TM SM SolerPlex is a high quality solar electric power plant for homeowners to create their own micro-grid. SolerPlex patent pending technology results in a one day install - with an easy upgrade path for more power. It includes: Ÿ StakPak Silo The StakPak is a power production silo with a solar panel array, charge controller, inverter, and electric panel. Ÿ Power Bunker The Power Bunker safely stores electricity in a battery bank. Ÿ FleX Panel The Flex Panel is the interconnect to the home with AC outlets and a power dashboard. In addition, SolerPlex includes a quick tilt system for maximizing power production with the changing seasons. It requires only minimum space and is carefully designed to blend in with almost any home style. Best of all - SolerPlex Is very affordable. Starting at $2,798.98 Special Report www. SolerPlex .com www. Solar Pax Power .com

SolerPlex Special Report

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SolerPlex is a high quality solar electric power plantfor homeowners to create their own micro-grid.

SolerPlex patent pending technology results in aone day install - with an easy upgrade path for more power. It includes:

Ÿ StakPak SiloThe StakPak is a power productionsilo with a solar panel array, chargecontroller, inverter, and electric panel.

Ÿ Power Bunker The Power Bunker safely storeselectricity in a battery bank.

Ÿ FleX PanelThe Flex Panel is theinterconnect to the homewith AC outlets and apower dashboard.

In addition, SolerPlexincludes a quick tilt systemfor maximizing power productionwith the changing seasons.

It requires only minimum space and iscarefully designed to blend in withalmost any home style.

Best of all -SolerPlex Is very affordable.

Starting at $2,798.98

Special Report

www. SolerPlex .com

www. Solar Pax Power .com

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Eliminate Peaker Plants

Peaker plants are electric power plants that come online only when there’s a surge in demand for grid power. For example, in the summer when heat waves strike, most homeowners turn up the air 

conditioning - causing a surge in demand. If demand is not met, the result is rolling brownouts, or power blackouts as the grid fails to deliver.

There are some problems using peaker plants to provide power:

Ÿ Peaker plants emit pollution. Most use natural gas turbines to generate additional electricitywhen it’s needed - while others use typical internal combustion engine generator sets.

Ÿ Peaker plants are expensive to build and operate. On average, peak demand amounts to about5% of hours per year - some peaker plants operate for only 50 hours per year.

In other words, peaker plants produce the lowest capacity of electricity at the highest cost.Some are kept in ‘stand by’ - running continuous to only anticipate a power spike - further drivingup cost. Peaker plants greatly increase the cost of electricity for homeowners.

Ÿ Increased maintenance and complexity. Peaker plants can sit empty and off line for up to 9months of the year. But regular maintenance must still be maintained so they’re ready to run ata moments notice. It also adds more complexity to the utility grid - demanding carefulmanagement. These additional costs are also placed on the homeowner.

Eliminating peaker plants isn’t a new idea. A Strategen study found that using energy storage wasmuch more affordable than gas fired peak generators.

In California, energy storage has proven reliable to meet peak electric demand. Using lead acidbattery technology, a 10 MegaWatt energy storage facility met peak load demands from 1988 to1996.

Scientists, utility companies, and smart grid proponents all agree that peak demand is better met byusing distributed energy storage. But they’re referring to Massive Energy Storage Facilities -needed to overcome transmission line losses to get power to the homeowner.

There is a better, and more affordable, way.

Smart Grid or Smart Savers?

Smart grid proponents like to describe an electrical infrastructure where the utility grid can ‘talk’ to‘smart’ appliances. The idea behind this ‘smart’ grid is to allow the utility company to remotely turnoff your air conditioner, washing machine, or clothes dryer for a few minutes - in order to meet peakdemand without needing a peaker plant to produce more power.

While an interesting idea, it tends to create new problems. Overall demand could increase to meetthe power requirements of the communication/monitor device. Appliance cost, from refrigerators toelectric stoves, could also increase to include such a device. And last - it still can’t guarantee thegrid won’t go down, which would still leave you without power when you need it the most.

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Be a Smart Saver 

Your home already contains it’s own distributed grid - the electrical wiring in every room of your house. SolerPlex takes that idea one step further - becoming your distributed solar home power plant.

It’s utility grid independent - eliminating power line losses. Solar electricity is produced at thesource of demand - eliminating pollution while increasing your energy security. And last, it storesenergy for when you need power the most. It’s always ready when you are.

We believe Smart Savers are a better solution than a smart grid to meet peak electricity needs.SolerPlex is the new standard in home power production. It truly is solar power for every home.

Why Utilities Should Love SolerPlex

We’re not advocating complete elimination of the grid - even though it is possible with SolerPlexhome power plants.

Some appliance loads are better suited for grid power because of large electricity requirements.For example:

Ÿ Microwaves - microwave cooking requires large amounts of electricity. It can quickly drain abattery bank.

