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  • 8/13/2019 referensi luar


    Causes and Risk Factors

    Gout is classified as either primary or secondary, depending on what causes the high levels of uric acid in

    the blood (hyperuricemia).

    More than 99% of primary gout cases are referred to as idiopathic, meaning that the cause of the

    hyperuricemia cannot be determined. Primary gout is most likely the result of a combination of hormonal,

    genetic, and dietary factors. Secondary gout is caused by drug therapy or by medical conditions other than

    an inborn metabolic disorder.

    The following factors increase your risk for gout:

    Advancing age Male gender Family history of the condition Obesity Use of certain drugs, including diuretics, aspirin, cyclosporine, or levodopa Eating a lot of purine-rich foods Drinking a large amount of alcohol, particularly beer Exposure to lead Organ transplants Thyroid problems Other, serious illness

    Each risk factor is discussed in more detail below.


    Middle-Aged Adults. Gout usually occurs in middle-aged men, peaking in the mid-40s. It is most often

    associated in this age group with obesity, high blood pressure, unhealthy cholesterol levels, and heavy

    alcohol use.

    Elderly. Gout can also first develop in older people, when it occurs equally in men and women. In this

    group, gout is most often associated with kidney problems and the use of diuretics. It is less often

    associated with alcohol use.

    Children. Except for rare inherited genetic disorders that cause hyperuricemia, gout in children is rare.


    Men. Men are significantly at higher risk for gout. In males, uric acid levels rise substantially at puberty.

    In about 5 - 8% of American men, levels exceed 7 mg/dL (considered to indicate hyperuricemia). Gout

    typically strikes only after 20 - 40 years of persistent hyperuricemia, however, so men who develop it

    usually experience their first attack between the ages of 30 and 50.

    Women. Before menopause, women have a significantly lower risk for gout than men, possibly because of

    the actions of estrogen. This female hormone appears to facilitate uric acid excretion by the kidneys. (Only

    about 15% of female gout cases occur before menopause.) After menopause the risk increases in women.

    At age 60 the incidence is equal in men and women, and after 80, gout occurs more often in women.


  • 8/13/2019 referensi luar


    According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, up to 18% of

    people with gout have a family history of the condition. Some people with a family history of gout have a

    defective protein (enzyme) that interferes with the way the body breaks down purines.


    Researchers report a clear link between body weight and uric acid levels. In one Japanese study,

    overweight people had two to more than three times the rate of hyperuricemia as those who maintained a

    healthy weight. Children who are obese may have a higher risk for gout in adulthood.


    Thiazide diuretics are water pills used to control hypertension. The drugs are strongly linked to the

    development of gout. In fact, 75% of patients who develop gout at an older age report the use of diuretics.

    Several other medications can increase uric acid levels and raise your risk for gout. These include:

    Aspirin -- low doses of aspirin reduce uric acid excretion and increase the chance for hyperuricemia. Thismay be a problem for older people who take baby aspirin (81 mg) to protect against heart disease.

    Niacin (used to treat cholesterol problems) Pyrazinamide (used to treat tuberculosis)


    A 2004 study showed that higher consumption of purine-rich foods such as meat and seafood was

    associated with a significantly increased risk of gout. However, purine-rich vegetables did not increase

    gout risk. Interestingly, the same study showed that consumption of dairy products had a protective effect

    against gout. A 2005 study confirmed these results and found that total protein intake was not associated

    with increased uric acid levels.


    Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol can raise your risk of gout. A major 2004 study showed that among

    alcoholic beverages, beer is the kind of alcohol most strongly linked with gout, followed by spirits.

    Moderate wine consumption does not appear to increase the risk of developing gout.

    Alcohol increases uric acid levels in three ways:

    By providing an additional dietary source of purines (the compounds from which uric acid is formed) By intensifying the bodys production of uric acid By interfering with the kidneys ability to excrete uric acid

    Alcohol use is highly associated with gout in younger adults. Binge drinking particularly increases uric

    acid levels. Alcohol appears to play less of role among elderly patients, especially among women with



    Chronic occupational exposure to lead is associated with build-up of uric acid and a high incidence of

    gout. A 2002 study suggested that persistent low-level exposure to lead may also increase the risk for



  • 8/13/2019 referensi luar


    Kidney transplantation poses a high risk for renal insufficiency and gout. In addition, other

    transplantation procedures, such as heart and liver, increase the risk. The procedure itself poses a risk of

    gout, as does the medication (cyclosporine) used to prevent rejection of the implant. It also interacts with

    indomethacin, a common gout treatment.