ðuMxLko xkRBMk {kt «fkrþík ònuhkíkku ytøku ðkt[fkuyu ÃkkuíkkLke heíku [fkMkýe fhe rLkýoÞ ÷uðku. -ònuh¾çkh {uLkush òuEyu Au rþ÷s rðMíkkh{kt ykðu÷k ðuçk ykuVMkux r«Lxªøk «uMk {kxu r«Lxh, nuÕÃkh, Ã÷ux {ufªøkLkk òýfkh íku{s çkwf çkkELzªøkLkk fk{Lkk yLkw¼ðe {kýMkku òuEyu Au. YçkY {¤ku:- {uLkush, ðuMxLko xkEBMk, Mkðuo Lkt. 1315Ãke, hk{kÃkehLkk {trËh Mkk{u, Ãk÷kuzeÞk xufhk, rþ÷s Úkku¤ hkuz, rþ÷s, y{ËkðkË. 7 hrððkh, íkk.2 swLk, 2013 Lkk{ çkË÷u÷ Au {U {kY Lkk{ Ãk÷ffw{kh {w÷[t˼kE zçk½h níkwt íku çkË÷e Lku Ãk÷ffw{kh {w÷[t˼kE Ãkktzð hk¾u÷ Au. MkhLkk{wt : yuV/11, Ãkqò V÷ux, yktçkkðkze, y{ËkðkË ....5688 Lkk{ çkË÷u÷ Au {U {kY Lkk{ økkuÞ÷ heLkk níkwt íku çkË÷e Lku Mkª½÷ [t[÷ ËeÃkhks hk¾u÷ Au. MkhLkk{wt : Mke-1/71, økkuÞ÷ ELxhMkexe, zÙkEð-ELk hkuz, Úk÷íkus, y{ËkðkË-380052 ....5691 Lkk{ çkË÷u÷ Au {U {kY Lkk{ MkeMkkuËeÞk rðh÷fw{khe økkuÃkk÷®Mkn níkwt íku çkË÷e Lku MkeMkkuËeÞk rðh÷çkk økkuÃkk÷®Mkn hk¾u÷ Au. MkhLkk{wt : 16, ÃkwLk{ çktøk÷kuÍ, {w.Ãkku. r[÷kuzk, S.økktÄeLkøkh-382355 ....5695 Lkk{ çkË÷u÷ Au {U {kY Lkk{ {fðkýk nw÷kMkçkuLk {Lkw¼kR níkwt íku çkË÷e Lku nw÷kMkçkk yrLk÷®Mkn zkuzeÞk hk¾u÷ Au. MkhLkk{wt : hk{Ãkwhk, ÃkkuMx, [u¾÷k, íkk. MkkMktË, S. y{ËkðkË- 382115 ....5696 Lkk{ çkË÷u÷ Au {U {kY Lkk{ zkuzeÞk yLke÷¼kR [tËw¼kR níkwt íku çkË÷e Lku yrLk÷®Mkn [tËw¼kR zkuzeÞk hk¾u÷ Au. MkhLkk{wt : hk{Ãkwhk, ÃkkuMx. [u¾÷k, íkk. MkkMktË, S. y{ËkðkË-382115 ....5696 OMKAR OVERSEAS LIMITED Regd. Off. :- 212, New Cloth Market, O/s. Raipur Gate, Raipur, Ahmedabad - 380 002. (Rs. in Lacs) Statement of Standalone / Consolidated Audited Results for the year Ended 31/03/2013 1 Income from Operations (a) Net sales/income from operations 255.90 153.11 207.13 878.09 1036.96 (Net of excise duty) (b) Other operating income 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.00 Total income from operations (net) 256.04 153.11 207.13 878.23 1036.96 2 Expenses (a) Cost of materials consumed 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (b) Purchases of stock-in-trade 257.21 151.42 205.70 868.60 1016.32 (c) Changes in inventories of finished goods, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 work-in-progress and stock-in-trade (d) Employee benefits expense 0.24 0.52 0.00 0.76 5.04 (e) Depreciation and amortisation expense 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (f) Other expenses (Any item exceeding 1.28 0.89 2.92 4.20 3.88 10% of the total expenses relating to continuing opertions to be shown separately) Total Expenses 258.73 152.83 208.62 873.56 1025.24 3 Profit / (Loss) from operations before -2.69 0.28 -1.49 4.67 11.72 other income, finance costs and exceptional items (1-2) 4 Other income 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities -2.69 0.28 -1.49 4.67 11.72 before finance costs and exceptional items (3 + 4) 6 Finance costs 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.07 7 Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities -2.71 0.28 -1.49 4.65 11.65 after finance costs but befor exceptional items (5 + 6) 8 Exeptional items 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9 Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities -2.71 0.28 -1.49 4.65 11.65 before tax (7 + 8) 10 Tax expense 