stops 0ier - p lo d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. Grammy-award-wlnner ----- ----------b e presented in CGSimV at tHeT^SrCymTPageZT - " “‘“ another - LOOK: I Twin Falls City Council request from McDonal drlyerin window. Page K t^I^6^^^yJEWS;• A- F ^ la couple rectivM a David F ^ s t in London a >*‘>T3irtheW PlANT SEIZED; Fe the only operating lae na«on.Page3. ' -/ Spor ^111^ Llvir 7 _______ ABBYt.'.An oider.W( . . wants it plainly under want anyone in her icitc Oplni EDITORIAL: An all ______ • fnrmiip'ftst control .ah ____ ________________________: DOOMED? Some Sp doom of democracy “7 ~ nTTAnQlyalsrP-Qgoj!,-, . Amuserfienfs .. . (>mfes . —— -— r:^Bdltorlah-7-; -Living. - ------------- Morkefs-.. —. . 6bifwar/es ;.; .. Opih/on ............... . Sporfi . . . . . V . M agic Vo IIq / . i ^ - ’ f-'' . .. ..... , CHICAGO.,(URIl:=Max Com . yeor-Qd daredevil pilot wIjosc i -stahd for Jong-dlslance lUgiils. -------- t.. Cliaries Llndergli's historic fllgl York to Paris. But hc liadn’t counlcd on a cus o r (iic pneumonia tlial foIlov?cd. •i gotJIic.fluliind. 1 kcDt c thinking I just had to get rci . developed inlo serious pncumon - sold ■Mondayfrpm 'his hor Chlcagoland 'Airport in LIdcoI ------ *1110 harder rtrled;the worse It, ------- rFlnPily:—Ihg^^nc-tlmo—vs himself colebrating his SOlh yci lay-i ther Chilly, wind/ — Page? IT: The 1976 En- •. Mel Tillis. and T-Jody Miller-wlll— - - ‘rai'ypnwrroHigm Members of the ' • il will reconsider a aid’s to install a 13. , -j I - s u r p r i s e d Twin ? a phone call from ‘ \ ‘ j ask in g th e ir v ie w s - . si viV) rial T .Disslderit Wallace ^ “■' s u e s LDS ^ — Page 11 ‘ederal agents seize letrile plant ih the cr to . .................... -.In rts I ^ w A c* -He's-. ' ' Jl still champ - Page 15 2 6 V "8- ..... : voman living alone irstood she docs not tchen.Page9. lio n lUernative means to ihoulri he eKplQCPd___________ lpaniar(is predict tlie [ •y In lhat nation. \ "iT:::vv:r: 6 r ‘ :: “ ................8 ----------- , .................... .-...-12 ............... . ..... .9-I0-. :'•] ............r.. I4_ 2” •' /. ____ ...... . 4 15-17 M3. tomwl.Jiic„7^i_;::;::waShbspltallze sc rccorjls .<1111 to rclrace'I.in lls. anticipated • ogp-in llicsai iMn tn rPL»l>rd T.OnB li^it from New Casablaiifo lo Justasiiattercii ease of Ihe'nu. - So a 28-year- xJ. ............ has taken Ihi il,.on^WicHlnR. , . avia^r.^.__ rcndv. and It For Cray, llii iTonlaT" O m rn d or tour traiisoi home • at • the monlh as;-a fe icoin.slili'c. III. ' Lakulandi Fla. Dltgo-'." ----------------—TlieoiilyUii -vaudcyllltan:— *~dolng^vifnfXl year of riyhiB. Gray said. 72nd Year, Ciartt LOS ANGKI.es (UPll - Aiksw critics'in a major spcecli. Pres today promised to submil a nal • Insurance plan early nexl ycar..j welfare sysiem must be rcdcslgried.” But "we L-nnnot do cver>lhlili warning that hard cholcvH musl Americans’ lo rcach his goals economy and a halancedfcderal bu ‘i believe we can \ k (Iscnily re: still satisfy llie needs, of-our pi hollcve we cannot stilisly our net are compclcnl and - vfflclcnl.'' remarks prepared for llie Unlled . convention, , .................... Carter flow here early today fo •• otkvlousiy-aimed -.'it-aiisvaTlng critics such ns Sen. George Mi claim hc is foregoing welfare refo sociol programs lo balance lhe bud Before flying back lo Wasli Wednesday, hc also,. arranged questions trom l.*s Angeles c regional television broadcast^nd i look ol drouRlit conditions in crop- Coni ■■BtfBONNlEBAIRDJQJ ' Time»t<e«i writer MAC IC VALLEY - Contests fo positions in many ^fslrlcls in' should draw a bellcr-llian-avcra voters lo the polls today, officials < Polls wlli close al cither 7,'tir Kp. — (llstrlcls remaining upeit litlUl B|Sn District races siiape up as follow ' . TwloFaUf . Ruth Day, Zone 3 incumbent Emery:: Pctcrscnr Clayton-Rudl cumbent toca>..Carolyn..J)ai| . . Khigiiton.PullslnTwln PailR ren 8p,m: ........ ........... ' Buu:: . . ' In Zone 3. Dr, Con Anhekl Is ; and tiie poslllon is souglit by Hou former board mcml^p. -nnd-Hfli who op'cfhles a rock crushing bu where Dr. H.K. Hammcrquist, after \7 years.-tho candidates lu CSI inslruclor. Kalhlcen Lunte. 1 J ■' • , .. lizcd In Spring!it’! ^ III. His plan" "."In Lindberttii's fllKlit uf r >0 win's ‘ same plane Conrad usedtii IJy a tx (IRH •‘inUo's non-slop frnm: n i \o in l^j;ij -iiuvv‘ IS ' jred dream. - l car-old forry pilot. David Gray. (, lhe .(orch from (he i)ld(imc . u ____________ - ________________ F . llic (fip wiiriio imii3rMgi[iviL-:_^\ isoccanlc fllglils lie niaki-s cacli ti I ferr>’-pilot tnr^Ololw Aero of — w ^a. /thing(liatOXcilcs«icistha( I'm ' G ■xin£n»i'BiniitiT»irycai-!rago:'’-:— ti ••That's (he only thing lliaCs w itoe tar. No. 219. er healt ii.swering liberal California.. >restflon( Carter Sen. Edward Kc; national licaith the UAW Monday nr nnd said the date tor nationalli ! •Mhornughiy- om commil ' workable nallonn iililK." lie said.- Carter told lhe au usi Ixs made by suhmll ifgisallve lls nf a strong 4lo also declui II budget hy IMI. •‘musl bcthoroiijJ ' respoiusihle and ••Tinkering wll r people; And. I - Presidenl, wiio hi needs iinjcss we rcvislunslollglitt l?rhc safdHn program. ed Aulo Workers "U's not Icgilln thal causcs our y for lhe speocJi. prlncipaliy.inadci Ing Dcmoc^tic..... .economy lhat cix; McGovern wiio ••'Cutllng back reform and oHier.' people Is notthc ^ budgel. .1 even wilh adc<iuii 'ashinglon carty hard cholcra alwi iged to answer money. We canno s citizens on a But in slressli ind-totnko'a closo .must be made b rop-rich Soulhern indicallon hc wili tests Spi JQME3 ________ rarmnW.Hamp. lier s for school l»ard _____The trustee j in'Ma'gic’Valley cliairman Ijiwn: cragf number of • ' seeking rccieclli ilsvxpcct. Vinccnt, activc Kp.m.. Ihe larger Krepclk. Ewald' ffVn'Tr====^-^---^-^irnctivc-9ci«oi- Hows: only one Candida ;nt Is opposed hy Incumbenl Im tuddr*i!onc~4“ ln'^ ------ tygn»v(rfacts-E aaigh Jind-Bub ___ Zone4.ArtBolIy remain (ipcn until ................ George Naur . .. : .... . - ; unopposed In Zoi Is slopping down ilowawl Hopkins a - The vacancy I •HflniildKf.-cinrk;— 7<3ucrry-ls-60ugl {businc.ss. Zone 4. farmer, running list, stepped down ' • n are Jim Barker. , In Zone 5. Gc te. housewife, nnd . posed by Slan W ................... — — ' S«It ] Imiwrranl/* Gray'sai'd' lie* gol ihe Idea tor Til before he leamcil Concud. a loui Qjobe Aero, would nui Iw making lhe uruyii lllglll |li:ill uuesiii ui Lindbi>rgh*s«xaclly..llu will tako ull (rum Hepublic Field On New York Island. Tliat's tfvo mlle.s' from Ri Fidld,-w here.-iJndbtfrKl»-i>lafleU.-iii i\n3TGrui'-wilCiaiul4iUfoussus.l.h (ive miles from Bourgcl nlrptirl i whoreLIndberglj landed.---------- There arc olher dirfca'iiccs. nl Grab's Clierekee is :w kiiots aii Imi lITanJlinabcrefi's fiyaiiand Gray ii| can make the trtpjn nine hours less i \ ' Idaho's Largest I •Twin Falls, Idaho, 7 h r plan I icnnedy. D-Matui-. in a speech lo { ly. nsked Carter to sel a largel heallli insurance. < lilted li> lhe phasing .in ot a < ml health Insurance s.vslem." I lulo workers. ••'We are aiming lo i e pi-oposals early next year.” ured dial (lie welfare system glily redesigned." . ’ ' '111. mil l>e enougli." suld .lhe lias aln‘ady_a.sked fpr .sweeping i teiteonlrois'over the tood slomp I Imale spending on human needs- I- deliclts.” siild Carter. ••» Is ctiuale revenues ,trom a siuggish ^ •eatelhom.____ .........___________ k.programs thal ri'uily iiclp ! way tu balance the budget. Bul lale revenues we will havo some . out how wc spend lhe taxpayers lol afford to do everylhing.” ilng tliosc hard choices wlilch by Amerlcans..Cartcr.gave no , ill back down from a demand for Lce^alli ..-Filer --------------------------------- position now held by ixiard - renbe-KnlggerFilet'.-'whoK-nM— lion, is.conlesUHl by Mnrgare.l JC' corriinunlly • leader. (Jien 1Thaemcrl and Harold Pelerson late, incumbenl U^o(«ihring. . .HanaeQ.. Imard chairman Roi)erl yet-' •DlllTi\llen-u-yoiing-tarmor^ln— ly runs unppposed in Zone :i. :iOmberiy jman. 1iicuml)cnl.-.is • running one4, and Dale polise in Zone.r __ CuUeford - left by'the rcllrement of .Maurice gill -by-Curt-Darmw._C;iiilieford-.. ig unopposed. • Murti^usli lerald Slevers. incumbenl., is op- Wa((s. In Zone n, Ray McFartand. livMtXorp* t U M W r 8^^^ TiicTlltlii . Tlie re'warts’urvdifr iiuiiiler' nl go( SIVOUU fnr his solo liiMrip. terry pilot cams in-. ott.Kiiday ---------- Gruy-.wHl-nel-a hit M'k's l.(iiig Illglil-somelhin'gConi Rimim' voH . him more speaking ei .iiiKUrtp....^----- hlmKupptirl liinm'Ur— I'HnlViris. 'woes. ............. was gelling mixe 111 cmii'se. Conrad Siiid. - H)iirjjisler^ __ ^41ul " l also. - ivall iigiiivshi* ' ineinoralel.indlxTKir: :>s than Ihe ife3 Evening !\ev\spape .Tuesday. May 17.1977 ft .1 . ......... - ", J . : , ' m isHai .......h iU s S H M H -— alde~alopTra~Am'I New - York - City evening after ■ lun W ilrllng rotar m B k HB .. ■•laibed .loto - Ito mltfiap occu 3:90 a lllflbt to KennM (UPI) on w ay hlglicr taxes on big. gas-guzzling aul please tho UAW. . "You and 1 have honest difference over somo afifiects of my pnipusaiji' energy. Carter snid. "Bul I don’t lies for your help. l>ecau.se I know you ha' inthepast." Outgoing UAW president l.c(inar( .VIhls week hlasled liie tax on hig car Cartertowilhdrawit. ••Wc cnn cul Iwlh uncmpio.vnu tlalion." Carter (oid (he aulo. work Iwlleiic our i»iicies will help us reac —goals;" lie sold,------------ ------------ - He olso la|d heavy emphasis on I support torlrlScnergy.program. ••Y* mocdng our energy goals wlii tw " said. "I( will rot^uire saccldcc tmm Ihccouhtry." But he lold the union Jiint the fuel not l« used as •'^ah excuse tor not clc oir." *'l have proposed (ourIi hut (air standards.^’ ho said. ••We Iiave gol lhpctflciencyofourcars/|; ley scho' Inriim lrni, ls,.unQpp{).-<cd. aa .lti.l ___ZoncJ------ ^ ____: ------------------------- Valley - ~Zo?\o' ■>liicuinlKjnt, Ray Coulson: nine years, '.seeks reciecllon opp Kincaid. Biaioe in7nm» URoss Pcck..Carcy..ls.u in Zone i flnlley, Frank KowTaii Lee are seeking the lnislcc.shlp. Residents of Minidoka Counly ' .......(riislees and vote on a lo-mlll ovc , -Bchoolplanlf.ncllities. •- In Zone 2, the Incumbenl U-tini ' ^nol'ninriingand (he pdsiHori Is 0^^^ I Councilnriun Jim Drown and I I-... .Werner, housewife_____ _____ __ In Zone n. Tom Orr. Rupcrt | running againsl Hyrum Reli, pll . and Alvin Keller. Amalgamate tlcldman. . . sfei aijiMik,,; diftcrcnl, h>o. LindlJergh J solo tliglil alxml wiuil <1 -t v in a year tilt- :lo-(o -lo aiR lilt of-piiltlleltv tor-the ------ ^0$ ronrad counted un lo ^et g enKagcineiits aiitl help lixed emiili'iiiis aii.vhiiw." vally, waiiic<i Ju cum-.____ Kli‘sl1ighl." .WKH ------ -------------------------------------p j j . U m CO»»»lCMIHU M»«.v»tl. )cr ' li Ea » p 5 D-Nmr-Vork------- -■ ------ tCT-Heanio-lta _ _ ] B ID BuQdlsii'ln ' Ity Monday .......... ............ landiiig vtiQd itary. bladei lo waiting WASHlNGTOr chtmqMddeMt promlacd loday i ^)Miaw, kOUng - r by Consress Mo ■•and : Wlurtag. .. ;; p^ple.roq^.ar kVavtattoo ■Unaec.'wtbet- iirifated tbe . ,AiherIcan>taxp lyomclrtl.- --------- i.«rlU|)ayleaalnn xxuTpell tboilt (p, aOT ••11 e hftfdfaifl for In o slatemcn inedy Airport. while Carter wos the United Auto . , •‘rwili sign inlo cut througli iner lions. Eiglily por tamilics with )n< —— ------------------ M r . And J.linilil no'ionger hove to atailf. and create Jobs." going lo savo a Ic jy- ...... ...........Aprn-bccausc'.75' y then be able to to f compleiddielrta) ^ -------- ------------- . ---------- qif,g_jpgj3|j,t,(„ — ■■■“ ss'iss S“ ! S£S ihavedoneth'al • more employes 11 Carter rc(|uesl naril Woodcock stimulus measur eal'S and a.sked began recovcrtni througli Congrvs ymcnl and In- fcolure a $50 | orkers. "And I dropped.. each.iKith these in all. lhe bill s ^------------------relief tor Indivldi on the need tor year and hex ••You know that business.’ ___ simpiifu!d!!!5 ^ P that tils Uie numl air air pollution . Exempllons. gol lo imuro^e deduction wili rcfiuirlngnocalc ^ )aLelect •> In Zonc'l, fon ^ Miller Is oppost sonra veleran o f —west'of'Burtey, opposed hy Hob Oakley resldenl. Zone 2 lias or Brown. Buriey d ls.uiiopp(i«;.(laatl ___ : opposing Evelyi . . . ele<;tion in Zone ; ___ , Zone 5. faces Ei ily wiirelccl lwo NVcnacim^ly: override lc,vyTnr Zone 2.' L'onard Martin Is L-ml by PaUl Clly------ At Bliss thrc< d hy Kllzai>elh They Includo pl« ___; ____________ • Zone 2, Ixilhinc r t postmnster Is . ZoneT pioneer farmer latcd .Sugar .Co. Dietrich incu John Power, Zor tcormxxoNKAfi - v^Awnlunak^iinht— il— - V l ^ aasi Evan !•»« for ' Id . <ofri*r d«!l*«fv ,1. i s e d l t ON (UPlt - President Cartw. ly to s i^ Ux legislation approved ' ’ ^ Monday whlclihe 8ald-.«UJ .•raaw; ttndcreatai^.7' i ; v*: ft/.^eaxu^O tbtM-ro'urtbli..'ot.;^ = itpayers -f;the .;almost / » ; ’m illto 7;^ Related Itory. p. 9) . ent Issued by’the While Hoitae os in Los Angeles for a speech to 0 Workers Union, the President 1(0 law a permanenl S4 billion tax ! v crcnscs In (he stifndard.deduc?. icr ceiil ot4his relict will go (6 - IncomM ot leas than SIS.OOO a lllllini low Incomc lonpaycni wllj , to poy ony federal Income (axes ' T' i." the Prcslddht said. "It is also , lot ot time and headoches.pe^t. .., . 75'0cP ccnt'of airtaxpayerswlll ------- take the standard deduction and laxcslnonehlgs(ep.” ion-glven-fimil-conBrcssiorjnl------ - day contains fewer speclol In-.- icnts Ihan most major lax billf : igcs'lo provide benefits to.tti'e | •ndent oil drillers, a handful ^f >rs, and businesses wh^ch hin!_ 1 this year than last. ' ~ jsled the 1)111 as an econom|c ure in January.. The economy- Ing botorc the bill could-wade x>ss. however, and lls maj^r ’ 0 pcr person tax rebate was 1 still contains $9.1 hllllon'Tn Idx ' Iduals ov9rthcTe.st ortlils tlscjdext, and S3.2 blUion f(|r ' 1' ■ <r the 1977 tax year will bo greotly lyone—who,.uses_Uic_slandard..., __ii be required only lo dolfrmlrie j hon look up luxes owed on a (ab|o mberot family members. ...........-j . credits and. the slnndard ; I Ik folded inio tiie tablei]. | ilcuiations. (CooUsu^oop.2) tiOllSy^:, Cfipita_________ I - - ormcr Oakley mayor. Thomas~K jsed hy Jay CarYCltTwtHrTnrms - cy.- and-b>H\nn-Woodhousc.“ *n— - nl. ' ! only one candidate. Dr. A. Paul ^ * /dentist, runnlngunopposed. Weodett ^ l a ^ n s s ^ eECo: vmwioyc: as— lyn Campbell in her hid for re- me 1. Biil Fleming. Incumlwnt In Ed Chrlslophcrson. who works pt ‘ : ly.'VornotrMasonis unopposod^4n— i-i ' BUtt ......... '■ :• ree mcn-are wlUiouL opposition.. Dick Geer, Zone 4; Art Thompson. ' ; hcumbents, and Michael Hobdoy< i Dietrich cunibents. .a\so unopposed, are lone I, and Normon Shbrt. Zonel

tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

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Page 1: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

stops 0 ie r -

p l o d

CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d ^ th e Year.

— Grammy-award-wlnner----- ----------b e presented in CGSimV

a t tHeT^SrCymTPageZT

- " “ ‘ “ a n o t h e r - LOOK: ITwin F alls City Council request from McDonal drlyerin window. Page K

t^I^6^^^yJEW S;• A-F ^ l a c o u p le r e c t i v M aD a v id F ^ s t in L o n d o n a


PlA N T SEIZED; Fe the only operating lae na«on .P age3 . '

- / S p o r


7 _______ A B B Y t. '.A n o id e r.W (. . w ants it plainly under

want anyone in her icitc

O p l n i■ EDITORIAL: An all

______ • fnrmiip'ftst control .ah____ ■ ________________________:

DOOMED? Some Sp doom of democracy

“ 7 ~ n T T A n Q ly a ls rP -Q g o j! ,- ,.A m u s e r f i e n f s . .

. ( > m f e s .— — - — r:^Bdltorlah-7-;

-L iv in g . - -------------

Morkefs-.. — . . 6b ifw ar/es ; . ; . .

O p i h / o n ................ S p o r f i . . . . . V

. M a g i c V o IIq / . i

• ^

- ’ f - ' ' . ..

..... , CHICAGO.,(URIl:=Max Com. yeor-Qd daredevil pilot wIjosc i -stahd for Jong-dlslance lUgiils. ■ -------- t..Cliaries Llndergli's historic fllgl York to Paris.

But hc liadn’t counlcd on a cus o r (iic pneumonia tlial foIlov?cd.

• i go tJIic .flu liind. 1 kcDt c thinking I just had to get rci

. developed inlo serious pncumon - sold ■ M o n d ay frp m 'h i s hor

Chlcagoland 'Airport in LIdcoI------*1110 harder rtrled ;the worse I t ,------- rFlnPily:—Ihg^^nc-tlm o—vs

himself colebrating his SOlh y c i


Chilly,w in d /— P a g e ?

IT : T h e 1976 E n - •. M e l T i l l is . a n d T - J o d y M il le r -w ll l— - - ‘r a i 'y p n w r r o H i g m —

M e m b e r s o f th e ' • il w ill r e c o n s id e r a a id ’s to in s ta l l a13 . ■ , - j

I - s u r p r i s e d T w in ?a p h o n e c a l l f r o m ‘ \ ‘ j a s k i n g t h e i r v ie w s - .

si v iV )

r i a l T

.Disslderit W allace ^

“■' su e s LDS ^— P age 11

‘e d e r a l a g e n t s s e iz e l e t r i l e p l a n t ih th e cr

to. .................... -.In

rts I wAc*

-H e 's - . ' ' Jlstillcham p -

P age 15 26


" 8 - ..... :v o m a n l iv in g a lo n e i r s to o d s h e d o c s n o t t c h e n .P a g e 9 .

l i o n

lU e rn a t iv e m e a n s toihoulri h e eKplQCPd___________

lp a n ia r ( is p r e d i c t t l ie [ •y In l h a t n a t io n . \

"iT:::vv:r:6r ‘ : : “ .............. . . 8

----------- ,.................... . - . . . - 1 2 ............... . ■

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2 ” ■ • '/ . ____ . . . . . . . 4

1 5 -1 7M 3 .

tomwl.Jiic„7^i_;::;::waShbspltallze sc rccorjls .<1111 to rc lrace 'I.in lls. anticipated • o g p -in llicsai iMn tn rPL»l>rd T.OnBli^ it from New Casablaiifo lo

Justasiiattercii ease of Ihe'nu. - So a 28-year-xJ. ■ ............ ■ has taken Ihiil,.on^WicHlnR. , . a v ia ^ r .^ ._ _ rcndv. and It F o r C ray, llii

iTonlaT" O m rnd or tour traiisoi home • at • the monlh as;-a fe icoin.slili'c. III. ' Lakulandi Fla.D ltg o - '." ----------------—TlieoiilyUii-vaudcyllltan :— *~dolng^vifnfXl yea r of riyhiB. Gray said.

72nd Year,

C i a r t tLOS ANGKI.e s (UPll - Aiksw

c rit ic s 'in a major spcecli. Pres today promised to submil a nal

• Insurance plan early nexl ycar..j w elfa re sy siem m ust be • rcdcslgried.”

But "w e L-nnnot do cver>lhlili warning that hard cholcvH musl A m ericans’ lo rcach his goals economy and a halancedfcderal bu

‘i believe we can \k (Iscnily re: still satisfy llie needs, of-our pi hollcve we cannot stilisly our net a re compclcnl and - vfflclcnl.'' rem arks prepared for llie Unlled .convention, , ....................

Carter flow here early today fo• • otkvlousiy-aimed -.'it-aiisvaTlng

critics such ns Sen. George Mi claim hc is foregoing welfare refo sociol program s lo balance lhe bud

Before flying back lo Wasli Wednesday, hc also,. arranged questions trom l.*s Angeles c regional television broadcast^nd i look ol drouRlit conditions in crop-


' T im e»t<e«i writerMAC IC VALLEY - Contests fo

■ positions in many ^ fslrlc ls in ' should draw a bellcr-llian-avcra voters lo the polls today, officials <

Polls wlli close al cither 7,'tir K p. — (llstrlcls remaining upeit litlUl B |Sn

District races siiape up a s follow ' . TwloFaUf

. Ruth Day, Zone 3 incumbent — Emery:: P c tc rscn r Clayton-Rudl

cumbent toca> ..C arolyn..J)ai| . . Khigiiton.PullslnTwln PailR ren• 8p ,m : ■ ........ ...........

' B u u :: . .• ' In Zone 3. Dr, Con Anhekl Is ;

and tiie poslllon is souglit b y Hou former board mcml^p. -nnd-Hfli who op'cfhles a rock crushing bu where Dr. H.K. Hammcrquist, after \7 years.-tho candidates lu CSI inslruclor. Kalhlcen Lunte. 1

J ■' • • , . . •

lizcd In Spring!it’! ^ III. His plan" "."In Lindberttii's fllKlit uf r>0 win's ‘ same plane Conrad usedtii IJy a tx (IRH •‘inUo's n on-slop frnm : n i \o in l^j;ij -iiuvv‘ IS 'jred dream. - lcar-old forry pilot. David Gray. (,

lhe .(orch from (he i)ld(imc . u____________ - ________________ F

. llic (fip wiiriio im ii3rM gi[iv iL -:_^ \ isoccanlc fllglils lie niaki-s cacli tiI ferr>’-pilot tnr^Ololw Aero of — w ^a ./thing(liatO X cilcs«icistha( I'm ' G ■xin£n»i'BiniitiT»irycai-!rago:'’- : — ti

••That's (he only thing lliaCs w

ito et a r . N o . 2 1 9 .

e r h e a l tii.swering liberal California..>restflon( Carter Sen. Edward Kc;national licaith the UAW Monday

nr nnd said the date tor nationalli! •Mhornughiy- om commil

' workable nallonniililK." lie said .- Carter told lhe auusi Ixs m ade by suhmll ifgisallvells nf a strong 4lo also decluiII budget hy IMI. •‘musl bcthoroiijJ ' respoiusihle and ••Tinkering wll r people; And. I - Presidenl, wiio hi needs iinjcss we rcvislunslollglitt l ? r h c safdH n program.ed Aulo Workers "U 's not Icgilln

thal causcs our y for lhe speocJi. prlncipaliy.inadciIng D cm oc^tic..... .economy lhat cix;McGovern wiio ••'Cutllng back

reform and oHier. ' people Is notthc budgel. .1 even wilh adc<iuii'ashinglon carty hard cholcra alwi iged to answer money. We canno s citizens on a But in slressli ind-totnko'a closo ■ .must be made b rop-rich Soulhern indicallon hc wili

t e s t s S p iJQME3 ________ rarm nW .H am p.liers for school l»ard_____The trustee jin 'M a'gic’ Valley cliairman Ijiwn: c ra g f number of • ' seeking rccieclli ilsvxpcct. Vinccnt, activcK p.m.. Ihe larger Krepclk. Ewald'

ffVn'Tr====^-^---^-^irnctivc-9ci«oi- Hows: only one Candida

;nt Is opposed hy Incumbenl Imtuddr*i!onc~4“ ln' ------ tygn»v(rfacts-Eaaigh Jind -B ub___ Zone4.ArtBolIyremain (ipcn until

................ George Naur. .. : . .. . . - ; unopposed In ZoiIs slopping down

ilowawl Hopkins a - The vacancy I •HflniildKf.-cinrk;— 7<3ucrry-ls-60ugl {businc.ss. Zone 4. farmer, running list, stepped down ' • n a re Jim Barker. , In Zone 5. Gc te. housewife, nnd . posed by Slan W

...................— — ' ■

S « I t ]

Imiwrranl/*Gray'sai'd' lie* gol ihe Idea tor Til

before he leamcil Concud. a loui Qjobe Aero, would nui Iw making lhe

u ru y ii lllglll |li:ill uuesiii ui Lindbi>rgh*s«xaclly..llu will tako ull (rum Hepublic Field On New York Island. Tliat's tfvo mlle.s' from Ri Fidld,-where.-iJndbtfrKl»-i>lafleU.-iii i\n3TGrui'-wilCiaiul4iUfoussus.l.h (ive miles from Bourgcl nlrptirl iwhoreLIndberglj landed.----------

There arc olher dirfca'iiccs. nl G rab 's Clierekee is :w kiiots aii Imi lITanJlinabcrefi's fiyaiiand Gray ii| can m ake the trtp jn nine hours less i

\ '

Idaho's Largest I•T w in F a l ls , I d a h o , 7

h r p l a nI

icnnedy. D-Matui-. in a speech lo { ly. nsked Carter to sel a largel heallli insurance. <

lilted li> lhe phasing .in ot a < ml health Insurance s.vslem." I lulo workers. ••'We are aiming lo i e pi-oposals early next y ear.” ured dial (lie welfare system glily redesigned." . ’ ''111. mil l>e enougli." suld .lhe lias a ln ‘ady_a.sked fpr .sweeping i teiteonlrois'over the tood slomp I

Imale spending on human needs- I- deliclts.” siild Carter. ••» Is ctiuale revenues ,trom a siuggish ^•eatelhom.____ .........___________k .p ro g ram s thal ri'uily iiclp ! way tu balance the budget. Bul lale revenues we will havo some . out how wc spend lhe taxpayers lol afford to do everylhing.” ilng tliosc hard choices wlilch by Am erlcans..Cartcr.gave no , ill back down from a demand for

L c e ^ a l l i

..-F ile r---------------------------------position now held by ixiard -

renbe-KnlggerFilet'.-'whoK-nM— lion, is.conlesUHl by Mnrgare.l JC' corriinunlly • leader. (Jien 1 Thaem crl and Harold Pelerson

late, incumbenl U^o(«ihring.. .H anaeQ ..

Imard chairm an Roi)erl ye t- ' •D lllTi\llen-u-yoiing-tarm or^ln— ly runs unppposed in Zone :i.

:iO m beriy jm an. 1iicuml)cnl.-.is • runningone4, and Dale polise in Z one.r__

CuU eford - left by'the rcllrement of .Maurice

gill -by-Curt-Darmw._C;iiilieford-.. ig unopposed. •

Murti^usli lerald Slevers. incumbenl., is op- Wa((s. In Zone n, Ray McFartand.

l i v M t X o r p * ■

t U M W r 8^^^

T iicT lltlii . T lie re 'w a rts ’u r v d if r iiu iiile r ' n l go( SIVOUU fnr h is solo liiM rip. te r ry pilo t c a m s in-.

o tt .K iid a y ---------- G ruy -.w H l-ne l-a hitM'k's l.(iiig Illglil-somelhin'gConi Rimim'voH . him more speaking ei

.iiiKUrtp....^----- hlmKupptirl liinm'Ur—

I'HnlViris. 'w oes..............was gelling mixe

111 cmii'se. Conrad Siiid. - H)iirjjisler^ __ ^41ul " l also. - ivall iigiiivshi* ' ineinoralel.indlxTKir:

:>s than Ihe

i f e 3Evening !\ev\spape

. T u e s d a y . M a y 1 7 .1 9 7 7

f t .1 . ......... -

" ,

J . :

, ' m i s H a i.......h i U s S

H M H - —

alde~alopTra~Am'I N ew - Y o rk - C ity evening a fte r ■ lun

W il r l ln g ro ta r ■ m B k H B .. ■ • l a i b e d . lo to

- I t o m ltfiap occu 3 :90

a lllflbt to KennM (UPI)

o n w a yhlglicr taxes on big. gas-guzzling aul please tho UAW.. "You and 1 have honest difference

over somo afifiects of my pnipusaiji' energy. C arter snid. "Bul I don’t lies for your help. l>ecau.se I know you ha' in thepast."

Outgoing UAW president l.c(inar( .V Ihls week hlasled liie tax on h ig ca r

Cartertow ilhdraw it.••Wc cnn cul Iwlh uncmpio.vnu

tlalion." Carter (oid (he aulo. work Iwlleiic our i»iicies will help us reac

—goals;" lie sold,------------ ------------ -He olso la |d heavy emphasis on I

support torlrlScnergy.program. ••Y* mocdng our energy goals wlii tw

" said. "I( will rot^uire saccldcc tmm ■ Ihccouhtry."

But he lold the union Jiint the fuel not l« used a s •' ah excuse tor not clc oir."

*'l have proposed (ourIi hut (air standards.^’ ho said. ••We Iiave gol lhpctflciencyofourcars/|;

l e y s c h o 'Inriim lrni, ls,.unQpp{).-<cd. aa .lti.l

___ZoncJ------ ____:-------------------------Valley -

— ~Zo?\o' ■> liicuinlKjnt, Ray Coulson: nine years, '.seeks reciecllon opp Kincaid.

Biaioein 7 nm» URoss Pcck..Carcy..ls.u

in Zone i flnlley, F rank KowTaii Lee are seeking the lnislcc.shlp.

‘ Residents of Minidoka Counly '.......(riislees and vote on a lo-mlll ovc, -Bchoolplanlf.ncllities. •-

In Zone 2, the Incumbenl U-tini ' ^nol'ninriingand (he pdsiHori Is 0^^^I Councilnriun Jim Drown and II -... .Werner, housewife_____ _____ __

In Zone n. Tom Orr. Rupcrt | running againsl Hyrum Reli, pll

. and Alvin Keller. Amalgamate tlcldman. • . .

s f e iaijiMik,,;diftcrcnl, h>o. LindlJergh Jsolo tliglil alxml wiuil <1 - t vin a year tilt- :lo-(o -lo a i R

lilt of-piiltlleltv to r-the------^ 0 $ronrad counted un lo ^et g enKagcineiits aiitl help

lixed emiili'iiiis aii.vhiiw."

vally, waiiic<i J u cum-.____Kli‘sl1ighl." .W K H — -------------------------------------------p j j .

UmCO»»»lCMIHU M»«.v»tl.

) c r

' l i

Ea» p ’

5D -Nm r-Vork-------- ■ ------tCT-Heanio-lta _ _ ] B ID BuQdlsii'ln 'Ity M onday.......... ............landiiig vtiQd

ita r y . b la d e ilo w a i t i n g WASHlNGTOrchtmqMddeMt promlacd loday i )Miaw, kOUng - r by Consress Mo■•and : W lurtag. .. ; ; p ^ p le .ro q ^ .a rkVavtattoo ■Unaec.'wtbet-i ir ifa ted tb e . ,AiherIcan>taxp

ly o m c lr tl.---------- i.«rlU |)ayleaalnnxxuTpell tbo ilt (p ,aO T • • 1 1e hftfdfaifl fo r In o slatemcn inedy Airport. while Carter wos

the United Auto

. , •‘rw ili sign inlo cut througli iner lions. Eiglily por tamilics with )n<

— — ------------------ M r . And J.linililno'ionger hove to a ta i l f .

and c reate Jobs." going lo savo a Ic

j y - ...... ...........Aprn-bccausc'.75'y ■ ■ then be able to tof ■ compleiddielrta)-------- ------------- .---------- qif,g_jpgj3|j,t,(„

— ■■■“ s s 'i s s S “ ! S £ Sihavedoneth'al • more employes 11

C arter rc(|uesl naril Woodcock stimulus measur eal'S and a.sked began recovcrtni

througli Congrvs ymcnl and In- fcolure a $50 | orkers. "And I d ropped.. each.iKith these in all. lh e bill s— ^------------------relief tor Indivldion the need tor y e a r and hex ••You know that business.’

___ sim p iifu !d ! ! !5

^ P that tils Uie numla ir a ir pollution . Exempllons. gol lo imuro^e deduction wili

rcfiuirlngnocalc ^) a L e l e c t


In Zonc'l, fon Miller Is oppost

sonra veleran o f — w est'of'B urtey, opposed hy Hob Oakley resldenl.

Zone 2 lias or Brown. Buriey d

ls.uiiopp(i«;.(laatl ___ :

opposing Evelyi . . . ele<;tion in Zone

;___ , Zone 5. faces Eiily w iirelccl lwo N V cnacim ^ly: override lc,vyTnr Zone 2.'

L'onard Martin IsL-ml by PaUl C lly------ At Bliss thrc<d hy Kllzai>elh They Includo pl«___; ____________ • Zone 2, Ixilhincrt postmnster Is . ZoneT pioneer farm er

latcd .Sugar .Co. Dietrich incu John Power, Zor

t c o r m x x o N K A f i -v ^ A w n l u n a k ^ i i n h t — i l — -

• V l ^

a a s i• Evan !•»« for 'I d . <ofri*r d«!l*«fv ,1.

i s e d l t

ON (U Plt - P resident C artw . • ly to s i ^ U x legislation approved ' ’ ^ Monday w hlclihe 8ald-.«UJ .•raaw; t tn d c r e a ta i^ .7 ' i ; v * :f t / .^ e a x u ^ O tbtM -ro'urtbli..'ot.;^ = itpayers - f ;th e .;almost / » ; ’m illto 7; ^

Related Itory. p . 9) .

ent Issued b y ’the While Hoitae os in Los Angeles for a speech to0 Workers Union, the President

1(0 law a permanenl S4 billion tax ! v crcnscs In (he stifndard.deduc?. icr ceiil o t4h is re lic t will go (6 - IncomM ot leas than SIS.OOO a lllllini low Incomc lonpaycni wllj , to poy ony federal Income (axes ' T'

i." the Prcslddht said. " I t is also •, lot ot time and headoches.pe^t. .., .75'0cP ccnt'of a ir ta x p a y e rs w ll l -------take the standard deduction and laxcslnonehlgs(ep.”ion-glven-fim il-conBrcssiorjnl------ -day contains fewer speclol In-.- icnts Ihan most m ajor lax b illf : igcs'lo provide benefits to.tti'e | •ndent oil drillers, a handful ^f >rs, and businesses wh^ch h in !_1 this year than last. ' ~

jsled the 1)111 a s an econom|c ure in January.. The economy- Ing botorc the bill could-wade x>ss. however, and lls m aj^r ’0 pcr person tax rebate was

1 still contains $9.1 hllllon'Tn Idx 'Iduals o v 9 r th cT e .s t o rtlils tlscjd— ext, and S3.2 blU ion f(|r

■ ' ■ 1' ■<r the 1977 tax year will bo greotly lyone—w ho,.uses_U ic_slandard..., __ii

be required only lo dolfrmlrie j hon look up luxes owed on a (ab|o ’mberot family members. ...........- j. credits and. the slnndard ; I Ik folded inio tiie tablei]. | ilcuiations. ■

(C ooU su^oop.2)

t i O l l S y ^ : ,Cfipita_________ I - -

ormcr Oakley mayor. Thomas~K jsed hy Jay CarYCltTwtHrTnrms - cy.- and-b>H\nn-Woodhousc.“ *n— - nl. ' ! ■only one candidate. Dr. A. Paul * /dentist, runnlngunopposed.

Weodett^ l a ^ n s s ^ eECo: vmwioyc: as— • lyn Campbell in her hid for re- me 1. Biil Fleming. Incumlwnt In Ed Chrlslophcrson. who works pt ‘ : ly.'VornotrM asonis unopposod^4n— i-i

' B U t t ......... '■ :•ree mcn-are wlUiouL opposition..Dick Geer, Zone 4; Art Thompson. ' ; hcumbents, and Michael Hobdoy< i

Dietrichcunibents. .a\so unopposed, are lone I, and Normon Shbrt. Z o n e l

Page 2: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

■ J i . . . . " : ~

• TWIN F A U 5 - J Lewis Hull Sr.. C7. Twin 1

1 - P a u l]- JERO M E.r- naulJL_ll MIzcr. 52.. Jci-ome. died day at Iiis liomc afler n Illness.

B orn ' Juno ' i s ; ‘ 1924 Ocntonvlllc. Ar:<.. hoTan Idaho wllh his parents wIm w as—a —yeftr—old:—1 liomcslcaded the Alizcr r afKWte-miwlK'd-Uiere- alwUl elKJirveahi'QRO wUi icalth forced him to r Into Hailey.

Mr. Miier moved to Je / h ree weeks ngo lo live will ]auR)iter.'

Mr. Mlzer was a i nem bcr of ihe Wood H trance. calUc. iiorses

-------------------M apjB U R LEY - M ari(

Waiton. as. Burley, t londay a t Betliesdn. 1 >'hllc visiting a sister.Bom Dec. 1C. iBsa. at i::

jike. Minn., she atici ehools a t S t; Piiut. Minn, am e to Idoho in 11110 etUed near Declo. She lorried to Tliomas E . Wo I Rupert In 1H17. They 1; lovcd T o Shoshone'.' ocatulo in 1943. and loBu

Mrs. Walton was a men: r : th o :. U n ited - Methui hurch and Order of Easl


[ § © l

BliHL - Tlie funeral t ia '“ A tilih . ''fo rm e r B Eldent-who-diod^lurds} (ig BeachrCaUf.vwillbci lOf—Tiiiirwlny nl. .Etini (bpel. Buriat will tw 1n H West End Cemetery,

Bu r l e y - a funeral iwcll W. Smith. 23. fom irtcy resident wtio d iturday In Boise, will t)e a m . Wednesday a t Uie Bui IfUiWard LDS Chapel. Pii ^ j n the Pleas

»A U L'- Tlic funeral ank E. McCall Sr.. (!9. Po i) died Saturday will tx> a

[ G a r U

Ul couples and many sinj {standard deduction also [1 tax cut as the standa

to a flat rate of S3. 200 forslngle persons.3ut s ing lesfak ing more wlth’anavcrageSSl pery bn effort to reduce the "ra ^amount of deducllon.s th:i p-wllen'llicymlirry!” ' t^axpayers who Itemize i Bin four —gain nolhing. J th er major Items are: ►Tlte elderly nnd blind ge I credit, and llic elderly, n be allowed to retigur •ome credit undor Ihe old bind Iflt would t>enefiMhe rBusln<^ses gain a "new

_ A d m U te d Saturday - Wrs. H.R. Turner, Hii/.flti rs . Rondy Gnrdaer, Fil id Mrs. Jam es Ounnv Ifford“ Hnrttln<?—and-M Ichacl Cress, all Twin Fall • DtsmlsaedSaturday M rs. • Lewis R ilors j Lughler. KImherly; M lil la m S co lt and . si jybunl: Mrs. ,A ,J.. Kll

_ j3uquerque. N.M;: Ct -and M rs, J:in

ter:*-------- ««geronddnuR}iterralfr.n. ' t t r s . R obert-H a illey ii

b ^ ^ g l i t c r and Joseph Dufra

K- y d daugliter. •niditlcld: M. ® i n .Jones, Burleys C

a p d e r , Jcrom e:“ Mrs,' ' ' K C a s l in , Hazelton: J

■fy.. QCferhout. Rupert; and M 7 ^ - • Sftna Montgomery. Bellevu

' S fe ry an Ellsw orU i. _M S n a l d Edlnbdrougli ii

fe a - i^ f lu g l i te c J c d J C n iR L L iU llJ i ■ C p n e r . Bessie Crow.son.i

0 ^ girl Windsor, all T\

frr*’" ■: b u i^ " _T.......... " A son to Mr. anfj M

— r^H ilchad Crcss/TwlnFDlIsrI K U - — . __AftmlH«i«<A»yffy____■ j ^ Connie. B'utlcr. Wlodlr■ 9 ^ 1 '. Mlszczenko and Mrs. Di

— Johnson.- a l l ' Kfrnbertyr-M ■ Z kI Dale Boyer. Hagerman: M ■ Cloycc Cline., M rs,. Da\■ » > ; F isher antj Wendell Onnn<

all Buhl: M rs. Theodn

’ 2 Tlmea-News. Twin Foil

i r ' v m i i H '" r i-v ® /

• “ -Ja in W L ew fe HiJam es of a sJiort illness,

ri FalLs. Born Sept,-2ft, 190'j,

R . ‘B u d ’ M i z e r

-niHl" trapDlne were his life. He *d Sun- married to' Cora M. Youni n long Aug.23.jtM.'5. in Hailey.

■ SurvlvInRarenson. Pau 24.~at M l2er ■ J r . . " G ootllng ; amc to- daughter; - .Wrs. Linda 'henlie Adams. Jcroihc: a broi: -T-hey-r— b ale—MIzeiT—Hulleyr-am ranch • grandson. ,

f-tmtil--------One slRtur p rm W U ‘‘hen l l l - ^ t l z c r In death. • --------move Funeral services wlll Ix*

p.m. Wednesday a t C eromo munlty Baptist Church Illl his Hnlley with W sto r E, Kve

Berrey officiating. Burial past Iw in the Hailey Cemetery.

Illver Bird Funeral Home. Jen , and is In charge. ’

■ j o r i e - W a l f o n -------- : --------

Jo r ic Surv iv ing ,arc n .son. died Walton. Rup'ert: Ihree gn '^ld,. ■ c h i l d r e n . ■ f iv e g r e

grandchildren, ond a sis Eagle Myrtle Sutphin. Washing eiidetl D.C.n. She Servicc.s will l>e ut 2 p S and Thursday a t Joseph P .1 ; was Memorial Chapel with F I'ollon Stanley Andrews official loter Burfat wfjf be In (ho Pfeaf

r ^ i^ 'v id w C G in c te ry i t in i i iT e y v iiirley Eastern S ta r graveside r

under direction of Evergr OTbcr a m p le r No. JO. . .l u d i s t ___Friends .mny ;call a t-

— ciraperw cdm sdny-flfa-rnand evening and prior

rvlces onThursd^jy.

J F W D C O ' g

I for. p.m. Wednesday a t.th e P BuhJ - ; U nited- M ethodist . Ctiur ayJn— -Buriat—w ili-b e - in - th c ^ Pe ot 2— Cemetery;- - ...... .............—nncT____________________■n the RUPERT —t l i e funeral

Dale Fisk. 79. Rupert, will ot 2 p.m. Thursday a t-;

II for Rupert- C hristian C hur nn er Burtal will be In U.e Rup died Cemetery under direction

’ at t Hansen Mortuary:urley■inal MURTAUGH - A fune

osant - for W alter OkeJl^rry. '

Wcdncsdoy ot Wliltc Mortua for Qiopel. Burial will be in t

’aul. ■ Twin Falls Cemetery, at 2

e r t o s i g m

ingle persons who-use ' base level M will got an average employme lord deduction is In- —Action 13.200 for couples and elim inate I

b reaks fo-e th:in Si;i.7r>o-.wiII be . relruactiv< ' year increase as part —Certal marriage penally" — increasesih:it two single persons____tliem.lQ.cI

allowed atdeductions — about This wasi

A rkansas , mayl)cnef

;ct an extra $:I3 a year —Indep( y. mr lilTG only, also aSSamlllU ure th flr retirement . bcreiievet Id system and claim a —All cut lem. buslnesscsiw Jobs" ca-dit of $(ViO are extend

] [ l © y f a

n a R i r V a l l c .v N p r n o d

_ ---- C arotla..Ruport:-and Miirll Iton; Anderson. Theron Larso •'iler, l»th Ketchum: Howjird Unit >vaiu___Hoybum: Mrs. Scott .Jenso•M rr^B iiH iTnh-dTvit'jrnin-nicaiij

llazelton,Christine Dunavan. Stuai

Bearup. NIkl Hill. Mrs, Alin llow a.' Mrs, Clair Wlake Jam ie Denton, Waller Elnfal Robert f^auphinals. fiodnc Willis. Jam es Jackson. Bei

__ jarnln_,M ciody.-Jercmy-Ai•^ui; derson. Carolyn Muir. Mr; and ..Wllliiim Whmci! und- Ila/i

rane, Mcllrov.ullTwinFjdls.

Mrs’. M artha .A n d e rson.__KlCarl ' ciium; MwT Riimly Ganlne Max . . Filer: Mrs, Wllliird Frit J a y ■ Buhl; Shirley U)ng :ind A.( Mrs. Nebokor. twth Hansen, ai 'ue. M rs, K a rl K :im os a rM rs.__.dauuliler. Burley.____ ______an'd Jiim ie D enton. Rohe

lUam----- M .o lo t_M K _Jo ,„o»_n iu iTu'il Winkle Jr, ;ii

- son._AIrs, ^ rn le _ % q a l “ T* Mrs. Joseph Taingislon" ill

■ daughter. Angola Nyc. Mt......Michael Crcss-and son, Mt

Jam es Dunavan** and~“Mi — -— —Robert t^ni:a.sler. ;ill ,Tw

. Fulls. XD olc_ filrthB .Mrs. DaugJdors to Mr. ;ind Mt Mrs. L.J, Muir and Mr. and Mi avid* Allan Howa and u son lo M mon, and Mrs, C lair Waler. all Tw io re F o ils .' .

alla. fdatid . Tuesday. May 17,1977

Hull Sr. - «'. Thelma Ives Aug.-*2«. 191

O'j, at Hotosl. Mo.

----- -------- from Arizona: -....... -Surviving a rc his Ulfe.

_____ FaUs: two sons . Jam es LH ewas Jr., Twin Falls, and I j r

— H ull-S ca ttle ;- sIj Lula McClintock and Flo

!^iul R. Bowling, bolh frondale, ig ; a and Ollio Rulo. Dc*soto.' idn J,— rP™.—brother. - M arvin- irolher. • Irondale, and two grandsiand< a-~----- Funeral—i>orvicv&—for

Hull will be a t H 'a .m . '""ncsdny ' a t ' \Vhltc“ ‘Mor

---------:— ChopeVby Rev’: Cecil Spu;,x .n j2 Burial will be In the Twin

Com- Cemetery, rch in ■ f ’*’'ends m ay call a Everett m ortuary today, and ial will service time Wednewlay.

G e ra ld Triml' G L E N N S F E R R Y -«

-------------- LccTrimhlc.M.-crcnn.s’l''died Sunday in a farm acc near Glenns Ferry,

n. i.«c Funeral services. are grand- tj]„g numpher>s Fu

Home in Mountain Home.sister,

lington. •

2 p m S c h o o l p a ;

: ' , i ; . t e r m s O K ’teasant - . ,>y wIITT* BOISE (U P lr - Teat e riles and trustees have ralKii Tgreen new. two-year contract

gives Boise • leadiers si a tU io ra isesupto lH percep thytrirdon----------- ----------- -Ior lo T rustees ratified the pai

a t a sptHrlal mi'cling Mui_________ niglit. Vice President Mn

' t r o s s ing against” , contract bccausc it al . . sen iority -to l>e_n facto

teacher layoffs.T h e B o ise E d u ca

■ Paul . Association rattlled the (lurch. ' tra c t ‘ e a r l ie r ' i n ' t h e " - ^ ^ u l— Bxecuth*e-DlrcclnrJnck-V

....... 'sold the vote was close bu-------- ■ nnltinvpnii-riL'iirfsral for Ttie contract calls for ; vill Iw per cent raise Ihe first > It the along wllh up to a 3 per ■urch. cost-of-livIng hike. It prov Rupert for a 2.5 per ccnt boost ion of ’second year, along wllh UJ

per cent cost-of-living ralsi

unerjl l \ „ » r y „ n

1 u a r J . Cottec-benns-are-not n in the beans. They ore the pits o

cherryllkc fruit of the c( •plant.

t a x ^ b i l l

.•vei of silgtilly-m ove'than last yi 'ment. to a maxImumS1<M),U(Mi credit, lion.s taken in Ihe l'J7ii Tax Reform A Uc Ihc .sick pay deduction and lightvi

for Americans working aliroad ;livv.t«Jnn,.l.,1970. are delayed oney rtaln chicken farm ers hit wilh bin «.st)ccousethe 1970 lax reform bill fu CLClianue_nccoiiiiting.proccdurcs.\vl i another year under the old procedi k’asi intended lo lx.'nefit one farr .as and one in Maine, hul other fan nefittoo.'lepcndcnt nil and g:is priKlucers; hit Illion lax Increase in the t»7r>tnx bill ived ot Ihc increase for one year, current lax cuts for twlh indlvlduah ises. due to expire al ttie end of the j ended through 19711.

) i p f t a i sO I^ ll

arthii - • Twih daugliters to Mr. rson. Mrs, Dale.Iohnson, Kimtw lale.s.nson. G o o d l t i t f C o o n lyTiiln, '— —

Admitted tuart • M r s . ' W a l le r Beei Mian Gooding. . nker. D im toed ifalt. Mrs. Perry Wolfe and I dney ' — Clarke Sears.-Ixith .Good

and Mrs. Luis Egusquiza ____daugliler..Twin F a lli_____

Mrs,la/el- VnNNin M e m o r ia l

~ AdmittedJvct:_____ MalK'i'MixrRnlnli-Frledrdiier, (.Qf., j{„j{i;rsr Blanche Cot

• Ilulh Hoffscld. Dustin Danl . Carol Powell and. La

Henington. ali Buriey a n d Nancy Clark.. Zona Tap

a'nd Ilfnda Ca'rsdn,! Heyburn, .IJiorl,--------- i--------, M a r ily n R eh w a il i:i^!i.'?-..Dout>va-.Sailoc.-bolh-Bur

and Rachel McGill. Heybur

M rs!---------------— - ......................Mrs, M l n l d o k n M r m o r l i

,TwlnI . Admitted

...... ............ • M ic h a e l P n io n a n pMrs, Itiipert,Mrs, Dismissed

n Mr. . Linda Howard. Heyhi Twin and Sonny Gabaldun ami It . . . . Ulrich. lKHh!liipcr\,'

(oii [rD@S'

' ' '

Wed- MortmnT—Spuriock:— win



aa- pen-Fiineral S IN G

. . . a n t

' k - Q r . a l jilHicd a , . act thal; salary WASHINGTON lUPI;byiu?J. Justice Department offI

--------------- -M ondny-urBiHl“ C<JnBi=csI pact S-l sidctrack legislation aimi MondayMnrllee ■ T m i ______ _

nsl D O o k s t D r tallows

jctor in # • • •f a c e s u i t s

ic a tio n\hcxm- BOISE.<UPIi— Stale iC day.— lom ey General Wayne Kidrk-While----- and~Ada~County^ProsccJ but did D avid-L eroy llled sepo______ gtvir «<uits Monday anainsld r a 9.3 • G arden City book stores s ty e a r . • s a l e o f p o r n o g r a p ?er cent m alerlals. irovldes ' U.S. M arketing Inc.. and [Mist the and Nax adult bookstores \ h up to 3 served complainls by the -alscs. CountySherilf'sofflce.

; TllO suits contended■ n w - v io la te d th e '.Idaho

• n o f ir a p h lc la w re la - (9 b tu ifian I

>t reolly- obscence nature. Ui tso f the d irec tion of the allot s coffee g e n e r a l ’^ o fflcc ah

vcstlgotlon has. been g : underway since Feburary. ‘ Both stores are alleged

d i s p l a y i n g f i lm s ; publications that vlolotb" s ta te ’s pomographic low.

Kidwell said this was

alwve a Idaho pornographic la\v•dir^*^ * am ended by 1976 legislatur m Act tohtvntax . o

i © f f W O € ( g

cedures.farm in jW IN FALLS - Olficiol farm ers . u ,e U.S. Military Acadc , , , , West Point. N.Y.. have

1 nounced Uiat Cadet Ed Get hill, will ^ responsible for "c

. . . co m bat" training of i . cadets tills summer,

lie year, C eo rgc graduated fi Twin Falls Hlgli School in and is a member o f the

■ c lass a t the academy.' . - Heistheson.ofM rs.V alJI . . George,. Twin Falls, and

Col. ( re l) E ,P , Geor Riyadh, Saudl-Arabla.

V)r, and ; THE ■ “


Q & AI '^ ln g ' l i e (a ) parlor game*

U.S. heavyw eight box UUeholder (e) 1966 _W.

' * m inster Kennel Club best show dog. . .

■ lal ' - 2. J a m e s S. S berm an----------------rem eqibered hi U.3. iilat

a s the (a) vice president < edrich;: {ng (he T aft administral Coffey. (bl Unloo general who mai )anle]s. ed through Georgia (c) f L arry Chief Justice of the Supre

y and Court.rappnn 3. The record longest-nuu r ~ a l l ----- pUy-oa-the-London-8tag«

; ANSW ERS:"—I an dBurUiy,-— ;-------------------------------Ijum ‘a u n f jo n sM neuuojj

. t t i 'f l N .dejjamoM,, B,8n»lJY . -S _ (»).,'S (3)

. n p e . v _ - - N e w s - ^ T i p g

idlltiby 733-0931

3 E R J O D Y M IL L E R O k i e f r o m B i a n c h a r d ’

l i m b e E ;11 — reviving oral bid aCictloi f l c i a l s ,. National Forest tlm b c r ;ss to m -w este rn states, bu ned a l Agriculture Dcpartmen

ficioi said his agcncy wou: object lo the plan.

g o -----------Ttnrc5nni<‘tin i'"v icw r-■ voiced a t a Senate A gria

' subcom m ittee hearing legislation.’ by Scii: F Church. ■ b-Idalio; and

l e 'A t - '^ s e n a t o r s r from 'W yon idwcH— Montana. andOrcgon.— jputor— — The—bill.—simllar-T-l iorotc m easure s^ n so rcd In si two House by Rep. Jam es Wc >s for LK.>rc., would repeal a p l i lc law requiring Ihe Agrl.cii

D epartm ent's Forest Se Id Nix to sell most of ils timbt iw erc scaled bjds Instead of b; e Ada oral auction long usci

western stoles. In additloi both b in would w t lip ah adv por- committee to study tli

l a t c d sales procedures.Ilew d ' J o e . S im s , a J u s LJndcr .Department-antltrust-flff prney told the subcommittee i in- agency opposes repcallni going sealcd-bld legislation bee r*- th e possibility o t III1 wllh collusion In tim ber biddli

a n d greater when qral auction b the

s Ihe F T » 0 I

: was ^TWIN FALLS - Tli(

lem al Revenue Service conduct a small bufi

5 \ sem inar for new empk 3 Wednesday. , 1' .

------Tlie semlnar will bo froa.m . lo noon at the IRS c al. 1061 Blue Lakes Boulc

7T T 'T lils"km rnar rs~3esl

Qls at

iTn’.. Nursini“ S t w in FALLS-T1i» ll

npw Commission on Nursing Nursing Education Is i

, • so ring public Informn meetings to discuss a bluci for a diffcrenl appropcl

' nursing education for Idah,, Tlie meetings will be fn‘1 “ ” to 3 p:m.- and 7 lo 9.“ Wednesday a t the Colleg >rgc. Southern Idaho, Slilelds B

—; TF manTWIN F-ALLS-Douglns

e VanTasscl.24.TwlnFalIsr ^ -arrested-by-T w in-FolIs i

Police early Salurday charges of a s^ u lt will deadly weapon,

P o l ic e s a id th e n alleged ly th rea tened

' p lbyecsandlhernariager ol v l.? Keystone Pizza relstaui

- wlUra gun ot about 2:30 i . * ' Saturday when he was rcfi - I , entry lo the dining cstabi


ation j " ..............■ • •arch* - \

mlngje t a - ^ S U B S C l

:------- , -HpMLDELlVERY:____;----Oi'c'Mo"'t»m i --------- On.V«A6»H<,y‘------------ rJJ» d .,W D • . SUBSCRIPTIONS 8 I “ I i ■ ■•DELIVERY SERVICE

7 3 3 - 0 9 3 1 - - '-" r n OfCollYour


I Buhl.Catlidocd........S43.iBu>l«y. Aup«rl,Pdul .

~ OokUy Nvftand .-. .,'678-:



I ByN O RM A H O izi^G f_____

• TWIN KALXS - P S admitting slie's im Okie -

‘I ' from Muskogee but 'I .] B lan ch a rd -Jo d y Miller { ,, , * T - . g S c afi

" / • charrotoTw lnFallstonlgl ■ A m ile gal with some

i g u d E j — songs,-6>ie-will-becnlertal M a^c Valley counlry n

^^^C ~^t?ii?5ur!ng;a;concert_ ;o tJLtoday a t the Cbll'cgt

S o u lh d ^-• Idaho* Gymno:' H B ' sponMrcdbyKLlX Rodlo,

____AppcorIng_wJUi^-lhe_Entertainer of the T ear. Tillls, Jody will present icnotnment Tor uic w

— foTniir~” io n n a ~ T iH c r favorites alike'.

J u s t f i n i s h i n g ' H H engagement ol the Landr

In Los Vegas and on peanince In King City, C

, Jody orrlvcd In Twin I Monday afternoon hopln;

- cat ch her breath-before sliow loniglit. She won't be

| | k | u ^ to rest long, liowever.'as must bc_ln.Storv-.Wvo..-l p c r fo rp ia n e c W cdncs

K k . niglit. From there I fs « m o re c o n s e c u t iv e i

""•T fo rm a n c e s — c a c h proximatcly 500 miles a| TJien it’s home to Bland for a couple of days before

________ .s ta r ts fair and rodeo

J j i d h a llions on -., used. •' - -— •'.......;'r-sales ------Ju s tic e D eportm entbut an v e s tig a tio n s of poss ent of- collusion arc currently ould m l derway In sl« areas_____ ____ . l l im c f lL -^ m e rc n l- , i t« were juries." Sims testified, cullure declliied' to :ndmc the ' a

Ing to n . - ir^volvcd. ''Fxonk .A s s is ta n t A g r lc u ll

a olher S e c re ta ry R upert .Cu om lrig, tcstlfied.his deportment f - j ......... • opposed--the proposed :

In the •■reluctant" to see UiCV cayer,.. bidding legislation - part0 1976 b ro a d e r fo re s try law

Icullurc changed at this time,^ rv lc e Bul. S u tle r added,t ^ r by Agrlcuilure Dq)artm ent wby the noi object lo repealing

f “ ; 'n sealed bid law ‘'providedIon. the clearly understood lliat.y Secretary of Agriculture ttlim ber: gtui luvc ..lyiUiority to

u s t l c e ’ ^ t o p r e y m a e o l l u r t m ,official- -a -8 la lencc his submitted to Uie commitin« I « “ W W’l “se 0^ oral l>id

>* restored in wcs sa 'd Agrlcul

i Z I K allowing some such sons a ro go far cnougli to pro

riic In- primarily for new employ ce will, in small businesses interci u flhess in teaming about federal ployers requirements.

Inc lu d e in the session Irom-IO— iw—informal Ion -on -em p S office w ith h o ld in g s , q u a r tci'cv an l___ rcpOEts_and,^ cmploycr-eslgned roturns,

ig meet at CSIIdaho Room 114.

ig and Judy Rollins and Rispon- Aclon.fc i&urrlculum cc

[nation dinators who have develoucprint ttic blueprint, will conductach to meeting. •

■ . Ttie public is invitedfrom 1 admission Is free, accordin9 p.m. Marilyn Blackburn, Chairrlege of oftheCSIN ursingD epl,’; Bidg..

t faces chargesosI.«c ' Douglas Hillman, mana^ Isrwas sold the man knuckc‘d on 5 City do o ra l2 :3 0 a ,m ran d wati-l ly on the business was closed and /ilh a could not comc in.

allegedly went to his ca r i m a n returned wllh a gun, F cm - ployets were unable lo get

' of tlie door open nnd went outs lu ran t ' througli a reor door .when o a .m . s t r u g g le o v e r th e g efuscd dcvelopctl' and police wi Qbllsh- colled,------------ Injiireii:-------------------------- T


c r t p t i o n r a t e s T

:________L byjwail:_______Poyoblo in odvonto

I monlh.. , " «. .-i.3S _____3monlh» \ \i.7-c iin o n ih i...................... J4,J

' yOa« . 7-. . .............. 45,0Motl tufatcripiions o ic iold onl

' ' wher« co 'rio ' delivory n<

r f o u - f REE PHONE NUM BEW r Fll«r. Rogvnon.

;3.464t ■ M o lll.l.r ..... ......3 3 4 -5 3 7Wandall. .

8 J552 Cooding, Hog.fmon , 53*-«3

itlis coni j c r a pearances. fer. . . f ay P i^ d i^ ' " ■ ^"ond rigiiifuH/so ais shc ie — nol husband. Monty -Brt 'from • raise und train 'quarter h( ler plans ! "on Ihelr ronch.iwiil.L.ii-' .......... ft MILn ig lit:- '— ■tcrtulners-who-lruvel-ih-I 3me big coach buses. Judy prefei irtaining - n y — "fly ahd rent’” jIs y muslc% said Monday. "Wc fly tc It 8 pTm:— dc5tlnatlon~and'rent~'o~c I’cgc of. onc'is ncct-ssory.'' sJi'e sal inosium— . preTer ILUioLway, J=:spvt dio. when our 'gigs' aro so r lit—1976— m iles opartJf-vve travck !or. Mol bus. we'd spend all Olir lin sent cn- the road and it's hahl lo I wnoie sleep and ppt rpodvonn hi la new . ; Jody 'bcgajlicrcacccr.i

pop . field but turned i i g ' a n toward counlry When her ndmark . recording of "Queen ol an op-. House" zlppt^ lo lla> top t

Collf.. ■ 'c lio rts.'H er hcxt'counlrj n Falls "Silver Tlireods and G« iplng to 'Needles,’'c lim bed rtf^it t ore the top. too. and sent her carc I be able a different direction. ! , 'a s slic. ^fe has had many>.,-for-a— Including-:'-Whci»:- t h e - n c sd a y Wears off of Our \x 's ciglit "Ashes of Love.” "He' e per- Fine." "There's a Party C :h ap- On" and her currcnl l)lgs< 5 apart. "Spread a Litllo Love." anchard : .Television has been s fore stie tioost to mony counlry n Ico ap* - s ta rs ond Jody is no excci

I t s o u g hdustries ond Jobs are de

;n t- in- dent on tiifibcrfrom ndjoj o ss lb lc forests, illy un- But Rep. John Krebs as and Calif., protested in a c , w and-:-lcr§tolem cnlJliuL ::K pe,* ' cd. Hc t h e s c a l e d h i d d e ' a reas requlrcmenl would Iw, at I

prem ature." lu llu re . Backing for Chureh's b.C u ller___ re s to re , open, biddingsnt flatly announced at Ihc hearin ?d :-new statements--from-tlmt)er and is dustry groups Including

he ' I97G N ational Forest Prod la r to fa A s s o c ia t io n . A m eri law" — Plywood Association. \Wi

Timber Associalion and d . the- .Northwest Pine Assoclatio It would Tlic bill was opposed bj ing the Nalurol Resources Dcf fed il is Council and the Boyd Lur liat the Corp. of Scdro W'oolley, rc would

miexHi^imlttce,bidding concert sewestern- • •icullurc VALLEY SCHOOLS- :h sales valley HIgli Schoor r prolw l D epartm cnLw llLpreser

annuol spring concert lod 7:30 p.m. a l ttie high scho<

The concert and cadet c----- ;---------- nnd ' the i'bnccri- ana i

bonds will perform a vorii ninvnri • numbcrs. according lo Ri

Wilson, music Instruclor. „ A special number wl

performed by Ihe gradu

lini.HImployo - -------- ---------- ---------■—r tc r lyc r- .ta x - .- - - .........- ----------------•


Iiosk. Wo novj : - ovallablluct t h e . Certification i

'ding to CONTR/airman - - - - - ------------F o r i n

MCKESs - . 5 3 6 - 5 4 9 1

laagor. . on the

^ r p i o i p i i ir I lunil I

aSo i *-“ R e g l s t o r e d

^ m t ]I F l o o r ,



— I i n C o j t f j a c t ^ ^

i I Biisine ^ M D irac

' 7 3 3-«35 . . 1.......... .....

icertto i

< - — --.........

, She has appeared, on I? dlf Iiyorlle,,;, fcrenL shows_llil3-pust_yeai ho and • Including HwHaw7 G ; ^ 0 l ( Brooks. Naslivillc Mit^ic. Music Hul horses • America and the Tonlgtit Sbo\_________ — and slie loves every mlmit<• \ ^ 0 1 1[. " in my ousinessyou hav<u l a rg e - - ip - iovo“ to“ iray eran trre iill!fers lo ciijoy what^you're doIng.’''slii Jls-she-' sald.-'A ndriccrialnlydo?’J'* Ttie recording bulilncss Is nocu r J f __ cflsy j^b» rii'< iT?^far uj

V7jody'ls-conecmed.-Althougl ivcially - - 9tie doesn’t w rile 'on ro r-hei I many own material, &lte: usual!’ c W .tv -p ic k s - li-o u l.- ln-m oklns l«slime on lalesl album, •‘Here’s Jod’ lo cat. Miller.’* slic ahd tierproducei

r.in lh u ._ -la ^ - ,b e fo re lo: were finallj more ■ chosen,

e r Wta Altjioutfi sti’c spent sevcra of the years In Californio. Jody call;

P “” ,''9.,...,0_k!ahom« home.ondls looklni iry hli, forward to going home a t tin Golden end of Uils tour. Tticns slic no t to lh c only has her husband, but a 12 irecrin . . year-old dau^iter.-Rohln.-wti.

Since ' , Isa fldcUttlcplckerandsinge ny tills accordingtolicrm other., Ncw r— :irnoW ird(SerdecTde‘on^ Ifv c . singing career - slie will havi 'c s come by it very honestly. Unli f Going jjjie began tseller, ^^n,, i,<;r mother on all tour

• ' along' with Jody's molher-Ir a b g ipp pqJjIj,mu.slc Jody . was working. Whei

option, iiojjin WM school .age lb family moved Jjack to Blan

• chard from Cailfomia ani built a new home on tlielr lu>r»

» ^ : ranch. ,k I I ' Tonight's show -is noi Ihi

- - '- f t r s f tTrne'M llIe'f'ar^-TIIlI! have been featured togetbci althougli It Is a first for TwIi

Hnni>n ' Tillls. along with tillI .-"S talcsidcraTp^^^'— —* ----- In -T w in -f^ ilinho rtly -'p fte iu JV noon todoy. According^ li

Johnny Mac of KLIX Radio till nf .last he heard Tlllls' dougliler

d i n g — Pam :-Iff-trnvc llng -w ittn tii It t» s t ■ -g roup and -will oppeor- Ii

tonlglil’s stiow.^Ijl . Some- ticke ts a re stil

i available a t various location•)nc"in' ' througliout thc Vollcy ahd cai a.p_ in_bc._putchascd_oL _-lhe_dooiIg the • ^^°re*^*n>ertormanCTr--------oducls _________.. ,

PinSBUJGH ' I tion. Paints Iby Ihe - . : ltcfcnse l i A T s A I


' s h i s S r j S

S -T licM usic. M 9 9

« n t_ its i & .r f a y a l . ~ « M t M g n B |

“ oln. c S S S S i E S iO iidcl"

rlety of R obert;


r E N T i o i i

I GROWERS>w have Contracts lie to bo grown for 1 under furrow Irrigation

MCT PRICE »21“InformotloitrCdll:----------------

S AGRICULTUREullwlnkk 32*2417. -

■fantecB ]


- I l r S ^ r S : !r, d . R., Offico j >P1ACTICAI NURSES . I All Shlfta IIdolcke^er jr - — — — -

ess Manager (itor of M n g( - 3 7 0 0


, ' • ' i . .:

Page 3: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

r; V

B l a c k o i i

v i c t i m

■ : : : : ^MIAMI IUPII - A n -$80

re la y sw itch “ m is re a d ''electrical slgnois a t a nuclea r __power plant nionday wtiile Florida's brand new fail-safe

- system against power failures was shut down for adjustm ents' and 11 blacked out much of South Florida for seven hours.

More than 2.5 million per­sons in a 10.000-squaro milo radius were affectcd by the failMre.

M ajor pr( of new ta

WASHINGTON'-«UPI) - M a jo r-p ro v is io n s o f - th e compromise tax bill:Overan . . . .. ...........—

A new tax cut o! jy.l billion for Individuals and $3.15 billionTor business fn the remainder*

------- ot-tho'currcniaiscaLyfiaLnafl__

Some 46.9 million taxpayers who use Uie standard dcduc* tlon - s in g le persons making less . th a n ' $13,750 and all m arried couples -w ould get a tax fUt averaging $3 a week. Tlie t.7 million single persons making more than $13,750

' would have tax increases avcraglng$l a week If they use tlie slandard deduction. TJils Is •

- due to a new flat standard deduction of $2,200 lor single

J__ , persons jnd$3.20^for m orrled■''coijples. '■ *'

filmplinratym" Taxforms’forailw housctho

' standard d ed u c tio n a b o u t 7-1 per cent of toxpayers — would t>c vastly simplified. Toxes will be figured by a glance at '

: one table. No calculations ' would bc required.

EktertyAodBUDd Ttie elderly and blind will get

an extra $35 a year tax credit iKcause-of n.technicality. It was ncccssary to allow them a double individual lax credit — Just as Ujey rcceive a double

_____^personalexemption - in o rd e r-to draw up the new simplified income tax tables. Tlie elderly.

• for the 1976 tax year only, also

EXCELLENT LOCadow ntow n m ain str* « t

— -1600 sq.-ti.flFFIINowly rom odoiod, docorc

• - - -cofKf|Honlng-»y»tom .-ldo«

' tq u a r* foot-ahnuol rontal.

.WOMAN USES a Udd I I I ; - - dmtorln«bktaibew«s

an hour during a power M , Monday. Dozeos w ere ca

- high rise buOdings when <

Scorcs of persons were trapped In stalled elevators.

Air. conditioning systems shut down In steamy 81-degree heat. Stores.' offices: facldrles and schools were left without ligljl. Pumps a l some w ater purification plants stopped, bringing urgent calls lo con­serve w ater in some a reas and w aitin g s to boil tap' w ater In

•ovisionsIX b il l

would be- allowed lo re(ii{ure . Uieir retirement income credit •under tlie old system and

. .„ d a lm a refund if the old for: m ula was more advantageous. B usbealDcenUves

Businesses gain a "new -. Jobs” credit, ranging from $C3o‘ to $1,806 for. new employes

— hired-above a baseiovel of- loa—> per ccnl of last year’s em-_ ployment and IQS per cenl o f' lasl year’s total wages. A m axim um $100,000 c red it would be allowed, plus a 10 p e r ' ' cent extra credit for hiring handicapped.CurrtntTaxC iils

All currcnl tax cuts for both Individuals and business, due to expire at the end of the year, would be extended Ihrougli • 1978. This will prevent taxes from rising nt the end of the

■ year; ’ .... . “ 7 'Sick P ay Aod Forelga Income

Actions talicn in the 1976 lax reform act to eliminate the

' sick pay deduction and tigliten tox breaks for Americans

■ w ork ing 'ab road .'a ll relroac- llve lo Jan .l. l97G.-arc delayed one year to Jan il. 1977. OQADdGaa

Independent oil- and gas producers, hit with a $30 million tax increase In the 197G

I tax bill, would bc relieved of the Increase for one year. T h a t '

i Incrcayi was brouglij about, b y . -— forclng-tlitfm-to inciiide'''tlie " i benefits of their deductions for

Intangible drilling expense In > their base for the minimum

. tax.


iCE-SPACE— ^ro tod . A)l now hoot a n d o lr . loo l-offico-«paco...$3.Q 0. p e r_ .I I — ____ _

. Earl Faulkner, 7 3 3 - ! 5 0 6

Idder to eicapa from an vastrappedfor.m oreU an -rM actout taBaiam l.FU ., _________I cai^gbt betweea i lo o n o f -----------CD devators were stalled.

sign^M cotliers.

Wliile firemen and rescue w orkers raced from one

aoctors In one hospital per­formed open heart surgery by flash lig h t, - e ig h t perso n s huddled In an elevator trapped between floors a l a 32-story Miami bonk bulIdiM.

A U o r n e y R i c h a r d Wassenberg m anaged to forcc tho elevator doors open and ihe

. occupants Jumfwd six feet lo safety................... - . - ............... -

“ It was a scary experience.” N o m a . Llglitboum. 51. said afler getting out of Ihc elevator ot Ihe downtown BIscayne Building, ‘i wouldn’t want to go througji ll again."

Seven hours after thc lnltlai - power failure, a Florida Power.

__ 'A l.lght Cn spnVftsmnn snirtservice had been “essentially

• rcs td red ’V throughout' the ’ I system but 12 hoyrs ofter the1 - follurc. the spokesman said

-'‘Tlicrc are still seven sections• In Miami,wllhoul power, o

. section being onylhlng from a - few homes to some nparlment

) ■ hiillrilrig.s.’‘3 It was the .u-orst power l--foHure-in-Florida-B lnce-1073.-

wlien on eiglit-hdiir blockout I hit most of the sta te on two V successive days. Ironically, a t new grid syslem designed to r - ‘

[ I . L I O I« To helpnIS:-d


has turnL— ©titdo©

E lights nc in additii

are ais

_ 1 1 j w e !l l . h e

I MANITOWOC.. W ia_lU PU ;I - F ederal officials hove I - - -scUed tlie contents of the only I ' pliurmaceutlcal factory In the

I coiitroverslol antlcancer drugl-^ L a ttlrU o ----- — --I:;-.--:I " ’’ ' Some 12 (»B of apHcol seeds • I - il key In g ^ ie n t In Laetrile I —were selzied Monday by■^..ledcroLm arBlialsand olflclals.^__| „ o i :U ie-Food-and Drug-Ad— I ’ m inistration . from Mislnee I . Research Corp.. somellmes - I . called U.S. Pharmaceutical I Co.I Company officials said thcv

l-Solonbat \ used in bI -eNewtMMMNewsServlceI WASHINGTON - Calling ll " I tlie "best plecc of anll-cancer r legislation on the books.” a I New .Je rsey congressjn'an. l__M onday defended the Delaney I Clause invoked by the Food I and D rug adm in is tra tio n 'I (FDA) iii banning ^ccharln .I th e only legal nrllfMal I sweetener.

Rep. Andrew Mogulre. a Democrat, was Joined by consum er advocate. Ralph N ader and th i ^ . government s c ien tis ts—w h o - ^ o u g h r 'to '^ ^ counter critics of the proposed

' ban, schrtuled to take effect in

avert such d ialn-reaction JC acc id en ts hos ju s t .been 1C' - completed and' wos te s te d '

f'. had been taken down for ,y fiirtlieradjustment Monday.,s Tlie n Ja y failure a t 10:15 ^ a.m . shut'‘down one ot Iwo 7 nuclcar generating planis nt

Turkey Point. 23 miles soulh of d Miami. .T h e .seco n d nuclear:

cc generolor Utere a ln a d ^ ,^-as Je .

: - G a s e s c a p e s

or RAINIER. Ore. (UPIi - 'c The Portlond General Eioc»ric lo Col r e p o r t s lh a t ' m ore

radioactive gas escaped from bI ' the Trojan Nuclcar Power !r. Plonl May 1 than originally

ly _ PGE first said 23.3 curies of iC " .radioactive xehbn-133 Avas 10 released during a lo-minute id period while the gos wos Iwlng u removed from the nuclcar a , r e a c t5 r c o o la n t . A rc - a evaluation showed, however,

nt the amount was 69 curies of .— . .radioactive xenon-133 and sr • xenon-135, o ff ic ia ls sa id’3',— Monday^.............— --------------- :ul : . Tlie utility said the hWier

ra lew asdnlyalittlem orclhon Q half as much a s allowed under

to federal safety standards.

i H T S j CIp conserve er

ned off its illi or-sign - and- lot es^ntial to tidn, where pa Iso using less lighting as we

I E L ^ A » E J D A I i O

^ N Y - W A Y - T i i A T - W


I ■ F tw o ul^ha licngc Ihe jcm ire in_a.M UfLbalUe tliat cniilrt tfKt Uie ^*DA ban on Laetrile. An F D A s p o k e s m a n in

was probably the largest ever In govdmmcnl crackdowns cn— U ieallegcdcancercure. '

.- '•■nic promoters of Laetflle' havo been repeatedly ilrged to

f|fi;cpt:ihlc -ev idence thn t-irw rks 'ngo ln 's l'-

cancer.*', J . Paul Hile. FDA associate -commissioner for c o m p l i a n c e , s o id lit Wasliington, — -

----- l‘Tliey , Imvc-nover-done-w:—

cks legislc fan on sac

• July. ,Noting Uial the FDA 'aclion

has been widely regarded as . ■ “one more example of the

c a p r ic io u s w o rk in g s o f, bureaucracy." .Muguire said; "Tlie try th is that the govern­ment is generally not touf^i - cnougli in dealing wilh theHir f n t p i , f n n f / t r . f n nelrin

•agents. . ’.We clearly cunnoT' a ffo rd to e lim in a te the Delaney Clause.

"We h ave 215 mIIIIon people In tills country and .GO mllimn

^ n r ^ 8 o ing -:to - g et cnnc«p=^— M aguire said ol a press briefing also attended by Sens.


When the overload frJim Iho loss of the nuclear rcoctor lilt two oil-fired generators at

•T u rk ey Po in t, outom alic sw itch ing .equipm ent shut them down.

Within 10 minutes. Horlda ' ' Power & LIglit's UiLrd nucleor

plonl near Fori P lercc'also. autom allcally shut down, and .

' wlUi l u Qil-flred senemtor at F o rt L auderdale shut - (or ovcriiauL . It eliminated moi«-A th an *'a’ '*Jfitrt»>'*orgcncratlngcapaclly......................

C o m p a n y e m p l o y e s ' m anaged to limit Ihc chain reaction o f shutdowns |o all of Dade. Broward. Palm Beoch. Martin, and St. L.ucle counties . and ports of Monroe. Collier and Hendry Counties.




_____ OFWATCHK I .

BEMNO’S;."w"„, J 1 7 MAIN AVE. E.

. : , \ '

) U T !

nergy —

um inated .a U ^ h e f c = 3 security. Issible, we rinteriorr ell.,) ’S E N E R G Y fE C A N .


!AST, TWIN F A lU ' .y-

eds seiz(_ 'n ic FDA. UicrcIore. inlends lo . H_ con llhua-to pursue riijorouSlv '; d

Uie legal requirement thal i'l IIact againsl the production of ll

m o v em en t In in te rs ti i te— commcrcc.-’ lllle said;-------- ------- fl

FDA experts estimated one II lon of apricot plls vvlir yield n 190.512 Laetrile tiiiiies with ;i d

— rtroet—VHiuo-of-<riMmi-s}—,1--------ta b le t. Tliey.'siiiid tlio nuileriiils

seized — If processed t would" hnve a .street value of S2.-1 million.

-G overnm ent attonieys fllcti' ' V a i.'omplalnt iigiilniii hio.siia“e! ."i

: t ti r t

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ' ■ — XI

ation i ccharin !


^ G ary H urt. U-Colo.. and Gaylord-Nelson.-D Wis.; a n d -

. by Hep.. Jam es Delaney. D- N.Y.. who‘wrote tlie clause that prohibits food addilivlesfound to cause cancer-in test.'anim als; "Wliat we’n; dealing w ith." ‘ M aguire said, “ is someUilng on’ ihe niilcr cif a

..^plagua.i::---- ----- rrtr—.T----- -------; Maguire said congressmen . who Have faulted the han or j

. proposed legislation to weiiken • tlie Delnney Clause have I>ecn j ‘•throwri off b alance hv ] brganizetl'"opposltlon." The J saccharin ban mny >>e in- convlenli hcsald.-iiut thiit Is n?-

- reason Io question the validity-----n fUicselpnimi-i'^irtpnpp_______

' N ader' .said Uie Delaney " Clause is an "extrem ely— necessary safeguard" that ••slilelds the FDA from un-

— warranted-political intrusion — and—jnflucncc l)y fowl cor-~~

porollohs.’’* The clause "is particularly valuable, he said, because it is weigiiled In the intcresl ,of iiuman safety and ogainsl the economic con- ; venicncc of manufacltirers.

~ | K E N N IH • Cut and Sewn & Knli H Volufl* to $26.00

m N o w . . . . . .

I L E V I '

S elected group-Pdnts "jir Shir -ft Jack e ts • •

I ,M E N ’l


L i sio v la ond Konnlngtori





I Ke..... Slor* Hours:

:e la e tr ill e f a c t o ]Uesearvh. charging llie Illegal .

"•di-ug Was~in Uie factory atut - t lhat ■ the factory conlHliK>U t Illegally Inlwled drugs and t

The materials , seized, of- j

illegally in Interstate com- c m e r c e a n d s h o u ld he I destroyed. . c

Bombings' W A S H I N G T O N ”( (J P ir—Bombings n>maln tiie |

— natian*5-moFrsprlnti!TCrtm?:------but new FBI figures show_a.. . , dc“crcase for the first th rw | months of llils year compared to the sam e period of 197R.

Tlie FBI said :iO{; Ixjinlilngs- caused •three dcath.s nnd :n In ju ries during the first

. cjuartcr nf this year, compared t<i 37H incidents that kilk-d 20 and Injuiyd sb in the first Ihree montlis lasl year.

F B I D irec to r C larence Kelley sold Iwmhings continue tu t>e tiie mosl serious type of rrltnp in tiie nation h'ut added.

F o r d c a l l s I

. DETROIT it jp l) - Foi-d . Motor Co. lodoy announced flie recall of cars, most of. them 19C9-modcl po lle r cars w llh a defect that could couse

' the front wheels to collapse,■ 'F ort-hali co n lcsfS 'fo r y ears a contention of Ute- N ational HIghwav Traffic Safety Administrallon that the 5.G19 standard-sized Fords and M ftrniry° i>olftn**"^*y-~unsafe,

: $ i;o o o R iFor Informotlon iMdIn conviction of any p«r««

:^acIng^d«s!mylnB-OcJi ~'mdrk«r slgnt or dome

belonging to the followltEBIMEHmm

mniTAjimjgyi!N6 T0 1 srSP: n l t .


IlT;., . . . . . . 5 0' i 'S I L Am PA

ion ■ " i

i rs T .T : . . - - - »C o tt^ /P o ly b lond J

i;iTS •

s t m m

Tuesday, May 17.1977 • Tir

I j s l monlh tw i oiricers o f / ^ ) the- firm - • A.C. . I w c n r - f - ^ ' president, iind Douglas Kvt*rx. '

spectors from cnlerlng Ute-fnctoryrA '-scorch-was-'wn.'^Tr^------

ducted alter Ihe 'a rresls and Monday’s seizures wea* Iwsod , . ontheresuilsofU iatscurch. ' . ^

i flecrfease - '‘•11 is enmirapjngrllL-it 'ihp'ir* . numbers ond the losses trnm i,. them ore down from com-„..,.

• paroblc~ periods - in •rcecnl'n 'r" "■ years.”

T he F B I . sa id property ii. damage this year also was •' lower — ju s f over $2 .million

' this year compared • to sn.4. million lasl year. '

Kesidcnces were targets of 68 .of Uic .1977 attacks, com-

buildings 64. vehicles 43.'I-> sehooi facilities 32. law en­f o r c e m e n t 11 a n d ' miscellaneous 88. the FBI said.

b a c k c a r s ^

The oilier vdilcles- being; recalled ore 2.875 1977-model Mavericks and Cornels wlU|,.^ • defectivcdoorlatchcs. '

Ford sold it was recoiling--:

^p lndi& oh both frontiwlfccls'; m ay hoVe been domoged o s ^Ihc 'res iilt.o f extreme usage.i<7 whilo In policc scrvicc. It said ,

-v irtuo lly oil Uie ears now arc- ■pilyately u M : " - , u . "

i B H f n ' w i t m k v '" ~ '

in g t o t i l * a r r e s t a n d i o n o r p e r t o n t f o r d e *M m o x in g m y -h l e h w a y ------------n o g ln g o t h e r p r o p e r t y 'M lng h ig h w o y d i t t r l c t f . .

H B B W A tD B IB tl

H E W ^ M D I S n i n . i _ _

rHIRTS - 1

n i “ |


1%0FF IA b l E S B


i ” 1 1 -

5 0 % < ,» 5 0 % <»

2 S B b e b b s B l r i . l l

■ A - y — ■ ** - .

rima».Now8, Twin Fails. Idaho 3

Page 4: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

• Derole<(:tolbe

■ K ^ ; ' , . : • W IIIIom ER I c h a i^ G .I

ol Audit Burcou 9

■;:: .K±a:tt!a'ai■ jS T “7 r -----rhlrc»*5tr**rW*il"TwIn Mil

^ f r r ■' ] \ i^ :d i 1 1 :" foiHpg«

^ > ------ : _ A -Bubl-bcckeeperabout the damage

^ ■ : plpstlcldes.;t'f- . Apiarlsh Bill Lemr

. ' out of three bees in hi! or a re covered with cfi

... -.xjie federal gover . Lemmons for the dc

i - ; 'demnity program isn' . ..And. a government ' doesn’t begin lo solve ; - ferent agriculture int

^ ' - tnesam eland .a ira^d vi;. . f Farm ers who'ap'p!

' / r a r e r i ’t maliciously i I Lemmon’s bee colonic • f F arm ers .peed lo <

.^v-; : * ;^sls. Crops are the; ' r '^Rie bread and butter ,;V, . ;Fhons.

• ' •£ BHtJhe.crops,..Uie.t ; r -gam e plots of land. So

ll^nd all Uie rjest oflus.U ^ A s th e 'd y in g b e e s : i j jp u l t ip le u.s-e o f f a r n

Hgnfavor-abl&^fadfroffe ■■ - ; : 'T h e b e c s c a n ’t l iv e

I f i i e r s c a n 't s u r v iv e w it . i j , . : 5 .O c -can tlie y ? — — --

; ;i;inarket or become ine ;3arm ers are turning t<

:■ :;'iontrol pesls.r .— 'a^.These-new-pest-mor

■ Sftireat to bees or peop i-- ■■ 'Shesedifferently-mana i f ■„ ::.iln the Midwest, a s I ; . ; farm ers are abandonir ji-;-:- .-fa v o r of an ecologicj

; con tro l.’f .; One Michigan farnV.~ ■ Midwest farm journal ^ sum m er by giving up 1

- - - ■- ■pwt manage - j • v: -i^o^aature-spwnpesl m.

£ - a rrival of pests tn their^ . w eather data, they prei5 ' arem ostlikely loh it.« , The monitoring systc

•• farm ers using the pest___a _ m o n th _ o f_ w a rn in g .

. '- 4 ■ . festations of.disease or

limited amounts o r USI to control the infeslutio

j! ? , - These pest m anager on understanding co vironmental relations

■____ pest’s ability lo cause c — The reialionships be • cycleahdthem aluratli

_____ in this type of program^r* S a pest's natural enemic ,1 2 If pesticides ^re use<

I? : then the farm ers inherl I • In future decades fa

; ' Idaho should carcfull ^ S m anner In which pest; : fouglit..

W ithcarefulstudyar § minds in the area.- a ne

='t:£ program could be undi ’ the conflicts and healtl

7'\vldespread use oTpcsli


: ^

‘ w

ifia j ? ■ • "H ey/ R ea lly u nbe lleva f f i i j rocH g ro u p ? "

e ritizenn o f Magic yallpy

IE. H ow ord, Pyfall»her - - . High, M anaging EditorBday,-Mayl7n077--------------------- f*of Clrculotlon^ond UPI. OHiclol City a

olty ond Sunday, •ie«pl S^rdoy , ol 1 &ltf.-1doho-83301, by Mogle^Vdllty Niv rtiae* '<^^0 63301.hono 733-0,931

l i r e c t i o n s

r r e c e n t ly c o m p la in e d -b i l le r lI d o n e to h is - liv e lih o o d b

im o n s e a c h y e a r w a tc h e d on' lis c o lo n ie s d ie a f t e r th e y in je s :h e m ic a l p o iso n s , j r n m e n t t r i e s to c o m p e n s a t d e a th o f h is b e c s b u l th e ir I ' t n e a r l y e n o u g li. t p r o g r a m lo p a y f o r d e a d bee v e t h e c r i t i c a l p ro b le m o f dii i t e r e s t s c o m p e l i t in g fo r u s e o Id w a t e r .p ly p e s t i c id e s o n t h e i r c ro p

a t te n h p l l r ig to 'd e s l r o y "B il ie s .c o n t r o l I n s e c ts , d i s e a s e ai^i

e i r l iv e l ih o o d j u s f a s b e e s a r T f o r a p i a r i s t s l ik e B ill L em

b e e s a n d p e s t s a l l l iv e o n Un0 d o 't h e f a r m e r s , t h e a p ia r is t ;

!s“graphically Illustrate, illi m land sometim es results itFst---------■------- -----------------------------B W ith t h e p e s t ic id e s , th e f a r I th o u t t h e c h e m ic a ls .

e s_ ;a r e , i - j e m o v e d - J i u i n r t f a t l e f f e c t lv e a g a in s t p e s t s , som e to p r o m is in g n e w m e th o d s tc

i n a g e m e n t^ p r o g r a m s p o s e no j p l e 'w h o l l v e 'i n p r o x im i ty lo l a g e d l a n d s . i ■ s t e a d i l y g ro w in g n u m b e r of in g h e a v y u s e o f p e s t ic id e s In ^ a lly s o u n d c o n c e p t o f p e s t

m e r r e c e n t ly r e p o r t e d in cII h o w h e s a v e d $25,000 in one t h e a v y p e s t ic id e s In Y a v o r o f £ o g r a m w li lc h t a k e s a d v a n la g i

Ir f ie ld s . U s in g c o m p u te r s a n d e d i c t w h e n p e s t s a n d d is e a s e s

t e m s a r e s o r e f in e d th a t m o s t1 m a n a g e m e n t t e c h n iq u e s g ot g _ b e ( o r e _ t l i e _ a n : iv a l_ o f _ in r t r b u g s .

ise a p e s t ’s n a t u r a l p r e d a to r s lon . •jm e n t p r o g r a m s r e ly j i e a y i iy :o m p le x b io lo g ic a l ' n n d en- s t h a t t o g e t i ie r d e t e r m in e a c r o p d a m a g e .

le tw e e n a p o s t ’s re p ro d u c t iv e tlo n o f t h e c ro p a r c c o n s id e re d n j i & a r c . t b a x c l a l i o n s b e tw e e n ie s a n d p e s tfc rd e s . ed to d e s t r o y a p e s t ’s e n e m ie s r i t t h e e r a d i c a t io n c h o re s , f a r m e r s in M a g ic V a l le y a n d il ly c o n s id e r m o d ify in g Ihe >ts a n d d i s e a s e c u r r e n t ly a r e

in d t h e a id o f t h e b e s t f a rm in g le w k in d o f .p e s l m a n a g e m e n t d e r t a k e n w h ic h w o u ld re d u c e th h a z a r d s c o n n e c te d w ith th eit ic ia e s . - ......

• V.


— I — - -• V Y \ -...... ^

_ _ _ V

/able, manl You with a punk

’V ' ; ' ' \ - y V '

IS- ■ ■ . ♦...............

L l o )lyoyd'fiW Undontvislics i

• sorlously. .It Is. ofcoursc. usl(ln){ali

— - llia t'U oyd 's Ja.known.forJ insures, induding:

-M aricnepoJiric ii’sIcss— The polcncy of a farmci— A alripper’sbrciist.- '

'• - T h e beards and mousln Club of London. ^

— — BUtT Jgya’s 'is n rcimivie r ly —- a n d Jls-. d ia lrn iah ,; S lr in

5 y . making a tJ.S. goodwiil toi misconccplions about Itic i He's also trying lo aUruct U

o n e - p ,f,j e s t business com es-from -od

replied wilh the prcuiw <l s a le ' Rugby: "U 'sn ilnu te ."

•j„ .- U oyd’s will insure virlun: — »fer4iHefnM^)f-premiu»»-i ' the largest Insurers in llie \

>ees Its willingness to-ucccpt lu dIf. pertinps Uic most InHuentiii: Q Qf Lloyd's has pioneered pn

■ new concepts as salcllllc; Once Lloyd's — afler exin'

[ ? P ,___ Inking some lumps -1 m sconsiders to l« a fair pn

' something thal liiisn'l l)ct'n a rtd world’s olher insurjincc- a r e ' • The reason Lloyd's Is a

innovation" i-s suminwl ui general approach to new ar

U ie ......../incJ 0is ts ralhertliiii)flnJin(!iinvxcu'<

ll cun l>e a m l ly pilncip: 11- - - . million when the supertiui ‘V® sankinliM^.TIielU.Wslnkln; ' 1° Doria posl 11 Sll million: IW------------ wus' n « oo-iiniltuii-lussr anfa r- guerrillas l)lew up a Boei

IJoyd's forked over S24 milll Yet in m ore'Uuin aoii

■ Lloyd's has never defaulU triu — -rcrnarkul)!e^lacl-e(iiisidfrlT m e Metropulitiin Life or Pi-udcii 5 to company but rather a .soc

each responsible fur his own______Purina an inlerview In h

, . Carllon. Hudson clarified p misconception alwul l.loy' m arket for insurance. We h

o f - - who form Uiemselves in ; in compete for insurance unde e s t adminlslrallve nm

lhal facilitate the niarkel.". He said an apl analogy

* a .York Slock Exchange, wl one member firms and-Ik r ) f a ’ Eovcmlna bodv. -And Itkeag e i


osl Wgetin-__________ W ASH1NGI0N-=J:

■ rocked America last'w

eluding .education at university. A low.lncoi one for S4-1.000 If you foi

'■ly ' scliooiing. on- According to Prof.} a shade of Florida Slate

GO percent increase o'iv e •\ l \ With all due resptie a ' shade. Ithinklilsflgure

;en -— -— iicu ircw in 'd ie 'u .saiin clothing, housing and e

le s failed lo lake Into-following items:

,nH -Automul)IIe Insurai. .SLOOOayear._______

HIG -Aulom obile insuraii r e when the jcompany «

polity' tKcuuse of Ihe < [ng teen-ager's acclilenls: Sent -R e p a irs lo Interior'jc e V •"•‘‘’■•''R®

S p a-l: '■ ByDANKURZ _ ---------- ---------- ®i9fT7Wa«tlngt

MADRID — Rlf lil-wiiiK tl Gcneraiissln^o Franelsc-o Fr so far to .sabotage iffi'cllon pi destroy or dilute democracy.