Ÿ Electric stoves - the heating elements on electric stoves also have large electricity requirements.In this case, most require 220 volts alternating current, which is better provided by the grid.

Ÿ Clothes dryers - like electric stoves, most require 220 volts of alternating current.

While large, most of these loads are temporary. Over 80% of home appliances and electronics areeasily powered by a SolerPlex, from the home office to the entertainment center and most kitchenappliances.

As more Smart Savers use SolerPlex home power plants, then the need for utility peaker plantsdecreases over time. Being grid independent, it can reduce your electric bill. And as peaker plantsdisappear so does all their high costs - hopefully - leading to lower electric rates from your utility.

Using SolerPlex to eliminate peaker plants releases a great deal of capital for utilities to refocus on

investment in a smart grid infrastructure. SolerPlex helps the homeowner by lowering their bill.It also helps the utility to lower cost by completely eliminating peaker plants - freeing their capital for smart grid investment. The keys to make this happen are Smart Savers.

Be a Smart Saver. SolerPlex Power Your Castle.

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Solar Plex Specifications

A - Solar ArrayŸ Weight: 40 to 80 lbŸ Power: 1 to 3 Kilowatts per day

B - FrameŸ Special SteelŸ Weatherproof 

Made in USA

D - Power Bunker 

Ÿ PolypropyleneŸ Weatherproof 

Made in USA

C - Electric Panel

Ÿ PolycarbonateŸ Weatherproof 

Made in USA

Inverter:Ÿ Modified Sine WaveŸ Voltage: 115 VACŸ Output Power: 1500 WŸ Surge Power: 3000 W

Not Shown

Battery: (Not Included)Ÿ Absorbed Glass MattŸ Freeze damage proof 

Made in USA

FleX Panel:Ÿ Home InterconnectŸ Two AC Outlets (GFCI)Ÿ Power Dashboard

Made In USA

SolerPlex is easy to expand power production andaffordably upgrade with advancing technology.

Over 75% of SolarPlex components areMade in the USA





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SolerPlex Special Report

Grid Free Ground Mount or Grid Tie Roof Mount?

Solar panels have been developed with integrated micro-inverters for AC power. Claims havebeen made such panels reduce installation cost by eliminating a battery bank and connecting

directly to the utility grid.

But are such claims true? Not really. Instead, costs have been shifted from the installation side tothe maintenance side. Overall, installation costs haven’t really been significantly lowered. And nobattery bank means less security, as one is left in the dark when the grid fails.

First, most grid-tie panels are roof mounted systems. Cost has been increased due to addedanalysis in a site survey. A site survey ensures a homeowners roof receives enough sun toproduce power. An engineering analysis must also be completed to ensure the roof can handle theadded panel weight through the seasons.

The truth is, most roofs do not line up with the sun for maximum power production. The ‘solution’has been to add yet more panels to make up the difference with fixed roof mounts.

Second, permit fees increase. Grid-tie panels usually require a utility certified technician to attachthe power system to the grid - and this can increase overall permit costs.

In addition, insurance rates are higher for roof mount installation, just as it is for regular roofingcontractors. And if the installation causes the roof to leak - one is left paying for the repair.

Third, maintenance cost increases significantly. While there are no moving parts in a solar panel,integrated micro-inverters must be able to withstand higher heat spikes every day . Basically, with

panels and inverters, heat equals wear on the equipment and lowers overall efficiency.

Where is the greatest amount of heat generated on one’s property in the summer? In the driveway -or on one’s roof...

To maintain maximum power production, solar panels must be cleaned at least twice a year. It’ssimilar to washing home windows - you get better light from cleaning away the accumulated dustand grime. Same applies to solar panels - more light means maximum power.

So it begs the question - who’s going up on the roof to wash and clean all those solar panels?

The SolerPlex Difference

SolerPlex eliminates all these installation and maintenance problems. It’s ground mounted - installit on your property to meet the sun. It’s grid free, reducing overall permit costs (if any). And mostimportant, maintenance cost is greatly reduced.

The biggest benefit? SolerPlex is easily upgraded as solar panel technology advances. Thissimply isn’t economically possible with roof mount solar.

Rugged . Smart . Independent - SolerPlex Power Your Castle.

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SolerPlex Special Report

The SolerPlex Home Micro Grid

Diversified Renewable Concepts manufactures and sells SolerPlex home power plants. As aveteran owned business, we have a unique outlook regarding solar power...

The military pays attention to Murphy’s Law : ‘If anything can go wrong - then it will go wrong’. It’sfor this reason the military utilizes a ‘triple threat’ redundancy system. If a primary system fails,then a backup system comes online. If the backup system fails, then the fail safe system comesonline. In general - failure is put in check by this ‘triple threat’ - and operations are maintained.

