Rahul Kumar...Navamsa N av ms Details of Dasa Periods ( Years = 365.25 Days) Dasa balance at birth = Chandra 0 Years, 4 Months, 28 Days Dasa Arambha Anthya Moo 01-01-1989 31-05-1989

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Page 1: Rahul Kumar...Navamsa N av ms Details of Dasa Periods ( Years = 365.25 Days) Dasa balance at birth = Chandra 0 Years, 4 Months, 28 Days Dasa Arambha Anthya Moo 01-01-1989 31-05-1989
Page 2: Rahul Kumar...Navamsa N av ms Details of Dasa Periods ( Years = 365.25 Days) Dasa balance at birth = Chandra 0 Years, 4 Months, 28 Days Dasa Arambha Anthya Moo 01-01-1989 31-05-1989

Rahul Kumarआिद ल मी नम ते त ुपर व िपिणयशो दिेह धन ंदिेहसव कामां च दिेह मे

We salute Goddess Adilakshmithe supreme Brahmaand the bestower ofwealth & prosperity.

Prepared using Astro-vision LifeSign So ware.Licensee:Astrovision Futuretech Pvt.Ltd.

Premium Wealth Horoscope 1

Page 3: Rahul Kumar...Navamsa N av ms Details of Dasa Periods ( Years = 365.25 Days) Dasa balance at birth = Chandra 0 Years, 4 Months, 28 Days Dasa Arambha Anthya Moo 01-01-1989 31-05-1989

B i r t h De t a i l sB i r t h De t a i l s

S u n r i s e , K a l i d i n aS u n r i s e , K a l i d i n a

B a s i c A s t r o l o g y De t a i l sB a s i c A s t r o l o g y De t a i l s

Name : Rahul Kumar

Sex : Male

Date of B irth : 1 January, 1989 Sunday

Time of B irth (Hr.Min.Sec) : 12:05:00 AM Standard Time

Time Zone (Hrs.Mins) : 05:30 East of Greenwich

Place of B irth : Chennai

Longitude & La tude (Deg.Mins) : 80.16 East , 13.05 North

Ayanamsa : Chitra Paksha = 23 Deg. 42 Min. 19Sec.

Birth Star -Star Pada (Quarter) : H astaH asta - 4 - 4

Birth Rasi - Rasi Lord : KanyaKanya -- B udha B udha

Lagna (Ascendant) - Lagna Lord : Kanya - Budha

Thidhi (Lunar Day) : Navami, Krishnapaksha

Sunrise (Hrs.Mins) : 06:31 AMStandard Time

Sunset (Hrs.Mins) : 05:53 PM

Dinamana (Hrs. Mins) : 11.22

Dinamana (Nazhika.Vinazhika) : 28.25

Local Mean Time (LMT) : Standard Time - 9 Min.

Astrological Day of B irth : Saturday

Kalidina Sankhya : 1859061

Dasa System : Vimsho ari, Years = 365.25Days

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Page 4: Rahul Kumar...Navamsa N av ms Details of Dasa Periods ( Years = 365.25 Days) Dasa balance at birth = Chandra 0 Years, 4 Months, 28 Days Dasa Arambha Anthya Moo 01-01-1989 31-05-1989

S t a r Q u a l i e sS t a r Q u a l i e s

Y o g i , K a r a k a , A r u d aY o g i , K a r a k a , A r u d a

Star Lord : Chandra

Ganam, Yoni, Animal : Deva, Female, Buffalo

Bird, Tree : Crow, Ambazha tree

Chandra Avastha : 12 / 12

Chandra Vela : 35 / 36

Chandra Kriya : 58 / 60

Dagda Rasi : Simha,Vrischika

Karanam : Tai la

Nithya Yoga : Athigandha

Rasi of Sun - Star Posi on : Dhanu - Purvashada

Posi on of Angadityan : Feet

Zodiac sign (Western System) : Capricorn

Yogi Point - Yogi Star : 162:44:0 - Hasta

Yogi Planet : Chandra

Duplicate Yogi : Budha

Avayogi Star - Planet : Jyeshta- Budha

Atma Karaka (Soul)-Karakamsa : Kuja - Kumbha

Amatya Karaka (Intellect/Mind) : Shukra

Lagna Aruda (Pada) / Thanu : Vrishabha

Dhana Aruda (Pada) : Dhanu

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Page 5: Rahul Kumar...Navamsa N av ms Details of Dasa Periods ( Years = 365.25 Days) Dasa balance at birth = Chandra 0 Years, 4 Months, 28 Days Dasa Arambha Anthya Moo 01-01-1989 31-05-1989