••Parliamentary detnovn---------:^wllhin'a-yoar.;tnor-Uto clccti

---------- rlg»iUsti)redlot«J,..:iWe'^©-«Tills unruly country necdsor

•‘Organic democracy" I s » his braixl of diclalqrshlp. '

rccorielled to Ihe parlla -•■Times have chanRed." s;il{ are no lunger tiie mortal danj Kverybody lias a decenl.paii now have a strong middle cla . nut Ihe strategy of a sigi Francolsls is to u.se a fanatic group callcd Ihe 'T uen ta

'v — Force; to foment suclm alton military will feel cnmpellcd

' . tions, scheduled for June 15.

. Their pre-election stralei -the-sam e. Ims foiled mis< rlglitists .ire nol discourage

— expiained: " 'T tie time for ur ripe ycl because the pre.ssuri aren 't grealcnouglt."

' Ttie rationale Is lhat the It say In the government, ai prospect of their having one trigger, a couple - especini been extrem ely careful to av<

__ ■ action.

------ --------^ —

y i T s o f IjJS u a -T tm e f-— :i--.^_:r.iiv:;Uoyd'*ro ies people would lake 11 a rc liavin]

. Uoyd'sa lul when you cotwldcr urit+Hfirct

nearly $2legs. , , ' ; . . will sliort mer'ii prize bull.. ' wouldbe*, Bul U.istaches <if Ihe Whiskers means. /

! bcrslilp Is [tiTPiy^rtinErtrosinoBs ■ navetieo. iHaveliick J lu d so n .:: is _ ;.^haye miicl I tour lo c lear up some And the tic uninue urgankaliun. a ren 't aff( d U.S. Investors. ' percentage of Lloyd's -odd' poIlcle.s. Hudscm - e dicliim lie learhed at

lualiy anything hilt yuurinvineoinivil-lH-HiHonK-------ho world anti l>ec.:yise cif f l i n t It any kind of risk.,il is • V K S K itlal, H B ’i premium niles'un sucli ^ U C ^ Hies and supiTtankers.’Xi>erlinenllng iiiid oflen | | ^'lias'aiTlved al..wliat It

premium fnr Insuring leen ln.siiied ln’fniv; the ICC; c(im|ianles usually

< a leader in Ihis "risk I up l)v llud.s<in: “ Our V and unusual risks is tu >

_ ______ Xrcij.seKxIi'cline Uiem." • / 1iciple. Lhiyd's lost $lii..‘> ,liinker Tnrrey Canyon--------- ' / ^ t Siklngof Ihe liner Andiva i^ '* 7 I'jRo's H urricane Betsy f ?,

-antf-Trticn-PnlPstfntnn---------- 1—Joeing 747 Jet in vm.. nilllon, y S Ploij years, of business. f l ■lulled on a c la im — tf ' / I - l i ' i i i i g - t i i a l - u n l l k e . - s i i y T ^ m ideiitlal. I.loyd'.sisnot a I.society ci{ indlvldual.s. 1 ^

:iwn losses. 1 ' 'n his su llc .a t llie.Ritz- ____ W;d perhaps tlie grealesl . . . '.yi .ioyd's. • ;ll's really a tr'e have lo.Tuii nK-nilH.'i's j f*

Into syndicates and y n j lndcrwrltings. i.ioyd 'sis nnd governliig Iwdles ' . N I.",ogy-miglit Im* the New

which has compeling i ruled by a central ke llic NYSR^ some of j

' ' . . ’ ■ A , ..' tw * - ' - ' -

164,000=Jhc_ncw s-ltom -lhat------------iJdeartst'w ick was lhat it now. —Fo

at a slate-supporled reasonicome family cun rea r SG.OOO.1 forget alwul his o r lier - —Ru

* tecn-a|of. Thomas .1. Kspi-n- —Roiitc Unlversily. Ihis Is a- sta idne over wlial ll cnsi In aJob ,\

( . - O r?p6cl to Prof. Kspcn- teeth b{uresaretooluw. While - O riai'lliings such a s hxMt. tiial'wide<liicatlon, I lh in k lie '•'aniphItn - consideration llie ~R®

sliocs.iirance for a leen-ager: friend'

, remen-uranccfor the parenls. Hi-fiy c.-incels everyone's • Uie pf-tlie clqims filed for llie loSl.tKls:$r!,oot), casli 01 ior'of.the hiiii.se after aagcr for .*)ii of his o r her —Bii

a n i s h d cJRZMAN - But afleng u m sta r - ' inevitably lg disciples Ilf the l iili '' likely lo ti ) Franco, having fallcii strike, tlic n plaas. are plolllng hi military, icy a lte r theeieclioii. Whal_cvcx-nicy will’ Ik? deail have done cctlonr^onc innuenlial-i— action bcfc»-aoUI»A4inil«d.Slatoe.------sorganlcdem ocracy." the counlr Is wlial Kninco calii-d group" Uia

1. True, some fiirnu 'r, fascists budcmocniey hnv r-lT rrn -------w a r p f 1930rllam cntary variety.,-....{lielcft.s;ildbne. ••Ihe lellists........ Wlien IhlanKertheytiiicl-wer.-. FuerzaNu p a iro f sIkh's now. AVi- U would do classsoclely.” m atters. ,signlficanl mimlHT nl vlolcnccln atical Fascisl.terrprlsl. police off nta .'^uev:i.*' o r New rclallatcdl tonsrd lsordorilia ltirc Pariiam cn lied to annul llie clit- revolted ai ; 15. und take over - o r govcriTmcrilportlcJi:------------------------rT V llirn iealcgy. fundamenliilly ' ofFuerzo t miserably, But th e » heodquarti iged. As «mc <>f them 'm achine-^ r an aj:iny.^'i)veTs iTrii ' ' The nation .sures'for such a move Qut> Comn

rom'erhlwrle leflisls still have nn remained , and that tlie m ere suarcz, w une is xiiil sufficient.I.. impartlallt cinily since they have k lilcrsarrt iavoidanyprovo<;atlvc Now Ihe

• more chan

b c m d o l imembcrscan bc doing ucllnvhilcotl ng bfvl years. :s doesn't closc ils books un a uiven > ec years later. Hudson sajd laTiJ waa

2 billion of premium incnnte. The Ik rtly close,on 1974.and lie s:iid pn !*‘verymedlocrc."Joyd’s members have coiisiden Among the renula-mcnls -for m Is that Ihe persoa under consldern 10.000 Ifi rundlly uyaltablc-fu ji^ .—^LCli more.’’ says H u d w n r '___ ‘fiey often need much moix*. ftfenil [forded the limlled liobilitv unilc'clio


yper kiirc6ti^friendBi-«2;0O0---------------------'ood and drink dispensed to nu

m o rano therarc a l i t^ S at llieii(iii.s4 J..lug and furniture dam age caused I agcr's untrained dog; $2,500. lock concert tickets for clilldri ingal age 11 und lasting unlll they g , wliiclicould bc4ige:i0: Stl.iUXi. Irlliodontlst bills for s tra lg liti;^ by liraces; $2.000.. . •Irtliodontist bills for r e p la c i i^ n aci wcrcTiL'cldcntnlly- lo<il - on oveniigi ilnglri'p: $1,200.tcplaccmcnl of lo.sl winter glove

socks and ovcrcoats left al J 's house. wIioK nam e child caniii mbcr:W00.fi equipment, absolutely essential fvacc of mind of a young person: Sli boo, depending on whcUier child pa; or uses family credit card.

lirtliday presents for friends who ai

^ m o c r a;er.tlie.eleclion,-.whenJhe-leiiisLs-i y Iw-rffprcscnted in Parilam enl and take ample advantage of llie righl le threat will Iwcome cleiirer hi

fcr.thcy may argue. Ihe ex ln 'ine rij; c Uielrl»c.st lo provoke the miiilary I fore the cicclion.-Thcir original lac vedrwas-tfxxplodc-lwmlHHlinMigli iry and placc Ihe blum c on a ’•lef lat nobody has ever heard of — jusl lumed down churchcs before thcic W-39 SO sud i uctgcoatcfbgTittrlbtTtc:!

Ihis effort failed lo .produce rc.su fucva dccided 11 was I<m) late for Iric lo whal the earlier fasclsls did lo clli

After many months of riglitlsl-lef In 1936. Ihcy.municrcd a popular lef fdccr. .Wllliln. hours, the left i by assassinilling the riglitlsl leade :n l . . K6¥r;rdays5' later.' Hie mlllt. against the lofUst-inclined Rcpuhlli cn tto spark theciv llw a r . ’ . icse cvcnfb’In nilnd. several memlj I Nucva calmly walked Into Commui lc n r-h e n ? “ a':::fc%vi; weeks .'.iigo - 1 ;gunncd to dcatlrflvc office workei )n held Its brcaih, rcmcm bcrrnglu: imunlst leader Saiitlngb.Carrillo i: !red. No rclaliatiim. he ordered.1 (julet. And.sliortiy. P rem ier Ad» welcoming-this excuse lo show, lity in meting out Justice, ordered rested.le fru.slrated Francolsls saw only i ihce to slpo Ihe election. They hop

r i m f l e r jolhcrsr:ra=corporatiQn=Jhcyirc:JlSl

' dowhtoUicirsocksandsuspc n your ■ Uoyd’s does, maintain a ■uslTic “ aWs a s 0 sort.o f "safely i ifH_on;_.HUdson.; and-ln sun3 paymc l)ooks co s lo ^ that an underwriter i

profits- risk.;-- - , ..........R cgularclalm sarcpaid fr

erabic Lloyd's- maintains In vario mem* damDCn'tliC eftcct of currt

m tion "iludson Mi{d~tlio U.S. trustn •■Mos t ' ■ ta ln s - t l 6 -blllhMh—n ^ t —o

govcmmcni securities.........mBcra------- :'W e'r« railiftr -WhsldCnllllonof debt.” he smiles. ■

i \ ^

K 1 1 . . ,


d estimc----------------- havlng-la^ish-parties-tlKnun- afford: Sl.OOO. .oftt*' Rlrthriny pnrtl»»<; ynii

ase: childrenthut youcan't affCollect tcleiihune calls

d hy camp, school or gas stalway, lo find out why kid:

ilron collect In Ihrec weeks; S.*;.'g e l Unpaid tickets for illeg

to parents Iwcausc car jjiflg ■ Iheir namciS780.

-F inesfo rlib ra rybook i —Cos{ of hlri;ig somci

liKl'l ' ....bccblisc clilldrcn don't h:i t :S 3 .m

ives. -Football, baseball, 1it a (now Iwlh male and femal niiiil -N e w clothes for Barh

SfSOO.ll lo Gas and oil used for ca rSlOO r und athlctic acllvities: ?ays pt>cted to go higlier),

' —Reconls arid tapes IIdieirthcydon'town:M .7ll

are -V is its to hospltul etn

i c y ’s d o <ji-will----- ironically, for exactly-wllid :in '------ w cre'hoptnfr=*lcgallintlogilt III parly. For the military had Itl tlif never agree to such a move

When .Suarez did legall riglils riglitlsts went lo work on -ylnlii minislor resigned aijjpIIj.------ rumblings In the army. A

leader reoortodlv n s k ^ vi l^,jli^, whether they would coopci ust a s ’ I't-’cordlngto Ihis rept•Tivli “ No." Tlic Francolsls ma

. • ■ Now the far-rlglill.sts arc ■sulls fo r .n n clecloral viclory i icks Dotnlhated Popular Alllani ullncii F ucria Nucva 1:leftisi expcctcdstrlkesanddem on lcfti.sl confrontations. Even today cflisls reports ol riglitist attacks 4 ik+lM " 'indo ilie rcsln lillslim cn lsr iiitaiy . '••'.“l.-U'e.F'uenn.NucvA: lillcnn "'lU* rTiemlKTs of the Po

clearly Indicated when----- ToverlreUrd'onc rlgTiHsTai

luni.sl ■ telephone wliy lhat violc ,- . .. -coordinating lls activUIcs'-n ken<K. ' llie political party'scam pali

--------- A dding-m orcfuerto lhcl> lilsii terrorism of ihe Basque I -,^|| natiomillstB who. a rc din \doifii autonomy in the face of bil ^ },js the military, who'fcur they 1 fd the ■ “ federalcd .Spain, In the la

violence r,ickcd the Basque i V iiiii> ■ TojAop all UicJilllftdlCtHl] 'pjJ,, far-rl^illsls calculate, the i

• V ____________ ______

T l f a y E t MJlSblci:for.itw(a7.'tiiIpB'j:.-j:r--’-ButJis:ii tspendcrs. . - ' olways coi1 a central fund tiial UiatUoyd' ly nel." uceonllng lo ' Hudson irmciil.m>, Um:rxire:oc---.-.---lmportant- ter has hot coveivd Ills ., Image, if i>.................. . ------- • ‘T T i^ rd from tru.sl funds llial barroom t irious co u n trk n t.- to w llllng l6 |

tsi fund currently con- “ Vou sob. t-« f-a lio rH c rm -U :S r— r a d e s ^ o j

■ '■ ■ llfe'w ortli!nIMe*liu1der"l>i' > ^ iu r “ a lm o sf 'c t

■ ' . . • romancc.*'

i B r ^ 3ng this morning

ate too i-theit^purrnls cnnH---------- $2.000.~

.. ' ■ , • -^Scho u glvft.fflr-ypiir nwn , , nf itnpd 1 afford: S2.<MH).. for girlsills frhm children al dance":stallon on llic-high' '■ , —Repi kids have tint c a ik ti from liq S.'i.wio.' unknowr

iiegal parking, .scnl what kin ;a r is registered in you hide

.................. Misceiwksoverdue: S150, sludybyimeune lo cul lawn pol busts t have " tim e" to do' Or sit^do’

energy11, hockoy unlfiirms property malcKSimo. Hons; pinrhle and Ken dolts: tickets y

sell: pac a r pools for sludcnt rcmcdla ?s: J3.000 <ond e x - ' conservi

P rof E'S that chll<lrcn will suspect-1.700, people,emergency nmms: . ®19T

o m p r e t- ttlint“ lh'e~Coniinuni.s1s have toacn tio rn jr tt^ a m m T m K i------ r n e g r ehad said that Ihey would do not. wai ovc. since IhisKalize the parly, the far carlos. to

on the m iiila ry .' Tin- loyjil havi (I and there were some F u rllicm . At-least one m liilarv" -ag rce 'to " rt vnupL'er flolH nffli-i-ni could brlri 3perale In trcuup .’ The '"p rcm lc i x-port.w asaa-suundlng plglillsl s may have played Ihelr purllomer

are yignrnusly paslilng.. ; explosion )ry by the Friincoist- o rder the lancc. Bul win or nut. .-Nii'cva. a Is slated to lum Ihe y\n(j to nonslralipns Into hirtody* prcmicr'l; day, there a rc frequent • leaders lli kaon leflisl IxKik shniis ,cicctlon .j «• required I•VA:ls cooperiit}ng-fuHy--^t—U ie -Popular Alliance was presumab

m _lhix_corrvi>punduit-^lntertere i ask anolher over the Sccretai

iolenl I group ' was liol reccnt vis »'-more cffcclively wiUi. . (j,e King t

m ll l la rv nhc flnmcs'woutd lK! Iht'— m llltnry 'l uc and o ther ix'glonal ' mixing I di'm anding provincial -precisely

r b itter oprmslllon from ' keeping Iiiy w iiind I(i.* '0ifnlf0l7i( "Tm H inioin 'ii c lasl wtK-k. Strikes and • tfc tou tofl IOC c o u n lry , ..T tic ro '?tllni? tinrt flls»rff(*r. Hh* o ^he rtillltary will finally ' jjJig ,

, ' could bc a

. ' . • - Qs — K

d d t t i e s ^!;»ilh:most^oMilsJ-lnR‘rvlews.-the talk-; »m cs hark to the ‘•cl'uckpol" policies^d'sobiiglngly wril.«‘- ; . 'n smiles tolerantly, knowing Jast how

fiwUlslwllomilne.rrdtklwt'li»suranv,c'1s ahvays,.'JlJtc‘.a I txl.. You can always'fi'^tl t^embcr- 0 give you a rate. And vi'c usuiillyiwln'." :.

lc. lijcre .ls soiticlMni! » h lc i, ,)illi |i tr . loyd'sr^DTtrcilirng witicii ncips maKV ill living in aWbrtd frorii which 11 hus completely lllsappcured; .It'ii cdlli^

f. '■'

g i2 |« m

' ^ 1


, ■. . >

lowhool prom tlckcts. as well a s rental pdns far Iwys piirfhnsfi.nf-rirrs.sfs— 'Is and m oncylo '*go out a fle r the ’:S6«0.rplucement of wine and booze sfblen Iquor cabincl or closct by persons wn: S1.500 16 SS.OOO. depending on cind of wine you keep and. how'wcll Jc the key to cabincl o r closct.:eilaneous ltem.s nol covercd in the by Prof. Espcnshade: legal fees for sts and arrest for disorderly c ^ d u c t JoWnyto'proiesl buildFng o'f nuclear f planis; damage -to ncig lilu r's *ty done by your chlldrcn: abor* purchase of church or school.rafflc > your children have bc pn unable to panrci post packages; ski trips: llal reading; Christmas. To bo on Ihe -vativc side, we'll put down $8,780.’ Espcnsliode did a good Job. but I :t he Just didn't talk lo th c 'rig lil

BT/.LoaApgeteiTtiMisSybcUcata ^

d i e t e ducT ____J_______ ___rc«t m ajorlfyof m in iy y lco d i'rs clearly /ant a coup, say experts here, espcclolly lis would be an acl against King Juan to whom Ihey arc. loyal. And Ihc mosl ^ve been appointed to the key positions, more, few middle-grade officers may o ioIn 'Jri'a^w iiprB ut m nsslveHlM nfcf

Icr Suarez, apparently nwaro of the stralegy. hus decided tu run a s a

lentary candidate closely allied with Ihc -parHcrm alnly-to^oratalHuaHiuctM in m involving riglil nnd left. He mny nlso IC police lo crack-down hard on Fuerza

lo guard further agaiasl a coup, tho r'Is believed trying lo pfirsuade military lhat Spain sliould Join NATO afle r the

...sincc_ns_n.mcmbcr..Spain would-be J lo maintain a democratic government, -s a m e —time,— the-^tnlHUiry-would

able Iw too bu.sy with NATO affairs lo

tary of Stale Cyrus Vance, during his visit to Madrid, Is',thouglit to have ^ v en l> and-Suarcz some strong ccomimle and- r arguments to use os ammunition. Tlic r l s r a t l i e r ^ a r y o f Joining- NATO-and

in the affairs of o |her' countries, iy bccauso il waknls>to concentrate on ! the orovlficcs tiKlitly unified and ning order a t home should things really ifhand. \%’s about a SO-50 chance of Spain joining^onedlplomBlliere-inaicnled:------------- --K country, docs, such action. It Is fell, ■ 0 fatal blow lo the'riglitlsl consplrotora,

Page 5: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

[ M o iMADRID. Spain (UPII -

Vice-President WaKor Mon­dale me( with Prem ier Adolfo Suarez (oday nt.(hc start.of a . one-day visit lo lend U.S: support to Spain’s move toward democracy. Stiortly

V '

S a u d is— ^ ------B E IR U T rteb an o n H U P li^^

- Saudi Arabian on Minister A ll-- med Zakl Vamani says lils . (gantry is sticking to Its dcclslon to keep oil p riccs" down contrary to reports it w as near a compromise with' fellow oil producers.

“ Saudi Arabia h as not a ltered lls pulllon on tlic c u r r c n t p r ic e s y s te m .” Y am ani said Monday.

T he powerful oli m inister spoks i t o - r ^ r t e r s - l n Abu Dhabi, wfiere he met with his

.. oil .ally. Sheikh Zaycd ben Sultan al Nahyan, leader ofthe

‘T w o - w i' • BRUSSELS. Belgium .t UPH

— Defense Secretary Harold Brown (old NATO defense m inisters loday lhat Prcsldcnl C arter's proposals to improve the alliance's effectiveness w ere ndt empty words. •

NATO sourecs said Brown, who q » k e at the beginning of a - two-day meeting, lold his collcnKues In Uic 15-nation a lT T anci“ t n a t CWrCT-5~

' proposals arose from h i s . conviction thst Uic alliance urgentty needs a new impetus.

Y o u n gMAPUTO. M ozam bique

( U P D -U .N . A m bassador A n ^ w Young says a' “ sup­portive" Amertean role in

. .. resolving the racial conflicts o f. sbuUicm Africa probably will be accepted despite the op* posltlonof natlonailsl guerrilla leaders. ) ' '■

Y oung a rr iv e d in th e MozamMcan capital from

' Lisbon late Monday tp attend a------------ weck^lonffU.N.*confcroflceon-------------R h o d o s la - jh d —south—west-

Afrlca, which the United N allons-calis Zimbabwe and Namibia respectively. ■' T h e o u tsp o k e n b la c k

-----RBoaesiaiiro v e r h o r d e d

*--------------- SXLISUORV. ■Kh'ddesIF(UPI) - Rhodesia has sent troops'. Inlo Botswana In pur­su it o f black nationailsf

r:rrlllas and warned Zambia will nU4ck guerrtlia bases there if Zambia-based In*

-------- — BurBcnir-strllce “ h c r o s r ' Uieborder.

- - ---------- Some 50-wbllciroopa.lod,by:biack trackers,8llccd,iLJDll& and a half inlo Botswana Monday ond clashed briclly

' wlUi Botswana regulars before_______ relum ing lwo liours lotcr.Jlie

im lllU iry command said.- - •...... --ip iT ti'c—troops-CC038C(l_. (he

■ Botswaiu bonder In search b'l so m e , 10 g u e rr il la s - who

_ ''am bushed-and_^ ,m u^rcd" fo u r Rhb'desian 'c iv ilian 's Sunday night. It uiid.

~ 7 N e w 9 t i p s

" 7 3 3 -0 9 3 1

n d a l e , Sbefore he arrived, a bomb exploded nl Uie U.S.'Cullural

> ■ Center In Madrid.I. _ Tlip bomb did considerable

dam age lo tiie downtown ! ' facility. Injuring one person ' . slightly. Mondale had no

8 stick to o-^Unlted-AralTEtninitcs.' ' '— - - -S a u d i-A ra b la - - a n d - the . Em irates split with the other

11 m e m b e r s o f t h e _ O r'^nlzaildn o f Peiroleum

■ E x porting C ountries lasl December.

Tlie 11 "hardliners." led by Iran and Iraq, voted a 10 per cent hike for Uie flrsl half o t . 1076 ond another S per ccnl lo go into effect July I. But Saudi

. A rabia ' and the- E m irates buckcdUicisajDrily. VQU'iosto raise'prices np more than 5 pcr cent for Uie entire year. . .

The aultioritatlvc Middle

a y ’ JN A T OI . Brown went' on Id give l'^ . details of" liow a "two-way ! . street'* of orm s development.I manufacture and sales could t ■ be expanded In the interests of i efficiency and lower cosls.

Brown eariier signed an order that would enable the .Air

I— F orce and N avy to buy } m ilita ry technology trom J Britain. Tlte first trulls of this J— Would b c 5 a tc s 'l )y ^ n tn tn " o t- i . electronic ^equipment for alr- s lo-alr missiles.

^outlines 1!5 . dlnlomat Mid he would al- r tem pt to avoid ointront.ations

wllh nationalist leaders, who [1 earlier M onday’ called tor t.'- .s tep p e d -u p ., w a r a g a in s l 1 ' Rhodesia and SbuUiAfrrca and. t* • ’ voiced opposilioh to any 1 American Involvement.

•‘W hen t h e r e I s un- c . :d e rs tan d ln g of the w ay th e 1 U.S. pe rc e iv e s Ks ro le a s a e ssen tia lly a su p p o r tiv e role, a n b a c k g ro u n d T O le -rrT th c n (h a (-t------role-when properiy-undcrslood-i wlU probably be accep(ed." j Youngsoidupdnarriva!. '

“ I (hlnk some ot the thingsk '

S p a n i s l ilb . commentonlheblast. al TJic vice president said bn

arrival. “ I wisli to soy on le . behalf of the President and (hc m American people lhat wc arc )n Uiriilcd and excUed by the 10

o il p l a nE ast economic Survey sa(d

0 last week the l l producers had r decided to forego Uie 5 per cenlc___ lilke, scheduled, tor. July, ann apparent concession to Saudi it Arabia's policy ot moderation.

This triggered speculation y that Saudi Arabia m ay have

opened Uie door sliglitty to a i t . possible compromise solution 10 : — rolslng lls priccs to 8 pet dl cenl and Uicreby narrowlnj » the gap-betw een the rival lo . producers.ioonJy^pcrcent.: r But Yamani squelched (hh

. . bysay IngU icm at(e r“ wasnoi Ic the ^subject of discussior


) p l a n .se t'e NATO sourees sald^lie new ly chairm an ol Uie aiiiance^ t. m llU ary com m ittee. Gen. !d Herman P.,Zelner Gundorsen )f of N orw ay, w a rn ed lhe

m in is te rs - th a t the arm e in buildup by Ihe Soviet Union !r and Its allies m ade it essential ly that new decisions be'm adc by Tl the Western allies.Is . Zelner Gunderscn said lhal3t------in i ic ^ c s tV d e te n S c s " werer- , ncglcctcd. detente also woulc


1 U S r o lell- c o m in g fro m t h i s a d ns ministration will be vlewcd-aj Iio helpful."hesald. or Young, who Iravels to nelgli s t boring South A frica (hh nd. weciccnd. ' said Uie C artel i y adm inistralion was trying

“very desperately" lo respqni n- lo ttie expectations of Africai he nations.as " In .th e renl sense. Afrlcai • n Interests and U.S. In lereslsan lot— n o l-m -c o n n ic t- i r 's o u th e n od— Africa. We-will-all-proflt-bj I-" m ajority rule and by ai

peacefu l a tr a n s i t io n -a : Igs possible."

^ % e e n jFrestilfcw S

Pantsuits - for summer ^

U g b tw © ig h t-i^ n d r3 ~ = = 5 ! p lQ ce.shortsloove , J sty les in b right spring . . Q colors. ' I

i i t i i - r i c ih a » s in u ta

h c h i e f rd e v e l o p m e n t s to w a r d

bn democracy In (Spainl. Your on counlry has demonstrated to

(hc (he world (ha( (he forces of n rc • democracy ore no(- on (he (hc dccllneBulontheotfensive."

Shortly after. Air Foree II touched down, Monddle. was whlskcdptf (o Moncloa Paloce tor” a " m « tln g wKh Suarez, whom the vice president eh- "

. lertalned during his recent

_______ ^You.and.tlje_Pi:esldent.goi.along very weU." Mondale told S unrezr rHcrrlirg~^lo~~thc~ Spanlsti p rem ier's W asliin^on

--------- vlsllH-^'He—apoke-how —lm -pressed hc wOs by you."

Mondale. is scheduled lo meet with King Juan Carlos this- evenlng-before-flying-le-

' Vienna for talks wilh South 1®“ “ 'African P rim e Minlslcf-Jblm-

anludl ________ _____________on. I ■ , 'lionave0 a tion per *flng •Ival I-Ihis :1 n o t . ... . .

tlewiirs -------------------- ^ -— r:—len .'sen f ■th ermsilonitialJ by • - ...................... ................

Push this

ould. Press for

cash Adv yourMta account.

ad- .d*as

PushlHlilh l s , ._ ,_____ ___________foraquUrtc r noqtteslM enndlean

Icaii • . . io r e . .

paymeni• a s MaatorC

loans, or

^ mm3 " ' . “ “ ^ ' | B9 3 = - HC O "

F alls’ . a tj b m i . _ . ■ •

, {'

c e n t e r

J t o m b e d

niW lf!l~AT. ■♦■fwta a tnlnriralitite CD tb s srouDd ftoor ol I b e UnttKl SUitM iB fo n u tk a

. . S«Tte« buOdtng ia tU drid after a boinl) b M t b m today.

- ; pcUcearelmfeetigaUBg. (U tt)

t n e e ti VorsterTIiursday and Friday, r Wlille In Lisbon Monday. 3 Mondale praised. Portugal's f progress toward democracy ? ■ a n d ' ' recGlved ' assurances

lhat Portugal would not try lo I forcc Uie United Slates to Willi­s ' . , draw from a key Air ForceJ___ hn.«;g on thg A tnres Islnnds.

. The United S ta tes ' also maintains key Air Foree.and'

‘ Navy bases In Spoln' uUliougli AnTerfcjarfWDClehviJiibmarinus"

(— arc.uDdcr-treaty.obllgatlon-to.J___^vacate »ic_naval bate .at_Rot a_: hy'.Tiiiy f g r q '- -------' ......-Mondale told. rcporters' on- — the-fllgiit-to -M adrtd 'lho t-hc

knew of no m ajor poinis of > con(en(ion between (he UnKcd Slates and Spoln ond.thal (hc

» to bolster King Juon C orlo^ move toword democracy.

B a n

V u i i T i

_ : . ; _ i (orpush-bi

la button 'lah without H B H i c h K k . _ _ _ . _ a H .CHECI

B M ACCO )rlnal«nt R H I v m bIvancafrom latar Charge

H cheL iACCC

lls button iicK loan, withtllonsaakad. n O H

■ 1 CHEC

■ ■ 'SAVI

Ch*rae, ln a ta lm en t"^^^H r n i }rmodg«ga CHEC

bu tt(■HH’ youf

HowJ u s tse n c



B o m b iMADRID. Spain (UPI) T .A

bomb wreckcd part of tiic U.S._____Cultural- C cnler.-tn-.M ndrid-

' early today, only hours before Vice President Walter Mon--

— uiiiu n iiivn i un an Ullll'iui visit.

___ jT h e porter oj lhe building------was cut by-riying.glass„Tiicrc:J

were no other Injuries.Tlie bomb squad ol Spunish

-- . .sccu rity_ :-po llce—'W as-.ln-...____ vcstigatlng Uie blasU bcllevcd-

^ to have been causcd by a of ' ■

| - R a s q i i fM.MRID. Spain lUPlI -

Most Bok|ub workers lodoy , l<c«dcd a plea by (heir labor

unions and returned lo work,. ending a strike nnd series ot protests thot sparked five days of polilical violence.

------ However, on olmost (oinlstrlkfc continued in the in-

— r—dustrla l-b e lt-o f-lh c -c lly -o f-rPamplona where workers said they would not return lo the Job

\ m......... : a n

» T o m o f o e s ,

P e t u n i a s , I ^ ----------V e r 4 ) e r u a &to— --------All:growirrigh

- M o s t l y f r o m T T

W E S ]as— . . . . T . . - .

is]___ ___________ _____________ _

p k n i l f cE L L E Rt e l l s a l lluttonbaiikiii!

C % Q S L - ChS iT— i -sJJOUNT M CARD I AC

~ 1 ~ Px J u N T ^ " A' . i ,



■ I ‘

> pencils, no paper, no withdraw tton, the Day and Night Teller d

it on ly is Bank of Idaho 's Doy and u r b onking , b u t it’s o p en from 7 :00 nker«.hour« 't'. . ..........

)w to move your account to Bar s t call a-nearby Bank of Idaho I nd you the necessary forma am H fyou-preferrstopin-atany^a ik-the-New-AccountS'Representi icount and we’ll do the rest.

B V T I DAS 5 / - T E lDNSI22IAdi

w re c k s USS powerful plastic expl'oaivo, . >• There ^was ho known con- d — nectlon-betwecn-tiic bombing— c and Mondale’S-visit. ^ y . The_b»>»>»n a sou drtnk vending' muchine ’

In a classroom section, on Uic[g___ground^ n o o r of the modem

— building -liiot- 'h o u ses ' tho - Center. - '

ih “ It must havd been cnor- a-.— m ously -p o w erfu l." -U.S. id— A mbassador - Wclls - Stabler a §nlda_s he viewed the damage,

£SJCetUI31:.t___ u n ti l : ' p o liQ c _ .rc lc tis (L a i. .

^y dem onslrotors a rrested in or recent disturbances. Workers^ ....... at H im m berot Bilbao factories*>f aiso rem ained on' strike, ys Tho roglon> main labor ' ~ unions Monday nigtil appealed nl In (hc workers (o end the work n- - stoppage and protests t ^ a u s e of. iinr«» t nnd vln1f»ni'PId could jeopardize Spain's first sb tree elections in 41 vcar-'

iiiN byE G E T A B lE P L ;s. P eppers, I , Im patien ts , C s j M i c t o t h e r s T -gh i h e re fo r local p esp io

izzr$:|r i s i ^

M R N N i l J5 4 0 FILER AVE.

G l u t s '

i ..I !ng expiained]


TO . .SAVINGS PushACCOUNT -p rinto


CHECKING 8 ^ 1 ^ “ISE siu .-Ba a M K i^ wiihc




rawal slips, no deposit slips. Yi j r does the rest.

ma'NIght T eller o fosiorrwjslorv :00 o.m. to midnight, 7 doya o wo

Bank of Idaho.10 branch and we'll, do.ail the p and open your account by mail-Bank-oMdaho-branch-and-----jntativeto-assfst-you-ln-openln

L-y a n d N I G HI t t E R — — -

I d i s q n '^ i l

. . TueBday-. May 17.1077

S o ff ic e s “f J-Tlio bomb devastated' ah" ' f ®

— blow lng-a ' hole ~ tw o-fee i-ln^ ^ diameter in Uie 10-lnch-Uilck

collapsf^ walla, loro down^:* ,'V parts ot the celling and ahat>'-<‘ -

I tcred windows,. - . • 'I - . The o S f o f f r d l r o c lo r ^ ^ iH i— - , Marvllle', said U^ dkmagedlMl .■ area housed classrooms a n d a - - . '

lounge for teachers. Tlie f i lm " •V llb 'raryalsow asdam aged..' , - - '

toui^orit=^=J ____ .T he_opi»pi_cara£ jU ec_ai,-.^ .n least 500.000 Basques walked* - s , off Uielr jobs Monday td'J :s p r o t e s t a l le g e d p o l ic e .V. brutolKy. Tlic strike pnral>-zed‘' . ir most, parts ot. the hlglily^ln....--: d duslriaiired northern region' k and led to now claslies wlth', . X police.:e____.Five civilians hnvp dl«?d nnrf'.s t s c o r e s ot persons have b « n - ' : r-^ ' In ju ry since T liu i^dy

i mANTSEgg Plant, 1

Geranium s, .

e and lotol fa lto ’T;

5 ^ ^ * - p o r d t S i n — —

■; ''(l!

' 1 / : ii;».

, • -1 :• •


| ) F - — t i

i h . . . and withdraw • 'hIromaavlnBStou t* withdrawal------------------------:-------1I. '*

ih ...an d g 8 ta " •Ited receipt ' lantly. .

Bh button transfers, . ..rhoui papeiwofk. And you ;n'tiiave to remember , T jnr account numbera. ■

You press the ;!

-woy-h:rdoHiio*»-cl------------------A— ■/eek . How’s tho t for ____; |

j)apenwork. We’l t I


^ I s

Times-Newi, Twin F»1I», tdtlio.; iS

Page 6: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

SCiVV ' *' •- * ' ' 'f ;■ ■nmes-Nows. Twin FaUs. td

v|- - E lv is.P resley 's t7'[ ' ■ 'M EM Ptns. Tenii. l UPli — T l . trust deed giving Ills forincr w I ' GrBCclandMuiisIoiiuslicuca^ 'r '. M tt lc in e ii t. ' ' f V em on Pi-cslcy. tlic.siiiK or

J j '1 tt‘09 InkfiJ to m eel cbUutcrnI • and P re s le y Ims no in te n llo n 01

■<vWc‘d pay 11 off rlglit now if v l ‘ P re s le y . -12. w as d ivo rced fi a--------- l97i^{ter-a41ve4^oa>Mnnn4ag«

^ ~Bep. P o a g e allliI,’ ' :W ASHIfJCTON(UPI)-V- 4* tlie House's oldest member nr

i ! : . term s of scrvice. is undcrgoln 3 P ‘'~ undefg6surgc'ryllils\i-ieel('at I jlj’. ;' . iPoage. 77. is vicc chairmai

mittee. In terms of scrviccJic r Malion. D-Tex.. who cam c to ( ■'T o(^’oag'e.- i ' iPoiigc'scnlryintothcliospIl )' I ' failed to a ttends committcc m

j oQiolbus farm bill \«-|iich liclini

fc :-----B ro o k e s s e t t le^ • "CAMBRIDGE. Mass. (UPI

" ' V'Mara.. and bis wife of 30 yci ; <Jlvorcc’ setlicm enl. Monday . j

< bblngly testified about allege Mrs. Brooke.,59; continually

j r / ; ' EjtMkc.” testified tlic senator < food and liouseliold expenses :

- second-hand clottics. .,;‘4 vBrooke was not present du:p!' d iun ty Probate Court ^ t wo

.reochednnagrecm cnt. - i r I f . Under the setlicmenl. to bo (

“ -"rece ives tltle to the couple’s V P " - -

• ijliflonv.

P 'r D isap p o in ted rd^ , •. TMAYEN. West Germany (I ^ I \ ' pointed after breaking into a

ding money a t gunpoint from tl '? » i; • ' • ••■‘I'n) not interesied In sma

' ■' !man. who turned aroiwd anc ' ■' ibehind >625 In small cljancb.

f i - - - ' ' '

----------- e s w p n v n -----------n ' . . ‘ O u a — Brady Bunoh

O cUTv O kTVx O o i L l > 0 ~ N « w «

; o - h m k iws a . - . - . i O w n . ® - H * a l t h w l » -Tg . ; fi KTva -> E nw rgcnoy On*4.H O Kuco — Zoom

j (D xO oodT ln iM ^

1* 6 :3 0 P.M,O w — Odd Coupl# r

r . ’O (UTV — Adam-12 !; O u iO 'C D — MaoNalt-

----------- ^ ^ w - R a p t ------- --------------;■>. , O i:tv)( — Concantratlon

O — u r a Maka A Daal : • O — M y T h rM S o n a ; • O w i o — One* U pon A

. ' ’ ClaaaloO — Prica la RIotit

__ ;____ M«_nLT»1aLMoora_

;• 7K )op.m . ' r ; P « B o O -Q o o d T Im aa i?^ 0 < u rv OtTvB ' O —

MOVIE: 'Pina' Canyon la ' Burning*

C 9 -M O V IE :-R a d 'A la rr ■ ' O MJO ® — Anyone For

fl> '’'~A ?chIa

: » r _ 7 :3 0 P.M.. '• . O KTvxO (D Lavama

f c S S 'K S '^ M a c N e l t L«hr«

: " J ; ' • '8 r t)0 P.M.J. • ® « a — M*A*S*H

® , 0 - K o j a k fe : A 0icivj( - 0 ID - RIcl ? . - Mw t Poor Man Book 1

r - ' B w o = N ationaj;;-.--------o«>oi*pWe - 8p*«i» ' ...................

8 :3 0 P.M.. K." O o a — O n » P a y « a T lm «

•;9KX)-P.M . , • — g - a ' « . - k b ] a k ’: '•••*

hV . £ r.'-O w T V .. O n v B o >L ____ _ E _ |» o U o t.,8 td iy _ ____^ f l 0 --r M*A*S*H ThE l i - i iM dlng charactara .of th E ( ^ r* 4077th hdipiUl com* ur f l« l ' d a r th a ■erutiny o f ■ a tt t i l l jB ' tld ii talaviilon commwrta

i-ErP ■if;?~— T-y;— 0 'x » f f ; '0 i i i i t i r C D ~ ^ i i ^ 3 \ \ S M ie h ; .0 f :R m I Anwrioi

- r . . . i

i t i l l p a y i n g

- S in g e r Kl'yia Presley haa signed a wife u $SOO.UOO Hen on his sprawling cejonitca puymenls on lliclr divorce

.<r’s fullicr. suid Mondoy the uclloh nl rcqulrcmcnls for ttic scttlcment ' of giving up tlic mansion. _ if it como down to Itiut." hc said, from Frlticillu Beaulieu Presley In

t s g — -

Veteran Rep. W.R. Poagc. D-Tcx.. nnd ils secondrranklng Democrat In ing tests for a colon lesion and may*'tB e lh c s d a N u v a l H ospital. .............-lan of the House Agriculture Com*IC Is outranked only by Rep. George0 Congress in 1935. Iwo years ah ea^_

iltal w as disclosed Monday when he meet Ingcalled for a final vote on an ind played a m ajor rple In sliaplng.

^ C a g n e y

1 LOS ANGELES (UPI) - I A ctor Jam es Cagney will I recupcrate In California in I • '• ' stead of making his usual trip I to Ihc E ast Coast for the I ■ sum jncr when he Is released l - . - . - f r o m . G ood . S a m a r i t a n I r '. - H o s p l ta L -^ ccogding - lo —« m ' hospital spokesman.■ C a ^ e y . 77.'was hospllalizcdI ' i l ijavB ago riflor ^vlint_wacI described as a minor stroke. I — -Tlic flctor..best.known for.lils l ‘ gangflter-oml-3oiig>and‘dancc M.,....perJflrmnnccs.ln.‘he.ia3Q3 and I 1940s. will, probably remain I —«lH»pltolUed-tt-few-more-dny8.- I the hospital spokesman said.

P ll - Sen^^ Edward W. Brooke, 'ears. Remigla.'reachcd a tentative .at.a .hcaring .a fte r.M rs,.B rooke , gcd m istreatm ent by her mate, ly referring to her husband as “Mr. r did not give her cnougli money for s an^ ^ ld _ slic was forccd to wear

luring'llic testimony In Middlesex vas summoned la ter after lawyers

* (inalizcd Wednesday, Mrs. Brooke

b b b e r

(U Pn - The robber looked dlsap- a gas station Monday qnd deman- I the attendant.iali change." snorted Ihc masked nd lied In an automobile. He left

' T VTuesday

9 :3 0 P.M.O O — O na D ay a t ■T im a W hila trying to raacua h e r furn itu re from a ahady upho lsterer. Ann h a s her

— (Ira tencoun terw lthanover*I bearin g new neighbor. (Ra-

peai)O UIO B Kuco CD — B a n O f E m it K ovacs K o v ic t’ com edy material inc ludes

. . T h a G reat Subm ergo.’

^ 10KJO P.M.. ---------a j B Q . 0 . i u r v A _ 0 OVX-

O O O t r v t Q ( D -

O w > ID - rvatlonal ^ G M graphto Special

O t m — Nova

1 0 :3 0 P.M.------- O la o ------------------MOVtE:

'C olom bo: i)a g g e r O f Tha

'* B Kurv O nvB O I D —- - T o n lg h tS h o w .

* O — MOVIE: 'U ttla C otonar

- O t t v x O - M O V l E c T h * o r N ight Stranglw '

10i4S-P:M r ' O — Gunam oka

na . ^ 11K )0P.M .

r , , • • Faailval

_ 11:30 P.M.............B 'U E D — C a p tkK iadA B C Nawa

Ich ^ 11:45 P.M. O - T h a F . B . 1 .

n o r ; I ...... . MOVIEGUIOtF.OBfAMli.l£S..

a.. '•Ct'wji AMl«>un- r.im con

it,*!’"''" S»wmiM.-

•hV ’ nth a > . p . . . . I 1»un- «tta-------lt»- «■ n

Idaho . T uasday.M ay17.1977 . .



:e .

le ,in ■ ■ W^KaiMSMSSsmmmMM

O p twill

in-tripthese d ■

C h i

zed n e w YORK lU P l) v aH —chria tle ’sr^om ed-Britlsli-ni 'kc- auction house, moved Into tii lils__.Ncw.York market in a big wn ncc- F riday nigJ.t; but Its higlil

----- tMri>HclBc d -nal tf o f —Inaln p rc s s lo n ls t and M odcr ys-— pam tm ip- feii“ 5m in-or-(?!

pectations and left Christie' still No. 2. behind Sotlichy’s.

............. There, were 51 workTniTTcsale and Christie's estimate

.. the potential grofs a t $7 tnllllo /e ’ o r more. Bul only 2J work;e____ re a c h e d . reserve ..priccs,. an

sales Including lo per ccr r. commissions —rcached onl ir *4.172.000. One lot was witl if draw n.

S o th eb y P a rk c .B e rn e l X C hristie 's main compelito

here, totaled $5,031,000 for t ' lots in a May il sale of In

^ . p rcsslonlsts. Moderns an : sculptutti.

*^ v tS ’|^ t w ? p o w 'b ^ p ^ y S-N ew York collector for Vo

Gqgh’s “ La Fin dc la Joumc (d 'ap rcs M illet)'' and SGGO.oi:

>• . p a id by a P h liad c lp h l I- collector. Raymond Klein. f(

a l a r g e R e n o ir nud< d "Balgneuse Couchee." Boi rt w orks were consigned, froi

p rivate European sourccs.

_ _ — _ j 2 j o o t c m : —; a O KUTV O nv8Uf Tomorrowdy O n v x — Mod Squad'lar O Jarry Falwaltar- O — Nawst*- . ID — SIgn Off

Mt 1 2 :3 0 A^M.t t ' O - Nawa ^

- ■

. m y u i M

T K A T Y M S L FT Q Am k f m m m mATTHITUWaUt.............

• M N A t a H n iPtA tM

r t L - - -------------- A B L O N - arh , . Playl<.9W«L4.t.fer|;c

THETI7M .2000 7 U

tie , _ _

ha —


c I P l a n n o w f o r y o

i y e a r c l a > s . R p l l

I M a k e R o s e

" ■ I ' iI m


I^ - | - 7 3 3 - 8 1 0 » — TWIft

a B i | i r J '--ij

W m T tt. \

le n in g s a l e

tr is tie ’s m ove, _ •— airistle 'sliadostlm aied thai-n rt----- eo0h-9hould-rcnclHhc^5C:00(0 th e lo <1 m il lio n 'ra n g e a n d 'K lc ii ' w ay s a id lie w as su rp rised w hen hi: iglily $co6:ooo bid — plus'S<jo:oo - H u . .. .-i:dnim ia.slon.— w ns .sinTt»!4,5fiil d c r n 'H e sa id h c a n d h ls w ife h a d n ' ~cx^— cvcirthop^tTif-whCTC-ttHrani stlc’s l l ­’s . O th e r top p rice s rea liz ed , al i n o i ’— b y -p r lv u le -b id d c ra .- In c lu d e Kited ' S330.000 for P ica sso ’s ‘-Busi* lillon tie F e m m e ." S275.000 fo ,'ofks— P l s s a r r o ‘s — *L(T“ B o u lc v a n

01,(1 M o n tm artre ; T em p s d c P lu ie cen t A p re iM id i." iind S2(M;ooo fo' on ly D e g a s ' p a s te l . “ D an sc u se :

w ith- R u sses ;"T h e J a p a n e s e • d e a le r ;

n e t. U mcda paid S17G.OOO foi !litor - '•or 86 _

ri I n m a tenlflhl — -BOSTON, tlJE l), .-r . J w l« n |c '^ ‘ MosAictilisci Is prison Inmate V an '.'’ have*- b ib n '' in d ic te d ? ‘ fo

im ce allegediywrlHrtgathrcatenIn; OOOO 'c t l e r to .'ormcr P rcsider

Gerald R. Ford while hc was I f i - the Wliite House, the FBI says

*• TJie-FBI said Monday lii letter sen tio the Wiiite Hous callcd. Ford " a complct

from psychotic:’ and said For:----------- wnnlfl h r stiflt ill............November election wilh

nc.wly p u rc h a s e d sem i aulom alic plslol.


8 : 3 0 - 1 0 : 3 0

B e e r 2 S <

D r i n k s 5 0 '


D . n LflUNGE

H A R D JIA Y ?g t r n j O K a u a a o r n c E . . .

......... . . : . . 0 » t Y » S "n • t v W R r M a r f l n n c B .tUIMaTMUNKHIfl a j u m j u i w o -------------->r |o « r Ptabifl and panctog PlM*iir«.

r i i R F C L U BrS4 Falls Av*. Twin Foils

R i i i e i i i E '" ' " SjUTOIG PARTYy o i i r e n d o F ' t h e s c h o o l

o i l e r s k a t i n g p a r t y —

B s e r v a f l o n s . o a r l y .

P r l v d t f t p a r t i e s

M o n d a y f h r u T h u n d a y .

b y R « t « r v a t i o n O n l y — "

P h o n * P a t P o r r o t

SKATELANDV l h T d l l r — 2 X r W e ? T M ^

■ ■ I H i l M H a M l l H H H I

CHRISTIE’S, ttie LoiflM tha t b as bMO selling w f r b y e a n , opened its New Yor featuring sale of modern works from tbe Sydney. Bantow,-)BeveTly : OirlsUe’s cha innan Jobn A U ooem podium during o| (UPI)

e in to N Y mia t '* Braque's - ''Balgneuse AssI; 100— airBras-teve'^ndtm rO O O -fi ■in, O skar K okouhka 's “ Florea lis Ausblick vom Mannclii Tu100----- m 7’“ “— ............Ill........ ■■Ori<i..nf..„thff,, m ast, populin't p ictures In the sale. Manet ng" "“ Mmp; Mnrtln 'e h —Ghapei

Noir Gai;ni dc Roses." fctchi all a bid of S290.000. hul it wi

bouglit in a t th e reserve price iic* ' 'Tlic auctioneer was John < o r ••Joc" Floyd, chairman rd — Chrlstle'srwhogcit-througlj ll ie. 50 lots in less than a n hour. 1 ’dr ■' ■ missed one bid and turned ovi es ■ two pages In his calalogi

instead of one. but ctiierwi: r s had the bidding well und< or control. T licre w ere tv

;s ind ic tedw o... Tlie letter; was interccpli :ea: by ' t h e Secrci Scrv]c« .wl or*; cohtaclud tii'cTBrTn'Boslbn. ng An eight-count Indlctmc

handed up by a federal grai Ju ry in B oston charg t Micliael Crookcr. 24. ai Michael P . Whalen. 20. both Southwick. conspired threaten P resident Ford in

•lcttermailcdAug.31.197fi. ,


i i i u t - 2 ‘m

(C A raK K W D nifiS .ifln

n u L - i t s h s K m - .

A . D A I L Y D l N I\ 5 P . M .- 9 (


= T |




i r i i I____________ - '■

ton a r t aoctlon bouM t l of a r t fbr over 210 'ork galJeiy Blooday. rn impmsIo<ilst OQ of H r. and U rs . y HlUs. Calif., Here,1 A. Floyd m ans auc- opening days sales.

fiarketislse tclcpj.ionc bids from England.[Tfor-----Flayd-lnslstedninrrcsainienz: the sale was "nol dlsap Tur- pointing at all.’’

----- ;— "1 think the sole went well.'n'llnr . ■ )ip «mid. ' J HiQmug)ily onjpypi net's It. and wc u l d Uic two mos l>eau— expenalvepBlntlnffl’.-' ' . ■■ ched Cliristle’s new Americai was subsidiary. Christie. Manso

Icc.------ and Woods-lnternationol.-Ine,h A. ‘ has taken overthe sccond floo I of. of the old Delmonlco’s Hot< jlh c bulldingon Pork Avenue.- • -. He Guy Hannen. president c over C h r i s t i e ’ s -A m c r i c a oguc operations, said iKrisconfidcr wise tlie inaugural May 16-June 1 nder season ‘.'will achieve a sale two tulal In cxcess'of SIO million.

'Red I EvemWed.Nite,7pji..,1™'; (B oxers Sieiup How)

' DJ’s LOUNGET v .tn fo l l .



iratSpKblliiis......'.........*2 ”*— ............. l r o m * r »



7 3 » 0 7 1 0 / -


. J - .f . - 5 ' ■ , -1

S ^ - T e c h n i q i

^ SKOKIE. IIL (U!>li. - Burglors who took Sli2.r>iMi J ca!^i from a Skiikie himk :i] parently i)lso took :i U.':!) p<i'un

- s lw l Vliull i lm r w ill. Il.i'm I prev en t au th o ritie s froi Icurning the tectinique use<i I

355? cn terthevault.policesald. TAii _ E r m u n ; G . K ram jM

president of tlic F irst Naliuii; i ''I . Bank of Skokie, said M(Hid;j .. '„ J .po lice..believe...tw o.Jn fni ‘ persons’W ere Involved In tl / j then.

v d • " 'rhe.lhicvesknew w haltht ^ 4 1 were doing — prbfe^iimal 1 9 The w ere extremely lamllti

w ith a lo rm s; sa fe s ur

. used metal tabs lo ncutralli the -alarm-sysVcm's-conlrol

. Tlic syslcm. designed to dele body heat and sounds, wi

- directly conncclcd to tl .Skokie Police Department.

hivcstlgalor sa id. 11 3 |B metHoa of drilling Ihio . 11 T T !- vaiU listhc most Innovative I

has seen and expressed fciirs m igh t be ..used in - otiii burglaries.

^ I Police theorized tlieliui^gln took the six-inch thick vat .door wilh them lo prcvc. authorities and sccu rlly .c

. ' p e r ts from studying ll sophisllcated technique us< lo open the vault and dele

■ mining ways to combat tl

S t a m p s a d d e d

t o c o l l e c t i o n


a c h ie v e d e v e r y - s ta f r■ colleclor’.s . dream hist we<

when hc bouglit a slicct .of IIsap. n-penny stamps with p<

forations-.m lssing—off—tl cil.” • bottom two rows of 20 stamps

-------- Tlw4mp8>4o«t alawpti. wumost immediately snapped up I------------ pW latcltst^lan (iranlrtM:—leannson ______________;___________

"“ '• n i ' .T = . N e w s l i p s- j ® ^ ^ - 7 3 3 - 0 9 3

It Of *------------------------------------- —

sales . .

; ■ i l ^ n

I f J f ■ i

■>E■ a 1 il

I l

f I M

rI___ WE^■ o o m r ^

f F I.. ..

I ® ? ?

i u e ^ i i £ f f d e < t

— . m ethod . : , . .I Jn- K ram er said autiiorlllcs iip;.. J^'*l‘iyelJi(.Lburglai5iliji(|j und help in the wecl(cn<j theft, lie 1 l„ aa id l!«l i ic ra in s worU l.l lli(. Tmi DiuiK anu Ilic> Hi plans to give il to polygi-apii tests, (n :s i^ m - ■

ployes. . . . . .!L!!' • . -

:i>ey.M M

IHar I A IM t M ; < H JCkltJOI *

:ler> Im ' s J m 3 ? S R ^ o S m 5 » th e S S K V E R


and.man— lw i i l i i i 8 l l i H M B I O W i ^ r - ^im p I THE J j M p iy e o k ~ lr 100 r s p c ^ V t l l l N H K P< r- I i ta - CRIXX)RY'PCCX:-^Eo 9 ■thn—V^.. ' ' U E R S M X X iv H nps.

= 1 M A 0 O N 7 D S H

3 .


HL HyGKSii 9l

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I n t h e e

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K E IT E L :

f e z ^J :

! T % v N a i s Q a B -

Page 7: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

---------- ^ ; : L . I d a h p - , — - -

________ — :— ■~ .— O ' «• ; - ' r ' ' « * f -r . '

ZnW': M«.Mta.Fcp. ABerdcen 49 33 T eBoise -. - . - . . '..5 7 38 Ir..

:— — Buhl... ______ M _37_____

. ?&■ f i?- Castleford ' ‘ 'SS" 38 tr:

—w FalMlcld 55 30Gooding SS 35GnuiSevllle . . . 44 . 35. .Gl Hagermon ' 58 39 • Homedale se 38IdahoFalls 47 39' .29 Jorome 57 36 tr.

-----------K liraw iv------------- 53~38--------~ Kuwr -------------- W ■32“ .or-

Le\(rl8lon S3 45 tr.'■ ------ M ceall---------- •— 41-32--.01

P a j ^ ■ 57 30 ' Pocatello 49 38 .41Prw lon 50 32- .45Rupert 53 38Salmon 59SodaSprlngs- 50 32 .12 Wendell . 58 38WesrVcllowstone 48 37 .33

M o is t waUt, Northtfale, Buriey-

R t f ^ a r e a :M bsdy c loudy (hrough

W ieilnc^y. winds decreasing ' somewhat (onlght but in*

creasing again Wednesday. C h a n c e o f ■ m e a s u r a b le

■ -pn?^fallfltlonlbw erlngto20 per f c'enT" by.~Weanes¥by. ■li)w ' %- tem peratures toniglit near 35. •

— hlghs.Wedne»iay50'55:------------ -Thursday's outlook calls for .

' ' llttlie' change. Spraying and dusllfl^'coridlirons w llP ib e --

. ^ ^ c ^ l y p oo r tliro u g ti__

:___ _ _ Ib i^ ^ jC la m ii.£ n ld e ,,> iw e c - ,

CmCINNATI (UPI) - l a s t y ear*8~ m u g B ~ ~ b n n y tio o ed - p i^ lden tla l campaign debates


sUi^eyed- 1 WASHINGTON (UPI) A

^ut;Vey co n d u c ted .. f o r . a 'pro-saecliarin group soys thepublic ls"‘gcltlng tired of tlio,

‘O iey'U te I s 'b a d for Uieir__ JiealUi.” ......................................

TTfie Cplorie Conlrol Council. (raSG group for diet tood and

'■> 'drink m akers, hired the - research division ot Hill and

' .fcnowlton Inc.. . a public ;^lalions firm, to test public • l^ n tl^ e n t on Uie p ro p o s i ban on sBprtinrln '51 Thd^prii 21'May 1 telephone ^ r y e y ot G58 adults 18 througli ;M sliowed ”69 pcr cent said ■tiiey were gettlpg tired ot the !iovcrhmcnt saying everyUilng jttiey ate Is bad tor Uiclr heoiUi.”.. B u t-82 per ccnt toei the government acted correcUy In

. trying to protect cUltens (rom healUi hazards ond 84 per ccnt also’ said the “ government m uit pr6lect citizens from big

______ business interests.”Plndingsiilsoincludcd:

' . — 32 pcr ccnl believe sac- 9fiarfn is safe and SC per ccnt believe saccharin safe when

, takSn " in ' moderation with

~ 7S per cent believe Uie government Is inconsistent to j: oppose saccharin as a tood^ additive but permit it os an over-lhe<ounlerdrug.■ — 67 pcr ccnl do not believe •

saccharin U ireatens the ir___ heo|U?.j.. . ______J

— 80 per cenl. feel the---------- gtU6cnuDcnt_acled_bctorc it

lu<d;xnougli evidence on sac- c l|a /ln ' and 84 pcr ccnt tell more rcMarch sliould have '

______ baMdone. ■ _______ ___

f l o r r e c t i o n "

" HAGERM AN-The starting salaiv in the Hagerman School' D istrict Is $9,095. instead ot

— — »|5ora5-|ncc»TecUyT«portcd“ InTucsday’sTlmcs-News.

------------ rStiprKen'B lack-sald he hfls“received several calls from

'so h o o l offic ia ls in o th e f ' d istricts asking why Hager- .lean's base salary was so high.

f B y i ^ P n e e l i r t e n t t ^ 'Flimsoil Hoe Is

pilnteid on Uie hull of a ship to ' ..Todlcate U>e .wate r level to

/ ’w H clH lm ayle^yT joT oa 'ded" ;.w^;^argo.

____ _____^N.A TI0NA L-W EA I3 0 .2 4 .

i '

FRAHO8C0 / t

L08AN0ELE6 7 ^

I-------- -------- lOWISTTIMMKATUII

nstable ailW oodRiveryiUey:

Considerab le . cloudiness toniglit Uirougli Wednesday and continued windy. Higli temperatures Wednesday 45-50 and overniglit lows 2S-3U tonight. : , ,

Thursday's outlook calls for■■ lilUechange. .-------------—- Sjnoficls: - ........................------ C old-m olst—unstable—air—

conUnues to flow across Idaho. Tlicse conditions a re being

l - c a u s e d ib y a s loW ^oving .—

over norUiem Nevada. Tlie lowU <»niiglpg t |i»fli/y cnn tu tfn r.

^ □ c l e f c M ebetween Jim m y Carter and

— Gcrflld~Pord-dId-not-really— accomplish their purpose, a researcher who has b e e n . studying the debates reported today. •

In fact. University of Cln- ' c in n a i l , p o l i t l c a l 'S b c l a l -. psychologic George . '

.s a id h e ■. q u e s t io n s 'Ahe • usefulbbso<iutUFe<feiiatc&

"ID e big 'questton 'ts did Inst ypnr*ff B^?!mleg ncfompll*^ tbelr suited purpose of In*' creasing ib e kiuv^edge of voters,”, he said. “The answer I found ts tbey dld-for som e- people, txit unfortunately not for the average voter — tbe

, majority who really needed knowiedee.

“The knowledge-rich voter . got_r|clier.. but_he.probably...

would have become more biformed even If Uiere hadn’t

' been debates. Meanwhile, the- knowlcdgc-jjpor. v o te r-^ in e d - -

W e \ p ro m ise

e v e ry th ii g e t y o u r 0

7 J u s t^ ^ c a n d e

■ ■ B e r^

1— —

\ i ' . . ■■

•AlMER-SIBVICE-fOBECAST-fo ; . ^ 3 0 . 0 0

J O E N V E r T ^ ^ - / T / \ J ^

M / / DALLAS . U ' ■ Y t j

V r A*®"'-' t u y , ,

♦■.re ■ ^

Ir flows ovnings for the Taiioc B o ^ and '

‘ traveler’s advisories tor tlic ’ m o u n ta in s fo r n o rth e rn 1 .Nevada loday. II is expectcd lo I move ihlbU lali by toniglit. Ini I the meonUmc. continued cold

and windy Is the forecast over - the Magic Vulley loday.

-------- DowTBm peratnrcrwiinirop-, into the 30s again lonlglil In


— Yesterday-— -----------55 -38-Lasl Year. .._____ 67 39

Solltem ^r - 58 -13

e s l s a i f l jveryru tiebyuiedcbatcs;"

--------Blshop’s-study-is-bascd-on-interviews wiUi 480 persons before, during and after Uie

! televised debates..The Interviews, ^ i c h In­

volved questions ' aimed at 1 m easuring Uie Impact ot Uie > .d d » te s . -to td him Uiat beU I — tereducated. -and-ypoliticolly*

'l o K o l^ ’-P fm n s 'ta id ed to be'.I Uie m ost ''frequent debate'I watehers and Umt Uiey gol

much more out of the debates than others.

“ Is principle,' this country — seems dedicated U> geUing as -

m a ^ Informed voters to the pollsasposslble, butlconslder the d ^ a te s a relative failuns

The first debate on the . . economy. Immediately-turned .

oft a lot of people, said Bishop. “ Carter and Ford r a tU ^ off

• a stream of statistics trying te -Im p re ss , peop le .and ._ the_ .

• You don't build a I

.w o tft S 5 .S -VOU

J 0 wide range of Bel

ing to like fu l consuuctic

_____ J _ Andwecia

OFdei:;AVhat^^“I ■ Sodon'«jus

I * - '. . • '« .

iv e i::JlnSdiune.^ fcw tt«^W nj^K <w

□ . PtetM Mod me mon I Siresscd Skit

| | |g |H - ^ - - D * i> ta i ; r r a n ik r iM' NAMB—— ---------

• ' .FIRM ■ -

* ADDRESS_ _ _ _ _ _

0 ■ OTY

<T*TP'— L ■ ' •

I l B B E• Manufactt

■ > f a»A .

fer;f0 7 A S T - S - > t* = - 7 7 —-------^

^ iV - '

:_____ _VO"K _

K m / ' - t ^ F A i r ^ a o o o

______ ________

• ‘■‘ a i m - --------—

l , * . * . l iw o w

f ^ ^ S H O W E A s '* ^ FLOW •;

ver Idahond ' m ost areas. Some p ro l^ tio n lie m oy be'nceded In the colder rn agricultural valleys where the to risk .o f.spo tty . llglil frost is . Ia like ly tonight and again >ld Wednesday nlglil, c The extended outlook for

Thursday througli Saturday “I* calls for only a slow doy^o^lay™

lm p ro v e m e n t.” H o w ev e r;

below normal wilh periods of M ending by Saturday.-

■13 ' ovem lglit lows generally in the- •

i i L e f f e c laverage voter said. ‘Wliai on

)n— God’s-earUi_are_lhey_tolking_ ns about?" ' -!ie F u lu rc debates',, figures

Bishop, probably will only n- ''d eep en the . stra tification a t b e t w e e n t h e a l r e a d y . he knowledgericb and knowledge*'. BU'. poor.” ,. ',- ;iy* "W hile I 'm -ho t sugge^lng be', m a t we completely : d0 ;iway,-: te- wiUi debates, r m saying Uiat ■ ;ot te rely on Uiem so much J o r es educating Uie public is inef­

fective.ry “So, If we know debates a rc I S — not effccUvo in -ralaing the- le political quality of the average er voter, what should we do about re it? We ijeed some sort of

continuing education ’ of the ie vo ter the yearround, not iustJd .a t cam paign time. ________ ' : ___I, . - ••Television could belp with I f p o l i t i c a l l y i n f o r m a t i v e , te m ateria l," be added, "but wc ie_.._still,_have the p ro b le i^ jif

d a buslnus or a rqiuiaiion on do it by delivering rcjulB. Thai’s nist your new building project hien Builden. • ' • sxperienced in every kind of 4 Industrian?allding. We offer r Behlen steel building sysiems 10 •lyttemi that give you benefits action, built-in energy efficiency, ice. dutBbiliiy, and good looks, icaaofferyougood^vicetobeip diog decisions you can live with, ge won't do is promise you :etyourorder.Justwhatweknow ''—on lime-and^wlthin------------- ^ •—

Ijust^yabuiiding! Buybuiiders er. Thtfs us. For m<m informa^ the coupon......................*.

• • • ' • '« r « -• 7J.V •

' t o ld ’ •ISMI ■ 2 0 a /7 m s i3 •-- ---------------------------------------------------------

Skin BuUdias Sy»t«n*. ** ------

EHLEN. :«cturlngComp«cty •

- ^ .■ . ■ J ■

rr^""1V alional T em p era tiiim "

sbrU oU edPnM liitnn itU oQ ^'

” T . S i f e ~ SI

--------— BakG rstlcW ------ ' 70 “50

' Bismarck 75' 55 ,25Boston 83 64-*Brownsville 85 78 Buffalo 75 60 ■ ■Chariotte 8 2 ~ ^Cliicago 70C incii& ti 85 59

— eicvchmd-------------8T-37--------Dallas 90 70 •

— Denver— -----------T iS U ------^ DesM oloes----------87- 63->0l-

Detroit 89 S8 .' DuluUi ■ 80 56

' Eureka 48 ,J2Fairbanks SS 34 Fresno 69 4B

- H elena-------- '47 38 "lOHonolulu . . . 84. 71-. ..

. Ind'polls 88 63 KansasClty 80 C2 .is

>• LasVegas ' 71 47 ' LosAngeles 67 56

Louisvnic 88 63 — Memphis------- :— 9 0 - 70’------

Miami ,' 82 74 -Milwaukee 89 61 .35Minneapolis ' 86 62 .50NewOrleans 8 6 ' GONewYork 82 GON.PIolte 83 S3 .01

§S SOmaha 88 C4■PaimSprings 79 GO

, PasoRoblcs 67 42Philadelphia 78 »Phoenix 87 65Pittsburgh 81 51PortJamTM, 74 ,M

. Portland. 0 . . 53 47 .42RapidCily ^ 46 .32

. Reno 47 32 .17Richmond 82 53 ' ,

— sncnm rento-------- .0 9 44 'St. Louis 89 68

-S a lt Lake Cily 48 39 .43 — SairDlego g - 6 5---------

. Seattle 53 50 .22^ k a n e 58 4S .01

“ ■•nicrasi---------'---81 ~56--------Washington 8J- 59

t i m ZgetUng Uie people who really need It to watch and un-

• dcrstendlt." ■'

g s s m z z

TH E- j : Y(



18 .


2 mm______i.___ _a • H q i p i ^ c n W

7 ................... ........ - _____

3 ' ■ . • ’ 7

1 _1___ C « r t h

----------NpRTH—MIAMI—BEACH,—-------F la ,-(U P I)-------- P o i ic e - a r e -

searcliing for a .c a r ililcf who abandoned *a .st~Dlcn. yellow

-------Codiliacbut-endtid up $170,000 -. richer,.......................... .

y Tlie money belonged to 1- Je rry A. Selicclman. who lost " — saW -lils-Cadillac-and-a-card—

^ & l : STORE Tl Q U L Q V i^ i g i f I

B soisimiiB B

S m

j | p

m rm rn m

-----------Twin r i n g OooD^ «

. . d lip lq r. I b e Bu m o

----------- * dtqdiQ raraTliui'ReyiEB6ler«ndVleklG«e.i

h ielH ets-^ -L '{ ^ b oaid -pack ing -box-fiued -w iu i- •c— $ioo-bllls-ln 'a-;North-M lam l'- 10 Bcacli parking garage March w 29.)0------- He;88id-ll*e money, stashed

-* in tlie tnmic ot the car. w u for io a real estate deal. ' st "He was pretty cool tor' d'— somebody-who-just-losi;.UiaL

i i i i i i ^Hurley. . .

F H A T BROl R ^ p | i $i i C i i i M


nkI fit . ■!

i o m iE - i M l i i

B i t i !

i i g b e I

' r n e ^ y.M ay17.1977 ;

H H k

■ H M - •

W * w i* th e t te m e « r t h e - ' i ■ wlBotng 4-H Week wlodov BP B om w nalnw 4-H OxtS L S S m ul

ejQolda. JOm HOler. Cberi ’a, an from W t • ; ' _______

7 0 ^ 0 0 0 ; Kti— kindof-money,-ii-E)electlve-EdT^

tl Schectroan wanted Uie In^t - , cident kept quiet, but police.;

d - released a report-on tho thcft - - : . r . F riday and asked for J ip s on* :

tlie case. They said they iiadi - ir' exhausted every lead atid! il-LcD U ld_nQ L_m atch._ th e 17?

fingeiTprinlslrilhecar.. • > ;

)U G H T ' ^h m hi f i r :

. v '. I*


l i l i K

5L L S

v n iW . . . e a c h C

| j f HOURS If - 1 0 - 9 -W H f lH .-S A t. i ^

f 12-5^;;SUNDAY :

Page 8: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented


r O E te A L T E P ^ N C T ^ ‘t out clear])’ u id logically Ji

xci.-_^w hal--you;can:bertidc>Jo ;‘ jM rio c l^keepyou 'cm .the

' ' ' csUj. Mix with a greater v i211_______ARIES (Mar. 21 to Apr.

: you mol-e and gala their go 11 Ihe advice yi)U need tb advc

i ‘! TAURUS (Apr. 20 to.M

. Consult with experta where

fc: your views with ^ e r s and ^ im portant plana. M ake wlsi ^ . MOON CHILDREN (Jun

- do for others now-will com - . is high with those who co

i».’j . picture..' . • •LEO (July 22 to Aug: 211

: personal affairs in onler.; you m eet Interesting peraoi

M VIRGO (Aug. 22 to Sept.— =— the^powerful-flb-that-you-

' ] career. Avoid one whobe go . . LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 2

s p e c ^ a s to w hat you wani. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to

•S .' th e way you are able to b a i1 lead to more, success in the

1 :1 ' orultim atum s.'{<! ■ ■ SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22

' don 'ta llow yourseU tobelit' you want now. D on't hang c

'■I- CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 t-........ ntirt«^fwtanrttng w^th rfv.wftfl

tion .S tandyourgroundand

. ' good M ends, bu t b e carefu ' Uee discretion io handling p j; _____ PISCES jF e b . 20 to Mai

I K eep c le a ro fn e u ro tlc .h i^ i F v n i m C H iL p t s b OJI

^ . ■ be one of those veiy b i^ Av- - should have a s fmo ao oi j- ; ' BiT8lries'8~ah'd~lflwr^

clover n iin d r ..........

k........................................ : \..................

^P E A N im ;-

/ P l 'T I T ^ .S 'l ' .' ( MWlTOEl!!


V* . *THON6;*NOr"BLAPi"




FAMIUY tlRCUS ___ ___


- -

P | j _

V ■'! d b n 't think Dr.;. S j ' a p p je s 'c au se it

6 i , ' ■■ Daddy


~ “ 'C iT fH r trR ip l i in ^ ^

3DPreSDAY,M AYI9,1977

IES: Now la a good tixM to thtnfc Just whe^e you' are ^Msded and to advance your Interesta. Thla le move both m entally and physl< variety o£ people.r. 19) Tty to please those around . loodwiu. COTta^ e x c i i s and get vance ia your career.May 20} A good tim e to handle yuui luatetia l -a f fairs- in-o rd e r ;— reneoM saiy . .une 211 You are able to discuss id gain the ir cooperation for your [so concessions.Jne 22 to July 21) A nythlngyou me back to doubled. Your rating Munt. -Romance could en te r the

II) Spend aome tim e putting your r. Attenid a grou't>‘liifiiUr where on s, make new friends.>ti 22) Try to gain the suppQit o fii- i>«n_ g a t fflfffiir <n{osslp can cause trouble.. 22). G et Into, new avenues of self*I become more successful. B« iBt'in personal relationships, ov. 2 1 )Im p re a a a h l^ e r* u p w ith andle detailed problem s. I t could . le fu ture. Don’t iasue challenges

22 to Dec. 21) Be realistic and ■ Ueveyou should have everything ' r on to th e past.. .: to J a n . 20) Come to a be tte r^rllnwi an>< >tw»T«i«»o pr«v<in».ad d o n 't 'b e aldetracked.

ful how you spend your money. '; private matters^ar. 20) Make improvementa a t -

-ight and a le rt youngsters and education aa can be afforded, cepuoaa lly 'to e^o u tleu f p j : t t o ~


D l»T Ui'ilWfwMK gftmiMIt, inc. .

■ f ■ ~

L rrM eseP A N A R R o w .

■ C u th W ls c n 's _ e^ i n ^ l d k w p their iy owd)^" '

Id ih o ,..T u e8 < to y .M ay l7 ,1 J^ -. -

H ovv L / f l v irauch I ripa r e .

-----------' a s l lin q ^ B :\ w l

a p a rt 1 1 _ _ _ m e n ty . 1

VtvnT I1 m AI 1 1 \

i b l o n d i e :



I ^t 4

> L — , ■■■■, , •-------— J t /

f M D Y C ^ P

■y s - n ]-■■

. . u m E B A i u r

I (Je s MAKING ) / M /N ORACES Ar ] \ rrctie

i / ^ S T

' i t* —

•W IM R D O P i b .

Yc?UR MEH' Efc?P^© U 4PC

i^ K C S H A Y '.

rt* &O TTA P B TH B M E A N F tC jH T IN 'E ^n; W O R W 'T I C A T * 1N C B T H E l . p « P

------------ u i o n M « p » r - ,



c M m ^ A n o u ^ o u > { [ | | n | HIME^CNW

' H ^ Q M g ' / ^r . P

^ ^ ^ -jte R O A M ----------------- ^


I try TO FIND OUT.' rrp - .........■ i i ^ ~ T i , ■'■ ^ > ir --W I

1 - . : K i l r n ’ '

. J .

^ ^ ■ S e v e n t g ^ f - U v e n i t t ' - f i v t f i v e . . t o - t h e ij S l im , w e c o u r i g W y o u i^ j^

5 a t | | | ' ( v o u r o e l i c i o u s i l l ' f e o B E E F S T E W - K

.I 'v e 'BARD \

^I A N D v J ^


HO&E \ HE al&o T r

"Bl— g v ■■ r ^

I f L s f w m :

________ -S’ X J U 5 T H O P E TM O W O O --B R 'T il,

I THAT'-* J D A C K T O TM C:ANE*»T —r-T E M P E R E P (

^ .


■ , \ ____ ■ J ____ . .• .

r i \ ( B E E F . S T E W ? / .TWATSI^ W HA T M A RRI E P U P E

M E f > J S ,T D Y O U ^

r r w A Siw y I W /M ^ ' TOOK rr


T H l« f & A C K ^ T H t-7 HIU T a e T - E R O R T B RS f o r h

■M-■ ■ I

I ' I « L _ —


I o p e n e d m i) b i q V ) ! J m o u t h a n d m u /

b r a i n s s p i l l e d A .

E ^ S l Ii i r

E 1 B =s i IP .M Y .SE C O N P cHace.lO.. E ( WAS HER DEEP-DISH?J\

I• j i y g -a i c a ; ,— _ _


V j '____________________

' '' ' ''

...........I— ^F P E P s e r s H e \ . _

;g V E R /W C E ttv 'IM FfeA^U^j5. / ^

HER6 p u e ^ y y c A x iR & e a u f / r m » H r N H JA \..Tw e eu A A /\e^ )T E R 'fr Al-MO*rT JIAN A“» HB

^ S a ^ W H A T C o ’^

J l T j ^ s w u w ,

- ■ — -

. I ' ■ ;_____ j _ ■ .


g ^ B j ^ ^ H A N D . '

W ” "

w | i i l

If tw o men. flet lrito a vie In a ilntfei bar; Jt*i almot

key here, th a t ( tta k e i untll ■ too much .to drink; But.thli

„ . . _invariabIvhan^on:the queti Our L«ve andW arm ah nods,

_______ Reindeer' In ,nohhernmo-IJII:— rfluore^cen t•^ lla r»^how ..B ii^

tion started the practice. ab< ' bycar*.'— ." • -

What vou and I call a tid science boyt. testily. I t 's a se

J________ T h . n a 'lu j g t . j m u t a uJ- temperature. '

1 . . . B-------- CT"W hat kind o^phoble

§ the light b f bIbod?"-' . ;I A. Hemophobla. Hem(1 surgeons, bultfiglnori. ^ t c hJ ■ note., tho w orid 't ophldlophI ‘ people n o t so identified. jOp

I Q. "In Francisco'sgolden dragQn. called-'Gun parade, night 3o celebrate tl men does it take to make hir

__________A.-Three-shlft».of-22;fne;block' parade'.' they lo.divldui tho dragon w ith fast f M t, . .

SHEWho wrote .the following

I'm slender.’ She.'s a trami affectionate naturjj. She's young a t heart. She's;erratlc She's hldebound.you 're old: slovenly, you 're untidy. Hlki look."

."If 'you think.you'can le: — birdi.and.lhft f r f s,*' w d te t j

a bee In a. cage to o th e r and I

----------------A-tsil-ofe'-cometrunlikfr• o u t dirw tly behind iu path,

____ — that-w ay. A .comet’svtall-ls'isun. In fa c t It's the radlatloi

-----------oQfth aTway .*1 K’erefs n6Tric

Among' those who' stud^ ‘ 'CharlBS'BortltZi- womch tei

l» n o r lhan do men._____ •

w u j m e . . m u m------- -------- U M T^M m -TFXiZO ta

WNSBBeABOVr- 6MOJ J 'iouAawwf

_ i B £ O m B A .-eO A LrO N“ : : sflTwwy/

\! '

w n & ,i n s v k e i a o p p ^ ^- P A 9 » f o n w u e . A / p a m

6 s m t s w m m n i z f m . p o o . T O A a s r w K S fO N s e tm o p . T f B a a c e & r v e m e , . T O F A ( s w f m > s s Q i m c f !

ACROSS'42 To be (Ff.)

I BfOwni • 43K oreincity 6 27lh '45W alU oftly

presldani 47 SeN tt ~ ' 9 Colorado. . :48 ImitiisSam

Indian Spade12 Fencing - ■ 60 Egypt (tbbr

' 5 1 C & i n13 Opening .^ a ir th14 Month (ibbD 'g ^ A ctri^ i

■ S '"™ "'l l S S d , V .? r

•unfunded ’ . ‘

Maiwrdlogl- .• ’•cil device ' . , 24U gilclilm ^nn.upeat

■ 26 Crain for ; mannerw«Jdinoi 2 U u o f

28 M ounuin 'peak , 3 Gitwf A

■ 20 Nerratlve * B<Wy of wti 30 Fire residue 6 Of poor32 lu llsn • quality (tL

volcano .com p, wd.) 34 Follow* along 6 Firtt-rata 36 Flower holder (C9mp.w(>4

1 • |2 13 [4 1 . [ s T

12 i T

— f r = 7 “ t F

21” ” 7 “ I 2 2 -J „

~ 5 T ” I T B ( ^

J _____

. . ' . .— ;----------- 32 | 3 ? “

_____ _ |3 8 _ |3 0 _ |4 O ^ B B n ^

43 “ ? T r T | |

47" ^ ^ " T l j i p r

5I ^ ~ 5 2 . I T

5 4 T “ ~

•■■ ■ [ ' - : t ' x ' / ,

- I..M. Bov.1/lolent fealousy f l ^ t over somo jibl ost always- if te r ' 10 p.m‘. Or so.i#,

til th a t late ifor the scrappers to '^ '-* ■ )(s owner says no, the trigger alm onii ' Bttion o f .who wllt take whom hoccp^:.... ds,'knowingiv.

nost Flnl8nd_ere rlgged^our witH' !iifore the RelndeeV-Grazeri A s« ii;fe4 -about t.7 0 0 reindeer a year wera hit'..

:idal w n e is n o ta tidal w»/e. say the seismic sea wave. /

I p rofors hit t f a i s o f c o la -a r ro o m

BLOOD3la Is it In a person who can't stand '

ihophoblacs-do n o t make good chers. etc. In a related matter, please phobiacs outnum ber all those other ' Sphldiophobia Is the fear q f snakel

>'s-Chinatown is a city-block'tong jm Lung.' H e 'on ly comes ou t'o n the Chinese New Year. How m’any

ijm dance?"_ •—nen-each. Over the courso o f the -lfr— Jually work their way in and oO rof

HE. YOU. I . - . • •ng lines? "She's skinny, .you're 1n. mp. you 're a flirt, I have, a wVrni 's childish, you 're Injnature. “rm tic. you 're excentric. I'm capriclouL. ld;fashioned. Treyere t i^ it lo n . f te 's Ike a house to have tha t nice live^In

leam something about sex frorri fhe s 'n o tsthmnr, "trv- ^ t t l h g a hirrt'and— d see whpt happens."

ke-the-tal^of-e kite,-does n o t-s tm tch -^ th, as commonly believed. Just locks •' s' always on the'slde away frDrn'ihe Ion from.ttie sun that puthes thelta^I’r isn s ir to m T ire it 'a ^ ^ iK k :

idy foreign languages, according to _ tend to master the pronunciations'

i . p J o _ B o ^ « a i .^ . 4 U « i J p r d j ^ b i ^ gnt 1977 L. M. eoyd

r F l m x m e , , m m - y -)NK' im iS : .a A tf! HEAILY. BVT- ~W-- DoywHMs-W A W IX A K M T UXHWS/OflT..

f f

^ 1 --------------------------- — ^7B> SiS/, Jime, W*ONP!s« y EAsf! ' m e m e .m .V. ____, BBZIMm 2M tS?4 -


• Answer to Previous P u n l f , ^

' Insect houM ' '8 B im l l i» d . r J S ■

WiBfflt 39 Moaned.........L _ s_ S m ______-

11 Smoother , . .«•«.

tnoe 44 Naw ihlo- . 19 French erticle p J , „ b V > ;

v ; ,„ 2 2 Indian coin 46 He (Fr.) , v , l .23 Bishopric 48 Sel of th n t . . ,

L 2eDoeso-t«*ist 49 Aif (preflij"'.'I.) . . (cont) 52 Mine wo(f4W

-27 Bawls out union (ab^.f- -i>4 31 Ladder round S3 Arab gan««ni

. 16 |7 {8 I 19 MO |U ;t

‘ 'I {jjjjjjno .

" 2 6 27 m i p i ~

r : ! r : r r — [ J T ------------ -—

" — ’n r j M l a T " 3 B -j3^-l37 'V —

r ” r r " ^ B 4 2 ” —

4 0 “

49 “ B B i o T

■ " “ “ “ 53

.X—i L - J L _ Ljz

Page 9: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

. - " . ■-- - B y A b i g a l l V i.1 . *-tfn(>rTh»cn(e*ooTtibuv».

smnlJ aparlm ent.'& m dU ra frlflSd will stop Hy to visit, whi

_____o f f t t h e r a w p o f te a .I f8 h o a cceiliTiBg room su'sBo can w atch it < toJpropare th e tea . •

_____ ;'5oe*ah>JU yj)jitijv lhoU W w— S i» ;M o w s m e intow y-kjtchenn ■ .td.tfjk.her^to ploaao mbvo 80 I

cabJi«C“ ” iO)by> whon I g o t unoxpoctod

fow d irty 4i9hes in m y sink and'i copid be. ThiO'is vory ombarros

W iiiyou toll your roaders to p -------- WtchoTiB-nnlflss ihoyv* inviiod*!

[vStayout ^ of kitchen

:;AEAR W ANTS; I have the p« ---------/ thl».po«m-and t a p e 'l f lo the

. » ^ ^ A Y OUT O F MY KITCK By Susan Sawyer

Please s tay away from my Ii ^n ,om my dishwashing, cookl

You,were kind to have offer :l'!QUt thanks, no, thank you s<

' ’Encase don't th ink rue unjfai * .V hen I ask th a t you leave i '" P f t my kitchen’s not-any tot : And’m y routine la strictly m

---------- R3I r. 'I 'lT c^ 'youlw hat: You s tay out

iU sodden, hot, lacklusl ■“ W hen-you*rT liSrf7^iayT»it^

. .ijAnd I promise to s tay o u t o:

M & n ABBY- W m.ybujoiiM o ' oL jha Y ear" thoso porfoctly hei

. young) individuals who pork the m arked “FOR HANDICAl

____D E A R A N A H E M ;m (8_ t^ . A n able-bodied r s o n v p rife a phydcaUy'handicapped nien t parking place ia w orse thai

_ i. ,e ra te ..a e lf ish h o g .(E .S .H e ’a.alsc { c h ^ c te r deOdency.)

I ^ P E A R ABBY: I hod a spoaki I a ^ c U v o b u t s h /m a n for two yc i t t e has never askod bo out, bu

- |chur>:h doings o r o n tho atroot, h• A bout'a y ear ago I g o t m y ne:

> ithefcelephone ju s t t o talk. I coul<JA b^U ta month la te r I heard tha •gieua life. My h e a r t broke.* •

I ...I ijAftar.lQ m onths 1 h eard th a t h V t ^ v e '^ U i e religiooalife c a u i

------ ;;e ite r : 'w 6 l(5 f lW ln jrh itt 'iro t^I i ^ t y . He w rote back and docU

{ ■ .1 w ant so m uch to know him I ; w aitbefore I s ta r t in again? I'd gi I te re sted in mo. —.........

• tiD E A R IN TER ESTED : Give v ! A !d ':appm ntly th is m an doesn't• ahOddcfaaage hii mind, hellprol: I partner. - • ......

•! For Abby's new booklet, **W • k a e V sead t l to^blgaO Vai

Bms. Calif.-M212. I j^lM U ntsed.aiam ped (24() ea^


Uie past six or elglil monlli; I have bK n bothered with ral

m ean ly If I exerciM (00 much, • ^ ^ c n vralkirig (unless real si

' ^^a ln lD g a llac tiv lty th ep a ln su b : l^m ptom s appear about an tiour nfl j-W icn my stomach Is empty I ne

. Rred much quicker tlian formerly. SQspaln and wtiat remedy could cui

------ {^X^nm 78 years old; S feet ra n d w•flaking years my wel^ii usually i or^slx years I have bcerrtoklni pressure. For Uie last several yeors m o r 150 over 50 o r(» . t have nltro;

; _ takciiBnyJifiautsaJJusLailnJundi I hove never been a patient In nny an Deration.DearReader—' You pipbably have angina pcct heart. Wltli your past history of III

, agB"lt is logical to ossume Uiat dcfMMlls In Uie arteries to you heai your heort muscle. Apparently yo Uili*.W6re or they would not ha

■|%WclB. . . T r-ehw l'parn wlUi cxertloa Is one i

' ^ t . E s Ute cause Uic poln usually

VvHMils problem \rautd often slopl:-------- ^nTff'nt Hilt mor««)n>nHl«»nnHMh»wi

{ -Ittak cs work to digest a mcni. Ttii ^ a k e s II easier to bring on heart pal only to people wltti tieart dlsbaso. patients, not liealUiy people. It Is wl

------- jnm»-after the-mcaH5-ovefrTo:Rl'^ear} pain 1 am wnding you The I

-— -^ ick j Myocardial Infarction, Angin iKIi’lnformatlon can send M ccnts ji33reased envelope for it. -^Somtroodfl'ScetnlbTncrcoselhcs. p r tiu d g c and this m ay piakc ’maUi

:------ ch(s;R^hlB t^ 0 havo Uits clfect after a meal ‘hQt'

^ - - t-O a e of m'ost helpful;thlngs7 ou:c K vcl^i. Slhce you are not as octlvi

'Pikely that'you have liad a cliango In [fat and less musclor The Ihlnner vc ■mahiutrltion. Uie less load you will

______^ f i r j « ' i ' ^ l l l ‘Jo._You.shouldjil8Q- j^ lc u la r ly , saturflted .fat, and

-------jrcq u cn l mrtnls m«y-work.bottor-(oib e th ln .; ..

' a n B u r e n'vv-N.r.NtwiSrna.tnc.

..uuiuu ii.iiift a iu iivu i a . t neighbor or a hot<too^ose ■ hich 1 app reda to . I always»J>ts. I tucn.on:tho.TKin.Lha_-.___t wliile I go into tho k i t t e n

Q groom A ndjvatcL IV ? No____ .rand-B tandrovorm B .'njave '*I can open the door o f 'th e -

d w m pany, there miay be a I'tho placo isn 't as as it

^please stay o u t o f people's


perfect solutloo for-jo u . Q lp______


kitchen 'king and such; ered to pitch In BO much!

Vdous me alone;

00 spadous - m y own.

I t of m y kitchen istre lu re s—ro f -n r U te h e n ----------------------------of yoursl^

ma.riwM>mlnaiin8^»r<::Boob-^— ealthy, active -(and usually heir cars in spaces dearly A PPED '7-------


* Is ong whn1 who would deliberately de* d person of a more conve* an a boob. H e's an Inconsld* an he-has a __

king a u u a in tan ce w ith an years, m ia 32 and I am 31. lut whenever we m et a t a he u e m e d ^ d to see mo.

lerve u p andf called him on ildn 't g e t h im to say much.^at he w aa joining the r e l i - . ^

..he w as back home and had lUseofOInesa. I wroto him a ir 5ld^hvite'a■Hm• to^ri^imall st •Unnrt UlI iM ttor. How long should I give anyth ing to g e t him in- b<


Llup. I t takeo .tw o to tango,

I't care to dance. A ad If be iq o bab ly w u tto i^ck fa lso w B s(

......•---------.......... ........... .— M

ffhat Teen-agen Want to aa Boren. 1S2 Lasky Dr..

Please enclete a long,. ivelope.--------------------------------jjj

----------- ------ -------- - J t___________ |e


Ili.s. a fte r eating a subslantlnl a ther sliarp pains In my chest.

slow) causes the pain. Byibsldes In lOorlf) minutes. The < iftc rea ting .; .never hnvc Ihis pain tjut 1 gel },lsy. Can you tell my why I have on:ureli?. - • , . _ 5'*welgl»'IG5'poUnasrDuHri8 my ‘ ‘ . 1r averaged about 180. F or five dung m(^lcine 'for hlgli blood bclrs, thougJi. my pressure is only Ocroglycerin pills but hnvc never •l ,a n soon OK ngnln. tip to iwiw gfty hospital nor have 1 ever had ^

dc, hu

ctorls. chest pain from your ' til^ i blood pressure and your It you tiave fatty-cholesterol art. llm llfngthe blood flow to/our doctors thougJit you liad - . .layc given, you-nifroRlycerln ' f

s sign of h eart disease. When y goes away with n a t. In the . as still the mode oN lf^ prople> In front of a store window and

tie lncrea.wd work of digestion lain with exertion, This nppllcs 'B. not normal people. In such vise lo avoid exertion for w m cRlvc-yoinTidrelnrormaliotroil---------! Health Lcltcr 2-10. Heart A t- ’Ina Pcctoris>Olhcrs who w an t...........its within long, stamped, self-

ialondepcyof'flirfiood to ^ Uc'r8:worso. T licsea^c chiefly: a a n d scc lfy o u a rem brcllkclv _ itcon talium qrefat. i:can,rdo:lrot:yoar*eU is tb l6 w -“ “ v'c how os.yo'u oncc were It Is Inbpdy coniposiUdn—to more voii arc. sliort of starvation o r ' ' lit havo on your heart and the . so bc.on-a.dlot-rc8 trlct1nirflit:----------I cholesterol. Smaller more tor-youtoo but-you-wlli need lo—^ ^

plentifulI!! BLACK widow i

are plenlHul, very and ihelr blfe "wil

- you real slek." sai Morelori. Powhotai

- w h o displays- lo re ond scorpions In he er Museum In Powh' ihe delight o f nei hood children. Befo

------ ■----------- becam eln terested lers and founded ihe member National Ar Society, Mrs. Morett she. loo, was afn spiders. Every vhllor museum — there J0,000 last year — h ed the opportunity t oui h/s hand and Linda, q large, iome

............... cofj iorantula-wlthas shorpjss Ice picks.

.d o — so m e don‘>. (Ul


POWHATAN. Va. (UPI) V winds sweep across the Virginia P the niglits grow bitter cold. A switches on herelectrlc blanket anc wUli tnVantulns and scorpions, tlior coat aod Itcads fpr her st^^terls hous<

<5biitc sprlnjllme. w ien Mrs f r o p lc o T a i 'a a i^ emerge from U state, l l ie y '^ o fr display inlicrSpii Uie dellglit of nclglibortiood.school c

"M y .Joy is Inlroducing spiders before they ore loo old to be afra kild 'Ure G7-year-old grandinollier has spread from coast lo coast as Lady.”

Every visitor to Uic muJipum - 10,000 last y ear — is pffered (lie oj stick oul Ills hand and hold Linda, t

' McxIcan tarantUl^'w ith'fangs as-- pjcks.— ■ ------------

Som'edo.l didn't.. F or Uibse.vdio b re a th l^ ly wat sweat form on Sean Connery's fo

" lis ify mnt!K ta ran im iu crepi ovur i -J a m e s Bond movie Uirlllcr. it's dlsi

leam that the big arachnid's bite than n hornet sling.

— Al-least.-llial%-what MrsrMoreU _ like the only t in]C slie was ever hit le

A linSEUALIA. Mo. (U Ph - Wiillp

assistant iilgli school linsketbnll cn his two-story frame house liiRl ycni and spcnl another SI7.000 lo renovinisli_it._ ______________. Ijisfw eek he stood In the living dust, splinlcni and piles of s\s-cp behind the sign. “ Unsafe Ilulldit Occupy."

Tlie sign was po.sled hy clly offii after a May A lornadn that sma.<il

■?e(Ialln“ irom the soulhwesl lo destroying more than no linmos an hundredsofothcrs.

■•We've Jusl got to start over froi said Jenkins, “ It's a house and y materialistic aboul II. All mnlcriai li

. Rei. TORRANCE. Calif. (UPI)

Cooper uses a combination c exerc ises, yoga ‘and tran

— medltalloh-l6-teocli'p66ple to r« . h d p keep them healthy.___M S ;.^p c r,,n m(?dlCQl soclfjl.v

It's Importont to leam how to rc stress has,b<»n linked, to hci

— stroke and cvennsthmnT---------•*Wo live In' a very sti

' vlronment." she suid In an :— •‘EVcrydoy-HvinR can-crcatoTr _ l.amout or.tcnslan_whlcli.can lci

■or can aggravate an alrcat HIneas."

She said most Americans IK slan t state of tension.by filling with more tlmn t.hoy can.accomp

— ~ * ^ a r iL e y l lo n 'l realite is th ; have tt> be that way. It's like

— trafnr-Youdon'l-have togo lo th

1\V sp iders , , *! f a w j Bery quick ■■ ■ i . ^ |p 0 fWf/I mofco 'Isold Ann lion, Va.. , , araniulas -h e r Spld-

vAiafan io . 'neighbor-efore she . — id ln ^ p ld ’---------— - r r " ^ — :— —ihe 1.000I Arachnid ' .refon said ' - . -afraid o f ■ ,/fo rfo< ho »re w ere- Is offer- ty to sH ckand hold • ‘ m e Mexf-Ith fa n g s ..............


n r ''' The bite came w- Whon winter - animal she'd been a Piedmont nnd ils skin and bccai

Ann. Morclon know U'. I pfckcd 11 ond fills her iMJd ■'Before slie beca Ihon she grabs a founded the. 1.000 ousetosl<»p. ' Soclety.'Mrs.Mor Mrs. Moreton’B o f U i ^ ' m Uielr dorm ant jpwySpiderM useum .^^.1i* |nail^bne did.Kilchlldrcn. • screani.” slielaug lers lo chlM-cn ‘ 0iil Mrs, Moreli ifrald of them .”- go out ond work in lier wliose fam e crazy; ‘Wherever as "The Spider blackVidows."

. . Block widow spit tl — there w ere - and their b ite "wl e opportunity to" said ; ' ’ la. a large, lam e • A 'black widow, as-s tia ip a s ice -dozen 'laran tu ias s - .'•l lni i a ' vc j i ‘uld u

grist m llP Ih a n x w atched 'a cold museum In Ihe woi t forehead a s a • ogo .'c r titsT h c s tlrm -------- nrtrspnsonrHTrdisappointing to...; dcnth.offlnoldfrlci )lte is no worse .■ spldor.

