WE HELP YOU TO FULFILL YOUR DESTINY ROCK Sydney Church Services Friday service: Kingdom Gathering 19.00 Saturday service: Menara Doa 10.00 Location: ROCK Sydney Center 1 / 83-85 Whiting Street, Artarmon, NSW, Australia Sunday services: General: 8.30, 11.00; Children: 11.00; Teenager: 11.00; Youth: 17.00 Location: University Hall - University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Harris Street, Sydney, NSW, Australia. ROCK Darwin 7 Bittern Street, Wulagi, NT, Australia Phone: 0418 633 720 e-mail: [email protected] ROCK Representative of Christ’s Kingdom SYDNEY 05 / 11 Monthly bulletin - edition 5

ROCK · tetapi orang yang setia, ... pemuda yang dibuang ke Babel dan dipilih untuk bekerja di istana Raja Nebukadnesar. Dalam kenikmatan makanan di istana raja, Daniel mempunyai

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ROCK Sydney Church Services

Friday service: Kingdom Gathering 19.00Saturday service: Menara Doa 10.00

Location: ROCK Sydney Center1 / 83-85 Whiting Street, Artarmon, NSW, Australia

Sunday services:General: 8.30, 11.00; Children: 11.00; Teenager: 11.00; Youth: 17.00Location: University Hall - University of Technology Sydney (UTS)Harris Street, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

ROCK Darwin7 Bittern Street, Wulagi, NT, AustraliaPhone: 0418 633 720 e-mail: [email protected]

ROCKRepresentative of Christ’s Kingdom


05 / 11

Monthly bulletin - edition 5

2 • ROCK Sydney Bulletin • May 2011 Berlanjut ke halaman 3 ...

From Pastor’s Desk

Excellent spirit - Roh yang Luar BiasaBy Ps. Lydia Yusuf

Wouw... waktu kita mem-baca Excellent Spirit

(roh yang Luar Biasa), saya yakin kita semua pasti ingin memilikinya. Melalui edisi bulan ini, saya mengajak kita belajar dari kehidupan Daniel yang hidupnya menjadi dampak bagi kerajaan terbesar saat itu yakni Kerajaan Babel.

Daniel 6:3-4 3. membawahi mereka di-angkat pula tiga pejabat tinggi dan Daniel adalah salah satu dari ketiga orang itu; kepada merekalah para wakil-wakil raja harus mem-beri pertanggungan jawab supaya raja jangan dirugikan. 4 Maka Daniel ini melebihi para pejabat tinggi dan para wakil raja itu karena ia mempunyai roh yang luar biasa dan raja bermaksud untuk menempatkannya atas seluruh kerajaannya.

Daniel 5:12 “karena pada orang itu terdapat roh yang luar biasa dan pengetahuan dan akal budi sehingga dapat menerangkan mimpi, menyingkapkan hal-hal yang tersembunyi dan menguraikan kekusutan...”

Arti kata ‘luar biasa’ dalam bahasa Ibrani adalah ‘ung-gul’, memiliki kemampuan dan prestasi yang lebih tinggi. Roh yang ada didalam Daniel begitu luar biasa sampai ia menonjol diantara orang-orang seki-tarnya. Raja yang memerintah Kerajaan Babel berganti-ganti,

namun kedudukan Daniel se-lalu meningkat.

Bagaimana agar kita da-pat memiliki roh yang luar biasa:

1. KesetiaanDaniel 6:5 “Kemudian para

pejabat tinggi dan wakil raja itu mencari alasan dakwaan terhadap Daniel dalam hal pemerintahan tetapi mereka tidak mendapat alasan apa-pun atau sesuatu kesalahan sebab ia setia dan tidak ada didapati sesuatu kelalaian atau sesuatu kesalahan padanya.” Kesetiaanlah yang membuat Daniel unggul, lebih menonjol dari semua pejabat dan wakil raja lainnya.

Amsal 20:6 “Banyak orang menyebut diri baik hati tetapi orang yang setia, siapakah menemukannya?”

Dewasa ini sulit mencari orang yang benar-benar setia; akan tetapi jika ada sifat yang membuat orang menonjol dan mendapat perhatian penuh dari Allah adalah kesetiaan.

Mazmur 101:6 “Mataku tertuju kepada orang-orang yang setiawan di negeri supaya mereka diam bersama-sama dengan aku...”

2. Ketetapan HatiDaniel 1:8 “Daniel berketetapan untuk tidak menajiskan dirinya dengan santapan raja dan dengan anggur yang biasa diminum raja; dimintanyalah kepada pemimpin pegawai istana itu supaya ia tak usah menajiskan dirinya.”

Pada saat itu Daniel termasuk pemuda yang dibuang ke Babel dan dipilih untuk bekerja di istana Raja Nebukadnesar. Dalam kenikmatan makanan di istana raja, Daniel mempunyai ketetapan hati untuk tidak menajiskan dirinya terhadap makanan-makanan tersebut, Daniel bertindak melawan arus.