W e a l t h P r e d i c o nW e a l t h P r e d i c o n

Da s a S u m m a r yDa s a S u m m a r y

R a s i N a v a m s a C h a r tR a s i N a v a m s a C h a r t










Hasta1-January-198912:05:00 AM

RasiLa tude +13.05Longitude -80.16


Gul Lag









N avamsaN avamsa

Details of Dasa Periods Details of Dasa Periods

( Years( Years = = 365.25365.25 Days)Days)

D asa balance at birthD asa balance at birth = = Chandra Chandra 00 Years, Years, 44 Months, Months, 2828 D aysD ays

D asaD asa A rambhaA rambha A nthyaA nthya

Moo 01-01-1989 31-05-1989

Mar 31-05-1989 30-05-1996

Rah 30-05-1996 31-05-2014

Jup 31-05-2014 31-05-2030

Sat 31-05-2030 31-05-2049

Mer 31-05-2049 31-05-2066

Ket 31-05-2066 31-05-2073

Ven 31-05-2073 31-03-2086

The bo om line in the chart does not indicate your longivity.The bo om line in the chart does not indicate your longivity.

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Premium Wealth Horoscope 4

Page 6: Rahul Kumar...Navamsa N av ms Details of Dasa Periods ( Years = 365.25 Days) Dasa balance at birth = Chandra 0 Years, 4 Months, 28 Days Dasa Arambha Anthya Moo 01-01-1989 31-05-1989

L a g n a b a s e d P r e d i c o nL a g n a b a s e d P r e d i c o n

N a k s h t r a b a s e d P r e d i c o nN a k s h t r a b a s e d P r e d i c o n

Nakshatras are an exclusive feature of Vedic astrology. All planets are placed in differentnakshatras and the results hence will be different. Generally, Moon's nakshatra is studied butother nakshatra placements are ignored. In this report we have analysed the nakshatra of Moon,Jupiter and Venus. Moon indicates emo ons and thoughts in astrology. The nakshatra whichMoon resides will decode the nature of your thoughts and emo ons. A close analysis of this willshow you how your thoughts are progressing. Whether you are money minded or how you arementally prepared to make money is visible through nakshatra analysis. Simiarly, nakshatraplacement of Jupiter and Venus is also important as they both are indicators of wealth andcomfort respec vely. In astrology Jupiter is the primary indicator of wealth and happiness. Thecond on of Jupiter will show the general status of both wealth and happiness. The analysis of itsnakshatra gives a precision to predic on regarding wealth and happiness. Venus is also studied toanalyse the amount of luxury and related challenges.

This report is an analysis of the status of your wealth. For any analysis we have to see the fullchart through various perspec ves. As the first step we have studied your lagna which indicatesyour personality. Lagna is the key to unlock the secrets of your personality. Then we have studiedthe placement of lagna lord. This shows what will be your lifelong focus. Whichever house yourlagna lord is placed shows those things which supports you in the journey of your life. So it has abig connec on with wealth.

Your lagna is ruled by Mercury and it is the planet for communica on and intellect. You may liketo analyze a lot. You have a skill for money management. You like to be a perfec onist and youmay want others also to follow the same. At the same me, you must control the a tude tocorrect others. You may have to work on your confidence. There may be a high interest forstudies. Others may see you as an intellect. Your specula ve nature should not bring anychallenges in the rela onships.

Your lagna lord is in fi h house. This is a very beau ful placement and it seems to be veryfortunate. You may have the blessings from the ancestors. You may meet powerful people in yourlife. You yourself may have a lot of power and wisdom. This placement indicates that you will be arespectable person. You like to serve others as well. There may be a lot of contacts with people ingovernment service.

Your Moon nakshatra is Hasta. You may make money from own ventures. Your nakshathraindicate open hands so working with hands can be your primary income method. The crea vesector can also be profitable for you. Your life may take off from the mid-thir es. Yourdetermina on will help you to reach a good level in work. That may give you more wealth. YourMoon nakshatra is in fourth pada. You have to be careful with your expenses. There are certainhurdles in income genera on.

