AIESEC Wageningen LC 2012-2013 AIESEC Wageningen 2012-2013

RavA Wageningen Overview

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Page 1: RavA Wageningen Overview

AIESEC Wageningen

LC 2012-2013

AIESEC Wageningen


Page 2: RavA Wageningen Overview

AIESEC Wageningen

LC 2012-2013

Page 3: RavA Wageningen Overview


Lieve Liselotte, Gerjon, Tjeerd, Rianne en Irene, Hierbij willen we jullie een overzicht geven van de prestaties van LC 2012-2013. Mede door de inspiratie en het enthousiasme wat we persoonlijk van jullie hebben mogen ontvangen hebben we dit kunnen bereiken. Bedankt voor jullie inzet, support en vertrouwen! Naast actieve RavA leden vinden we jullie ook ontzettend toffe personen en we vinden het geweldig jullie (beter) te hebben leren kennen dit jaar. Marieke, Anne, Geeke, Rivka en Nanette Bestuur AIESEC Wageningen 2012-2013

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What made us get up every morning This year was all about innovation and local relevance for our LC. Not just because we thought it was cool to try something new. Not because we had lots of money and didn’t know what to do with it. No. We have innovated because we believe in the potential of Wageningen students and its region. We have innovated because we have strived to capitalize on that potential and to become a hero in our local network. Being able to do this required a new way of thinking. Moreover, it required action. We want to share with you not only our performance, but even more our good case practices.

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Incoming Exchange Team Team picture Overview Details Good Case practices Outgoing Exchange Team Team picture Overview Details Good Case practices

Make a Move Team Team picture Overview Details Good Case practices

Head Office Team picture Overview Good Case practices Closing


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Account Marion Tuinstra Katja Schuurman Acquisitie Koen Geenen Fleur Stevens Co Nanette van der Spek

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2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

# Getekende contracten 6 7 7

# Matches 6 6 5

# Gerealiseerde stages 6 5 5

Voor eind van het jaar nog 4 afspraken 100% van onze trainees geven 8 of hoger op tevredenheidsonderzoek Onze online brand awareness strategie werd als nationaal voorbeeld gebruikt

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TOPIC KPI’s Performance

Sales & ER

1. Growth in raises

I) Absolute growth compared to 11/12 - 3

II) % growth compared to 11/12 - 30 %

III) % of ICX raised target achieved 58 %

IV) Success in Hunting Season: # appointments & raises 12 app – 0 raise

2. Branding of ICX Online activities, offline activities, or corporate partnerships (e.g. network/umbrella organizations) (GCP)

Next pages

Delivery & Relationship Management

3. Growth realizations

I) Number of realized TN 11/12 minus 10/11 0

II) % growth 11/12 0 %

III) % of ICX realization target achieved 50 %

4. Delivery Rate & Time I) % of Raises that got realized 40 %

II) Delivery time (days between signing and realization) 13 #

5. Re-raising I) % of all companies that wanted a re-raise in 12/13 43 %

6. Quality of ICX

I) Overall grade company surveys (1-6) 4,5

II) Average grade of intern surveys, both (1-6) and NPS 100

III) Special events organized for interns (GCP) Next pages

Strategic Initiatives

7. Special Strategic Innitives I) Projects or initiatives taken by your LC to improve ICX in your city in the long-term

Next pages

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Online Branding

In the beginning of the year, we as AIESEC Wageningen saw the importance of using online marketing in order to create more brand-awareness for AIESEC in the Netherlands. We used the Horse Race to set up a brand-awareness project which was especially focused on online marketing. As an example: we updated LinkedIn, created a Twitter account and asked our companies if they would put our logo on their website. One of the outcomes of this project was that we got in contact with Driek Geurtsen, owner of ICT Valley (a networking organisation for IT companies in our region). We set up a collaboration which enhanced a great deal of online marketing in order to send the AIESEC message towards the IT companies in our region and beyond. Last Thursday, at the second IT drink of this season in Veenendaal, I noticed what kind of influence this project had. A lot of people I talked to already knew AIESEC and were very enthusiastic. We already got appointments at companies like InfoSupport and Cegeka (large international IT companies) and are still in conversation about raising several TN’s. I believe that with this collaboration we created the beginning of an online platform for AIESEC Wageningen, which can be enlarged next year!