• Ketetapan hati terhadap mulut. Mulut adalah organ kecil yang berpengaruh be-sar. Melalui mulut (perkataan), orang bisa dikuatkan atau dilemahkan. Silence is gold-en - diam itu emas; sedikit bicara, banyak bekerja dan juga terhadap apa yang kita makan atau minum karena segala sesuatu yang berlebi-han itu tidak baik.

• Ketetapan hati terhadap mata. Kelemahan seorang laki-laki adalah matanya, apa yang dia lihat? Ayub 31:1 “Aku telah menetapkan syarat bagi mataku, masakan aku memperhatikan anak dara?”

• Ketetapan hati terhadap telinga. Banyak informasi yang didengar dan kita harus

rocksydney.org.au • 3

... lanjutan dari halaman 2Editorial

segera menghapus yang tidak berguna. ‘Iman datang dari pendengaran, pendengaran akan Firman Tuhan.’

• Ketetapan hati untuk men-jaga hati. Amsal 4:23 “Ja-galah hatimu dengan segala kewaspadaan karena dari situlah terpancar kehidupan.” Kain membunuh adiknya (Habel); Yusuf dimasukkan sumur dan dijual sebagai budak oleh kakak-kakaknya, semua karena iri hati.

Orang yang memiliki ke-tetapan hati, pasti mempunyai prinsip sehingga tidak mudah diombang-ambingkan oleh pendapat orang lain dan mere-ka akan membuat terobosan - terobosan dalam hidupnya.

Daniel 1:20 “Dalam tiap-tiap hal yang memerlukan kebijaksanaan dan penger-tian, yang ditanyakan raja kepada mereka, didapatinya bahwa mereka sepuluh kali lebih cerdas dari pada semua orang berilmu dan semua ahli jampi di seluruh kerajaannya.”

3. Memiliki Kehidupan Doa

Daniel 6:11 “Demi didengar Daniel bahwa surat perintah itu telah dibuat, pergilah ia ke rumahnya. Dalam kamar atasnya ada tingkap-tingkap yang terbuka ke arah Yeru-salem; tiga kali sehari ia berlutut, berdoa serta memuji Allahnya seperti yang biasa dilakukannya”.

Daniel memiliki persekutuan pribadi dan bergaul akrab dengan Allah dalam doa.

Kunci keberhasilan tokoh - tokoh dalam Perjanjian Lama maupun Baru, mereka memiliki akses langsung dengan Tuhan melalui persekutuan pribadinya. Abraham bisa tawar menawar dengan Allah untuk keselamatan Lot (Sodom). Yesus pagi-pagi benar berdoa. Doa adalah nafas dan kekuatan orang percaya.

Daniel artinya Tuhan adalah hakim dan hal itu nyata dalam hidupnya. Daniel dibela Allah karena ia tidak bersalah dan perlindungan Tuhan sangat ajaib.

Daniel 6:23 “Allahku telah mengutus malaikatNya untuk mengatupkan mulut singa-singa itu sehingga mereka tidak mengapa-apakan aku karena ternyata aku tak bersalah di hadapanNya; tetapi juga terhadap tuanku, ya raja, aku tidak melakukan kejahatan.”

Daniel 12:3 “Dan orang-orang bijaksana akan bercahaya seperti cahaya cakrawala dan yang telah menuntun banyak orang ke-pada kebenaran seperti bin-tang-bintang, tetap untuk selama-lamanya.”

Wouw... luar biasa, yuk kita berusaha sungguh-sungguh agar memiliki roh yang luar bia-sa sehingga hidup kita bisa jadi bintang-bintang di akhir zaman.


Roma 8:19 berkata “Sebab dengan sangat rindu seluruh makhluk menantikan saat anak-anak Allah dinyatakan.”

Di bulan April lalu, Ps. Hanny Yasaputra, di dalam khotbahnya, mengingatkan agar setiap umat pilihan Tuhan sadar akan tanggung jawabnya.

Untuk menjadi pribadi yang bertanggung jawab, diperlukan Excellent Spirit (Roh Unggul). Tidak seenaknya karena kasih karunia (grace) Tuhan, kita menjadi serumpun komunitas yang malas, melepas tanggung jawab dan hidup seenaknya. Ada komitmen, ketaatan, kerendahan hati, kedisiplinan yang perlu kita kerjakan untuk melaksanakan tugas yang kita emban sebagai Representative of Christ Kingdom yang efektif: menghasilkan buah Roh, mengerjakan tujuan hidup, memenangkan jiwa, dan masih banyak lagi.

Seperti cuplikan lagu “Awakening” yang diulas dalam ROCK Praise, hendaknya setiap artikel di RSMB kali ini dapat menjadi wake up call bagi kita untuk menyadari bahwa inilah saatnya dimana anak-anak Tuhan dinyatakan. Be excellent, be impact to expand His Kingdom!