Lagna based Predic onLagna based Predic on

Nakshatra based Predic onNakshatra based Predic on

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Premium Wealth Horoscope 5

Page 7: Rahul Kumar...Navamsa N av ms Details of Dasa Periods ( Years = 365.25 Days) Dasa balance at birth = Chandra 0 Years, 4 Months, 28 Days Dasa Arambha Anthya Moo 01-01-1989 31-05-1989

Ho u s e A n a l y s i s F o r W e a l t hHo u s e A n a l y s i s F o r W e a l t h

There are different houses known as wealth houses in you chart. They are analysed in this reportso that you can see the promises, scope and challenges. This analysis will help you to plan yourfinances in a be er way. The second house is itself is known as dhana bhava. This house showsyour savings and money gainex through efforts. The fourth house is connected with happiness,land, comfort and blessings from your mother. That's why this house is known as Sukha bhava.The ninth house is known as Bhagya bhava. As the name shows it indicates your luck. Theeleventh house indicates the amount of profits you are des ned for. This house is known as labha.

Your second lord is in the third house. The planet which rules your wealth is in the house forcourage. That indicates the chances to have own ventures. You will have a very transforma onalrela onship with your siblings. This placement shows a person who does mul -tasking to makemoney. At the same me, you may have to control your expenses. People may appreciate yournature, but some me you may be li le depraved. You may have to control your luxuriouslifestyle.

Mars aspects second house. This is a complex aspect for Mars. This is the house for speech andMars energy may make you a harsh speaker. You may try to spend, so there can be somechallenges regarding financial stability. It would be good if you try to control your expenses.

In your horoscope Jupiter is in Kri ka nakshatra second pada. This is a good placement to getinto a government ins tu on. You may get enough opportuni es to gain respect from the public.Entertainment sector also may give you income.

Venus is situated in Jyeshta nakshatra third pada. You may make income from engineeringrelated domain. More than the arts sector, you may be interested in science and technology. Atthe same me, you may have to be very careful with your savings.

House Analysis For WealthHouse Analysis For Wealth

S econd HouseS econd House

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Page 8: Rahul Kumar...Navamsa N av ms Details of Dasa Periods ( Years = 365.25 Days) Dasa balance at birth = Chandra 0 Years, 4 Months, 28 Days Dasa Arambha Anthya Moo 01-01-1989 31-05-1989

Your fourth lord is in the ninth house. The planet which indicates family and home is in the housefor luck and fortune. This is a very good combina on of happiness and prosperity. You may be aknowledgeable person. This knowledge may be a valuable addi on to you. You may have all theconveniences. Father may be a prime influencer in your life. There won�t be any obstacle inmaking wealth. You may have landed proper es and vehicles.

Sun is in fourth House. This is not an ideal placement for the Sun. You may have some challengesfrom the home, family and rela ves. Try to keep a healthy diet. Your chest related area is slightlysensi ve. You may not like dual minded people, but there are chances for you to work withingenuine people. You may get progress towards the second half of life.

Saturn occupies the fourth house. Saturn is not the right planet to represent the house for thefamily. You may learn a lot of prac cal lessons from family situa ons. You may have to make soloefforts to have own wealth. There may be some stress from the mother. Staying and working in adistant land is also seen. You are likely to have some issues in educa on. This may make yourparents unhappy, so try to do jus ce to your role as a student. You should always try to improveyourself and learn to be sa sfied with whatever you have. Minor health related issues can comeup during the childhood, but you may pickup as you grow in age.

Your ninth lord is in the third house. This means your planet for fortune is in the house for media,communica on, and own ventures. This indicates that most of the fortunes may come frommedia and communica on-related skills. You may even start own ventures. You may get supportfrom siblings or siblings like people. Mul ple skills may give you income from mul ple sources. Youmay get a lot of love and recogni on.

Jupiter occupies the ninth house. Jupiter indicates dharma, and this is a very good placement. Youmay be known as a very righteous person. Through your work, you may meet people with powerand authority. You, yourself may be a powerful person. There may be enough wealth to makeyourself happy. People may see you as a teacher. You may have respect for your father. Nameand fame is also shown through the chart. Your sons may be a ma er of happiness. There may bea lot of fortune and luck seen in your chart. Others may see you as a leader or a guide. You maybe a law abiding ci zen. There are chances to go to foreign lands. You may take up the role of apreacher, teacher or a counselor.

