1 (Sources of International Law) ﹝﹝﹝﹝﹝﹝﹝ Considered by scholars: ﹝﹝﹝﹝﹝1. customs 一、﹝﹝ 2. treaties ﹝﹝ Treaties, Customs and Other Sources ﹝﹝ ﹝﹝﹝﹝﹝﹝﹝

(Sources of International Law) ﹝《 國際法 》 的來源 ﹞ Considered by scholars: 學者的考慮: 1. customs 一、 慣例

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Treaties, Customs and Other Sources 條約、 慣例 與其他來源. (Sources of International Law) ﹝《 國際法 》 的來源 ﹞ Considered by scholars: 學者的考慮: 1. customs 一、 慣例 2. treaties 二、條約. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: (Sources of International Law) ﹝《 國際法 》 的來源 ﹞ Considered by scholars: 學者的考慮: 1. customs 一、 慣例


(Sources of International Law)

﹝ 《國際法》的來源﹞Considered by scholars:

學者的考慮:1. customs

一、慣例 2. treaties


Treaties, Customs and Other Sources


Page 2: (Sources of International Law) ﹝《 國際法 》 的來源 ﹞ Considered by scholars: 學者的考慮: 1. customs 一、 慣例


3. decisions of courts or arbitrators三、法院或仲裁人的裁決

4. scholarly works四、學術著作

5. determinations of I.O.s, e.g. UN五、國際機構的決定,例如聯合國

6. general principles of domestic law六、本土法律的一般原則

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Considered by ICJ (Statute Article 38):國際法院﹝法規第三十八條﹞所考慮的

1. treaties一、條約

2. customs

二、慣例 3. general principles of law三、一般性法律原則

4. decisions of courts and works of scholars四、法庭裁決及學者著作

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CustomPlays important role in areas not covered by treaties, judicial decisions or jurists‘ writings 慣例在條約、法院裁決或法學家著作所沒有涵蓋的範圍是非常重要的

Custom is related to, but not the same as usage or practice慣例是跟習慣相關,但又不盡相同

Usage or practice found in what states do, don't do or say習慣是可以從國家所做或不做、講或不講中找到

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Custom is a unified and consistent practice that has the force of law. Examples:慣例是一種一致、一貫並且具有法律效力的習慣。例如:

1. Enslave, don‘t execute prisoners一、奴役而不處決囚犯

2. claim 12 mile limit on territorial waters二、聲稱有十二英里領海界限

Customs arise from diplomacy, treaties, I.O.s practices, Domestic law of states慣例源自外交、條約、國際組織的習慣和本土法律

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The Scotia (US Supreme Court 1871) -- domestic laws of many states require ships to carry lights; therefore it‘s the customScotia ﹝ 美國最高法院 1871﹞:多個州的本土法律均要求船隻攜燈;因此,這便成為慣例

Evidence of state practices found in:國家習慣的例證可在以下找到:

1. official documents and books一、官方文件及書籍

2. internal regulations of state二、國內規則

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Single action by single state not custom; if practice not constant and uniform, it‘s not a custom單一國家所做的單一行動,並不是慣例;如果習慣不是不變的和一致的,都不算是慣例

Example: The Asylum Case (ICJ 1950)例如:庇護權案﹝國際法院 1950﹞

Peruvian politician de la Torre gets asylum in Colombian Embassy; Peru refused safe conduct pass秘魯政客 de la Torre 向哥倫比亞大使館尋求庇護;秘魯拒絕予其安全通行證

Colombia argued that under regional custom, de la Torre entitled to safe conduct哥倫比亞認為根據地區性慣例, de la Torre 是享有安全通行的

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ICJ held that no constant and uniform useage and many inconsistencies in practice. Therefore, no custom existed國際法院認為是沒有不變而統一的慣例,而且在習慣中有很多不統一的地方。因此,並沒有慣例的存在

Custom may arise after short time, if practice is extensive and uniform and there‘s no inconsistent practice如果習慣是廣泛和無異的,而且沒有不一致的地方,慣例便可能很快的形成

Example: right to exploit continental shelf例如:大陸架開發權

Existence of custom produces an opinio juris:慣例的存在產生了「法律確信」:

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Present where rule so widely and generally accepted that no civilized state would repudiate it 當規則被廣泛地和普遍地接受,沒有文明的國家會將之廢棄的

States convinced that certain conduct permitted or required by IL國家明白,一些行為是《國際法》所容許或要求的