4 • ROCK Sydney Bulletin • May 2011

ROCK Revelation

By Ferdinand Haratua

Studying the Book of Daniel

Daniel shows us how one could and should live a godly life in this fallen world, bear

witness to the power and grace of God and at the same time, making an impact to the


Christians of all ages have heard and loved the book of Daniel. Many love it for the

exciting stories found in the book, for examples, Daniel in the lion’s den and the fiery furnace account of Daniel’s friends - whose names may not be the easiest to spell out but somehow we all manage to remember them quite accurately, yes, they are Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. These stories could easily be some of the top stories from the Bible that most Christians remember.

Another reason why many Christians love the book is largely due to its unique characteristics and contributions. On its unique characteristics, the book of Daniel is one of the only two books in the whole Bible that is written in two languages, Hebrew and Aramaic. The book is interweaved with history and prophecy, and together with its not-so chronological structure, it demands a careful reading and study from any serious disciples of Christ.

For its contributions, the book of Daniel gives the readers insights into the conditions in Babylon during the 70 years of captivity. It also contains one of the most comprehensive prophetic plan in the Old Testament. The book links the Old Testament to the New Testament

by revealing the events that are going to take place during the intertestamental period, the 400 silent years roughly between the Old Testament prophet Malachi and John the Baptist in the New Testament.

On top of all those exciting information, the book allows us to see and study one of the most amazing characters in the entire Bible. Daniel’s life provides to us a model on how we should live our lives for God. Though Daniel was not a priest nor did he receive a specific prophetic calling like some other prophets, he lived out his entire life nothing short of a life of that a godly priest or a prophet. Some have said that Daniel was one of the only few characters who have no faults written against him in the Bible. Now, that’s worth our attention!

We could learn much from Daniel. Just like Daniel, today we are also living in a godless society. Daniel shows us how one could and should live a godly life in this fallen world, bear witness to the power and grace of God and at the same time, making an impact to the society. There is so much in the book of Daniel, why don’t we start reading and studying it.


rocksydney.org.au • 5

ROCK Interactive

By Yosia Yusuf

Excellent but HumbleWHY is it important to have an excellent Spirit?

Back in my first year of college, one of my Professors inspired me to be excellent in life. He mentioned how crucial it is to do our best at everything. “Every time my name is written on paper, I want it to be the best I can do” It’s important to have this attitude as our names carry a lot of weight that we might not realize. Our names carry with it our identity, our self worth and our value.

As a Christian, our names not only represent ourselves, but also Him who sends us. The Bible calls us ‘ambassadors for Christ’ which mean we are representing Him in all we do. Therefore our standard of His life ought to represent the standard of His kingdom.

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us a new in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10, NLT.

As God’s masterpiece, we exist to bring glory to Him. Living our life with excellent spirit will shine the light to Christ’s work in us. Being excellent is not about getting ahead in life. It is about doing our best and being faithful in little things so that His love will shine out of our life.

HOW can I be excellent yet humble at the same time?

Our first human tendency when we did something good is take the credit for ourselves. After all, being excellent requires our hard work, our time and our effort. Therefore we think that it’s only normal to see ourselves as the reason for our achievement.

“For who sees anything different in you? What do you have that you did not receive? If then you received it, why do you boast as if you did not receive it?” 1 Corinthians 4:7, ESV.

Paul’s answer to our question is to realize that everything we have is a gift from God. All our goodness is a product of His grace working in us. If we understand that everything we have is a product of His grace, then we have nothing to boast about. Grace leads us to humility, knowing that everything we have is given to us by Christ’s death on the cross.

“And because of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, so that, as it is written, “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians1:30-31, ESV.


Exclusive to congregations (exclude pastors, ushers and RSMB team) you could get a KitKat if you read this. Collect it from the secretariat desk (while stocks last)!

6 • ROCK Sydney Bulletin • May 2011

ROCK Family

By Poppy Ivone

Instilling ‘The Fear of the Lord’in Our Children

My family tries to make praying together a habit. Judah, our 3.5-year-old, often

gets restless when such prayers get too long for his liking. I always remind him to respect God by praying properly. He often asks, “Why not?” which usually leaves me a little stumped. How do you explain that God deserves our utmost honor & respect to a young child? Frank A. Clark once said, “There’s nothing that can help you understand your beliefs more than trying to explain them to an inquisitive child.” I’m painfully aware that my words on their own are ineffective means to get him to understand what it means to truly respect God. He needs to see us put this ‘respecting God business’ into action, daily. And I believe at the very heart of respecting God is the proper fear of God.

Fear of God’ is a controversial topic by nature. A lot of Christians seem to think that it is kinda old school, that we don’t really do the ‘hell, fire, brimstone’ thing anymore. When the term ‘fear of the Lord’ is mentioned, people are quick to rationalise that it doesn’t really mean ‘fear’, but more of a respect. As believers we need to understand that ‘fear of the Lord’ is not just a phrase of Old Testament piety.

Strimple (2001) wrote, “What a grave error it would be to imagine that the new covenant, in contrast to the old, has replaced the fear of God with the love of God.”

“In the fear of the Lord one has strong confidence, and his children will have a refuge.”

(Proverbs 14:26)

What is the ‘fear of the Lord’ according to the Bible?