1.00 0.00 2.50 1.00 2.50 11 Net Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities -3.71 0.28 -3.99 3.65 9.15 after tax (9 + 10) 12 Extraordinary items (net of tax expense Rs.Nil) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13 Net Profit / (Loss) for the period (11 + 12) -3.71 0.28 -3.99 3.65 9.15 14 Share of profit / (loss) of associates* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15 Minority interest* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16 Net Profit / (Loss) after taxes, minority -3.71 0.28 -3.99 3.65 9.15 interest and share of profit / (Loss) of associates (13 + 14 + 15) * 17 Paid-up equity share capital 492.36 492.36 492.36 492.36 492.36 (Face Value of the Share shall be indicated) 18 Reserve excluding Revaluation Reserves as per balance sheet of -13.36 -9.65 -17.01 -13.36 -17.01 previous accounting year 19.i Earning per share (before extraordinary items) (of Rs.10/-each) (not annualised): (a) Basic -0.08 0.01 -0.08 0.07 0.19 (b) Diluted -0.08 0.01 -0.08 0.07 0.19 19.ii Earning per share (after extraordinary items) (of Rs.10/-each) (not annualised): (a) Basic -0.08 0.01 -0.08 0.07 0.19 (b) Diluted -0.08 0.01 -0.08 0.07 0.19 See accompanying note to the financial results PART ll A PARTICULARS OF SHAREHOLDING 1 Public shareholding - Number of shares 4641654 4641654 4721483 4641654 4721483 - Percentage of shareholding 92.83 92.83 94.43 92.83 94.43 2 Promoter and Promoter Group Shareholding** a) Pledged / Encumbered - Number of shares 0 0 0 0 0 - Percentage of shares (as a % of the total shareholding 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 of promoter and promoter group) - Percentage of shares (as a % of the total share capital 0 0 0 0 0 of the company) b) Non - encumbered - Number of shares 358346 358346 278517 358346 278517 - Percentage of shares (as a % of the total shareholding of promoter 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 and promoter group) - Percentage of shares (as a % of the total share capital of the company) 7.17 7.17 5.57 7.17 5.57 Particulars Sr. No. 3 months ended 31.03.13 Preceding 3 months ended 31.12.12 Corres- ponding 3 months ended 31.03.12 in the previous year Year to date figures for current period ended 31.03.13 Previous year ended 31.03.12 Audited Unaudited Audited Audited Audited (Refer Notes Below) Particulars B INVESTOR COMPLAINTS Pending at the beginning of the quarter Nil Received during the quarter 1 Disposed of during the quarter 1 Remaining unresolved at the end of the quarter Nil (Rs. In Lacs) A EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 1 Shareholders' Funds (a) Share capital 492.36 492.36 (b) Reserves and surplus -13.36 -17.01 (c) Money received against share warrants 0.00 0.00 479.00 475.35 2 Share application money pending allotment 0.00 0.00 3 Minority interest* 0.00 0.00 4 Non-current liabilities (a) Long-term borrowings 0.00 0.00 (b) Deferred tax liabilities (net) 0.00 0.00 (c) Other current liabilities 0.00 0.00 (d) Long-term provisions 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 Currents Liabilities (a) Short-term borrowings 0.00 1.00 (b) Trade payables 782.93 458.71 (c) Other