Example: right of state to try foreigners who commit crimes on state‘s territory例如:國家是有權審問任何在其國土犯罪的外國人

Requirement that ship sailing at night have lights要求夜間航行的船隻亮燈

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If State A acts against interests of State B, and State B doesn‘t protest, good evidence that a customary rule exists假如國家甲做某事而傷害了國家乙的利益,而國家乙不作抗議,這便是慣例規則存在的好例證

If State A acts against State B and States B, C, D, etc. protest, also good evidence of rule如果國家甲做某事而傷害了國家乙,而國家乙、丙、丁等抗議,這同樣是規則的好例證

State can defend against opinio juris argument by showing it’s always rejected rule國家可以用總是違反規則為理由,抗辯法律確信的論點

Example: Anglo-Norweign Fisheries Case (1951)例如:英國─挪威魚業案﹝ 1951﹞

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UK argued that straight-line must be drawn across bays of less than 10 miles英國堅稱跨過海灣所畫的直線,必須少於十英里

ICJ ruled that useage of states in measuring territorial sea not simple國際法院裁決國家量度領海的習慣是並不簡單

Moreover, Norway had always opposed straight-line method再者,挪威一直反對直線方法的

Example: Portugal-India Case (1960) 例如:葡萄牙─印度案 ﹝ 1960﹞

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India tried to stop Portuguese from crossing Indian territory to get to Goa印度嘗試阻止葡萄牙人跨過印度國境前往果阿

ICJ held that treaties between Portugal and India established custom for Portuguese to have servitude國際法院舉出葡、印兩國之間的條約建立了葡人擁有地役權的慣例

Example: The Paquete Habana (1934)例如:哈瓦那郵船案 ﹝ 1934﹞

US captures on high seas and sells two 2 Spanish fishing boats during Spanish-American War西班牙─美國戰爭的時候,美國在公海拿捕了兩艘西班牙漁船,並將之出售

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US Supreme Court held that over centuries, custom giving immunity to fishing boats美國最高法院認為在過往的多個世紀,慣例給予漁船豁免權

Example: the Lotus Case (PCIJ 1927)例如:蓮花號案 ﹝常設國際法院 1927﹞

French ship sinks Turkish ship on high seas法國船隻於公海弄沉土耳其船

French Lt. Demons at fault.法國海軍上尉德蒙犯錯

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Turkey said it was permitted to try Demons for manslaughter; France said rule forbids Turkey to try him; only France can do so土耳其表示獲准以誤殺之罪審問德蒙;法國認為規則禁止土耳其這樣做,只有法國可以這樣做

PCIJ held that most states in Turkey‘s position didn’t prosecute; but where injured states took position same as that of Turkey, other states hadn‘t protested.常設國際法院判稱大部分跟土耳其情況相同的國家沒有提出控訴;但是受傷害的國家與土耳其採取相同立場,其他國家未曾抗議

Therefore no custom giving exclusive jurisdiction to country of ship’s flag因此,不存在給予船隻懸掛旗幟國家專屬司法權的慣例

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Many treaties to codify customary law很多條約皆被用於編纂慣例法

Many compromises made and disputes over what is custom continue: 有關何謂「慣例」的妥協和爭論是持續不斷的:

Example: Dispute over Gulf of Sidra例如:關於錫德拉灣的爭議

Treaties﹝ 條約﹞Conventions, pacts, covenants, charters, protocols all = treaties公約、協定、盟約、憲章、議定書全部皆是「條約」

Not all agreements between states are treaties; some are just contracts不是所有國與國之間的協議都是條約;有些祗是合約

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Two types of treaties:兩種條約:

1. law-making: lay down rules of universal or general application一、立法:設下普遍運用的規則

Example: Convention on Consular Relations例如:領事關係公約

2. treaty-contracts: concerns only the two states條約 - 合約:祗涉及兩國

Example: Russia sells US Alaska, UK-PRC Joint Declaration of 1984例如:俄羅斯將阿拉斯加賣給美國; 《一九八四年中英聯合聲明》

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Treaties can be multi-lateral. Example: World Trade Organization treaty公約可以是多邊的。例如:世界貿易組織公約

Treaties can be bi-lateral. Example: extradition treaty公約可以是雙邊的。例如:引渡公約

Treaties can even be unilateral. Example:Nuclear Tests Case (1974), where ICJ ruled that since France had said it would no longer test bombs in Pacific, it was bound.公約亦可以是單邊的。例如:核試驗案 ﹝ 1974﹞ 中,國際法院裁定因為法國曾宣稱不會再在太平洋區試驗炸彈,所以應該受到約束

