■s of scrip, each containing ;.‘etimi, lind milking un ag two hnudri'd and ten »huit*

(JIO.CO)) e epiL'lTli

•I New1 ein.- tin' u 1 CO a

lev under th« graul

¡P O 'the er

JPwill retain for its tram

The I lu­tila« the Si

hold for the until pruvisiu

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i< Ik Wlre bo no

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during*y f*»r tlm

rsrRBCH9T9 î

re» dorine »!iç fU *tl liter ’ll. \*i\tl, Jaanary 1,1SD3,

Hi HOThe

I roci* j SUti! tliu day of Oniigri un, ut leant «mu tub in!imi by tin* State important tlmt proviti

»I In* forfeitt'i titilen* wltbin

til* n INRUtj

IK0O ¿T i

! umili'

K<\,W 10

rUtUfj0I.1I»». i« and TJ

67.04I 4l

im'UK'iro Imvin^ bm n i xpressid, a j m»* tb-ninii tinned tu bini who w.ih then l»o- furo :i profcHriodly Chnotinn {leiiph*, ex­pecting to bold in h!ri band tlie lesti, nies of this minify Nation, nsî;- in^ ¡im opiu.on, nnu ins n*ply v.*as literally in “ Pass tlmt bill, tit; party so deep in lit iunsclf cannot rais Awful lilaripÎH'iny Lincoln bitl bid nei farewtII, to take hi

en hv.td Novcmb

and Iris th se words: — I you will huí!; y »er that .Tt'«ns Christ !

it from tlm iî* a I. ! When Abraham

i bora and friend ' station at Ilio beim '

»*h Inline? istiAt the do» the Mite V oDânkor» »•Cg», »ml ISM»

k ti ' Cornnnny. for wnr* ;\,» »ri»:>r atlou to Lui»«*

Ai*y!nm, Marci», IW >f »!)pn

To Tr.’im.

I’.ie f.i*eil jcur, the huh »follows, vl*:

Now York City, for

for til scrip, and th to be derive, deemed advi the present t the iiislilllti.

41.775141 demand vom i If the fund ^lant will be ol

j du stria! ci.issesI iy ttppf

î» in

f l M r*.I m■Misln««« nf

cr p,of the prucecil*. and tin) money tu the United five year* from of thu net by

Oullega b» es - It is, thiTifurt*

in bo promptly uml trnimfbr of tli»'

iiivestiiH'iit o f ihn inoni y thcrelnmi. Should il be able to proceed lurthcr at ssion, then the plan ol i to he estnblislied will curefill consideration.— In' wisely mamigerl, tin

treat benefit to the in- 1 will most choerlul-

Intivo action, having

H*vw bt*n

««ore di'sptoabl* J(31! tl->d mnl man, ihan the |»to nnd dvepinod i«M , the Government, cannot forbear the ri»»Mj

; of warmly and heartily tiding the earnestneu with U^i

His I’.xcellency speak* of the 4tn* 4

the citizen* of the State to ftvsr 1* or .vurd the work of volant -eriaf. R

original advocat«« of cmscripMUi forced to admit, that for the paryj**« Btrengthing our arm'«*, th*

,|„ ! ing Bvateni i* infinitely 1« h-.and to eonacriptlou, and that to j1' !<' on drafted men and exemptio* ( #, j j

to dri< e iw to certain dwtructk*. kl s not for the want of poorer to »

force the law, that the Gnnrnmentm prefer* to avoid u draft, ni it* u* pow-r ha* been amply UlnatraUd 1 New York, and elsewhere, but it il W eause of the fact, that, for the puipo* of raising fighting men, volnntevtiij is the true policy, He say»:-

ltn who leaves the endearment» id comlbrts of home, mures the privutM* of a so!.Her, and risks health, audits life, In maintain the unity of llienth deserves generous compensation. !l* of wealth, who remain nt levne, Ml•..............»r. ... a t_e.__j *

» n.ti

mill » ¡•rriation o f 1803 to Kor*

an o f 13GJ, to countici, for

fl.000 00 600 0(1 !

00,000 00 I

dita \ hand, as before «tnted, •ht,

rn mount of debt. Nmv.nVrT), l-t dtv r>r.Ttinu try, *«'!. f!»e d«*hi r.Jtn f X >v ■■'iibiT, ltKU, taedxKt.it jd, wa*

Wrt« £>t, nit

of r iiis parlili;' rc'iui I IMdiet

H on or to W hom H on or.5’i Bee by the report of the proceed- j f tne New nci'sey nisforical Bo­

at a recent meeting, that our ned friend and citizen, Hon. Ed- alter, came in for a share of the

A paper, prepared by Mr. , was read, relating to the early y and settlement of Ocean and ionth counties, and it is proposed j Society to give this interesting nportant document to our citizens :h a form as not only to be a mo­lt to the literary ability and re- i of the author, but to be of !ast- jrufit to the people of the State, cts from these interesting papers ilready been published in the Em- and copied throughout the State, ve shall be most happy to know hey have been given as wine a ition os their merit demands.

much his taste A man lias a perfect right to kiss his cow, but a serious question might arise nv to the taste o f the indi­vidual. It is true the old trees did not stand in exact line with the nursery babes o f two years, which had linen re­cently transplanted, but wlmt of that ? They grew where God planted, them while we and onr sires were squalling and whining in tlie arms of our nurse. Our aged parents do not stand erect, and exhibit the grace of a modern up­start but. would you therefore hew them down ami east them away? Not a bit of it- 'Ve rejoice to see the old, the middle aged ami the young, even three or four generations in the same household, anil when the protecting arm of tlie aged one is laid in the dust, the sprout» will have come up to take their place. So should the “ hruve old oak” and the tender nursling grow up together, and thus give to those seeking repose, a perpetual resting place. Plant young trees, plant fruit trees, plant them in the street, in the garden, and in the field, but when you feel inclined to slay a noble old friend that has withstood the tempests of centuries, slop and lis­ten, and from every leaf and twig, from sky and from earth, you will hear this protest :

Woodman, spare that tree l Touch not a single hough :

It sheltered me in infancy,And I'll protect it no\r.

1 “ Pr.iy l’«»t* mil* !” Nul «lu words. Look

*l>;.575 33reduction of Ilio ind.dit-

o.' >j of til«1 Htitfc, in rît*'»vu ninnili:5,i (In? fttjm of §4 (lti>75.S3 .


«MA-vinn . » , « Hi (I «l1p|)CirtÍl!íf tllC fiimiliCH Of fo*I *“ r ,tH °M'*ct tic* -i W m ••ni'-it «>. A ,.:- vo|unti*pr; they who tire cxpiuiiffM cui turo uji'l t.iC Mcclnunc Arti. | militniy h»*i-v¡4T been une <»f «MN'iaH

We beg that every cit;z *n of onr want of plivnical endurunco by hnm ¡Stato who l¡in nny influence upon any ofnjp, poiHeraUy bave n far greater^

............ ..... 1'inblyiii r.i or Senator, will ,.X- cun ary iiitere*t in th e ex intime* <>flivijioo ooI * , » i» i • » t i . arovoriiiuMtt tliaii tboso who arc M10iw„ ! ‘,rt u * ’ the exl. nt of bis al.ihty, i xrrnpti.(| ,ty jt Pl, 1|)orty WW|M- -— 11 > *ir¿e oifrh leginlat-oti d,,H li'tb* vr’mh if the Government lie i*, , «ao!i7 sessio t as will ensure an early | sfroynl, and therefore pvoperty»*fcnni

isummntiim of the enterpris . L t j b t .x d t i'.iy for it* p--:ect«m. 1| ,,. ,1 ,1„ ' s"Mi-r should 1. " liberally rew itf

n U only llir Migli b c d bnunt e«, b*k ,

on this picture, and then on that, anil say, Christian patriot,— tell ns, men and patriots of mor.il worth, which of j lK>l,,IMl the two would you sooner have trust­ed to bear us through the reefs am shoals of a gigantic Mr. Lincoln is tlio same plain,


The I'Mti Nitional interests o f the State, ¡¡winding our finirinhing and

Normal School, the Den f and «Dumb and Lunatic Asylums, State

. j Library, State Prison, military matters Koln-iBo'i y 1 <5zc., &r., are all fully discussed, and

‘ such improvements suggested as seem to be railed for by tlio wants, necessi­ties and demands of tlie citizens of the State. Our readers in Ocean county will not have forgotten, that much in­terest was manifested, last winter, by

ÜU.S13 011 cOcean o.nnty, nnd iwr mem their wlioloduty in the matter.

Having spoken wisely and wel1 of State matters His Excellency proceeds to the discussion of our

simple-hearted honest man day that lie was theta, and as lie lias from his boyhood fought iiis way through all obstacles, in labor andtoil, to hi* present exalted station, his, . . . . , , ,. ... ,, , ! many intelligent gentlemen, hi the sub-sympathies arc with [lie poor, tlie lone- . “ bly, the mechanic and laboring man, and IB c ’ 'will over be. Here is tlie “ straw,”that tells the setting of the tide:*

M urder.One of the most astonishing perform­

ances upon record, occurred in our of­fice last week. Presuming that our “ Devil” is the author of all mischief, and that the Emblem "Devil” is full as smart as anybody’s “ Devil,” we give the whole credit of the transaction to him. To bo brief, and to the point.— Iiis juvenile Satanic Majesty killed one of the most esteemed citizens of Ocean county, and at the same time resmreel­ed a dead man, and immediately ap­pointed him to the office of administra­tor oNbe murdered man, We presume thu whole thing was a tries, to secuie a little advertising.

At the reception Saturday afternoon nt tlm President's house, many persons present noticed three little girls, poor­ly dressed, the children of some me­chanic or laboring man, who had fol­lowed the visitors in tlie House to gratify their curiosity. They passed round from room to room, and were


The matter was urged upon the Le­gislature by delegations from all parts of the State, and it is a signiika ;t fact, that no portion of the State manifested a more lively interest in this great anil good enterprise, than did Ocean and those comities and sections where A g- riulturc*, as a science, lias received the

hastening through the reception-room ; least attention. It is an assurance that with some trepidation, when the Prcsi- j ¡n the uncultivated regions, where kind, dent called to them, Little gills ! aie.j vvarm atl(] productive soiis have been yon going to pass ino without 'baking |R„„I(,ctcJ fnl. (,vory other iadustrh ' hands?” Then he bent his tall, awkward uform down and shook each little girl warmly by the hand. Everybody in the apartment was spell-bound by the incident, so simple in itself, yet reveal­ing so much of Mr. Lincoln’s character. His heart overflows with kindness, lie possesses deep anti-slavery conviction ami he never takes a backward step, even if lie does sometimes hesitate long before taking one in advance.

This is the same “ heartless” man, of whom, on the morning of the 4th of July last, an infamous Copperhead in our s tre e ts , said : “ The blood of five


everypursuit, the people are awakening to the fact, that the cheat source, of WEALTH OF THE STATE IS AGRICTLTCKE.----Thoie is not in New Jersey an individ­ual, whether rich or poor, bat should feel a real interest in tlio establish­ment of this agricultural arid mechan­ical college If established upon the right basis, and properly conducted, it will afford to the children of the poor man, the farmer, and the mechanic, not only the substantial advantages of a collegiate education, but will, in addi­tion, give a thorough training in the

the general government in bountidri monthly compensation. There iiilunv dant opportunity for the ext'«* economy in other respect», but Ik» should not prevent paying the "alitis well.To every worl of which every pxtris

ic heart will respond “ Amen !"


Zbft“ Answer to enigma of foarl letters in last week's Emblem, “ Aw*|ham Lincoln.” Jet !

Ita -We received as «ve wore »Wl going to press a communication ft*j " S pencer,” wliieh wc will publish i»our next issue.

Ufft. On onr outside will be femiri arc mut of the terrible catastrophe a I Chili, by which two thousand ll«f,| were lost.

the p e r ju r e d so ul of Tn AT iiEARr; es 3. theory a nd practice o f fa nn i ng or some old AbB L incoln, and he himself t*5*- j mechanical pursuit. And, by the lib-* EAVES TO EIE A THOUSAND DEATHS.” We '1 erality of the General Gov minant,rejoice to know that this Copperhead | a;j bo done without anystill hates docs, too.

Abraham Lincoln.lead iI

- * tim cost to the state. Upon this subject the message says :

„ . . . . . An act of congress, approved JulyNews from Mexico shows that Me, i m j .« All l 'ct donutin^patriotic party have suffered a serious ; " ;a,|;0 |'.m |„ t,, t!l0 several States and defeat, from tlie renegade Mexicans ( Territories which may provide colleges actin'»'under the French. Juarez hay (or tlio benefit of Agriculture a»d theacting under been compelled to flee. I Mechanic Aits,” granted to th* several

The Grand Jury of Mercer MW have brought in twenty*five bill«»! indictment, and among them i> °*l

Adam Seegar for the murder«!

