= WORLD MAP REGIONS: ROCKAXE CASTLE, FOREST PATH TO MATILDA, HIGHWAY VILLAGE, MT. RAKUTEI, MUSE-MATILDA BORDER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ENEMIES: PHANTOM, PINK BIRD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ENEMY DROPS: 3000 - 8000 POTCHES IN EVERY BATTLE =============================================================================== ============== ================================= 4.) HIGHWAY VILLAGE ================================= CHARACTERS: FUTCH, HUMPHREY ================================= ITEM SHOP: --------------------------------- MEDICINE 100 ANTITOXIN 200 ESCAPE TALISMAN 500 SHOULDER PADS 2000 FIRE EMBLEM 3300 ----------- RARE FIND: ----------- THUNDER AMULET 7500 ----------------------------- RECRUIT (FUTCH/HUMPHREY) ----------------------------- In the Highway village, head to the inn and you'll see Futch running towards yo u and after that head up and you'll see Lucy(inn owner) talks to Humphrey and when she'll w alk away talk to him and outside you'll see Futch and Kent talking about Dragons and Dragon k night and Fucth show the dragon scale to Kent as a proof that he is one of the dragon knight an d they'll talk again little bit about it again and after that you and Humphrey continue you're conversation. [1]"So, uh... where are you from?" [2]"Weather sure is nice today, huh?" [3]". . . . . . . . . . ." Choose the second answer and Humphrey says "Uh uh ............." and another op tion pops out. [1]"Where are you going?" [2]"My, what a big sword?" [3]". . . . . . . . . . . " Choose the first answer and he'll say "Harmonia" and again another option pops

Suikoden 2

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= WORLD MAP REGIONS: ROCKAXE CASTLE, FOREST PATH TO MATILDA, HIGHWAY VILLAGE, MT. RAKUTEI, MUSE-MATILDA BORDER --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENEMIES: PHANTOM, PINK BIRD --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENEMY DROPS: 3000 - 8000 POTCHES IN EVERY BATTLE =============================================================================================

================================= 4.) HIGHWAY VILLAGE ================================= CHARACTERS: FUTCH, HUMPHREY ================================= ITEM SHOP: --------------------------------- MEDICINE 100 ANTITOXIN 200 ESCAPE TALISMAN 500 SHOULDER PADS 2000 FIRE EMBLEM 3300 ----------- RARE FIND: ----------- THUNDER AMULET 7500

----------------------------- RECRUIT (FUTCH/HUMPHREY) -----------------------------

In the Highway village, head to the inn and you'll see Futch running towards you and after that head up and you'll see Lucy(inn owner) talks to Humphrey and when she'll walk away talk to him and outside you'll see Futch and Kent talking about Dragons and Dragon knight and Fucth show the dragon scale to Kent as a proof that he is one of the dragon knight and they'll talk again little bit about it again and after that you and Humphrey continue you're conversation.

[1]"So, uh... where are you from?" [2]"Weather sure is nice today, huh?" [3]". . . . . . . . . . ."

Choose the second answer and Humphrey says "Uh uh ............." and another option pops out.

[1]"Where are you going?" [2]"My, what a big sword?" [3]". . . . . . . . . . . "

Choose the first answer and he'll say "Harmonia" and again another option pops


[1]"Why Harmonia?" [2]"Think it'll be nice tomorrow?" [3]". . . . . . . . . . ."

Choose the first answer and he'll say that his looking for dragons then Lucy comes in and Humphrey approach her and give her patch for you to stay at the inn and in the morning head out in the inn and you'll see Kent and a guy saying that Rakutei mountain north of the village that he heard a dragon then Kent heads to Mt. Rakutei and then go back to the inn and talk to Humphrey and he'll say "Did he go somewhere...!?"

[1]"I'm a little worried..." [2]"Yeah... let's go."

Choose the second answer and Futch comes in and talks about where Kent is, then go to Lucy and you'll sleep and in the next morning head down and you'll see Humphrey and Futch and some villagers gather around and Futch talks about the disappearance of Kent then the guy who talked to Kent tries to escape.

[1]"Um... that kid..." [2]". . . . . . . ."

Choose the first then you'll talk to him with Humphrey and Fucth and after talking to him, Humohrey says that we must save Kent.

[1]"To return the favor, I'll come." [2]". . . . . . . . . "

Choose the first and the two will join your party and then head to Mt. Rakutei, north of the village.

=========================== 5.) MT. RAKUTEI =============================================== ENEMIES: ASSASSIN, SPIKER, HAWK MAN, PIXIE ====================================================================================== ITEMS: FUR CAPE, THUNDER RUNNER, STONE OF POWER, UNICORN PLAN #2, MEDICINE RUNE, DRAGON PLAN #2, 2000 PATCH, SKILL RING, THUNDER AMULET ====================================================================================== ENEMY DROPS: 4000 - 17200 POTCHES IN EVERY BATTLE ======================================================================================

In Mt. Rakutei you can't go forward because of the magic barrier of the mist then Hero uses his bright shield rune to drive away the mist.

===================== __________ -- MT. RAKUTEI MAP -- | D | ===================== |___ ___| | | LEGENDS: ___| |___ --------- | E | i - Location of items |___ ___| S - Saving point | | E - Location of the enemy boss | | D - Location of the dragon egg ___| | = = = = - Next screen | S | |___ | | | | | = = = = = = | | | | | | | | = = = = = | | __ | | | |________________ / \ |i \ ___ / \ | ___ ______ \_______________| | / /\ \ |__| | | \ i| / / \ \ | | \____________ ______| / / _\ \_ | | __ | | = = = = | | ___| |_____| | | | / / |______| | _________ i| | |________/ / | | |__| | __________/ | | _____ | | ___ | | / ___| | | = _____| | | | / / __| |___ =____/ ___ i| | |______| | / _______ =______/ |___| | ______ \ / / = | | \ \ / / = | | \ -------/ / ____ | | \_________ | ___ | | = = = = = \ \ | | | |_____ | | \ \------| | | i __ | | | \________ i| |____| | | | | | | \ \ / / |___| \ \ / / \ / | | | | | | = = = = = = | | ___ | | ______=___| | | | | = i| \ \ / ___= __ | \ \/ | = |___| \ / \ / | | | |

________ | | | i | = = = = = |__ __| | | ____ | | | |/----| | | | | / ___ i| \ \ | / |____| \ \------| / \ _______| | | | | = = = = = | | | | | | | | = = = = = | | | | | | |__|

| /|\ | | YOUR HERE!

And after that you'll see Kent lying on the ground then an enemy boss Harpy appears and do battle with him.

============================ a.) ENEMY BOSS: [HARPY] ============================ ENEMY DROPS: 40000 POTCH ============================

This boss has high HP points(life) and it attacks twice in each turn and has four kinds of attacks, namely: Tornado attack(magic spell), Bird's claw attack(physical ATK), Bird's claw grab(physical ATK), Wind slash attack. this attacks will have a great damage on your party in each turn, you better use Hero's bright shield rune the Battle oath spell to heal your party and berserk your companions to have bigger damage in hitting the enemy boss and use what ever you have in your items, unity of characters, and spells/magic's.

After you've the enemy boss Harpy, Kent woke's up and tell that he hear the dragon dry and it's above here.

[1]"How did you get here?" [2]"Let's hurry back."

Choose the first answer and then he'll talk about the dragon scale of Futch and then Futch says to go home but Kent disagrees with him and talks lots of stuff about the dragon and

then Kent walks up and follow him then you'll see a dragon egg and Kent wants to let Futch have the egg but Futch doesn't want it cause he don't want to ride any dragon besides black then Humphrey puts out his sword and try to destroy the egg.

[1]"What!? WHY?" [2]"Maybe that's best..."

Choose the first answer then Kent question Humphrey of what he is doing then He'll explain, if the dragon pup has no mother or knight to care for it then it will die then Kent tells Futch to stop him and then Fucth says to wait then the egg will hatch and you'll see a white dragon and then after Futch agrees to keep the dragon, you'll be at the entrance of Mt. Rakutei and Humphrey asks if you need any assistance.

[1]"Will you fight with us?" [2]". . . . . . . . "

Choose the first answer and they will pledge to you to go with you then at the Highway village they say farewell to Kent and Lucy and Then joins your group and then head to the Muse-Matilda border.

========================== 6.) MUSE-MATILDA BORDER ========================== In the border you'll see Miklotov and then he'll beg you to let him accompany you going to Muse city.

[1]"I can't." [2]"Okay."

Choose the second answer then head down and the guards tells you that is it dangerous to go to Muse then one of the guards recognized Miklotov."

[1]"Pass by force." [2]"Do not resist."

It doesn't matter which you choose then the guards will say that they receive a massage from Camus to that not to interfere with Milotov's secret mission and then head to Muse City.

============================================================================================== WORLD MAP REGIONS: MUSE CITY, CORONET TOWN, MUSE-GREENHILL BORDER, MUSE-MATILDA BORDER MUSE-HIGHLAND BORDER --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENEMIES: TIME KNIGHT, WHITE TIGER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-------------- ENEMY DROPS: 3000 - 9000 POTCHES IN EVERY BATTLE =============================================================================================

============================ 7.) MUSE CITY ============================ CHARACTERS: JOWY, LUCA ============================ ENEMY: HIGHLANDS ============================================= ENEMY DROPS: 4500 POTCHES IN EVERY BATTLE =============================================

And before arriving in Muse city, you'll be at a distance and you'll see a scene in Muse city having a beast monster and you'll also see Jowy and Luca saying to suck and sacrifice the soul of the people in Muse then go inside in Muse city and you'll see notice that there is no sign of people in the city then head to Jowston hill and you'll see a guy drops down in front of you and a highland soldier appears and asks your identity and then have a battle with them, and after the battle Miklotov asked the guy what happened then he'll say that the people where eaten alive by a silver monster then Miklotov tells you to go back to Rockaxe castle then head back to the border and continue you're way to Rockaxe castle.

============================ 8.) ROCKAXE CASTLE AGAIN ============================

----------------------------- RECRUIT (CAMUS/MIKLOTOV) ----------------------------- In the Rockaxe castle go to the room where you will see Gorudo but before you've reach in Camus approaches you and greets you for you're safe return then Miklotov runs in to the room and follow him and you will see him talking to Gorudo and him for his permission to invade Muse city but Gorudo disagree with Miklotov's actions then Miklotov tells Gorudo what happened in Muse city but still Gorudo disagree and then Miklotov resigns as a knight then Camus comes in and Gorudo tells him to arrest Miklotov and throw him in prison then Camus resigns also and asked Hero to let them join your army and after that they'll join your group and then Gorudo tells the guards to arrest all of you but the red and the blue knights wants to come with there captain and then you'll be out in the forest and Shu appears and escorts you heading back to the castle then Camus with the half of red and blue knights will join you

and then head to your castle.

============================================================== -- A BATTLE AGAINST THE 3RD COMPANY OF THE HIGHLAND KINGDOM -- ==============================================================

=========================== 1.) HQ CASTLE =========================== In the castle, go to the great hall then Shu tells you that the highland army is coming starting tomorrow and you'll take a brief rest heading to your room and see Pilika and on the other side Jowy and Luca are talking about the loyalty of the army and talks about Kiba and Klaus in there loyalty to the king of the highland kingdom then Jowy tells Luca that he has a plan then Leon Silverburg a strategist in the scarlet moon empire sides as Jowy's strategist and in the morning, head to the hall and Nanami is waiting for you then go in and Shu tells you that the highland army has appeared in Radat town and say that it is the 3rd company led by General Kiba and his son Klaus then Viktor says to check it out and now head to Radat town.

=========================== 2.) RADAT TOWN =========================== CHARACTERS: KIBA, KLAUS =========================== Once you've arrive in Radat town, you'll see that the town is full of highland soldiers.

[1]"Let's go back." [2]"Let's go inside."

Choose the second answer and you'll go in and see Kiba and Klaus talking to the town's people and after all of that, Klaus calls you.

[1]"Let's run away." [2]"What?"

Choose the second answer and Klaus approaches you and say that Jowy and Jillia Blight are getting married and then he'll walk off saying that he is busy preparing for battle then after that head back to the castle.


3.) HQ CASTLE AGAIN ===========================

In the castle, you can go out and head to Kuskus town for your weapon level up to 11 Pilika and Eilie tells you to go to the great hall and in the hall, Shu asks your permission to deploy the troops for battle.

[1]"Wait a minute." [2]"Troops! Deploy!"

If your not ready choose the first option and if your ready choose the second option and then you'll be at the battle field in the world map.

=========================== a.) WORLD MAP BATTLE #6 ===========================

In the world map you'll be facing front to front with Kiba and Klaus and then the battle starts and in the first turn, Ridley questions Shu "why only the Kobold unit is being placed in the front lines "and after several turns, Ridley distrust humans and then gets a full retreat and after several turns you'll have no chance in defeating the enemy and then Shu orders to withdraw from the battle.

In the castle, talk about Ridley and after that Shu will say to rest up and then go to your room and see Eilie and she'll talk with you and then heads out while in Highland kingdom you'll see Luca, King Agares in Jillia and Jowy's wedding then Jillia aks permission to King Agares to let Jowy be her husband and after that Jillia walks out then King Agares recognize Jowy as a knight in service of the highland kingdom and then Luca gets the wine and give it to Jowy and then Jowy wounds himself and poured some of his blood to the wine and after King Agares drinks the wine, he'll fell down because of Jowy's poison blood and then Jillia comes in and cry for the death of King Agares and in the morning, you'll be waked up by Richmond and then head to the hall and Viktor asks Shu if he has all ready come up a plan then Apple explains the situation and then Shu tells that the half will be divided into four units led by Viktor, Flik, Tsai, Camus and tells to line up on the right and left sides and surround the enemy and Shu asked Hero, if his ready to deploy the troops.