Fourth HouseFourth House

Ninth HouseNinth House

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Page 9: Rahul Kumar...Navamsa N av ms Details of Dasa Periods ( Years = 365.25 Days) Dasa balance at birth = Chandra 0 Years, 4 Months, 28 Days Dasa Arambha Anthya Moo 01-01-1989 31-05-1989

Your eleventh lord is in first house. You may like to be always in a team. Wealth is also shownthrough this placement. People may appreciate your just moves. There may be a lot of profitabledeals in your life. There may be a natural interest for new technology. Own business plans may bea part of your career. Opportuni es to work with larger groups are also seen. People mayappreciate your stability and courage.

Mercury aspects eleventh house. Mercury indicates speech, technology and various modes ofcommunica on. You may make wealth from any of these domains. Opportuni es to work withlarge groups may make you more efficient. Your truthful nature and intelligence may be a bigvalue addi on for your life. Your life may be blessed with name, fame and money. Most of yourprofits may come from engineering related industry.

Eleventh HouseEleventh House

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Premium Wealth Horoscope 8

Page 10: Rahul Kumar...Navamsa N av ms Details of Dasa Periods ( Years = 365.25 Days) Dasa balance at birth = Chandra 0 Years, 4 Months, 28 Days Dasa Arambha Anthya Moo 01-01-1989 31-05-1989

W e a l t h O v e r v i e wW e a l t h O v e r v i e w

Hora chart is an integral part in chart analysis as it is the primary chart to analyse wealth. It willeither have Leo or Cancer in Lagna. This chart will show how much effort you should put andhow the wealth factor is going to support you. There are various components in this chart toshow you whether you should have mul e jobs or concentrate in one.

Sun Mer



Ven Mar Sat

Rah Ket Lag


Mars is in Leo in hora chart. You may have a lot of enthusiasm to have own ventures. Teamdiscussions may be a part of your income genera on. At the same me, there can be somechallenges from team ventures. You may find income from engineering related domains. You mayhave to work with your physical energy.

Rahu is in Leo in hora chart. Rahu indicates foreign things, so you may have foreigncollabora ons. There are many chances to make wealth through foreign travels as well. You maybe hands on with new technology. There may be a lot of aggression in your behavior. That shouldnot bring any hurdles in your prosperity.

Ketu is in Leo in hora chart. Ketu is known to have Mar an energy. You may have a lot of interestin research and analysis. You may try to earn money through metals. At the same me, you haveto be careful with your aggressive natures. That may cause issues with your team mates.

Sun is situated in Cancer in hora chart. Real estate and family related area may bring youincome. There are higher chance for you to make income through own efforts. Your incomegenera on may bring some confusion in your dear and near ones It may bring some challenges inthe rela onships. You may also make money through nourishment related sectors.

Wealth OverviewWealth Overview

H oraH ora

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Page 11: Rahul Kumar...Navamsa N av ms Details of Dasa Periods ( Years = 365.25 Days) Dasa balance at birth = Chandra 0 Years, 4 Months, 28 Days Dasa Arambha Anthya Moo 01-01-1989 31-05-1989

W e a l t h Y o g aW e a l t h Y o g a

Yogas are special combina on of planets in the horoscope which influence the life and future of aperson. Some are formed by simple conjunc on of planets,whereas others are based on complexastrological logic or peculiar placement of planets in the chart. Hundreds of combina ons andtheir effects have been described in the ancient astrological texts. While some combina ons aregood, others may have undesirable effects. The important combina ons iden fied in yourhoroscope are listed below with a brief men on of the effect it can have on you.

Moon is in Leo in hora chart. You have to be careful with your finances. There are many chancesfor you to spend it in a jiffy. You have to be careful with your networking groups. You may makemoney from customer care and nourishment related sectors. Try to be careful with your oppositegender.

6 special yogas for wealth have been iden fied in this horoscope.

The benefic planet in the twel h from the Sun is giving you good benefits. You will be interestedin science and technology. You can even be a researcher in this domain. You will be known as anintelligent man. You may get much amount of wealth. You will have a rac ve features.

This yoga will give you good health. Good amount of wealth is also indicated. People will trustyou. They will admire your beauty as well. You will be very good in taking up responsibili es. Youwill be fortunate and even treated like a leader.

You will have a strong body. You remain happy even in difficult situa ons. You will become richand enjoy life.