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Sustainable Offline Collaborations

Besides online branding, we also paid attention to long term (mainly) offline collaborations. Up to this year, this was not done in Wageningen and we believed that this was very important for the on-going process and growth of AIESEC Wageningen in the future. We also saw the importance of ‘focus’, in order to set up efficient collaboration that would not be superficial. Due to this focus, we choose to set up collaborations with ICT Valley (IT sector), FoodValley (LifeScience sector), VNO-NCW and the University. These initiatives succeeded and we are currently in a collaborative relationship with these organisations. Next to that, we recently set up another collaboration with Bedrijvenkring Veenendaal, which can be very useful as a complement to the ICT Valley collaboration.

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Conclusions on strategic initiatives

Concluding on this, we can summarize the acquisition of our year in the words ‘online brand-awareness’ and ‘collaboration’. We thought of these two aspects as very important for the growth of AIESEC Wageningen and although this is long-term strategy and we do not see all the results yet, we are really happy about our choice and wouldn’t have done it any other way. Our goal was to create a stable foundation for AIESEC Wageningen in order to have an exponential growth in the coming years. We believe that this growth will be very realistic for the future of AIESEC Wageningen!

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We organised a Sinterklaas / Goodbye party for our trainee Shahrukh who was here from September until December. We baptised him ‘Zwarte Piet’, made him a poem and played a Sinterklaas presents game with the whole LC. Was a lot of fun!!

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GCP: Buddy family activities

We use buddy families for trainees. Every buddy family has its own trainee and takes care of them in the first weeks (organises a dinner, a tour, some activities etc.). This works really well! We do not have that many trainees, so every trainee gets enough personal attention. We take trainees to parties, Family Day, BBQs, reception weekends and they are attending the take over weekend. We are very lucky with our trainees, they are AWESOME!

Eating Dutch sushi with Alan

Taking him to (cross-dressing) parties

Buddy family pictures with Sharukh

Dancing Tunak Tunak together at the AIESEC Family Day with Mohammed, Agnieszka & Alan

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Marketing Aqua International Affairs Luca Peters External Relations Nienke Andriessen

Online media Timon Weitkamp Co Rivka van Mastrigt

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2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

# Contracten getekend

5 7 12

# Gerealiseerde stages

7 2 10 (5 in zomer)

# Deelnemers nationaal programma

35 33 38

- Pilot voor langdurige partnership met Coca Cola België - Pilot voor langdurige partnership met Knoel Consult in Duitsland

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TOPIC % of score KPI’s LC answer/score

1. Absolute and relative growth in raises 5%

I) Number of Ra GCDP EPs 12/13 minus number of 11/12 I) 11 II) 120% III) 73.33

II) % growth 12/13 in Ra EPs

III) % of achieved GCDP Ra goals

2a. Growth in GIP matching rate


I) Percentage of GIP EP Raises which is matched in 12/13 minus that percentage in 11/12 I) 36%-12.5%=23.5%

II)4-1= 3 III) 400% 2b. Growth in GCDP matches

II) Number of Ma GCDP EPs 12/13 minus number of 11/12

III) % growth 12/13 in Ma GCDP EPs

2. Absolute and relative growth in realizations 15%

I) Number of Re GIP EPs 12/13 minus number of 11/12 I) 4-1 = 3 II) 400% III) 80%

IV) 1-1=0 V) 0

VI) 16.7 %

II) % growth 12/13 in GIP EP Realizations

III) % of achieved GIP Re goals

lV) Number of Re GCDP Eps 12/13 minus number of 11/12

V) % growth 12/13 of GCDP EP Realizations

Vl) % of achieved GCDP Re goals

3. Customer Experience Management 15%

I) Overall NPS grade in GIP OGX I) 9 II) 9 III) -

IV) T V) 20.6 days

II) Overall NPS grade in GCDP OGX

III) Initiatives started by the LC to improve overall quality (taken into account when a tie takes place)

lV) % of NPS surveys filled in

V) Average delivery time

4. International Cooperation initiatives 15%

I) Number of projects run in the LC

I) 2 II) 7 III) 1


I.i) Number of raises for project

I.ii) Number of realizations for project

Note: Please include the EP-Id’s of the realizations for the projects

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5. OGX product innovation 15% Projects or initiatives taken by your LC that led into improvements or innovation on existing processes (quantity, quality or any OGX process)

Next pages

6. External Exposure/Brand Awareness 10%

I) Number of media appearances I) 2 in university paper II) 735 III) ISOW, promoting them to EP’s in return promotion talks during their events. KSV, student association. Promoting on their fb page.

II) Reach of your facebook page

(please include print screen of facebook insights)

lll) Number of external collaborations with other student organizations (include names of the student organizations and what you collaborated for)

7. Special Strategic Initiatives 10% l) Projects or iniatives taken by your LC to improve OGX in your city in the long term.