[1]"Wait a minute." [2]"Okay, let's go."

Choose the second answer and prepare for battle.


b.) WORLD MAP BATTLE #7 ========================

Then Before the first turn Apple tells you that Flik, Viktor, Tsai, and Camus have finished there preparations then Shu tells you not to move, and then Klaus sees Shu's strategy and tells the unit not to panic and head for the leader of the army[Hero], and after few turns Shu gives the signal the ambush unit comes out but after several turns Shu's plan doesn't work anymore and after few turns Ridley and couple of Kobold units appears and helps out, then defend and attack the enemy with caution and while you're attacking Kiba's company, Rowd and his company does nothing and after you've defeated major units in Kiba's company, Kiba asked assistance from the 4th company and Leon appears and orders Rowd to retreat by the of prince Luca and then you'll capture Kiba and Klaus and then head to the castle.

========================== 4.) HQ CASTLE BACK AGAIN ==========================

In the castle some of you're companions greets you of your victory in the battle then Flik and Viktor appears and with Kiba and Klaus as prisoners.

----------------------- RECRUIT (KIBA/KLAUS) -----------------------

Then Shu suggest to free them and accept them as allies.

[1]"Cut off their heads." [2]"General Kiba, join forces with us, we need your strength."

Choose the second answer, but General Kiba refuses to join your group and then the same option pops out, still choose the second answer and Klaus refuses like his father then the same option pops out again, again choose the second answer then one of your soldier comes in and give you a letter from the highland kingdom and then he'll read and after that Shu asked Klaus what he thinks about the letter then he'll say that King Agares has been murdered by prince Luca and after that Kiba and Klaus will join your group.

And in the morning out side of the castle, you'll see a girl searching for someone then she'll walks off and you'll see Sheena and he'll runs off after that head to the hall and then briefs you on how many soldiers you have in the present time and then they'll talk about getting new alliance then Sheena comes in and tells that you need his old man for help then Ridley starts dragging him out of the hall and he'll say that his father is the president of

the Toran republic and you'll have a short chat about that and then Shu asks Hero what he thinks about getting alliance with Toran republic but Freed Y against the idea.

[1]"Let's consider other options." [2]"Let's form an alliance."

Choose the second answer and then Shu tells Freed Y to escort you heading to Toran republic, after going in the hall Freed Y says to visit first in South window before heading to Toran republic and in the South window, go to the city hall and Freed Y talks about his Lord Granmeyer and after that he'll say to go to Radat town and get a boat heading to the Toran republic.

====================================== -- ALLIANCE WITH THE TORAN REPUBLIC -- ======================================

============================= 1.) RADAT TOWN ============================= CHARACTERS: LEBRATE, SIMONE =============================

In the Radat town, head to the docks and go to the right and head down and talk to the guy with the boat and Freed Y asks the guy to take out the boat heading to Banner village.

============================= 2.) BANNER VILLAGE ============================= ITEM SHOP: ----------------------------- MEGA MEDICINE 500 ESCAPE TALISMAN 500 SACRIFICIAL JIZO 5000 HEAVY NECKLACE 5700 ----------- RARE FINDS: ----------- ROSE BROOCH 14000 RABBIT PLAN #3 3500 TOMATO SEEDLING 2600

In Banner village, there's not much to do here so after your done buying some items especially the rose brooch, head to the Banner Pass.

======================= 3.) BANNER PASS ===========================================================================================

ITEMS: MEGA MEDICINE, FULL HELMET, STONE OF LUCK, MAGIC RING, WING ORNAMENT, POISON RUNE, SILVER SHIELD, SILVERLET =========================================================================================== ENEMIES: TIGER, SAMURAI, RIN RIN, RAN RAN, TEN TEN =========================================================================================== ENEMY DROPS 6600 - 14000 P0TCH IN EVERY BATTLE ===========================================================================================


================================== -- BANNER PASS MAP CONTINUATION -- ==================================

______ = | ___ \___=____ = | | \____=___ \ ____=_______ | | = \ \ ____=_____ | | | | | = | | = = = = | | BEGIN YOU'RE | = ____| | | | | | _____ CONTINUATION /|\ | ____| __| |__ \ \_____| B | HERE!!! | | | ______ | | \______ | | | | = / ___ i| | W | |_____| | | |_____=___/ / |_| = |__ __| |_______=__ |________=__ | | = \S ________=__ \ / / = \ \ = \ \___/ / \ \__ = \_____/ \__ \____ \___ i| |_|

| /|\ | = |

=================================== ___________=___ -- BANNER PASS MAP STARING POINT -- / ____ ___=___ CONTINUE HERE =================================== / / | | = IN THE MAP ABOVE!!! | | | | = | | | | | | = = = = = = = = = = | | | | | | _______ | | \ \ | i | ++ \ \ |___ __| ++ | | ++ ++ ___| |_ __________ ++ ____++_ | | | |++ | i || R | |_ ____ _|++ |_ ____|| | ++ ++ ++ ++ |_______| ++ ++ ++ ++ __++_ _++__++_ ++ |i || | ++ _____ |_____||_____ _| ++ / ___ \ ++ ++ / / \ \ ++ ++ |i | | | _++___++_ |__| | | | | / \ ____ |_ ______| / /\ \ = | i | ++ / / \ \___=____ _ |_ _| ++ | | \____=___ \ |i| ++ ++ | | = \ \ | | _++____++_ |_| = \ \____| | | | | ______| | | | | | |_ ______| /|\ | | = / / | | |_____=___/ / | |_______=____/ = START HERE! =

And before you could arrive in the border, you'll encounter an enemy boos: worm and have a battle with it. ========================== a.) ENEMY BOSS: WORM ======================================= ENEMY DROPS 35000 POTCH IN THE BATTLE ======================================= This boss is more like a caterpillar and this has two kinds of attacks the lightning shock attack which be done by it's tail and the Worm body stamp which damages on column, this enemy only attacks one each turn, so use your strongest runes and unite attacks and for those who have no equipped rune or no unite attacks, just use there normal attack to help damage the

enemy. And after you've defeated the Worm just head straight to the path and you'll arrive in the border and talk to Varkas then Sheena explains your business and then Varkas escort's you to Gregminster the capital of Toran republic.

[1]"Sounds good to me." [2]"I wouldn't like that."

Choose the first answer and you'll be in side at the capital room and after waiting for a short while you'll be a aid heading to the throne room entrance and then go around and find some items like Old book Vol.7 and copper hammer and after that go inside the room and talk to Lepant and he'll greets you and asks you what you're purpose.

[1]"Forging a State with you." [2]"Um..."

Choose the first answer and he'll say about the scarlet moon empire and other stuff and then Freed Y tells him if Luca Blight succeeds in destroying the city-state, the Toran republic will surely be his next target then Freed Y beg to Lepant to agree there request and then Lepant asks Hero why he is continue fighting.

[1]"To defeat Luca Blight..." [2]"To put an end to this war..." [2]"I don't know..."

Choose the second answer then Lepant will say some stuff about a man reminded him that his like Hero and after that he'll ask Tesla how many men they can deploy immediately and after that he'll let you choose on of his two great generals.

------------------------------------------ RECRUIT (KASUMI OR VALERIA AND SHEENA) ------------------------------------------

So you'll decide who will be the accompany you, choose either Kasumi or Valeria and then they come in and introduces themselves.

[1]"Valeria, please..." (choose Valeria) [2]"Kasumi, please..." (choose Kasumi) [3]"Uh... Give me a minute..." (Sheena shows you info. about them)

And after you've choose, she'll join your group and then Lepant gives you the item Blinking mirror and he'll request to take Sheena with you and make a man out of him and after that he'll join your group and then you'll be at the border again then talk to Varkas again and head to Gregminster.

============================ 4.) GREGMINSTER ============================== CHARACTERS: LORELAI, GORDON ============================== ITEM SHOP: ------------------------------ MEDICINE 100 MEGA MEDICINE 500 THROAT DROPS 200 NEEDLE 200 ESCAPE TALISMAN 500 FLAMING ARROWS 700 FIRE WALL 1000 ============================== ARMOR SHOP: ------------------------------ HEAD GEAR 12000 HALF HELMET 7800 MAGIC ROBE 20000 SCALE MAIL 22000 DRAGON ARMOR 23000 GUARD RING 8500 THUNDER AMULET 7500

============================== RUNE SHOP: ------------------------------ FIRE 6000 LIGHTNING 6000 TITAN 6000 UNICORN 6000 GOZZ 7000 ---------- RARE FIND: ---------- FLOWING 22000

-------------------------------- RECRUIT (LORELAI AND GORDON) --------------------------------

After buying some of the items in Gregminster talk to Lorelai and she'll say that your Hero who is talking to the President of Toran Republic. [1]"Yes... will you come with us." [2]"Um, I guess so..."

Choose the first answer and she'll doubt if you can win the looks around you and after that she'll join your group cause of the rumors of sindar ruins near the city of Muse and asks if she could go along with you.

[1]"Yes, please." [2]"If you could go to the castle."

And after that head tot he trading post and talk to Gordon and he'll say if you

want something.

[1]"I've come to trade." [2]"Please join us."

Choose the second answer and he'll say "to explain yourself" then after you've tell him the whole thing, he'll say that he will join your group if you can make 50,000 patch by trading alone and after you've done with it he'll join your group.

TIPS: ------------------------------------------------ BUY FROM THE TRADING POST IN THE FF. LOCATIONS: ------------------------------------------------ TRADE THIS ITEMS TO GORDON AND HE'LL JOIN.



And after that talk to Varkas and then he'll escort you out of Grigminster and you'll be at the border again and then head to Rokkaku hamlet for another recruiting(see the banner pass map to head to Rokkaku hamlet).

============================ 5.) ROKKAKU HAMLET ============================ CHARACTERS: MONDO, SASUKE ============================ ITEMS: BLINKING RUNE ============================

---------------------------- RECRUIT (MONDO/SASUKE) ----------------------------

Once you're in Rokkaku Hamlet Sasuke will say "A SPY!!!" then you'll be transported to a room and then Hanso tells you that he does not believe you that your just accidentally stumbled across a town as well hidden as Rokkaku then Kasumi greets Hanzo and asks assistance from him to defeat the highland army then Hanzo tells Sasuke and Mondo to join your army then Mondo joins your party while Sasuke teleports outside then head outside and talk to the guy and he'll give you Blinking rune then head to the house where Sasuke is standing and talk to him

and Kasumi asks him what she has done wrong and after that he'll join your group and after that head to Banner village and you'll see Apple and Ridley telling you to head back to the castle and when your in the castle head to Forest village.

==================================== -- RECRUIT MORE COMPANIONS PART 2 -- ====================================

Note: If you want to recruit some, use Viki as your teleporter to go another place which are the current location of your star destiny companions.

========================== 1.) FOREST VILLAGE ==========================

--------------------- RECRUIT (CONNELL) ---------------------

To recruit Connell you must have a sound set, when your in Forest village head to the house next to the inn and talk to Connell and he'll asks if is that a sound set then talk to him and again and he'll say to take good care of your sound set.

[1]"Please join us." [2]"Of course."

Choose the first answer and then he'll join you group and after that go to the forest path heading to Matilda.

========================== 2.) FOREST PATH TO MATILDA ================================== SPECIAL ITEM: LISTENING CRYSTAL ==================================

-------------------- RECRUIT (BADEAUX) --------------------

To recruit Badeaux you must have Shiro at your party, and when your in the Forest path heading to Matilda talk to Badeaux and he'll goes near to Shiro and say "Hmmm..." and Shiro replies and he'll say that "You... seem to have a good master And..." then Shiro barks and he'll say "I see... you, too, are fighting..." and then he'll say that he will join you.

[1]"Thank you." [2]"Uh, you don't need to do that."

And then he will join your party and gives you two listening crystals to recruit some monsters

and after this head back to Forest village.

========================== 3.) FOREST VILLAGE AGAIN ========================== ENEMY: GRIFFINS ====================================================== ENEMY DROPS: 3600 POTCH AND THE SHREDDING SCROLL ======================================================

------------------------ RECRUIT (AYDA/FEATHER) ------------------------

And when your in Forest village go to the upper part of the village and you'll see Ayda and Feather surrounded by several guys and Ayda protects Feather from them and the men tries to kill it.

[1]"Wait..." [2]". . . . . ."

Choose the first answer and then you'll help her then several Griffins comes over and the men run off like a wimp.

[1]"Save them." [2]"Don't save them."

Choose the first answer and Ayda tries to tackle the Griffins but she'd be blown away and will be injured and then you'll fight the Griffins, and after you've defeated them then the listening crystal will shine. [1]"Use a listening crystal." [2]"Don't use a listening crystal."

Choose the first answer and Feather talk to you and thanks you for your kindness and then it will join your group and after that head to Kobold village.

========================= 4.) KOBOLD VILLAGE =========================

---------------------- RECRUIT (SIGFRIED) ----------------------

In Kobold village head to the Unicorn forest and go to the unicorn tree then the listening crystal will shine.

[1]"Hold up the crystal." [2]"Don't hold up the crystal."

Choose the first answer and Sigfried comes out and ask the maiden the Sigfried likes to join

your group.

[1]"Say yes." [2]"Just say no."

Choose the first answer and it will join your group and after this head to Two River city for another recruit.