current liabilities 0.01 0.06 (d) Short-term provision 1.00 2.50 783.94 462.27 1262.94 937.62 B 1 Non-current assets (a) Fixed assets 20.25 20.25 (b) Goodwill on consolidation* 0.00 0.00 (c) Non-current investments 0.00 0.00 (d) Deferred tax assets (Net) 0.00 0.00 (e) Long-term loans and advances 0.00 0.00 (f) Other non-current assets 0.00 0.00 20.25 20.25 2 Current assets (a) Currents investments 0.00 0.00 (b) Inventories 0.00 0.00 (c) Trade receivables 861.95 484.94 (d) Cash and cash equivalents 0.61 0.35 (e) Short-term loans and advances 380.13 432.08 (f) Other current assets 0.00 0.00 1242.69 917.37 1262.94 937.62 * Applicable in the case of consolidated statement of assets and liabilities. Standalone / Consolidated Statement of Assets and Liabilities Particulars As at (current year end) 31.03.2013 As at (current year end) 31.03.2012 Statement of Assets and Liabilities Notes:- 1 The above results have been taken on record at the meeting of Board of Directors held on 30.05.2013 2 One investor complaint received and has been resolved during the quarter ended as on 31.03.13. 3 Previous period/year figures have been regrouped/ rearranged, wherever necessary Place: Ahmedabad Date: 30.05.2013 FOR OMKAR OVERSEAS LIMITED (Director) Þþ [kuÃkzkLke sçk íkf ni òLk Lkwt yksu xeðe r«r{Þh {uõMk Ãkh y{ËkðkË, ®nËe rVÕ{kuLke [uLk÷ {uõMk ÃkkuíkkLke rVÕ{ ÞkºkkLke þYykík VheÚke fhe hÌkwt Au. yk þYykík Þþ [kuÃkzkLke hku{kÂLxf rVÕ{ sçk íkf ni òLk Úke Úkþu suLkwt xur÷rðÍLk r«r{Þh {uõMk Ãkh yksu çkÃkkuhu 1 ðkøÞu yLku Mkktsu 8 ðkøÞu «Mkkrhík Úkþu. sçk íkf ni òLk Lke ðkíkko yuf çkkìBçk rLkhkuÄf MkirLkf Mkr{h ykLktË Ãkh çkLke Au. yk MkirLkfLkk rðþu yuðw fnuðkÞ Au fu {kìík íkuLku yze Ãký Lk þfu. yuf [uLk÷Lke Þwðk rhÃkkuxoh yfehk yk MkirLkfLkk SðLk Ãkh yuf zkuõÞw{uLxhe çkLkkððk {ktøku Au. yk ËhBÞkLk y[kLkf s íkuLku Mk{ehLkk çkuòuz ÃÞkh yLku íkuLke «ur{fk {ehk rðþu ¾çkh Ãkzu Au, Mk{eh yLku yfehkLke yk {w÷kfkík íkÚkk {ehkLke MkkÚku Mk{ehLkk MktçktÄku ðå[u 10 ð»koLkwt ytíkh Au yLku yk s Þþ [kuÃkzk îkhk rLkËuoþeík «u{Lkk yk {nkfkÔÞLkku {wÏÞ ykÄkh çkLku Au. Þþ [kuÃkzkLke ç÷kìf çkMxh rVÕ{ sçk íkf ni òLk Lkk «{eÞh «Mktøku þknÁ¾ ¾kLku sýkÔÞwt ÞþSLke ðkík íkku ¼økðkLk Ãký {kLke ÷uíkk níkk. fuxheLkk fiV yLku yLkw»fk þ{ko yu Ãký ÃkkuíkkLkk r«r{Þh ËhBÞkLk ÚkÞu÷ yLkw¼ðku yLku ÞkËkuLku sýkðe níke. RLVkurMkMkLkk fkhkuçkkhe [uh{uLk íkhefu hnuþu RLVkurMkMkLkk fkhkuçkkhe [uh{uLk íkhefu hnuþu RLVkurMkMkLkk fkhkuçkkhe [uh{uLk íkhefu hnuþu RLVkurMkMkLkk fkhkuçkkhe [uh{uLk íkhefu hnuþu RLVkurMkMkLkk fkhkuçkkhe [uh{uLk íkhefu hnuþu ¾hkçk ÂMÚkíke MkwÄkhðk {kxu LkkhkÞý {wÚkLke Vhe yuLxÙe çkUøk÷kuh, ËuþLke MkkiÚke «ríkrcík ftÃkLkeyku ÃkifeLke yuf yuðe RLVkurMkMkLke ¾hkçk ÚkR hnu÷e nk÷íkLke LkkUÄ ÷RLku yuLkykh LkkhkÞý {wÚk Vhe yufðkh ftÃkLke{kt Ãkhík VÞko Au. RLVkurMkMku yksu Mkðkhu ònuhkík fhe níke fu ftÃkLke çkkuzoLkk fkhkuçkkhe [uh{uLk íkhefu íku{Lke rLk{ýqtf fhðk{kt ykðe Au. íku{Lke yðrÄ Ãkkt[ ð»koLke hnuþu. íku{Lku ðk»kf yuf YrÃkÞkLke [wfðýe fhðk{kt ykðMku. LkkhkÞý {wÚkyu ð»ko 2011{kt [uh{uLkLkk ÃkËuÚke hkSLkk{w ykÃÞwt níkwt yLku çkkuzoLkk [uh{uLk y{urhxMk níkk. ftÃkLkeyu fÌkwt Aufu yksu Mkðkhu ÞkuòÞu÷e çkuXf{kt LkkhkÞý {wÚkLku íkkífkr÷f Äkuhýu çkkuzo yuLz yurzþLk÷ zkÞhuõxhLkk fkhkuçkkhe [uh{uLkLkk nkuÆk Ãkh rLk{ýqtf fhðk{kt ykðe Au. {wÚkLke fkuh xe{{kt íku{Lkk Ãkwºk zkuõxh hkunLk {qík Mkk{u÷ fhðk{kt ykðMku. su LkkhkÞý {wÚkLkk fkhkuçkkhe MknkÞf íkhefu hnuþu. LkkhkÞý {wÚkyu fÌkwt Au fu yk yufkyuf rLkýoÞ fhðk{kt LkkhkÞý {wíkLke yðrÄ Ãkkt[ ð»koLke hnuþu : yuf YrÃkÞk ðk»kfLkk ykÄkhu Vhe yuLxÙe Úkíkk f{o[kheykuLku hkník ykÔÞku Au. Ãkhtíkw RLVkuMkeMk ftÃkLke íku{Lkk çkk¤f íkhefu Au. suÚke íkuyku {kuxe sðkçkËkhe Mðefkh fhðk {kxu íkiÞkh ÚkÞk Au. íku{Lku yk íkf ykÃkðk çkË÷ íkuyku fuðe fk{ík, çkkuzo yLku RLVkuMkeMkLkk Ëhuf f{o[kheLkku yk¼kh {kLku Au. yk ÃkzfkhYÃk ÂMÚkíke{kt ftÃkLkeLku ðÄw MkV¤íkk yÃkkððk {kxu íkuyku ík{k{ «ÞkMk fhþu. fuðe fk{íku yk «Mktøku fÌkwt níkwt fu xufLkku÷kuS Wãkuøk yLku ftÃkLkeLke Mkk{u hnu÷k ÃkzfkhkuLku æÞkLk{kt ÷RLku çkkuzuo yk Ãkøk÷w ík{k{ þuh nkuÕzMkoLkk rník{kt ÷eÄw Au. Úkkuzkf rËðMk Ãknu÷k s yuf y¾çkkhu ynuðk÷ ykÃÞk níkk fu çku ð»ko yøkkW rLkð]rík ÷R [wfu÷k {wÚk ftÃkLke{kt Vhe Mkr¢Þ ÚkR økÞk Au. {wÚkLke ÃkkMku ftÃkLkeLkk 5.4 xfk þuh Au. [kuÚkk rºk{krMkf økk¤kLkk Ãkrhýk{ ònuh fhðk{kt ykÔÞk çkkË RLVkuMkeMkLkk þuh 10 ð»koLke Lke[e MkÃkkxeyu ÃknkU[e økÞk níkk. LkkhkÞý {wÚk ¼khík yLku ËwrLkÞk{kt fkuÃkkuohux Wãkuøksøkík{kt yuf «ríkrcík Lkk{ Au. rðLËwLkk r¢fux çkkuzoLkk xku[Lkk yrÄfkheLke MkkÚku MktçktÄ níkk {wtçkE, ykEÃkeyu÷ MÃkkux rV®õMkøkLkk {k{÷k{kt ze íkÃkkMk [k÷e hne Au. swËk swËk {erzÞkyku{kt «fkrþík ÚkÞu÷k ynuðk÷ku {khVíku swËe swËe çkkçkíkku MkÃkkxe Ãkh ykðe hne Au. nðu yuf yuðk ynuðk÷ Ãký ykÔÞk Au fu ÄhÃkfz fhðk{kt ykðu÷ku yr¼Lkuíkk rðLËw Ëkhk®Mkn çkeMkeMkeykELkk yuf xku[Lkk yrÄfkheLkk Ãký MktÃkfo{kt níkku. yk yrÄfkhe fkuý Au íkuLku ÷ELku ¼khu MkMÃkuLMkLke ÂMÚkrík þY ÚkE Au. {wtçkE Ãkku÷eMkLkk yrÄfkheLku xktfeLku ynuðk÷{kt sýkððk{kt ykÔÞwt Au ðÄw yuf [kUfkðLkkhe çkkçkík MkÃkkxeyu : LkSfLkk ¼rð»Þ{kt WÃkÞkuøk fhðk rðLËwyu røk÷r¢Mx {Lk«eík økkuLke MkkÚku MktçktÄ MÚkkrÃkík fhðk «ÞkMkku fÞko fu rðLËwyu yuz{ øke÷r¢Mx yLku {Lk«eík økkuLke MkkÚku MktÃkfkuo MÚkkrÃkík fhðkLkk «ÞkMk fÞko níkk. Úkkuzkf {rnLkk yøkkW rðLËwyu {wtçkE{kt R÷uõxÙkuLkef «kuzõxLkk ÷kU[ «Mktøk WÃkh {Lk«eík økkuLke yLku yuz{ røk÷r¢MxLku yk{tºký ykÃÞwt níkwt. ynª ®f{íke ½rzÞk¤ku WÃkÂMÚkík ÷kufkuLku ykÃkðk{kt ykðe níke. LkSfLkk ¼rð»Þ{kt íku{Lkku WÃkÞkuøk fhðk {kxu íku{Lke MkkÚku {sçkqík r{ºkíkk MÚkkrÃkík fhðkLkk «ÞkMk Ãký MÚkkrÃkík fhðk{kt ykÔÞk níkk Ãkhtíkw íkuykuyu ÞkuøÞ sðkçk ykÃÞku Lk níkku. {wtçkELkk yrÄfkheLku xktfeLku ynuðk÷{kt yk {wsçkLke ðkík fhðk{kt ykðe Au. ynuðk÷ {wsçk rðLËwyu ¾u÷kzeyku, yuBÃkkÞhku yLku yLÞ {u[ yrÄfkheykuLkku MktÃkfo Ãký fÞkuo níkku. Mkèk ÷økkððk{kt íkuLke {ËË fhu íkuðk ÷kufkuLku þkuÄe fkZðk{kt ykÔÞk níkk. íkÃkkMk yrÄfkheykuLku xktfeLku yuf yøkúýe y¾çkkhu fÌkwt Au fu ÄhÃkfz fhðk{kt ykðu÷k rðLËw Ëkhk®Mknu çkeMkeMkeykE yLku ykEÃkeyu÷Lkwt «ríkrLkÄeíð fhíkk xku[Lkk yrÄfkhe MkkÚku MktÃkfo MÚkkrÃkík fÞko níkk. íkÃkkMk yrÄfkheLkk sýkÔÞk yLkwMkkh rðLËwLkk fku÷ hufkuzo{kt íkÃkkMk [k÷e hne Au. þw¢ðkhLkk rËðMku çkeMkeMkeykELkk çku xku[Lkk yrÄfkheykuyu hkSLkk{k ykÃke ËeÄk níkk su{kt Mku¢uxhe MktsÞ søkË÷u yLku ¾òLk[eLkku Mk{kðuþ ÚkkÞ Au. MkçkrMkze çkUf{kt s{k fhðk {kxu «r¢Þk þY niËhkçkkË, yu÷ÃkeS MkçkrMkze çkUf ¾kíkk{kt MkeÄe heíku yksÚke s{k ÚkðkLke «r¢Þk þY ÚkE økE Au. ËuþLkk 