Sun Island Resorts, Shanghai

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Beautiful resort in Shanghai

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Shanghai City, China Located near to famous ZhuJiaJiao Water Town- 55minutes car ride from downtown Shanghai (via G50 highway) - 60 minutes car ride from Pudong International Airport

太阳岛位于上海朱家角古镇内,处于黄浦江的上游,坐落在上海市区 60 公里外的西南角。太阳岛地处太浦河、朱泖河及泖河的交汇点,因此一度被称为泖岛。自唐朝起,便积累了悠久的历史文化。拥有 1200年历史的泖塔至今屹立在此,成为这座特殊岛屿乃至上海市现存的珍贵历史遗产。数千年以来,太阳岛接待无数游客,并激发了诸多灵感,如大文豪王安石就曾折服于她的美丽并为此挥毫泼墨。

Sun Island Resorts, Shanghai is situated 60km Southwest of Shanghai city, upstream of the famous Huang Pu River in the ancient water town of Zhu Jia Jiao. Nestled in the meeting point of Tai Pu River and Zhu Mao River with Mao River, Sun Island, which was once known as Mao Island, has a long cultural history that dates back to the Tang Dynasty. The 1,200 – year old Mao pagoda, still stands stoically, is a proud surviving testament to the heritage of this special island in Shanghai. A place for the meeting of minds, the island has hosted countless travelers over the millennium, and inspired great poets like Wang An Shi who had captured the beauty and essence of the island in his works.

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度假村酒店前厅Resort Lobby

高尔夫前厅Golf Reception

度假酒店别墅Resort Accommodations

泖塔广场Pagoda Square

娱乐美食街Recreational Food Street

迎宾广场Arrival Square

大泖宴会厅Mao Grand Ballroom

圆泖多功能厅1-2Mao Function Rooms 1 & 2

VIP1-6会议室VIP1-6 Meeting Rooms

长泖自助餐厅Mao Buffet Restaurant

太阳岛KTVSun Island KTV

瀑布餐厅Waterfall Restaurant

高尔夫专卖店Golf Pro Shop

太阳岛酒吧Sun Island Bar

度假别墅Resort Villas & Rooms

棋牌室Mahjong Room

儿童游乐场Children’s Playground

小绿地Little Green Space

太阳岛温泉养生馆Sun Island SPA

泰生厨房The Flow Kitchen

孔雀王朝中餐厅Peacock Palace

阳光会议中心Sunshine Conference Center

唐代泖塔Mao Pagoda (Tang Dynasty)

沙滩泳场Wave Pool

运动酒吧 - 93码头Pier 93

临河工坊Riverside Workshop

土菜馆Village Restaurant

养心殿Zen Den Herbal Restaurant

川菜馆Sichuan Restaurant


元立休闲职业培训学校Prime Vocational School

遛马俱乐部Horse Riding Club

卡丁车Go-Kart Track

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Sun Island Resorts, Shanghai is an integrated wellness destination, with golf, spa, conference facilities and gourmet food, for both leisure and business travellers. Together with an array of wellness activities and fresh produce from its Taisheng Farm, Sun Island provides a rejuvenating break from your busy daily life. It offers you a unique, meaningful experience to reconnect with nature and yourself.

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太阳岛拥有 16 个功能多样的宴会厅和会议厅,提供一流的配套设施和最新的技术支持,最大程度地满足不同规模的会务需求。如大泖宴会厅最多可容纳 500 人,配备 24 平米的 LED 液晶屏、先进的音响设备和高速的无线上网。另配有专业服务团队全程灵活待命,确保会议圆满成功。与会期间,太阳岛还将提供特色养生服务,全面提升养生能效。例如,凝神静心的熏香有助于舒缓压力,养生茶歇能够充分地补给能量,间歇时的养生操可以焕发活力,这些都将给您带来一次难忘的世外会务体验。

With a maximum seating capacity of 500 people, the Mao Grand Ballroom features a 24 square meters LED screen, state-of-art video and audio system as well as high-speed WIFI access. There is also a combination of 15 other banquet halls and meeting rooms with just the right settings for all occasions and functions. Our dedicated on-site service team will ensure your events run smoothly.Running events can be relaxing. We introduce aromatherapy into each indoor event space to promote your team’s concentration and calm their minds. Our special concoction of Herbal Infusion water and healthy selections for tea breaks ensure you eat and drink well during your event. For a more productive and memorable meeting experience, we provide a selection of invigorating exercises and activities to engage your team during breaks.