" I 't i n n k l^ f j a l relon-Kold I M e l l- -itW0-ond.0.'hnlf..V0i lit len . a v e ra g e life sp a n o

T i d t e r i a

lip Jenkins, nn ' replaced;"I cnacli. iKiuglit ’ '- More Iwislers. : i'cnr for sin.iHKi ■most_scvere weat lovnU* mul fur-. Missouri ahd easl_________ __ sons in the loyvn ofing r«K)ni amltf” fTinn;$2 l niJUlbn if kS-cpl-iip nihhio • waSftPriouslylhJur ildlrig. Do Nol ; Jenkins; 3i. his

•leaclier's aide, i )ffiehils shorliy children wcreBliil ia.ilicd Uirough per hour winds c « • IO noiiJie^M.T. ,:p .m .' “ and damiiRluK Officials .sounds

before the storms! from .scratch.” ."TJie warning s d you cnn’l Ix; belh^Jn UieJiomc, alUiingKcanlW'. aUtostayat-lhe&c

ilaxlnq,PI) - en ro l • • line. You can g< n of Isolnetrlc . , end.’’' r an scen d c itta l, • . MS. Cooper IbP clax rll-m ay^^— rosplratory-^lw

- , Hospital lo help

orclnii bccausc . ■ ' . » « solil co: lican dlsojBc. . P lysMoBlcal c

. alre,ia(ul on- ' Imvc r c i c M an Inlorvlow;' counlry. «hcsolc

c-rtrcincm lciuir------— H!nli-lJlood-[i-l(>ad-lo-lilncs9 __l...affcclsmorc.Umrcady e x is tin g - ' -m illionarevlctli

• million ot;slrok( I live In a con*' • suffer from asth ling Uiclr llvc.1 • . "O llw U m oalimpllsh. - .......1 >; conslrlcl,'-’. ^ o ss lhal It doesn’t . -. to uncon Ik c rid ln R O n n ‘ angry, wc llghta (>th<nmd-of1Hc* : . . --v-—

X o u ^ T . s h i P .

um attiwltlioul warning, .she said. Ari n liandling for three vears shed nme .aggressive, hut " I didn't l lu p a n d i lb l l^ e .";amc Interested in spiders nnd X)-mcml)er National Arachn'ri' jre to a sa ld B h e^ t^ .w a^ alra ld

/,What ■JJd:tt^fi«ri£goL'Pa.rao,;L i 1. on my-l(flg. T-'!ef* out a bll iglied.ilori cautions lhat "people who n the garden withoul gloves ore r you hnvc crickels. .vou hnvo

lidereare plenliful. very q u ick - vlil'm akc you real.slck ." sJie

f. two scorpions and about a a rc Ihc fealui'c jillracllons at-----

I einivaluU. ^ 1iiii'Vfir.Hiii‘il 's tnnu" "" ~ becamc ( n r ’f/rsT llve spider, orid when' II opened four .vears

irsTMnrgn iti \a iiit»(}niirt({ Ui6— end, a poisonous brown reclu.se

ib lydT w loT ordir^ lT indlt for oars.- Tlipy «;;iy a yi-iir Is ihe . J ofm oslspliiers." I

II thing!' (

spawnt.'d by Id Iioui-h nf Ihc - ; aUier in a .decade In we.stpm stem Kansas. kllle<l. four-per- . .1 )f Pleasant Hill. Mo,.’and m o ir ( in damage.' NO one in Scilnliii ' jred.is wife, a Junior, high Kchool I nnd his - two grade schobl ' I

ill a l school when thi: 4(K) mll(' ’ rashcd Ihrbutfli the city al 3:05

led nn alarm a full.3(> minutes - ' struck.jsived m e and m y wife from i

D," Jenkins s;ild. "Ttiey told us ischool. There w as no one home i

IS goocgel off i)cfore you reach tho.......

conducts classes a t Uie Ivislpn of Ifarlwr Gonomi p patients rcduce stress andluse medical problems. __ •■ons’faift stress, can causc changcs resgl.ting in high .■ht?artTitfack'andTrtrok(yrAII ' 'I epIdcmic stage in UilsId .;-- ............ ............: -----------------pressurOi-or-hyperten.ilon;----- ' -iia.oncpcrsnnJnao_A boutidur^__.. llm so rhearta l(acks.and tw o I kes. Morc lhan eight-million < lima, •’ ; II body muscles automatically ' _ i ' 6ald.-^"and whot-Mircnn'd<fls ' ' " >n8trict. Ui(!m.. When w e’ro i e nourfls t." • ]

' r -

_ v 231

. OF A B lac

rac ts mT arantulas may livc2S to'30 yean Visllors lo the Spider Museum als Baby tarantulas arc llie only ii

-. th a t don 't balloon.^vraft away to onsallso fsllk . ‘ ^

Spiders ure cannibals. Thev c {klnd;;,Malc8pldcrik.lUivfrIongdrIc(

mak'e a.'tast getaway- aflcr.maUn;- s U l w y k ^ j - t i i r :

• • A spldct- courtslilp b e^ iis when a ■on a silken strand of a ’fcmalejs. Iw a n ^ back, signaling lie Is Inv Spiders a rc fragile, often breaking e lg litlegs. Dul they hnvc Ihc abll new leg as many os nine times.

Baby wolf spiders a rc Ihe only o: to chew I h e l r ^ y out of the egg m olhcrs haveUo do If for them.

Crab spideA can changc co lorin orycllowtohlcrtdwlifrthc?trpnt?ror

Mrs. ivioreiiin wouidii f (fiirc nni- her tarantulas, even Uie'prctly~ohe that had pink feel and vtfs-named B:

Mrs. Morelo'n's prize specimen Is spider belonging lo an unldenl l ffcd;

.. gram m astola famlly..-Il-ts-moiinfe<_ _ c lc a rp la s iic j_ _ _ ............

UntU It died of an- Iniurv. slie m (a p e cted It to grow to rccord size b< prodigious appetite.

s can bl' except the puppy. He was lliniwr- yard.'bulhc'sokay.

"A couple of nclglibors said lli .house Just rise about Uiteo feet o datlon. twist a.IiU lc and Ihen-cxp

“ windows onddoorffjustblasted.ouf." Ttic tornado olso carried off tin ag

taUer than JcnklnsVSO-year-oJd Iki ' the streeU It l^ c id d two m ore liou:

with the sam e solldltyof the Jenkins “ Hc told me I f was totaled.” Jcnk

, week as a Iiome repair contractor s- w reckogc. "Tlic fram e is okay, hi would take $10,000 Jusl lo put ll I foundation. Bul If I can get the Ins going to Iry to build It back. 1 regretted mostly was wc pul a lo t«

i for YOIH er classes usuallyconslst of On

■persons. They begin wllh 30 mii isom ctric cxcrclscs teaching stui

Of them In tho relaxed state. •T^he n<«l step is relaxation rcs|

'f o n r i 'd f ti^riKcndclilal ‘mcdllalit centraUng on a single word thal ev

' • She said the period of relaxation li cven-lf a person goes right bk-k itv i:

‘ -stressful situollonr^— ;— .......... —____liyou,d(m:LstoiL8lrwsJrom_cntc

body." slic said. " I f a alwaya goir Uiere. Biit.you put It Into n dUfcrci tlon and cope with II a l a later (Ir

Id if f u s e j t ." _____................................M any patients referred to her sufI

as thm a Uiat has a strong emollon • ponent,..BheaaId:: ■ - '


-V ' . . ' :

. ■

-------- ................... ..... > : : :........ ...............................

;" ■

. 1 ; ' . /

\ ...... / '

' y

^ U ^ I P O W

lan y visear?, she added. ' " I l a te one ineI alM leam th a l: ' snacked on 10 cri(y infant spiders W earing snealiI to new habitats tours down natui

outside the mill,y c4t Ihelr .own SpoU!rig_a spir le g s to ( |{ ^ c a n b M > - > h ^ lc U illiig ^ h hungiy 0^

sn a m ale twangs "Spider silk hejs-wcb and 'slio Uian steel." slieIn v ite Into the wldov^ silk In g

king one of Ihelr (M)nlract orexpanabililv lo g ro w a • S hesaldsp lder

depending on Uie Ily ones loo weak white. . Egg basigg Slic. so their woven of brown s

.. . to 1.200 eg ^ ln s ldr In eillicr while Jjbunlil sp rin g sh eah^inmenl. ........... Widowed 10 yeahandle some of h a s been loiailydi iric from Tucson • past 12 years. SI dBlondy;»cu■.■::l^^^ccto»JUlx^ola n is a hand-sized AlUioutii stie sti casppclesoflhe piibiicollons as nfed in a .slab of "Sm llhsonlan .ii.

- _."Audubon.i;_____IC wild slie had She said pholop :c bccausc of lls .. IntercsUiLaradmi

>e replaown oil! In the* the house and It's i

fl4bre than GOO t( I they wiw lhc of the Federal ;t off'Ihc foun-. - m inistration's em explode T Ihc - iiftlielOdoysfollouf.” -------- :— --------- Dennls-Shaw;-lagcfl pine Irce government and^I Itnuse. Across been outstanding iioases nol bu ill' ■ windows hnd tore (Ins' home. houie but Uie full enHns anid In a down IhcKock.w- orsurvovcdllio " I don’l know 1 . bul lie sald 'll m ore people did.II back on (lie were lucky been Insurance. I’ni because ot Uje w

I. The t i i ln t 1 heeded Uic womii lot of work Into " many killed."

>i/r healf one to f iv e . " In Uio ca.sc ofminutes of .Icrnalizlng feelingsstudents lo result ‘n “ 'O « n s ti

nware fubcs duo lo spasm

response a " T liis may last frlallon, cini- ’■liafs wlI eventually astlimatlM icara to

Dnlshclpfal...... v U orn lnB lsn 'leaslO llicsam c-........ -"O bvlously.H lakt------------:----------- torclax .5 tcp byjJcpinlcrlns lbe , « “■ going lo-bT— voluptcci-eB-nidIo crcnt direc- ■?“ “ » P™Brani;an • time. You monitor Ior Iho clly i_________ ______tim e. I__________suiter Irom- ,llonal c o m -'- low d a ) » . ’TOt’s «

Bsthmatlcs leam .to

Tuesday , May 17.1977 TilTimes-News, Fails; Idaho*!’v,o o

S i S J

. V . T ■


WsSs i t O K ^ a -nedlum-size bullfrog a week a rid ' ■ rickets a day.” she said. '. 4 - v t akcrs, Mrs. Morcton leads heri turc trails and over l9g bridges} ;-}

■Rider’s Intricate,orb ,web on-«J •>', :k ly .8 p rk s^ ll * ilh v .1 iltc:pal^ f i in b lf t^ jnotm llng P ^ ,t : . to r ! .a a

h j£ a greater tensile s|r*'«>gtffi le said. "The Army uses blai:k', gun siglils be<:ause It doesri'h .

andw llhlhew cather." ; J ers also use several kinds o t s i lk i . le purpose, and that,not all of I II^ sskcls. for Iiutancc. a rc 'p a r tly - 1 strands. A femaledcposlls 500 . - ilde. and aboul 100 young survive^ 't" ; }said. *cars agti. Mrs; Morclon said s>ie\ •' (icvDicfl 10 her araclinids for llie>She sald'sli'e even sel aside tier) dance OTltcr and photographer. I still ^ l l s her phojofl J O such? r ^ n c y c lo p c d la Brilannlca." • J j . ^ N a lu r o l - H islory-— and}-----

ography originally sparked her :mids.____________________;_______

icecJ' i I............... : t

'sgim -."I tornado vlctlin.s look ndvanlagJ ■al D isaster A.s.slsl«ncc Ad-’ emergency aid cenlcr In Scdallff llowing Ihc tornado. ' 'I .v ! ’T-snr-snld-tlic-concOTfnjtrtht?— d jh c public lo the victims lias ng. Tlie winds blew oqt th6 rc the siding and slilAglcs off his ; ull lury of the storm hit farUicrwtierolt flattened two homc s ^ __ ___'if how In Ihe world a hundred o r Idn’t gel killed," he sold. "We cause of the llmc of day and wamlngT If 1I|C people imdn'i’'

Tiing. there would have tx>cn f!

Ith ] Iof bronchial a.slhmn. m- g so f fear o r protest m a y ' 1 ' T ' stricUon of the bronchial <modlc conlracllon bf.the -

from a few minutes to awhy-tt’s-lmperaUve_UiaI___lo relax and release Uieir

a’sy.slicsaiii. ‘ , jikcs (I Jot oR lm e to lc_arn_____:ep.::-------- — ;--------------------------------- 1crsclf relaxes by doing ' |lo-work-for-a-searchand----------and working as a police ' . , lyo fG ardcnalnhersiw re , . .

from a f ^ m in u tc s to a why Itrim pcnitive .thal , . <

to relax and rdease Uielr.

' ...................... y

Page 10: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

• . klM BERLY-Naucy Kinia ^ K . ' P ;oiid Rni)d»1i J .-S m iih wer

marrk'd A p r l l^ in Ute Idiiti

I ^ E F f o r m i n g lh e cerc inony wa ^ ^ f f i l^ O s c a r r . 'V r - a o l in s o n . Rrand

ru lM ro fthcb ridcgV oom .Ttie bride Is Ihed.iuglilcr<j

. Mr. and Mrs. Gcorne* \S Killfnivbr F«ini6rJ;:N.YZ:TIi

' .aarcnls of the bridegroom nr Dr. and Mrs. J . linmilto ^mllli. Kimberly.

I kTIic brldo wns alllred In •' lvi’8 A-linc eowD of wliit

polyester satin which feature

wide candlcllglit lave. Tli ' btxikc of hiind-npplinucd lac

^ \v{is eniiaiiceti by a ^Ik.' t Inst below ilie IilRli collar.

. ;rtic full skirt was trimme< ' ar.tjichcmllncM'itiicandlol)Kli

latCj Hertwo-tlei-edfingertl; veil of bridal Illusion n d wa 'd tta c h M 'ib a bandeau < matching lace. •.Following (lie ceremony. Ili

bcldogroom'spnr<rnlsho.sled. dinner al Ihe I.lni-oln 1.D:

^ ■ S L — a iU c c h _ J o r_ f r J i ;» id .s _ _ a i i( relatives. Preparing an<

^ B k 4- -se rv ing Ihe dinner: were Mrs — •Jack“ S c o lt^ M rs .~ Ronali ■ Johnson. Mrs. Tebbii) Jnhpsoi

nnd Mrs. Lin H. Johnson, mint — or-lhc-.brldcgroom.--Speciii

guesls were Dr. nnd Mr» . Gordon McClenn. Provo. Ulnli

B Fashion sf^ — TJOODINC—TlJir" Cuodtnp

- County. Pomona G rango.:Avjl! spansor a fashion show nnd le;

p.m. Wednesday ul ihi ^ B 8 -;$ :^ C d b d ln e Grango Hail. Gar

m^nts win be enlries in Ihc ^ — idiUo" inviMOit 01 iho iv r

N a tio n a l. G range Sewing

B j Pre-schoc^OODING — The Gooding

■ s ^ Pre-School a in lc-w lll be^ — >iCia omi wcclfu iily . Ma y rlft■ iT T ff— ilip ju^W oyM th. ■

.'paren ts , of children'begin- m a s the first, g rad e .a i^ en- coliraged lo a rran g e , for

1. f - lb)[FD(3O s w a ld am

1" ^ Talk cheap —■ . ! N ORIB (D) IT

• 3 • A A 103

. I ♦ A K 8 7 8 7^ •' * A K 9 5 :•

?■ ;w est eastp — “ T3r=------------ ■ I£ j . , > 9 6 5 4 2 . f l 0 8 7 JaU .•♦ JS 4S tQ lOhA « J 8 6 4 4Q 102K i SOUTHi i y - . - . -i ... ■


V ^W eit North E a i t Soatbk - ^ 1 4 Pass 1 Af -Pus 8 * P a« SN.T.I :Pass 4 4 Pass 5V -jr ».Pass 6 A Pass 7* '

• tPass Pass PassI V * -Openinj l e a d - 4 ¥

K ey O tw a ld fi Jam es Jacoby

^ ' H ere is a hand that catise tnm e great excitement in th

7 ^ f i n ^ of the 1936 Spingolc . North and South were uslo

r J ■ . the Culbertson (our* and fivir " j ........■ito'trump 'conventlon. Oth«I: r expert pairs, disdained an ■ . (our«notrum p conventloi

a lthough B lackw ood w t ■; ^ beco m l^ popular In the ml'

t ta any event, they reach< ^ d e s and it was up I

. West to lead. He groaned an s l^ e d : “ What am 1 suppose

- lo - Ie a d . T hey b id seve , j without using their convei

:''n ien he studied a while at fioaliy the four of heart : South, a great player, h]

-not weakness. His pj^cholo) • 'i iras way below-normal. I

lo o k e d o v e r d u m m ' kC i iroodered Jusl why West w

Jalklng and* finally ded d..■V

protect three trumps to t r oueeo. So. South ted his kl r ■ 5> f '^ d e a a t trick two.'W«

■ b o i^ out and the aiam w t. booe to DO n u n 's land.

fg q u th demanded a ruU n b b w t W S r* remaHtTHe |

f ooequicU y.ltw aspoin tedc-------- jo^hiin-that-there-wa»-a-o

S ) >ect play. That would be 5’' t i l^ d u m m y T a c e drspAdi

>1. , y both opponents followed

Ie c o n a “rouird“ IlnM se;“ t •l . 5 rten West showed out 1

— h -p ro b la ro -w ou ld -h«ye-:be

'{: ' A .T exas reader wants--------kntnrtf-ffl^B W -IB rtnted-t

j; ' 'T e x a s ’' convention . T

* "" - r - -----'i l . . ' ..............• ' .r''-

lisis, Smlan On April 30Ui.lhe ciiuple waspre honored ut a reception In fliciho cultural hull of Ihe KlnilK-rlycr* LDS Oiurcli. The wcddinj!Jiia" pnriy gri.i!iL'u uucsw in.-ionr «nd- white austrliin drape.

..........Grbbmsm'en • w ere Alien• of Carter. Allen nnd Rbherl W. S m ith , b ro lh o rs (if lhe nic-Tbridegr<»m .-ond Toni'Killbn. [irc brother of Ihc hrldfc. Bc.sl mjiii ton was Keith McClenn of Provo:

Brldc.smal(l.s were Elenn nnd I a Anita Smith, sisters a( Ihc litc bildcgroom. red G uests were served.- nl1tti----- quortirtHflblfs—1‘ovt‘fcd—wllhriic ■ while cliHfon over pink. Cake ice ' and-'punch were- served I'vset-----Mra:-Jnnie»-l»-W clRlit and

- M rs. DnVid L. C n rle r . led Assisllng were Mrs, Tronn jjlil Vandenbnrk nnd Mrs. Allan ■tip Humphervs. ' ;

Tlie mints w cre.m nde by -.r . Mrs. Gerald Lind. Boise, nunl

■ or Ihc bridcBroom_. In chnrge II,e or the gill table was Mrs. Denn [1.T Bird. Gifts were carried by DS Brent Cnricr.„tl Spcclal guesls were Mr. and i„d M rerEdftlirOTSnilifrR lRby; r s / g r a n d p a r e n t s o t t h e ,ld -— bridegropm.' - • ~;on F o l lo w in g n I r ip lo Ills Rochesler. N.Y,. lhe couple :ial . ...will reside in Provo where Ihey Irs. will continue stu d ie s at nil. Brigliam Young Unlverslly.

how, tea setjU :._^S ta tc_ _ C n iag O ^T O n :sJij^ ea tivUy''dlrcctor.~sa]d~iudi<rrii he _ wiU^Tucsday!"Wlnnnerswiil ir- be nniiounced a f te r -tin hd modeling. Anyone wiro"lim 177" iujwn lor uw cuiiitjsii is im ltcr

10 modc'l the garmenis,' Tin _____piiDiic IS Invlled^

ol clinic setig physical, , den ial aiia eye \x : cxam lnatlonsdurlngtlilslim c.

— E u ld o n co —of__s iirh nn■*— cxomlnotlon" l? 'consldcccd a n- requirement for enlry into n. school Uils fall, or.

f f


rnl tflm J a c o b y

> thought costlyn answer Is “ No.” I t was in­

vented by Dave C arter of St. Louis, but a t a F o rt Worth to u n m e n t

(Do you hav9 a.queation ' lor tl\9 axperta? Wrlta "Ask

-------- fftp*‘jBcoPys “ ca/B of »i/8newspaper. The Jacobys wW anavfar Individual quaallona11 alamped. aall'addresaad envalopea are ancloaad. The

. . . mo*L/nfflresffnfl_Q«flsf/on5 will ba uaed In this colunm and will receive coplea of JACOBY MODERN.i

0 » tl lP < I I I .T 10.101 « g

l \ —the — ■—

m X a S H S K I Mher --------

on,vasnid* ^





thekhig. ___Vest # • ' * iSpecialilins Ml .iS l o n r ~ j ^ ^ - ic o r - ^ R e g . —

dhe ^ ,1 9 . 8 8Sd-a- ' ■ ----------- ^ ^

W Be ready for any IsbiJS__ wlQletsI Quick-cha

mo'daclyllcwlg.or ous difference. Wi

3 ^ COOTTlflhl * 1SV7 by s . 3, IWESQ

V- . - . '

Idatio T o e ^ y .M a y l7 .1 9 7 7

lith sdyA'asfile

I c n " .)erl


nnd '


- M rilan .......

by -unl'- -• • ' ••."— -------- ----------rge ' ' • : ■■ t!nn'.**y',

ind------------------------------------- -------

M R. A N D M R S

iple . -.-.V.V.-.-A-.-AV.-.-.-.-.V.-.S

"a l D o c t o r m o i

t e e n ’ s d i e t !

. . . g/w "D IE G O ■( . . becomeisveite In

_______ ^ay«>wn h#ihMl

pounds wtumeiiii ......... ............tried ever

i s ______________ g m e t f t l ^ t o .iM ^ ^ t in g a

••Heel that 1 tu ihln. aadbelngth

. rigbtoow."-------------- ---- -Pupko now sips

clowly monitored---------------------- Andwbatmothr;eye ------------- HeAwntftoplaj

-.VA-V-.-- V.V- ...


Bored witlW e a r e lookinj

. ,in d lv ld o a /s fo:co in local a re a stoi

" T w i i

^ In te r e s t in g an< ^ h o u rs p e r w eel

y b tjr conven ien i Ion '

F or m o re in fe r will a n d a d d re s s :ina • ....................led Personn

G n w lT a l ls .rrif*

■ m n « T i i i 4 T H U R S

' . ■ I ' ' 1

/ -Anlto* ^

al Saiei Violet

^ * ant) B ({ last-m ltiute o c c a s io n with Iwngo y o u r halrdo_w lth>n or add a fla tte ring tium an- W e've m any s ty le s , In a rESQECcmwny_________ ■ ' '

- ■ / ' . n ■



o n i t o r s

i t i n g

D (UPI) — Chubby wants to I Ira Ptiplcb, but-for tbe next 100iMiitUetosay._______________ __•yearoltl blfib school senior wbo ! of-all tboM tUets. bad ■ dentist1 shut Ust^veek in bopes^lOfrfaUy------dttrM nblsportlySTHouDdbody:-------iveiy tU ngiatbft.«D rld tatbe wsy. - ikosakL “E vcnr tim e I dieted Iigabed it«U b> A .» lusm on> ." ----------1 bave to do th is o r r u never be . g th is is tb e ooe thing I w in t most

Sipt.food t h r o u g > straw , and Is red by a doctor.itlva tesP tvko 'a lllbe desires?-----------p li^ baseball and bowl. ---------------------

Ith housework?ing fo r c o n s c ie n tio u s co n d u c t sh o p p in g t e s t s ' to re s,

rin F a lls" .m d c h a l le n g in g : 2-4 3ek. C o n d u c t te s ts o t ance.or'm otion . s e n d nom e

nne l, Box 1082 js ^ M o n ta n a 5 9 4 0 3 _


llth o n e of th e s e fine w igs o r a n e a sy - to ^ a ro -fo r_ n o tc a p in-haIr w iglet fo r a g lam o r- 1 r a n g e ^ n a tu ra l sh a d e s .

6 ’d e c

‘ ■ STORRS, Conn. lUP pronounced dead an

I - feelings of »lea.sure wl I "■ slale. uccordinUR>!*ui

. : ; - Tlic study; conduclci said one accident vict lors ond nurses work o

_________ H e .sa ld jie je ll as tin—:------------operaling-tabre-in an-

w as‘‘cnBulfed'’ inapl( m ustard color.

Another man Involve sleppinRoutslclenriiis

Soft & Seri



A »mall down poym snlef SI.OO witl hold your iat«cilon unlit fall.


r ~J _ _ ___•.• , .•■:„■■■___________

■ —

ad' peopleJP l i - Six jHii|ile. will) liad licen und Inter ix-viveil, ' o.\|K'rlencc‘d when they enlcrt’«l Ihc ili'iith-.llke ]

T jn iv Ji^uy .DrCTmit-i.-ntiii.'i iiili .t.. . / led hy siwinl |isj'ciiiil(»jiv' sludeiils. ictim remcmlwrwl watching doc- k on Ills Ixtdy during an operation. thoiiRli he was hdV.ei iiiK <iver Ihc m -e le v a le d -^ a itio jiV -H e sa ld n H } — ■ pleasiint golden m u ilard color.

Ivc*d in n inolnrcyctecrasliitvnlletl lis ImkIv nnd calmly wil'ncssln^ the


^ M E

r a i l \ '^ l l l l- ............. Ilm Si M '

t l IJmm - ^

^ reveal fisequence of events lhat led ti

A womun.'wtio alniiisl d panicked us she was giiing

. _ . Another womnn.'wli0 > » : clilldbirth. remembered drl said slie fell huppy 'and con; trii'd lo convlncea God-llke

- - because she had lw» ciillcirei Tlie students who conduct'

' . • impressed b y , their inte: dcalh"vlctims. “ I'm not 1

said cnc student, “bulnow I

L H JOr Luxuripm

T here's nothing q u ite I luxurious feel of Camc coshm ere). Soft an d isi W arm, comfortaWe_. A firsts in a p re-season s

- Po fisrlStylesydu'll fee n ice in^ Custom sizes ii

^ t ^ o ndT egu io r lengths;' •

P v / J f \


- 0



- r 'y " : 7 "a ■

eel Ingsjto thcaccldenl.(lixiwiiHl. siiid ln* iiiiliall.v

IK ittitlcr. tint !^iiil Ihc panic

k’aS.pnmmttK'Wf dyid .(Uirjrig____^trilling thniiiuli Ihe sk.v. She' '?* : - imtmlatile nml, nl onV |H(int. ke voice that slicciiuldn't diemUu.carc.lim.___ _,cledtliestudys;iidihcy w ciii - Icrvlews- willi the "near- , ' t looking forward to dying." v l 'm n o ta fra ld o fll."

L /s Cashmere .... . ^

r i i k e th e ^nelhoir (or- . -isensationol.All fashion.................I selling a t the iel especidliy.T i in both pan t

I F t a W — i

' I

- .

.........tm . \ v \

S i ? ■:) I

Page 11: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

O im ir i

I BURLEIY — A 20-yearroId |;unmnn surrendered (o lils own hostages eorty. Monday tnom lng-af|er-Bur{ey-pollc»

♦ Surrounded the housirtn whlcli he'liad token refuge.

. 1 ’ Steven Barrett, Buricy. has • :/ been charged wlUi first degree

^ g l a r y and sccom)-dp?m>;------kidnaping::^-----------------

"Tie was arrested a t Uie home _ ttLMelvin "Rusty" Andersoni

•g)22HansenAvc.____________H ■ Barrett had reportedly burst

- e to tlie rea r door of the An*. ^ rso n 'res ld en ee wllh a .357

fo g n u m rev o lv e r ta k e n ' •p rtler from Sunset Sports C en te r.: T he-poU ce w ere ^ k l n g Barrelt for.the break

: Ipjhere.


■ ■

jM orm on. . . . j » ...............

plans to: PORTLAND. Ore. (UPI) - P N d e n t . Mormon_DouRtas- Wallace announced p la n s-

....... Monday for a scries of actions^ I n s t the Mormon Church.

-------- JfehidJng- a 'ClU!iS"TOn3n Sli'fl”•g ain st lls president for

_ — ^3-W ^ace.-a-form er-oltom ey- frotn Vancouver. W.ash;. was

4>urcli' last y ear for ordaining

5black..He filed suit in O.S strict Court In Utah against tfie church’s San Juan order of

____ LlQe^IonliccUo-stakc-dioccse__aftd the ■ Bureau of Land

_ .M DM gcmcnt^,. ____lA' 6uIl-WQs-f}Ied'Monday~fn—

ICS. District Court in Utah by Vfcllacc and a non-profit group

- - r f l le d the LDS Fr'eociomFflundallon. claiming lhat the d |p c ^ p u rc h a sc d two acresof 1 ^ - In Soulhcaslcm ',U tahfism tlie BLM In 1970 for JlOO oi{ which 11 built a chapel and n o t in g home.

. 3-Thls certainly violates t h e " C ^U lullonm scparmion of

— c ljprch . and s ta te , a s It amounts to anoulrtglit grant of land to the church." Wallace

' to ll reporters Jn Portland Mgnday. ^. The suit contends (hat (he




" : Single G: Labor Avail

W; T W J N i = A i u

— n ---------------------■ f»O B «7U <87l

l a ^ n s u r r

t a g e i n, ■ _ _ JX J {| | |^

police, Barrett iod offleerfl<o o - Id caclic’ of several weapons Is' hidden in buslics along an alley ly nciftTiic sporting g o o ^ store.ce------ -PoH cc-firstTM elvea-a-M ll-: l r - about 1 a.m. that a window h ad '

been smaslied a t Uie store, and IS ' a-m an had been seen running e from the^ scene.' The two <• eastern windows of the slore , had been sni.islirt: 'officers e said it was obvious (hal a li vehicle had hit the building.

A ca r wn.S ■.3nfnlnri-i.t...^^— ;t nearby ca r wash and sliowed 1- dents and some broken glass 7 on ihc hood. Ono officcr ti" spoy«Iasuspeielninnlngfrom s Uie area, but polIce“ werc c unabletolocalethem an. i " Whire - th e ' lnvcstlgatidrf

continued, police received a

^dissident............... - ..................................................

sue presic- land was sold lo the church for s — half -Its -reasonablc-m arkot 3 ' value, and a condiiion of thei safc was that the stake riot

discriminate on (he hasis of sex or race in tlie uso or . govcmunce of buildings on the land.

l l i e Mormon Church docs —not'atlow Slacks o r women lo

becom e m em bers of Its ■ prloKthoodj tho (luit contcndn,

ond only, memtwrs of the priesthood can Join the bodies.' which control the buiiriinm.

------- WailQce—said—a —form al—complaint was sent to P a u l '

.....Howard.-U(ali_dlrcclor.of ih e '— B O rask ltlin i'im U c 'InnaT Jc”

re v e r te d to (he- fed e ra l’- government bccausc of alleged

d isc r im in a tio n .' He sa id Howard replied that such a reversion could not occur unless there'w as evidence Uiat such discriminqdon'had taken placo.

___ "Mr. Howard violated thoru lw 'o f lils dfficc by sending • copies of Tny. letter and-h is - response to (hcpraiderit of (he’ Cliureh of L atter Day Saints

. and the San Juan , stake:" Wallace said, adding that l ie ' believes H oward will b e ' dlscpllned for copying ahd ,

l U S F i

idilbns dt 25% Dis lia b le . . . Ask for E Inancing Available

LS ‘ JEROME BUISTC— lirw 7M iK — T“---------MJD

. . . . phow

\ , ' I . ' , ' ■

■ '

r e n d i ^ s

i i o i i i e{» i;uri irom uiwj i.nicnitfld. wHo'0 — saidTrman-hnd knocK sraniio

« d o o r-an d -th en n ed rS h esa id-y slie saw him enter the back


Id ' Ecarriihg thalTat’ least one* Id firearm was missing from ,o Ig display case a t Sunset Sports, ■0 officers surrounded Uie An- « dersoris’ home. Tliey (hen ■s r e c e i v e d w o r d fro ’m a headquarters lhat Uie suspect

was will ing lo give himself up. a ■■■■■W}ien'an''officer kiiockcduir cl tlie dodr, Anderson answered s it. He iiandcd Uie officer a .357r m agnumrevolyerandtoldhlm n Uie suspect was ' downstairs c with his hands against Uie

___wall. ■ ...{ T oilce found Barrett in U ia r 1 position and took him into


t tells Identr. sending the letters lo churcht ‘o lfk la ls .- ........... V"~ -----------J Wallace sflid he has cigtit t pieces of iitigation planned.

against the church prcsidenl.! He said another class acllon

!____wlll_allc£C,consi(mcr_Xraud.ln-I .re g a rd s to th e M ormon i O iurch's translation of (hcI----- BookTifT\ fa'ra han r---------------^

Hc said experts ocross the ’• counlry have been able to '

p rove th a t the c h u rch ’s1— translationDt4Jic<locurhent-i^ia-

complcicli (raudnulenl." Ho said Ute suit will ask that ail •

:-i^fund64-c<H*ived"b)^»htrTfrairtP , for copies of the translation of , the Book of Abraham be

refunded.J Wallace also said Jic would • legally challenge Uie churcliX

tille lo its home in Salt Lake I Cily. Temple Square. He said

(he sull will contend that a I grant of the.property b y jh e _ 1 . federal government to (he I -cliurcli Is. In .violadoa of. the

separadonofchurchandsTaie;The land grant "amounted to

a direct (ransfcr from, (he ' federal government to the LDS ' of Uie land on which its (emple . s(ands,"W allacesaid.

O i i l ^

Klompletie Line ofB e n ja m in ,

o o r e ^ i A I N T S j /

y-2-Gallons~ -ile regu la r p r lc » . , . ’

One Gallon

iscount ; Estimates

e ' ' • - '. __

URiEYj n r o i i - a « a -------------------- --------------l<w<7M ?*l. ___________

vHo’-----liic-----a i d "tick.




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I l i f S ;

“i i i 2’W’s ..

IU 5/8”xB"

Rough Saw 4”x4”s 8 ft. Cedar

N K: B | | I KIWaO’'

» m 9 5 ^

I l l l Sal<

— :---------- F inanc— | J - | ---------------- A v o j l a

~ i , .

S p e c i a l

i E p w gF E N C t r

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Ml Boanls. n n . f t . 1 r Posts

Special (

^ S t a i i

: ;r SiUi - 3 e Frees May 5

ic in g ---------obit^mii^Enn

■ n

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iHiiHjlm MiiMBiP

F e n c e d

S p t i n pX C h q■ ☆ S e c B i l y l

j ir S ' ☆'FBffslI y o y ☆ FREEDo-l

I C a r l o c


N G ‘

1 9 % *$ 3 * »

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Offer . 9 'pic Sal" “ C o n

m M9th through M

Tuesday; May 17. l'9'77 ' 7

B B j t o a j g i i y i t t B i a i r i

£ £ £ 3 : '

1 E 3


i ^ S ^ .

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I T k l ^ ^ W BURI■ ■ ■ ■ ■

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' ' I.V. -*••T im e^N ew sJw In F a J I s /W ^

■ ■ :to roll ' .

" 'S r W E N r a 'T f s i i S i d ^BaemenUiy School 3

- l ^ t a K i e r M t i j T » t o l * l c . oI( thg annual CjnUe F Ib n i i i

B Ilu illK airiilclivm U kspU M t' i— ____blUlbon Ii ofm to u n o w ^

tiT O M , u a k r '- ' ;^ U a to lo m ( e q i . a i> l< > r a ; ( o u i te j . A tm id tu m , .M n - , ipeed bike, donated h r t m - ; -. wood Center. wOl. Ta lso b e aw arded . H ie bU udboo/ '

I route will nm from B u i Q « t . .1 Park to Wmbeiiy aad hack I HarmoQ Park. Eatraota.maT^ 'I pick up ^ooaor ioritti a t aoj;:- -

/onnatkQ .cmtact Jim 1^ /I Chainnan,TO-iea. .

' _____' ...............

1. ■ y lir, .V

h c i n g ^ T | ^ f

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Page 12: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

p W o i M -

F w i t i r ^W i ' •• ©N.Y.TlrolaServlce

--------■WASHINGTON------ For-U *e_H v ’ first time In five* years, ilicV ] ------- OTrliiri5TmtcringTT5-p?mnn'jr-B . growing season wltiiout. (uur U thn t cro p fa ilu re s ' m ay g gcnorate a food crisis for any

S ' brood scction cftlie globe. 'I , Tlml is Uic Judgment of food

officials and ag ricu ltu ra l - w experts only three years nflcr a ' famine in mnny countries knl •'i ....... lo the World Food Confcl^neef tn Rome. Tliey made Iheir S . _ _ . cflmmtnls. _in_ llBlil_-O f-tliu„ U' biggest Increase In global Q 'wheal stocks ever experienced,V • nnd a smaller buildup In olher t grains, with prolcctloiis in- I dicatlhg anoUicr Increase tliis.------ year.’ ........i .

y ' T l:o e x p e r t s in c lu d ed speclalials in studies of all liie mojor growing and consuming

ai-. . .reglons.________ _________T . • .In lhe developing countries, r ■ which suffered 'm osl in I’ e

Sj! ' cJrsIs of J974, "WC don’l haveS i .......any Ijaskel cases;” despile -

cntiiff gpnttprM tmulilp spoK. ^ d Wau’;Gregory, who heads

(Editions in poorer lands.- - K ' In Ihc Unlled Stales. IheG ; ------ bu ildup iD-^SUPPl lC8j=:l0<i=jl « __ Secretary-of Agriculture Bob| v ■ BofgTand to My In ari j h * "t ---------n.rvlpw llifll he may sooni l .......... imposc. for 1978, wheat, the -P first producUon curbs since

1973. lie said the sul)Ject of . — ihltfmatlonal -agrecm cnis-on—

g ; , ' mnnagement • of production. giTT-Tsnppllwi nndipclcca-W'ould.be,-^:. 2 .' tftxacJied by this counlry a t-a—

meeling in London on June 27 ;’ii of; lhe In tem atlon Wheal

■Cduncil. ■ ' ......... .......... ..y j ; "We don’l see onytliing In

lhe offing lhat could cause ji big increase in demand for

j;jj’ wlieol.’” Oie secretary said.

| , H um an us( I fo r surplusJ • ROME (U Pll - Weslern . ^ Europe alone Is using tibout 1.5 ;f{ *- million tons of skim milk

powder annually as animal feed w h ile c h i ld re n in .

I t ' ' developing, countries suffer ' ~ fmm mrlftiK mnlniitrlHnn. Itio

diroclor general of ihc U.N. . j., F o o d a n d A g r i c u l t u r e ’ i.. Organization said loday.,j l ” W(Juld it be too much lo ask • it! that a t leasl a portlon of su r-

-------- ploscs'bifM aecmodfor human” *J : - consumption where llie need is 1} m ost u rg e n t? ” D irec to r ;! ; General Edouard Saouma of

Saoum a's statem ent was delivered in his Iwhalf by his depiily. Roy I. Jacksonrat.Uie

f opening session of llic Com- ^ miUec on Food Pplicles and

Programs, the governing Ixxly .: , of lli6 World Food Prognim.

' Saouma said he was glad loI .note lh a l th e E uropean

I; M cC lu re fi; WASHINGTON lU Pl) -I ; Idaho Sen. Jam es McClurc.

:• ; accuscd Ih c Department ot ; Interior Monday of failing to

.'Y, provide tarm ers wUli benefits ly from lhe recently passed

B u re a u of R e c ln m a lio n • | i Emergency Drouglil hill.. 'IJ McClure culled upon Interior

' Secretary Cecil D, Andrus lo comply wilh the legislation. .

II Tlie senator suild hc ond Sen.; H enry Jackson. D-Wasli..

; j learned altcmpis by individual ' I, I r r ig a to rs to secu re in-

I Q k i i i|i 'M i^ 1 T. -------------- ------------ TtAtJANni-i: . Aai,r«rllMr J - = —= =i=AtfctlonwniK

r -------------------------------SNAKIIIVI


h ~ "KLl i ' - NEUWATTtl

AudlonMniWai j l i i i i il . THOMAS LM Rdui----------- ---------- -------------

'■'i ■ *

E ^ ? ^ T I 'm a » N e w i t ; T wln Fails. Idaho '

G i i i c r s t

j o d = ^ r a. cll>n^ the increase ih slocks

__and. g en era lly -IaM rab lc__world producti'^n outlook.

M eanw liilc.. th e d eport­ment’s Foreign >\grlcullural Scrvlco w as projecting- a n xo rd world grain supply totaling 1.^1 million tons for the 1977-78 crop y ear following

- Q projection Ihls year of lhe sccond , lorgciil world grain

" c ro p on rccord.Lcsl anyone conclude Uml

„ been solvcd.-U«> oxportiwioled— quickly tha t . hundreds of mllHon will slill go hungry, hut II will not be for lack of odequalesupplies. '

When m ajor liarvesls iwgin this summer, the world will stUl linveon hand n Iwo-mohlh' " supply of g ra in .— about 172 mllli;in Ions — and a bigger

. than average supply of-riee. a c c o rd in g - lb A grjeiilturo - Department statistics, That Is an Increase of 57 miiilon tuns

- o v e r th e --g ro in reserves

m er’slinrvcsls began;no.spile some olivjous u«-

ccrtalntics alwut total iiupplies from crops now growing - in

=j.llie.Sflvlct Union, for example.- aJtlLquglj_turrcnl ■ .vondltlons

a re favorriblc. ri projcclcd ^

-.slill depends on timely rains — the large slocks urc considered

__nn^amplc_ Im ffy againsj a comblnnUon of citip failures ' Uiot would be worse than

—anyone m lghtcx peel;-------— N ollngthntthe United Stales--

still has m ore than half of Inst ..ycor!6 record wheal crop, that .' Canada has about 80 per cenl

of its 1076 wheal, tliut lndiu hns a. reserve of about 18 million tons and that the Soviet Union is b e lieved 'to have a sub--'

50 u r g e d i imlfc

Common Market had "In­dicated its Intention in prin- '

■ ciple to adopt an indicative m u lti-y ea r p ro g ra m " for annual shipments of skim milk powder and butler ' oil . ut developing countries. But he

. said the malnulrlllon problem In- th e developing world

, requires urgent action.Tlie FAQ director general

also expressed concerqjil "the — siown«B-ln-gclllng-underAvay—

the international'' cmcrgcncy . food reserve of al least .'iOO.CMW

tons of food .grains" decided upon more llian a year n«o liy'

— nieUiNrGcncra! ;W mf»r>^"Hc said the Food rrog rnm 's

e x i s t i n g _ r e s o u r c e s fo r emergency food nid ure suf­ficient only to meel small and medium emergencle.s. hui not large scale ones such ns Uie 1973 drouglil in Africa's Sahel M X .

f la y s B L Mte rest-frce loans for c m - s l r u c l lo n a c t iv i t i e s •Mo m itigate effects of the drought

I hnvebeendenied." .• M cClurc .said individual1 fa rm ers -q u a lified for tlie- I drouglil loans were Iwing

tu rn ip down by the Bureau o f : Reclamalion und scnl lo lhe

> F a r m e r s H o m e Ad- mlnislrntlon. where they were required lo meet interest and

• repaym ent conditions nor- ' mally used bv the FHA.

illMMII A Y 1 8<ITAT10N.*BUiatY----------------------------

tK n y Wall A m i -T* - - --------------

\ A m --------------- -------- r — —t/U AUCTION. T.F.••m «M rM 9r30

MAT 31---------- ----------^t»T A T I.T W lN M lUllMm«<itiMor19fart. DUr* a MMlanmllhiiA T Uu m t» l ATI— RIAl ISTATI

l « y IS ------------ -----------------J m . oldc a J.W. - - - —

ip' -T u o fld a y . M ay-ITjeT?

C i O j f -

s la n tia l ca rry -over. Dale __JltithuwJiy..as.slslunl_»c\Tel.:ii7_

of narilL'llltljrP InlfrmiHuiml- ■ com m odity program s, iili-

served: " I would suspect lhat these quantities would l>e ade<|uale even If cvcrylhlnu wenl wrongat once."

l ie said that Uic stock uti.. . hand in Ihc major producing

countries now "e-Nceetl tlic lotal world sliortfnll of l'J72. lhe biggcsl ever." Thai was the y ea r when .shnrifntls .In

----- -production-In^several countries •and huge Ra<isLn purchase combined to deplete Uils countrylsJargc surplu.so8 .-ind to sla rt a food-prlce spiral that only reccnily Iwgan to level off,

------ C itlngthe large slocks III theUnlled S lates und Canada, tlii' two countries tliat account for 7f> per cenl of the’world's graiii

. exports. Donald Novatiiy. director of the grain and feed dWislon In the ForelKn Auri-

. c u l tu c a l . S e t'v lc c . s a id ;• "Canada cmilii lake a iirellv

, bad bump In production and still e:^pbr( normally. Ccr-- (alnly weT'oiild. tnil it (iiH’.sn i

-look like we Iiave any liaii hump to fear."'■'A more cautious comniulil” carne' from' Howaril' W.' lljiir tr '

- V D ire c lo r ,of A g rlcuH ure

"We’re belter prepared fora bad year liian wc have been in

— o'long-tim e. but H is nlwa>-s- amnzlng how 'm uch changc

. can occur-In a-sliort period of - lim e.,O ne oClfi^IessonS we sliould li(\vc learned over the ~ lost few years is that Ihc morgJn between lod much and too litU eisaU ilnilne,"

He snid lhat " it 's llie spring- planted grain lhal makes the

-- difference." especially In the Soviet Union, and Uial spring wheal, normally the liiggcsl purl of Uie Russian crop- Is grown In Uic areas ol Uie. country 's most eri’aUc rain-

“ Vast .swings In Kussinn producUon depend on what happens In Ihose dr>’ areas."

I- hesald . ,I- ' B u l t h e s p e c i a l i s e s , e reviewing-jircsent and former r trouble spols. found no broad >c arcusolscrlousconcern. u IndiUi one of the ' nalions L* hardest lilt In 197-1, has had two

good crop years In u row. «\in» d allhouRh this ycnr has licen

dry and good monstion rains ll a re nc'cdcd for the ntxt crop. 0 India has a big grain reserve y— lotnling-IHHnllllon-loiiK-and y enough foreign exchange c reserves to huild up stock's d "when they see a bargain." y' according to John Parker, a

deparlmenlul spwiallsl- • s AnoUier of Ihe mosl Imubk'd r victims of 1974. Sri 1-anka. luis f- had u "good year" after Ihrec d succe.sslvc years of drought. )t ■ Gr<!gor\-said,-

f . I ht

i T l l ,', [ | ] I1,0. - Igof I[ic ^d- I


i i m

■ '>»

llv Al.'io 'in Asia- Ihc Peking17___ r;idUi i-eceiitlv nniciaimcd HintUll— ^iina-lia<l-ov«jreome-its-mo»t“ il). severe drounlil In many yenrs- liit Experts here say Uiut nithougli - Ih; gckKi information on China’s ng crop.<i and fiupplies a re lacking.

about 7U percen t of Ihe counlry nil e n jo y a d a b o v e a v e ra g e nj{ rainfall InAprli. he China slill ni'cds rain this

month for hor winter w heal— ;i.s which is sown In the full aiid In harvested the next summer — - c s — and-throughour-ThO*^Unrnier sc for the spring w heal bul tiie lls experts tend lo ;ircenl lhe nd . P ek ing ra d io -c la im thn t. ,a( condilions a re m uch im- :ci proved.Tliclrrigale<l rice crop-

Is al.so believed lo l>e In good^lie — condition------------------------ - .Ill' . On Uie other s ide.of lhe or w orld.’ Africa lias "a few ilii tra u b le sp fits." hui "we ,y.' havcn'lhadany.iTiajordruuglit: ed areas in Uie la.sl three years," ri* according to Robert Marx. ;1: specialist,for tlie area in tlie Iv Economic Rc.senreli Service, lid W heat’ producirim^ Is'iifY'ffl ;r- - Morocco and Algeria: Klliinpla

id Tanzania "still, n tW s Imi'd aid .* ' and E gypt, wtiose

u r ‘ Irrigated crops show 'little ' •tr ■ variation ■ la 'p roductlim , ' is', ro alw ays a food-deficit country.

'Hiif Sy rl.v whose- pnKhBllnir - rn varies widely- hns hud good in crops Ihis year, und .South >•«— A frica-has "an-excelicnl corn ge crop.”

ve ' We s te rn Europe, mean- lie while. aU cr.u poor se.ason In' lie i<J7.r has had good rains and Is id expecting a substantial in­

crease. In the Soviet Union, ig- ■ "Ih ings have been pretly he f a v o ra b le ." acco rd ing lo lie David TVI Schoonover. "A rainy ng April sloweii planting" of .‘st spring wheat.' "hui moisture is Is ri plus there ."

:he. ScliQonoycr. and olhor cx- lin- perts give lhe Russians a good

c h u n c c o f - h il l in g tlic ir Inn production largel of 2i:i million lat tuns uf grain.'bul tiiere is still a s." danger that hol. di*>' winds

la te r this month could hurt Uie ( s . expccled large han 'csl of ie r w inter' wheal, and , "wliat >ad happens slarting in June wili

determ ine Ihe spring wheal iins p'rotluctlon.’-’AVO [ North America. Ihe most

I'en - fo r . im p o rtin g coun tries ,ilns continues to lie uniong the■op. u reas of uncertainty. Canada,rve w here lhe soil'contlnucs to l>e and— dry .-is-»-m aJor-producor-of.nge spring wheal. Bul projectedck's V plantingslliereareolfalK iul 11in." per cent and producUon is•. a expected to^decline by alMiut 7

rniirioirfons, ^)lcd The Unilcd Slates is ex- luis pecting a better-tlian-average irec y ea r for wheat since rccenl gilt, rains allevlateil a drought in

m ujor urbwingarens^ *

^ "

--JdahgrnBOlSb lU Pli - MllkrH

- • * Idnhodcclincdoncixjrccnt fduring April. Ihc IdahoCropi RcportlngScrvlccsald.:

---------Uuj.numbcrl of^milk .cow.^_ Idalio-J41J)00-head., down

from lasl monlh and down 2 .' last year.

The sc n lc e suid ilaiiy hi ~ ■■ v a mUllon'pouiidsofiTillk^u

, on average of BTiS pounds pei cow avcrogc was also alwiil



G e m BLMBOISE lU P Ii'-T h cR u rcau

' of Land Management in Idaho- lia s received $38il.HU(J In

cm crgcncy drought re lief funds earm arked for efforls protecting the range, forestry.

:;;._ w atershed .*_and_ iiiililU fi;- rc s o u r c c s oh RLM ud- minislcrcdlands,

• Tlie funds are purl of u s p e c i a l $ 3 .3 m i l l i o n

r ■ • ^ J r y A f v i ^

nE l


----------------- s 5 “ - i d e a s . - l n

M o1 s p e c i a l 1

I_________ _ _ _ d i e L t o r _

g o m , 0 1

A s p e M a y :


nilk product,>i'oduciion ill - * — ProducUon < It from last Aeai; - • ' chc'est.', w ero u ipaiidLivcsliick ' lion ''during M- .......... service ivpiirli'1‘flln ad iT U iiiih r lUitUuMimdin t'.^on_farn«s iii totuleii iiii.».iKK] n .one .per' cciil ' ' piiiirid!2.000 head froin - chec.se produi

pounds, a l(> |i herds produce^il . year. •

jercow . T h e p rr M arcir aniouiiuut <iiie per ceii'l dcn.reaseof lo.i 'ear;

I g i veil d r onu ' .congressional appropriation,.0 for drouglil rcllef efforts nn n BLM Junds IhrouKliouf lhe •[ UnilcdStutcs. s S tale Director William I..>. Malhcws suld mosl of the c_^roJ«:ls.using-U ie.,inonuy-w llL - I- ■ Involve lhe di->- southern Idaho,

rungclaiids, u Projects will inchule welh n - - . . _

^ □ □I □ □ I

W e r

t o g e t '1

l i v e .

H o m e

s p e c i a

w e ' l l b

o n e s u

c a r e s (

M.U n f a -b ii; l i K e i - . W i t h s p e

n t e r i o r - r e m o d e l i n g ; —

D N E Y S A V I N G m a i n t i

f e a t u r e f o r w a t e r - w i

e L y - a c d - o r _ g a r d e n J _

- i f - y o u ^ . e - g o t s o m e t h i n

o n o r a r o u n d > K F K b t r i (

)e c la l s e c t io n c o m in • 2 6 t h . D e a d l i n e : Fri

‘tidri slips ~II of h u lle f . aw l A nu-rican . c up Iml ic c .c re a i i \ p n n lm y . , .

Miircli, 11)77, declined , th e - irli'il. . '■ ■:idiH.-tinniil Mi'ilio d u ru m .M aivh •

indsr 'i i jy e a rz a g n .— \m ericn ii-: . >= jdui-liim lotal'cd 5.U m il|im i l(> per-cen l inc rease over-l.n>l------

Ti-prftili!clion-ln‘-l(hihii-iliiniiit—— - ,iiunled III 2i)n,ooa gallons. ;i 10.(MH)galtoiis from last,year,

■ J . '

ught funds11 " n n d p ipe line dev elo p m en t,M w nler in ip rovem en l projec ts.I- protec tloh for u p land b ird s nnd

'- w i ld horses, a n d .In.st.-i'l in- fesln tlundotecU on:

e M athew s s;iid m oney ha.s IL . . a lso .b c ta a p p n i’pc ia led fo r flro - 0 conrrol and tr a v e l nci'essiiVy in '

com bating th e i'ffcctii of Ihe 11; d r o u g lil- ; -

y S g F f- = - s a - :

n o ■H j a g J ;


: t ' e m w h e r e t h e y

i t h o u r u p c o m i n g

l e & G a r d e n . '

i a l s e c t i o n , b e c a u . s e

1 b e c o v e r i n g t h e ,

s u b j e c t e v e r y o f i e .

^ a b o u t . _ I I a K ' I N G t h e T r T i b n i e Ip e c i o l d e e e r d t o r — ^

n t e n o n c e . A n d a s a

w a t c h e r s , a l o w - w a t e r

l i n g . t o - s e l l J h a t x a f l ^ ^

m e o f g a r d e n , g e t l a B

in g T h u r s d a y , * T id a y .M a y 2 0 th . •

; . ; A. R e s o m - c e ^

foiHDStoh ■ 'OGDRN. tlluM U P li -T lib

"^U-S, Koresl ServlceiTJfT: termuunlain ‘ regional oflfce . ’ has named Adrlnn K. Dullon- -

-d irec to r-o f soil - and w aler-------management for the live-stale area. ' ;

' Dailnn succeeds ^Wesley _C arlM n wiio n as reiiii'u, *l)«. “ n e w -^ 'd lro c tb f ' i s ' foriijo r . ■' j i^ ls lu n l reuionul dlroclu»\.uf ' runge management.

T h e . .1950 U tah St'iitc' u ^ g ^ r , r i ? r a d U ! r n r n i i K ^served ayt supervisor ul lhe M anti-U ^il National Forwl in U talr and Ihe Carllwu National Forosl In'ldaho.

Hr was also .e n e c g y -^ itf tr r^ ^ spccin llsl... in th e O g d en .

• rogionul olfico. for four years, and , se rv ed *as u'ssislurit d irector for the scrvicc'% D iv is io n o f W a te rsh e d . Monogement In Wushindnri-

I foroncycaii. - . - . -

: : - “ " t l i i l ie a » C 1 in i lH a w lt ts r


— . n - - -

W k


Page 13: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

B Gooding wa^ "GOODING - G ^ i n g c iiy

Uiemsclvcs.cxcepllpnally clcan. Uieirlawnscx.trcmcly''wcir.'

Danny--Fou>Ddpour.-on-engin< Vocllcr. Inc.. said Goodin^rcslde

' they need,to.His rigurcs. obtained by divl

pumped by city wells divided by It ^ — sha\>uluttog-a-«umm«r-fnonlt>-lt>-l ^ ■ ~ w e r e u i c d each day by every Goo£

"You’re not charging cnou^i." Itic council of Uic problems of I

' sew agesystem .Tliecnglnecrsak - person would be adequate,

Tlic report stiows llie InflUral cesslvc and probably will not Ji tundlnglnlearDthcsourcc. Foulai

Tlie englncwr,rccommcndcd p H cflcctive. analysis" to delcrmlh'

— Jd ic a p c tlo ”rcmovc.tlic Inllltratlo B -He said figures for per ci H ' . corresponds to Itie Hlgli water u «

tlie water used goes Into ttiescwat Gooding residents average abo

per capital per day. compared ti ••engineers would like lo see." tie i

■ ~T!Ife council members ogroed----- rcport-toJan jron.Lindem. .TWln

with tlic. Hcallh and Welfare Dc beforeproceedlng wilh tiie cost ar

.................. .............

Boxing mat<planned at a North Burley loungcT

Tlie Burley City Council Monda: ^H oriiB C T rfr'Jw asT irn itrK m ircon

city 's legal counsel.— ^ n e w - m a n q g e r a t T l i e__--plans to tmlH nmnli>iir Hgtitm On.T

' May26.Fuss said the boxing cords wll

: 'iram liio sc 'a rt)J :s Loungbjn tw i Uic cenlcr of considerable contro' provent any f Igiits from erupt ing (

---------- Fuss-sald-he-taiked-io tlic ldnMonday.'•They arc pretty well se

---------nnd regulations are pretty slirr."'------------Fuss^nnm rB urley rh lefu fpo l

uniformed policeman ot Tlie Bai . said the Idaho S tale Boxing Con referee and a doctor or pammcdic

[ Fuss said he will not charge adf card, a s is done at DJ's. but will In I HcsaldnobodywUlbestondlng

30 feet of Uie ring, which he sa problems. '

Tlie lounge monoger-assurcd tl have full Insurance, coverage an cstabllslied Iri aavance. ao Uial r

...... — foraflgh tonU iew uroflhem om c' He pointed out that (he boxers

before a match. . v

SV rationsSUN VALLEY-Condomlnium I

as green In Sun Valley this year rotlohingplan adopted by this - In an eifort to botUe prcdictct

Wa'tcr and Sewer District has pass w ater for landscape use. •

ilie resolution, scheduled to go allow residents and business firms and any qUicr landscape feature on

'tiiiFaltcrnotc day rationing p i use Is expected to save as mucli as per day. according Clayton Ste'administrator.__________•

The resolution designates cerlul odd numbered days and other ar< w ater on even numbered days.

ir-any person violates ttic ratk plementntlon lic .w lin» penalized of the resolution — on first vlolati beserved; sccond violation, walei a.m . to 5 p.m. for one day: third vi stopped for two days, and on violations, w ater will be cut off for

If this first.step of Uie district clfecUvc. the clty'odmlnlstralor resolution to prohibit the woterin

--------- fallowing oniyUie'spcclflcwatcrlgolf course greens.

Tlie resolution also prohibits tli by watering roads, sidewalks vegetation does not grow. .

'I'He sam e penalties applying to will apply lo Uiis typeof “ wostcfu

Thcwoterratloningplanim plei will end when the water and sewj ■proper to do so.

A ction ■ ' ■ - d e lay ed j—

U N D E R T H I S c i t y engloeer's pUo, tra lfk would tw tRXQ TwMng M t

------tu ra i- aod - a w » tnt.-8boAob>—Street oo M ato Avenue by. e igbttoniM am aIlbU ibcs'.T te '■

------ Twin ytfUC»y^oqnrfl,.i»hld>------------h a i beea eooiideriag tbe

M tytA t c m . after down- | town mercbaiiU aaked tbe city

.. to ce n Id e r« U ie ra U « n u U tv e c -^

• ' - i : - -

Iter eyed/ residents e ither keep 1. o r more lli«ly._ w atcr

ncer^wlUj=Hum iltofl-and'---- Jcnts use more w ater ttian

ividing ihc total gallons tlieestlm ated population. •

[>-197fr3SU-gnllonft^f-wo(er------ -- —oding resident." he joked in lils report to Infiltration into the city

lid 250 gallons p er day per

ation problem Is not ex- 'Justify continued federal iadpoursald. proceeding with a . "cost

Ihe whether. It.would bc;_............ ..ion or treat It.ii----------- ------------------capita, flow of sewage - iMge since ••OO'pcr cent of agcsystem ."X)ut I7B gallons of scwiigc to about ISO. the omount

esald.■d to send the engineer's — -*• In.Fflljs.cnvlronmcntalist >:partmenL-for oppn..al analysis phase.

iches se tcT " "lay nlf^il gave its approval DndlOonod on stuJy 'by thc

,e Bam.-toId the council he------------- -.Thursday.nlulils..slartlnB_________

lll Iw handled differently_________w(n Falls.w hich has b O cn _ _ j."___roversy. and he cxpects to goutslde the ring.duho-Boxing Commission------- ----seU" he sajd. '•Their n ilcs __ ___

»llcchasTigrecd1ffhaveTi— ~ <— :arh during Uie flglils. Hctimmlsslon will asslgn th e ..................lie wilt bc on hand, idmission during the figlit have reserved tables. . igorm ltlingaround within said Is a m ajor cause of

Uic council that he would md that dll cards wUl bc; no customer <5an sign up' •...............Went. . ‘ . ■ ^•8 a re not allowed (6 drink

; w ater. ■ ------ wl

I Inwris may not be quite Heir as a result of a w ater ca

ted w ater and clcctricily qj,

issed a resolution to ration

;o Into effeclJunelC . wtll ' ns to w ater lawn, gardens , onlyevelyoUicrdoy. ' •' planTorlandseapo'W ntcr---------- r ^ 'isssoo.ooogallonsofwotcr pc [eword. Sun Volley City__________;_______________ _______lain areas to use w ater on iroas in the d istrict to use > .

tioning plan after Its im- cd according (o the term s itlon a wfiUen notice will c rse rv lcc lscu to ff f ro m ? . violalion. w ater servico Is 1 fourth and subsequent or Uiree days.c t's rnlioning pian is not *]or Is empowered hy the o |. ing of lawns all together. pj.,iring of trces.'shruljs and— ------ 1

OVithe wasteful use of w ater bel i o r other areas where wc

. OVilo landscape use violationsfulusc.” sulem cntcdbylhcrcsolution tv

wer district board deems it. tci th(

ByLORAYNEQ.SMT Tlmea-News W riter

........ "TWIN FALLS - - - ;M r r and• Robinson, 'Twin Falls, • had I

Interrupted Sunday by a* phot . David Frost In Uftidon. seckhn

Americon response lo his t< ■■■-n c 'wl c C T l t h l t t t ^ r d W x o i i : -

■ himself, but only asked if


M r. a n d M rs. Ra^

ByBO?.ZUCKERMim Tlznef-News w riter

TWIN FALLS - The Twin Fulls -w ill-reco n s id e r-a roquost-by.- Hamburgers to inslall a drive-in w eatery on Blue L,akes Boulevard Noi

Two' months ago, tho council request on a tie vote, with one obslfllnl.ng because of n conilici oi i

Enterprises. Inc.. owner of RIcDon: the request should bc rcconslderec the close vote.

McDonald's is located in a zone .drivc;in_w indows__exlst nnd_ win windows aro allowed under city or petition said. •

Tlie council voted 4-3 Monday t< n iic rcd ucsl a t the next council me<

TeBy GEORGE WILEY Tlincs-Newawriler •

TWIN FALLS - The Twin F District may call a special tax provide funds for salary boosts to cn

‘Tlfe scliool iward a ^ w d Monda; override election In a -coordlnj belweeh Ihe.TFEA and the Iwnrd, would agree to sta le publicly the pu: override was to provide solory incrc

, The proposal for a specihl ovorri surfoced lost week In negotiations Tw in- Falls- Education -Assoclnllf tcachcrs' bargaining agent, and nc the Twin Fnllsschool board.

v i diHTTH Koblnson restdenite r ., t ........________ Falls.mart If.hc tund TMrs.' R ay tn i l l r whcn- Iwr ! Id thelr-.dinner pcopM own. jliotic cull from -• 'ito ld h lm 'h c ; klnganjivT iagc IHtle hot.” Roi s tclevlKion in- recalling the sunj;---------i ^ --------lil-dldn’- t-k n o w ^13 not ' nicnllfy ofTSO'many'phor if he iLiid lhc . callnil.’'h csa ld .

a y R o b in so n g ive vie

tAN llall.Juncu.ET The McDonald'sills City Council .caused heated del!)y.-M cDonold:s__meetings, in wliiin window nl Ihc residents stood up--North. Dr. C.R. McWillicll dented Ihc McDonold’s. char

Donald's argiied A. Norman Tiion crcd becausc of close to McDonak

•incidents of traf )ne w here'other a lready." and si where drive-ln window would only / ordinance, the When the council

attorney Russell ly to reconsider' E>onald‘s. tlircutenmceting ut City___ . Shortly ' Iwforc

' ~ bonaId‘'s proposed

eachersJY 'The override le>X . generalealw ut $2:1 Foils Stliool " “ I :lax dccllon lo BlM »>l smploycsjcmploycs.- »cll as tc rlllied n Way lo-coll I t io - . a1»ul5porcci.l.,illnatcd s iro rl" ? , f j , ^

"nlclill j r r a t o rI negdllMors for seven mills to un i assessment. A m|l

ot 'ince. lie Uivn asKeu Uie 'I'win Uiou^it Nbcon hud.toid Ihc — ’ b sajd h o ie l the American^-------

e sure did' and J guess 1 ^til a • oblnson said iMiiniiiiy ip n irprlslng traiu-Alhiiillc'call. . It

sne-callH-rlKlil-wlien.-vou^rc-------v;i. ■ VI

ew s o n N ixon in te rs

's request for a drlve-ln window j cbate at three earlier councillich at ica^t five Twin Falls t?-todenouncellieIdea. jllliams. who lives nexl door lo tirged that wlien Mct>onaId's Itners had promised the council. .iake their ••restiiuraiit" into u .(

imas. another perHtii who lives ' ilid’s, complained o f the ••high 1iffic'.jiccidenls in tlie area j said a McDoniild's drive-iniy aKgruvate thetimhleni ’ i:il denied the rc(|uest in March. 1I Kvanvig, represenling Me- i inedtosuethecity;

uKrccing to rc'conslder Me- «:d drive-in window, ilie council ’

could^3 v y . tt pas.seri Ijy volers, would27U.IXKI in udditiunal income for T' year which would l>e ii.seci (o S's of the district, uncertified as cpersonnel, a salnry increase of $;

luc to hold a teachers' meeting t]ctions on how lo respond to ttic tls on Ihu special tax e k 'd lun. a hem (teachersi m ake theEA c h ie f negotia tor N ick ^

.school-district superintendent ° iverridc levy would add six to * ^in Individual property owner's ,, n n sa te n th o fa c e n t.

._ JL _ j m . .

• Hohinson'smujorpoinl. \vli'ichhe.st - bcllevca.-ls-lhat-Nlxon did lle und h -ndmitteditrbtit-Uic-W nrcrKaiGliumnow history and Aliould ho fnrgol ten. ■

Meantimb Mrs, Roliln.son.Wh6 sa recognized F rost's voice hwausi telephone Is closo to the table wher

-Thc-anii-tiprhiisnnnd-M Vi'v siiiintj -vainly trying-lo-stopJjer-husUand:^- volley.


rv iew

fr ‘w invoted G-1 to allow' another fusl-fc A rthur T roachcr'a Fish and Chips I to Install 0 drive-ln window. Johr

representing owners of T reacher's structlon of ttic re.'itaurant would twg about Uiree blocks north of McUonal Lukes Boulevard North, '

. Councllmnh Christopher' T-jilkin

.ea rlie r voted against the McDonah

request l)ecause he fell a drlve-ln T rencher’s would not cau.sevas ha problem as one nl McDonald's.'

Councilman Henry Wootlall. who aeainst the McDonald’s window, sji for tiie '’freaclicr's request -bccausi didn't m ake any dllferencci"

When lils iu rn lo vote came up, cilmen had already voled In fa

-T feac ircF s requesTTWoodall s a id . ' -

get salait the levy passed. Ihe dislricl

TFEA demands for a base salary I S9.000. up from $B.40U tills year. I election failed, the district would pa $11,GOO t)asc salary next yenr.- If-lhe-TFEA-agrees to lhc-Avcrrid the district would begin to ls.suc con tlic_J;8,(XW tjji^inow.'and.lho contrncl amended after passage ol Uie overrid

The district proposal also wou voters bc informed -uhat miglit hai override were passed th is.year hi year. Snow said.

"Ordinarily, once you start nn »v havelokecpil."hcsjiid .

T w i n F

s t r e e t c........TWIN FALI;S. - Ttio Twin Falls’• Monday nlg^-flciaycd action on a

block traflic InJm crossing Sliosho . Main Avenue, after downtown m en

" alternative plans be considered.Uncle'r the city’s plan, which lhe

— tieen-Working-on-for-abaut-two.w , hushes would l>e placeil down tli

Shoshone Street al Main Avenue — s to p p in E T c a m ro m - n r a in i f i n c r f i__lritcrsccllon...and...blopplng_llimuK

Main Avenue tSccdlagranx}^------ John Roper;-owner of Roper's.— cloUilng” store., snld-hc-wna-iigaii

bccause it miglit make )t en.sler for • siioshone Street and ttieroby incre. tra tllc on Shoshone,

He said when the downtown mi built, d c s ib c rs had hoped to mo

pedestrian traffic. barriers on Shoslione would mca Shoshone would no longer slow do

— — ^A vv

I 9 •

e .strongly When Frost asketid has 'n o t . - r ~ ~ p crson- in 'Uie~irol iuT dentns-~ * 'a tw lu i{ izlfl~ (o“ i l i r I t.' • husband's remarks,sa.vs she "Frost suld nol Ic

ause. the - wusmildIwsldeswh here hoth , toldm e.''M rs.Robliling.: 'was-------=— T hrTw iirF im rw ii:K-vvrJ»al______ Still JountUUianl-lu

.picked, apparently survey of reaction U

• series;•■ ■ • Alter apologizing

said slic and Uie Rrll ••He told the Twir

- ' most Americans "i j r w j NlxonhadlclUiepet- Frost then asked h

____ ;jiavc.hcnixl his.v,ol«! ' ^ r .......... her husbond and Ir

eating, the conversa M ' "-- The Robinsons s.tf./, / - .. London for he sok uA-. . suppor; il’8 supper

= then asked whal the"S*^ ■ ■' their chicken snlad*

• Mrs. Robinson-sa wanted to askliim h

..................... Twin FANS'' and orefrained .'

"Ile 'sthereportci — ■■'bcasklnghlmqucsti

f ' Frost also asked I•; go on national telcvl;

- / I - -----------.iahey.M'croplekcd,t.Ur "He said wc hod

pickeo." Koblnson .. i • • nioved here a fctt- yi

~ ' do nnl llltt» trnvnili-V; " ‘‘dowhotUicycould.

______Frost took_thclrRobinsons feel thej

....... Hc'nlsojisked thiX ' , former-. President F

------ ond If ihoyAvcre RepMrs. Robinson si

------sa sp ec t-N ix o n 'sWatergate burglary

— •Mltchcll b eg an ‘■tell . . sporlaUntemt-ln-Mi

cam e from Van B , Robinson's home to

^ ^ — A rirra^hortdlstanc

i d o ^ Jsl-food eolcry. Only Mayor P ps Restaurant] against McDonalc Fohn M. Davis, request to recoi c t 's . ,said con- proposed drlve-ln i Iw ginlhisJunc Tlic Troachcr’s Dnald's on Blue add to o "bad '’ tr

Lakes, the movorsIkingtdn. who ' ' nald's request. It Is uncertain h<

— ■McDonald'j fc q uc ?-ln window at those against the . had » traillc Councilman Step

abstained because .vho also voled o conflict of Inlcre: . sjiid he voted Bancroft, an ai luse "m v vole ' worked i6r“MCL»

' _______ didn 't know If heup, fourToun- cam c up at the ne>

favor i»f the was now unsure

t r y b o o s;l would meet He said the dis ry Increase to situation" If Uie c r. If the levy then falledlo pass l pay tcachcrs . Since salaries c

override failed, th •ride proposal. -— moking staff and contracts wilh to meet budget, Sn rnetH would l>e ' Snow ndmllt<!< rrldc. nectssary next yciuould require amouni of stote happen If Ihc receives.

• but not next ____ H esaid thisyoaibc held for alwut i

I overrlilcTyou Iwlhparties.Further negatii

^ a l l s d e l

c l o s u r eIlls a t y Council Avonuo-traffic - n a city7)lan to pcdcstrlanslocro; i-Khonc Sireel ut Curtis Ealon. p lerchiinls asked and Trust Co..,sal

opposed to a plai Ihe'cnuncll has MalnAvcnuctrafIo.wccKH.-Sm«ll_____ But he^soid hei the ccnler of consider olher po nue. (‘Ifecllvcly ' "iiglilftro four-wnyirfitrfn's'ii.nhc " i iiu n k " i n s■niigti-lraffic on pedestrians asjx-i

dcndh, onothcr I •'s u downtown portcdatra^ficllg i;uin.s( Ui« plan — -Q»Uf (orlnick.slousc ™unoll was « crensc ll.rougli- tra ir c s o M y co

consider Uic plar mall was flrsl dovmtown merchc

make the a rea ' liad a chancc to gii flc.- installing . . He said he cxpc ncan t r a fflc-m -^ « lb n ~ a fr> ^ tn r tp i ' down for Main June council meel:

- - T uesday , May 17,1977 tirrtoa-l

■— ■ -

ccd II there was aiiother I , ■rou«r~srie~ Iminl^lme i r " !----------1i^ n le rv ifw e r for : her . - : i

io worry alKiut that, - l i . ; 1- ' j vhat most people said.’ he : • ; ' 1 i)insonsaId... 'j•V'tnmia.tmid Monday siic-------T------- ^.lo.belicvo-tlK>y4*od»H.«cn----------------fry a t riindom. for Frost's ‘ r ilothewell-publiclzcd.TV li'

lg to Frost Mrs. Robinson j!rll isli s ta r had a nico.chat. Vvin Falls woman lie found . . . . '.!j;"feel like you do" that • I

leopledbwn. jIhowM rs.Rohlnsoncould ' > >[ict»h lltlic .\vas talking to - _ .— _ 4

In explaining iheyw ero llsotlonturnedlofood..- . ifsaid Frost called froni. - {i

old.' ‘'Oh. you’re having .cr time In Englond.” He [Ihey were eating ond sold 1d ’'sounds good," ' ' f ■sold Monday she “ roallyiliqwlnthCM'ortdhcchose ' I oilier questions, but slic

te rse I thouf^it I slinuldn’lstion3.” s h c s a i d . ............ -— :— -d the couplc If they would vlslontoairtliciropinlons . •

od' 0 good choncc to he ' n sold. Ttie couple..w ho• ” •] yeors ago from Wcnddll. '

Tl hilt pan” <> thajr would. _. t-----id.*’ . ■ ■ • • • [ Ir full oddrcss and the _ ley may hear from 'him

!hem~ lfn rig r~ n f^ 'i^ i^> .f Z ~ ^ Ford’s pardoning Nixon •: '

epUbllCflh^fDcniocrols:— ^ ” ■ ' said slie flral began, to '

i - ln v o lv e m e n t- ln '- lh e — ; f— — | ry when Uie late M artha ■ ’ • elllng'thlngs”'’ 'She liad a • pMnirMitclicti^bccQUse^he— ’ r Buron. -Ark., and Mrs.

town l> Mountain Home. itnceaway. -

b i d i - s f c iPaul Ostyn. w ho‘olso voted i

old's window and McDonald's ; <[;consider, voted ogalnst the :l!; n window nt'Treachcr's.’s drivc-in window would only ' |traffic problem all along Blue ,rsaltt. . . .• . _ ■

. how the council will vote on the'

le measure sliould stand fjr'in.- . cphen' Bancroft, who earlier s e he sold he was worried about . rest, miglit break the tie; • 9 accountant who sold he tins "■

Jonold's. said tills morning |ic ~ ' IC would vote on the Issue If I t . icxt council meeting. He said lie c whether a business conflict

s t ; . jlistriet would bc In a ••lerrlblc' ; ; override pas.sed this year andss next year. 1;> could nol be cul if tlic second :the district would Ixvfttccd with Hd matcriols-cuthacksnext y e a r ------- fSnowsoid. \led. an override might—be ‘ - - year, however, depending on Uie tc appropriations the district

:ar's override election u-ouJd not------r-it a month, even If approved by ;

nations are due Wednesday. ;

l a y s

----------------- — :'l: -and mako 'i t harder for ross tlic street, he said. •

presidenl of Twin Fulls Bank aid. "I don't Uilnk any of us aro • lan protecting pedestrians and afficflow." • ;he Uiought the council sliould • iposslbllitlesTliiClUdlngu-tniffic----------uy s to o a tthc ln le rseetlon • ' — 1s as Important to regulate • well ^ts tra ffic." said Ann An- ’“ Twin Fulls rcsiaenl”who sup-llglitatthclntcrsc'ctlonr:.___ '«on Smith said thls.'mornlng Uie • l ^ n g action u n l i r ih c " t l t j ’s “ commission hod. had time to ; lon and alternatives ond until •':ij chants and oilier businesses had • ” j[ givcthelroplnlons., ' ipccted'Qi'e council (o take some :![rtim m erSM tlom i'oneTJftfM J-----clings. -i>, ; i

.._s - N ^ . 'T w ln Fiills7ldih6 '' 1 3 ^ ''y

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^ rc4k^ .Pii-.sl.Scc.Co. 4l,.->iiAmeKin^sicti • Kullwood

^ . I/onf{ Fibre 2mi.oo E>adficSt.Ufe 1.50

34H j4itl^|t Sierra Life .7!>I TT** 7* ' H Qii:iiilex ■ ,Wl

lOH 11 7 H .J IH U - H - • - •

rjiiJ!-!_____' '•-----S i l v e r

•-ijJ— U H !.-___-NEW_YORK (UPll! TIH »H . H and iiiirmon Monday 1 l- «H 15. H silver at $4,777 per fine ' 14 MH-i down 1.9 ccnls,. i;h u ’ l t ------ BnRcltmnJ-quoted-a-. ’ ih ” h * '*TH TH-v* c c n ls and n p rlc (I OH a!t-\» fabrlcaled • silver o f -; I’l* JUJ^H down2 ,0 ce'nLs._n«j_TiH ..;i------------------------I I H' i » 7 u - COULD YOU UIO oiiraI iSS l!!tt H riani now? TTion put« Cla:. IIH eiiH- H Ad 10 work sollino Iiams 1t UH I5H-H lonfloffiood.

/lm ... . ' • ' 1.1.

ey beanso 'Jw rthcm s: Average 14;:W: :i deal 4dca!ersat 14^.: 0 dealers al 14.00.

[os: average 12,17: 4 dealers at li

ill reds: average 13.04: I dealer'ai ilersat 13.00. 'iionlnks! average 13,15: fi dealers at en iJiL i3 .00U .dcalcto t:i2 j)0 ,_Z ir; t.kidney: average 19.75; Id e a le ra te ra t l9 .50 :-------- ----------- 'lalions rOprcscnl offcrlni^s uf rep •s. courtesy of Weslcrii Bean D lation Inc. Priccs a re lic t. U.S.Ijcan tax and storage charges.

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!2 !.3 S S ? n ! S E, . ' S ! i r , J 5 K t t ' S f c , , 'l.<r 7.TIN.U' NOtUs - I4J1I4.3J TOtl QT .“iu*'.’ l.4» 10.11 Un»d•*« li0BH.L. U«lan »

tu o ttd Numn I.UnaD M S I

sa a sf f A S S J ” K S S S " ,fl, CmmC u ^ q io b h l Cert 01' » ! § ! § S . 7n Q i» oic S«c I1.UIIIT SdmS . a t r a r ,w . ! s r 2 J ? n «W 4U 4U Pm Ul 17IH.L USAA C

J“ i*! ^ ^ w i » w**o*e I t l ] t o Pften,, C 101 t n VMM u

i s ’s s S s»»h JB JU CltXil IJflTT Vd Sa Bup: ^ ^ /Inetni I B I H V o m T!

' W hT iS S i * i?.SU:« ? s a ^

On«(i ■ IHHL Iml-.F<J 1*4111.17 hS” (t« lflOM.L 7(S"

i n III Hm Hor INN.L VWtIrr'Fxnte Tu Fr.IflaH L VWtW

IDT4I1«I Pro Fd t.t4HL. WUim

r a i s n«w* Fund*.- - K id giR IJttOO Cow 177nj4l Wdng d

IBMlta Egmtr IUI04|V^OiI T.» I d Owrg tJU IJtl WliC W1* Fvndc Grirtn 10.011.40 K. nom t in i l t f i n ^ 74} 11704 i « l a t u Ei N M a»_______M U4 i n REASONABLY PRICED r s\ I ^ i i i r ory Is lor u io In today

BdB — ctioch now.

g ra inliitc wheat 2.30. barley •;i:'J2.-oats : rains 3,92.prices a rc given by the Bean Gro\

isc Association. Inc,, daily a t 11 i rain orlces are an average of sev ilerquolatlon^oblained'wcckly.

i n u r W o r l d g t. l . . . r r i „ . NKW YORK (UI rJir...rL‘! Forolgn and Domesl tnniMoii, priccuMay4B:Ixndon |.r..u<tr.i Morning fixing I47.G

0,05.Afternoon fixing 147.1

43*.0 0.50.l'J.2.*> Paris 'f re e market; 42,ai up 0.03.| . i 7„ Krankiuri H7.n.‘)aowi

„ 5 , “ Z u r i c h U 7.H 75 ' , 7- o,25.NewYork

, Handy and Harman '..J down0,85.^ '

Engelhard, base pr refining sctlllng ai fabricated gold 148.1! o.so pcr_trby_ouncc^

■ down 0,52 per troy ounci

Handy ...................... . .<luoled

e ounce '

i-sllvcr-----^ c m C A G O ” fUPI)“own selling priccs aa repo•c f 'T -^USDA:. ^•........................ E g g s - p H c e s pj

delivery unchanged.

cartons delivered) large 55.02: large mediuWi.s44-19.

(C oistoySIncU lrA . : r CHICAGO - Gcr

; lower.the dlrccl

I-JM). H commoditi’ futures ; -r r ;., '..,” — looKmonaay: ; ^.11 1,I.jO. Commodily News !

• said Maine potatoes cio::iO .'«cnts lower In a ;

7„-»i7uT.--------: lro d e o f3 3 6 lo k -------,. W estern.,.russcl p,

,, , weiis. lower In‘three c vporting I Mn„„m»w.r '77D ealeri higher, up ’4 ccnts ot 7

». I. IC-S.S y hundredweiglil. For ’ lions. March W'os off 6 April was off 7 a t 8,39 ai plunged 26 ccnts -a

. Late pressure in Uic>& complex look priccs i^ higtis. copping a day ofI F tH ttit lower . prices. Beans« mixed, from 27'< ccnls" r tcDNL to 8 ccnts lower, only tl' u i» '» o 0P‘'®ns hlglier.’ (» 0 .ftiiJN session higlis late, closhoS -7.B w 17 points higlier. tliqug

S * ^ ^ M L points upB «i4jiHL_ Meal losses were pare*

WOHL U ic"^bscrnharscuicffl(*i“ a S S h to 4.20 lower comin

r'7ss ■IB IT? ” T

I F ^ a ITBiTfiiiS PORTLAND. Oro. U

(U SD A i-L ivestock: *Fd i r IS Cattle and calvcs ; » ■ « C o m p a re d Id^t M i-Fd tu jtiji s la u g h te r cow s ui ” ^ tS iu * opcningwcak-l.OOlowei ■ u.T4a« ' classes not fully eslat CHon-^^HL Slaiiglile r cow? fow

uliflTy-ana standard 2- SM in t o 31.SOrutlltty and commc H ’SS’IS 24.30-29.00.' somi

' 8 SwloS dresslnS 21.75-24.50. iU( II.73U4B ■23.00-2G.75; canner ai -5 jf_ ,"^ .i'j,,_ d ressin g _ cu ltc r—20.01 r 0 4.TT 118—bulls yield grade 1 1.3

njudMl in iJB'‘a- WNL NORTH SALT LAKE- » - « « j r " “ JP*’-----Idaho,-UtahrrUM F»yg,,. Nevada.-fccdlot -and-r!"S fioNL sales Monday: Trade i» i a J t over the wcckefb* Fuur Monday slow: few sal

* - * iS k l '—F'flday-and Saturday t• tilllcor^iolhlngdonesln f a tTsi” Siaugliter steers: Go cm. i S w - choice 2-3. f f t HJnSJ’ 1.100-1.175 lb. 42 ,00

H unKL several loads closelya ' l a n t 1.0551b. 43,25,-d. A*n»- S lauglilerheifers: Go 1 h T i r t i i i , mosily choice 2-4 900-1

39‘« H Q .5 0 ..J a ltc r_ p rDj4n« western Idaho,

in "*»J7 us Feeder cattle: Trad< Fd 7Ji lo s te a d y : cholcc 700-8S iS tu i stee rs 38.00-10.00: choi<

“ t S 'l S 700 lb. heifers M.00-35.00a SM lu Sheep: Aberdeen ian-

t;Shl: in Idaho about 1.50 •n-5 cholcc J04 Ib. spring sla“S . r S i " Inmbs 57.28.' s S S -“ J J ’JS OMAHA (U T O -L iv tM n :

I------w 'Tii . Hngs Sflnn- hiilrtipn :ia JS 50 lower. Instances 75-

0 inHi! -260-300 lb 50-1,00 lower: )b 43,25^3.75: 341:

' 42.25-J3.25: 2.iO-2GO lbth U l 42.50. some early at iV

' iSmi 2-3 2G0-270 Ib 41.50-42.00 T tiaNL early 42.50 ; 270-290 lb0 iMNL 4l.50.som ccarly42.00:: V -lu -1 7 4 —

9f »»» p lower; 450-600 ib sle: 0? UB 7« wcak;:i00-600lb37,00-;w.

eallle and calves « sleers mostly 25 low

' compared to previousDmsehin- Week, instances 50 lay's want compared to early tha

heifers 25 lower, inslar lower than early wcdn but steady with dull lale cows mostly 50 lowt

r . stances 75-l,tiU lower; or of cholcc steers ll2-'> Ib sevcrqljoads choice and

s 3-W. ■ • : ii7^'i25o Ib 42:db-i2T25r 975-1250 Ib 41.75-42.50; and low choice 37.50-11,5

1 a,m.«vcral .

■______ P o ta to e sDENVER (UPI) - P

s te a d y ;' lOO-lb sacks v I V US No. 1 unless ulh

^ O l u staled, Cblorado round > 9.35; 2-'a 1o3-'2 Inch, 10,U p h -- ■ Ib 2-'a lo 3-'i inch. 5,2( 'S tic gold- b a g 5 10-lbliuledS.50; r fl 9.25: Nonsize A 7.50: fiin7.6(1 down •>..')0-5.B.'>;

rus-wls- lO-oz minimum, 17.05 down 12.50. some 11,00; 50-lb

80S100S. 6,50-7.00, somi eti 1'i04y 7.7S. some 6.25;'New ^

round rods, in.oo-. 2-'.-

5 d ow n ■ '

an. i47.6.'> G r a i n

price for n^N V E h (UPIi -and u n - •

1.15 down ' No. 1 hard winter whco .tirlllnf. cvrt.__________ 2_______0ld :,t5 i r i No. 2 yellow com 4, ncc. cwt.


' - OGDEN (UPI) - . •prices Monday; •

Under llp ro ieln 2.31b____ „ - - _____ N o.:ll.protcin2J3bu„

J No. 12 protein 2.43 bu. ported by No. 13 prolcln 2.55 bu,.

No. 1 soft while 2.45 hu p a id to No.2barIoy.4.75cwt.

^ ^ ArrivalH: 37 cars

, 7 3 3 . 0 .

FutuIrACo.) ' nearbyshiUheupsidcb G enerally Wheal ended mlxe

ccnts lower lo l 'I cents ‘ccllon thc ds export demand pic

•s Service----- Com dosed 2 ccnl:dosed 2 lo penny iowcrinaqulel U a skeletol Live eallle dosed

..----- lower-ltricssTacUvc-tpotaloes willl weakness in Iiv<

!c options. ■ trade and liquidation pi77 closing in the wake of Friday':at 7.50 per on feed report the mair '78 op- tors. Final prices showcf 6 al 8 .10, unchanged wiUi otJier19 ond May from 42 points lower In; - a t 8.90 lo 10 lower in distant Afwdcd------------June^Volumewasll.6.’>:IC soybean . Feeder cattle closcdss off the to mostly lower on a t:( of mostly 344 contracts. May wcns closcd with other munlhs unc■nis h lg lie r ' to 50 lower,ly.the.flrst ^Llve hogs settled :r. OU hit lower, pressured bylosIng77ld losscs in bellies. Tlie-iqugli Ju ly declined gradually fi

up once, s llg litly h ig h e r opared near clpsing off 25 lo 115 cfflcnls'of— ncarbys-the-v^cake3lr-\ning after was 5.938.

Livestock ■. (U PIi — loads choit'c and prime k: / heifers 41.25; severalves 1.00U, • and port loads dioii

M onday prim e 975-1025 Ib 41.00; u n ev en . 900-i050 lb 40.0(H1,00: &

iwer: o lher low dioice 31,50-39.50: slobilsiied. and commercial cows f*w young 28.00. a lew 28.25-28.30: r m z n w - andcuiier22.00-25,5O,imcrclalZ--------- sh c e p ” 700’~ t r n dom e low- established yet.50. cu tte r -------

and low T u e s d a y 's e s l i i10.00-22.25:-----rcceiplfr: Cattle and'.1.30U*l.uU0 5.500. hogs4.SOO. slieep'

c ld g rad e2 •^ ----- -------------• J G H B T r^ H i^ H ii

kKE. Utah C^l!c4.600: Iradem. ih rta s tem (o-sIow T^lccrs and' "£U ^£2IlB£^steady;^lnaifliK*«^T-

, ol higii diolce and primi«kend and 41.50^ 2.25; diolcc 41,0

diolcc ond prime hcifei •y^ l^^dy;— 41.25:'good-and chold ’Since. 40 00O ra l ond .H o^ |,8 iio ;lrndcm o

r o o S o o ' barrows nnd sm s 50 = iv 1 ^ rtn i Nol-2 200.240lb«.54-lS cly sorted |.32oo.25Olb<l.0O-H.SO. r ~ ^ . . „ . i T u e s d a y 's e s t i i

« ^ T b receipts: d l l . 50; hoE_price._in__________ :............. ............

rade alow. ' S p o t M e t )

? h S G.W- n e w YORK (UPI) - 5 .00. prIccsMonday:lamb pool Aluminum: primarj 50 lower: pcrccnlplus.pureSOlb -slaugliler Sl.OOclb.

Antimony, domestic per ccnt. f.o.b, Larcdc

ivestock- hulk 175.00 cib. J\esto<.k. C o p p e r , c l c c i r o

dullvered U.S...71,'02i5-75 7 ilw 'c r ; • ~2e r ;N o l- ;i L e a d . . C o m r340-350 Ib U.S.Primary Producerslb ^ M l . ' l b r u ; s . Honprimnry4100- No • ptwluccrs31,00cl

2 00 some Mangane.se 9*1,9 peIb^O W ' b6xedrcgular57.00elb,

DO:m-im N ic k e l , c l c c l r ttn in iii.ri, cathodcs.' f.o.li iinrt ciisleadv lo Ont.24l.00clbym m P la ljn u m . .soft,es 'U'ioo- p ro d u c e rs Sl62,oo-ilower »s ''ppm x.. ISH.2:lous mid- pcrlroyouncc,50 lo w r Quicksilver .Si:W-t:t!) that day;slanc6s .W 'I'*'’- N Y, Ain Mecdnesilay Alloycr prlcc 4!il .(Hi e Ib.ale trade: - T ungsten powerdeower • In- R «li; 98.(1 per i'l'nl ml■;onel(md PJJrc514.2nperll),■> Ib 42.7.'i: prime westenandprim e 37.00clb.25;” cholce ' ’ .................................50: good , -------11,50; two . • . ••

If your <a= ? ---------- ----------------t o - l i a v e


v.‘m t ’iiim M J 9 5

n S l S 'IT.; Idaho Now is A 9«al'™ ?‘o um. 11:50- gel Itie ironi end align- l-lb carton ..........meni your GM car ^

w 'T r lJ /n - i 'w rench will d o ^ s f 'wArizjma aster, a im bcr and , ■ - /oe-inw/iJCfo/T spoc------------:--------------- i fin iion x

whcclbMnnQS. ...m spcctbushings.. .

inspocisiccnnolmkag and ffenerally inspccl.

- “ " I " 4 ^w i,e .ta .i» sErX.,|l|

i^^nment V \..U y » 35cwt. ■ -juBlS J

G rain.............................

•31 bu.3U.____ _____ _____________JU. . '* * ^ 3 3JU,. MMihu ■ ■A. P ric#

- - - - - ABBE- 0 9 3 1 7 1 2M < ili.A v ..B

ures in geineral ski^jbricfly .*- P o rk 'b e ll ie s s c t t l r t slia rxed. 2*i low er. w lth .A u gu stllm il do'i ts hlgliciv T tie f irs t two op tio iu toucilicked up - l l jp itd o w n in U ic fu n a rm ih ijT ^ g liir r t hi^t 9 tn S pi^lptc, nbiircs su rc . ih e low s. W i c r m d^ lhs w n is to a . o ff 1B7 to 190,poli)(^ on 7, i^rade.- c o n lra c ls ., '; ' - 1 m ostly ' N ew Y ork S u g a r jl | closct - trad in g .— ^ lo - l S - ^ l n ls - u n d e r - F r i d u live c o sh ' .d o s e , in ,a.Hglitc;W mQVer p ressu re 3.662 co n tra c ts . TIio .'decl

y 's -c a tt le b e g a n w ith a 9 point d ip a t Tiain fac- o p c n in g a n d a / g e n e r t w e d Ju n e d o rm an t m a rjce i, 'p rev a il r m ontlis S e p te m b er se ttle ^ a t 9.26 cc In A ugust a pound, off 71 p<^nts on A pril and 4 a y . - . ‘ ;6 .'^ ,________ I n t c r n a l io n a l M o n c li^ m ix e d ' M a rk e t gold sliowed firmn I t r a d e of In th e bock m ontlis from 1 w as' up 7 's e s s io n dem and, w ith cloa n changcd r ic c s from . 10 lo SO pol

iiig licr. D ecem ber p aced gz sh a rp ly , in a tr a d e of 1,298 contrai

Oy - lim it In c rea s in g tension In Afi K -m arkcl w a s - a •m oderatcly.^-bull

from a fac to r.) p e n ln g ,- 5 points ,r-V olum e-----------------U E G A C N O m O E '

N o n c e T o a o iSoparaio sealml bkit lor

conslruclion ol lha Elko C Audllorlum and Convention Coi (all labor, milorlalt, irwisporu and Bonlcoa) will bo lecelvod by Board o l Commlsalonera ol tlw I

n e 1000 Ib S).'»'SP‘‘," 'y ,J ;" 'ic .. Audllof ral* loads NwatU. 8a0O1?®“untir'olce a n d o'clock p.m., Juno 1sl. 1S77.

choiceg o o d n n d moatlno ol said Board. ' '

WS i>,,30- iimoloUnwandconductllonal 0 ; cu n n er date upon wiliten notice (0------------ ------- blddcr« who tavo Botjminotfuw

rosponM lo thia Notice, TheNeadc—n o t ---8halr#pecii/ mo dateriiriw,

place olbkJ opening, .

. o w f f l f i s s s r o s s

Id ^ c jK c s indAaMcl.tw.-Aretiiloc1» .S » l ip4!)0. - Third South, Sail U ko Dty: Ul

I n s t r u c t i o n s to b id d a

~ S^ngMliiiulion’ forma and conl ' lortns.

m o d e ra te C opies ot th o ie conti (i~liiTfPt^;------documentnnO Intofmallon tnai

1.00-1 i.75. wlll be requlfod lo fluaranloo re fe rs 40.00- ol sskl conlract documenis. lice* .’W,30- conlrKt documenis aro relume

the Architects In good order nortornlL- condiiion within ten (10) ( n w ic rm t. . ,ollowlno receipt ol Nd or prop. 0 h lg lier: inoserequirenwnlsmayM wa -45 OO- N n 'or current membera ol A.i

.(AtsociatedOeneralConlrscloa All bidders shall be pre^uallfi

l i m a t c d Pre-guallllcallon- lorms may ogs 1.200, «t tho olllce ol Iho

A cortllied or cashiers chec

, Center Authority. Bhafl accomi — M clal the bid. This check or Ud bon

the accepted bidder shall be .rv cMn fellodlnca*eholallaof-relos<

1 “" ‘•F Into Iho cofilract or lurnJi Ib, ingots the 100% pertormance. and 1

material and labor payment bon

t ic . .9 9 '- j rM ulrSd^ lheoInen do, T ex .. The ownor reaenres Ihe rlQt

award more than one contract or , , aublect. Theauccesafulbidderl

r .Q ly l ic . be known a s . Uie General 1

’ contracledbyh^ '

;rj, .n .00 c 0o ,,a determine# lhaiany btdd / <sci'on- not respofiaive or responslbli , . ll , that Ihe qualily ol Iho servl

supplies, materials, equlpmen p er cent labor prollered does not conlon IK requlremenia or II the publicr o l y l l c . 'c iillw rne. rea er^ s^lhe ri||i'

lormairnos in any.bkl or in . 99..15. bidding,’■ ^ 2 .0 0 :i.2.')-159.50 omploymont. hours,, wagos

bondsshail be required,.'Kl 11, Mo bidder may withdraw his ,t!) .(.-lb, wilhin thirty (Mjdiyaallerihoac

dale ol tno opening thereol. klel Mkl OAT6Dlhis13thdayolApril.l1


i i J i ^ i m , T u ' s r ^ " ...r„. .U.S.


