TALLINN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Institute of Cybernetics Laboratory of Systems Biology The Analysis of Richardson-Lucy Deconvolution Algorithm with Application to Microscope Images Richardson-Lucy dekonvolutisooni algoritmi anal¨ us ja rakendus mikroskoopias by Martin Laasmaa Thesis Submitted to Tallinn University of Technology for the degree of Master of Science in Natural Sciences Supervisors: Marko Vendelin, PhD Pearu Peterson, PhD Laboratory of Systems Biology Institute of Cybernetics at TUT Tallinn 2009

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Page 1: TALLINN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGYcens.ioc.ee/~pearu/theses/martin_msc_2009.pdfTALLINN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Institute of Cybernetics Laboratory of Systems Biology The Analysis of


Laboratory of Systems Biology

The Analysis of Richardson-Lucy Deconvolution Algorithm

with Application to Microscope Images

Richardson-Lucy dekonvolutisooni algoritmi analuus ja

rakendus mikroskoopias


Martin Laasmaa


Submitted to Tallinn University of Technology

for the degree of

Master of Science in Natural Sciences

Supervisors:Marko Vendelin, PhDPearu Peterson, PhDLaboratory of Systems BiologyInstitute of Cybernetics at TUT



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Hereby I declare that this master’s thesis, my original investigation and achievement,

submitted for the master’s degree at Tallinn University of Technology has not been sub-

mitted for any degree or examination.

Deklareerin, et kaesolev magistritoo, mis on minu iseseisva too tulemus, on esitatud

Tallinna Tehnikaulikooli magistrikraadi taotlemiseks ja selle alusel ei ole varem taotletud

akadeemilist kraadi.

Martin Laasmaa:

Supervisor Marko Vendelin, PhD:

Co-supervisor Pearu Peterson, PhD:

Date: 15th June, 2009

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Dekonvolutisoon on tohus vahend nii fluorestsents- kui konfokaalmikroskoopia digitaalsete

piltide parendamiseks. Kuigi konfokaalmikroskoobis on punkti hajuvuse funktsioon kul-

laltki vaike vorreldes fluorestsentsmikroskoobi omaga ja seetottu on pildid teravamad,

saab dekonvolutsiooni protsessi abil veelgi parandada nende kontrastsust ning vahendada


Praeguseks on valja pakutud 3D mikroskoopia jaoks mitmeid dekonvolutsiooni algo-

ritme. Antud toos kasutatakse Richardson-Lucy (RL) iteratiivset algoritmi, mis on tule-

tatud eeldades Poisson’i mura. Kuna konfokaalmikroskoobi piltidel salvestatud mura

vastab Poisson’i murale. RL-i iteratiivne protsess ei koondu dekonvoleeritavas infos

leiduva mura tottu alati soovitud tulemusele. Koonduvust saab parandada, kui RL

kombineerida taieliku variatsiooni (TV) regulariseerimisega, kasutades selle optimaalset

regulariseerimise parameetrit.

Kaesoleva too eesmargiks on leida regulariseerimise parameetri optimaalne vahemik.

Selleks loodi tehislik pilt, holmates endas mitmeid erinevaid geomeetrilisi kujundeid

erinevate intensiivsustega, mida konvoleeriti ja millele rakendati Poisson’i mura. An-

tud piltide dekonvoleerimise tulemusena, kasutades erinevaid regulatsiooni parameetri λ

vaartusi, leiti, et antud algoritm annab antud rakenduse jaoks rahuldavaid tulemusi, kui

parameeter λ on vahemikus 0.008 kuni 0.03. Leitud vahemikus vaiksemate λ vaartuste

korral on objektid ”silutud”, intensiivsuse vead jarskudel intensiivsuste uleminekutel on

aga suhteliselt vaikesed. Vastukaaluks, suuremate λ vaartuste korral antud vahemikust

saavutati tulemusi, mis viisid kull objektide aarte parema tuvastamiseni, kuid ka suure-

mate intensiivsuste koikumisteni pildi uhtlastel aladel.

Lisaks dekonvolutsiooni algoritmi rakendamisele sunteetilistel piltidel, testiti algo-

ritmi ka konfokaalmikroskoopia piltidel. Konfokaalmikroskoopia pildid olid tehtud roti

ja vikerforelli kardiomuotsuutidest, milles erinevad rakustruktuurid olid margistatud

erinevate fluorestsentsmarkeritega. Nende dekonvoleerimiseks kasutati antud algoritmi

parameetri λ = 0.01 korral, mis viis piltide kvaliteedi olulise paranemiseni. Lisaks nai-

dati, et dekonvoleerimise protsess tuleb lopetada parast teatud arv iteratsioone, vastasel

juhul voib see hakata voimendama mura ja tekitada ebareaalseid efekte piltidel.

Lahitulevikus plaanitakse dekonvoleerimise protsessi kiirendamise eesmargil teha tark-

varale taiendavaid modifikatsioone, et arvutusi labi viia NVIDIA graafikakaartidel ja/voi

arvutiklastris. Lisaks sellele antakse valja tarkvarapakett, mis baseerub antud tool.

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Deconvolution is an efficient tool for enhancing both fluorescence and confocal microscopy

images. Although in confocal microscopy the point spread function (PSF ) is rather small

and images are much sharper compared to fluorescence microscopy, deconvolution can

improve image contrast and reduce noise considerably in confocal microscopy.

Several deconvolution methods have been proposed for 3D microscopy. In this work,

we used Richardson-Lucy (RL) iterative algorithm assuming Poisson noise (because the

noise on confocal microscope images corresponds to Poisson noise). However, RL does

not always converge to a suitable solution. Convergence is improved, when combining

RL with total variation regularization, using optimal regularization parameter.