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大泖宴会厅 Mao Grand Ballroom

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太阳岛度假村占地 25 公顷。在荫荫绿树的环抱下,花团锦簇的点缀中,453 栋北欧风情的精致别墅错落分布。不论是单人行还是举家出游,商务出差还是休闲之旅,近10款房型可供选择,如豪华标准房、套房、连栋和别墅。细节之处的贴心安排无不彰显了您的尊贵身份,同时传达了健康的养生之道,如可安神的熏香、好眠的薰衣草眼罩等。

The resort’s 453 European styled villas occupy an area of 25 hectares surrounded by the endless golfing-greens and the flowing rivers. With the diversity of accommodation provided, the resort takes care of various travellers’ needs, whether you are with a hearty group of family and friends, a solo traveller seeking solace, a business traveler on a retreat or a couple having a romantic wellness getaway. Complimentary lavender eye pillows are included in our aroma-scented rooms as a show of our commitment to the wellness philosophy for your restful sleep.


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岛屿豪华房 Island Deluxe Room 俱乐部套房 Club Suite

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太阳岛特设8个风格迥异的主题餐厅。在轻松享用各地地道美食、满足口腹之欲的同时,又能达到均衡营养、膳食平衡,从饮食源头开启健康养生之旅。人智厨房重新诠释了养生概念,独创健康烹饪方式,透过真实的五感为您带来一样的饮食文化。 养心殿精选崇明泰生农场的时令有机食材,奉上原汁原味的佳肴。孔雀王朝坐拥怡人海景,在海派本帮菜式中融入了创新元素。瀑布餐厅则提供正宗的西式和东南亚菜肴。

Sun Island’s 8 restaurants serve a wide selection of cuisine presented in distinctive settings, whether for casual lunches or formal social and corporate events. The Flow Kitchen introduces the concept of conscious eating and reinvents traditional cooking methods to make a healthy meal. Zen Den Herbal Restaurant best exemplifies our philosophy in wellness with seasonal ingredients from Mahota Farm in Chongming. Peacock Palace, which enjoys the beachfront view, serves fusion local food. Waterfall Restaurant, located at the Clubhouse, offers authentic Southeast Asian delicacies.


长泖自助餐厅 Mao Buffet Restaurant

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瀑布餐厅 Waterfall Restaurant 孔雀王朝餐厅 Peacock Palace泰生厨房 The Flow Kitchen

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养心殿 Zen Den Herbal Restaurant 川菜馆 Sichuan Restaurant

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运动酒吧 - 93 码头 Pier 93# 太阳岛酒吧 Sun Island Bar

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Our wellness philosophy is inspired by traditional Chinese wellness methods taken from the rich Chinese culture and wisdom. Drawn from Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Medicine and Chinese martial art theories, Sun Island has built upon this collective wisdom by creating a unique, natural way to maintain a healthy mind, body and soul.

Sun Island has introduced a series of wellness activities such as meditation, meditative walk, Ba Duan Jing, Wu Xing Zhang, Health Assessments and Therapies, Laughter Yoga and Healthy Cooking Classes. We hope that by sharing simple lifestyle tips, you can integrate them into your daily life and lead a healthy lifestyle.


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冥想 Meditation

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汤屋 Hot Spring Bath 养生馆 Sun Island SPA

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八段锦/五行掌 Ba Duan Jing / Wu Xing Zhan

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泰生厨房 The Flow Kitchen

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太阳岛高尔夫球场由名家设计,平坦开阔,露天开放。2 个 18 洞球场洞洞沿湖,在绿意盎然、波光掩隐的氛围中,不仅赏心悦目,而且在挥杆之间更具有挑战性。俱乐部前厅专卖各式球具配件。专业球童与教练全程陪练,有效提高不同水平层次球友的球技。

Shanghai Sun Island Golf Course with its two 18-hole golf courses is a golfer’s delight with spectacular views of the river from every vantage point. The well-designed courses, with their beautiful landscaping that change season to season, provide a challenging and satisfying golf game for golfers of different levels.


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高尔夫球场 Golf Course (Walking and Cart Course)

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Get ready for a good time here on Sun Island with the array of recreational activities available on the island. Take a sunset cruise along the shimmering river as you pass by barges and villages along the banks. Play a game of board game and have a drink while you lounge at the eco-friendly pub, Pier 93. Horse riding and Go-Karting also provide the thrill of riding a gentle animal or the exhilarating speed you can go on the Go-Kart track. Party with us at the Wave pool, sing your hearts out at the KTV or get creative at the Riverside Workshop, there is bound to have an activity that relieve the stress from your everyday life.


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溜马场 Horse Riding 室内泳池 Indoor Pool 高尔夫练习场Golf Driving Range 卡丁车Go Kart Racing

太阳岛KTV Sun Island KTV 沙滩浴场 Wave pool 自行车Cycling 临河工坊 Riverside Workshop

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Email: [email protected] Tel:+86 21 5489 1173

酒店地址: 上海市青浦区朱家角镇沈太路 2588 号, 邮编 201714 Resort Address: 2588 Shentai Road, Zhujiajiao Town, Qingpu District, Shanghai, China 201714

销售中心: 上海市长宁区淮海西路 666 号中山万博广场 1002 室, 邮编 200052 Sales Office: Room 1002, City Point & M -Town, 666 West Huaihai Road, Changning District, Shanghai, China 200052