Tannin Content and Other Characteristics of Native …ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/170384/files/tb986.pdf1t is l'lninwd thnt domestic- sumUl' is inf'(,l'iol' to ::-iiC'iliHIl SUlnn(

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    1.0 :t: I~ 1111l~ :: &iii 12.2 &:.I W .. : ~ 12... IIIIiI.I ...... 0

    11111 1.8

    111111.25 111111.4 111111.6.


    ~ 12.8 11111 2.1.0 - -5 ~ :; ~ 11 2.2 &:.I ~ ,

    ~.~I~I~1.1 ......-111111.8

    111111.25 IIIIII.~ 111111.6_



  • 1'edwicul nullet,;n No. 986 De(~emb{'r 19'i9 r---.,.-----~--___:....,..,.--.--------,:--~~,.......,'.'


    'UNITE. STAT~S ".. ,."":.7.-.'~'..-'.":"::.'.'.:.:~'r:.t :~".~ . " . DE-a-ABTMENT OF' AGRI(j1J~TlJRE

    .. ;:.. ... < " ~'I:!~'v. "WAS"IN~TON~ D. (j

    ' . .:/1 '. "".

    Tanuin Content and Other Characteristics

    of Native SUlllac in Relation to its Value

    as a Conll11crcial Source of Tannin 1

    I\y lit,']). \~I,,\lIKl'. c/le1llisl, nnd .J. S. HO(;l'!Il!', /Ieud, Hides, '}'u/lllillg Materill/s,

    01/(/ Li'uthef /)"vt,~fl)J/.. H(J~t('rn NcaiVlla/. UI's/'I/felt Luborator!l, HurC1I11 of Agri, (',111111'01 (Jlltl Jndustrilll ('/Il'mil

  • 2 'l'ECHNICAL :BULLE'PlN 986, L. S. DEP'l', OF AGlUCUW'Uli}ll', FiguI'l's obtuilH'd din'elly from sumue d('nl('l's intiieatp thut th(T pUJ'('hns('d mol'l' tlmn G40 tOilS of don1C'sti(' sumn(' in J9:3;L A('('ord ing te, datu flll'Ilished by fjyl' It'lHI ing JlHITlUiaC'!ul'eL's of tUJlning ('xtrnet, the nmount of donll'sti(' SlIIllil(' used for the' 1l1iUlufncture of ('Xll'net frolll 1937 to 1944 avemgt'd nbolll 1,108 short tons n. Y('IlL', '

    .MlN imp()rtntion of Sicilinn sumllc was stopped by lhp WUI' in 194], Iln effort wus IlIHdl' to il1l'I'PIlS(' C'olJc.dion of Anll'I'i('nn SUlllIH', hut \\'ithout Illu('h suc'('('ss. During the'lnst 4 or 5 Yl'nJ's, ('omml'lTinl ('olkdion of whitC' 01' smooth SUmH(', BltU8 {J/ubr(l, hns I)('('n stul,tt'l1 in ]O\\'H, but it is still ill [hI' ('xI)(,l'inH'nt HI slngt'. The l'NtSOn 1'01' the low ('0 II !'!'! ion upPl'urs lo lw l'('onomie. r]'!t(, ml1rkpl priN.' is high, itS ('ompfll'('d with that of olh('I' tnnning mn.ll'rinls, yd it is too 10\\' to yipld nn ndl'qllntc retu!'ll to IltboL'. ColIC'('l ing is now done prill

  • 3


    and lowpring till' eost of SUlllne ar(' being stuciiNI. Although some data arc nvnilnbll' from previot,s work, lIdditionnl info/"1I1Htion is lI('Nled on lilt' Jollowing points: (I) Tnnnin ('ontent nnd q unlity; (2) distl'ibution nnd nbll11dnn('('; (3) hn bi t 01' growth nnd kaJ ehnmderisties; (4) (lase of ('olkelionj und (5) tl1lllling pro p('rti es,

    To proyidC' sonll' 01' the informution 1I('('(le


    Jlme be used for tanning delicately colored leatlH'I's and that the July collections be. used Jor tanning dark-('olored lentilel' and dyeing dnrkcolored goods. .

    Mc.Murtrie (14) in 1880 reviewed the general infol'mntion then aynilable concern.lnD' the species of sumnc of YHIul;' for tanning, both in Europe und tllt'~Cnited StRtes, including soill'cqurrements, and methods of propngnli11g, hl1rYcsting, drying, I1nd prepnl'ing for mark('L To assure maximum quality of the donwstic artide, II(' recommended that the leaves bc' ('o\l('ctcd when in full sup, b('fore they huvp turned red, or have been ufl'ected by frost. He stuted thut the I(,HY


    The wide vl1l'intion in til(' qllfdity of til(' lellves of the thl'ee species, Rhus typhina, R, g!abra,. und R, (01)(lllina, in Virginia and Wesl Virginia wns shown in 1910 by Dl'lanC'y (10). who l'('POl'tpc! the nnnlysl's of 20 siLmples, Fiv(' snmplt,s of INlY(,S nnd fOUl' snmplcs of stems of R, giabra t'onlttin('(L from 10,1 to 35,7 and from 4.0 to 9,5 Pl'I'('t'nl of tannin. lpspl'etivl'ly. 'rwo Sllll1plps of 1('IlY!':; I~,nd St(,lllS eOlllbined ('ontILinN\ IS.(j nllt! 26.3 1)('ITt'nt, l'(,sppdiv('[y, 'r\\'o sumplps of It'lwes of R. copallina contnitwd 31.5 iLnd :31.7 IWI't't'nt; two snmples of stc'ms, 5.8 and 10.9 p(Il'('('nt, {mel 011.(' sampll' of [('nves and st ems combined, 17,6 pel'('('nt. The nV('1'Ilgl' Innnin ('onten! of It llullll)('r of 1(,llf Iwd sl

  • 6 'L'C:CHXlt'AL 13L'LLh:TlN OSH, U, S. UJ~PT, 01,' AC;Htt'l't.:n;Hl~

    Illude, fl'om whieh 11(1 ('ondud('(l Ihnt pI'opedy pll'pnt'l,d Ipnl' mntC't'inl of donwstir' R, ('opal/inlL ('oulcl :-;lIlh.:fn.l'IOI'ily 1'('pIUt,(, Sir'ilinll !';uma\' \Pltr both for L,(tllllllillf; dH'OIlH' ,;kh'('[':; in tItt' 1>lu(' Hilt! fot' Inllninf; piekled skin'l's; Ihnt N, ('opallillult'nf f;1l\'(, lil'lll, wl,ll-fill(,d, llPllr-whitp tltllll!lf;l'S Oil bot.h pil'ldl'd ('air nlld gnn,\ Il'I\lh!'I's; thnt III(' clnl'k(l\.' shn,t\(' of lh(' dO\l\('sll(, In,nnag('s ('ould pl'Obnhly Ill' Il \'oi(\l'd, \)~ stonl' milling (ht' ('ul'('(lll'llI' to PI'(\\'pn\ ('ontnminntion by II'I\('PS of it'on; t hnl pn,l'linl blt'nchillg in Illl' slIn l)pfon' finn,) ('ul'ing might iIlIPI'O\'P Ihp ('0101'; lind Hut! thl' slightly illf(,l'iol' plUJllping Helion of 11)(' dOI11l'sti(' Pl'ot!u('\. WIIS pl'ohllhl~t nn, inh('I'('n\ PI'OP(,I'l,Y of lhl' lllllnin, 11(' Sllt\('d tlml difl\,I'(,11(~(':i Iwt W('l'lI Ill(' dOlll(':-;1 ie fwd ~it-iliiln ltll\nugc's ('ould hl' dr'lpt'iI'(\ only by nn ('XIWl'il'lu'('d tn,IUll'I',

    In it Intl'l' t\,:;t, l'l'poI'll'rl in HH:~, ill ",hieh n JIIiXtlll'(, of 1{'II,\'Nl and stl'IllS of Hlwg {'opal/illil ('ontnining 21 IWI'\'('nl of lannill wus uspI'!)\'(' gl'l'll1illl\t inll, n.nd 11\(, followillg ,\'(':\1' hl' !'l'pOI'I('d /51 n ;.;(udy of (hl' J'l)ot "y'iIl'lllii Ilnd tlH' \':du(' of :;lImn(' 1'01' ('ont rolling ('l'o,:ion,In I\)'1 Ill' al,;o [lllhlish('d allot hl'l' I'(,POI'! (m, in whi('1t. 11(' ':111 II'd that lh(' Ilulltin ('on('nl of Hhl(,~ arOl/lIIliCII .\il. l'ltl\gl'd. frolll \'i,n to :W,:~ IWI'(,(lnl, wilh nil 1IYl'l'agl' of 21.2, Ilml of U. ('opal/illu fl'oJll 22.11 10 :W'{; !lI'I'I'pnl, with nn :\\'Pl'lIg

  • 7

    :rAXXL~ COXTEX'l' OF XA'l'l\'jt'nl S()('('il'S of SlllllUC IU'P indigenous (0 til(> l'ni(NI Rtn,(l's, but only thl'PC' -Rhus cOjJallina, R. [llabr(l, find R, tl/J!IdI/(l,-~llIlw bl'('ll utilizl'(\ ('Ollllll('I'('in,lly ILS n. SOUI'('t' of tannin, nllt! R. typliilla Jms 11('\'('1' (Wl'll US!'{\ l'xfl'nsi\'(,ly, Th('\' {\l'e nbundulll ill \'fu'ious nl'ens in the l'nSLl'I'n Hnd ('('!llml pl;!'Ls of tli" Cni(pt\ Slutl'S, TIll'Y HI'(' \\'ell u,t\n.plcd to ('ornnH'I'

  • TAlIJ.J'I.-[)i,~/riblltiOIl, size of plant., a/Jll1!r/allcc of lcaves, alld number and jjize of leaflets of 8 species of sumac (Rhus) 00 ._-----_._-----.,.-.------- l.eallets I

    8 Abun

  • I \'\'d'\ \11,\11,;\'1' til' ,\\Tln: :'l':'I.\('


    HI aiL Th" l''\! I,'IL" II'!!" 'll tI", nlll~(' Ill' tI 'PI'I'il':-- :11'[' ui' only minol' "l:!llitinlll'" ill dt"!I'l'fll!lllll!:: IIII' an'li' \\ 1t1'1'1' ('(lIII,ti()lI:' 1I111~' IH' jll'lI('IWH!. :-'1'"1':11\11' ...1:lll1i ... 11"'l1all,\ do 11111 pt'(l\ itl!' :--ldli

  • III 't'Io;C[[:\Il.\I. IH'I.U;IT'\ !1"Ii, t', :-i, liEP'!', OF .\(jlll(,ILT1'ltl~

    Ht" 2 .5 4 Ii)" . 1I i r t",t J:t:! 1\\),,..:, uf ft'!, 1;'/11" I/Hi I.~ ,r1 ':--"!"111. ~JI IIt-t[nll'. ". nu"lli ... l\\ ligpd illf"

    I!.i- -1,-'-)1" hill I.u' til rill' Il,L(I" ; d, lall'~'al It'all!'l: I, 1('l'Il1ill:t1 ,'((Ilet.

    ('lla-.lnl PIHin, IHll'tlll'I'1l Fluddn. :llld tl'i' (:lJlr Stnlp,.;, 'I'll(' IIOI'(ll!'i'Il limit.; (If Ihl' 1':lII~I' ill \\ hidl it,.; (,11111'(,t III II i" PI'lI('( ito aI 1'",11'1

  • 11

    Altbough ('Ileh of lhl' thl'ee on'HS shown ill figll1'(\ 9 is ussigned 10

    a difl'('l'l'nt spccies of sumue, th('1'1' U1'l' lorations ill (Iuch in which colIcetible quuntitil's 01' nUOUl(Il' spp('ips nn' found,

    'L'he loUt! q UUlI ti ly of wild SUI11UC lenf uvuilll ble fot' ('ollllnel'eini ntilizillion hns 1l{'\'t'1' brcn 1lC'('umtely ('stimnlcd, but no doubt it 1'ltl' t'xc('('ds tllC' prpsent Illlll'kl't dellland,' As WitS poinll'tl out in the introduction, tlsers 1'('ly mnillly on fOI'(ligll SOlll'Cl'S 1'01' lht'ir supply, The quantiLy netllnlly uxnilnbll' in this COUlItI'Y, hOWl'yt'I', is of intt'I'PsL l)('c'ltllSe of [he II(I('d 1'01' Ill'\\' SOW'l'l'S of' lUllllin to UUgllll'll[ (he dwilldling comrn{'I'C'iItL supply,

    In 1042, ShOl'lIy lI1'1e1' lhf' entl'Y of lhl' l"lIiled SIMes into 'World \rlll' II, tUli!l1nwtiinll' lI('(ld It/'ose fOt' un iJl('1'1'I1S('d nmOllll[, of SUIllIlC 1t'IlJ, A l'llpid Slll'\'PY WIIS lnn

  • L~ TI,;t'U'\l\ ,\L IH'LLE1l'\ !1:>,1i. t. :-., 11.1'1. OF .\' ltll'I'!.'ITIU-;