18 hkßÞku{kt þrLkðkhÚke yk ÔÞðMÚkk y{÷e çkLkkððk{kt ykðe Au. yu÷ÃkeS rMkr÷Lzh çkw fªøk fhkÔÞkLkk ºký-[kh rËðMk{kt s çkUf ¾kíkk{kt hf{ s{k fhðk{kt ykðþu. ÞwÃkeyu MkhfkhLke {níðfktûke yk Mfe{ ËuþLkk yLÞ ¼køkk u {k t Ãký íkçk¬kðkhheík u y{÷e çkLkþu. Ëhuf rMkr÷Lzh Ãkh 435 YrÃkÞkLke MkçkrMkze ÷kufkuLkk çkUf ¾kíkk{kt s{k ÚkE sþu. ^Þwy÷ MkçkrMkze{kt fkÃk {qfðkLkk nuíkwMkh çkLkkððk{kt ykðu÷e zkÞhuõx xÙkLMkVhLke yk Mfe{{kt økúknfLku hf{ rMkr÷LzhLke çkwfªøk WÃkh ykÃkðk{kt ykðþu. yk Mfe{ {q¤¼qíkheíku þYykíkLkk 20 rsÕ÷kyku {kt y{÷e fhðkLke íki Þkhe fhkE níke Ãkhtíkw fýkoxfLkk {iMkwh yLku rn{k[÷Lkk {tze{kt yk ÞkusLkk yu f {rnLkk {kxu xk¤e Ëu ðk{kt ykðe Au. ÃkuxÙkur÷Þ{ «ÄkLk rðhÃÃkk {ku E÷eyu yksu yk Mfe{Lku Ãkku íkkLkk ðíkLk fýko xfLkk xw {fw h{kt ÷ku L[ fhe níke ßÞkhu ÃkuxÙkur÷Þ{ {kxuLkk hkßÞ«ÄkLk ÷û{e ÃkkLkkçkkfkyu ÃkkuíkkLkk ðíkLk hkßÞ yktÄú«ËuþLkk ÃkkxLkøkh niËhkçkkË{kt ykLke þYykík fhe níke. LkõMk÷ðkËeykuLke MkkÚku [[ko ÞkuøÞ LkÚke : Ëuðzk Lkðe rËÕne, fuLÿeÞ «ÄkLk {wh÷e Ëuðzkyu fÌkwt Au fu Mkhfkhu LkõMk÷ðkËeyku MkkÚku ðkík[eík fhðe òuEyu Lknª. Ëuðzkyu fÌkwt Au fu LkõMk÷ðkËeyku ¾qçk s ¾hkçk heíku ykíktfðkËeyku suðwt ðíkoLk fhe hÌkk Au suÚke íku{Lke MkkÚku ðkík[eík fhðkLke çkkçkík ÞkuøÞ hnuþu Lknª. {wh÷e Ëuðzkyu fÌkwt níktw fu LkõMk÷ðkËeykuLke Mk{MÞkLku Ëqh fhðk {kxu yk¢{f yLku ÔÞkÃkf Mkwhûkk yr¼ÞkLk nkÚk ÄhðkLke sYh Au. Ëuðzkyu A¥keMkøkZ{kt fkUøkúuMkLkk Lkuíkkyku WÃkh fhðk{kt ykðu÷k nw{÷kykuLke ÔÞkÃkf xefk fhíkk fÌkwt níkwt fu LkõMk÷e yMkhøkúMík rðMíkkhku{kt rðfkMkLke fk{økehe MÚkkrLkf ÷kufkuLku æÞkLk{kt ÷ELku nkÚk Ähðk{kt ykðu íku sYhe Au. LkõMk÷ðkËeykuLke rð[khÄkhk íkhV yk heíku ykf»kík Lk ÚkkÞ íku çkkçkíkLkwt æÞkLk hk¾ðwt òuEyu. Ëuðzkyu fÌkwt níkwt fu LkõMk÷ðkËeyku MkkÚku ðkík[eík fhðkÚke fkuE Mk{MÞkLkku Wfu÷ ykðþu íku{ íku{Lku ÷køkíkwt LkÚke suÚke ðkík[eík fhðkLkku fkuE nuíkw LkÚke. íku{Lku W{uÞwO níkwt fu ËuþLke Mkk{u nrÚkÞkhku WXkðe hnu÷k LkõMk÷ðkËeykuLkku fXkuh Ãkøk÷kt {khVíku rLkfk÷ ÷kððku òuEyu. ÷~fhe ykuÃkhuþLk nkÚk ÄhðkLke Ãký Ãkhkuûk heíku ðkík fhe níke. nrÚkÞkhku {qfeLku [[ko{kt ykðu íkku s íku{Lke MkkÚku ðkík[eík Úkðe òuEyu. ðkhtðkh ¼kð ðÄkhku Aíkkt rzÍ÷ {ktøk{kt íkeðú ðÄkhku fkuRBçkíkwh, rzÍ÷Lke ®f{ík{kt rLkÞr{íkheíku ðÄkhku fhðk{kt ykðe hÌkku nkuðk Aíkkt rzÍ÷Lke {ktøk{kt WÕ÷u¾LkeÞ ðÄkhku ÚkE hÌkku Au. ðÃkhkþ{kt ðÄkhku ÚkE hÌkku Au. yLÞ ÃkuxÙkur÷Þ{ ÃkuËkþkuLke Mkh¾k{ýe{kt ðÄw ÍzÃkÚke rzÍ÷Lkku WÃkÞkuøk ÚkE hÌkku Au. rzÍ÷Lkk ðÃkhkþ{kt yur«÷{kt ðk»kf ykÄkh Ãkh 4.2 xfk MkwÄeLkku ðÄkhku ÚkÞku Au. ykLke MkkÚku s yk yktfzku ðÄeLku 6.2 r{r÷ÞLk xLk MkwÄe ÃknkU[e økÞku Au. ÃkuxÙkur÷Þ{ yLku fwËhíke økuMk {tºkk÷ÞLkk ÃkuxÙkur÷Þ{ ykÞkusLk yLku rLkrhûký Mku÷ îkhk òhe fhðk{kt ykðu÷k Lkðk yktfzk{kt yk {wsçkLke ðkík fhðk{kt ykðe Au. rzÍ÷Lkk ðÃkhkþ{kt ðÄkhku yLÞ ÃkuxÙkur÷Þ{ ÃkuËkþku fhíkk ðÄw LkkUÄkÞku Au. yuftËhu ÃkuxÙkur÷Þ{ ÃkuËkþkuLkku WÃkÞkuøk yur«÷ {rnLkk{kt 3.1 xfk MkwÄe ðæÞku Au. 2012 çkkË ®f{ík{kt 8.50Lkku ðÄkhku òLÞwykhe çkkËÚke Ãkkt[ ð¾ík ðÄkhku Vuçkúwykhe {rnLkk{kt {ktøkýe{kt ½xkzku ÚkÞku çkkË Vhe yufðkh {ktøk ðÄe Au. ykuE÷ {kfuo®xøk ftÃkLkeykuyu òLÞwykhe {rnLkk{kt rzÍ÷Lke ®f{íkLku yktrþfheíku ytfwþ{wõík fÞko çkkËÚke Ãkkt[ ð¾ík ðÄkhku fÞkuo Au. rzÍ÷Lke ®f{ík ykuøkMx 2012 çkkËÚke ÷exhËeX YrÃkÞk 8.50 MkwÄe ðÄe økE Au.