======================== 5.) TWO RIVER CITY ======================== KOBOLD DISTRICT ------------------------

------------------------ RECRUIT (BOB) ------------------------

To recruit Bob you must be alone in the party and no one else, Once your in Two River city head to Kobold district and talk to Bob and He'll say what's your business.

[1]"Hey, join our group." [2]"Okay, see you later."

Choose the first answer and then he'll trust you and joins your party and he'll say that he will show his true power.

[1]"Yes!" [2]"Your true power."

Choose one if you want him to come along, choose two if you want him to head first in the castle and after that head to Ryube village.

========================= 6.) RYUBE VILLAGE ========================= ------------------------- RECRUIT (TOMO) -------------------------

To recruit Tomo you must have Tsai in our party, once your in Ryube village head to the Ryube forest and go to the house of Tsai and when you arrive in Tsai's house you'll see Tomo his daughter and Tsai asked her what she is doing here then Tomo says the "she never hear from him and so she decided to come and visit" and after that short chat with Tomo, she'll say that she wants to join the army and asks Hero to let her join and then she'll join your group and will be waiting for you in the castle then head to HQ castle.

============================================== -- THE DEATH OF THE EVIL PRINCE LUCA BLIGHT -- ==============================================

=========================== 1.) HQ CASTLE ===========================

Once your in the castle go to the great hall and Shu greets you and say "work well done for making alliance with Toran republic" then Apple tells you that most of the highland army is handed to the castle and say that it is Luca the leader of the 1t company, Jowy the leader of the 3rd company and the 4th company with the reinforcements from Harmonia and a total of 50,000 troops and you have only 20,000 soldiers then Shu tells to rest up and finish the conversation tomorrow and at night you'll see Pilika and Nanami outside of your room then talk to Nanami and she'll say that she thought you had gone to sleep and then she'll talk about you, her and Genkaku living in Kyaro and after that head back to the room and rest and then you'll see Luca and his companions and Leon says to take first Radat then South window and lastly the castle and after that Sasarai comes in and say that she will serve Prince Luca and in the morning Nanami join you and then head to the great hall and Shu says that Highland army appears in Radat and Ridley has deployed to check the enemy's numbers and after that a soldier reports that Ridley's forces have been ambushed and surrounded and then Shu says to send reinforcements right away.

[1]"Wait a minute." [2]"I understand, let's hurry."

============================== a.) WORLD MAP BATTLE #8 ==============================

In the world map, you'll see Ridley surrounded and trapped and after the enemy's turn reinforcement appears then Sasarai feels that there is some thing wrong and Luc recognize Sasarai and after several turns if Ridley didn't die yet, Luca and his company appears and after several turn Ridley will be captured and then Shu orders to withdraw from the battle, but it's a possible to rescue Ridley and it takes some luck to rescue him, this changes the event if you rescue him Leon Silverburg delivers the letter or note instead of Ridley. And in the hall, you'll be talking about poor Ridley and after that Luc appears and say that he will take care of Sasarai from Harmonia and then Klaus says that the highlan

d army is three times bigger now and then Shu tells that he know what strategy to use then he'll say to rest and explain it tomorrow and now go to your room and rest then you'll see Luca saying to Ridley that he serve it right and tell him that sooner or later he will crush the castle then Ridley goes out escorted by highland soldiers then Leon summoned someone to help Luca in his battle and in the morning, head to the hall and Shu explains his strategy that "we can't defeat 50,000 highland soldiers with just our army of 20,000 and say that the only way to beat then is to take the head of Luca Blight and after that he will assign the leaders to ambush position and that Hero will aim to the highland's main unit and free Ridley and fight Luca in a personal combat and surround Luca with 20,000 men then the victory is ours".

=========================== b.) WORLD MAP BATTLE #9 ===========================

In the World map, Shu tells that until Kiba appears don't move unnecessarily, then Luca and his company appears and tries to attack Kiba's unit and then it will be move by the computer automatically and after several turns, Shu gives the signal and then attack Luca and after several turns when Luca almost have no units left, Yuber and Sasarai appears and reinforced Luca and after several turns, Shu say to Luca that to give up but Luca disappears and injures your whole unit then Shu gives the order to withdraw from the battle.

And in the hall, go to the 1st floor and head down and see Ridley escorted by Mondo and Sasuke and then he apologizes to Hero for his carelessness then ask to head to the great hall cause he has a message to Shu and in the hall Viktor asks Ridley how did he escape then He'll say that he was rescue by Mondo and Sasuke by Shu great plan and with the help of another person and then Ridley gives the message to Shu and it is from Leon then Shu says that Luca will have a Night raid and the says to deploy all the troops to lay an ambush for Luca Blight and kill him then Shu asks Hero what his decision.

[1]".... Let me think about it." [2]"Okey, let's deploy."

Choose the second answer if your ready, and then Shu will say to put the troops near the castle and attack Luca with the strongest unit then you'll select a characters in each of the three units and after that Shu will asks you again if you want to choose again.

[1]"I'll choose again." (select again a characters in each unit) [2]"It's fine as it is." (don't choose and leave it as it is)

=============================== c.) AMBUSH LUCA NEAR HQ CASTLE =============================== ENEMIES: WHITEWOLVES, LUCA =================================================== ENEMIES DROPS 10000 - 15000 POTCH IN EVERY BATTLE ===================================================

NOTE: Luca will attack three times in each turn and has three kind of attacks:[1] his normal triple slash [2]makes flame arrows and absorbs it on his sword and slash ones character then thrust in a row[3]same as the second attack but thrust in the front column. Then you'll see Luca with his army marching heading to the castle then a soldier reports to Luca and say that the advanced forces are under attack by Hero's army and then another soldier reports that Hero's army are behind them then Luca and his men will be ambushed and hit by bow arrows and then the 1st unit comes up led by Flik will fight Luca and after the fight, Luca goes to the path to the left but blocked by another party led by Viktor and fight again with Luca and after the fight he'll head up but again be blocked by Hero's party and fight him again and after that fight, he'll escape and runs up then Viktor and Flik joins your party and then Shu says to gather the archers and head to the prearranged position and then you head up and you'll be attacked twice by highland soldiers and after you passed, you'll see Luca heading to a tree and after he gets the wooden amulet from the tree and release the fire flies then Shu orders to shoot and your party comes in and some highland soldiers tries to protect Luca but again Shu orders to release the arrows from the archers and after that Luca will have a one on one battle with Hero.

====================================== ONE ON ONE DUEL AGAINST LUCA BLIGHT ====================================== -------------------- / WILD ATTACK SAYIN' \-------------------------------------| -----------------------------------------------------------| Hah........ Are we still doing this.... You Pig!!!!! You dare wound me!!!!! --------------- / ATTACK SAYIN' \------------------------------------------| -----------------------------------------------------------| Idiot!!!! Is that the best you can do!!!! Hah...... A draw.......... That's Nothing --------------- / DEFEND SAYIN' \------------------------------------------| -----------------------------------------------------------|

Hah...hah hah hah... Fighting is my life..... Fool!!!! That can't stop me!!!!!! Pathetic!!!! That's what you call power !!!! Ridiculous!!! You think a punk like you can stop me !!!!! You fool!!!!!!

And after you've defeated Luca, he will asks you why do you fight, why do you want to destroy me.

[1]"To end this war." [2]". . . . . . . . . . . . "

And then he'll say that there will be no peace and laughs and say that he is the true face of evil and then drops down dead then Shu says to head back to the castle and you'll see Jowy and Leon hiding in a tree and outside the castle everyone congrates you of your victory and suddenly you'll faint cause of too much exhaustion in the battle and in the Highland kingdom, Jowy will be proclaimed as the King of highland and after that in your room, Nanami comes in and say that the highland has withdraw and in the 1st floor Nanami tells you to visit Kuskus and South window then head to Kuskus town.

=========================== 2.) KUSKUS TOWN =========================== CHARACTERS: CULGAN, KAREN ===========================

In Kuskus town, two men say that a highland ship just arrived and then they'll lead you the way and in the docks, you'll see Culgan and Nanami tries to fight him then Culgan introduces himself then he'll tell Hero about Jowy being the King of highland kingdom and he'll asks to head to your castle and have a formal peace offer then Culgan joins as a convoy and after that head to the inn.

---------------------- RECRUIT (KAREN) ---------------------- At the inn, talk to Karen and she'll say what's your business.

[1]"Join our group." [2]"You're beautiful." [3]"Oh nothing."

Choose the first answer and she'll say that she could not be of any use to you.

[1]"That's not true." [2]"That's true." Choose the first answer and she'll say "Really?" "Just one thing".

[1]"What?" [2]"You got some complaint?"

Choose the first answer and she'll say that, if you can keep up with her dancing then she'll join you group.

[1]"Okay, I'll do it." [2]"Forget it, sister!"

Choose the first answer and she'll dress up and then your in the stage and asks you if you are ready.

[1]"Dance." (start dancin') [2]"Listen to explanation." (Karen explains about how to dance) [3]"Practice." (practice your dancing) [4]"Forget about it." (don't dance at all)

Choose the first answer, if you are ready then she'll dance first and you have to follow what steps and buttons she gives.


triangle - square - O - X - Traingle - X - O - square

And after you've successfully follows her, she'll join your group then after that head to Radat town.

======================== 3.) RADAT TOWN ================================== CHARACTERS: LEBRANTE, SIMONE, HOI ==================================

---------------------- RECRUIT (LEBRANTE) ----------------------

In Radat town, head to the Appraise shop and talk to Lebrante and he'll say what can I do for you today.

[1]"Lend us your strength." [2]"We want an appraisal."

Choose the first answer and he'll say "My strength you say?, what does that mean?" and after that he'll know that you are the leader of the army then he'll say that he will join you, if you find a Celadon vase then give him the Celadon vase you've buy in Grigminster and then he'll join your group.

----------------------- RECRUIT (SIMONE) -----------------------

After that head to the docks and talk to Simone and he'll say that he lost his Rose broach and after that give him the Rose broach that you have buy in the item shop rare finds in Banner village.

[1]". . . . . . . . ." [2]"You mean this?"

Then he'll asked where did you get it and say if you can give it to him and then he'll do anything if you just give it to him.

[1]"Run around and bark like a dog." [2]"I want gold." [3]"Join my group."

Choose the third answer and he'll join your group.

------------------------ RECRUIT (HOI) ------------------------

After that head to the tavern and you'll see some guys and Hoi saying that he is the leader Hero who defeated Kiba.

[1]"You........." [2]"Hey, you...."

It doesn't matter, and then tells the guys to think him for saving this town of Radat.

[1]"I, Ummm........" [2]"C'mon now........"

Also doesn't matter, then Hoi asks for a fish and the one of the guys say to order as you like and say that he is the great Hero.

[1]"Wait a minute..." [2]"How dare you interrupt..."

Then one of them asked to show his bright shield rune then they will say that it look different that they expected then the rune melts and they will say that he is an imposter then Hoi tries to escape but another group of people stopped him.

[1]"Everybody wait a minute." [2]"Let him get what he deserves."

Choose the first answer and then Hoi begs you to help him then you'll be surrounded and get beaten and after that he'll join your group and then head to South window.

============================ 4.) SOUTH WINDOW ==================================== CHARACTERS: KILLEY, ANNALLEE, MAX

==================================== ------------------------- RECRUIT (MAX) -------------------------

Once your in South window and as you go up in the stairs, Max comes in and asks you that you must be the Hero who defeated the evil demon Luca Blight then he introduces himself and say that his here to help you.

[1]"I accept your pledge." [2]"Don't waste your breath, old man."

Choose the first answer and he'll thank you and joins your group then head to the inn.

------------------------- RECRUIT (ANNALLEE) -------------------------

And in the inn, you'll see Annallee rejected by the inn's owner and then asked you to let here pass and after that head to the city hall and talk to her and she'll say that are you the one from the inn.

[1]"What are you doing?" [2]"You don't have any gold?"

Choose the first answer and she'll talks about something and suddenly her stomach makes a sound and then she'll tell you that she is a musician from Muse with Pico and Alberto and then she'll say, if you would like to hear her song.

[1]"Yeah... let's hear it." [2]"I wont pay you for it."

Choose the first answer and she'll sing a song and after that she'll thank you for listening her song.

[1]"I'd like to... hear you sing some more." [2]"It's... it's not much, but... please take it."

Choose the first answer and she'll join your group and after that head to the trading post.

------------------------ RECRUIT (KILLEY) ------------------------

And in front of the trading post talk to Killey and he'll say he is following the trail of the sindar ruins and asks you, if you here about it.

[1]"Alex knows a lot about the sindar ruins." [2]"I don't know."

Choose the first answer and he'll thank you and walks out then go to the castle and head to Alex's item shop, in there you'll see Alex and Killey and then he'll asks Alex about the sindar ruins then Killey tackles Alex, Pete and Hilda runs to Alex then Killey asks Alex what he did find in the ruins then Hilda says that "His life" then he'll asks Alex again.

[1]"Let's help him." [2]"Watch how things develop."

Then Alex tells Killey that the treasure from the sindar ruins is right in front of his eyes and then Killey sees that Alex tells the truth and apologizes and then walk out and after that head back to South window and talk him again.

[1]"Why did you do that." [2]"Don't come here anymore."

Choose the first answer and he'll say some stuff and then talk to him again and he'll say if you want something. [1]"Ummm.... join us...." [2]". . . . . . . . . . . . . ."

Talk to him several times and choose the first answer always and he'll join your group then head to the castle.