B a r ' s front end seems e a mind olifai.oviiv_0 see Mr. Goodwrendi

J"1 strais^tlen il 4MiL

U raquirad.lo on your GM car. lel Mr.'Godc

' wfonch do Ihe wori / H o 's.golliionghlparts.Ih

i- n^i^tioo la end-thotraining ^ n d right no< he'll Mvo you money on

tob Ihal's lualloo inIf— ...... portant to lat gt

' K E EPim r ,V ^ 1 ^ ^ - --.4a(£/a'CMrcEiM

» G o o d T h iv M a y 3 U t .

E-URMrlNC^i o » t ^ T w in f g f l i 7 3 3 ^ ^ ;

;_. I*' " ’ ' '

Page 15: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

■ ' 1 7 - . - ■ 1 ■■

jL j» u fcu (t;r

LANDOVER, Md. (UPI 1 - Junior champion Alfredo Escnlcra retoir Monday niglit wllh a bloody knockoBccerrll at 38 sccont^'ofiheclgliHi ri

noorod Boccrril, n 23-year-old from living In Pamona. Calif., with the down of tiHs flghl afler a rigJit to tl left (0 the body.

Becerrii. wfio had been bleedln forciiead since tlie first round but wlon bravely, fell lo iils knees and tu listlessly.

— — B a r n e gPROVIDENCE. R.I. (UPI) -

pioyer Mnrvln Bomes.was taken U fslond Aduil Correctional InstiluHo begin a oneytfar sentence for vrololion„ ' .

Silperlor Court Judge Anlhon' denied a request for a poslponcmer lawyer Bffmes hired Sundoy nlglil Tlic judge said Barnes'm blion for r sentence "can be pursued wliile carceroted.*’ _

. The Dctroli Plston3~’forword~Quli hands wIUi iii^ new lawyer. Jam es L

-------and-w arescorted from-tlie’courtroomarslials, handcuffed.

The G-foot-9 superstar hod no eoi reporters while awaiting his sun- leaned against a courthouse iiollwa'

— chialted -w ith -h ls-n io ih e r‘ ond“ a '........friends.'— - - - • -

tional Instllutlons — a century^ld. o\ prison In ncart)y Cranslon.

--------- Fcinbergsaidhe-w arim m ediatelj

D u r a n cLANDOVER. Md. (UPI) -- W orld:

chany)lon Roberto Duran, looking for round workout in n non-tlUo bout Mc with Jav ie r Muniz, gol exactly t taking 9 unanimous decision. - *

.........- Munlz,-wljosufferedtheonlyphysiiin (he flgtit when he was cut above tin Uie ninUi rbuitd, was a game competi overmatched oven thougli Duron sec sliape.

Duran, welgliing 142, never seemec go for a knockout even wlien be ha trouble in Uie first and sixth round ogoln In the ninth and tentti. Du

. Panama. S7-1. opened Uie boul with (

MARANELLO, Holy I UPI) - VeU car builder Enzo F errari said Mond works-Is now testing a superchargef port of on effort to matcli the nc Formula One car.

--------- SaId-Permrir-*'In-recenHlays-v?etesting a supercharged ISOOcc engin to run a t 10.500 revolutions. At 7,0001 It produced aboul 400 ltorsepov«r. ’ ’, F errari cautioned newsmen vislilni near Modena Uiat Uie tests were s perlmental "and we obviously hove t( whellief supercliorged engines woul petili^ve. Only when we hove oil the' ii can wc decide in which direction we oi

FerroH, wlio a t 80 still seems to be i decisions despite his technical

“ H S

& ' l i i i j■ ^ ~ I

i l i l '


gni. -(BM XA 4JD SA . Ck

M a j p i

( t lX w a a biM

Smnm. Sli. Jl « □ 41 JUS r t L “ . - - - S ! ! . ' i - S = S — sVMNMl tu s M U V JS R

■ a s . . ' . s a s . j - 5 - - . . S>r.'

.. ^ ' “ t . •.5.15 U S ' I■ ■ £».“ '■ s s isa ■Bvwwn. an a ta 11 o J9I f

^ K . '. . _ • '

'f : -

r a r e t a i l

; K Q j l E ior llglitwelgiil Bscalera, now 38lined his title his aggressive stylikout of Carlos ring afler Uie victoiI round. Bscalera opened

n Mcxico now eyes ip the first ir c only knock- «glit when Becerri the iiead und .e l^ it seconds left I:

JifUi riglil twislei Ing from the challenger, weorln

s n s e n t t o p- Basketball sort, to lhe Rhode' ••We’re looking Ions todny to remedies and .socii ir probation going to try to get h

The judge said ny Giannlnl j;redu<jeUiesenten« ent by a new . incart»>rated."It In D etrtlt. Barnes' Oct. 9 • reduction of . Metropolitan AIrp< le he is in- wasruledavloJatJo,---------- -------- ^ . _ H e was .given IaiSlibLsIjflfllt___ Deccnibftr„htil-UuU F c jn b e rp ___until the end ofx>m by s la te A sm ioiion season t

The judge aiso de rommcnl for allow an alternate rrender. He communily work wi ’ay wall and Providence. _I hnlf'dozen ’ B arnes"d rig fnal

ium L^Q m sC i_j,v^4^ifter.pieodlni overcrowded Providence College . : . wlUi a tire ihin after

^ __ WiUfRood beiiaviopeal o r^om e - eligible for parole af

outpoints'd liglitwelglit left hooks and then 0or a tough 10- Muniz'iiead back. \ilonday nigtit count a iter Duran s<that before the body fate in.Uief

Duran doubled MBical dam age Uie sUUi and MunRUie left eye In around-Uie ring f(!tIlo rbutw as breath, eemed out of- Implored by lils

champion" before ied anxious to open up his a ttack nlad Muniz In Jostled by two rlgtiids and then storrped bnck wllh>uran. from which split M uniz'1I Uiree quick 2. ‘

iternn racing recently, also said iday Uinl his Lauda would be dri\ ed engine a s In Monte Corio.[lew Renault “ If be cannol. th

will be driving for us fc-have been— ^^W edon4-know -lf ine designed bccausc of the rib 0 revolutions burgrlng (in a near-

a new ftaclure. If I Ing his works have to think our , stricUy cx- bones."! to ascerta in . -Lauda. a n 'A u s tr uld bo com- ' Tuesday for furthe information said it would be pr arogolng." • miglit be replaced.0 making the “ We wl|l not Uilnk

relircm cnt himsflf decldcs noi t

^iaifdiligslonMs (JtAtnen U) M

in il(Hcfr M, t a ^J a . r a , . ’” “ s

BoMcn Utnun «.:) ti CMIon ^

■"-■£« sr

»s*a. s s s ! ,HSr 1!5S!"H n m . , II a JH II PI ............. W I M M 6

_______ " c u j S - i i . .JLTs

rleagute ksag, 5 ,!! li g g

NATKWAL -UAOUt: C«r, U ' IK «•

AUCRCAH I4MM: &U. CN 19; > orew^oei mn. p.0 ■ 0^ i: IH .......... M

- s - r ' '

liT««ni. r a 11 Uortno. Pn 11; C M 1.1

i n s —

S I E H S H !'/ 38-C-2. deliglited the crowd witfi:tyie and danced fotU iem In Uie . :tory. .led his doubje fisted a ttack wlUi

t minute and nearly ended U»e jrril fell againsl the ropes wllh ft In the first round. E scalera’s. sled Beccrrll’s face nnd lhe irlng a blank expression, hung 'R u lro fe rc f tlJ ir rv B arrett Jusl - tfitersanddldn’ts lo rtaco u n t. ,,

>risoir~ 7ing Into everything - legal oclal remedies." he said. " I 'm Jt him out.”lid Bnm es' pending mollon to ince "con be pursued while he Is

9. 1970 arresl a t Detroit Irport ■ for- handgun; possession' itJon 0/ his J974 probation, h Uie one-year sentence lost ■Uuujudge. doiayed. BUfrcBdeiv. - of Uie National Basketball

on this month.I denied a request by lawyers to ute form of service, including I wilh glietlo youth In Detroit o r

nafly received a one-year

Jge team m ate Larry Kelvlrtls't e r a t eam scrim m age. ___iW o jy j io c tw tU im a r d jd U J ic ___ Icarte r four months.

1 Munizin a l i^ it uppereut Uial snapped k. Muniz wenl down for an eight n scored wlUi a solid left hook to lie first round.I MunIz over wllh a low blow in inlir 'frttrf Los Angeles, walked { for 20 srcbhds to catch his

lls com er lo "le t-m e sec Uie rc the ninth. Duran started lo ':k and afler being momentarily 'igtits to the jaw from Muniz./ilh lw6 Jolting riglits. one of z ' lefl brow, Muniz is now 18-6-

few carlid he did not yel know If Niki driving for F errari nexl Sunday

then only Carlos Reulemann • ru s ."h c sa ld .v-lfhispresentxhest-problem -ir— •ib h(5 broke jast- yeor ol Nur- for-fatal c rasli) o r whether it is If It is a new break we would u r d river migJit hove fragile

jstrian. is due ,at Moronello th e r medical chccks. F errari

prem ature to suggest Loudad. -Jlink about Uiat until Uio day hc ' ol lo race.” said F errari. .

T o 'a jS ' iI**"'8«i n*gs t« a j n UH

•UoRlrMi .(WarMB Ml M ADMi {LMfl Ml. tit Bjn.IM MOflH ismian M -M PM*- '

PuatiurVi (CnMM M H CKW

eadersg l » j m M un. . » M o m .

AMIRCAN . LEAOUE:. T«W«. CU I- I; Zthfl. Mmn M OM), T« S-l;

KunSS? UC . ■

IJO; n«U0U. BM t f t 6Ma^ HH



....................M uhg m m ad~AH»pla ) ^ -Bnnchallenger Alfredo Evangelic

______Monday JilghU-and thc..'.‘Spa...,lIUUUoprevont41i8-champlonl

.............w orld" Keavywelghl title '. unanimous dcclslon.

' Unlike the movie hero, E cam e close lo hurting All. Bi challenger was satisfied ariyvi’i

" I ’m very happy," said proved lo the American audl< fighter and worthy of figliting I

Evangelislo was wrong. He unlil the final bell, but foiled tc few scattered, left hooks. Al dance to on cosy decision foi

. purse.-All apparenUy thoughl the

Uion it seemed lo ringside obsc ."The man wos good.” Ali i

good fighter He's beller Ihc He’s sm art and can take a puni

Ali' was referring to* ll Boblck's tiorrendous ^lowIng York when .he wos stopped by .seconds. II wasn’t much of a co

"Eyangelisla'was figliting fi was ready lo die iu l Ihere." . you my life he'll give Norti Young hell, if fie doesn't beat N

down.”Ali didn’t seem as if he was t

decision appeared lo be al! he m The 6fflclals didn't think ll

Judges Terry Moore and Ray I Ali a 72-64 margin, while referc scored It 71-es Ali under Marj m ust sysiem. UPI scored it 73-C

------------- Evange»sta‘4 tlub iourstra tewearAll.out.il didn’t work.

'■All p r i s e d m c." Evangel his Engllsti-speaking Inlerpreli

.N B A .e n- NEW YORi< lUPI) - Nat Associalion Commissioner

- -------acKnowlcdgcd M onday-the f<Baskeiball Associalion team s difficulty, but affirmed Uiot ti "hav^ ils head in Uie sand" ovc

O’Brien, speaking ol a s I. m idday , news confcrence ]o i

■------ — iroductlon-Q f-o-now -aw aKChaiM lonship trophy - relenfwn by the league's clia genera] aboul the problems of San 'Antonio and Ihw N cw remained confident i h f Uie dif reso lved ..'■ .‘‘The four new teams do

B l a z <.................-ByBILLMCFAI

PORTLAND. Ore, (U P H - P o tilw d Trail Blazer Coocl rootiog Jor Philadelphia- to bi NBA Eastern Conference cha

The Teers lead the scries 3-_________HouMonTucsday_n|g|il^___

iniliadelphla Is Ramsay-------- conclrcdTtTcnsonsTitStrJosi

Ho w os^encrol m anager ot first year in the NBA, Uicn n

—rirrr-— {inentj U,c 76ers lo’ tho plo seasons before going to Bilf fa ■ H«;:wa8 al Buffalo four sco

p U M f years, but he lost------- T— c S S a r r g c l ihe B raves'lo

plaUau. His Braves beat Ph: In lhe playoffs, but lhe 7(k;R E rv ing '

Dr: Jack,' \rtiq.holds a F - — ^ ■■- fro wmcTJinffcftiiyarPcnns

' ’(ils T rail'B lazers Inlo the 1

lli o v e r t h e 1

i w i n ^ B— "Rocky’’ losl he’d go 11

:li better?-------- 7 ----------------EvangiiracrwiiTrpTrannnH---------- B jn n r s 'llsta for IS rounds dancedo)anlsti-ilockyli.dld----- -— lale rourvfrom-relainlnghis------ :— hehoddt" b n a ' lopsided ....... as

much,” 'lEvangelista never — figlit, bul But Uie 22-year-old bit mc hi *'ay. - - * Evahg1 Evangelista. " I - All's loci Hence I am a good to suckei (M uliammadAli." lo falle staye;! on his feel Evangel lo land more than a Only tMi was content to - andeigh or ills $2.75 million a big lea

A irsblliic fight was better All clservers. never feI Insisted. "H e Is a . Allstoni ian Duane Boblck. ' Evangel nch." ■ away,tlie fourtli-ranked Ail, asg last week In New aggressi ly Ken Norton In 58 spending comparison. opponenfor his counlry. lie , Ali no ' Ali said. •‘I’ll bet p , ^ I lo ira n d (Jim m y) - judges T Norton- scored ItI - lie wouiuii« go gave Ali

point m uI trying loo hard. A Tlie 01wanted. . “ ' fi^iUng, I wos close eilhcr.' . suffered'] / KHngmeyer gave 0 brisk I ree H arry Cecchlnl All Isrylnnd’s five-pdint chailehEt ^ A l l . Garden I:egy was lo tryTind

elista sold througli

his tillc f

itry condiQtlonal Basketball problems.'

Larry O'Brien solved thetour cx-Amcricon-- - ‘ -pioyers^AIS ore in financial between tltiic-leogue did not merger w'c r Uie situation. problem,sparscly-atlcnded "We'U <announce, the In- meetings I

rd — .Ui'e World have'ourlifor j)crm anent O'Brien

ampions. spoke' In , cam e Intoif Denver, fndlana. . pay a $3.2/ York Nels but .- acceptancIfflculties would be monies for

, ' . ■■ *;Sofar.lo Vavc finonclol obligallon,

e r s ^ R a iHUjUtjD. . . . ______ 1 finals.in— Deep in Ills heart. champlo d l Jack Romsay Is . Uic toppc beot Houston for the . After tla m p lo n sh lp .___ Western3-2, with game six In . our prei________________________Houston.y’s hometown. He wonder Iscph'stroliegeinGre:----------- The-BlI Philadelphia in his the Wes returned to coaching wanted Ioyoffs UirccDf four..........one thatfoio. regulars:osons, Uie losl three Asl(ed rt his job wiien he before J l oT he chomplonsfifp breaking hlladclphio last yeor Ram?ay rs didn't have Jullu .1 We have

. . — Bill WPh.D. In Educallon 'bruised

isyivaWtfrhaff^uTBCd"------ takers :"NBA championship T lie rc

' MUHAl■bOOt-Ul:

J i i l l ? issrid o d g b ^ t ,

------- - - b o a l . . - ‘_

) o r i n g i i) 15 rounds. I thouglit he’d get tired."HEeilsni^flrQ un <ienIUs«i a n d ^ i : ?’S'quick'm o’i'cnn^t arounU U i^ lh g . i o(len. moving clockwise a s he hod in tunds against-Ken Norton last fell andI doneeari jrin h isca rec r-------------- ----asked lilm.:_ 'Why do you, run ’"Evangelista' said. '" I wonted him Dut hc wouldn’t do It. I was never hurt, hard, hut nevcrJiurt me.”*. '

hgellsta o ^ h c d 'U ie bou t'b y 'm lrro r aclics. Wlicft Ali wenl'lo Uie ropes t r j ker Evangelista In. the cliallcngcr refuII for the ball. When Ali dnn( iellsta tried ladonce. ^ ■ i as the figlit p ro g re ss^ to Uie scv< ghlh rounds and Ali had obviolisly bull lead, d id Evangelista try to break Uiro ilind, boring def ensive poses. clowned much of the flght( appan

’ feeling n g e l l a t a W ^m iid ) br a thr }mped his left foot In mid-ring a s If lo ;ell8la, bul Ihe cliallcngcr again boc

as has been his style In recent figlits, sslve for only about 30 seconds a rot Ing the rest of Uic lime trying to weor ent down.never hurt his chollcnger, biU-lje d lhe Judges by never being hurt hims 5 Terry Moore and Roy Kllhgmeycr cj ! It 72-<H'AH. wlillo r«?ffTt»o Mnrry Pw.-t Ui o-7l-<l5 margin using M oryland's fl lu stsco rlngsy^tem .' • only s i ^ Ihot cllher' mnn hod-bi

g ,w as a bloody-nose-lhut-Evangel! Kt briefly In the sixth round when Aii % ( left jab to his fa c e . '.Is negotiating to (lulti flfiii.raiil iger E am le Shavers a l Madlsonj>qui n ln Ju n e o rJ u ly . ' _ _ _ _ _ _who used part of his purse lo buy $200, of unsold tickets Sui^ddy for distribul s ' clubs, welfare riglits organizations 1 Sorter’s elementary school, was defend c for Ihc ninth tim e In his second relgr

itions flattIS.” sa id lh e c om m issioner, "but w h e d isp u te be tw een th e NBA a n d tl ^ ^A B S ociatlon.-w c"solvcd-U ic-probloi I th e NBA o w n ers of how lo e ffec t

w ith th e ABA a n d w e 'll so lve Ui I. ' '1 dlscpss the situation a l the leagi;s in June (MJ7). In Son Diego. We do nrliead ih Uie sand."cn' pointed oul the four cjc-ABA clulllo the league with two conditions —3.2 million indemnification fee and Unce-of their exclusion from ielevisiifor Uielr flrsl Uiree years.ir. each club has paid $3 million of theon,” O'Brien sold. ’'Tlic lasl $200,000

m s a y w jin his.flrsL season a s Portland.coucli ilonsliip gained ot Tlie Spectrum wouk ipcrofhisboskctbail career, r the Blazers .swept Los Angeles 4-0 for ro Conference title. Romsay said, "I ill reference would be Pliiladelplilu 0 jn. bccou.sc Phlliv is s uppnspd In-bfl.Tleom ." . ' _______________•Blazcrs'liad fi(Jp«^to get u s AnYele: /eslcm finols, and did. becausc tl d lo prove "we^re a beller team than a llo s lto Ihetokers-threc of fourtlme; ir season ploy.”ed wiieUier or not an elglil-duy loj I Uie finols begin wpuld.nffccLlils-cl Ing up the contlnully of‘ compclill ay sold, "I think the re.<il will do us go ve p layers who need rest between Walton principally. He was [irelty bn

d after F riday 's finol game wilh

rest .also'sliould help Dove Twtirdzik,’

UUUAD AU n te d M t ebb abOtty to irtttMtond ftttm i d S t tb tr Keo Nflctm o r J l n ^ Y ouM tor. <7 to pat «way AUrtdo Brm aelM k I Uondsy. AU dU u m e p tn c U ^ « t» t i t i l l K ppam d ed>ii»t«{ a fta -

...... .................

ithered ~Joe z l e r nnd Ken No j r ™ E iingo llsu : a lon1 in lhe Uniguayon nalive now £ ! ! i ^ L _ _ O M . t s s 9 c 4 » l n g 3 h l c

.............foughl n.worldranked I• champion. UlB record h

nghltag skills question Urt. He - jighl Monday night, bul

............. the ring witb so m et^ .rrortng All, 35 yeara old and1 trying . peeled iltUe trouble fro refused- challenger, but traine Innccd. case,

AR«( losing 20 pour »venth diUonlng, All welghe< built up weight he carried m througli . tem bw w henhepu ll^

and Jabbing tn the lat< )arently — i k. «I O ir tK . '-[ lo ball ago, backed. "Don’l undereslim

warned before lhe figf Its, was but lie's 22 years old, 1: round, . t,e hi^s two hands and

'ear his ' belter Uian Duane Bol against Norton."

tie Im. All was right, bul UwImscI f • ^ I c k lasted only 58 se •rcach “Not even Sylvester:^^.i„i .dircclcdandstarred in •sfivfr "Kocky," p veK vange

“ You Jusl don’l kno< |-been “ ‘oy’*"geiisia___ :___whose. diaracler.l'Rocill sliot chompion "Apollo Cn

scene.raoked . . Evangellsla. occor >quare speaking assistant. E

_______ nervousness In Uie hoi

Ibuilon violeoce and strikes in >ns and Mndrtd. where hisending woBexpcctlngllicIrtln ulgn as

t t e n N B A Vt we due June I, but there Is JII the we'll take that lasl pi iblom league niectlnBsr"^"~' Ml a “ As far as TV, the I

this has agreed not to ollowin the revenue, bul somi

laguc requested a review of Ihionol Denver, saidOlBrien,

attendance In Uic lea clubs 10,500. about llie avcn— *0 whole: San Antonio m,

id Uie and Is planning an expk'Islon - , oie 1978-79 season: ar

lilthougli having allci Uiclr exceeded. Uielr lasl AB

000 is JullusErvlnRw assllilc

^ a n ts S ismch.-A-'-- -dlmlnulive.back.coyrl.si ould be his rigtit ankle In the flflh

Denver series. "He's rui for the bock to obout 70 per cent <

'I think get his stamina and I u over Romsay.

^ ck, a nd a molcliupwilh ieles In 611slering pace In ' the c they PorUand, which broke evi ion the . four games during the 1 imesrln— -tougher-tim e against-a-f

'Houston, lo.wliom lhe Bit lo ^ f f during the regiilar season

s-dub._____ Jn. case. rcgulaiLseoMellllon, ■ Blazers didn't give Phil s good, Shue or Houston Coach Ti gomes a lino on lhe style Ram:1-bndly Ixwk oullining his bnskcti Ih the available In a number of jl — — ---------“ l^ressunrBnskpEfanil:'*;lk, ine, . ' :

/ . T uesday . M « y v . 1677 Times

S ' "


cen beaten only IwIh» hy SS ■ vforionlnSfirnw««»rhfHi(B * 2 ■ong-hnired; . poun* - ’T ' IW living in Spain, elaim ea itQ .tbeJ)ou tanJ} iad .nevgr-jr7 , d challenger, much-less a . - - - - 1 has been disputed and his : oned,. He showed he could *Kit not well enougli lo be in ily.ofAll’f lc o llb e r .. ._ ._ ,. .j . .Ad far'pnst his prime, ex* rom thfeshortcrandslow er- ned hard anyway, just in

unda ln"s|x weeks of con* • led In a l 22l>.i. Uie sam e > - - against Norton lost Sep-

out a victory by dancing ate rounds, and nine pounds -

Imote Evangelista';” All / fIght. "H c m ay be. unknown ' J', 13 yeara younger thon me. ' , [id I guarantee you he'll do ; • J Jobick did the other night

1 wasn’t saying much, since . secondsof Uie first round.Ier Slqiione. wlio wrote, 'in the 0 .scar-winning movie . . • ■-gcllstam ucho{achance. ^lock oul living legends, a t . £ -.....t 'n alive,” said Stallone,,ocky-Balboa".nearly.beat________rreed" In a vicious flghl ;

ording lo his English-Eddie Mafuz, sliowed no ']

liours before the figlil andm ccm ed-nbourrcports-Dt— -n-------- :in his hometown of Bilbao ';

lls pregnant l8ycar-old wife Irst baby o t on^ momcnl.

( p a l le t sIsa A day grace period arid ' ' payment up a t lhe June'

B NBA flnancc committee ' ’ \] iw the new clubs ony shore me of Uie ciubownere have thispolicy.”

en. hodlhc hi^icJiJ nvcroge___________eogue; Indiana averaged ,cragc for the league as a ■:mode 0 profit Uils season xponsion of C.500 seols for • 'and lhe New Vork Nels, ,Icndance problems, slill \BA season average when, lion lhcleam . ,

. ■■

K e r s,spccdster._who.lnjurcd__________ _ iflh gam e of the six-gome winning belter, and he's it of normol, but he has lo

timing back,” addicd ^

Ih the 76era would offer a __________.o ”cIi3mplonslDp scrlcsT :vcn with Philadelphia In ; regular season, hos a ' .i-physicai-lcam such-as----------------- —3lozcra losl three of four. _ . . on.isor>.aclion_agflinsl_lhe____ _____ '__lilladdphla Cdach Gene ;Tom NIssalke enougli o f' .msny’s team s ploy, hisctball philosophy «{lll Is -rjlb ro ries.Il’sUUcIs:r" -' --------- ---------- ------- r-r-:------

«»-N ew ». TM n.Falu, k U h b ' n f /

Page 16: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

■ K . 3 E i i ^

; ^^JJJ>i»x^ftlL.•J ea e ^b;L> i5

■' Ya sai

I , -■: H i g l, . , FILER - It's hiRli «

. rodeo timo in Magic Vallu;• ■M iH S iA b o u l .lSO .boya a n d ^ 'iH iv T ^ ro f ti M agic ' Vnlley I •-. *. •'schools will converge on• . ■ F iler Fairgrounds June.■ , .and 3 to lesl lliclr m'

’ aboard ^ rc b a c k and st . ; ; brones and bulls.

Tills year is the sccond (or the District Six divlslc Die Idalio Hlgli School a

- Assoclatlon'B annual rodeo t . ' students from Buhl. Bui

r E a s tl.i . POCATtlLLO—Drng ra; ■ action for Eastern Idnlio. ; wlii get underu'ay for the4J..J. . . season, this Sundny_aL )' I tehnbuntaln Raceway, loc1* • thrccm ilcsw cstofPocate:I - • • Tracic oA-ner Jim Hcnn

stated that, once again NationnI Hoi Rod Associi

- will sanction nil events a local track. The sanction

i • coyer Sunday’s racc as w(•i • ■' the .rem ainder of cv} : scheduled for June n . Jl[ . and 23. August a nnd 27.

the season finnie on Sopter'■ 10.

• ~ f« m the mid-summer her 1 . iTie second cohsj-futlvc* yi

C; ■ | j s t . year liRliliiiK wjur' i dialled. nllbwlhK (nr Sniu

: • iiigJil racing thrountiouli summer. Withthccxcppll

S unday’s cvcn l. atl" 't '

i | P r e a kj '. ;n e w v o k k I U P ll

L il - - - -^*altle Slew has a cham , bccome the llrst uniJctt

.; [ . Triple Crown champion, s-'-' m any of his critics l>c

; Ija ren . nnd Mickey TajKentucky Derby winner

« :8icet his Walcrloo Itt tiie

i ;- '-F lrs t, thougli. Seallle — - ^ u s t plck up the.seconil j

' * racing 's Triple Crown■ - ^ p f c a k n e s s i—The—5 l5i

; ^ •Preakness. run llils Salt ' »SjI Pimlico. Is raced

; ' {® lslabce_of 1 3-J6th r shorter., lha'n

______ l^»KcntuckyDcrby>l'imJli~!--------- >S' Seattle Slew, the winnI , !*Uie seven slralglit races

-V anoulslilndlngtum ofK pc p}_._— -»5is-j|js-stnm lna 'tic-stlll • : i \ . iSprove and. hencc. .the

' . ‘:2bchlnd forecasting Ms d .. — >d|nUio£olmonlStaJ(cs— I J- j5 ‘T heoriesareasprevaU f jr io s ln g tic k e tsa tra c c tra cJ ‘i~ 'j 'h e r e 's one which says S< (t * • i-S le w ’s tflugliesl.stcp Ir

r- :*T rip Ie Crown w il l . be — ‘fJ P reaK hc ss . • • . ‘

V < *5 genuine spcedstcn ' J . " •• Jm p re sa iv c c ro d o n t

o i i n g r i d e r ,

i m e o l d f i i n l l

h s c h o o l rschool Flier. Minico. Twin F ey. Declo “and Raft R iver will

' l S S f ;)n the honors for boys and girls1. 1. 2 cach walk away wllh amettle saddle and first, sccondsaddle Uilrd place w inners In eac

the 14 events will win sid y e a r , belt buckles.' '>lon of Noone in Kigli School R<Rodeo wins costi prizes, altliceoand students can. on th e i r -lurley. lime, comoete for mone;

t I d a h d d lracing' remaining races will be ui0 funs the liglitsonSaturduy nigh IC 1977 Quality racing in all S]It__In:__ um nn.rn tffin rlf.s hns beeocatcd tiie rule a t Intermourlello. Raceway.. Henncssy adnnes.sy "Last year we paid outin llie $12,000 In cuslrprizes al s<I'iallon race.<}, Sunday we arc pical Ihc up wlicre wc left off. We

on will ^ passing out In the n<A'clias borhood of $1200 to $130events ({uailficrs und roiind winJ u ly ‘j hcflie.sl amo7 nnd **'<•’ winner and ruie m te r uplnoacljcnlrB«ry.''

The four categories of raj j jc a k :__ IncludeCotnpclilioii. Modii-al (or SupiT Slock und .Slrek.

B rackeU j r a c in g is j as ' 111- available for'H ie sireel-iunlay ......ul Die Competition hrajllonof— featurcs.lhcJastcst. actio1 Uie the lo(.-nl Irack wllh fuel

b l e s s n m y1* — Cormorant and J.O. Tobin, nee lo waiting in am buslr at Pim tlealed for Seattle Slew a fte r mis: n. but the Kentucky [)crby \ wHevc minor illnesses, aylor’s Cormorant. J.O. Tobin -T will Seattle Slew always have lie H;.* on. llie {cad and too fast--------------CJf ly p a ir cuuld cook a lHhe Slew setting up a late bid by f J je^vcl— iucky-bcrby“ runner-up-: vn. Ihe Dusly.Run.50:<J00— Tiiai'0)cacnhiir(nfO|5|Joffi: ilurday last year’s Preakness w

•'1 a Kentucky'Derby winner 1 . .QJl'^L— Eorbcs.andJlQ iicst-Elea; n the dueled at a s^iicidal pace (

__milaand.theiuwerv pasKcim or <if Elocutionist intheslrelch. es. has Irn iner Billy Turner-' [)ced. It Seallle Slew can l>e kept ofi 1 mu-st pace a iiU. bill Cormorant ; basis . j,o. Tobin have loo much c defeat lo niiow either one a iiig I

— ----------- Henccrthc dilemmn-of-w;llent a s Juan Cruguet should p icks.bo Seattle Slew in the early g( Senltle d ia r ie s -T . Berry's In Ihe moranl. ridden by D:

)c the W riglit, ^ In d won si

irs wilh nosed by Iron Constllulic i t l a l s . , Uie W lhers Mile ul Aquc

^ ~ a , ld«ho ■■ ......... ... ■; ;; ,

*. t- * - - •! u ttri'i'm ij Oil teetn, 11

B bovd a w ad buD dorloA FOer FairgrawMb, P e te r H ig ic V t ^ bigb fcboc booon a t (be secood anm Scbool Rodeb a t F f le

rodeo a p jFalls. professional rodeo,

will vie Winners of llio district. . - - wlll go io the

overall compelltlon In Burley J iiris will 23. and 24 where the-a new challenge for the hon

nd and attending the Nationaleach of School Rodeo Compctlt1 sliver Helena. Mont.. la terth is;

to y s events at the 'I Rodeo rodeo include saddlellliotigli riding, bull riding, calf nIr-ow n sleer . wrestling, cow cjney In ond team roping.

I r a g r a e e se under J c c te d a n d c a rh u lights d ragsters running wellI Sport* 150 miles per hour ii

ounlain quartcr-mile. Ulahalwiiadded. a large contingent of

ul over cars a l cvciy IntcrmoII seven event. Alan BliM>m.< picking Falls, is expecled lo p We will llie toughest compelllli I nrigli- the out-of-state racers w :I30U lo new *Calirornin iiuilt M'lnncrs cngincd nnd fuel' In m ounts Clicvrolet powered mil.I runner Pocatello runners A

Kalhy Sleinmctz alll p f racing Ihe favorites roles inudifiwt.___ Eliminator wllh a pair c:. K.T. 01dsmohile4<2s.; al.so Magic.Valiuyiittenden .•el-type see severa l a re a r....... c o m p e lin g for honetirackel U>ading Ihe li.sl is Jtion a l . ^ \u s t i n : Twin K:ulls..drivi fuel iri- p a rtia lly reslruclure«

y end Slei}ln. a rc lasl Snturday. HoweVei’ imilco racc cam e a ftc ra 35-daynlssing by Cormorant and the 3’ wilii old coll was pressed cai

Affiliate and then chall>ln and by Iron Constitution liive run slretch.

U h.<y Ken. champion In England ip nun ' benefits from ttie servl<

jo c k e y B ill Shoem ; ^iWtnil Tfainer""Johriny Adair i when m em ber of the Nal ; r Boid - Jockeys Hull of Farr lea surc - — PimilGo.—hnd-<)oubl8— ;e ( o r a getting J.O. Tobin to cOn Mwd by— hia great burst of speed ai ch. colt se ttled down fT ^says leisurely > :4i 4>5 llm aln i I ofi the . workout last Saturday. \ ant and one lim e' a ' Iralnerw wo :h class trem cly pleased to see £ ig lead, workout, f-whcrc— — CoIdcn-ehnnce-Farm': 1 place Dusty Run has won eiglit /going... 15 races, finishitig seco s Cor- the rest, so he dipuld D anny position to capitalize o ^icvcn sllglitest m lslake^by S

ulion In As fu r Ihc Belmont. S queducl' ' - . ’

__■ __

>»7Hat-PHCTiWB.-!oral»«<i ^ ----------------sr, co o e s out o f (tie ............liial976com petitlaoattbe iten o o aad aome 190 other :boo) »tudi«ita w ill vie fo r . u n u a lS iz tb D lstrlctH lgb ■fler Jtm e:‘ l , " 2 and 3.

►proachesG irls events include I

rlct event racing, pole bending(he '.sla te .'' tylhfr bivnkawav roplnfM .u n ea , cutting, team roping arthey win quecriconlest.honor of Tickets for the publinal Higli now on a-.'e by thectltion in, KIwanis Club. Tliey arcI *‘-23 for s tthe h Iler ^ llh cards and children1# 12 oro free the firsi ni,V ^ 1? S nccompnnied by their paiV cunm g- Groups or clubs buy I

of ticke tsa t reduced rale:

s fire up _b u r e l e d Chevy Including a brant ivell over . custom bulll small r in H.fX) .niiotnr. Austin will cnmi) jOanding— Uus-ModiflcdJjrack«t-xUii Iwayslias Stock bracket wlil-line of lliesi> Mruz and Larry Decker I

•mouniuin Ing out their rwently m .. Idaho pleled Clievelle. Mrai i> pmvlde Decker recenlly <|ualiflc lillim for ll*« Stock Ellminalor br s wilh Ills • a l u major race at Fit Jilt rear Raceway In Buiso.

injecled Entries have already lil. recelvef frqm Ulah. Mur

Al and Nevada und Idaho, ass I provide • of plenty of a in SliK-'k througliout Ihe aflei

ilr of ID7U Gates w iiropen al i\ a.n- ......"limc"trlals-\villi-i'lInTrn7dents will___sc}icilulcd-lQ.bcglii-al-2-:

ra c e rs Admission costs will bc o n o rs . .. while chlldrcn utldcr a is D av i^ will be admitted (rec i rivlnghls __companied by an adult, ired ’57

;w’s dream:Ver. Ihc Slew 's critics were encoui lay layoff by the fat:l Run Dusty IC 3-ycar‘ .closed lu wllhin I"i Icngl early by 4he finish of liie Ken

:iallcnged Derby and lliird-placc.flr 1 In. Ihe Snnliedrin also wns le.ss

two lengths behind,ff. Tobin However, b y . winnirf(i

and and discourage Cormorantrvlces of J.O. Tobin from tacklinj:;m a k c r . a ga in In the Belmont anlam s., a Face' would Ix! left wlN ational anyone lo challenge &'‘am e ul Slew In the early g

conserve comfortnblelcad. fdandlhc -- .Bold Forbos,c«rlalnly-i I fo r a w eaker a l. a distance J n a m ile SeatUe Slew, had the : y. It was situation and opened su was eV largc 'lead ’iris Belmont t

?e u slow w ere unable lo catch althougli he had slowed

rm's-Run—-w alk b y th e endr-^-----------gilt of his Seattle Slew still wll ■econd iri ninning at- Uie end of lid l>e In- BclmonI, so if he gets i e on the from 'lhe (leld early they < f StalllQ calch h im -. - , ■ .

it ’s th p Preakness whlcl I. Seallle be tricky.


Breaker to

H • ■ - "iSi'CUleTwlnFa

' UDjofDtbei ' perfainD y.l

---------------------81&2V (UDdeNoeotrtei

Thurtday, a - I h a t t lm a r :

__ :____— _ fonna .m ay .GoodsooNoi

CompeUtknnri tnWwrf ('(experletice dlvteioos.l1i

. wfalcbdMtk " A pro s e t '

w t i l c b m ^vm dlm ulrfM

■ --------------------------H T B oi-ai. event, .tbat

U d p a o tsn u Tbespodso

H eadorT .A .g iftcertifkat

Forlnformt .iin Mi»nnnal

■^"Bobcat j I sta te go]

JEROM E - Burley v Idaho girls golf chump on tho fourlh hole of a

' . death playoff Friday first girls' slale touh held separately (rom Uk

Buri€y~endei{==fogt besl-ball piny In a II Jerom e" a t ‘38slrokes~ and then took four hole the Tigers Qway.

Pocatello came in iii H H shot back nt ia. (ol lm

r a ^ B a c l^ a____________ TWIN FALLS - The i

_o f Southern rdu lio^ lir two week course In packiiig from June 27 10. Ttie class will m Mondays and Tliursday

; 6:30------ 0;30- p.m., arculm inate wllh a thi backpacking trip Ini N orthern SawtooUis.

Classroom InslructIo '. p r e p a r e th e s tu d e

'''“[[mi M ^organlg. cow • . ; .

" to distri(lie arc‘ Filer ; B U R L E Y -R o d ' M ■c $2.30 (ired a 73 to lead the J tudenlu T igers to llie district c 1 under b o y s go lf cham plo liglil If Saturday, arcnls. Jerom e won the lourn blocks handily wilh a total sc

cs. .' 315. The Tigers' close;buvrs w i'nriflu n u l i f i wltli 332. followed by Fill

■/{[' ........... “

nd new block

' C O PIE S WHId mil -


Irc"i,d p r i n t e d O O F

y iK'cn T A K E A D V A N 1

' o u r a . b ; d i c i

action P R I N T S Y S T E Iernoiin.*.m. (»r_iiiiiniiis " ' ' ' ..............

-c $3.50 .age 12 ^



uragcdy Run - -............^

■ntu'eky PRINinisiier is Than '

,„f 100 COPIES — = 3 0 ir e O P IE S iB him 500 COPIES

— t - . o b o ' c o p i iSeattle , • - going. '•'

_ B B I C E S _ A B E l I. than • 1 S I D E , S V 2 X •■“ me CHOICE OF w.

T ^ i ' ^ - B U U E - G R - G RI him,d to a ■ ' V

' ^ 2 5 0 MAaway M A %

r - ‘J u i ochwlll i ' m —r— ----------

■ U ,

aker net set^ALLS - NewtOQ's H iller U te Ice t»ntiiii tounuuiwot wDl be b d d -at Park Saturday and'Sunday t)egliinlii8

loam eia ts opeo oiuy (6 t t te f iu e n rn FaUs Teflals Aaaodatkia, but anyone leaawxdaUon. Memlierablp fees a re <9 f, I 7 J 0 fo rsingl«s,.an<t4S.foraJunlor d ^ U )> . i. ■ ies . will be [accepted a n e r 5:30 p jn . , and cnt9 .ftKk.must.be.paN.before o r « $1 p ^ j y ^ b e '^ o k e d . B i ^ ly he, n w a ln ed .a t-N es^ 'a -S p o rtln g ^ tftbB IiieLakes. . lUoD w m be b d d lo dmiblwd doubles aw l wQl b e a d e d Into A iced p lay ers) aod B (novices) I t e teonls association wOl determ ine sioa a jd ay e r wQI compete In.Bt will b e played'ln>Uils touraam eot, ass tbe f irs t ^ a y e r to wlo elgbt coo* leuce fum es wins Uw znatcb. u t oot a t least elgbt entries in an

It event wBl be dropped. All par- lust sign In by 8 k.m. S a t i n g , isors will provide tbe tennis balls t x meot aod tbe prttes, including WUsoo. .A. Davis rackets. Adidas shoes and a te s .-•matioQ. call Leoi) SmlUi, 73M8M., o riaId,3M*a34.

^H s^w in ►If titley won Ihl* Coldwcll. 41. and Higliknpionship (lost plnyoff to Caldwell)a sudden Klm Adams Pocalellc

ly Iri the • Ihe medallsl honors by Iuraament n sudden dcatlj piayoll thebovs.

JSii'ihK In nui Vlcgwert. nr

•runners-up for Jerom e third one Rc‘H>‘e r and .lowed b v Peterson. . . ,

ackm g-taug]10 CollcBc equipment sclecllon, cui l lfo T (e O ~ lk T I irW d 'rc n iin q irc s ^ In Irack- ditionlhg. ' The coun 17 — Ju ly ' designed lo help pcople meel on and respect the beauty,

lays from forest and wilderness arc and-w ill ■ ~ In to rcslod -'pcrsons- Ihree-day- register a l the Collc] Inlo Ihc S o u th e rn Id ah o an ;

during regular business 1 tlon win • f o r Information call den t In 9551. The course lnstni(


1 leads Tigei ict crow nM organ Gooding. 363. Wood Rlv< ‘ Jerom e nnd Wendell. 410. i cla.ss B Morgan easily duldlsl i lo n sh ip the field with his (Inc 73

Burley links.- Norm \ irnamenl took second four shots I score of w'lUi a 77. .-He was foi SCSI pup- closely by Je(( Hcp\l-lndlUIK------Buhl. 78. Jul-Tllu!.. J I 'OJIIn ier. -M7. and KcllyTmJIllo. Jerom

H IL E Y O U W A IT I^ ^

CE IN THE HOLEi a r u s h f o r

I P I E S , T H E N

M T A Q E O F : K 1 5 0 0 S P E E D

E M .

NTING, INC.: S . . . . . . . . , . . . . $ 4 ; 9 0• S i $6. 85•S ------------. . . . . . . . $9.00IES ■ ■ ■ . ■ .-$14.95

lE 0 B 1 C 0 £ IE S _ P R II!J IE P _ < 11 SIZE AND YOUR WHITE, YELLOW, GOLD, I R E E N - B O N D - P A P E R ^ '^

IAIN a v e : NORTH 733.8623

"-TF opei Thursdi

« tilag t w in F A L l^-T lie

Fulls Bruins will meel tm '. Ul iiiL .i .j i luuim 01 un;one 'b a s e b a l l c J ia m p io i e$9 ' loum'amcnl Tliursday InIto r . . F a l l s . : ________________ _

Tiie Bruins drew tin >jn. ' game o( the uflerrioon bi 'ore.-— ;.._nnd_wllL.play_aL-i..p.i>f>y • Higlilarid P « r k _ ______“ 8 - ' -At-a:tio Idaho Fallrwii

Cocur d'Alene, and li

i r W“ S E E i i s F O ^

- ind

.o r


Elilnnd* D o u b le filw reUl. m ile a g e , po ly f

,o!I Jrom ' j|||jj|Bc ^ le a m ’ ' ~ lM B S siS T O r3 ^• Johnson— ■ —, and the .

1 Jenny

sT br'coh^

’p“ " c 'n j i ; ■■ BIACKW AUIty. of ourareas.n s - m a y .................B i y i K a J t M»1IC8C ,o(a n y t im e DELU>•ss hours.call 733- 4 - p l y p o f y

A . l o W f

r » ^ 1 1ATS-tSBIaekwfflI.72f.E.T.in<}<

liver. 400. "A'lhAS-ribd

distanced " s iz e ' I pm M e: 73 on Ihc A7803 ai«.oon Wriglil | | 0 : « » .o g ;its Ixfhind 07S-M aaloo :

(ollowcd-.. S8-M p .2 2 :Icpworlh. I P7g-Hl

romc.ilO. . K f P l f V i V V

^ T«V ' S T E E L BA W


l i i s f sIj m Io

)o jnKwym.708ERIES 60SERIES



• H M

4 i (

hs iiffle ta^ lay vs. B orahe Twin evening bruLTtel Numpa w •I Borati Skyline at G p.m. ai

onslilti « iunre off at. 8 p.m, -Ul in ldS to ■______ - _ 1 Le Jourm im ent. wilLcclie first - on F riday with .wlnne brat'kel Pl“y 'f8 winners^ arid lost p .m ^a t ■ golnfcagulasl losers. One In

removes a team from c< Vlll fticl.*'' fcntto'n—fo r-^ h e —llHer—a: in the whoever wins three straits

gam es win be tho chumpioas

p e s f o n e--BELTED DELUXE lOtVWHiTEWALLSe r g l a s s b e l t f o r s t r e n g t h a n d y f l s te r c o r d f o r a s m o o t h r id e .

SIxaA78-13... . 8I2MB78-14. WhJt«wiU. - C78-14.E78-T4

4 . . ' . . 4 » r ' ;

'•Plu»51.73F.E;T."PloV5i;Ba to 52:26— pof tiro and F.E.T. per tiro tnd

-4oldtiro8.----- :---- 4oW ttr«- — • —

SI:nF76-14,16: SI2m H78-14.16: 078 .14 .JB ,_ . J78-14.tB;L78-15

~ 4 r s p - - " - - 4 f s r - .......■-

•I4B— ‘I B B -Plu* S2.42 to 82.65 Plu* S2.8010 83;i2 F.E.T. p«r lire »nd F.E.T. p«r tire ind

:^-pldlliB». .............. 4 oklitfea.


XE CHAMPION*lyastercord blactcwatts

B j lwell. Plu* xlMlon.

ap K W ai > R '

i !83 H78-t4 aaioo 2.732.01 C78.16 27.00 2.592.09 H78-IS 29.00 2.79 WHfTET223 L78-I5 St.OO 3.09 WALLS g37l I ^ I I ADDI2

r ( r e « t o n e — — t


[k eR70.14 18SR14 SB1.00 52.67n FR70.14 19&R14 BB.OO 2.86B GR70.14 206R14 S 7 .0 0 '3.00« HR70-14 2I5R14 8 1 .0 0 3.29W k GR70-15 20SRtS 8 8 .0 0 .iO& '[ H HR70-15 2I5R15 8 2 .0 0 3.27B JR70.1S 225Rt5 eio.OO 3.43W |lR70-1s|235R1s| 6 9 .0 0 | 3 .6 o |

W Atl prico* plu* tan and old lire. .

hKtt ihswn M ilM ill mMIM II r««iwx

IV TUB ( f ir e e f e n eROAOATUS

iW rO lll *- . _ —b/Rand.McNai(v'~

I l l ”

mw«MeT»»oi r r n f e n ^ g ? ro |5 ? h t

^ ISSoul s i j S P ” *1 *' 2 “■S 50 SERIES .

M’riMOtUTIKHfidiiatltinB 10 MAIN AVE. SOUTH

, _ I W N F A U S . _ : _ - . 7 8 W 6 M . ^

Page 17: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

S tre f iC H IC A C a lU P I i.-G e n e

Cliijos went 4-for-l Mondav and drove In five runs In loading lhe Cubs to n 9 ^ vic­tory over Uic San Dlogo Padres for a ik a g o ’s scvmth win In'

. ■iuu .u j.V iy iibunax. Clines had a iwo-run homer.

• a l^-o-nm single an^ a mn. scortn ijloublc far'lhe Cubs.*

doubled lo score Jvan ' DeJeaus. «ho tiod walked. In

........ Uie nrsl'lrihlhg ana'Tiomercd”flHcf_-Q-doufale-by-JX;Jesus-:in— Uie lliird. His singled Iiome Iwo more runs In the flftii after singles byTSleve Onliveros and

- G eorge, Millerwald and a sacrifice by Jim Todd.

Tlie defeat went lo' Bob Shirley, llie first of seven Son " Diego pitchers. wfiiieTodd. Uic

got his firsKjuJn-^nd Poul' Reuschel his Uiird save.

Doug R ader ond Je rry Turner cach drove in two runs for Uic Padres.Ml o e io ' Mcwo

2i S lIlO nM a .414}HMRk .t l s o o e a m r .id j s i i

— s r n r 7 j Y S * f ' i i l ! -' CM c e t t (Mntfi p t t o t s m K 10 p lODt

i i i i iTomM p Bt t

. , S r " i V ! ™ . \ -SSSzi

e -iao i. UMtnnld. Tm«.

S -■ .'i i i i :

S ' ------ - I -- - - — 'S ^ r r .

' ■ ! S ! .i i 1W .A -U tl (»:“ W Uoon. T- I

C o n n o r s............“ n e w YORK lU P lT -T enn is >

stor Jim m y Connors and his \fo rm er m an ag e r, W illiam ^Rlordan agreed Monday lo ptit ]aside their financial claims , against each other, at least for ■ . { theUmct>eing.

Tlie agreement was an. (nounced sliorUy before the | scheduled s ta rt of a trial ln . - j

- ’U.S. Dlstrlijt-.'CbUrt'of Rior-dan’s lawsuIL'agalnst Connors. c

Rlordon claimed Connors

S e a h a i3EATTLE (UPI) - Poblo I

Franco, who holds four sprint I•. recoras.fli me umveralty oJ r

Washington, signed, with theSeatUe Seohawks of Uie NFL I

_ , .„,Monday.a{ter-belng klckcd-off- rthe HusKies’ track team I

' because of a weekend incident, p c

-Apparently upset with his v

a t the Paclfic-6 Conference r meet in Los Anacles Saturday,.


Tom Nlssaike voiced his share i*of doiibls over It. but Uie ' <

nevcr-say-dle Houston Rockets ' •oregoinghomeonceitgaln. i

'n ie-R ockot8-~ataved=ofF“ -] . ^ elimination from the NBA

ployoffs Sunday with a O s-lts i viclory over the Philadelphia' ' 7Cers nnd stand a chance a t 1 squaring the Eastern Con- I

---------fercnce flnals-at M when Uie 'series resumes in Houston ' ( Tuesday ni^il. ]f UiaUliap- I

‘ pens, the deciding “seventh game will be played here I Tliursday. s

"We’re going back lo our t place." Nlssaike. Uie Rocifctii' I coach, said Sunday a fte r ' \

• V Houston-rebounded from a - t ' 17polnt third quarter dcflcll lo I ' . stay olive. "But any diimmy 2

l(nows'It's gonna be lough.x.- We’re pfoying a helluva I

team.” k____ _ 11 was Nlssalkc*s regpeci for J~ Uic^Mrs that made him'Say it

would be "almost Impossible"' and "not rcallsllc" to think th e ii

- RockctscouldclIm boycraS-l I hill after Philadelphia pinned a s

■-•107-95,loss'on hi8 team Frldoy r niglit.

But some thljiRS wriUen in . r ' the local', press s tlm .^ Uie s

------- -mlldm annered-«ooch—before-;—. Sunday's gome and now t ie 's ' v

giving tlie Rockcls a better g — clianci?,lo.dcfcul.lhc.7(k;r&;nn<l__c

. quallfy to meel the Portiund c Trail Blazers fo r 'th e Icukuc S

. champbnsliip., B------- :— Orarrwrttcr~compare<I” t?i<*------

Rockets to "w ater buffaloes" t whllcanothcrquotedlheTGers' s Steve Mix os saying tha t, v Moses Malone " o n iy qon- ’t centrates on rebounds" and Is s

7 — =-«-‘‘terrlble‘’TlefenslVffinavcrr‘ ~

a k i r ig C u jb iTw ins bom bIn d ia n s 8i>l

Bl o o m i n g t o n . Minn.. <U P I).-G eo ff Zahn pitched a

seven-hiltor . for h\<- civit. ' vic(ory 01 me season nnd Rod CarcW drove In two runs wilh

~ t w -B in g ie s -a n d ^ -^ c m b fe — • M o n d a r n jB h t-w h e jT t h e '”Minnesoto 'A ln s won their

.-.^•yenlh straiglit gome nIgJit by- - • defeat ng the Cleveland. In. _

— dfansTfl-l.------------------------ -------The win •stretched Min­

nesota’s lead to two full games o v ir the Idle a ilcago White Sox In Uie American League

iijig ■? ili

sii' i2 5 L d I

Unn*wu » »)-ac«)K>;' B M r-Cm

- i s y — ‘i i r r r r s ”. T-r4t

P h ils t a k e f i f th in r o w

PHILADELPHIA (UPI) - ' ] Garry Maddox singled iiome

. two runs lo key a five-run third \Inning and stolce rookie Randy ' Lerch lo his flfUi victory of Ihcseason Monday nlglil In a to-c )

-trtum pli' by-ifKrPhlludelphla" ' j_Phlliies ovcrJhejLos Angeles__ i

Dodgers. " ^II was the fifth slralglit ,

victory for Uie Phillies and *seventh In their last clglii i

■games/ ---- -----.........................- u « — w o a a -— --------!» . » ■SV','! a I

s , m a n a g eviolated an agreement Ihey I had m ade In Mareh li)72 Inwhich Rlordan was to receive ^15 pbWcent of Connors' car- *n lngs from end o rsem en t ^agreements. • I'

At Uiot Ume, Rlordan said,Connors was "unknown to the ^tennis world and seeking to ffurtlierh iseareer." • t

'C o n n o r s ’ c o u n te r s u e d . *claiming Rlordan may owe’.... r

w k s s i g n EFranco said he was "loo tired" hto run for the Huskies In tlie . s

“m llerolayl j.. Washinglo i Assistant Coach r

Dixon F arm er said olhermembers o f- lh e -re lay -team * ' htalked to Franco and ap- fparently had convinced him lo «change tils mind and run. B u t. ' owhen Greg Gibson sprinted lo - SIhfi.Hnft.nn.ltie .UiIrd log.of-Uto----- drelay. Franco was not there.

Ken Shannon. Waslilngtpn s]

r s i n t o u g l"You Just can’l mark down a

scries,” Nissolke said. "You ci can 't.say this is a four-game w series o r“a five-game series in and that’s It» Our guys have

**N issaike p a lle d M ix 's F s t a t e m e n t on M a lo n e "ludicrous" iiiid eVen Malone, known for lils aloofness toward the press, asked reporters,

- 'ilo w - c a n -h e (Mix) play defense when he's on the bench?’’

Molone, who had J7 points.10 rebounds and three blocked sliots, did a good Job of clogging up Uie middle In lhe la te stages of Sunday's game when the Idcrs suddenly saw themselves bchind.108'107. on* • - his turnaround' Jumper wllh 2:45 left. • V

G eorge M cG innis gave Philadelphia lls ■ final lead b efore . Joltn Lucas put the ■Ro- i <»t8 ahead to stav wiUi _ 1:34 to play. /

"They-were steady and Uiey hit a lot of big shots," Philadelphia Coach Gerie Shue aald. adding the'loss "(toesn't meananythlng.’V

" II means w elost a game we really wanted to win.” Shiie said;

— Houston’s -c n I9 1n M urpli^-------^who sqt out 19 minutes of Uie game In foul trouble but still

_conlrJbuteji_15-polnls.and lO— _ assists, didn’t agrco- wllh Shue’s observation on lhe

'gam e. - '__________"Tlffiy liave lo wonder now if

Uiey can win lh e se rie s /' he sa id .'’If wc lie them Tuesduj', we’ll all como back here nnd Uiero will be a lot of pride at slake." ,

!)s w h i p P aE- ? 'iittTmok c I t t t B n m e l u : '

ST iiiiS'Ciiii s: J, fjf."" '■ ""B coop :

JM l S lltT H M MMI^t

. M) ' 'J J i J J J

A ’s r l p W ■

a n d H o l t z m a nOAKlj\ND. lU P I l - Wayne "

, fim ss. E .ir l .. WlUiams-atwl— Manny Sungulllen each drayc

. • in- ni pair of runs, while rookie sen^ lion Bob Ljicey hurled 3 ' 2-3 shutout Innings for his first m ajor league victory Monday' niglit In feuding lhe Oakland ' A 's to an 8-4 decision over the . New York Yankees.* « ■ W(K OAKLWO

S '

iin2S » SSS !S!!

■ i ii iS S T ', ' !TUrow » OttOGwib D «GOC

- 5 s?T -* 'SS w "^ ' “I S S g :

E-44ulr. -iitticn. OiMM. Aln. MtMn. 0<>-N«w rark I. 100-N«>' TM tt.'OlliUM I »WM«, S > ^

— l*tT_.(W..Hl____ J2-3.-J.O-O..I..4 . .

B o so x n ipA ngels

a n a i i l i .m l U H i - nivigiiiEvans. Butch Hobson and

_Qfinny_DflyJc_hit_tticoe6tilve— singles with lwo out in the 11th •

e r m a k e ah i m m o n e y o n t h e "H eavywcl^it Champlonslilp o f Tennis" match In February 197C a t C aesar's Paloce in U s Vegas in which Connors beal Manuel Oranles.

Connors said he received 5500,000 for the U s Vegas m atch but tie mlglil be enlilled to more. TJie. agreement, lie said, called for cither a iialf

■ million o r 50 per cenl of Ihe nej^

E lu s k ie s p ihead cnach. said Franco, a '

__sonlor-:-deflnllolv Is not Pning lo the NCAA m eet." H e refused furlhert'ommenl.

The Seahawks.' who .an ­nounced they"" had 'signed F raiicoas a free agent, said he will attend the team's-rookie

■ orientation ■ Frldoy througli . Sunday os a wide-receiver and

Franco holds Wasliington sprin t-rccords of ‘J.-l for lOU

;h i n H o u sBut McGInnlsT t l ic '7 (Jc rs '‘

captain. Ihinks his team can win the series, and before a hostile Houston crowd, yet.'

H i e p r ic e ( tu ite - iq ii

, ^ S F l o r m o s .W in d .,. W i th o u t

I n c lu d e d tn th is g o o d , w d e a l f o r y o u r car, Mr. *' -c

- - - G o o d w r e n c h w ilt j t o m / / ‘ m fdcto ry-/reshspdrk p lugs, po in ts

• a n d c o n d e n s e r '/; ' se t fULtory-^ spec ified

------en g in s d w ell ~ n | | | | ^ l. a n d liming.

adjust c d f i u r e / o r '^ ^ idle s p ^ fid a n d fue l•iMMRt cno<M« With W9h E » ^ .Ignition V

00 not rMuIr*. i 4 ) j | | point* and cendM M f.

P rtc* G o o d Thi

ABBIE URIB712 M o ln A w . E a i t ,T t

a d r e s;J inning Monday nlglil,to give t . . the Boston Red Sox an 8-7 { victory over the* Callfomla

t B09HM’ ' " . OIUWH*

I — -K - ' . . unodM p ' t t t

i sa.

,1___g y IV M , ] . I ! i ;

' JSS 'i i i ? I ■ 3 , KSpLffiir' " ■ » y' IM arlaers w hip w ild P a lm e r

SEATTLE (U Pll - The ^ Seattle Morinere cupillized on0 . J im P a lm er's wildness and 1 ^singles by.Bill S tela and Craig - -• Reynolds fur four runs In the s sccond Inning Monday nigtit I and went on to defeat tho 0 BalljmoreOrloles8-3.0 Buniofc ~ suTTu! » ■! “,■!! K f J J J 'S r . . ' . ! Jf-1 0«M> c«l 0 1 0 tlfyd It ) 11 '

!!! i !!: i ; . ' s !!

p. 1 jy^g p • J o

r'KxiT®" Sir-I ibmnu 0 0 e1 22L."" ■“ ' -------» r i r ■

2 S r . . . . g g g i i ' •■ 1 ^~s2rs?*’i'* 100^ ,11

” ! j ! •■ (W Ml »l^ 4- J :_4 t____

a m e n d s• proceeds, whichever was ) higlier. .r Connors osked for an ac-5 counting of the net proceeds to I delerm ine if hc was due more

than lhe $500,000 he gol.1 As p a r t o f M onday’s 3 agreem ent, both Connors and 1 R lordan prom ised not to B divulge Us lerms. Rlordan t however, retolned lils rlglit to I reinstate h is lowsult In another

Jurisdiction If hesodeslres.

) r i n t e rI ■ yards,ib.2G for 100 meters. 20.7 :----- far,2ftn yards nnrt ?fl,CB for 200___• meters.

The Seahaw ks also an ­nounced th e s ig n in g of

I llncbacker "Fred Marston of WliltworUi a s the lone survivor from as candidates who at­tended a two-day tryout comp.

Marston. (j-fciot-3 ..and 2-10 — ponrtds:— p ta y m n r r m T iy s —

Harbor College and Colorado Stale.

s t o n'’We’re « betler-club;” "he

sald.."T licre 's no doubt In my mjnd we c an win. I lhlnk we'n beal Uiem Tuesday."

i jo la g re a tlisd o w iu

)u l a i r c o n d i t i o n i n g .

wixiure. c h e c k P C V valve,■check air filter: c h e c k dis- trjbu ior'cap 'drid r o to r d n d ~

' l ^ i ^ ^ h e c k c h o k e a n d Imk- a g e : Y ou g e t g r e a t

a n d g r e a t G d o d w r e n c h

iiii|ii III III I llll________^ fo r a g r e a t .

lo v / p r ic e .

K E E P T m r .GREAT

g m f e e u n g^ S C ^ ^ W I T H C C N U N E -


H K : : -

T h r u M a y ^ l i l

IfiUENJNC.-Tw irrFolIt ^

i c c a

H A OilNCWErfO onM i'ftF ound ,

• - . 003 Annouftcofnonti '0(W S5Klat'N5llc«« -0 0 S rM ^ l5 1 N o M »006 P*f*oool» - ,

^--------------— S lie O T D O F F E R S007 Job t Of Iniarott O ISB obytllltn OI6Sltuallon»W ont» 017B u iln*nO pponi

_ .030M on«yT olM n . 021 Monoy Woniod 029 Intlrucllon 036 M uik U tto n t

R M l ESTATE FOR- - 029 O p n XoutM-

u j J M oni« t> or^ l«. ' - 031 Out 01 Town Her

036 Rm I Etloto Won't037 Farms & Ronchvi 03S AcrMQo S Lol* 039 Butlnott Proport) 0<0 Comoioty lo lt043 Vocation Prop«irt'044 Condominium! Fc045 Mobil* Komot Fo

R E N T A IS ,' 050 Fom. & Unlurn. F 0S2 Furn. A pit. ID u i

- '054 Unfurn. Ajsi*. 4 C056 Roomt For R*nt057 Ronlol Mobil* Hc 05BOHICO& Butlnott 061 Gorogo Rontolt 063 Woniod To Roni 065 TouritlATrollori

M ERCHANDISE067 M Itcollontout F< 070 Woniod To Boy 07) Shoot and Clolhl 073A nllqu*t 074M ut(ca(fntirum « 077 Radio, TV « S i tr t

~ ' - •o79‘ApplioneciOeONooiingAAIr Co

------------------- 082BulidingM6t*fl61083 Gorog* Solot086 FIrowood087 Plonit STroot

-------------------- -08B-Good-Thlnot Jo E,O S (L E tl» .a iupp li« -


.../ . ~LOST: 7 monm old D(

' wllh o v s Uped up, andI - «tom»eh.Call734-3M0.

-L0ST-00Q,-Mftl»d.Rt» All brown. I#bQofmafi£ cross, m<lo. Crlp^od. 837-4465. .

. FOUND: Kish Sotlor, M«y I5lh In Fllor. Vory and oomid. 326-6097. LOST: Small (emale Cal Areund Locusi J5l Harmon ..Park, Catl

_ R ^ n D p F F E H E D — FOUNDPOODLE.9«3-<

LOST: A lashan M. (Husky) o«y * Wl Lincoln school. 7 REWAfiO.

LOST FISHING BOX 0 .0 , at Wilson Lako. 1 73W4n,nEWARO,

LOST3Slborlao Husky and gray 2-yosr-olc

. Named Mol, 1 - 'gray ai • male, 8 months old,

nlnn?hyM«m)v Lost on Sunday May 8,1 ol Magic Rosorvoir. } vory (rlondly. II soon i 7acioo7. ..

m ,MICKY ANO KAY'S - resale cioitilng, 1023 Bli

m Sf«SECURITY. Wo home or business 3 nightly lo prevent llroa Jackson Security Agei e«J7.

ATTENTION ELDERLY . Doyoiineodapiacoto': 'fo r/c ioseio ihec liyco ' parii and clinic. Atlraclh and quiol. Call Mra. H( 25l3or73>«64.I am not rosoonstblo

------------------------ debts but mirowrt:Da»i(

PRIVATE ROOMS, "ht motptters. 24 how sui for elderly peftons. 734

OLTON-8 AUTO BO South Locust now c business. We InsUIITu 733^731.

I HOiw C A k p iP iw -A Gift un*quoll2*d ;at>lilly. eonvlanco

l733.5& 26l93i5oS*

LEAVINQ FOR LA. h p. rri. WUI drive your ca

— with TOO-and spllfon73MCT Of 733-1310 e aslitorJoe.'.

OONTTOUCKthoso dr Voguo Drapery Cleans all. We take them dowi and rohang them. For»

------------------------Iwlr^.Filltt,_BHif-an.Phor*e 643*62.



m ~ . Ute


---------------------- E R O E E S SW EO FFE R :

• Hlghpo- ' " " ' “ li'Auibtno

• Poidvoc• Hotpiial •Excollor

A pplicotlontb


...........— " " "

K S S iF I E ^i i i i l i x ; ; ;

S N n FARMERSM ARKET■ u Y a F e fii iiw a iop ^ i l ■ 09&Favn$**d

lit - 097 Hov. Groin 8 F«>H » . 09a Fflrmt.EoHJani - .Ice* 099 Potluret For Renl

- 100 Llv«tlo<k Wanted . . .... ........ _..101.Anlmbl Bresding 1-.

1 4 __t t )0 6 S w ln r

t 0 8 Sh««p ' lied 110 Poultry 4 Robblti>nunlli*» 1 lA lttJgaiion

^ 113 Formt S Ronch SuppTlet1 . 114 Form Implsmenit

115FormW oik Woniod.

DR SALE------ :----------- REC REA TIO N AI . . ., • ___ 120Avloil6n-

121 B oottaM orino liom t ‘ inioo t23 Spotting O o o d t'

. .. ,1 2 3 Skiingfflulpmeni 124 Snow Vehlclei

' ' ’I' 135 Trovel Trollert ;136 Comper* 4 Sh.llt

, ■ l37M oiorH om ot For M o . '2 8 Ulllity Troilert

i.H ou io t A U TOM OTIVE3 u p |e x * t_ -tai.A uio Service----------- ---a Dupleicet , 32 Aulo P o ftiS Accettorie:’i ____ 133Au1oiW ontWI . T . I 134Au«o»ForReni •* t t Rental ,35 4 Suppllot '* 136 Heovy Equipment2 R-n.nl ’ •‘0 Truck.or Renlol 142 Impori-Sportt Cort

U 6 4W heelD rlvet .•

, i v-- 152 Autot-Ouleh

Ihing. 154 A u io t. Codilloe• 1S6A urotrChrytler

158 Aulot Chovrolot 160 A ulot-O odgo

164 Aulot r lincolntS ' P ----------t 66 Aulo*.M ercury________

168Aulot •O ldtmoblle 170A ulot-Ponlioc 172 Aulot-Plym outh

- p . , _______ .17.4A u lo t. O lher -f i f : ______ .175. Aulo Cieolen • : ...........

UslV Fm t

Doberman HOUSE MOVING. 734-5565. ndtaloooo0. COOKW ARE BARGAllR .,a, «,nii' Wostbond, Uto Urr>e 5 fJl SKiruuS;" ■'**'«''«'»# atalnloss steol. Ni

>r, Sunday, m P m jory friendly " . m w

:_______ = . Nonn.:to«3oa," •13^804.. ■ - ______^ ________GENTLEMAN .oJ Jnlogrlty -itia ia m u ta reputaMo rQputaUon le-tooki

ivhite near (or (emale companion any a 733-280B between 3IM8. Serious I

mediate attention approclati 6 5 4 ^ 4 leavo message, or wr

w “^ -PRIVATE ROOM for oldoi

f .ln llS 't!! : OVERWEIGHT and want tow womething aboul ll wilhiInH starving and losing eneroyl I

° g w ^ o e d resullacall 73MX 8, East side 73<-roec.oro:«ceTi.■ RESPECTABLE single butln« in or found wouW like fenn

bodroom houso. Will trade ro< '■ . and bosrd for light cooking ai D O f l H t l housokeoping. No pels or hli____734-7809 ovoningt.; — F i n e r ________________________Blue Lakes. FACIAL ANO body hair rcmm■p.m. NOW----- permanentty—by—etec«olye

Free demonstration wllti• . obligation. 280 North Bluo La)

« , :> L C O H O L I^ r

• ANONYMOUS 5 ^ . 'C A U ; 734-5502comer, city ''Clive, cloanHouk, 733- " WS ri htfl

, i . . . . EXPERIENCED WELOfiwiriHoiinn'^ -no8dod~Also.iritciuti(i»or:wividH ^on. o « p o „ o n c o in nandii<"h«7w v~ir. e tiu lp m o n l: load ing . aiauM ftltlon unfoacftrt(!, P le a so so in i ^ K i rosumos to; P.O. Bo« X t. T«

Falls.Id ro o t,

^ PARP E'CNLYTMusTlie aft toworti«;4Slo10;00p.mr6dai

auto ctaas. ^ or 4 evonlngs and W tfi Salurday In my small appilant

S S m j 'S S * e to ro , *280 po r moni I I J guaranteed salary or proi

A**- aharing whk:hover you prelo i c y a n d ‘ Call734-4221.

S. !**’ * PEOPLE WITH summers (r■ • ' this couW bo tho lob lor yc . May I9lh Pormanent Summer Workcar or ride computer oporallon. Call Oort oxpensos.' 733-7152, THEJOBSHOP.'-

I evenings, ’REAL ESTATE Sales Porson

- Burloy & Twin -Falls OKtce. 7idrapot;loi • . *««ppoimmont.

' assista nt MANAGER (Or lo. rM « Ic « in rosUurant and loungo, { L S CO"®"* “ foof opportunity w--------------------(BSfBipanotna-wjiiimuiy.' W

havo retlaurani and/or loun oK porlenco. Take ciian

. .personally. All appllcailo

. slrlotly coi^lklonilal. Write B N-2c(oTlmo»-Now8.

k o l ktlwtst W . lo b lf ktB

■DIATEOPENIWGFORVs i o n a l s a l e s j ;e r s o n „

^ ! ' | f l ‘JWi'T'itj»l9(U)lon---------—

vooottonllal (nturence • Avolloble lent working condiliont. t bejfig accepted now. See Koiih 'Kelley.

HNCHRIS MOTORS . ------ 601 Moin Ay k E o tr— ------

■ . . V.

Tue8doy7M ay17;18rr: TJm<


\ ii \\v ' ^1 ■ ■ V \ Y

• I S v

I P J1 ‘ '^ L “ 1


"This Is Harriet, my Wife and

orlet iw -i.- I. m l i t o i t w n i i


A ^ ,r ‘ rate- Cortf Iruotlon,. 8at«>,.

« ® S n n S ^ l o ^ ^ r r ( r '

^ U R E ,.o r sumnwr.;

(ull lime ambltkMts salesmen, selling food slorage. Call 734-^n a ? .___________ ....CABIN CO '^JSE JO R ^J yoars_

. Sal*ry'plua foom and board... CallCampllreglrls. 733<214. . CAMP^<»OK: July 4-30.-8alarr- *300 plus room artd boarci. CampllreOirls.733<2l4, '

IJtIJcn _ |5 p ^ . ^ R n e ^ e d ^ g o o d p ^

= “ "Ac5)t;NTANT - 1( you have a-> accounling degree wllh retalod • work experience, we have an

f / i - s s s a s s f f i f f f l i " ; . .'c iS c •• olflce.SAVE Salary open.. Please atnd

'T p o r . ow onunlty «mploy»

0.V 'So' -BECRETARY ceceptlonlsta, dRfr'Mt general otflce skills. Call Kay, ostreet j g g SMOP, 733-7151.-JBO eth—

.' Ave^Nprth.

toowSg'^ ~ irA H ttY 7 - fH o v m s^ iS a u o w ‘'‘ ^ a » . three dealer* full -or,.IS Im- JpartHme. For IntervlevC. call 543. elated. ;X wrllo EXPERIENCED IRRIGATOH. top

“ >'• wagea. good. modem home, excellent opporlunlly (or rlghi

_______ man. Must be oxporienced. 423-gldorly 5819.

_____ __TAKINQ~~APPLiCATlbNS (orI lo do broiler asslslants, bus boys,wimoul i»nd dlthwashera. .Apply in .oyt For personalTheSandplpor.»0453: __________ _ . . . . . . -----------

-------- perlenced. Part-ilm o.’ por-itlnoss manenl. Big 0 Tiros, Buhl, 543- (omalo 43a .

oroom EXPERIENCED a flo rn o o ii no and dinner cook neodod. Wilto 3r kids Slockmon-s PO Box 270.' Elko,

Nevada 89801. Roforencos_____ neodod,___________________imovod DELIVERY ANO TELEPHONE idyslsr -9ALE3-Foll-«nd-PBrHime-16and— Ith no over, good poy, long hair okay.0 Lakos Apply 164 Main Avonuo North, mont, TwinFalls. _________

• • Secretary wanlod. Filing, Goodtyplsl. Moot public. For. woll

'C osiablishod (Irin. Sond letter to Box E-3Caieol Times News.

IC REGISTERED NURSES, lull time and • part llmo. Competitive

f\r% salary and fringe bonollts. 'V A ... Hsrrals Nursing Homo 620

Sprague. Buhl, Icf

h ttm l — — :-------------------------------

f f w ^1. Twin

' MAN OR WOAJ C ------------SHOSHONE-TU S - TIMES-NEWS CIROlonthprolll

, Cpyerjr iir . - Shoshone, G arewyou.

S 'te . . in t e r estS i e !____ TIMES-NEWS CIRG“w 733-C_ ■ -Col/.

Ex-ly wllh, ._________________



r i = ,----- ^WORKIN-HMES-I“ 1 ROOM PARt TIME


J----- -----__ ^HOURSU^QIM onday T

------ — -----hOO-A:M7to-lApply In po rson b e fo re



me8-NBW3,Twtn Fall8,ldaho'-'47^rr>J5j

" ~ b y G i l l F o i S : “ 1

j aT ' ^ •

id full-tlms Investmefit couns«i«!’'

S i J T I ta T S S- EXPERIENCED Hotel night T .: auditor..NCR posting machine.’' ;t Conlacl .Bill Elttrelm. ElkhorniS .' Vlllagelnn.e22-4S11,SunValloy;>*

Idaho,,......... ..1.. BOOKKEEPER ..immediate ' — ^1., opening, pleasant workingV.A cortdltion. J>ally and monthly ,^» MsUng. S800. Call Gorl Millt;>a ----- :R' » 4 S m, SnefKng-and Sne(Kntf~X Emp.Ser. _____________________

^ 'hours a’ week. Frleodly:-’at;!T. ' r.; '"Wp»>ere. 3244301. ExIenskxf^S

. WOFMACHIN“e bPERATOR.-:.«re'al benellls, p le a sa n t '.^ ;; .

. Chet Bohannon, S ^ ln g and’-

, LOCAL SHOE atore taking •- jppUeaUons-(or-(ull-tlm»-hefp______ ^

Insurance benolits and paid vacatibn Send resume to Box F3,c/oTlmeaNews.

~ confklental'lntervlew, 7344136-I' between8andlOa.ff|..______ '1 -COMPtJTOR READOUTS, act

, Call Gen Mills 734-2550, Snelling ‘ andSnelllngEmp.Sef. * j f RETIRED PERSON who woukl I like to live In amall Iraller on A !\ premises wllh everyUiing lur- . ' r , nlshed and do tlghl worti, mtist ■_ J»jblo-lo-anye.-no'tt1nk#n;

pay la negottable according to. • .X?. amount o f work you are wltilno./r, :

' ~ Brockman'e MMie Homrt'..- ' T:- Call Mr. Brockman Phone 734. '

FINISH CARPQNTeW toTnstalti t ■>* kllchen cabinets and Uy lor>; •■mfea. (musl be exporioncod),,-.’

' ‘ Apply at 1334 Kimberly Rd. . • ? ;’ Huteh'a73M102. ,I HX3K COMMISSION selling lo»,. ‘

local klaha traveling required...; .■ Selling apptlancea and... - -'

cabinets, and Insulation. Hut- ch'87334J1ll2.MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONtSTf Parl-llmoMornporary need Immodialoly, Exporionce, or

- tralnjng -roqulrwl.- Mflsf ( t ^ ---------^

S ^ a c f PO* sonMl ^(*1?^^Cassta Memorial Hospital, P.O. Bo«489.Bunoy,ldahoB7M341. .

'SCHOOL BUS Drivers. 733-7880 • fcr733-5534. "Wanlod one maintenance man'" , i must be able to weld do aome.- . - ^um^ng and electrical work'.’'-- >

I— -petaon».«onUel-Larty-Mannlng^^ -^—— At Troy Nattonal 2012nd Avenue' >' west,

I AvnBpiEsanATnfB •.>!! nrDLoaasoton.

You will too. telling world-. ..-; ,, (omout produclt. FIexibtef>-»I hourt. High eomlngt. Coll -.

733-7413. Or write to Mrt. |1 Phylllt Mclnturi. Bex 978 I

Kimb*rly,ldohoB3341. g


r j n g . . . .rey a n d Richfield '


■0931 'l l e c i — ^


Thru Fridayr S ArMrSunday—— ^ : e l { : 0 0 A .M . W e e k d a y s • ;

is-NEWS ■ ■;!IN DEPARTMENT , : i

, , 7 " "

Page 18: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

^ ^ 8 ; Tlmo*-Now«. Twin Fal

I I g

K ^ F [ . - . OuiTB<>ARblNG HOUS

■ ' i-: ; • • II'M-KINP; SOR^ y y■ ? • I • THAT THE W H J2 L V■ • . VW?MEN R7WEP ,■ ■ ' - OUTK TriE OWL^ \ t y ■ I : - £• ■ • . CELEBRATION.' L > ■ i - -NOW W E U KtVER J U■ : ■- W4<7W HCM TriEV V UF'■ - ____ ■ W iJU LP'V E VOH£ f CNm ~T-------------------- IN” A R M . ' l y v/IT■ v ; W R E S T L lN .'r > OL.■ ■!:■

■ i • ^ R < 3 N 6• p < ? S 5 tB IL lT y .

B ; SL J6T E B * __ >

■ i 'V m ' lotertlittfe!

■ i legal SECREXARY Im m M I^■ , opening, grow, with Ilrm.■ ! modorn olllco. p loaunt Mrkino■ i " -_______ conditions. Call Qorl Mills, 734* P _______ - ■. _ » iO.-Sne»»rrgandSncflingEmp. K : ; Sefv. _________.

-----------CUSTODIAL HELP needed, rear■ ; found wo(h..monlMy salary and■ - .'^ icellenl Iringe Mnellls.'Call

Rood at 36»-7436. Or ■T: ■ apoiv In person. School Olsirlclg ' •; . IK . Glenns Forty. Idaho:

_______MODERN. S4-Md..ime(modlaiata re facllily noods a ONS. I> you

■ — ------RN that cares, Ihls ia (he■ ppporlunliy Jo r you. Salary

..nogo iub le . Excellonl fringe■ ! ' benellts. Call Mr. McConkey.■ 42tiS31. ,• _______

I Call Sue al Beans, Inc. 370-»e3I be(oreS:00p.m.1 . ^ .... - EXPERIENCEO INSTALLATION■ ir people noeded In siool and ■ ; , aluminum will pay top wagos, or ■ I • be lter lor reliable slosdy V : people. Call Kay 733-71S2.- Tho r r Job Shop.K j __________ iXPfiWENCEO PARTS MAN■ ' . . «rtx> car^ also'malntain accurate■ Inventory records and conlroi

I .physical flow of Inventory. Fast \ -growing relrlgeralion company.

V . -oood employo bonotlts. Sond Ksunw to P.O. Box 301. Twin

" s ALESg Ir L NEEDED, h o u rrj- ' ~ - a . ippfy in person between the

- -h o o r« 'O l 8 am . ind 'noon a t . Binoham's Milky Way Oalry,

. > Addison Ave, East. Experience ■ heJptul.

WANTED girls 18 and 17. pan- time nlghl work only, Apply al

' hU x le -sP to a O v e n atio rr ’

l ! . iSoulh CentroorCommunlly, ' ' . Action Agency I* tohing : opplicotloni for ihe follow-"i----------------- inflPOilliSrt: . “

>Sp*cloli»t I Jerom e County

-*■------------ •‘ S3;2^/K our~ '“Program d e o lt prim arily

1 ’ with youlh Informotlon andreferrol.ondnutrltlon, R e q u lre t ex p e rien c e In o rg an lt ln g ' com m unity

, '■ tfppoft—coordlnotlng-pfg?- ; ; iects with olhor orgonlxo-

ilont, ond reporting program p ro jiret* .- Requires n lgh l '

Apply Ql 203 Eott Main. Jerom e or 360 2nd Sireel

i Eotl. Twin Falls. Idaho.I ' C lo»lngdo.*;W oy20,l977; Equolopporiunii/employer.

South’ Cenlrol Communily 1 . Action Agency e ito eon.' tiderondo' . ' opllcoclonet> poro tupllr lot ligulenict:- , potklon de empleo:

Eipecloliilo en el Oetorrollo :- J . • , * .loC om .uQ ]dQ d_________

condododt Jorome:V SalarloS3,2<porhoro

!■ '■ El progromo te dedico or oHljlor 0 lo iuvonlbd. inlor-r. \ . maclon o lo comunidod, vi' nulriclon.

' Cuolifitoclonet incluyen.-----------------en'perientto- e n —orgonrtor—

' . o lo comunidod. coordinor- I <on oirot progtomoi. fo-

; porior Qierco del progretoI do e tie progcami, lu

; ' reoulere unoi hoto» de1 .. troboionoclurno. ■

. l l ^ubm ilo tu opiicociof* o J £. Main No. 20J3 on Jerome; . .'O 2nd Sireel E. No. 260f.-. I -- • ,»n Twlfi Follt,

/■ ; *10110 el dio 30 de-Moyo.• ij ■ 'IP p o rlu n ld o d iguol poro

'iry '

' : ? = j: j S a l e s ]

^ . . . Jo rop laco Mr. N i V w ith us, h o s movod to I

-------------H ::r -W o -n e tfd 'd -h lg h ~ e o!! ■ |i !* lik e 16 loom tho outo |: ' t fo rce In th e S tato of ll

’ ; In th e Unifo'dSfofos:«• i '’ Incom e will b e aubsj , ' I - n ish e d w ith o ll 'g a s , oil

^ --------H -w l ll1 y a * p q tc h J lo s 'rd iT rSI ,! ■ - W o fee l h e m ust b e I ^ I , : n e e d n o t opply.N i . ' ! ' ’ A pply In' p erso n to M

i i t r a

Jse“~ “ "wJrti H ooptT "

X .C A N 6 U E 5 5 r ^ ^ H H | W HEN T>\Z LOCAL TV TALKAW eTEj; ^ ^ K £ W SAVE L .S .P u 0 O N ( £ M M I ( 3 H T ^

A B A P T IM E j ^ E V E N - 1 L A 5 T W E E K $ H E ^ S IV E M IFTEO HIM RKSKT > M E ^ ?VER-HER H EA £)- f Aw - nHC7UT a&T T lN ' i TgO g H — - 3UTA HER MATCH



007 ' lobs d1 ktoeii

To TELLER, rsntastlc 'w orking Ii>. c o n d i t i o n s . G row w llh |ig iremendous company. $475. call i14- Gorl Mills. 734-25M. Snelllng' ; p .- - raTrtWnoilingt n » .Smg:— J

; r , _ .^W 00T H .C H A P-T £fl-0F ,m e_ J Z American Red Cross Is soar- :

ching (or a person lo IIII an Q. E xecutive position . Sond I

resume to; 718 Shoshono.St. E. .'0* by June tsi. _____________ «

------FULt-TIMe-Wluhf nuuT main-'- jtonance person. Full company •

- bonoms.' O nl/m atoro-people ' \ need apply. Kman. Twin M a . I _ t

ry PART TIME, toschdrs and ! le college students who noed < y. summer work, opponunlly 005 - — .pef_woek_Some-conlioue-part- £

- ( i ( ? f l ( ) J r a I m o tw ^ l l7 » « 1 ^ ----- 1S3 RETAIL INVESTIGATOR. - high i

school grsduaio. Free lo Iravol. i$500 openlna salary. Reply In .lown handwriilng. Tlme*-Nows, IBoxP-3. - i.

ly ACCOUNTING work w llh !10 general ledger, payroll, com- ,

' ^ l o r readouts, KOO. Gorl Mills .i t ^ 2 5 5 0 . Snelllng and Snelllng f10 Emp, Serv._____________ .ol BARTENDER; P re fe r ex- k » porlonce or wllliraln. Must havey- n o s t a p p ea ra n ce . S a la ry <«> dpoV. Apply at Ihe Military Inn. j

' cm I T.UC . hln' ^ r ''porsonnoL Must bo fsmflln?wt??i ' ’*

g bindery funcllons. Apply In * -per8onloAcoPrlntlno.-250Maln“ '* Ave. Norm. Twin Falls. t

" 'N EED ED IMMEOIATELVI •>- Cashiers, cooks, change per- 1

,1 plus vacation. Insuranco. Cali f colioci, ask lor Giii Koop, 702- 1 76!V2341. 3

TACO -TIME now Uklng ap- * ' plications for evening counler , I help. >^ply In person. SM Bluo ,

. PART TIME good typisl needed. I hours will bo 1 to 9M 5 days a ' I wook. Call Doftha. 733-7152. Tho !

___ 'jobSho(J._________,'____________fMODERN 64-iwd Iniermediate { care faclllly needs an RN and '

‘ .. LPN.Excollom opporlunity (Of a .caring nurse. Compolinve

I satory and (ilnges. For moro ' Information call Mr. McConkoy:------- 423-S^. -------------------^ -■ TV TECHNICIAN, nooded for- ' . growing sorvlco dopanment.

Call Kay 733-7152. The Job Srtop.

; MANAGER TRAINEE, train ' locally. Immedlale oponing.

Groat bonetils. fsnastlc working ' conditions. Ael now. UOO, Call

Gorl Mills. 734-2550. Snelllng ond Snelllng Emp. Serv.

ELECTRO-MECHANICAL REPAIR work for secure valloy

. company.. No ovornlghl iravol.S8C0. Call Choi Bohannon 734- 2550. Snelllng and Snelllng'


Ma|or W etl Cootl compony leek lng lumber yord monog- er and o ititlon t monoger.

---------Reloled experience it ne<ei---------tory. May hove to relocote.Unfimlied o p p o rtu n ity ___excellent benefilt Including o u ttto n d in g bo n u t plon.Write W, A. Whitlell, 119 S. E.Moin Si.. Portlond. Oregon 97 2 U or phone (503) 232-


An EqooIOppoffondy fmp/oyer

m a n W gMore A uth, ono of ou r lo p solosi

^B oiso to go Into ono th e r bu iino : :a1Ibor, honost, h ard -w ork ing yoi fom otlvo b usiness w hilo w orkin Idaho a n d th e N um ber VUncoli

istdntia lly -abovo-ow oragora-nevi >j| ond ex p o n ses pold. M odlcol a ‘b m o n t plan . _>e a top quolity indlviduol to fill

M r. h la rr lso n .

e is e n -M o t<

alls. Idaho ;T u o s t I a i t J b to y . l7 . l^

i n i e

' .»7 - ichirSjrai •

I MAr^AGER direct, local volun- R teer program. Run complolo U operation for board of dirociors. fl ITO. Call Chel Bohannon 734-^ 2550,SnetllngandSnomngEmp. H 9 Ser.

SANDWICH MAKER.-Fotiulo. ' * | reliable. ; . reliable ■■.. leliabfo. . ,

* TDirnmorJeswuwinoran'NorttR------- -73»W06.___________________MATURE lady lo work part time • •in children's wear dopartmonl. <Excellonl working condllions, ,


3od pay. Wrlle Box B J Times- ows,

' , <SALES ’p e r s o n o u ts id e i

C lon.gototopuftlhgrowlng ••Call Oiol Bohannon 734- *

2550. Snolllngand Snelllng EiT)p,Serv: J 2

- -WOULD.a-UO ia.SIOO m oro .a_____!week,' more than you aro ear­ning now interest you? Wo axe • looking lor honest dedh»ted men or womon to represent out- sundlng company, Inleflrlty n o t ' experience a iSecesstty. Call 7 3 _3 - 5 e 1 9 . a

■ SCHOOL-BOr - WOULD - llko t *u^"w r job'mowing lawns. 734-

HOTEL MAID wantod. Apply Tn person, Rogorson Roslaurant. _i53MalnEast.

' ~pearance. experienced or will _ train,ApplyatthoMilllorylnn, ■ •_____

REFlrtUNO AJBCRAFT. Mvd worti a t Reeder plying Servloe.Twin Fans Alrpoit. Age 18 or older. CJD per hour. In

-W A N T E D -C hrysler-tra ined- - ,

_ mechanic,-C«ioer_epportunity ' . for right man, Wea/o looking for ce. P.O. Box 489. Burtdy, Idaho «0tfl.208<78*«1. j "

- INSURANCE SECRETARY.______prow wllh greal Ilrm. New ol-

- -fice.-o owl bossrtaoQ.-CaliChet- —^Bohannon . 734-2550. Snelllng T T andSnellingEmp.Sorv. . Vl>

EXPERIENCED Singlo man for I *irrlgaiod Wyoming cattio ond "*olhay ranch. Musi bo able lo ride __a n d w ork- h o r s e s , a n d | amachinery, and milk a cow; No . likedrlnkino ^ R ^ te n c o s required, chii

NEED BABYSITTER In-triy BAf homo, $1.00 per hour. 734-4296.'—

STOKER DAIRY NEEDS 3881 Salurday and Sunday lomale hei^,^^.W _aahlnoion N-_. 733- |]{

KELP WANTED Full time, retail-»ale8.-Al80 pan llmo. Retired or ” - rCpanially retired man or woman >'•==prelerred. Send references lo .BAC caro ol Times-News. Box C-3.THE CITY COEUR d'Alene has ROIm m e d ia te o p o n in g fo r LotiFiroflghlers. Applicants must be . . .19 bul nol have reached ihelr 73334th birthday, unless prosoniiy _

’ emoloved as a fireman In the ROatate of l ^ . High echool aliidiploma or GEO preferred. Must Roi

plications avtilabla P e rm n e l Dlrectw, Qly Kail, 6m artd ShermanAvenuflCoourd'Alono ^



NEED I. . outi

A seacoll


' i i

— LOOK- I IN i


a n t e dlosm on who, ofto r yoorsinoss._____ ' _______ ________ •young m an w ho w ould king w llh tho top so le s - - H coln-Morcury d oo lo rsh ip H

lew-M ercory-w lll-be-for-------- HII a n d hospita l Insuronce ’ _ M

fill th is position. O th e rs . H

tors= =“ I

7 ■ ; • '

..........— - V

« E n M > a t* in c lB IW .

N E W H O R I Z b r i s S u m ! A G E N C Y ^ . ' “S ”'


• ROUTE SALES, Top poy Roalty. • ond benellit. '

Inlorosi• SIDING INSTAllER, Well pandlnc

o b o ^ average poy, yeor red woi roundlob.. tr a ln ir

EMPLOYER PAID FEE .agroom.Falls Av

• SECRETARY, RECEPTIONIST. In or callblue <hlp compony. Top ______

'lolory. excollonl Iringet. 'ROTO-TI. . . 1 ysrds. N

• RETAIL SAltS, above _ .. 3 p "> -- ' '•ov6 ldgev»ogergo6d - haRT-TH

ben e t l l t . ______________pjjvsicii. ' ‘ Tocnnicii

oLAtijSCAPECONSTRUC- 0IIK.0 p , TIONWORKER. Exeellenl ^ M 'lo r

. a ' j i l b " " ' ’........

• CARPE WER. excellent ^ooklni

■ . i s s i• GENERAL OFFICE. Port -

. lime, pleotonl work con.. dliiont;goodpoy.^ -

• ACCOUNTANT.excelleni ■ i s T c e . 1°^ "!'*’ fl'ow in TT jfom 1poteniiol. . Lincoln

7--BMPlOV£ftpAlOFEE--------------An o tio b l ith e d , locolly «i«,iln^owned and opera ted PER- laoal lcSONNEL SERVICE. Our lower K \fee t ore b a ted on tolory, 734-778!

-MANY-EMPLOVER - P A I O ',_£EES.---------------------- QOOD I

NEWHORIZONS • agency • c2bUJ

INTERMOUNTAINBUIIOING Joromo 409 Shothone Si. S.. R m .) 0

- 7 3 4 - 8 8 4 4 - - - S j

l i s .b k T sitlm lC k lU C in

1 will “ bobyait for working molhors. 734-3199, |.e

I AM sta 'a ilconsed and would 7 !like grave yoid and swing jh iltchild caro any ago. Coil 7344685. f q R ^

WBY SITTER ncodod Mor [ ? '‘swu

"f» : 3 0 T ^ ' . I oX ^ . ' ; ^ r S_________ _______________ locaiod I

l i t ■ ■ SituUan

UWN-MOWINO.—TRIMMIf^ _M1LK_..........................;BACKHOE SERVWE - 722':j :? ,4

ROTO-TILLING .CARDEN A t ESTAf Loft. 1 ^ hom et leveled o n d « [“ 'fl®'* te e d e d . FLOYD GAMBREL

■ e s :ROTOTILLING GARDENS 01 all Priced I alxos. Froo osilmaios. Call _ _ Rooor Andrewv 734-5790 ' CAMPE',-Au,.. ,1 ; B ghedge- irlmming, shrubbery buildln(work. 734.5495 mornings or RoallyJ ovonings.

-'iWNTEO: • parts'-man-of-parls - -JANIT<msnagor Job. Havo oxporionco ' u le , 'Family r - t/OO-JeOO a monlh Valloyto start rouuirod. Willing lo bluo chro localo . Wrlto Box 17? oxcossJorome. ld.8JJ38, * ' year. ;_________ lormaliROTOTILLING Lawns and c w l t .

_____ 'BflsimiOppoftsiiitr " ' . l l

mI nATURE GOLF COURSESearn $18,000-$25.000, installed .T r n routdoors or»Jndoors. No moto JANITIseasons. Prlcod at $9,900, Ex- *ole. icolloni llnanclng LOMMA VplleyENTERPRISES, Inc,. Soranlon, blu* clPa 1650tTolo, (717)348-5559. In exci

STEAK HOUSE & BEER BAR, PoVlnlowllh invonlory included, Nice ---------commoicial lot and building on SERVIC

,bojy,.alroot, CnILGom. Slolo.. . o^.i'o.'!

COUNTRY STORE in small larm community. Excollonl potontlal Q20In poacoful surroundings. 544- ______2448davs.544-2260aftore . LOANS UNIQUE RESTAURANT, now building _ ^ W h in g included.^

IS O r Y o u r■ H I ' ploc* your od lo-'tvUI---- ’bu;R 9 | l S«etion lor 10 doyi, Po^ ior y(

■ j ^ R I boied on Ih* number ol wor your Item hoin‘1 told — you — er you haven'* troded for

' to the Tlmet-Newi Olflc* end__OQ.a*Lre>ulli-b*lot*Jha.lO

H U i l b* ehorgod enly for the devt d i R l L^'tcelve.a-fofund.checliJor.t(ii n t n l t e r r j r , th is o f fe r fe i ■ S B B a d v e r t ls la B («eM «t b e acd M K I Is 1 llOO «.M . f « r tiM fellow ■ f l V n ' It you odvertlte mor* ihon 0 K J B D ll*m>, your od m utt be centld>



l e s l• ' • < & »

Biisiai$$ O ^ tH i ly ' p - ' . ' '

OF Tv;in-Fkiis~To.-di;ro

f f i . f d " . 'S a K “ 1 e°n' S “’^EDGE. Robori Jonos ,.m .,735 .73W M «,. .