The aim of this work was to find the range of optimal values of the regularization

parameter. For that, a synthetic image representing different shapes and intensities

were generated, convolved and added Poisson noise. We deconvolved degraded images

with different λ values. As result, from iteration history, we found that the range of

TV regularization parameter λ = 0.008 to 0.03 gives satisfying results with respect to

sharpness and the homogeneity of details. At smaller values of λ, all objects are smoothed

out, but the oscillations near the sharp transitions of intensity are relatively small. In

contrast, larger values of λ lead to a better edge detection but with the larger oscillations

in the homogeneous regions.

After the test on synthetic images, we applied the deconvolution algorithm to experi-

mental data. Rat and trout cardiomyocytes were labeled with different fluorescence dyes,

recorded with a confocal microscope and deconvolved. The deconvolution algorithm with

the regularization parameter of λ = 0.01 led to significant improvement in image quality.

We showed that the deconvolution process should be stopped after a certain number of

iterations. Prolonged iterations can lead to misleading results, start amplifying noise or

producing artifacts.

In the near future, we plan to make a software bridge, which uses NVIDIA graphics

cards (CUDA support) and/or cluster computing to enhance the computational speed.

The software package composed on the basis of this work will be released as an open

source project.

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Abbreviations used 6

1 Introduction 7

2 Methods 9

2.1 Description of the Iterative Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.2 Determination of Point Spread Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.3 Analysis of the Deconvolution Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.4 Numerical Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3 Results 13

3.1 Analysis on Synthetic Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

3.2 Analysis on Confocal Microscope Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

4 Discussion 26

4.1 Comparison with Earlier Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

4.2 Analysis of the Richardson-Lucy Algorithm with Total Variation Regular-

ization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

4.3 Deconvolved Myocyte Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

4.4 Available Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

4.5 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

5 Conclusion 30

6 Personal Contribution 31

A Derivation of the Richardson-Lucy Algorithm with Total-Variation Reg-

ularization 32

B List of Available Deconvolution Software 35

Acknowledgments 37


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Abbreviations used

WF widefield fluorescence microscopyCLSM confocal laser scanning microscopeRL Richardson-Lucy deconvolution algorithmTV total variation regularizationPSF the point spread functiono observable objecth the PSF of the optical systemi degraded object o by PSF and noiseP(i) Poisson noise with average i

λ regularization parameter for TVMSE mean square errorI I-divergencev voxel coordinates in tree dimensional image v = (i, j, k)o(n) the nth estimation of o

τ (n+1) relative change between two successive estimates o(n+1)

and o(n), see (2.6)t threshold value for the stopping criterion

f the Fourier transform of f

f the inverse Fourier transform of f

f the complex conjugate of f

f the adjoint of f , f =ˇf


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1 Introduction

In biosciences, microscopy is an extremely useful and important method for studying

living organisms. Usually microscopy is divided to three well-known branches: opti-

cal, electron and scanning probe microscopy. In optical microscopes, the sample can

be observed or recorded, when passing light is reflected, transmitted through object, or

emitted due to fluorescence from object and guided to eye-piece(s) or an electronic cap-

ture device such as a CCD camera. In electron microscopes, the specimen is illuminated

by an electron beam, which causes specimen to emit X-rays at a characteristic frequency

and emitted rays can be detected by the electron microprobe. In scanning probe micro-

scopes, the image is formed by recording the physical probes and surface interaction as

a function of position.

Using fluorescent materials in samples, the specimen can be excited in two ways:

the entire specimen at once or scanning over the specimen with a fine beam. In the

first approach the emitted light is also recorded at once and that type of microscopy

is called widefield fluorescence microscopy (WF). In the second approach the emitted

light is collected over the specimen point by point scanning and exiting with laser beam

focusing to such points. This technique is called confocal laser scanning microscope

(confocal microscope or CLSM)

Confocal microscopy has several advantages over traditional widefield fluorescence

microscopy. The main advantage is the ability to produce in-focus images of thick spec-

imens via elimination or reduction of background information outside of the focal plane

and ability to control the depth of field (within the accuracy of Airy disk size). Despite

the advantages over WF, confocal images are still far from being perfect. There still exist

aberrations that arise from imperfections in the optical pathway, residual out-of-focus

light, and noise from electronics as well as from quantum effects.

In this work we focus on image enhancement of confocal microscope images. Each

microscope changes the apparence of specimens in a specific way. Image formation can be

described by the mathematical operation of convolution, where “true” image is convolved

with distortion effects from microscope. We use deconvolution, which is the reverse

operation of convolution, to undo the aberrations caused by the optical train and remove

contributions from of out-of-focus objects. Deconvolution takes into account microscope

parameters and the nature of noise. Therefore, it is a method that can efficiently enhance

both WF and confocal microscopy images. It can considerably improve image contrast

and reduce noise in microscopy images.

Several deconvolution algorithms have been proposed by others for 3D microscopy.


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Deconvolution algorithms can be divided into two categories: non-iterative and iterative.

Nearest-neighbor algorithms and Wiener filtering are one of the simplest non-iterative al-

gorithms for restoring microscope images. Usually these methods do not provide optimal

image quality. This is due to noise, which is always present and non-iterative algorithms

amplify noise and alter signal amplitudes [Cannell et al., 2006]. For this reason non-

iterative approaches are replaced by nonlinear iterative deconvolution algorithms. For

example, Fourier-wavelet regularized deconvolution [Neelamani et al., 2004], Jansson-van

Cittert algorithm [Cannell et al., 2006, Abdelhak and Sedki, 1992], iterative constrained

Tikhonov-Miller [van Kempen et al., 1997], Carrington algorithm [Carrington et al.,

1995], and the Richardson-Lucy algorithm [Richardson, 1972, Lucy, 1974].