========================= 5.) HQ CASTLE =========================

And in the castle, Culgan will be amazed by your castle then head to the great hall and meet Shu and the others then Culgan says that Jowy wants to have a peace negotiation and asks you and Teresa to head to Muse city and meet him for the peace treaty and gives you the letter from Jowy and then Culgan heads out then after that Teresa asks you what you will do.

[1]". . . . . . . . . ." [2]"I'm going to Muse."

Choose the second answer and Teresa join as a convoy then Chaco and Nanami joins your party then you'll be at the docks and Teresa tells you to head first to Coronet town using the boat and after you leave, Shu orders Viktor and Flik to do some thing then head to Coronet town and after you've arrive in Coronet head directly to Muse city.

============================ 6.) MUSE CITY ============================

CHARACTERS: JOWY, LEON =============================== ENEMIES: COMMANDER, HIGHLANDS ================================================= ENEMY DROPS: 7800 - 8000 PATCH IN EVERY BATTLE =================================================

And in the gate of Muse city, you'll stop a while and talk about some stuff and after that the guard asks you what is your business here then Teresa introduces herself and Hero the he'll let you pass and say that Jowy is in Jowston hill then Chaco leaves your party then head to Jowston hill and at the door you be allowed to passed by the guards and when you enter in the meeting hall, you'll see Jowy and Leon and greets you and asks you how you've been.

[1]"Oh pretty good." [2]". . . . . . . . ."

Then Teresa say why there is no preparation of the peace treaty and Leon tells to surrender unconditionally then you'll be trapped inside and then Jowy demands to surrender to highland.

[1]"I can't do that." [2]"I understand..."

Choose the second answer to keep the game rolls it's story, then Viktor comes in and tackles the soldiers and Pilika goes to Jowy then Viktor tells to run away and then Leon orders to shoot but Jowy says no cause of Pilika and outside Viktor tells to head over there.

[1]"Wait, Pilika is..." [2]"Yeah........."

Choose the first answer, but Viktor won't obey your order and head out then go down back to Muse city and you'll be attack by highland soldiers and after that head to the gate and see the soldiers chasing Chaco and after that the soldiers runs off scared by Viktor and then head out and Nanami asks Viktor explains all and after that you'll head back to HQ castle.

===================================================== -- SEE AGAIN THE UGLY FACE OF NECLORD THE VAMPIRE --- =====================================================

======================= 1.) HQ CASTLE ======================= CHARACTER: KOYU =======================

Outside of your castle and go inside and you'll see Shu and Apple and Greets you for your safe return and then Nanami asks Shu why he brings Pilika in Muse city with Viktor then he'll say that it is necessary and then Nanami walks off and after that head outside of your castle and see a kid named Koyu, and he'll asks you if you are Hero.

[1]"No, you're wrong." [2]"That's right."

Choose the first answer and he'll introduce himself and say that they are setting a stronghold north of Tinto and then asks for your help and after that you'll be at the great hall, Koyu say some stuff about them the lampdragon bandits then he'll say that they where attacked by zombies and then he'll asks for your help to save in comrades and then Viktor says that it might be Neclord and tells to check it out.

[1]"What should we do..." [2]"You're right."

Then Koyu tells you to head southwest of Lake west to the village of Drakemouth and out in the hall, Nanami want to come along with you.

[1]"No." [2]"Yes... of course I'll take you."

And she'll join the party then head to Lake west first then go to Drakemouth village.

========================== 2.) DRAKEMOUTH VILLAGE ========================== CHARACTER: GIJIMU ================================= ENEMIES: AIR LIZARD, KILLER DOG ======================================================================= ENEMY DROPS 4000 - 6000 POTCH IN EVERY BATTLE AND MAYBE SOUND SET #2 ======================================================================= ITEM: MASTER ROBE =======================================================================

In Drakemouth village, Koyu tells you to head to the guard station and then at the guard station, the guard will say that no one should pass and then Koyu tells the guard to give them a break then the guard walks out and then head up to the path heading Tigermouth village, in running through the path, Koyu will tell you if you head straight you head to Tinto and if you go right you head to there territory the head to right and go to the right again and get the master robe and after that go back and head to the left and then you'll see Gijimu with couple of bandits and tells you what happened in there territory then Koyu asks him wh

at happened to his sister the he'll says that he don't know happened and then Gijimu says that the zombies are heading to Tinto and after that Gijimu introduce his self and asks you to come with them and then Viktor tells you to head to Tinto then continue the path and you'll be at Tigermouth village.

======================================================================================== WORLD MAP REGIONS: TINTO CITY, MINE CAVE, CROM VILLAGE, TIGERMOUTH VILLAGE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENEMIES: GHOST SLUG, SKELETON --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENEMY DROPS: 2686 - 3000 POTCHES IN EVERY BATTLE ========================================================================================

============================ 3.) TIGERMOUTH VILLAGE ============================

When you in Tigermouth village, there's not much to do in here yet so head straight to Crom village first.

=========================== 4.) CROM VILLAGE =========================== CHARACTER: L.C. CHAN =========================== ITEM SHOP: --------------------------- MEDICINE 100 MEGA MEDICINE 500 ANTITOXIN 200 REVENGE EARTH 1000 CAPE OF DARKNESS 6800 WING ORNAMENT 8000

---------------------- RECRUIT (L.C. CHAN) ----------------------

Wakaba should be in your party and in Com village, head to the inn and L.C. Chan goes out and talk a bit to Wakaba then walks out and then the owner of the inn comes out and so angry for no paying the bills and after that head at the back of the item shop and you'll see again and say that Wakaba's training has progressed then Wakaba tells L.C. Chan about you but inserts in and say that the base which is the legs should be strengthen and then he'll say to be silent and you'll see the owner searching for him and then he'll make an excuse saying

that to quiet your mind and body while you train and then he'll asks Wakaba about you then Wakaba introduce you to him then shows his fighting pose and Hero also shows his fighting pose then he'll say that he could not get past your guard and then decides to join your group and after that head to Tinto City.

=========================== 5.) TINTO CITY ============================================================ CHARACTERS: GUSTAV, JESS, HAUSER, ALBERTO, RAURA, MARLOWE ============================================================ ITEM SHOP: ---------------------------- MEDICINE 100 MEGA MEDICINE 500 ANTITOXIN 200 ESCAPE TALISMAN 500 FLAMING ARROWS 700 ANGRY BLOW 700 ----------- RARE FINDS: ----------- SKILL RING 11500 FIRE WALL 1000


BLACKSMITH: ----------------------------- LEVEL 12 35000 LEVEL 13 43000

--------------------------- RECRUIT (RAURA) ---------------------------

In Tinto city, Head up and talk to Raura standing at the right of Gustav's house and she'll say that she visited her friend Jeane's house but she couldn't find her and asks if this is Two river city.

[1]"If it's Jeane you want, our..." [2]"Two river is not here, but..." [3]"I don't know..."

Choose the first answer and then she'll say that Jeane thought her how to make scrolls and then she'll join your group.

Then head to the guild and talk to the guard and then he'll let you pass then you'll talk to Gustav and he'll asks you to lend your strength to Tinto.

[1]"We'll fight together." [2]"I wont do it..."

Choose the first answer, after agreeing to join forces with him then he calls Marlowe to take you to the guest room and at the room Marlowe says something how strong you are and how weak he is and say that everybody makes fun of him.

[1]"I'm not strong at all." [2]"You're not up to the job."

Choose the first answer, and he'll say that you are like a Hero in a book and after that he'll go to his room and then Nanami says that she is tired.

[1]"Yeah." [2]"Hmmm, it's still early."

Choose the first answer if ready to sleep, and in the morning Viktor wakes you up and Nanami comes in and say that Ridley and Klaus are in the room of Gustav then go there and you'll see them and after that Lilly the daughter of Gustav comes in and say that the monsters have come then head and go to the bottom and you'll see Neclord and his zombies and then he'll say that he will make a kingdom of zombies in Tinto city and after that he'll disappears and his zombies walks out and after that talk to Gustav again and then Jess and Hauser comes in and says that they gather 5000 soldiers and asks why Hero is here then he'll say that Gustav is deceived by Hero and accuses you as a spy from highland and blame you for killing Anabelle and then he'll say to explain all of this.

[1]". . . . . . . . . . ." [2]"I... Jowy was..."

Choose the second answer and Jess never believe you then Ridley support you and say not to insult you any further then he'll leave then go out side and you'll see them leave to fight Neclord then head to Crom village.

========================= 6.) CROM VILLAGE

========================= CHARACTER: TENKOU =========================

--------------------- RECRUIT (TENKOU) ---------------------

You must have a window set, go to the upper right of the item shop and go inside of the house and talk to Tenkou and he'll asks if that is a window set and ask you to let him buy your window set.

[1]"Okay, but join us in exchange." [2]"Okay, 10,000 patch." [2]"Okay, 1,000,000 patch."

Choose the first answer and say what do you mean then after that he'll join you group and then head back to Tinto City.

======================== 7.) TINTO CITY AGAIN ========================

In Tinto city, head to Gustav and talk to him and he'll say to get ready to do battle with Neclord.

[1]"Sure..." [2]"No, not get..."

Choose the first answer and after the discussion, you'll go to the room and rest then Nanami will say that she will wake you up in the morning and after that go to her room and talk to her and she'll say to stop the fighting cause theirs no reason to fight.

[1]"I'm needed" [2]". . . . . . . "

It doesn't matter which will you choose, she'll say that she hate it, happened in this present day.

[1]"I'm sorry." [2]"Maybe you're right..."

Note: If you choose the first answer, you'll go on with the game in a proper way but if you choose the second answer, you'll go on with the game with unproper way and with Ridley dead on it, so I wont make the bad stuff with a dead star destiny character.

Choose the first answer and she'll support you answer and say to get some sleep and then in the morning head down and talk to the others in Gustav's room and then a soldier comes in and

say that Jess deploys his soldiers heading to Neclord then head down and you'll see Jess orders Hauser to give the signal to head to Neclords location and after that Klaus and tells you that he will help Jess and down to the after you'll be at the room then head to the mine cave tunnel to the right then go inside and down to the elevator then head straight and afterwards you'll see Neclord and fight him but you can't beat him yet and after the fight he'll use his moon rune but your bright shield rune protects you then you'll head out of the mine cave and you'll see the City infested with zombies and then you'll be exhausted and drops down then Nanami carries you out of the city and then you'll see a scene of Jowy and Pilika in Muse city and when you wake up you'll be at Crom village.

[1]"What's this place?" [2]". . . . . . . . . "

And after that, go down at the house and head out of the village and you'll see Kahn and he'll tell you that he learned how to seal Neclord soul but it is not enough to kill with only the barrier and the star dragon sword and then he'll say that he found someone who could seal Neclord's soul and then head to Tigermouth village.

======================= 8.) TIGERMOUTH VILLAGE ======================= CHARACTER: SIERRA =======================

In the village, you'll see Sierra surrounded by men and accuses her as one of the zombies, then she'll use her lightning spell and then they run off and Kahn stars talking to her and asks her to join force with you to defeat Neclord then Viktor asks you what you will do.

[1]"Let's do it." [2]"Just a minute." Choose the first answer then you'll fight Sierra.

============================ a.) FIGHTING AGAINST SIERRA ============================ DROPS 1000 POTCH ============================ When you fight Sierra like the other enemy bosses, she will attack you twice in each turn and has three kinds of attacks [1] her normal attack which damage on member [2] her bat attack [3] and lastly her double image attack which damages to characters in a row. so use your runes and unite attacks and healing spell to defeat her.

And after you've defeated her, she'll say that you are not bad and that you'll be her right hand man.

[1]"Oh,thank you." [2]"Don't fool with me."

Doesn't matter which you choose, then head back to Crom village and in the house Klaus greets you for your return and Sierra takes an interest with Klaus after that you'll rest in your room and in the morning, go down and you'll her the bad news that Lilly and Lo wen are kidnapped by Neclord then Kahn and Sierra says to head to Tinto City to have a final battle with Neclord and then Gustav will say to go to the mining tunnel cave which is connected to Tinto city then head to the mine cave.

============================== 9.) MINE CAVE HEADING TO TINTO ============================== CHARACTER: MAZUS ======================================================================================== ITEMS: DANCING FLAMES, FULL HELMET, STONE OF MAG-DEF, MASTER GRAB, WINDOW SET #5, OLD BOOK VOL. 9, SILVER NECKLACE, MEGA MEDICINE, DOUBLE STRIKE RUNE, WIND HAT, STAR EARRINGS, CAPE OF DARKNESS ======================================================================================== ENEMIES: ZOMBIES, UNICOMBIE, SKELETON, NECLORDIA ======================================================================================== ENEMY DROPS 1857 - 8110 POTCH IN EVERY BATTLE ======================================================================================== LEGENDS: CONTENTS OF THE MAP: ================ =========================== i - ITEM 1.) MINE CAVE MAP 1 #### 2.) CONTINUATION OF MINE CAVE MAP 1 #### - BRIDGE 3.) A CAVE HEADING TO TINTO MINE MAP 1 #### 4.) CONTINUATION OF CAVE HEADING TO TINTO MINES S - SAVING POINT M - LOCATION OF MAZUS C - CAVE B - BOX E - BOSS ENEMY e - ELEVETOR T - TINTO CITY

-------------------------- RECRUIT (ABIZOAH) --------------------------

If you havin't used your listening crystals, you can recruit Abizoah cause there are four monsters in the game and only two of the listening crystals so choose two monsters out of four, one of this Abizoah. head to Tinto cave After Badeaux joins your group, bring the listening crystals that he give to you find the lake in the cave, it is near the beginning and walk near the lake and he will come out and aks you to let him join your group.