TCRS NEEDED. II you aro loan*; a\j Sled In a rapidly, ox- ng now Industry, raising olr™ tot prom, tomploi!Ing a n d buy back mem, contacl us al 270

S s ,TILLING ■ gardens and ' N o j^ y |_ n 3 i» 8 5 j l t e r ' ' ‘ r • ■ ■ -s

II__________^ - - - . | nTIME WORK wanik, as ••• -:ia n 's a ss is ta n i aj(t>. --------------■ ianrhayo-kK ow Ioaoo^r -REAL-EST>procoduros and (oci. discount. M

oncod In lonlcuiiuro or,_ oslatolnvea . Much oiporionco. Tall

____________ 030 ; .”MATURE MALE ■ - _______

ng omploymoni ' wllh. HERE IS AIble dim. Advanced ac-, FETMURESng. ihroughly laminar wllh bodrooms> p ro c o d u ro s . Triel' (Iroplacos-»C03- d # p r o c ia i lo n — terrific k

:e FQR,RENT. \y , hlykn-»tain Strool on Soulh S r i n ^

In in Joromo, 324-9S37. _■ ~ Associates

3UR OWN-BOSS, sorvicon. loi 150 X 130..two bays; IMMEOIATlocallon on Highway 30, .Sharp 3 bEdna-Irish Real Estate, lamily root

•65.543-6494,543-5»5.__ _ftce.ReaUyJ

5 BUSINESS PROPERTIES - S ^ o r Aco liaiy growing klaho lowns. wim expanding business.-.ot thop and oquipmonl, J i T10, Trailor Park at Stanloy. t. HANOY REALTY 610 '® ,I

Lincoln, Joromo. 83338,'_ ^ «>208 -324^ Of 324-5986. K c H l n S— -^ ---------------------------- *Oodroom*r

GARDEN kitchen for

O t d - t i L U N O

' 3 ' 4 - 5 5 B 5 “ S 'o ’t,.________________________ rocroallon rALE; Twin Falls Business In town. O0 building. (Now loasod WON'T lasl >10 Community Action ASSOCIATEIf.) 3 bodroom homt_al ___ _____ 1_also romod. Property is 2 HOMES 0

1 next 16 D ots Cloanors. _ lor $300. por tnk_at_MmaJ3t*y'Roalty, I w n Rasti

0480 .^ 'j^ O U T E —AVAILABLE-------------------

miss mis opportunlly "to your own business.. c:allGray Roally 7 3 4 ^ . J o ^ t ^BLISHED p ro tlla b lo oxoeromal business In small home BoaiIly ' lown wim no com- oorls Laza;3n. Good supplemonial a nO COU10 (or retired persons. 733-0716 fl 10 sell. Phono 888-2449.

>ER AND TTUilLER SALES 'jlESS. on Main Avenue. .

,"Su3S‘ ' 'TORIAL—BUSINESS—(or----- -IB MOO.

Twin Falls and Magic ' '

eh*p°vp^ol*cuslomors. In IMMEDIATIS ol $100,000 gross per bedroom

Phono 733-8509 for In- neor Porki^on^_-......... ..............■.............direct V.A,

ENDING SALES Force, hot }'{• , I' I.ii<;';c (ringo benolils. Flier. 57.01

.ry to $13,000. 3«r

m.,"u!'".3x*2?^Twin Fails i ,iiUDOt*'' il./Employer. w n 1 I• ' . Thot's- wh TORIAL BUSINESS lo rTwin Follt and Mogic -BUniP*# <"

y area. W ett e ttob llthed . chip fyp . of cuttom eri-icett o l $100,000 gross holdl 3 bi

Kior. P>one. 733-9509 •irep loce .rmotlon. goroge, c<

-------------------- -------------- botem eni.ICE STATION, oxcelleni very neoto"i_inc[udos: invenig ^ ___la se e Jh li.

^ ^ Z u - 'lO R T3 to r ' any .wormwhllo HBHIso. Voniufo capital, ox- ion . T D 'a . .W oslorn :iol-Consu!tiints. 733-037*—. _«7aFolrwfl

iTE PARTY will pay cash rust deeds, notes and

• '" f o r K

RESULTSID DiqrsM oney Back!

uy'— or-Ited* '. In o u r-C Je t illl^ Adv< yeur ed before Ihei 10 doyt e re up. (Re ordt In.your od).. II, o t Ih* end e l 10 < u hoven 'rpurchoied w hel you’re look It the Item you w onled le swop — C( id we ll ch**rlully r*lund your money. 0-doyt — coll-end coM ei your-ed ||t your ed octuelly eppeored — ond y

[ceptarf. f e e m i<»l«gOB* Hem ond yeu t*ll one er mor*

id*V*d tu<c*ti(ul.)UR AD: P H O N E 733-0931

“ ■ ■■- I l i i y i a W W

WAIUBLE. DealdllOCl. NEW LISTINQIftdera, .Any amount, homo,2bedroom;

eaplial, business, lots ol now ca cisl loans, personal , maintonanco ho:onsoM dated . con- call Lynn Rasmu

tlrst, second mor- or CHUCK PERK•vm ratwh loans- Bank txw Jm

OF !. Sawloom Nailoa

AVAILABLE. Ooal dlrocl T h T b J S s ^ 'f o ^snders. Any amount v ldnfivSobsw Sr » capital, business,rcisl loans,, personal. ...m o «nd e «c onso tida iion , con- . ~ f - n ,. flrsl and second

Moi ‘‘ w nM n llS w ^n d

'-H.t • coplablo bidder Wi—— I lo removo Iho

IfeMf ■-*■4 cloan-up me .buili November 30. 1

nATC-CONTRACTS-al- -J?o^HS®OT?pabl .M w oyw an i^ ro rrea l to moving tho bulli vesimpms. /a w is r . that mo building si

_______ restored. Anyone

__________:_________ Sawtooth .NationaA HOUSE will) all the Addison Avenuo

ES YOU WANTED 3 Fells.-Idaho. 8330IS — 2 baths - 2 No. 733-3898; th e !s - large' family room Hesdquarters OKI: kitchen, ll ABOUNDS - 438, Keichum, IorandlnterlorAPPEAL. Telephone No. 72»llon, Nortnoasl, near SNRA SU.,le, .and small parli. But S la n lo y . Id a t

•alt-a pfeal 'prlco'noii— Tefa phone NorTTi0 Make sn appoininwnt 'bids will bo rocolvi this today. Uarkattng Falls office until ,2 es73i48rtenytHt». , 10.1977...___________________ ENJOY LIFE MOFATE POSSESSION, maculate older h<

bedrooms, (ireplace. Presidenl Street I oom. oarage.. $29,500. Care-lrea sieol s Ily733-«17. caraae, <otal or

i ^ ^ ’t S ’micIFENCE YOU IN YOU washer, disposal, I<AY — how atMut IW counter lops. CaJIst gives Iho KIDS lots of r n tell you r’ . J K i .uiiS R«*muSSon 733-29

toMly PERKINS REALTY.m e gives you-3 or i GLORIOUS homo«r-i-bB lh*------«ritl»-e- -aocond-hom e^pior MOM that ovoilooks<g - family area to hor o ^ *'can also bo ENJOYED.L roally TAKE PRiOE in ' El'Wflo. -733-1406,itilul yard wilh nut and “ '’y'*"’®'ts - PLUS a flroplaco tw m c ji i *; jno down in Ihe targe'0 room. This Is all tlghl K iih ilfiCALL TODAY FOR IT RE?i

asi long. MARKETING ^aES734.48758ny|lme. __________

5 ON ONE lol renting ■ /por monm. $24,000, Call I fssmussen 733-2807 or ■ ^ . . . ^ ^ 1 1 PERKINB REALTY733- - m U U O | |

THE Markel. Prosligo W H f l edallkin Tri-Level, ■ ■ l l | j

homo, bullHn ap- Lois o( oxlras, You

S t l V K K - 1653 Falls zaros 7334588. T O ^ O F F IC E 7 2 DUNTRY REAI.T0RS. H O M E 7 3

Ldwoll Wills ’ ' Lorroyne Will

o ffic f ; 5M U JA lC r -734^5551 '•country.----------

S Bedroom Hem ATE POSSESSION. 3 Locotlon. d o te m wllh (omily room, Schoolt.

will so 3^^b.d,oom H

re bulldlpg ille neor '.000.

I M Y I Y E S ! . Iwhot you’ll •xdolm .you gel your flrtl k• of th li one. lovely I1 . . . a place you'll f ud to hove ond to- •»

bedroom i. 3 botht. k ce. fomlly room, . 1

canning kiiehen In f . n l. Carpel, dropet, . ot ond^ leon . Hurry I i l i o n a l .S 3 7 .2 5 0 - ,_ . 1 -------------------

iTH WEST” I[H. Iw oy-.-.-... 734-5181— - I ---------------------to te te y . . . 733-5066 fenlry . . . . 733-3749 Atc h ln t.. . . 734-4567 1le r ............^34-6208 I

I j -|i: f..—t fm \ ^

COME IN I ' 'ty. IF YOU W T.ed^You'll— m K -1— — ----------------i yeu-%111 . I '

. . n m f ~ "

j L J

I THE PEI 3 U n es-I

Call Ad-Vi!

~ 8 o « f f iK s i i i " m -------- :

Ql - Groal slarier TRANSFERRED. Ch<nm s. family room. thoasi locallon. : r carpeting, easy School. Bi-levol, 4 bot

homo; $20,500. bslhs, (amUy room.- smussen 733-2807 dishwasher, woodonERKINS REALTY. dock off klichon: Si

totlor, beaulllul dr<F SALE- " 'F ro carpotlng , and c

aro locaiw In th*T~Id ^a n d S ia n le i^ occupancy, posslbid

d v e (or oll-eitt .NEW HOME FOR SNo land rights art proxlmaioiy 2.000 sq. II buildings wIU b« spaco. Throe bodrcItHdlolhohlphe# balh, lomlly room,ilddor. The ac-' 'foncod yard, iwio^i)r will bo roqulrod $4S.0C0, 2343 Castle Crto building and 1602- __________building silo by , KIMBERLY - roalI. 1977. A por- bedroom, 2-bath h

Stretl, Withjtamo Dioaorpnor and covorod patloT $4ibuilding lo insure Tom Floyd 324-8912ng siie is properly Perkins Roalty 733^X8(ono Inleronled In .__ •______ ;______Iding documonis ' 14 ACRES on Norihsidthem from tho p a s tu re wilh 2 Iional Forest, 1525 romodoiod homo, sonuo Easl. Twin morclal Ironloge on Hl|83301.'Telephone Olobo Roalty. 733-282::he Sawiooih NRA Hayo 734-2859. • • 'OHlce. P,0, Box __________________


5 5 S " r S ; CI,.C»P..I,in.B .n,.,

MORE In Ihls Im- '

le t'’ln'Twln"F5ll2: ' 200^‘‘',a u o ,i '‘'i"oiS . X U " o

balhs, lormal----------------------------------“ 3-b-WF«m' hom i o

sal,Dupont‘cormfi- *ouihwoit ol Twin. Call me now and Tom Corier. . . . ' u moro. Lynn0-2807. or CHUCK 11,"LTY.733-04flO. . - -7;—smo with smaller eSit.’JCJ** u UI, prttfjtlx unllnr ____ J®>k Thaf^iw« lo c ltlc planl onlUod beauty,-Call i»ixLvu........ f i i fi

_______________• 6Stfllf»-rory choico cornor ---------------: duplexes. Horoid 52400. TOWN AND ' 1EALT0RS. 733-

lealtytl A c . FAMILY PLEA□ lls A v o . E. 3 bedroom t 4 (ul734*7992 f in ished , b o te m e

7 3 3 - 6 5 6 2„ „ . ^ fence. Ideal homeI l l s — F o r m s yourequlty.VIHs — H o m e s ' ' n u i . p i.iQ

2M ocr'etE. Follt. E W O Coll Loulte Wardm h o m e t In ' 525 '----------------------- - :~ IN C O M E P R d P^ame.Nor1h Eotl South Pork. 3 b 3<e to 'Pork ond ’ bedroc

o n -o d |o ln ln Q lot lerm t. Owner wil

I Ho*"*- O n '/_____S 26 ,000 ._______ _






10-Day$-’7.84fisor Today. . . 733-0931.

H D atrftrS alr 6 3 9 '- ' . --I te t$ ;fiir-a

5tioico Nor- SAVE $30001 Brand now quaillSaw iooih homo lor salo. $54,000. Has 155

xdroom, IK sq . fl, w llh unllnl'shO 'n.' liroplace. basomonl; all oxlras and moreon broaklasi Sotlous inquiiies only. Call 73‘Striking In- 8522.

drapos and ________ i______________ _g e n ero u s TIREDOF LOOKING lor a foLsi

Ihroughoul, ttiat you can (It Into? It Is time liLbacK ,YHrd. jic flion ju iilM ltl n,t)0U80,lhlirod po ifoT nts you? A houso lhal tolleci: ». immeomio. your style ond neods. which Iwo. $47,600. bulll Irom quality materials in ,:_________ way lhal will lasl. Call VB4R, Jin

SALE! Ap- Beano.734-76?Beves.J. II. ol living ' ■ _________________;droom, iwo UNEXCELLED family living 0'• 'I'oplace., ih is5 » acios in.Skybno acres

Oatago. 4 bodtoom homo. 2.200 sq. ft. c} urive. -733- living spaco on main lloor wit.__________ full basomonl. llreplaco, lols elal nice 4 Oxlra fealuros. Second Kitcnor

home on Year around • runrtJnfl' waloiIh llreplaco prolocted vlow. Prk» ^ u o o $49.900rcall- -|ld,000. - Bin Ralphs.~73M ^2 or Chuck Town and Country Roally. 73:1480. _ 0716.

S'^O-'^OSlIy SALEABLE ANO iradoabTobedroom ghott ono' acre on Mighlawi

Mmo com- Drive. 4 bodiocm.SpanistT style Homo wilh I,roplaco am

1823 Of Ston basomonl. Urge-family am living jo o m s . ex lra lani

__________ available. May Irado lor land 01900 squaro rosidonco. Bill Ralphs. 733-8023

^ bam on.2 Town & Couniry Really; 733garage w im , 0716.roplnrw Will ___________5yd 324-8912.;ty 733-0480. •

wei _hom e... .. LOBE

N IC rN E'lG H ti6?H bO D . :. .7J4-32U7 bedroom.lott o lth o d e iree t ]■/»: . . n e o r . R o b e r t .S t u o r t

i ^ L 2 HOMES both thorp on( r „ „ - ■ ! & ----- c]ecn_M uii_»olU iogetheiSI r r y ^ need a duplex? w e hov.'** ' ' ' one on Filer A venuor O K S $25,50lT'

u ACRES N orth Side $58,500.4.ACRE building liie o r Mo bile Home slie, $13,500

3 R ^ Z ^ 7 Termt.1-8 ond Highwoy 50 Inlei

-w A y Change. 2'/. ocret wllh Com lY h i merleol Well. $62^50.

, M _ ,NEAR,NEW ?,ho^'.Soulh.on f = ^ - ------ Twln,'3 bedroom irtull bo t*

f 'Jr menl. lomlty room, huge lol^ $35400.

NICE 3 bedroom hom e li Hoiolion. Large living room

EASER port botemeni, garden tpoilull eerily owner It tronilerred. Brlnt n en t w ith offer*.AiMngJ22,000.

'chn ii^ iiS k BUS«!SSDPPOWW(ITY.5 ?0 b l w By your, own bo tt. ^ rlv ln , 10 to buiia (eitouront b u tln e tt In Hog

ertyon. New bulldlrig plu iQ .a iT c_______ enifo Innrf lor commerflr

o ^ m to m " Col.'cowot,............. 7 3 3 -« 21! ? r t o r f Koy S n id e r .............733-354iSill fo rf l Joe Young...............734-339will eorry. BobMeElfreth.. . . 734-36^


ES,CREAGES,5 . . .

itw m -ipoms

Page 19: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented


- S ,” ^ E H SELLING 3 D M tO o m S E

IU t»m>. 3M M«)lKm StrMt. t>*<Complstaly tfocoralml Insldo Slv•Hd: out. all new ca/potlng. arc(Iraplaea, llnlstied tusement Yowhhlamlly room, walofablianor *33&iK> many oxiras. S23.S0Q. 733- An4360. AS BY.OWNEn, 3 l»«JfOOm Ijflck . RXhoma. a ..W h « . tteuMa Mr M91

.la/iiiryjoom wllh bar*. 2 lovely, ba ilWplaeea.tK.900C»ll73a-?183. . « 2 .

'N IC E '3 bffdreom IM tuths. S?! altaetied o>raoe. Privslo wort, on targe tencod lol. Near nobed ■

' Stuacl Sctiool. Only S34,NO. Jdo ^.Y «jrgn4<C93QWB£ REALTY ^

BY0 VWeR.1 y e if0ld 1230I1..3bodfooma. 1H baths. douUo .{“ ‘f car oifaoo. (Iroplaco. lencod•yard. ■ patio. • brick barboquo. “ J!-Save Iho commisaJofl buy now. ^

----------W3.00073+6523.------------ ---------------SSO CtNDV Bilck, 4 bedroom. y J,<aroo maslor b«droom. 2U Lg. bctni, 2 llreptacas, loimaldining room. Jamlly room. dan. opisowing room, healed stwp; J ? "

. larM double garage. 73*4228--------- evwlnoaandweeKanda—. . .

V.'Ar9UYERS look at Ihia lm- paiHmaculate 3 bedroom home on roor

• corner lol. Bedroom and tamlly Mon room |n f in ish^ basemenl, IH o t tr bail's. 2 Hreplactts wim heat-0 - S1^A

C '.5flflfla7ofoniyraJo5jM !rr .beai

bealA tS ^ ® ’ ’OVmeR OFFERS S BEDROOM.

< t u U lha in choice Northeast ' IHocawon. J3.500 ajsume»_QI______ J

---------MorlOKjeal Bit. All eleciik:. low /m a ln ta n a n e e l F in is h e d /g - ^ tofMflt. family room and / / f

(ancad-iri yard, paik), carport; . and room (or boat. Call 734-5947 -n(tWffp.m;only.- ' ..................................

BY O W N E R .:~bedf^, 2 balti^dupiox. ra n g e ..re filg e ra U o n ...____

..........dlstrwasher... d ispoaal,. fully.^cdrpated and dnjied, gang*, wuth ulUltv room wilt) hookuoi

7 — -so^a!d-airb i« irtfn**nw m p;------------Iandscpaod wllh automatic aprlAklera. J3ne yoar old. 733-

- • ■ c-----!--------------------------- 4 fa

; ALLON ^ ■ ONEFLCkJR!Why climb tioira from callor .lo a ttk whan you con an|oy ^l*r o li'th a odvontoot* o l Koma

,;i(aononalk>or7 ool'..lt.>hould oppaol to tha r* . . t^on

.__ lH H rfO <oupU .« .llhhobW «of-i-'c roH t, o« It bootti of Ivra . tom

ihop*. qul«,Spo<Joot 7 badrooffli. 3 w w boths. lomliy room. Ookiay

'i lbna 'd rap loca, dithw othar. ronoa'. w ctar Mitatwr, oir

‘ condlllonad. NawU x o ta d o u tild a c I ty o n llO x hon^150 It. lot wllh aya oppaot- cor

J f iB U e n d K O p ln g /^ 'h o s 19®sprlnk^ar. ay itam . S t i l a r . , spo<w ou ld c o n ild a r tro d a . Mog

' .$73,000. Lai u* giva you o . . . . loaftonal tour ol th li W a

- OMH-WESI j ftick

. , . u u n IH. aB72Folrwoy......... 734.5101Nooml M otalay.. . 733-5086Nadrti O anlry . . . . 733-3749 '« • »OflvaHulchlni.. . . 734-4567 "OT-

• John Rutta^........... 734-6388

I m iR m m m



„^<.bedrobm*. 2 boths, family r - kitchen ond dining a rea , attoc ' carpeted, lireploce, duoi>ane . tivply decoroted. . l _ O th e r M o d e ls A lso

. S o m e F or Im m e d ia te P rices S ta rt A t $FHA a VA Rnoncing <


- - r ^ H A & J U S T - B E

: r ~ O P E N D A I L Y N O O h

~ C O m A C T O N K



l / C C X ^

W ' IlMwi fcr W q

JEntUDED AREA: newly !2 homosM'nied 3 t>adroom home, ahowingShaded yard. Oarage with ahop Keimioy.>rea. Located on CuM»>tae. Country R

muat aaa mta ona .at -----------33,500. It can't laal tong. Call ..

g j K “ t o - ' ' "EALTY,nW4ao. Tnjst Oe


YOWN£RSliafp.3bedfoom.2 'lth Sawtooth Scfioot aroa.nlshed Basomont garago, "s s s

_____________________watorayjBEOflOOM home, (oncod

ELAXTthiS SUMMEHIM J usi m on Ihe sprinUing aystom j f W ^ Id ait back in thia air con- I f v l 1 tioned 3 badroom homo wlth^ I I - ^ 1 h mial baaemenl. Formal dining . ■ L X 3 om. eoverod, patio good omlngside localion. wilh' lola P i U t i 2 £ treeain neighborhood.Only

Ju tt lm<- with I*

/ S T A T S K '

r e a l t : ^ . .,oul« lda

T T r p M " . -1 / * r n «rao» to

' ^ ' I N ' Brick 3 1•• v s B a - “*p'««

....... ...................; $29,000

d o w n t o v v n -

1 3 5 '2 n d S t . 1^ '^) '®-” 3 -3 6 7 4 .

C O U N T R Y L IV IN G _________badroomi. 3 botht. dan

id axtro large lamlly room.>cotad on mora tnon on -gapH » a o tt ol Twin Foils. Mki m ' . SO'i. fDD BK'an tyo lroom loryourhors* . O O ®I. Tvw ilory Iwm a'wilh 2 alhs, on 5 ocrai wiih oddl-»nol ocraooa ,.ovQllobla._., 1____ _ijoy foun tfy lh rlng lnoeu i- '- B tim built homa wllh thot ,

lA A M E D IA T E moP O S S E S S I O N

»w oll electric tpilt tavat Groclout )ma on 3'A ocraa, doubla plush o

te 5oca, axcallant vlaw of 'n um o or ogle Volley. $45,000.00. 5 u Jr %tlCE UfOUCfP; « a l lT ' wondarii

incy on th it lovaly 3 b«d- Oo^^itofrom. both home In lo rrvJonai<dall,M14$30'i----------- _ U s L rh «:k Knight........... 733-4400hn CrondolU . . . 734-4859 hn Altman......... 733-4317 SO M E 0oraWilllomt ...7 3 4 -8 1 3 3 M A U E uI S a a k ................733.3937 r , ,nnia Dowton.. . 733=9017 ^m na Im I rad tflih .".-.. . . . 3 2 4:577t> -v A b u n d ltJ r . . . .734-4076 ^onShalby.. . . . . 734-4020 2

.. Included^ lo r you fo $17,500.-^

m f f . . (Reoltor ov

B i t . NO- - ■ I

s . t h e . :

D R O L ^ II H Ll

o n l

lorge ri

’ r o o m , liv ing ro o m , corpatin 3 c h e d '2 < o r g a r a g e , pin. Fan< l e w in d o w s , o ttra c*

. . tlon oniInspect

o A v a i l a b l e . r io h t w

» O c c u p a n c y . . I

$ 4 2 , 3 0 0 b e e

] A v a i la b le ' Thu imr

T R u a io N EGUN!— --------

- oreo. All

'in - ■----------------IN 'T IL D U S K

m r m M T —

s q *Twnsir^ S sS S S i S S r i - - - T i S T r fC E 7 3 4 > 2 6 7 0


— r m n K m - -

w s on 1 lot. bolh rented. ONE YEAfIng good Income. Harold h o ^loy. 733-2400: Town & . b o d r ^ l2 iry Realty. 73M716,

TRUSfBALE I bedroom brick homo at Indy Drivo. IU baltis, buill- Aove. two firoptacos.'-e*.10 residential location.0—Tarma available-uporr- 5ved cred it.’ .For ap- n v riw k iiS r m anta contact Bruce f ir al 73^5680, For lurthor

Inlormallon conuct Iho

r e . r « / s ; S B .

K H_OME tor Mio. * {flbuSSs^.^

R M l A S t , ! :«f0l bar. new Brunswick ------------—taWo, undergrourtd timod h ils s ,aystom. Lot Il0x205rplua----- SU-«n— £extras, counlry living 1' A

Irom Twin Fail^ comer. ^

• ■ •________ _ m 170 IatUI

^ I H I U | n U f i 9

3 badroo con tlructi

----- s q u a re IIE HO M E Y O U CA N PR O U D T O UVE INI X Imoglnr a b rkk houia

. VACANT Nnt. IW botht, full boia- g lo is too t I ond goroge on 3/3 3oubla ovi ^-U .--M E.-k>collon-lor- -p u m p .O n lj

lova [uit tha place lor o 'I lomliy who likei llvlna C hoice I Ida Of wall os Indoor*. ^»q«ora tae ancad ydrd'w lth lot* o f 'H e o t p tw p1 tb'cllm b fbr the kidi.; 3 badroom hou*e wllh THE (loca lor mom. Priced heolJOOfordod. P«>lt to llva c lo ta-lo -tow n.......

ryoolut> tha houta with ''d^roomi, 1'/^ both* ond HOME A^

Buhl, only 1

----- ------------- BUILDINGS

i ' H M - ? ---------- ^■; ^ K t t lH • • _______ _

“ ' T B i n i f - a A mmy /bt : ___J I r b i

B r N u i n E i n -va lr> this brand naw * Il ing luxury hom e . \oxlmotaly 1500 square ’ moln lloor. Excellant location. 3 bedroom*2 both* on moln lloor.lou* living room wlih R | | , e Ii carpatlnB ond fira- “ , 'U e L. Ful) boiem ent w llh 73< ( fomlly room. Heot > ond oir condllioning

JM B O O , A I ru l ' ' ' * ” 2ariul buy.___________^ Wnam bar — We 7foda .Y roam and 1 b n L. Crockett. Broker ' 1. <h* -MA•lo n « ............734-4090urhom-.-.— 734:8650“ ^ iW m ; wlj

polio ond-------------------------— aaa — $33,E O LD G A IS STILL _____E W HA T IT TAKES " dlook o tlh l* Charming ' ,p u , cedohom e with o new ‘ cado'r»ldInIf. New c o ^ l^ point. c a n tf o lh en and bo throom . dltionlng

I to move Inlo. Only r o ^ BO ! I . . . 1 . ^

Joon Holey


ilrw oy .........734-3181 PhllPerklniIM o ta ley ... 733-5086G entry . . . .733-3749 ' ■ —

^utchI^*."r. 734^4567 •l u t t e r 734-6288

HEW 4 ^ ^Pride In ow

.isnNG m^11 b r i c k a n d

■ n ly $ 3 4 , 5 0 0 ^

low price, tuxurlou*ating ond neal-o«-a l®5 i lFenced, com er locationdouble corport. Intulo- i/u jo n ,,ond *trf-T w indow *.

>ct Ihl* lovaly homa. ? 1 TNOWI --------

N E E D S & 0

E D R C X 3 M S ?, . - . liraploca. r«

Im w cu la ta home ho* fuij b o * ,^ ,y ol room to moke o loco tlon . 5r lomliy very «m fp r1- vvlth double

b o t^ l o m dining , ,9 7 5 ^It Go . Alt this ond mora lor I 4 « 7 o 'lo .

, - n v t

I R e a l t y i 7 3 : j

R C E 7 3 3 - 4 0 7 9 .

•HAMLEn.BROKa fR i.a G ro iV jIM Io n d , B inM ettarr

..............7 3 » 4 q T j_H.FULUMER HonkWoodo*or>d'7 • • . J)icklrw lnC

lYERS ; A w ise investr - .-: ! ; ) 7 l o r r o w ^ ^

financial Better b e su re th d t y

--------------- A r t - a n \ / Q r \ / r l r » ,......-.■•_____ _ '

o T ^ ^

EAR OLD CUSTOM k T c IndY Brick,athedral ceilings, throe large master ba1, lamlly room wllh lava balhs, 2 llropUplace, new cedar w ood' dining room, lamliProtesslonally land- aowlng -room; - hAaaumable Iom with 4arge double gsr

ta a l S3S0. p e r month, evonlngsandvrteltl $53,000. aavo tho real _______________ommlsslpn. will aelt for ~ '

ER: Newly consKucted ,codar siding, 4*. D C f i '

IS, 2-baitis, on 1.4 j i l j A iHoat pump. Jonn-aire 610B lualo)car garage, Souihwosi. 7<X«:II lor appolntmoni. 733- — •

IMIC VIOW 2.B7 actos,4 podroom olactric you gat a thorr

:o Really. 733-S217. home wilh 2 biV« boiem ent wll

— room and utllit

i AFTER HOURS:, n n U u u n Horlay Mother*.

I T W I g y O C I Joek BIthop.. . .■ • - f i . i - i I R.J. Schwandlmo

BkUK LAKK8 BLVO N.739 .8317 ^

RMUCEDT on thi*' ' ■4k.........P V /F IIroom home below. uctlon c o s t. 3 .000 R |» le e t . ..F irep loce , ; 2 n C '-

room, lorge bote- 7 0

rr Mf^uul ^ CHOICE NEWm NOWI-4 badroom, hUrthM*! x

O n l^ » 7 , ,^ f - — : .......

ANOINC . HOME! NICE OIDER' 3 I 1 localion . 1500

wp;*$6'7.900.2— : - - V _-p!oea.M martotK

K O .O O -p.r m onlh.- :-ONE OE_A.KINI quore lee t on ovor Nice S bedroom

commercial buil ANO 5 o e re i- o t - • hom e buU nai

lly $39,000. $59,000.

JG SITES 3 to 5 ocre*. .. K r A H d a r i i n____________________ Dorolhy Kolor. .

G a n a C o n n a r..

' I ( n u n i l i i

S S7 3 3 - 5 3 3 6 * ® “ ® ® '

'’w E j m u r ® " REALTII .I ^ ^ U ^ . l . L ,„ ll. >605Addlton> md lireploce. Located a i A \ / r v .'M om lngtlde School M A Y DV

'" ‘i r ' I - ' k S - m a y d /

a S ' o S ’ W .I,,,;,, J


lomliy room wllh

e - 6 s T ; o - : ; s , ' S s53,800. W H E Ro n k . . . . . . 734^929 o u i A i U C) le y ............733-7308 O H W H ESnyder. . . 734-4930 Wlll you ever Ilr

to h ig e r . . . 733-2991 with 0* much llvirm Io ............733-6340 - ih l t - . lo r 'o n f y '8mington ..334-2127 Total brick, ii(ll )*hler ....7 3 3 -1 8 6 6 wllh lamlly rooih ler............733-1866 1 room*. 3 bolht. 3l i l n t ..........734-4851 control oir. beou

orated. Quiet, <

^ " L O O K S L f A C T S Bl

— r r r r T - r —^ lih le in price j kegroyrM ilty BIG In ipoce ondJ „ 2 bedroom * w^ p . j « y . J r p k e r — , k itchen -ond -fon— — ----------------------- -E xtro—lorge—tolownership It teen thed ond polio.

HJt Ihl* 3 bedroom, Horrlton ichool o om e. Bwiutllul rock watklngdl*tonce<

a w e - f u l l y

id lot* o l *toroge. Two new. home*9ol, ond oir condl- , E*tote* lor buyerColl lodoy for on "extra" feature*»enj. ■ ....... - - -loolly room* withkRTERHOM E - 3 b « Jro o m ^ o n d«droom home with, o'? E''Itchen ond fomlly. with central oir co f l ,5 0 0 _ .

unllnlihed boaarBERLY. 355 Soge • to ro g e o r ‘ a - l3 bed ro o m , lull fpoce. m d doubl. It, 1 both, fireplace.M to— o p ^ l o l e : - -S57^IOO«$584)6o

«m brick veneer, . . | i M — /

; m w 5 * " c ^ v l S • ^. Save on h e a t " ->ohn R.Howard.Br

^ ^ - K i i T f K m a r r .Cold S lo i. r ro ll.r. S ” ' * , ■

. 'IoooIk I ™ F ll.t ■ « o ! v l r « « o t . ..We*t. Alt lumlturepllance* Included. ^o t. O w ner aelling J - ”0 i i r W I in r 5 3 e ^ n ~ : — --------------

~ ■ • -7 F0R8ALE70BEM

« ^ 5 ® 0 d ■oyO.R.i. ■. ■■r . ..............733-0101 V» ACRE ^ W at v . . . .•..7r>DJUilT. ,0

' I

i l l .m . . . . 73KKI70

m ent today could JS-theJinr)6,.toilo6l irment. To ma ^pu read th e Tim

M n t r S i l i E T . M ilT i

5 7 7 ^ 75^ IN JEROME. Two^ r o o m . 2W. homo wim lamily toom

lr» baserneih i . ,22'^’. 2S • pump.^twixar. garageneaieo anop. yard. Can asaume prei

arago. 734-5228 or9S%tinanclogavallaekends. aee lo approclato. 324-4

------- ------------- RANCH STYLE 4 bednyT77!»11 'S l l baih. Inmlly rntvri IV t O J ' l J sunken living room, bi....... ^ rodwood decks. douWc. , neat pump: Entraa lhr<L L 1 1 ^ *cro >01 In oxcelionl ake* North localion. 224-8364.

•? M ■ • SELL QOOD Itema - longer use with a Class

► 6 .0 0 0irp remodeled ™REE BEDROOM h bedroom* uo H azellon . B asem ei

s™ ? ” ' " S ' “ * 2 , !

OR SALE f bodrobnl 7<i->a<->>i Modern oxcoM heat, te

' ■ moved. Best ollor.;oo':;3S:5?2S

. IDEAL VACATON hom J bedroom home In

aomo furniture $1 C R ^E E N StockmenU- Realty.

Uncoln. Jerome. 32^ lEAtTY 324-3734.324-4440

3 4 - 3 ! i o o -

detail*. $37,950.' 8lg LUllng In Reoly,734-6551.

rdroom_home KIMBERLY 3 bodroo ck lireploce, on Slota. carpel, drapo»vered-deck .......Franklin Stovo, noar the

9«lllorappolrtimenUn •W 7 BURLEY. 3 M toom .

' brick. $41.000., Callow ravnilul Tire- ^ flffHff*? tK»37,500.. _ _ -------------------

^pMonaP^3^ bedroor *y to p e M home, Birch trim, chii

- & ? 3 r 'S £ r h o « - J K i ? ' s : a ' s : ' £

l i s c s ^ i n i "■*s' *e t-up . . CUTE 2 bodroom ti

Jerome. Exeellont-'C *'*<1 P'l‘=«> aLonylM.Si

. ..7 3 3 -9 2 5 0 Liiaroa.-73J-85M ;- T n . .733-1647 Country Really, 7334716

733%848 •. . . 733-4019 ROOMY attractive W

homo In Hagerman. Coi remodeled new klich

~l targe -fining aroa.t v heating & a ir condltlork V \ tots beautifully land' a Fenced yard, talced I

___ aale. Calt Oem 8laleR< y > ■ ;.833t

i m i H W I I - ELEGANT two^lorytioi m h w m i J ■ Hagerman on one ac ~ consldor smaller homo

Falls — Agent ovmed. a

l u a n nWARD: l 0 t « t baths. 324«57.

F A n A BY OWNEf . cuslom bur n D V ' y ^ ' 0^ - 'ocU l l u K re {01. Codar toncln

' V large kitchen,-Droakts >A Y I . and formal dining roomt A V I bedroomi,.2 balhi..do> A Y I ......... - ’ garago.3240441.

nE T T m ^ K

s s 2 : ' ^ ' r n i . » r . ?« k ‘ 1 ^ ' shJCfltido on Twin Full

s , ' 4 o , 2 ? i " S X ’ '.................. :■

deck. Home JE R O M E . ABSOLI r $67,500.00 beaulllul home. 4 bedroc

S2: S K / 1 !RE,lERE? 3 BEDROOM comIlnd. 0 home

a T f re tlo w * BEDROOM, 2 bath

S S S S.ittLE? — -iiGi IN F IL E F$27flM.OO. -N ice 1075 squore loo

droom n e tt. 2 lorge bedroomt. w ith Jo rg e f„ || unlinlthed boijm iiy-room ;-------klicharr~v*lth~»oitrec t r - * t o w ------- m COftlyT35300.—

•o Shl;; BobM cElfrc *0fho.p.ltol. 7 3 4 ^ 6 5 0

miCEII ' GLOBE REALH in Slerro 7 3 3 - 2 6 2 3 er* wontingM. Utllltlei. - - —h llrep lecet. ■ n lU lE it ti 2 both* oil ” — ***Eleetrle heot WANTED BEST Dairy 1m>dltlonlna $20,000 down wtU buy.88coped. Full- ____ i - i ___________ :ement* for INCOME PROPERTY,xfro living dieas of wndlHons.>le goroge^ party. 538-2800.go»*e**ron. . PARTY WANTfy); ---------- -0 M er~ - |n cb m e “ ‘ pi

_ reoardleaa ol condlilo

! 2 9 2 . |M = nB ro k e r.- ... . - ------ v - . -^ 3 3 - 3 0 8 0 -TWO^cre buiWIng s ite . 7 r 7 3 « 3 3 3 _ _ .T .w IO _ E alla ljn d i:y i T7733-5755 Domestic and Irrigation . . 733-3080 Tennla courta. $8,000. C

■ s u io B o u iy n m * .^ .

. . J l . . J i _ ~ BY OWNER; 80 acrc R I I , |H n tW $ acenlc ' clover a rea-=----------; -beeulthifvtewofthffSailMOVFO irunli Water rlphta. TwoOM5To~T»3nT -^ iM lrw nniom e a n j 00 only $4.00. ^S!£JI22II..

r . s ? W 3 a aacre lots (or cliKlIng ahop, chicken

vater, etc. We ^ rww ahw p bam wlif r>eeds. C all. corrals. Land Uya well'Ol^Jea. , flood production r e m

M erhM telor ■ ■ -________ - ■ •xl to ^ 1 . Can 80 acres Eaat ol Wendi , o r 32W822., teO.OOO Call evenin

Hi » » iftnm B aaa— w a a a a w e w iii* ^

d p a y d i v i d e n d s t o a k . c l o s e ,a t h a n d f o l a k e t h e w i s e ^ b i j ; n e s - N e w s C ld s s i jF ie i

fT m k w ro ! 5 » . ~

FOR SALE Dty, Und U.m ' »n and third idaho. approximately 6.e( menl. Heat ^ f e a « f ijo per acre, i ige, fetjced deeded lands Approxlrnaie jreaent loan 3.500 acres in crop ihis yes

iSs""' ss"5issr’»^s5ss»

includeiS ^»S hS !’ aqulpmetil,- lUt a»*IIat)lo nnl I n te r o a lo d b u y e r . . »om jcromo p,oximat#ly 1200 acres wllh W'

drilling rigtsts. ConUct Vaini .i' -' ydu. no -Rehn.n*riR..or.kUho2083- •ssllledAd.

DMRY FARM near WendeO, r homo in acrea, weU pumping Irom 40 fe<

H ° ! “ 2 S 7 o r «

^ • r » * r o OPPORTUNITY KNdCK >r c ill 837- This 285 acroa»r. c a iiB srj Shoshone - aroa can mal

- ■ — aomeono an excellent return come. clean 4 Invoslmeni. Only $S7.000 win Falrllokt. excollont torma available. C$18,000.00. John for details and ahowin

ly. 800 .S .. MARKETINQ ASSOOATES. 7324-4845. 324- 487Sanvllme. - ^

E ’ T e e i i l Es S H Beairn. i baiKs, owner alter------------------------. l 6 5 3 y 6 l !l A V e .E., ; 'ty ■ Ex - — O F F IC E 7 3 4 - 7 9 9 2 « m ^ c k H O M E 7 3 3 - 6 5 6 2

bodroom iri' lo w e l i W llll — F o m ii

i i K o “ b_ i _ i : ^ e a r m s £ ^

nofnft^4tr~ t a r g e o n d Snfioll j S : ' “ " C o l l 7 3 4 - 7 9 9 2• TOWn . 8.1718,- . --------- . ■

i^mpleteK .ichon with ^I. Cenlral H C .. . . . .- - .-* - “ - . '

indsca’ped. 1200 Acre*, 736 irrtgotet d tor quick good w oter rights. 4 cTrcte I Realty ? » •_ .rejnolnder. hond Hina*. .6

home, near 364 ACRES Jerome Covntiacre. Will 3 3 5 . Irr. 391 shore* N

wa»*r- 2 home* -m odem btI. Big Wood not foncy. Colt Corf 33^

8046. '•y m e n t ONBEATABLB COMBIM*M r L m i ' tlon: Exc. 6 bedroom ho(M

• e lec .-h e o t, lireploce. t 8:_________ irr. ocret, 130 shore* wotebulltnome, .plus deep w elt.'4 tide wolllocation. Vl ihni bam . ordno^. allcclng. Largo. $350,000.Coll^oorn, lamlly NEW LISTING: 140 oe. Good

lofn*a 2 ? S e lec tr l^ to r phfOt. Good poS M » lo ^ . ^ n / c o l U o . 3 »

' .- 4 BEDROOM, electric heolnome and lully carpeted, 3 fireploceicres land . full Iln. botemenl. Ooubltarea con- earoge,.dumplng ttoiion foi

alls Home. rec. vehlclet. Coll Louitt(per. 543- 334-4535. W fiO O .ry Realtora. 2.5 ACRES, 5 bedroom home--------------- ' 3 rock ilreptdca*. tpocloui

u t e l y condition. 3 iloll horwm m . IU- bom, hoy bom, dbl..gorogeIhod o'n 2 '"*** londtcop^ . 3672 tq

Mountain > P^u* bdtamant. a {unioi733-1408 or e*lole lor $95MO.

. SMALL ACREAGE near got -------— ., c o u rie , Well londtcoped

i? kitchen. F ru lftree i, gorderfor Ihe economy minded

IWe pump Won’t to il ot $35,000. f8. ' M£«fl£*GLOBEam home. KSTfNGSERViCE'Ith built inIh Jerome;- - ----------- ’r r ' -' Jy, 7334338.---------^ J B U T l E f f ^ i

REALTY I:R V 'S S l’ffi- (loot hom e ^ H « « 3}44 t 66J t * ^ \1 . 1 bolh. , ^kwtement, ~*e—bulltr-------Om<*77T-,7rr.TT324:81i---------------------- c b u r» e r* r ::r r :r r3 9 4 3 3 :re s h ,


snBii; IB 8I@ ^S 91y or farm ..' S Z l

^ IS Iy . rogar- 3 a . Ia . Private g | o . 1

■aa to buy:

' ! li ' " •

S i - O r ^lo c to ae io I M I .^ ^"w aT er“ B B i ^ o « » r ^ r - e V i ; i ;.“™ a . IS

. # ^ 0 l l your litm hotn'i ... — ■ M W M I -1 or you hover

-i7h n i I

IH llu u li to d ' f w I t a r r y , th ta «N

itfibrchM nR 1 to iViOe m'. f«M u J ? : I f i IlY O ucdver.,;. with steel I Htm».yoor odmttll with.a l ,W l I TO PIord. Must ■ l i s I ^ —-4247, ^ - . .....

ndoti, witn 1 B 2 3 ^ ^ 5 H H f lning*: 538- ‘V

lUy T fflB B IfH M

5 i . F m i a d i i -

rm In ' ............6.800 ' . ■

! • £

3 F A R M S S .^ 1 0 R A N C H P glud e a ■ .ilo 10 ' 4U‘ ocre, "425 cow dolry.

O ouble *ix . herringbone.Ih woll ' 2 home*. All the equipment, /ernon S483.750. Termt.08349-

300 ocre dolryi 1200 It.,____ manger*. Ire* tlollt, 15.0004] ])o bu. horvettone oil dairy n iM t equip. 3 bedroom home with aallng bot*m eni.$460000.

ph»a,). CaH ,RNES_ --------- I c n i i i l l i h

SCENC HAGERMAN VALLEY IB In 5 acrea,water from Billingsley make Oroek. Highway frontage on two

jfn on •Wea, c j l ^ McKlnatiy 733- Robert Jonea Really

sT w -' 8 BEAUTIFUL ACRES on Rock-■ Cr»eK-Canyon,-T» reslrtctlona,-

1... . paved roed frontaoa. WiU sell In ______ _2%-aerolol8 or iT a t $4,000 por

- •cre.73444J7. _ _ _

-i-AC fte buiwingTowrsouuTor: I I Jerom e wilh real eaay terms,

IIS'------ . 48 ACRES zoned for reaUenllal*

I f . kMr denalty. Ad|olnlng Buhl.■ Includea very attracllve 5 f . b e d r o o m s c o m p l e t e l y '

romodelod home. Will sell aa

^ 2 . «CounlryRa*lly.733<7l8.-

S 2 3 acroa with spacious 3 bodroom. 2 baiti home. $50,700.

m i l All good aoil and can be aok) O m W ~wttJi-iTW0-0n6tt land.-HaSdy"

Realty, Jerome. 3844353 or S i i

a ACRES, 47 ahorea waief, '' railroad tronUge. O oae to-.> ; W endeH. Terma. Wenctelt 1

...... ...............• J

ESCAPE FROM CITY UVINQ. 8, 10,20 acrea Nonhweaiof town.

5.,“ ' Call Ben. HaroW or A glnla at RobettJonesReaHY.73W404,.

n b u l ?!!2:____ :_________________ ■334- 20 ACRES bsre land North of

Buhl. Beautiful view. On Melon tlNA- Vattey Road. Small down

§*^«>nt. Fay van Eaton, Route

voter ACREAGES ON Snake River wolk Canyon RIm. 8 acros par parcel silo. with full water rights very fo4

rocks. Good Covenants- Prk»s

i po- , K()lar73M84e.,

J3ACHESaouttwe*t43tJorome- . . wllh 13 shares ol water, wlll •

Irado or eaay lerms; Call Sam Floyd 324^12. Chuck Perkins

•uble Realty 7XUU80. n fo^ ' - . -lulte 17 CHOICE ACRES - Falls East

waler ahares. Atfslla crop.

" S -lorte T — ; ------ -- • -.'oge. 5.8 ACRES with w ater thore* •: tq . on Rock Creek conyon. Very mior *ectuded yet jutl two m llef

Irom CSL Excelltnl building goll t lte . $ 3 6 m

f .* r; 1.63 ACRES, building tile fd .n right by Jerome Coll Course.

e lote to Snoke River rim, omeng very nice home* a l­ready eitabllihed. $7500.1.44 ACRES ond 1.46 ocre* on private rood, good mobile hom e tile by Jeronte Coll

^ ft Cour** beiween Twin Fall* r . - ^ - a n d Jerome. $4900 aoch_____

) 734-$4S0( A A M lM C A II tr

U tA LbTA niA fPfA BA l"-

DougV>llm«r.»»kw 73a‘09S7

U8406 MofyAI.I.MM»...............734 3I0]1-8046 ..........«*•»’«

G e t R E S U I

In 1 0 D ayYour Money E

J J iT i ; i l L - ^ 6 ^ 9 ; - = : ^ t ; 5 a i - m -S irc l0 day*/ Poy for your ed before the 10 do] e number ol vrordt'ln y6u rod)rtl; 'b f*h i Btn'l to ld — you lioven't purckoted whe Bven't troded lor the Item you wonted ti -Newi Office and we'll cheerfully refund li*-berar*Jhe.lO dav*^.-^,— «eltend-«< only lo r Ihe dey* yd lr od orluotly oom o fO nd7h« lrrflnW “dTffe7enter • H e r f e '< t e r prtw B te p « r* y •

b e M e i r to A — mm mm H t • I. f e r H w to t t e w te f * iy 'a •lie more then one Mem end you *etl c id m ult be contldefed *u<cet*ful.> P L A C E Y O U R A D ; P H O N E 7

Tuesday . May 17.1977 Timim o^N e’ws. Twin Falls, Id ih6 .''19?:

S a

t - a . k m i i t U t $

“ 5 ACRES .01 oxcetUmt l im - ' i jround wlihin one mile ol .Twin •

} Falla airport. Can be built on.. : }1 Excellent view. Great terma. p

J ” : m 7 » y 8 l. •FW T fliuS HIDE-A-WAY. 25 : .acros with largo 8.bodfooms. 2 .j

yard.*Frult*lreS? berrfot arid' L garden. Presenily In hay and-.. < boans, Lel Paul ahow you this ,

: ° M r a " a , s a E » . !487Sanyilme.

BY OWNER. 32 acrer. nico view,, walor shares, cement dllch,-

siream. near. Buhl, terma. Call ' 73M477. • .


V Avenue, 4 bedrooms.. familr'.

2 K - ' a s f . S S ' r a . f ' j " ^ : , : ’ -y garage, lenced. landscaped.- ■Y u n d e rg ro u n d sp r in k le ra . .

Fenced and cora ls lor animats.'• $50,000.4234307.

. RANCH IN TOWN; Rustk:, ta rg e .T '------1 two bedroom. hM bath honte on <r 2Vi acroa. Dining room, lamlly '- hgaty tw » -

:« '4 le r -a h a re a ,-d ty -a * w e rw j:^ T '"water. BouthwMt edge ol Buhl ‘

> Marketing A v i a t e s , '734-4875^. ariytlmo.' .- *»

' 3 BEDROOM home, on 5 acres>^ '; Im m e d ia te p o s s e s s i o n - •

Gooding. $34,000. B34-4064. S* f aharesolwalet. •

- ^^ .? !:l* i* !l!l 'l* y ° ro f7 m M e! ■

? “ »r*yghW ^ -T

! NEW HOME ON 5 ACRES; J . .I Ruatlc cedar design, attractive;* r 'Lava-fock-fifeptace'. calfiedrV l— ~. ceilings tn living room and.*

z L S S a M i n 5 » ™ . E ^. wood decks, panlil basetiwnl..':- . k«ated one n e w e s t , onecnll* >-t .N orth..H .m U aW M o(Jerom e':. Golt Course, "MARKETiNO ^

. ASSOCUTES. REALTORS. 734- • .48raanytlma.. . . . ■ ' I —

' 324-3354 JEROM^;

BK> LITTLE RANCHES. I K ! ; ocre tots. Prke includes m ettle ond f r r ^ l o n w oter.; 1

[■ $8500. • ■I hbnhw eit o l ' Jerom e. 3 ‘”I w e ^ u t t 1 mile from town.. >

10 ACRES Soulhweaf 61 '; ' ’[, Jerome, prlvote rood, $3,500 .> {1 p e ro c re .'' - - • - - ------ • ■-'I>____ SOUTHWEST o l Jervm e, 6 . 1 ____ ticre romar nnrffel. mny .fcj , , I

dlvlded.$13,(l00. • J 5 ACRE parcel*. Southwetl j

.........o» Jerom e, -$1 M O - down,-----------1$ i o m . ITWO LOTS NEAR FAIR- ' IGROUNDS IN JEROME. AAo- ' Ibile home* O.K. $3,500 per 9tol, . . . (

C A L L >— C A N Y O N S tD E

RE A L T Y - .. >

' n . k s t e r r i f v ly ; I

APARTMENT COMPLEX' 5 ' separate units on Eliubeth Blvd., close to the 'T * and > Mornlngside School. Most unila ’ recently reritodeled. 8 8 ,000. ; H C a tl- COX-HOW ARD i . h i ASSOOATES. 73*2282.TWIN FALLS htOTELIilteen unll < > m olol, m anager q u a rte r . ; :,v swimming pool, clean and-well lurnlshod. Call COX HOWARD 4 I ASSOCIATES. 734-2282., , ■

HERE’S your cl\ancel-To have i your own counlry aloro. Con- taing all th* equlpm enl n e c e s s a r y to c o n t in u e fbusiness, also a 3-bedroom residence Included..1.78 ecrea ■ ' corner location, great potential.

I ri:«m»Liyii‘iM 0L W !ngcaw uK r~ ~ ,~ r3 .consider trade lor nonw in TwinFalla, $65,000 plus Invonlory. i ‘Oem SUte Realty 733«08. j,


r s - 1Back ! - -Cloi»lfied'^dt*iliil(»9"' j ^ E . •ioyi e re up. (Rale* ore | O K*he end o r iO 'd iy T - T r I w lhot you're Jm Up s I6r -- l ^ g ■I lo tw op — COME IN I n Bid your money. If VOU l ) ^ B-«encel your-ed.-You'll ~ I ^ K -------- ee red — ond you will____I S _____ [

a tm t f . B e e l ta t> te I w r r ^ l * l i i « « 4 * e | i V I M .*** h W II one or more of th e '- ' H B B . . ’

7 3 3 - Q 9 3 1

[ c u i s i l a i l M

--------- 1..- '

Page 20: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

.-• " 2 0 ‘ TlmosiNow5,‘Tw InFalls

l i f T i i iW M

i ' t z M^ a _ - W w i P r i r t

i f • INDUSTRIAL buikllna. 5.780 sq.J ; li.on4Vi#e»e8.onek)«»dby«lt.'^ ------ ’chalnllnkl«oco.2M rosolbiKk

' (op. KKUgtf avtilAblo. located ! onHlahUndAverEMl.CAllOomJ , ' SUtoJjMlty73J-5336.

r j" •' ' •‘"SPRINO CLEANING SPECIAL - J#nllo«l#l Service— Ready lo

, •. Col $».000.00. L & N REALlESTATE CO.. Jotome. Idiho

'■ •Xt-e^ZX AFTER HOURS: »4-, f . . ' 41S0. K4-J060.734.T733."

T T " lio f« n # h o p Wlin f«nl«8tic'S business Qlvos you « Chance 10• 5 bo youf own boss. Call COX- i • HOWARD ANO ASSOCIATES,

tcos Addison Avonuo Easi, TZi-2 ______________________

.‘-I CHOICE LOCATION Closo-10doivntown for ollico spaces,

. . Owner dcs»os to sell bocauso; ' ■ ol olhor Iniorosis, Price

i. foducod by J2.000, OodsLworos. 73W5M: , TOWN 4 COUNTRY RWLTV.


' : PRIME COAAMERCIAL' i ' .......................... LOCATION

' ApproUvd SI30.000. priced , o t $79',950. 7 year* old.

i ; all brick. Two level w llh iull,- lx . - u n f in ish e d b a sem e n i,

• ^Cenirol olr. heol a vocuoiti.'. U ted now lor ollice ipace.


ii'.' , ' • Use Ow lt__JiJ^rsdnaUi tr 2 Director

' 0 "l-BACKHOe- •17 ClOM w

|{ ^ 73^7378.


^ 3 K 5 S '’ * " ™ ' “ w "


■ aarssyasI 'M FM rAiwiM tW M l '



M d8bn.42M nO.BACKHOE______________

' BacUio* worn or M u t bw Bwnt* tn d rock pi TriM t»tdo«8U(Ung.7M fi

-SE L L -G O O D ' llema you lonQor use wlih • CUssllied 7 3 3 ^ ,

a f e w o E. MOHR BACKHOE eeo > O rm I, rack. dM m n

ic v c iJ iw lh U M ''"

SLa*— ••! c * " » ™

Ifl CAFKT Mid raoak.n ................% . m -^ L ............ ' - t •••

S c ** tT C U A )««■ . W T ITEAH CUAian. A . e « M n . prtcM In kM

•; • .awm. . ____9 CARPENTER. snTngliflO. A cefTMinl. Free estimates,

^ V - ------- — 5 — nour-of-'|oJLiw»Vn*;K*v9 733«24,

- 1 ■ % 'COMPLETE REMODELI: . . A service Including csUnelaI , V ptnellr>a. Free eslimales.

! ^ % -1 tnor7S ,J4 t3 ,

I ! 5 OEOnOE'S CONCRETE fJ . \ . . . J . MIWGinNBHtfKI

| l 5 ' ; ^ ' ® “ *

& \ y . CARPENTRYi . W SPRINO TIME la (ix up lime. / . . m .L m 's Consuuclkm (or •; V eatlmates on all type* ol li

A repairs, remo<lellng snd ? ! J W tons. 733.140. ■ .

i 0 CASH BUYERS are wTtti> • A ttte Want Ads everyday. Th<

l l 1 X OOlno to twy Irom somoonH ; ■ andllm lorilasw ellbeyou,

Pl l PL U M B E i

llsildano-" "T uosday , M ayi7.1077—

w i S r e i i F iR A N t i E i

J n e s y v i o

^ 5 U r a f n p d i “

q, LARGE comnwiclal building lor- -WII.-V aalo 10 txi movod, 30‘ k 64‘,:h ;M.OOO.-eARNES-REALTY-100-Kt Bluo U kes Slvd,N.733-8»7, -

_ COMMERCIAL BUILDING WITH U. AMPLE PARKING ,located- on-10 Norm Washlngloti. Good car .K(I, couni. Near collogo, Jr. High. _^0 and a trailer' courl. Are you YC14. Ihlnking o( 'a business lhal G<

would calor 10 Ihese people? FaPfoporly also ■ includos a 3 a.tbodroom home on on s[)|oinlno im

B------ toh—tWXM*—with - 'l uiiiiD - tir - i f l^ quslllied party, Invonloi)' ol Rcf prosoni business cart bo pur- tr.

chasodsoparaioly.Catlusiooo _ .»• ovor doUlls wllh you. NORTH FC*■ WESTREALTY.734^191. Cl


“ ------------------------------- d nd DOWNTOWN 5T1 e CO/MMERCIAL I BUILDING ' Oti

6390 Squore Feel, on ilory.^ tinder block, high colling. TO

, J ' ' 'Prime locotlon — Troflle J 'jY- flow 66SS cor* per doy. g j-• ' MC

Varielv a l u*e* ihrough r»- ^ modeling. Furnlluro store. is:

. olilce building, aulo port*. ' ski$65 ,000 •"

Term* ne0olloble to poian- Tl- .llo lu*«r or Investor, m<WESnniK«lTY ^

' ^ H s z i a p Q i s i

•r . a n dized ......

------- | 0 CTM^FtHtSHIWO— r K REAL CRAFTMANSHIP: *®™' I V y w r qpncr y Hoora. f

— ■ I "■ ^ o o K M n i m T i W K l

L ei& A sP E O A uzm o m s u m . 1V p tU o e ,d rtv M ,eK i.7 1 ^

^ g ; Z CMmfMdnandorwrtto ^ • O u an ttv u n flm n a iaw nM H - a - ■••• -• -rr--------- ■

X FORASIIttient7.M toriO' ■ yo u c an a d w d lse ln ltio T

-------- Z News CUssilied SMtkxi. 1• • vour ad (oday h r dlallnfi

^ ■

— •

• C O N C m P O * ^ "m ‘AU tJT»« 6* < » » ? • Z JBfinU ittBulder«,7a g |5 - COMaCTEFLATVMOflK

. 5------- V c o n c r e te . 32«-4ria.

I S g ; , g C*»EWTBYA nm oiM . repair.

‘ m Jo toasfM cM yw H haprt ____ g 0*a»*>wHh.7teJ77.

A SPRINO C L E J^ lm ? Sell. itema you no longer need

V claasJIled ad. OUI T. g (Oday,

■ 0 QOTOTUllHO a . 324- • 0 Lawns airt ^ g a n ^ ^ te — . 0 ■ S I ^ ‘or*S«701.

n s A ■ _________ ;•n. Ci« T REACH readers mrough_____ W Magk: Valley wllh fe*ullr i i l t A aassltiedAda.DUl733«•s. by Z _____________________»fln«»y— p --------------------------

• . nw w A U .LING - • A tfM A V n eooueio a

; s ! 8 g s f s i J T s a r * ' '

% FEWCEBUILOWOA DOCON FENCE IMR and5 (endno. pole corrsto. woo

- § • tott. and dog kennsla. rI d s * A -

X A n llq u o s, lin e luri P fepalred. restored, also I


- V .w a deUver. NMtt . pLCraneandRlgBlno-711-1:

S - 'J o ® TIME FOR SPRINGono - A clesnkng? Sell those Iterw,733- ^ no k > n ^ need'wKh a

jH ] CUtsJIIod ad. 01


r o R K S i ip i t i s i i ir D ays. . .• j j , - J J -

_WE OWN a 3S.OOO squsfo loot FOR warohouso with Irackago lhal £0, li

-we-rvoed io rontrlrade or-sollr- -bedr Rocolvlng sUlion lor bulk boans or7&or wheat. AQ UND. REAL •____ESTATE. 73fMflO. • MUS'

• 12»!

M - h n l c i M ^ “ S

YOUR OWN PRIVATE Big Sky. GorgoouB slto. 6 mllos Irom Fairilold. 300 yards Irom ski llll.3.6 acros. Iho sifoam tunning inrouQh ptoporly snWI lores! on

“ tlflC injrw apSrly, C6m S [ i l ~ 10 X Realty 733-5336. 734-6829. corv S33,OOQ. payr

TOR SALE, modest 3 room caWn on Westsido ol Magic Lake Resevolr. New carpel and l , ' \ palm Insldo. Copllc Unk ond '

'EBTOP— CASH - PA ID - FOR - bodr

- S or-10 or-12 *Wee,-also-Trave»- -««»» Trailers and Ptekup Campora, *»»'’ B R O C K M A N 'S MOBILE ^ Tn HOMES. Aak lor Ed or Virgil. U^e< 73 4 -3 ie7 .o r3 2 4 ^ . .. ^ 1S73 f4 X 66 Camslol. Iiroploco. ^'1^0 skirting, *10,000. Call 53M120aller 6. ^ m o

• 7S48ITHREE BEDROOM double wide . r mmobile homo on 1 acre.-Loaded i T ki

» " » "» " ■ KS!CLEAN, now carpel. 18 (t, j a iler. a t >46 A(Ktlsoa Ave, J '® ”

■ ■ ■ ■ ' h m h h h b L m i

yka-guL d j J d i rectory

g l ' h o m e im pb o v e m pHIP: For 2 INCREASE Bte vskI. patioe.. W home by twice tN,.elo. Can 2 1 vertm en t n emodalli. m . m - 2 BHerConBnictfon.7

M IHC HOUSE DOCKS ------------ 2 . S e r v ( n o » w M ^

V I-...q tM N iir r em M elA JM ica . ^ atructlon and hoi•a«». X I E icellen i referen

• M r a o ^ C i l l O M i d

3 t^WNSPWWKl£Ha s U re a and email

a y a ie m i in a la l l

no and S UMMARDANOOin aeoclales. W \ cioMtfte. retnocM.

M ^ cionelruci. - 4 — — g - J 5 R W a 8 0 « e o r .

Utcften ■ 2 LOOKING FOR a n em W I . % your otd one wim I. m Ad (or (he laateat rI________. • 7W IO\._W i* * 1 u • % nOTO-TlLuiw

m HOUSER BBOTHEf W t Z —'law ne-and.-oafder

L . ' f f i s ! ■ S S 1& S S * ” 'la. -F ree ■ ;

• Sncs THE

« e d w ! ^ i , PEOPI! TO HE


3341831, Z South olJerwi

—_________ A m apecM daily .

, 5 S s s •

• «5vffijouTO

• k new (acMttea aod • meat M m cuL^'Jad

• n « “ • . S S s » ® f *

lu .n iiu V . • • • MOatEWELDIHa Iso lamps. A Coombes Mobile-

1.734-1871. • 73«J17.

IDANOPTT , 2 PAlNnNC-INSlDB^ -Scott lorson. 7J3

(Ofth Waal' 9 ***'■ <*'*1g — (reeetlim ate* .

S ^ ^ ' 8 » o o n ih a result , • FREE eslimales flIv I. OUI 733. t t 4803 between 10 anc ______ ^ we eta tav s^ ______

N T E R ■ . . Bl

m x A l e t s A D y . 8 a

M ' ----------tMinaoRiB to S i b - w — ^

'OR SALE. 1B73 ftashusha 10 X 1970 BRO 9, lumlshod. W asber/dner. 2 bedroom. > ed foom e,--»6S 0rC tfr-7 !i^ - -pailffTmo )t7SS-3336..- Spaco II _________ . — Vllla.Tosf

°i5arort''^oll 'S lSclfll g o ^ [STn'^hwondilion, UOOO, 324-62M allor '<IOp.m, 14x36 310x60wilh3(l(vouls. Eicellont Elocirfc s


■ FOR SAL972 NASHUA 13x60 wllh tipout. bodioom.lir condltlonod. skirled, solup, U300.423-urnishod, washor and dryer, Oun 1 ds'<.900 o q u lly . la k e ' ovor ^ '

“'i- i f - -

975 CHAMRON, 14- X 70'. 3 , ^ | | a , g iodroom. air condillonor. « t»go_d l» p o * a l-an d -d leh — tashor. Has skining. Is sot up 1 Trailer Coutt, S900 down and iko over oavmonts. 734-7130. SKYLINE

lUST SELL 1976 14x70 &»ln- rldoe 2 bodroom. 3 lull alhrooms, sot up In Fllor. nmodUlo possession. Call 73J- 548ollor5woekdays. sale. 733-,

'6.19 acros wllh U'xTOConcoTd MUST' Siklobllo Homo, Jutnishod, 3 -Moldlo hwdroom i « balhs. and moial m ust atilorago Oullfllng - many Irull AvalUb|o.fooa nna berry bushes, Noar Shown b

™ia5» A JWfonl Service'

y Y®A Profif

MEW M PAlWnNOvslue of your S PAlNTINQ ol M 1the k W In- n - a n d exterior, pi

deunq by Rad M «nd waiii9 n . 7 » « . * • types. Free eetkr.Qttw 4 »>»*« I Low pncM .7M «go^Vaaey-jrtjh. g - -------- ■

hU e® '‘r e ? S r | -

j . S j K J

I f l - I S Zi R e a s o n a b le f

m S . M T t o - J estlmatee.42»«C

A ' TAKE A' LOW ;------------------- Z hcime and maki

— • ------ mmgr yoirngniSRALOOWEN . ^ lumllure, appilai <M. ceNnets | . ^ thon dlil 73 t r o c ^ ^ r e e g yourcUsallledft

l l ^ T o M i l ^ 2 WHEN YOUR [« r* suits, DUI. J5 In the Tltno»4J«

_____________ % Soctkxi.h e r s ; Custom A ‘s j I b b S * — rd en s.. weeds. •. V .syA PSH OPwork. Can 79 - f l BUYIM0-8ELUNZ -UM d m erchm----------------- . % Uques; Swap 81____________ g Ave. E.. Twin FaU

I? : CAS : TOI1 1 1 ' f t CLASSIFIEDZ »«y ‘0jg j ' l _____ V - waflioditoffls.0-=-- - ft TTTTBMMI________ . J - A VWLLCUTdownS S J X . S ! S L ' I S ^ '

T O i S i s t b i ' •

^ i S S S J S i • . . .• • T s n s v i s

H # m i . a n i ,

w — z z • ■ J s s s i s *ril« 'W «ldIng.'7 m J4 h o u n .d a y . ^ '

HDE ANOOUT ; J ' S S793-30S*. elr- MKilom painting) g • ^•»- -■ A • ___ •________

. , - . W . UPHOLSTERY

ifllvenrCall . # K S i estlmatei land .3orS and7 ^ delivery. a4-44B

O O i H l H l B


• A d i n i i s l j

; ’ • M in im um

■ V • A d m u s U

lOADMORE. 12 X 60, 2 ' B H I H I

- M M116. Grandview Trallor soocall73M739.WISHED 1976 14 x 66 I H B Iod. 2 bodroom, 2 baina.ilite. t13.000. 734-7005 H F

t X 70 Van Diko. 3 K1, S3.000 plus assumo M Lono, 733-4969. B B m l ^ 3 BEDROOM now-irr-MSblle' Home, ' all------ — iH M1870 down, S130 per ■ A y U u M

ir 120 months. Hacienda H H B H n ’33:7558., .ILE: 14' X 70 Tilon, 2 '1. in good condlilon, y3-5962. W5 . M

B o d f o ^ ' ?wo" MihB'»ido moWlo homo. 734-

1971 ROAD R/i___________________ 4353.i 1973GLENBR<

i — batiiBTWiningoovor pj),n.ori5. -423- |of Bill.423-459

E. doubto wido. q>7- FOR SALE; 1;' bod'oom. m baths, air mobllo homo,5nod, storano shod.' « rp o t. porch.;c9. Waler soilonor, Soo kitchon appioclaio. Pricod lor quick Super condlil(Wi03 Aflor 5:00. 'SELL DOUBLE-WIDE, ____ _______homo, 'many . oxtriks, 1974 14 x 1

soo to approclato . twdroom, 1 ( i> June 1. Laiy J . Rancti,' ovor paymontiby appolnlmonl. 734- 324-3151.

• ■ • All opwoloclt• ■ lurnaco, Exc

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Call734-2367C• 5 Trallor Park 13

X L | „ ■ MUST SELLt n i y j MORE, 14 x ;

' S pando living tlv l _ . . ■ - 2 balhs, FlI n a t 1 lurnishod, Ca

■ a lU uyJR anc

Q K ^ Pallo, awnin■ oxlraa. Tbrrr

» ■ ! • ■ 1970 MARIE

■ . ..wim.,oxpand«- _ lonor. covor»

________________ § . J jx a ie tfa U AH . STSOOorbosK

* * * S 12 X 60. 3 be<■ air, partUlly

B • f l coilent condlilIn (raiier cou

__________ . V t5M0tO$4S0O.'_________ H PRICED TO S

ilyTM , intertor ■ Governor, Lai

i ^ S t u r ^ aa i 12x63 MARLElImates, Ineured. m Parked In Sksaae. V (umlshlngs, n

. . ............I . lhls.NadrnoK

- : I - ™ L 1 ! 2

. 2 s r ? !I sklflod, shod Z Localod at 1

___________ ^ I 733-7S49.bofot p B f l - -------- - m 1S73BARRIN

I conditioner.m S tS S iJ ! iWineerty^ . J MUST SACR: y{” ' ^ I ‘ 1971 RiUcijIt

a '

a n c « . (ools, etc. f t 1958 NASna I3M831 lo pUce * S465allof3,

j MAil^^sltoel

_____________ < A parking apacR CHILDREN | : otllce or reltbylutnllufolhal a with terma. H,0 puce II (or salo ■ 3400;-Townai News CUssUlod • I 733<716,

■I I OWNER op ' netting S3.00 ----------------------M ■' .lookftionglii

Ia ; s^ ; 0716.

II I fl io e s T b o d r1 1 I z <onced. vot<I k h f l Phono 733-26_ _ _ _ A 1971 MARLEn f l l f ' ! bodroom s,:l | | I W i largo closotiI I H I 2 conditioner.

■ i ahod. Ail akir

«l In. Has dl:' ovon. ond-

lo sell thoso un- M carpoling 1OU17334831.. ■■ Z mopanowinc

n • I S12.S00, 734______________. m ; Extension 34to____________ Z 1W0 SAHAI

w r a . 5 s ? s : « s

I “ H l l * '

^ ’M IVMkMy. § G G \

a '‘ Z f lpoul, 3 h

■ P (olol eleclr 1 ■ , A lumllure.dowv Mm Z house FRE£^ M > O d t o r « i b R O C

■ M O B I__ I 3M ilesN.

a a a r - 1 . ■>",«


— ----------^ J 5 ihoialering, laTr - OLDER l^ u ty. workmanship. ■ ; a-1 condiUe es, pickup and ■ isllem onih• a . ” • Z p o i a - ^ - ^

• I • ttedroom ho

! m » ~ iJ ' MohrooKimi

- I . Adulls,nop<

_ ^ i ] _ _ _ f t 3 BEDROOIS ^ t l v v > m ' “ TffllioranriJ

i *250loase.l

' rB ? 0 R o 5 T l i i * monlh pi

S 733-iee8ov(

T C L E A N E R . J i IM -nwdroom-Ti;

-cenilinanclrE S B n ^ — , O em auieR

I r u i i l O i i a y s '

i i t o s t J 7 j B 4

I b e p a id d u r in g p ub iii^a tion

IM --------- — -------^ ------------

H PHakUiHowitirSair « “ fin. 11

OME: 8 X 4S. lur* 2 bedroom. J165 piM. 423-5714, Range rolrlgeraioBANGER,!. II, P34. S i S l S S S o l

3R00K, 14 X 56 s"M^Li.JW0.b0d(0on ingroay 5434394. ask Slovo and powor 4594 ovonlngs, s $145, per month, ] _________________ 733-7124 allor 5.

T io**T ^ ''b^ room ' 2 bodroom houso. ]:h .'a ir eondiiloning', deposit. 733-5079. Dpllances, drapes.*^

' iSoKlNGFORCOUin propane janx in-. 2 bedroom house In unlurnlshod. No pei

■ 60. CENTRAL 2 ‘><'PO*'>-T3«W:32. I baih;'«400 or tah(jinta. Call boloro 5:30, 2 bodroom houso _________ ■ downtown Twin Fall

«ltte appilaneos and ®63.Excollonl condition.17 or see at Sky U no HOME on I•JfL— ^ ^ , River avaiUblo toi

I?i8 BROAD- tnalnlonanco wotlX 70 with 8 X 12 ox- c o u p le p re lo r r tg fo o m .3 ^ fo o m s , toloronces to P.O

ari! '’732«76'’o r ^ ' 'o Shos^“'’»-

*'®- - COMFORTABLE tv. . '.I'.* houso, downtown

I r “'31°'_________________ cleaning leo. 733-31ILETTE. 3 bodroom ________________ndo.. air, waior sofr... FOR. BENT_.now,jred potch and Shod, home, stove, folri

S S - rE M f c V I S S ' - X ,100.733-6555.) SELL. 14 X 70.1977 CtOSO In 2 bedroofLaiy J Ranch 116. Fenced, (louble gai

• _______ Pallo, garden and pLCTTE with oxpando.SkyUno Park. Nice

1. new lowor prico on

- S K S i W n ' s

AMERICAN 8x45 Iwo a n t n . | ,parllally (utnlshed, “

lOd, Good condition. M irc iv PiiciMTgg i ■t Grandviow Court,otoro noon oraliore. ‘ ' 11NGT0N. 14x64 withOUL All olectrki. Air 3 bedroom lurnlsho

»r. Equity and takb no pots. 734-4195. ,fbo d ro o m roc

ORIFICE, give ollor. petod. gas hoat,alt 3 bodioom mobile, childron. or pots,I 837-4781 or 734-57M ‘ i7^.^thir«i

■lUA 8x40. .1800, 825- nishod?ali ulMlli'i________ ^ monih. No pels,;

oel iocalion good 1 bodroom bachirrcomor-io'..-lots“ol-------- j8Qa;month~Call

. Harold Koilhioy, 733- 1 bodroom lurnisl\ ond Country Roally. SInglosonly.nop

operated businoss-.000 pof yoar. You will . l " ' r ? J S S ' •J llmo boloro you find Ihly, 733<963,jy Ihan this. P'lOOdat 1 BEDROOM a.000 plus somo In- f™ )' ® ”’25’ **'John Toik. 326-5241; (urnlshed.733-41JCountry Roaiiy, 733- • •

TWO BE DROOM---------------------------- — laundry (aclidioom, slove coolor. lu rn lshed .' 513<oty good condlilon. , Shoahono. Sfop

____________ .3ll7allor5p.m .LETTE, 24x46. 2 largo ___•■ 'I, 2 nice bams, nice FURNISHED AP,tola. Ullllly room, air ron(. All utiiilies.lor. 10x10 Slorage ?33«2S1.iklrlod. R udy lo movo ------------ 1:_____dlshwashor, doublo 3R00MS. tjalh. In

d-.relflgeialor. Nice pald. 1 adult, no pcIhroughoul. Ther- ______________

windows. A solid buy at -.CL£A N..-atudio^4^281 or 733'«660, lurnlshed and all,34. Nopels,t163.734--lARA 12x60 mobllo ONE bedroomlurnishod, M.OOO. 934- . APARTMENT, he5:U, ' por month, 733-19{-_________________ NEW 2 bodroomlawiP p n r n ia i ------------ qulot_feflidenlliw ' s s p t c u i .

1 9 7 7 - y*


, L J « c u condominium aj3 bedroom*. 2 bolh. bedroom. Warm S(«irle, Your choice of Kelchum ovorleI. for Ihe w>>ole course, S300 perlEE. - • 4002.

JCKMAN'S ~kew- - .'iT 5 ^ BILE H O M E S ,N. ol Perrine Bridge ddor opener, (or n93Hlghk>royot Rock Oarten OInterstate 60 S37S per monlh, Ci1l*Phone734-3167 ' . '0 4 ^ 1 . o r 334-4203 '............ 6S4 W n . l

f n . t l b i n . H 9 a m , - r - ; --------------1 bodroom apai

i = ’ s s r ; ; : 'nihs loaso. 1 child, no 1 BEDROOM bulBQe9or733-6056aller6, slovo. Water an.» l,::-«n (u rn iahodJ2_ Ehouse, and small ono ^35-lOOJ4lI«r3p.ni—HOUBO— NO—pQis:------- — ■ , —n :tequlrod. 743 Wosl

.....* ^ P E I I I

?'^8,''733-26l9, ' W E i

XiU. 2 balh. gatago, 3 - v • 8EDHK

p n n p p i» M , unfurnished. SlOOI plua 133 deposit. Call 3 boihroom*, 1eveninga. ' ronge. re lr lge i___ — " ‘i.a.i loundromol. locifpoym ents avail w i t p FqIU Ave. from C.00 on lwo ond lhioo__ . _______

K ingavaiuble.c«nuc( ; 7 3 ^ 6 ^eReally73M674. • - .........................

- T —

e P r iv a te . P a r ty a d

' • 'R e a l E s ta te eiffili

. e R efu n d m u s t h e

i . ( tM n . f l i a s i i K4 B a tn . l r b .1

a plus deposit, . FILLMORE TOWN HOIiraior, diapoa, FHA approved, 2 bodro<Iry laciiiiias. no baths, (^11324-5364 or al69 or 734-3040. 324-5774.

wor (utnlsh*^! m 1? ^ 2 Si98’~ * ^ * ^ '^,h, t75 deposll, -------- ’ - . “


rParti. Joromo, 324-221

_____________ 3009, •»U PLE 10 rent — 'le In Twin Falls, FOR RENT, Nice cloi> pels, cleaning bodroom unfurnishod r;32fr4224. ' ' Slovo, relrlgeralor, di

$140. Available Immo..................... - 733-2366 alter 5,use lor tont, ----- . ■_________Falls location. SACHELOfl A/ARTMJ

-rJ3W678i-733^ — -heat ^urnlstred.—atovo. 303 4ih Sltool n<



. S , ' K i . a ss5" ',5 sr;,..“ «

»63352i ' ' COUNTRY VILLA' .MENTS. A doluxo 2 b

toquitod. J193 por.moi

tw 3 bedroom — ;— tolriaeraior lur- Tiw Bodroom duplex; »d-and-dropod__kitchon appilancna fu

s r S u K ' S . S l

T erences. 733- before 10:00 o.m, and ap,m.________________

— T ' .i-r,; • LARGE ONE bedroor

nd“fIJMSiVcS?; '

ro. Immodlale , ---------------'rlco nogotlablo ONE BEDROOM unklease. Call Twin Stove and rolrlgorator.'i8.,Ii>c; 7 ? J ^ . ■ depoalL AIM bMheU

■ - Addison Ave. W est •I . lp(L 4 lip la in NICE DOWNTOWN______________. apartment wllh oa»KiSHED 3 rooms PhisCOdeposK.TaM*ita. no pots. 220 LARGE STUDIO apJ- se p a ra te kitchen,-

_ a a ™ “s i . t t 7 i

~rodocoratod. c i r WANTED, renter (or v

a . M ' ”- " ' i s s ' T p i f f r____________ ___ carpeted and drap

Comploioly (ur- eanlUllonprovided, 734 liillies paid. J185 a •»ls, 733-5264. NOW LEASING.- n«achoior BDarlmonL bodroom (our plox apaCoil733-‘l ^ b o lo r e eloclric. air con;„ 7. carpet, drapos. k.icl_______________ pilancos, laundry (1mislted apartmonl carport and siorago <no pots 733-6352. Pels. S225 per monlh.

- 4321 or alter 6, 7344i lully (urniahed. All, Weekly or mon- -------- 1

r r ^ ^ o n 'i ^ t M o d e r nn house, Ullllllos • c a r e f r e e

-• • • . • ^ , o p o r t m o rOM APARTMEN-i ' l i v i n g

sfs* 'N o rth '" 'n !:i i p o " t t ^ e ^ I ^

-' ■ ■ — ..J bijhw other, dispose APARTMENT lor erolor. ronge. Fron

les. t175 a monlh. mo. Kids O.K. 2 lo Filer, Csso Gror>d«

---------------- ------ 326-4053. Jerome-ClOpSts’S j e S ' " Prodo. Apfs., 324-34

I'dlo-apaM m onl,. '> ati utilities paid, BS - ' IM 734<»11.OM FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT: I , heat paid, $135 single women only. H986-734-8539, paid. Call 7334105.» m aparimenta. _______________ t_m lla l- Io ca lio n .- . CLEAN FUtUiiSHEDRC iotator. laundry ront by the week. Rei >sal, drapos and 7334614,


m Springs area In '•****” ■ ■orlooking ao ll -per monlh, W ROOMS AND KfTCHE

Duara foot; : ^ n > ; ___________________nit. wllh private.' CLEAN. ■ carpeled tgarage/automatic room, shower, norlor rent or lease a l ' mate prolorrod. 14

Condominiums. Sireet.h. Call 734-»874 o r , ■ -

■ • •. n b a U M

[ ■ .I p t tS k p iO t t ' TRAILER 8PACE~«i Hunter's Traijer Pa

apartmonl, nice Klmborly Road. 733^4Uundry laeiiltlos. 1 _______ ' . . . .

ATTRACTIVE 2 bedrc boli(-in"o;en '4 £ « '« * • ,« * “ ■ '< And vard cnro Twin. $133 a monlh, nc

..’ w . r s , p f . ; r.......... — -w O a n ---------------

■ ' ” ' ' 5 Hica llu li® W jlT H ______ S2W -squan> leet c<

------------- :-------building fpr r s n ir s n* “ W, For lurthor InlortrlO O H 733-3873.

n W l f S . rent *110 per month. 1.■ ,Wailpanollng733-4M

.*, dl.hwo*Her, OFFCE SPACE FOflo e ro to r. a n d prolesslonal use. ciM aied ocrois Robbins Twin Falls, Ri.mCS.I. 'r - . ■------------ ^ ^ tOFFCE-OR-RETAIL-l• 6 6 0 0 'renl. up (0 4500 sqi. - .V V . . .available. 7M-4«7<0f?:

c r .

i d s O i l y , ' ^

c l u d e i l ' _

e p i c k e d u p I n M d a y s f ^ S

H ^ ' A R B i B E p n ^ ^ e ;

i a O tQ c a lk i la i t i l i i l u

rooma IW a S K o ^ ^ K u e ^ U k e T .^ ^• allor 6:00 Parking. Approxlmalely eoo aq.-

(t. Call Rkh Northam. 734-3750. ”

No". AVAILABLE May 15th; ■Grourld'____ _ ' (loor o((lce spaco. Nqxt lo' Chamber o( Commeice Air

fo^a and conditioned, parity carpeled.Id doubie-i Call H. Gerber, 733-1423. loblle-AIre I.22«8- 32**! AHRACTIVE OFFICE ocsm alt

J businoss space. 690 sq.' ((.'239— :----------- Malrt Avenuo West. 3 UrgeI OM, ono d isplay windows, alfc-cotha aupiex._. oiuonod, sound prool room.


DlJJUSiaiWi. myuumi . (•«M„iiJ7Ti< « WBiinorth. 734. spsce. 3 raii doora, 3,.»n»ck

doors. 310 Industrial, U na, - Pocaiolk), klaho. For da tU a.

epOSil. No • " • >tTr.af,m .......... ..............f fa W -h lM l

• APART- • - ______________ — ..... •bodroom, WANTED TO BENT onO'OT hW

appjUuKO, bodroom duplux around^Hatll iy -*rea. mon Park area, FurnlsbeOior

n, siorsgo Call734.773l'or7;^46l«tt«a, ' wod yard, __________ ■ '

w n t h . ^ MI l l i a i l lw wi lir a

— r - r - — WANTED, renler; lor. v ^ . nice 1” w « i™ w . MJIor

J ^ s B o a ----- kilchon-eppflancee-buliw n,-l i ~S?{H carpeled and draped.- AU JO, prtvaio o leclrlc, $215. W ater, and H i W w S « '] l ‘*'k>n DfovW^. 7 3 4 ^ 9 . • ll altor 5:00 cORRUGAtI o ' s tE B . 'f tW

135. Slovo. .AddUon Avenue West. _ r roshono SI. noCKW Ea-14' Band saw, 12”_________ radUl arm saw, $323. Soulh Borniurnlshed. uihe , 14M bed.-423-4960H»>r. Qoaning 4776. • " 7 ^elor apart- v- r r " ~ -nlshed. 46a .aKVnWO moUle’homee^

$1.30 per nmnlna fooL llnanclna N S lud io t’ossibio Hacienda Homes, 733n o t . ro o . -----------£E L _____ ' used r e e STANOtNCCtBPceaparimont. j|r»ptoee lo r sole. 3» <C7I

'•$tt“r * ^g o M B S A W ffV uie — W l

a bulll-ln. aped . All

. ■La#»«.JS073^1S35altv5..

P I(acllilles. MUFFLERS Installed white w<

I wail. Complole muldor Servte.h. Call 734- . Including cualom duals lor.ca* ^ 4 - and pickups ABBOTTS-AUK

SU P^Y . 305 Shoshone SI— --------- South,

IN "SPINNING WHEEL lo r ' sa|o>A Huiiorillo made. Good .M n

• • ullion, $200.7334656. '1968 PONTIAC reaPT’kxade

I . • levolora. Hoavy dutyroom. gor. | Decker Uwn edger/T H nlia.U t i l i t i e s W8(ereollonor.733-780e...*,,(urnished. —:-----------------------------—M l, refrio- HEW NECCHI light autoftalta

lo c o lK ^ . f2ia. $60. Floor mod*U,

3444. ^ FOR SALE: Yard 4 - CarOBf Tractor. 16 HP, wllh;;C.locti

,, nwwor: 30 inch RctolllUr; X — ' - ■ ■! -InchO oier BUde.OnlyTO-hoara

lMB$ t l M on iracior. Mower n ew ::9 a i ' . - o((erover$2,000Calie37-e287.

: (urnlshod, Apartmonl- a u T washer-diytii ly. Ullllllos combination. Oood cobdUlon.

$17873*4763.________I_________ TREASURE HUNTING supply.ROOMS (or. ..Whllfl’a.m olal.dolectorsaffltn Reasonable:. S top. 113 North Shoshone, 733-

T, l.*.PSE ANSWER PHONE model I m er.Cooking $250now.$1407334646. ■ ■

s f i j f r a 'w eek .l^ [> i hydraulic lift. 1973 model,-‘Witl

mower and sw eeper. ;.>ni--------------- culiivallng tools. Call af(ac..6

baaomeni 733.7480.lon-smokof. - __________________ •147 Taylor ALL METAL ollice dosk.'eooe

. and a amall office relrlgeratot • Boihllkonow .33«400.;-'^ -,

BRUNSV/iCK AND DELMO bOcs.;__ Ubles, now and uaod.<'>A

ior roni. hockey, (ooibui. • Serriee.Ci Park. .1630 m akos^0^nmnlngs,.unlll>1l t? « . , o’c lock,Janw sC U rkJW Jofi

clroorn. "car- TYPEWRITER. SmluCSCaial' I location in Standard manual $ S 0 .n 3 S 8 :no children ■ ■__________’

‘ s t o r a g e - SHED^■— ' r -------h o w —ttla t t s l t t t l l ~^Wiml?esalrpoqrDad,' j

c o r n r n e ^ FOB SALE or.

s s ' s j j s s s s a i_______ _ -305 F lllh A venuf;;.vy5jl:E«pace1or- -^J«nra*-324 ^ 3 ? ^ •’• ^ fw to d . — •• ' a s r s -’ = 1 — - w a n t 'TO tu* yoW H S XOR RENT. o m matan an •’ELO

cal FIREPLACC In y«ur. «xl«|(«Roally 733- flrepiaoe. WU m ^ T b M ik !

. n — MMdkM modeta avaltab»— ------— te r homes viilhout a fktp(«M.-^pace-for-* -F » -n io w >iteimaUen D n ttawsquare leet 'C A a n4 fX nW gPlA Ct»,a» 'W :4201 ,. ,

Page 21: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

yK ^ V E O and sitvod (o r't^ f bI nctcgrnt.eupol. Keen imow wllh cxragoBffyL-^Uistro. Ront olocirlc Square

. . alwflipooef. Kfonoola. ., , .dijcouiCOBHA.WDE bvuS mobllo C.0. «*'■» 'ridlo. *160, of.boai olfor. a i l JO "' *MKTas. ________________ M ^ .Mei«<8 ^OLD wedding band.karat dlanKnd. New. JlOO, Call orango7a4-fl285aller5p.m. ■ *«>»*"' AfWHOX. 350 ft. Seara.;.

- -oalwntewJ'-cm iln'-lrftk'foneo. ^ ” "'0' tiweiriwalk-ln and ono ddvo FOR S;

Oalo. Evorylhlno complolo lo with 3!' intUU, novor insiallod. Call e2»- ond Ira, « » , up. Ft 8 HOflSE rotoilller usod voryllltlo. 14" chain aaw wllh ease. o F F I32M4«. W«oh(

'iP O T w C M ^ ^ for. lumlluro, 8ih l'toappOancaa. h ilng* ot valua. io 5:30BMinfr 'Fuffcllure. 127 Snd Saturdi

- ;A v ^g ,W 0 ,gV 3M 421-... , -

0x20' FUAT bed gooaonock 'modeltrailer. $1000. 1966 Fold mounu

HOSm^L BED *50. ^ " o a a ^ TWO It r w f n r . boda. pola, pans and’ oun. -Illlo t> -^ mlacflfianoous. All our East. ■

{ s p & r j r s J i T f , ' ^■WENOea' NEW ANO USED. *100. HiB3K-7774. - ............................... - ««1 Ulfl

J " carburoFOB SA te or Hade: 1 CCKB. barrel eOnan lO.kw. 110 lo J » liBhi for ChepkW.4^anlno8 alior 4 .4CT.5090. *135.73:

BUY1NQi>mII1im. tndlno at We •SWAP-8H0P. 4Jl Malft A v e .t . JSv: *Tw!rii;ins.734«53.- . .. baf.J5S

OnO aTER f’UMP lor 'mioV ' n e w c /- ,*125flMl0»:- - ..... ................... candy ,

~N6WrMATERIAL6-«r*-ln-7w— - ^ S mmaMno unusua l Jewelry. noanutCoramlc beads of all shapes and ?h5S,iia l» 8.e w y th ln o for now spool. ,olowrtry.. lealher and suodo candv'esulparnew wooden beads In all i„colors. All these items havo mado rinstruction shoels and books to w.||v i- a h d 'W y o u h o w lf H « « r i c k s o n - s CRAF- THMJ»-'909 2nd St. Easl 733-

St. East

, C€RTinED Seed lor sale. Good LARQEr«MT^g: Cut. Iroatod and hellers

ow d oor Joromo springerrtowoo;- Si^utte Potalo and mlleSoi S jp > ^ ;c i l lh a n x a » « 44.

FOR SALE:. Corllflad""v,f. PUReSSi^saat 8Md.poUtooa, Sloveco Sired'Al

. i p p m g U g g l

^l:^ /?^”T7^>bi7o” 3j°'aSr**' tor“ ilfo

■4aihe*lK.HAY: CasSTCrpaaJ, g g ^ C a s e V « . i r « t o r « s .5 5 5 ^


:ssate°-S5 ‘ F o ^

. W NBtl,AQE wanted, 886-7752.— ' • monthsa »H y .|»m «« ia ir««aM W 7. ■ ! ! » «

Vw Y"TH uaief». WIU. boom bS lafsl g A l ^ « ^ P 0flp t0r u t * .4O-. otMurt

, HAY.' bouflm a n d 'a c I C S !S n McKllriclia, Bellevue 7Sa-2»i.

- Slan C rto r. Jerome. 324-4288.

'..SSS.iS..'""'""6».lon»'0f hay, ls l . 2nd s ard

'cu ttm g/' Also, somo new enfsH» * « ^ W j 7 3 4 , K

- 200:bkles of alraw, mixed wllh trade fl new sewlina allalla. 65028- or Oyd 4083^ 7^15 . orMM

27 TONS ALFALFA and orchard lOOBai, q n a t hay. All of part. Call 423- kinds t

f e u . , _____________ 544.23«- RANOH'wania 10 contract up lo .■ -

■ f REQIOTERED HBFER com ^VMlTi'calf at aide or catve soon.- fa» ^H 7 . , . . • . ■ ___ U


W i Mn s # M s n n s' I^iwoutv^ in 1

tCH loc* tor houso or LAWN BOYgo. 34 X. 30 by 8 II, high. Solid sale,ired on Iwo sides. Will *199.65. Cains>untlo*1980, Alsoconcrele o irv r i cI 10 bo installed. 24 * 38. 2 ? ,’ '^ '^ “ '* *3200 10 *2500. Days 543.

_________ ' • . 8CYCLE*10,(EN OPEN'weave drapos. ■ • • ■ •30 open woavo. blue opon 1988 MERO0 curtains, 734-5215. condition. N« L 045 chain saw..AntiQue- - ^ p % ' l ^nir»i.chteii:n.-eMs. S S 'SALE: 14'' Fiberglass boat wide s p in35 horso E v ln r ^ motor vaP .l raller. Also 1967 W lon pickFloi rack, 4 speed tran- ^ ^ ’. n ‘i

: c J eaHe r s ',M CE F U R N IT U R E . ■'ihouso salo. desks, (lling ’” 7. lots, chairs, ole, 517 SoulhB0I30. Phono 34M288..8:00 j ; '30 wookdays. 10:00 lo 4:00 ITOIday. , ■

!TRIC Train. 00 gaugo lJ5'’^of'‘ owiII railroad. Completo wilh (206i7^«w iialna, figure 8 Irack and •HeoB cnolag jlua.S caia-,. iiHAHTSP'two-1.734-S135. housetomovc

LADER8 and a BaretU WAi>TED T(•llko new. 1317 4m Avo. craw lora . <

Paymenl houiITH BOX and hail olshotis, f lSHuntino bow wllh hunting Balt! K 5L «ul arool arrrws,' *50, 2-twrrel -rotor lor Ford V8. *48. 4- INSTANT CA!1 carburetbr wilh .nanlfold &oocliancos hoyy.-*79. 1665 FA1.C0N. SHOP. 451 M '33-3481. Falla. 734-B85: aidn Cash .Rogisior, like wi'/iuTVpfliw Adds 5 totals. 4 operator ^W W suitable lor restaurant or B .r

500.43ft-5872. ,

CANDIES - “rasberiy n i ^ 324«007324<:y,- 'r o l t o d In" w hIlo'- j r ^ - - » ,Hate; Ihon sprinktod wtm S ^ f£ L 7 ° ,? ^ lu r-fto W sr-C an re f-an d -ut c lu slo rs In whlto «« » 4 4 c lo a*>lato, alao toasted coconul 1 ~ .I. ROclccandy. jelly bears. D C / 'V r 'r pebbles, and lolly beans K C L - f Ldoiiclous^flavorsl Komo>. C /T d A Dchocolates mado frosh O V .IV ^ r

in our own klichon. Froe 'Copper. 8ntry of chocoialos-ln Twin .Batteries,

FREOERJCKSON-S ICE ■'^14 t f O lM AND CANOIES. 309 2nd ' , V r y JM .r a - m i . ■ . , !1 2 Z " i

' 1

E SEI£0TI0N ol a u r i S B S F T is and cow^.Some Close O eiiam a te rlers. Buy. soil, or trade.« O k l ^ r a Fa«i.m on Soum Blue Lakes k mr3*-2053. . '2 !1 _______

BRED Charolols Bulla, Loo>lnaPiil.7Al. by highest productlng AT STUO-Tecalving sires, lessonabie. Call At House«7e¥enings. 748«.m .

> YOUNO Angus Buiis. W-W two hoi

lENTAL pofcontage bulls ~0 o 1 % ^ 2 V 4 . f e e d f o r ‘ a ^ ^ o l d s o t 10 case and faat o«ln. 324-

......................... REGISTEREDJ ersey family mllkcow.llo n ..« . , .K 0 d .K M n i. “a " p l . £lALE:2ye8roldrogl»lorod BEAUTIFUl«-*ButtsrTit“SitnnytJin((—; Stalllonr'QocI Ihe home of Iho lon herd reasonatrte,Come and soo our newest- Approved ma WolQhod 2,000 Ib*. al 24IS of ogo. Ho weighed 703 __________days,.1,275al 385 days al DENVER FlhJ Test Comer and has kopl orid irimmowing. Ralph Baughman formit.g, 32t

CTERED POLLED Horolofd STOUT 59 in, 9 miles oaal and W norm mare. ExpoiirUugh. 432-5317. S947.

S tETOD HEREFORObuiia. pTi r x n . . . . .