In this work, we use of the Richardson-Lucy (RL) iterative algorithm assuming Pois-

son noise [Cannell et al., 2006]. The assumption of Poisson noise comes from the fact

that in confocal microscopes a photodetection device (a photomultiplier tube or avalanche

photodiode) counts the number of photons emitted from the specimen over the period

of time when the laser beam is focused in certain point. Due to the quantum nature

of light the number of photons observed behaves as a Poisson process whose variance is

equal to the mean of counted photons.

Richardson-Lucy algorithm belongs to a class of maximum-likelihood algorithms. It is

a common deconvolution algorithm that is used in astrophysical and microscopy imaging

[Dey et al., 2006]. One problem with the RL algorithm is that, in presence of noise,

it will converge to solution which is dominated by the noise [Dey et al., 2004]. As an

option, it can be used on images that are pre-filtered [Cannell et al., 2006]. Another

option is to apply regularization terms to the RL algorithm like Tikhonov-Miller and

maximum entropy regularization [de Monvel et al., 2003]. Algorithms, which are based

on Tikhonov-Miller regularization are often used for deconvolving 3D images. Such

algorithms avoid noise amplification by causing smear of the object edges. Alternatively

to obtain a result where object borders are sharp and homogeneous areas are smooth, is

to apply total variation regularization to RL [Dey et al., 2006].

The aim of this work was to find the range of optimal values of the total variation

regularization parameter. For that, we developed a free software package that is usable

by a wider scientific community.


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2 Methods

In microscopy, a general model of image formation consists of tree parts. First, the object

itself. Second, optical system that transfers the information between object and image

plane. Last, noise which is always present mainly due to electronical recording devices.

Interplay between optical path and fluorescent light from object can be characterized

by the point spread function (PSF ). Generally, the PSF is a system’s impulse response,

the reaction of any dynamic system in response to some external change. In microscopy,

the PSF describes the response of an imaging system to a point source or point object.

It can be computed from the physical and optical properties of the imaging system or

measured by imaging objects, which are smaller than the wavelength of light.

2.1 Description of the Iterative Process

Assuming that the noise is of Poisson nature in confocal microscope, an image formation

can be mathematically presented as follows [Dey et al., 2006]:

i = P(o ⊗ h) (2.1)

where i is the recorded image stack represented as three dimensional array where each

value corresponds to the intensity of a measured voxel, o is the object, h is the PSF ,

⊗ denotes convolution, P is Poisson noise. Our aim is to find o, knowing h and i. To

find o, iterative process can be used. One option is to use Richardson-Lucy algorithm.

From equation (2.1) a multiplicative gradient type RL algorithm for one iteration can be

derived [Richardson, 1972, Lucy, 1974, Dey et al., 2004]. In this algorithm one iteration

step is given by:

o(n+1) =



o(n) ⊗ h⊗ h


· o(n), (2.2)

where o(n+1) is new estimate from previous estimate o(n) whereby o(0) = i and h is the

adjoint of h. For derivation, see Appendix A.

The RL algorithm does not always converge to a suitable solution in the presence

of noise. In fact, when n → +∞ the result will only comprise of noise [Dey et al.,

2006]. In order to get a better convergence, RL is combined with total variation (TV)

regularization [Dey et al., 2004]:

o(n+1) =



o(n) ⊗ h⊗ h


· o(n)

1 − λ div(



) (2.3)


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where λ is regularization parameter, div stands for divergence with respect to voxels,

∇o(n) is gradient of o(n) and |∇o(n)| is the length of ∇o(n). See Appendix A for derivation.

2.2 Determination of Point Spread Function

For deconvolution one needs the PSF of the microscope. Microscope used in this studies

was confocal laser scanning microscope Zeiss LSM510 META. The PSF for this micro-

scope was found by recording 3D images of fluorescent microspheres with a diameter of

0.175µm (540nm excitation, 560nm emission; PS-Speck, Molecular Probes, Invitrogen)

with a voxel size of 0.027 × 0.027 × 0.191µm. After averaging the intensity profiles of

different microspheres the PSF for the system was obtained (Figure 1) [Vendelin and

Birkedal, 2008].

Figure 1: Point spread function by averaged intensity profiles of microspheres that describesa confocal Zeiss LSM510 META. Figure taken form [Vendelin and Birkedal, 2008].

2.3 Analysis of the Deconvolution Process

To study the effects of deconvolution, synthetic image with different shapes were gener-

ated, convolved with PSF (Figure 1) and degraded with Poisson noise. To quantify the

quality of the deconvolution on synthetic image, mean square error (MSE) and the I-

divergence criteria (I) between original object deconvolved images were used [Dey et al.,

2006],[van Kempen et al., 1997]:



(Av − Bv)2 (2.4)


IA,B =∑



Av · ln(




− Av + Bv


, (2.5)


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where A,B are images to be compared and v = (i, j, k) is the position coordinate of voxel

in three dimensional image.

For measured myocytes, the actual object is unknown and therefore MSE nor I

cannot be used as quality criteria. In addition, it is difficult to decide when is the proper

time to stop iterative deconvolution process. For these reasons, we use a relative change

between two successive estimates as a stopping criterion. The criterion is defined as

follows [Cannell et al., 2006]:

τ (n+1) =


∣o(n+1)v − o


v o(n)v

< t, (2.6)

where t is a threshold parameter (an appropriate threshold is found in the next section).

To speed up computation, the convolution operations were computed in Fourier space.

Then we can replace in equation (2.3) the convolution (⊗) with multiplication [Press

et al., 2007]:

o(n+1) =


ˆo(n) · h)∨

· ¯h

· o(n)

1 − λ div(



) . (2.7)

Where f denotes the Fourier transform of f , f is the inverse Fourier transform and f

denotes the complex conjugate of f . The discrete Fourier transform and its inverse of

the array f in three dimensional space are given as:

fαβγ =









+ βj


+ γk



fijk (2.8)


fijk =1









+ jβ


+ kγ



fαβγ, (2.9)

where i, j, k denotes to element coordinates in three dimensional index space and α, β, γ

denotes to element coordinates in three dimensional Fourier index space, where i, j, k

and α, β, γ can have values from 1 to N1, N2, N3, respectively.