_____________ _____=_________________=/ ___ ____ \__=__ | ___=_____ ________=_/ | | \___=__ | | |_ = | | __ = |__| = | |____| | | | i| | | | | i| \|/ CONTINUE TO THE SECOND MAP | | | | | | |__####____ | #### | |_____####__ | | | | | | |__| | | _____| | | | | ______####______ | ___####____ | _ | | #### | | | | | | | | | | _____=____| | \ \__| | \ \___/ ____=____ | \_______| \_____/ = | | | | | | = = = __ | | ________| i| | | / _________| | | / /_______++___=___| | | _____________=_____| | | = | | | | | |_______ _____ |______ | _____/ ___ \ | | | ____/ \ \ __ | | | | __ \ \ | i| = = = = | |__| | | | | i| | | | __ | | | | | | |___| | |__| | | / / |_________| _____| |_/ / | ________/ | | | | = = = = | |

| | _____| |_ | _______| | | ______ \ \ | _ \ \ \ | | \ \ | | | | \ \ | | | | \ \ / / = = = = __\ \ __/ / | | \ __\ / __/ | | \ \_______=____/ / __ | |____ \_________=_____/ | | |_____ \ = | | \ \___=____________=________ | | \_____=_____ ____=____ i| | | = | | = |___| = = = = \ \ | | \ \ | | | | | |_____=______ ____________| | ========================== | _____=___ | | _____ ____| 1.) MINE CAVE MAP 1 / / = | |___| | | | ========================== / / |_______ \ | | | | \ \____| |__ | | \__________| | | |__| | /|\ | | START HERE

==================================== 2.)CONTINUATION OF MINE CAVE MAP 1 ====================================

_________ |__ ___ | ++ | | __++_ | | | i| | | _______________________ | ___| | | __________ ____ _ _| ++ | | __ | | ++ ++___++_ | | | i|_| | ++ | | | | Once you enter the cave which is letter [C] in the map | |____ | ++ | ___ _| | | their will be another short route heading to Tinto mines. /|\ | |____++_++ ++ | | continue the path at the map down. | | i | ++ _| |____________________ | |___________| | | | S | ______ | | | _____ _____________ _| CONTINUE HERE | M | | | \ \ ++ __ ++ | __ | | | \ \ _++_|C | ______++_ | | ++ / /\ \ / / |______| | _______| | | _++_/ / \ \/ /____________| |

| | |___ / \__________________| \ \ ++ \ \___++ \ i | \_____|

============================= a.) ENEMY BOSS: STONE GOLEM ============================= DROPS 50000 POTCH =============================

Once you reach the letter [E] which is the enemy boss stone golem, you see a scene that he appears then pick a fight with him, this golem attacks once in each turn but he has three kinds of attacks that should hurt you badly, [1] his mega laser crasher attack which damages all you party [2] his stone spike attack aslo damages all your group and [2] his golem stone punch which can only hit the first column in your party, he is weak at lightning rune so use it and also his weak of the spells of Sierra and use your healing item or rune and also your unite attack and after that continue head forward.

_________=__ | _______=__ | | = | | | = | = = = = \|/ | | | CONTINUE IN THE SECOND __| |__ MAP DOWN | E | |__ __| | | | | = = = = | | _____| | | _____| | | = = = | | ____=_______________| | | _=________||_______| | | = | | | |___=____| B|__ |______=____ _____| = / / | | | | = = = | | | | | | _____=__| |

| ___=____| | | = ____| | | ____| ========================================= | | 3.) A CAVE HEADING TO TINTO MINE MAP 1 | |_ ========================================= | C | |____| | /|\ | START HERE |

_________=_______ _________ _________=_____ \ / _ _ \ ============================================== = \ \ / / | | \__\ CONTINUATION OF CAVE HEADING TO TINTO MINES | | | | | | | ============================================== /|\ | | | | | | | = = = =| | | | ___ | | |_|__|__|_|__| | |_______________ e | CONTINUE HERE | | | | |___| | |__|_| | | |_____ \___| | \_______| | | | | | | = = = = | | | |_____ | ___ \ | | \ \_ | | | i| | | |____| | | = = = = | | ___ | |_____| |__________ |_______ e |________ | |___| | | ___| |___ | T | |_________| TINTO CITY

============================ 10.) TINTO CITY BACK AGAIN ================================== CHARACTER: NECLORD, LO WEN, LILLY ================================== After you've reach Tinto city you'll fight zombies in your way up to the upper house of Gustav's resident and then in the house go inside the room and Viktor ask if yo

u're ready.

[1]"Okay let's go." [2]"I'm not mentally prepared yet."

And after your ready, enter the room and see Lilly and Lo wen with Neclord and he'll be trapped by Kahn's barrier and then he'll try to use his moon rune to blow off the barrier but Sierra stopped him from casting it and then you'll fight Neclord.

================================ a.) ENEMY BOSS: NECLORD ===================================== DROPS 70000 AND THE SHREDDING SCROLL =====================================

Like other bosses, he'll attack twice in each turn and he has four kinds of attacks [1] his soul magic spell that can damage all your party [2] his lightning blot magic spell also damages all your group [3] his bat transformation attack which only damage only one of your member and [4] his laser beam attack which can kill instantly one of your member even if his HP is full but this attack is rarely used, so use your left over rune and your unite attacks and be sure to heal your party before Neclord cast his spell.

And after you've defeated him, he'll be asking for forgiveness to Sierra then she'll say to give her the moon rune and then Neclord transfers the rune to Sierra then poor Neclord will be slashed by the Viktor with the Star dragon sword and after that head down and see Lilly back with her father Gustav and Lo wen Back to her brothers in Lampdargon bandit the Jess asks you why did you freed Tinto city.

[1]"I don't want to run away anymore..." [2]". . . . . . . . . . ."

Choose the first answer and Jess say that he will retire from being a mayor of Muse and gives the title to Fitcher.

[1]"Let's fight... together." [2]"... I won't fight together."

Choose the first answer and then he'll say about some betraying stuff and also about Anabelle's impression of you and Genkaku.

[1]"I'm not betraying anyone." [2]"I can't tell you that." ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RECRUIT (LO WEN, JESS, HAUSER, MARLOWE, KOYU, GIJIMU, SIERRA, KAHN) ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Choose the first answer then Lo wen, Koyu, Gijimu, Jess, Hauser, Kahn, Sierra joins your group and after that head to path heading to Drakemouth village.

============================ 11.) DRAKEMOUTH PATH AGAIN ============================ CHARACTER: GEORG ============================

-------------------------- RECRUIT (GEORG) --------------------------

In Drakemouth path way, talk to Georg and he'll say what's bothering you.

[1]"Who are you?" [2]"Why would you do that..."

Choose the first answer and he will introduce himself and asks you, if you are the leader of the army and he'll say that he is strong.

[1]"Really?" [2]"I can't pay any money." [3]"No, that's okey."

Choose the first answer and he'll say that he will wield his sword for you, if you will not give up the fight and then he'll join you group and after that head to South window.

=========================== 12.) SOUTH WINDOW ===========================

In south window, talk to Gentetsu near the city hall and he'll say that what is your trouble.

[1]"Please join our group..." [2]"I've got so many troubles..." [3]"G, goodbye..."

Then he'll say to have a contest between your strength and his and after you've won, he will join your group then head to HQ castle.

=========================================== ---- LIBERATION OF GREENHILL CITY ----- ===========================================

======================= 1.) HQ CASTLE ======================= And in your castle near the elevator, you'll see Sheena and tells you to head to the great hall cause Shu is waiting for you then he'll join in your party and in the great hall Shu says

that it's time to counter strike and liberate Greenhill city.

[1]"Okay, let's go to Greenhill." [2]"Okay, but no vice-general." [3]"Let me think about this..."

Choose the first answer, and then Shu tells you to rest up to your room and when you rest at your room and night go around in your castle and you'll see some scene involving few member of your army namely: Chaco, Gengen and Gabocha, Freed and Yoshino, Eilie-Rina-bolgan, Tsai and Tomo and after that head back to your room and you'll see an assassin and she want to kill you then fight her.

---------------------- a.) ENEMY BOSS: LUCIA ---------------------- She'll is one easy enemy and she whips you a lot in the battle, then you must use all what you have in this battle cause it's only you who can fight her and at least survive in 5 turns.

After you've beat her, Flik, Viktor and Tsai comes in and captures her and asks you what will you do to her and you can say either take her to prison or let her go and in the morning go to the hall and Shu will tells you his plan and when you are ready give the order and you'll choose between Viktor and Kiba unit.

================================= b.) BATTLE #10 a [Viktor's unit] =================================

In the battle map, you'll see Jowy and his troops then use your fire spear and bombard ability to hit Jowy's unit and after few turns Seed arrives as reinforcement after you've damage some enemy units, Jowy will retreat and Culgan take over the command and then Seed retreats and after some turns Culgan retreats and victory is yours.

=============================== b.) BATTLE #10 b [Kiba's unit] ===============================

In Kiba's unit you'll do battle with Yuber and Lucia this enemies seems hard to defeat cause your equal in units and in Greenhill city they'll just keep on defending, so you must do the attacking part. enemies around Yuber and Lucia are weak at your archers and Luc's magic, usually Yuber and Lucia's unit will be left and you'll get a hard time getting the luck to defeat them.

And after you've won the battle, you'll be at the Greenhill gate and you can't

attack either so Teresa will show you the way how to get in Greenhill city.

================================= 2.) WAY BACK TO TERESA'S HIDEOUT ================================================== ITEMS: STONE OF SKILL, DREAM ROBE, WINGED BOOTS ============================================================================================= ENEMIES: GRAND HOLLY, HOLLY FAIRY, HOLLY BOY, TARGET GIRL, COMMANDER, HIGHLANDS, DOREMI ELF ============================================================================================= ENEMY DROPS 12500 - 245000 POTCH IN EVERY BATTLE ============================================================================================= At the pathway head to the right and then up and you'll encounter highland soldiers and do battle with them and after that go to the next screen then head to the right and get the items Dream robe and winged boots and then head to the back and go left and get Stone of skill then head up straight until you find a way going to the left and encounters highland soldiers and fight them and after that continue to the left and go up and then left again and you'll see Lucia and his followers blocked you from entering the path heading to Greenhill and then they'll fight you.

============================== a.) ENEMY BOSS: LUCIA ====================================== ENEMY DROPS 33000 AND BLUE GATE RUNE ====================================== Once you fight with Lucia and her escort tribal warriors, you'll find Lucia is stronger than before and she can attack twice in each turn. Her warriors can attack normal ATK only but when she orders them and whips on the ground, this three warriors will damage one column and she uses fire rune spell [1] her fire shuriken spell attack that hits all your party and [2] her fire beam that also damages all your party and she can attack rune twice sometimes and get a lot out of HP in your group, so use everything you have and heal your party when needed just attack her in every turn it will go smooth and you must trust your characters that you have selected in this battle.

And after you've defeated her, she will say that Alec and Gorudo poisoned her father in the peace council and then Teresa will say that she will investigate what happened to her father and give justice and after that Lucia goes out then continue your way back to the hideout of Teresa and go to the academy and out side of the academy you'll encounter highl

and soldiers and fight them and after the fight head down to town and there you'll fight again with highland soldiers and after that head to the Greenhill entrance and see Yuber then he will summon the dragon bone to deal with you.

============================== b.) ENEMY BOSS: DRAGON BONE ============================== ENEMY DROPS 100000 POTCH ==============================

The dragon bone will attack ones in each turn but each attack damages out your party painfully, this dragon has three attack [1] long neck bite attack, damages only one member [2] blue flame breath attack, damages all your party [3] his greatest attack is the burning meteors attack also hits all your party and Lightning rune does not effect him and Darkness rune also gives small amount of damage but resurrection rune and bright shield rune can damage the dragon in a great amount, so use your healing item or spell always when needed.

And after you've defeated the Dragon bone, Greenhill will be free from the Highland and then Fitcher comes in and tells you to return back to the castle and head directly to the great hall and at the hall Klaus will say that the Matilda knights have surrender to the highland then Apple will say that it's time to attack Muse city and free it from the highland kingdom.

[1]"Let me ..... think about it." [2]"What do you think, Shu?" [3]"You're right, Let's go to Muse."

Then choose the first answer to let you excuse from the plan, then head to Greenhill City.

=============================== -- LAST COMPANIONS RECRUITING -- ===============================

======================= 1.) GREENHILL CITY ======================= CHARACTER: JUDE, PICO =======================

----------------------- RECRUIT (JUDE) -----------------------

In Greenhill city, head to the academy and go to the blacksmith room and talk t

o Jude and he'll say that he used up all his clay, then head to Forest village and talk the guy in the forest and ask for a clay and after that head back to the to Greenhill and give the clay to Jude and he'll say what should he give in return.

[1]"Join us." [2]"Nothing, really."

Choose the first answer and he'll join you're group then head to the Greenhill inn.

----------------------- RECRUIT (PICO) -----------------------

And in the inn, you'll see a guy with a lady and they are arguing about Annallee and this man is Pico.

[1]"Um, did you say 'Annallee?" [2]". . . . . . . . . . . ."

Choose the first answer and he'll asks you where she is and after your conversation with him he'll join your group and after this head to Tinto city.

======================== 2.) TINTO CITY ======================== CHARACTER: ALBERTO ========================

----------------------- RECRUIT (ALBERTO) -----------------------

In Tinto city, head to the armor shop and talk to Alberto and he'll say that he has enough money to go around to find Annallee and Pico.