- - I ' ------------..•=■■ Saddles for^LSTEIN HEIFERS, Case 6W arKt riding. Etiwclor; Case Vec TractoA WE“ll BROh

' ; . .•••'? Buckskin geJH OR Springer cows or {S??^ rra guaranteed. B « ofL £ S ? J l2 2 rR ” h f ^ U l S AT STUD Rey t» Hughes. Buhl. 543^825 Saddler. C*7 ®*' 9^ e maresksir cows and calves. All •I Best offer. Call anytime. APPALOOSAlU - vice. Leopar____ . • Ska of colon


- ___L .___ __ horse sorre)IAN OEluinQS for sa le .' make oxcoll iandgenlie.326-5410. horso.*7S0.4 ------------------------------ -— 6 year old

------- VS)u«rm5Eo. l U U n i ropinghorse

— FOR — s S s ! SUPER .d iik x u M u


133-0931 j g

• • • • • • • «

. W s e iJ l iM n f o r .^ ' OT "

OY “domonslralot 21" ' WANTEO Goo!HO, now warranty. Contact Jann atalns 733-7111._______ 3373alter6p,m.and basket r.oo . 733-__________________ WANTEO: Smal*10,00.733«13. ' VWSguareback

________________ ’W w »4.tiy _iRCURY. very good BU IH OO olna.I. Now tiros, full power, aoNL «MDhe«, <* ^ ^ w U I 4 r a ^ l w e - -^H B B .'~ Q b inIler. overshot eomper. ShM M M sTWo

ELECTION ol Hoover I. rebuilt, new and 072irts, bags ond sorvlco — — ____—

m akos. VACUUM ANTIQUE COU RS DF IDAHO, corner 19lh Century, stand BluelAkes. 733- upholsiored se

Oood- condillon uphrtslery. 733-


^ d o r. Cali collect ^ h in g ,o n . ai„

i o v a J ^ ^ * * o » o r s " SWAP -SHOP Ialters. ug jos. etc. 4511TO BUY. Nighh Twin Falla. 73*«

. C a sh advancel ’noure. Evenings 8:30- RED BARN iVi 1days.' Salurday. 1:30- Washington. Disod Sur>da . Anderson Primitive. Buyan

........... - 'CUW.FOOTED

;i Main Avo,. E.. Twin r j ' V ..6853. W • M

lAWLERSWANTED- n ew ' YAMAHAd bedding furnished. ORGANS UsooBAIT SUPPLY 812 8th |^ g ^ ^ ^ j„ u cr ts l^ o ro m o ..P h o n e , King,-Buna^.-w,24-8787. ^39 Shoshone

' buy night crawlers. ' -T-*"*'..................-F0R-8ALE;-KU:oaedSMurtays. „ u l^ a„,p,

------------- ^ .C a i l7 3 M 7 4


^ P M E T A K - ^Brots. Aluminum, H A ND MAD

lesAI.B.M.Cord* . roasonable.733-<k O P P E L C O . STUDIO Ptano, 1^ n ^ y « .S o u th , ol(efovof*1000.

! 3

BHOEINQ. Harry PURE BRED f ite r , g ra d u a te o l Service. Ridir I Fartlora College. 543- horses for aale. i

- S H O E iN o rT J a v o -W-73*-7m. and“ y S S i S>Texos Tink AOHA, P-«n> ._______mso. 733-7267 bolwoen REGISTERED 4 i

horse. Well U ohorso irailer, deluxe

oxcollont condllion.-4381.______________I sorrel mare. *300 5(4-

RED Ouarior horso 4 WEANER PIGS I Bay gelding. Sire 2819.

,S n ;gFUL APPALOOSA. 4022sfterep m.Good- podigroo;- F o o - — .------ . —<e, color guarantbe.I mares, only: 734-7658,

IS f i R ^A R DFINE'S ho ,...booing

mming ond eutlom J___________ j a t o . "

'_________ - — •« s?70.9 inch 6 year old Pinto- _ • . ..-1 . . <pofioncod (Ider. 423-

- ONE 3-phase~■m*700,543.4070, horao BeAley pfor salo. Usod roping Panet. primer pa. Evenings, &C<874, . l^ u p ,2 y o a r aROKE smooth moulh ! ! ! / , „ . . m. i

gelding, been loam 1. head or heel, 733-

f Reolatered Amorican Cfiesuiut. galted,

i ro eb f ,r t7 5 .S ) .3 2 4 -• - ■ •__________ Call 7880119. B.03A - STALLION Sor- ■ —:__________>pard cotorod -p roven ' IRRIGATION FMored colla. Evenings, 300 engine. LPifloh. hours. Saloty g ^d"teg isl'ored quarte r-orrel gelding. Would FAIRBANKS MCicollent 4H or youth Motor, 25 hon50,436-0501. ^ m p s3 2 0 "o N

trse.436-9501. • • ___________

PASTURE lor rent yesr «ixcftll<int cond SI1733-7W2: 7517.“

FOR salo or trade. ■ - '■SOS trained, will con- G O L O D O lraj iui.>h&«Lfi(-enduianca- .io'-^ioprir->-v-

«7-2fi28 evonlngs.. long. 6 ^ ^

JD Sonny . Slocklngs9d American saddle 1965 214 JolviDavmo. King Banymoro Everson laitd t

sides. Fir^t llmo of- corrugator. *15Imlted bookings; 423- traclor. 758 dl

• t6500.88»-2547c

mJr -' f^W

mmmSm" willed loBii m Md.

Sood used piano. DISCO FOR SALE •in at 73W472 or 734- Conaole Amp,. Ma).m. Cassette Deck. 2 JBI

' - 2 CerwIn Vega'. Pioneer 8 track. /

Small Iravol trailer, Lafayeile LDT - '>ack or bug. Honda Sloreo Tuner. 100_ _ . tapes. *2800.00 or I

S T S S T s wW,.dliinon*a, *8c ; - -stereo~A M PU F ier M n 'S h o p . 1U w alnul cab ine t. , ;.Norlh. condllion. will dor

- , ■ *95.00.733-2722.-------

Altiott*' I ^ J I C IS ou r:___________'_______ prolessibn*. We put:0UCH. American n6v* on ih r- linery. walnul Iramo, Lessons and disco

s e a l Frame In Bakers Reallsik; blllon, heeds new FourmAvo.N.TJMSt733«t5 alter 6:00 ----------------- -

2S''.Zenlth Color TVn- . lube^ call Vem al Du

3PLE-8 p la i,u ro ,. ,

! T 3 « " t o S h -. W R o , d , m . . S 2 ' “. ' V . 1 " o S

451 Main Avo. East,}*^653. BOOEN 39 Watt ampll

m miles North on ' S 5g ,"S SIettt'^ ;^S ;d Dishes, Furniture,

lyandsoil.----------------— - r ea u stk : ota-tsj -

EO Duncan Phvle recolvef. Mint condll Ih matching buffet.- for M , aal^g(190. S

» ,T i . y . . COLOR TV. slere<H e ia l kntBMltS combination. Curils

• w itn u ir RecoridTITe;.HA PIANOS. AND g u a r a n ty . *296. OJsod pianos, band 7111.____________ __. Solmor. Conn.. 23" BLACK and white I -.-WARNER MUSIC,- pSSndiUo!


-KUSTOM.-KASlNa-. .010_________:_6pii5Excetlenl shapo. ■... . ,

W742Bttor8. 3 PIECE SocUdnal Nj---------------- - ooodcoftdilion.Caint

too organ. *800.788- .INSTANT CASH lor a

lA D E F l d d lT . tw /^ W 0 P * 4 « * M a 733-9858. TwlnFallS,7344eS3.

rw, 1 yoar okl. Best RECUNER CHAIR, 1 00O.4£M0ee. . ta0.73M6S3.

^ b o j^w t^ H im o w ” ■ " ^ « ” C jjE Jcover« wa. 78»4413 afler 8 trailer, like new

D 4 yoar old quarter in k s '

USED CHAIN SA.V____________ • . . Irom *20 lo *150. Hut/i

good soloctlon iai 'tAW N' & LEISURE.

IGS-for sale.-487.-. Avenue S. 733-7466...FOR SALE OR LEASI

— ,— ---------- sack capacity eanhleoder pigafor sale. poUto cellar near Bul .. and wormed. 543- Xic. Pock, Bank ol K

---------------------- -Bo* 5757. Boise,-Wahca»33M300.

GENERATE your owi^ . .................. power 3. p h u e , sin

WD loc re tu rn 'o r i^ lh yodr own trscil 4 ^ i ^ lo r e ^ o l ' Ouaiity. Lowest Prlc.

fn Electrfc,73wew. '

i io l D e c w r t i t t i s - - c o iJp L E frch o re b c. ' p l^ lln e milking sy:

3~UNIT SURGE 01 aysiem, Also 3 by

» ^ ~ 5 .nirl[lcal 30 t . ey pump and rrwtor. 1 sr pump, fool valve ' u n o i i i .m - t m . ^ j

.UMINUM irrigalion Kt Wayne Amoth ai

pump, V-6 cum-set wim gosr head,, ^ I f P l icolumn. Can pump I I A r i lcanal or well. *7.800. _ _ T y j ? T

:ig,as:s-p.* J D 7 M 0 :S ;S l I

' • A C M J,e o b .n * olwater. Halloy 788- ^ ^ ,3 5 ^u^Tl P. ■■ _s_IHSL5W ui«b.Qlt

S S ' g m ™:ondiiion,_iroo,.w-L

MUST SELL - 1971

S Deere baler, *500. model BOf grainpUne, *300. IHC dryer. NeVER BEEN I

*150. 1968 Farmaii mis a t laal yearsprtoi diesel wllh cab. ULLMAN tiO N ^m w547or886-7S79. AddiaonAveWeet.

; t i ^

I BiC T W w lS CT*!

I. n. 1 sm in. irtSntMarant2 M W ^ ra ice s in .Uw

U ranlt 9420 inWtrMMe and boa a<BL Monitors. l«)ltDWlShOwhasei 73»40■ Speakers, • • • •........................ -AKO Mike. HOUSE OF F'tRNIT10 AMfFM e v e r y t n i > v . O u a t

N assoried R o l r ig e r a .c O ^ /^ -bost- offer, dryer. fret^.<. H>de-A-Bo

w browsers. 1150 lOihEast.-R ISO wstt.~ ~<V> s t y l e - b u f f e t a n i

Excollonl cabinot bn iSgs vrim glass omonstrale. Standa 78" high. *250 o(______ L- bosl offer. 7334857.. STUDIO SOFA olive and

^ S K . 129 clean. *99.95. Calna 733-711

L . I l h ? 'p S o ° s l ' : ^ ! ' !" '® '' “• ^ 740 4m Ave. Wesi. 733-5466

•"d oxcolloni condillon wllhf i ? *th ching chalr.733454laftor«w f e f o ? DINING ROOM s ^ l s b lo

jB wananty. - uunoi,5B14.__________________

,n d a INNERSPRING matlress. I So'rlablS «'««''• *22.50. calmrder player. __________________

BROWN COUCH ANO• Q00<>condition*78.423r5<7

llU on^oW 0"A SS CARPET, green.OTSttB ■ 'O’ outdoor. *3.1y i i y r : - . yard.Calns733-7lll.

r W rnes!Also boautllul ||

Cains 733- wortan's Ioalhor|sekol. si__________32^5406.«PMIcoTV •oned .n d " NEARLY NEW dining roor? , r n .7« v fruit wood. Table and 8 c ia7?3:7111.

tOT lC m etS FOR SALE. e o ia . vards• • ■»rrdo'6*peir(»6ir5a»

Nylon cover. Call 5(3-5947. Buhi.ns.733-7tll.~ ........... ........... —

'■ ' NEW-CARPET, b lue r

I P S ' a . ’4.k” -.siio;;__________ coverod floral print di, 1 yoar old *119. Wendell New and

^ 53a-2774.C>(»fr250C.

L j

rTof sale 1 159 DIESEL WITH 400^ ’o N i f j L i rntemallonal C se t u;.24'hioh ^ complete culllvator. 24 «,.734SS»;"* W j^ l to n a l grain drill

.PORTABLE Pt6 “ l^n»Pprt Buy m

aln slorao* ■ ilo v a a l ' p rice. See -Kl^ ljH ^_Avon.W ;T.-F.or

.vs" Priced.....FOR SALE: Now Holland iry^ '.leo” .....1M> H ayslacker. Cab a m GEM.....conditioning, radio. Exc E. 409 2nd.....condition. Call 4234S28 S .......................p.m. for Los.

SE. a 60.000' SPUTNIK poUtO SOOd K Ih covered C a ll6 7 i8 ^ . ' uhi. Conlactld*hoj».0. (DAHO TRACTOR SAL

Iho 83705 o r - -ca»n“ lor—usod-W heo Crawler tractors. Save

wn slind-by ^»<293.

Iciw* ' LATE MODEL (Tovif Hollalce"'HoSder **'‘"0 “»• andlieldreadv.734-7052.

»V-8-unlf8-* ,CNE-imiRNATK)NAL-

u ia i..^ , Custom Built 4 whoel S ^ barn InlornalionalIc prep suit, ______________;

1048 NEW HOLLAND Slac sale or will Irado foi stacker. 73^6781.

K 'FEEDTHUCK. 1962Whiti scales. Good worklngcor *8000.846-2902.Hale 4 horse trallor. Fr heavy duty manure loadt

' anytimoalterS:00p.m,32l

ORS I -~ USE£‘".;od.. WAGONSivS^lilne W e stili ho v e o' !■ro w ® . l965S tockcnjl»er..

i l r . . ^ . ------- — 5upef-1049StacJreru"■.«!« , - 104SSlo^enit««r,^IPM F M T .lOaSSlocfccruUor..


1032PullWoBon-n<. - - 1 jo a a p u i i a w id e w o ■eg— 1 _ ^ . 4 0 E i |J l J t f f l « o p ^ .■ i i l l i l i l T h ese o ra guol i i m i n J J • M ack y o u r hay .

■ FRANIice. W4-7120, t.--~UCTIONCO., - - N e w . ^

--------- -------- p : — — ' . . .e ssssssfiis f t^

n n

I l b v t s OTS Ipauatt

icaw . 00.! V6SHER and dryer, c lc ^ ^ r i : .or^jtionjC*ii2iJ-asB7

;______ G.E. DRYER. Whirlpool dishIITURE. w ash er. H oover portableIt g o . washer and dryer. 357 Magnun-washer. Ruger.734«)e9aftor6.Bed..N o- _______________t.- CLASSIFJED .A D S -a re - ih er,jn H/.h modern way lo aell ihoso un-MS d ^ »«nted Hems. Dial 73M931.

W i MODEL MAYTAG WASHEF_______ and dryer. EXCELLENT coiv^ Qoid dition. 733-7827 sfior 6.• FRIGIDAIRE ' W asherTdryTi

■ ,1 comblnailon. like new. Olive: i o d t S Oreon. *275.3244858.711J 1977 ASTROSHIFT MCROWAVE_______ OVEN. *500 or Uke over monthi)]|._bluo, - paymonla.734-8549. .i a l ” *’ RENT TO Own Whirlpool ap

, plianc«8.-A* lo w 'U *10 p*lilh” m^" . .m on^TPrOM - ' ..or4:30. , APARTMENT SIZE washer,lie with 3 d ryer com blnailon Ooofl

______ MWCHING avocado slove andss, lull refrigerator. 2 years old. *900.tins 733- 734-22B3.

r> .h , , . ■ » " GAS range, Calork:. doutjTe

in. good 7111, __________19 " APARTMENT Stove, re lr lg o ra to r. convontlona'

rp iE L D Mayug. Maple

tooled FREEZER. 15' uptight G E .~ ^ .s i t e 12. n ic e , r e c o n d lllo n o d anc

guaranleed. *198. Cains 73) ^ 11-

8 Chairs.______ . m I n t l i i l AlrCiriHMi

-SOLAR-HEATING-Comnonenu . end InsUllaUon ol solar watei

_________.h e a t e r a , : aw lm m ln g -p o o i. in ,„ o „ hosiers, sotar space hoatirtc r Candy ^ cooling. Bullerfleld liv iiDw ht Iq ventlvo Research. Inc. ol Twir [ ! ^ |« l d ^alls. Id. Phone 733-2633.*150. Re- ___________ ■ ■^ r » . SMALL WINDOW air con

^ U sed., dilioner, top quality line. 734 ______ _ 8874.___________, ______

P f l !

C hours, 1W5 NEW HOLLAND STACKEfiup wilh 733<78a.___________________

19 Fl. spud bed wim bell, motoi trill. 537. end Urp. 487.2439.

W1LLIAMSEN 20- moUl poioh I drlvonl bed. m years old. Haulee

noo fof approximately X loada. 324 .81 •'240. eSfi. . orphone poR SALE OR TRADE Model 35i

Owalanna Swather 12' Draper______ ■■ Ford/ Industrial Motor goot

condllion. 2900 Bushel Sloui ^ u i im t Grain 'din, never, erected.B M m a O tndy 0 row herbicide boxe

■ wtm spreaders, no drive. C» ' loke'trado dn 303 Jotin Deer

" " IT ’ J " rdeUverV.wind riwrtrrUsed w i0 50 pei itttto;WlljlnQ to deliver. Phone

. ' ,8C2-297;499«r. . / • ' •

3lU n d 2S3 1970 HESSTON 6800 Swametndilloned 14'headorwimcondltlonef.Ci52. with air. 21.5 X I6.I lloUtIc• • tlres.'9 bat reel auto chain o

ile tfw im j Extra sickle. 352-4809, alter 9 « ' IRRIQATKJN. pump, V-8 cur

------------ mings, diesel with gear hoai1 Swather b ^ s »nd coluirin. Can pun lal will lil. from dilch. canal or woll. *7,90 _____ Call 7884119. Bollovue. Id.

'for^lTO mMGCXSHT-S.Ouo'^ait 1C\ 00*: irator, 10 hp Briggs , an

' j;,... ifilrnilon o n (^ ..M a x ..a ] ampiSlSiS -_______ SWATHER. C a s e '8 5 0 . - i fFreem an' header.* now-drtfpers. sickio

m :' M f f i M ”'"*-’

ED STACKER J HEADQUARTERS3 f«iv« r o b g ll t m a c h in e s o n h a n d .

.........................1^8.000^ ro liT .T T .T .-. ■

r iT T rrr riT T T /. .■................................................................ ............K 7 9 0

.llk e r 'tw .........................................*6.790 .new d e m o ........................... ■ *7.250

W ooon;........................... • : ............57.500: .................... ..................

j a r a n t e e d m a c h in e s r e a d y to ' .* '.'x

'JKLIN MOTORS ■ymouih.ldoho-208-27B.3tl7— ----- --

0 T t)fisday.M ayl7.l077 "T lm es-

1 0 ; ^ ^ U N N t B U S N ^ S S

2 " d H ' T O e :-H E :is o o r. e 5 ; ACCoiW T... BbT;c5 S .• , , l F = e E 1 .1 W T H E i S 5 • ( T O :K tDVANTAe.H

f t j Ifi A-irB -

awJ.' 'sb lo -mum V

000 m m i U t M m n iHER ________ — 1 ____________■ ,con- ^ cooler, like now. *40.oa 734- |

ry e r ’ NEW FEDOERS 12.000 BTU air 1 }[lve conditioner. *275.734-9049. ~ '

IAVE ^ A M P air CONOmONER lor nthly homo. Uke new. 734- ;

. i i ” ” 5 3 5 1 5 5 5 I

___240' NEW STEEL hand rolUng m ;mer. 8 'sections. 42" high. 19, fl'fUtood ' columns, and 2 comer colpmns ------------ all fittings and atlaciunents . 9e|l ■7 5 at cost. Call 72M391. , _ ,

CEDAR SHAKES direct from. . ___ mitl.Callanytlme.<903)77».119J. j

^and .CONCRETE FORMING. 'A l f . 70 - typos-Ol-concrete work.’ Jo h s

LuuBuildera.733«549. '>Ve.“•,! w t«maig ," r ^ to 8:00 Small aiove. chairs, a n d relrlgorator housewares. 1773 • 733. ^ p T o w o ^ Drive. . . ]

■ '5T '* ■ 1 . W ARE NOW a c c ^ ln g orders • :Z 7 . for spill pine ll/ewood. CMI 538-

)0 0 f_ -

“is 1 ^ ^

S 5 5 . NOW HANDLING "Special Order" repUfMtneht parts lor

___ Freeman batera Plua rmilli-<otor iwine Bill Hooka for John O eere_ ..

New HolUnd.' Freeman and r r r : olhere, Only *h.50 each. Also

;2 ? t’i i « W i r a ; > d ^bater twlile. Calt 423-4414

___ • UNIVERSALSUPPLY.JI350 ' ' -_____________■per. :USTOM PLOWMO 4 bottom good Vatu. plow. Diaclng. rotler iloux'k larrowlng. References. Able 10 .

2 'SL 'SSf «W‘Pmwt. « » « 8 4 oxes « e r8 « p ,m .

Can - ■iM re • 197b International f480;4 Bonom ^ Walla plow. 1979 GMC 2V, ton

truck. 1988 FrelghUiner with 35_____,• ft. belt trailer. Call belorefla.m .-r o t r . .oranet6p.rTu93M 4n, <• _

1 vory- 'INTERNATIONAL Hydro 100" 3ne1-) Diesel tractor., lop cotKfllion

’ with cab. 8».«5)4.

ither, ONE 16 f t used Buhl trailer: r.C ab single axle, duals, IIH bed, lUtlon wench, *1900.543-4070. >

ACE Iront m ouflled tractor: ’ 8pra?ei’"witn"lwo“ l50*gaii0n“

sUinlesB stool Unks and two 50 cum. It. booms. Plus two 1000 gallon

hoad. waler unka. 324-2164 evenings.10 SECTIONS 18 II. potUblo

7.900. co rra l.^m o 10.14. and12 fool ' O*t<»-»43-4070,

275 INTE.7NATK3NAL Swather. new motor, randllionor, usod

^P*-1 one season.TOacros, 943-8078.

EQUIPMENT WANTED; 02. TCI9, ik<o. HCttor equivaloni or gas model, rd* ’ Consider lixable condllion,

. 'Hans Kautr. 14989 .Soum Kirk Road, Oregon a ty , Oregon

_____ 97049,<503ie324848. •_____ t97( STEIGER 4-wheel drive

trKtor w/cab, Excellent Con- . d ition , *27.500. 1972 in­ternational No.. 159 -5-bottom

. plow. Recondilioned, *3.000.• lurther Infotniallon conUci• Ivan a Skinner or George R.

Leonard, Twin Falls Bank & TrustCo., 733-1722.

A____JNTERNATIONALM.tfaclOLWim_Y super Ml, wido IronU also extra®— ~front~ewdrfn’-good-condHlon.— 0 Also good ono row beei har- 0 vestorandcorl.733-3957.

'BPliHBBiSEi'0___ .gNffilBUiLSlNb-DixlOtLlenc^_ we build any and^ii types ol

farm or ranch fences. 7 3 4 ^ .


la-NBvra, Twfin Falls,

B y R c s e r . B ^ ^

• ' ____ [iL

W ^ G M m m h U

^ F ANO PORK halves. ‘Quarten. lamily p«As. aleak* pack, economy pack. L ea n , wound beef. Oounler meaU; :& uck ateaks. 89l Ib.. Swiss!*1.09 tb.. Round. *1J9 lb„'Tip.* l.« , Cubos, *1.50, T Bones! '*1.89. Sirfolns. *1.79. len- ;derfoins. *2.09. - Pork chops, • ‘ ! steak, roasts, ham. bacon, sausage, and other bergalns,Emmens Meats. Stiie U k e s ......a vd . South. Call 733«80^ or 7334580 evenings. . - .

for aa Httte as *1144 a month ln ~ : ’ the Times-News Business Directory, dial 73 M m today.


. -BE READY FOR THE FRUIT AHO- 'V .. VEGETABLE SEASONS. G eh^ . you r O elane D ehydrato i- '* * Smoker, NOWI CaUI3^937«.

PURE MAPLE 8Y RU P!~no*V ' %

«39. ! _ . ■ ■ v V

w . MTsSSt"AKC REGISTERED Y ellow '--,

-labrador lemale pupplefs.-;t100. : r - — KeIchum .7JM SC ■ ,

pood ies ond c « k ^ i^ ? M S .'i .

i : n . 1 * % 3 « “ : y

ttVSH SETTER P u p ^ e a - f . ' '.'i cMenlconipMionaNKlhuRlkw' ! J .

Kp a S tfb d i ( S l l e i ^ ^ S w bb^^ ,540 PTO 3 polnt.hydraulic Ufl< ■ Small3polnt ditcher. Great for. . . . w eeken^armer. 733-3944.

D E W n FINE'S Cuitom'Form-, ing ond hor*e*ho«lng. Equip.^ pWd lo go'onyv^iere, ell ly p e s.' o l custom farm ing . F ree- - . ? etllmote*. Coll- for appoint. . • menl. 3364631.RI.1 Filer.

CUSTOM PLOWING with l - ; - ^ \ bottom WatU. Ben Laughiin.' .88B-77n. _ _ _ • ;

':oPRAYING. Wltl spr*y '■}acres and larger. We furnish} ‘I

■•chemical o r t u r n ^ w n . i ,* '»\seHecK*lerAqSpray.734-38eo. J

- iR W rilM -PljO W IN Q ^V ^-V ^---------4bottom Coy JonevPhitxw M r ;m L jMgie Jonea. a y 4 i t i 3 ' . ‘

,.1AY.^ATHMG baling 1.^ ''Hansen. Kimbeffy area. 42;J. ' ' |

,S !a3 .^n g a4 2 > 5 3 7 0 ..

GREEN CHOPPING. Slloga . • ‘- t r e o i-w p re m e -d e a le r . . Jim i______ Illlllbrldfle.733-83M: j _ -

PLOWING with ^bottom w S n .. \■ plow, dladhg. .roller harrmrino,'. <

cutU-harrow, grain planting,. ■and ballrtg. 9 ^ 1 ; v w

CUSTOM -FA RM IM a-Precla5n^~_— i; s u g a r b e e t p l a n t in g . .

scsn.?a»5;withinner. Moro accurate, faster,: more sensitive than any olher- thlnnw. 8794073. E x lo n ^ 289.:If no answer leave message ai, desk. Or 467-8290. Nsmpa.

CUSTOM PLOWING and* discing. Phone Larry Cruv c f t f l ^ for scheduling. 8374815

. itaoorman....... ........— .....................—CUSTOM HERBICtOE In- corporatkm. State licensed. CaB . . . 73M0Q9 or 7344381 afler 8 . 14el - ^Pitts. _________ jCUSTOM POTATO PtJWTEn. ;•}

_ Lockwood. 4 rew pUntor.. 825- 1 j 9578. ■ . . ■ ________ >.

FARM WORK WANTED: ~Em-. ' ' ploym entfLlving s lluallon neodod for l^ o a r-o ld m^o

lorested In .outdoor work.ConUct Mr. McKay 73*4000 or

_ Mr. Haves.- • ■ -


Large o r Sm elt ,

~ 7 3 4 - 5 5 8 5

Page 22: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

i l r r "" i| [ f : ■ :m i

SblfeJJE ]' a k c q o lo e n r e t r i e v e r I

\ p u p p lo s , oxco llon i hun> [ lof>«coni(M/ilona; Roady allor '

JyU/-ieih,7J4J4»8,-------- -----------------£

AKC BLACK Ub puppi««,.d]>■ d ty i <M. good background, ror J .____f)oW tfUla««lhunili>fl,,n4^8,____

2 ' AKC roglslorod Cocker 'i Spaniel puppies. 7 yveokt old. \

• » t0 0 o a ch .4 3 « a 0 .. ■ ~

fP A)iC REQISTEnEO maio Bfit- t«ny sp a n ie l , e xeo llon t

'I bloodllnca.$75,4?3-«53>, , '

| ‘ REGISTERED DINGO puppies . • f >;} ry^i^e . Ready lo go now. Call ^

1 :; FDR SALE; AKC RooHtered ' ™

i|E a . Amwlcan Pll Bulls. Will fj.'^l w xk siochi Excollonl >tmlly t>

■f.'. • • _____________ ?II' Ma le AFQHAN hound. bUch M

Aask crenw. S» 0 or will trado r ,1 y: (cKientpoodUkos.nM 7K.

I V .t» ^ E S S » N A L GHOOMIHO* frv ?atud aervlco. Vacatlonlno? IH


^REBREO MALE and (omalo of Idah Soltora, and six pupploa. pa

I M20.orwlllull»eparatoiy. r s - plia(B8; ‘“ --------:— '— ' ■ ~trs

' ' ■ anf : BEEO A OOOD PUP? Ready to S I - atari huntfng this fall, wlroh^rod [i; V. M inting Orltfong. excollonl

•]Y. 0 ^ im ts. Ctfl 73M 07 alW

- - - - . S £ . g

73M3H. Opon MorxJay; « . . JF rid iy .- . “

* ----- MOISTeREO DOBERMAN; ' rix.O ipped oars. th o u , e months 7X

1,. £ M M n ^ u s t Mil. 73)-2|ie8 p.r

: ' Q1RLFRIEN0 WANTED. MO ^•?--------AKC -gotdon rotnovor - -ila

Smalo to brofid with our maio. me. K M affm om tnM Ofeveniiw 1^0

i t k c REGISTER^ ^ jty n Jg

S r io w ihadM Ol BrbK9n.‘3 pri< ^ mMw. 1-aduN lonalo. 3 -

pup** Rm iojiaD ly 18iM cad . Call 7U-S409 on prttM akonda or attoc 4:30 p.m. bai

j ! - * 5 i 3 . ( £

I - ' 9 ............... — * ' ------- — corIfARN TO. FLY. Right In- _

S u ^ tfid Air Craft RwiUI. WtOhwMr. Phon* Joe Roundy’i tr«

‘ 73MM 1 o vn lno t 7J» c o

- p - ' . - - . . .

tn lobklbriMtasIt . Fool. RborgUas boat.wiih. fra t W lo < .« h o r ie p o w * olectric- full

■j: ^ l U o a w K P lw « T O 7 M ir ~ *811 i ,________________________ 733; • t i ft. aluminum boal. Soara

ftlof.alrcooKMi Tm-iiM ’ g

t*»llof. ■ 75 hoTM **Evlnrud« wl .S{Mor.hvdnullcllft.»4}BS.

f ^ FT. with till trallor and 89 »Iwrsepowflr Mercury molor. c o

i I■ s

, t A MnrudoeloctrlcsUrl.73M$94. {3

' 1074 15.7 RBERFORM trl4iull M at wllh 80 horaopower

• i evlnrudo outboard.'Fully can- I v tssod and ooulpped with I \ <xlras.Caii73«4malior8. ^

r • 1 . ’^ S ^ r “ *I7SS^ F ^ l^I MMipped with Irallor. CaUllna j! < ^ a m atock. SAIL HAUS 3S2 8 . r ,

;i«u*t.TwlnFilU.73M227. ,

•L _____(OR SALE: Ponloon boal, trailer ~molot7~14' aluminum i l i

I pontoons, 8 x 12dbck, 73MI(n.

tB74 Chrysler Q l^otMpowof boat motor, never usod. 7M-S9W.

V i WOODEN BOAT. 35 hor- S i 'tepow er molor, and trallor. _

____ Igoodeondmon. *350, HMTO.

t {sailboat lor u lo . with Iraller.I ;Room I6r 8 - adu lls . 16-< .flbOigUjs. 21S8 Eliiabolh; 733-

! ____________1 ‘ONE « hofM Mercury with •

.ftlocUNj start. Ono SO -horse •Evlnrudo. elociilc sun . m -

7 ^ - .......... -

.!j* t h r y j l o r Boafs Chrysler J l , ;::M otor#,Storcrofi Boots f ^ Goulkins Trollors. f JEROME IMPLEAAENT CO i • :-90VS.LIncoln.*Jeronie


>M A RIN E DEALER FORJ..... t-A U re o ry M o to rs , S tor-

I 1 * t < r o h a n d T oh ltl b o o ts .£ E o s v > lo a d « r t r a l lo r t ,

, o c c * s so r l* « , S o los1 ^ m d S o r v k * . . . -r -^ -------• i — C o m E q u j p m in t -----------

I ^UWH-lrtHSllg-— -I >B 409 2nd Av*. Soulh ; .■ _____ ^ 733-7496 .

: ■■■ ■ y

i" . ' - .M ALUMINUM boat, make •I BM Onabloortor. Call 423^52.

; ___l l f p p j . S A U night crawlera .- 2i w l ^ IfcM*; «nd <^ni. 7W

k f i s s s f l -

Tlma»-‘N ^ ’.fv S n Filla , Idai


__________ L^MOBIUS,lOTORCTCin, f }

- 3

l a , ' . S )«m ttini ISBRUNSWICK AND DELMO por>l •U bior now and usod. Air ’ 5 ^ 1 Hockey. fooit>all. Sonrlco all

JJuKS9.J}MILffiClUllnsS-lintlLU- u g S r a o'clock. James CUrk.m-5601.

. KImben

- HIMTEIS ConHiVXvM b K ' M D u n - contain

bUMUl purillor___ - rolrlgor

REMiNGTONii00 20-gaugo.rfs.' Jacks. I recoil pad. 2««''. lull choko. tobolio

•8175.7344695. 'J _________:____________ . J28MODEL 70. .300 magnum. 3-9i LoopoM.'ttlSorbojtoffBr.-73*-------, ~

t s ' Tnm Tnilin c'u’ o r

UKE NEW 1978 29' Excel Travel ______Trailer. Save *2000 undor now FOR SA p r ic f l. INTERMOUNTAIN moUI.RMOTORHOMfS.536-2301., . ,-5^3- ^MU-WA AND RANCHO El Rao. 734-5303Wo aro Uking orders now for fall r T u e c delivery ol 5th wheels. Nu-Way Iho most coplod Sth wheel.sund up dfotHlng room. In- „?5?n° suUtlon oqual to 5Vi Inchos ofllberolass. S slies and 3 lloor 1973 KITpUna. Thoso trailers aro mado a, * buof wood and hardwood W lurnaco,paneling no porllclo board or trade onpusllc.. you can'l buy • bottor ---------trMtBTTonBsiT-ftWi-COTpt j r T -« -p a n « ind travel IraUero on hand. ' coilonlc Como out lo MAUDE'S lupl oflintorslato 80 twtweon Bliss and i j f ” Wendell and savo 00 qualityirailers.Ptiono837.4492. • , ISSjj®*

1B74 31 loolSocurltylltihwheol, “J j extras. Clean. Box 4, Bliss 3S2- - «83. FOR Sfi

SETTER THAN NEW. 1978 Avo°’iiS ‘iomadtravottrallor. 17WH. self ^ n lf i n ^ tTTTO. 7318313. —SH «TA T B ^ -tra llO * r : J 6-

S O W - t r a . . Call

— - ■ • 30 m(19' KENSKILL HOUSE Trallor. camoormodom, gobd condition. *i.S00. 32A.Mii TO425B or 140 Austin aflor 33.m.oxceplweekend8. . {SSTse; ^FOREYOU BUVrTooii a io u r" f u in w dsiock ol now and usod travel naco. s:rallors.'.all flUos. Goodini Ford 5001.......no.~ South Main. Qoodingi ______'Jo'nhaldo huidgiMilors (or all 8£P0RIroar rocroational vehicle needs. OUR Si134^538. Loss ovorhoad S lower camponjrlcej. Ford ln«

811. Tandem. oqualUof hllch, y ^ rre<irossuro pump, soil recharging 934-453(ialhroom. excellent. 432-5533. •vrlcos.lOS015'ARROWHEAO.'Call734-- p r S ~ h l502«Hcr4:00. ... . . ,974 30-TERRY TRAVEL Trailer.' lurnaco,arge rerrlgenlor. Exeollont Excollor»r>dltion.7B8-432eor72MD74. ' Kawasal

-■ l97SmoNE HAVE BUYERS - lor your ,-n7rT rrollers and campora. Loavo on “ •jo n s l g n m o n l . MAORON '®®,MMPER SALES. "Across Irom ^ ! S L ' i w t . " 438 Msin Avenue North.’34-2881. ‘ 15.11. 1!

_______________________ sloops IiEAUflFUL clean , 3t-lo'ol • 4071.ravelozo. Carpeled. twin bods. -ull tub, awning, oleclric lacks, f

- J S

EQUALIZER hltchvs Installod. ff®nb'wiHlr»g;’ lnn«'l)tak**'ar>d --------- 1w ldngwM lno Plwno73»«281.

lira IMNNEBAGO ChlofUln 8 » ]? Sth WhMl Tnvol Trallor. Air 434 m« woditiofllnc. wired lor TV, H h . WW.Call32»4880atUrep.m.1971 23- AUO SolKpnUinod. IWsloops 6. air condition, awning. ______oxcollont condition. Musl sell.- COST P*3750, Soo at Suburban Trollor now 197Park. Wesl Addison Avenue, Trailer- ’H u rr y

ply. , -o

.COMPLETEP o r t s t S o rv ic * D o p t. mini m<

0 A T I W A YT r a l l t r C a n to r condii'io

Mak* Al A ddhon Av*. W. •Twtn Foil* - “ “ 795-2443

“We Always Um- G o ii ip a r B I h e s e W e e s I

1 ?’ Layton Trovnl-Trollors . . . . , 21 ’ Loylon Travol T rajlors . . . . 2 4 ' Layton Travel TraHers . . . , .2 0 ’Loyton 5 lh W h e e l ................

_,,81Socurlty-PJckupJCdmpBra^*^ 27 ' Security Trovel T ra ile rs . . . 2 1' Security Trovel T railers . . . .19’ Security Travel T ro lle rs___2 4 ' Security Sth W heel . . . . . .

' 'M I M I M O I O a W2 0 ' Lindy Loylon M otor H om os 2 2 ' Lindy LoytoaM otor H om es 2 2 ' Security M otor H o m es . . . .


D tH o re n f Than Any O th e r M ln,

"W t-lon 3 ot t o be i I l ia ll rtod - f “ t e J r i c a r C H i t e r ' .T t 3 i I « r » r t

b ill ilg im iM B 4.U iil; , io l i lM r» lM i

" A I I U n l U A r e l l

^--------- r a n d f u l l y ^ a l f c o n t i

Hunter’s Auto Town I_Yoar-lAnOMand5ECUI

522 Addlion Av«.W««t

l8h6 Tiio8day.M ay17.1977 ' ‘ '

“n - ■ - ■

m t a aT R U C K S , P A B M

s , r a R i i i T U R i , . i

r V ' S , M U S I C A L

H ii• l O D A Y S ? - ^

"" TrmlTfallir* ifl^K IL L 15 ft. irsiler. *950,

______________ s sHSO^-OONCORD-TRAILER------*3MD, .0r.|t tlll-out. Inquire al 1S15 ^iberly Rd.. Space No. 9. .oorTrallerCourl. , ' ^ n t

-FT. :S1LVER- Sirosk -(Atras - ' 1 ^ ^ . , “ 'n l ln o n la l) . Air. so il-■Ulnod. tub. showor. Water •iller, 10 cu.ll. gas or oleclrlc • J Tr TTTvIgerator. surface mountedIS. Beautllul condition. Soo«liovo. 436^841. Rosorvo r— I ' ~ '!■ Joromo :

Cuper* t SlKlls ovenlngs.■ -F o n - f i iN

t TERRY 16 II. supor clean, s leeps 8. I ]ps six. large (urnaco..oven w esl AddI jox, carpoiod. Now loalhor ■Evonlngs? hicns. *1295. Call 733-2835or -....

p D T clSSAIE, e m p milor. JO I t '" ' I ™ ' ' ' ”"■"““'“'■ f c ' ISSSf,WCIFIC CAMPER. .0^.(1..

itPER FOR Small size condition.' up. Sleeps 5, Excollonl 3979Sltlon, Jacks Includod. 87»- _______. Burloy. 1973 APOLIKIT CAMPER, 1QW. sloops

I burner range and ovon. noduceoic aco. Icebox, jacks. Will „ ,f .eon camp Irailor. 5434048,

inlcondlM onjKij^jSiSSs.'' ^ o n o 733-1

I SECURITY CAMPER, lull l£® overshot. Oas or electric. 'S 'box. sink, atove. pressure ar systom, cloan. *995.00.

, ta s i. r3i-/^/ro.__________ atovI SALE. Campor shell. 8 ll, shape. CallI. 32" high, *2M. 139 Shoup ;_________■ Wosl. SEE THE— - • •________ molor hom

Csmpor. IniuUled, lights,Ulns. vonlod; slldlng*wln-ra. *350.324-2255. Q 0 0 d i n___________hoadquariiINCH high Winnebago rocroailorKi

ipor shoil. Good condition. 4536. X oss6847. *200. ' pricoa.

ORE YOU BUY. LOOK A? STOCK Ol now and^ usod ^ . -

ipors. all sizes,' G ^ l n g '« - > — r line ,. South Main. Gooding. thsWo-hcadquarters.forlairrrecroallonalvehlcloneeds. •JS>-23M.4538. Losa overhead 8>lowtr m m■_ NEW 8 '!t t •_______________ Utility troi1 SALE 9 It. cab ovor-w po- 'S o * * * *'

Gaa/ol*etrlo UuSm .

asaki -Enduro. oxcollont.model. 423-5451. price. PhoIt. CUIrmonl. sloops slxr •

box, three burner atove, • uZ- w . Ihroo way llghllng. *800.gyp- fwE REbiiI. 1987 Kll camper Iriilor, ABBOTT,ps six, ovon. Uko now 324- StKtshono

4 - MOMAIf M i - r a o

eorlos wllh iho purcho». iS T C tw ?___ ol ony hood. Chg e n u s C M ta in W Tnnsm U s

N>Tr«4»4M.Utl 1939 FOROn m n m

. . . . olfor. 543-e•' Holflr Hoais c h e v r o l

12 bolt (iTPLUS J100 '•dih M any ■pl<^“p•54; 1977 Gold'<1 •! jygei Travel r n u o 'e i ';

r r y . , , L lm . to d Sup-, -Only al IniermounUIn -------jr Hcnios Wondcil, 536-2301. 396 CHEV — androbulllY CLEAN 1971 ShasU 18 II.

moior homo. Low mllos. WANTED CV8. Ford ono lon, 38,000 wf®s , air cond. oxcellent Must havoIlllon. *8995: Call 538-2X1. milos. also

Imil Traitn IH

ndersell!” Ms A n y w h e r e : - - ....... - 3

...........ONLY $3,750


...........ONLY $4,495

...........ONLY$4,4?5— ONLY.$1.695^ --------- -

...........ONLY $4,995

...........ONLY $3,995

. . . . . ONLY $3,750 _ , •

...........ONLY $5,495 . 2B WBH O M I Vos . . .O N L Y $9,9 9 5 ' 5i®di'< a s / .O N L Y $ n .6 5 0 -rb*.lPC

ONLY $11,650- ^0®° «DWI! .............. : ZoB,:" AAotor H o m o s $ VAlnl Motor HomosI •

K k^U lto, Sewltj, ■ ■r w i r j w ^ r t ^

' — lank-QO

1 9 7 7 - s Y l n t a l n e d ; * ' ----------------- — I

liRV. Center ' l U R i i y - O t t l e r - ---------------- N llm J f l ih ic k Ia ,C h o o s a » _ - J - -------

7 3 M 5 2 6 1243

■■■ ; , ^ ^


i b t e i m m WM

NO MUST SELL; 1971 5an?(»f^cab<

22 IL CHAMRON-mlnl 13Shomo. Sloops six. powor ____________ng. brakes, aulomalic YAMAHA 175 niftston,. -cruUo -control,.-. -plBloly-rebuilL. illoioe. *8695, No trade. *295, Or trade : 83. 324-8701,

TION SPECIALI For renl. y HONoT t m WS' Eiploror Motor homo by aboul 100 hourtlay. week or m onth., real iractor, lor <ve now. Jerome Fiscus. 7828.« 324 4428 or 733-9295 1974 HonDa'rG

' condition. 3,0001cNT now moior tiom a.' -‘«»t_O((flt_250 k8. HMionda Homes. 902*Addlson. phono 733-7588. ,-b7. Vo. vi»ui»,O s7^37ii. , . & e ? f a X

L ^ IF tE O ADS to work milo8go',4?J-4SKI Iho mlnuto you discover ______________ling you won lhat la no ,974 HONDA RDbofngosodoronioyod. condition, 3.000ALE: 1973 Champion 20', ^ s t Ofler. 250 of oxtras. Clean, goodion. Priced *7.995.-734- -------------:-------

SALE 1978 Yar________________________condition, call»OLLO 25 ft. molorhomo. 5fl0. ml shape, low miles.

PACE ARROW^molor -_______24W 'It, 440 engine. • 1974 HONDA. 6

! l l ________________ :___ 1975 BULTACO^CVAN with bod. icebox. »’« « or bost 0 slovo. 8 cylinder,, good 423-4g9.Call 733-9983._____________ ib78 HONDA XI ____________________ ___ 438-8180.

and quailty. Gooding, . “ ” ■*7^ '.! ':

ja rie rs for all. your 3145. lorwl vehicle noods, 934-flSS ovorhoad - lower 1972HONDA350

good condition_________ - ' . 324-2876.ENT: New huntsman 19' 1B72J1QJELE(mialnoO“ mlnl—motor------ M l r J S i d nCall RulNI Easy. 733-

. . .......... .. gijJn.canowor

........, „ 1974 KAWASAUlility Triilen lammor. rollbar

_________ *1950.Call7344;SALE: 1988 VW Iransaxlo.’ pullll,S10ayoupulllt.Call ^ HONDA It B4 ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■900‘mllflS. *325;

_________ •• Box 4, Bliss. 352s r .rsA ”»-10..TO_l»ll._J725. K 5:^ S S i t l S l M ”


Phono734-5377.ftera 'i ^ n x T r S ^ 1 ■ I .............. ,iBS4atlor4p.ni

M l f a t ^ A tm u r iu 1975 su z u k i r.

ono s> t South. oiler, 734^ 75.INARCH -STEEL b^ iod 1978MONTE8S 1,14,70's , loss than 4,0(10 milos, liko now.

nevrolet Iront (endersand »lWOormakooiChovroW W onglno, , 97^ 0 ULTA(

nlsslon. 324-4738. HODAKA 100. .3RD IUI head ongino and 7 3 M « 7 5 ^ ^ ^Iisoion.*s0,7j4-5M1. ,ib74 HONDA >-------------------------------------- good conditionror load leveling, tow * ^ ,All makes. *75 or bost « 5 CC t

J43.fi5l2. never raced. C 50LPT rnif dltfArAnriala-It posi-lractlon. «. tori 350 YAMAHAI 543-8512 'C " mlloago.

dition. *495.73:SLOTTED ffiag wheels. 1976 HONDA

1 Ford (Ivo hoto. *125.423- Loadod wllh ac___________ 934-5889, -HEVY ongino, bored oulbuilt. 734-3257. ------------- ------10 OLOS Toronado 88 or Hoft*yOo*Wj wrockod Of damaged. ; JttO M flM lave good chassis, low M lS .U n Hsocartraller. 734^219. HN

“ Motor Hoae*. W


No p rob lem , w h en you tokt w a te r supply w ith you in y< ow n trav e l t ra ile r from NOR GATE R.V. CENTER.......


MOTO) H U E w n o igollon froth wotor tup- 38 gollon iroi duol holding lonkt. 83 ply with duol I LPC..440.Dodoo onglno.. . ouxlliory goi 0 ouKlllory gonaro tor. Oodgo ongin* ly rnoro optiont. Includ- Irlgoroior. one a 8 eu. (1. rolrigorotor. optiont.

1 8 ,9 9 5 M 5,fr - ^ J t ^ O B U V E ........

w ith duol holding tonkT. vTllh duoTl Dodg* ongln*..gon*ro- 440 Oodgo 01 Prop. Itlt, w ator ond. ory g o t loni

«-QOUo*t, ond mony-elt>— -,Prop.-kll,-ond

i 4 , 3 5 5 ^ ^ , ((2 USED WmCBJIEIIS TO CHOOSE

NORIHfiATE-l RVLCl______ ^ ( B « h ln d .8 lU ^ o r k m o i v f o R1 4 3 B tu a L o k a t B lvd . M o.

S S I I L 1TRAIURS,SPOi B, APPUANCIS, ,ANTlOUIS,Sln rr , CLOTHING,!!•’~ ~ " ' ' " " " : r ~ c a i i a i i :

I Parts t Aecmtrlt* I S Cye

1971 Four Star B W i n i gn cc Suilkl ai -over, hydraulic 600 e” “ rt a k o . ( mioning.324-514#.-' • alter5;00p.m. _

Cvdt* t Simlil* TOR SALE: 1967 Vt

} dirt Wke iom- Montes;

) fer snullor bike.

'■ 1* ' Ht5 Trails bike with -. irs. This bike Is a 8 x 30 TANDEM dua r only *500.00.734- whoel with low-boy


^ CASE Backhoo,KmJ______________ ' W 75rofl045ooa>ciAHA with wind- loss than 800 houri g.> padded back sidortrado.734- 745.i s '■™ 'i— f u i i l i c RE______________ .traitors. 10 x 35, usID 3S0A. oicollont P'O l«t. 432-6853.N mllos. *7S0 or •U Ninth A-ronuo. •

■maha YZ goodII 734:4385 altor . •:

. 1970 • TRIUMPH or.7880m . '

8S0 mllos. *395. U S E Csa. — —^ — 1NDUSTI5"a??c=',S e q u ip mCall878-15l2,_______::______ 'J0450D oz* r . . .0 360, Uko now, ollor, Altor 5J0.

' - AAF2V09Bod.ho*KL 175, 500 miles. • ' '

' • ■ -*HC-T015 • ■AKI lols of . .O b w lo r . . . . . ,

1 100 MX din'bike.ndlUon. >400. 733- | N C .

5OSL.4.0CI0mllO8. "b w Iw I* ?* .n, iSU or offer ' Ph^noMB*

• ----------------- SAUSREPRESEf

!!Sig8324-3C1.-, ' ' HomoPhbVV, . . iAKI 900 Wind- ’ or. ond slssybor; _________________

— - . mIran, extra goar, ________________

S ra o a n 'a a now.- "F O R SAL-E: CB rad U-4283. *-*250 cash, or trac

pickup Ol equal VI condition.

„ .-„498 ,C .U .tor-

____ ;_______^ Cab F-250. CamporI 380CC 4500 m C fi C.l. Uko now. 11.000 ,1 Fahring, L o a M W trado lef w . t*850.J>hono 7W a7IM405:73M7J6i

.m. •"•* .. .. ■ ■ ■• 1973 INTERNATlOh

750. IOU of extras. Air conditioning, pc and brakes. 392 <

!0NDA ELSINORE. •on. *450, or bosi SooaltSSgHoyburi'• OAS SAVER ««A250Cou-T.500 pickup, very goo«.*895.42W174., *1250.543-8512.

19?4 Kawoskl 900. - igeS FORO PlCi^UPollor. 733-1040. ,no dents. Ran(^ACO 250, 1975' »gM,733-9M0-. 435 eih Ave. N.. 1971 FORD ono ton------------------ ----------touf spood.-fut be

------- — rock. Micholln tiroi

call 77M303 allor t , 4C0. 536.2505,

. ,oaa M>., V .„^ o ^ e l l e n t con- <i3io,Callaller5.7;

— rn^Ho^°7 ' , ■ compioto. Write Bo

Idaho. 83333,--------------- :------ L TWO TON GMC 19;

- leas than 3.000 n

S S 5 £ 3 I7 ? S " . SSlS'ijSiYij:'""’M«lA.j0r0MM DODGE SI• • • • ' ' Royal maxJ v a n .._______________ ■ a/ound. Air, power

. n r brokes.- automailc Ifclor Hbm * 47,000 miloa. Stool

_____________ ^ alrahocks.*3800,73

— ------ -------------- 1977 CHEVY Picki------------------------1 Hoavy duty packag

apood. savo *1500. (

1974 V, ton Chevy | miloage. oxcollont

_ - , * . 733-4919, n | - FOR-SALE: 1972 CI I I ton pickup 4 spood I # a . job. 934-4768or 934-5

L - •_ 1968 V4 lon'oODGE“ m o to r, good II

y o u r roosonaoio. 324-12RTH- Davis, Jerome.

1964 FORD pickup.-' bod,6cvllndor,*4$0

0 FOR SALE, llko nev Ranger pickup. F Cab. Air condition

le o c fo m A III HU R passengor school oth w ater tup- onglno. with 5 s 1 holding tonkt, smission. good com o t tonk, 440 Ford 48 passengor l a , a cu It r*- V-a engmo wiih 5 ITi sm ission , good nd mony olhor Phono 324-4428 or 32

M 1984~ FORO p'iCIB35 ■ise i FOBO F-100

BittQ.BMK._ __ ____

r,‘'r.-n.”S;- , „ jF 0 R 0 3 M 1 ( i ;


A f t i 1973IMTERNATION— T -irffrro srbB dr«o l

’ aopsralo.73M78tr P T M in 'B75 FORO lor: r n * ; - coiionicorKiition.7:

‘C I I T C b ' FOR SALE: Exceliotl u l l u l - - I®* mllos..good m

-Gfonilln. Average irt4l

7 3 4 4 0 '3 5 average rouit. or bosl.olTor. 190

•................... ■ »1250ofbostoflor.7- -S. . .

r s S E L I>RTINe GOODS, I I , C A M P IR S, AIR i w i l i o M A CillN Ij iCTMiiITAO'VISOR TODl

C )dn lS i» l i i s I t t '

I .M l»7< BSA "• ,11M INIEBNAIIONAL, r. Call TJMIM » n b«l<. < i

doora. *2100.733-28ia;324-

-------- :------- AN EJ^^H IK NAlLT eiBlV) ton pickup. GMC VAN. Would mol vidson motor- cellonl bread or Uundry :essa VR Dirt • 48.000 mllos;' 8 cylinder«____________ ____InsuUlod throughout 2 hi

air condltlonod, now lire

F W s i t E n i i r i r cI M , . .III.. Sin g " “" - ' " “ " J i i ' . “oy Iraller. 423- t!=±__________________

FOR SALE: 1971 OMC •------------------ ---- p ic k u p . A utom atic30, dioMl With • smission. heavy duty.I. good con. _ condition. 55,0M mllos.

- ;Call536-2204allor5p,mr-XkhoolMdor. FOR SALE 1974 FORD>urs. wai con- pickup wllh campor (hot^ _________ . collont condlilon. '-.S o=IELD Ollice Chickfln cusod on one 73i-StXU. _ .

( _ FORSALE’1973Kenwonr — .. ■■ cab^ver. 1983 T C»t mi. ___ _________ axlo, 240" whool base.

wllh o x tn s. Top conditloi 1975 AMC 40- (Ulbod

V ^ B T i . - Good rubber. Excolten .. \ .dHlon. 324-5943.

B j ® 1953 R-185, IH Dump Tnyard bod. oxcollont rubbo

p p i • •......- shapo. Salo ptlco, *2801b u FrkUy. evening or Sal

TRIA IT^"M P N T ' “ 7. CHEVY ho»ry dul

. tractor, air brakes, 5 InuismUslon, 2-spood ax

...- .$ 1 6 ,9 0 0 magnum onglno. oxc c o n d l i l o n . 22 ' tfi

! ’ rafrlgoratlon u n it Evi >0 . . .1 7 5 0 0 ^ phono734-1243.. .

'1978 OATSUN. *3900.,At dlglul clock radio, insu

-------SIO.SOQ : camper she ll 733 >102.


C Automatic trarrsmlssiott.ongtm.kwdodW thoxtfM

a ^ A v o . . “ «P>«TwlnFalM., 1 ? ^ . 198400DGEonoh>nwtlh1B-55BS stock rack. Low mileage.

iENTA^IVt 32^5647. fCTON '1970 CHEVY V» too ph

Short whool baso with ate .. ._. . . . . box. 29.000 actual mlli ...7 3 3 -1 4 9 0 , cyllndor with three i

• •••-- aulomaUc transmission,■________ shocks and sir aHocks In

. , cuslom paint hand ri . TrKia 4 0 ^ ; yellow. Now uphc

____________ and lirosradio, l3io n«lw.~ wtiools; S « - t o “ ippr« rado for oldor *2200.829-5371, alter 8.

M PASSENGER School b> n .5 J8«86 ,ask good chureh bus. Good

AvaiUblo May 27ih. Cal JER XLT Supor '*BOr

OOT TO SELLI ore d raa tlco lly . 1 9 7 4 ^ ^SwSr "

ONAL TravoUlI. FOR SALE: 1173 GMC Subi.powerstooring Powor braka and staorliie onglno, loss condmonlng. o®®d concss..Vory clean. 734«»af»or9orw ««w Kwrn East. 0500., 106s CHEVROLET^ ton p

1971 Datsun r s o Can- bo soon « Wlici« coftdition Bofgarylllo. storo. Allsr


UH.v-a^spoodT Good condition. Metal lo< nger Package. - included. Clean. 733-8473.

-— — :--------- Ono, 1974. - Orio,ion. 380 onglno. PotorblU.SSOCummlna.aJi bod w tm -stoQ - 4, W :wflooiha8o75U».w

Ires. 32*«380 o r . Mlchotin llroo. 4S2-S281; 548S.

ton truck, long 1972 RA N CH ERO -8. four spood aulomatic, air conditioned.

radUl tiros. Dean. 324-2224 ssongor school 1964 EL CAMINO. now r

upholstory, now tiro 1. 728-3391. s h o c k s , a u to m atic ■0 O u m o o r amission, radio and hi1 7 ton. iSvft, U«'Pcondition. 324«l8c Box 383 Halloy, 547l,ofler6.

----- 'YffM 2506 pk4wp..Qoo^i’i'?.^a iEsSi4sr«aa'“‘ian, Sloel bod.____________ 1970 CHEVROLET. V, Ion,SPORTSMAN «:|2I windovn all Automatic Irsnsml

w sloorlngond 17eMourlcoSt,Norlh. 131.

M l ' r s ^ s alfd ’’9MCWnQE 1-ton liatbod w ^ a i s ana steering and Istock trollor. 20‘ bod ,

ckup. « ton. - -uva/ahot. 4 oxtra ilros-lw logo, 35<>-V8. 4 Loon LItllelleld. 42:0. Call anytime. T~

1972CHEVROtETTRUCK____________ . S-spood with 2-opood..l.ry pickup. Low tagii. nowly ovOrtiaulec

----------------- plor* *xira tonk. olr tlQE pickup. 318 487-3530.

tiro s . Soli _______________ --«213. 705 N: m u st SELL. 1972 OOD

ton. With or wiinout cj prW lon: short See, mako olfer. 423-5888. 150.934-5838. BEST DEAL In lown. 19871 new 1978 Ford plckup. 383 motor, 15 mlk

M50 SuM r S*"®'*’ Aulomalic Iranjffil lo n ^ c a m M r SddloU nka. Camper she or 5 ^ . Radio. *1000.73^9178,1984 QMC 68 1968 CHEVY Pickup with e< >ll bus v " »ho«. good W ^ lo n . *t:

speed Iran- bost.olTor. 733-7939, onditlon; 11985 i ■or school bus., ’1« h w r t - S u5 spood tran- ___________ ^

>987 VOLKSWAGEN BUG . cc tunod exhaust, runs

ICKUP good *500.733-1487.J24-2221 or 324- - - ■.

1974' VOLKSWAGEN. E____________ ' . Bllll undor)(actory wsrrant« pickup.- 733- .7948.


i^ .f^ ru n w S o T ’ J iK o l^ w S s . ' Phiqno.-s: 3-4763 ofjor 5, 3jtVllmoe78-ie26wnlg;’......................... — .................................... .197a._V0LK8W A.0iK.lon lUtbod wltn ; Wondorbug. air condlil r73J-7824. J ,adlaJ ilroB, 47,000 mUos.ONAL 1700 with \ . r -tolinDgotheror- T ® r w 5 5 5 f e 5 ^ ^

ion truck. Ex- f W .1.733:8584, _ ' ( tN ^H aM M I.

Horn condition. 1950 TRIUMPH TR 3 wlltiJ S i* ■ <•'1''®- hardtop. *SCa or

I s i u & S . : ■*11 *2550, *2100 1909 VOLKSWAGEN. *91 1980 MusUng, bosi oiler. See at 1741 411; r.733<406.- E as t................... .......

■L • :

, B i c r c u s , SN0 1IRPLANlS,■S, C A R PIT , J i l l

— ^ ^S ID E G L M C K

AL. 1600 4 roll'up


^ l a in i or? ------------------------ ----------------make ox-

ndry truck.lor ongino. . ^

—•I Camino •, .Call 328- .

^C H ton X .tic Iran- / ^ ^Ity, Groat f ■ P t \los. *1900. / y i i ’S , ^ . . f ~m:--------------- ' ' f ~

RD F-100 ^ I / \ ^9hoii. OX. r y " T f / \ .Soo a t '


rorth truck'.It motor, y so. loaded'dition. Also 'wd trallor ->llont .(On-

^ tS S T .jbbor, lair I------------------- --------------—

I S i d l ; . 'F o rw hallpayyou .you ■■.... —T-TT^pf«$suf« drop a s I

duly o u ’ .......................... S-spood • - ---------- . —‘■.SKS »

t r a i l e r , ___________________ 'Evenings ATTENTION l<(AIL CARRIER

............ rfght hand drive Voikswagi______ - 1971.Squarebaekwlthsunro(I.,AM/FM 49.000 milos. Excollonl co InsuUlod dllhsn, now tUes. complelo

rebuilt onglno. Asking *16C= 1 ^ ------C l II487 818. ' '

tW o P E L G T . Good condlllo!m . 1 w “

UKE NEW 1976 VW VAN. 18.5 rtuTfo tM t ^ passongefTlwo-ilts . ' . v s ! r r ”p . r , s «■ - .......... , . .CallS38^3(».-------------:--------I pich-up. . ________________________I aiep sldo ^ cyim^or M«da plck-t- J <lo'Kxo campor shell. Erw. colloni condltkin. Way boU

sbbS ck* ,^«»ok price. 733-3595.;i rubbod _______ ______________Upholslory 1971 TOYOTA COROLLA, er~ chrome colloni condition. U.OOO milepprocUto.-- Makool(or.734^4927aftor5.._______ .o lbus.B e 1980 VW with new brakes 14.01>od shapo mllos on rebuilt onglno. Gro

Call 543- oaa miloaoo. *499. Call 423^801

D ropped'»H ion . . E a f c A t ptekup. 4 r S 3 M i« l .8 o i^

MwtftsSuburban — t-.Mrlna, air Tnei975.Lowmllos,rourspo< condtUofi. with overdrive. 27 milo ^ kertda. oallon highwsy. New Michel

atoel radlals, AM/FM Casset r f i . . Si atereo. roll bar. luggage rac« » .’ ™ “ '¥ • P “ *i ‘ 'wookerida. ________P - 1970 CORveTTE. lots of extratl tool box T»><» iWw.4M-3»33.473. • 1974 VWTHINQ.-1B.000.miU--------— *1995. 1965 VW BooHo, *29to. 197r Moving? 1955 INT truck with 8ih ih l l i* ■ -«bOx.*79a.324<346.^______S i . S ----'>972 CORVETTE Convorlibl

^ Rod. 350. 400 HoraopowJ ------------• header, sUo pipe, TRW Cran0 V -8 . Eldolbrock. iJarlor, porti nod. wido heads. Zoom. 4 spood, or '2224. 4,(XX) miles on rebuilt ongIn ~ ' oxcollont condition. ApptUm T ir™ olr w h o e l s ^ la lT /A .3 2 ^ 1 .

! ' h-L f.? 1073 VOLK^AGEN CAMPE owwllant Condition. *4500

518 or 324- offof. AM/R4. casaolo t e ^ . now llroa. TM SSa.'

Md iM o f.l FOR SALE'69 Volks Bud n * «

r _onsi; 'som o body worti. Robul ' •ogln*. $895. Phorv* 5*

TSoSSTs *‘’ 0’ -WAZDA Gas Miser SUtic

ismlsslon. 18.500 mllos. like noi*2.385. Call before-2 p.m. 1

IbSd-lruck.- «ny»mo Sunday. 423^944. indbrakesi CLEAN 1975 VW 7-passengi od and | van. 18,500 mllos. AM/Fi slo rtruck l atoroo. Jllly bod. 3244695.^--1.4234451.' _________________________

1072 MERCEDES SENZ.280SE, <l®®f" PO*«f- eondlllonoi

d l a c t ^ oxcollont condlilon. 733^wiled 38C afler8:OOp.m._____________] wjth boll . 1973 TRANS AM. 38.000 mllo ' excollenl condlilon. lots ■________ _ oxlrao. 438-5933,'360/ V-8. I......... ' I . I . -

w - ■ m H i m

1978 FORO F-250 Ranger. 4 x •y^nne~S ^ loitplckup. Air Condillonir

A nrfm Sloroo, 4 spood, hoi p a m p e r . ^ ouaponslon, aux. gas Ui^ _____ 360 anglnor mud and snow tir987Dodgo and bug guard. Midnight blue mllos por • color. Only 1,000 and In 1

ismlsslon. colloni condition. *8100. 3: r shell, CB 2011 ovonlngsorwoskends.-------— 14,000 mlloa. 1978 Ford plckuIth campor « , power stooring. automa 1. *1300 or transmission. 1216.5 tiros, m

'**'” 'bOTd

buqT T sS^na ofoal. IBre Chmrrolot. 4 wlia.1 A t

___• , ^ 1974 SCOUT II, 4 X 4 oxcotioSSwf-' ^rn ;33U m I 'l9^INTERNATI0NAL H lon. < llflCL- 4, 345 OD. 30,000 mllos. Pow r 'u ’ n ^ ‘ atoorlng. AM/FM 8 track, wl SHiliSsinV- -o am p o r-^ h o H ;-^ « 7 8 -0 3 i 5*8. ovoninos. ,

1973 TRAVEUa wllh hllCl g > a J . oxcollOTl condition, quick aali

15m dVMV 1974 GMC SUBURBAN. . Al radio 8 irack steroo. 43.0( miles. Oood condiiloo. 73 4 « 0

t ™ § r j s s i 5 s________5 4 H M * - ____________

1 iuTAvS' ■■ 19794x418.000m iU s.^ ton.. r *ie.5tlros.W8S0.324«19,

>W I ' .I P S , - -

• ■ 7 ' f t G i l l F o ~ :

p c u j i I n a " [ rnnm. OOCToa •

_____________ ^ —-W -!________________

(• 11 I - / f

' !lu should be able to mai(e my blow! s f3fif as-tfis Stock m a rk e U l , r

1 « « 4 w iiu if t] (^ y ;

EM. 1954 4x4 K ton Joop plckup:~ sgen Small Uock Chevy onglno,'028-'7'roof. -5135..................................'

1974 FORD F-250 4 X 4 auxHBry::: Jank. powor atoorlng.. no.-.,i

‘WW- rcgsowbloolfw rrtusod. soU_or.>«-

"'o.'’- • 1972 CHEVROLCT H ton. iSST-""'■ out hubs, campor oqulpri^'KI.'’"— oxlra Unk. 734-5054. ..■ I l ^ - ’ 97-3 -C H 6V Y --B L-A Z B R - r ex. Cheyonno. 4x4. oxcollont 4gg5_ condition, trallor oquippM, now.'_______ Urns.. llflOQ-mUos-on-complolo ■ ——

overhaul, *4295.3244389.;k-up MUST SELL. 1978 Ford F-IOOm.

Ex. RangorXLT.4x4.Ari*-Fm6lrack.--- olow. traction grip tiros, dual gas ,,

tanks, with or without camper.,, SholtXall734<978.

“ ex- 1972 CHEVY. 4 x 4, K Ion. 734-iiios,. floo6. ____________

1978 CHEVROLET BLAZER. likC ^r now 350 V-8. 4 speed, powor

fooo stooring, brakes and air con--r- dilioning. AM/FM radio sUdlog,' .'’


TOR SALE: 1972 Chovy B l^ .^ :’. ' . 'UB; . .four w hod drhre. Vory goodl j Z . condition, now llres. Call 733-1'

4104 extension 44 oak foC Jim.* ; Afler5p.m.call32«387. .

’t S MUST SEuTi'974 Dodge «r4on<.. ■,iZ 4x4. Short whool base, 318 aq)9.-';

" air conditioning, rsdU . t l r u L ^

' 4 ;JEEP. OMA oood C O ndiV oi^ » llh tQ w ha '.nS l4M 817 j.____^

hoadera. Low ml'leago. 3244950 *295. ovonlngs., ^I 8 x . —------- -1974 BLA2ERr380 cubic bp* V----------Ilble. 8, 4 X 4, low mllosoo, cnrbmo - wer, rnags, excellent condUUn.■tne\ *42&. Phone 88fr»27.

'w ly DODGE Short whool bsse •aino, pickup. M Ion, powor wagon 4anco wttool drive, oicollonl con- I. _ d_i^n.goodmlloa90.878«)e.

' 1971 AMBASSADOR automatk:. ’ groal condition, air. Only *795.

iM s Phono 734-3599.kulll' - ......... •• - • *---- ~^ 1974 GREMUN. Good oas * * * mlloago, now tires. Call » 4 .__2387. _ . .M .

W ^ 5 i 5 ;----- 1970 buk:k g s . new opoir?.l!

— 1981 BUICK SPECIAL I j E. 4 onglne. transmission, other i

paru.Q oodbuy.82M 0l7^j^ j [

;n ;r 1971 ono owner SkyUrk, (}bod. 1

>” i. . s s b & s ! a . r a ' i . . .

1970 SKYLARK, vfnyl' wo*. < OflYK factory olr, steoi « d U ls .-W ^ ',: ' '

____ OOOdcondltlon.t000.324-41B9.- .1x4 , ________ ■ —ning, 1973 BUICK LoSsbr*. low , leavy ' mileage. Good condlU on.Phm |SJi - ___ ■ :.-r , i " IM . . . k i B - i i i i j f c i

324- —• ■ • . ’1970 EL Dorado CadinacA Ironl ..

:kup. red loathor' upholstm . Brahd , . now sot or Mtehotln tiraa.’ No •

s------ ' 1987 CHRYaLER Now Yorker idrive, four-door hardtop. Oood con. •rado. dmon. *400 or boit.ollot-l^p- !

' 4180. . . . .

___ , 1987 CHRYSLER. aujitfKl^r ‘

“ S' s r s - a s y a - r a ? ; : i324-2B34aflsr8._______ j;

MUST, SACRIFICE. W 2 ~ » ^ ®*r®,f Chrysler Imperial LoBarofi. '

Loaded. 4 door. Call Sundays. . > ? •* - -and tronlngs 829-8972.— —<»— « —

. . ■■

■^978-M O M T8-C A ftL O ao«Jo .S ^ Calt734-77P18HAflPI

OT. i r J l S ^ t i ® h S w f h o a d o ^ C

UJP- C^onuoridl'lfon® *850. S S r ^ ftM9or734«7e. X

------- 1970 CHEVELLe 370. throe;'

■' ............. ■■ -

Page 23: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

♦ T lO JC W .lF I lD G N te E T A M O R S E

; J I | . . ; U tis-C knnW ~

;'!& o iw lm t» il* .A U ,M 0 0 5 li W SM■ « 4 !• « c e l l

; ‘-.^-i—:____— •• ■ * .mllMoi. SUPER NICE 1974 MonM CvK). •

■Sstr“r‘*~."-^' !Ss5— 733-677;

:ttt7CHEVELLESS300.4t»rrel. <3150. i Iltto8..mi08, n w new .-rr;—

« d «rp*.lno. 3 »

iiia?VEaA HATCHBACK 0 ^ 1BW~F eondUioa:. c«U alwr.S p.m. oc.. tSO. Lo

734-78^ . 733-7K

V^-HATCHBACK.-:e»--> w B int oa t. miloioo. Steel omicol,

• \M te d radU)* low mDeege. 43.000.: ^ m P ^ 7 P « W . _ *. 423-47,

linrflHEVELLE MAUBU. 307 1971 Fm tomelfc. «ir. good coAdllion. sloorinit15a^yeS 4 .678«14 .V lc . • ooodcc1OT-*B0NTE CARLO, 4.000 er.

733-708..............: . . .,;;l973.-CAMARO efhrer. bleck boslolli

:iol*»to. meo wheels, headers, _____toM «K ii. Extras. 423^10, 1083 R

--------- - TBTVff

• - ■- m i i

i OWNER. 1867 OwvroM. Bd

■'Kvir?s:rs:,'c-i d i t ^ S.19 II..X H E V R 0L E T van ,

.. e u ilk n n lte d In sid e , m tgchrom jiW ?. J . t t x M , -iBTa.OF

oficolo«nn.733«». • stallon<W..O*- ------- „OfOO,

CflEV^ WAOON. T ^ eooo.8:

"■ign-CHEVY BISCAYNE. 454 VS. chrome

I ■ ■ ■ . miles,

§ - : l : j - ^1970»POPGE OAHT. « 0 0 .'328- ^ P * ' « n a W M & « a 5 evenings.

......... k k M n ;

I f i E S r - V A lIN M A G IC V

. ☆ A ll Cora & Truck* Recond “ To G o

„:^O n>Th»>Spot Financing, o.o. : » Term * lo R t Y our Budget

^ -The Best Service D eportm e w .'V dlley☆ O v er 31 Y ears Serving The

•; — V olley ' .

: 19Q PLYMOUTH FilRYUI OOORT W w g lf te , air eondittenlng.wlomotli MNtaler, beoirillui copper melellle. blod


' j n c o w ii ■'■: ■■■■■■■

: . KR(pr.MiUUllll$ 4 -^V A enfllne oir condillonlng. oulomo 'dto.'heoter, pov>d*r blue, buy betow b

In ilE iiiM co M E iJ -n n r .

.W 2««U I . . . . .JVSAflglna; dir cari^Honlng, rodlo. he '^ o m o tlc troritrniiilon, console, Mch !^ ^ lo « le eor priced lo ie llf .

■ .«I5f0l014lIII(flCI(l]P . . ., ''4*M iM l drhfe, V-B engine, 4 » p e ^

. . eleeflng, ffldio, heoter.chrome wheel

' iS 6 i¥ to i i 'p ic i ( i ip '. '. .tj V 4-whM l drive, V-8 engine.' ootomolU -Jj . heo ter. High Slefro potkoge, NAO:-

- W 4 4 «“; ^ rfaeT : ;i>'g1ne, iroi.wnl..loK fnll««^.fA lnl home 01 frwck on

S p G, m u o ii

■ — THEACirt6NC< r 200-300 Block Shoihoi NiwCon7U-U«l. V

MENAai l l l Z i S1J74 M ^eu

- d o o f .a ir n -power site A tm r . Ex<

w m ' " I MtwiSelllSv V ^ J W MERCZ - < I ChevroloLS

V V each.E»0ftlr

■ • t l 7 3 MEIV \ y f ^ \ utomatlc,

v j £ f I UrcB. eiceiu

II ' / ' ~ MERi

/ ' w T c o U o /” • S / . air. spood ct

' ' I oxcolleni co■ - - , J / . -MM- ;

0 iiae COME 7 aharp.phon

__________ I ,__________ • Lota ol extra1

■ __ J Bleol Ures. 21 1 J mud and sf»

< 1074 MERCl3 Brouohaffl.:t buckot Boatij condlllonlBfl

dock. Mag M

S E P R E T T /S O C V J , jlS ? . '

? O O T I - * 1W5 COLOJ. wagon. Air

--------- ---------------------mliesoo:'»lt.................. condiiion, 73

A ilss-Fdri

MUSTANG II. v-6 4 speed.i llen t cond ition , low divlduAi b<vr.0?.Call734.27Maltdr4:00FORO MAVERCK. Loss ________ _

S.000 miles, 6 cylinder. Call FOR SALE:'773 or 7 3 M & aflo r'5 . 6<yilndor,I. tiros; excoilt

~ PINTO stalionwaoon, , rack on top. 73M441.

~f6 ro eton o-u n e van mLooks Uko ntw, 733r«550 or •■ ■ '


^BIE-1 9 7 2 -PInlo. Eeon- - ‘n ^ -J iB M .-ol. new rodloli, mileaQe __________>0. S14S0. Two Ower. 1067OLOSM'‘761. MoncIO, ooo

-FORD' OALAXIE, poworing. powor brakes, air, 19« OLDSMcondition, e37-6665alier 5. Aircondilioni---------- ______________ and brakos.:-ORO. 2 door. 3S0 engine. Call423^297iTJllc transmission. *330 Of ----------- ------>llor.733-3151. ’


FORO SUllonwigon. K f. 11 w. good rubber. dM n.

J J S W W O H A l t j S i l --------------new kiertor.^eteetrte^

w and s««9. Reg. M . , lent condition. H9M. 543-.

-------- ~ ' V ’Brand Torino iwo lone - •I coupo. Excolloni con- . M A H. {450 down and tako over ■ ■ ■BntS.TW-4157. | |

SRANO-TORINO SQUIRE- ~>nwaaon. Air, AM/FM ■ ■ ■0, excellent condiiion..MM418.

* J S S 1974 BUIW wheels. t55 0 :5 4 3 j^ . ~ |U V 0 ] t

EDSEL. le ss thui 50.000 O ne o t t1, In mint condnion. Call Umegre< 583.-.................. ...................

FORO WAGON In lair I H I Ml0. ^ or best otler. ^

' 2 Ooor C — — ■ - ■ ■ ■ v-e.outoi

■ H s m o iLOES„GALLEY K

4 d o o r* e

id itloned & Ready ' ’’***

„ c ■ WJBUi c a i u i n

iBnt In M agic v ^ , ootoi

1. P e o p l . o f M oglc —

V i T B l i

IR - y J V . S f i K

1369 pn. . . ’ 9 9 9 F i n Y i i i3 > ( p ^ trontm ltilon. ^ .4doo_rho

’ * 3 0 ^ 1973 MU

; o „ „ i T b S I I ! S : . s tatio moil tireii, bron te meloL '

' X.rp. * 2 4 4 4 1974 FOI

rodio, l»ol.r, S T tlH M .- r . .^ — ,------------ -V«tyshori

. » a i i i -heoter, whilewoll tire ., • ' « *ickel »eoti, vinyl tep, o . HOllNEl


* 4 6 6 6 1973 oueU, extra shorp. • . O t l |A BE

" t i l O O O ' ' ' 4-doer, . ^ i § 0 0 ® - 'rotiim btltlic tronsmlMloo. rodlo. n .ti3:A. Book p rk e $9650, ' 1968 6UI

R E C nU

i n r a o w t e r t w o i s r - ~ < s a n i in

1 ' . . ^ ^ - • 'o .I . i .S

; J E ^ P • • . 6xylinderuth —TOYOTA 1:ORNER— 11o n * S t . W . » S . . " Iu i e d C o r » 7 3 S .7 3 6 5 '* W fc «

7 U M 0— w— — -;-----------

> u i - l l i m i

g S c S g ? ? " '

MERCURY COMET 1973 TORONAD le, 6 cylinder, radial' ' loaded. Air. J M H e n ic o ^ l |i^ J l^ j_ Q ^ ^ i i t o n .

rgRCURY COMET 8 . .. a l ^ r d , 050. 543- *'■.

- ‘ roNTWc su u tUGAR XR 7. like new. S t m m r W ^ td control, boauiilul car, Filer >I condition, M89S. 328- 1W7 PONTIAC

• ■. a o r *">MET. CAUENTE, .2p9. - 1 -honeS«3-4610ovenlnos.

LoadedlPhoneJ ,E;197DMonl«oo,radlaJ " 1074 PONTIAC ts, 2 extra whoela with hatchba^,. ai I snow llres. Call 324- smiuJon. radial

17,000 miles. J R C U ^ MONTEGO MX ^oxM . fftiloy. un, 2 door. V-8 onQine, MUST SELLf' loats, cruise control, air LeMans 2 dr ' nino.AMradiowiihUpo aulomalic, oo ag whools wllh MIcholln brakes, air cmc 1,000 milos. tuco. 734- control, 734-SOes____________ • • 1975 PONTIACILONY J>Am.elation- .automatic, air Air conditioned, low $4750, Call 32447

•"^It-power, excellent- ~ i w RREBIRlT 1,734-4430. • pos|„4etion, nit

whools, ahocka,

J0trXR7 AM/FM 8 Irack condillonf *1150crulso conuoi, in- 423l4i74twneh seat. Silvor on _______ ____ '

>500.654-4103, afler 7:00, 1 ^ OMEGA S__________________ __ 10.000 miios. ilLE: 1073 Mercury Comot 733-8848. or, automatic, radial - ,-s=sSr;

COMI,ion.-KO. S . ^ r ? . 3 S dltionlng. loade

. ___________4173, alter 5.

- m ---------- ------1070 Olds Cutlass ------ ---------- -

». Airconditloning.runs J9J.-42348W.-' ------ 7 jS i f~ j j r -

>SMOBILE 442. 4-spood

f o r ^ , W IL L S u s

OS. *500. or beat olfer."' .» 7afte fea0p ,m .__^

MH.Bnto In '


USED CAImmI^ T T T rrrO Mot the finest pertonol luxury cors on tli green with o white vinyl root, ot>d fully It

r...:.'....*1ir Coupe. Thit cor It Buditkln beige wltl lutomotlc Irontm lttlon, otr conditioning, <

fOM lT D . . . . . . . . . iir, blue In color. V-8, outomalic trontrr ng. oir conditioning.

F hS r d u t ^

r tedon. Excellent lamlly cor. V-a. aulotr 90wer tteerlng, air conditioning.

BURII .......... ....... $ 1g R Y A o n is ................................ Zlufombtlc Irtmimlttlon, power tteerlng. Ire wheel covert. Extremely Shorp.

FORD ■ $ 1 IIIPICKUP ............................. l JI tlre t, chrome w heelt, camper ihell, V n lttlon.olrtondillonlng.. .

Pim OUIH .

r hordiop, moke o nice tecond.cor,

MUD'm-3 $1 ONWIGON............................. Iid. rodlolt, o ir conditioning. Loeol one em

i ^ — $ 5

l U a B - r r r ; r . r ~ r ~ i kvelour bucket te o tt; outomotk. tronst

i.tporl wheettJ 'A ' j l

FORDTORMO Olt.WAMN...........horp,-lu!ly equipped, vocotlon ready. -

fnlcol 6 cylinder, outomotic trontmltilon, col one owner.

D U siifie iE f y

■ hordtop. tow l one: ovmer,-v-8 engtr ib tlon , air conditioning, ttontiord rodlali

BIICK ? W .................... ... ..........................r coupe, gold, block, vinyl rool, good ti

JORIfERr ledon, lully e < iu 1 p ^ , green In color tood lecond cor.

ider engineVa i p e ^ trmim lt^loh. rodlol

uiiiE u R t e u a , 1b M « - i^ ! n A y . S o u th .

....-------- . — 1 --,-— --------- - -

i a t e s - O U B ^ r t , ,

"c utlass 350 V-8 1973 PONTIAC Gran f

' — ' I.

iupremo Srouoham,- ^ • loaded, air. Cruise _ • - ••>M(FM witn Upo 'IS4K03>. • • ■>1AOO. fully power. ' ' 5 ^ 6 3 8 9 ' ^ ^

~itaUon Wagon, Extra’ v f f l ' S U i, - pow er-stoortnor ' T a . ------Her Avenue. g ® ;IAC Bonneville. 400 ' d Interior. 733-5710;'

rio78G rande Prl*. ' v’4 ' ' '• )ne733-448l.. . . '

IAC Ventw* Sprint, ’ f e i | 1910 C' automallc W I 3 ^ TM

nte-tegfc' ^ -A !S J s^Lf IB73 Luxury W 1913 GNd r ,’Colonnade 350 . '.'aA * •* “ - —

power steering* t M ‘» i n g . c r u i „ ^

IAC TRANS AM, TOair condillonlng. .

i»6751alterS. ^

cka.AnvFmairack. Ji»i more. Excellent

" “ ■“ “ ■ 'O '.'” - J K . ( W \

A SPORT COUPE. I M V i M PI. II has all. >$4200.’

URD E S P IR .~ i» Wi* • • ' adlala. a ir con- ■7^)Jaded, S4000. 328-


r o u r C a r ^ IWB CHI J S E D C A R S R L 1 9 7 5 c m

M B n m I-M......................

= = = = 1 ACE. HIT l D " m-wirn


n g .re d io l |lr« .

14!KI ^ V W : D u e t o t h e

r W e - h a v r a r d

‘2995; ” ' " 1Ing. oir condition- H

3495 *II, V.S, outomotic

m ,

1595 frow ner. . : . K

2395 |=rfonsm luloft,'rod(« . .

34952395 ^m 2nglne,: ou tonx itic ...................................... a

W : i)d tronsoorlallon. , ‘

!K95lI 3olor, g reen v in y l' • ♦

2991 ikIIoI Jlriat; 30W > ‘ ' - •

: INC::^ M— r h f W tf* *

; ■ . • '

K i B v « t i n ; .

Prix, wnite ' 1080 and 1988 PLYMC .0498.1741 aUtlOAwegortt. both autor

■- In good condition. 423-8n8.

iis ' . - M l

G e M h e ^ M b s t i t n m e n W i t h A

O r T ru c k Fro H q h s e n C h e

t m M nw n c i i o p . W k N o ^ ^ T lS B ,

M C . % 1 » l P IC K U P ,

D m n u T

ON WCMP no. 7-202A .........................

O l t D T 4 T O N P l C K ( I P r N 0 .7 -J

F 0 R D y 4


O V E R 2 0 4

D R i y E S l N

I I E V R 0 i n B t ] l f f l , . « ; 7 . 5 2 =

U I D I O V E R , NO. P 7 -4 4 8 A ...

I E W 4 x 4 P IC K U P , N o . 7 . ,5 e A

I E V Y % $ I E P $ I D E 4 x 4 , N a . i

H E V Y y 2 T 0 i ' 4 i ( ^ 7 i ^ ^

lANS IS THE PLACElE V R l i H T V E S A , n o . 6 - 7 0 4 b

Care Ahd Pickups By Tl

Pleasure D oing Bi

rH A N S E IKi r s F H T i k i n l l T i a M y -

— ---------- e r f )

y u » L o l i » i M v d .

i i i w o H i ts inl e t r e m e n d o u s r e s p o n s

d B c i d e i f - T i n n e r e i s s s - t l f t

g r e o t e r l I

^/aiO N A L L N E W F O M

M lIN J i U N W L I D ’S - L T D

t s «N N W G M N i U H ' S - P i m ) ’

/ W W E R I C K 'S - C f l l

MA t E E F F E C n V E T W

B iBILlioiLAKt$HVP.NO>Ty- > 4> 44j

m _____ _ • . i i i B - 'D te

.■S i;.!? fc»T E M O O £Lloim ll<rw c/... jST^ S u e e t ^ t * .5 | 5 K m . ■ M i l n l n

► t - b u t - v 6 r .

V U s e d C a r fc m A c e Ie v r o J e t . 2 . ' . ; J

z » T » a a i■.i70A....:;»249»

l - W H H L

1 8 T O C K I I

k - :7 ; ; : ; : * 2 8 9 5“ ~ * 3 I 9 S ^aA..... . : . . * 5 6 9 5 J..7 :,eM ....*S395 ’^ - - ; : : 7 * 5 I 9 S ^ '

lEFOR ECOKOMYl! I ■B..... ...... * 1 0 9 S I

The Day, Months or Yeor

Business A t . . . g

C H EV R O tEn- l i M I I i ^ t e I

Tit . H i ,


nraxiEi s e t o o u r R e b a t e S a l e ,

I r c R e b a t e s ' t b m a k e t h e

0R D T R U C K S !

D n ’s ^ m U I D E I I B I R D S .

0O ’s - M U S T A N G S -

D U R E R ’s

m m m Ki f T H i S W E K = ^

lb«jB .leItO eV-ffl.Oelly

KMAjfFORDt ^ , . J l 4 « 4 l o f 7 A S . 5 1 l b . — ___ __

E WDVe Got

1 - Of locatTI ; Magic Va I Ecorioinytol I — i C O l i

1- RC . — ■ - l€ W _ g i t i e . i t o n d c

:»35aO.- i % ‘-‘4588-JII — ^ W A «I »1088sJ? I ’OIBJs


-R®f ▼ I w H Oork'brown ■ iT T j I V U V *M>ng,pov<i

n sif iiiD~ '* r ' | I D D | n i g h i 0 o i d , il U W I

M H f l f t■ ^ R . ' l l l l l t l - W h i t e with I j ^ y ■ _ .* * I M ^ .k t r o n t m l t i

I T v^-to^eb

M' I r i c M I Yellev/wltl

^ ,% W f V - l n g » b r o k i

W K K 1969-------- T ^ B C l .v-8 englni_____ I ' . ' . w l W r condltlonin

r n m ^ ' i■ ^ I MIO■ l-WwW irentmlttlo

. “ . ■ W W * broket, wl

i i m s B■ ■■■■WW. irontmlitloi

*24?5=rS ■ f r m s

" W W W pockoge. wh

’2 8 » = J$ 9 0 0 0 1974

_______ - : I - / n n i l Medlum-yelHWWW pow ersteerl

'2895teS*2995,:tt»3295B!SV f c W W ol,.condition

^ i . u x.«5888S5t n c n n i m i n c

, J D o d ff iis ;

Hi290tS »4988 --!• ■ w w w .o w t l y e q u lp p


THEISENT l ie M t i M p i e c e Isi tl y o f i U ^ A y i , . t j ; « T

• Tuoaday,M ay17,1977 Tim os

t The Widest 4 J* H i a l V ^ - v ^ l t e

Trade-ins In C fali From - Luxury Models

19734HMRaUW— ^color, economical Arcyllnder en- ‘ idard.lranimlulon,rodlo,heater, :----5p«AIADOR2JOOR :

197i'DMsi2ffl2 :. :.ronxe. 4 tpeed. cutiom wheelt, T • ill Initcumentotlon: ' . ...9E9VWSaiMKI»CX - r -ten. economy plut' room onti , •

VldBnUEWUlM. regulor got V-8 englrte, oiito- it.,'power steering Abreket.

M KRtoiyw>a|;j- ; , /

m iiiaE y w w a i':m.olklnyllnterlor.alrnMtkw- ----, heoter. reody to go. ‘-IfiT.’ip S tS T A T H H I W it t l V :). V-A, outomotic trontmisslon,- «rlng&broket,oir~condlllonlng,1974 MAUBU WAGON ,ireen, tmoll V-B, oir conditioning,: ♦rlhgabroke<,eorpeted.:s V . .1971DliDGEWIUaiajitomotic .Montmlttlonrpjfw ,- •!—^

1X8 FORD WABM, extro thtirp, ot nice o (ornlly' Vehod.---. ■ "■

lA N S ^ ----- ^KFO«OHI!4«W— T —

9E7 ous 88 4-11001j, outomotic tronimlstloh,-pm '. ' ‘ radio, heotar, iow milet. .0 .;. . ;aciEvl«UTiiP(U'

1972DO)SEMOOlltI blue, regulor goaV-S obl lc ' tlon. power steering, rodfe ‘

i M Y M ; l

ik e t,v ir« 'so ld t? l to n a ^ « ^ -

g i io in m i B | ^

ting. povreriteerlng,wesold new. ')BUICKLe$A6)E4-colofr oir-condltloolng, power- — Sbraket.- - --x.o r » u n m r p n i fHvta .• f « n v R I U U ^UUUR 'rome wllh while top, oufomotlc lion, power steering, rodlo.1 B U IC K •U S «IIE 4^H 1M —, oir condillonlng. power iteerlngwhite woll tlret. ^ “ • jfIERCURiriiQWm)2.llflM_ t

- IERCURrMOIIiaiEVI-OOOt .ffi )w,35^CI.D.V-8.outomo1lc Ipowertfeerlng&broket. Il72tl0IITEREy4-l)00R ; .green, oir conditioning, power- .11tbrokKlocotoneowner. . . -j]73M0tliq£Y4-ll00R . '4an vinyl -roof, cutiom interior ^

i74f’iSD mM 00R' ,y ibrown, oir conditioning, power, j?I broket; onew-cortrode-ln. ^74M0III^4-4H10R |erlng ft brakes, oir ortdiilonlng. %74H0triBIEV2-l)00R . ttm , browr> vinyl rool, oir condl- •}wer tleering 8 broket. IIMOIIiSi-llOORIttllDIOP . ___Ivoli tlret. , ‘175 MOtniGO MOORtli Alilte rool. outomotic front- - ower tteerlng ft broket.ICURVMOIITECOMX4-OOOt .rown, deluxe flll nylon Interldr, ' onlng, power tteerlng ft broket.' -C U R Y —

r3CADiu(aootjuiogreen, full power, vvhllewatl -

>w mlleoge, beoutlful. ' "tCOLNCOIIIIffillTUMOORbrown vlnyt roof, fully powered,

CMUACSEOMDinil ' , /«n with white vinyl rool,. lull

ic£llNnDIEIITC4-II00R 'wn, hormonitlng roof, thii cor utely.everylhlng. JICOUCOmKIITW-4^- - - i>1 g^^delyxe olt yloh Interior.

, white leother Interior, luxurl- pp«J, whilewoll rodlol tlret. ___

liOTOIgi M w w e M t e l w f ■ ^ ; l ' - - F

' - ’ i'

Q^Nowa.TwIn Falls! Idaho

Page 24: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

B p a t t ;!:

B : i ^ v d M a| w ' .WILDER, Idaho (UPI) ^ Scnale"PrcsW ent - P r o ^ e

Phil Bait. R-Wildcr. ^ a : "Monday while tic su p ^ 'iii

Gov.,'Jolm V. Evans' dcclBk ' m t to cali a spcclal Icglslolh

• ^ io n a t l l i ls t lm c lo d c a lw l H K ^ ! l h c drougtit. t>c tiad no liand H H f : ' '* tl>ed«:islon.

Evans told a Boise nc\ ^ — ^ f crcnpg-lnsl Friday 1

.believed a special- sessli ~ woiiid n b rb e prudent a t tli

time and tic would^ allc certain agencies to overspci tbelr budgets wltti tlic hope II next legislature would appro' supplemental appropriations

Ttic governor also said I >(iod conferred wltti Batt ai th a C r i i ls re sp o n se wi “ favorable."

^ ■ ‘“ “ " ’ B a tr s a ld • lhls-w as--“on partially true." He said tic Wl (iot conlactcd by Itic govcm< before Ttiursday aftemoc "w tien ' b is decision wo already m ade." -

“ I did n o t. pa rtak e . in tt ^ ^ 1 ' . d e c is io n p r o c e s s .” tti ■ K ' leglslatlvclcadcr&aid.

Balt sa id he supportc Evans' decision becausc tl

mtWcClun m lid on g

' WASHINGTON lU P li-S c J am es McClure. R-Idali Introduced legislation Mond

• to probiblt: llis T rcasu . DeparTmcm^rom. staling U

gold reserves wittiout pri^ ------ap^royaro rconR rcM r~ ~~

’ " itj w buld'be Uie tielglit ' folly to sell remaining Unit<■ ‘-esta tes gold reserves." M

Clurcsald.The senator said while tt

value of tbe nation’s go . reserve w as "supposedly" $.

billion a t present mark .p riccs. the actual am ount, gold tliat the country tiad stoclcpilc wos less tban half what It liad 25 years ago.

^ ^ H i . "W hile paper :urrencl

H O n e id a i• IHALAD, Idabo (UPI)

■ &cott B. Brown. 31. has bc . . . ju im ed adm inistrator ot t

^ ^ 1 ! ;Onelda County tiospltal a nursing tiome. It was i

. nounccd today by ttic hospi ' . ^ ^ r d .

. duties la te r tbis month wti h e h a s c o m p le te d ti

__ ndminlstrative_rcsidcnc;^McKay-Dce Hospital lii Ogd< Utah. He succeeds Dan J derson. who retired becausc

. The new adm inistrator hql a m aster degree in hca


Sen. William Proxmlre plu legislation permitting worn to bold many pillltary n< combat jobs sucb as miss launcb control officers. •

"Wtiiie tliere arc Iwo la p ro tiib iting women (rc

’ engaging ih com bat. I - - m ilitary- serv ices-have - 1

■ tcndodtlilsprobibillontocov m any o th e r noncom b

I AllB yU m tedPrettlntenuU o

..........Today Is Tuesday. Mayi the 137lti day of 1977 wllh 22 I follow.

The moon Is new.The morning stars

. Mercury. Venus and Mars.

. .The evening s ta rs ^ H | Jupiter and Saturn.^ K | ' Tliose bom on this date

under Uie sign ofTaurusr E dw ard Jenncr, ttis Dri

doctor who developed . sm allpox vaccination, borri May 17,1749. - . On th is day In history:' In 1792, 24 brokers me New York City and fo'rmc<

< .NewYorkStockBxciiangc . ' V, In 1954. the United. SI

E a E ^ E

T lm f s ^ N * ^ . Twin F«Hs. !<

b a c k s

-* possible bcneflls of a .spccia — 9csslon-wouId.noUvarrant.tlii

lald probablycostofSlOO.OOO. rted "But I do not suppijrt tin Sion deliberate overspending o live budgets by the,agencies.” b vith -said . "In Ibis time of sacrlflcc d in I believe that tliese; tiug

d c p a r l m e n l s ' ( W o le ews Resources and Health am

he WelfarO sliould cut back o; sioii blbcr acliVltibii uilJ iibsuiblb Ihis ” 'added responsibilities withi; How ' Uielr budgets." tend Batt said there was only on I Uie way Uic budgets could b ■ovc overspent - "delaying th' ns payment of some bills Ini I he July- This Is a devlou and procedure." v a s ' • H esaldltm tlftheloglslotun

was asked lo Increosc somi ,n iy ~ -b u d g e ls .J l .p ro ^ ly would bi iv„s forcedloreducesom tolbcre.'’ .nor ' The W ilder Republlcai oon doubted the icgisiature woulc vas approvenlllhcdrouBlitreiatcc

activities autliorlzed by Ihi U,c executlvebranch.(lie Ball said any decision ti

allow additional spcndinf •led “ will be one mode by ouid ,c ' coilecllve memben^ilp" of llil


v^oposei rold saleSen. ■ fluctuate continuously, fioid I; atio. tbe one metiil wlilch,tins hcli iday ils value UiroUgli tlie cenlurie sucy <md for ihat reason 1 nm in U,S, Iro d u c tn g le g is la tio n t< )rlor prohibit lls sale." McClur— ----- said:---------------------- ----------r, "Tlie sale of U.S. gold nt till

, time of Inlcmatipnal financia w_ Instability would' polentiail:

cost Uie United Stales far mor . than any lemixirao' gnins sue!