• Keeping all God’s decrees and commands • Hatred of evil • Hoping in His unfailing love • Taking refuge in Him

• Putting trust in God • The beginning of wisdom • Flesh-trembling, standing-in-awe of God’s laws • Walking upright • Regarding God as holy, as the one to fear, as the one to dread • Offering sacrifice to the Lord, making vows to Him and fulfilling them • Accepting correction • Working out our salvation with fear and trebling • Giving God glory, worshipping Him • Praising God

What about 1 John 4:18 that states “Perfect love drives

out fear”? It is the dread of eternal torment that love drives out, not reverence and adoration before God’s majesty! Deut 10:12-13 and Psalm 33:18-19 further prove that the fear of God and love of God are not contradictory but go hand-in-hand.

As we parents learn to walk more in the fear of God ourselves, I pray that our children can have a safe refuge in the strong confidence that we have in God. And in time, for our children to cleave to God as their very own perfect refuge when the storms of life break over their lives. Amen.


rocksydney.org.au • 7

ROCK Easy Digest

By Diana Turnip

besar v.s. KECIL

Tidak terasa kita sudah memasuki bulan kelima di tahun 2011. Sepertinya baru

kemarin kita memulai awal tahun baru dengan semangat yang baru dan resolusi-resolusi tahun baru yang ingin kita capai. Saya berasumsi bahwa salah satu resolusi kita tahun ini pastilah untuk mengikuti pembacaan alkitab tahunan dan menyelesaikan semua bacaan alkitab dari depan sampai belakang, sebagai bagian dari saat teduh kita setiap harinya. Nah, pertanyaannya sekarang adalah, bagaimana progres kita selama ini dari awal tahun, apakah kita masih terus setia dalam rutinitas saat teduh dan pembacaan alkitab kita setiap hari? Hanya anda sendirilah yang bisa menjawab pertanyaan tersebut.

Biar di kolom ini saya bisa bagikan kesaksian saya dalam proses rutinitas pembacaan alkitab saya selama ini. Bukan hal yang mudah untuk terus mengikuti bacaan Alkitab harian dengan teratur. Namun saya cukup terpacu dengan email yang saya terima dari YouVersion (salah satu aplikasi pembacaan alkitab) bahwa saya masih tetap setia mengikuti pembacaan alkitab harian secara teratur. Satu hal yang saya pelajari dari rutinitas pembacaan alkitab ini, yaitu arti dari ayat Yohanes 3:30 (TB):

“Ia harus makin besar, tetapi aku harus makin kecil.”

Sebagai kesaksian, jujur saja, saya adalah orang yang terbiasa tidur pulas sekitar 8 jam setiap malam. Namun, setelah saya menjadi ibu, dan harus bangun tengah malam dan pagi-pagi untuk menyusui, seringkali saya ingin waktu-waktu tidur saya kembali seperti dahulu, tidur pulas selama 8 jam. Sampai Tuhan ajar saya dengan ayat diatas. Saya diingatkan bagaimana kalau hubungan dengan anak saya yang kelihatan saja, saya sudah perhitungan dengan waktu tidur yang terganggu. Bagaimana hubungan dengan DIA yang tidak kelihatan?

Bagaimana dengan hubungan anda dengan DIA? Apakah kita masih perhitungan tentang masalah waktu saat teduh dan baca Alkitab kita setiap harinya? Seringkah anda malah lupa dengan pentingnya waktu untuk kita bersaat teduh dan membaca alkitab? Apakah sepertinya kita yang semakin bertambah dan DIA yang semakin berkurang?

Biarlah kita bisa merefleksikan hidup kita saat kita melantunkan lagu Sidney Mohede, “less of me and more of You”, dan mendapati bahwa kita tidak hanya menyanyi tanpa menjalani arti dari kata-kata lagu tersebut dalam kehidupan kita. Teruslah setia dalam saat teduh kita setiap hari!


8 • ROCK Sydney Bulletin • May 2011

ROCK Komunitas Mesianik

By Martin Susatyo

Ada yang ingin kucurahkan, tapi...

Apakah kita pernah merasakan ada se-suatu yang belum tercurahkan dari hati,

pikiran, dan perbuatan kita, setelah sekian tahun diselamatkan dan bersama Yesus? Sepertinya tidak ada wadah untuk memberikan dan menunjukkan Kasih Tuhan yang besar, yang Dia sudah berikan kepada kita kepada sesama yang lain? Terlebih lagi… hati kitapun bergejolak memilih antara 2 suara: “Mulailah membagikan kasih dan hikmat yang Kuberikan kepadamu.” atau “Lupakan orang lain, hiduplah untuk Tuhan dan dirimu sendiri .”

Saudaraku, biarlah hidup kita dipimpin oleh ROH Tuhan (Gal 5:16) dan BERBUAH. Maka dari itu, buanglah pikiran keegoisan dan kedagingan kita; pilihlah ROH dan lakukanlah SEKARANG!