2.4 Numerical Methods

Because of the digital nature of images, we used the discrete Fourier transform (DFT ).

For computing DFT the FFTW library (http://www.fftw.org/) were used. This al-


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lowed us to parallelize the deconvolution process.

For finding div(


|∇f |


, a stable numerical scheme from [Dey et al., 2004] was used.

The discrete form of this scheme is:


( ∇f

|∇f |







(∆x+fijk)2 + m(∆y

+fijk, ∆y−fijk)2 + m(∆z

+fijk, ∆z−fijk)2






(∆y+fijk)2 + m(∆x

+fijk, ∆x−fijk)2 + m(∆z

+fijk, ∆z−fijk)2






(∆z+fijk)2 + m(∆x

+fijk, ∆x−fijk)2 + m(∆y

+fijk, ∆y−fijk)2




∆x+fijk = h−1

x (f(i+1)jk − fijk), ∆x−fijk = h−1

x (fijk − f(i−1)jk),

∆y+fijk = h−1

y (fi(j+1)k − fijk), ∆y−fijk = h−1

y (fijk − fi(j−1)k),

∆z+fijk = h−1

z (fij(k+1) − fijk), ∆z−fijk = h−1

z (fijk − fij(k−1)),


m(a, b) =sign a + sign b

2min(|a|, |b|), (2.12)

and hx, hy, hz are voxel sizes in three dimensional space.

In boundary points the following relations are used:

f0jk = f1jk, f(Nx+1)jk = fNxjk,

fi0k = fi1k, fi(Ny+1)k = fiNyk,

fij0 = fij1, fij(Nz+1) = fijNz,


where Nx, Ny, Nz denote to the dimensions of matrix f .

The deconvolution algorithm was implemented in Python using NumPy and PyFFTW

package and computations were performed on a Linux/ AMD64 computer with 4 CPUs

and 16GB of RAM.


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3 Results

In this section we report:

1. how to find the optimal range of total variation regularization parameter for our

application purposes,

2. how to find the threshold value for stopping criterion,

3. the results of deconvolved confocal microscope images.

3.1 Analysis on Synthetic Images

To test the algorithm (2.2) and (2.3), we generated artificial images representing different

geometrical shapes and intensities. The following shapes were used: a filled cylinder, a

cylinder surrounded with higher intensity cylinder, two different bars and a polygon (see

Figure 2(a)). Those shapes cover several possible intracellular structures induced by

mitochondria, nucleus, sarcoplasmic reticulum and etc. Artificial images was convolved

with a PSF that was measured on Zeiss LSM510 META [Vendelin and Birkedal, 2008]

and degraded with Poisson noise (Figure 2(b)). To quantify deconvolution algorithms,

we compared original images with deconvolved images visually and through calculation

of several norms (MSE and I).

In the first stage of the study, we applied the RL without TV regularization (λ =

0, in (2.3)) to degraded image Figure 2(b). As a result, the algorithm brought out

edges of shapes and reduced noise (Figure 2(c) and 3, blue lines). As an artifact,

the algorithm produced relatively high intensity fluctuations in regions where intensity

should be constant. For example in Figure 2(c), the filled cylinder has wavy structure

inside and intensities on edges have high values. The same effect is visible on Figure

3. The reason for this effect is that the RL algorithm does not converge to a satisfying

solution, because the inversion problem is ill-posed and maximum likelihood estimator

is not regularized [Dey et al., 2006]. As can be seen on Figure 4 (black lines: λ = 0),

I-divergence and mean square error decreases to point where the number of iteration is

around 25 to 40 and after that the norms start to increase due to noise amplification.

In the second stage of this project, we tested the RL algorithm with TV regularization

with different regularization parameter λ values. As it turned out, TV regularization

preserves objects edges and overcomes the oscillation issues that we had previously. This

result can be seen on Figure 2(d) and 3(b). For different regularization parameter values,


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the convergence and the speed of convergence are different. As shown on Figure 4(a)

and 4(b), the process continues converging after 200 iterations for some λ values (for

example, λ = 0.01). From that, where the process continues converging, we found

that the optimal range of regularization parameter values is 0.008 < λ < 0.03 for our

application. If λ < 0.001 the algorithm started to behave like standard RL, since the

influence of TV regularization became too small. As a result, the deconvolved image

is further away from original image. In contrast, if λ is larger than 0.08, the dominant

part in the algorithm is TV regularization. Then the denominator in equation (2.3)

can become zero or negative. In the case of approaching to zero, the denominator will

be small and therefore it creates high intensity points, that will be amplified after every


When deconvolving images of heart muscle cells, for instance, rat and trout cardiomy-

ocytes, there is no original image with which we can compare our results. For this reason

we have to find criteria to stop the deconvolution process. For example, it is possible

to use relative change (τk from equation (2.6)) between two successive estimates during

deconvolution. We found that on synthetic images sensible values for threshold t are

around 0.0001 (see Figure 5). For higher parameter λ values the threshold should be

also higher. If the threshold is set too low then the program cannot reach a point where

it should stop. Also we noticed that the τk may start to oscillate between two iterations.

Thus, from analysis of synthetic images, we found the optimal range of TV regular-

ization parameter λ = 0.008 to 0.03 for our application and a suitable threshold value

(around τk = 0.0001) for a stopping criterion. In this range, for smaller values of λ, all

objects are smoothed out, but the oscillations near the sharp transitions of intensity are

relatively small. In contrast, larger values of λ lead to a better edge detection but with

the larger oscillations in the homogeneous regions.