NATtONAt, AFFAIRS.And just hero, where tiro boundaries

of the State terminate, and thu great, and vital principles that underlie tlio foundation of our National glory and strength invite discussion, tens nf thousands of Into patriots must part company with their State Executive, and while they act upon tlio broad Jef­fersonian-democratic principle that “all men arc created equal,” and advocate justice and liberty to all humanity.Gov. Parker chooses to take that nar­row, partisan ground, which for the sake of party capital, and party interest, would rivet new fetters for the oppres­sed, giving a new lease of li o t >asj’s!< m nf oppression more Satanic and G.id-de­fying in its detail and aggregation than can bo found in any country of against

his wife in December last.—

A merica ! Much as good men, pa­triots and Christians, may regret the fact, yet there is no blotting out the l'O- eoid The M ssage protest» against the emancipation policy, against the emancipation proclamation, and even now suggests taking the back track, and turning the key again upon tlie fu­ture freedom of four millions of human beings, as much entitled by right to their “ life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” as Gov. Parker himself.—Thus saiih the message: —

“ Who docs not believe that if the emancipation policy were abandoned, and a proclamation issued that (he 1 solo great objects of the war were the restoration of the unity of the nation, the preservation of the Constitution and the supremacy of the laws of the coun­try,’ half a million of volunteers would fly to arms, and conscription be a thing of the past.”

Better had the Governor asked who _ does believo this absurdity. The Na- among the number. Mofer tional Executive made a fair trial of f om C". D than other c o n „ g i r t two years of pro-slavery war, led by the Drake thinks the Regime«11 ^ p «¡11 •¡rout do-nothing, pro-slavery General in New York to-moriow. ¡#¡11 McClellan, and wlmt was tire result ?— 1 come to Tom’s River in a 14»Nothing but a series of disasters, and hardly get hero before all because an'attempt' was made to us give them a cordis W

Tlie grand jury of Essex Iraa'9 P(i ! sonted tlio “ Newark Bay iBiidge, i'#M in course of erection by the Cent1» JRailroad Company, over the F»8' | river, as a nuisance.

Coughs and Colds.—Those suffering from Coughs, Colds, IL*

Throat, &c., shouM |ness, Sore xuruav, “ **•> — - , j,“ Brown's Bronchial Troches," 18in1»'emedy which has relieved t'10Uä:1(j and which is in almost every o»»« fcctual.

P o s t s c r i p t ?

i had t*'1After half of our edition worked off last evening, we vecew ^ letter from Lieut. Drake, of l e ^ Regiment, dated Monday *‘lf*'* jbiJ that nearly all the men

.-enlisted. All but six <

Page 3: Ür öEmbUiw ml

- .

¡ in riWirtfft i - . « •Hn.ilh« ».mp i - r


M lu l.« i « r r

I« $160,004 1 » «Ut fam UM. T - ' . J « JI« cn titlw l tnt.» KXICUTÖH# 1• u n o

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,. .P B » TAT8twist,

rl»M fteturiri «M «U .at lu !*• «Urteil, f i tM iipii w *•' •n*«j » i ». * ¡ m a ,w h e n ( h e «D it In u lt i« -« t n f P i i lc r e « - ! " S r i « " f ' y H b * M w » »* r itora SS *

will ! eareei! ih»i o f «Il ilio L’ nllt ë tiii iiA' Ar, t h i third hat o r mabcti,

ni lk..r,. l i u l l

T a <

Stilen,R * « r « r o « a ('ntat Hiitannini—A n

, ■ 11 t M Tu esA ote iM himu ttot i»«•.» u .,4 . >t wh h « i» n i * H M i . »• •I All ItaM O ra tu l»« tmnalHB ' * ■ “ I’ *“ • - ” 1“ T ’ ’ ", _ _ mm» . «h«*Mih *«»Sre4 ¿ i (•#....... ........... MW-*

•MMf sré**. « m« « r k « A « M h » » ‘rth M T u <nUi n M t i i m i M u i*e i c h a n e e fu tiiiu lii-* t i— f o l lu w ii i j í re - K ? ^ Í ^ t ? £ j 3 j ! ! ! " ‘ ""I tow tw ilp , » » *su m y

c ip o fur • t i t e a p • M g h r h je . A n y per- ¡ ^ » « J *•"» * , “ u' T .T J í^ H .'.a 'ru « V a .u « *W * 'wn dritman « f lr>¡uK Iho »»pwliacat , •»>•* « p M ffj» u ^ T ’’ u * ,u' taua!f ux 1

' |a4 Mw t a l » » » « > » l » » af *1ntw r »a* Cnnfcm y >>, 't ■•■»•«

•he ha* he.rtl tor tlio *w«rttl., Ai the i W t j retire* y»n plainly read «ktapnlr A mert'l..nl

op and ret eietia a l«l- j Ih* eneelope Hi brnkon, but And. el pec ted tcnHtanc* ; '■« retire« aiaappuiutcd nsn. Tlie ym»t|r

in the full fluah of youthful receive* an »«peeled Idler | c, „ j „ w «i ft eery triflinir coat t

her hirer; Vsetfty the « » ' Uj Sit jn the halt In ymr night clotto-s.; too can aco her face vrrnitbed ; wlth both doora open §o that you can tww>t>c> tS*« ire «t«« i»w r»«imit*«e» m1 J , r , - , Cum I pot» wear 111" - - vn it«« 1.? n( »M*. ..

11 toif (tied witlt amiU* a* the con, j K,., „ gu.wl drafl~ynur feet In a pall «if a nre penntrd. Truly th« cheap j Ice water—drop the front dour key c«t«i liw. at, i*m

¡{4jjc system It«« ■ twit-fold effect' d«iwn yonr l«a«-k, hold an icicle In m>*^utokly diaartninate it.l 'rmatiun hand and ring the tea In ll with the

at altnll bring happlbe* ta autrte and ! other. 11» «.tyr^Jnw ettn't tell the nilcry to other*,

Jn the Maryland Uonac «if Delrgatca Dn V'rtday, a eettea of rctnilnli n* were pamt'd, indoming the cmira«. of onr

T « «M il...... .. h»T

c r ftw «sttoul fa r»eut*.*a fiuto !«ut to»»sèmi Ai

(WMM ill

T* «.*» tûcuiiu-a U,.«, «H,«,:t o « w M fut tKMuj m u li i l '1 ! «

I «I

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W t I p non. A*. M ,

! Jîy if J tu t i^ i f ( ¿ » i ik i i f f l i * #«itrttnnsr Air»

, K« Il* UT l«Ui il î^itÍ Amui |»|Î4MfaAl A %I (aAti *f IA,Ü4 Mf ^! A » ' ’* r

UI e.l #-*. w

ir lì


■ t. ¡ti :.

WH..»M oi

!.t V M D>DA

DJyAîfK,Ê»*n ‘ r*.

HVI " T#difference with your even «luit, and It la n p r e n t d e n i e h e i ip c r , ’1

t x i t iX D !In tût* ví|Um , * n m ü • [afNfff,

t Rr.#fiw Flit

frw m f m * « «m m» 1»f »ppltliag Xn II (pm w qy. «wl p »r l» ) **» iw

Ta u * River, JuiOAr; » , 1S04

O r ih iuc*'lvtfil ffBW I « * i is i*<wti*bi|», tur cornu? UltaV*fi *i** »• * * •i* nati f«Hy«*lvis| Irum Hut* forti idwnihili» fer ftt iîif?

1 03t U

F i n « e n ’ P uk h e e «•! and •bitti’ i tsi torts éf 41 r**

t . liR^ri' Itainrt iritOTMlt •tMnp on kws of 4ÎW ■

Funsel** Untiti |Mid |#«rt of!aj»i ,. . . . . . . . . ..t«. •••

r »nurr* ÜAiik in fuit on

t * * „ -v r .tr


iffewg * *<*>« A,' «**» » kMt TO&nt tPQÎ 11 i*1Wt*WÌ|» '*

t i t e h î l W - * i.‘r

p r i e t o r o f th e S u n n e « H e g iit t c r a in e « th e

r,Td. Pnwideitt, and re-nontinnliag hint ¡y«»r 1813, lins rcaigned the editorial|„r anotVr torm. tl"‘ ir U,u,r h"vinS <w«,M»ied u r‘,r ovcr

Afty yearn.No war item* of intcrautto rec«tH.—

fe hare a rumor that Lee ia mnreliing on Kno«rille, Tenti., bnt dint lit the rc-

Eiort Score* of rctcran rep imeni* nro «turning from tin« b.tile-tWId 1« reemit | » “ »¡“ "y OommlMlon heir dc.-itnatcd ranks, and by spring hey will liavu returned to the Held, in

______________________t o r t h is r n m , r t o w K n a x d k i t c u r s

M r. J o h n U d i t a l i , » H u h a » b i-cn p r o - j Tf¡ q ARDBNBKS MOSTI!!. Y.w o. p, uri n c r i ,1 ir , Publisher,

Ofü re : 23 North Si*th St., t'hiluda. rrawij— $1 50 a rran.

r . r U l f i i b y T l i o u i t t a M e e h a n .

Mu ein ill, tur Ihvttiw To c\*h rewire 1 fren» 1

¿0 6Ô■ — 94153 :

OA a* *C5îT f*rof Penner«' Il nil . , . . , 1003,00 ! w-" Quick« Vl|. fqTo <-t«h receive 1 from!•vin ; »c|MM| mn f <uf Wm. Go»...... W D ) i vft., Qni«ka til, f»

lb culli rereclvml iron! I;)juofTbh!» Rodili» , Ho),0» 4001,0« \\tA ÜHhkrtitl. h

R otti i

Hs fail vvlrit tuf U » l»*í ISM I f*rffrt:lini *14 4 t»ff I f f * * »liffcai * I**h4tft*«* M ? lili» H f! WNW?. I*N. irtu mn mm *f* f t I<4 \w*k caS*.H O C I WI L L UH f',R5 A*Te uu W rudMHlrwn. w fc V . ^ ‘Urtè*

«MM*, « » i ft u w o ij »tfl ; t * a a t - _____. fc ,-! tags»

TMmI tm*t>If f •?f#CT»lt M«’»t A Trtd tr *f

Tv *u*bip Bd u II t>f

Torti feoantv.I A! I He r¡

, Th« moni liljr contenu ri-*—A cifCtìinr hü* bo^n ìmB«q lif trio ^Mirro—Ftuwer u«nl«fi iné fWsiwflronotl; rn!iOarden | Vejf«t*bUi tlarden ; Window (lardenIng',« — “ * Ih« he*t texptr otftRRi.«hbitnry committaion of New Jernev, cp«»oincATioi..-Ri»brMiiy|u» «In». <rf t«I,owing that the United State«1 SÄT O0 Uu',‘c“" ,,Pt- Af' Pr amannt paid far «m jal

ia in . i KoÇKmut^Olfflof Um» Rdtior a rtewf on lh* Impor j ««»dl) mXpvQ*»1 m 113f . Uul Hu. ikulluial lin|»n#vemetil*. j I»? Milioiuil |iAit| I lu

Êft! Mrtempaand l rtuffi««—New Fruita—New PUnla—Do-

1 fila ti* W a n t o r Irtllila fo r tw o o f Hilf-' m^Or and foreltm Intelllrtou^—roreljfn r«.m.r>ond

' faring soldiers. Tho coat of amttaiii- enee—l1ortlenlinr.il Not ItrtniaUlM .a lm a will be n-u ne 1, and tha j

With «-«' h lUunriittrtit haudaomrlf !llti«traled. “ iTSmUi, -| » . .. .. . 5. | * Tli**u jiancral Riatiire* wilt l»c rvumed, and thnpaHUnin*d with viiror niitl frcaliiii-Mi« and i "I* COITlfTllHSlotl 1TI 1t8 Cnarifünit* Daher i»I**d£v«i hlmavlf Hut no U bur or r ip •»-* »hntUKJCjonu AHIIII vigor aim irtllint MR, Ulltl . , , , r . *>aredlOr I d rlh.- -nee-eed n; l-«.t«i*of Uw Mu-u'’m

(then onr ■rniie. will march on to O N - , UI,or* m *“ "1 *° ** " , ,t ^ r" '-v ' * M r |qne»t* not yet won. rtlltli nu active I *H"0**nd dullnr« per nimitli. The[spring and «atr.tr.cr campaign, together • •n»nJ,|"il " r ,l,*‘ i- ..... ih '¡^I with the

ery way worthy o f the favor with which hi« prevtoua

lortrmhlpB) aiiiuUUi ÿiài<4 &0VtF 1

■bip................ .By rtioouut paid JrtA'kiM

2.1Q2J o ’

»Ith vhave Ihwo amply rewarded.


“ ,U‘ , ‘ , * b........' by tl.!» or riniiatliin >» incnlculnble I a r„u a ... r.racr.- Ka m iw r « 0.,«,.nu » I «X SuuforU to*.,present glo«ny prospect* of lv " rg'i"*"n<'u '» itutmumi ic, „ ,..... . Iun, -Itlp .............. . . . .th.. tt-ur mint bn brunirli« to *,,d '* ** the duty of CWJf Idyal citiicii j 10 * l In, PoiinsvL iinm Ii<04 [)T »rtount error In roue;, the war n.u.t be brought to , - .........> FARMER AND GARDENER. « r i » ....................Ith» reWli*,

, termination before long. j to mutuili it to the UtinoH' extent ofj his means. The circular nitggeltn “ T0T“ T’ "ORnCCLTCR*.

