Shi Yan Jiao Cai

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  • 8/10/2019 Shi Yan Jiao Cai




  • 8/10/2019 Shi Yan Jiao Cai


    Experiment 1 The bai! "n#$%e&'e an& te!hni()e #* pharma!#%#'i!a%experiment

    1+ the p)rp#e #r aim *#r ) t# ha,e thi !%a

    learn basic or fundamental laboratory technique and skill. And verify the theory we have learned in

    pharmacology.-+ the %ab#rat#r. anima% that $e #*ten )e& in #)r experiment

    there are many laboratory animals. In different experiment, we need to choose the appropriate

    animals. Next we will talk about the animals and their character

    1 *r#' #r t#a&/ they are often used in physiological studies, we rarely use it in our

    pharmacological studies.

    -m#)e #r mi!e/ mouse is the most frequently used animal in our experiment. The main reason

    they are frequently used is the. are ,er. !heap, about !" yuan per mouse. The second reason is

    the. ha,e hi'h repr#&)!ti#n rateand easy to raise. #ice are often used in the!reenin' tetof

    drug or $hen we study the effect of antine#p%ati!drugs, ana%'ei!s , antit)i,edrugs etc, or

    determine E02me&ian e**e!ti,e e#r L02me&ian %etha% e#f a drug.

    3rat/ it is very like mouse in shape but is much bigger than mouse. It is very fierce, they have

    very sharp teeth and bad temper. If you are not careful, you will be bite by them. %o if you want to

    grab them, you need to put on thick gloves. &ats are not used often in our experiment but are

    widely used in research study. 'or example, rats are often used in!hr#ni! t#xi!it. tet or long!term

    toxicity test in the preclinical study of a drug.

    4 ')inea pi'( they are very beautiful and lovely animals. They are very timid or docile

    tenderand never attack people. In the street, you can see some people sell guinea pig. %omeone

    raise it in their home as a pet. It has a shortcoming( it can not synthesi)e 5itamin Cby itself. %o it

    needs to get *it + from food. ou need to feed it with some cabbage, carrot etc .-uinea pig is very sensitive to a kind of substance Hitamine 6HA7+As a result of that, it was often

    used in the hypersensitive test allergic reaction/ or the screening of anti!asthmatic drug.

    rabbit/ we are very familiar with rabbit, it is often used too but a little expensive + It b#&.

    temperat)re i ,er. tab%e+%o it is the assigned animal in the p.r#'en tet &)rin' the ()a%it.

    !#ntr#% #* &r)'+ pharma!#peia In our experiment, we often use it to observe the effect of

    some drug on the blood pressure.

    8 !at/ cat is also bad tempered and irritable and not often used in our experiment. It b%##&

    pre)re i ,er. tab%e+%o it is the assigned animal in the h.p#teni,e )btan!e tetduring the

    drug quality control.

    9'/ dog belongs to the large animal in our experiment and is not often used either. A dog can

    cost several hundred yuan. 0uring the research, dog was often chosen to study some drug works on

    !ar&i#,a!)%ar .tem+ 'or example, when we do some research onanti:arrh.thmi! drugs,anti:

    an'ina% or anti!m.#!ar&ia%ischemia drugs.

    ;others ( including pig, goat, monkey. They are rarely used.

    3+ the tainin' #* the anima%

    in our experiment, we often use more than one animal, so we need to make some marks to

    discriminate each animal. 1ecause they all look alike, we need to stain on the different place of their

    skin to identify them. %uch as neck, head, tail , back, leg and so on.

    The most common dye we use ispi!ri! a!i& 6 trinitr#phen#%7 #%)ti#n< it ha a .e%%#$ !#%#r+ Thi!#%#r !an %at *#r a %#n' time #n the "in #* the anima% an& !an n#t eai%. *a&e+

    4+ the *ixin' #* the anima%

  • 8/10/2019 Shi Yan Jiao Cai


  • 8/10/2019 Shi Yan Jiao Cai


    border of the ear of the rabbit, this is the most suitable place for the iv in7ection. ou should begin

    your in7ection from the tip of the ear and proceed gradually.

    9+ Operati#n 6rabbit7?arter. !atheteri@ati#n

    I want to introduce an operation that you also need to grasp. 1ecause next time we will use it. It is

    ++Acommon carotid artery intubation or !atheteri@ati#n #* CCA. The animal we used is

    rabbit.'irst anestheti)e the rabbit with-2 )rethane:8m%>"' , then fix it on the operating table.

    And open the skin in the neck, then separate the ++A. ;igate at the proximal end of the heart with a

    thread, ligate the other end of the ++A with an artery clamp. And incise a * shape #ri*i!eon the

    artery with a ophthalmology operation scissors. And insert the arter. !atheterinto the ++A, and

    then fix it with a thread. &emove the clamp when needed.