Next we apply the RL algorithm with TV regularization to images which were

recorded by confocal microscope. For λ, we used value in the optimal parameter range

found from this section.


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(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 2: Tests of deconvolution algorithm on a synthetic image. Section (a) shows generatedsynthetic image, (b) corresponds to the synthetic image that was convolved and degraded withPoisson noise. Image (c) is deconvolved from (b) using RL algorithm with no TV regularization.(d) is for comparison to the image (c) that is deconvolved using RL with TV regularization(regularization parameter λ = 0.01). It can be seen from (c) and (d) that deconvolution withTV regularization is giving better results – intensity in homogeneous areas is more even andsmoother on (d) than (c). (Red lines indicate cross-sections on XZ plane, see Figure 3.)


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0 50 100 150 200 2500





250Synthetic image

Degraded image

Deconvolved image with RL

Deconvolved image with RL TV


0 50 100 150 200 2500





250Synthetic image

Degraded image

Deconvolved image with RL

Deconvolved image with RL TV


Figure 3: Intensity profiles of Figure 2. On subplot (a) are intensities that corresponds toupper red line on Figure 2 and (b) corresponds lower red line. It is easy to see the effect thatTV regularization has on RL algorithm if we compare blue (RL) and red (RL with TV, whenλ = 0.01) line.


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0 50 100 150 200Iteration











�= 0�= 0.0001�= 0.0005�= 0.0008�= 0.001�= 0.003�= 0.005�= 0.008�= 0.01�= 0.03�= 0.05�= 0.08�= 0.1


Figure 4: Mean square error and I-divergence dependence on iteration. Both (a) and (b)show that the nearest results to original (non-degraded) image is achieved in regularizationparameter range 0.008 < λ < 0.03. For this particular case the best result was obtained whenλ = 0.01.


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0 50 100 150 200Iteration









�k�= 0�= 0.0001�= 0.0005�= 0.0008�= 0.001�= 0.003�= 0.005�= 0.008�= 0.01�= 0.03�= 0.05�= 0.08�= 0.1

Figure 5: Relative change between two successive estimates during deconvolution process, τk.Note that reasonable values for threshold t are around 0.0001. Furthermore, if we compareτk values in the range 0.008 < λ < 0.03, we can see that for higher parameter λ values thethreshold t should be also higher.


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3.2 Analysis on Confocal Microscope Images

We applied RL algorithm with TV regularization to confocal microscope images of rat

and trout cardiomyocytes which were recorded on a Zeiss LSM510 META. Both, rat

and trout myocytes were stained with Mitotracker Red CMXRos (561nm excitation,

>575nm emission, Invitrogen) and Di-8-ANEPPS (489-nm excitation, >550nm emission,

Invitrogen) fluorescent dyes.

Figure 6(a) shows an image of a rat cardiomyocyte. Here, red color marks mitochon-

dria and green sarcolemma. The image is deconvolved with regularization parameter

value λ = 0.01. For 200 iterations we computed the relative change between two con-

secutive iterations and found that τk was minimal at the 80th iteration (below threshold

value which was found previously). After that τk stared slowly to increase (Figure 8).

From that we considered 80th iteration as the best solution which was also affirmed by

visual observation. Furthermore, it is clear that the noise level is decreased as shown

in the histograms on Figure 9. The first part of the histograms describes the image

background and the nature of its noise. Firstly, as the background intensity is reduced,

the peak is shifted towards zero. Secondly, counts for the peak is gained and the width of

noise distribution is shortened. The result of deconvolution can be seen on Figure 7(a).

Note that deconvolution brought out mitochondria and sarcolemma. Moreover, fuzzy

XZ cross-section became rather clear. For particular case further iterations did not

change the result noticeably (see Figure 7(b)).

The effect of deconvolution on trout cardiomyocyte is shown on Figure 10. We

carried out 200 iterations from where it turned out that the best result was achieved

in 33 iterations (Figure 10(a)). At the 33rd iteration value of τk was minimal and

visual assessments of nearby iteration results was conducted (Figure 11). The recorded

image of trout myocyte Figure 6(b) has quite low fluorescence signal, with significantly

high background intensity and noise level. These properties are common in practice and

thus this image is a good test of the effectiveness of the deconvolution process. From

histograms of images before and after deconvolution we see how the level of background

intensity and noise level are decreased remarkably (Figure 12). By inspection of trout

images after deconvolution, we see the clear borders of the cell, the core of mitochondria,

and sarcolemma which are all resolved.

Let us inspect what will happen if deconvolution process is not interrupted after τk

is reached its minimum. Figure 7 shows results after 80th and 200th iterations and Fig-

ure 10 after 33rd and 200th iterations. As it clear from the figures, significant aberrations

were induced by prolonged deconvolution process. In Figure 10(b) the mitochondrial


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core seems to be smeared, also the inner part starts to vanish. If we look at sarcolemma

(green) we can see new membrane-like but unrealistic structures starting to appear. This

is in contrast to deconvolved rat myocyte, where continued iterations did not change the

result as significantly. The recorded image of trout myocyte had a high background

intensity, noise level and low fluorescence signal, all of which might cause decreased of

image quality as deconvolution process continues past the optimal solution.

(a) Rat cardiomyocyte (b) Trout cardiomyocyte

Figure 6: Rat and trout cardiomyocytes before deconvolution algorithm was applied. On thisfigure upper images show cross-sections on XY plane and lower images correspond to cross-sections on XZ plane. Both displayed cross-sections are taken from the middle of image stacks.Subfigure (a) shows rat and (b) trout myocyte, where red color marks mitochondria and greensarcolemma. Note the size and cellular structure differences between rat and trout myocytes.