    , I

    FI,,1 J;I

    d!'ll'l'lllilll> llll' 1l11lo11nt tlnliln hl(' lhpl'P, .\ 1I':llI:-('('1 \\ n" Illitl nul n['I'(I"'~ litt' l'l1lil'l' sOlltlll'1'1l plll'l of lilt' ~(al(" froll! lhl' 1\1'1l11!{,ky hOI'lI(,,' to till' .\[lUlllic ('on':l. ill n bUild :11.li mill'''; ,ddt> UIOll!.!: lilt .\0{'(11 C'nl'lllilHL lill!' lfi~, 101, TIll' [I'Il11SI't'l \\":lS sUlllplld nl!lllg II \'!'llll'l' lill(, by I1ll'UllS of plol,: I ':qlln!'p Illil!' in HI'(l1l n( illl['l'y:d,: {If :ll,li IlIilt's, FOI' lite :; I,ti-mill' [I':lll,,('('I, I Iris gUY!' it ('o\'('l'ngl' of I: l,tlllO, 'I'll(' plots \\'('1'(, Im'atl'd oil U Inl'~I'-';(,III!' hu:,1' lllUP l}('f(1n' IIII' SIlI'Yl'," "-U" s(ul'((d, .\(I'inl phO[(lgl'lIph" of !'Hl'h pillt ,,,('nil', :-., jlllhl" til ;I Illil!') "-1'1'(, oh-IUiIWd. :-in thllt til!' IHIIllHlal'iI'''; ('Iltrld Ill' l'l'ndi!,' idl'lllilit'" ill I Ill' lipid, \11 I lit' IlIH'n lund. lit-Jd hUl'd!'!'". {'1'IIc'I' lillt''''' (lidgtIO\\";, I'ond", IUlII'S,

  • 13

    nnd woods 1>01'(\(11'$ 011 ('Iwh plot Wl'l'l' tl'nn'l'SNI to IOcnll' tIH' l'.ulllnc

    stituds, li'ol'csls W(lI'e not SUI'\' (\Yl'd I sitw(' till' sen ttl'l'(,d sumHC piunls in [ol'es!.s (,1\1I110t jllslililtblv be ('ollsidl'I'NI liS ('ol1l'etible, Benltt'l'cd individunl plunts \r(l\'(1 nol'('ountl'd COl' the Stlll!(' 1't'lISOIl, 'l'lll\ slllnds of SUllllt'S W('I'(\ outlinNI dir('(~lly 011 lLlt' HNitt! photogmph, Hnd noles wel'O Ink(lll tiS to (1) SP('eil's. (2) dellsity p('r 100 squnl'l' fl'cL (in. round numbel's), c:n llV(II'l'lgl' ltl'ight to 11w JIt'III'l'st fool,. (4) chul'Ilctcl' of sland, nml (;;) slope nnd QllH'I' fn('lors lhltt might infllll'llclI collct'tibility, '1'hl' Hl'elL of Nt('h sUlnd \\'115 111 ('I1S\1I'('(1 with It pinnilllcll'l', lind nil (l::ltimnto WitS mntl(1 of till' itpPl'Oxillllltn IllllllbN' of plnnls PI'l'Sl'JI\.. Tlll\ yiplds of 1('lwl's Wt'n' (,Illculnled fl'om n yield lltblc 5 constructed

    VH'! 10-; 0, Twigs of mills mi('l'opil!lIl!1 Jo:llgCIlll, $ Bn~Nl Otl 1I111Htt,lbhed col1t'ctioll datn,


    \NCHES II, I. I

    Fwl'lu: G.-Twig" of /(}lllS lriiolial(l Xutt.

  • T.\:\:\I:\ (1,:\JE\r II: :\ \11\L ':;t:>.1 \l'

    I 62 5lNCHE:l

  • 4 "

    I ,,", I i .d!~.

    10 giy(' thl' qUlIntlty oi' 1!':lY(," !1htuilwl,j(, IWI' plallt. 1II'('III'Ii:ng III ,..iiw lind 1,\'(11' of gl'u\\lh.

    Thl' IIlHp ill figlll'l' III "ho\\:' thl' IOl'lttl!'ll {II' 1IIl' ",ulltpl!' plot,.. in III!' 'U'1'11. 'flIP g'mph IH,II'\\ the' mup "h{I\\~ tIl!' di,..ll'ihllliulluf III!' "'Ill'('il''' . \ Illixttll'l' (If HIli's !I/II/ilil nllt! R.I'II/II/1:'1I (I('('UI'I"(,II ill 1111' ('UlltiH,I'i:llld 1'[ntl'llIt :lr,'a 0[' \\l,..Il'1'1l \'il'!.!"illin. 'I'lli' Bill" Hid!.!"l' U(,(':I (':1'1 of till' :-,11I'Il:tndlluh \'ull,'y \\:\'''' ,'hn'!,;ll'tl'riztd II." 1.'. !//ol,;1/ :Illd ,..11 III 11"1' (11'11(l()l'li()u...; or l.'. tYI'II/I'II. IlIti 1.'. ('''/lflll",11 \\a,.. (lJ'al'til'1tlly nl',..!'III. ()Il t h, Pitdlllont Plnl"tTlI 111!'1't, \\ liS :\ IU\t 1I1'!' or n. ('/,rli/;/il/ alld U. flll/lltt/, /llld ill tit!' ('uu,.;t:d 1'll1ill :tIll , ..... 1 alllh, ,.."IIlIl" \\a,.. 1.',1'11/,111/;/11/.

    1{1I",!'d Oil I hi'" di,.,lrillllt ill II , 1111' nl''':! \\ u" dh j ... illl, illto I hl'('" hl'llS, lIlId tilt' 1' ... IIIlJ:lII'''' \\!'n' ('(JlIl/nll'li "'('I"llnt!'!.'" ful' (adl. a ... "IIlJi\1l ill Ill!'


    lower part of figure 10. The w('sll'l'll bell eontnined sufJieicnt Rhus

    e01)allina, Ilnd R. glabra combil1l'd to yi"ld an ('stimutl'd (j,000 long Ions of air-dry sumnc leaf unl1llfllly; tht' eentml belt ('ontnin(l(1 28,000 long tons, consisting mainly of R. glabra nnd smuller proportions of R. typhiJUL find R. copallina; the l'astt'rn belt con'(nilled 9,000 long tons, consisting nlmost l'ntirely of R. copallina.

    This SlllT('Y, which is probnbly the only est.imnte of coll"ct ible SUlllnc made by enrL'ful fil'ld 1ll(,llsUl'('mcnls, indieat.ed that this one firen nlcnc contained sufi\eient SllIllU(' (0 provide far more lhnn lilt' present Ilnnual nntionnl Heeds for sumnc leuf.

    RHUS rr.r.l TYPHINA ~I-

    ~~ RHUS 01-0

  • 18 'l'ECH~r(,AL BULL[~T[N 08(j1 U, S, I)b;PT, 0.[1' A(ilU('t.:[;rUHl~

    1 ~.


    FllilIIE [0, qlluntity of (,OI1lIIlI'I'l'illlly ('OllN'lillI!' SlIlI1:\(' Ipuf in 1l01ltlH'1'Il Vir}!;inin in IlJI2, Th!' situdl'd 1.011(' ~hl)\\" tlil' 111'C'IL itH'llIcil'd in tlll'lillrVp,', LIlt'HUOII' of tIl(' L3 intiivicillu\ -;!llIHI'('-llJih., plots an' indil'ul('ti. by dols, Tli(1 ('iturl \)1:1

  • T,\IILE 2. YUlIllwr"r fondili.,. (mill whirh SlllllJlles oj .~WIIIH {Hhu,;', 11'Cr(' collrr'{(l aur!1WlIlbtr of /lewlpfell taken

    ' . ()j~1 rit'l of WI'S I, '>Ir./ Vlrgil1i;l ?~orf11 K,lIIu(.ky:,\.,w York l"J1n'~J I:-;"'wJ"r.;('yi J\h1nbnll CululIlhla !(llliu ("ar(,lhul'aUI.l ~f~'t'h'~I'ul hI "'1111

    J~."", :-:,un. I..m"I. )-l'IIII-' 1..1)[

  • 0


    20 TE:CH~ICAL 13ULLE:TIX 98(1, U. S. DEPT. 01

  • TANNiN COXTEXT OF NA'l'!\'E l::iL\lAC 21

    in 1\'XIlS, which in some ('liSt'S ('xlt'lHled 0),(,1' sl'YPI'nl yeul's, included six speeips, Illul1ely R, cO]lallillCL, R, olabra, R, 1(l.IICeo/at.lL, R, microphyll(L, R, iriluba/(L, und R, t'irl'Jts,

    .A ntllnb('1' of It'llf Hlld ipnnel snmpies were obtained nud nmtlyzed nftel' Ilppl'nclix tllbks 13 nnd 14 hud bN'n ('ompielecl Ilnd n stntislicul study of till' dnln had bpl'n I11l1dl', AllUlysps of thl'se extrn samples ill'e inC'ludl'd in nPP('Il(lix tnhlt:' 18 to supply dutn for regions not 1'0pl'esl'nt('d in the ('ill'lkl' eolll't'tions,

    Tht, indh'idualhnf snmpips (,nme from singllo plants, eiumps, fields, ilnd disl1'i('ls, HS mny be Ilotl'd from tubil' 13, Allhough dump collections j'ppl'('sl'nted singll' dont's in most illstnll('es, two or llIOl'l' dones 111il)' hu,Vt' bel'n intt'l'lningkd in (,l'l'tnill dumps, The 8lUUpit's f!'Olll singlC' plants !tnd ('Iones n,f[ecl the YI11'intion dUl' to both genetic and CIlyil'OlHlll'lI lnl fattol'S.

    C'olieetions fl'oll1 li(Ids W('I'(' 1ll1Hlp in n WLlY Ihnt would give 11 good 1'(')H'('ScntIlJion of all pitlnts in llll' iU'l'iL, To Iw('omplish this, u few iellv('s W('J't' tnhn from IHlllll'l'OUS ilhlividuI11 plnnts wpll distributcd OYPI' llll' l'I1lil't' st.und, If til(, plnnts W('I'(' growing on siopinlT ground 01' if there WIIS widl' VHl'illliol1 in 1IIl' ('ondition of til(' gr()uI~d, cyery ('t[od wus llludt' to hoyt' th(' snnrpk I'('ilsonnbly 1'('))I'l'Sellt thllt ptl1'ti('ulilL' sltlnd of plnnl:;, Simillll' ('onsidl'I'ntion wos gin'n (0 the distribution of lhe plnnts in shndl'd nnd 1I11shlldNI loculions, Colledions rl'pl'l'Sl'ntuti\'(' of n distrid ('ollsist('d of it'HV('S fl'OIll numerous fic'ids usunU" IO(,Htpd wit hin Sl'\'l'l'ld mill'S of pn('h o lIll' 1', A fl'\\' ieHY('S \\'('1'(' fLlhn frOIll Sl'Y('I'ni pillnts in ('ileh fie,ltI, nnd tIll' iPtlw's f!'Om nil lhl' Cipid:; wpr(' lIwn ('ombin('tI into it singlt:' sHlllple, Disll'iet ('011('(lions r('prpSl'n t('(1 nIl nVl'rngl' for I he' purt ieuln I' sp('l ion lind Pl'l'SllUlII biy minimizpd (ile' vHl'i:1tion dup to individunl g('lll'\il' fuelol's or loeni ('011i!'s ('olh,l'\ (.(1' \\'('1'(' i(,IlY-!'::>, nUnH'I'OllS Slllllpll's (If otlH'I' PHl'ls of lilt' pinnl \\'('1'(' obtnil1pd aiso, Tn IIddition, ;;0111(' 1('llf SIIIll pit'S \I'PI'(, S('P:U'II \(~d in I () 1('11(\('\ nnd 1)('\ ioh'-l'Ilt'his pOI'lion;;, lWei ;;(Jnw ;';('Ill silnlpl!,,; illlo wood IIlld hllrk portions, .\Iosl :ii1ll1pips \I'('l'l' s(pnl'lI.lt'd II'IWIl frl'sit, hut. u fell' lI'el'C :Sl'(Jnl'lltl'd nft('r tlIP.\' Wt'J'(' Hir-dry.


  • 22 'I'E('HX[CAL H17LLB'l'lX 980,e. $, Vgl"!', OF A(;HIClJL'I'L'HE

    \\'11('11 dry, ull sumples W(l1'(, gl'ound ill 11 ,rilllY mill to puss 11 sit'Y(' huying boll'S 2 Illlll. ill dinnt('(("'. th(,11 mixl'(i ulld stOl'{'t/ ill gil ~;4 HlHSOII jUl's. Thl')' \\'PI'P n.lIlllY:l.l'd by tht' oIlicill I hid(' powdel' IIl('f hod of llu.' AII\('I'i('nn L('ntht'l' Cltl'llliSIS ,Assot'illlioll 11), tIll' pxl!'ndwn pl'oc('dUt'(' l)(Iing Ihn! dt'sl'I'~b('d by ('Iurkl' nllt! Fl'py (7), This Illl'lhod SI}('('ifips HIIH th(1 ,sttrnpl(' bp ('xtl.'n('l('(1 with boiling W!ltl'l" 2 lill'l's of pt'I'('oln.tt' lJl'ing ('OIlN'[t'd ill 7 hOlll'S IIl1d Iltp IUllounl of I1IHI(,I'inl hl'illg IldjllSlpd so Ihnt tlll'l'P will bt' [,(1[\\'('('11 a,7.) nnd 1.2;} gill, of t:tllllin (WI' lilpl' in tllp SOIUtiOll, Tltt' P('I'('Olnl(' 01' ('xll'il('( solution "'liS ('(JoiNI slowly nllt! luud"zt,d III 2(}0 c.

