Rome final for ce

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The Myth of Rome• Mars- The Roman God of War• Romulus and Remus• Tiber River

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Early Romans and Neighbors• Roman Civilization went from about 700 B.C to about 476 B.C• First Romans were Latin• Palatine- one of seven hills in ancient Rome• Etruscans- Bordering city of Etruria one of two main influences• Greece bordered Rome on the other side and was the other main influence

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Etruscan Engineering• Engineering- The science of building• Arch •Cuniculus- an irrigation system invented by the Etruscans

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Etruscan Sporting Events• Two bloody Etruscan sports were adopted by the Romans• Slave Fighting• Chariot Racing• Gladiators

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Greek Architecture• Greek buildings• Roman public buildings• Concrete• Pantheon• Colosseum• Circus Maximus- 200,000 spectators

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Greek Writing

• Greek Alphabet• Carving documents• Etruscans adopted the Greek alphabet and altered it.

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Greek Art• Etruscans and Romans influenced by Greek pottery, painting, and sculptures.• Greek pottery spread throughout Mediterranean region•Used to hold food, water, and wine• Paintings of Gods and Heroes• Greco- Roman Art• Greek models for the Romans art work• Life- size statues

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Greek Mythology • Roman religion is a blend of many influences• Blending Gods and Goddesses• Changing the names to make their own

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The Rise of the Roman Republic

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Overthrowing the Etruscans

• Myth • Delphi- famous oracle•Lucius Junius Brutus • Republic- form of government with elected leaders• 509 B.C

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Etruscan Rule• 616 to 509 B.C• Patricians- Wealthy landowners• Patres- father• Plebeians- peasants, laborers, craftspeople, and shopkeepers• Plebs- many• 95% of Rome’s population

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Patricians Create a Republic

• Patricians “The People”• Senate- a group of 300 men that the Patricians elected.• Consuls- Two elected leaders that commanded the military

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The Plebeian Rebel• Patricians power• Laws were not written and were changed to benefit the patricians• Conflict of the Orders• War interference with plebeians and their revolt• 494 B.C plebeians march• Patricians compromise

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Politi cal Equality• Tribunes of the Plebs• Tribunes- an official of the Roman Republic elected by the plebeians to protect their rights• Veto- to refuse to approve proposals of government made by the Senate• 2 to 10 tribunes• Council of Plebs• 451 B.C Twelve Tables• 367 B.C one of two consuls had to be plebeian• 287 B.C Plebeians gained the right to pass laws for all Roman’s

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Table IIf anyone summons a man before the magistrate, he must go. If the man summoned does not go, let the one summoning him call the bystanders to witness and then take him by force

Table IIHe whose witness has failed to appear may summon him by loud calls before his house every third day.

Table IIIOne who has confessed a debt, or against whom judgment has been pronounced, shall have thirty days to pay it in.

Table IVIf a father sells his son three times, the son shall be free from his father.

Table VFemales should remain in guardianship even when they have attained their majority.

Table VIWhen one makes a bond and a conveyance of property, as he has made formal declaration so let it be binding.

Table VII Table VIII

Table IX Table X Table XI Table XII

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Rome’s Conquest of the Italian Peninsula

• 509 to 264 B.C• Constant warfare• Allies with the Latins• The Gauls- warlike people from the north, lived where France is today• Samnites- People south of Rome• 275 B.C complete control of peninsula• The need for constant army

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Overseas Expansion During the Punic Wars

• 264 B.C. to 146 B.C•Carthage- powerful city in North Africa• Punic Wars- Three major battles with Carthage.• First war was mainly at sea.• Second war was an attack at Italy. • Third war was started by the Romans and destroyed Carthage to no more.

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Expansion During The Final Years of the Republic• 145 B.C. to 44 B.C.• Republic strain• Italians revolted • Slave rebellion• Pompey VS. Julius Caesar• Julius Caesar named Dictator for life• New reforms• Gladiator contests• New calendar• March 15 44 B.C. Caesar stabbed to death

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Rome Becomes an Empire• 44 B.C. to 14 B.C.• Octavian Rule• Sea battle against Marc Antony and Queen Cleopatra• “Augustus”- honored• Education, Art, Literature• Repairs• Police, Firefighters, and library• Trade and Currency • Praetorian Guard• Pax Romana- Roman Peace