A young man named Matthew Sn*. tint, fair« be held, ami contribuìluti waa killed in a tavortt at Puterson

few evenings wince, by a drunkenmade throughout the State, and that | icltool director# invite the pit|j'!s of nil .

hiwdv named Powers, wlu mistook | ic |,0,»|, to prepare articles to be «old Sutton for a man witlt whom he had j it, llid of t|, m ,t emant. It nl«o partli?

:ently quarrelled. Power* struck j „|ur)y „ j ; , . ; , , ,|u. Hi(| ,,f t|lu «vomeii ol utioii front behind, and did not diseovj j|ic ¡¿rut . ¡,, support of the eommi#-

tr his mistake until he bud injured his , 8;onVictim *o severely a# to cause bis dentb. j New Jnuey lias been inV t d to as- fltc murderer ia in custody, |«Ut in tlio M drnpolitan Fair to be

f!en. Oillntore is trying tlie strength J held in New Yil' k O.ty, March 28tli, If one of his 300 pounder Parrotts.--, and Mr. Walt f Rutherford has b oll hie gun is sighted for Charleston, and appointed dtiirmun ol the cumin.(tec ■ as been lire.I, at inti rruls of 10 min- of arrangement«.¡tea, about 300 times, dropping a shell I Headings for subacr'ptiott list may neb time, into the cradle of Seeewsbii'. i>c bad on applieation to the United

AND RtlllAI. AFfAlRS,Edited and Published by

WILLIAM S. YOUNG & Co.,IÖ3 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia-

Term« : One Dollar n Year.The Olii Voi. commences with January

number.Il l Tift:ml Ajfii abtiifncd tlio acrtlc»,« « t om!nt?nl find pfa^l

ilturlst-», Hopfíciiltnri-t't. *t«ck-bn*t*d r# and

tDottjht Giid r l ablu Infor.mtioa !SEND Ki'll A Ht V HIEV.

, prad

Thu« far the gun gives no sign of tiling ; but it Will lie worked until it

Inirsts or otherwise gires eut.

The State Gazette says :— Among (the; noticeable lliings which occurred | ed l\v them

t n the oi ganikution of the pressnt Leg- »bituru of this State, w-a# the defi-at nf John Lurcnrc, of G Inures ter, for Keeper of the Gallery of the House,«ltd the election of Wirt. Kelly of Essex. I The first mimed Vas mlmiuated hy Mj'.Abbott, (Union,) who, in making the nomination, said that •• Mr. Lnrenee bad been a soldier, and that by u 'wxamd received at flic bat fie (If iRoa'n. okc bo had lost both )«;ga. Jie bad since procured artificial legs and could now move about, and was quite able to nitend to the duties of the office.”--. Notwithstanding this appeal to the pa»Iriotiam of tint members, iho caucus 'nominee, Mr. Kelly, was elected—30 to 20. E v e r y 'U n io n man Voted fo r M r .

Lorenl'Oj and every Peace man, save tme, voted for Mr. Kelly.

tltates Sanitary Cnmmissimi, Newark, New Jersey. AM persons win may tuke this mutter in charge ale request­ed tn make weekly reporta to the San­itary Committee of contributions receiv-

Tlio Committeo is coin - posed as follows!

President, 0 . Walsh ; Vice Pn's - detit, S. tí. Gottld j Tree.siircr, Mar.-u.- L. IVuI'd ¡Secretary, Genrgo Teybir ; Corresponding Secretary, (i. 0. Gl.iv.s,

c m 'jr a s j p j o i P s e . i T i G n Y .Tho Multi AuI d’ C? H iom o f t'.io new untt bcaittiftt

METHODIST El’WtOPALC’i n HCH lit HAUNEOAT will h • rU voatly d/dl.-atud to the tturvice and worship o f A!miglity Ood, on

BUN DAY. JANUARY 81rt. 1P04.We expect eevcnl o f the nble*t minietem o f th<*

New Jersey Conference to participate in tlio linpja- liU cere monte*.

' r ; c l:i£ nt I 'M A .M ., an ! iJ ond t P.MvT!u <i.iurtcrijr Mooting Sorv.t; >u will alao lu held

nt the # i tie ti-tv? and plaee, cotuiuctotl by Rev.J.tS f r- n Lfivl*. Pr -s'diR:? Elder o f tin* Rnrlin"ton Dls- tri- t. 8. II. J0H X8T0N , Preacher tu Charge.

Jantl 8t

0 A 17

Simultaneously with tlio call for another levy of three hundred thousand men, the paper manufacturers have raised the price on printing paper from about twelve cents per pound to about sixteen and seventeen cents per pound.

Tlie connection between the two ev­ents, may not strike the Unthinking mind at the first blush and yet the

tone is the immediate result of the oth- |ev. How 1 Nothing plainer. The three I hundred thousand new troops must

have three hundred thousand full suits I uniform. This necessitates an im­

mense consumption of material ; and the material most in vogue with our anny contractors, is shoddy. Shoddy is made of old rags, felted into the up-

| pcarance of cloth; and it is the demand thus created for old rags that sends up their price in the market and conse­quently increases the price of paper.

Thu contractors have only to go tlie banks, borrow money on the strength "f their contracts, and sweep all the old rags into their shoddy manufuctor- ms, The paper-makers find great dif­ficulty in procuring an adequate sup­ply of rags, and have to pay a largely advanced price for them, lleneo the increased price of printing paper. This

A rebel quartermaster line been dis­covered to bo a defaulter in the sum of five million dolíais. Rebel eulUVmey, of course, which, at the present ra'.c of J gold in Dixie, is about equal to two bundled tmd filly thousand dollars.




The National Union League has in existence about 4,500 councils of ilia! order in the loyal States, with a mem­bership of over 750,000 in number.'— Wisconsin has over 200 councils nnd 25,000 members,

M A R R I E D .On the 18th of September, 18#8-, by DriVid I. C. Rog-

«rt*, E-tq., Mr. Samuel R. Ourliu to Misti Mercy Aim Messier.

By the panic, on the 2d inst., Ain James Branson to Mias Caroline wsbh.

D I E D .In this village, On the inst.; Francis J. Weigel,

nged 31 years

’ S R W S H . 3535 ACT CO 3I’ ll ri Mlhscr.lter IVHjK't'ntiMy ilUtU'liiH tlie iitlWHl*

ili a l lie iti }iri*jmti.MÌ in reco ve fi!|è»l.nnitn tiivm ii:»i wit 11 :i • • .4 ! I, mihI iim pit it.- will i-L paifil to »link heir *tiiy plt jiriaiit unti H_rict iii»le.

('ommotlemiH «nil liniiK will alwrtyi* be ready, withcxjieriouccil cuwtiiiM.s, ! » lìnnvey ¡»artici* w lit» may tl«»p:ra it. r*» tie'Isbiml Home. t»u tin* bunelt, ul­to any ntlici* bom ding luiuso on olir Phm e,

X. It. Uernony win» tla**ire M ill niwaystbcaceoin mofluU'il with borse» mid uurriige* nr. retiHonnbie •luirge».

c;i:t)it(i:: hhavatt,Proprietor,

Ton,’ .* Rivet-. A)nii 23. ly .

O A l LV ST A TE O ÌZ E T T b IPublished eVery day, (Sundays excepted) nt $5.00 per

annum, always In advance.WEEKLY STATE GAZETTE and REPUBLICAN»

Published oa Friday o f each week, nt $1.50 per ainmni, nlways in advance-, at Trenton, N. Ji

.Jacob It, Freese, Editor and Proprietor.Enoch It. Borden, Assistant Editor.

<OH*ll»»itip ....................... 623.33Hv amuiiiU patii Urich luwu*

«hip...... . ...... €12.19Dv «inclini puM l aioli tuvfii»

«hip ............ HM.lt’Hv muountu viti SintiorU town-'«hip ............................... 403.9*

Uv arteiint error la Touchcr 30 , ............ 2-S'l

U.Ì99.C1Uy nraonnl Collector'» 1»»* 1

p.»r ecu*, on aho/o VHJ.9JTìy mn<> lui p ibl fur «li*-

tribaiiug «trttrt Uwv, 13.01Oli 09

Uv b itanre hi band» of Col-lee tor, May U, 18 ,3......... 2,481,93

18(12. Siate Military P.ou.iiy Fund. (HiJuhp 3). To oi*h rt*c«*ivel from U.

M. Smith. Stila Tiv.c4un,i*.3«*pf. 3U. Tu cauli recai veti fii>ui li. M.

»o;Hl{h. State IVnmrnr, ...Dee. 30. Tu Ami» received Irjiu L- .d.

Niudh, Su.tu Truatnrvr....Mare b .d. To cn li rocelred from K.

M iv 13. Amount to credit cf rottntvcoline or or over pay.....

St ite Milhiry Foimly Fim i, (Fxp'.-n Ilìv nninunt paid tu Plumatcd

low n.«hip...................... 2.1177.00I’ v ftinamL pud to Dover

Imvmblp....................... 2,301.30l'v miumut patii J .ckvj.i

tcwmhip....................... 1,533.01l y nmoiuiL pai»! tu lindi

.oivinbip-.. ................. i K.ri.iàV.y nnvrmi p.iM tu Uuiu.i

toWiiwhip....................... 774.*))I’*y nmount pulci io Stuffor 1

town hip....................... 1 in. ml i bur: »‘ 1 bv Co. ColìcdV. 9 "Jb là

I v un Mint UuL.'gUv \ fee . 1piir culla un «bove........... io..:;

I.. IÎUf . fin

n !..

M Co

rUort ofi tjna ©f r iun of

cleeslon’till Mil lr Brhlif.

b«»n th* Rdrttaí'nt w <?wnrRt»y. IMI n»4**4. rock \ <>;n»«ls* r olö f««iTrtftthuff with Uv* Towoahlp In unty,

Ä Ä ____

112.0114Î00ÏÎ1 ÎÎ

tanao• 205,05• Ad 04 ,1194.11


j TeUbj Th* t--a’*»ir* at the1 tn *l*ai ______j velaran» lb* tnaulinmt# «UÎ b* tu — .; r*fc*t»Ur p*J ; 0» neck m m ü wb« I« net i t

5NI IR ! ** *rt*r#*«t**0 pty rtif, 049,; loht* rvffrtUr {MS’Iff b«». volnntrrf* a boa Id h«r » >ra) tyE|.00 of •■rnrlc* twfifv «h» esptrai*un nSttorir mao». tb*y will m-eta* the altri'* nnw renalot b a t e * 10. T heN r,1%,!«»***f r** *0 . ____

* I in the K l i k t will be ia iubti i<* ivspIi ** Iim *1 i bnnnty m neltiiia atipaid at »be tifar «.f lb« «iddi* »i d « ih , L P v .f ’i :u v> \i évO If ti«» rt* I r 1 *

nt’bert C . r »p a ln o l

lor pUah. A«.,K-l loibrl<l«Tillun, tur repair» to


t io

'.163 97

rDt and «erb-o tV.Covrirlil .m l re;

■ rain dover TowxsatP.rlliw ilt nn'e-

ri-t forb/i li •, 4 72.32

tr. S . F i v e - T i m n t i o aFar SaU hr THOMAS W . I V I » « . » ( . I l l

W M . H . v l F ^ K i N a ,DOORS, SASHES, ÜLWD?,

\V O O D M 0 (1 L, D I : (■ S , h r.9 5 0 C j u o i St., A.vp f • v rx- . ^

N e w Y i : . • . ,0.8 lr

8M9J 814.9)

3 TuC.IO

3.435 1 8M9.4J

« 4 56

9 811.36

A u :«

n o w «It. in ito- c ò l for b .-h lgj.

ck '« b ill , lam -

•k, bill, co-


tn,-;i'. J*

D nl. M.nneo «..

H ttho t l*t


A Tîrvf*rcntl gfnthiul& Li* r g bren rffp îtfrtftè n»lieu.iii m « lev» «feri«, «fu » h m, ¡< . <4ai* .’ .I Bit utatto'rm ilue und irrgidurevpftì !*■ i ; 11 * m ifeiiiinrri»w .ihtui nttcciOM». ouii«l i, t î i nei 4 duty laOOUlHlitMl Mt»> tu Ili# vtñ -:i * W f* ‘ «»IrtNk th«

a rr uf ipt o f IIU »d»t1fi»*!M*iI eavriopf*. li« * i i *»?"* < 1 • ) J « •»!«> uf »it«pr«f>cripi!on u*rt<). 1 lievi W* I) i Jvïr.i M. i'u¿tiuil*ili Fi Huit Hi., Brook Um . S, \ («h i i itiUll v

fllUn? thM Ü.

bri lla*.. John Wal

! tro»*I A. i*.

filling abat-

iw hire. ¿ o .i l l , . . , ..........n t, wurk on

h ill, liit-wU

tim e n , service* u iilt lo r ...............................

l ibar, m inori li,

i bt

1Ö3.07 ¡

ßso i T l i e A s h l c v H o u s e3(5.32 Î2.50 13.61

A W Sr mlosi.»t?.. for b r id g e .........................