    Tlw flllalylj('ul p,'o('('d tll'l'S \\'('1'(' ns follow~;: All nliq uot of (\1(1 solutioll \\'IIS p\'npm'nlpd. nud Ihp dl'ipd l'('si(iu(' \\'('ighl'd to tI(lt('I'l11ille totnl ,solids,. PHI't of lill' solu.tioll \l'US iilt('I'('(1 by lh!' PI'(,S('I'i1ll'd PI'o('('(lul'P, nn nliquot (1\'npOI't1lpd, nlld Iht' dl'i('d I'psidlll' wl'igh('d 10 d('Il'I'lllinl' sol ubIl(' ill wnll'l' HI ~()O C" plus nil,' filH' II1ntl'I'illl thllt hlld (lllss('d nll'!'hnni('ully Ihl'Ough fhl' ('olton fillt'l' in llrl' ('xll'/\('[ion t dl(' during till' (,Xll':\('lion PI'O('('SS, XonUlnnill WIIS dl'[l'I'lllilll'd by I'Plllo\'ing lllllnin Jl'om nn IIliqllot with $1 HrHIII!'d llidt' powd(,I'" I1Il(/PI' PI'(';;('I'i!H'd ('(Jndit iOIlS, l hplI (,\'11 p01'1I t ing tlrp lunnin-fl'I'(' sollltion nud wpiglring tht' dripd l'('sidut', Tit" jJt'l'('PIling!' of [lIllnin \\11;; found hy ;;lIhtrtu,ting till' (WI'('('ntng'p oj' nOIlInnnin frolll till' (H'I'('('l1lngl' of ;;olub/t solids, 'l'hl' \'Idw' 1'01' pUl'ity of I'xtr'n('th'p \\'/1'; oiJtnilll'd lly Illulliplying !lIt' YHItW 1'01' lnnnill h,\' LOO and di .... iding tl\l' l'l'slril h,\' thl' ,alu(' I'ot' $olllbl(' solids. PlIl'ily is I'plnt('d to u;;tringl'n('y in llllll II Inl1lling li([IIOI' of 1

  • TAXXiX rOXTEX'l' 01' XA'l'lVE SU~1AC 23

    01lc of l11csc fnctol'S. Ty))c of soil j soiimoish1l:e ('ondit ions; nssocialNI Yt'gl'tillion, ('slweinlly ('I'owdillg by OtiH'l' pllll1ls; and p(,I'hnps ('1('\,11lion IIbo\'(' SM 1(1\"(,1 may I1fl'('('llunnin eontcnt, bUllhis willhayt' to be dpl('I'mi]1('d bv fUl'thel' iuY('stigalions, Tht' nssoeiations estnblished in this study 111'(. discussed in detail undel' the yndotls factol's,

    TAIII,t; 3.. - R(tn{/~8 in ('olll)Jf1silio" oj lCllv('sIlf S s]l('rirs of .~lImal' (HIlIl:;) rollerted ill Ihe (,lIsII'm port of til(' l'lIi/eli Siales

    ::\ullIlll'r! "I I1S

  • 21 'fECllSlC'ALBl'LLETlS !lso,c. ::;. DEPT. OF AGnICl'L'ITHl~


  • 25

    Th~' dntn show thlll mnll' plnnt8 of Rlnls copallill(l ('oiltnined on nn

    (t\'Nugl' :3,a Pl'I'(,l'nl III0 1'(' Innnin tllnn fl'JlInll' plnnls bUl thnt (hl'l'C' \\"('1'(, 110 signifietlllt difl'l'l'PII('PS be(\\'(\(\11 the Sl'X('S ill llonlnllnill nnd insolubll's ill l\sU'ndi\'l', TIlt' signifietlntly gn'lltl'I' tannin l'ontent of lhl' mok plnnts 1.'flllSl'd it ('Ol'l'l'spOIHlingly grt'iIl('I' soluble solids conll'uL nud Plll'ity of l'xtl'llt'tiw in snmpll's of thi::; Sl'X,

    Flm HE 12, -:\1 al(~ illi1llrC~('t'llce of UIIH,~ uftrlJld nftt'" lIl'nl'ly all the .flower:; lin \"l) druPPl,d,

    Th!' difl\'I'PIlC('S i'ot' Rltw.; utab,.a W(ll'(' not so g1'l'nl as thost' for R, ('opal/;IIII. XOlll' of lilt' tiil1'("'PIH'('S (':In bl' judgl'd sigllifil'nllt. ('''ell

    though n gl'PltlN ll11llli>('I' of sHmpl!'::; WPI'P Hynilnbh for til(' ('OlllllrisOllS. II llllly IH' IlSSlIIlWd. thpI'don', lhnt S('X did not infll1('IH'(' lilt' l'ol1lposit inn of H. !lllfhm It'll \{'S.

    ":~;W7:! .J: u -~..I

  • 2U TEl'IlXlL\L H{"Ll..E1'lX (lXIi. r, 1', lll';l'T, tW ,\(;[W'l'[,'lTlU';

    'rO I!';o;[ til!' iuflUl'IWl' ur !'lIlllighl Oil 111l' !'hPlltil'lll ('OIllPOSltIOlI or Lhl' 1t'1l\'(,s, l'OIlIP:II'j;o;()IlS \\('1'(, Illnd(' hpI Wl'l'n Hll1ll>l(',.: or til(' S:1II)(' S(I.'( lllUt had 1H'l'1l ('olll'cll'd {)Il llill s:tlll(' dutl' Ullt! al l"(' S:lI11P lo('lllillll bill difl't'I'lI t! in I'X(JOSlIl'!' to slIlll.iglll. Tht'I'p W('I'P ;11 s:tl11pit"s of HIlliN ('''jwJ/;JJIl nlld [1 {)f H, !llalil'll ;';lIilahlp I'm' tltis ('oll1puI'i;';UII, 'r,,{'," :11'(' li..;lld ill III!' app!'ndix, Thel'p \\"t"L'(' IS 11ll':Hioll gl'Oups of lilt' l'ot'IlIPI' "Pl'(j(..; Hlld \l of (Ill' 1:tlll'I',

    Tuhl!'.l gin..; (1)(' 1'1',;ld(;o; or (hi;.; (,OIlIP:ll'iSOIl, '1'h(' (\\'0 Slwei!':> "llItiil'd \\'('1'1' ('olhi,;II'lIl in (Iwil' appuI'l'1l1 1'('SPOIlSl' (0 light. 'I'ht' ..,ulllph..; ill filII ;o;lIllligltl p()lll.nilll'd Oil t hI' :t\'PI':tgl' :2,:-; !lPI'('PIlI 1ll0l'P tnnllin Hllel!.:; PI'I'I'!'llt II''';''; ll{)lltnllllill t!tall tl!o,;(' illl'l';o;tl'i

  • 27 TANNIN CO::-i'l'J~N'l' OF N.\TIVE SUl\IAC

    Specles Perreil! l'trcml Percellt l'tTCti,l: Pet rei/I

    :\0,0, 2.9' 17.0 1M. 1 i 1.1R. copo/lf/ll' " ' ' '. i 21.1i, 2.11 ' ]0,4 ~'().!I i 1.5

    -,--~-----....-'-"""------,---'-R. ult,Qr.. . ' ' .'.'.' ~2"SAwwgo "., ,'0


    The l'egression lines indicated thatin both species the tannin content decreased with increase in height of the plant. On the average, the tannin content of the leaves decreased 0.61 percent for each foot of plant height, within the range shown in the figUl'e.

    The degree of association between height and tannin content can also be expressed as a correlation coefficient, the value being -0.3845. This value is highly significant, based on 51 degrees of freedom.s

    The nontannin content showed no significant association with plant height, and thorefore a regression line for this factor is not given. Silll'(J there was a significant association with tannin but none with non tannin, the purity and soluble solids were gl'eater in the smaller plants.

    'rhe assoeintion between date of collection and composition of the lean's was determined by eomparing l('aves collected at different times within the yellr from till' same dump of plnnts. In all, 59 clumps, consisting of 19 of Rhu8 copaJlina,. 32 of R. glabra, and 8 of R. typhina, were sampled two or more tunes III the same season. Also 34 dumps Wel'e sampled in more than one season. A total of 224 samples were analyzed. They are listed in the appendix.

    Sinee the tannin and othel' constituents varied among the differi1nt clumps, the l'egressions of' dn,te and cl1('mical composition were first determined fOl' eneh clump, tllC'n the separate I'egressions were grouped into an avC'mge regression for eneh species and finally into an average for all threB sI)Pcies. FigU1'(, 15 shows the regression lin.es for tannin.

    The results show that thr tannin content declined during the summer. TIH' aY


    able. 'rlw number Qf samples taken frQm the same plants Qf Qther species at different dates was insufficient fQr a valid flnalysis. There was SQmo indicatiQn that the tannitl content of Rhus aromatica decreased during the greater part Qf the summer, but the data were inadequate fQr a valid cQnclusion.



    I-Z W """- RHUS COPALLINA 0::: (,)

    100. AVERAGE. + ,,'~ 30 .1',;'" r-

    ,; v-I- '" /" Z ~F==- -", .-W .I'-. p.. tI '" RHUS TYPHINAZ RHUS GLABRA 0 (,) 20 2:-2: Z

  • 30 'l'ECffiXICAL BULLE'rlN 986, U. S. DEP1'. OF AGlUCUL'l'URE

    A compal'l1tive study diseloscd no association b('L w('cn humin C'OIl

    tent alld condition of the IC'l1V(,S for Rlw8 copallilllL and R, typhin(/"

    Th('I'o. appeared to b(' som(' nssoeintion for R, [flabm, but sill('p n. Inr!!(\

    proportiQn of UIC' poor nncl bad snmplps Cllme from It sc('tion of lIlP

    coulltry from whieh no "good" sllmplps w('t'e obtnllwd, nil nssoeilltion

    wus qUl'stionable, In yiC'w of th('st, fnets, only samples in good comlition w('re used for later compnl'isollS,


    The fadors discussed thus ful' haye b(,l'n pith('t'individual plant chl.1l"aetcl'istics, such flS s('x and h('igbt, Ot lllfluPIll'PS thilt npply loenll,)', such as pxposurc to sunlight und dnt(' of l'ollC'('tion, In addition to tllCS(, factol's, tlwrc is n. possibl(' g('ogrnphi(' 01' t'('gional val'iability in tannin ('OlltpUt.

    80n1(' indit'ntiOlls of gpogrnphic \~nrillbilit}' mlly be arrived n.t by taking Rlnlf ilV('I'ng('s, but sin('C' plnnt distribution is influenced pl'imnrily by elimatC' and soil, a f'lnssifiention bu!;('d on polit iCl1l divisions is obyiously Ill,t.ifieinl. \run DC'rsnl's (;23) nittul'll.l systcm of gpogrnplrie clnssifientioll, bns('d on Tllornthwnitp's dimn(ie provhH'('S find ~rul-1'01'{1 's plallt-growth I'pgions, wns uSNI h('rc for establishing !'('goional lin('s to dc,t(:l'miJl(' Wl~l't1H'I' thl'I'l' flt'e difl'l'l'c.'llces clue to gcogt'nphic (ltig-in in tIll' composition of sumac It'aYes.'

    Figut'{, Hj shows th(~ ] 0 ZOlH'S adoptl'd 1'01' this study, In (,stnblishing t!test' ZOIH'S, SOI11(, of ~ I ulfol'Cl's l'pgiollS \\'l'I'(, di\'id('(1 on t hl' bnsis of 'rhOI'll tll WIl ile's elimlltic pt'OYlllC'P8, ~ lulfonl 's I'Pgioll 27 wus dividNi into a nOt'th('rn AppnlnehifIJl zonp [Ko, ~] and iI southl'I'1l Appnlaehinn ZOI!P [Ko, 4], His t'('gioll 28 WitS diyidpd into n sout\H'1'!l New ,TN'S

  • 31 TA...'lliL.~ CON'l'EN'l' OF NA'l'IVE SUMAC

    RHUS COPALLINA _______ I

    RHUS GLABRA__________e



    RHUS TRILOBATA ____ __ ll.

    RHUS TYPHINA_________-

    RHUS VIRENS ___________.'f

    FI(ltJRI') lfi.-Ten zones used for a study of geographic variability in the composition of sumac leaves. Samples of the different species were collected in the locations indicated.

    in sex, e~q)osure to sunlight, und other fuctors, it was necessary first to equalize for these efl"eets before yulid regional avernges could be ('nkulated. The following adjustments werc thereforc made in the ttllitiyticnl values.

