statute of the office of the united nations high commissioner for refugees

s tat u t e - UNHCRs t a t u t e o f t h e o f f i c e o f t h e u n h c r 5 (g) Permitting refugees to transfer their assets and especially those neces-sary for their resettlement;

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Page 1: s tat u t e - UNHCRs t a t u t e o f t h e o f f i c e o f t h e u n h c r 5 (g) Permitting refugees to transfer their assets and especially those neces-sary for their resettlement;

s t a t u t eo f t h e o f f i c e o f t h e

u n i t e d n a t i o n s

h i g h c o m m i s s i o n e r

f o r r e f u g e e sPublished by:

UNHCRCommunications and Public Information ServiceP.O. Box 25001211 Geneva 2 Switzerland


For information and inquiries, please contact:

Communications and Public Information [email protected]

Page 2: s tat u t e - UNHCRs t a t u t e o f t h e o f f i c e o f t h e u n h c r 5 (g) Permitting refugees to transfer their assets and especially those neces-sary for their resettlement;
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General Assembly Resolution 428 (V) of 14 December 1950

statute of the office

of the united nations high commissioner for refugees

with an

Introductory Note

by the Office of the

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

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2 s t a t u t e o f t h e o f f i c e o f t h e u n h c r

introductory note

by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees


In ResolutIon319 (IV),of3December1949,theUnitedNationsGeneralAssemblydecidedtoestablishaHighCommissioner’sOffice forRefugeesasof1January1951.

The Statute of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner forRefugees was adopted by the General Assembly on 14 December 1950asAnnextoResolution428(V).InthisResolution,reproducedonpage4,theAssemblyalsocalledupontheGovernmentstocooperatewiththeHighCom-missionerintheperformanceofhisorherfunctionsconcerningrefugeesfall-ingunderthecompetenceoftheOffice.InaccordancewiththeStatute,theworkoftheHighCommissionerishumanitarianandsocialandofanentirelynon-politicalcharacter.


The High Commissioner reports annually to the General Assem-bly( 1) . Pursuant to paragraph 4 of the Statute, an Advisory Commit-tee on Refugees was established by the Economic and Social Coun-cil(2) and was later reconstituted as the United Nations Refugee Fund(UNREF) Executive Committee (3) . The latter was replaced in 1958 bythe Executive Committee of the High Commissioner’s Programme (4) .

(1) General Assembly Resolution 58/153 of 24 February 2004

(2) Economic and Social Council Resolution 393 (XIII) B of 10 September 1951

(3) Economic and Social Council Resolution 565 (XIX) of 31 March 1955 adopted pursuant to General Assembly Resolution 832 (IX) of 21 October 1954

(4) General Assembly Resolution 1166 (XII) of 26 November 1957 and Economic and Social Council Resolution 672 (XXV) of 30 April 1958

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MembersoftheExecutiveCommitteeareelectedbytheEconomicandSocialCouncilonthewidestpossiblegeographicalbasisfromthoseStateswithademonstratedinterestinanddevotiontothesolutionofrefugeeproblems.Underitstermsofreference,theExecutiveCommittee,inter alia,reviewsand approves the material assistance programme of the High Commis-sioner’sofficeandadvisestheHighCommissionerathisorherrequestontheexerciseofhisorherfunctionsundertheStatute.TheExecutiveCom-mitteewasoriginallycomposedof24states.ByMay2010,membershiphadexpandedto79states,comprisingAlgeria,Argentina,Australia,Austria,Bangladesh,Belgium,Benin,Brazil,Canada,Chile,China,Colombia,CostaRica,Côted’Ivoire,Cyprus,DemocraticRepublicoftheCongo,Denmark,Djibouti, Ecuador, Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany,Ghana,Greece,Guinea,HolySee,Hungary,India,IslamicRepublicofIran,Ireland,Israel,Italy,Japan,Jordan,Kenya,Lebanon,Lesotho,Luxembourg,Madagascar,Mexico,Montenegro,Morocco,Mozambique,Namibia,Neth-erlands,NewZealand,Nicaragua,Nigeria,Norway,Pakistan,Philippines,Poland,Portugal,RepublicofKorea,RepublicofMoldova,Romania,RussianFederation,Serbia,Slovenia,Somalia,SouthAfrica,Spain,Sudan,Sweden,Switzerland,Thailand,TheformerYugoslavRepublicofMacedonia,Tuni-sia,Turkey,Uganda,UnitedKingdom,UnitedRepublicofTanzania,UnitedStatesofAmerica,Venezuela(BolivarianRepublicof),YemenandZambia.