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Although some law-making treaties claim to be universal, non-parties must signal their intention to be bound, or they may not be雖然有些立法公約聲言是普遍性的,但非締約國家必須表明其接受約束的意向,否則他們可能不受約束

Example: North Sea Continental Shelf Case (1969). Treaty required equidistance rule be applied to divide up continental shelf例如:北海大陸架案 ﹝ 1969﹞ 。公約要求使用等距規則以分開大陸架

ICJ ruled that this rule not customary and therefore not binding on Germany, which hadn‘t signed treaty.國際法院判決這規則並非慣例性的,因此對於沒有簽署條約的德國不具有約束力

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Treaty-contracts are indirect sources of international law in three cases:條約 - 合約在以下的三個情況下,成為《國際法》的間接來源:

1. series of treaties lay down similar rule, e.g. on extradition一系列條約設立類似規則,例如引渡方面

2. generalization of rule from one treaty, e.g. “free ships, free goods”從一條條約中歸納規則,例如「自由船隻、自由貨品」

3. evidence of rule that has come into law independently規則獨立地演化成為法律的證據

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Treaties governed by Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, if between states and in writing國與國之間以文字方式訂立的條約受制於《維也納條約法公約》

Treaties, however, do not have to be in writing to be enforceable under I.L.但是,條約並不一定要由文字擬成、在《國際法》之下執行

Example: Eastern Greenland Case (PCIJ 1933): 例如:東格陵蘭案﹝ PCIJ 1933﹞

Norway and Denmark both claimed sovereignty over E. Greenland挪威和丹麥同時宣稱擁有東格陵蘭的主權

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Norway didn‘t claim until 1931 and Norway’s minister had made statement incompatible with claim一九三一年前挪威一直沒有這項主張,挪威的大臣先前亦發表了跟該主張不一致的聲明

Norway had entered into unwritten treaty with Denmark to recognize Danish claim挪威與丹麥達成不成文條約,確認丹麥的主權

Usually president or prime minister has power to make treaties一般而言,總統或首相有權訂立條約

Sometimes provinces of a state may make economic and cultural treaties有時候,國家的行省可以制訂經濟及文化條約

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Bilateral treaties produced by foreign ministries or embassies雙邊條約由外交部長或大使所訂立

Multilateral treaties made through conferences多邊條約則是透過會議而達成

Signing of treaty does not indicate acceptance of treaty by signatory條約的簽署並不是表示簽約國接受條約

Merely indicates authentication of text. Usually two-thirds of conference must authenticate text這祗顯示認證了條約的文本。通常三分之二的會議必須認證條約文本

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State may choose to bind itself through signature, but also by ratification or accession國家可以選擇通過簽署條約以約束自己,更可採取「認可」或「加入」

Ratification is act where state declares itself bound by treaty「認可」是指國家宣布自己受限於某條約

Instrument of ratification deposited with designated state or I.O.「認可」的文件由指定的國家或國際組織保存

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Ratification allows parliament to consider treaty「認可」容許國會考慮條約

Accession is act of state that did not negotiate original treaty「加入」是一種參與條約原文談判國家的行為

One or more parties to treaty may object to certain of its provisions條約的其中一方或多方可能反對部分的條款

Reservation allows reserving state to exclude or modify provisions as to that state.「保留」容許保留國摒除或修改跟自己相關的條款

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Any reservation possible, except:任何保留都是可能的,除了:

1. if all reservations prohibited by treaty itself一、如果條約本身是禁止任何保留的

2. if treaty permits only certain types of reservations二、如果條約祗是容許某種形式的保留

3. if reservation is incompatible with treaty三、如果保留是跟條約有矛盾的

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States B, C, D, etc., may object to reservations by State A國家乙、丙、丁等可能反對國家甲的保留

With some treaties, any objection cancels the reservation對於某些條約,任何反對便會使保留取消

When State B accepts State A's reservation, treaty is modified as to them, but not as to States C, D, etc.當國家乙接受了國家甲的保留,條約的修改是對於該兩國之間,而並不適用於跟其他國家﹝如國家丙、丁﹞之間

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When State B objects to reservation of State A, it may say it doesn‘t want treaty with State A當國家乙反對國家甲的保留,這可能說明她不想和國家甲有任何條約協定