,.trt sales would achieve.” McClur said. "It is impossible to se

•kel linanclall:, -responsible body would warJ ..... to-substitute Uic rapidly - ir,r flating paper currencies of th

world for a metal wllh clcs proven value."

n a m e s a id eI — a d m i n i s t r a t i o n ( r obeen W a s h in g to n S c b o o l . i

the Medicine. St. Louis; Mo7.' andand m aster of science In vcrtebnan- zoology with- a m inor

pital ' educa tio n from Brigha Young U niversity. Prov

vhen bachelor’s degree In zoology, h i s - "B ro w n ’h a s ‘ been an “I

' ,9i___strticlor,.al_,BYU,„a_nd_;Uti'den- Teclmicai Coiicge. Provo, ai An- C o f f e y v i l lc C o m m u n ll

sc o t College. CoKeyvllle. Kor

iqlds, education coordinator.:alth

« opening up?d u t i e s . ” th e W Iscons

Ians Democrat said in a slalemcmen Sunday.non- O n l y ‘ ‘ o u t r i g lssiie d is c r im in a tio n ” p rev e r

. , women from assignmentlaws missile launch control officcrom be said. He said he plans

the attem pt to add bis amendm<- _ to -tlie -ri6 ca t-l9 7 8 -m lilliiover procurem ent uuthorizallib a t bill.

m a n a c J ___iooal Supreme Court ruled tl ly'17; r a c ra r 's c ^ g d lio n in pul 228 to sctiools was unconstituliona:

In 1973, th e Seno ' Watergate Commlltee opci

a re bearings Into the breok-ln s. 'D e m o ) : r a t l c N a t io n

a re headquarters In Wastiingt D.C.

le are. • In 1974, four leaders of Symblonesc Liberation Ar

Iritisti were killed in a police a tl i the on Uieir hideout near Wa

was Calif.

A thouglit (or the d net in - American writer Bernard ied the Voto.sald: "Pessimism is c BC. tlie name that men wlUi wStales nerves alvc to wisdom."

-------------. — - A r e y o u r - - ;

. f i n a n c e s a

^ b a s k e t c a s e ?

'% G otharoH .vour_u8obl -b o t u n n e o d tfd it«m

M B Q b o n d ' p loca Ihem Ic to la In Ib e Claitlfle<

------Y o u -b » t—your—bunryou go t quick .Msull

r 733>D931

.... ^

. i ^ q T uesday , May 17,1977

ii>e ~



'o n e

tlic Inlo •

lous ,

tureomed bc __

canould • ■ '

Post,1 toding WASHINGTON (UPI) our Po.stniiistcrGcnernl Ik*nj:m

fllic ' Bailiir suld-Monday (in>t-cli mall probably wll! rise to c c n ts -n e x t .spring, a Saturday deliveries may

y ^ - _ d f m f n / i t e d 2iflcrJJntC/iiLiliM crunch.

Sen. Abriiluim Riliico D-Conn.. told Balliir al Senate Govcrnmcnliil Alfa

Id „ W a r r a n t s. b o e e W i)

. d g n d . l t a l e Hooday to co

. Social Security---------------------- otthlayear.:—

WUIlamaaald i written, coversl„l,y ployera’ abareo



r i n ...........

ero m

o f . - a

cbrae r in {ham

l-b ts --------


rdlcal-'* '

8 h

ns an



li-lnlo n a l

of the Army

attack '

is only tl


( i .d . I . W arning:

_ ' t -

' * ■ .

tage hike,I) - subcommittee hearing, "ll ijamln. Postal Service* is a m ess ai I-Cliiss we’ve gol an obilgallon to i

lo u> something alx)Ul it" wllh .son iiiiil "iijird poillk-ai dwisions."

jy IH! When Sen. John Glenn, i i j t i . is O J iiu .- i i .s k c d jv l i t 'i ^ .^ p r lc a

could cxiK'Ct a nu\v ruleTTIk Bailar said "I would thli

;il ;'i probably some tim e In t Ufalrs second quarter of I'JTB." o

s i g i i v i l

PI) — State auditor Joe R. WUliama ate pay w arran t for .tl2.S3 mlllloa

cover Idaho’s public employes' I ty taxes for tbe first Uiriee,m6ath8

lald tbe w a rra n t l a r ^ be ev e r h a s /era both Uie employes’ and em - reo f tb o tw es . ,

ig: The S u rg so n G eneral H a s Di pfeire 'S itroklnfflsrQ B ngeroM M oY i

i-l , '

delivery ('l l ie ' ding the cost of u firsl-cti and icUcr would climb from ' d o ' c e n t s , to 1C cen ls . w >me corresponding increases

otherclasses.D- ' Bailar discusscd an April

Ike. " ~ a ^ l s 6 i7 '^ m m T s 5loh“ wh ■Ink found Uie Postal Scrvicc Ini tbe financial ^ lape and ur( ad> hlgticr government subsidi

H a n o iBANGKOK. Thailand (Ul

— Diplomatic sourccs s: Monday Vietnam 's renew "hard line" demand for v

---------- prcparations'fronrthC 'U nl- ‘ States could Imperil schcdu

talks in Paris between the 1 countries.

■C'f: In stiarp weekend attacks

D eterm inedH e a l t h . 7 r ^ ^ ^ ^ H

cut seen iie lass • u holt to six-day delivery ai m 13 developm ent of elcclnin w ith systems to move p a ri of 11

} for mail._____B ailar said " I don-l see il

iril 18 a crisis" rc(|uiring imincdiu dprni action. He repeated maj Vliicli— aoBt)r5- -n b o u f^ ic rF in g - i n sad electronic system s to sci jrged speedy m essages and hanc idles. financial transactions. T

d e m a n d s r tUPI) Washington. Hanoi also i said . pcared lo bc threatening to <

lewed o(f the trickle of informal ‘ w ar on missing Americans unliInltcd-— attrisToriliComtiig:------------dulcd'" Tlic official V letnamt ,e two Quan Doi Nlian Dan (Peopl

Army) dally, in an edllot :kson carried overseas by of fit

...... .............

i' ' , ■ .

^ n r i v f t r

^ fo l lo w s


s i g n

- . THIS '•a^ihalt repair true maj^ be parked longer than Ui driver InltlaUy expected. I t fe tb ro u ^ Um top Coor of

. paridbg^rage inP rov Idenc i R . I. Two men on Uie true escaped Injuiy. (UPI)

i n yeary and advisory panel had warnci ronic failure to do so could h: if llie ••disaslrous" conscqucnces

thePoslal.Scrvice. -.‘•II a s --------Baliar. sald Uic scrvlcc v.“diate wclglilng the , recommcm major c u tb a c k lo a f lv c -d P u )» = -= d t- i iv i - ry '^ c l» ;* ll iv -I0--S1

send about’5412 million a year. I landle ' he expecled officials to mi

Ttie an initfal decision within monlliorlwo. •

re p a ra t io n sK> a|^ Vietnam News Agency iitocu t m o n i to r e d M o n d ay ,nation Bangkok, linked the issue'unless diplomatic relations. U.S.--------------and tiio-scnrctrrot'iirc’nnjisiism ese It culled the Vietnam \ jople's " the most inhuman w ar inlltorial wtiole history of U.S. jfficlal perialism"

^ y , - ^ , ........ /■

% \ Alaskk li|i ||r _ vidnerabijfe'L to sabotageThe Alaska pipeline poses .a uni«iUe target (or sabolciin*. and U icre 'aro people,liiMiio.' sta te wiui grievances enoiigli

• to aisrup.t ilran ArcHc e^fpfrt Iold ' C ongress In ' s e c re t

—r " - tc s tlm o n y -re lc a s c d M o n d i^ l~ • "The. Irons-Alaska pipcBne

r c p rc s c n ts ~ a ~ t a rg e t '* ior political terrorism ..that, is

V ® • unique In ihe American: cx- ^ ■ perience.” said Leonard' -A.

LeSchock. a consultonlV. on Arctic projects .for goyem-

' menl and oil ctlentsr . v:.,, *

sold Iho pipeline would bc most vulnerable during Uie 'flrsl months of operation, beginning later this year, and warned ih a t opponent^ o fj.fu tu re

• pipelines may seek a ‘'r e a l ' causo celebre” by going otter Uie flrsl one.

Richard L. Burton. A la ^ a 's - commissioner of public safely.

— ^ echoed UjSchock's warning of ' p6sslb li?~ ^botage“ altcinptr"

saying. "II will happen — 1 am sure of thot as I am sitting

He said'sliots have been fired „.,i T at the pipeline already ..and

tbere has been an extortion , I ll'reat of dynamillng It. ap­

p a r e n t l y f r o m l i r r t c •w as disgruntled workers.

;nded ' '

t z __LionJoose^- DARES SALAAM. Tanzania

In a - Resldenls of .Uiiscapital have been w am rf lo watch out (or a lion on, the

• loose. ' . ' ' Government-owned Radio

Tanzania said a rcmolc^'Uon nnd three cubs were spoUed

. , Friday in tlie Ubungo a i^ i l ' a ICS of ' resldenllnl and I r id u s tr ia t^ a 5 '..If, on Uie outskirts of town.Tiearaii“i ^ * * '® unlversily,-------------- --------

„.n‘ Tlic rodio, announcement in the v/arhed people to bc cautious

I - when walking, especially al niglit.


Page 25: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented


■~~~ ' I

■■ ^T . B ' ' f '

1W' i

“ “ ■ , Psh/ng. l -rbckhoiii

- 'oHI Brov-__section f

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rfiZmflrtgrfaoclcpaeklngrs i/nding a n d m o r e . . . /d a ^ ivyse th ro u g h to d a y 's outi fo rm q n y w oys tb ^ h /o y I ip len d o rl

•V- 5.'. ',i " , t I M ,_*S

r ^ ^ l l e w i


■ . ___

'ro r— — - ---------ah o has ff a f € k k » r

y fcfaho's

I J5. :_Jvyln faIlfc jdaho.Tu<

B |g j ( j Q |K 2 ^ »



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F '^ y i l l p l i ^ s

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T ^ T I E !

Page 26: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

— 'T lJntH ~c■» • ___________ ! _ _ _1 Roy Wojclk, a T

•. J - 1 • to enjoy alakestw rdcrlhgtl

1 — .S l_ _________— PI • ■•• ..M I— :--------^> , C'

.nc; ; • • . ' N O A m m K s s

\: / I I I r N O M O N E Y1 .

J ___ C £_ .- ' . ____ ................ . - .-y — h ; — y n r r t t r i t ^

r j ; . | i .v « ™ >

; s ■ ■ «<ni \fit; } L ---------- :— 7“ -------

?i I “ Grupp<During any yee

pi I make him mad ei ^ ! but this year I h

; • ; awarded to the fifla) ; Crystal sp ring aw

I Tor‘those of yoi. ''d t I two areas, you can

' , I® I Much'of the w£g. ' pipelines a cross^

i ! -

_ — —


2 j

.. IBIinBR

I , H w B M____ I ___ I f

' ' '

\ R H ^ ^ K n M

i u i B I q | | U I | | » ' h B ^ B b S p


-■ '< T h e p h o t o a h ttr ^

\ t S t t a k e r h e r a t

i c a t c r f o r f i n h n i t

_ . J - - - - - - - = i S w i

' I P e r h a p s th is yc I ro lu r n . W llh fh e [ ^ 'm ln /m um sfroom I ' W a to r fo r f a n ;■ f lr s l p r io r i ty .

P o rh a p s . lu s t f ' If /us# ondu'gh wi

; I n o t bo boflor. In ■ • roloMng fo how > For I n s la n c o y o u i , E v e n Indlcaflons :

- I n a r e s h o w in g u p .: ” contlnuo lo d e v

I I r p te a s u r e .• } ; , Q uo lily ioM l/o

. . ' i y / ^ M d t l h o y w o M' Is fho o n / /c1 ; 2 I f a b a la n c e < j I • so m e o f o u r b o a

' ' j E >h o n w o w lii ol j J bocom ogb /fo rs .» •* . This m oy b o Ihl

— _ ^ . —

> ' ■ I You' w ll/ n o to•______ { com m ission hos

I. a g a i n s l ‘fo r o n e , ’’t e a s o n In m y op

. s t o l e f le e r i io a .a i i f t lg g ln s a n d S a tm

■ ■■ ■ j t o b o l s t f r f h t t ^ e H___ L . ^ _____ lM H I i jo f0 th a t .

j w h d c q /c h .fh e to i------ ( s n o g g e d ) : : B u t v

In fd a h o .: , ^ W M e L - . . . r / _ ■

—' ' “ ■■'■J'Tlmos-Nows.-Twin I

rw in Falls research chemist some (IshlDg a t . one^of the : the Snake R iver canyon. ,

.s N O r u o . \ £ y o IW ^ tN K S S

N o a t E t m

“ S w e n ” .


• N O i w n u .h i M ^

;OIVE F I S I I I I ^ ’

ier” awardBar Sw e n sees so t : ^ y t h ings en o u g h to aw ard ~ ih e " o ld nec h a v e fine lly decided t h a t i t v.

la h h a tc h e rie s th a t d iv e r t w a te r n d B ox C anyon , o u w h o m a y reca ll t h e b e a u ty ol in n o w only rem em ber. v o te r is now b e ing d iv e r te d tfi to th e so u th s id o o f th e r iv e r a n d

u sed fo r th e ra is in g o f fishP firh a p g U u £ t-g £ t.h S E '

need tb e f i ^ T a i a food s...........m ore th a n w e n e e d th e bet

B u t, I fo r ono fee l t h a t c o n tin u e to “ m a k e a 1 b y sp o ilin g o u r b eau tifu l

........w o will' la te r , b e c o m e , a. w o rd to o iir g ra n d c h ild re r

So, w ear i t w ell, you h a v e d am m ed a n d d iv c r ti b ea u tifu l s p r in g s . I hop p ro f its a n d jo b s a r e w ort

“ ^ ■ ^ b e if l i ty y o irh a v o s p o U o d -

M w p y t - '

<re a h o iF s t h e n i p e l i n r a c r o i

rf C ry n ro f Jip rrng* i / in r « i


k r e n - C o m m e n t s _ ^

^ocr fhe o u td o o r l i f e Is a l q p o Ir e d r o u g h t In p r o g r e s s , Ih o th e n f/ow h as g o n e dow n fho droln. irm in g ond o fhor p u r p o s e s ha.

p e r h a p s , th is h a s lo b o , B u l I A /o ler lo k o o p Ih o sfroom *’o/lvo n fhls odiflon y o u w i l l n o to m o r V fho drough t w ill a f f e c t o u r u c a n n o w ^ump ocross fho Sno/ s th a l o u r fa m o u s sp rings h ovo h }. Hovo wo dovolopod foo fosf. »vo/op u n ll l o u r o ro a Is d e v o h

’o Is a fhom o usod b y s o m e to 'd l lk o o u r c o u n tr y to b e . O th e r s ; ■ concern .

could bo roochod w o m ig h t f io u lU ii l a r e a . I f n o b a la n c e Is lo all h a v e lo fo ln a soflboll jo q i

h o o n ly o u td o o r ocflvlfy w o w i ll hi

o th a l Ih o Id a h o S la le F ish an i j_ so o /i_ //f_ /o io p en ^fh a-so /m o n )0 fo o l II Is o n e c o n o m ic o p o n ip p ln lo n w o s o p e n e d ^o h e lp s e o n d to sdlvo fho w ro lh o f fho m on w ho d epond (/pon so lm on fit e d n o m y . ,i t . v t i y J e w s a l in o n .w l l L b o . ta k o n ^ a lm o n 9 ouf o f 10 w ill b o coughf i w a d o h a v e q solmon so o so n 'o n

n Fallo. Idaho— Tuosday, May 17,107;


1st, gets • ; ■ .Vle m a n y .

9 b j | m g

n g s th a tleattlo**;'^--------------------------------; w ill be ite r from


a p s ^ _ j v e _ _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ g | t t |Q E d so u rceb e a u ty .........l a t i f w eI b u c k " 'ifu l a re a E ^ f T w l g ^ ^ a ■ a c u rser e n . *"rou w h oa t e d o u r S o m e o / t h v in W i

lOpe tfie^ b e e n /« r^ 'o r /i* n . o r th th o r a t i Y o n o f t h e S<

i v : i w i r I c n e t T l I h

t i p f i e r o d t h e n lith

Steelheacb W a s tf - th a n 2 ‘

'( h e a d ti'o u t o f t

M o st ■^bait.

H K ? ?

f f l ^ - N e y a d j will be

^ wct'Ks B t edlllon Swcn mode a

> Into Nevada to look B B & ' . ' 7 ' 'risJiihg'"pos5ibimics

slale.A spokesman for tl:

{|sh and }>ame. 'Bii says: "W c'rc goingt( short", rcrcrring t "Wc hnvf a vury. > outlook Oils year all around."

- One t]rif{lil spot ^ ^ ^ ^ . - o n c c over was Wl ^ ^ 9 H | | y nc.scrvoJr.nortliofR

a good la>:id of wai moment und wil] proi up lairly well.

T W I i y ^ o f i s i

r « « » r / r / e a r i y m o r nn i tp p h c i t , ij.

morning nnd evenin Is fisliln'i’ tw lter li

moriilnB nnd lale ev(. _________.^ ( lic s made b|M

w'liotlilnkilieyknbw . Basically, Iliey 'S;

« /n f o l no* ,j|,p ,,i,r|ng ^^^1 fhoughf o f and late evening Iw

are hungry nt tliesc i hos fof<on ~ Like people, fisli

UiintimesofUiedny f I w on d o r v.*ant to oat. And, lvo" w ou /d hunger: is satisflet nor.y Ilom s >!»"'' ™>"j r M l l c . ••'S''""' “ '" Inoko riyor. ; - at

“ V f , >1'™ "B”!" “> •!“Sf. will w o than o Iw* witli Ih /o ld o f a ll

fo Indlcofo M lrs fo o l l h a l U l

; ' i ^ ; “ ‘ z ; l o s p e e ,

o o g uo ..ond__ - 2 0 ” H I » R i

II h a v o . M o t o - C n

- - SingleSjC ’d g o m o C o a S t i

lo n -s s o s o n — ------------- e i i n v

1 flsho ;'m oh . J s p p t, n ^ Y l h o s o - ^ ____

.h n t l^ B u l l y , , . J ^ J 4 8 A d d l lo nc„ofloIn-_

07^---------- . - .......... - ' J

' • -V • ■■'• '!

t w r e » t m g ' o u t d o o r p U i t e n it-o \

u 7 ~ 0 n e . m c h p l a ^ H r H i e “S ir

’ S a l m o n F a l h c r e e k i r a s a m

l l i e c a n y o n i c d s l i i i v i n g ~ i n 7 ~ .

r u h H . O l h e r a l J t o t t g h t t h a t t h e

a d su cce ss?a s h in g to n s t a t e r ^ e a l s t h a t 1 1 2% ta k e t h e le g a l l im i t o f 3 0 i I t r o u t e a c h y e a r . O n ly a b o u t 3f th r e e e v e r t a k e an y . o s t a r e ta k e n w itii w e ig h te d lu r

i a fishing e b leakTJcTore nTIs ItytTlWclTTUSu: e a trip sbutli Wlnnemucca will p ook over the near dry. lies l n - l h a r ' ' - -O n e of m y-liost

Nevada, a ranchci ir tlie Nevada nWcd tlinl he had 'Bill Rollins, the reservoirs so lo' ig to b e d a m n y ears of ranching. B to water, that he Uiouglit the y. very poor in thal area would < ' all the way mid July,

Nonresident llcei it I gave llie Nevada are S20 for Wild Horse and 55 fo ra two day

)f Elko, It has additional permit w ater al the from the Indians if probabiyhold fish Wild Horse.

is lrb il^ lSe ller in the rning or late eveningi IjcUor in the l"«Hy “ condllloni

to some natural fa ■r In 11,0 early m ake feodlne nt Un levcnlnii? " " " JliyJI.c exports . tencliclol.loUicrisl5i)wsayyE5!----------- The o jp c n s go oy Soy llio Ilsl, H int b io log ists I,a e a r ly m o m ln g tlia l It la k e s a (Isli 1 l>ccall.so lliey “ ■» ' “ <> I" >^sollm o.s. " " ' i "1“ » <«» I[Isli I iave c c c - - ' . •^fo^o Hio Ilsh s t d a y w hen lliey hung ry a g a in , nd, w hen th is ' T1 '» ' m a y oxplali illed . Mho Ilsh " ' “ fn ln B o o tc h o sn , Itn lliov c o l n n d lh e n lo r lh o r o !. l l e ^ l S h B '‘ a ' I ' " i “ »‘ »

amylliing. at <i.iwn and ' “ mos o.

diBk Is m o;e w hrrrr goos the I Ikh. i l ’s a t you 're In business •

BICYCLE SALEi e d s . . . . . . . » l 0 9 ”

■ R i s e ; . . ^ 6 9 ”

I r o s s ..... .......................... . » 7 9 "

S p o e d - " - ^ --------- — — —

s t e r . . . . . . » 6 9 "U T A S S M B L E D t G U ARAN TEED U T S . l e o N H M J U i

K E W H EI P ^ H O P -d l i o n A v « , -------- - P h o n o

■ i i i i ip p i iM i

i scenic area

r;-_ _____

h a v e i n M a g i c V a l l e y s e e m

i n f e i n g c a n y o n " , t rc x i o f B i

■ n a jo r t o u r i s t a f f r o c f io n Wir. ~ S o m e ~ t h o u g h t ~ l h a t - a n ~ e n

te i r r i g a t i o n o f t h e a r e a c a \


O utofslfew e r t n U S t p U l

’ ATTENTION- - t tw o students Interested

: ~ ' ohd fishing In Idaho. ,re s o r • Fisliing and hunti

ot the proper nonnu_____________ musUJc purcliascdJ

ftom o lher stnti fisliing or hunting In

. Six months presc ,V tlie s ta te wlille

school docs not. quallly a person as rcsldcntoftheS talc

t Any student- frosta te attending on

probobly go has resided in th Idaho contlnuou.s1y

sts-whlld~ln- —n 2)-m onU is -losL er in Fallon application, there I never seen purchase a reslden owin over GO student may not. g. Hc added conturrenlly . clolr le reservoirsI dry up hear

ense fees in Mj S P ^ ^ S r the season. ®

K you plan lo -

d u b s, •nje

a nd J pbotog doorin

r r ? . . I l j l l & * , ................. — ............. imprmned responseactors which 8 « w ahese times of

and m ore WUdlifsh.on'lo explain--------lavc learned i imII six hours lo \ ^ I Its slomocli, ^

more hours starts to get

Un why eorly PA D D E D «Brealr ; s , s „ k l e ( 6 , (

osl 0 the day , n d prolectiwon't - take

evening andic reel- and , .I again. i

FULLY ■ J l e a t h e r - mU N E D fo r ■

g inside■ A V p, co m fo rta ....— - J __________ : m m

* » ■ » n

n a n o

E L < 1 ^

M T ; -

I we forgot

H f l '

M ~ EffliH iM fB

mi mmm t o h a r eB i i l i l . T U v ^ i r a i l t o f l l i p - c a t

t u n i i f i t h e C b a r l e i t ‘( R o c k

m r l h q u a c ------m j ! r S . » S ! ! S j ! ! S ia i t s n l I h r ' " g ' h r o u g h t h r

■____________:___________ ^

state students irchase license— C ollege privileges In more

id in hunting- s la le for hunting a[io. - purposes. ntlng.llccnses In order' for anyresident c lass lawfully fish for an>‘dJ>iL8lud«?nl s - tish o r hum ony wlla le s before nongomeanlmolori: In Idaho. uncased sholgun or2sence wllliin tlelds o r forests of te a ttending Idnho. a llcen.sc ofit. in -itself. typo and cliLss muas a bono fide procured, jleofldoho, W ritten app llc:rom 'another required fnr the pur on institution • resident licensc. It i

the S tate of false slnlement as li ily for twelve place of re.sldenctsU .prcccding.„;opplJcation.,______refore. tnay • Tlic purchase or ent licensc. A of o licensc ot the w ol. however. is unlawful. .□Im resident

ist w U d li f e g r o u |« largest organixed WUdltfe organlzal N alta ia l w ndllfe FederaUotr with km ladividuals and over 7.000 affi ».le club !s composed of hunters, flshc

Joined with bird wiitcbers, W ogr8pber8,.can^>ers and others will Interests.

I m ain m ln k n has been to preaerv rove tbe natiao’a' wfldlUe a iea s ahd t lie .w ild life poptilaU ons - fo r ( TaUons. , . .(uy locid clubs bdoag to the Na life Federation.

s q u e W h i

I COLLAR . You I)> com fort' •ctlon. ' g q

V IBff AM<T Z irA A r f S '■ ■ " ' ^ ‘8 0 C t “A N

w ith doubi f d r i u p ^ r t t r a c tio n .- -

I p

9 R ^ * A • ■ ^JB

c a n v o n ~ to ~ c a v e ‘ in 7 'T h e '~ a b o t

•k C h u c k ) A n d e r H o n . I n ' t l i e

' } p a u t i f i i l s c e n e i t , a l n o a s n i n l l

h e h o t l o m o f t h e c a n y o n .

e mlorc llum one Tho Moglcg and fishing . conjunction w

torcycio doot<any person to SPECTION forany species of Sorvlco now hwild game o r ___^wllLbe.civJng

1 or lo carry an m ee t tho 92 dlo r r in c ln th c y y i io n .of the Stale of W h e n , of Ihc propermusl firsl be , W h o r e :

illc a lio n is ' y i / | , „ . purchase of a . ,It is unlawful

nslo length or -•ncc In such

o r p o ^ S io nle wrong class E n to r t a in m t

u pilzatiorils • ith three affUlated

taberm en’ wUdllfe

with out-

erve and For m oro Ixla88ure_ . ' ,39 l6 o r.W o It

-Sponso rodby

ZZllC on fu ry '

i l t n e y l l . .i'll be g lad .yoi clim bing boot

< p a d d e D T O N G U ETP" .c lo sing for

protection., •

FU LL-O BA IN------- *LEATHER is w axed

^ forpro tectiort. , ,

^ ' * M o i W on


M f U J Q ' ' - . V ' ' ’ 'A N irH E E C ” --------- •ubio ^Q O O D Y E A R .'.W t>ort an d - y^ith strong stitchli

O fe p h o t o s ls r e ~ fro in ~ d ~ < c 'o lte c tU

[<? c a n y o n b<>foio t h i s m a s s i v e <

l l l a k e a n d S a l m o n F a l l s c r e e k

ATTENTION: / OTORCYCLE RIDERSc Voiloy Trail M ochlna A ssociation, w ith th e F o rest Service a n d locol r

o tors, a r e ho lding a R EE NOISE o r your m otorcycle. Y es; fhe For ' h as a d ec ibe l reod ina m e te r a nd tl- n g .o u L lic k a ts .,fo t .c y d « t_ w h Ic M o j 1 doclbois low In tho v ery n e o r future,

Saturday , M oy 2 8th , 9 :00 a.

^ r GiTkh (South Hills)

Nofse is th e b ig g est drow b to th e spo rt o f motorcyc!

________ Let*5 »hQW_th e Forest Sen. . w o can p n d will continue

w ork w ith th em to k eep b ik es w ithin th e low.

nont: This is o n o of th e su p er we en d s fo r th e MVTMA. W e i diaily invite a n y o n e w ho ll to tra il rid e to com e and loy it w ith u s.-T here is evi th in g fro m ro a d rid ing s u p e r tro ll riding, which i oil o v e r th e Souln Hills, Th Is p le n ty .o f ' g o o d com p a re a , o na lo ts o f room for k ids a n d dogs to roam . Cc

" up fo r the . f re e checkout ! u rd a y , s ta y th e w e e k e a nd seo w hy th e m em ben th e MVTMA o re alw ays si Ing.

> inform ation, call Ernie God'sby, 7lit B oltier, 7 33 .6505 .....................- I :by.-' . . .Cycle S ales — Jerry Clarke n s Suzuki Dons Kowosokl/Y a m a h o World of W heels

l u ' v e g o t

t t h i s g o o d !

’ T h i s h e a v y w e i g h t• m ou n ta in clirnblng boc

" Is designee! to provide com fo rt p lu s su ppo rt a n d rig id ity . For a p ro ­fe ss io n a l fit,-com e se e

•n 't f t . •

W * - ^ f l W O l O M l I l l l l SMxot--------f iwum

I J I TO SOVE YOU!! — ______.' i i J f L - r A . ^ ____

y ■ ■ ■

Page 27: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

i f f l *' V ^

Deloic thia bridge at Muri lime uhen youxoutd jum

. the Snake rirer”.,-

1 0 p e r c e i

Like all our western stales Color feritig.

One proposed solution to tlio mon 10 per cent excise tax onouldoor Itei

Buyers of binoculars, cam eras j inlgitt be used in conncclion with w

—p er ccnt excisc ta;c,being proposed Wildlife.

Tiie purpose of the tax. accordin supervisor with tlie division, would

— (o r-o -rn an ag em en t-p ro g ran ^ 9r spccics. r

.Tlte sta te’s 200 game spccics at said, wlllt the S9 million lo $10 mil sslcofhunllngandflsliinsilccnses.

But (lie non-game division lias a I next fiscal year, all of it derived fro

•WE COULD BE A million dollar Tlie tax, If approved by Ihe Colo

big step In that direction. Torre SGOO.OOO tlie flrsl year and up I populallon grows and more wlldll chased.« Torres.sald It hasn’t been decid

__ Bul.Uic.dlvlslon Is inking a .dpsecam eras wllh inlcrchangeable len seed and bird feeders.

P e r c h

r e c i p i e s -----------

y o u ’l l l i k e ___

If you ever get tired of fried pcrcti here are two ways Ihc Idalio fish and game suggest eatingyour perch.

Both of which I have .tried and boUt are excellent, even to tills flsh-haler.

P lC K l^ P IS H 8t«cyGet)bardi

Soak fillets ovemlglit In. brine of 1 cup sail lo each quart water. Rinse fllfets and place

' tn layers In large crock or Jar. altem aling layers of fish wlUi la y e rs of sliced onions, carrots, celery .and lemon. Sprinkle each'layer wilh wliole

. mixed pickling spice or your own blend of peppercorns, bay

' leaves, mustard seeds and allspice. Cover, wilh 50-50. mixture of while vinegar and w ater. Plocc in refrigerator for about a week before

' sampling, t lie y w llfkeep for monlhs if kept refrigerated.


i cup perch or cropplc fillets- foOwrswllfwbrk).............

'A tsp.sugar 2 tb sp .6a lf . ,Hot cocktail sauce .

Dip fillets, into 1 q uart.o f • rppldly boiling water to which-

salt and sugar have t>een• added. Boll 3 mlnules. a till cooked flsli rapidly on plate In freezer comportment for 15-20

"m inutes. Mix eooked f|sh nakes with cocktail sauce and

• servo. ..............• This recipe made a hit with the garbage guts a l the T-N a

■ while bock— ------------

In co se yoi^ f/nd m lstoke jIn th e Ouldoor edition.

_____ p /« a s s ___ ramombeii!-T-lhe)w e re p u l lh e r« for a pu r p o ie . I try lo o ffe r som e

' Ih /ng fo r everyone In Ihli ed illon . A nd so m e pebpfi o r e o fw a y i looking fo

------ L m l i le o k i .- ----------

Jl.r;..;/ V':

rTaugh ihe Sanhe r ite r is din o r t r a d e f/ie Snake R iven

n t e x c i s e t i

r s t ^ F o T Corado fish ond giimc ore suf-

\)ney crunch Is a proposal for a — [ems. 'i and olher equipment wtiichwlW lllonm ildbehll w lllin lo . IkI by llie C olorado D ivision o f - -------1

ing to John Torres, non-game ' Id be to raise money lo provide 9C-Colorado!s_7001non-Bame

arc well provided for. Torres lillion raised annually througli!S................. ................. . .1 budgel of only S123,000 for Uie rom llie s ta le ’s general fund, a r program .” Torres said, lorado Legislature, would be o res estlm aled ll would raise to $1 million as the slale’ft

liifc-related equipment is pur-

ided just what would be taxed, ic look a t a 10 per ccnt tax on ;nses. binoculars and even bird

^ New

m iJ T ♦

j 9 ^ S S S m \ \

f • • \ ’I

1 '1 . 5t)0h .............................d

h ■ ' il a "

Twii Falls ( f f i m

te- irn a y i i M •

i t _____ : « » ' i‘o r


a l l


^ cat^ - r< - < • - .< UP

:— ^ r ~ E f

l A X i E M b Ml

Ij I - s iry L i ‘>>'1


i ln ro trdryr^-feuro ld tim ear en ff'ilh the p resent drought

t a x p f o p q i

u o l o r a H o ^The Idea is that persons who I

wildlife sliOUld help support ll.Even film would be taxed — bi

Torres acknowledged, film is usee He also conceded that the urba

. for his Penlex than to lake.plcl __D clro it.w ouldna£(l^uch for his

BUT HE MAINTAINED that st Is generally purchased with an ey — even if only taking a plmlograp ll is these items that tlie division 1:

-------^TCl•«JVc^^Torrcs^naintained:irem ely unfair” to hunters a program s for nongame animals.

Ttic money., he said, allows tli acres of state-owned land whicl species. But some of that mone gam e anim als on lhat acreage, hi

These anim als Include 23 cm prairie sharptoil grouse, the rive Torres noted.

Torres said several conservi proposal.

. . Jack.Grieb,.the stale wildlife d per.cent ijehind llie idea.’’ aiid t:

~ StalFWiiaiFfTCofnmlsilorrTtie next step, hc said. Is tq d n

it can be presented to the 1977 le{

V at '



l l ' t ( r o m R O P E R 'S . .

I F o l l i » B u V la v « R u p i

jiinipedT a lk in g to lo n g - l lm o — yc‘

residents of the area you'wlll 1a l one tim e o r anoU»er comc Geacrpss o iy wlll make the o n

theS nakeriver’'. 2. _________Durlngt»i©past20year8lhi^l «»

Swen has lived In Uie Magic to Valley the statem ent seemed th'l lk ea llttle b it bf sm o k e;--------— Br.,Jnjc,Iotig-Um« residents say sc that during the 30’s it was ar p o ^ ib le to Jump across the Snake river In many places —because of the drouglit. ___

Ol?7 now" you can do the ^ m e .‘ T licre 'arescveralp locesyou ' • - i can jum p the Snake river NOW I upstream from tJie Hansen ^

- r a a g e T - -----------------------------------One such place.in n e a rU e

Murtaugli b rid g e ....................In this a rea up and down

stream from the Murtaugli bridge has been a favorite fistiingspot for Swen for many

•a reca ll^n ty -o n e^ lh er -----------^h ty o u can also *‘ju m p


lio buy goods to help them enjoy

- but only a t 1 per cent because, jsed for other purposes, irbanlte who h as no greater plans pictures of the family reunion in histax money. ■ • • *It studies can tcil wliat equipment- 11 eye loward enjoyment of wildlife iraph of a m onkey In the 200 — and on is looking a l . <ledr-tlie^yatem-used-now-lft-i-’ox-—5 and flslierm en wtio subsidize lls..s the s ta te to manage tho 200.000 tiicli has been set aside for game loney- is used to manage the. tion- e .he noted.•endangered spccics. such as the river o tte r and the peregrine hawk.

ervation groups arc backing the

ife director, said his division Is -too id 'tha t It lias been approved by the

drum up legislative support'so that Meglslature.

The Rightn t z e i > '

Shirts, Shorts,

S lacks & Jack e t^

FOR ilLL your ' i i r r o o o R ie o R T S -

n e w e s t fashion c o lp rs .to p qualiity.

o t R easo n ab le Prices.

. i i s E y o u ^ i

( ^ o r T N T

f i RIGHT '

t h e ^ n a k icars. caii1 have found thal many large wli:

lerm an brown trout nre in the ancrca and reports ot very large tIchtimiA^rfT-aiiatil. 1 fl~ ™ s area will afford mapy tn?w au tlfu l-spo trfo rthcfam iiy ------1o explore. While looking. liUo- . «P« he canyon at the top of the thi {rade to -.tlie Murtaugli. i t . l t l . ‘i leem s Im possib le ' to go I inywlicrerif you w nik-lntothe— 101

. . . ■




- - 4000DREEL

O u r Reg. 24^95

wD ire c t d r iv # T «- C tr ie v e , q d ju i lo b le „ i t a r d rag , c e n tr lf ' c

.u g a l ft m ech an ica l ■ b rd k e f , push b u tto n


- - — — O p en —fa c e .—outospool. conttar(y<y(

— -iNBURttY 2159 0VERLANI


t e R i v e r ^ WiianyonW tlTc'North'sId&you outll vlll find faint tra ils leading up Imai inddownstream . 11

Of all the beauty In our area ,dow I find the Snake riv e r canyon . rock ih^TiiMrDCauiuuisput. litr-tl-w iU -alw ays-afford-a-fcw J—ycai spots that you caivfcel youare Inn the only one who has ever been ' . Ythere, •__Imo

Isupposcliecauw oftire lw the' forn iiitlons—you—c o n —see — wls


s w HI

T ' f f i J - i L - - i "9300 FISHFIN

M ' R eads depth* 1J | U w 9 tro n id u c e r , " tt m i . b ro ck e t. 20 '

. p e rm a n e n t me

_______ ________- _______

f t m m -

FiSHFnCnSB• 3 3 “

EEU iJJ9350__ _

HI-Si>EEO FISH FINOEfnFfl881 1 1 “ Duolrema* ™f ^ J l o 3 0 0 'o p 1 0 .45 V

B ll W W l

‘‘6R-32" “ABU -SPIHMIH8 ~ ~^1|

REEL RlO u rR e g . 5 .99 O u rR e

r I IClosed la c e , alum l* Fully < num h o m in g , d ia l- t to r , droi od lustob le d ro g , a t- an tl-reve loy beorlng* . - tw is t

____________ _______ spoo l. .

”330" AUTO bail SPIHRB

iW inollc ball,.. gu lclcchanB * . :ycte g e a rs . - "

v a d e d a c r o s ilutllnes of'-any-object- your------A-maglnatlonwlsltestofiee.- rlvei

I like a spot about 300 ydttds alom lownstream which places hadi rocks tn a formation much like me

years all Jollowlng oneanothcr__ .eaglIn rows, US”

You too. can le t your Hi imagination run wild and sec can; lhc“ objccts“ th a t^y o u r-m ln d --sh a i -wishtataseCi:___________ 1..... :-lmn

D A t l

SALE STARTSS u n i e t & G q rc iQ h o v e c o t r t o b r i n g y o u t h e t * u n b e a t c c u t G a r c i o ( i t h i n g e q u l p m * HURRY I — S p e c i a l s g o o d


m -M w it

FMDER,U «l«wtng .•onic(or d«pthi

IJOO* uwlM ^iHlont). ^ ^

I FUYni«-I srooisiread ing* \ .ISknoH .T Y

■ P


MHchell SOS r q u ic k r e l e a i i h ig h re trJe v d o ub le-race bi

• Ings. N o. 2450

BIMATIC •’S s .REE - ^

H . J . 21 ,96 •


„ d i u . . . b i . •j , = j , p o . m . .

• " . " . • c l n a . " ,

reil- Z I B b ®

.. .......... .. YourJ^diolce .of..r*e“ ■ re tr ie v e , pushbvttoi

^ S P O R T E N T E R S l y j j

• T uesday . May 17.'l977 ” 1110■ ' ' — T—

S8 i t t o o l 7 —7 ;\-few :y<ara back l-took-a- - ........ —rer run In Wisconsin and all ■ " ■ ' [ jng the river outcroppingsd names and the guide asked . " ■, e to noticc how the out-

igln” ., ‘‘pngl(li;ntS-ot—the___S".etc.Heck, this place in OUR inyon puls all others tolam e ify o u c a n b u tu se y o u r- ----------nngltiatlon. • - J ; .

• TODAY!m btned th e ir efforts tab le v o lu et on fom-len t'l... ' .........i w h ile p resen t stock

> B O I I W l ’ ’ IIIOHO \

-HSHWUIIEt:— V-B'~irtng fai r>»* • ”V*T I

? ree l w ith

.■.Vr 'o 9II08ball b e a r- A l l ORod. ‘ ■ ■ W .

O ur Reg. 3 3 ^ 7 ? ;

re e l w ith 8 ^ l e c e boll.

_ "410" of "440" S P M H IH G R E a S

i rwls_wLth,fQiL*f bearings, fa s t Ion 4 p 6 6 l'* ‘w l3 e :ro n g rT ilf e n - ■

I I M i E I9 :3 0 a j i . t o 3 :0 0 p j n .

SATURDAYS: 9 t o 7

S W I D A Y S :1 1 lo 6

no8;N ow s. Twin Falls; Idaho' 3 ; - ' ’ ■;

■ ■ \ ‘p -

Page 28: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

■-■>4 ' M a

■ y S:. PP~~-TW - - - L l k e - m a n v a rlic lcs.y- , C " 's io ry began bccause I

' TW opc ask ed "w liy don’t. • 'Iv c § a s to ry a b o u t . .>. I, j J a c k ' Y a rb o ro u g lii ' ifc g e rm a n asked m

\ 1 6 J ^ a r s ago. "w liy don 'l;• b ‘ rfo a ;s to ry on llic SpjK ' » skeleton In full arm:— - a --------i^ th -h o rse -lh a H v a s-f ii. la t lie M alad canyon yr ’ [I ,iS o !" .

" l \ l Uic l im e I lo lled a “ Iff m yseir lo som e .day b iitto tlie s tory .( '!■!'c o n tac ted Ja c k an

sa id tlic fellow tiuit e gi,vc m o sone infornw

P X a s P e l e O In c y____ JIa g e rm a n ------------------

„ -U pon co n iac i with cyney lie in form ed m e lie d id not have any

■ i s o n a l ' know ledge • of. r !• i i^ id c n l ' bu t Uiat Ge(

A u le r l j u r n . 'H a g e r r I could g ive m e m ore

fo rm ation .— = = M n " A g ! g f g g r 7 r i n 8 =

I Have a plione so I macI p & r^ n a l tr ip to ^I A u terbu rn . To m y dl!

• fftin tm en t M r^ Auterb s <84. not h av e any m

— -....T -itffb rm allo n -lh an -to sa j{Qd reca ll Uic ta lk of - ^ a n l s l im a n .

_ •; “ “ Wliy don’t you cont ~ ■-*Q ffarIesSkInner‘*^heask

“j i e m ay g ive you m in fo rm ation .” M r. Skin

• w asn Q ta th o m e .»• Aboul t0~ d ism iss

^ o f e th in g and go llshlr s topped a l Ihe H ogcrn

'■ . ' Y'

■ f . \ y

- R i

F o r tb u iU o

- t -—

S o m e o f ih e bc

> 4 Tlmes-Nows. Twin Fall

ildd state park )es up history

s.. l lils c ily lia ll'-an il-askodJt- I som e. Jiad any ihform allon r t you cou ld d ire c t m e to I

w ho h ad inform atioi >h . o f - such a n incident, m e 5 A fellow a t the c ity i'l you n ia d e a n appoin tm ent panish M r s . E t h e l J o n m our. ■ H ag e rm an , She loo,.die^ ound------cccalU Ii© ^panlardrbuiy e a rs s a y lh a l If anyone d id k

o f th e incident il wi a n o te ' h av e to b eW in C o n d it. y lo o k W hen I a rriv ed a t-

•Condit’s hbm e he md he s it t in g in ' a law n cl could .a lo n g s id e h is hom e

nation H ag erm an . y o f la s k e d 'h lm jf h e r c c a

• Uie nc idcnl and h e Iold \ M r. th a t "N o, but I Uiink I ki e th a t t ‘ow th e stor^^ g o ts ta r le t > per* — W in is 93 y e a rs o ld on r. th e 17lh of April and h a s li corge n iost o f h is life in H a| rm a n m an .•o 'In - . H c r t ^ o n e th a t w her

w a s a b o u t 20-y e a rs old i - r i io t . liuiitliijj bobca t r n t ade a th e • r im o f th e Ma

M r. canyon , when he ca lisap- upon a hole down from rbum r im ab o u t 10 feet and co m o re s e e llg lil com ing from j y h e — f*ole.-:::It7 :alM " sm elled ' f (lie b b b ca t an d h e ^ c lim l

dow n in th e hole and ca n taci . upon Uie skeleton o f a m sked;— a h o rse and rem a in s 0 m ore . s a d d le and a can teen w it inner b u lle t ho le througli it.

T lie c an teen w as in (he ce llen t condition a n d I

'm an k ep t th e can teen

f " > r

y : , ' J

tm m m mo f rocka p i l ^ d u p on p o in t oj

ihin a re a . G iving cantip l>

'tones th a t a h d ttn d in tiic a r fi ’ cave tch erc ^ ir , ContHi f t

alls, Idaho ’ T uosday. May 17. 197?

b i ]

-if-Uiey- yeans, c ven tu a jly lo st Ion. o r ' l aslic’d 'M r. Cdndil a Uiose; th en rep o rted th e sk tion o f a n d he rem ark ed th?

thoM days we* w ere a ily haU. find ing skeletons a ml w llh h e re .” o n e s . M r. Condit doesn ’t 1 d id not if he rep o rted il bu

— m ontion-:—U— to— 8»< d know people,

would H e then o ffered to it. m e to th e spo t a nd shoa t • M r. w here he found .it anc I w a s m entioned Ihere wj

ch a ir- n e in

ica lled /?|d_me........ .. IS c w . M a l a dik n b w ' • -• led ." o f t h eon t h e . o f i t ' u h e a u t i f s lived . •'H ager-

hen h e “ fo rt” n e a r w here he old he upon th e skeleton. -3 tu ;i« -• A l : r - y j - l U’ilSr’ a ' M alad w orried th a t Win migl c a m e be ab le to get aroun

im th o well.: could H e s u rp r is e d m< m th e say in g ‘Jcom e on. I ’ll e d ’ o f ■ you w here it’s all a t ." im bed F ro m H a g e rm a n c a m e p roceeded up th e J>

I m an . g ra d e and w ent lo Uk 5 o f a M alad s ta te p a r k . - : w ith a Ihrough th e p a rk wc

lo n e a r th e e n d o f th e P In o x - . canyon . H e re m a rk tJ h ad____ th e w ay th a t UiingsJo irif; ^ la n g c d so mueli-he^l n fo r he could find it.-

v l /

' o f c a n y o n . T h ere a re s t 'te r p to th p m y h e r y o f M n tn d Si

t r e a p f th e “F orl'.V Som e o f t I f o u n d th e b o d y o r e r 7Ji y e

■ ' -j- V

: ' - S

lo stit, ■ • H e to ld - m c - e very Sdit if h e ' "an d , b u m p Jn (he skeleton . F in a lly w e a r r iv e d j tha t, " in v e ry tip of th e p a rk n

•e alway.s sa id ""th is Is Uie place a round th en p ro c e e d e d lo get

. th e c a r and head fo i ’l reca ll canyon. I w a s sc a n but d id . d ea th th a t Uiis 93 ye :

-so^w«r-al------m a i} -m a y -n o t—bo-abw alk to Uie canyon r i r

lo lak e , c o n s tan tly w alked b show m e h im ju s t in c a se . . and also P ro b ab ly no need. In

w as a in excellen t shape.

i d . - S t a t e . - p a r k r e v e a l s

'te h iH to r v ( i t i d m y a te r ie s t i f u l a r e a .

he c a m e - t a r r ie d h is han d ci c a n e m o re th a n h e use

a ““ njitfe - - in j} i i i " ib i f ic - e a s c - c night not conyon w e w en t an Qund loo noted th a t th e m an

. fo u n d -ju a l below a ■ me, Hby hill a lo n g th e r im .

I’ll show ‘ . H e Uien looked a l sp I ." p la c e s a n d sa id th a l tlla n w e Iiad ch an g ed so m uch

Ju s tic e th e can y o n fa m n g in Uie new th e e x a c t p la c e ma>

Down s till be th e s a m e :-------- ^wc w en t I to ld h im th a t I v le M alad lik e to ta k e h im b ack 1 irked on a n d th a t b e c a u se he ngs h ad g iven th e g en e ra l a r Ue-liopcd could c o m e b a c k la te r

• lo ca te th e c a v e and

f e ( v * * 5 ^ '

'■Til '

vera l Hueh fo r ti f ic a tio n n in ! S ta te p a rk .

i f tr h i^ i S K vh 'to o lt f r o m th tt, y e a rs ago,

a g e n

' • t .

H i a n

L w J .:

• y -tu rn — lo o k -a t the ‘‘f o r r ’-.h ro ad . . men^ion^d.

a t t h e I th en b rough t M r. ( and he b a c k to H agerm an.

:e ." H e lunch and w ent ba I oui o f could feel m yself sli For th e abou t Uie discovery red lo lin k s to th e s to ry an> ?a r o ld . e sp ec ia lly excited jb lo -to— lookin&flt-Uie-J^ortT^ im and ' A fte r th e d r iv e b b eside Uien p roceeded alon

r im of th e canyon k lie w as a t e v e ry cav e looking . an d a n d from th e d escr

M r. Condit g av e 'm e .............. th e e x a c t spo t a s desc

A s h e told m e the w a s re a lly o n ly a sjip

s U ie _ L f lm _ ro c k _ a n dc re a te d a s m a ll f la t p

^ few fee t from th e rh a s lo b e llie p lace , m y se lf a n d th en foi w ay to w ork m y w ay in to - th e - c re v a s se

carv ed ab o u l 10 feet from th led ii. I .lo o k ed into th e . ■ofi{rc— c re n tc d bjrthTs-siulf-^ nd he n o ted Uial n[)any n w as w e re a l Uie b o ttom ol sm all cav e -lik e a re a s .

I th e n c a m e upc pvera l 1 h e a d of. a . h o rse . I th ings n o U iin g e lse lo in d ic a h w ith th is w a s Uie e x a c t ho: n th a t .llie e x a c t p la c e M r. i ly no t h a d found th e skele ^ ■•■ ' t h e m an'. B u t It had would ■ w ith in a few feel. ’

. hom e A fte r re lr lv in g the e h ad a n d s ke le ton and a n < >rea 1 o f bo n es In Uie cave.1 j r and lo U ie r im a n d p r o c e t I Uien look fo r th e " fo r t ."

D ow n s tre a m lh( n a rro w e d lo a swor

• ; . . po in t a n d I nolice< r : ‘ p ile s of ro ck s w e re ;

w all like ac ro s s th e r p o in t. S ev e ra l of

J"! V- w a lls a r e th e re .

/ ^ o t e : A f t e r

j>/r 1’ a f t e r t h i s «i

r j r e c a l l e d th a lH , / / . • m a n h e f o m

; ’ ta h e t i l o B o i . t i o n . H e d o n V

. S e e m a p

V CY*'

a p .; . D u rin g m y conver wiUi M r. Condll I‘ lh a l i f th e “ fo r t" 0 w e re o n ly re c e n l

"i , re m a rk e d th a t Uie w e re th e re ,w h en hev

.boy o v e r flO y e a rs a | th a t a s he reca lls h a d to ld him th a l the; th e re befo re th e s

_ _ _ — b e g a n — com ing“ lnt h ; y va lley .

M r. Condit d id sa 1 ^ ’ ■ h e thoug lit th e "fo rt

.....b u lil d u r in g th e BeB lW g------- In d ia n -w a r - a b o u t-1M w ' ]878. H e fell it w as ; |W ;V o u t fo r so ld ie rs du rit

. . tim e , . a s . it afforgi u n h in d e red v iew c

H k .......- 'H a g e rm a n v a lle y mlr | H a n d dow n s tre a m (

S n a k e R lver.>H enot( f g M • on ly th e w a ils w ere i w * b u t look out .posts {■Kr J • s ta tio n e d rig lit-a l the ^ th e p o in t and a lso ab<V " y a rd s a w ay . A nd Ihej

F ro m o b s e ^ a llo n s " f o r t” I would soy tli w e re a lookout p o s til good one.

B ul .. . .' should I & 3H ' (lians a tta c k th e pos.< e Z w -o f r e tr e a t w e re nil.

- s i d e s a r e s h e e r d ro p p in g up lo 2& s tr a ig l i t down to j ro c k s below . W hal c

1 ^ ^ ‘- officerNvould p lace h liTsucli a p ositron as'l

§ 7 ? : n o retreat-?-------- r* ir-« • > C o u ld il h a v e‘ . tra p p e rs - o r e a r ly s

— ^w ho w e re fo reed c lo s J c lo se r to th e can y o n <

y o u t a n d only a last > s ta n d could be m ade.? ' W as tills in fac' , re a so n fo r th e skelc th e h o rse a n d m an

------- ^ n ly -a - f< # w ^ a rd 8 - f r c“ fo r t .’'

D id Uie m a n I ry lo ••^■•nin ’fo r it a n d cau j

• he had - • — -------------------------------- -------------------■ 7 .-':ra.‘

:. ConditI. had a • ,back; 1sliak ing •y of the :indwa.s I about

back 1 ong thelooking .I,'. .

[ng a re a . ' 1 i icription e . found scribed .

cave iip -offof ^

I p la c e a

a y dow n dow n

th eholes

I nil Hill r bones.of th e se ^ ^ ■ . v

pon the I found

c a te th a l

-.•Condll ‘le ton ofad to be v-.Tr^cf

h e h o rse ’n a 'rm fu l

leeded to

th e rim^ord like i ’. ■;■':ed th a l ■e p lacede n a rro w . 'if th e s e - ' ( .ondii,

• t a l k i n g ' t o M r . C o n d i t

a t o r y t r a s - ic r i t te n , h e a t ' t h e ’ s k e l e t o n o f t h e t m d 7 !i y e a r s - a g o iv a s

o is e f»Y s o m e o r g a n i z a - 1 ’/ r e m e m b e r w h o .

\p o f a r e a o n .p a g e 5

'c rsa tlo n 1 ,i ' a sk e d ' ' ' " . j * , . : , o r w ail

^nl. H e ■ ■ le w alls ■ ■’ - .. levwas a.ago and .. _ s o th e r s . ’ : ■* .;iey w ere ’ , . •

se tU ers ' n lo ~ th o ---------------------

s a y th a t t ) r l" .w a s •B annock , . 7 ; . - . .£

1877-or----------L _ _ L 4 _ Js a look- {. -• r in g thisrged a n l

of th e L . , ,4m iles up ®--------I on th e \Died th a t ,re UierQ, ,• \ -Its w e re .L.- £ / * 'Ihe lip of ■ I " ' iboullOO

"foT L ' 4th a t it it ’if •*S,

l i t w a s a r

I th e ' In- K '’W * ‘ jssiW lity tI. On all r c lif f s 200 feel

jag g ed a f e Jjfjj;. c a lv e ry ^! h is m en rs”irav ing ;

e b e e n se tt le rs •

o se r a n d -—— n o n ly lo .....m r w a y — ' ~ H H M e b b

d ilch ,

then H | | D ^ ^ R G

m found ' 'rrom -the—«------------- =— — ----------

io m a k e ’ " lUght th e V-

m a i i

^ x jL V y ^ T g ;

I ' 4 ■

I . ■ - '

til, p io n p p r fr o m Ila f:prm an 1

p xp v ric n cc s tfhih> hnn i

b u lle t in th e cante< th en w ent ov cr the 1 to h is d e a th ?

L ike m o st mystei o u r p a s t , p e rh ap s thi w ill n e v e r h av e a 1

in end ing .I t w ill n ev e r- tl

/ * p ro v id e a h isto ric ;jid v e n tu re ^lory fc

------------------- n o n m l p ;irk ,T H K MST A T E PARK.

T h e p a rk is now’ _— d c v e lo p m eu U an d -v ,

( j in


' ' V - . ‘' ^ , , , ' 7 ' ' - p r - ■

: > J |

I in to cavP 'lihe fo r m a t io n th t ~ ileinH that.cre .a iex 'the

.. ,■<

I t e l l s i o f

■■ ■

J . '

I va lley tells Stcpn o f b o yh o o d m in g bobcats.

teen a n d ford o u r c itizens so m e e canyon v iew s of th is w onder of

a re a .te rie s of I w ould like to no te I his s to ry W in Condit s a y s he 1 p roven re c a ll th ings b e tte r nov

inc iden ts p ast th a n l]e ci • th e-le ss y e a r s ago. ca l a n d H e rem inded m e thal for o u r a m oye h is fa th e r m

•MAtwti)— fro m -M olta - lo -H o g g rr w hen he w as nine y e a rs

w u n d e r h e c a n re c a l l a ll - w ill-a f^ — o v e rn ite - s lo p s .-A n d - 1

in i in is fd o n |>«pc 5 •

h a t h e ld th e akeJetoti am l.olhe'r. tp .m yntery.

Page 29: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

H a g e r m a i

s k e l e t o n i l

■ v l^ U

S3 U l-'

A m a p ahow ing th e exa ct hiah

ask e d if I knew w here . 1 I D ese rt s ta lio n w as n e a r f

Tw in F a lls . A gain I d id not .know . I w ill find ou t. «

M r. Condit th inks h e w as f th e f t f i l w h ite bab y b o m on f P u g e t Sound in W ashington s ta te a n d h is fa th e r la te r m oved th e (am ily to M alta .0 a c r o s s . t h e p a s s e s in blc:

■ W ash ing ton w hen th e re clu w e re no ro a d s . blc

Win re m a rk e d th a t h e is 1_ t h e _ o l d e s t _ c l t i z e n _ I n ____^

H a g e rm a n a n d a t o ne tim e ow ned m o st o f th e a re a th a t ■] i s n a w t h e lo w n o f cff H ag e rm an . F a

• H e h a s a w ish. H e w ishes sht th a t h e a n d h is long*time Infi f r ie n d S te r l in g J u s t ic e d u could g e t to g e th e r and tell - a l l t h e o ld t im e s to s o m e o n e . S te rlln jZ . h e • ^ rem in d ed m e . w orked fo r , tn e lo re s t s e rv ic e and Is n o w in a h o ^ I t a l . on

an. ' . 1

F j

Y e l lo w s to n e ■ ul. Tv

I *Fishingand camping » regulations S

F ish in g rcg u ln tlo n s In bll Ycllowslone Park, will remainoacU y Ihc sam e In 1977 as In cti1976. St

Most seasons in Ihc pork co begin on May 28, the Memorial Day weekend, and run UiroughOci. 31 but there arc Mmc Hi

- 'impoirtanl exceptions. w; The Yellowstone, river will

open on Ju ly 15 lo Oct. 31. t rW h ile B tre o m s In t h e__ th

Yellowstone Lake area won’t “ct bo open until August 1.

Yellowstone U k o Itself aio p « June IS. Fish ovct 13 ^Inches caught on the lake musi ' 10 be thrown back and only two '

~ “ uiK j«:tlial'8l»caifbekepl. a>T his y e a r no cam ping n

reservaltons wltl be token. So. o) if you w ant lo camp Insldo thepark you had better find a st

. . . jjlqce ea riy In the day._Notenl_ _a<camping vW be allowed a t I( Fishing Bridge campgroundb ecau se of g rizzly b ea r ol danger.. No fee iB required a t 1<

Yellowstone lo fish but anglers f<m ustobtainafrcepcrm it. P

O am auiK bSffhrwifha

■n»M»iiisxvubitB.ri>tte ^ss

KO&EMT______ L ^ ^ SO»Moln

3 2 6 ^ 0 8 4 " Al

t t p i o n e e r

n M a l a d c;

u) ) ^


; l loca tion o f th e f o r t a n d the horaCy p lu s a ca n te en w ill a i

Bicycling t happening.O nA prll25:ottiilsycarorca Icycllsts m cl and formed a . lub lo promote ond help IcycllstlnTwlnFalis.T h e 'c lu b will meet again

lay 17. and clcct officers and •stabllsh-o-bike-dub-ln-Twln—-------'alls.This club was througli the

fforls of L iz-aaggett. Twin- '^alls who approached bike . < hop owners and gained the nformallon to establish the lub.Shop owners arc excited

iboul the prospects or Uie club, ind fee! 11 will be beneficial to h e community. .

In Uie past Uic bikers have obbyisd wlUi city and couniy >[Ilclais about bike paths In ind around the city.

RecenUy Uie clly of Twin ,F'alls appropriated $1,500 for h e purpose of establishing }lke paths that will traverse- rwin Falls. The blkcpaUis also n d u d e ab ikepath tishbshone ?*alls.

“ You can bet we will expect

said one of the bikers.After Uhs club is cfelabllshed

i ie bUcotsiiopclo establish an______fVmeric^ Youth Hostel here In rw in Falls, for cross country uil bikers. ' . i

The hostel will be one In a chain all acrom Uic United * . States to give bikers a friendly comfortable, place lo stay T p Wille Iravdlng cross-country.

Locally the hope Is lhal Uie Hostel wlll be in conjunction w llhthelocal bike club.

P lans also call for sanction , tria ls for bike riders, for which they wfll be given patches they can w ear bn their jackets.

One example of the patches available will be Uie 100 mile run Uuil must be completed In lO hoursorless. .

"Of course patches will be , awarded“ for'les8CT*rolleagc“ ~ runs” , noled one bike shop owner.

T h e ‘bikers say that many sta les jn w have bike paths all across Uie states and that IdaHbisyearabehlncr ■ ■■■

But. wlUi tbe establishment of Ihe bike club lo promote such paths, Uiey are sure that Jeglslolors wlll allow monies for the development of these paths.

\MiAanewa f l f e c d j M l .

k T V " snwL-

lERPlnSESII St., •_____ __ __


■ te U s o f f i

c a n y o n i n

- • * / I A \ I '

ihe a re a u ihere M r. C o n d if / a buU et hole th r o u g h it.

and what g in the J

The local ^ o p o ' ^ r s say thjustness Is very good and Uiat biA'llh the energy shortage the Ui3lke business wlU only get nx t le r . b<

The most popular selling ri

bike presenUy is Uie ten speed .bike. t

Mrs. Claggetl says lha t the c(flub wlll m eel every Sunday a t t

Sfdth ifi



ARnfliRmiEMflS SR u g g e d a p d d u r a b l e ti t e j w i s , s h o r t s i n . c a r e l p o l y e s t e r , a n d - c o t t o n b

^ ry 2 °®

~i«fflURiimwriiiiA iry , K o d e l p o l y e s t e r

__1®D— c o d r - c o r n f b r t - a n d - v v e

, C o lo r s ; N e t S o n d . T e n n M otcH~Bl u e .

$13® °

m d i n g j

tl 1 9 0 4 j• . . • H

moi. '. era:

^ ' faU ............... ...........- s o n

0 ■ -uiv.

- ^


il fo u n d a b o d y a n d 'joja t

itis ..

TF area i!;,R .

Uie Twin Falls City park to r a ^ breakfast ride a t 7 a.m . and Uic ride wm be to 0 local f" restaurant where Uie mem- bers wlll bave breakfast and P* ridcback loU icparkby9a.m .

^ ------------------- :_________ _____ dM

All persons wlio *arc In­terested In Joining Uie bike club can contact M rs. Claggetl byphonlng734-20l7.

k S H E

5 A R - ^ ------------


wiSHORTS . k> twill w eav e .irefree Kodel n blends.

e r en d cot- ■^ tu ^ e d for ___/ i ^ o r o b i l l t y r - r ^ ^ ^ B ------- ------mnis W hite, _______

S h i r-------- ------ '143SH O SH O N

Jogging bee for the yowHave you noticed on every H om lng ' and .evening Uiose 16.S azypeoplerunnlngalongour' , and -----------. . . . -------n«

------------- --------- -------------------age

Just recenUy we noticed a ither of about 25 and his small ^n•o^only-4ioggi^g-togcthcr ‘t — iVough Harmon park.We have noUccd grand- t i lothers, grandfathers, and all iris of costumes and figures junclng along. 81Finally I stopped one of lesc bouncing. Jelly bellies , ndasked ‘‘why?'’.'“ 1 SUni)08P 1 IlkP ».#» rnni>»pt------ --! competing against rnyself, ‘ a t h e r t h a n . a g a i n s t ^ i imcbody". was, one mid- leaged woman’s l y . -

•■I Iind Uiat tennis is too 'om petltive to r tn e , and J "r^ n iz e d sports all have the ^ ohccplofw lnnin .x i felt Iliad D get out and get some activity ind didn't want Uic hassle ol lavihgMo- be-somcv.'hcre~ar{S rP” erta in tim c".

ril.“ Also. I find 1 feel so much, or

« tte r after a run tlirougli the - wllork". •. sr

WliUe Uiis Isn’t Uie typical A]ogger in our area it docs give ' giI typical reason for Jogging. ot

"It comcs down to doing -oj >ouE-ow ar:<htng;;^plloi; A _ g . t 'oung-joggcrl-m cfjogglng-ln— :wIhoshone. ‘ ' bi Wliile locally l could not (ind

ny organized Jogging clubs mhere aro many starting up in gi hcU nitcdStatcs. - ' ' tu

The la rg est a n d oldest (rogglhg club in the U.S. Is the o)lo a d R u n n e r s '-C lu b of ai\m crica. re-Tlie president of this jogging to

:Iub notes " the growth of tolO gglng h a s been p re t ty , njlicnomenal." “ In Uie last c(fcar we've doubled In size In c|;cnns of people. In term s of wdubs, we’ve gone from GO lo riM." . : ni

• Rthrng • V ocotlon • Ow Into Ih* Sowfoflth Wlld«m«M • Tn


P resen t to:REDFISHC

P o r p " r t o n o n ^ ,H o

____ tl,90iI firpna«ViDi7lniki■ UmHiOn»CowpoflP*r^ C o^H ini Ju

^ E S T T ^ < ;--------- — -------------

■ • " ’ ’ il : ’

comes an ou ing and old iHe noted that the club has “ >«8

B.500 members in 35 states ndlsgrowlhgrapidly.

ige-front fi to 75.—--Jogging, states -Uie dubs’

o u n d e rs . is . b a s ic a lly to acth »romote running andiltncss o r - — Lo

R o d c a re saves tro u b le

Before you take off on Uiat [islilng trip ybucon save a lot _1 of licaribrcak by checKing your gear before you go.

H e re a rc th e reco m - mcndotions ot the . manulac- turersofdsliinggcar:

Reels - slrlp off old line.Don't Install new until right tx forc first trip of next year. Disassemble reel. Use a pan for a baUilub nnd pour in a cup of kerosene. Using ii small po in lb ru slro rto o th b ru sin o n e -^ — you don’t plan on using again* rinse and scrot) all visible gunk and lubricant from re d . Dry with a doth or spray with ii smoll cnn of compressed iilr.Apply a llglit coaling of reel . grease to tiie gears. Use. oil other places where metol.runs

-against metal. Reassemble

:^ -on‘l~p;t-tu'-lt- l;tk^' l i f a reel— Ja b ag o ra bread'sack b

Rods - d icck .gJidcs with jB magnifying glass. If ahy . grooves or chips ore located, take the guide off and replace (preferably with aluminum , oxide guides!. Q ieck wraps ^ and rcvamlsli with nny good rod vamlsli o r fiow-coat epoxy topping. CTieck ferrules and tip lop. If loose at all. hear, remove and reseat with ferrule cement or epoxy. Do not use epoxy on tip top. Scrub handle with- Brllio pad and water, rinse off and dry. It’ll look like


MAYS8.Lootiad at RMtflth lok* iiMf Slonto*. Mwn* 77445«l for Inforti^lon ond ratcfvollom

" for .3v*r.NtghirocfcTripiTred h3m AvoIIoM Moy 39- w f c rS e v le f e



^ o u r iR id s tT o u ro r !

O W ^ ___________B; * ic k l i i i l i l n e l l ik K |‘•rhmllyorPAnon. ■I Juno 15th ^

------- TWIN FALLS- -

utdbor activ I in Magic Vir e ^ J a r .p a f to f you f life . ' ” 'T tic runn ing clubs sp o n w r

r e q u ^ l 'r a c e s w ith o v e ra ll, gc .g ro u p s a n d prizes. Tlie. P e rs

iinnlng a s a 'p h y s lc a l-flln e ss ictlvlty. y o "-L oca lly . m o sl of the Joggers—


- I I S H I M ^760 Main >YourComple

F is h in g H e a d - r l y n r i i l i i s l t o a d c

- f p l n n s h t a g H a a i

- B c b b n i h l B g H m i

- n y T y t o a H M d q i


. ' -J*"-

d a y

w M


FLYir R ( i l » a O - n i { E B E I « D £

A L L F Q iW lC K F

A L L S P M I I I I G R O D S & R E


FRttaYFlLw i t h E v e r y S c t o n t l f l c

F l y U n a S o l d .


rO U K r O E F K E F ir O I WITH EVERY o u n YOU

S S I— Rods and Ra

-BB«ElEYtU^556~ r i Y R E E L S g .sao ................ ^

AiLFEHWicKaya0 H S P E C I 1 U . - I I 1 0 S I A T

You'vo Alwey* Wontod o Nnw

E A G L E C L A W F L Y i



. iu s .» 3 ic 'd ............... .................. .REO BALLt o a .M o .o o . . ; ....................................


w i iB s ra i 'T i l i i s r a

MSSTUCKIE . . . . . F M D inilU IIIB ILIKS ..............T tr iEr a s a s . . . . . . .


A ll ......................... .. •


— SPINNINGREttJM o d e l s — R E G . $ 5 5 . '

i , M o d e : 4 1 . r r r - R E G . : $ 4 9 . <

W e a r e i

I f w e l l

I T a n d g e t a F R E E P ;

- - H O I I K S r W e a t B r e a d y t o l

; ____:

T uesday, May 17,1977 Timos-h

alley .a iUiey Ilke-Ufe fonely ac'-’ ' ™ ^ 1

Ity. not related to being In ■'.'I mpetltion WlUi any other ' T-m rson. “Just beingolone fo ra -M

om J o K lh g ’’. i s ^ a t aiioU^^ *lung motlier. g ives. as a . ■ Iaeon for Jogglngr.......... .

T o o nSHACKAve, N; ■ ' ’ I I

l e te S p o r t : ; J ;d q u a r t e r s

i S q M r t a r *■dqamHtonl a o r l a n ^ — ^



i r g e n e r a l e v e r y - ,

y p o l i c y It f r e e l i n e . . ;

t h a n y r o d S r e e l ,

i r e h a i e d l : : -i;



i t a l l l l c r h l l r U K r ^ — -

R E E L G 0 M B IH A 1 1 0 N S

A S P l W n i G L l l E l !

i — ^ V S*""” ^ }............ 3 . 0 , * 1 ^

i & L l N E S ■


IPFClALSiHBse e ls — I

& S P I N 1 I D I G R 0 D S ' i

iT’«"willivalM slii'6?' . !.nwick— NowlithoTImall^ - |

& S P I N R O D S

....................... . HOW * 1 2 “

>ERS......................... , , „ o w m

........ ; ; .

:ES . ^ : r j

SZZmW'-.......to.69' ,

>,LURE BOXES r BOXES i. . . . . . .25%0FF

I i n i « i r f o u r t h s e a s o n - , ,

l ^ t m e t y e t , s t o p ;

P A C K A G E o f SM ELLED ■

iD E A L -W lT H Y O U '' -

j-Newrs, Twin Falls, Idaho 5 ^ • . ■ 1 ,^1

Page 30: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

^ ’1 . j.i>V Tlmos-Nows, Twin I

T h e c o s t 0

.- .- - i - . . : ----------------- -A-prow- • - k l U ^ th n

Fisheiy S ______ figures. E

——— —I' ' hatcheriefij?— j T-’ , You can;; I ; f o r $3 .9 9 .

j. .. .. ..................pound. A{'■. <■ o r *11 .40]

Now.' W; ' In o u ra tre

------------ ------------- :------

p: Campm i coming* •• '• • te o v e all wild ani

.1, , Ihey are Iti woods ii hiding close by ogan

__ '■—— - ^ y p r o s e r v a lh e io r a t'shrubs and trees si

* • w ilhflre. '{ m Leom lo know snok. poisonous ones, and

; : 5 if .p ro w k ed .•T o k « empty cons o

, . < conlolnarsi »hos ova 1 iraughf (n cons or I

-■ a n lm o lsg o ^re fo o ll ‘ » Respecl and prolei

------~ --"ond /o o ^ suppllescj=eThrow 's& opsoffai

i m ay eoH I wllhout ge' . . . . .: • A sk driven lo slow ‘ ' o sharp ey e out. so If

; I pf-way. j— . , . .e^Get professional ht

onfmo/. ■;* e ./n s /s f fhe wi/e/We

.o resa feo rp ro led e d........J .. . . . • Toke nof/iing buf

■ y prints^ ........................

T Fcjpgmastei

. There m ay be a gem- agate, picture jaslcr c (o raring insldc lha tug i

..> ou stumbled on.• The “ rock hound"

; recognize the quality (t^ oulslde, o r like Mr. ar

R ay Bush of ISvln Ft ; "p leasantly surprJsw J - w h a l la Inside."

____i * ^.M r, Bush,says hc hi<■ " Interested In rocks for and Is looking for Uie

> : and m aterials hidden 1 I-'-U ic ugly exterior of th( I ‘ he and his wife hove foil i " " Jewelfy or display Itl

tb e end products nnd th ol many hours of har

— ...........^ s t a r t i n g with the-llndlr: • stone, designing, cull 'r. • finishing. Mr. BusJj Ilk

I' • the whole, process• : fro m find ing the ;* : analyzinglts potentlol,

■ " [ f "

; Equipme? key to

__ - camping-Wlille many novlcc i

'-h av e trouble trying I Just what cqulpmc supplies they need

............ ............com tortable 'in th e 'texperienced cam pcr tiie '*what do wc laki problem by moklng u ".camper’s chcckllsf’ w lllia llltle trla lande

— ‘ — ‘ TJje best-way to findto tokcis to follow llie experts for llic ba: tnakc a list of everyt plan to take along-Pu

• m ark next lo llic it ■ tlmo you use il and m ' of those things you

................. .. don'lhavealong;On your nexl camj

, elim inate the ilcm sy , use and add those > } r Iwve used. Most cam

lhat they’ve takep much gear on Ihclr i

- bu t'It’s bcllcr lo be : T.; sorry.r* ' . Of course, campers

vory according to wh ■ , -cam ping they do

r- following -is 0 list . a v e r a g e ( te n ty

— --:^^ V orioH onB -B } io 'u Id -la c c o r d in g lo p preference and g(

'a n d seasona l co: j * t—VExpand-ln .som eJar

"~5 ' a s : foodTcIoUiln^'on;? ■ .1! - u tensils, to sull your

, -Si: -Basics: a good sti '<■ Bleeping bags, a ir m

cooking pols. pans ; ^'sils, plates, cups, jan lcm . flasliliglil.-

___' :_ « tw e .^ f i r s t .a lO it .^ - . T T e^ lp m e riir '.rc e clu— ^ - r . - - a c c o r d l n 'g - to -’ p

• * to m eet changing com

V ■' .1 Falls, Ida h o Tuosday, May 17.197;

of p ^ u t i q n

p e r - v a h ie - c tu -b e p laced o n fia u n u g h p o llu tio n . H ie A m erica S o c ie ty h a s c o m e u p ' ^ t h s o n .E ^ u d in g _ tb e _ p 6 a t , o f _ t n ^ ^

08- - ----- ------------m b u y a 1 2 in c h t a ia l lm o u th b a i J. A* t r o u t w ill sell a t *1.98 pc Pi M u sk e llu n g e is 8 6 * p e r in c ) p e r p o u n d a t 14 in ch es a n d u i w h a t i s . t h e . c o s t , o f 'p o U u tio ■eamay

ng rufes for r seasontnlmaf babies. »nc/ud/f>g birds, » i and fields. The parents ore us ire o ff searching for food, i trb y ltfd v lr ig -flo ^rs on ihelr st standing, ond by being respon

jkes. Harmless species far outnur ^d even poisonous sndkes bite C

ond b o tffes h o m e o r leave tn pr /otding risk o f animals geting h

fee f cuf o r b roken . Rem em b^

ecf h o m es o f on/m ols — d e n s , r

^ frerrihighwaYToihol'onl jelling run over.iw down In wooded sections, kee Ihey m oy yield lo animals Ihelr r

fjefp w henjrylng to rescue an Infi

t re fu g e s b e "places where onfi no f shooffng galleries.

It pictures: leavo nothing but i

u p ie a r e r s i n ro c k in-quallty and pollslilng and mc o r Jade tlie flnislied stone in my

gly stone useful forms, rangine tings, pendants or dc<

i" m ay Items.— from the After finding the gem and Mrs. o f a stockpile ol Falls, be - the rockhound will clear «d with raw stone and analyze

base or better m ateri has been design. Tbe stone is thei or years a diamond saw and the le sccnes rougli cul is m ade lo se 1 beneath *? This m ajhc stones several hours, for. rock ound. *3 noi 1'*'® sawing a pi n»mo nr«> W hat Is found Inside the r e a t changc your mind cntl ird work, “sc of stone, a fle r I lin g o f Uie — cut^lhcjock.hound_w l Ittlng and aw ay Uie unnecded n ikes to do and set Uic design or ( himself Uicyhopetodevelop. e stone . Next comes rough sai nl cuUlne scmi'finisli the form, a

final polish to finish U for mounting.

M r. Bush faccts c D i l i and has attained his h

ra t in g a t Ihc Noi Federation Slww last Coos Bay, Oregon. I com pete'for his Mastc

f ■ national level at,the A«5 ___________Federation Show. Ogd(

In August. ___c cam pcrs m p . and Mrs. But to dcclde developed to a fine'

nenl and m aking of mountings I Kl lo stones. Tltey work ai -ou tdoors,' -sniithlng. fab>icallng ?rs tackle Ungs, Uic fine design ol Ike along" andsUvcrcastlng., U.W of the Tjiey assist membei t" couplcd . local club.. Magic Vail Icrror. -^ub . In leam lng^he I (idoul whnl sUversmlUilng.-and c ic advice of dem onstrations a t . lasics and sliows around Uic State ything you Display cases line t >utachcck of Uie Bush basemc item cach ribbons won -at G< m akcall.st Mineral Shows in I i need bul uiwcst.

■‘Yoii c an ’t bca Tiplng trip, hounding for a hobby, ; you didn’t and Mrs. Bush, “you you could in ioitasdeeply.asyou

mpcrs- find Ending to f Inisliirp far too r firsl c safe than

rs’ lislswiti SPO l^halkindof, *) but lheIst of Ihc Q l ^

c a m p c r ,- Iw -m n d e — -----------p e r s o n a lgeographic ^ L J I A J:ondilions. « L ^ M I I V ir c a s .- s u d i_mdcobkiri'tf~" ------- t u g g e d 'F ij r camping ____ B rqk

sturdy lenl, ®maltrcsscs, f |||.: nnd uten- - H H5, cutlery. ^ tK M

■’" ’P” ™ ^I. personol *“ * • " ■ ■ iliwl— rood*- ---------------

; 1W MDIS0H umiHH

- *ic a no m e 'po>r- : ' . _

baaa . .

up.b o n _ ..

, where

“jfe m s . .«>ns/fa/e

lum ber •» O N ty

p ro p e rJ heads E a a ysto ra gib « r —

I, n e s fs 'W T ' *

S , , - S S f f - : i J V © © p i

Ir rfght- 6 f WOl Infured

inlmals After many years lo come up with a cc

it foot- metliod of keeping w( . - n l^ tc raw le rs fo rm y

have finally scUled o chest.

luscanoidw om out Ice clicsl Uiat was reai dump,

f. have used Uie p

. ■’alwaysblowingoffm:

C S crawled oul a l nlglil, lldoff.

_ ., „ , WiUi Uie Ice chc

Uic lid closcd and U keep very well If Uie I

dccorator p „ ^ r ty c a re d fo r :, ____ I have used co

moss, dirt, sand. Iwn L n l . S and »»ave In Uic i

oUier mcUiods to terial a ^ worms alive and acti

. _ I havejlnally scttl . ^ v S i a followlngbedding. i n t a k e I use old gunny s

^avc bccn dam pt

sr'"”"'™*'"sffE iS

------pfek-oul-lte-w onns

th e w o rm s Will s 1 the plecc tiicro Is t. UicbottomofUicclu

^ Uiat by drilling sma 'io rlh w es

: ^ w m - a '^ t th e n e c e s s a r :'• con be provided.

■ A m crteoS ‘ ™ ™

8 f e " l ° ' i — -closed .--------------------D..,K If you leave the 11

nlgl'lcrawlers will - “ r l„ « , l ,c „ ,g „ . .

; J l s U ^ ___Ing m oun"' ’- noffU lgrce , • i

H e re 8 a sa lm '. e g g h i m f ro m

ie basics ofd do so m e— r- 1 no ll< ^ on a fisli It. various Washington slale i Late. who were catcliin»e Uie walls Williams lake neai ■ment, and were using single sal Gem and After talking to U

1 the nor- found Uiat all used j ' lo pusti Uic No. IG

)c a l ro c k ' Uic salmon eggs, by, soy M r . . Tliey m ade sure a /ou can gel was covered wilh I you want to, foreing the eyeof th slilng." Uie egg wllh Uie tool

Jk e &w h S :ycle s h o iMT PAY MORE?\AOSI^CIAI1 F ro m erC eh ter Poll Wa-Gbi •qkes , Suntour P erq lle rs, ielA T arrdhtyonFrarne & Fbi

■ i l l

. V_,__

rage o f iroriitn a n t i n ig h t cratc.(tn tro rn o u t <

) rm s a n d cirs of trying Vou wllli liavc toiconvonlcnl gunnysocks every i’ worms and because Uie worms w m yow nusc l •d on the Icc

K>ui t-^icmnn R i v e r d o w i iready foi 'he

LE:i;;;;r,-TheJfm y lld a n d l

To. troul fishermci gl,lw ltl, tl.c Yellowstone

clean waler. but whei oil inn lew years. Tl.

d Uic worms .>“ >"1! 'y " * lie DcddlnB Is operations, w lllbe de f _ A few years ago llcom m ercial ' collingforthcdeveio

w rsc monure quarter-million squa 10 past used p a r ts of Norlli and £ garbage and pow ersupplyforihc lo keep the The report c.ille<l active. burning power platictucd on the___Powder River. Rose![. - •■ . Yellowstone,ly sacks that ' T licbureoueslim o Tipencd and or one third tlic avei lelayersw iU i be diverted lo suppi

dustrial complex.to fleU o your----- - m cTLTKirfw-ib-grl

s you s mply lurbincsnny sack and ^ ,„ ic flv as li

' ondG am cD eparim tto 'k e e p -tlie - As fHree-nowlnei too moist, o r w oter to SAtlly nil II

|| sour Also solutlonsoriheindu: is d rainage in Tlicre aro 24 poU chest. -system.;rying I found One of lhe dams imall holes Cl. create a pool lhal w bottom of Uie woiild be about 31 m sary drainage Tlie Montana FisI

would destroy more rm chesl In a m ainstream Yellou keep the Hd ,^ccnlofthcY cliowsti

---------- ------------ '“ Tlie—M ontana' Fle lid open the Yellowstone, the b r ?111 crawl put states, does not hav

Uicy are developed J ■‘Ifllicdcm andsft

.......... ■ cannot be len ip iii^Montana Outdoors.'

I m o n "The only qucslic. m W a s h . Vellowstonewlllbe


fishing trip in 1 ‘ --------le Uiat Uiosc 1-------- rf*—^ ^:liing fisli ol I--------------------near Spokane. '• ■J salmon eggs. > [ rm rtx0 this group I. o , i i n * cd a toothpick |IG hooks into ' » i ,--------------

.................... » ^

rea li Uie hook . . i --------------III Uic eg s by 5if the hook inlo . . 5 »«n»,loolhplck.' ;

IeT I ^IP , ^ 1 1 VLl'_ ±J^ b m p — — — ^ 2“

’ . ______________J ■»! .horO"

19* : : l i

‘ N.clern c o n ie x /r 'o rn a to r in g the ! coo ler

c r a w le r sto change Uie sacks,

so often Watch for. old sai trtllc a lu p tlic road (or yotirsu i

gunny sacks.

r i T t h e t u B e ? ......

I^ellow sto jen nnd others Interested in Ihe n e River In Montana, the issue is ether Ihcrij will be any free-flowing lie fateof the Blue Ribbon trout strc> companies planning vast coal Iccided this year. ,the Bureau ol Rccla'mnllon issued iopmcnl of the coal and w ater rosoi are miles of Wyoming, e a slem Mor Soulh Dakola to generate a vast a

c United Stales.Ml for construction -of 42 mammi ants, half of them situated In M cbud and Rig Horn counties. Uie hc;

latcd thal up lo 2 .C million acrc-fccl; erage '■nnual flow of the Ycllowstoi ply the water nccc.ssnry for th is mt

to cool power plants ond gasifie

•ports alarmod ofncials of the Moni nent aniloliiers.{river, tho Yellowstone doesn’t con Ihc polentiiil users. One of th e tim< uslrnllsts is lo bulld dam s and s to re ' tentloi dam-«itcs nn Ihc Yellowstc

s would l>e locntcd a l Allcnspur a would (iood al»u l X2,000 acres. The nlieslong.sil and Game Dcparlment soys tha c Ihan SC miles of top-quaiity frccwt iwstone and ils trlbuUirics. includi itonc's ••Blue Riblxin” w oler. Flsh~‘and~Gnm(?~ Department—

irgesl free-tlnw ingrlverlen in lhc4l IVC ciiouRli w ater to .satisfy a il futui I anywhere near lhe maxim um prop for consumptive use of the Ycliowst

)d;" lhc dcp{irlmenrsa!d in a spocli .“ uillmatedcplellon Is Inevitable, ion wlli be; When? At that point 11 e broken. JiLst dnolhcr dam m ed and

— t ^ . H H - ^ ^ . - 7 ^ ----- ^

S L S A T H S f t S A S

t* , ': q - ............. -_J D>^t,n.M .

i ; U l * * * , . , ,I • ’J 3 _ L __

- ,' / / \ W<M ••, / / \ MKMto


y.rit <uN>om mud* >0 ov( <p«<iUoiiont on< • lound m.of., oilt«. M f .n ik* <ovnt,|r. Soil

o <u« mni'>ir>ianr> (..og'Dm ycor otound lr«<I. Tl'.t .nwloi.d lK«' .» to *upf«lor in

oo ■

E t B f t T H B R I B f t M .> A m. fell ' Twin Fall*. Idahc ’34-4SIB ■ . asio iV X > > X » X V ^ V {V > v\ WT yn

.... - '

H : : ] H u n t i

H : c ^ h t,. On a recent . 8to{5ped a t Rabbjt Spr

M B B ^ Miirilii)f3nclipotrl<eva ^ : TwaswanlfiigToTTna

th ree teen-age boy ' digging boles Into Uie'

— ......... ' . **Whal a re you d i ^ ' 1 asked the boys.

- “ Nodules'’, was

------- Sdtsing Uiat my ~i- had m ade the boys a

edge, I assumed my Interest pose, on my I Uie dirt, and continue conversation. .

- I notlccd Uial Ute Ih undred

- “ nodules’* and wc ' digging least

-------- -‘-Wliat-ya going todUie rocks?’’ I again I Uie subject.

Finally one of • slopped digging long (

explain tha l Uic “ I were going lo be sold

- shops a t 50< apiece. . Looking a t Uie pile

l : e y r d i ; a J T « i o 7and asked .If Uicr« m arket for that many

1 ..................’TJie'boys told me 1l | V could sell all Uiey ha(: ^ ^ — _ - - - .* -m o re .- - - ' ........

.ThQf.wcnt on (0 exj ' tourists were tired c

I plastic items stampec nam e of Uie tourist { and wanted somethin home that would sho

- ........... - - - - o f U i e o r e .a ^«!««« They said in mar

shops they sold the " .upp lyo lthe uie shops sold the i

from S lto as high as I - At least to me Uii:

like a good business.I too am tired of

buying a plastic cup A nierica every tim e >

A seem s thal a rock wl-------- rand-Uie-iilUe-aomeUi

a rea would be much k nallonally ■' '™“''

Is noi only ' “ " '" / . J ' S ' J ' , ' na w ater nt the “ Noduli

' m llcsnorthotJackpo Watch (or the small

I stripping _ "R abbit spritIh w turn off highway

cd a reporl smaU campground. B u rccso la p „ , „ u ,|s lontanaand walk north aboul 200 t additional rise on a hill. The ok

Is still there and you imolh coal- up this highway lo li Montana's Uic hill.

heart of the You will notice t

pertone, would . mosslvc In* ■ -

fiers and to I

ontana F ls lr “

orry cnoug'i —me-honored j ^ \ | | ."Tre water.stone River -

• and would ' i ( lie reservoir ‘

hat the dam \ \iwater in the ^iding 32 pcr ^

|—says—the------ -------- ;-------;4(!ndJ^c'ent ^ture doms if — ,oposed. .I'stoncwaleiv 4o-...«w»d*‘c ia llssu eo f— ^

i Iho Miglily nd regulated


'' ' . - V\\ ood ? \ILjoih- - - — --------------- I G

. 5 ? ' ■ Jolii» J- - V 9

; hSS T iT S ;■H. = O ._ ; • f r U D *

1 222_ r " ' • E a i y T «

ing those 1 lelp ease tltrip Swcn ! places Uiat have bcc

Springs Just • th e a r ta andyoucandlevada. .............. can-walk-around-anilindoutwhy • urepiucwsui-Wu^lulu boys- were the diggers. • the side of a One reccnl rock slio

- held Uic banquet.for iggingfor?” hounds had the no

s Uie brief

iy~prcsencc— n a mile on my pac ing ny knees. In [nued casual

be boys had m R ' ^ T ^ H r Ed of th e ,B W i:

w ere 'still- sast six foot

todo wiUi all— lin broached '

f Uie boys ’ ngenough to—! “ Nodules”old lo tourist I P U R y i ^ . 2

--------------pile of rocks I noted UialOofUierocks ^icre was aany rocks. ,ne Uiey

I explain Uiat < iH *rf ol buying H f ' iiped wiUi the st attractionthing to lake N o d u le s f r o m ishow a piece ^ ,

nany of Ihs o m in i'b u sln eia ^le “ nodules"fie rocks for ----------------------------a s lS . ' - -Uils seemed — _ , . ^ .BS. U ta h s tu

of my wife ........ ............ ... icup in LltUenew esto p .lt T T •cwIUi beauty J T I O W

ch better.ould like tt . UlahdlvlslonofV of Idaho you irelease fish so that I dulc3" J u s t 3 Handle flsli wiUid k pd . ■ hiinds result In monnail sign Uiat Dry hands allow a prlngs" and .jnjury. way 93 into a Don't Insert fingi

bleeding and ccrtair Don’l attem pt to r

short and release Uii

to the rise in “ ‘“f ? swimming But all means, do

» ^ m a i i y extensively Jn the m


M«rtKl».»M^h»di M>h*l »><)•>' V w tZC-d r« r ,ta 5 N iv ? 3 ^ 'i 'j^

fMtocMr, <

, . . Cm vvOm, Ug fMl m m«M \ \ \ ^ plwika. 0«« ll h«V>» \ \ \ \

i*iiM . . . Oi*i.

. wWiti«IM-;ondJJ

a -w SU-.s«4jhis(!vS«

s $

t s s . ! i = : i =

ol 10*.

«kM. n '.

D » l l v r y ' .T « n n t —

r o c k s ! :he p o c k e teen dug in placecards.1 dig or you Tjic rocks were b ^ k u i d - p l i ^ p - ^ s a w n j n j ^

or plastic anim al.'bird bl ho'w locally Item was placcd. It mt or.Uie.rock., graal.hit.w iUi even ^ c nodules as liblirids.

S iS ^ 6 8 I B 6

’J “ T i - !

th e R a b b it Sp rin g s a re a the co llec tors item s a n d a lso proi

is f o r so m e local boys'.

n d y s lio w s

to r e le a s e fisf WUdllfe Resources has m ade a study of 1 It they may be caught again.1 dry hand if It is removed from the walei }re damage by making Uie fish hard to h( a lighter-grip wllh less chancc for Int

Ig e r s In gills. Injury to fragile gills c lindcaUi.0 remove a swallowed hook.'Clip Uie lead thellshw iththelm oksllllln . in exhausted flsli. Hold It under- walei g position until it recovers and swims j lo not release a fisli Uiat has been dan mpuUi or gill area.


; % o ^ FWRY LIST PRICE$!!i

. I ; . . ' iH n

\ N«. 17«0

'X VmknU . polW> un' \ \ \ \ \ • o»»llobU Ix cunrnl 1.1

J - — ^ Ooftk-aMolk nwIM**--- ------ odloit. m»oivrfr- 7V

Mm >»h«l raclttr In d«m.w<. -i s s r t t i r # ; .

»6 .'*n«o" '2L 2 L

S S sS : SME Fume PATTEHK ra iK K - ■ «UST3'YBUBr=“ ^ juniDrouiiriiESEiir

PEOSII .r « V o K I m b < i i rM . '

a ^ ® H — T W ) N F A l l S -

Page 31: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

great |de4'^ D u r in g otic of my Joum s tiflsJ

, . 'o f the old timers liai bobbers han, - fisliing. _ ^

------------ s o r i i r n oscwHirfe^rvbir-i-stor--------utvyou fdlowsdoin^-wit

Ijne? ■ t •J^Weli. Uilsnlccy/unggcntof72to Hm ldoa (0 icll us i^icn the fisli liiii ^ U ie t im e . , j l

you can lelM nm the pholo-ll. rtbi^Ilne and'a bwbcr Is attached .

_____h iie tw cnllicJslil^sccondeycsiia^V-^WJien a flsJiWkc Ihe line Uiat I -rlearofthelin^f.U ieyoungslcrtell

when me bobber falls to tl ZlZZ£[ -|{ie (ish l^s picked up the bi ;C&arUs8tioMindyou canpick up t aSJlSon feel tif fish". , r^V orlous i t ^ I s have now been

. . . dltions. i i '• •'The fcIloui( tell me if the wind i

_ ‘luiiij more ^elgtit on Uic-bobbcr.S<......... filhlccr.-” --------- ---------------•:

’"TOlhers. Ike in t}ie sccond photo tabs lo ch^stmos tree light bulbs < ••fish IndicBtor" are unlimllcd.

• if ydi sec these fellows tlsliir ' f r ^ thciine or even ligtit bulbs.

, serves a t o u l purpose.----- ' Ndwillbeidca catchcsbnwcm i(

tabs Iron around our lakes. '

I : ■ - v - - : :

' t t ''" ' f) }'

^■.Fatten india

_ variations o f th

crim pgro iuST iJLEY — Tlic drouglit

has ouglil m m c good news fora lange.- -t}i' lack of snow in tlie

....... Sawjolhs has prompted theSawlotli National Recrcatiqn

. Arei to open many of its . codgrounds much earlier. U io i|usual;^iB . spring;*"ac- corflng t i r SNRA P fcss

j ^ i t o r y Sandy Brown?Tlj Bokor. Greek, comp-,

grphds. some of the- North PoJ Canyon camps. Smokcy B ei campground at Allnras u f oil the RedflsJi'ljiko

' L a t Point and Glacier View. Jw ef the Stanley Lakccamps,

_ - . . - - . - . , ^r^mc.ocm(LCDmp8rou.nds:: a lJg the Salmon River arc

' _____ J ' '^ l_ o lh e r dev^op(Kl camp---------- — j^ n d rw llliln rt^ ^ S N Jl^ -o re -j

' nJ yet-open ond wlU probably 4 b e opened unlll tho'dcmand

iffC am plng pacc excccds Uie .cbpclty of the opwi camp-

r — ......... m ie -w o tp r» in - th e r^ o p c ircmpgrounds hos not ycl been

_________ . . ^ d - o n . .however., o tid> jn— —

cator*a : i

Isliingspotslnotlccdthatsom e mging (rom the line while'stiir

rttfrtjobbers tionging fro m y o u r"—

told me. wc have come }ip wilh • iic wllhoul watchihg V u r^ Ie s ..........

Ihc beer iab Is bent to (It^vcr . d and then hung from -Uic lineaUicpolo______________________ ____t bobber wili sometimes Jump ;llsm e. ••< the ground il Is an indication bail and has brouglit Uic line 7 the line, lake up (he slack and

;n m ade t / rnccl certain con- -

I is blowing, you must ploce a Some Just a ttach some typo of

to hove soldered Uie beer can 5 and the various models of Uie •

ling with Uie bobbers hanging s. il isn'l Just a decoration. It ^

liglil gelirid of a lot of beef c a n ........-


| | | p ^ M « | | | A U | ^ i c y | g |

• p


c a io r to tin e

the ilid ic a td r

ipens a id s e a r ly

noi be turned on until the tlireat of frozen pipes Is banished by Ihc onset ot w arm er niglits.

Unlll.UiC water Is-tumcd on. no fee will be chargcd fpr use ofUiccampgroundSj

Tlie SNRA back country Isolso open, allhougli some of Uie '

; tra ils Jire muddy and some snow remains in the forested

. a r e o iI - Before taking off Jor your r fa v o rilo cam pground o r 1 irailhend. however, il would be • wise to check wlUi Uie SNRA' . i nn road conditions, as many '. d irt roads rem ain closcd

bpcause they are stiil too soflJ.....to -support-veliicles-wiUioul -I excessive nilllifg. ' . .