The first United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees was Gerrit J.vanHeuvenGoedhartfromtheNetherlands(1951-1956).Hewassucceededby Auguste R. Lindt from Switzerland (1957-1960); Felix Schnyder fromSwitzerland (1961-1965);SadruddinAgaKhanfromIran (1966-1977);PoulHartlingfromDenmark(1978-1985); Jean-PierreHockéfromSwitzerland(1986-1989); Thorvald Stoltenberg from Norway ( Jan. 1990-Nov. 1990);SadakoOgatafromJapan(1991-2000);RuudLubbersfromtheNetherlands(2001-2005);andAntónioGuterresfromPortugal(2005~).

UNHCR’s headquarters are located in Geneva, Switzerland. The HighCommissionerhasappointedrepresentativesandcorrespondentsinsome125countriesthroughouttheworld.


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the general assembly,


1. Adoptstheannextothepresentresolution,beingtheStatuteoftheOfficeoftheUnitedNationsHighCommissionerforRefugees;

2. CallsuponGovernmentstoco-operatewiththeUnitedNationsHighCommissionerforRefugeesintheperformanceofhisfunctionsconcerningrefugeesfallingunderthecompetenceofhisOffice,especiallyby:

(a) Becomingpartiestointernationalconventionsprovidingforthepro-tectionofrefugees,andtakingthenecessarystepsofimplementationundersuchconventions;

(b) EnteringintospecialagreementswiththeHighCommissionerfortheexecutionofmeasurescalculatedtoimprovethesituationofrefugeesandtoreducethenumberrequiringprotection;

(c) Admittingrefugeestotheirterritories,notexcludingthoseinthemostdestitutecategories;

(d) AssistingtheHighCommissionerinhiseffortstopromotethevolun-taryrepatriationofrefugees;

(e) Promotingtheassimilationofrefugees,especiallybyfacilitatingtheirnaturalization;

(f ) Providing refugees with travel and other documents such as wouldnormallybeprovidedtootheraliensbytheirnationalauthorities,espe-ciallydocumentswhichwouldfacilitatetheirresettlement;

general assembly resolution 428 (V)of 14 December 1950

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(g) Permittingrefugeestotransfertheirassetsandespeciallythoseneces-saryfortheirresettlement;

(h) Providing the High Commissioner with information concern-ingthenumberandconditionofrefugees,andlawsandregulationsconcerningthem.

3. Requests the Secretary-General to transmit the present resolution,togetherwiththeannexattachedthereto,alsotoStatesnon-membersoftheUnitedNations,withaviewtoobtainingtheirco-operationinits imple-mentation.

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chaPter i

General Provisions

1. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, acting undertheauthorityoftheGeneralAssembly,shallassumethefunctionofprovid-inginternationalprotection,undertheauspicesoftheUnitedNations, torefugeeswhofallwithinthescopeofthepresentStatuteandofseekingper-manentsolutionsfortheproblemofrefugeesbyassistingGovernmentsand,subjecttotheapprovaloftheGovernmentsconcerned,privateorganizationstofacilitatethevoluntaryrepatriationofsuchrefugees,ortheirassimilationwithinnewnationalcommunities.


2 . TheworkoftheHighCommissionershallbeofanentirelynon-politicalcharacter;itshallbehumanitarianandsocialandshallrelate,asarule,togroupsandcategoriesofrefugees.

3 . TheHighCommissionershallfollowpolicydirectivesgivenhimbytheGeneralAssemblyortheEconomicandSocialCouncil.

4 . TheEconomicandSocialCouncilmaydecide,afterhearingtheviewsoftheHighCommissioneronthesubject,toestablishanadvisorycommit-teeonrefugees,whichshallconsistofrepresentativesofStatesMembersandStatesnon-membersoftheUnitedNations,tobeselectedbytheCouncilonthebasisoftheirdemonstratedinterestinanddevotiontothesolutionoftherefugeeproblem.