  • 8/10/2019 Shi Yan Jiao Cai


    Experiment - 0eterminati#n #* the Pharma!#"ineti! Parameter

    #* Phen#% S)%*#nephtha%ein6PSP7

    BAim To determine the pharmacokinetic parameters of 9%9 after single quick intravenous in7ection

    of 9%9 in a rabbit

    BPrin!ip%e 17 Another name of 9%9 is phenol red. In alkaline basic/ %olution it turns red. As we

    all know that it can be used to indicate the p< of the solution. p< indicator/

    -7 9%9 is eliminated from kidney in the unchanged form in urine and belongs to one compartment

    model, 'irst!order elimination kinetics.

    One !#mpartment m#&e%/0rug distributed rapidly to the organs of tissues with high blood flow.

    Firt:#r&er e%iminati#n "ineti!/ 1lood concentration of drug is reduced in equal rate= the

    eliminated rate is direct ratio with blood concentration of a drug.

    'ormula( +t>+?.e!ket

    +hange the 'ormula into %#'arithm( lg+t>lg+o!ke@t8."?"

    lg+tBand tBare linear correlation

    lg+o>a !ke8?".">b

    +o> lg!2a Cmol8l/ ke >."?"b min!2/

    t28 half!life time/ is the time required to +hange the amount of drug in the body by one!half during

    elimination. t28 depends on drug physicochemical +haracter and body conditions.

    t28>?.DE"8ke min/

    *d apparent volume of distribution/ is used for measuring distribution range, relates the amount of

    drug in the body to the concentration of dug in the blood.

    *d>Fo8+o ;/

    +; clearance/ >*dGk ;8min/


    1+ Anima%/rabbit

    -+0r)' an& a'ent/

    Dmg8ml 9%9 solution #$( "65."D/= ?H urethane 6!Dml8kg/= Normal %aline, 6??u8ml heparin

    solution= diluent solution Emg8ml Na+l Eml2mol8; Na4< 2ml/

    3+ Apparat) an& intr)ment/operating instruments 2"/= ;iquid handling equipment= Tubes=

    colorimeters= etc.


    1+ Mar" the t)be( ?J6= 2/ Jblood /Jplasma

  • 8/10/2019 Shi Yan Jiao Cai


  • 8/10/2019 Shi Yan Jiao Cai


    Experiment 3 0eterminati#n #* E02 #* pent#barbita% #&i)m

    P)rp#e /

    2. to determine thehypnotic :0 6? of intraperitonial in7ectiong of 9entobarbital sodium on mice

    . grasp how to divide group randomly


    2. the meaning of :06?

    2/ To graded reponse, :06? refers to the dose of a drug required to produce 6?H of that

    drugLs maximal effect.

    / To quantal response, it means the dose at which 6?H of individuals exhibit the special

    quantal effect.

    :06? provide a convnient way of comparing the potency of drug in experiment.

    In our present experiment, we want to know the dose of pentobarbital sodium :06?/ that

    cause half of the mice to sleep.

    . 9entobarbital sodium the effect of it is dose!related.

    The dose!effect relationship are very typical. In small dose, it will cause sedation, when thedose increase, it will cause hypnosis. In high dose, it can cause anesthesia. In higher dose, it will

    depress the +N% ans cause respiratory depression, even cause death of the animal.

    ". positive index( The dissaperance of righting reflex shows the mouse has sleeped/

    5. The formula for the caculation of :06? %unLs modified MoberLs method/

    The conditions that needs to be satisfied when using this method to calculate :06?

    2/ 5O different groups , usually more than 6 group

    / the number of the animals are eaual in each group. 3sually more than 2? every group

    "/ the ratio of two ad7acent dose is equal. The five doses are geometric progression

    the formula( :06?> lg!2P Fm!i9!?.6/ i852!9m!9n/Q

    9( response rate. 9m( maximal response rate. 9n( minimal response rate

    Fm( ;og dose of the 9m group. i( log ratio of two ad7acent dose

    Materia% +

    2. animals (6? mice

    . drugs( five dose of pentobarbital solution .56,2.ED,2.6K,2.6,2.?? mg8ml/


    2. weigh the animals and staining

    . animal grouping ( randomly 2? mice per group

    ". drug administration( ip ?.ml8kg

    5. observe the number of sleeping mice within 26min of drug administrationRe)%t/

    3sing the following table to caculate the :06?

    -roup n 0rug concentrationmg8ml/ dose


    ;og dose Number of

    sleeping mouse


    2 2? .56 5E 2.DE

    2? 2.ED "E 2.6E

    " 2? 2.6K "2 2.5E

    5 2? 2.6 6 2.5?

    6 2? 2.?? ? 2."?

  • 8/10/2019 Shi Yan Jiao Cai


    Experiment 4 In*%)en!e #* pH #n the ab#rpti,e rate #* tr.!hnine


    ". To investigate the different effects quick or slow/ produced by strychnine in different p