Brown said that the SNRA - docs nol anticipalo ony corly

e rinsurgfl of davcloped com- L, g ro u n d s HiiB y e a r even d . Uiough some of the w jUs in Uie. e c o m p o u n d s moy rtin dry. • r . Prohibllioh or.,open comp- :— ’.-fires—o u ta ld e —d o v o lo p o d - — ■ c a m p g ro u n Jh rem o ln s a ” distinct posslblity due' t ^ i c „ dryconditlohofUiearea. \

- Wh

The photo above fro m tht - ..................grossing the na

IdAhoFlahknd .G uneD qw rtm ent-

Brologlsls” call them '-A ni neUda. To t»ys with fisliing

. po les,. and fisli swimming. In ponds ond streorhs. Uiey a fc Ju s t w orm s. Some ad u lt anglers surreplitioiisly refer lo worms as “garden hackle" or "b row n ' stream ers .'’ Such, term s arc odapted from the nomenclature of dyed-ln-lhc-

~ 6p o 5 1 'n y r^ rm C n .'f lr td mftriyrcflcctpdhgsorgullt..

There arc a gi:cat many kinds o{ worms. More than 8.000 of them' have b e e n ' catalogued. Basically they arc all tbo same, even thourt- some will grow lo U feet in . len g th "dow n un d e r” In Australia, and leeches ore

-,-closccoualnalonlghtcrav-ler3,_^ ' BaU flsbennicn and myriads

of oUier. people have a few m isconc^llons about worms. Tlie most pcraistcnt — and quite folsc — is that when o worm Is cut in half, cach piccc

— w lllform ancw w orm .- VMore sim itically . Uie front

end of Uie’dlBmcmbcrcd worm .will.grow a now tail. But UiC tall end won't grow a new

— hea dr^ The- toil end- ^ ^ o f - ^ worm which has been cut J n hair will grow a new tail, tqo —

— a n d - lh e n -s ta rv o - .to , ) ^ U i — because Uiere is no way I t can ea t. ■___ ..

Worms crawl mostly Tn one direction. Tlie end in front actually is the head. It has a

I -mouUi and lakes In food — quite normally. Tlils is done .

I meclianically — th e re .is no.1. b r iln — Just o blob of nerve

tissue. '. ' Back of Uic blob of 't l ^ u e

I sometimes believed to be the,I w o r m 's b r a i n i s o n

enlargement of tlje mouth — caU ed -a-th ^o o t,-B ch ln d -lh e-

l t h r o a t i s a g r e a t e r I enlargement known as Uic I gizzard. In this respect. woi*ms I . a rc very much like early birds I tha t get them. Worms, like . I . b irds, must have gizzards to

“ chew" food. ’ -

Worms are big hearted, even m u ll l 'h e o r te d c r c a ti/ i 'c s . Dissection sliows the bulges

.near- Uic ‘0irb6ri(ctually are 4^argem cnts of blood vessels,

• raUier Uion one or more- hearts.THAN ONE OR M ORE HEARTS.

A ng lers o re co n cern ed mainly wiUr the large bond ' oround Uie middle of a w orm 's

: anatomy. This Is Uie O ltd lu m .thougli- mosl flsliermen. un*.

> doubledly will so riglit on e ca llin g it th e . g ird le . I t

producefHTthc m aterial wliich ’ ^covcrs Uie eggs. When e g g s . - a re deposited, Uie girdle strips ■ otf Uie worm’s body like a ring ’ ond is called a cocoon. Young

worms hatch ftvm the eggs ’’ insideUiiscase.'' . Bccausc the girdle is touglicr J . than- the rest of the worm.' . 1 anglers slip the hook througli,

° 'h e 'd a n ^ a ro u n d Uie boltom of I a s tream and luria a fish,to its

hooks behind spinners, o r os an „ ■ • ex ira lure on slreom cr flics ' andtrollcd. ' ■'------- Contrary-lo-onQUier--once-

pbpulor belief, worms a re nol “ rained dovm from Ui« sky,"

J, .RaUicr. Uiey ore "drowned upl i BTOund " , ,Whcna . heavy ,^;aln8 soak ,-Uie- soil,

m ust com alo Uio surface o r be

ffh en th e fu h in g teas great. Ge

the collection o f Charles, An narrates o f the Big W ood Rive

dro\racd,Tliis is the tim e for a

----- fis lie rm an -lo -flll-h is -h a t— -; without digging.I Bolt fislicrmcn hove lime to . sit and talk awiiilc. shoring Uic

contents of their lockic boxes,, With time on their lionds. they

leam to be reflective, even , philosophical. Tlicy. build Uiclr

-bcoch fires and brew coffec. Indiffcrenl to chill shrouds of

olllce at fishing success, o r ihc f lock of it. saying wil)i con- , vlction that the outing Is Iho 1 ■ Uilng.c Tlie number of-fish In the t, crccl is a thing of no great \ . importance.n There Is no quarrel here wilh c th e sp ira ling num ber of

. flsliermen pf,.anoU ier per- l “"T:«uo8lonrmen-and-wjmpn-M-ho-x- f, regard Ute gome of oulwitling 3. fish wllh artificial flics as Ihe d -poe try of angling. Many such Q practitioners, intensely proud c ot Ihelr art, refuse lo corry....... splnncrs._flaslilnii dcviccs or,1 boil ot any kind. 'They use n. . wool, silk ond exotic feathers ,1 to ochieve the sam e end - lo.„ make liungry fisli wont to cat* . them. ________ _^ Tlie thing to b ear In mind is

th a t fly - c a s tin g is ,thc- 1,_ IrodiUonal woy of fishing b y _ in ” ‘T x ^ r t s w iroprcocirtharwheh

a man reoches the point of ' « - knowihg how to take Uic fisli he ,t n e ^ s (within lim its!, hc g should do II Uic most sporting ^ _way possible, giving fisJi a le brcok by fly casting. Tlicn he ,0 h w earned the rlglit lo be rc' calledcxpcrt.

Writers for centuries have IC told about artificial flics, Uie IC worid's oldest and mosl su(?- n ' cessful lures.J, • Most fly flsliermen como tip

througli the ranks, from bnil f casting To spin fishing to fly

,c fisliing. somcllmcs reverting IS back to whatever in Ihc tacklc Js box’ wiil do the Job of catching JC ■ flsli. Few fishermen step riglit [^ - - - in to th e ir firsl pnir of waders

. wllh a fly rod in hand. Mo.sl calcli their first fish dn, a '

Bn worm.s. Wlicthcr blood worm.'meal es • worm, niglit crawler o r Jusl re ploln worm, IhesliUicry, s lim y.. Is, Annelid ra les his placc In moil rc- ordercotoiogues, tacklc sliops.

o r Uie big plywood boxes with E ■ screen w irc-covcrcd . drain

^holcs in the basements or - !d garages of ncighboriiood ur- id chins.I'S.

i - ^ 1 1 ' TRILENI£ s H li , ’7 t i« R n

I I I S ls* 4 4 -8 -l

i5“-:..||j ||^O N L Y ■ __ 1.1

i ^ l l l GILLIy ." • B y l ' 497HEVBU

h C T ~

'e f f in g there teas the problen

nderson, Tivin Falls shows er ju st north o f whal in n o i r

W ils o n LiT o F M a g S

Becousc wc fislicrpersons in > Moglc Valley, have this thing about Iroul fisliing, wc hove Id one of 'our besl fishing spols

■ bccom eo '*’H oiH nm ’*^lakcr-i---------When tiie Wilson lake fisliing.-,

i s m en tio n e d w c seem - to forget Uiol thclargcstpereh ever cauglit in Idaho was c a u ^ t In Uiis GOO ocre lake. We' also forget that the lokc provides some of the best bullhead fishing in thestole.

—-rWlml-with-Uie-ncw-reduced— limits for troul, 1 prcdlct that Uils lake wlll bccomc one ot the mosl popular spols tor Uie next few years. Any'Jt^Sdicl ogoln

■ ' tho i the record bullheadcotflsh ond pcrcli will bo

A r ie m Jf the dockboat.

P o U iitio n la wThe stoic of Pennsylvonia -

now has a law lo protect stream Insects, which ore food

- - -forflsJi-------- ------->---------------Dead fisli were 6nce''th'e

cvldcncc n i ^ c d lo proseculc- streom poliutcrs. Under, tho new laW, any foreign m otter

'w hich kills insect life iii o streom m akes the offender subjccl to prosecution.

I SPECIAL!IE XL LINE [ jIncBtMfld*'* I f l•1M 2LB.TEST B V

I A ’ ( ^ l i

IN S T A L L E D f r e e : II I L A N D M



____ Jr

rs liis fa th e r an d children ir the ice caves. (

iake has b« [c^aiiey fil! cauglit there.

The lake provides plenty of s feed for these two spccics andmy early spring walk around 1

— tho-lokb gavo mo-indicoUons— ^. Uiat the lake has plenty of fish .. «

' I noted that Just as Ihe ice f was going oul of the lake. Uicre.w ere m any small cols and I

■ perch In theyiallows. ' ^The lake is located In <

Jerom e county near Hazelton, 3Idaho. It contains about 600 ‘

___nt'pcH of wntor. Afcotifi ^villi 'parking is a t Uirec placcs on IIhc south side of the lake and ■oncon tlicw csl.lthosog raivel I ram p wiUi good bool docks.■ I have talked lo fishermen 'who fish this lake a lol ond Uicy '

L -

I: favilitien a l Wilson Lake. Th< t. Toilet facilities drc also pres

tc. ■

i mfflOTTETho ALPSPlTZi# tho Ideal bo

, I tor Iho serious bockpackor-I ' mountolncor. II foaiuros o Nc

I\ ■ wogion woll and quoUlySwUlonlhor. full grain upppr. A tl length fiberglass »honk.o hinged hool oncl Vlliram* Me

toohQ solo offers you more tli' bully. Tho padded scroo gumholpsktfepouUlidiiiUndiloncs. Sldttrolnforcomonls.

's t i f f box 100. fully podded lo: I cxlorior hool counter ore DllI slilchcd. Lighl onouRh fur wI biickpncWnB.youc«nsccllsI itsvQrsalllity.durohlilly.on

1 ~ (H Sk 'I™

p S Iu e :f c a iI 7 7 1 ‘m i D l t T M M S AI II >1236 BImy { .- — . i tp m

_____ L................ 1- •- ■____

••TueKJay.Mavi7.i977 .Ume!

4XTch^ni kigs iare i ii

After yetfrs of predictions m, and guesses, they're here, The__

-»R»-aiann6i c u riui». Uvcr IM ” »i models have been approved.

S c a n n e r m o d e l s , dl automatically scan up to Uirec -O channels: 9; 19, .ond oii^ tho' . hssbeenpre^selected.

• For boaUng there’s even a ^ CB transceiver wlUi a built-in monitor for national VHF *>

For tho cam per-vehicle. ,®: Uiere’s a model wlUi a buill-Jii.. V

Intercom thot can be used " ' beiween pickup and sllde-. incam per. c

The new <0 channel i n n - . ^' scelvers will sharply rcduco or ^

elim lD ate In terference to ^, nearty.TV receivers. ,

This is because FCC type-__ approval how re quires r f ' >

relatively high degree o( <filtering, of CB transmitters ^frequency output - Uiose «signals tha t cause inlerfcrence <

, loTV channels2and5. . .O ne n o tio n a l CB club >

provides a ^ l a l flo^ (or ;

)ec6me a s lihermeHl

have given m e some of the . . s secrets. . ■ •

These fishermen tell m e thot If you have a boat you can have your choice of peroh or

' catfish by - changing . y our - fishing spols.

Tliey say If you .wish the large Bullhead catfish yoii can ' onchor on Uie souUi side of the lake near the bullrushcs and

■you can calch the cats with ; ease.

:____IL y o u tlla sK u lin U o Ja rg c —perch IhOy suggest going to Uie north side of Uie lake and flshlngUiodeeper woter:

You wUl notice Uiol Ute lake on tbe north side is almosl devoid of bullrushes ohd Uie

The launching.areaxcill hand resent on the south side o f the

z U B kilbool J

s Nor- § iwiss m Atiill A .



(iianguo.ondan ! oil doubio ir comfortob c

' m i

m EO TM ffl) - _ ;

H I U F Scoonwr, ny^n •hbSK'AT' »«f»# O«ord».'An wwll^ot

a v a H a i u b a m

ilu« L o1 c« i^ lv a . N . . T*

iBs-News.Tyrifr Fills; i i i i i i

a c b ; ' 'M\ shops. J lmotorists In distress UmI . u n

CB'ers who see Uw n a g 'm disabled v d iidcs a re asked'lo"’ '

.call REACT on channel 9. flag identlfles'a motoHM 'lh'— ' H distress who wants assistance through CB radio..

For the r who gets e v ^ '- . ‘ ' H new gizmo, U im is even a . ■

oU ier. drivers what c h u n d / . ! . H youore operating on y |a r ^ * ' numerals in your window.

If you. a re Inleretlbd^ln CB - clubs and activities, Uie'140^Control CB club la bolding a ' 'Red Cross benefit dance. M ay, ' Hai a t 7 p .m ..ln .the.Natlonal;; ■ G uardam ory . : - -

Music will be by the Pour HAces-and Uie O ld Time Fid- ' ■

“ aiers. There \^U be i men’s ' " Hbeauty contest, dance contcst, Hdoor prizes and a white . ' Helephantauctlon. - . ' H

This will be your chancc to " : Hmeet some ot.Uie CB'ers whom Hyou have gabbed wlUi on Uip HCB. ■

sleeper 1 IT h a ^ k e i e e m M t f i _ ■ ■

b r e a k rew rc fe aw A /j;: : ^ 1

-souUisidelsalmostfull. H

Without a boat, yep will ha w V . I a few open qx>ts on Uie s o u th ^ 'r 'H side of the lake to catch U i^ v l

- cats. ,Qn,U>e north side )f Bwish to fish fOr perch you wilC I have to follow a tough n>a9S . ' B U iatM m esin fromUweasT.'

ThereisonegoodperchspM ^ . ' . I n ea r the end of Uie lake viiere*;. : - I

. a ro ad c ro sm th eo iiU e tin lD w -— I ’ w aler. You can 't cross a t th f s r - I

when the irrigotion w ater h a s ' V Ibecnshutoff. " * B

I suggest that if you are tru ly Interested in catching Uiew - ; llarge cats ond pcrch you ta in R ' I yourboat. ;-3!^ ; ■

>•* ', ' ,1

idle most any sise o f Ite la ke . • „ I

' v' ' - 'I

I P w ^W A 's fines t d e s ig n .. •

)^io<ji»ign.fof.llaht ta mtdluffi— L - 4 lSoll*d eonlirwellon oport fWANO l*atvf«» O bo* » f . M f; i

w c A H B s i i i i L c e i w ] | l :f w i n r a i a - , • •


Page 32: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

^ 8 | im 9 » N e “'« Tu,in Fall",

r -4 --------'f f.

l:W R

R em em ber how the pc $heU iri the Twin FalU

■ UKre in u te by the pu haps Ufe iraa better the

_ 7 1 . . .

Who bri“ Well Uinl's Uie damdest"

. . i .statem ent heard when j_ 1 ___ _____fisherm en showed tlielr.nicc

caught ot'M aglc rcscrvfor o 'V makem csoylt.POPCORN.

»- WiUi the early season allakes In our area Uie fis:

■ y reported varying catchra lo• ■ a la ll.. ; . But. lo Uie fellows who Uio

17-22 wenl to IVIagle and ini / • com fishing Ihc success was i

Now. Swcn didn't gel to i andllioveU icslory2nd,or3 Umt Uiey used popped po] small pieccof worm on Uic Cl

V : ■ __

TiT-- th is m eth( : I s?-5ng l o r c n

. ■ jp rin g crapplcs move - •‘low iw atcrlnscarchof

, ' icy will slay Uicre until' iwing urge sends Uicm

. r ___ . .u * p e r , w a l e r - W h e r e . .- ; •- . T’n g b e d s w ill be

1 .. :r.‘'1i.;licd.. . I . .A c lw ily .c rap p le Hke the

wiiler-alU U em uddy.-sodon’t - fre t-i( your, tavorllc spot is a

-ffllte-mtirky.-— ■ - j - - - ^; rV inaw estm cU iod ond mosl •

pic,-*' jUvc mcUiod of catching c rapple 'is’just'now’bcinglrled"**’ In our a rea lakes.

^ _______ The method is to use ultraUght gear. Including two pound Unc.

Use troul nics with Uic , bottom f)y wclgtitcd to sink lo Uie bottom and a dropper fly *

TryTFm an*8c

Vern SmIUi. Twin Falls claim s to Itavc solved Uic

----------- ^crappie’nshlngfroirro.boat.Mr. SmiUi. says Uiat quite by

accidcnt two years ago hc cam c upon a method of pTHliJcIng crapplc with' the

-—■— »— =lngmethod.—...........................iitr. SmIUi and companions^

w ere stiU JisltIng for crapple at* Salm on R ese rv o ir, using bobbers wlUi 10 to 12 ft. of Unc between Utc h6ok and bobber

------- when he decided lo move UicboataUtUe.


E x c l u l v e i


. ' m e

. .. . . Z I H lX wI ^

) 0 . I—-------T ~ ~ : “ C M P)t : f w coMPj

' M I Z U K i e i V H I

i i i E l

m r k i u s e d to be? T h is p ic tt 'Is c i ty p a r k . O h ivhat occat tub lic a n d j r e r e n o r f i l l e d i ic n . Ju s t e n jo y in g tiw o u td o c

ought the pI", was Hie mild Ifanyofyou

a couple of, al Lava popecc string of fisli------- surprise.o n . . , oh! don’l . Jt.Jusl nevei

J . dam sluff forjjli this queen of I suppose lh«Ishcrmen have marshmallow i0 lim its to none i on Uto end of 11

* small minnow <ic week of April Tliosc usingIntroduced pop- sinker wlUi a fs tremendous. Uie hook. The t> see the catclZ Ilsli takes Uic br 3rd h a n d lf in d . sliding sinkerKjpcorh wlUi a trout, cndoflhchook.

lod when appie

— o b ^ n s io i^ r in c tic sn b o v c th ls— sinker fly.

Anchor or drift your boal lo your favorite spot and Uien.

_ feed_Une.jintll you reach. Uie . '" b o tto m .

You can tell by watching the slack In the line that occursr,

__ when th e .b o ttq m ^ I^ ile d f ly . , reaches Uic botiom.

> down movements.. Ttie strikp will be llglil. but

*_,wlUL-Ute-ullra,!l8liU>Ple-5!!d_ line you c an feel o r see the tip of your rod gently movcdow n.'

------- Se rilie lioo ir^ lIy T K cau scof Utc tender mouth of the crapple.

Many of the forn)cr crapplc . Jig fly flsliermen tell me that

this method works wonders.

c r a p p i e m e t h o d

He sta rted the ifiolor and with lines out. bobbers still on.

— h e —moved—si ov^y—going‘‘to” anoUicrspot.-

It was then hc started to catch crapplc. He says that trip and others proved his

___meUiod.__ ____________ ______ _Hc has cauglit as hlgli a s 4S

* crapple with Ills two buddies In ■ acoupleliourtiflslilng.

' Mr. SmIUi suggests putting lltUe p iece of w orm or small

_ p leceo fp c rc h m e a lo n a rc d o r . w hllccrapplejlg .

SIOGK!! "1 SUZUKI CENTER; A r e a D e a l e r ' .


. Availalile in sizes <• from 2 HP to 50 HP.I I Z U K I . . . the a n [ m l n l l n tk o r i s i s l i n it i t t ic l is . ' ’

> 1 2 0 . . ^ . . . - . .........

MWm lUOwik

P M IH IE P IIlC E rM Il " PAH TIIE r a i T l l H S . . . T O U M O R n

j g a a

cfure was taken in the eat casion is not known. It dot 1 with softball diam onds a loors iras a treat then.

popcorn?/ou have fed the flsli In the river, opcom Uiis will comc a s no

tver occurcd to mc to use Utc)r »sli bail;_____the popcorn floats much like h -

>w and wilh the ploce of worm.)f Ute hook, il may resem ble a jworpollywog.ing this method use a sliding a swivel about 2 td fi fl. from 'le popcorn flont.s.nnd.wlicailig___IC boil the line slips Uirougli Uie- (cr and WHAMMO. -popcorn

F la s h l ig h tproblem s

3' If you are like Swcn you . alw ays forget to check your J flashlight when you throw It In ' ■ ■ yourcam plnggcar.'

• Many times I have found g th a t th e b a t te r ie s have

e x h a u s t^ ond exude..metal-. ' destroy lng~ nclds tha l can

j - w rpckagoodflashllalit.............--------- E v c n ra m c ra sra m ra v in m s( problem wiUi dead batteries.J H you plan to not use a I" ' battery~opcratcd-'ltem .“ takc • ‘U iebattcrlesoul.

5----- r-lf-<lamoge-doea 'occur, trea tQ it wlUi a new baking sodas

which will neutralize the acid Q and retard corrosion.

‘tK e e p e x t r a s p o o l s w i t h d i f f e r e n t l i n e

I try to carry a t least twc spools for my open facet

° spinning rod when I fish. Om spool Is filled wllh 6 to 8 lb, tesi

° line a n d 'I s the general us< spool.

° Tlte other spool 1 fill with : , Ib. test llnc'ahd use whcn.llK

w aler is d e a r and Utc' flsl — spookeaslly...................... - : -

Igill) r . _

CHECK OUT TlFour high t>ock awiv*1 bu<kat

I d«IUxt cadlui tllding windowi‘ oil Mlnctowi. 2 tabl«« ond ili

cob a r to . vinyt •ng in* covar, t________HOfdfob*-£ob!n«l..ooUld«Jif

3 (fonJ door pon«t«ory botlary, rooi rack and ladd




early I900 's p f jh c .b a n d ioes shotc that the parks1 and tennis courts. Per-

b o a t n e t fo r f ish in g

I hate fisliing from a boat . when the party docs not have a

good net. ___ . . ..Last year f lost a lunkcr

below Eagle rock in the Snake river becouse wlien it came lim e to net the son-of-a-gun my

--------partner-cam e-upnuith-irshort"handled 12-Inch net.

Also. Uicri? is a danger factor

; wlth a sm all net. If you do . catch a fish you tend to lean out of the.boat too fa r and on at least one occasion I fell overboard.

Get a longJinndlcd net Uial I T you can comfortably reach Ute

fisliwlUi.A long handled net perm its

2 one lo rcach farther, .while 5 seated safely in, Uie center of

Furllicr. the long handle perm lls use of boUi hands lo

, get better leverage In lifting a ---------b igoneintotheboat. .


1 ' Utah announcescan— r —• - - v - . - - - - J — ^

oppning dates _mit i" * ,i- Tlic sl^te of Utah announced : a that bccause of the drouglit Uie oke;‘—fishing«jason in tho l stale will

open May 15,1977.■eat-------- The—sea so n —Win—Closedas November 30. Hours of fisliing icid will begin a t 5 a.m . Mountain

Dayliglil tim e and will end at lOp,m..MDT.

Bag and possession limits will rem ain the sam e as Uic

. 197C limits, except for the lake trout limU a l F lam ing Gorge. Bob limit there will be Iwt

'=“ ! Ilsh,Onetest -------use . World record rainlx)w

■ Tiie w orid 'reco rd rainbow Ith 2 jrout was cauglit In 1070 a l Bell I. Uie . Island, Alaska. Il 'welglicd 42 flslt pounds, two ounces.


kat daluKO rea r dln*tl«-fleopor, 4 low* wilh (creant, malching eurtalni on i iland i, 4" ravertlbto cuihloni. corpal ■r. tink, cobinal ond alaciric rairloarotor.' ■Jlr«.(nounl,.covar,& .lock..callino.vanl,- naU, »noch troy. 2 raoding llghli. ouxlli-laddar.aircondllionlng. . •


H u n th“ The river has gbne dry".

V as my . 'c a ll , to a friend. Charies 'R o te ,..a ' Spokane,,

- These w ere Ute keyw ords to ,Mr. Rote^-lhat Uie treasure hunt wos lo begin In earnest,

■ S cv e ra l'y o a re—ogb-Sw en- cam e upon a flslicrman who

--- was lianglngupsldo down, wiUi . one leg eaugbl In rocks a t Uie

top of a waterfall.' After helping gel Ute man,

whom I Uiouglit dead safely lo shore <and Uien found alive,

' help was souglil and the man — waft-takcji_lflT5lni_G.QedJnfi_

hosplUl for a few weeks stay.I vlslled Ute mao while in Uie

hospital and hc olfered mc several Uilngs for Uie life, savlngliclp., All refused, but Uie man, L,H. Hoover,,of San Francisco, Calif., did comc up with aii inlercatlngoffer.

Hc said Uiat bccausc hc had hung upside down, by one leg for hours in UiDl'Watcrrall-hc- had done some c ra iy Uilngs. Hc said hc knew he w as going to die upside down. wiUi a broken leg. still attached to Uic top of Uie falls, so he took off an his rings and walch.

■‘‘And Swen you can have litem, If you can find Uicm” .

Falchoncel In a llU tey earsI- have fished this Dohlman

■ rapids I have never seen.Utc lim e when I would get below

s — lh a t= te H a = rf tt« tr4 o o Ic = ^ t anything.- Along comc 1977, the y ea r of Uie d ro u ^ it and “Chuck. - the river has gone dry” .

Cltuck arrived on Frlda.y and . wc spent a few days Utlnklng

aboul how we wouldattack Uils problem of finding the rings and walch. '

0 Horse-shu falls,w he“ ________ fo r over S hi

_____ ■

— — i M f i l

f H O f r tr mc-TO Have you ilstei

■ For years now — p6s5csscd_byj&l^

h ills ...p n ly m ak ' w those wonders..1, „ .. They’re worth

Here’s a state i...........- -m oon andyou.au“ by the deepest gc

can go down lnt( country with peal

“ thousand feet high

H m 'ta tp c ^ o ila r . . long cenyQK»«t Into . rocKbytheW un«auRl'

way north lo |ofn the Sn nanow , lortuoui c ja

'th ec r cBHiuplo I , ^ on cAch sklo. Tha M l maulvalavuthatfkM N Idaho sons ego. G o io I «om «.tak«S to te51lo

’.■Bnd contlnuo Muth wh< • cd spur road takes

ovcnM k hundreds of (<-----------------th«-*lT«amr-Vlill-glan

•and dunes near Brunc ssmatlnw.

.D ivW on of Yourism 8

. 1 V — -

n g f o r t' ' On the appoinlisl day wc

3.' 'a r m e d o u r s e lv e s w ith B,, , '"crowbars, m etal • dclcclor. -

;o ‘ rubber gloves. ••e ' If any of you have dug river '

■ gravel'for ^ nilnules yoii in— can s ee lh e Jiecd.qf ULi™b^_L.to gloves.Ul ........Upon a rriv a l,'e a rly in, tiicie morning of Uie. search we

found Uiat Utc w aler was.still n, ’"Solng over Jh e falls.-Our plan lo was Uien-'to bccome beavers e, and divert Ute w ater from this m falls and Uien be able lo gel ig under Uie falls wllhoul our-

selves becoming drowning- ic victims. Tills wc proceeded lo 1C . do by . hauling rocks, sticks, fe- mud and debris to close off all

w ater entrances to Uie falls, n , ' • After half a days work, we 0 , had almost shut off^all the lli w ater lo the falls.

Now for the seareh. Wc used id the metal detector to search ;g for metal coniact and foundic------ Uiat-^lhe—dam -U ilng-i-rang .5 . almost always. So Uic search )g bccam e-a method of taking a liandfulls of rock, and mud le from Uie aroa below Uie falls, iff I had. an advantage over

o th e r t r e a s u r e h u n te rs . bTC bccausc 1 knew exactly wlicro

the m an had been hanging, so ; I ' knew lhat the search would be ]n ; confined lo G square feet, itc / Tlte meUiod wos to lake IW small buckets and fill Uiem up

' and theii pass-it to the other of who would dump* It out and h e search Uie contents.

A fte r find ing spinners, nd— hooks, rdcl “p a r ts . ,-a couplc of Ig rusied tobacco lins, and worsl lls of all large crawdads • lhat Igs grabbed the fingers. Cliuck let

oul a wlioop and deposited a

here m an h ung b y one leg hours u n til rescue; - ‘

l i e =D d e r slenedtothesong?>w we’ve sung of those wonder; Iaho. “The beautiful valleys atic ske up the en-i^ronmerittKatholdj

th seeing. .e that has captured a piece of th< a n walk_on.iL,Hej^s a region cu gorge In North America and yot Ito i t U’s in the same mountali »aks that cut holes in clouds tei gh and you can hike them. One c

M Hl o i H : t r -ii

lar 67-mUc. Sacrcd Heart Mlsiio* Ito basaltic CataUo Is Idaho's d d o i bu Rhw ronlti Ing. buBt In 18S3. ll wai/c SnakAh'sB steicUd wllhout tha u w ^ r

loM ountiS m iS ^ tn th cn c a ib y iW H l;loBnincau • com pleldy restored In 19

lAeramark- and Is now a regbtorcd Naliiyou to an Htstorte Landmark. North Id

if fed above . . . on Intm tala #90,


n £ Industrial [icvclopmcrit ID

• : •— — T-—

t r e a s u nfC '. • ■ ir I-.'.', ■"llr. -•

lie ........____________________________ve ill 'on "

it 3* i i,

we ^ ; f

t '

inglud • ■ •V .-V '';.-v :-.,-’: :

^er ■ ' ■ , 'rs .crcso . , ■ I ■ ■ '.'be

The above are the ite. up Dolmaitti=r=^^asonicr ring=werez^fot

each other, .which givt tvere on the same hand

rs . ___ ^ ' ...................

beat up watcn in my hond.'Hie search Uien became a

“ f re n z y i B u ck e tfu l a f l e r , buckctfull of mud was passed _ to each oUier spelling eacli - other after abou t IS minutes i . ' ““ e a th ln Uiewalcr: ~f When 1 noticed the water I was getting a lllUc higher. 1I ------ yelIed-"Ghuck!-gct Uic hellTJUf5 of here” . Tlte w ater was■ coming up and we soon would I be under w ater If we didn't I hustle our fannys out of there. I Tills is not unusual for ,Uiis H area. The w ater level varies as H ' to power use and storage In the■ dam s below.'I So, ended our day of seareh. I T lienextw eekw eagalngaveU I a try . This lim e the w ater wa^ I even lower and wc spent only-a I . few minutes diverting whal I w ater was coming , over Uie J „ f a n B , -----------------------------------^■ , After " about the ' second

bucketful of rock and dirt 1. .. took out of Uie-hole below Uie

foils. I found what looked like ........ I

..bntfaaveymiJers the wonders is a river th and • retaining walls to keef ?lds through a lake— the she

floatitTherearedesertl - — to make canyons with f

■ the ■ Scenic. R u ^ ed , Colorf I cut Awesome.you---------- You’ve heard of-th<italn them. For additional' ten Chambers qf Commia

leof planned iUnraiy.

ssion Bt - 'F rcnch Canadian trappenit build- nam cd ldaho 'ila raestlakaw ^M-con- they tT>« tecalof nails carp«naant»--PendO r«aia.m

^ ■ i d ; known for (canlc tu rro u n d raC f lC f . and for having p to v l t ^ th<M » d - wottd-rccord Kamloops,trouL X S S From Pcnd OrcDa Ifs on ty«J5 lw # i short drtvo to onu m b « of othe1 1975. beautiful lake* of I d ^ » pan Naliona! handle. Just head north.Ih Idaho ■ :

m Ihq “ RoomiOt

B f ' ;:— — "T------------ --— —

^ o n t h e S n a k e :

f e v e r r a p i d s '

- • i

-I .,:I|P|1K:tems fo u n d below thi^ now lan, rapids. The watch a n d ouiui=u>ithmg-i2^inch«8;^f^=^ ve8\reason to believe th ey ’ ’> d . -- - ............-

an(Uier spinner, bul no It waSa hlsM asonlcring...............................

ir ll w as hls'alrigtit. his name !d wascngraved In Uie solid gold

. rlnftL.H. Hoover, lM-51, ,® __ A P I" the jea re li b e c a m e V -

frcnv for Uiedlamond ring 'he e** alsolroppcd.

I Aft^r_a_or.,4.motc-hourtf-ofr— “ i nanJfcarchlng.wegavcup.- - •“ 1 lilleve Uie ring Is slill Jd U ieretnderalltboserocks.' I I wil send Mr- Hoover.Jjls 'c. M asontringandw atohsothatv'•s hew lliyavcam em en to 'o fh is as neo rd e th adventure. .ua<>>

The ^ e r ring? I .m ay search opaln. It Is hard ^v^rk.,.

b. on your k inds and knees in ill w ater. V . W.'.'.’i as If some'if you feel you have '•a Uic lim e aid Uie luck you too lal can -sea rti. Our . d igg ing ; lie rem ains cii clearly be seen— — an d -y O T c a h l^ te lb e a re a .lf -----fid' y o u Id w w w lW H o ree^ u fa lls ''■

1 Is. '■be . G oodluck.’' " ' .ke • ^

V■ -■ ........ T

a seen then?'that has neatly built its ' ep its identity, as It jjjws hadowySLJoeandyoujan.-.-.-.,-. rt lands that have openem p.. ■ ■I predpltous 800 foot wfls. ir^l. Challen^ng. PeacaiL'...... .

he wonders. Thls-yeaTr^t - ,1 information contact i e {eux In towns along y4ir

tr t By ali m uns plan o whi'i-> '•<'«n water Itoal Wp II you.live I , „ | ,ing Idaho. The Selmon River (mItii River of No Return) art .

:he famou*.-Experlencad suldA ,.i > (tlver ninnen) assure w a t o l ,, ,

0 8 and eye opening trip. They u*< her. aDy even take care olthe cool, an- Ing. You can arrange for one

to aboul a week on the rtver tn .—U sometimes placid . . . torn- ,, times hen roaring. Anofter wo* derp(,ldaho, •. •

;08.'CapltolBuikllng.- i o b . , : 8 3 7 4 ^

Page 33: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

l ^ o s e t r o i^^uj^ohh

The troui limits for _ TROUT- C|JAR AND (

th an tiMo^may excec OTHERWISE PROVIDI

-J im iisJn c lu d eL ch arJI ~ inaw) and grayling i

PROyiDlED.i t shall be-unlaw f

any trout, char, o r g trail have beeii reniov

— FoF-you-bow-flsher^ne BASS: (Largem outh c

th re e of which moy exce

^OME NO-LIMlT FISH Severol fish w e cotcl

fre e z e r full of delicious 6


“ ‘.^RAPPfE '■ "^J*CRCH

Sucker, carp , tq u o flth an

S r ^ ______ ^ ^ — p-

JEdciitionao HtF ^ G tIi



IDAHO D EPA R Tm a^T OF FISH AlTtie-rollowing rogulatlons apply <

sp^telht w alcrs In Region'4 wlilcli will bylhc'Urougtit. Flslicrmcn stiould cIk F lstilng Seasons and Regulailon formation on oilier areas in Region 4.

Nbllcc Is tiercby given that (he Idat C aW C o m m lsslo n |n .a ,sp e c ia l i

J k ) j5 c U d a ll0 c Jy i^ lh -2 3 J9 7 L _ a c l -cord,ancc-wHh SecUon 36-104. Idntic adopflric following brder:_

BIG WOOD RIVER AND HUBIT From Hi^iw ay 25 UDstrcom lo Mat 'April 16 to Doccmbcr 31 - bag limit g tzeo rponesdbo l im it .Jt jl a ir t r a il r e s e r v o ir - ,

November 30 bag limit 10 tro u t flotoessloo lim it

, ..'g^>»LAgE8 .(flwaiM>w>ty) Io November a O t ^ bajTuia/OT poea

• KISH CREEK r e s e r v o ir - i r^ovcmbcr 30 -~ bag limit 10 trout.

Caves in I. said to be

Pertiops some of you have read a n jagajlnc article o few ^ a r s b a c k In A rg o sy • W' tnagazinc about gold being tiid In' a cavfc near Hagerman by oqtrawatnthcSatclSOOs.

T lie 'go ld was supposed to Imvc been placcd In a cave Just a l^ve wtiat Is now Dolman

6ccm s the outlaws hid the gold d u rin ith e late fall of Uio ydar and wlicn they.came bacl( inj ttje spring the w ater was oyer the cave and later ttie

. rock-covcd.in over-the-cave--------aild Ill(e jail lost treasure

■stbrics. the gold was never fojmd.

OTils y c ir with the Snake R iver a t its lowest point' In n ^ n y y ears you can explore. . t ^ s area . I t Is full of caves a n d . large holes in Uie. rock, So _ many In fac t tliat if the gold wiis hid you could search for. yijars ju s t to come up wlU> Uie ritfit.cave. — •

ihie caves pnd Iilrge tren­d ie s a re carved by action of tbie water.flDd^some,are up to.IM feet .deep with narrow o p en in g looking down to whtcr filled caverns.

F o r a ' m ini-trip to Just ex- . , plore and take pictures you can get to this spot. by going wfcst on U.S. Highway 30l<<wani8 - H agerroan.-B cfore-------

. y|)U cross the liew OvrtleyJ_ B rJd ^ you Jollow the old ;__

-rilgiw a y 'y jo U ie 'o 'L b O w ^ ^ ' © idge . Ono m lle^ow nsircam . •

' th is bridge you will find O' large pileof railroad ties.

~ r A . roo tb 'H d g r^ io w s 'y o rttf------diversion dam m ade of

sieg g ^ fter'crossing the steel .' c a u m ra y to tho end'you will &

h K vS d iHen follow a cement- _ y ilH<C0iOk downstream abd U leigpc a r tiw ards -tho„old.'._M cham eT of the Snake River. '*

. s h o ^ tako you about 15

X ' ' — :--------------


u t l im i t s n i l l^esmsttiiis^yesr th e ypatA 97i d re ds fo GRAYLING; 6 fiih of w

»ed 16 inches to ta l lens )ED (see AREA REGUL/i h iM is J t to u t jk d l y _ y q x c in tlie aggregate UNLE:

rful to iiave in th e fieic grayling from which th( 3ved.

erUheceiSAXIMIHOF-BASS and smilm outh) 25 fisl

:eed 18 inches in to ta l lengtl

ch locally hove no llm lt'c eating .

TARE:gnnolprfiflthead). _

ind chub.

i l i n f o r m a i m i F c h a n ^

2 limit. k s P E c i u , u r n E w o o D B

November SO ~ ba|pw — gbyiJlmlt

ANDGABJE MAG1CRESERV(’ only to ttie to November 30 — b 11 be affectedliecklttie 1977 ROSEWORTH RE3ns for in- Aprfl 16 to Novembe4 . B iteo rponea ik ia lliahoF lsliand T H Q ^ C R M K 1m eeting ot ' — AjOT 1 toNovem

t o " c o d '" ; i w T - c w s E P : t r t K posted from August

UTARIES - ’ «««*««• WATERS attic D a m - FISHING FOR ALL I tlO tiw itN o . I 'IT T L E CAM/

• . . OUTLET CANAL- • April 16 to bagllm ltlO troutS o t X i l M o r . - - - MORiWN RESE I. NO m t o r _ r-A p ril 1 to l/ ) — M aySl tro u t No il*elirpo«iM 'llmit •--------RICfTFtELD C AlS

April 16 to ' bagllm it 10troutN ) t. No size o r l i» l^

Hagerman site of cat

minutes i6 ruucn the' for- camatlons Just above several ortlarge falls. th<

Leave the small chllclrcn in deth eca rora thom e.S om eofthe V/i

L eave i t to t h e w(


y JL

. The ladies will be t tiiey g r t full r ^ g n i t fishlngl In feet, fem 277 world records. ,^Mra. Lee Halberg,

. B.C. .has a record fo salmon ever taken c SI pounds.

Ih e largest fish . woman was a tiger si pounds.

Besides, the fenu the scenery, and cai

____ fish with. ______

F rceing ifi^fw T ^e in";

~ -O nfr-of-lhe-llm o4ionorod-;— tricks to free sticking ferrules is to rub ttie jnale ferrule “ against your nose or through ' yourholr.. Blit, If tills doesn’t work yoy w

_wm_nccd to_ustn._.22-callbcr___*1wire cleaning b ^ i . , “ f

Rub Ihe - cleaning brush P>


i l l g i r e ]

r II 'fo llo v /s : I

which not m ore [ngth EXCEPT AS , LATIDNS), Trout irden and Mock-. _ jLESS OTHERWISE, \


eld o r in tran sjt S the head an d or ]

1 \ C

CC - . b

fish, no n^ore than \ gth.


\ and will fill your • j"r

................... .......................... , I______________ ■ j

___________ ' _ d" ■ • ■ f:


— ^ ^ :--------------------------^____:__ r


ation , :

i) RESERVOIR - April 16 to bag limit 10 t ro u t No l i ie o r

w o r n - All sp ec ie s -A p ril 161- bag U i^ t 10 t ro u t No Bixe or

RESERVOIR — All species — nber 30—l>ag lim it 10 tro u t No i l lm it:k r e s e r v o ir - A11 spcctes . c m b p r 3 0 - b a g W 1 0 t r o u t saesckxi l im it EXCEPT - k“angllng-6n-ensrstion!iine-as—list I to September 30.. .............— .RS OPEN TO YEAR-ROUND ,LLSPECIES;,MAS R E S E R V O IR AND L - I to D ecem b ^ S I —. to s iie o r poeaesskn l i im t SERVOIR ~ Including Dalrj-tn IV>.>*TntM;r ~ b a g ll'"** .......m s e a k » U m lt

n valley whecaverns in this area may be .only couplc of feet across a t the top and will be 20 to 60 feet deep. Some a rc fillea witli \Votcr, while some aredry .

w om enI tSto W '


_________ t


Ie h a p p y to k n o w t h a t <n i t lo n in - th e w o rld o f - ........Ism ales c u r r e n t ly h o ld ' ‘

r g , o f C o w i c h a n B a y , |fo r th e b ig g e s t 'C o h o j

I o n ro d a n d ree l a t

II .e v e r la n d e d b y a- s h a rk w e i^ U n g 1,314 ' ,

u n a le sxire im p ro v e s tc a n b e a l o t o f fu n to

liTyoiir nsH irig~rod ^

JliroUBliJlie.femnle port of the’ ferrule a few tim es and tlien use' a lightweight gun oil to

' lubricate the ferrule. -A notepfw am ing: D esurcto .

wipe ttic visible oil away since 'It tends to accumulMc d lrtand i__aggravate ra ther than help the problem.

Wildlife f< inSnake <

'T i k n tram the Canyon Ad* t ■ - v to i* cw unm M m w H , 1«75 1

. a s prepared by § tu a it L. i U urrel] * [' Tlie most beautiful feature of r

our area Is the .Snake R iver t canyon. Most of us do not _ ^

—approciato IL WeiUUt.withouc___ <sewage, dump our. garbage ir f . | It and generally feel that It Is a < nice placc to deposit our waste

, products. sThis section of the-Snake (

River provides a particulariy < varied tiabltat for a large

' numbei* of bolh aquatic and t terrestrial birds. Tlie cliffs i ^ ^ g this section a rc of prim e 1

: Importance for tlie rap tor < species such os ttie golden { eagle, prairie falcon, horned < owl. and ottter birds of prey. : Tlicy utilize them both for .. nesting ond wintering areas.- I T tie^iumerous springs supply s w ater for a tieavy vegetative i cover that Is favored by sm all ( birds and Uie mild clim ate in ' I iRcCimyoTnsTimiddcd-featun!— c In tlie winter months. i

- Ttie river section a ttrac ts i ._Jarge_numbcrs-or_watcr_fowl___ .i

during ttie hunting season and ' i t is an Important duck hunting ( a r ^ . Hunting of ttie rock dove i (feral pigeon), also supplies i m any man-days of recreotlon 1

• ttirougliout Uie year in th is s area. ' ’ ' i

— Tirere -Ortj a reported ' 13S------idifferent kinds of. birds that 1fr^ u e n t Itic conyon. .................r

.. ...T lic varied habitat'supplies i an important nlctie for a great r number of inammals. F or I example, Uie sliall'ow w ater t

._m qrg ins of the Snake Riverand numeroiB sp r in g a ttra c t----- 1such nqwntle species a s mink.

7 r ~ ' : ' G a n ^

, f / : ' ' j

Squaiieri cabin n ea r the Hi ------ - o f the canyon in thig a n

| I ® 1 ^

Fishing wI can 't rememberwhen I tried my

.......But since that tim e I have tried offoflureflstiing. -

1 suppose the cxpe'nse of lure stopped m e from time to time.

Also so many lures seem to bc i _ bites from fisliermen raUicr llinn lis

So during my yeare of.frslifng I upon myown'mctliOd of lure flstilng. • F or trout I prefer spinners, but f(

convinced Uiat Uie plastic worm answer.

In selecting trout iures^ II Is wise t nickel o r chrome finish spinners, p< coppcr or brass. Vou' can also add i

- in ttio abovc finlslies plus some n striped models.

Color Is oflen moro Important t lure Itself..On the ^nake River if 1 ttiol trout would .Ignore chrome or and strike a red and white model wit

You WiU find that the p lastic woi getter if fislied riglit. I like lo call

Use a small sinker about 18 to 24 i Uie plastic worm and a fte r the sir

. bottom, you raise the tip of the rod i ’ the sinker move, Uien slack up a mit

B ySrU M U R ^ELL^

Tlie Dcp:irlnifnl of FIsli and mGSSc ■ rclli3ixd—t-.O—mllllo'«:— wailcye fry into Salm on'Falls

. . Reservoir last week. This l.s .‘port of a continuing effort td 'e s tab lls li walleye 'in Idaho.

, Previous plants were mode In ■ Salmon Falls Rwcrvofr In 1974 and I07G, totaling 2.7 million

J - •

blind-. ...

canyonbeavcK miiskrai aiid racoMK.Ttie (restiwatcr mussel beds a nd ’ crayfisti supply an lm* . p o rlan t food so u rce to r racoons. Yellow bellied m a^ mols are 'abundan t and. ttie

. varmit.tiunlcr..wiUi specialized „... -equipment Js an Important -:.^ facct.of Uie.recii;ation in the canyon., Tliere are over 28 counted

spccies-of m am m als 'in the ' canyon including the Mule d ee r.. _'- 'Reptiles and Amphibians' in ttie canyon includc ttie com* - mon leopard frog and the , spring peeper plus a number of colorations of the common • g arter snake. There Is also tlie G real Basin rattlesnake In this section of Idalio.

. The canyon is also rich In Imporiant food chain species such a s mayflies, caddis flics, stone flies, ond fresJiwater snails whicti supply food for a greol variety of fisli and other

Insect life. AnoUicr interesting species Is a small scorpion that

.ii-is-common In this areo;----------- ^Tlie Snake River .contains a ■ '

great variety of flsli, bul due to a reduction in w ater quality over the years it lias t>ecome a less favorable environment for such spccies a s .trout which i ^ u l r e tii^ i Icvels-ofoxyBon- - and silt-lree 'spaw ning^bedsr-'-- However.; Uiere Is a race o f_ - rafhlMW-cui ttirbbt tiybrld of a very large size lh a t 'a re s t i m ' ' maintaining Uieir number In Uie aroa from Perrine.Bridge upstream to Hansen Bridge.

. Tlie fisli species number 2] ■different kinds. • - ................ ............

y o l i r o f f i

• '• - IB , .

!an»en b r id g e th a t crea ten ai rea . P e rh a p s co h in tec rs cou i

tith Inresdyflrs tlu re . tlie tip of your rot ff-on m ethods— ^-W h cn an y m d tl

snap Uietip upwr J fishing hos Fish don't sec

Tlicy gently pick I mnde to get . you don't even nIsh._____________ lcam..to_wntch_I have cam e Jiggingmotionni

g. Tlils “ botlom ;for bass I am tftfblts.wticn you n Is Uie true ttiat the lure sin

liave ttie bottom ! td begin wllh 'andUie7S<youp. [K rtiqpsafew ' Boot fisliing oiI some spoons • using lures, rcdiand-wtillc.. - Two years ag<

come from Saintlia n s ly lc o t cau g iiio n o iiilliI linvc round musklc. •

ir bras.n lures And the fcmal'ith pure hale. pul the plug on wlDrm is a trou t'- ‘ Tliere a re UieII this method hooked on lure fi

back to ball exce I inches above ' situations. Whet Inker hits tlie stiore from a boi 1 until you feel you'll tangle wll liteandwnlcti ‘ tlianyoucvcrlia '


Walleye fry have ttie ap- pearanceof litlle. blueiinirsso

-it-w ill-i)e-som c-tlm e_bclorc__tli'ey a ro 'large cnougli tden lcr Itie xo tch from Ihl? g e a r ’s release. However, ttie growth rate ' of those ricased in 1974 wn.s.oxccllcnt nnd several flsli' ;

^m easuring 13 ]nche.s long’ nnd aboul ='i of n pound were-


A ro o m in th a rietc! T iiis f ------------— ' - ..............- sq u a tte rs

f e r s T i i l i c


' I



^ p

an eyesore fo r the beauty * m id clean up the area. . . s

acqupte o f hintsrod or the line.dtlon notiratural occurs In the line.....ward and set thetiook.................«cm to strike Ute plastic worm, ck It up nnd swim off. Many limits I realize you hnve tiad a strike. S o 'bJhc_5)nck'Jinc_nHer_dolftgJhe___inecessary with thlslurc. n scratctiing" does give you bod ou use Ihe m etal lurc.s. You find >lnk.s t'o the bottom and zinp., v<m m o ta log. Ttien you lose the lure,J paid for Ihe dang thing.: of course. Is the bcisl mcUiod of

Dgo Uie lorgest reported trout to>' p llmon ^ I s creek reservoir wasil tilings, a 'la rge plug designed for p

. flale who cauglit the flsli said slieiwhile'trolllng]u.<>trbralnugli. Ihe ones who sny (hat if you get i; fisliing. you'll probably never go \ :cept for certa in species In certainfiether you wndc, troji, casl to ^&oal or cnst from shore o r beach, twilh more fl.sh, nntl bigger fish, tliave before. j

Vetlleye —' , 1

loca tcd fh .Salmon FalLs * Reservoir diirlng Ihe fall of 1975. S ince-tli.it time there

-Jm vc_bccn_no_oU ier yerlflod reports.

Egg sourccs arc locaiod in j Minnesota. Ulaii-and Kansas. t This p ro v id e s .a variety of 1 strains and one o r ali may " f .prove adaptable to Idaho’s v

• waters. • ' 8' >

— '■ V

s p t c u f r e t r a s taken near the ers h a d a cabin until recent yt

Ttie Snake river Canyon . ' a r e a ' h a s h i s t o r i c a l ' signillcance. Areas of man- . ' m a d e d e v e lo p m e n t a r c , perhaps the most significant.. '

Several, areas stUI have visual evidence of tlevelop- m ent elUier of t>elng worked or mined.

.......A.few historic areas o f im*' portanceare:

8PRINGT0WN: J /)c a t(^ on the souUi bank of the Snake River, approximately i‘j mile

'(Sow n^ream from Uie'Hansen bridge.

S p rin g to w n ca m e In to ' . e x i s t e n c e s h o r t ly a f t e r . |

Drytown was established, Drytown was localed sllgliUy upstream from the present Honsen Bridge. Springtown ' w as Uic inclropolls of the gold '

population near 3.000. .Tliere * were several general storesi ']

a ferry to tal<e men ociflss the — rtv c rrirw asT o m ctim csta licd T -l

the. "town in. the shadow" bccause, from November to * February Uie tiigh canyon walls to the south shut out the ’ sun, prompting resldwits to ‘

T h a t lig h t to u c lTo get a light

useaflyrod.A dosed face ree

. will accommodate Itsdf. Extremely 11 and wM p r o v ^ _ a hiaiaiJling. • '

Don’t uso your ] many of the fibergl wen idth closed'fac

_________ You can cany bo“ bag or basket and

suits you or the fish

Where are the [Wliere will the fish be

planted because of tlie drouth?T h 'c d r o u g h t c a u s c s

problems as to where to plant fish. ■

Would It be wise lo plant In. Flsti Creek reservoir, when all indications show ttie reservoir ' I WiU go dry'

This would be* foolish. So. ‘ Where are Uiey putting aU I tliose fist) that would normally be scattered around our lakes, andstream s.

According to game dept. . pcTfionncl: "Every time I haye

' the CB radio on to Uie fish and

‘Hagerman hatchcry truck '_. heading for ^ m o n dam', also ■'

Keeping a tab onM any'of you who rc tu n ra it 1

your risti to. Uie stream a t ■' I tim es would like to khow -thelength of the flsli you caugtit. I . i(ind U ut if ypu m ark your pole 'with a b r l ^ t red dob of paint <starting about 10 Incites up tlie ' 1

Tjiesdav. Mav t7 ,1977: Time

......: ....... .........................................r -



he Hansen bridge trhere t . rear* .......______________

■ . i "

cross the river and climb tho | ' north rocks to a point w heref . t h ^ could get some sunlight, J

Some or the ladders th e f used to ascend the north wall '■ are still Uicre and evidence o ^ oUiers. Tliere a re evldence'ot • cabins.rockhuts.andcaveson ' ' thesouU ibankoftheriver. - , '

Thera Is also a Chinese* . selUcment upstream, about l<<i miles from Springtown and

' that as lale as 12 years ago.stone huts were still visible. A \

~ t r a i l - to - th e - bottora-of • t h e - - - canyon Is on Uie soulhslde of ttic canyon . a b o u t. 1 ■ mlle^ downstream from the HansenBridge..... ... ' .............. . .......

At ttie present site of thp •Twin FalIs"power plant was'-',. . Uie settlement of U lUe Falls,,,. . .It was a gold mining town ' w tilclj„{iurinBJini-l{m )ft-rftn-ii_ lained two general stores, onei’

' on top of Uie canyon and one ttie canyon floor, as welt a s a t '

■neasftiiree saloons wltti hurdy, *-houses anddanceholls;----- —r f l —

Evidence of these sites cao'“ bc gained by walking up .Vi stream along the river and^^

' noteing the many rock walls [ used as cabins by the miners, |

; h .

t touch pole, why not !|

eel.worksVell'as its seat . '» the foot of the re e l ' ■ ; light lures can be used a surprise in feel and ' ' ___ _

r iv^ ounce beauty, but ’•glass fly poles will work aced spinning re i^ . ;'i i>oth reels in your fishing jid change as the mood sh. ^

planlers going? ; iWliySalmonreservoir? ‘ i Tills reservoir cannot be JJ

drained: Ttie”lrrigallon outlet ' is weU above a good body .of . w aterlthus allowing plenty of « w ater for flsli, 5• This sam e- gam e dept.- %

personnel told Swen "By loto \ •' fall you could possibly walk

‘ across the. fish Uiat will be £ plonledirtthereservolr.’’ •-

O ther p laces th a t will m a in ta in onniiah w ater for » planting a re : SouUi Fork of 5 ; ttie B o i« River. Big and Little • ’Smokeyrivers.

Also Silver creek p d 'U ie ,*

VTwlh'FolIs. ;

n your releases :-rod-you-havc-a-t»ondy-mork«r—J —

for measuring the fisli. ..M ark every Inch afler Uie 10 3 .

inch m arker and then you J ,, vSnTnotTTave to keep Uie fish ■ out of Uie water any great lengU ioItlm e..

,• '1 ■ , .

Tioo-fjows, T ^ln fallfl, tdatio.:.! ^ - ^

Page 34: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

} .The Magic Valley Tr r Machinc Associalion Is I nonprof il organlznlion

' ____ corpor^lcd-undcr. tlic Inws

' u H

........... - O n e . o f l h e m a n y p r o

h a d U t h e c o n a t r u c t U

f".; ' a c t i v i l i e a - h a r e k e p t i/i

i f i ' ' _ __________________ ___

I -------- ^ W h j ^ c a n ’ t - y *

I j C r e e k w i t h sV 4i'

T h e mo»1 r o p e o to d q u ; J l i s : " W h v c a n 'f w o f ish th e I

j : in r e p ly f o th is quo9tI<

■ D e p a r tm o n ta n s w o r s : li • s h o u ld b e n o le d fh o l\ '**«pp ly o n ly t o w a t e r s w h o r \ c o n d it io n o f a c c e s s o r iI 2 ^ h e o n ly f ly I l s h ln g w o to

w ^ t o te P o rk , B e a r T r a c k s W M h e ' N a t u r e ; C o n s e rv o n c y •-0 s h o r t s e c t i o n o f p r iv a t e

; - - i ; . - . . T h e r e , a r e m o n y ..p u b lic - t o - o r t i f l c io ] lu r ^ s . o n ly t

' p l e a s e d f is h . A n y a r ti f ic i k . ««llp>Yfid in t h e s e a re a s . . I

j ! ^ i s s l o n 's p o lic y t o nq^ rV E s p e c ia l u s e r g r o u p s sucl-

i ^ e n t i o n e d a b o v e , w h e n• Sl>y p r lv o te lo n d o w n e r s OS■ l i f t e d . ■ ----------------------------

--------“ " T h s i J e f f m i n n r 'e f l l y ^ t !I ^ a cc ep te d a n d Is s im ilo r t< , A l te r in g t h i s d e f in i t io n to

• ; 'n o d o u b le r e s u l t in lo ss ' m e n t io n e d o r e o s .

'■ . ;:S ig n e dJ o s e p h C. G re e n lo y ; d ire c t

FO R THOSE W H O C A N T O N LY RULES:■f LY FISH IN G ; D e f in e d c s f ^ artific ia l fly . It s h a ll b e u r '|} h o se w o te r s r e s t r i c t e d to I ARTIFJCAL FLY: A n y f ly w ik n o w n a s f ly ly in g , d o s ig r

Ih o s u r fo c e o f th e w a t e r i b ‘w o b b le r o r a n y o ttr a c to i b i tc h e d .

_____ * n r r r . Among (>>• kH«r»blggMl grip* te tt>« fly (lihlng < u»lngo iptnnlng r««L Partiopt

$M in t a im u tlUy lo m«>o t>ova feik t tli<rt cannot ceil e lly with I

------------ to allow-lhwn lo u«« o-(pInnln(' • fai>*n a pl*«* of f!y Iln* to ih* m.




_SM R T 1N GONTHE»rva— All

^ b u r l

KT>!-r-. fo tiimV-Nl>wa.TwInFalls,

g i c V a i llY ail Uie sto le o n o a jK ^ l lic purjM) g J, o f tlic o s so c la l lo iils to p ro m c

j„ . Uie .sp o r t o f (ra il m aciii g f • r id in g UirougJi ' c d u ta l i o

^ j e c in lh ^ H l^ ic ~ P a H e y Tra tion p r o je c t o n th e th ir d f t th e :c lu b in g o o d a tea d w ith

m o re aro p la n n e d f o r tb e f t ,


o u - f i s h - S i lv e r — s p i n n i n g g e a r ?

lu e s t io n to S w e n a b p u i f ls litn g I f iv f i s h ln o b n lv s t r o o r n s " ? lio n th o I d a h o F ish a n d g a m o

o t " f ly -f ish in g o n ly " r e s t r tc r io i is a r e t h e r e s t r ic t io n Is r e q u i r e d o s r o s 0 c o n d it io n o f a g i f t d o o d . le r s In t h e s t a to 'o r e f H a r r im d n W illia m s S t a t e R e c r e a t io n A ro a , f P r o p e r ty o n S i lv o r C r e e k a n d e p r o p e r ty o n B illin g s ley C ro o k . I lc .w a to r » _ w h lc h .a ro : . r o s t r lc to d ;

to r e d u c e h o o k in g in |u r lo s to c la l lu r e e n d a n g l in g m e tn o a is . II is t h e F ish a n d G o m o C om - r o s t r ic t p u b lic w o te r s t o f o v o r

ch a s f ly f is h o r m o n e x c e p t , a s 1 s u c h r e s t r ic t io n s o r e r e q u i r e d o s a c o n d it io n o f a c c e s s ' o r g if t

h s f n .'o ^ w ln i l i w ti u ^ u 1> w lilefy- to t h a t u s e d In o d jo c o n l s t a t e s . o .I n c lu d o s p in n in g tG c k le yvould i o f p u b lic a c c e s s in t h o o b o v e

c to r —


; f i s h in g w i th o f ly r o d , f ly l in o o r jn la w f u l t o u s o a s p in n in g re e l 3 f ly f is h in g o n ly .vh lc h is c o n s t f u c lo d b y t h e m olh< g n o d o i th o r to f lo o l o r s in k b o lo

b u t d o o s n o t In c lu d e a n y s p in n o o r b l a d e o r d o v ic o . o r a n y be

co m w n ti r*c*|y*d tn fS w n 1 fln<f that t g oniy regulation* It th* r*«trlcllon fo t you who grip* Ih* m od about th it probl* man* groupt and r*gUt*r and cbmplolnt. rv*.tu(h a r*tlrtctIon. What oboul th* elc h o lly pel* and r**1. Would II nol b* b«r Ing.rod.oBd a jm all.bobb* r..o r th*y,toi mono{lllm*nl (In* ond ce tl lh*fly v*ry *a

™ = = = = = Q .


E V IN R U D E O U T B O A R D S .


r f i s h i n g B O A T S



; m arina^D ^L G Q O I ) S _ ? ^ „MRPO«T«OAD

s , Idahb ' T uesday. May 17.1977

l e y T r a :irjHJWi u’xuiiipiu uiiu' n.'gi!iiuuuii.~)mole group was formed In I9G2 aicliinc d iop te r bf Uic Idalio Tillion. Mocl'iine A ssocialion i

r r a i l M a c h i n e A a a o c i a t i o n h

f o r k o f R o c k C r e e k . M a

U h t h e c o m m u n i t y a n d * m a

• f u t u r e .

J n s t a n o t l

? LINCOLN, N<G am e and P aria Its llb ra iy ofifl

^9 "Irav d in g carp .'Tbecom m issk

10 U g g ed lQ tb eU iN uclear Station I

ii» and w as caughtos days la te r — In,d. B lults.A rk.Qff ConunlssloQ t “ fish bad to trav ’ Rtver to its i

Mississippi Rtv __________ , Whl t e R ^ j ^

to said, “ tbe flsfa tIS - av e n g e d ls ta n e

m-«0 r .<.a sod .Tbe A m ^ e a n Re

lea rn w a te r su n iv a--------- 4ifiten-to-weatber-for

and know how to use 1os. •■1 • -------------------


■ o n d '

ithodolow {


lat th* fo net obUm

I eld*r b*H*rto u id _ You dldn’t.seltleJor_s<

r»<"y- bought a Mercury oul second besl In a two-<• Quicksilver is a bier

^ base oils, containlnj• with excellent deter

anti-corrosion qualil• Quicksilver contain;

deposit-forming me are liable tp cause <

• Quicksilver is speci . organic additives wi

combystion. thereb formation and depo

^ • Quicksilver is manu Mercury, with strict through every proc

Quicksilver Oil. It’s th Merc can have for pe long engine life.

j SPECIANow th ro u g h Ju n e i

. p u rc h a se a e a se of Q i- - R o g r$ 2 1 ;1 2 ~ rN <

M w nriC A M i

— GEM E^ UWN &

409 2 nd A ve. S ^ ^ p a a

• /

l i l M a c i i

62 os a ’ 1 " various po•proll of Itie Magic Volley. Will:

1 ond niotto of "Conservollon_____ Courtesy / Safely", Uid .

m g im m cm ters a rc rcprcscnied b S f i M board of directors consistln( { [ ■ n Dlck_Boyd. Mcl QvQlefSK

" P lo l^ ,_ E f i i i c ■ Gadsby. ■ IJ * tiiohipson,''W ait B allzcf {

Lorry Drcxier. Ot/icers a: President. E m le Gadsby; V P resident, 'L a rry Drexli

- Secrelnry. Ron Ttidhips< ^ ■ 1 Treasurer. Walt Ballzer. .

MonUily meetings arc li< ' Uirougiiout Ihe year on tlie fi

1 ^ 9 - W ednesday,of cocIi mcnlti ^ H | | — t h«—M o h o—P<rtvo r—C I ^ H 'audllorlum a l 7:30 p.m. Ni

m em bers and llie gene public a rc welcome to altc

H H allmeeUhgs.I B Activities of Uie Mai ■ n V a l le y T r a i l M oclili

Association InrUirle:*'■ O rg an ized t r a i l ride usually Uiree rides pcr moi

' between February ond S> temtier. Annual slote ride -

I ^ H conJuHflloh~wIlir~tIic"'iaf Troll Machinc Associalion.

B jf lH Troll Construction: ■ a . ' clea'rlrig projects such as i

■ S TliIrd'Fork of Rock C reek; | B h oUiers within Uie Snwloo

Cliallls, Boise.- Salmon i oilier area forests,

Fund R ais ing : Cliar bcnefltsandsllcntaucllons,

' Convenlion H osl: Jd: T rail M acliinc sto le ci

- y - vention every third year.1 naa Lcgfslotion Advocate: si M any a s the Off Road Vehicle Fu n n n v and the ORV Gas Tax Fund.

D e l e g a t e s a n d P j tlcipolion: in o variety of Is

:monagemcnt mwtinRs. Tr

t h e r f i s h s t o r v ?

N d). (UPI) ~ Tbe Nebraska arks Commission h as an addltton to (•fish stories — Uie sag a of Uw irp."isston said Wedoesday Uie ca rp was ) Ulssourl R iver below tb e Cooper km oearBrownvUleoa June4,197S, gbt oo a se t Iloe la s t S q it 4 — 475 - in Uie White R iver n e a r DeValls

n biologists bave determ ined the ra v d 450 m iles down Uw Missouri Is m outh ,' 470 mOes down ttie R tver and 80 m iles back up tbe w f a m i tw s s c a ^ L ' _Ina any frlpt.** ttw ...sfa tn iv d ed a t least 1,009 mOes. an ance of over two m iles p e r day ."

Red Cross u rges flsbermen Iv ^ sidlls, look before castio f o re c a B t8 r -> -tc a n 7 -^ f i r6 t- a id - l i ie lT -------- : --------^

)A0“ ^

— E n g l n e ’ ^ J i In su ra n ce U In A C an. m

r_secqnd best when yououlboard. Why settle for ' Mvo-cycle oulboard oil? ^ilend of top*quality M)ing special additives . Vitergent and 1alities. Mlins no harmful M .iietaliic additives which Wse damaging' preignition. m iecially formulated with ■5 which are consumed in ■ eby rnlnlmizing varnish ■ iposit buildup, . . H inufactured by • IH rict quality controls ^ •ocessing step. M l % the best insurance yourpeak performance and

\L OFFER 1• 30 , to v * $ 5 .26 w h en you I Q uicksilver F orm ula 50 . ■

-NOW — - ;-; " M g " — ! HA«KTiMX»*acnisin f l



l i n e g r ormm ^ u m n n « n u m s„ .Wlld«rn mrts Hearings, Forest Service Ih a BLMmecllngs.ctc. in ; Stntemcnl:

300 .T he Moglc Valley T b ya Mdchlne Association is ngof f a m i l y tra ,, i l . r l d i iteve - “ organTzotlon rftilcrcstcd - Ilon '... ip a ih ta ln in g 't l io ■ sp o r ra nd ‘"~mo^orizcd off.rond trail rid

a rc :, -wc a rc very concerned > Vice IhcJiegatlvc views of our s] ;]cr: •. being promoted by pro son: ■

Mon-leral • ■tend .,

nglc iTIne

le s:onlh . 1.Sep. . ■- In

la lio

and ; llic and ■

» th .and


con* _ e & ^ H H M *

such'und i £ j

- i i F• a r- ^landPrall

H i tc j ie l l 4 a i > ini

S h a k e s p e a r e 2200Ultroliglit, Reg. $17.<

Mitchell 330 p ]A utom atic B oil.fteg .

b i c k ^innins RiM odel U O , 220 , o r 3


“ ... ~Snelled-Hook«^--- ---------------P lg r= r 6^777777777777

n « Salmon EggsPautikat Bollt 'o' Fir*

'Chinook R*d or l ig h t . . . .

Wooly WormsOuollty.TlodUtally.........Courtland 333 1Wolght forword S doubl* Flootlng or linking, fiog. )

H S a l m o n W o l

' M 3 / W a y S w i v

I E ' / i ' L e a d C i ni f MostadTrelile HooksV iV 3X Strong. NO. 2-3 -4 ..;.B . W r W McGill E raoeer| H CottlngGuld*!...............m Fenwick S a ln m RodsI r . A W l l h C o i * : . . . . . ..........


l l t t i

^ ------o wK y "T h e O utfitter'

f S l t i eH ^ *

) u p n i a l irn p ss tti.. nows nic 2nd e n t e r t a i n m e n t m c d li

educators and oUiers who ho off road velilclcs In dlsrespec

T ra» , Q ur-Lm cm bcrs. Iierc^_ . J ° elscwlierc. comc from a wl

- JcrosS sccllon.of.AmerJcans — ali.lypcs.oI-cconomlc^eUif

.jjjIjjp___ aJ i-d __0-C.C-U. p ,a.l.l.o . n i1 wiUi backgrounds. We arc iolned •sport ' a common bond of rccrcatldi ircser- e n d e a v o r com bin ing t

14 D ay s7------AAay-ITfl


^ S h a k e sp ea re 7500

SplnXastirig-P R e e l s

inning Reels $10SW innlng Reels $|gsinnjnReeis $1^RmIs ” ........... ^ »99<■330, R og, * 2 6 .9 5 ................ L L

lial^^e S.P-160 | innlng

No.B-0, 1 4 2

\ M ps Spinners p & Tripple Teasers

Your J L 4 4=filH) lc e v r lg ^

$ i «.............. .............. Your Oiolc* ■

.................... 33■ « Q 8 .

J. JI3 .5 0 .......................................... I r ■


Atlas Oil Po

Cluster Eggs

$ 2 3 3

>bblers . . . . . . . 4 9ivels . . . . . . . . . 9 9nch . . . . ____ _ 29*.

.............. ..........................................s yer bim'iiods


iEARLAKES - m S M A Y a i ------

r ^ ________________ '

I t a k e s SC B I D i r n i l M t A V A IL A B U

1236 Blu* Lak*

- - - = p ‘ '

k e s s t a t; and niiirtnnrs a n d U i e j n o t ^ ^ d l a . Bikes are usea oii-rouu

1 hold iiuhters. flsliermen,—cattM bugs, rockliounds and J

• j_ as___ plain pleosure riders. __wide We are most concerned 0'

ans In unjustified and unrcosona eUinic ... lan d .c lo su rc s resu lting :fr i.n n j . specific_scl„a8 idejand u led by • Ui'wartlng tlic multlple-use itldnal our public lands.; th e w e fee l wc m ust.

^ th -fh ru 3 1 sf AND REELS


3 —

V $44.

C99 l*lliieger Med List0 . ModerU94& 1494Vi,1:99 True Temper Spin IU Rod, Reels Line.....7 ^ Shakespeare Fly Ol• Rod, Reel a Tapered S

2“ » ? * » ' " igRods

E A llb iU R B

'S' K P n f t 'irs

jf= - ' Cm— -Rapata FItst Knlv«

O berlin Balt C ant1.4 9 Doubt* (It*, R*o. S 5 .9 S .........

' H am pshire Chest4 * , lntulal*dDoolFoot,R*o.$39.^

* Servus Hip W ader....... Affl*rkanMad*/Lodl*»SU*«>

W ater G rem lin Sp.......................................


> a c '

19* . . Shakespe Salmon RoiBW5603 . . . ..............

• j ; Quick 300r SIM Ute Capacity!

Stiate e24(n'SalM |5 0 ftDbassalerGOOOCastiii:


— iPW—J UNTIL 9:(M

S p o r t i n iI U ■ A N Kak*i Blvd. N. ---------- Twin r*lli____lUMiriia AJ*. to tp j* - >i4DArt AgA«ii

..................1 ......................... ■

t e i h e h t• r .

bike, o rganized to. com bat the

mera pressures which oro being Just * brought lo bear on land

- r . m anagers and the public lover qpinlonTTVe welcome those noble ' who would choose* lo Jolh us in- from on organized opproodh J o uses 'prornoUhg;,onc of iHc mosV

tM of ' 'l» P ’u lar -and rcwffrain'tfTiT ouldoor sports — trail bike

1. b e rW lne-

f l i

R o d siw lth -co ie

Spinning o r Fly

IFIyReel$ $1R99''/ i ,R eg . $ 1 9 .9 5 . . . .......... IUI Casting OulfiF biitffl1 S inking Line. . V.......... W ; : :

Rods $gW'

................. ..

IS . - .FlshmdsterFloat M e“& Cover

i t e e n r $ 3 * * '-

it H lg li W a d e r9 . 9 S , " ........................... „ „ „

. * 2 5 ” ''" ’'ip lH sh o t A s s o r t m e f i t ^ ^ f

r ................" ........

little Chief i::;i S m o k e r s ?

Ws * 2 9 * ” i

00 Spinning Reelsr Spool........■ o a R td s . . . . . . . : .« 2 ^»i8 Reels................

I O N S I A S O N - '■ M

M S M A Y a i ^■1— «i

i N ^ r t s o —


;g 6 d o il& iK C JU ID S W IL C O M I

' .. J

Page 35: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

- - — r - 4 ^ ^ 1 P -

W i i ' ’ *

T hree

Items fou elassed ai

~* )lke Imounlaln trails and deserts in

■'“ tH a ^ o rC lfiw ^ ^ i^ a n y .w h o . . walk and that gather beautifu ••W atlts’^

\O B tlsaiiW H atils” ? .A 'JW^atits" Is any object tl

find th a t you don’t know w ha w m e cases w hat it fits o r wha

-d o e s ..iit^e three examples ^ o w n .

key tha t fold like a pocket kn had found; —

. th e * "W hatlts” quallficatl Bruley’sitey Is: What in heave t l ^ y f l t ?

Hifhd stamped on the blade o thftletters NORMAN K GOLD.

»?£ Bruley doesn’t recall wl -w as found but has.always woni the key cam e from.

‘ Another “Whatits" is a scls with a cup on thc slde of the I a irf.ap resseron th^'itpper blac

various opinions have b t t i

drutheOne of Sw m s ccUege. j

and rq ir ln t It for ttiose of yo - . ByD A R PE

--------Sam & pl& ce^£j£a{U uLh<— inaterlal'concemlngthex)ld

S& m s the hill people of t the fertile plain, captured t set about (fevdoplng the fir well_with this novel form of for one thing.

They got so wound up in b by the a rts of'w hi

prtWactive plajns ^ a n to j of grain. It was Athens. ~ 3 h ey literally built Useros , We druther pot see a pa: su^buraia', biii it s ^ m s to be farm land and then Incli m arginal lands in scheme

- - Ihesft'm '^yb®’ ^firm s. ^ In m r l d W ar II we goi

ceiUcal portion of the islai Villages were fou

iandt?rpcky, u s e l ^ gipw > learned about land use a fe\

’■ D nH h«^not‘*sw ”tIie.“da; jBtiMltutes for food is hard I


:■ ANDplffB

i “. i r i i W j t a ' ' . ' . ■■ u n v i M i i r t l M r

, : - » i a B B T n i l l i r r r


C« Uectjjig---------------------= 5= -----------------------

je “W hatiu” owned b y local j------- -__________________________ _

and locall] IS “^^atitj" S hiite ihe press”, a “grap n o u ra re a fo r . th a titw a s ju s t;

* ^ ^ ^ = T ra v e :sD w e ih in i ful stones and m aae oi orass i

on the side of lh< Ttjls object

th a l yotj.may .collection of bn lat it Is. o r in possession of Hilat lhe heck i t ------This objectra

tool that folds ; I above are a . beakw ithasha cnife lhal Bill . The handle i------- ------------ -b lade-is madeoiitlon of IVJr. no m arkings wi /ens name did afte r using na

polislilng with s of the key are on the blade of tl 5- ■ n i e markingswhere the key GER&IANY ndered where This is lhe fu

know w hat you Issor like tool But sometimes i lower blade, little loving car ade. _ o fth e p a s t. Anyen: "A garlic . Ideas? --

ers . . . /■. frtendr; and long tim e ihased tbe oldest paper In ild ab o c lty .u f l i i i i i n m t paB H co l u m n s — i ro u w tM c a r e . 1ET E R S O N .b e a n L a .b l t .o f . i n t e r e s t i n g ^ _Id Greek-civillzationr------ r—j' th a t area cam e down to i the surrounding area and < irst democracy. They did , >f self government except J

being free and equal they t [lat to Uve on. The once i } sprout buildings Instead |

iselves to death. ’ara lle l in our sprawling i>etrue.W ebuildonprim e ji:lude ^ a t chunks . of Zles to provide water for ;

;ot out to . Okinawa. The Eand was completely far- Stunded bn the poorest soil I wing area. Guess they J QW hundred years ago.ay 'suburbia starves us. sito co m eb y . S


SPE dA lPR ia

Cflrj i M -

~ '

v i K l .

f * r ' l )

3 / people

ly arets .rapesqueezer", and one guess , 1s t some tool a person m ade lo lingio 'dcrffirBctBO Tr-tM rifl* ' ss and has the m arkings 227" lhe blade.

ct belongs lo Swen in his brass. The third object is the 'Hank Fisher, Twin F alls. t,'agaln Is a pocket-knife like is an^ has a goose neck like iharp cultiflg edge a t th e end. e is made of brass and the- eof-steelrM ivK lshcc£iU dihat_ were visible on the tool, but^ naval Jelly and. s o m e , light h steel wool I found m arkings' jfthetool.ngs were: VON C L E FF A co;

: fun of “ Whallts", you never ou have when you find them, es after le a n in g and giving a care the item reveals secrets my of you old timers have any

“ I ¥ e w r e e d i % 7

' B i i l l h e a d , C h o h o

s e t n e w r e c o r d s

' ' i v o f l^ . a colio salmon and a bullhead c a t i lZ w ere ddacfl ^

t o Idaho’s rccord lisl.. Ron Moore of Boise caught a - rc c o rd coho sa lm o n In

— Brown1cc~Rc5ervoirthat-TV8s—

measurement of 11 inches and a weig>itoI2.91 pounds.. Moore reported catching lhe '

iand-lKked salmon on April 26on a Big 0 type bass plug. • ...... .. The new s ta te . re c o rd

bullhead was c a u ^ t by MTnnie' Brown of 'I'wln h'aJls. sne caught the 2-pound. Il-ounce catfish on'April 30 a l Wilson - Lake. •

i l i i i i t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i

iGloaI ON 7 5 1[ 76MRJI 76 MR II 76 TL 21j 75CB1[ -N O W p H O N i> A ^

j — “ j u s l i ^


■ r - . • • '

Jus. . w m i Uie diDughl. and fish

pcrtiaps my sccorTd fovc will doorocllvUyduringthesumn

Hiking and collccting, now i ' 5*condonm yllsloflovc8 :—-------II tn heat when you hike «

take off lo the hills and desert Just get lost, but ralher Just li

, youaregoi»g,: 'H^ke mostly away from th

wticrevcr you can find a n Ir explore. Travcl light and kec ground; -

• Actually collccting gives I • " eolngonahlke.

:~ny6irnna-5aii}cthing.-(ine: somo great counlry.

Periiaps It Is an old bottle. < Item Uial wasoneof a kind.

You ’ hardly ever find monetary volue.

To sell your coliecUbles wo IhrUI of finding "a trcnsure".

Moit collectors hike a t lh< , do not advocate thol any


average hiker wllh the pace I •Also, most ol us collcctor-

It makes the trip a place to fl which we all sock.

Therie Is plenty of prelty co■ ■ sorlsforeveryone.youngoni


■ Thefl--------------------- ------------------------------

BySTUHURREU. RegkoalO aoM m tloa

; - E d u d o r p,i .......The hunler .crouchcs low.

sneaks cautloiidy toword his ' ' . quarry, (which appears, as a . , .' ' torpedo shape lying motionless /• in the shade of a large (-

boulder), then raising slowlyI he lakes aim sllghUy below Uie t shope ahd looses his orrow. A I g reat spiasiilngDCCursiindlho— ‘ hunter/fisherm an ’comes up

\ with a qilendld rpeclmen of a i carp. Tbe sport cf bow hunllng

carp or suckers Is great fun and combines tbe enjoyment of bolh hunting and fishing. Southern Idaho hos some excellent carp and sucker

• hunting and sportsmen are ] m issing a bet on these B overiooked Ilsh.J One secret of good bow ' fishing Is approaching Uic fish

quietly and not letting youf shadow faUon IfiewatcrT Carp

------are-extrem oly-wnry-and-any—vibration along U>e bank will

' spook th em . W ear da rk - • Q clothing so the sun docs not• reflect your, image into the

w ater. One of my favorite . leduiiquM is to , walch for feeding c a ip which have U ieir.....

j . snouts—aluck../.up—thrflugh,I a q u a tic v eg e ta tio n w hile '

. making slurping sounds. Tliey> . won’t see you well througiiUie .> vegetation and 1 try lo stick an«— ^arrowr ig h tm U ieimoserM y—

1 17 pound range in Bliss R e s e r v o i r u s in g t h i s

'■ technique. ^> E ariy spring fishing for both .. . suckers and corp-wlUi con* i ventlonal flstiing gear Is also

great fun, particularly -for ! children. I used lo fish Uie - Boise R iver wiUi a fly rod and 1 ’ worms each qiring. A five-

pound carp on a l ^ ^ t rod con

I I I I U I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i

l - t t i t sfTB IIM elH

2 5 0 ' s . . . . . . . 1 7 5 's

2 5 0 ' s . . . . . . . . ^ 31 2 5 ' s . . . .■ And Many OMier Mm

/IN S T O C K ...^ 5 0 ' s ; ^ 5 0 ' s

n MinotrDiivMi^-O P E N SUNDAYS.-

' '“ .-J''-‘v 'i r N i l i i i T i i i h

hing In the decline. llfb e my, m aln^ul- .merondfflUori977. ..V thot Irwhat-comea-------

and colleci. lo l ust • r iso fo a ra re a n o fto • . tbdotTt know where '

lhe bciilen poth and ■' Interesting place lo - ;cp your eyes on the

i m e an 'excuse for

cH f-tu tr-^u^/c seen--------

.o ran o ld h n n d m ad e '

onytliing of real

?ould destroy lhe real

heir own pace' Ttiey ' style hiking be .

mnn wniild kill Uip______ ______•he sets. rr-hikers travel alone. ' T/irind your inner peace th\

rountry and 0 Ihrill o r ndold.

Carp: GoPull Skin wllli

m oke a fisherman do a lol of running up ond down ifie bank before landing them. They a re ex trem e ly - pow erful fish .

. AnoUier tip is ’to use a light sinker and small hook since carp can feel the weighl on a Une quickly.

P r ^ r care ot the flsh-as you catch them can. lead to some good eoUng. On hot days I p refer to fUlet them quickly

_ a n d .p Iacc .lh eJ IIle t8 ..o n Jce ,__This holds true for any warn)

—w ate r—flsh“ 5 u c h - a s " bass;— biuegiil and crappie. A step by

's tep flileUng process follows In Uie accompanying phoTra.

One of the principal com* ’.p la in ts againsl ca rp and

suckers Is tbe fact that the muscle tissue Is filled wiUi --

Fill a few of the plastic ' Jugs your wife throws oway with w ater and then freeze.

----- Y ou-con-theiru s^U iem -ln—

of Ice. II wUi reduce, the mess of Uic melting ice and will fUi the drinking w ater necd'olso.

F o f the kids you can f r e a e som e fruit Juice and have o plcosapt.chonge,

You can hu rry up • the' m elting process when ready lo : drink by exposing the con­ta iner tp the outside tcrh- perature.

i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i '

itEilIONDA$ IB ^ ' I

F « 1

7 4 5 I

4 6 5 IiMs [ I . 1 9 7 7 — - I GC4«00's--j-

. . .■ ■• I

4 2 M 1 7 9 =

to some

---------------------- JeiceltMi-the^The above items teere eo th t ihrough the'detert regions. Ti 3 sp a rk p lug fro m a m odel T

an old ice box a n d It

)od earing

- -— ......

smaU-bones. By cuUlng Uie . (illelB in small strips Ui a crosswise manner these bonM can be “ cooked crisp" by deep fa t trying. I served about 6,000 . peiqile samples o t carp fUiets a t Uie FUer F a ir two years ago and had very few complaints. Tbe recipe I used Is as follows:. After cutUng the fUlel'Into strip s a s shown In Uie photo the ' s tr ip s a re .dipped In a batter and d e e p ’ fried a t a tem- peralureof375-«»»F.

1 cup cold wolerlegg ....................V4 cup solod oil

Add:;_1 cup "Wondra" OP other line,,., pre-slfted nour

~ 4 leas.com siorch • •


'nMMnnrWlnmiMgoCM TTm n«w wmiMbaoo CMaftj •fyltwdtwsuon.ffiuuun

- mlMQfmotor.bonwtnvM. -nwChMUkilidMlDMtftr ouka fM( right at hom* mtny Mleyabla hours ouU n*wChl»ftiln.

I Y IS w h

_SAVi r n K B A t o c n i

M m m i i E: FM tura t Includ.; dovbU co^iI. glkl*<o-vMy bunk, erviM contr; vocvum oovoM. S2 oallon fr«i; with duel holding lonk*. ouxllic• Ib. LP.O.. ouKlliory flwtorolo S ; auxillory bonofv, 4000 gmarati ; rool olr condltkwlng. Dodg*• AM/FM inultlptAx rodto, 8 cu;• j»t»d a front curtain.


i ' i m n ’ im iiNWUIIKITOI

I M0.<|Z eO M PlE T E !

J . C o l l e c t i n g g o o

^ h o b b y f o r y o u


Ig eolltetor^JuhkJiuiihersl__I h c l e d b y q c o l ie c lo r . in a , T hey includei a 1928 Idahc I T Fordy A nam e p la te (han> 1 lu<oseem‘to-bei thdian, grair

g , J i a n ^c a t clleaB.bakingpowdcr

.. •lleas.saU . _______ : . .. It e a s , m o n o s o d iu m

. . g]utem ate(‘'Accenl” ).Now If you really wani to set ‘

your f i ^ off with someUiing |■ ■■spcclal.lrylhlsM Uccr' i’ I c u p c a t ^ , . • - '1 2 tab le^obns mayonnaise______ j

j W g o o n l a n j n j ^

^mmiBiTeam Champloi L ^ h a m p l o n .

: - ^ o r J h o M e . to ^ ^ p p i

. 8 |» d k e l.2L. Bike':

N . - IT ’S A C L A !

P *ChMtain. - -nw itMdwd iMtun

I* buirt In th« ChMttIn motor homUunchodmllUontol . • Bcwblerootgu/olivM. e gallon .witw h«tlcr^andonglnMfMto^ (scoovon • 23.0008;xnowrhlloyoutptnd • Marint lolltl • 0«ouUeora wtth your • OutsU* atorae* • <

•. auxiliary batlaty • 3 1

V E O V E R MSMtFIMI n wmco-pltot Mol, front Paotura* Includ onirol. boltary and Clido-woy ^ n l frath walar supply vocuum wugat, xlllary got lonk, n wllh duoT h^dlj rolor. iroilar hitch, lonk. hllch, ouxit iielor. 2BXKK) B.T.U. oulomotic- air ,•'440 v-8 angina, 13,900 roof air, CU;- fl. rafrigarotor, 440 angina, 8 c

dadt. clock ond I

• 5 - ' ■ , * 1 !


995 M iE S A L E S - S E R V I C E - H I T a

m ’-CEWEI(Mhlad Bin Workman Ford) ,

ue loV*» Blvd. No . Twin FoiU ■ _ •

l‘1»- ■ •

T uesday, 17.1977 Timim esJ te w s , Twin FalU, - J l S j l

7 -

l o d o u t d o o r ;

u n g o r o l d ' „ . - - . i v

II Sunday i r r o i f . .*

/ t c e h te p fq ie , *. n d m ade) fro m ■ 'lin grindern. ^

ghing3 lablcspoons "hot” groundhorserad!,sh_.,_!___ ' - “4 teaspoon W o rc h ^ r s a u c e Incidehliy, Uie above recipes

olso arc quite good for deep frying aiirimp and oUier fish.

-B u l really;- now. w h y bother ^with such.mundane table fa te - . •a s that vrtien you cah ih a v e____carpo rsuckerf ..^

lECANE IM------ »T89~. . . . . . ;» 6 » 9 “ ;- : i |

a ; b |M U $ F l i M S a t ' M

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a«aa that you w«l And ort.atl maa Induda lha Mlaartng;alactrtoratrloarator •Jbrtaoatlc------------------lar • 4 bumar ranga **«h glaaa >8^(orcadalr(<nieta(I)tumac» . . Oaluia wall-to-wall carpaling- • W amp fi^ttary and tOS^^iT^ -.-S ,

r a e t h r t m e y f ; —

i n n w l o r h o n i M a j


MOTomnEud«; dw jb t. eoiJlloI .M t. I ro n l. ■ unh,'Crul»a conlrpl. bottary ond . a t. 3S gallon lra»h w clar lupply • ding tonki. gougaa, ouxlliory go i : xitlorybottafy.apora lira* a covar. •ir condillonar, 4000 ganarator. w.; __lir. 28.000 B.T.U. lumoca. Dodga .I eu. It. ralrigarofor. AM/FM topa d front curtain.

5 ,835521’JH|0»60 ,■lA V iinniR H iiiiE

Z,999CHES "PARTS----------- ■ r:

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Page 36: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF330/PDF/1… · stops 0ier - p l o d CONCERT TONIGHl lertalner d^the Year. — Grammy-award-wlnner---------------be presented

|S|:j^jOckli6nnds^ i l ^ m c l i i b

A c t i v i t i e s "_ 1 L B o t h h u s b a n d a n d

ip i fe w i l l e n j o y r o c k h o u n d i n g

Twenty-seven years ago' {group of M ag ic Vplic:

.....-;^-r«8ldenl8 saw Ihe need I■ ‘^ .b rgan lic and ’coortIinalc’'th

bobby of ‘'Rock Hounding" " “ •an d 'lh rtU tfr 'U ils c ffo rr ih

■ Magic Volley Gem Club wa born. *• 1

; ■ TJje Magic Valley Gem Clul > t o d a y h a s m e m b e r

i th r o u g h o u t th e V alley■ Members a re from Ruperl

I Paul. Burley. ■ Albion. Muf i; ta u g h . H a iley , J e ro m e

W endell. G ooding. Buhl Holllsler. F ile r and ' Twli

r-FaUfl.-^--------: ---------------------. 1 Members come from all

• - • , walks of life. Farm ers, stonclerks, office workers, doctors ( e t i r c d people, teachcrs business owners, etc. Al

,p < ^ le -a re welcome to th< ■jliib. th e . age .o f. memben

•' . Vnng<» from Junior Meigt n ‘ who ‘a fe 'iu id e r IBTtb lh<

retirees who a fte r 70 years d l ^ e t o give their age. -

. The lMoJ cJut)'is aiiuioiec w ith the Northwest Fedcratlor

of. Mlneraloglcal Societies.- composed of six western states

a n d a lso th e A m erican. F ^ r a t l o n of Mlneraloglcal

Societies which Is the national organization wllh six regions.

•' ■ su c h a s th e N o rth w est Federation.

i--------- - I ^ l d e n t of the local d u bthis year Is Dee. W. Ainsworth,

1 w ith T e r ry Rowc. V ice President. E thel' Stobaugh, secrelary, Barbara HortlST corresponding secretary and ESsla Miracle, treasurer.

■ •; Tlie a u b meets the third H iu rsday .o f each month. 8

‘ ,p jn .IO O FH all.The highlight of each year is

the M a^c Valley Gem Show held In the first p a rt of March. F rom the humble beginning y e a rs ^ g o ^ Jthe. • show ia

’’ recognized a s one of the best in Idaho. The last several y ean

.--r bas aeen the show outgrowlnsr ~ KAfiitlng fpi»n»Uf aivHtMi? Uub is d ^ r a t d y looking for

- a - la rg e r show place. As one . Jadyiwtl It, “You have wall U

wall people.""n*® pinpose of the Magic

i . VaUey G em Show Is tc ' Rcqualnl (he general public

' ' w hat "Rock Hounding" <ls all----------afaoutrP^layere-from -as-fai" " T a s 200 m u a show/theli' wbrk Ir

a l lv e rs m lth ln g , face tin g cabachons, (gem stones cut

----anrt pnll»hi^-la-flwal»^haart&crosses, etc.), artifacts, rougl gem m aterial (as fo im 'ln th< ground!,' educational dlsplayt and also demonstrating theli

' tiobby.. : One Interesting division o

ttie local show Is the com petition held for those wh< wish to enter. The dlqilayen ■iase is Judged by a poln 'system . Suggestions to Im prove showmanship and wort a re given. Credit for out

;------ standing-work-Is noted. It liK f d t that In this way the qualit;

and method of display a r Improved each year. • ;

' During the fum m er monlhj_____t t e 'a u b j acllvllliai IncliKte i

•.‘Field T?Ip'* oncc a montl 1 This is an o rg a n b ^ trip wher ' m em bers go a s a group to th

- m any areas where gem stow J m ay be found. Usually a or

day trip, the “ field tripV day i enjoyed by old and ne' m em bers a like. P etrlfle wood, agate, Jaqier, etc. a r

. ■ found to be cut, pollshec tumbled. These trips includ

■, a rea s such a s Texas Springs ) Nevada^ Nevada and Utah

south of. O akley, Idaho ■■ Dismal-Swamp, near Rock

B ar; an area north of Carcj• - B runeau desert, neor Ihe low

ofBruneau.•; i To become more, proflcler . , Hounding," classes are hcl

ifor members. These migl in c lu d e , s l lv e rs m lth ln g cabachons, Identlficollon c m inerals, o r Just a genen

< . 'discussion of the hobby.I — : T tieclubpubllihtttheM agi

V alley Gem News, a montlil .yuMlcatlon. carrylrlg the new 'W 'tfie'cliib, very InStrumcnU

r-------- la-keeplng-club-m em bers ilform ed on club actlvltle

lU axlne Faublon Is editor.'' 7 ~ 'T b e club U very ncllve' I

■~|"~neivlc“flffalr8,“ ^rtlc lp n iln g 'i ; J o h n n y H^Wjlzon Do-j

' ’representatives a ttch (U IUr ------- fo re s l“ SerVice“ Q n^W fiiV.' h e a r lh g s c o n ce rn in g t l

outdoor activities, lecturing the local schools on gem at

*.; m inerals, also contributing a scholarship, fund on tl

— N ofthwest-Federatlon level- : fu rther the study la e a rl

• • , •^'Bciencw.

T ^Z ; Timoa-Ni»ws. Twin FjIIs. Ic

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l ^ h o TueMtey, May 17.1977 = =

H EREA IA iiiirB R j- ADIDAS & ~

;a s u a l s . . .ARMUPSUITS—


I F T O- n YOO’I

iYVINGS: WlS j = = « •” _ _ _ _ COHSER



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^ K J ^ K - ’ - :- -,r—. '—: - ^ ^ ^ t r A 4 - t i ^

FOU R FR E E FA m K v ^ I ^Himply. nil owl an mii^^lfbiik:*!

lt» 6 'mriMbHiiVill w in UMnqporUl iw OUnrvtifnd'pliwS day* and^^a r ftiur w rrhly.«»nt«itii,;w ah w in iw itrlnff drawn andjinmmneed'dhiKl J i ih f iln iiin d lOthi; N o jro re ln ^ iH lim trn l t» win. C h a rim <>r!wtnnl> t-ntripM. Kitiploym orS ca i« ,‘Rorb

-^klr-W r> l.-»^lt.U lJU M t)L .lW ucrU oi air iml i ll)|lblriV- ------—

tranniMtrlatiun l>}'... liiinhrM A lrw rw l^ - -^ ^ .

5av« 'i . I n f a n t G ir r « -; S u n n u k R e g u la r $3.99


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P l a y i v e a r RegiiAll. Itf (h rm .- (rfm endous f*

, iia rfia lna i P lrh from a n .'. VMMirtinrnl ' o f b u b b lm . £ ^i>h7>rlan-' am i ptaMIr' lln rd if

r - = * r : SEOSi^~~ SEARS.-? X . .ATWIN rA U S .rOAIfO'FAUS«'«UI»T--4IIW»|»1W. • Wl !w»k i!.

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DC 20% ■i l e r i h ' o u r B i l a l e f o r 4 D t

lo n v en ien t F o ldugu iar $24.99. Look, to .the-, . . t r o r a l l th e fe a tu r e s d f th b .-^ midua . atvoller.' h*« tery.' ..,;• ( h t w e iB h t '• fo r - ' e a a y . ' '.-

r ^ A d j d i t ^ I r B g c E ^

k S n w lH « , i » , .8h(br<rM)>ii«rv-.-),.L.

, Removable Sun Ganh M i i l r ^

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SaveSicep a n d P la y get* " " S h li

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Stripe*, p r in u and wIicU. .

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L / TW *top*f y Sand^c/ / B iie f i u


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SAVE\ 5 % t o 2 B %l u g - a l o n ®H pH ery

j l a r | 1 . 3 9 - - — •. ----------

n ty hose . . . . .9 9 *

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^ _____ S e a n^ P e r i i i

L a n c n a t e r p a t t e r n * n------- -----a h e c ta , c o ih ro r te ra .

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SAVEn.3e a rs R e f lu f f a b le f i l le d D acron® '

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