A . I*. S tm ton , ivp.iir.» to brl lgo«. & c................................

Tfc^mn«' SBngle'on. school fund,* irn ld i r c v tM iu . .....................



47.72283. M I



in a!l .«curco«

A'JAr.XT I AÎ0 JACKSON T iTTNSniP.K r - d i i s e M»;- * «sborsi f u n i . . . , 140.50

V u , : - . :h il f o n d . . . . 140.60 A. VatihU f, i r . itrplii.'t reveune lu i .35

\ Y i , ? - V. m u f i i r p 'a n k . . . .

u.l *t t 0



. 162.03Ti.t H expendí Mir»*.«;. . ....

•* C ollector* ' fee* A ulirli balance o a han-A .

24,118 !487.37

1 òljt fi;)i ;’2.or>

Am btini pulii fo r generiti Cututiy r.\pt-n i STATE.

State tnX piiid U. M. Smith.T fca s ú re r ................................ 4,336.04

Sitili«» Lunatiò A sylum , pulii J a ep erS . S ctidder................ 347.98

, b ill far b ridge ,

! Jüíi.i E. A l.eu , b ili lo r b ridge ,i , 0 . .....................................................

Too i H. A lleu , »ervioes usj Fr»*eh tl Ur............ .....................i J.-.liu li. A iien . C om '». Her vicoli,I A :1., n.T freeh o ld er .....................I Joint I!. A llen (.'oinV services,

•’ ice lio lJ e r .....................


Thls Journal, lmving been designated uh thè offlclnl organ o f thè General Government l'or thia State, will puDlishal) Lawp, Public Resolutlons, &c., pa»sed by

n o f the General Government for this State, will lieh all Laws, Public Resolutions, &c., passed by

lie U. S. Congress, together with tlie proceedings of Congress from day tod a y ; nnd all news matters of general interest. It Will also cont ain the proceedings o f the New .Jersey Legislature during its session, to­gether with all Laws, Resolutions. *e., passed by it.— Speeiol attention is given IU the collecting of'everyiig of every

Now Jersey, thereby

NOTICE OF SET TLEMENT.Executors’ Notice;

Notice Is hefeby given that the necottnt of the sub­scribers, Taylor CL lroiiB and William G. Irons, Ex­ecutors of Mary Ann Ifons, deceased, will ho au­dited and stated by the Surrogate, nnd reported for settlement, to the Orphans’ Court o f the county of Ocean, on Thursday, the lOth-of Mnrtih next. 1664.'


damnify 28, 1S64. 2m

C o - p a r i a crsli'ip N o tice .Notice is hereby given that thrt sttbscflbef has this

day soh4 the stock and good-will of his stofe at Cedar Cfoek, to Thomas Potter and Job Potter. _

WM. D. LAN ft.November 28th, 18C3.The Subscribers have this day formed' a partnership

fttr the transaction o f general Dry Goods and Grocery — - .......,------- ------------------ - »■..« « » .w »•»,„Business, under tlie mhne of “ T. Potter * Co.” : said l deceased, under oath or afllfmation, within nine business to bo carried on nt the old stand of William months from the 14th o f January, 18(54, or they will

partimaintaining for it the character which it lias to long had, that o f a ,k State paper.”

S E S S I O N P A ft E R :THc Daily State Gazette, containing full and authen­

tic reports of tlie proceedings and debates o f tlie ses­sion of the Legislative will be mailed during the ses­sion to subscribers, for the siim'of two dollars. The cash must accompany each order or no notice will be taken o f it. The well-earned reputation o f the State Gazette, for correct and accurate reports, we are satis­fied will, as heretofore, insure us a large list. Names should bo sent ill early, fu order to secure a som- mencement with the session, as we will not guarantee to send back numbers after the session commences.

C A S H P A I D F O I i B E E F H I D E S .novfi 4 w JO H N R. OOW D IirO.v

o n r u l e t o L im it c r e d i t o r s .Administrator’ s Notice.

Charles 5. Collier, Administrator o f the Estato of Charles A. Wilson, doo’ df by order o f the Surrogate of the County of Ocean, hereby gives notice to the credi­tors of Charles A. Wilson, deceased, to bring in their debts, demands and claims against the estate o f the

MILITARY.II. B. Cïoiviiÿ, fo r recru iting

Co. F, 1JUÌ U eg ’ t ..................Gtíorpre Gmvatt. on account

of uo. 1), Oth Iteg’t...........

o r rts — ju n e i 's .

J il d g o 1*. Y rcttanbiirgh , Ö

90). 0050.00


D. Lane, in the village of Cedar Creek.THOMAS POTTER, JOB POTTER.

November 28th, 1863. ja2y 4w

O r d e r to ¡Show C a m e .At an Orphans' Court licit! nt Tom's River, in and

for the couuty of Ocean, on Wednesday, the 20th day o f January, A. D. lafiJ, before David I. C. Rogers, Jo-

Ise forever barred of any action'therefor against the said Administrator.

CHARLES S. COLLIER.- Jan. 14th, 18(54. ja21 2m Adrn’r.

ON RULE TO LIMIT CREDITORS. Administrator’# Notice.

James Bod mo, Adininistritur of the Estate o f Syl* ves ter Bin! sail, deceased, hy ord.-r o f the Surrogato o*

--------------... ... „V.VIV ... X. v . ivugtiD. nu- the County of Ocean, hereby gives notice to the crcd*soph IL- Oliphant aud Job P. Randolph, Esqs., Judges. ! to™ o f Ina piid SvJvcster Biniseli, doceafied, toOn the application o f James

Bodine, Administrator " Sylvester Bird sail, dec.

es )Order to Show Canse.

. James Bodine,- Administrator o f Sylvcetef Blrdsall, deeuased^ having exhibited to this Court, under, oath,a just and true account of the personal estate arid debts o f said deceased, whereby it appears that the personal .«state o f said Sylvester Birdsall is insufficient to pay his Haid dobts, and requested the n!cl of the Court inthe premises. It is ordered that ail persons interest­ed iu the lands, tenements and real estate o f said Syl.

bring in their ri >htn, demands and claims against the estate o f the said deceased, under oath or affirmation, within nine months frout the 19t.it clay o f January, 18(54, or they will be forever barred o f nuy u^tiou therefor against tho said Administrator.

JAM 23 BTDINE, Adm’r.Jan. 19,1864. ja21 2m

ON r u l e t o l i m it c r e d i t o r s .Adnini&trrdor'B Notice.

vester Birdsall, deceased, appear bofore the Court. Tnthe Court House nt Tom ’s ill war, on tlio seconit Tucs- tb„ SuVioi.ito o f Vlm ToiintV 'of''O cw nN iirefy kIvm

Mary R. HaYhiiÿ, administrator of John lia ven?, deceased, Lato o f t he county o f Ocean, by direction of

i f t S <°th°. r . » or h-o saw.demonstrates the close connection be- •'^f'i»ÄtoÄi^'herrtii«men&.i.a rät ¿stati ; erased, to«i.tbh tobV.uïàre ™th o? « « » t o io f the »aid Sylvester Birdsall, ahnnld i w t k « u b „ i . . M — j — .................... . . . ’j.7 » i oi mo »aiu oyivost-er Dtrusun, uweeasea,twoei! the now levy of t toons arid t!i<*! 1501(1 a*wiR he sufficient to pay hh del_ , c J 1 ' ' due thereof, as the Case may rcriuiro.'P1 *cq of paper. ---------- - r”By the Court.

4*08 tdLEWIS SHINN, it th-3

Surrogato. I Dated Dticember 7 ,18T»8. 2mARY R. HAVENS, Adm.

tliiya iittending c o u r t ......... 18.fil!J u d g e J. IL. O liphant, 5 days

attending c o u r t .................... 13.03J u d ge J. Ft Randolph, 17 day«

attending c o u r t ......... 31-03J u d ge D, I. C . R ogers, HI

days attending c o u r t ........... :ì2.ooJu d ge I), I. O. R ogers, 1 day

sw earing S h eriff.................... 1.50

C0K8TAm.fi &Jas. A . I l y m , 22 days attend-

ii.g c o u r t ................................ 25.0,3J. '1 * Conk, 11 days attending

c o u r t .............................. n .o o\V. (J. l lob p er, 5 days attend-

injjj c o u r t ................................ 5.00J. a Foulks, (i days attend-

ine; cu lirt.................................. 6.00’B . Ferrine, 4 days attcKding

c o u r t ......................................... 4.00J. R. Chainberlaiu, 4 days at-

tending c » u r t ................... 4.00R. K . A lien , 3 days attending

court ......................... 3.00H . H. A r c b c f . 2 days n ltcm l-

ing c o u r t .................... .... 3,0!)'1-reiik Iran», U il.iv» aurati-

SHERIFF.11. F. Anm nck, for jurors, wit-

nessca. & o . . . . . . . 113.03B . F. Anm ack. lo r ju ror», ivit-

nesaea, & c ................ 104.30lì. li. Aiimndk, for ju ro is , wit-

nuisuH, & c .................... 155.13J. 15. Courlnuy, Inr iurors,

Witao.'o.-F, Aio......................... 113.53

COSTS OF INDICTMENTS.Edw ard L u k e r ..................... . fiO.4!-Jam es N. L a w ren ce ..................... .1713.04

c o r o n e iis .C h allo« A rn o ld , cure, dead

limn fo n iv i .............................. 11.15I. D. CoiTK(!ii!8. cuso, rlc.-ul

ch ild f o u n d ........................... 19.31A m os A tkinson , caso, C. G.

T a y lo r ..................................... 2.73







AMOUNT PAID BRICK to^NSIltP.'fuornas T ilton lor .school fund 121.(il * fj.jmu *1 3. O ebon i. lor school

fun l und surplus revenu«».. 206'.17



327.78J. fr. \V. TIa*ronjf services ns

F roll old e r .....................................J. ( í . \V. I la ven sJ s-rvicoa us

F reeh o ld er ..................................J. G . W. H avens' services us

F reeh o ld er ...................................




Abrahnm I. H avens, repairingb r id g e ,......... .............................. 3.00

Abraham I . H avens, repairing b r id g e .............................................. 14.22

Win. H ankins, repairing bridge,Eli:».- A llen , repairing bridge,Caleb Miller, repairing bridge.A. it F. Osborn«*, repairing bridgd, A bm . W. C ook , repairing bridge,A lfred A. D elano, build in g brldgti, Form an O sborn , bill for p lank,John C. Curtis, election expenses,

¡ Jam es Edward ;, forsdlio'ol fund. 126.21 Jam es Edward*, surplus lTVtmue

und school fu n d .................. ; . , 234.51

-----> 77.00

Garrett, Stont, repairing,lb idgo,.lob Edwards, w ork oil b ridge .A lbert W orden, w ork on bridge , G arret Stout, w ork on brid ge .John Cain burn , w ork on bridge.Benj. Fred m ore, serv ice« as freeholder,

| C layton R ob b in s, election expenses,

3 GO. 7 22.25

13 1214.90 2 76 5 00


i af B A U P f £ ( r . K T ,

1 S N O W O P E M *

A n d th e P r o p r ie io r is p r e p n e d t o a e ra m m o ^d:i t e V crm w o n t o r T r a n n ie n i H o a r d e r s , F is h in gl*iu ri io*i, A c ., on t lu ! m o at r e a s o n a O le te r n is ,—Titi# le•oa*'inn oiB*r s t i i j » e rio r in d u c e m e n t« tb rth o a e Ide d r in g to c n jo y r , us i t isw i Uti n u le v m e in s á U 'é *il u f (h e li rient f ts h in g

u u n ■ H ui m a n d i i d i ln g t a c k l eC'jin b e h a d , a u d ev<L»ry fi( d u t y p o s s f f r le o f fe re dtu (TUG!* is lu r e n d e r th e i r liiuy jr te a s r tn t ,

4 here i* no bolter p o in t on the coast thait hi • !•’«'D u c U a n d l i i r d S h o o t in g .

In tho sca ion o f D ? f k or.-l Get*re\ pnric*can tiuil here Uoau, wi«U * i ei ifi«i: il gul«lt9 to accompanjr them. And tin- nrnjiristor wlljparo no pain* to minis

plonsuro o f tlio ■ whs f«vint» nnd

tfipir pot'-ran age.