Statute of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

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5. TheGeneralAssemblyshallreview,notlaterthanatitseighthregularsession, thearrangements for theOfficeof theHighCommissionerwithaviewtodeterminingwhethertheOfficeshouldbecontinuedbeyond31December1953.

chaPter ii

Functions of the High Commissioner

6 . ThecompetenceoftheHighCommissionershallextendto:

A. (i) AnypersonwhohasbeenconsideredarefugeeundertheArrange-mentsof12May1926andof30June1928orundertheConventionsof28October1933and10February1938,theProtocolof14September1939ortheConstitutionoftheInternationalRefugeeOrganization.

(ii)Anypersonwho,asaresultofeventsoccurringbefore1 Janu-ary1951andowingtowell-foundedfearofbeingpersecutedforrea-sonsofrace,religion,nationalityorpoliticalopinion,isoutsidethecountryofhisnationalityandisunableor,owingtosuchfearorforreasonsotherthanpersonalconvenience,isunwillingtoavailhimselfoftheprotectionofthatcountry;orwho,nothavinganationalityandbeingoutsidethecountryofhisformerhabitualresidence,isunableor,owingtosuchfearorforreasonsotherthanpersonalconvenience,isunwillingtoreturntoit.

DecisionsastoeligibilitytakenbytheInternationalRefugeeOrgani-zationduringtheperiodofitsactivitiesshallnotpreventthestatusofrefugeebeingaccordedtopersonswhofulfil theconditionsofthepresentparagraph;


(a) He has voluntarily re-availed himself of the protection of thecountryofhisnationality;or

(b) Havinglosthisnationality,hehasvoluntarilyre-acquiredit;or

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(c) Hehasacquiredanewnationality,andenjoystheprotectionofthecountryofhisnewnationality;or

(d) Hehasvoluntarilyre-establishedhimselfinthecountrywhichheleftoroutsidewhichheremainedowingtofearofpersecution;or

(e) Hecannolonger,becausethecircumstancesinconnexionwithwhichhehasbeenrecognizedasarefugeehaveceasedtoexist,claimgroundsotherthanthoseofpersonalconvenienceforcon-tinuingtorefusetoavailhimselfoftheprotectionofthecountryofhisnationality.Reasonsofapurelyeconomiccharactermaynotbeinvoked;or

(f ) Beingapersonwhohasnonationality,hecannolonger,becausethecircumstancesinconnexionwithwhichhehasbeenrecog-nizedasarefugeehaveceasedtoexistandheisabletoreturntothecountryofhisformerhabitualresidence,claimgroundsotherthanthoseofpersonalconvenience forcontinuingtorefuse toreturntothatcountry;

B. Anyotherpersonwhoisoutsidethecountryofhisnationality,orifhehasnonationality,thecountryofhisformerhabitualresidence,becausehehasorhadwell-foundedfearofpersecutionbyreasonofhisrace,religion,nationalityorpoliticalopinionandisunableor,becauseofsuchfear,isunwillingtoavailhimselfoftheprotectionofthegovernmentofthecountryofhisnationality,or,ifhehasnonationality,toreturntothecountryofhisformerhabitualresidence.

7. ProvidedthatthecompetenceoftheHighCommissionerasdefinedinparagraph6aboveshallnotextendtoaperson:

(a) Whoisanationalofmorethanonecountryunlesshesatisfiesthepro-visionsoftheprecedingparagraphinrelationtoeachofthecountriesofwhichheisanational;or

(b) Whoisrecognizedbythecompetentauthoritiesofthecountryinwhichhehastakenresidenceashavingtherightsandobligationswhichareattachedtothepossessionofthenationalityofthatcountry;or

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(c) WhocontinuestoreceivefromotherorgansoragenciesoftheUnitedNationsprotectionorassistance;or

(d) InrespectofwhomthereareseriousreasonsforconsideringthathehascommittedacrimecoveredbytheprovisionsoftreatiesofextraditionoracrimementionedinarticleVIoftheLondonCharteroftheInter-nationalMilitaryTribunalorbytheprovisionsofarticle14,paragraph2,oftheUniversalDeclarationofHumanRights.*

8 . TheHighCommissionershallprovidefortheprotectionofrefugeesfall-ingunderthecompetenceofhisOfficeby:

(a) Promotingtheconclusionandratificationofinternationalconventionsfortheprotectionofrefugees,supervisingtheirapplicationandpropos-ingamendmentsthereto;

(b) PromotingthroughspecialagreementswithGovernmentstheexecu-tionofanymeasurescalculatedtoimprovethesituationofrefugeesandtoreducethenumberrequiringprotection;