Special Combina on of Planets in the HoroscopeSpecial Combina on of Planets in the Horoscope

(YOGA) for Wealth(YOGA) for Wealth

S ubhaVasi YogaS ubhaVasi Yoga

L og ic: B enefic planet other than M oon occupy twel h from Sun.L og ic: B enefic planet other than M oon occupy twel h from Sun.

S ubhaObhayachari YogaS ubhaObhayachari Yoga

L og ic: B enefic planet other than M oon present on either side of Sun.L og ic: B enefic planet other than M oon present on either side of Sun.

D ehapush YogaD ehapush Yoga

L og ic: L agna lord in a movable sign with beneficia l aspect .L og ic: L agna lord in a movable sign with beneficia l aspect .

Mathrumooladhana YogaMathrumooladhana Yoga

L og ic: L ord of second joins the lord of fourth.L og ic: L ord of second joins the lord of fourth.

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Page 12: Rahul Kumar...Navamsa N av ms Details of Dasa Periods ( Years = 365.25 Days) Dasa balance at birth = Chandra 0 Years, 4 Months, 28 Days Dasa Arambha Anthya Moo 01-01-1989 31-05-1989

You will gain money with the help and blessing of your mother.

You will rise to posi ons of power and authority

This yoga confirms wealth and prosperity. This yoga shows that you will have material possessionslike land. You may own vast range of land. As a man, this will give you happiness and confidence.

Raja YogaRaja Yoga

L og ic: L ords of Fourth and N inth houses L og ic: L ords of Fourth and N inth houses aspect each other L ords of Seventh andaspect each other L ords of Seventh andN inth houses N inth houses aspect each other B eneficia l Ra ja yoga is seen in this horoscopeaspect each other B eneficia l Ra ja yoga is seen in this horoscope

Amara YogaAmara Yoga

L og ic: A ll ma lefics occupy kendras.L og ic: A ll ma lefics occupy kendras.

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Premium Wealth Horoscope 11

Page 13: Rahul Kumar...Navamsa N av ms Details of Dasa Periods ( Years = 365.25 Days) Dasa balance at birth = Chandra 0 Years, 4 Months, 28 Days Dasa Arambha Anthya Moo 01-01-1989 31-05-1989

F a v o u r a b l e P e r i o d s f o r Ho u s e C o n s t r u c o nF a v o u r a b l e P e r i o d s f o r Ho u s e C o n s t r u c o n

Favourable Periods for House Construc onFavourable Periods for House Construc onConsidering the fourth lord, benefic planets with aspect on fourth house or fourth lord and otherfactors, the following dasa/apahara periods are found favourable for construc on of house.

Analysis for age 15 to age 80.Analysis for age 15 to age 80.

D asaD asa A paharaA pahara Period startPeriod start Period E ndPeriod E nd A na lysisA na lysis

Rahu Shukra 18-12-2007 18-12-2010 Favourable

Guru Sani 18-07-2016 29-01-2019 Favourable

Guru Budha 29-01-2019 06-05-2021 Favourable

Guru Ketu 06-05-2021 12-04-2022 Favourable

Guru Shukra 12-04-2022 11-12-2024 Excellent

Guru Surya 11-12-2024 29-09-2025 Favourable

Guru Chandra 29-09-2025 29-01-2027 Favourable

Guru Kuja 29-01-2027 05-01-2028 Favourable

Guru Rahu 05-01-2028 31-05-2030 Favourable

Sani Shukra 22-03-2037 21-05-2040 Favourable

Sani Guru 17-11-2046 31-05-2049 Favourable

Budha Shukra 23-10-2052 24-08-2055 Favourable

Budha Guru 15-06-2061 21-09-2063 Favourable

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Page 14: Rahul Kumar...Navamsa N av ms Details of Dasa Periods ( Years = 365.25 Days) Dasa balance at birth = Chandra 0 Years, 4 Months, 28 Days Dasa Arambha Anthya Moo 01-01-1989 31-05-1989

F a v o u r a b l e P e r i o d s b a s e d J u p i t e r T r a n s i tF a v o u r a b l e P e r i o d s b a s e d J u p i t e r T r a n s i t

Favourable Periods for House Construc onFavourable Periods for House Construc onConsidering the transit of Jupiter on various houses, the following periods are found to befavourable for House Construc on

Analysis for age 15 to age 80.Analysis for age 15 to age 80.