Cn.X TTi w '.77 E rvi-

» f l r : f / ■ v ' f • " 2 - ti M VA.. / ‘ f i l l

Tii i F ib i ’ b *.• 'V » • ,

S í ¿ U a i k k - L ü ; . K 5 i i i n v b

or Clny.t nt r ' 1 ¡ ■ .- >'ion« on tinilia r itu i and l;ulu\va. y '. «I « ros ft. liv or lire - Im'» lia» 1st o f M w ishing to in-u p p lic-1 at or. r„ aid sea l ia thiar ordttrs

without tir!.ij.l 'r ieo , ti Cenis not : * » ! . « ’ -1«,

lions betw een « < liBranch nnd Jfanelies. tor salo a t the I ’ i f

I S A / , . . . - . . •.. . .X .Pqnankttm Static;:. .. A ! •■.. ¡ aplltf


MANCHESTER SfiO r de liv ered at Don y. ■

nt all fta - .1- L e n sMari ab o

'p e n t ,«V R. It.

JILL,Shingles, 1st, 2d and .i Square Timber,


S id ing , 1st and 2d •’ U?-?,1 7 .2 2 B u ild in g Frames,

1.54 P a lin g , 1st and 2d C la t^ti.27 Bout (Siding. A c., Ac.1.50 Persons w ishing uuy o f

65.40 supplied prom ptly an-i at n:8.00 p ly in g to tile f ibACiuln’ r per

57.50 ter. JOL.'v71.0325.00

apfl M:.mch»v ar.

Notice is hereby given H r •6 1 2 .6 9

P.tors, Administrators ; r.d tlenicnt before the Oi; !r ns'

o .¡h ove , can b e1 ]o'!ces,by ap

■ i «11». or by let- • i.’ R E Y ,......... G o.. .

:.rt, inter tied for btt- ,rf, i.•list I*.; iilt’d with

the Surrogate TWENTY i)A'i b pr. viotis to tho term at which they arc* to be presi i.Kti.

All Executors niul Adminipi .-..4(.r- whcpo accounts havo remained unsettled ovcrc.tt y.f x, m. requtsUd to give notice o f intention to settle the same at the next term, agreeably to law.

DAVIS r.HJNN, Surrogate.Tom ’B River, Nov. 32,1 - J. noi9 tc

M a ster ’ s Sa?«The Undersigned, or e

Chancery of New J< r • v.

f ' s t a t c .Spoeinl aciers ih

f a decree o f thoto i .o o j Court o f Chancery ci . uo. dated AugnW 14: 25.03 11868» in a suit in p.;rtuiov. wh; ; -in i Nas AnderemándI George II. Ahdertion an -

* 1 deraon and’ others aro d.i.opialnanta, and ’Lydia An-' rtcTratc-, w.Jl sull at Pnblic

4 6 0 .3 2 | v « “ 8uo, to the highest ■ . 1 • <*aAMOUNT TAID BTAFF0RD TOWNSHIP. ! TUESDAY, J— .i '.i’ .Y lC.a, ISO),'

n I c - i ( „ . . . 1, . . ! r „ „ i o i l Between he hours o f It r.' ••-. uoon, alia S o'clock.! „ “ • C, !nn ’ .. 1 S - P |l>. M „ orsulda.»-, lit! Uumiliu-H Cowdriok;

. I,. H iinn. ¡or suboo. buyl, 1)2.iil i iu tlieviU.-ei; o f T om , c y-..iy o f Ocenn. andI 0 . L Shinn, for surplus revenue, 91.15 i State a foria 'd , all t.s I f . . FAlihl, f ymerlv Hie

1 property of Elia» Antler >•;. lisp., and whereon ho11 uo/1 a t (bo li.o.n I l.‘ .1.. .. ... t.. _i ao..275.41. . , _ , li veci at thè timo ol hls de, . . Oliali, ina ahoiitSfiS. . . >.10»! Ib iyw ootl, b ill for brirlss. 57.50 i ACKI59, situai. ;;i i .. , r Dover, in Ilio

; Jool ¡1 iy .v.) il, Services ns fìre.-»b o lfb ’ r ..................... ......................... 17,90

j .Jool J liy w o o il, Services,i O oia ’nv, i t o .............................. 32.-12

Ì30.1SI ------ 107.82EleeSio i e x p i 'M c s ................... 10.1


Loan from A m os Fai kenburgh, 5.000 ..2 ,000

. 'w , i j < i itili /ruin» i'iiiiu 'uu'»L oan from 'V iii'um f o x

county o f Ocean «fOry-.b 1 y v IV.turV^raek. and hounded on tlu STorl',1 v i s i ,.r Henry Chamber- lain ; on iho East, hy I',sr; e. :.. - • < u tlso Smith bykuiisofP hln i , T'o ! <r, V,’cat bv the mainetaoe road leadiny . v ver to Cedar Creek.

Pho ahovo Properly , , ■ r free o f dower. The conditions wil[ he made km w;, s u I he day o f rale.

a . n. T im ofK iiiorfT O N ,Special lluatcr in Ctanccry, Freehold, N. J,-

doc3 Id _The r l t e a ■- , U,;A adjourned to

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1864,At tue pâme hour and p ia r -. il itti

Page 4: Ür öEmbUiw ml


1 ta » Iw «fe* »nw iitra» <rf«fc» f u * « r r a -* « v f « u »<ctI t* .trn m «n '» M ic le .l

» at «Il kl*«*, «ml «Mw«I W a lk * «rfeisfe W **ry » « e fe !•*«**

O « > « p ( r l . than ifc .l o f nn» iPfe*r feana»r¡>tfe, >n.t t i « M d raí «fe* ■ « « * »»or

I t i m I M lo ib «

JThUêt, V iari«*rt» flagrolrt».t ¡fe*. (W m »n Sil-rr-r Pifo*. n # iu r* , i A l O O B S 9, CORNGTS, DRUMS,

ETCo o i V A i t t .

W ê ti*#»! lo *vntjifn III«» « f «wrIb*1 o iM n i t|# f# ff t»tel lo«<n»m«'»it* in

Ilío Mt*J $tat**« m<Í mjr pri««** »b«U bt i» low M u v fttl#r b a i# In inni«*.

Tío •.***# flf m t Una. and IH# aninbor of oar tlor«:Í9 stampe i on et er/ lottraAMl of w r

TWO ϻAILT TRAINATo and From Now York

TUB ONLY ROUTE ?. Lofejr Brini li. Muiu ht iit-r, R*J Htb

rflin-wilitirjr, Mldtllctowii. Shftrfc H t« r. Kstontuirn Banin, Tuftê’i

Rivar, Pmi W«*)iitif loti, U ighU ndi, l 'la u n ra

Bay, Ac.. Ac.

0 « »M *flnr Manilo. I IMI tnlM «IIma a» W k t», «teil/, (Matate/» #>«i)rttl) t

NtO* SUMÍ YORK.r iM t| tn ter tfci« n«itroad tritt Mona/ ati »'

•lutti kf tltt* ktv and foot itciM tj . i>. ü / ; / m

H w rt »Hila. I ’ Io lt> 10• !rh r.tiiri*»«, »le|iplnjf «

U . N . 5 - 4 0 ’ « .ym|ifelf i

T Ti* *mtr*»*ry ml ife« ’ "»••««j bM muJ |l»*n null** él .ay IflIM I»# W « I lM n »j fWimlér U l i tram lu t iil far, *mt ««lit «Am1 !«*•■ » 1 _ ml. » . a»t>uia far ife* n i l ui lia Unni., #j

I n C h u t e e n « f f r « w J e w ) .I . I «n * é y i ’ l-ti* f a » r é l ia i aifeam. «O M cU ti

tuta, amt «fiutai» l'a*«tu» »ml Hmmhm.1i feta Wife, an<! titbrr» «*b’*4iiti, 0 i felli, *».— O nia* fer pu M itrativi.

f ¿ ¡ I Tfe* cot»|>l*ltt»»n harté* eirá tfeair felU In !

M M ii u & i i ï t lir&ÎÎWr.îiiJïj-*» Î4f|« m*

— . M i ifcjMiiiM \m r.|!u«»c. *l only n*»<%** ton «# IM

O Î 0 F - * *Bi a m » t "T «»>•»•.• te

i «ni- * l ' a i «araua uh» rm

I Mm 'h i» > i" ma», a* I nromai vf anhtunna h»»* j, lo f fecm tmur* Mil rritinu ’t Menrwn* fe n * . |( ! A - i In. U R ni» lu „pp*,. fey a(*ijatll, Ural Ifeu

l m laa^aM ékm ala. u t » fai* èrtati. I mm tfe» hail lamaa la feoatnualrn a»4 a«*#ra <r aar <nh.f oaMUhaf la UI« n .aairj «alian la om alan a feu m u , rlah a# Tana«; h«»at j Utu,ra».lq»l«iii .«Ml; t t

U» f i friWait a• è ê m o l

i Sn«---- mmém ,,,s! » Otelan. OnaidaC(‘o . p. Y.

i .*. M » !U C JHl ì K SS C O C O I T E H !

V I O L I * »T K IV G S .W# D3«kp fi a fMiiftì ta Import itw* f « t

Tfr>M?f 8 T M S C I !* tb«l an» ra »«te ta K~fom» te nippty ite Solo and fteeh***tf,tl fbr#'*« ivi* doni fa New York and «iter lait?* fiuto, ver/ a» «nr of whom hit? the Ir tirine* nf in

M»t«lf te r lm and n*h*e |ohHt‘r«, who de*lre tee r«hAititi ih# beai Violin »trine4 ih*1 come to tili« i'.Aistrj) aro Invited lo aond their ordert i» tn

Derido» Iho onperior Älrinj«ter onio nUver* V# Haw a lirro anooriment of Low#r*!’rlfo! §tf'.nF* ter ordloarr player*,

\ oot of auporior Tiolín Strinft tent by mril t i f«vlpt of ?5 crût«, and a ael of Guitar I r i f f for t l .



STRUMENTS,A n d e v e r / A r lftc lr in ( t ic l in o

o f^ fn « iC R l M e r c lm n d lt c .

Id. id «il itm

4.15 »

r A ll. For F« ft II warn

. M. Long UranL*»»g hi

4.59 111

K l'uri " t n| lit

Moltid ItePtnpp

«Ir,,t ‘a lint ta at 4.4‘. i*

TRAINS Tl» NKW VOtiK- , "» 5U A. M M me beat er Kapri

H «timi«, and arti1 Vi'A .M .

i IC 2d AM. I «u ig lleaiM*1' and 1 rieirg »t Nt w Voti

i 2 25 T . M. I n P m i MuniHoutl

I t Muila in

igb Kreift h il a iU ibril ■ t • A . Il oeb *i«r *tulMiro tug «i

*lHg.limi« ite»ter

ut>i.ln* «i »II i N t» V « k «

aiNilFB Kann • I I 40 I’. »I. vrjy f<«ifht,

ti iYuri at LKAYÀ.

iti m

l u .n'g n ia .v i imag.

Jd A. M. l.<

! 11.10 Un* Ittaal 1.

155 F. N. Pro

I r

IN T• .Nat


thè «o le<mf»*iouo io mipftly th» pubi tv.

The »Ho!e tioo'tnt uf thè Lr»»i »nthorKim llundrod Hllliowi «f dotlara. N«4m4o > y -sr_ x — « ,*.r - * » . . . ___» kUfuur hundmI mlltten* bave boen alre^d/ «uh dstendantePHtlasi ‘ f« .« b o r i feif M i p a t i t »u . (fe. T i . - u i f « « a l l ; » ’ * * » t * J « * » • ' 4 S S i 5 5 Ì l■I,felli Ih . Im i « .a r a m .im h » I h - U r«a d a ! D « » » P - » « M i M i o f Ife» » to fe « t U tti i e t m j .m,nd fet.W abruad and ih« r»|»i.|lr liCramUlg ! *«•* "•*' fWM» kf04« K ,* T . »T *fiorar d rm ’ihtl far u w a . th . h « | . (hr e lr c u l . l » u » • » ‘ f « f - .Ilo» bT N .llo n a ! ItMkin* AraKalaUont. i o « | •*»>*■ — l,fe i« « t é_H *‘*bj t « * » m f r u i i m l i «Il pnrto o f i h . « > u « ln . » I l i l i a ‘ U ~ . V » ' " ! * ‘ " f * " ,ro ry ifeort «Ira*, «baorfe Ih» feafanw . « a I n I «b* forapU liiiin i. o rd im d lfe«l I b i *hl'l «hM iil h ira Irta Ir rnnfral troni ira tu fl fiorii mi II i o o . tiléfandanU d o a |I porr . p i m i , il .1 11 or or «ftiw ur «arfe la , ftw ,n i-« ila a a m d i n v i fe m milli»rma « « f e l t l i n i U b ill , «w uf b a fe n Ife» l » w i -dalla «nd u It U » a l l know n Ibal tb* S é i f * la-B lM b <>*.» ^ t * b n i * r j » « I , o r Ifent l# dm

- * a ------ -------------------- iteli Ihereof. tnch deereo he nido againatthè ni a» Ih# Ghont-ollor «ba ll think e q tu b le a n d juat And U I* Pirtber ttrdorvd. tbat tbla arder I aliali wl»bln tw e n t/ d ir * b en u fler . he aérved nem onalU on iht* aald kViHUm ( Annoti otnlSu ! • «un «h In« wife. A lar/ K. K elly A gno* K e ll/,| «n<! Thnmaa l> K elly , by a dcliyerY nf t eop/ lU e ifo f tu tbem. or Ue pubtUhvd withlu tbeoaid tw entv d o /a In tb* O coop Entblem, a newitpa | per prlnted *1 T«m** RI r e e In tbl* r it te and c«inilnii«* l Iberein f»»r -ia Wtek», »u cceoa lv e l/ at 1*4*1 o iice iu evo TV w eek.