rðLËwLkk r¢fux çkkuzoLkk xku[Lkk yrÄfkheLke MkkÚku · PDF fileònuhkíkku ytøku ðkt[fkuyu ÃkkuíkkLke heíku [fkMkýe fhe rLkýoÞ ÷uðku. ... rðLËwLkk r¢fux çkkuzoLkk

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ðuMxLko xkRBMk{kt «fkrþíkònuhkíkk u ytøk u ðk t[fk uyuÃkkuíkkLke heíku [fkMkýe fherLkýoÞ ÷uðku.

-ònuh¾çkh {uLkush

òuEyu Aurþ÷s rðMíkkh{kt ykðu÷k ðuçk ykuVMkux r«Lxªøk «uMk {kxu

r«Lxh, nuÕÃkh, Ã÷ux {ufªøkLkk òýfkh íku{s çkwfçkkELzªøkLkk fk{Lkk yLkw¼ðe {kýMkku òuEyu Au.

YçkY {¤ku:- {uLkush, ðuMxLko xkEBMk, Mkðuo Lkt. 1315Ãke, hk{kÃkehLkk {trËhMkk{u, Ãk÷kuzeÞk xufhk, rþ÷s Úkku¤ hkuz, rþ÷s, y{ËkðkË.

7hrððkh, íkk.2 swLk, 2013

Lkk{ çkË÷u÷ Au{U {kY Lkk{ Ãk÷ffw{kh

{w÷[t˼kE zçk½h níkwt íku çkË÷eLku Ãk÷ffw{kh {w÷[t˼kE Ãkktzðhk¾u÷ Au. MkhLkk{wt : yuV/11,

Ãkqò V÷ux, yktçkkðkze, y{ËkðkË....5688

Lkk{ çkË÷u÷ Au{U {kY Lkk{ økkuÞ÷ heLkk níkwt íkuçkË÷e Lku Mkª½÷ [t[÷ ËeÃkhkshk¾u÷ Au. MkhLkk{wt : Mke-1/71,økkuÞ÷ ELxhMkexe, zÙkEð-ELk

hkuz, Úk÷íkus,y{ËkðkË-380052


Lkk{ çkË÷u÷ Au{U {kY Lkk{ MkeMkkuËeÞk

rðh÷fw{khe økkuÃkk÷®Mkn níkwt íkuçkË÷e Lku MkeMkkuËeÞk rðh÷çkk

økkuÃkk÷®Mkn hk¾u÷ Au.MkhLkk{wt : 16, ÃkwLk{ çktøk÷kuÍ,

{w.Ãkku. r[÷kuzk,S.økktÄeLkøkh-382355


Lkk{ çkË÷u÷ Au{U {kY Lkk{ {fðkýk nw÷kMkçkuLk{Lkw¼kR níkwt íku çkË÷e Lku nw÷kMkçkkyrLk÷®Mkn zkuzeÞk hk¾u÷ Au.

MkhLkk{wt : hk{Ãkwhk, ÃkkuMx, [u¾÷k,íkk. MkkMktË, S. y{ËkðkË-


Lkk{ çkË÷u÷ Au{U {kY Lkk{ zkuzeÞk yLke÷¼kR

[tËw¼kR níkwt íku çkË÷e LkuyrLk÷®Mkn [tËw¼kR zkuzeÞkhk¾u÷ Au. MkhLkk{wt : hk{Ãkwhk,ÃkkuMx. [u¾÷k, íkk. MkkMktË, S.


OMKAR OVERSEAS LIMITEDRegd. Off. :- 212, New Cloth Market, O/s. Raipur Gate, Raipur, Ahmedabad - 380 002.

(Rs. in Lacs)Statement of Standalone / Consolidated Audited Results for the year Ended 31/03/2013

1 Income from Operations(a) Net sales/income from operations 255.90 153.11 207.13 878.09 1036.96

(Net of excise duty)(b) Other operating income 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.00Total income from operations (net) 256.04 153.11 207.13 878.23 1036.96

2 Expenses(a) Cost of materials consumed 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00(b) Purchases of stock-in-trade 257.21 151.42 205.70 868.60 1016.32(c) Changes in inventoriesof finished goods, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00work-in-progress and stock-in-trade(d) Employee benefits expense 0.24 0.52 0.00 0.76 5.04(e) Depreciation and amortisation expense 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00(f) Other expenses (Any item exceeding 1.28 0.89 2.92 4.20 3.8810% of the total expenses relating tocontinuing opertions to be shownseparately)Total Expenses 258.73 152.83 208.62 873.56 1025.24

3 Profit / (Loss) from operations before -2.69 0.28 -1.49 4.67 11.72other income, finance costs andexceptional items (1-2)

4 Other income 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.005 Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities -2.69 0.28 -1.49 4.67 11.72

before finance costs and exceptionalitems (3 + 4)

6 Finance costs 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.077 Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities -2.71 0.28 -1.49 4.65 11.65

after finance costs but beforexceptional items (5 + 6)

8 Exeptional items 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.009 Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities -2.71 0.28 -1.49 4.65 11.65

before tax (7 + 8)10 Tax expense 1.00 0.00 2.50 1.00 2.5011 Net Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities -3.71 0.28 -3.99 3.65 9.15

after tax (9 + 10)12 Extraordinary items

(net of tax expense Rs.Nil) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0013 Net Profit / (Loss) for the period (11 + 12) -3.71 0.28 -3.99 3.65 9.1514 Share of profit / (loss) of associates* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0015 Minority interest* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0016 Net Profit / (Loss) after taxes, minority -3.71 0.28 -3.99 3.65 9.15

interest and share of profit / (Loss) ofassociates (13 + 14 + 15) *

17 Paid-up equity share capital 492.36 492.36 492.36 492.36 492.36(Face Value of the Share shall be indicated)

18 Reserve excluding RevaluationReserves as per balance sheet of -13.36 -9.65 -17.01 -13.36 -17.01previous accounting year

19.i Earning per share (before extraordinaryitems)(of Rs.10/-each) (not annualised):(a) Basic -0.08 0.01 -0.08 0.07 0.19(b) Diluted -0.08 0.01 -0.08 0.07 0.19

19.ii Earning per share (after extraordinaryitems)(of Rs.10/-each) (not annualised):(a) Basic -0.08 0.01 -0.08 0.07 0.19(b) Diluted -0.08 0.01 -0.08 0.07 0.19See accompanying note to the financial resultsPART ll


- Number of shares 4641654 4641654 4721483 4641654 4721483- Percentage of shareholding 92.83 92.83 94.43 92.83 94.43

2 Promoter and PromoterGroup Shareholding**a) Pledged / Encumbered

- Number of shares 0 0 0 0 0- Percentage of shares(as a % of the total shareholding 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00of promoter and promoter group)- Percentage of shares (as a % ofthe total share capital 0 0 0 0 0of the company)

b) Non - encumbered- Number of shares 358346 358346 278517 358346 278517- Percentage of shares (as a % ofthe total shareholding of promoter 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00and promoter group)- Percentage of shares (as a % of thetotal share capital of the company) 7.17 7.17 5.57 7.17 5.57