[1]"If Annallee were here...." [2]"Yeah. good luck."

Choose the first answer and after he knows everything he'll join your group and after this head to the cave mines.

======================= 3.) MINE CAVE ============================== CHARACTERS: MAZUS, RULODIA ==============================

------------------------ RECRUIT (RULODIA) ------------------------

If you haven't used you listening crystals, you can recruit Rulodia cause there

are four monsters in the game and only two of the listening crystals so choose two monsters out of four, one of this is a none star head to the Tinto cave or mine cave where you've got Abizoah and then he'll asks you to let him join your group.

------------------------ RECRUIT (MAZUS) ------------------------

In the mine cave heading to Tinto, head to the slide and find Mazus and then talk to him and after you're conversation he'll join your group to test his abilities and after that head to Cave of wind.

======================== 4.) CAVE OF WIND ======================== CHARACTER: PESMERGA ======================== ------------------------ RECRUIT (PESMERGA) ------------------------

In cave of wind, head to the place where you fight the star dragon sword and you'll see Pesmerga saying about Yuber as a bastard then he'll ask you who you are.

[1]"Ummm... would you join us?" [2]"Did you say Yuber?"

Choose the first answer and he'll say that his true goal is to find Yuber but he'll help you and join your group and after that head to Kuskus town.

======================= 5.) KUSKUS TOWN ======================= CHARACTER: TESSAI =======================

----------------------- RECRUIT (TESSAI) -----------------------

In Kuskus town, head to the blacksmith and be sure to bring Viktor with you in your party then talk to Tessai and he'll asks Viktor if that's a star dragon sword and then he begs to let him sharpen the sword but Viktor says that it's just a junky old sword and after a short cut scene, Tessai asks you to let him join you group.

[1]"Of course." [2]"No."

Choose the first answer and he'll join your group and after that head to Radat


======================== 6.) RADAT TOWN ======================== CHARACTER: VINCENT ======================== ----------------------- RECRUIT (VINCENT) -----------------------

In Radat town, head to the place where you recruited Simone and see Vincent standing in there and then talk to him with Simone in your party then you'll see the two like dancing and after a short conversation he'll join your group and after that head to Coronet town.

======================== 7.) CORONET TOWN ======================== CHARACTER: GENSHU ========================

----------------------- RECRUIT (GENSHU) -----------------------

In Coronet docks, talk to Genshu in the left with your weapon in level 13 and above and he'll asks you if you want to say something to him.

[1]"Please join our group." [2]"No, nothing."

Choose the first answer and he'll asks you to show him your weapon.

[1]"No." [2]"Yes."

Choose the second answer and he'll say that he will be pleased if he would walk along with your path and then he'll join your group then head back to the castle.

==================================== ------- MONSTER IN MUSE CITY ------- ====================================

======================== 1.) HQ CASTLE ========================

--------------------- RECRUIT (CHUCHARA) ---------------------

Go to the HQ castle's port or docks and Chase him around until you corner him and then he will

join your group. NOTE: he'll be there if you get Abizoah and Rulodia.

In the castle, head to the hall and talk to apple.

[1]"Let me.... think about it." [2]"You're right. Let's got o Muse."

Choose the second answer then you'll see your army leaves the castle and then you'll be at Greenhill city.

======================== 2.) GREENHILL CITY ================================= ITEMS: RAGE RUNE, SILVER HAMMER =================================

And at the Greenhill city in the dorm then go out and see Lucia running in the academy then follow her in but head first in the rune room and talk to the teacher and she'll give you a rage rune and then head to the blacksmith room and talk to the under training student and he'll give you a silver hammer and after that head to the secret passage heading to Teresa's hideout and after several passing screens you'll see Jowy and Lucia then he'll ask you to quit as a leader and run away somewhere.

[1]"I'm sorry.... I can't." [2]". . . . . . . . . ."

Choose the first answer and you'll talk a little more and after that he walks out and then head back to the dorm and Apple will say that the preparations is complete.

[1]"Okay, let's go." [2]"I'm not.... mentally prepared yet."

Choose the first answer if your ready then a major battle begins.

============================ a.) BATTLE #11 ============================

In the battle map, you'll see that you out numbered them and after several turns Culgan tells Jowy that the preparations are complete and that they can withdraw anytime, but Jowy says to not Lucia leave behind and says to give her the signal to retreat but Culgan say to not lose our chance for victory and after that they withdraw and left Lucia behind and after you've defeated Lucia's unit or reached Muse city she'll retreat.

=========================== 3.) MUSE CITY ===========================

Then you'll be at the gate of Muse city then head to the city hall and a soldie

r of yours will say that he thought he saw something inside like a shadow moving and then go inside and you'll see an enemy monster the Golden wolf.

=========================== a.) ENEMY BOSS: GOLDEN WOLF ===========================

This enemy boss attacks twice in every turn and he has three kinds of attacks [1] the wolf bite attack that damages one ally [2] wolf spirits spell attack which damages all your party [3] wolf thunder bolt attack that damages one ally, so use everything you have and your unites attacks.

And after you've defeated the golden wolf, head back outside and you'll see there lots of Golden wolf around Muse city and if you want to fight head to the golden wolf, but if you don't head back to the gate then Luc tells that they are the servants of the beast rune then Fitcher comes in and says that highland soldiers attacks from north and east then apple says that there may be an ambush in the west and south, so she'll say to attack the north and thrust in the center and then retreat and after that you'll be at the castle.

=================================== -- CAPTURE THE CASTLE OF ROCKAXE -- ===================================

========================== 1.) HQ CASTLE ========================== In the castle, Shu greets you for your safe coming and after that head to the forth floor and you'll see Kiba and Shu, and Shu tells Kiba to attack Viktor's fort to be the decoy and to divide the army of highland and then Kiba agrees to Shu and after that talk to Shu and he'll say that he formed a new strategy then he'll wait for your decision.

[1]"We'll fight." [2]"I can't... not yet..."

Choose the first answer and he'll say to assemble everyone in the meeting room and then in the hall Shu discuss how many the highland army and how many is your army then Shu says to slit your army and Kiba's troops will head to east of Muse, outside of the highland kingdom then Shu tells everyone to leave, if they don't want to die but everyone says to get on with the battle and after that Leknaat appears and say that you have assembled many heroes around you

and the seal of the bright shield rune has broken and gives you new power (if you have 108 character) and after that she'll disappear and then Shu says to get ready for the battle then in the morning, Nanami wakes you up to see Kiba's troops head off to their destination and after Kiba leaves, Klaus tells you to head to the hall, and at the Shu tells you that you should go first in Greenhill and then to Matilda.

[1]"Wait... just a minute..." [2]"Let's move out."

============================ a.) BATTLE #12 ============================ In the battle map, Jowy, Yuber and Gorudo shows up and your really out numbered but it doesn't matter how many there are as long as you have higher ATK and DEF than them. Take out enemy units as many as you can and after several turns Jowy tells to give the signal then Culgan's unit appear behind you and again take out first the weakest unit before taking out there leader and after few turns Shu gives the signal then reinforcements will come and then Jowy decides the let everyone to retreat and you'll win the battle.

And after that battle you'll be at the Forest path the Viktor asks Shu who's army was that then you'll find out that Barbara and the others non-combat characters are the reinforcements, then you'll be at Greenhill dorm and Shu now explains how to get Rockaxe castle and tells Ridley, Hauser, Teresa to deploy immediately and lure the enemy away from the Rockaxe castle and tells Hero will covertly go to the castle and sat to burn the flag and replace it with yours then you'll select a characters to join you and Nanami want to come along with you too.

[1]"Of course!" [2]"It's too dangerous."

Choose the first answer and she'll join you party and you'll be at Rockaxe castle.

============================== 2.) ROCKAXE CASTLE ================================================================= ENEMIES: HIGHLANDS, COMMANDER, M-KNIGHT, COCKATRICE, HIPPOGRIFF ================================================================= ENEMY DROPS 12000 - 42000 POTCH IN EVERY BATTLE ======================================================================================== ITEMS: STONE OF SPEED, ESCAPE TALISMAN, CRIMSON CAPE, STONE OF DEFENSE, EARTH SHIELD, POWER GLOVE, MEGA MEDICINE, GOLD NECKLACE, FLAME HELMET, DRAGON PLAN #4, UNICORN PLAN #4

======================================================================================== In the gate of Rockaxe castle, you'll see Seed and Culgan and there army heading out of the castle then you'll go in the castle and then a report from Kiba will be read and it say that Kiba and Leon was mortally wounded and at the castle you'll enter a secret passage, and inside Go to the left and get (stone of speed) then climb up to the ladder, then go to the right and get the (escape talisman) and then head left and climb to the ladder, then go to the left then head up straight and get (crimson cape) and (stone of defense) then back down and climb down in the ladder, then head straight up and then in the ladder again then head right and ignore the first ladder(the door downstairs in close) then head up and go to the right and get the (earth shield) then go to the second ladder and head down, then go south and get the (power gloves) then go back and head to the right until you head inside the castle, inside the castle there are two rooms. the first room, once you enter you'll have a fight will M-knights then after that get the (mega medicine) and in the second room get the (Gold necklace) then head to the back door and get the (flame helmet) and after that go back out of the room then head to the left and fight M-knights again and after that head north to the stairs, then head to the right then go down and fight another m-knights and after that head to the room and get (unicorn plan #4) and (dragon plans #4) and after that head back to the right then go up into the stairs, then head to the left and save in the journey crystal and after that head south and fight again a group of m-knight and after the head to the path until you'll be at a stairs heading up then you're companions heads out and holds the enemy and then you and Nanami heads up and enter a door, after you've enter you'll see Jowy and he'll say that he wont let you pass.

[1]"It seems we must fight..." [2]"I don't want to fight you..."

It doesn't matter which you choose, and you'll talk some reasons to fight and it is your destiny and other stuffs and after that Gorudo comes in and tries to kill you and Jowy then Nanami tries to protect you, she dodges the three arrows but misses the last one and in result she was badly injured then Jowy joins you to fight Gorudo.

============================= a.) ENEMY BOSS: GORUDO =========================================================== ENEMY DROPS 125000 POTCH AND KNIGHT ARMOR AFTER THE BATTLE

=========================================================== In this battle, Gorudo attacks once in each turn and he has three kinds of attacks [1] his normal slash attack damage one ally [2]earthquake magic spell attack also damages one ally [3] earthquake which pulls you down too the sea of lava, this damages all allies, just use Jowy's rune and you're rune and you'll win in no time.

And after you've defeated the old Gorudo, Shu comes in and tells the soldiers to burn the flag and also say to get a doctor and after Jowy tells Seed and Culgan to retreat Rockaxe castle will be yours and then you'll be at the HQ castle.

===================================================== -- FINAL BATTLE OF HIGHLAND KINGDOM AND CITY-STATE -- =====================================================

============================ 1.) HQ CASTLE ============================ In the castle You'll be waiting for the result of the Dr. Huan's from Nanami and after few seconds he'll comes out in the room and say that he is not strong enough then all will be sad about it then Huan asks Shu to get inside the room (this will happens only if you have all 108 star of destiny) then in the morning head to the hall and talk to Shu and he'll say that highland army has left Muse and retreated to their own territory then he'll say it's time to attack highland and eliminate the root of this war.

[1]"The root of the war?...." [2]". . . . . . . . . . . ."

Choose the first answer and he'll discuss something about the highland and city-state got bigger, then he'll asks for your order to invade highland.

[1]". . . . . . . . . . . ." [2]"I can't . . . . . . ." [3]"Okay, let's do it..."

Choose the third answer if your ready, and after that he'll walks out the head out in the hall and you'll fall down and Freed Y sees you and helps you up then at the Highland side, you'll see lots of soldiers and see Jowy sacrifice his wife Jillia Blight to the beast rune but it's a doll anyway then after that Jowy also gets out of strength and at your room you'll be resting and after they have gone away head to the forth floor and see Apple heading to Shu's

room and they'll talk about some strategy failure, then Shu tells Apple to pick one card in the table then she'll pick the fire card and then she'll goes out and after that head to your room and in the morning Eilie wake you up then head to the hall and see Shu and the others waiting for your order to deploy and attack L' Renouille.

[1]"Hold on a minute...." [2]"Okay."

Choose the first answer and then see your army leaving the castle then at the forest a messenger tells Shu that Flik found Highland army with Leon, Seed and Culgan below him then Shu tells you to led a unit to the right and Hauser to the left and stay hidden until he gives the signal and after you've gone out, he'll say to Viktor to go as he planned.

======================== a.) BATTLE #13 ========================

At the world map battle mode, you'll see Viktor and Shu in position and lures the highland army to a trap, this battle is automatically moved and you can't control them and then after several turns Shu gives the signal then Viktor lights up the forest and then highland army tries to escape then again Shu give another signal to you and Hauser to surround and attack the enemy units.

After that in the burning forest, see Shu and lots of highland soldiers died from the trap then Shu and Leon will have a little chat and after that on the other side Apple is worried about Shu the he'll appear cause Viktor rescue him in the mids of fire then he'll say to head to L' Renouille then you'll be at the Muse-Highland border and Apple tells you to go to L' Renouille the talk to Hilda and save and after that talk to Apple.

[1]Not yet." [2]"Let's go." [3]"Rearrange units."

Choose the second answer if your ready, and you'll be in a Major battle again.

======================== b.) BATTLE #14 ========================

You'll be up against with Seed, Culgan, Han, Yuber and Lucia. Apple tells you that your goal is to take your unit to the city and you'll win the battle but first you must eliminate some enemy unit defending the city, this should be easy cause you have Mazus, Luc, Jeane cause

there rune is a great help to this battle, and after several turns Yuber withdraws from the battle and after you've reached the city you'll win the battle.