* !IK V R Y W G R E E N , C.A T u te C opy ; B ( ìt o o a a * , Clvrk-


i try t í • be Treat try ha* ampi* and uiifrililtg r.-wM’ reea In Ite«* dulie* and Importa and Intern­al Revenue*, and In Ike Imme of the Into ieri* Rearing t«egi*l Tender T reami r y Note*. It Inal* mo*l a fert*in'r tbol he will not And R neceo- «or/, fbr • long time to come, le aaek t nmrhot

■ mi «ut muer long or nennui i tere*! and prinelpnl oi which ore p<I ROW.


i U

ce And »elfinten Ihn «e eon lem p it

al II inking A**ool i b ov e Id le m oney

i, the It»- 'alilo in


TRADE MARK ON EACH PACKAGE.The Judy«** of ibe American In*!iti»'e Exhibí- 1 lion, llwü, bare niter o careîttl ex imination, ' a*arti cd to

J - P . L Y O N ,t u : o n l y r u v i n i r o n c . v L o a i

l 'l íI.S.S..II uVK Cul I KK

Tb! ’ I.

Kur “ l’ iirily «m l rxr t'lli'iice of Q iia lilf.’’ Th» niami'aeltinT. John I'. I.aon, claini» for

tbia CoOtH g o o l fl i f (f». « H ! I.«/ prep inn *g;«*et w

i New Yotk

i. amitti


! filT h e Umita o f tb l*circu la r p rev en t n, •erih log At length the ttyl«*** mid price*VAa'i iiu article* to he found In our eatabll m-of; mon/ ere not even naiiK'd; bui •>• c RU on/ order for good« iu our Un * that m tee erwt,

WM. ro v i) a, r o5 n Bruadwny, New Y >»r

M i t a

m de of the hUrii

nard iA na

feint M. l'uri M, eiMn.ta b / a|

lOt. font ut

ig iti all «tallo Vuk atC a i

FARTIEri »urb. Thton’a Cron i. A r., rau u nk« lavar » tug tu In« «dt r k vi

urrav • rrrt.

i.lt«. il* «

P n r l f l c H o t e l ,1 7 « , 174 , 170 a n d 17* G r e e n w i c h ]

S tre e t , N e w Y o r k ,(On* Door North o f Cortland Street )

Tha llboral patronay« accord«'«! to thl* Hotel dttrlny ' Ike pa*t acaaon, for which th« Praprletor tniW ivtttrn* I h a Itanki, warrant* him In adhering to the (>M> 1*111- CBS, at tha rat« o f |1.50 per day. Gu«*t« will be fnr- •iahed with vflry excellent atvoniniodithm*. ami a I iso*t liberal table In a hotel In the inttm-d'iate neigh* ¡ borhood o f the great ban!ncM atreeta, and the priori* i gal railroad ana «taalnboat depot*.

t e c J tea JOHN PATTEN.


( From Juries 3 and 4.) at thaInternational Exhibition, London, 1851,

lic in g the »oU* g nin c ,i

y tlii ng o: n l . i t ;i|-

. . @ 3

New lledfurd II’ rrgen I*

N. II -Y e g i l »r*. Mcii’ Im m «1» / roilroN«! du Mtttuncr rate«

Uet. 23. |m#2-Iv

'car wih he ittirlM'il t«* freiglil traiti* or* iti d 'Iiv ftiiig «’ iiiiiiy tackatfe« M|iit’*tvd tu in*t a tlivii l>*ri vi*, bo» :r. wtlh their nunu*«, uu«l tlie IiUihIh il* l«ui«ttt ■* : i*«Mt kl'MllUUlllll «ili 111l’glliatll'l 2. Iluppillg’-a :t. Alj.lllh IiiWi. 14« «I (tank n. tebrew-bur> 7. 2teiot. ipuit ;» Uraii'*lipurt 1U, !.«•».g

•*!«*«• N rrk U . Mtaik llivcr It Kariiiiugdjlc It', Siptaucuiu 17.

• conti acte *nH nil tin. in / Ih«* W'

A - ,

n I br ni ni«* «viti* Farm W m -eitd tlirir lte*jtlii

e i’ ur Mt «Ite l«nkc-‘ U. •*. .SKVMol*II.l i Stilili iiiUlidciit.


_ ^Slgnis!

„ • ■ ■ j ,


x '.-'.l :\. a the Infwn itionul

LxUbit'on lU m b iirg . Ji ly

W I N T E R A R R A N G E M E N T S1 n un«l «Hcr MmiiIdv, » »v 11li trniiM wflifu

hily, Sumlnvé excepte^, u mil furthur nutic »* îo i -wm: » KAYK FRKKIIO .1) nt

7 40. a. tu., connecting nt ./;iiuer>hiirir w!t!» < »• fenand Anilm/ Ituilrnnd train* fur N*. Y«uk. !»i ilü le'nlii!» *” «f intern n li ite tHtneni.

N.rw». t* m. « ont rrtiup nt j » n » »it.vt « : ; | C . it. Il,, *r;iiu# for N e* Ym k. l ’ iiiladetnl iii ami in*

’eivncdiatp aLili iiii'.uKTrUNINO.

N J Y'trii fr ... l’I.M .N’u. tout OÜhtfhfV.

i l’oiubiiiuttun of throe qn.itit.ca — «hue um n*> .ini che»p¡u’)M lit u

. «legre#, Wc will i*iy. wiieu prupvT , >niil herein lie* » he pet rel ut the eh it b,i* rceefyed. ter from o»* «»ei-

» I experience ami the iut eriigution t f ilk- » we are convinced tb<tt, when proper / pit*- red. it in one »f the mo*t «grecatile nini b *n pial. A* w li a* economical atih»t)tilte* for flee yet km>«n. free (ruin any exciting or mulatiu * qmlilie«, Micha* pur«* or foreign flee |»re*en a, an I i* d«**line<i In become



New V«Having peraonull/ ex u «’paring rye. it* pn c ‘ i*e i. Li. Cb 11 bam At reel. I



rett-.T h e i i l g h e r t .H c :la l

V o r r» grrc.it d* Ucacy ns on article of food. Cted o PuddingA, Custard-1. I lunc mang* At ., * it tout Iainglnas, with few or no eggs. It is »¿cel cm for thickening Sweet S«tncca. Gim vIca tor fish, me.it, soitp*« <Ve. For ice cream nothing can compare wi*n it. A lirtl<* boiled In milk makes a rich craum for coif* e. cboco Hte, tea. Ac. A most deliciotta urticle of food ter childreu am! invalids. It is vastly superior •o arrow root, an l much more economical.

Put up in one pound packages, with full di factious, and »old by* all grocers and druggist*

WM. IMJItVEA, Wholesale Agent.ocf 6m IDG Fulton street. New York.

heave fren i« .' a* (J '0 n. n . n:i,| J j.. .I«e¡ive Junte, h i ¿ .tl » g» a, m.. 2 i.jlVis-engiT* v\ di 1» * cur ili u» prneiire li

d»»' «ffflec in Freel'ulil, « r a l Ih.* CeplnínV board the busta, nr trey \\ ill hep) aigvtl

Ilio bel! at the Freehold SlntloH will ring 10•;¡¡»:U cm previieiM »• llie ih’ pnlim e of fh<* tiafn.

I. 8 . IirCKKIiK'd*. Superilitomient. a.imcaburg. .Nov. UW2.—Iv.


T u n * : T u r n ! T u r n !ItKTAU,WIIOLEBAI.E AVD


*•! Gr.vud-9t., 231 Eighth Av., and ¡*28 Bowery, NEW-YORK.

We ar« now prepared to offer to ottr cnetomers and rae public a larg* and well-pelected stock of LADIES’, HISSES’, a CHILDREN 8 FANCY FURS All o f our own manufacture, and Latest Style«—con- •Iftluu oi Rudson Buy Sable, Mink, Stone and Fitch Martin. Royal Ermine, Siberian, Squirrel, Fro* b a d Water Mink. Cloak«, Mantillas, Talmas, Vi rriu , Pylierioc, Collars, Muff* and Cuff»; also. Bta ,h Hob'’s>. Gent«’ Fur Caps, Cullers and Glove«, .*,1 of Which ar-' offered at tho lowest market price«, by

HARRIS A RU8SAK,UK Gritul St., 231 Eighth ave., *nd^8Bnwerv^

p. S.—Fnr* repaired neatly and cheaply, at short no­tice. Am our Goods are made up wit it great carv, and especially adapted for flrat elass retail trade, dealers are respectfully invited to call before purchasing.

pec3 2:n

M t n i f t ’ s r a l e .Ia OieA 4 Circuit Court iu Equity, between John II.

frons, Compiainant. and Christiana Lover and Charles 0. Lov«.*r, defendants. Fi; Fa. for sale of mortgaged premise».By virtue of the above stated writ o f Fi. Fa. to mo

diroeted and delivered, I will exposo to sale at Public Vendue, onSATURDAY. THE TWENTY-THIRD DAY OF JAN­

UARY NEXT,Between the hours o f twelve and five o ’clock In the af­ternoon o f said day, at the house o f C. Cowdrick, in the village o f Tom ’ s River, in the township o f Dover, In the conntv o f Oceau: All that certain tract, o f land w aia ising thirty acres, with the buildings thereon, in tb* Township o f Dover, Ocean county, N. J., winch John II. Irons and wife conveyed to Michael Lover, by teed dated April 1G, 1859, and recorded at Torn’ s Riv- •r, in Book Iff o f Deeds, page 179, *c., to which refer-

"^telaed* a /th e proportyof the «aid defendants. a* l taken in execution at th? suit o f the said complain-• a ,» .« J to be «oil! ky ^ B COCKT.VEY, Bhoriff.

Dntrf N o-. 10.1S03. dec8 td

U r l « M ill a n d W a t e r P o w e r , D w e l l i n g H o u s e , f la n » , a n d T h i r ­t y A c r e s o f la n d a t P r iv a t e S a le . Situated on Cooper’ , creek. S miles from Camden

•sd etr froia Glimcoater. on the Philadelphia and Now York and Camden and Atlantic Ttailr .ads, on a never- fetllne etrda.n o f water, with IP feet fall, mill lmnae 40 ha 43. with two naira o f Burr St,n_ea. with all the fit- tare« for doing merchant!,’ and grtat work. All In good nitm ln- order, with euffle'ent water to run a farw amount of machinery In addition to the rnnnln- o f the mill. The location o f the property ha. no snpe- _i. tKa «rsfc— 1r. hfilnrr located on the Rt-lnad«. with choa'p freight, from Philadelphia and New York. 5a a good grain district, with the near vte'n'ty o f PhT adeinhla mnHt make the location dea rahle for m ll'ng »r nSnhioeturlng It will ho add clear o f all 'peitm. Praac», and title Inditpotable. F or I ,lri '^ J . 'nurm:‘ ' tA/in annly Aft C. B. ROGtCKW.’ « 4 « ' V* « « M»1* * P »11» - (

t#r io n r «a « F ir » - !9 ----- , m ii i i wji - ‘‘ ’•1


uoixu NORTH. lirai! Up.W M. A. M.

4 55 1 30 4 71 1 021 2s J 39 3 0«2 15 2 UO

8 526 30 8 21 H «27 2m fi 10 7 OR 6 15 0 no

. Ufa turn*.Arrivent New York. Lcn fe-

St mi ih Am boy " • Spolswoofl, u JVM ESMERO," llightstuwii," Bonletitowf:." Trenton,' Burlington,

" ÍMintlen.Len ve Pl.ila. Arrive

Via Trenton and New Brunswick•Ml.NCI sOI’TH.

uoiKO s o n n lb'wL lion'll A. M. I’ M.

a oo 2 oo7 50 H 308 409 02 9 4(‘

3 50 l 104 In 4 57 ó :n

If) o> 11 50li in

55 fi i!l 7 U*»

Station* A . M. A M i*. M. P. M. P. Mi.vttvu N. York 7 00 10 Of. 4 00 h (it) 7 ;>o

“ N Ur’ nswick P 15 1! 20 5 0 7 20 8 41)” Princeton, f»00 12 02 H 1 li 05 •J 25’ ’ Tr^-tut 9 25 12 25 U 32 S 27 a 5f.“ Wonlcntown It 0“ Buriiiivtoh 7 12“ Bristol. . . 9 53 1 05 8 57 in 22

Arrive Ker-inetun. It) 5 j i 50 9 1.) 1 i U0” Cuín d e n .. . . 7 55*• i'hll.i............ f. 10

r«0|\G NO‘■'I IT.Station*. A .M . A. M. P. St. st.

iVr Pltiladeliihia > 00 Camden . . . w 14

” Kensington, il nn .11).. o r . 11 15*• T n cotiv ... 1! 2« 3 r. <; 50 11 30'* B risto l___ 11 35 3 40 o 5 ; 11 57" Burlington s 5fi

Borden town '• .’0*' Trentini . . :• 3‘ ¡ 12 30 i 10 7 95 12 30** Princrion. 10 02 12 .Vi 4 32 7 17 12 5“ V .B n Ns’ k 1 o 50 1 35 5 15 >< 30 1 15•ive New Y oik 12(H) Ï 50 . 0 30 9 45 3 00

I i t s s c n f f fr ira in s L»*avn

jrk . AMgnst IH 13413

ititi*» I Mi" mvihitol «• il b y John I*. L yog . fit! y emittenti«’ In the

i lrw * I'Xurv^tHl In Ike ik o v o , ini') belkv«* the «un* gr in thus iirep im sl to b o not on ly an in* nocetit, but »« w h olesom e uiut nnlrltlous urticle •if diet, w hich nImi recm iuieiuU IlN 'lf for It* econ om y. JO H N II. O U tS l’O.M. M. I> .

