“Shakespeare are belongs not to the century, but to all times…” Ben Jonson Рогозникова Яна Сергеевна, МОУ «Кандатская СОШ», учитель англ. языка

“Shakespeare are belongs not to the century, but to all times…” Ben Jonson Рогозникова Яна Сергеевна, МОУ «Кандатская СОШ», учитель

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Page 1: “Shakespeare are belongs not to the century, but to all times…” Ben Jonson Рогозникова Яна Сергеевна, МОУ «Кандатская СОШ», учитель

“Shakespeare are belongs not to the

century,but to all times…”

Ben Jonson

Рогозникова Яна Сергеевна, МОУ

«Кандатская СОШ», учитель англ. языка

Page 2: “Shakespeare are belongs not to the century, but to all times…” Ben Jonson Рогозникова Яна Сергеевна, МОУ «Кандатская СОШ», учитель

Phonetic exercise Curriculum - [kə´rikjuləm] – учебный план Average - ['ӕvəriʤ] – в среднем Associated - [ə´səuʃieitid] – объединенный Generation - [´ʤenə´reiʃn] - поколение Personification - [pə´sonifi´keiʃn] -

олицетворение Rhetorical question - [ri´torikl ´kwesʧən] – ритор.

вопрос Metaphor - [´metəfə] – метафора Envious - [´enviəs] - завистливый Grief - [gri:f] – печаль, огорчение Sphere - [sfiə] – сфера, шар Arise - [ə´raiz] – возникать, появляться

Page 3: “Shakespeare are belongs not to the century, but to all times…” Ben Jonson Рогозникова Яна Сергеевна, МОУ «Кандатская СОШ», учитель

William Shakespeare(1564 – 1616)


Page 4: “Shakespeare are belongs not to the century, but to all times…” Ben Jonson Рогозникова Яна Сергеевна, МОУ «Кандатская СОШ», учитель

William Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon. He attended Stratford’s Grammar school, which still stands. The grammar school curriculum at that time was limited to teaching pupils Latin, both spoken and written. The classical writers studied at school influenced Shakespeare’s plays and poetry: some of his ideas for plots and characters came from Ovid’s tales and Roman history.

We do not know when or why Shakespeare left Stratford for London, or what he was doing before becoming a professional actor and dramatist in the capital. He probably arrived in London in 1586 or 1587.


Page 5: “Shakespeare are belongs not to the century, but to all times…” Ben Jonson Рогозникова Яна Сергеевна, МОУ «Кандатская СОШ», учитель

Shakespeare’s reputation was established in London by 1592, when his earliest plays were written: Henry VI, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, and Titus Andronicus. In 1594 Shakespeare joined other actors in forming a new theatre company, with Richard Burbage as its leading actor. For almost twenty years Shakespeare was a regular dramatist of this company and wrote on the average two plays a year. In 1599 the company of actors with which Shakespeare worked built a new theatre, the Globe. It was built on the south bank of the Thames. The Globe theatre is closely associated with Shakespeare’s plays. Two of his plays, Henry V and Julius Caesar, were almost certainly written during the year in which the Globe opened. Some of Shakespeare’s most famous tragedies were written in the early 1600s. They include Hamlet, Othello, King Lear and Macbeth.


Page 6: “Shakespeare are belongs not to the century, but to all times…” Ben Jonson Рогозникова Яна Сергеевна, МОУ «Кандатская СОШ», учитель

His late plays, often known as romances, written between 1608 and 1612, include Cymbeline, The Winter’s Tale, and The Tempest. Around 1611 Shakespeare left London and returned to Stratford. He died in Stratford at the age of fifty-two on April 23, 1616, and was buried in Holy Trinity Church.

Shakespeare’s greatness lies in his humanism. He created a new epoch in world literature. For nearly four centuries Shakespeare has remained one of the best-known playwrights and poets in the world. Every new generation of people finds in his works something important.

As his contemporary Ben Jonson once said, Shakespeare “belongs not to the century, but to all times”.