“Sebab itu, saudara-saudaraku, kamu juga telah mati bagi hukum Taurat oleh tubuh Kristus, supaya kamu menjadi milik orang lain, yaitu milik Dia, yang telah dibangkitkan dari antara orang mati, agar kita berbuah bagi Allah.”Roma 7:4

Roh Kudus yang ada di dalam kita sangat rindu menghasilkan buah untuk mencerminkan Kemuliaan Tuhan di hidup kita. Dia ingin kita, bersama Dia untuk menghasilkan buah-buah Roh. Tidak hanya untuk menjadi berkat bagi kita, tetapi terlebih lagi untuk sesama kita.

“Tetapi buah Roh ialah: kasih, sukacita, damai sejahtera, kesabaran, kemurahan, kebaikan, kesetiaan, kelemahlembutan, penguasaan diri.” Galatia 5:22-23

Komunitas Mesianik (KM) adalah salah satu tempat yang paling tepat untuk kita bisa mengerjakan dan membagikan buah-buah Roh yang dihasilkan. Melalui kesaksian, pewahyuan, dan firman Tuhan yang kita bagikan

dan diberikan dalam KM, setiap individu akan bertumbuh bersama mengenal Tuhan lebih dalam, dan saling memberkati satu dengan yang lain. Selain itu, KM memberikan kehangatan kasih dan sukacita dari Tuhan, dan ini mengalir dari setiap anggota KM yang sangat menolong di saat-saat kita memerlukannya.

Mari, saya berdoa dan mengajak kita semua untuk menghadiri KM, sehingga dapat saling memberkati dan menyaksikan kebesaran kasih Yesus dalam hidup kita, bagi kemuliaanNya.


Khusus untuk jemaat (tidak untuk pastor, usher dan bulletin team) dap-atkan sebungkus KitKat ketika anda minta dari-pada usher di meja seke-tariat (selama persediaan masih ada)!

rocksydney.org.au • 9

BIG MQU North Ryde Room C3B 306 Thursday Randy 0433 880 550

BIG MQU City Navitas Building (11 York st) Room 313 Monday Jesslyn 0426 253 110

BIG UNSW Robert Websters Lv 3 Room 301 Tuesday Ellis 0450 220 664

BIG UTS Room 5c.1.10 Wednesday Gladys 0410 752 555

Castle Hill 8 Finch Pl. Thursday Johan R 0402 881 887

Chatswood 01 Chatswood / Roseville Wednesday Yohana LS 0402 178 783

Chatswood 02 6/77 Albert Ave,Chatswood 35 Orieans Way, Castle Hill


Filippus T 0433 990 298

Chatswood 03 7/2 Fehon Rd, Chatswood Tuesday Paul 0433 761 233

Double Bay 93 Manning Rd. Wednesday Budiyono SLidia K

0413 166 7880408 186 788

Eastlakes 9/287 Gardeners Rd. Saturday Jacob 0401 622 937

ET please contact leader (ET Service) Wednesday Firman R 0404 075 559

Hurstville Suite 1511C/87 Liverpool Street. Wednesday Abigail 0413 047 407

Kensington 55 Mooramie Ave. Tuesday Adrian 0403 046 625

Kingsford 1/503 Anzac Pd, Kingsford Wednesday Daniel T 0422 327 376

Maroubra 01 50 Boyce Rd. Wednesday Joesuf H 0433 116 307

Maroubra 02 1/108 Garden Street, Maroubra Tuesday Evie Tju 0433 327 031

Maroubra 03 123 Fitzgerald Ave. Wednesday David P 0433 069 877

Maroubra 04 19/44-46 Borrodale Rd Wednesday Sherly S 0408 483 669

Marsfield 01 90/192-200 Vimiera Rd, Marsfield Tuesday Sianny 0410 631 937

Marsfield 02 190 North Rd, Eastwood Wednesday Aldo 0433 237 820

North Ryde 01 23 Torrington Drive Wednesday Dennis H 0433 491 203

North Ryde 02 Libya Place. Marsfield Wednesday Diana T 0402 079 519

Randwick 2 / 44 Waratah Ave, Randwick Tuesday Muliadi 0433 558 888

Rockdale 5/10 Illawarra street,Allawah Tuesday Andra 0415 789 866

St. Ives unit 23 / 1-5 Lynbara Ave, St.Ives Wednesday Lynda H 0430 186 389

Sydney 01 1205/2-4 Cunningham St. , Sydney Wednesday Matthew 0433 110 513

Sydney 02 1010/146 Elizabeth St. (Hyde Park Tower) Wednesday Meliati 0401 267 906