3 monthsended


Preceding3 months



3 monthsended

31.03.12 inthe


Year todate

figures forcurrentperiodended


Previousyear ended


Audited Unaudited Audited Audited Audited(Refer Notes Below)


Pending at the beginning of the quarter NilReceived during the quarter 1Disposed of during the quarter 1Remaining unresolved at the end of the quarter Nil

(Rs. In Lacs)


(a) Share capital 492.36 492.36(b) Reserves and surplus -13.36 -17.01(c) Money received against share warrants 0.00 0.00

479.00 475.352 Share application money pending allotment 0.00 0.003 Minority interest* 0.00 0.004 Non-current liabilities

(a) Long-term borrowings 0.00 0.00(b) Deferred tax liabilities (net) 0.00 0.00(c) Other current liabilities 0.00 0.00(d) Long-term provisions 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.005 Currents Liabilities

(a) Short-term borrowings 0.00 1.00(b) Trade payables 782.93 458.71(c) Other current liabilities 0.01 0.06(d) Short-term provision 1.00 2.50

783.94 462.271262.94 937.62

B1 Non-current assets

(a) Fixed assets 20.25 20.25(b) Goodwill on consolidation* 0.00 0.00(c) Non-current investments 0.00 0.00(d) Deferred tax assets (Net) 0.00 0.00(e) Long-term loans and advances 0.00 0.00(f) Other non-current assets 0.00 0.00

20.25 20.252 Current assets

(a) Currents investments 0.00 0.00(b) Inventories 0.00 0.00(c) Trade receivables 861.95 484.94(d) Cash and cash equivalents 0.61 0.35(e) Short-term loans and advances 380.13 432.08(f) Other current assets 0.00 0.00

1242.69 917.371262.94 937.62

* Applicable in the case of consolidated statement of assets and liabilities.

Standalone / Consolidated Statement of Assets and LiabilitiesParticulars

As at (currentyear end)


As at (currentyear end)


Statement of Assets and Liabilities

Notes:-1 The above results have been taken on record at the meeting of Board of Directors held on 30.05.20132 One investor complaint received and has been resolved during the quarter ended as on Previous period/year figures have been regrouped/ rearranged, wherever necessary

Place: AhmedabadDate: 30.05.2013


Þþ [kuÃkzkLke �‘sçk íkfni òLk�’ Lkwt yksu

xeðe r«r{Þh {uõMk Ãkhy{ËkðkË,

®nËe rVÕ{kuLke [uLk÷ {uõMkÃkkuíkkLke rVÕ{ ÞkºkkLke þYykíkVheÚke fhe hÌkwt Au. yk þYykíkÞþ [kuÃkzkLke hku{kÂLxf rVÕ{�‘sçk íkf ni òLk�’ Úke Úkþu suLkw txur÷rðÍLk r«r{Þh {uõMk Ãkh yksuçkÃkkuhu 1 ðkøÞu yLku Mkktsu 8 ðkøÞu«Mkkrhík Úkþu.

�‘sçk íkf ni òLk�’ Lke ðkíkko yufçkkìBçk rLkhkuÄf MkirLkf Mkr{h ykLktËÃkh çkLke Au. yk MkirLkfLkk rðþu yuðwfnuðkÞ Au fu {kìík íkuLku yze Ãký Lkþfu. yuf [uLk÷Lke Þwðk rhÃkkuxohyfehk yk MkirLkfLkk SðLk Ãkh yufzkuõÞw{uLxhe çkLkkððk {ktøku Au. ykËhBÞkLk y[kLkf s íkuLku Mk{ehLkkçkuòuz ÃÞkh yLku íkuLke «ur{fk {ehkrðþu ¾çkh Ãkzu Au, Mk{eh yLkuyfehkLke yk {w÷kfkík íkÚkk {ehkLkeMkkÚku Mk{ehLkk MktçktÄku ðå[u 10ð»koLkwt ytíkh Au yLku yk s Þþ[kuÃkzk îkhk rLkËuoþeík «u{Lkk yk{nkfkÔÞLkku {wÏÞ ykÄkh çkLku Au.

Þþ [kuÃkzkLke ç÷kìf çkMxhrVÕ{ �‘sçk íkf ni òLk�’ Lkk «{eÞh«Mktøk u þknÁ¾ ¾kLk u sýkÔÞw t�“ÞþSLke ðkík íkku ¼økðkLk Ãký{kLke ÷uíkk níkk�”. fuxheLkk fiV yLkuyLkw»fk þ{ko yu Ãký ÃkkuíkkLkkr«r{Þh ËhBÞkLk ÚkÞu÷ yLkw¼ðkuyLku ÞkËkuLku sýkðe níke.

RLVkurMkMkLkk fkhkuçkkhe [uh{uLk íkhefu hnuþuRLVkurMkMkLkk fkhkuçkkhe [uh{uLk íkhefu hnuþuRLVkurMkMkLkk fkhkuçkkhe [uh{uLk íkhefu hnuþuRLVkurMkMkLkk fkhkuçkkhe [uh{uLk íkhefu hnuþuRLVkurMkMkLkk fkhkuçkkhe [uh{uLk íkhefu hnuþu¾hkçk ÂMÚkíke MkwÄkhðk {kxuLkkhkÞý {w�ŠÚkLke Vhe yuLxÙe

çkUøk÷kuh,ËuþLke Mkk iÚke «ríkrcík

ftÃkLkeyk u Ãk ifeLke yuf yuðeRLVkurMkMkLke ¾hkçk ÚkR hnu÷enk÷íkLke LkkUÄ ÷RLku yuLkykhLkkhkÞý {w�ŠÚk Vhe yufðkhftÃkLke{kt Ãkhík VÞko Au. RLVkurMkMkuyksu Mkðkhu ònuhkík fhe níke fuftÃkLke çkkuzoLkk fkhkuçkkhe [uh{uLkíkhefu íku{Lke rLk{ýqtf fhðk{ktykðe Au.