Next pages

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INCOMING EXCHANGE Product innovation

New Function: Process manager

To increase structure of the OGX process in Wageningen. Facebook Focus • Send personal message to people that like our page or post


3 raises for OGX, 1 EB member and 2 part-time members

• Botton ‘join AIESEC’ which opens survey linked to google doc for data storage impact:

Until now 1 raise for OGX and increased response rate.

Study advisor lunch Fruitful lunch with study advisors. Brainstormed about how OGX can cooperate with university. Impact

Better understanding on what the needs are of the university. Plan of action formulated together.

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INCOMING EXCHANGE Long term projects

So as you can see, we have turned our “weakness”, namely students that are specialized and difficult to match within the AIESEC network, in an actual strength!

We could have focussed on easy to match students, but this is not sustainable on a long-term and would miss out on the unique opportunity that we have in our AIESEC network as life science city. Moreover, we see that especially life science students come to our office for an internship.

With the GIP partnerships we currently have in the pipeline and the new “topic based” marketing of GCDP projects we expect to grow expansively next year!

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Marketing Marlene Vermeij Account Nienke Schipper Bram Berkelmans External Relations Carola Raaijmakers

Make a Move online Daan Stolk Special Projects André van Meijeren Logistics Jeroen Roest Co Geeke Wijnia

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INCOMING EXCHANGE Make a Move overview

2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

Career week

# companies 14 8 15

# students 122 100 249

Appreciation students (1-10) 7 7.6 8

Other activities

# students 79 57 111

Appreciation students (1-5) - - 4.5

Make a Move online

# Students - - 345 (target =600)

- Ons Carrière Dag model wordt nu als nationaal voorbeeld gebruikt

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Topic KPI’s Performance

Companies CW

1. Company participation Relative growth: from 8 to 15 87,5% growth

2. Evaluation companies Final average grade 7

3. Recurring companies # companies claiming to participate again next year 10

Students CW

4. Student subscriptions Relative growth: from 100 to 247 147% growth

5. Evaluation students Final average grade 8

6. NPS students Final average NPS ?

7. Quality students Average quality grade 3.2 out of 10

National Products

8. Monitor research respondents 2013 Number of respondents + relative growth ? (didn’t receive final number and numbers previous year)

9. Meet a Mentor subscriptions 2013 Number of students subscribed + relative growth 24 students, 140% growth


10. Future is Yours/Br@nd Yourself Evaluation grade event 4,4 on scale of 5

11. Women at the Top Evaluation grade event Didn’t do the event, Our event: Board activity with 4,1 on scale of 5

12. Application & assessment training Evaluation grade event 4,5 on scale of 5


13. Student subscriptions % of target student subscriptions 96%


14. Key successes of MaM in your city # GCPs + impact GCP

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Career Day Research

What Make a Move Wageningen did a research among 275 students of Wageningen University and 11 companies. Additionally, we made a competitor analysis. This resulted in the following changes in the Careerweek: Format • A Careerday and a full additional program • The program is divided in 3 different work field segments: Biology, Plants & Animals,

Technology & Nutrition and Society & Economics • A new activity is introduced: Pitch&Drink and Pitch&Lunch • A NGO afternoon with 89 participants Impact • 87,5% growth in company participation • 147% growth in student participation • Final average grade of 8 out of 10 from students • Average grade of the pitches of 7,5 out of 10 from students

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Board Activity (leadership workshop) What Workshop about leadership for all (student) boards in Wageningen. Impact 52 participants 5 external relations for the Careerday 2 applicants for AIESEC fulltime

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External Relations What Collaborations with 5 study associations and the Alumni Organisation (KLV) of Wageningen University. Impact Exposure in weekly mailings (and thereby reaching difficult target groups) Exposure at Facebook Exposure at their activities By inviting our best contact persons as PA, 6 external people experienced the professional environment of Make a Move

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TOPIC LC answer

Make a Move

Meet a mentor

I) Number of subscriptions 24

II) % growth compared to 11/12 140%

III) Number of selectors (1 person x 1 round) 1

Board Battle - -


NOUR program

I) Number of subscriptions 6

II) % growth compared to 11/12 300 %

III) Number of selectors (2 people x 3 rounds) 6


I) Number of subscriptions 32

II) % growth compared to 11/12

III) Number of selectors (3 people x 1 round / 1 person x 2 rounds) 5

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INCOMING EXCHANGE Head office team

Vice-President Anne Rappoldt President Marieke van Deelen

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INCOMING EXCHANGE Head office team Highlights

- Ons Financiële Realisatie overzicht wordt nu als nationaal voorbeeld gebruikt.