    SI~x.-AppLied to Rhwl copallina, only. Since the difl'erence in tannin content belw

  • 1"\111.1': ii.-1'U1Wili COlllellis of leUII(:8 of HhU:i copallinll, H. gil1brl1, and n. typhinll infO geographic zOlles (moisl.ure-free bUllis) ~ ZonQ R. cOllallilla I R. vlallra I R. /UllhiIlQ' .,;;~'. --~~ -,.-.---~__ . -'rlll(onl'SII ! _____ ~ ...

    phUil' 'l.'honnhwune'scli' l t>5 growth miltle prO\'lnt'{\ I I .\ y~rug~ 0('0- . A "crugc ."-,crug"

    No.' ~IUUo. Stutes 1 ftgltlll ISumples tunllin gmphlc Sumples' lum,l.ln ISumples I\;111111111 I > l'{)utent ur(1.U J ~ contellt content ~ ....

    n; . . -- .------r--- ---- -----1:::::;;;,- --;:;;;;;;------;;.::;;:-;:;;;;:;-;::;:;1'-;::;;:; >~ ~'---I---'-~-''" 1 t:'"1 Soutlll;ru :-I~I~JNSOY ....... , "Nc\\)"rst.LSons, ~1-JJlOr5tUrt\ c1l'.f1cient nt, nil seasons .. I I)hrcrcnCl's hl'!WC"lIthlll' orcollectloll,llghL COlltlllions. hdght of plunt.and S"x Were "

  • 'l'AXXL,\ COX'1'EN'l' OF XATIVE SU",-LAC 33

    HErGH~r,-Appli('d to Rhus copallina and R, glabra, Vnrinlion in bl'ight wns equnlized to it stnndnrd of:) feet by nt/ding 0,6 P('I'('('Ilt to the lnnnin Yllltl(, for ('nch foot 1110l'e thnn 5 [cpt, I1nd subtl'ncting the SHrnl' amount COl' eHeh fooL I(,ss thtUl 5 {('ct (fig, 14), Pi\'(\ feet wns sl'lcctcd ns il stnndard 'wighl beeilUsc it wns the nPPl'oximnte nvel'llge for aU sil1uples,

    DA'l'B O~' COLLEC'L'lOX,-Applied to Rhus copallillCL, R,glabra, lWei R, typhinct, Dilrereu('es in dnle of collection were stnndnl'dized to ;July 31 by dding 0.047 p('l'e('nL to the tl1nnln ynltt('s 1'01' ('neh


    n I



    I nl~..-++~ n n In t:tt~~m:q n Jj i 270 1

    1---',1--N-O-RT-H-EI-R-N-A-P-PA-L.J.A-CHrAN '. ~ !-f~ b---J.---J.---I---I

    , AND ATLANTIC COASTAL ! n I-h 91- H , PLAIN, AREA I n r1

    o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50


    li'lOl'l!1:l 17,-Hiil!Oj.(rtlfll ;;lltjll'illj.( frNI\I('IH:Y dbiriblllion bllSl'd all hUlIlin conlt'nt

    for Slllllpil's of NJII(S ('o/llllli/l(/ in l'lll'h f,!;('Of,!;rnphic ureu.

    TAII1.t~ 7'-'lhwlysis oj l!(lrhllw; oj lmll/in ('(lnll'lIls oj HllIls copnlliuu leaves in 10 71/(1II/-(lroldlt ZOII,'S (lrOllpet! illto S (lI'lif/rapkil' {I/'ras

    --~ ,--..-~.-.--,. ,- !':(}llr~' o( "urrutIQII 'l!'u~~rl'es of !illlll ~;'--. ,"" ~Iel\ll ~ ' i fn.'\~lol1l S'IIUIl'1).'j sqllllr~ 1

    ---,------- .. lIut\\'I'l)Il;\nrClIs ..... " .............................._._' q; 1,:170.50 "085.2,;

    llel\n~'IIl:(lI1l'S withillurrlls.............. ,........................1 7 128.UI IS.12

    Jletwecn AAlIIpll'!!ln :;!Ima 'Lont! (err(jr)..................... __ ........, 10-1 1.S,'S.1I2 1 871--'-_.__...-:._-,..

    'rotal, ...... -....... " .................. .~.,:.".~.t_ ~ 113 i a.a67.13

    I ..hlghly slgnlflmllt !lllTercn(~ (I IlCr(\'l\P.

    Zonnl difl'N'enees ill th' lnnnin ('ontpnts of the INlYl's of Rh'll,s gl(lbra Ilnd R, lY]Jhina. WN'l' nol nppiul'Ill. As shown in tltblc 6, thc tllnnin eonlNlts of lIlCl Nl',\\' Jl'I'SPY SIlJllpl(s of lhcs(' two specics WNO lower thilIl tlll' HYCrngl's for tlw spl'eies, buL the IHunbcI' of snmples from this StillP WilS too smull to gh'e nWflningful flVcl.'uges, In gencl'IlI, R, glabnL nnd R. tllPhill(L did noL sho\\" the distinct gcogruphic variability noted in R, C01)allna.

    No nppnl'ln't g

  • 35

    '1'11(' data for Rh1lS COpallilll, R, utabl'lL, ilOd R, lyphina. wl:'re IldjustNI to eqwlliz(' for dill'('I'l'!H'eS in SI'X, exposure to sunlight, hl:'ight, find dllte of t'olleelion befol'(' ('omplll'isol1s were llllld(' of thl' dH'mielll tompositiol1 of the eight sp('ei('s, Till' or-iginill dilta W('.J'(\ used COl' tlic' ['('mitining .sp('cies, ns til(' datn nynilnb1e wero illsuiUcient COl' cnl('lrlilting ndj llslments,

    Tnble 8 shows the IP.''l'ng(' humiu, 1l0nlfl1min, Ilnd insolubl(,s in extl'l\('ti\'' ('ontl.'nts of lenf snmpll's of ('11('h Slll'cil's of SUIIHH', Thpse ayt'l'ng('s t'Pprest'lll thl.' mostnllid l'stimntl's obtuinnbk fl'om tilt' :011111111111\ Nllltl'lll 1I1'~lI\'I' (,(llIl~llt

    I An-f' ~'id\l~Jll! Avrr- Fl

  • 36 1'ECIL'ilCAL llL'LLE'l'lN !Jso,U, S, DElVl'. Oli' AGIUCULTGHE

    'L'h(' 1'(,llluilling' fOUl' spl'('il's, Rhus aromatiC(L, R, lallcfollli

  • 37

    'l\\SNL,\ CON'fEN' OF NA'l'l\'E SU}.L-\C

    n StUll phI of It difl'('L'Cll t sp('(jcs so thn t ('ompfirisons of Spt'cics ('ould be mtHh' on till' snllW skin'r. A loud of J2 skh-(Il's 01' 24 piN'('s w('t'e tllllll('(L Only ('0101' ('ompnrisons WC1'e mudt', E\'('ry skivPI', howpvt'l', it ppt'lu'l'(1 to \,)(' \\'('1\ ttlnJ1NI.

    TIl(' dHrl'I'\'I\('('S in. ('0101' bl't\\'cen the \(lfith~'I'S ('un be dCs(,I'ibed in tt'rms of ligh UH'SS, hlie, find sn turll liol1, I'n gCl1C'I'(ti, the ligh tel' lPnt\ll'rs \\,pn' ehI1J'tldl'rLwd by n light-Yl'lIow 01' pinkish hup, nnd the dilrkpl.' Iltd.lH'l's by n \o\\'(,1'C'd l'l'fltctfillce fint! a dull-yellow, brown, or pronoulI('C'd pink nppl'Il1'illlt'l',

    1m nH'd in tlly 1\ rtl'!' liln IInge. HIt,l'l' wus Ii ttll' d ifi'('1'('11 C' (I .in ligh lnl'ss hptwN'l\ th(' !t'illlH'I'S tlull\(,d with ruw.~ ('oriaria, H, micro/lhy//a, R. ylahl'll. nllt! R, Irilobala, Om' of th(, 4 pil't't'S tnlllH'd with U, Il'iloballL WIl" litrhtpl' lhnn IlIly or thl' otlwl' 24 pi('('ps, but ill ~('n(,l'Ulllli:-\ h'nlhl'l' \\'flS sfighth' pinkpl' thun thul tnnlll'd wilh R, COl'/wju, U. cO]Ju/linlL nlHl u: {(lI~('H}lllta prod u('(1d It'll tht'I'S lhn t WPI'l' pinkish, the In ttet' pl'Odu('in~ II, sOIlH'\\'lwl dUI'kl'l' h'n (h(,I' thnn tlH' forme!', U. l'il'lns pm(\ll(,('d n light-hl'OWI.l 1l'lIlhl'l' tl1l1t. wns sli~hUy dlll'lwl' thnn that tnolll'd with Il,lam'(ola/a but not so tinl'k ns thl' 1'('(ldish-I)I'own \enlilcr Illlldl' with U, II/'oi/wlico,

    .Hl!'III~in~ fOJ' 5 YPtll'S in thl' dnl'k, thl' h'utll('I'S \\"Pl'e lI~nin ('omplIl'ed fol' both 1'(111111\'(' ligh tIH'8S n11(1 pinkul'RS, Thl' t'i~h t Hlw.~ l'orial'in piPC't's nnd till' (lilt' N, IJlabl'Cl pit!'! WPI'P lightl'st nnd hud 110 pink ('nst. The fl, mi('rophlllla l('nlhl'l' \\,1\::; 1l('[II'ly ns \i~ht I1S lhl' U. coriaria It'lIthe'I'. Only 01H' piP('(" hO\\'('\'l'I', wns lnlllwd. Ilnd it wns It l'uthl'I.' nonunifol'lll mixtlll'(' of pink n.nd gn'pn thfltl'psultl'd in n (\l'ei

  • 40 'l'E(,HNT(,AL r:1.."'LL.:TIN 986, U. S. DEPT. OF AGHICVL'I'UHE

    ('ent tnllllill, WitS tnkt'll in tlln se('ond yenr, it probnbly hud lost ('011sid (lI'U hl( tnllll in b.\ \\,(,11 tiH'I'ing, .

    Xontnnllin ill f('mlll(' inflol'ps('('I1('es also d('('I'('ns('(1 ns thp 5('('/1 fOrllll'd null ripe11('d, but tIl(' d('('l'l'I1S(' wus less prollollll(.'cd Ullln thut for tnnnin. .


    In this bullptin, ('ollsid(,I'nlioll hns b('C'J\ giY('Jl prilwipully 10 t\\'o phns('s of the ('Oll1llu'I'C'inl utiliznlioll of SlUl1n(': (L) The nlllotmt u\'nilnhl( fl'OIll wild stnnds und (21 tJH' tnllllin ('ont('IlL

    II WI1S found thlll 111('1'(' is III I nbul1dllJH'(' of Slll11nC gl'O\\'in~ wild, A RUI'\'('Y showed Ihnt It strip uhollt :~ 1 miks wide U(,I'OSS sOlllh('I'11 Yil'ginin, ('ontnillNI nn ilmount eC[11ll1 to Ilt l('lIst 10 timps the' lIol'mill pn'wul' nmOUl1 t ('onSlllllPd nnllunll~T, bot It d011H'S! ie nne! impol'l l'd, The nl'('Il im'olwd is ollly 1\ slllnll fl'HC'tiOll of thlll in whic,It t'oll(,(,tihl(' nlllOllllts of SlImu(' ~I'O,,:~ Rllppli('s Il of dOIll('slie SlImlH' tllllNlS it::; qllltlilyis impl'oy('d eonsi

  • 'l'ASNlS COS'l'EN'L' Q}' SA'l'l\'j

  • 42 'l'l

  • 43

    TANNl~ CONTEN'l' OF SA'l'lVlil SU.MAC

    distributed species, R. C01J(lllina, R. g[abra" and R. tYlJhina, were bt'tWC(111 IS.58 und 19.86 PCl'('eIlt. Illsoillbies in extl'uctive values WCI'(' higlH'st (:3.55 pen'ent) in R. t:irens and lowest (1.49 percent) in R. 'rilobata.

    Limited tests illdicat('d that finy or the species except Rhus aromatica and R. l'z,'ens would pl'Oclu('c Icather of satisfuctory coloI'.

    '1'11(, datu intiielLlc that Rhus copallina., R. glabf'CL, nnd R. tllphina arc most pI'omising fOl' COllUltel'cinl dcvelopmcnt nnd that R. trilobata might pl'OVC of value lllld('I' ecl'tain c!1'('ulllstnu('cs. The l'cmnining fOlll' S(w('ics, R, (tl'omatica, R. lanceolata, R. micr()jlhll11nJ nnd R.lri'l'ens, lllwt' objl'etioJ1nblc fNLtmes thnt would pl'ohuhly prevent theil' successful eompclilion with the othel' foUl' sppeil's.

    IXfEHA'l'lHlE C1TED

    A:'llmlC,\N LI1NI'I!I~1\ CIlI':~IIS'I'S ASSOCINI'ION 1930.IlYbAWS AND :'IWI'JlOll5 Ol~ SA~II'I.ING AND AN,\I.nHs. 120 pp., illus.(1)

    (2) BA 11(11'; Il, E. L., lind ArK~I,Q:, J. ;\f.194ii. ~II':('II.\;\IZNI'ION (JP snlAc.: I,BM' IIAI\YI::STING AN1) l'1l0(,1!:;;f;I~:O. A!I;1'. Engin. 2G: 213-245, illus.