Sydney 03 1102/343 Pitt St (Century Tower) Tuesday Henry D 0413 410 965

Sydney 04 626 / lvl 26 Castlereagh St. (Regis III) Wednesday Eddy T 0404 188 992

Sydney 05 Unit 59 / Regis 1, Pitt Street, Sydney Wednesday Asya 0433 240 825

Sydney 06 Unit 168 / 298 Sussex Street, Sydney Wednesday AgnesWenpo

0414 264 000 0401 750 477

Sydney 07 1102/343 Pitt St. (Century Tower) Thursday Jeffry O 0424 263 179

Sydney 08 World Tower Theatre Thursday Darwin A 0415 314 910

Sydney 09 3008/343 Pitt St. (Century Tower) Wednesday Michael S 0404 152 025

West Ryde 3 / 55-57 Winbourne St, West Ryde Wednesday Martin S 0413 087 804

Daftar Komunitas Mesianik

10 • ROCK Sydney Bulletin • May 2011

Featured Album

ROCK Praise

By Michael Salim

Wake up my soul

In these last days of the world, the wicked world will become worse than before (2

Timothy 3:13). People who doesn’t believe in God will have their own ideas of what the believers should be. No matter how right or wrong the ideas are, they will judge our God based on our actions.

How can we look and act differently to the world? Jesus said:

‘And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counsellor to be with you forever--the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.’ John 14:16-17.

If we let Holy Spirit to work in every single thing in our life and to tell us what we need to do according to His will, the world will see us differently.

‘Awakening’ is a song written by Chris Tomlin and Rueben Morgan, the song is written based

on the heart for awakening to happen in nations. Friends, this is the time for us to awake our soul and be the part of the awakening movement in this world.

Matthew 26:41 states: ‘...the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak...’ This is not the time to follow our flesh desires that relates to temporary things that will pass away.

“Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world -- the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life -- is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever” 1 John 2:15-17

Let us seek the kingdom of God and lean on Holy Spirit in every single second of our life, so that we can have a discerning spirit to do His will and be an impact to the world.


Passion: AwakeningArtist: PassionGenres: Inspirational, CCM, WorshipReleased: 11 March 2010

Awakening is an album recorded live at Passion 10, the 2010 gathering of the Passion Conferences. The album was released on March 11, 2010. It took the No. 1 position on Billboard.com’s Christian Albums chart upon its debut.

Exclusive to congregations (exclude pastors, ushers and RSMB team) you could get a KitKat if you read this. Collect it from the secretariat desk (while stocks last)!

rocksydney.org.au • 11

Praise Chart

AwakeningWritten by Chris Tomlin and Reuben Morgan

Do = Eb [Capo 1 on D]


DM7 / / / :|| (5x) / / /


DM7 A4In our hearts Lord, in this nationG DM7 Awakening A4Holy Spirit, we desireG DM7 Awakening


G2For You and You alone Bm7 D2 AAwake my soul, awake my soul and sing

G2For the world You love Bm7Your will be done D2 Alet Your will be done in me

Verse 2:In Your presence, in Your powerAwakeningFor this moment, for this hourAwakening


| G | Em7 | Bm7 | D2 || Em7 | G | A |


GLike the rising sun that shinesEm7 Bm7 From the darkness comes a lightD2 Em7 I hear Your voice and this is my (repeat)


|: G | Bm7 | D | A :|


GLike the rising sun that shines Bm7 D A Awake my soul, awake my soul and sing

GFrom the darkness comes a light Bm7 D A Awake my soul, awake my soul and sing

GLike the rising sun that shines Bm7 D A Awake my soul, awake my soul and sing

GOnly You can raise a life Bm7 D A Awake my soul, awake my soul and sing

DM7 A4In our hearts Lord, in this nationG DM7 Awakening

© 2010 worshiptogether.com Songs/sixsteps Music/ Vamos Publishing/Hillsong PublishingCCLI #: 5677399

12 • ROCK Sydney Bulletin • May 2011

ROCK Sydney Ministries

Sound System & Equipment MinistryPraise & Worship MinistryMultimedia MinistryCreative MinistryWebsite & Podcast Ministry

Children MinistryTeenagers MinistryBuilding Influential GenerationIntercessor & Apostolic Ministry

Ushering MinistrySchool of Ministry (SOM)Motion Picture

Contact ROCK Sydney and be part of the solution:ministry form - at church foyer email - [email protected] - 02 9436 2235

Minister With Us and Be Part of the Solution

By Meliati White

Doa: “Nafas Hidup Orang Kristen”

Kita akan berargumen “Hm... Aku tidak

berdoa setiap saat seperti aku menghirup nafas tetapi aku juga tidak mati.” Ya, kita tidak akan mati secara jasmani, tetapi rohani (Spirit). Kita menjadi tidak peka akan keadaan, tidak bertumbuh, dan kita pun diartikan mati secara Rohani. Hal ini menjadikan DOA begitu integral di dalam kehidupan orang Kristen, seperti yang dikatakan Rasul Paulus di dalam KOLOSE 4:2 “Bertekunlah dalam Doa, dan dalam pada itu berjaga-jagalah sambil mengucap syukur”

Adapun pengertian sederhana dari doa adalah komunikasi atau berbicara dengan Tuhan. Secara sederhana kita mengekspresikan suasana hati dengan bercakap - cakap dan bersekutu denganNya. Komunikasi ini BUKAN komunikasi SATU ARAH, tetapi 2 arah. Yohanes berkata “Domba-domba-KU mendengarkan suara-KU dan Aku mengenal mereka dan mereka mengikuti Aku” artinya: “Tuhan berbicara, kita mendengar”, “Kita berbicara, Tuhan mendengar”.

