Teaching English Writin 張張張 張張張張張張張張張張張張 October 3, 2007

Teaching English Writing 張芳琪 國立嘉義大學外國語言學系 October 3, 2007

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Page 1: Teaching English Writing 張芳琪 國立嘉義大學外國語言學系 October 3, 2007

Teaching English Writing


October 3, 2007

Page 2: Teaching English Writing 張芳琪 國立嘉義大學外國語言學系 October 3, 2007



1.Writings by EFL learners

2. The best method of teaching writing

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4. How do we teach writing in Mandarin?

3.Writing in Grade One Classes

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6. English writing activitiesletter→word →sentence →paragraph

5. Basic elements needed for writing

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1. Writing by EFL learners

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Writing is an activity of

我手寫我口 我口說我想

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“what next”


Sharples (1999)

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“what next” strategy


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Things writers need in order to write

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Four things writers need in order to write



Spelling Abilities


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2. The best way of teaching writing

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How should we teach writing?

No cut-and-dried answer

However, starts from listening, speaking, reading and then writing.

Integrating four skills at the beginning?

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Learners need to hear patterns.

Learners need to say patterns.

Learners need to read patterns.

Learners will write patterns.

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Integrating writing earlier

In order to produce to express ideas,they will be more aware of the print.

This is to raise the print awareness, to benefit reading and writing.

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3. Writing in Grade-one Classes

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The input hypothesisComprehensible input

i + 1

Production shared for i + 1

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i + 1 → iDrawing → initial letter

Letter → word & mechanicsword → sentence & mechanics

sentence → paragraph & mechanicals

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The teacher’s best methods are flexibility and support.

This means responding to the specificinstructional context, particularly the age, first language and experience of

The best way of teaching writing

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peer involvement, prior texts, useful feedback and guidance

in the writing process.

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Though not all students composein the same way, they need realistic

strategies for generating plans, researching topic information, rough drafting, and gradually

refining both content and form.

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How to learn?

Writing is learned, rather than taught.

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Learn from reading

Be a good reader to learn to write!

Q: read a lot, how come cannot write well?

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Two kinds of Reading

Reading for message

Reading for forms—spelling, grammar and language use

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Two kinds of Listening

Listening for message

Listening for forms—pronunciation, grammar

and language use

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4. How do we teach writing in Mandarin?

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寫作的語法語用知覺國語語文活動為例 (寫作 )

語詞抄寫 造詞 造句— 短句克漏字 連一連 段落克漏字 短句加長 單詞造句 重組 先造詞再造句

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經過這次事件 那個人比較看清自己的那個什麼東西的他的父母從來不對他說 不可以等等等等的

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Passive vocabulary vs.

Active vocabulary

被動詞彙: 聽懂的 看懂的

主動詞彙: 說出的 寫出的

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Speaking Retell


Writing Retell

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認識詞性作文指導 (* 題眼 主題句 論述 )認識文體文章病句

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寫作的語法語用知覺題眼 (theme)

My father and I

My angry teacher

My teacher

Ways to avoid having too much sun

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寫作的語法語用知覺主題句 (topic sentence)

To avoid having too much sun,you can wear a hat, a long-sleeved shirt, sun glasses and sun block.

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寫作的語法語用知覺論述 (supporting details)

1. Wearing a hat can avoid having too much sun.1.1 Hat can prevent your face from having too much sun.1.2 Some hats can prevent your neck from having too much sun.

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寫作的語法語用知覺論述 (supporting details)

2. Wearing a long-sleeved shirt can prevent having too much sun.2.1 Long-sleeved T-shirts can cover more area.2.2 Long-sleeved T-shirts can suck more sweater and won’t let you feel sticky.

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寫作的語法語用知覺論述 (supporting details)

3. Wearing sun glasses can avoid having too much sun.3.1 Wearing sun glasses can prevent your eyes from sun.3.2 You can see clear in the sun.

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寫作的語法語用知覺論述 (supporting details)

4. Wearing sun block can avoid having too much sun.4.1


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5. Things writers need in order to write

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Four things writers need in order to write



Spelling Abilities


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For Ideas

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口述作文• You help

generating ideasInstill ideasSorting ideasOrganizing ideasPresenting ideas

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Using Senses


Description (memory of senses)Sense of Sight (colors, shapes)Senses of Feeling and Hearing

Senses of Direction (using maps)


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1.Description2.Description + Imagination3.Research + Imagination4.Role-playing + Imagination



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For Words

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Oral Period for Ideas/Words

1.Group discussion2.Record ideas on the board3.Record words on the board4.Record sentences on the board

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They need words, so you recordgroup discussion on the board as the preceding examples, or

you provide word banks.