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(a) 80th iteration (b) 200th iteration

Figure 7: Effect of deconvolution on rat myocyte. (a) shows the 80nd iteration (τk is minimal)that was considered as the best result of recorded image of rat cardiomyocyte, (b) is the 200thiteration. Cross-sections XY and XZ are displayed.


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0 50 100 150 200Iteratsion










Figure 8: The relative change between two successive iterations during deconvolution processof the rat cardiomyocyte. The τk reaches its minimum at 80th iteration, that corresponds tothe best result for image presented Figure 7(a).


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Figure 9: Histograms of the rat myocyte, where blue corresponds to recorded image, redto 80th iteration and green to 200th iteration (images are shown on Figures 6(a), 7(a) and7(b), respectively). Background intensity and noise are reduced after deconvolution, the peakis shifted towards zero and has larger number of counts.


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(a) 33rd iteration (b) 200th iteration

Figure 10: Effect of deconvolution on trout cardiac cell. (a) shows the 33rd iteration (τk isminimal) that was considered as the best of recorded image of trout cardiomyocyte, (b) is the200th iteration.


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Figure 11: The relative change between two successive iterations during deconvolution processof the trout cardiomyocyte. The τk reach its minimum at 33rd iteration, that corresponds tothe best result for image presented in Figure 10(a).

0 50 100 150 200 250Intensity










recorded33th iteration200th iteration

Figure 12: Histograms of the trout myocyte from the deconvolution process. Blue correspondsto recorded image, shown on Figure 6(b), red corresponds to 33th iteration on Figure 10(a),and green corresponds to on Figure 10(b) before and after deconvolution, respectively.


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4 Discussion

In this work, we tested both the standard Richardson-Lucy (2.2) and the Richardson-

Lucy with total variation regularization (2.3) algorithms on synthetic images (Figure 2)

as well as on experimental data (Figure 6). From the analysis of synthetic images we

found optimal range of parameter λ for TV regularization and, suitable threshold value

for stopping criterion. These optimal parameters were used for deconvolving confocal

microscope images.

The main finding of this work is that the RL algorithm with TV regularization with

carefully selected λ value gives satisfying result on recorded images. In addition, a new

software package has been developed that implements deconvolution algorithms used in

present work. The package will be released as an open source project that would allow

others to benefit from this work.

In the following, in this section we give an overview of earlier works, discuss on the

results that we got on the analysis of synthetic and confocal microscope images. We

give a brief summary of advantages and disadvantages of available software and give

arguments for the necessity of the open source software package that we plan to release

as a part of this work.

4.1 Comparison with Earlier Works

Dey et al., (2006) have shown that the result of deconvolution using the RL algorithm

with TV regularization depends on the value of the regularization parameter λ [Dey et al.,

2006]. Values of λ used in their work were similar to optimal values found in this work.

We used a measured PSF in contrast to [Dey et al., 2006] where it was computed using

microscope objective NA. In addition, we found optimal λ from a systematic analysis of

the deconvolution process on synthetic images.

4.2 Analysis of the Richardson-Lucy Algorithm with Total Vari-

ation Regularization

In this work we presented an analysis of the dependence of TV regularization parameter λ

on the deconvolution process. To estimate this parameter value we ran the deconvolution

algorithm several times with different values of λ. We compared each iteration with

original image through calculation of several norms (MSE and I) shown on Figure 4(a)

and 4(b). For each λ value, there exists an optimum number of iterations. For small


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number of iteration, the results are similar for deconvolution with different λ values.

The noticeable difference between the results starts to occur around 10th iteration. If

deconvolved images are compared with several norms to the original image, we can

see that in some cases, the difference dependences on λ and iteration step goes closer

to original image in contrast with other cases. The minimum of the difference can

be reached at optimal λ. In this case, optimal λ is around 0.01, which leads to the

decrease of difference even after 200 iterations (see Figure 4). As result, an optimal

range 0.008 < λ < 0.03 for parameter λ was found from analysis on iteration history.

Recommended threshold for stopping criterion is around 10−5 to 10−4 [Dey et al.,

2006, Cannell et al., 2006, van Kempen et al., 1997], which is close to the values in

our study. But keep in mind that for larger images in size the threshold should also be

larger. When deconvolving images from confocal microscope, the relative change between

two estimates may be larger than given threshold, even when the deconvolution process

should be stopped. For this reason, the results of a deconvolution process on confocal

microscope images should be also verified visually.

4.3 Deconvolved Myocyte Images

We applied the deconvolution algorithm to rat and trout myocytes confocal images.

Deconvolution on these images was performed with λ = 0.01, as found form analysis

of synthetic images. From the results of deconvolution, we see remarkable improvement

of contrast and of noise reduction. All cell structures, labeled with fluorescent dyes,

became clearer. In agreement with previous studies, mitochondria are highly organized

in the rat cardiomyocyte (Figure 7) if compared to trout (Figure 10) [Birkedal et al.,

2006]. There is a noticeable difference in organization of t-tubules between rat and trout

cardiomyocytes. T-tubules (transverse tubule) are deep invaginations of the sarcolemma

allowing depolarization of the membrane to quickly penetrate to the interior of the cell.

In trout, t-tubules are absent, in contrast to rat. This is clear from the inspection of the

corresponding deconvolved images (Figure 7(a) and 10(a)).

As mentioned before, if the iterative deconvolution process is not stopped at the right

time, it can lead to creation of artifacts and noise dominant solutions. For example, in

Figure 10(b) we can see that new membrane-like structures start to appear and some

structures begin to disappear. Most likely this is caused by the low quality of recorded

image, where the noise and background level were quite high compared to the signal, as

in the case for trout images.


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4.4 Available Software

There are both commercial and free deconvolution computer programs available for

microscopy image enhancement that use different methods and algorithms (some are

brought out in Appendix B).