Period startPeriod start Period E ndPeriod E nd A na lysisA na lysis

29-09-2005 28-10-2006 Favourable

11-12-2008 01-05-2009 Favourable

31-07-2009 20-12-2009 Favourable

03-05-2010 01-11-2010 Excellent

07-12-2010 08-05-2011 Excellent

18-05-2012 31-05-2013 Favourable

20-06-2014 14-07-2015 Excellent

13-09-2017 11-10-2018 Favourable

31-03-2020 30-06-2020 Favourable

21-11-2020 06-04-2021 Favourable

15-09-2021 21-11-2021 Favourable

14-04-2022 22-04-2023 Excellent

02-05-2024 15-05-2025 Favourable

19-10-2025 05-12-2025 Excellent

03-06-2026 31-10-2026 Excellent

26-01-2027 26-06-2027 Excellent

27-12-2028 29-03-2029 Favourable

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Page 15: Rahul Kumar...Navamsa N av ms Details of Dasa Periods ( Years = 365.25 Days) Dasa balance at birth = Chandra 0 Years, 4 Months, 28 Days Dasa Arambha Anthya Moo 01-01-1989 31-05-1989

26-08-2029 25-01-2030 Favourable

02-05-2030 23-09-2030 Favourable

06-03-2032 12-08-2032 Favourable

24-10-2032 18-03-2033 Favourable

29-03-2034 06-04-2035 Excellent

16-04-2036 10-09-2036 Favourable

18-11-2036 26-04-2037 Favourable

17-09-2037 17-01-2038 Excellent

12-05-2038 07-10-2038 Excellent

04-03-2039 02-06-2039 Excellent

04-12-2040 06-05-2041 Favourable

01-08-2041 02-01-2042 Favourable

11-06-2042 28-08-2042 Favourable

17-02-2044 02-03-2045 Favourable

14-03-2046 22-03-2047 Excellent

19-08-2047 11-10-2047 Favourable

29-03-2048 13-08-2048 Favourable

29-12-2048 03-04-2049 Favourable

28-08-2049 08-03-2050 Excellent

03-04-2050 19-09-2050 Excellent

16-11-2052 15-12-2053 Favourable

31-01-2056 13-02-2057 Favourable

25-02-2058 03-03-2059 Excellent

Period startPeriod start Period E ndPeriod E nd A na lysisA na lysis

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Page 16: Rahul Kumar...Navamsa N av ms Details of Dasa Periods ( Years = 365.25 Days) Dasa balance at birth = Chandra 0 Years, 4 Months, 28 Days Dasa Arambha Anthya Moo 01-01-1989 31-05-1989

S u m m a r yS u m m a r y

Hard work always plays a great role behind a person's success. There are certain areas whereyou have to focus, so that you can be more successful. It may be good if you do some good long-term financial planning with the help of an expert. If you try to focus more on savings, then theremay be a lot of progress. You may gain more wealth as you advance in your age. There may be ahappier me during the la er half of life.

G e m R e p o r tG e m R e p o r t

17-07-2059 25-11-2059 Favourable

05-03-2060 22-07-2060 Favourable

10-08-2061 02-09-2062 Excellent

01-11-2064 30-11-2065 Favourable

Period startPeriod start Period E ndPeriod E nd A na lysisA na lysis


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Page 17: Rahul Kumar...Navamsa N av ms Details of Dasa Periods ( Years = 365.25 Days) Dasa balance at birth = Chandra 0 Years, 4 Months, 28 Days Dasa Arambha Anthya Moo 01-01-1989 31-05-1989

G e m R e c o m m e n d a o nG e m R e c o m m e n d a o n

S h a d b a l a T a b l eS h a d b a l a T a b l e

G e m A n a l y s i sG e m A n a l y s i s

The strength of planets in the horoscope is judged by the shadbala. Two planets are weak withshadbala ra o less than 1. The weakest planet is Guru.

Lagna lord is Budha. Lagna lord is weak. Rasi lord is Budha. Rasi lord is weak. Fi h lord is Sani.Ninth lord is Shukra.

Gems are wonderful crea ons of nature. Crystals have many special proper es and findapplica ons in scien fic areas including electronics. Crystal oscillators, diodes, piezo-electriccrystals etc. are examples. Gem stones are found in natural form in many shapes and colours.They differ in physical and chemical proper es from one another. The stones are cut and polishedto give the required beauty and shine.

From ancient mes scholars have associated gems with planets, based on the colour and theeffect that is produced by wearing the same. Not only the Indians but Chinese and Egyp ansbelieved in the mys cal and therapeu c quali es of gem stones.