(c) Assistinggovernmentalandprivateeffortstopromotevoluntaryrepa-triationorassimilationwithinnewnationalcommunities;

(d) Promotingtheadmissionofrefugees,notexcludingthoseinthemostdestitutecategories,totheterritoriesofStates;

(e) Endeavouringtoobtainpermissionforrefugeestotransfertheirassetsandespeciallythosenecessaryfortheirresettlement;

(f ) Obtaining from Governments information concerning the numberand conditions of refugees in their territories and the laws andregulationsconcerningthem;

(g) KeepinginclosetouchwiththeGovernmentsandinter-governmentalorganizationsconcerned;

(h) Establishingcontactinsuchmannerashemaythinkbestwithprivateorganizationsdealingwithrefugeequestions;

(i) Facilitatingtheco-ordinationoftheeffortsofprivateorganizationscon-cernedwiththewelfareofrefugees.

* See UN General Assembly Resolution 217 A (III) of 10 December 1948.

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9. The High Commissioner shall engage in such additional activities,includingrepatriationandresettlement,astheGeneralAssemblymaydeter-mine,withinthelimitsoftheresourcesplacedathisdisposal.

10. TheHighCommissionershalladministeranyfunds,publicorprivate,whichhereceivesforassistancetorefugees,andshalldistributethemamongtheprivateand,asappropriate,publicagencieswhichhedeemsbestqualifiedtoadministersuchassistance.TheHighCommissionermayrejectanyofferswhichhedoesnotconsiderappropriateorwhichcannotbeutilized.TheHighCommissionershallnotappealtoGovernmentsforfundsormakeageneralappeal,withoutthepriorapprovaloftheGeneralAssembly.TheHighCommissionershallincludeinhisannualreportastatementofhisactivitiesinthisfield.

11. TheHighCommissionershallbeentitledtopresenthisviewsbeforetheGeneralAssembly,theEconomicandSocialCouncilandtheirsubsidiarybodies.The High Commissioner shall report annually to the General AssemblythroughtheEconomicandSocialCouncil;hisreportshallbeconsideredasaseparateitemontheagendaoftheGeneralAssembly.

12. The High Commissioner may invite the co-operation of the variousspecializedagencies.

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chaPter iii

Organization and finances

13 . TheHighCommissionershallbeelectedbytheGeneralAssemblyonthenominationoftheSecretary-General.ThetermsofappointmentoftheHighCommissionershallbeproposedbytheSecretary-GeneralandapprovedbytheGeneralAssembly.TheHighCommissionershallbeelectedforatermofthreeyears,from1January1951.

14. TheHighCommissionershallappoint,forthesameterm,aDeputyHighCommissionerofanationalityotherthanhisown.

15. (a) Withinthelimitsofthebudgetaryappropriationsprovided,thestaffof theOfficeof theHighCommissionershallbeappointedbytheHighCommissionerandshallberesponsibletohimintheexerciseoftheirfunctions.

(b) SuchstaffshallbechosenfrompersonsdevotedtothepurposesoftheOfficeoftheHighCommissioner.

(c) Theirconditionsofemploymentshallbethoseprovidedunderthestaff regulations adopted by the General Assembly and the rulespromulgatedthereunderbytheSecretary-General.

(d) Provisionmayalsobemadetopermittheemploymentofpersonnelwithoutcompensation.

16 . TheHighCommissionershallconsulttheGovernmentofthecountriesofresidenceofrefugeesastotheneedforappointingrepresentativestherein.

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17. TheHighCommissionerandtheSecretary-Generalshallmakeappro-priate arrangements for liaison and consultation on matters of mutualinterest.

18. TheSecretary-GeneralshallprovidetheHighCommissionerwithallnecessaryfacilitieswithinbudgetarylimitations.

19. The Office of the High Commissioner shall be located in Geneva,Switzerland.


21. TheadministrationoftheOfficeoftheHighCommissionershallbesub-jecttotheFinancialRegulationsoftheUnitedNationsandtothefinancialrulespromulgatedthereunderbytheSecretary-General.



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s t a t u t eo f t h e o f f i c e o f t h e

u n i t e d n a t i o n s

h i g h c o m m i s s i o n e r

f o r r e f u g e e sPublished by:

UNHCRCommunications and Public Information ServiceP.O. Box 25001211 Geneva 2 Switzerland


For information and inquiries, please contact:

Communications and Public Information [email protected]