    (3) BAllKLBY, FUlall A. 1937. A ~IONOGlIAl'lIW 5'1'\'DY 01-' HilUS AND 1'I'S l~I~lI::JllA'I'B AI.I.mS IN

    NOIl'I'II ,\l'I'D c.:B~'1IUI. A~IEHI('A, INtI.I'DING '1'In; ,,"ES'l' INIJIES. i\Io.

    1944. AN I,COLOGICAL S'!'UllY O~' !WUU Sl'ECIE)S O~' smrAC IN UBLA'J'I0N '1'0

    Bot. Uurd.\1111 ~A: 2ti5-198, illus. (.1) BOYD, IVAN L.

    1943. GJ111mNNI'ION 'I'BS'I'S ON FOUU SPECIES O~' st;~IAC. l\:al\. Acad. Sci. Trans. 46: 85-90.


    Ul,VEr,OP~I~JN'j' Al'I'D GHOWTII ON EUODJoJD S01L. 1\:al1. Acad Sci. Tmn;;. 47: 51-ii9, il\us.

    (6) 1944. '1'AN~'1N I'IW1)L'C'rlON r'llml NA'l'lVE 5l'1~Cll'S OF St;~IAC [RIlUS]. Iowa

    Acad. Sci. Proc. 51: 171-17,1, il\us. (7) CL,,\U Ii:B, I. D., fLne! FIU)Y. R. W.

    19'13. AN x: ......H'IEN1' INSTAI.LA'l'ION FOil LAHOltNI'OUY BX'1'RAC'l'ION OF '1',\NNIN!1 '\1A'mIllAI.s. Amer. Leather Chem. Assoc. Jour. 38: 178-18-1. iIlus.

    _ al1d HoPI', (lENitY(8) 1945. lW~'''(''I' 01> ~1l"'1'1I0D OF UUYlNG ON TilE CO,\IPOSl'I'ION Or' DWAIU'

    51'.\I.\C I.I':A\'~J::; AND ON '1'111; COLOU 01' 'I'lli' I.I>A'I'IIEU PUODUCED .\111('1'. L('athl'l' (,hc'lll. l\S~OC, .JOUI'. ,10: 3G3-37S, illus.

    ___ MANN, C'. -W. and Uoca;us1. S.(9) 1946. A l'O,\II'MllSON ()~' ;;1('1[,1.\/\ AND 'j'IIU"E A~nillICAx SI'I;cms 01> SUMAC

    .FOU 'I'ANNIX(1 SlnJEl'SKIN SKIYEUS. Amel'. LentilC'1' ('helll. Assoc. JOUI'. 41: 59-79.

    (\ 0) DELANEY, C. U. 1910. YAUI"'I'''':::; AND ANALYSIS OF TilE VIUGlNIA SG~IAc.:S. AIlICI'. Lcnther

    (,lwllI . .;\::;;;oc. ,Jout', 5: 404-405. (11) ILOArI, H. ~I.

    1923. '1'1I~; L\Il'OI!'I'AXCg OF 5lDIAC '1'0 'rln] A~1I1HlCAN 'I'ANNlm. t', S. Bur. FOf'(>ign and Dom. Com., Com. Hpts. 31: 301-30a.

    (12) ,K.U!I'''YI::rt, 01.;0. H. 1S92. IUJPOll'I' ANI) AN,\I.YSIS O~' 'I'm\:,\S SU~IAc.: (11111:8 CO/'ALI,I.\'.l). Texas

    ncologicnl ::;un'ey Bull. 1: 13-19. ( 1:3) ~Ie~fL'HTHU), WII,!,IA~1

    IS7S. A~IEHlC'\N St:~IAC. In U. S. Comml'. A!I;I'. Hpt. fof' 1877: 76-81. (111

    1880. IlI1l'On'l' 0;\ '1'1I~] (Tlil'L"IU] O~' sr.\IAC' IN RIt'II.Y A;\IJ 1'1'1' l'HI"'AIt,\'I'ION FOil ~I.\RKWI IN .IH'ItOI'I': .\1'(1) TII11 L'NI'I'JW Wlo\'rI;t;. G.::;, Dept.

    . Agl'. Bp('(.'inl HC[l(lf't 2G. 21 p}>., illu;;.

  • 44 l'ECfINICAL BULLE'l'IN 986, U. S. DEP'l'. OF AGRIOUL'l'UUE

    (15) PBACOCK, JOSIAH C. 1000. SO~[~: 0[' 'rIlE l:NP[rRI.ISI!1':D RESt'LTS O~' 1'1IE INVgS'J'IGA'l'IONS O~' 1'IlE

    'l'ANNINS 11, 'rllg LA'I'I~ PUOF'1':SSOR !lENUY ~l'IUllllLE. Amer. Jour. Pharm. 72: 334-342; 429-433.

    (16) RlJSSl~I.L, ALr'ItED 10,13. NA'l'CUAL TANNING llA'J'gUIALS O~' 'rnE SOU'l'lmAS1'ERN UNITED

    S1'A'ms II. DOllU:STIC LE.U' SUlIAC. Amer. Leather Chem. Assoc. Jour. 38: 30-3'!.

    (17) 10,13. NATURAL 'l'ANNING lIA'rERIALS O'~' 'rnE SOU'l'fIIMS'l'JnUN UNI'I'ED

    S1'A'I'ES v. DOlll~S'l'JC In\'AR~' Sl'lIAC. 'l'Hto) USg O~' I.I')AVES AND LEAF S1'E:lIS. Amer. I.eather Chem. Assoc. JOllr. 38: 355-358.

    (18) SIEvtms, A. F., and Cr\UKE, 1. D. 1944. PRt;I.DIl~AltY s'rUDII~S ON '1'!l.E ClJJJI'IVA'I'ION 01' AM(O)IUCAN SUMAC

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    lnl0. '1'118 PItODt'("rlON OF NEW 'I'ANNINO .\IA'I'EUIAT.S IN THJol UNI'I'ED 8'1'A'1'1';S. Amer. Leather Chem. ASHoc. Jour. 5: 35-46.

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    (23) VAS D&HSAI., \\'1I.1.IA~1 R. 1938. NNl'l\rl~ WOO!)\' 1'1.,\N'I'S Ot' 1'HE UNl'l'ED S'I'Nl'gS, 'l'lI]


    DBTAILED ANALYSES , T.HILl:]3.:::-S0lITCf, !iesrriplio1l, (Jnd 1(lIln0.!:naiys('s of iCCIl'es of 8 species of SUmGC (Rhus)

    Source ])('s~rh)\ iou Anlllyses (lIIoiswrt>fTl'

  • TABl.E l3.-S0IlTce, descriptioll, and tannin llllalyses of leaves of 8 species of sumac (Rhus)-Continued ~ Analyses (moisturefree hasis) Description

    SOUfec >-3 t:;

    Spcdl'S ! I111' i 1 Purl $1 501-'Date Zullll BXP05ur.,. J1Ci~hll; ('olor of ,~g~'~'r ulllesl ~l~l~ Non 'l'nn. Iyof .....eollecledsample to of Sex 4 lcUYl'S when 1 III ~ tan . eX nLoculity I ShUl 2S Snlt'III . __ 1)"('1'\\"1IIl'r....... do __ \ Ocl. 14.1941 Hestrictcd. 4 .... _____..... ,. do............do.... 2.1 40.9 18.2 2"2.7 56 00 e2\1 ....do _ ..... '. do .... __...... "do..... , Aug. 2.lIH:I IFull __ __ !l 1.,--_--... ,do..... __ ,do..__ 1.5 49.0 18.5 30.5 I 62 aOIl .... do.......... ,do..............do... ", Oct. 14.11111 .....do. ___ 6 __ ____._ do". __ ___ ...do......934.521.612.9 37

    30b.. .._.do._........ do..___ __ "do".... Aug. 2.1111:1 .....do" __ ij 1 ......---- .....do...._______ .do_ 1.5 44.8 20.0 24.S 55 ~ 3111 :\'c\\' Jel"' .... do........ , ...do. __ ._ ........do..". Oct.7. lIHI .1' ,do. ___ 6 ! ]\1'1IIc,, __ ._ ..... do ......._ ,do"... 2.4 4:1.4 19.7 2:l.G 54

    3110 50)'. __ do" ..... , .. do. __ ....._ .....do".. Au~. ~.IO,t:l ...do, ...._ ij, . do .... __ .. do ....... __ . do --.. 1.2 40.6 20.4 20.2 [,()

    :1211 ." do...... , Snlt.'IIl........... __ .do...... Oct. 14. W11 I HCSlricted. 4 }-clJIlllc , .do.......... do..... 1.1 42.5 18.0 24.5 58 !Jl

    :l2h .... do......... do . __ ..... __._.do"" .. Aug. 2.10,1:1 dl,)" _. 4 do ...... dQ, .. ___ .' .dfL... 2.1 4:.!.2 HU) 23.2 55

    t:l :H~ .... do..... __ do....... __ __ do,. , Aug.2.1\I1!l . do........__ __._ _..._____ ,tlo"" . ,do..... 1.1 5O.tl 20.4 :10.2 00 t'la:l. .. ..do....... Mh,wllY........_...do... Oct. 15.11111 do,... 5 ." do ......... do . ",.....do.. ___ 1.4 41.2 19.8 21.4 "'2

    1 'tI3511. ... dll.. CohllnSl'Y.......... do..... Oct.1l1'.IO'" 1'.UIL.....__ 3 .......__.........dO.........\. dO..... 1.2 47.8 20.7 27.11. "7 ..,!inl! __ do..".. .. .. do, ........ __...do...... Au~. 2. HII:! .' .. do...... 3 .. __ ,___ do.._....._ ._,do,.--. 1.:1 00.4 :!It\) ~'\}.5 j 5U

    :16, do.. " ... Cunlon . _"do..... , Oct. /6.1041 .do.._. 5 .................do..... __ .....do, ._- 1.,1 !lS.4 121.8 16.6 I 4:1

    ai, Cnmb"rlllnd 'Holldstown __ .i_.do ", ,du ., ...... ,do ...._ 5 Mllle.. __ ._ .....do"........ o,do .. _.. I. i 42.4 \ 2:1.0 19.4 I 46 o

    "l?~', . __ ,do... 1.1 lIuril,to\,,1. j .. __ .dO Aug. '2.194:11 n~stricled_ 20 ,.................do ... ", ... (,,

  • 42...". Ceell . ' Elk:\"'ck .,1 do AII~. 21,1041 I,. . "" .....,,",,'........... \ .. , " Vair 57

    4:1. IrCll1'roll .< WrSlmiJls(('c'.'''''' do S,pl,. J2. 1940 I' H~strictl'll. 3 !............ 'rumlng Good k; .~t~ I ~U 1~i:f 50 .j1 . Fn'1'1111111' " OI'('("L .....__ do .... . Ul ' 15.4: IS,2 27.2 j 00 8

    I, 11 40.7 Is-a 28.4' III :::-5-1 I do... -j-. 110 '1'" do ." .,'" .do do".... 4 ,'" do "."do ...____ do .. ".' l.n 4S.9 1'i.2 30.7' ro y.55 do...... , .d(, , ..... do." ...". (.10. .. 110" .......... "j'''' no . dO......__.j... dO . Ll' lil.3 19.0,':12.:1 ro y.50 do ""'''/'''' tlo ...".. I,. .do. ".... , do .do ... 2 _" do ... ' .. . .......... "do..... .

    57 do .." do ',do i" do do .,j (, "." du . Turnillg "..... ".,do ..,! 2.11 W.:l 18.4 31.9 { m ...58 do. _,,_ do do i.. do do ~ i do do ".........do" .. / Ln , 47.!-i f 2'2..1 t 25.!{ !;I,j ~ 1. U ~ ..Ht -; ! 18. [j 2S.!! 00t50 do .... ".. .10

  • 00 TABUJ .13.-'-SOlirrE'. des{,rlption, and l(lllnin (ll/a/llses oj /t'Ot'I'S oj S SJlrril's of Sl/IIH/(' (Ilhus)-Contillucd ~


    Souw(' n('seriPt 1011 Ann)ySi,g (mols! unfret! hllsls) ! H----c---.-- .._- .,. i------- t'5 /")! In

    sol PuriSped('~

    nlld J),llr ('.)II()[. uhles Sol. tyor ~,slImpl,' (:pll,"'!"