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A Topic Web






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The rain is big.I have an umbrella.

I am running.It is fun.

Writing on rain

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The rain is big, but I have an umbrella,

and I am running.It is fun to run in the rain

with an umbrella.

A paragraph on rain

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Word Writing

Brainstorming and Listing

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Story Mapping for

Word Writing

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Word Banks

1. A noun vocabulary bank

2. A manipulative language vocabulary bank

3. A vocabulary bank for memorization

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Vocabulary Bank 1

A noun vocabulary bank:

A word list with a particular theme:color words, family-members,

animals, seasons, etc.

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Vocabulary Bank 2

A manipulative language vocabulary bank:

Verbs, adjectives, prepositional phrases, adverbial phrases, etc.

for creating sentences

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Vocabulary Bank 3

A vocabulary bank for memorization:

the full text of poems, song lyrics, chants, etc.

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Vocabulary for memorization

A class list

A personal list

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A personal list

personal choice (advanced/slow learners)

words (of wrong spelling) in personal writing

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For structures

sentence structureparagraph structure

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Structure 1

Lists: the simplest writing structures

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ListExample 1

A Shopping List

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“I can…” by __________

In this circle, draw what you can do.

I can ________________________. I can ________________________. I can ________________________.

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Structure 2

Frame Sentences: the second simple writing structure

Frame sentences are the children’sresponses to simple questions.

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Frame Sentences

The question: The frame response:What can you see? I can see (a, an, the) __.What can you do? I can __________.What’s this? It’s (a, an) ______.How many…are there? There are _______.

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Frame Sentences

I have…I don’t have…I like…I don’t like…Brown Bear, what do you see?This is the way I wash my face…

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Some Activities

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My Hands by __________

Trace your hand in the box.

These are things that I can do with my hands. I can _______. I can________.

touch dance run ?

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“I like to…” by _________

In this circle, draw something you like.

I like to ________________________. I like to ________________________. I like to ________________________.

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1.Write their names on their belongs.

2. Make a class book with photos and names.

Word Writing—Activities on name

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3. Make a class birthday book with names and birth dates.

4. Make a class book with photos, names and a short description

of each child. (description in words

or in a short sentence, e.g. He is tall. She has long hair.)

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Use questions for generating ideas and seeing

the sentence structure

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A writing on ‘rain’

Rain, rain, go away.Come again some other day.Little Johnny wants to play.

Rain, rain, go away.

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1.Who doesn’t like rain? Johnny doesn’t like rain.2. Why doesn’t he like rain?

He wants to play. 3. What does he tell the rain?_______________________

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Write something about the chant.

Little Johnny doesn’t like the rainbecause he wants to play. He tells

the rain to go away and come again some other day.

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Pal Survey 1

1.Think about your best friend. My best friend is Tom________.

2. How old is he or she?He is 5 years old.____________.

3. What is her or his favorite food?His favorite food is fish.______.

4. What is her or his favorite game?*baseball .

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Pal Survey 3

Now use your answers to the questions to write a short paragraph about your best friend.

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Advanced Writing 1Reading for writing

(paragraph structure)

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Reading for writing

Read to learn the writing pattern

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Read for the main idea

Not all honey tastes the same. This is because bees use flower nectar to makehoney. The flavor depends on what type

of flower the bee used. Some honey tastes like clovers. Honey can also tastelike orange blossoms. There are as many

flavors of honey as there are types offlowers.

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Sentence Main idea


1. Bees use flower nectar

to make honey.

2. The flavor of honey

depends on what type of

flower the bee used.

3. Some honey tastes like


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Cross out the sentence that does not go with the main idea.

Main idea: Recycling helps us to reuse things.

1. Throwing everything away creates too much trash.2. It’s important to take the trash out every day.3. There is no place to keep all the trash, so we

need to recycle.

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Read and Write (find the theme and the topic sentence)

My playful pet dog

I like my pet dog because he is playful. If I throw a ball, my dog runs to get it. My dog enjoys going for walks and running in the park. My dog has lots of energy and is always ready to play. He is a lot of fun.

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(find the topic sentence and write the topic)

Title: _________________________

I like my pet bird because he is funny. I can teach my pet bird to say funnythings. My bird makes funny noisesand flaps his wings. He really makesme laugh.

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Themed Journals

My delicious breakfast

My angry teacher

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Learning logs

Today in math class, we learned the time tables, for example, …

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Reading logs

This story is about three pigs and The big bad wolf…

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Question and Discussion