Commercial image restoration software solutions are giving good results in image

enhancement and are easy to use, but, as a drawback, they are expensive and as a

rule, they do not support testing alternative deconvolution algorithms due to the closed

source development. There is a lack of open source software, that can compete with

commercial ones. One commonly used free image enhancement software package is BIG

- 3D Deconvolution. However, it is slow when deconvolving big data series. The Jansson-

van-Cittert algorithm used in the BIG - 3D Deconvolution plugin is one of simplest

iterative algorithms, where noise can lead to uncertainty as to whether the algorithm

actually achieves the optimal solution [Cannell et al., 2006]. We could not find the

details regarding about mentioned regularized deconvolution algorithm. So it is not clear,

which algorithm was used and what terms were applied for regularization. Therefore we

cannot compare it with our work. However, from our experience BIG - 3D Deconvolution

is not a viable alternative to commercial deconvolution programs. Because deconvolution

process with BIG - 3D Deconvolution takes lot of time and implemented algorithms to

not provide quality as commercial ones. Our open source software package allows one

to use Richardson-Lucy with total variation regularization algorithm that should lead to

well deconvolved images in practice.

Parallel to our work, open source Clarity Deconvolution Library was released in De-

cember 2008. Clarity Deconvolution has three different algorithms for image restoration

(see Appendix B). Clarity uses maximum likelihood iterative deconvolution, but in con-

trast to algorithm presented in this work, it is not regularized. In presence of NVIDIA

graphics card in computer, that supports CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architec-

ture), Clarity takes advantage of it and speeds up computations. In addition, Clarity is

included into freeware software called ImageSurfer (http://imagesurfer.org/) which

has reasonable graphical user interface and makes image restoration easy to use. All in

all, it can be said that Clarity Deconvolution Library seems to be one of the promising

choices open source for deconvolution.

The software package which will be released as a part of this work will be compli-

mentary to Clarity Deconvolution Library. In contrast to Clarity our package will have

commandline interface for batch jobs. That would simplify its use in clusters loading to

streamlining analysis of multiple images. We implemented the software in Python pro-


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gramming language, that will allow to use a strength of Python language. Since Python

language has proven itself as an excellent fast-development platform and is simple to use,

the deconvolution software package should be a valuable platform for testing different

deconvolution algorithms.

4.5 Future Work

We plan to apply our software package to wide-field microscope images. This will require

measurement of PSF , analysis of deconvolution process on synthetic WF images, similar

to the analysis performed here on synthetic confocal images. After finding optimal λ value

and threshold for stopping criterion τ , we will deconvolve WF images of rat and trout


After that, we will prepare the software package for open source release. In open

source format, we plan to implement CUDA support and a cluster version.


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5 Conclusion

As result of this work a software package for deconvolution using Richardson-Lucy algo-

rithm with total variation regularization was developed. The optimal range of regular-

ization parameter λ for our application were found. The performance of the algorithm

was tested on synthetic and confocal microscope images. Finally, it was shown that

prolonged iterations can lead to misleading results.


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6 Personal Contribution

The author of this thesis carried out following tasks:

• developed a software that uses the RL algorithm with TV regularization

• analyzed the RL algorithm with TV regularization on synthetic images and found

the optimal parameter λ range and the threshold value for the stopping criterion

• recorded images of rat cardiomyocytes

• deconvolved and analyzed images of rat and trout myocytes

• wrote up the thesis.


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A Derivation of the Richardson-Lucy Algorithm with

Total-Variation Regularization

In this appendix we derive the RL algorithm with TV regularization under the assump-

tion of a Poisson noise. As noted before, image formation can be mathematically de-

scribed as follows:

i(v) = P((o ⊗ h)(v)), (A.1)

where h = h(v) is the PSF that convolves acquired object o = o(v) to degraded image

i = i(v) with Poisson P , and v denotes voxel coordinates in three dimensional space.

In the following derivation we assume that voxel coordinates vary continuously, and the

result (2.3) will be obtained by the discretization of (A.11).

To derive the algorithm, we use Bayesian rule:

P (o|i) = P (o)P (i|o)P (i)

, (A.2)

where P (o) and P (i) are the prior probabilities of o and i, respectively; P (o|i) is the

likelihood probability of o, when i is given. In the case of image formation, the object

o can be statistically described by its prior probability function P (o). The likelihood

probability function P (i|o) is introduced to model blurred image i given the object o.

The RL algorithm is based on maximizing the probability function P (i|o) and estimating

the maximum value of the o given the known image i.

When noise follows the Poisson distribution, the likelihood probability is equal to the

product of individual probabilities because each pixel in a recorded image is statistically

independent from the others. Since at the detector the object is given as o⊗ h then the

equation for the likelihood probability can be written as follows:

P (i|o) =∏


(o ⊗ h)(v)i(v) e−(o⊗h)(v)


Maximizing the equation (A.3) is equivalent to minimizing its negative logarithm. There-

fore, we take negative logarithm from both sides:

L(o) = − ln P (i|o ⊗ h) = − ln



(o ⊗ h)(v)i(v) e−(o⊗h)(v)




= −ˆ


ln(o ⊗ h)i e−o⊗h

i!dv =



(o ⊗ h − i ln(o ⊗ h) + ln i!) dv,



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where L(o) is the likelihood estimation function of the object o.

The functional of total variation LTV (o) for any function o is defined as:

LTV (o) = λ



|∇o|dv. (A.5)

where λ is regularization parameter, ∇o is gradient of o and |∇o| is the length of ∇o.

For deriving the Richardson-Lucy algorithm with total variation regularization we

have to minimize the L(o) + LTV (o).

