Slide Presentation of the South Wing Project Tak Saito, Director of Facilities Management

South Wing Progress Presentation July 2009 [Compatibility Mode]

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This presentation provides images of the project construction for the expansion at Lodi Memorial Hospital

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Page 1: South Wing Progress Presentation July 2009 [Compatibility Mode]

Slide Presentation of the South Wing Project

Tak Saito, Director of Facilities Management

Page 2: South Wing Progress Presentation July 2009 [Compatibility Mode]

Planning for the FuturePlanning for the FutureMarch 2007

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Overall SiteOverall Site

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Overall ConstructionDecember 2008

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The South Wing AdditiongWest Elevation

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Foundations & Rotunda ShellMarch 2008

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Structural FrameMay 2008

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Getting “Weather Tight”g gSeptember 2008

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Putting the “Skin” OngDecember 2008

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Construction – West ElevationJanuary 2009

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The South Wing AdditiongSouth Elevation

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Emergency/Urgent Care Entryg y/ g yJuly 2008

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August 2008g

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September 2008p

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December 2008

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July 2009y

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Construction – South ElevationJanuary 2009

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July 2009y

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South Wing Main Lobbyg y

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Main Entry Lobby Bridgey y gJanuary 2009

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Main Entry Lobby Bridgey y gJuly, 2009

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Gift Shop Entryp y

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Gift Shop & 2nd Flr Waiting Rmp gJanuary 2009

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Gift Shop & 2nd Flr Waiting Rmp gJuly, 2009

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Courtyard Healing Gardeny gLooking East to waterfall

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Courtyard Looking Easty gJanuary 2009

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Courtyard Looking Easty gJuly, 2009

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Typical Corridor Framing & yp gDucts above ceiling

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Courtyard Healing Gardeny gLooking West toward Lobby

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Courtyard Looking Westy gJanuary 2009

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2nd Floor – Typical CorridorypDecember 2008

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Corridor – Waiting Areag

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Corridor – Waiting AreagJuly, 2009

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Nurses Station

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Typical Nurses Stationyplooking northeast, January, 2009

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Typical Nurses Stationyplooking southwest, January, 2009

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Typical Nurses Stationyplooking southwest, July, 2009

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Typical Single Patient RoomTypical Single Patient Room

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Typical Patient Room ypview from corridor

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Typical Patient Room ypview from corridor

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Typical Patient Roomypview from Family area

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Typical Patient Roomview from Family area – January view from Family area January 2009

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Typical Patient Roomypview from Family area – July 2009

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Patient Rm Headwall

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Patient Room TV Cabinet

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Typical Patient Toilet Roomyp

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3rd Floor Lobbyy

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3rd Floor Lobby yJanuary 2009

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3rd Floor Lobby – July 2009y y

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Emergency Entranceg y

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Emergency Entranceg yJanuary 2009

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Emergency Entrance July 2009g y y

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Emergency Entry & Waiting g y y g

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Emergency Entry & Waitingg y y g

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Roof Top Air Handlersp

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Roof Top Air Handlersp

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Central Utility PlantyJanuary 2009