- Onze externe relaties strategie wordt nu als nationaal voorbeeld gebruikt.

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Supporters of AIESEC Wageningen. Last year we have acquired two new LAR members, namely an R&D manager of FrieslandCampina and the communications director of our University. We noticed, however, that for many potentially interesting companies (with the knowledge that we need) the financial contribution was too high. To strive for more financial sustainability and stability we came up with a new initiative: Supporters of AIESEC Supporters of AIESEC donate once a year €250,- to AIESEC Wageningen and they have 6 options for their investment (reception trainees, preparation EPs, career orientation Wageningen students, members visiting international conference, personal development members, marketing). So supporters can choose the topic that is closest to them and can really see where their money goes. Additionally, their logo will be put on our website. First reactions are very positive and our new VP will continue with the implementation.

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External Collaboration: You are your own marketing stunt As EB we have organized a big constitution drink (invested 400 euros in total) at the beginning of our year and also attended most of the other study associations drinks and board activities. Goal/impact pursued

Create stronger bonds with the different associations and create awareness of the opportunities that AIESEC can offer in a personal way. Impact

• 30% of our new members are directly or one person away from the contacts that we made (so a really new network and not friends from currents)

• AIESEC has improved its image within one year (no specific study to make this claim, but these are the stories we hear from alumni and the people we meet)

• 52 participants in our MaM board activity • Voluntary exposure in weekly mails for AMB en NOUR project (we did not even need to ask) Future potential

Improving your image (something that many cities cope with), local relevance, # OGX and # Make a Move participants at the same time. Currently busy to additionally offer MaM online as a platform to our contacts.

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External Collaboration: Market with your knowledge! Give training on strategy writing to local ESN board, share our training cycle with study association and train student council on how to select applicants. Goal/impact pursued

Show to well-connected players how professional AIESEC is as an organization, with the aim of improving our image. Impact

• 2 EB applicants • Exposure platform in office student council Future potential

Improving your image (something that many cities cope with), local relevance, # OGX and # Make a Move participants at the same time. Currently busy to additionally offer MaM online as a platform to our contacts.

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Personal Development 2.0 Goal/impact pursued

Help members discover their talents and provide tools to turn them into strengths. Making them happier and more committed to the organization. We will do this by giving all our new members the strengthsfinder test (of the book Now discover your strength) and a personal development plan. Future potential

Future potential is mostly the way of thinking. In AIESEC we love talking about developing ourselves, which often implies that what we should focus on things we cannot do yet. Which is great – it is a learning environment. And we would learn even more if members know what their talents are and are busy developing these into strengths. Moreover, being aware of people’s talents would also help to find and/or shape the right function for applicants (in addition to CORE) and get to know how to motivate them (for co’s and LCP). More info, check Gallup StrengthsFinder

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Salesforce Being part of the national Salesforce taskforce. Besides the development and building of the new Salesforce, our VP Anne has been responsible for the contact to the LC’s by collecting input, inform everybody from AIESEC the Netherlands about the progress & send national updates to create national support and enthusiasm. The quality of exchanges will improve significantly next year, when all the data have been entered because relationship management will be improved because of documentation, data analyses can help LC’s to track their performance, and LC’s can share their GCP’s/BCP’s. The key success factors have been the national collaboration with the VP taskforce and later with the expanded taskforce in more cities, the support of all the coordinators and members because of their awareness of the relevance of a national Salesforce and their willingness to use it and put their effort into making Salesforce a success. They are still working on the data transfer and the deadline is on NTD the 13th of June.

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Finance Because Anne’s financial analytics sheet was not working at the beginning of the year, she asked the financial analytics sheet from Ruud (Nijmegen) as an example to fix hers. Comparing both financial analytics sheets, she noticed the huge differences in both cities when it comes to GLA’s (different costs activities). During convent she shared her findings and the financial excellence taskforce started working on this and came up with a standard format for all the LC’s. Because of the equal finance sheets, all the cities have a clear overview of their own finance and because everybody works with the same financial sheets you can more easily track each other which has a huge future potential for AIESEC the Netherlands.

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Naast deze prestaties hebben we ook een ontzettend mooi jaar gehad waar

we als team dichterbij zijn gekomen, vele knuffels hebben uitgedeeld, samen hebben gehuild en nog meer hebben gelachen.

Om het in een woord samen te vatten:


Jullie zullen ook deel uitmaken van deze herinnering, bedankt daarvoor.