    /iua L.: i II/ u'/I/ ceti/ ,:tIIl e",,1 t"' 71:1 Jo'lIlrf:IX .. 10 1'('''1. .1'"115.,,' (,IUIllII ' JIIJIl' !!II, HI:m : Full. .... .1 Fed'.l \. .1 Ort'NI.. i Oood :u m,1 18.8 31:1 02 t:'l,.,71h rI'L do I rio.. Au!'. Ih, W:l\I do. _ 2 j _.... . do... {.. tilL 2.4 45, I J6.4 28. i til 71(' do. . ....... tlo. .. ,. tlo... Jun" '.Iii. 1040 do..... 2 \............ .. tlo....... do .. 1.1 ! [,(1,4 21.8 2li.(1 57

    ]>,.5 42~u au 24.4 57 ~ 71d lio.. , '1" do.. . ..... do.. f:(pl. ,~.IIIHJ do._... 2 I.. .- '''''-'' .FuiL. 72:1 do. __ "-,. ('rutn'vill,' .. ' do.... ,IUUf' 2tl,II130 do.. a __.._.... Or"(,11 ...... GOOfI . 2.0, m.B 19.0 :10.9 01 i~h~ ~ do...... . ,i!.. ...... do.. i AUI:. 17. lUau do..... 3 .............. dO.......... do .. LH' 054.1 19.3 34.1, ft4 00 72(' du...... ... do ..._ ..... do . I Jun!' 211,I04(J do. :l ............ .. do . d(1. 1.1 67.1 ~I.I 36.. 0 f>3 co 72d ...... ~ 'II. ....... Good. 2.8 f>II.8 20.1 3ft i OS

    8!ih .~ ~ '" ..do...... !... dO .......l..... do..... AUI'. 17. W:lIi ' ..... do..... 10 ;................. do ........... do 1.11 46.:1 18,6 !?it 5 . m t':l

    $5e. ...do I.....do........'..... do..... JUll

  • La M.O 17.4 33,2 6(,t1t1 \I do.. .:... dll , Blllg]('plam Au~. 0.J042 .. do"... 3 lo'luUlle__ Ofl'

  • TABI." 13. Sourn. dfScriplilll/, (1I1d /(1/1 II ill {/I/(Il.'(.ws of l(lll(.~ Itf 8 spel'it'S u.f .~lI/11tl(" IHhu-1 Coniinl1('d C,). o

    ~olln'(' ('sI'riI'IIOII Allt,I)',;t'S IIIIOI$(IlI\!r,, hilsIs' .." t:: "1

    ~1l1:li(s 111' p;:lUll 1>,,11' COII.lI. sol Hoi. Pllrl

    I!lIlHPJI' .....mll('I'II,1 l~xp()~lIrl' Iht~ht . ,rllll1

  • HII Or('t'r do .Au~ ~~I.lVW .1" ~ dlL Oood. 2.3 M.7, !.'Il. ti lJU, ~Orc

  • 52 '!'ECHXICAL BC'LLB'rIN 086, L. S. DI

  • 2'11 Iloltltl'nr 21.2,21.3 W or""".,,"2-10 .10 do do do do ~"'lIIa\l' Ho'd O(l(xl 2:t r,L2 I\J.Oi31.6 62 "l211 ~ ~ ~ do ~ Mnlp (;n~'11 do 1:; 433 ~'O.!!' 23. 1 ,'>3 "l.J~J . do do.., do dQ.. do .: F-(\lt1jL1(~ Pllrlly n'd do 1. II 43. tl 21'.7 !!'!.9 53 Yo24a' i AlIellllllY. Fllr:1 SIOIW H ('Iuulp lUlU' 1\1,11142 do :l OTt"'lI . do ItI '21.1 1 dl) do do tlo do 3 do do 1~ ~~g l~:~: r~:f t.} >j245 : do do... do, .. '\0 '. do I.' do do I II 43.5 Hi.4 24.1 55

    ~ ~216 do do.... xilld . Jllly l:l.IIH2 do do

  • ']'A B1.1, la, SOllrf'!, tlt'sl'riptioll, alllltal/n;n 1I11(!I!lse.~ aJ /eal'I'S aJ S .~pcri/',~ OJ .mllllle (Ilhu:'i)-Contiuutd ~ :-:out('t' Jl(>S!'r!ptlon All~b's,'s (1II.)lstlll'l'frC( b;lsls) ...,._.. ------ M

    r")Iu~.I.ri'(i('s sol Purr. p;'111,1 fhlt' ('omlI

    ('0101' of uhl[1 sunpll~ r J~.. sol- nlU\' th-o ::-hlfi(m(' t"Ii\'('

    "' -.-.,..- ..... -, ~- ....."- -- .""._,- '-. --.- ... -, -----..,

  • 2~h .10 .lu do Aur. 17, H~IU do ;j 'I'urnlll!! do 23 4.5 216 25.11 55

    !!77t" du tlo do JIU ... ~~l.l\fl!l do a Hrwn.. do J.fi 46. :! ~I(). 1 ~~l. 1 M

    !!';';'d .Il! do do ~'JlL fi, W.m do 3 . . . . .. ' 1 Fair 204 47.0 ' J7. 5 ~1.6 113

    2;.~;j BUI'!,JlIIl' .IJllhlJu do Jun,' 2'.Hi:J~ .Full 4 i............1Omeu.........; OOOlL "j 2.3 41.3 :!L.~ 19.11 is

    h !!!. 2~h Ilu [I.. ..... do AUI!. 17. HXllJ do 4 L ............ 'fuming...... 1-. do ' 2.2 &4 ]8.5 2O.1J 53

    du ,I" ! do )lJJu, !la, Hun do 4 '". Or('('II.. ,.. do 1.4 ~i 1 . 1 :!96 f03 ~~~i ,ru 10 do . S ............1Ore('lL........ .do 1.0 3.1.5' 111.2 i 15.3 46

    :.sOl. TtI1II(~SS{~t.. ('h"1IU""11 King:;IOIl \.....dO...... i ,\ug, 24, HHO H.'stri('I",L. ]2 ............ ')'uruiug....... Good 1.7 ' 39.1 lit,S' 19.3 4U

    : SJlrln~s, ~ I ' :102 ,_ ,. 11('111011 . C'lI1,!h'n ..... ,.....do ..._.:.... tIo ... Full ...........r ................ dO.........1 Fair..... l 1.7 38. I HI. 7 18,4 48

    :~):! ('arroll . n.1tKt.'Il7.I(. __ ...._~ .... ~ .do.~ .._.. __ ~~ .do .... do .~ .. ' 6 ___... _______... _...... __ dor do ....... ' 1.3 4G.5 20.8 25.7 55

    :J()4. Hamiltoll. (,hallllll(IOJ;a .. '" .do ..... .~u~. 2:!,llHO ....do" . ' II I............ Gre

  • TAllf.fJ l3.-Soltree, description, and tannin analyses oj leaves oj 8 species oj sumac (Rhus)--Colltinued ~ -------~--~. ----~I-A-I-la-I-y-oo-s-(-m-o-~-t-ur-c-'-fr-cc-'-b-a-s~--)

    SOUrt'C Description 8 t'j

    Spt'dl'S ! In ! II I I untl Date Cd'. ; sol t S I. PurlI. o

    S:Ullflle : colleclcd . Jo:xposure Ifel~ht Color of l,on 1 ,uhles uric' NOll' T' .! Iyof ~

    I ....No. i Slale Coullly I 1.0C:llity' I Stulld I ! I to of Sex I 1,'un'S whell ~~~l.::f 1111 i. ~I. I Is!'. n't:: \. ex o sunlight plunt collected s:llllille ex i Ids lIIn trae >t~ac: llYe

    I 1 t": live I t:d-"~' -- ----.-- . . -~-I-~" ~- ---.---.. J_____I___.- . Per. i-;:- Per. per.I~::-H.g/uhra T :' . I I . Pul ctnl Ctllt celli Ctllt: coni ~

    :107... l}south .{ChCrOk~l'. ___ . B1ackshurg .... Clu/IIp... AUI(. ~'O,IWO }ulL....... 2 ............ 'I'urning ...... Oood.... 2.8 46. 7 19.3 27.4; 59 t'j 30S .... i elror i Orcell\llIe... Greer .. 1. do. . ... tlo.. ..do..... 4 ....._....__ d') ............ do ..... 2.3 50.8 23.5 27.3' 54 ..:;;.;::100.... .1 IlU .

  • :l24~ .,1 '" do..... ...d()........ :. do..... July 1,.19:11 do ' 5 do..... i do........! ... do."" 1.4 49.21111.71 !.'U.5 ~ 60

    :l24h . , ... do.. '_ '. .-'l

    ~251 .... ,to, .j\)........! .... do.. ,,' Allg. 2, IlI-I:1 I' do....: 4 I' do..... ,. do...........do. 1.7 41.1 li.5 :!;I,r. 51 :>-

    32611 ... '" do.. dl)...........ilo..... S~pt. 0.19:19 .do.....1 5 1 Femalt'.....J Ht'tJ,J!HI . tlo. 1\ , .. "do..... OTc'eJI. ........ ...do" .. l.ll 47.8 20.S; 27.0 57 Z

    .do.. do.......... , .do. __ JU/l(' 12,J\I4I. do. r.) .do..........do...........do. 1.S 4U.7 20.8 28,9: !is..

    !l2UC"1a2llf.... do. .0.5 27.31 57 t:'l

    :J2&\.. ~,~ ... '\0. .., .....tlo..............

  • TA'Bl.g 13.--8oIlI'CC, description. II/ld lCllllltll alLalyses 0/ 7(,(l!'t?~ of 8 S7)el'ics oj .~I/.I/l(/r (Hhus) --Continued

    00Sourt'(l D"scription !Anal~'srs (moisturllfrt)l' basis) I~'I ~u'l I I .~ ~l

    ~----_._- - q );jle('irs ' I 0-3

    lInti !lnfr t'l1 \~ Condi- f .sol-l~f Sol- T P?n- (")l 1.0 J of I SlIX" IpllYPS when cured I m t 501- tup... nin t t\X

    sunlight , plant. I wllceled SllluplC: ,'X I ids Dill II~ac. ~ ....I I : 1t~IlC' . llve'

    ; t \ ~ bYe n >

    '--1' \"-'-~~---'--'-'l:' ""-"-'--'~:::-;;:-;;:'-'- t" Per- Per til 1/. gil/bTl! J,.: Peel " cellt erul unt Cflll cent C1

    :1311L DIl,ls. }'lodS . Cloll(. AlI~. ~. WIO FilII , :1 I}'cmnlt' 10n.('n .. " .... Good ].4 ii:Ul 22.:1 :11. 6 .';9 t'"

    :1:lIb .10 do.1 do R.p!. 4.l!IlO do .\ :1 i .do.. Porlly r~d ....do L3 W.O 20.2 :lIl.4 ml r

    :lal(' . .I!! 'do do . S~!>1.. 1~.1\l1\l 110 J i do . I. do ." .. do. 2.2 47.2 19.8 27.-1 58 ~ ....,;j3ld .do do ,,.,.~__ _do.. ~" .. ~ . .JUllt' li'~IUI3 do J :l ,_~_do "Gn\(IL""_ .. ~ ~ do 1.2 55!! 21.() :1;!.() 61 .....aa2n do .,. do......... do.. __ j "\ll~. 7,JI)1O .do . 8, ... do .... __ .do ..........do I.U 46.1; 21.8 24.S 5a

    :1:J2b ' 3:Hc. do di ,to il(pl. II, 1U4n \ 'l'1I1!.. .. 5j ...

  • 11. /oure

    o/Illa (A. amy) llrilton:

    3M I'-mlh ... SI_(']lh('n\iIl~ do 'Jul~- ](l,191O .do 18 do clo :u 132.2 c111.1 13.1 II 357" IIIIUllitoll. JJirtl do J UIl

  • T.ulJ.g 13.-SoUrt(', (/e.w:riplioll, (llId tUllllill allllly.~C8 of ielll'es of 8 SI)erif,~ of sumac (Rhus)-Contilllled '" o ---r~"

    Rourl't\ "()(ow'llllion A nuly",'s (lIlolslllrc!r~'C basis) ~ t:ol

    SIM't"ill $

    Ilnd Dllte PuriCondisalllpl!. ooli('cl('lI }:XI)OSUrt\. , J'lght Color o! tyo! ~ tion of ....No.. i H1nle C'1)11f1ty Locality' Stund J to of Sex. I('a \'l~S when exclJrl'd n

    sunll~ht 1,lallt C(,lIeeled trueSUUlple >! tive S t"I-----:-----.1.--- _ t:::lc:

    R./ri/u/m/!! I Per Ptr Per- Per Per Nutt.: Ullt ""nt ulli. etllt etllt ~

    :1\11 'l'hrock 'I' h rock. CIUlllp . 1 Jill>' B,IIHO III(c,jrkt('1I Oreen...... 1Oood I.u (j2.0 2;1. !J :lS.l tIl l!lOrtoll. mortoll. ~

    :1112 Eustlllnel. Cisco flo do 'full ............ do do 1.1 (JI.-l 2:;t8 :lS.O 63 :19:1 Brown .... 1\lnr . __ . do '.... do H,'strkt",1 2 ..... _,.do do 1.1 &1.6 2:1.5 41.1 64 Z :m-t ('o)illIlnfl.... ..... ('oll'lJllln.. _,. ~_ .. ~" ~"do Jllm' 18. lU;m do ............do do 1.5 62.:1 19.9 42.4 68

  • 416 SUSIlllj 1-3

    -1:15 .I\IIrfnrd .. ) :U II " rt~ d II .....do...........du...,....._............ __...........do......... Poor.... 1.2 44.6 21. J XI.5 53Om,,. 0 I:Ij1:16 IInllhll(lrt'.. .I'III!(S\'ill~..........do...........do ...__.......... . ........, ....do......... FlIlr .... 1.7' 42.1 20.0121.5 M

    1:1; I'ndlr!ck,.. 'I'hllnlllllll.. .....do...... S'1l1. Ill. ttl-lO Ht'~1 d"II'11 'PUfllhlA, _ lJnd . ~_ .. }.2 :J7.11 I~.I JlI.S 52I ,It, Z1:lSn dn ... llIrllllswlck......_dll...... JIIIII' ~'Il, mill.. do 15 Grt~"11 . Good.... 2.:1 00.0 21.9121l.1 4;1Hh lin ....... dn. __........dn...... Aug. 18, tt~1\l d(l 15 .,.~ ......_.. ".... do. __ ......... ~ do ,~~ ... 2.ll 40. I \II. 4 I ~~I. 7 (>8

    1:I~l' d,) ..........du ..............do...... JIIII(\ 211,lIl-\ll .....do .....JlllIr)'hlllll .. 2.r. h7.1 211.1,:1;,0 lUi ~

    .eO-I:lS!! do . __.......11(1.............do...... S,pl. f.,11140 .'" .do. 19 ~ -:::::::::: ~ .4~~1~~~.,': ~~:: "F(~~'_~~:: 2.1 10.11 IS.:II2'~.t1 M 'HO...