We applied the same ‘triple threat’ standard to SolerPlex.

Most homes in the United States use about 3 Kilowatts of electricity per day. So the first rule tofollow in order to defeat Murphy’s Law is conservation. Eliminate all phantoms loads whichunnecessarily waste electricity.

A SolerPlex can produce from 1 Kilowatts to 3 Kilowatts per day. It would appear this would meetall of a homes power needs. In the real world, conversion losses must be taken into account andthe fact that the sun doesn’t shine every day for maximum power production.

The Real World

SolerPlex is fit to a particular use - such as a home office. Homeowner’s receive a Federal Solar Tax Credit for their SolerPlex. The home office is now grid free - completely eliminating it from theutility bill. All of this savings can then be reinvested into another SolerPlex Home Power Plant.

Generally, it takes three SolerPlex power plants to provide energy for the average U.S. home.

Each is fitted to a particular purpose for a home micro-grid.One for the home office, one for the lights, and so on.SolerPlex becomes a triple threat fail safe - increasing energysecurity.

If home office power fails for any reason, then there are stilltwo other SolerPlex plants producing power. SolerPlex takesthe modular function of solar power and makes it practical.

Best of all, one can ‘pay as you go’, reap all the tax benefits,and continue to save with grid free power for 40 years or more.

SolerPlex patent pending technology results in a much faster return on one’s energy investment, placing it where it shouldbe have been all along - under the homeowner’s control.

SolerPlex is energy security - leading to financial security.

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Available Only From

SolerPlex Special Report

The SolerPlex 300 Exclusive Offer Up until now, permanent solar power for your home required custom designs, costly permits andspecialized installation to mount panels to your roof. Instead of your home solar power paying for itself in 3 to 5 years - it now takes 10 years (or more) because of these design and installation


The key benefit of our patent pending technology is elimination of such costs. One can truly haveenergy security without going deep into debt. And it easily expands to fill the need for more power.

SolerPlex is smartly designed as one unit with a pleasing appearance blending in with the style of almost any home.

It’s permanently placed outside, so it’s made of weather proof material lasting many years. Unlikeroof systems, the panel can be tilted - once in the spring and once in the fall - to maximize your power production with the changing seasons.

With many grid tied solar panels, your still without power when the grid fails. SolerPlex is gridindependent with battery bunkers for power storage. When the grid goes out, you’ll have power.

Only 300 SolerPlex Home Power Packages Available

Our 2011 manufacturing capacity is limited to 400 solar power plants. Of these, 300 areoffered online as DIY packages - with the other 100 slated for installation in Northeast Ohio.

The SolerPlex DIY package does not include batteries. Included in the instructions is a fact sheetfor choosing the best battery. Keep more money in your pocket and buy your batteries locally.

With only 300 SolarPlex available, we are following Leonidas example. He led 300 Spartans ,defending freedom even though vastly outnumbered.

The SolerPlex 300 have the exclusive option to promote energy freedom. The 300 are provided aunique log-in to a private message board. They can share their experience, ideas and tips withother 300 members.

They’ll also have exclusive access to upgrade options to expand their SolerPlex home solar power.

And last, when we release the SolerPlex business opportunity

in 2012, they’re the first line to start an enterprise asAuthorized SolerPlex Providers - at special pricing.

This is also a limited time offer ending 15 OCT 2011.SolerPlex kits begin shipping the weekend after the4th of July.

Rugged . Smart . Independent - Be one of the SolerPlex 300.

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Clip Notes

“The evidence is growing that privately owned, consumer-driven, small-scale, geographicallydistributed renewables could deliver a 100% green-energy future faster and cheaper than bigpower projects alone.

Companies like GE and IBM are talking in terms of up to half of American homes generating their own electricity, renewably, within a decade. But distributed power -- call it the "microgrid" -- posesan existential threat to the business model the utilities have happily depended on for more than acentury. No wonder so many of them are fighting the microgrid every step of the way...”

- Anya Kamentz, Why the Microgrid Could Be the Answer to Our Energy Crisis

"Distributed generation" means a redundant, resilient, secure infrastructure -- that's why militarybases and hospitals have their own power plants.

Micropower can be more reliable, given that 98% of all blackouts originate in the grid . And itcreates thousands of local jobs near population centers in design, installation, and maintenance.

Micropower, as of three years ago - was a third of the world's new electricity and one-sixth of theworld's total...:’

- Armory Lovins, Small is Profitable

“A decentralized solar collection scheme is far more energy efficient than a centralized one.

More than 30% of our electricity is lost in transmission in our current system, and a centralizedsolar plant is no different than the current system in this way. A decentralized system can supplypower to where it is needed directly most of the time, only using the grid to offload surplus power.”

- Aaron Fown, Why Big Solar is a Colossally Bad Idea