P b v ric ia o o f Ilio Now York llo tp lta l. N.» 42 n • •' TWi*«ty - n i i * » j -1 «•«• *

Thr purity, boxlrhffilnc** and economy o f thl» pr* pitrutlon o f Rvo Cbrffvr I* tn*iiflcd to by Ibi* fitllowmg mombem of t!u- M d c »1 Faculty.

U ILI.ARH I'ARKKR. M. I)., F.of**»or of the Principle* and I‘metier o f St«rw'*ry.

No. 37 East Twcfti» St. VALENTINE MOTT, M. I).. L. L. 1)..

Kir.cr.tus Prof, o f burgerv and Httrg* Anatomy.No. I Omm.m-ivY Park.

ALFRED t ’ . POST. M. D.,PiehMKir of the Principi- r and Operation* o f Surgery,

Medical Department ol the Pnlver-ltv o! N. Y,No. -JH'.i Mndioon avenue.

HORACE OREKN. M 1).. U .D.. Late T’rof. and President N. Y. Mul.cal College,

No. 1C Clinton Place.P II VANDERWEYDi:. M D..

Professor o f Chetnlsli/, New York Medical CoIl»g» and Cooper luatitutr.

MAUTYN PAIN, M D., Prolbinor o f Mntciru Medn-.i and Thera« -utic*,

No :w. Foitrtli M.S VMI’ KLST. JOHN. M D.,

Professor o f C.'hcuiirtry, College o f PUysirinor and

No M Rust 18d »tree». SAMUEL U PERCY, M D.,

Professor of M*» -Irn Medica and Therapeutic*, No •-»{) Kttst Tweiit’efh St.

\\ ILL!AM i! VAN BURI’-N, M D., Prof- • r -f H-.j T 'l and l)M*rtrlpt*ve Anatomy,

Comi*! -ith A velimi and 'i n rireef..! M OAJfNOf if.VN. M D..

■Sur;**•' - .•i-thuef to the i-tuto il-»bpilnl,

‘ ‘ u a NDLER R OILMAN. M T),i ’r »KMr-or of Obatetrie*.

N-. 5 E irl Thirteenth SI. JAMEri ANDERSON. M J>,

No -in Uuiverilly I Mace. flAM’L T IIL'BBARI). M Ì).

No 47 M oth St.THEODORE Q THOMAS M l),

No 3.1 Fifth Avenue. JOHN J BEALS. M I).

No 10 Went Nineteenth St. JARED LIN8LY, M I).

No 2i La fa vette Place. A JACOBI, M I).

TrofcBior o f Infantile Pathology and Therapeutic*, No 50 Ami tv St.

CHARLES A lU-DD, M D, Professor o f Obstetrics,

40 Union Place. WILLIAM F IIOLCOMH. M P,

Professor o f Opthalmic and Aural Surgery,No ‘20 East Twenty-fifth street.

HKNIIY (1 CÓX, .M J)Profeasor o f Theory *»nd Tractlce and Clinical Medi­

cine, No 58 East Twenty sixth nt.ALFRED S PUltDY. M 1>,

No 277 1th nvenne. STEPHEN ROGERS, M D,

Professor o f Physiology,No MU West «4th St. I

ALEXANDER IJ .MOTT, M D, I No *209 10th St.

LOUIS ELSBERO, M D,N o tat West 15th St.

D S CONANT, M D, Professor o f Anatomy,

No 27 East Mth Street

w t* «11 *old ami could no lotigor be aubaci ibvd for »t par.

IT IS A* SIX V E H CKNT. LOAM. THE IVr r in .-r \sn n n s r ir v L d a y a iil r i\

lO n iS .T lirR Y lfL D IV O OVKR NINE PER CENT, «t Ibe |tro*«*nt ml» of pr- mium on

I coin. The* f invent turn I reqitlr«** all «lultt'* oti Import* In !>«• paid In Coin ; th«*m* dot to* have

I for « long lime pmt aumiintetl to over a gUARTWt o i« MILLION of DOLL AILS daily

• -i »tint RSttri/ lhr«*<* linn*« frc iter lb in tint r«*I i|iilr«*«| in (lie pivtnetil of the inter«**» on nllih»I A-.'U’* and oilier pe mii i no it t Loin*. So that il I* j hoped that the H'lrpht* coin tu the Tret nry, nt i no dlatunt «11/ . will cinble the United S nto* to rt^nme *p«*cio pay men'* upon nil llabllltl«-

| The Loan i* called 5-20 from th<* fact th«» I while the l!«»nd* may run ter ”0 ymir*. yet the | liovernmeut ha* « right to pay them ofl, nt p«r, I at nnv tinv* oiler flve y«mr*.

TOBINTMHBT «P A IO ll.M.K Vi: Mil.V.v l i : «fen the flint day* of November and M ty.

Subscriber* can hare C«utpo«l Rond*, whicb a.e piy.thle to be.irer, and are S."»U, el DO. SAtMi and SI.OOJ ; or, I*’«*gUler«*d lUmda of mine tie nomination« and in addition. $5 turn and $!Q 'KK*. For I) inking purpose* nnd ter Invent men!» of Tm«t motile* the H«‘gi*ten*d Loud «re preferable. The.»e 5*20'* ir.tnno! be t.»x***1 bv State*, t ‘itie*.Town*. orCoriRlt«*». nnd the (oiveriinteitt t ix on them \* only one nnd a h ill tier cent on the ¡«mount of ineotue when tin income of the holder cxqihhI* «ix hundred do btr* per umfiitn ; nil other in vest tuen,t*. *uch n Income from .Mortgage«. 1Li|Iioih| stock and Bond*. Ac., miiat pay from three to five per ct. on tin* in not tie.

BANKS on I RANKERS throughout the conn- ry will continue to dhpoae of the bond*; uti«l

a \ order* nont Ut n* direct bv tu til or niherwi*cWILL BK PROMPTLY ATTEND El) TO.The inconveniunce o i » lew «loy* delay in tIt.

•lellvery of the Bond* I* ut time* mi «void ibte • he d mi ind being *«i great ; lint tt* in ere1* comm mice*, from the d iy of aubacriptUm. N* I/WS I* occti*ion«Ml. uml every cffoi'l i* Witig 'Hide to deliver th« Honda a* promptly u:

‘hie.F IS K &o H A T C H ,


AND r . S .r).J0 T.OAN \GUSTS,D8 \V ,11 St., N. Y .


SewingM O D E LMachine

a . H O ]H OOT &

NGSTTnm « Rt

■tvtf I M o l w ort tu b b i (


L O W K T IN pn

F O R O a. H r m i n t s


Co«r»« Boot« ter Commoa T en lie ia en ’* and MUm * riira


k * . D O N 'T r o i i Q C T tb . p « * , , o calt il

H O F F M I R 1« » _____________________ S w

lO O u o n o M ^ u n m a p o n D R E i - n ,

'] i





SE WINS MACHI E COIOoimUy u i 'r 5 ( t* Y « iK ,

eat perfect l «'11(1*0 10 the uu fe» ith auy

fur h :nn pr

IW tó lN F !) STO C K S.

o!tl Pi rietl v

; A N D B\N K i- ON F A V O R AB! BON DS uml O*

US’ A .17 fieli >LD, b’i


Ç H i P I M A ^ ’ S

S í o v e

WEED.)4H i

Mann fkrtn all kind*. •ch-Jl lig«- - .n the Uml

TIIK WEED MACHINES,With all their valuable Inipmv« menu, entirely over­come nil imperfect ion*. T o e / ar«'SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS FOR FAMILY

AND MANUFACTURING PURPOSES. Simple In ronstmrthin. durable In all tbclr |mrt*. niul r«-*a ly «tiidercU od. Tin y have certainty of atltch on all kind* o f ffibrica, aud are adapt« «1 to a w «lo range of work without ehaitgeor frdjuatniutit. INiugall k <nl > o f Thread. Will lt«un, f«*||, Uu.U, GatImr, Braid, Tu- k. «¿»lilt, Curd, and In ftn t d«« all kind« of work reua.red by Famlli'* « or MamiCvcturttr*. Tluty make the inter lock Shuttle Stlch, which cannot be excelled f«>r Arm* av**, ebu tlcltv, dnnibtlltv, and elegance of ffiiiah.


In every Instance, when« they have been exhibited In competition with other Mtamlnrd Mucliiuc*. We invite nil peraon* In »ean-h of an inNtrnmeut to execute any kind o f Sewing now donu by Machinery, to Imptn't them, and nv•■kestire tlicv aoenre the beet, by jmivlng the WEED bcf««r«j pnrehaaing. The Compnnv being •Inly Ucenaed, tin* >Ia hinen are protected agalunt ir.- Wngentent* <»r litigation.

W c umuniacturc « great which we .rlfev a few price» ; tra. fdfl; No. 2, Half (;a*c. $U5 und j?5 ; No. 4 and 4,

turinn. fTTS and 1^5. :

, . . . » m-7 i « n o * e r |i£#w<wt .»(.nAlv. »uri. ra u» kiwi in u» .«n **p»rl»u«* In inutilfetlui in« «i „ w1 rith • rvpiitatlou long dtxclil-ivr colli fot ol *1 th. Hight»©d*i1 .Ity e f New 1 «•»<, «r» pr*|i«ied m ti ile which »*, wiibout dmibt, Ih» ck* « w i Dprtit>»«r In market. It grt*i[ f i» 1*1, «n i ripeii» thè rrop from tv » Uri sartie!, at on expehee c»f trom thee* *¿”1 •ar* per »era. wlil» little or no la boy.

Alai». U fi/ tona of tb»iw Ttfeti, belici g | ione and n /hi **>il ground Ine et |4i i « ipi ri*.r ai Urte tur grato end gra»»,

A pamplilei c mlaiaicg all nerra Imi. »« »/ ha h«<l fr#«- by a<ldrraa'i •'ib*criU/. J « Il i N T.

T a re o f Ih* L«*d \ f f ^ . «,.r;* te (^W 'iaa .n ,


/ AtiacLiucnt-Jnhn Mount )Notici» la kcr«‘by gtven Ihat » wrli

meut. ioautnl out o f Ih«» U ccan C tb«* Hiil of Exi’ki«»l Momti. .«gein«» thè r**M credit», K»tt»«U «nd chattuiR. landa inont* of John Monnt. « pop rt-eidret, in n piuu of trcaptiaa on thè c*U for th»

I uni* hnudred and t«»n doller*. rei ™ j aixth day or Junc, ]Sh5. b«th bc -n

11 and ìcturtici! io b.ii<l Court by thè (Jooan i'ount v. IVINE D. CORNI

U. 8. S cova * ÀU 'y. d i oc 15 Dui

• •* ri« ty o f btylcf», fron- -N o. ‘5. Family, $w); Ex


r ì m n ;T O m f l ’ S I U l ' T I l . ,V . J .

WM. C. ( HATTLV. nt Tom'* River, who*I* the for the State, nnd will give all nc-dful iDritruri-iou* that any on« nn onoratc on It at one«».

WM. C’. CIIATTIN, Agent for the State.Tom*-« River, Ocean Conntv. N. J.

TWO OA.LY L i ES l F S T A G T» 2 r W M J W

'ii.m's Hiv.r uml New York.Mlkf ams- _


Tlie ffret mannfnctured in New York City !The Find Introduced and Used in thin M arket!The firm to meet the Approbation o f the public iThe flret. to receive the countenance of physician* 1The first to receive enconinm* from the journals !•.’he method o f Preparing and Ron*ting I* peculiar—

I* unknown to others—by it the active principles of the Rye are preserved !

Price*—This nnadultorated Rye Coffer- i? 12 CFMTS per siuglo pound. A liberal discount to the trad--. !-* Fifty pounds in :i box !