And outside L' Renouille you'll choose your characters then don't enter yet, head out first and go to Sajah village north west of your position.

======================================================================================== WORLD MAP REGIONS: L' RENOUILLE, SAJAH VILLAGE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENEMIES: COLOSSUS, MINOTAURUS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENEMY DROPS: 15000 - 50000 POTCHES IN EVERY BATTLE ========================================================================================

======================= 2.) SAJAH VILLAGE ======================= ITEM SHOP: --------------------------- MEDICINE 100 MEGA MEDICINE 500 ESCAPE TALISMAN 500 CRIMSON CAPE 9000 ---------- RARE FIND: ---------- GOLDEN HAMMER 6500

Their's not much to do here but you can get the Golden hammer item in the rare finds in the item shop and this could get your weapon to level 16 give this to Tessai and upgrade your weapon and after that head back to L' Renouille to continue the final mission.

======================== 3.) L' RENOUILLE ======================================================== ENEMIES: CHIMERA, BRONZEM, MAGUS, HIGHLANDS, COMMANDER ============================================================================================= ITEMS: ROBE OF MIST, BOLT OF WRATH, STONE OF POWER, STONE OF DEFENSE, WIND AMULET, FURY RUNE CHAMPION'S RUNE, ESCAPE TALISMAN, WINDOW SET #7, GOLDLET ============================================================================================= ENEMY DROPS: 20000 - 65000 POTCH IN EVERY BATTLE =============================================================================================

Once you enter the castle, you'll see Lucia and you'll have a battle with her.

=========================== a.) ENEMY BOSS: LUCIA

=========================== DROPS: 50000 POTCH ===========================

You'll fight her this time and the last one too, she uses three kinds of attacks and at the same time she attacks you three time in each turn, [1] normal whip attack damage one ally [2] rune magic fire beam that damages all your party [3] rune magic like burning shurikens that all damages all your allies to defeat he just use your unite attacks, rune magic, and healing items if needed. And after you've defeated her, Teresa and Shin comes in and talks with Lucia and after that She'll let you pass, here there are to paths heading to Han and you'll encounter lots of highland soldiers too, if you go to the left you get (fury rune) in the inner chambers and if you go right you'll get (Robe of mist)&(bolt of wrath) and after you've reached a room heading to the center, you'll see Han in the door.

[1]"Get out of my way!!!" [2]". . . . . . . . . . ." Doesn't matter which you choose, then he'll say that the duel of Genkaku will continue here then you'll have a one on one battle with him.

===================================== b.) ONE ON ONE DUEL AGAINST HAN =====================================

-------------------- / WILD ATTACK SAYIN' \-------------------------------------| -----------------------------------------------------------| Now feel my deadly sword Can you take this? Yes, but can you defend against my sword!!! You'll have to do better than that Let's bury our past here, boy!!! Watch closely, boy!! Watch and learn, boy. Here's how to wield a sword!!! You've got spirit... You think my sword has lost it's bite!!! --------------- / ATTACK SAYIN' \------------------------------------------| -----------------------------------------------------------| I can't let you past here, son Foolish boy!!! You can't defend yourself forever Unf..... Your father would have been proud to see you today Very good, boy I may be old, but I haven't lost my sword arm You can't win like that, boy Ho ho ho.... You taught him well, Genkaku my friend.... You're a tough one.... And now it's my turn

--------------- / DEFEND SAYIN' \------------------------------------------| -----------------------------------------------------------| I should have avoided that cheap little shot... You think you can beat me, boy ? Try that again, boy Let me see your power, Genkaku's son What will you do now, boy? Well struck .... It seems I should be more careful....

And after you've defeated him, he'll asks for your name. [1]"Hero....." [2]". . . . . . . . . ."

Just choose the first answer to respect the old mans last wish then he'll say that you are strong and he'll say to continue your path then at the second floor and comes in with three pathways there will be lots of locked doors, so it's easy to find your way in, if you go to the right path and at the most upper last room you'll get (stone of power) & (stone of defense) then head back down and head to the second corner to the left and get (wind amulet) & (champion's rune) then exit to the left and head north until you reached outside area of the castle then get inside the castle and save in the crystal save in the room and near the room get the (escape talisman) and before heading up go to the other way and get (goldlet) and after that head up and get (window set #7) on your way and head to the path until you reached and see a saving crystal and after saving head to the north and see Seed and Culgan.

[1]"I'll force my way in!!!" [2]"Get out of the way."

It doesn't matter, then they will not let you pass and then attacks your party.

=================================== c.) ENEMY BOSSES: SEED AND CULGAN =================================== DROPS 130000 POTCH ===================================

This guy are great opponents, Seed attacks twice in each turn and same goes to Culgan and when you added it up it will be four attacks in one turn, Seed uses his fire rune explosion spell and his normal attack while Culgan uses water rune(I think?) and also his normal attack. use your runes, unite attacks and healing items if needed and give a fair fight and after you've defeated them.

[1]"The outcome's already decided." [2]". . . . . . . . . . ."

Choose the first answer and then Seed and Culgan will let you pass and at a certain room, you'll see Pilika and Jowy and he'll asks Jillia a favor to take Pilika and flee to Harmonia and start a new life then Jillia says a final farewell to Jowy, then you'll be at a room then head straight and see Leon unseals the beast rune for your final test.

================================= d.) ENEMY BOSS: BEAST RUNE ================================= DROPS 120000 POTCH =================================

This beast rune can attack trice in each turn and has five kinds of attacks[1] beast rune shining light that damages all party [2] beast rune needle attack hits one ally [3] beast rune curse spell attack gives a certain ally curse status [4] beast rune spirit wolf attack also damages all allies [5] beast rune black sword attack that damages all party and painfully, the right leg does not performed attacks but can heal dead parts of the beast, so aim for the right leg so that it can't heal it's parts of the beast or aim directly to the two heads and the rune, if this three is eliminated you win the battle even you didn't kill the two legs, use you left over runes and Hero's level 4 rune bright shield rune and heal the party when needed and unite your character and attack.

And after you've defeated the beast rune, you'll head to the king's throne but find on one in there then the castle shakes all of the sudden then everybody says to run out of the castle.

[1]"You're right...." [2]"No. We've got to find Jowy!"

Choose the first answer and you'll automatically runs out of the castle and outside of the castle everyone is worried about you the Ridley sees you comes out the everybody happy and rejoices then in the morning you'll be at your room then Eilie wakes you up and say to head to the great hall.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =========================== -- FOUR KINDS OF ENDINGS -- =========================== <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

=================================ENDING #1 [LEAD A NEW COUNTRY]=================================

----------------------ENDING SUMMARY----------------------

Go to the great hall and see everyone waiting for you then everybody in the great hallpledges to you in helping you to create a new country and to unite all to face Harmoniain the north and after that agree with them in forming a new country and you'll see somescenes with your leadership to all business in renewing the country and after that a 108stars of destiny character ending will appear and saying what they did after the war andafter the credits there wil be a picture "the end".(you've get this ending even if youdon't have completed the 108 stars of destiny)

----------------------ENDING SCRIPT----------------------

In the hall, you'll see Shu, Apple, Klaus, Fitcher, Camus, Miklotov, Jess, Hauser,Teresa, Gustav, Ridley, Makai waiting for you.

SHU: "We've been waiting for you, Lord Hero."

MAKAI: "Congratulations, Lord Hero. Now we can finally begin to rebiuld after this long, terrible war." GUSTAV: "Well, at least now there's one less enemy threatening city-state soil."

TERESA: "But we still don't have true peace in these lands. Lord Hero, there is something we wish to ask of you."

TERESA: "Lord Hero, there's still Harmonia to the north of here and so we can't yet completely relax."

TERESA: "Furthermore, because there was no trust between us, Luca Blight able to divine the city-state. TERESA: "We need a single, unified country. one that can stand together against it's enemies."

TERESA: "Lord Hero, we want you to create a new country here, [name] country, and we want you to lead it."

MAKAI: "This matter was voted and approved by Two River's three houses of parliament."

GUSTAV: "If it means a stronger nation able to defend itself, we have no objections either."

MIKLOTOV: "The knightdom of Matilda is no more, but we will follow your orders in this matter, Lord Hero."

CAMUS: "I feel the same way as Miklotov."

JESS: "Most of the strength of Muse was stolen by Luca Blight, but we still haven't lost our pride as the center of the state." JESS: "As acting mayor of Muse, I also intend to follow the will of Lord Hero."

HERO: [1]"I understand." [2]". . . . . . . . . ." [3]"I can't do it."

[NOTE: choose the first option.]

SHU: "Lord Ferson..." "We thank you."

SHU: "We're here to announce the birth of [name] country!!! May it bring peace and prosperity to this land forever!!!."

SHU: "We swear to serve Lord Hero with pride and fidelity!!!." [NOTE: Then you'll see some scenes and then the character's ending shows up.]

=============================================ENDING #2 [KILL JOWY AND LEAD THE COUNTRY]=============================================

----------------------ENDING SUMMARY----------------------

Go down to the first floor and see Flik and Viktor asking you where you're going andafter that talk to Viki and teleport to Kyaro village the head out of Kyaro and go toTenzan Pass and head to the place where you promise Jowy to return if you both are aliveand after arriving to that place you'll see him and fight him one on one duel if youdefeated him in the duel, he'll say to lend your right hand then he'll you the power ofthe black sword rune and after that he'll die then the same ending you'll see the samescenes in ending #1 and after that the end.

----------------------ENDING SCRIPT----------------------

In the hall, you'll see Shu, Apple, Klaus, Fitcher, Camus, Miklotov, Jess, Hauser,Teresa, Gustav, Ridley, Makai waiting for you.

SHU: "We've been waiting for you, Lord Hero."

MAKAI: "Congratulations, Lord Hero. Now we can finally begin to rebiuld after this long, terrible war." GUSTAV: "Well, at least now there's one less enemy threatening city-state soil."

TERESA: "But we still don't have true peace in these lands. Lord Hero, there is something we wish to ask of you."

TERESA: "Lord Hero, there's still Harmonia to the north of here and so we can't yet completely relax."

TERESA: "Furthermore, because there was no trust between us, Luca Blight able to divine the city-state. TERESA: "We need a single, unified country. one that can stand together against it's enemies."

TERESA: "Lord Hero, we want you to create a new country here, [name] country, and we want you to lead it."

MAKAI: "This matter was voted and approved by Two River's three houses of parliament."

GUSTAV: "If it means a stronger nation able to defend itself, we have no objections either."

MIKLOTOV: "The knightdom of Matilda is no more, but we will follow your orders in this matter, Lord Hero." CAMUS: "I feel the same way as Miklotov."

JESS: "Most of the strength of Muse was stolen by Luca Blight, but we still haven't lost our pride as the center of the state." JESS: "As acting mayor of Muse, I also intend to follow the will of Lord Hero."

HERO: [1]"I understand." [2]". . . . . . . . . ." [3]"I can't do it."

[NOTE: choose the third option.]

APPLE: "So were will you go, Hero!!" [NOTE: Then teleport to Kyaro then head out and go to Tenzan pass northwest from your position and meet Jowy in the cliff where the two of you promise to go back there if the two of your is still alive.]

JOWY: "Hero..... you came."

JOWY: "Just like you promised.... Here we are... Here once again..."

JOWY: "This is where our journey began. You and I walked along the same path for so long

together but this where they began to diverge..."

JOWY: "But... I have no regrets."

JOWY: "But if I did, it would be that I had to betray the city-state and assasinate Lady Anabelle."

JOWY: "You and I were a lot alike..... We were both aiming for the same thing, But I just...."

JOWY: "At the highland camp, after I let you both escape ahead, I was captured and met Luca Blight again."

JOWY: "I hated him from the beginning, It's true but I think I admired his strength a little bit too...."

JOWY: "I thought if I was that strong, I could protect everyone and I could dreate a gentle world where nobody would ever be hurt."

JOWY: "But..." JOWY: "No... Forget about it."

JOWY: "This is a battle between the King of highland and the leader of the [name] army. This is truely... the final battle."

HERO: [1]"I guess you're right..." [2]"We don't need to fight."

[NOTE: Choose the first option.]

JOWY: "Yeah...." =================================ONE ON ONE DUEL AGAINST JOWY================================= --------------------/ WILD ATTACK SAYIN' \-------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| NONE ---------------/ ATTACK SAYIN' \------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| "Hero..................." "That's right. that's the way....." "Why won't you fight, Hero!!!" "Just like the old days...." "You're the leader of the [name] army, Hero........" ---------------/ DEFEND SAYIN' \------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| "Let's finish this long, long battle..." "Try again! Hero............" "Bad move..... Hero..... that'll get you hurt...." "Hero..... You......."

"Next It's my turn. Hero....." "This reminds me of the old days..."

-------------------- AFTER THE DUEL -------------------- JOWY: "That's right... Hero. good. now this war will finally end."

JOWY: "Hero.... hold up your right hand..."

JOWY: "I was watching you all the time... Remember, these two rune were once on you know....."

JOWY: "Peace is a beautiful thing... even if it comes... at the end of a long, brutal war....."

JOWY: "It may seem like all is lost, but we'll always have memories..."

JOWY: "Forgive me.... Hero.... I sent many men to their deaths... no one knows, pain of that more than I do...."

JOWY: "But.... just as i thought.... you had no choice.... you had to defeat me." JOWY: "A glorious Hero defeats an evil king...."