First, let us find necessary conditions for L(o) minimum. We consider a small pertur-

bation ǫs of o, where ǫ ≪ 1, and s is test function. Notify that ln i! is constant relative

to o, then equation (A.4) reads (up to constant term):

L(o + ǫs) =



(o + ǫs) ⊗ h − i ln [(o + ǫs) ⊗ h] dv =




o ⊗ h + ǫ(s ⊗ h) − i ln [o ⊗ h + ǫ(s ⊗ h)] dv =




o ⊗ h + ǫ(s ⊗ h) − i ln


o ⊗ h


1 + ǫs ⊗ h

o ⊗ h


dv =




o ⊗ h + ǫ(s ⊗ h) − i ln (o ⊗ h) − i ln


1 + ǫs ⊗ h

o ⊗ h


dv =

= L(o) +



ǫ(s ⊗ h) − i ln


1 + ǫs ⊗ h

o ⊗ h


dv =

= L(o) +



ǫ(s ⊗ h) − iǫs ⊗ h

o ⊗ hdv + O(ǫ2) =

= L(o) + ǫ




1 − i

o ⊗ h


(s ⊗ h) dv + O(ǫ2) =


from the definition of convolution integral:´

vf s ⊗ h dv =


vs f ⊗ h dv,

where h is the adjoint of h


= L(o) + ǫ





1 − i

o ⊗ h


⊗ h dv + O(ǫ2)


Second, we find necessary conditions for LTV minimum. Thus the equation (A.5) is

given as:

L(o + ǫs) = λ



|∇(o + ǫs)| dv =

= λ



|∇o|2 + 2ǫ∇o · ∇s + ǫ2|∇o|2 dv =


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= λ




1 + 2ǫ∇o · ∇s

|∇o|2 dv + O(ǫ2) =

= λ



|∇o| dv + ǫ




|∇o| · ∇s dv + O(ǫ2) =



from the Gauss-Ostrogradsky theorem:´

v∇f · φ dv = −


vf div φ dv



= LTV − λǫ



s div

( ∇o



dv + O(ǫ2)


In summary, the necessary conditions for L(o) + LTV (o) minimum is:





1 − i

o ⊗ h


⊗ h − λdiv

( ∇o



dv = 0, (A.8)

that must hold for all test functions s. Therefore we have

1 − i

o ⊗ h⊗ h − λ div

( ∇o



= 0, (A.9)

where we have used the PSF property 1 ⊗ h = 1.

To obtain an iterative scheme for computing o from i and h, we define o(n) as the

result of nth iteration. Using the convergence condition o(n+1)

o(n) = 1 we write (A.9) as:




1 − λ div

( ∇o(n)




o(n) ⊗ h⊗ h, (A.10)

from where we obtain the iterative Richardson-Lucy algorithm with total variation reg-

ularization assuming Poisson noise:

o(n+1) =



o(n) ⊗ h⊗ h


· o(n)

1 − λ div(



) . (A.11)

For λ = 0, the scheme (A.11) results to the well-known iterative Richardson-Lucy algo-


o(n+1) =



o(n) ⊗ h⊗ h


o(n) (A.12)


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B List of Available Deconvolution Software

• Huygens Deconvolution Software (http://www.svi.nl/) is one of the high-

quality commercial restoration and analysis programs for microscopy. This software

uses the following deconvolution algorithms:

– Classic Maximum Likelihood Estimation

– Iterative Maximum Likelihood Estimation

– Quick Maximum Likelihood Estimation

– Iterative Constrained Tikhonov-Miller

– Quick Tikhonov-Miller

– Costs 4 500 – 17 000 EUR; commercial license

• AutoDeblur (http://www.mediacy.com/) is Media Cybernetic’s deconvolution

software product which uses the following deconvolution algorithms:

– The 3D Inverse Filter

– The No/Nearest Neighbor

– DIC Restoration

– Non-Blind Deconvolution

– 3D – Adaptive-Blind Deconvolution

– 2D – Adaptive Blind Deconvolution

– Cost around 10 000 EUR; commercial license

• Volocity (http://www.improvision.com/products/volocity/) is Improvision

deconvolution software, which allows to use

– Fast Restoration

– Iterative Restoration: based on Maximum Entropy techniques

• Clarity Deconvolution Library (http://cismm.cs.unc.edu/resources/software-

manuals/clarity-deconvolution-library/) is an open source C/C++ library

implementing several of the common deconvolution algorithms:

– Wiener Filter

– Jansson-van Cittert Iterative


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– Maximum Likelihood Iterative

• BIG - 3D Deconvolution (http://bigwww.epfl.ch/demo/deconvolution3D/index.html)

is based on a plugin for ImageJ (http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/), a general pur-

pose free image-processing package. It contains:

– Regularized Deconvolution

– Jansson-van Cittert Iterative

– ForWaRD


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I would like to thank my supervisor Marko Vendelin, who provided me position in the

Laboratory of Systems Biology and created an excellent environment for carrying out

studies and completing this thesis. Discussions with him and co-supervisor Pearu Peter-

son helped a lot in the development of this work. I am very grateful to their practical

comments and suggestion concerning this thesis and issues that rose during this work.

Special thanks to Rikke Birkedal and Mervi Sepp who supplied me with “fresh” rat

cardiomyocytes for collecting experimental data by confocal microscope and to Niina

Sokolova who provided me with trout cardiomyocyte images for testing the deconvolution


I would like to express my gratitude to the fabulous team in Laboratory of Systems

Biology, who helped and encourage me in the every step of my work.

I owe my gratitudes also to my family and to my closer friends for their unstopping



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B. Abdelhak and M.R. Sedki. Filtering capabilities and convergence of the van-citter

deconvolution technique. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,

41(2):246–250, April 1992.

Rikke Birkedal, Holly A Shiels, and Marko Vendelin. Three-dimensional mitochon-

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