íku{Lke yðrÄ Ãkkt[ ð»koLkehnuþu. íku{Lku ðk�Š»kf yuf YrÃkÞkLke[wfðýe fhðk{kt ykðMku. LkkhkÞý{w�ŠÚkyu ð»ko 2011{kt [uh{uLkLkkÃkËuÚke hkSLkk{w ykÃÞwt níkwt yLkuçkkuzoLkk [uh{uLk y{urhxMk níkk.ftÃkLkeyu fÌkwt Aufu yksu MkðkhuÞkuòÞu÷e çkuXf{kt LkkhkÞý {w�ŠÚkLkuíkkífkr÷f Äk uhýu çkk uz o yuLzyurzþLk÷ zkÞhuõxhLkk fkhkuçkkhe[uh{uLkLkk nkuÆk Ãkh rLk{ýqtffhðk{kt ykðe Au. {w�ŠÚkLke fkuhxe{{kt íku{Lkk Ãkwºk zkuõxh hkunLk{q�Šík Mkk{u÷ fhðk{kt ykðMku. suLkkhkÞý {w�ŠÚkLkk fkhkuçkkhe MknkÞfíkhefu hnuþu. LkkhkÞý {w�ŠÚkyu fÌkwtAu fu yk yufkyuf rLkýoÞ fhðk{kt

LkkhkÞý {w�ŠíkLke yðrÄ Ãkkt[ ð»koLke hnuþu : yuf YrÃkÞkðk�Š»kfLkk ykÄkhu Vhe yuLxÙe Úkíkk f{o[kheykuLku hkník

ykÔÞku Au. Ãkhtíkw RLVkuMkeMk ftÃkLkeíku{Lkk çkk¤f íkhefu Au. suÚke íkuyku{kuxe sðkçkËkhe Mðefkh fhðk{kxu íkiÞkh ÚkÞk Au. íku{Lku yk íkfykÃkðk çkË÷ íkuyku fuðe fk{ík,çkk uz o yLk u RLVkuMkeMkLkk Ëhuff{o[kheLkku yk¼kh {kLku Au. ykÃkzfkhYÃk ÂMÚkíke{kt ftÃkLkeLku ðÄwMkV¤íkk yÃkkððk {kxu íkuyku ík{k{«ÞkMk fhþu.

fuðe fk{íku yk «Mktøku fÌkwt níkwtfu xufLkku÷kuS Wãkuøk yLku ftÃkLkeLkeMkk{u hnu÷k ÃkzfkhkuLku æÞkLk{kt÷RLku çkkuzuo yk Ãkøk÷w ík{k{ þuh

nkuÕzMkoLkk rník{kt ÷eÄw Au.Úkkuzkf rËðMk Ãknu÷k s yuf

y¾çkkhu ynuðk÷ ykÃÞk níkk fuçku ð»ko yøkkW rLkð]rík ÷R [wfu÷k{w�ŠÚk ftÃkLke{kt Vhe Mkr¢Þ ÚkR økÞkAu. {w�ŠÚkLke ÃkkMku ftÃkLkeLkk 5.4 xfkþuh Au.

[k uÚkk rºk{krMkf økk¤kLkkÃkrhýk{ ònuh fhðk{kt ykÔÞkçkkË RLVkuMkeMkLkk þuh 10 ð»koLkeLke[e MkÃkkxeyu ÃknkU[e økÞk níkk.LkkhkÞý {w�ŠÚk ¼khík yLku ËwrLkÞk{ktfkuÃkk u ohux Wãkuøksøkík{kt yuf«ríkrcík Lkk{ Au.

rðLËwLkk r¢fux çkkuzoLkk xku[LkkyrÄfkheLke MkkÚku MktçktÄ níkk

{wtçkE,ykEÃkeyu÷ MÃkkux rV®õMkøkLkk

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LkõMk÷ðkËeykuLke MkkÚku[[ko ÞkuøÞ LkÚke : Ëuðzk

Lkðe rËÕne,fuLÿeÞ «ÄkLk { wh÷e

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ðkhtðkh ¼kð ðÄkhku Aíkkt rzÍ÷ {ktøk{kt íkeðú ðÄkhkufkuRBçkíkwh,

rzÍ÷Lke ®f{ík{k trLkÞr{íkheík u ðÄkhk u fhðk{ktykðe hÌkku nkuðk Aíkkt rzÍ÷Lke{ktøk{kt WÕ÷u¾LkeÞ ðÄkhku ÚkEhÌkku Au. ðÃkhkþ{kt ðÄkhku ÚkEhÌkk u A u. yLÞ Ãk ux Ù k u r÷Þ{Ãk uËkþk uLke Mkh¾k{ýe{k t ðÄwÍzÃkÚke rzÍ÷Lkku WÃkÞkuøk ÚkEhÌkk u Au. rzÍ÷Lkk ðÃkhkþ{ktyur«÷{kt ðk�Š»kf ykÄkh Ãkh 4.2xfk MkwÄeLkku ðÄkhku ÚkÞku Au.

ykLke MkkÚku s yk yktfzkuðÄeLku 6.2 r{r÷ÞLk xLk MkwÄeÃknkU[e økÞku Au. ÃkuxÙkur÷Þ{ yLku

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2012 çkkË ®f{ík{kt 8.50Lkku ðÄkhkuòLÞwykhe çkkËÚke Ãkkt[ ð¾ík ðÄkhku

Vuçkúwykhe {rnLkk{kt {ktøkýe{kt½xkzku ÚkÞku çkkË Vhe yufðkh{ktøk ðÄe Au. ykuE÷ {kfuo®xøkftÃkLkeykuyu òLÞwykhe {rnLkk{ktrzÍ÷Lke ®f{íkLk u yktrþfheík uytfwþ{wõík fÞko çkkËÚke Ãkk t[ð¾ík ðÄkhku fÞkuo Au. rzÍ÷Lke®f{ík ykuøkMx 2012 çkkËÚke÷exhËeX YrÃkÞk 8.50 MkwÄe ðÄeøkE Au.