Simon Wakefield’s Yunnan Diary

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丽江. Simon Wakefield’s Yunnan Diary. 淄博七中. 陈晓燕. Skim the passage and find out what aspects Simon focused on in each diary. Diary 1 Diary 2 Diary 3 Diary 4. scenery. culture. music. feelings. The beautiful scenery of Lijiang. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Simon Wakefield’s Yunnan Diary

淄博七中 陈晓燕

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Skim the passage and find out what aspects Simon focused on in each diary. Diary 1

Diary 2

Diary 3

Diary 4





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The beautiful scenery of Lijiang

1. In what way is the Yunnan landscape varied?

2. Why do tourists get lost in Lijiang?

Task 1: Scan Diary 1 and answer the two questions.

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The beautiful scenery of Lijiang1. In what way is the Yunnan landscape varied?

The south is tropical

Task 1: Scan Diary 1 and answer the two questions.

there are mountainsbut in the northwest

with their peakscovered with snow.

Page 26: Simon Wakefield’s Yunnan Diary

The beautiful scenery of Lijiang2. Why do tourists get lost in Lijiang?

Because in the town the canals, bridges and streets are like a maze.

Task 1: Scan Diary 1 and answer the two questions.

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The beautiful scenery of LiJiang1. The old town is on the side of a mountain and opposite it is the 5,500 meter Yulong Xueshan Mountain, its peak covered with snow.

2. Early this morning I walked up to a beautiful park on the slope of the mountain, and sat and watched as the town slowly woke up to the day.

Task 2: Translate the sentences.

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The old town is on the side of a mountain and opposite it is the 5,500 metre Yulong Xueshan Mountain, its peak covered with snow.

古城依山而建,对面是海拔 5500 米的玉龙雪山,山顶白雪皑皑。

The beautiful scenery of LiJiang


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Early this morning I walked up to a beautiful park on the slope of the mountain, and sat and watched as the town slowly woke up tothe day.


The beautiful scenery of LiJiang

Page 30: Simon Wakefield’s Yunnan Diary

The culture of Naxi ethnic group1. In what way are Naxi women unusual?

2. What is unusual about the Naxi language?

3. Naxi women _______ A. used to inherit all property B. inherit all property C. have always inherited property

Task: Answer the questions

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1.In what way are Naxi women unusual?

They are unusual because they run Naxi society. It is usually the men who run societies.

The culture of Naxi ethnic group

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2. What is unusual about the Naxi language?

The language is the only language still used which is written in hieroglyphics.

The culture of Naxi ethnic group

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3. Naxi women _______

A. used to inherit all property B. inherit all property C. have always inherited property

The culture of Naxi ethnic group

Until recently, Naxi women inherited all property.

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The music of the Naxi peopleThe music ______ from father to son, the

music has not changed for ______ centuries

The musicians

some looked as if they were well over _______ years old! They played ________ songs.

The instruments

sounded like women ________, or trees _________ under snow.






Famous for music


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The audience listened as if someone


The music of the Naxi people

had put a spell on them

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The feelings of Simon

What were his feelings after travelling in Yunan?

We are all the same, all equal.

Task: Answer the question

Page 37: Simon Wakefield’s Yunnan Diary

Group work:Imagine you are Simon’s friend, and you want to learn something about Lijiang, what questions will you ask Simon?1. What is the Yunnan landscape like?2. What’s the old town like? ………

1. What is the Yunnan landscape like?2. What’s the old town like?3. What are the local people like?4. Do the Naxi people still wear traditional c

ostume ?5. What do you think of the Naxi old music? ………

Page 38: Simon Wakefield’s Yunnan Diary

Make up a dialogue with your partner. One is Simon, and the other is Simon’s friend. The friend asks something about Simon’s travels in Yunnan.

Show time:

1. What is the Yunnan landscape like?2. What’s the old town like?3. What are the local people like?4. Do the Naxi people still wear traditional c

ostume ?5. What do you think of the Naxi old music? ………

Page 39: Simon Wakefield’s Yunnan Diary

Homework:Task 1: Choose one of the three topics (scenery, culture and music) in which you are interested, and try to retell the diary relative to the topic.

Task 2:Read the passage The Miao ethnic group and match the headings with the paragraphs.

Required work

Optional work

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