Page 7: “Shakespeare are belongs not to the century, but to all times…” Ben Jonson Рогозникова Яна Сергеевна, МОУ «Кандатская СОШ», учитель

Shakespeare created “Romeo and Juliet” in



Page 8: “Shakespeare are belongs not to the century, but to all times…” Ben Jonson Рогозникова Яна Сергеевна, МОУ «Кандатская СОШ», учитель

“What light through yonder window breaks? It is the East, and Juliet is the sun!”



Page 9: “Shakespeare are belongs not to the century, but to all times…” Ben Jonson Рогозникова Яна Сергеевна, МОУ «Кандатская СОШ», учитель

“O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name! Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I'll no longer be a Capulet”.



Page 10: “Shakespeare are belongs not to the century, but to all times…” Ben Jonson Рогозникова Яна Сергеевна, МОУ «Кандатская СОШ», учитель


“How cam'st thou hither, tell me, and wherefore? The orchard walls are high and hard to climb, And the place death, considering who thou art, If any of my kinsmen find thee here”.


Page 11: “Shakespeare are belongs not to the century, but to all times…” Ben Jonson Рогозникова Яна Сергеевна, МОУ «Кандатская СОШ», учитель

“My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee,The more I have, for both are infinite. I hear some noise within. Dear love, adieu…”



Page 12: “Shakespeare are belongs not to the century, but to all times…” Ben Jonson Рогозникова Яна Сергеевна, МОУ «Кандатская СОШ», учитель

“Romeo and Juliet” by Franko Dzeffirelly, 1968 Leonard Whiting –

Romeo Olivia Hussy – Juliet


Page 13: “Shakespeare are belongs not to the century, but to all times…” Ben Jonson Рогозникова Яна Сергеевна, МОУ «Кандатская СОШ», учитель


I think, that W illiam Shakespear e… The Shakespear e’s creativ ity… H e has r emained… H e cr eated many…plays. The plays “R omeo and J uliet” is… Ther e is pr oblem of… in it. …

W illiam Shakespear e wrote many… plays. H is dramas… M y favour i te Shakespear e’s play… The tr agedy “R omeo and J uliet” tells… I n the play Shakespear e… …

Page 14: “Shakespeare are belongs not to the century, but to all times…” Ben Jonson Рогозникова Яна Сергеевна, МОУ «Кандатская СОШ», учитель

Thank you for your attention!

Good bye!

Page 15: “Shakespeare are belongs not to the century, but to all times…” Ben Jonson Рогозникова Яна Сергеевна, МОУ «Кандатская СОШ», учитель

Список литературы 1.


2. http://images-partners.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQjM1fPwTqg13E8Xqz-sl1QcUuVuZFPZ0D1Hdm2Abg3nMERuHf7qr_WlDg:http://www.hrono.ru/img/portrety/shakespear.jpg

3. http://images-partners.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRnswUnUQn-1QeMvURohzd--YaXNxRiMJWSB3XKZYOBX2HbKee7MRyaWw:http://mirlitry.ru/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Portret-SHekspira.jpg

4. http://images-partners.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQu1BeDNpqaG0YfDyh41aH26VO2bHYM89xQWbmuvLbp2B3829gs78RRv1I:http://rumovie.net/uploads/posts/2008-07/1215882415_1.jpg

5. http://images-partners.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQyq6NU3NLiosbPRJ6nY3ZUz0ujX0dWzEBDuv5cUt9w5AN-msQWZ1760MZopQ:http://www.senator.senat.org/Juliet.jpg

6. http://images-partners.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ_YhKPz-vuN7vR35Dww-79FpckV777fLgT6izFa5YHdK4rgyZtfDj3NAM:http://buy-books.ru/img_cache/img002/romeo-and-juliet-annie-leibovitz-5.jpg

7. http://images-partners.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTcWA63OM64d_g33qx_1Ee2-7FNKmT63v0TVUz33ueefZJRNqww4LcOxnE:http://www.romeo-juliet-club.ru/art.files/old.jpg

8. http://images-partners.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRSKjSWw_3cYxO7mV6xb7kz5yWlSLGcrJjyz9ssytU-hLC3ot_MvoNkAqE:http://mp3-slovo.ru/rs/img/shake-romeoijul.jpeg

9. http://www.avers-telecom.ru/resourses/bezperevoda/romeoandjuliet/