    I WlIshilllllOIl. K""tlys,IIf~._. ]'It'IIL ....._ JUII(' 22,1114:1 .do .... .. ~ (::~:~;~~ ~~ii~~~~~~~~~ ~J~~~~~~ l.u 00.0 18.8 :12.1 I !;2.3 51.1 , 18.2 32.9 6t441- JlI,:~.~~.I(OIll. ]'oIOlllllC..... __



    '"' .c ;.~ ~'!:~'=l ... _t-...~.,. ;,.,O'::'t... '-";t'I;'r::t--c:. ':J;:O-:-I:C::"T'-r~ ~"';~:L t""~::r {'11.!Q1 "';'~-;-i-"':;~i.::. ~ ~ d:: ~~~,e1~g~ :-I::'!~I- ...,:-1...,._0:1 ..... t::'1~~I_;-,*::-1

    '" 3 ! gs.E ' ~ ~N:?~~ ..,.r:1 lQ\-t:lM. ~-:-('"TI-"'Q ..... -:L;.e ..,.~!"; '7i I ooo"":-=-i!'ie-i%.::= ~~e:;;:!~=-~ f.fa~::: ~;:;?a~~;! _:"Ie'-IC'I:"Ie'1 C:",:,';-.I;l,~ eaoo"'T~'~ ~ I' i~-a~ j"'I~:rA1"r

    ...:c=....: ,...;::.E S;~Er-~~.~ oc: = E

    ~- -_.-_ ..." ...,..-'-'...;...._. ..,>:-:-I-:-I::"."IQ ~t:::t=el :'1:1:'1 r ~~~=tO"\:.: -...,--


    :t:c,::.oo co:=-::. ~"::-=~~--=: ~~~~--:::-q

    , , , ,-- -,~,-,--.---..---..

    ,.., , ,t ~ooc='5 :E~~-o-= g::..o: :::.."

    " ~~';3j .. J::e' "":"'~~"T-:-'"T """"""""1"'"1""'1'i~~~~~H


  • 63 'l'AXNlX C'ON'l'EN'l' 01

  • T.ABI.~; 14.- SourlI'. scl'iplioll, (I/11itanoil/ 1I1l(//y,~rs oj Irll}/d.,- Clnd lJrliole-r(lrhisrs oj 8 speries oj .~Im/(l(' (J!hu,,) ~ .\lInlrso!S (IlItliSlUn,,~/rL0(11l1l.~is)~ ..,

    9 Source DcscrlpUoll t>: l.eaflets P\'lltll'~rllchiscs

    -....e n'0':' 1

    SI.dlS Ii!UI : o.~ --..--~,,-,~.-.--..- 15 1)111" c"l Z

    SIllllplt :,\".1 _~'e' h~cl(id ~ j.E~ :E 1i..E ia .:,

    - 11):' '0 C Q-::; lone - t C /;,.1-:.".olor 01 Comll. -=_.s.-:: I '2 """,Sl- 11.;: '0 ,. ~ , ,.. tlol1 01 . - - -. '":..,R. COJ!IJI/iIlIJ: l l UIII tillt CtlJt unt, U11i i ernt celli un' cellI ClUt. (1:,,/WI 24111) joeMII .... _..' Whllllll( . OIUlIIp Aug. 2.1!H3 Gn,-en Oood h.1. ". l.1i; l>1:, 1\1:1 :1!.4 (>II' 0 ~,.I, I~. 8, 10 fl. :16 ZfAt2 251 A tlnutit "~.. AhSl'{:on ." Distrirt .110 do do ~I j,' I.t; 40_ ID.3:!1.,Ui .'i8 .01_..1118.4 9.~ 34 'C(,pWllll~r,. .do do en r~l;' :ll)bl do '1' do " do do. do" do. !;II. II 1. II 40. I, '.:.~l.5 '.!7.!l 57 .91 '.!O. 4i 1O.:r II. Ii 32 c:: fJJG :j2b . do $:111'111... do (\0 do do i9.fi 2.3 45.4: Hl.li '.!.'i.1I 57 12 30.St '.:.>;1.:11 Ill. 2, :1.1 507" !j5h1 .. do Cohlln~I~)'" do do do. do 7!1.7 1.4 54. III 21.1 :~U III 1.4 ;3:1.1l 2'.1.2/11.41 :{4 ms } ~ '1lrylllll(1 {C'llllrh'S \\,il-IlIlIiI'O do Hlpl. 12. war. do do 2. 4 51 1. 25.5' 2> fi W: I ~ ~'1J. J. .. .. ~ do _ do do Aug. 1.1!1:17 do do 1.4 52.7; .20. , .. :J2. 0 til. l' , . , rII

  • I\~'U 2M W~,sl VlrgluuLjllerkt'ley ,MnrthtsIJllrg. .do." Jlllii' 19.]1112 .do. ' .do 'Sll.~J 2.2 604 1').6i 31.9. ~l. .:(\11~:5! 1~:1..~11' .:~527 2116 Vlr~lllln....... l I'lIirfuL Mrl.'>llll. "' .do... July IS.]!!:I!! .dO.... ' .d(l '7:12 1.6 49. \I 20.8' ~U.l.. ll:11 . 11 21.11 ,1.~,6 0.0 :1762!; l\DIIVIS. 1~lorls .....,.dO" 8(pl. 2,ml8 .do.... )'lIlr . 'fi6.1 1.6 -IV 16.2: 31.5' Sl, 1.0 :!'~.Ii litO 6.5; !Xl6~'\l ....... , .do.. do..........do. 8"1>1.10,19:.18, .do. JllIll l76.6 2.a 44,U :II. Ii 2:1.5,I 57i .7 2'}.!l'. 17.:1, ,~.61 24Mil , ! ., ,do.. .do '" do. "'j .do . ,'. .do.do '76.4 2.1 47.3. ~>(J.5 26.S I~)j U ~5. 4tl8.li; ~. oj ?i.'i31 ., ... : 10\\,11 ,., .

  • 'I'AIII.": .15. SUllrH', d,,~lnfitwlI. (lw/l'l/wlII ((/j(lI!lI1(.~ of xl!'IIt,~ oj Ii spc/'/(s /(f S/(III.'''' (Ilhus) ~ ~

    ~I)tu(, 11""'rI!ltIOIl Annlyses (lllolsturo-Cl'tiO busis) HUUlpl,' .., ~(J t>:l

    SIX~('ll'~ and -o.;;uupl(' of (I(J(''' IInl< lnSQI, Pur n 1\0. 1:t'Slluwl {~.nl'{'L"J ll~i~hL luhl"$ Sol Non '1' ilyof ~ Inl! h'uf 'st;lW ('louoty 1,.lIraltty ;;t!ltl,l nf Ago I ' in ex' uhh~ , tUIl.' UII ~x. ~

    ur hu!kL phUll trot-solius; nin i Jilli t'lle ... Uv\.' ! I th', '"):;.

    .---!~l--l- --- .. t" PtT- ; f>tr ... l .p"... ~ Pcr-- ' Prr.. coj

    ~it.. itromulirll:' Ful l'tflT8 cellt : crill ! cellt ! cent (till 549 ., \ I>~\ h FI..rj-. ('IUlllp ~""L 11'.'1" .2 t'"c' '}5ttfJ 9 '. I~lwa { do do .IJI ""Ill P.l!tl,~ a ~:g '~3 ~?:l:! ~J ~ t'" :';,"',1 2 ~ , Vun JlUI'I'Il Kf>u... ,ltllJua thl Ci'1.1 J.HI:I" 2 ..........1 2.2 :''0.7 15.31 r..4; :.'tl t>:l

    fl. C.hul"h's_ W,,"olllho, .. . do .. I .IUIII' :30,l9a7 4 l' .8 2il.O 14.7 5.:1 27:'Iaryhll,d c::579 ~~ .. ........... ,.. f - do ) . til' .. :lln~I( plaut July 2S,19'l7 II 1 I 1.~ 15'.1 ll.l 4.2 2!: :::(is(I!! do (', ,10 do ".' 9 Old 1. _ , 11.3 6. G .\. , 4. t"li;SJ 711 do i 110 1'1

  • fob[' IlI,II;,'l "IC"lum W,,,hlllj!tllli ('huIIJl ()tot. l:l.lV~1 2.3 23.7' 19.5' 4.2 IS

    ' r,.,r, J(~I } ~, {'\Illrllik W:.iIl:\(~wn I )j'!rkL JllJ1I' 27.1012:1 1.1i Ill. 5 14.. 4.1'1 25 ~4'i7 10J "'in-mu'. J... ll- tiC \\-iv-ht. \\~uht'Qr. do do !! 2. S 2';, 7 21~~ 7.2 25 ~s." (1.1 T(uulI'ry do ' July la.lll1a HI , J U; .24.3 lV.:;: 4.ft 19!1.'ill, 21, Bt'1lfonl IIn"'~"\\Uo! 12.:1 2.5: 17 tilS all71. 'I'to'is 1 1~"ntlllll, COlli fort ,10, JIII~' :I.I!IlU 1:1 .1 1.6 j 12. II 1 10,42 " 10;qHilI JUN, ,I. : ",orr H't'ILll'r I'llllll do f .10 : 2 . '.' J.f; 115.9! I:l.! 2.X IS,' 11211 a,lHh: ,I till ; l\lountl\ltl IhHl1l' I .,do, 1 JHi~' 4, Will: 1:\ J J.1i i IIUi IJ2.2 :I.fi 23;::: IiZI I ;\7111 ; '\".'1Il (1""'11 I(,hri~tll\"l. '1" do '1 Jul) 5.lIl1U i 10 ...,' 1.41 HU 11,9 4.2' 2tl >-

    fl.lnlil/m/II: j' ,I'jti~~,.... . I.'~o~,!!).oo, \'lIlh,r ~1l\1~.,. do Jul~ f .... ~.2115.3 \ 10.6 .1, 7::1;>1 10.11110: :11 IU.! .!Ml I I rtl\lS , ,\11$111\ t

  • 'rAJIl,.; 15.--Sollrce, description, alld tannin analyses of stems of 6 species of sumac (llhus)-Continued ~ "'-'--'~'l' Souroo Description Analyses (molsture-!n.'C basis) . .~~ ~

    I ~~ ~ISJll'CI~$ 8n

    Itli... .......... .J~>fl Bttlford........... Bre('l,,wood, .. ' . Flt'ld ....... July 15,1943 9 2.2 2,1.7 21.1 3.11 151138, 430, do........ "... I,,,'rttt (,lulIIl' ...........do 7 1.6 23.4 111.0 3.5 15 .....

    r.:m 432 Elk "l'ck Slngl" plllnL. Allg. 21, 19l1. II I 1.7 IS.8 15.11 2.9 lli:-

  • '1',AIII, Ut SOl/rri?, desrrlptioll, IIml tonI/ill (lIla/y~es of bark (Iud wood (if S l1peries of 81lll'aC (Hhllsl

    ~uun~t. I)"S~rillliOlIl Aual)"..,,, (lllof:;WrL'-ff\'~ hILi!SJ _, __ .,_~,_ __ .,........~ ' ... _ --'01 ~ ...... ,92 I I'eunsyl 111 (l n t \\'yudmoor . Clulllp. July 16,1943 6 45.3 3.2 I 41.6 33.5 R. ola~ru:

    8.1 19 1.0 H.4 13.5 .9 I) vunia. ~OlJll'r~~. gJ

    662~_ . Mnrylllnd. Wushing Jl1UII~)cl= .. Joleld.... J Illy 28, 1943 G 3 un!! ij I 28.4 I 3.1 I 28. i 119.7 I 9,0 31 1.0 G.2 5.0 1.2 111


    R. Ivphilla: .6 706:1. 628 New Jcr SlIlcru .. Deepwuter Clulllp __ Aug. 2, lU43 8 39.3 1.6 30.8 30.4 5.4 15 1.0 8.9 8.3 ~ Gf>4 62'J

    sey. Wyndmoor. ... do..... Jllly 6,1943 9 31.9 2.6 37.9 31.6 G.3 17 .8 8.2 7.3 .11 11


    00.,. 6:10 ..do_ ...... ..... do....... ...do..... .....

