BIOETHICS BIW 411/ 2 (2-0)

T M 1 K O N T R A K P E M B E L A J A R A N 2010

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BIOETHICSBIW 411/ 2 (2-0)

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1. Identitas Mata Kuliah1. Identitas Mata Kuliah

a. Nama dan Kode M.K.a. Nama dan Kode M.K. : BIOETIKA (BIW 411): BIOETIKA (BIW 411)

b. Fakultas/ Program Studib. Fakultas/ Program Studi : Biologi/ Biologi: Biologi/ Biologi

c. Tahun Akademikc. Tahun Akademik : 2009/ 2010: 2009/ 2010

d. Semesterd. Semester : VII: VII

e. Bobot SKSe. Bobot SKS : 2: 2


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f. Tim Pengajar: f. Tim Pengajar:

Edi Basuki Edi Basuki

Gratiana E.WGratiana E.W Ardhini Rin Maharning Ardhini Rin Maharning Hendro Pramono Hendro Pramono

Uki DwiputrantoUki Dwiputranto

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Senin 07.30-09.10 WIBSenin 07.30-09.10 WIB (R V; Kelas A) (R V; Kelas A)

09.20-11.00 WIB09.20-11.00 WIB (R V; Kelas B) (R V; Kelas B)

Jum’at 07.30-09.10 WIBJum’at 07.30-09.10 WIB (R IV; Kelas C) (R IV; Kelas C)

09.20-11.00 WIB09.20-11.00 WIB (R IV; Kelas D) (R IV; Kelas D)


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2. Manfaat Mata Kuliah (2. Manfaat Mata Kuliah (outputoutput))

Menumbuhkan pemahaman tentang prinsip-prinsip

etik/ dan bioetik serta meningkatkan kepedulian

(awareness) mahasiswa terhadap isu-isu etis yang

muncul sebagai konsekuensi dari kemajuan sains &


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3. Deskripsi Mata Kuliah3. Deskripsi Mata Kuliah

Mata kuliah BIOETIKA wajib diikuti oleh setiap mahasiswa Fakultas Biologi Unsoed pada semester VII tanpa prasyarat mata kuliah apapun. Kuliah ini diawali dengan pembahasan

mengenai pengertian/ definisi dan ruang lingkup bioetika, teori-teori etika, dan relasi bioetika dengan issue lingkungan, GMO,

dan mendis.

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4. Kompetensi Utama4. Kompetensi Utama

Setelah mengikuti pembelajaran pada

m.k. BIOETIKA selama 1 semester

(semester-VII) mahasiwa Fakultas

Biologi mampu menerapkan prinsip-

prinsip bioetika sebagai sumber nilai dan

pedoman serta landasan pertimbangan dalam mengambil

keputusan yang berkaitan dengan organisme hidup dan


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5. Dampak (5. Dampak (outcomeoutcome))

Mahasiswa mampu mendemonstrasikan

skill kerjasama tim yang baik,

menampilkan empatinya, mengem-

bangkan skill berkomunikasi

(terutama scientific communication),

mengembangkan kemampuan otak

kanan untuk mengimbangi fungsi otak kiri, dan memilih

keputusan yang sesuai dengan nilai etik yang dipahami dan


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6. Peta6. Peta KompetensiKompetensi define bioethics and describe some of issues in environment, agriculture and food production, and biomedical science

5. Describe Environmental Ethics: Further Case-Studies

6. Describe a Biologist’s View of Human Use in Non-

Human Animals

7. Describe a Philosopher’s Perspective in Human Use of

Non-Human Animals

3. Describe and Define Environmental Ethics

4. Describe The Use of the Rainforest as a Test Case in Environmental Ethics

9. Describe Ethical Issues in GM Foods

8. Describe a Scientific Perspective in GM Crops and


10. Describe Ethical Issues in The Patenting of Genes for Agricultural Biotechnology

11. Describe Ethical Issues in Crop Biotechnology and

Developing Countries

14. • Describe Ethical Issues in Cloning

of Animals and Humans•Describe Ethical Issues in Animal experimentation in Biomedical Research