The science of gems and astrology is now brought closer to the common man as a result of theresearch work done by Astro-Vision.

Gem Recommenda onGem Recommenda on

Shadbala TableShadbala Table

M ooM oo SunSun M erM er VenVen M arM ar JupJup SatSat

Total Shadbala 530.83 373.12 367.97 345.02 460.69 345.11 426.91

Total Shadbala in Rupas 8.85 6.22 6.13 5.75 7.68 5.75 7.12

Minimum Requirement 6.00 5.00 7.00 5.50 5.00 6.50 5.00

Shadbala Ra o 1.48 1.24 0.88 1.05 1.54 0.88 1.42

Rela ve Rank 2 4 6 5 1 7 3


Benefic Lordships :Benefic Lordships :

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Sixth lord is Sani. Eighth lord is Kuja.

G e m I n t r oG e m I n t r o

Gem selec on is made a er a careful analysis of the lordships of houses and strength of planets.'Anukul-graha' (favourable planet) selec on system is applied to find the most beneficial gem forthe horoscope.

G e m P r e s c r i p o n 1G e m P r e s c r i p o n 1

P r e c a u o n sP r e c a u o n s

Having got the right recommenda on of Gem it will be proven useful only if you strictly followthe precau ons men oned here.

Purchase good quality Gems from dependable sources only. It is important to set the gems in theright metal prescribed. Do not go by the cost or appearance. Gems should be set by an expert insuch a way that the rays of the Sun can pass through the gem and reach your body. (The bo omof the gem should not be covered by metal). The gems should not be exposed to heat orscratched by sharp objects. It is be er to remove the gems while bathing.

Set the stone in a gold ring. Wear on right hand small finger. Start wearing from a Wednesday, 15minutes a er sunrise.

Rich green in colour, Emerald is a silicate of berylium and aluminium with a hardness of 7.5 to 8.Occurs in Australia, Brazil, Columbia, Norway and Urals. It is precious stone ruled by Mercury. Itreleases cold green rays. Semi precious stones Jade and Peridot can be used by you as subs tutefor Emerald on considera ons of cost.

Malefic Lordships :Malefic Lordships :

Gem Prescrip onGem Prescrip onP lanetP lanet : B udhaB udhaG emG em : E mera ldE mera ldWeightWeight : 3 carats3 carats

Precau onsPrecau ons

Q uality of Gem and its fixingQ uality of Gem and its fixing

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Page 19: Rahul Kumar...Navamsa N av ms Details of Dasa Periods ( Years = 365.25 Days) Dasa balance at birth = Chandra 0 Years, 4 Months, 28 Days Dasa Arambha Anthya Moo 01-01-1989 31-05-1989

The day you start wearing the Gem for the first me should be given due significance. Yourmental prepara on and cleanliness is of great importance. For this purpose you are free to followthe rituals according to your faith and prac ce.

Please note that the gems now recommended for you do not remain the most suitable for youthrough out your life. It may have to be reviewed depending on the changes in your personal lifeand dasa periods. More over the importance and priori es you a ach to the problems may alsoshi from me to me. Therefore it would be advisable for you to recheck your gem prescrip onwhen required.

Select a suitable date keeping in view the DAY suggested for each Gem and your personalconvenience. Make a note of the me of SUNRISE at the place where you stay. This informa onis usually available in the calender. Get up early in the morning. Complete your morning rou nesand bath. Wear clean clothes. Pray (or meditate) for few minutes to purify your mind. Plan yourac vi es in such a way that you will be able to wear the gem exactly at the recommended TIME(Gems are be er worn for the first me in the presence of elders or persons you respect.)

It is believed that the astrological remedial power of a gemstone will diminish when a personwears it for a long period. Approximate periods for the gems are as follows. Pearl- 2 years, Ruby -4 years, Emerald - 3 years, Diamond- 7 years, Red coral- 3 years, Yellow Sapphire - 4 years, B lueSapphire - 5 years, Hessonite - 3 years and Cat's Eye - 5 years. It is suggested that a new ring ismade with a new stone a er this period for best results.

Please note that your next dasa change is on 31-05-2030

Personal prepara on to beginPersonal prepara on to begin

Warning / Cau onWarning / Cau on

o ff e r o t h e r so ff e r o t h e r s

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o ff e r o t h e r so ff e r o t h e r s





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