  • TABI.!; 17."- Source, descriptioll, (lm/tallnin analyst's oJ flowers (Iud seed elusiers of 8 species oJ sum!lc (H.hus) .:, o

    -~--~-----.-~,~ -,..',-

    Source De.'cciptlon / .4.nulyscs (rnoisturMwc b:lSis) 1-3 --------~----------------- ~

    SfJ(lcies and . J' !Insol ' , IPur n I

    s:lrnple No. ])nw l'OlI~Cled lIel~ht 'ubles ; Solu.' NOll' Ilyof

    Sllll~ County Locallty Stanil ! ! of Sex Stagl' of de\'~lopment ' ill cx11J1~ '. 1".11'1 ~~. 'I ex EZ

    plunt trllc'l solids. mil. tme ..... i th'c! j th'c (j

    '--,-- -----,.>-- -.--'-~----- l.~---------.- -.---.------- 1--1------- > t< jl II ! Per ~ Per.! Per'j PlT'! Prr. t::lR. ropallitla: Fut., II 00 67P.. _ ..... .. ..do .......1.....do ...... , ..10, . I .do. 4., __ .,1\oL)'l'lillblOOlll J.... ..._ .ll\~5 2' 61

  • ,

    1.3 49,-[ ZI.S 2.1.0' 52

    R.g/a!"a: ~I(Olltgon\('ry. Wynomoor. ... (,luUlp... July u,1943 a : :Mul~,. i In hloom; 1I0wl'r lII'ulls 6 to 12t illrh~' IOIl~.lli\l\) 1.6 GS.2 22.9 42.3 GS

    00..+....dO.-.-.-. ;..... -oo-.. ,.dO.. a , .do .! ",ot yl'l in bloom; hC!lds 3 to 6 i

    ! ~ 1: iu('IH's tOIlt!,.t

    '!lO 1.4 ; 47.0 2I1.~ :''0.5 l 44

    ...:,OJ. 1.4 37.5 20.2,17.3 46

    .. 1943 Il .do._ Se

  • 'l'AIII,g 18.-Sourc'e, description, alld ta/win lIllalyses of leaves alld lelljlels oJ 3 spc6es of sUlILac (Rhus) collected loo late to be included ill tablel; ---l 13 and 14 or in thl' statistical calculations I:\:)

    SourL'C ~-_-,-'--. ----1--~~;"OO ;~==+~_;_:_~_,~.,.:_~S_:_~_(-:I-:_IO_iS_t_~-::-I'_l,,_;r_ro_,_I,,-IIlS_:_;_ l'5---- -.--.-~ .. SpI I th'e .1\'0 t"'-----_1____ ._ _1 _r ______________ J:l:)R. copallilla: -1------1- . .. --~i-" ..

    PtrLeaves: I I Fed I pa'II""1 Per J Per ~ 710d.......... \irg-inin......... ... clo...............do.............. do....... July 2Ci,19H .....do .......... 6 ..do....__. 1.5 49.6 24.0 25.6 52

    6 ..... do....... 1.7 47.9 22.9 25.0 ~2 6 ..... do....._. 2.2 46.7 2~. 7 22. 0 47 dt~~:::::::=::' ::.. :!L::::::: :::JL:=:::::: ::::.~~:::::::: 1:m: JlE1 /:::JL:::::::: 6 ..... do....... 1.6 47.0 24.4 22.6 4S7al.. Johnson ........ NlJlI'\'{'h........ ChImp....... S"pt. 20, 194G R"slrlchld....... 15 '1urJIlng..... 2.7 52. i 22. 2 :10.5 51\ ~ 7.12........... }ru.lhlll" ... {Brown.......... 1'1'01'''............... do...........d.). . Full ......... !I do ..... . 2,8 56.7 211.4 :10.3 64

    ;;1:1... ........ .. , do. ...... Nash'iII,....... "'h'ld ......... do ......./.....d,' ......... Ii .....do....... 2.li 56.2 21.4 ;14.8 62 t:1;;H........... Florid" ..... AhU'hu" ......._ OniJll's\'iIlc......... do ..... July 2:1.11116 Hcslricled....... ;~ Oreen.~_"_ .. .. 1.7 43.1 19.3T."allcts: tI5

    2:l.S I 55 ~ ........- }NCW Jersey {S"I!'m ......... Yorklown ........... do........ Aug. 21,1945 Full """"'''' 51....do..... .. 1.3 47.7 21.8 25.9 54 !-:l1.16........... .........do.......... Dt'Cpwnlcr........... do........ Aug. 28,1945 .....do........_.FI. glubra: 4 .....do....... 1.3 51.1 2:1.7 27.4 54

    L(>fi\?(>S: o ":l7;17........... } {BUCkS...., .... __ Soulhamptou........do........ Aug. 22.1946 ..... do........... 5 Turning..... 1.9 52.9 ]9.5 33.4 63~:l~........... l'~nnsyl\'lInill... lIfnntgnmcry. Wyndmoor..........do........ Au~. 31. I~H Restricted....... 4 Grl'Cn ...... 1.9 41.0 24.7 In.3 ;.40

    1.1. ........... do. "'''' ..."do................do........ Sept. 18.1.144 .....do........... 4 ..... do....... C':l1.9 40.1 22.4 17.7 44NO. .......... ....do...............do........... Clump....... Aug. 6,1945 Full............. 3 .....do....... 1.8 45.3 22.6 22.7 50 :xl ;41. .......... Virginia ......... Arlingtoll....... Arlington............ do........ AuI';. 14.1944 Restricted......, 4 do....... ....1.4 43.6 2:1.3 20.3 46 o742........... } JShellw.......... Monnt. Auburn......do........ July 11.11)40 FulL........... 13 .....do....... 1.5 40.5 20.2 20.3 50 d~~:l... ........ fndiuuu.......,. lJohn~OIL........ N!~e'sh.............do........ Sept. 20, .I9~61.....d~........... 4 Turning..... 2.0 49.9 22.4 2;.5 55 t"'.14........... Bco\\ u .......... N.lsll\ IIle............do.............do........ Restricted....... 4 .....do....... 2.11 484 20.4 28.0 58 >-3;45........... Kentucky....... Morgan......... RelicL......................... Sept. 10,1943 ........................................ 1.3 41.1 2:1.7 17.4 42 c:: :xl t'j


  • On-ell..__ __ 2.3 51.7 22.9 56 1~1\t1clS: MQutgomery_. __ Wyndmoor. __ ._ }icltl ._ AUI!. 15, 1944 FulL. ____ __._I 4I ' i46___...... .. 3 . __.do......_ 1.5 51.2 23.1 65~llr ..... tlo........-. __ do _. __ ._ Clump___ Aug. 21,1944 __.-dO....-----.-\ 4 _do___ 1.8 44.5 24. 5 20,0 45747.._. __ I.. ,...do ___ _._._ _do _. ______ }iel

  • 74 rl'EC.fu~lCAL BULLETIN 986, U. S. DEP1'. OF AGIUCUL'l'UHE


    The following Humples \\'('re used ill determinillg the etfeet. of sex (tuble.4).

    Sex ""/llp/eNo. Rh!l.~ c'opallilla:

    Mule_. {4n, 47, 4S, 4H, 50, 51, 52, 61; so, 83, 00, 01, 100,105,107,109, 111. FClllule___ 53, M, 55, 50, 57, 58, 59, (jO, U2, S2, 84, 8S, so, 101, 100, 108,{ 110, 112.

    RhuIJ II/ubI'lL:

    j205b, 201)(', 235n, 235b, 235r, 230, 241, 272, 27fi, 323u, 323b, - 323(', 323(', 323f, 323g, 323h, 323i, 323j, 323k, 3231, 32911,~Iulc~ ___ - - - - . 32!lb: 329(', 33011, 3~5n, 337;\, 337b, 33Sa, 33Sb, 331la, 330b, 340,341,342,3.13, ,3-11, 340.

    207a, 207b, 23(jIl, 23(jb. 23(jr, 240, 2-12, 273, 270, 32111, 324b, 321(', 32ld, 324f, 32-!g, 324h, 324i, 324j, 32(iIl, 32nb, 32fk, 32(je, 326f, 320g, 3211h, 32m, 327c, 327d, 327e, 327f, 327g,

    { ~?~h, ~3\1l, ~31(,1, ~321~ 332;), 33~31\ 3~3b, 333e, 33411, 334b,33ba, ;34h, 317, 3-IS, 300, 3D 1, 303, 304.

    'I'llI' following ::>llIlIpll'S wcre lIseci in determining the effecb of exposurc to

    sunlight (tllbl(' 5).

    LOCl/liOIl .~I1I1J1lr No.

    NJI!I.~ copalUna:

    1 .tn, 47, 10, 50, 51, 52 \'PfSlIS 'J8.

    2 53, 51, 55, 5H, 57, 58, 5\) \'('I'';lI.') HO,

    3. . (j3h, (j9u, 70 "Pl'lillS (iO, Iii, (is.

    4_ .. 01 ,'('r:H1s !JO.

    5 107 \'('f';US l05.n,_ 108 n~r,;u;.; 100. 7. 1II ,'er,;us J00. S . 112 \,C'r;';lIS 1I0.

    Nlws lIia/Jra: 0" 228 "C'rHUS 227. 10. 32\)a, 32\)c, ~2()~ \,('r';\I,; 330u, aBOh, 330el. II. 33Ba, 333b v('r;';\I" 334u, 334b. 12 _ 32la, 320a, 317 ,'ersus 3311a, 3-W, 31S. 13 . 311,312, 323b, 32!lb \'CrS\l5 335a, 310.

    .14 3371l, 338a verS\ls 328a, 330c.

    15_ . 338h, 343, 3-H ,'prSWi 335b.

    J(L. 323g, 323h, 323i, 323j, 323k \'('r:;\I:; 32Sc, 32Sd, 32Se, 32Sf,

    328/1:.17 __ . 332(' ,'('r;';\I" 330!).

    The following samples 1I'(,l'e us('(1 ill d(,(prmining th(' ('!fl'ct of height of the plant(fig. 1,1).

    Reyre~.,I("1 lillt Sample l:{o.Rhlt.~ ('opal! i'lll:

    I _ ,jll, 47, 4U, 50. 51, 1)2.2 5~ 5~ 5~ 5~ 5~ 5~3 ._. __ SO, SI.4 ._._._ .. SS, S9.

    Rhus gillbra: .5. _______ ._. 2BOa, 23()b, 236c, 23711, 2371>, 237c, 23SIl, 238b, 238c.

    6.. 2~,3, 244, 245. 7 _.......... 32'3a, 329a. S _ 323c, 323e1, 329c, 329rl. 9._ 323b, 329b, 341, 342. 10. 32Sa, 330e:.

    ll. 33'711, 338a.


    32:1c, 338b, 339a, 3.13, 3-14.

    13 32Bf, 3-15.

    14. 3281, 337b, 339b.


  • 75 '!'A1>,'X~ COS'l'EN'!' OF XA'l'lYE SU.MAC

    Regru.lion 1I11t Sample So. Rhus yillbr(l-Colltilltlcd

    15 32411, 32611, 333b, 347 . 10. 334b, 33611, 346, 3IS. 17. 324c, 326b, 33111, 33211.

    1.8.. 32.ld, 320c, 332h, 3iiO, 351.

    10 331b,252.

    20 333e, 353, 351.

    2l 32711, 331c.

    22 32.1(', 324f. 3241-(. 32lh, 324i, 324i. 320d, 326e, 32M, 326~,

    326h, 32m, 327b, 327(', 327d, 327e, 327f, 327g. 23 327h, 33ld.

    TIl(' followill!!; Rllll\p\(''; were \Ii';ed ill determining t.he effect of date of collectioll (fig. 1.5.1.

    !/egrt.!.lIllIJ !illf.

    HILu8 co ]iallinll: 1 2 3 .\ fi Ii . 7 l{

    U 10 11 12 13 11 15In 17 18 II) 20 21. 22 23 21. l) _il ... 26._. 27._ 2S .. 20. 30

    1(/1118 gill/,m: 1 2 .3 _ ..\ ;) ,(i . IL !) 10 11 12 13


    3011, 30b.


    3211, 32b.

    3511, 35h.

    (j3b, 03e, 63(1, H3e. (iBr, 63g. 63h, (j3i, 63k, (j31, 63m, (i311, (j3p.

    (\5b, (i.ie.

    6Ob, (iUl'.


    71e, 71d.

    72u, 72b.

    72c, 72d.


    7le, Hc1.

    75a, i5b. 75c, 75e\. 7Ua, 79b. 79c, 79d. 85a, Siib. ~~cJ ~~d. Sat, 8/b. S7e, S7c1. 9la,9lb. 0le.91

  • __


    RtgrtulOIl lin' Sample :So. Rhli~ glabra-ConUulIcd

    17 _.. _ 271a, 27lh. lS ______ . ____ 2711:, 271d.

    19___ __ ""_ 274a, 274b.

    20 2L _ 22 ___ ... ___ 23...... _._ 24 . __ ._. __ 25 _____ _____ 26. __ .. ____ 27. ,.2S .... _______ 29", _________ 30 _________ 31 _________ 32. __ _______ 33. _______ _ 34 ______ _ 35 _., _. _ , 36 .. '". __ .. __

    2740, 274d.

    277a, 277b.

    277c, 277d.

    278a, 27Sb.

    278c, 278d.

    27Ha, 279b.

    27\.1e, 279