13. • Describe Ethical Issues in Human

Genetics and Genetic Enhancement

•Describe Ethical Issues in Patenting Human Genes

12.• Describe Ethical Issues in The New

Reproductive Technologies•Describe Ethical Issues in Genetic Information

Ethical Issues in Agriculture and Food Production

Ethical Issues in Biomedical Science

Ethical Issues in the Environment

1. define Ethics and Bioethics

2. Describe the public evaluation of science and technology with substantive bioethical issues

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7. Bahan Bacaan7. Bahan Bacaan

Macer, D.R.J. (eds.). 2006. A Cross Cultural Introduction to Bioethic. Eubios Ethics Institute. Bangkok-Thailand.

Bryant et al., (2002). Bioethics for Scientists. John Wiley and Sons. England.

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Komponen %

U T S 35

U A S 35


Total 100

9. Evaluasi Pembelajaran9. Evaluasi Pembelajaran

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≥ 80 : A

66 s/d < 80 : B

56 s/d < 66 : C

46 s/d < 56 : D

< 46 : E

Kriteria Nilai Akhir (PAP)

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9. Jadwal Pembelajaran BIOETIKA9. Jadwal Pembelajaran BIOETIKA

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Q: Siapa yang berhak mengikuti Ujian Akhir Semester …..?

A: Mahasiswa yang mengambil BIW 411, dan minimal hadir/ mengikuti kuliah 75 % (dibuktikan dengan daftar kehadiran).

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7. Bahan Bacaan7. Bahan Bacaan

Macer, D.R.J. (eds.). 2006. A Cross Cultural Introduction to Bioethic. Eubios Ethics Institute. Bangkok-Thailand.

Bryant et al., (2002). Bioethics for Scientists. John Wiley and Sons. England.

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Pembuatan rekamanan video ROLE PLAY dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:

2.Durasi 5-10 menit3.Pemain semua anggota kelompok ( 5 mahasiswa)

4.Topik terkait issue etik dalam bidang lingkungan, GMO, dan medis5.Softcopy video dan narasi role play diserahkan dosen kelas

masing-masing6.Penentuan kelompok dan topik serta waktu penyerahan rekaman

video dan narasinya akan ditetapkan pada perkuliahan kedua.

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Chapter 1. Introduction to Ethics and Bioethics

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Ethics is study of sets of moral principles systematisation of the principles involved in

moral decision making the systemisation of how we decide about right

and wrong.


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Morals are the study of goodness or badness of human

character or behaviour, or the study of the distinction between right and

wrong; the practical outworkings of ethical systems.


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Bioethics the ethics related to biology and medicine and

to medical and biological researchor

the informing of ethics by biological knowledge.


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Consequentialist line of argument that follows directly as a result

of foregoing events or factors. Ethical system based on evaluation of the

consequences of an action.


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Deontology the study of duty and/or obligation as an

ethical concept.


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Utilitarianism the doctrine that actions are right if they are

useful or for the benefit of the majority; guiding principle of the greatest happiness for

the greatest number.


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There is no single way in which ethical debates about almost any matter can unambiguously be resolved; but not all ethical arguments are equally valid.

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Ethical conclusions need to be based on reason take into account established ethical principles be based, so far as possible, on consensus.

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A common position in ethics is consequentialism in which the outcome of an action is the main

criterion for decision-making, and within that, utilitarianism which considers

the sum of human happiness, pleasure or well-being.

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By contrast, deontological thinking ascribes intrinsic rightness or wrongness to particular actions.

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In biotechnology and modern medicine, both intrinsic and consequentialist arguments for and against their deployment can be advanced.

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Deciding whether or not particular instances of modern biotechnology and biomedical science are acceptable means looking in detail at individual cases.