For the certificate'« o f the above-named gentlemen, and substances used in the adulterat ion of Coffee, see the pamphlet published, to be hud gratia at the office o f this paper, aud at the store of

JOHN P LYON,Jan 14 tf 132 Chatham Street, New York.

M. 5 5.9 I\ 1 50 » 4 2 » *

Burlington for Pemberton ¡u 10 «)■> A.IVrnb.rtoii for Burlington nt Trenton for B-.-ividerc at fi 05 *•

Jan. lUh, 1903.—Iv. decK-’fi J

Family Mourning.F tlE ilj S J flF O K T .r iT C A **

W. JACKSON. No. .Vi! lirnailwny, ha« now .vifly for iirappcUon a v.wv lurfie and nmsf dn- »irablc tdook of ENfll.lSlI ANH l-’ flHNCII lid'tA'liNCS MLKINOK8. DBI.ALVHS KM .-¡I CSS CLOTH. ECfiriMBCLOTil. TAM- IS; CLOTH AND MKNIilKTTA Cl.-TIll,\ LI’AC A. THTllKT fTUJTH for -ImwN. (•Nfi-

I.ISH C liA I 'T S ( ¡ ¡ A P I : V IA LS. 11LACK SILKS in I V.-ry grad.-, « '.t h and willinnt IIItra Hoin>‘ ox ri , ¡'‘li on I w id.* for cl .aks; Fl> .. , T - J - « J „ v Fol'CVOr "



H AVE YOUA head of Hair, or Whiskers or Mostachos of a:i unbecoming color?

DO YOUWish to ohange that color to a handsome dec)) brown, or a perfect and natural black without injury to the fibres, without trouble or incon­venience? If.-o,

Til ;:n YOUMust use Ohrietodnro’s Excelsior Dye. which Ik the only harmless, certain, instantaneous and truiy natural Iinir dye in the world.

SHOULD YOUDoilbt these statements, try the article, and if it fails denounce it.

Manufactured by J. Chris.tadoro, (1 Astor House, N. Y. Sold evrywbcre, and applied by all hair dressers.

Price SI, SI SI), aud $ü pe r box according to size.

J tnT lw.

CLAUD SILK Salso an immense variety of other goods, de , ab!“ for house end tra ve! ¡orróre-ses.N. D. --Famitree cru fret here every thl’

qitired for ffriurniiig at prices ... , - , >> ,is unv in the dtv. CAÍ.!, oíd ex unser

\Y. .JACK SOX, Importer oi MV.tirninjr Cuodd, No. 551 liruadway, between Spring and Prince St. N. York.


A M B R O T Y P E 3 .Tii-: Riui^cribcr having tmrohtwo-l o f Mr. F.

M-tfiggi .Yp-.jaiMBf-i for t-king Aiftteratypes, •a-.. / u;l.v to In': tVioo ì.d I,h it ho i« prt-p - . e ' at M r . \V iocUs oM st.an'l to taka GOOD O lßM O rYPH S*. C om e along anJ go ta Ooo-I

1‘tc ure titktìn» Hoorns on Main Bt over F.j7 3t «£ 0 . W. WRIGHT.

Stoves !Stoves I

Stoves !A l l i n W a n t n f




A T L O IF P R I C E S , G O T O




T I N R O O F I N G ,

Oi U T T t Its.• L E A D i b i t s , W (t !


All kinds oflamps alteredTO BURN KEROSENE.

___* ___

O R D E R S W I L L l i E P R O M P T L Y

A T R E N D E D T O ,


Th*) subscn lvr will rm i.ofi untlnfl<-r W« flnflMli ‘ «'|)L. Ifitli, 1818. a ibnly stage Iju e lutw • Turn's |{:v-*r nud Mane H.MttT. Leave TomV Hive at 1.4», A M iitttui'uiiig, leave .tl iiclivster on tlu arrival o f the Tm .n from the «1.45 A.M. ami 3.' h P.M.boat from foot o f Murray St.. N .Y ., vi» II. & i>. II. II. II.

F A R K T H R O U G H « 1 .50.N. B. P.u-s ligerh by this line will pU «so purolia e

Ibeir Tickets a- ilie f *apfnin*h OfDc. no board the l.oat, #r o f C . COWDHIUK. i oin 'cR iver.

(J. COWDRICK, Proprietor In connection with he above, the subscriber u il•

run a line o f Stages between Banegut and Turn’ - Hive.*,»topping at Waret >wu, Forked River, Cedar Cr* ck pud Putters Creek.

L ea vin g Burnogat nt 12 (m idn igh t) M ondays W ednesday« and Fridays, co n n ectin g at T on i’s R iver with the 4.45 A . jM. line for N ew York via It. «t I). B. It. It., a rr iv in g in N ew Y ork al 10 A. M.. and on Tuesday«, Thursdays and Sa- tnrd iys leave Barnegat at 4 A . M.. connectin g with F reehold lin e , arriv ing in N ew Y ork at 7 P. M. R etu rn in g , leave T om ’s R iver on thoar rival o f the 6 45 A . M., train f om N ew York via It. «1 D. II. It. It.

Fare Through 88 ct». Intermediate places in pro portion.

f\ COW PRICK. Proprietor. On and after D ccem hr ltd, 18«I2. Mail stages to

Freehold tri-wet k 'y -h -a v in g Freehold Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays, on arrival o f the <! A. M. train trom ' . w Yok and 1‘ lii adtdpbia. Returni leave I'oni’s River. Tuesdays. Thursdays and Satin dm s nt 8.30 A M. are each wav fil b«t

T om ’s River, July 23. Is.»3.-

■ G if -r i i i5« f a c .I By virtue r.f a , -rtnin writ o f Ft Fn for rale o f mort- ' : raged premise., lo me d reefed, traced oat o f tire

Court of ehaneery o f Nerv Jersey, will be exposed to 1 p.-llct nt Piilillo Viin/lmi nn



. w ite

N O T I C E .THE »ubacrlh.T hereby gtte» notice

has I ease« I the mill tifeviiedb> A. P. Stan! having secured lb** service* of Mr. U*ri I in KxporlonetNl Mil'er he I* pn'psrcd to4

A1*L KIKDBOF MILMNiIVomplly. and in mien a in %uit«»r ** Iu isf.ictum to ull fefehutafeui li.m wi h ibcl

F L O U R &l F E()t all kln«ls will constant y be kept which will be sold al theL O W E S T C A S H P R 1

my28 ly GE0 RUC URA«1

R K A f , E S T A T E

At Private Salea The Subscriber offers <

PRIVATE SALE,’ And on favorable terms the

owing H E A L E S T A T E ,HOLS and LOT No. 1 The nrop« i;y *

h • subscriber new resides, bitiiaici) in j village of Tom’s River, being a hound feet, tfefe’o stories high with Kitchen It l by 24 feet, with it good ond never-!•veil of water, uml all necessary out buil dc. Said Hons** being well calculatedfl f niilies. The lot is yu by 150 feet, w assortment of Fruit, such us Applet quince», Ac,

.Vo, 2. A HOUSE two stories high. 15 I - ’et, with Kitchen Id by 14 feet, Tiiiaf is located upon a lot 45 by 245 feef.

No. ,H. A HOUSE one aud a halfsterfesM Hi by 18 feel, wi* li Kitchen lfi by J8 ft ri tached, with a fine well of water nude: t Kitchen. This well is never-falling, and I House is well adapted to one or two faniilits.1

No. 4. Consists of 42 acre» of Land, sitmtidl about four miles from Tom’s River Village, «»M the road tc Cedar Creek. This lot is ccverifj with Young Timber of six years’ growth- tf part of this land is well »Runted for general 1 cultivation, and a part for cranberry rnlllire. j

Terms easy. For particular*, nj.pl/ to Ik subscriber, or WM. I. JAMES, I>q.. in ibcTil­lage of Tom’» River.

wm . CARTinvArr.August 12. 18113. 7m


The Subscriber would respectfully announe? : to all ferlio may be in want of nccouimotfttioftf I

A QUIET BOARDING HOUSE,That he is prepared to accommodate a ft-wpff- sons more. The House is situated directly ifr the village of Tom’s River, .-nd hence witbifl» minute’s walk of the stage office.

JE®** i ’h.itgant rooms and good board viil w ; furnished on reasonable terms.

Apply at Goble’s Temperance Ilonsf. aul.-Jy JAALES T. i * P E

CI l A SI P A U K F c f D L R nndl)LD A F I L I . feVIllSKJLY F O B SALS-The PHl.Pcrlbcr effers Mi- mile, hy !he ebJIoh. »W

hundred barrels o f CHAMPAGNE ClbEK.Ala«), a few hundred gallons of

O L D A P P L E W H I S K E Y .Samples o f the Whiskey may be had by

dollar, nnd of the Cider by enclosing 50 cent»-

sale at Public Vendue, on MONDAY, TIII5 15th Day o f FEBRUARY NEXT,

Between the hours o f twelve and five o ’clock in the ■ onud___________ ___ V,1UV, _________alternoon o f said day, nt the house o f C. Cowdrick, ! »Samples will be sent by Express. ..a .in the Village of l o i n s River, in the Township o f Parties desirous o f visiting our work! cann. Dover, Comity o f Ocean, to w i t : dressing us have lull particulars.

II. 8. CONOVER * Co., 1PrinceWfl* N,li via Mercer C f - ^

All the following Described Farm, Tract o f Pine Land and Premises situate in the township o f Stnf-' ford, county o f Ocean, and is bounded aud described as follows, viz :

| Beginning at a stone lettered S II, standing ini ; (.a mile wood Branch, between two small gum trees—| n c the thirteenth corner of a survey made to Ca- ! luh direve and Thomas Curtis, for eieiitv-threo acre»

and three-quarters o f an acre, and being also a cor- m l u S S ner to a thirty-eight, acre survey made to John Mon-1 row ; thence running the different courses to the be- !

i nnnlng, containing one hundred and seventy-six i mm twenty-six hundredths of an aere. h»j the

same more or less ! ^Also, All that T ...

Township o f Stafford, unjoining the aforesaid tract, ---------- --------------containing twenty-six acres and sixty huudredtha of of bis muunfactuie. viz ; an acre, more or less.

Seized m the property o f Iraac Kecvos, Levi ItoeveB nnd David S. rarkcr, defenaentp, and taken m execution at the wilt o f Job II. CJaakill, Comolal- liant. and t,o he snlrl hv *

E . V i A l Í O í f t . t í J b . t ) l7W á .

Peter Lorillard,itu im B. w * . - -a m t t o o a c c o

f a c t u r e r ,1G AND IS CHAMBERS ™

Also, All that Tract o f p ¡„e Land, situate in the ■ (F orm erly «2 Clumbers street, New U '1(( fiord, adjoining the aforesaid tract. ' Vo»*d euil the attention of deal«#» ta uw ; '

liant, and to be sold byJOHN B. COURTNEY. Sheriff 1 1M, twin > d.,j j„ ,Dated December 11th,


G I V E M E A C A L L .

C. O. ChipmaiLmtDlu ly

, , , . N oticela hereby given that appliciitioi) will be made to the

Legislature o f New Jersey, nt the next session, for a charter to construct a railroad from the terminus o f the Burlington County Railroad at Pemberton, and thencerunning thTOii-li or n«»r «'rlfrhtstown, In Bnrlinston

! couniy, and New Luyiit-, iu (Jccun conuty, to some nnuit nt <»r near Hightstown, in Mercer county, or in or

j i.!jL'l-.8hto-.vn. in Monmouth county.| Dec. 2, 1» 1. n.v

! , , NOT I d ' .1 1» hereby given that application » i l l ho made nt tho ! T.........v" .» ‘ „ * .A,, B.' J»*0'

enauing inectmsoi the tpgielnture for the h,corpora. . 1 c.A- r“ . .r' I*'ai ’ -| «on o f " the Barnegat nntl Woodmatinte Turnpike ho. 1, Caveudlsh or ewret,

Company,” to extend a road from Barnegat Bay, in N o. 2, Hw Ocean County, to Woodmansie, in Burlington county. N «0. I & 2 mixed,

Bemegat, SW- 18, 16W. ' n«M fh. , St aanlated.

BROWN SNUFF.Mocnlmy. Demiffi'os. *4

Fine Rupp-ie, Pure Virvfin!fl.Course Ihtnpec, NaekitooM »

American Oejit’ n., CopeuliSfaY E LLO W SNUFF.

Scotch, • Honey Dow Sc. tch, - ..jHigh Toast Scotch , Fresh Honey P i* , ■ m

Irish High Toast,or Lundyfoot. ^ . . .^ n l « .

tt-3u Attention is called to Ilio lofPC j _ -j-,,^*, prices ol Fine Cut Chewing and ,! cos, which fevill be found ofttMipwifer l*

ff'/-\rk t nru\J U P J V L W .

| ¡S n ic k in g . F i n e C u t C h e w in ff^ $ *É Ì

Uh vendisi, or hwee«-, -rHweet Pcentcd OroDoea#

xtd , Tin Foil CaYendish.