Daniel bergaul karib dengan Tuhan, ia mengerti isi hati Tuhan. Roh yang luar biasa (Excellent Spirit) yang ada padanya bahkan bertumbuh di tengah kesesakan. Pada saat kita mengembangkan EXCELLENT SPIRIT di dalam DOA, maka doa kita menjadi doa yang beriman.

Roh Kudus menuntun kita kepada doa yang TIDAK EGOIS, tetapi kepada tingkat Doa Syafaat (The Intercessory): berdoa untuk kepentingan orang lain. Doa syafaat dapat dilakukan secara pribadi di dalam Saat Teduh. Tetapi akan lebih indah di dalam

satu kesatuan TIM, yang disebut sebagai Tim Pendoa ROCK Sydney (Intercessor & Apostolic Ministry). Bersama-sama melayani Tuhan dengan satu Visi di dalam Yesaya 62:10, melalui kegiatan Menara Doa.

Di dalam Menara Doa juga terdapat pengajaran yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan kerohanian sehari–hari. Kita bersekutu, bertumbuh bersama di dalam Excellent Spirit dan berdoa untuk kepentingan gereja lokal dimana kita ditempatkan, juga berdoa untuk semua permohonan doa. Kita percaya bahwa Tuhan bekerja lebih dari apa yang dapat kita doakan. Sehingga setiap dari kita orang percaya dapat memiliki dan menjadikan Kehidupan Doa sebagai Gaya Hidup yang tidak terlepas dari Doa.

“Without Walking and Talking with God in Prayer, We Will Never Fulfill Our Original Design and The Earth Will Lack of Order and Faithfullness” - Cindy Jacobs


rocksydney.org.au • 13

Campus & Career Life

By Eddy Suki

Excellent Spirit

It has been a very hectic 8 months since the project in my office started. Tight deadline,

endless meeting and long working hours are part of our daily routine. The tense atmosphere in the office clearly shown on each individual faces. People becomes more fragile and a smile is a very rare commodity.

Personally, it has been a tremendous journey and a good learning experience, not only from professional point of view but more importantly from spiritual perspective. God has taught me a true meaning of “Excellent Spirit” in a professional world.

COMMITMENTIt’s all about the decision you make. People

is easily committed with something new but lose their “steam” towards the end of it. It happens not only in the workplace but also in study, ministry, marriage and business. We should not make a decision based on our feeling. Commitment will enable us to make it through the hard time and provides us with endurance and perseverance to finish well.

“Losers make promises they often break. Winners make commitments they always keep” D Waitley

CHARACTERTrue character is revealed when people is

under pressure. It is about how you respond to the challenges in your life. Your action will speak louder than your words. Character is not built overnight but through your life journey. Your moral value, education, family culture and friends are the contributors to your character development.

People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. Thisis how character is built. E Roosevelt

OBEDIENCEObedience is not a word that commonly used

in our society now, it is a value that might come close to its extinction. Certain groups of people in the society are using “Human Rights” and “Equal Opportunity” as the reason to cover their rebellious acts against any authority above them.

Obedience is about submission and discipleship. Obedience to the right authority will nurture the development of your characters and preparing you to be a good leader.

It is a great deal easier to do what which God gives us to do, no matter how hard it is, than to face the responsibilities of not doing it B J Miller

Apart from the above, there are more values that I have learned through the journey (humility, grace, persistence, etc) that I wish I could share with you. All the wisdom and understanding I have learned reminded me to one person, Jesus Christ. His “Excellent Spirit” can be summed up:

“Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who though He was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross” Philippians 2:5-8.


14 • ROCK Sydney Bulletin • May 2011


ROCK News Update

1 Franky GunawanRaphael Ezekiel Lie

2 Angelita GandakusumaFirman RiantoMeiliana/ Ana Puspita DewiMuliadi WidjajaPs. Lydia Yusuf Benyamin

3 Yovita Fung

4 Nancy GoSamuel Geoffrey Wicaksono

5 Kuncoro SoewonoWilliam Lim

6 David NggauFilippus TieLian Eng Lee

7 Adrian PermadiFransiska RaidJ. Wingly KuhuKelvin Muliadi

8 Christin LukmanKus IndrawanRebecca Wai Tjian

9 Meithia Lubis

10 Caroline SantosoRista Maylissa IskandarThjin Liu

11 Dennis HarsonoHendry LoShirley Danam

12 MarcosMeiliany Soesanto

13 Charlie Hartono LieKartikawati Djojosaputro

15 Merrysa Kho

16 Fanny Marlinda Koe

17 Amelia AmeliaJuliana WidjajaVivi Lim

18 Ariel GiovanniGavirla Gillian Wicaksono

19 Ian Kosiwi YanantoKarina Lestari

20 Deborah Daniella HassaJanti HidajatJoice Cost-ChretienSeri Seri

23 Keane Sutanto Lee

24 Carl Leonardo T.Cassidy Ali HakimJonathan Nathanael G.Riko White

26 Weina Tan

27 Yohanes Paulus

28 Haditya NugrohoJane Santoso LimasMeliati WhiteNicholas Joshua Guntoro

29 Suzy Ngadisastra

30 Edrick EdrickEdward Edward

31 Judy Cheng

Water BaptismSaturday 28th May 2011, 10AM16 Melnote Avenue, RosevillePlease fill in baptism form at the front desk, and bring 2 of your passport photos for the certificate.