JOWY: "The people will all talk and sins about your heroic rise to fame and forget the horrors and the sins of war...."

JOWY: "The defeationg soldiers too will feel comforted by the fact that they were defeated by a Hero and deceived by n evil king..."

[NOTE: After the combination of the two runes.]

JOWY: "Hero.... I want you to..... became a great leader....." JOWY: "Hold on dearly to this peace that we fought so hard for. the rune.... It will lend you it's power, I'm sure of it..."

JOWY: "Farewell..... my friend..... Hero....."

[NOTE: after he dies in your arms the same scenes you'll see in the ending #1.]

======================================================ENDING #3 [HEADS OFF A NEW LIFE WITH NANAMI AND JOWY]======================================================

----------------------ENDING SUMMARY----------------------

This ending is also like the Ending #2, go to Tenzan Pass and meet Jowy then agree notto fight with him, still you'll have a one on one duel but don't ever attack him

evenonce and after two duels let be out of strength and dying from it then Leknaat appearsand heals Jowy and after that when you head down you'll see Shu and he'll explain aboutwhat really happened with Nanami in the castle and after that head to Kyaro and go tothe house of Genkaku, their you'll see Nanami and then You, Nanami, and Jowy will visitJillia and Pilika and after that you'll head off and live peacefully with the three of you.

----------------------ENDING SCRIPT----------------------

In the hall, you'll see Shu, Apple, Klaus, Fitcher, Camus, Miklotov, Jess, Hauser,Teresa, Gustav, Ridley, Makai waiting for you.

SHU: "We've been waiting for you, Lord Hero."

MAKAI: "Congratulations, Lord Hero. Now we can finally begin to rebiuld after this long, terrible war." GUSTAV: "Well, at least now there's one less enemy threatening city-state soil."

TERESA: "But we still don't have true peace in these lands. Lord Hero, there is something we wish to ask of you."

TERESA: "Lord Hero, there's still Harmonia to the north of here and so we can't yet completely relax."

TERESA: "Furthermore, because there was no trust between us, Luca Blight able to divine the city-state. TERESA: "We need a single, unified country. one that can stand together against it's enemies."

TERESA: "Lord Hero, we want you to create a new country here, [name] country, and we want you to lead it."

MAKAI: "This matter was voted and approved by Two River's three houses of parliament."

GUSTAV: "If it means a stronger nation able to defend itself, we have no objections either."

MIKLOTOV: "The knightdom of Matilda is no more, but we will follow your orders in this matter, Lord Hero." CAMUS: "I feel the same way as Miklotov."

JESS: "Most of the strength of Muse was stolen by Luca Blight, but we still haven't lost our pride as the center of the state."

JESS: "As acting mayor of Muse, I also intend to follow the will of Lord Hero."

HERO: [1]"I understand." [2]". . . . . . . . . ." [3]"I can't do it."

[NOTE: choose the third option.]

APPLE: "So were will you go, Hero!!" [NOTE: Then teleport to Kyaro then head out and go to Tenzan pass northwest from your position and meet Jowy in the cliff where the two of you promise to go back there if the two of your is still alive.]

JOWY: "Hero..... you came."

JOWY: "Just like you promised.... Here we are... Here once again..."

JOWY: "This is where our journey began. You and I walked along the same path for so long together but this where they began to diverge..."

JOWY: "But... I have no regrets."

JOWY: "But if I did, it would be that I had to betray the city-state and assasinate Lady Anabelle."

JOWY: "You and I were a lot alike..... We were both aiming for the same thing, But I just...."

JOWY: "At the highland camp, after I let you both escape ahead, I was captured and met Luca Blight again."

JOWY: "I hated him from the beginning, It's true but I think I admired his strength a little bit too...."

JOWY: "I thought if I was that strong, I could protect everyone and I could dreate a gentle world where nobody would ever be hurt."

JOWY: "But..." JOWY: "No... Forget about it."

JOWY: "This is a battle between the King of highland and the leader of the [name] army. This is truely... the final battle."

HERO: [1]"I guess you're right..." [2]"We don't need to fight."

[NOTE: Choose the second option.]

JOWY: "We do need to fight... Hero..."

=================================1.) ONE ON ONE DUEL AGAINST JOWY================================= -------------------- / WILD ATTACK SAYIN' \-------------------------------------| -----------------------------------------------------------| NONE --------------- / ATTACK SAYIN' \------------------------------------------| -----------------------------------------------------------| "Why won't you fight, Hero!!!" "You're the leader of the [name] army, Hero........" --------------- / DEFEND SAYIN' \------------------------------------------| -----------------------------------------------------------| "Let's finish this long, long battle..." "Hero..... You......."

---------------------AFTER THE FIRST DUEL---------------------

JOWY: "Why... why have you come all this way only to decide now not to fight?"

HERO:[1]"There's no reason to fight you." [2]". . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."

JOWY: "There is a reason... to remove any trace of the highland kingdom from this land..."

JOWY: "Agares Blight and Luca Blight are already dead, and I've put Jillia to rest with my own hands... I'm the last living Blight....."

JOWY: "Cut the Blight bloodline once and for all or there will always be fanatics who will try to revive the highland kingdom..."

JOWY: "After all, sometimes hope can drive people to madness... Let's make this war the last war ever to plague this land."

[NOTE:Then you'll fight him again in a duel and just like the first just defend until the last blow.]

=================================2.) ONE ON ONE DUEL AGAINST JOWY================================= -------------------- / WILD ATTACK SAYIN' \-------------------------------------| -----------------------------------------------------------| NONE --------------- / ATTACK SAYIN' \------------------------------------------| -----------------------------------------------------------| "Why won't you fight, Hero!!!" "You're the leader of the [name] army, Hero........" --------------- / DEFEND SAYIN' \------------------------------------------| -----------------------------------------------------------| "Let's finish this long, long battle..." "Hero..... You......."

---------------------AFTER THE SECOND DUEL---------------------

JOWY: "Hero........ I was always jealous of you. There's something about you... always so strong... and gentle..."

JOWY: "That's all that I ever wanted... to be loved by everyone just like you were... and that's why..."

[NOTE: Then he'll lose balance and out of strength and dying.]

HERO:[1]"JOWY!!!" [2]". . . . . . . . ."

JOWY: "I... I used too much power... the beast rune that Luca tried to free...."

JOWY: "I had to.... use my.... 'Black sowrd rune' to stop it... our rune... together.... they make a true rune...."

JOWY: "But... If you use it by itself.... It takes your life..."

JOWY: "Hero..... I'm going to die anyway..."

JOWY: "So.... I give you... my life... so the two runes become one again... Hero... your right hand..."

HERO:[1]"I can't do that." [2]"Okay... Jowy."

[NOTE: Choose the first option.]

JOWY: "Hero... I... I'm sorry... I can't stand it anymore.... all the lives that I stole..."

JOWY: "All the people I hurt...."

HERO:[1]"I can't do that." [2]"Okay... Jowy."

[NOTE: Choose the first option.]

JOWY: "Please... I beg of you... don't let our dream have been in vain...."

HERO:[1]"I can't do that." [2]"Okay... Jowy."

[NOTE: Choose the first option.]

JOWY: ".... Hero.... There's no... time.... Please... I'm ready..."

HERO:[1]"Even so... I can't..." [2]"Okay."

[NOTE: Choose the first option.]

JOWY: "Hero...."

[NOTE: Then Jowy's body shines with a light.]

JOWY: "Wh... What's this....."

[NOTE: The also Hero's body shines with a light.]

JOWY: "The rune...."

JOWY: "This power..... It's healing my body..."

[NOTE: And after that Leknaat appears.]

LEKNAAT: "The 'Rune of beginning'...." It only appears when the holders of the two runes face each other in combat."

LEKNAAT: "Just as when this world was first born..."

LEKNAAT: "Hero.... even so.... You choose not to fight... That spirit... and the spirit of 108 stars of destiny...."

LEKNAAT: "They have called forth the power of the true rune of beginning."

LEKNAAT: "Hero... just as i thought, you are a strong man...."

LEKNAAT: "Please go... Hero, Jowy the world is still mostly unknown to you, overflowing with new things."

LEKNAAT: "There's no reason for you to stay in these lands."

JOWY: ". . . . . . . . . . . . ."

JOWY: "But.... I ... I murdered people with my own two hands... Lady Anabelle, Luca Blight and all those soldiers..."

JOWY: "My sins are heavy...."

LEKNAAT: "And they will not disappear as long as you live, but I believe you're strong enough to go o and make this world a better place."

[NOTE: The Leknaat disappears from the scene.]

JOWY: " . . . . . . . . . ."

JOWY: "The man called Jowy Blight has no place on this world anymore...."

JOWY: "But I can forget this land, forget the name Jowy and maybe.... I can start again...."

HERO: [1]"Of course." [2]"You must understand."

JOWY: "Hero...."

JOWY: "This was the place where our journey began.... How many hours have passed once we were first here...."

JOWY: "Let's go.... Hero... Let's make this place the beginning of our journey..."

[NOTE: Then Jowy will join in your party and then after that head back down and

see Shu.]

JOWY: "If we hadn't run away then....."

SHU: "Then we'd have problems, because without you two, we wouldn't have peace in this land."

SHU: "Lord Hero, So you're leaving eh..."

SHU: "I had hoped that you would stayed and lead this country. you're the right man to do it."

SHU: "But i won't try to stop you. you're certainly paid your dues and then some we could ask no more of you."

SHU: "Go out and there and see the world, feel the world. It's still a big world to you."

SHU: " And I hope that when you're finished with your journey, one day you'll com back."

SHU: "There's just on thing I have left to report."

SHU: "Although I was asked not to tell you until this point. I'll understand if you wish to punish me for disloyalty."

SHU: "When Nanami fell in the Matilda knightdom."

[NOTE: you'll see the real scene what really happened to Nanami in your castle.]

FLIK: "What!? But...!!! How could you fail!!?"

VIKTOR: "Quit it, Flik! He did all he could, don't take your anger otu of him."

FLIK: "I know that! I know!!! But... But... What about Hero..."

FLIK: "Damn it. Kiba... and Nanami..."

FLIK: "They've fought along with us!!! and even though we won... even though we've come so far..."

VIKTOR: ". . . . . . . . ."

FLIK: "Damn..."

EILIE: "Hero..."

HUAN: "Lord Shu..."

SHU: "What is it."

HUAN: "Can I speak with you... inside."

[NOTE: Then you see a conversation with Shu and Nanami.]

NANAMI: "Sir Shu...."

SHU: "Oh.... Doctor Huan."

NANAMI: "I'm sorry.... I asked Doctor Huan...."

SHU: "Something on your mind?"

NANAMI: "Yes..."

NANAMI: "I... I... I'm thinking about getting away from Hero for a while."

SHU: ".... Hero will be saddened to hear that."

NANAMI: "I know... I know that, but... But it's hard for me... Hero and Jowy fighting..."

NANAMI: "Also it's hard for me to see Hero in pain...."

NANAMI: "When there were arrows raining down on us and Hero tried to shield me with his body, I realized it..."

NANAMI: "Hero shouldn't do such thing. He's too important for that...."

SHU: "A leader of men can't behave like that."

NANAMI: "That's... that's why I'm going to let you have him all to yourself for a while."

SHU: " What will you do?"

NANAMI: "I'll go back to Granpa Genkaku's house. I think It's safe and beside..."

NANAMI: "beside... when this is all over, that kid will need a place to return home to right?"

NANAMI: "Also.... I have a favor to ask. If it's ever time for Hero to come home, tell him about this conversation."

SHU: "Why do you ask ME to do it?"

NANAMI: "Because I fegured if it's you, you'd never tell him until it was absolutely necessary..."

SHU: "Yeah, you're right... I'll do it."

[NOTE: After the scene.]

SHU: "And so... That it... and these are my final words to you as your strategist."

SHU: "Take good care of yourself, Lord Hero."

------------------------DIFFERENT ENDING SCENE------------------------

After talking with Shu you'll see a scene, Hero and Jowy goes back to Kyaro and runs inheading to Genkaku's house, in there Nanami hugs the two of you then pay respect to thegrave of Genkaku then Jowy will have a final seeing of his house then the three of you

visits the new house of Pilika and Jillia and watch them from the gate then you'll head out to the bride to set off a new journey and start a new life.

======================================================ENDING #4 [GIVE UP THE FIGHT IN TINTO CITY]======================================================

----------------------ENDING SUMMARY----------------------

This ending happens while your in Tinto city, when you escape from Tinto two of yourcompanions comes with you to help you out and after you arrive in Crom village thevillage is attacked by zombies then you'll head to Tigermouth village but also thisvillage will be attacked by zombies, once you head out Hero will use all of his powerto kill the zombies in you're sight then he'll be weakened then Nanami carries him upand until your trap and then Georg helps you and after that in Drakemouth village afterNanami head out you'll see Flik, Apple and Shu he'll slap you in the face and then he'llasks you to come back then keep refusing from his offer and then the two members willjoin Shu then that the end of it.

=================================================== --- LIST OF STARS OF DESTINY CHARACTER'S ENDING --- ===================================================

================== SCENE: ================== You'll see Hero in the meeting hall of Jowston hill and discussing important matter with the other leaders in the whole country, and then you'll be at the city hall of Muse city and giving orders to Shu and Klaus then you'll see Ridley training his Kobold army and at Greenhill city you'll see Teresa and Shin handling the new leaf academy and the last scene is where you are standing in front of Muse city gate where you and Nanami waited for Jowy to return. ================== BACKGROUND: ================== The picture of the Black sword rune and Bright shield rune.