Under Reservations Case (ICJ 1951), if State B considers State A’s reservation incompatible with purpose of treaty, it can consider that State is not party to treaty在保留案﹝國際法院 1951﹞ 下,如果國家乙覺得國家甲保留是與條約的目的亙相違背,就認為該國家不適合簽訂條約

Treaties enter into force according to their own terms, usually after certain number of ratifications條約據其自身條款而生效,一般要經過若干認可程序

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Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty came into force after ratification by US, UK, USSR + 40 other states《核不擴散條約》是經過美國、英國、蘇聯及其他四十個國家的確認才生效的

If treaty unclear, resort can be had to travaux preparatoires (preparatory works)如果條約是不明確的,準備資料會是它的憑藉

Treaty may specify who will interpret it, but most don‘t條約應該列明其解釋者,但是大部分都没有

States may be third-party beneficiaries of treaties to which they are not parties非締約成員國可能會成為條約的第三者受益人

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Treaties can be invalidated for error of fact, fraud, corruption, duress條約可能因為失實、詐欺、貪污、威迫而失效

Treaty is void if conflicts with a peremptory norm of general I.L. (jus cogens)如果條約跟《國際法》中一個不可違反的標準有衝突,它便會無效

Example: two states can't make a treaty to carve up a third state例如:兩國是不可以制訂侵犯第三國家的條約

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Example: states cannot enter into a treaty to shelter air pirates例如:國家不可以達成窩藏劫機犯的條約

Treaties can be altered as to all parties by amendment條約成員各方是可以透過修訂而改變條約對各方的影響

Treaties can be altered as to some parties by modification條約的其中部分成員可以通過修正而改變條約對該部分成員的影響

Some treaties expire at a fixed time有些條約會在一定的時候過期失效

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Some treaties allow withdrawal有些條約是容許退出的

Treaties may be terminated by new agreement條約是可能會被新的協議所終止

One party can declare that one or more other parties have materially breached treaty and then withdraw一方是可以宣布簽約的其中一方或多方已實質地違反條約,並隨之退出

For multilateral treaties, material breach by State A allows injured State B to terminate treaty as to A and B.在多邊的條約中,國家甲的實質違反是可令備受損害的國家乙提出終止甲、乙雙方的條約

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Other parties may also terminate, but only by unanimous consent其他各方都是可以終止條約,但是必須獲得一致的同意

Treaties often unilaterally denounced on grounds of rebus sic stantibus (fundamentally changed circumstances).公約經常會因為基本環境轉變,而被單方面通知廢止

Mere change of government doesn‘t terminate a treaty.單是政府的更替不會令條約終止。

War only terminates some treaties戰爭祗會終止一些條約

General principles of national law another source of I.L.國家法的一般性原則是《國際法》的另一個來源

Page 33: (Sources of International Law) ﹝《 國際法 》 的來源 ﹞ Considered by scholars: 學者的考慮: 1. customs 一、 慣例


Example: where UN disciplines someone, employee has right to reply例如:聯合國在懲罰某人,僱員有權作出回應

Domestic law used to substantiate proof of customary I.L.本土法被列為事例以支持慣例性的《國際法》

Example: Filartiga v. Pena-Irala例如: Filartiga v. Pena-Irala

Paraguayan student tortured to death by police. Police chief sued in US. Court found that national constitutions of 55 countries banned torture.巴拉圭學生被警察折磨至死。警察總長於美國被控告。法院發現五十五個國家的憲法是禁止酷刑的。

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Judicial decisions are source, although international courts don‘t have to follow them法院裁決是來源之一,雖然國際法院不一定要遵从

Court of Justice of European Union, European Court of Human Rights and Inter-American Court of Human Rights all render decision that build I.L.歐洲聯盟法院、歐洲人權法院和美洲人權法院皆提供構成《國際法》的判決

Juristic works (writings of scholars) play subsidiary role法學著作﹝法學者的文獻﹞扮演著輔助角色

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Example: RE Piracy Jure Gentium (Privy Council 1934).Question : Is actual robbery essential element of piracy under I.L. ?例如: RE Piracy Jure Gentium ﹝樞密院 1934﹞問題:搶奪是否是海盜行為的必要因素?

Privy Council looked at scholar‘s opinions and decided attempted robbery could be part of piracy.樞密院參考學者的意見並裁定蓄意搶奪可以是海盜行為的一部分