MembershipJemaat yang belum mengisi MEMBERSHIP Gereja harap segera mengisinya melalui web-site ROCK Sydney.

Kingdom OfferingsAccount Name: ROCK SYDNEYGeneral: 062 300 1011 7185Tithe: 062 300 1011 7855Building Funds: 062 300 1011 7863 Mission: 062 300 1011 7847

ROCK Sydney BuletinBIla jemaat belum menerima melalui email, maka:1. Check di junk mail folder dengan email

address: [email protected]. Bila belum menjadi member, segera isi

membership di website ROCK Sydney: www.rocksydney.org.au

3. Update email address melalui website ROCK Sydney. Kalau tidak tahu caranya, bisa kirim-kan email ke [email protected]; kami akan membantu anda!

4. Buletin dapat didownload melalui website ROCK Sydney

ROCK on the WWW: Jesus Culture should be spread, including in the realm of digital world. Let’s start with this magical connector called worldwide web and get yourself updated by....

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Doubly blessed through our podcast:http://podcast.rocksydney.org.au/

rocksydney.org.au • 15

ROCK News Update

ROCK Youth International - RYILiving for Christ is


Have you always been intrigued by apostle Paul’s letters? ROCK Youth International invites you to join us in a 4-part series study on Paul’s let-ter to the Philippians in May. Let’s spread the blessing & bring along everyone you know!

Don’t forget to

register yourself

at the foyer for this


Seminar & Crusade by

Apostle Indri Gautama.

Price Info

Up to Sunday, 1st May 2011Adults & ET $30

From 2nd May 2011 onwards Adults & ET $40 ROCK Kids $15


ROCK Sydney1/83-85 Whiting St. • Artarmon, NSW 2064

PO BOX 789 • Artarmon, NSW 1570Phone: +61 2 9436 2235 • Fax: +61 2 9436 2239

email: [email protected] • web: www.rocksydney.org.au

Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®),copyright © 2001 by Crossway. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

1st May Deuteronomy 18 Ecclesiastes 10 Acts 9

2nd May Deuteronomy 19 Ecclesiastes 11 Acts 10

3rd May Deuteronomy 20 Ecclesiastes 12 Acts 11-12

4th May Deuteronomy 21 Songs Solomon 1 Acts 13

5th May Deuteronomy 22 Songs Solomon 2 Acts 14-15

6th May Deuteronomy 23 Songs Solomon 3 Acts 16-17

7th May Deuteronomy 24 Songs Solomon 4 Acts 18-19

8th May Deuteronomy 25 Songs Solomon 5 Acts 20

9th May Deuteronomy 26 Songs Solomon 6 Acts 21-22

10th May Deuteronomy 27 Songs Solomon 7 Acts 23-24

11th May Deuteronomy 28 Songs Solomon 8 Acts 25-26

12thMay Deuteronomy 29 Isaiah 1 Acts 27

13th May Deuteronomy 30 Isaiah 2 Acts 28

14th May Deuteronomy 31 Isaiah 3-4 Colossians 1

15th May Deuteronomy 32 Isaiah 5 Colossians 2

16th May Deuteronomy 33-34 Isaiah 6 Colossians 3-4

17th May Joshua 1 Isaiah 7 I Thessalonians 1-2

18th May Joshua 2 Isaiah 8 I Thessalonians 3-4

19th May Joshua 3-4 Isaiah 9 I Thessalonians 5

20th May Joshua 5-6 Isaiah 10 II Thessalonians 1-2

21st May Joshua 7 Isaiah 11 II Thessalonians 3

22nd May Joshua 8 Isaiah 12 I Timothy 1-3

23rd May Joshua 9 Isaiah 13 I Timothy 4-5

24th May Joshua 10 Isaiah 14 I Timothy 6

25th May Joshua 11 Isaiah 15 II Timothy 1

26th May Joshua 12 Isaiah 16 II Timothy 2

27th May Joshua 13 Isaiah 17-18 II Timothy 3-4

28th May Joshua 14 Isaiah 19 Titus 1-3

29th May Joshua 15 Isaiah 20-21 Philemon 1

30th May Joshua 16 Isaiah 22 Hebrews 1-2

31st May Joshua 17 Isaiah 23 Hebrews 3-5

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you,....

Acts 1:8

It shall come to pass in the latter daysthat the mountain...

Isaiah 2:2-3

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth,...

Joshua 1:8

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profit-able for teaching,...

II Timothy 3:16

Ecclesiastes 3:11