Stephen Sarappo

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  • 8/10/2019 Stephen Sarappo







    v. : DOCKET NO. DI-14-28




    Respondent. :



    On June 23, 2014, the Department of Education (Department) filed a Motion for

    Judgment on Default, seeking revocation of the educator certification and employment

    eligibility of Respondent. Initially, the Department filed a Notice of Charges on May 7,

    2014, alleging that the Respondent had engaged in professional misconduct and

    requesting discipline against his Instructional II teaching certificate in the area of Social

    Studies 7-12.

    The Department served the Notice of Charges on Respondent by certified and

    first class mail. Notwithstanding the language in the Notice of Charges cautioning

    Respondent that failure to respond could result in the factual assertions being deemed

    admitted and the imposition of discipline without a hearing, Respondent declined to file

    an answer or otherwise respond to the Notice of Charges. Accordingly, the Department

    has filed the instant Motion, requesting that the factual allegations in the Notice of

    Charges be deemed admitted and that revocation of Respondents educator

    certification and employment eligibility be ordered.

  • 8/10/2019 Stephen Sarappo



    In accordance with the Commissions bylaws, a professional educator who fails

    to respond to the Notice of Charges is in default as provided for in section 35.37 of the

    General Rules of Administrative Practice and Procedure. 22 Pa. Code 233.115(c)(1);

    1 Pa. Code 35.37. Thus, all relevant facts stated in the Notice of Charges will be

    deemed admitted. Accordingly, the Commission finds that Respondent, at all times

    relevant herein, was employed as a teacher in the Bethlehem Area School District

    (District). On October 12, 2012, the Respondent resigned his position with the District

    after being confronted regarding his misuse of a District issued laptop. Specifically, the

    Respondent admitted that he used his District issued laptop to access sexually explicit

    websites in December, 2010, and on October 1, 2012, and that he had projected the

    URL for one of those sites on his classroom white board during instructional time. The

    Respondents misconduct violated the Districts policy on Computer, Network and

    Internet Use.

    The Commission repeatedly has found that the use of school district issued

    equipment to access sexually explicit websites1and materials offends the morals of the

    Commonwealth and sets a bad example to students. The Commission thus finds that

    Respondents conduct constitutes immorality2.

    Similarly, the Commission finds that Respondents repeated violation of District

    policy falls within the Commissions definition of negligence3. Having determined that

    Respondents conduct constitutes immorality and negligence, the Commission finds

    1 The websites included ones depicting teens in pornographic videos.2 Immorality has been definedby the Commission as conduct which offends the morals of theCommonwealth and is a bad example to the youth whose ideals a professional educator has a duty tofoster and elevate. 22 Pa. Code 237.3.

  • 8/10/2019 Stephen Sarappo


  • 8/10/2019 Stephen Sarappo




    AND NOW, this 17thday of July, 2014, upon consideration of the Motion for

    Judgment on Default filed by the Department of Education and the failure of

    Respondent to respond thereto, it is hereby ORDERED that the educator certificationand eligibility to be employed as a charter or cyber charter school staff member or acontracted educational provider staff member of Respondent STEPHEN SARAPPOshall be REVOKED.


    BY: _____________________________Gilbert R. GriffithsChairperson

    ATTEST: _____________________________Carolyn AngeloExecutive Director

    Date Mailed: July 17, 2014