Telc Teszt Netes

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  • 7/24/2019 Telc Teszt Netes


    1. KNIFE killer Tracie Andrews has days out of jail to visit a centre that oers ANGE

    !ANAGE!ENT classes. The evil "londe is on the To#ether $o%en &ro#ra%%e' which

    (re(ares fe%ale cons for full)ti%e release. Andrews' *1' has served 1+ years of a life

    sentence for sta""in# her ,anc- ee /arvey *0 ti%es in $orcestershire in ece%"er

    1223. 4he takes a *0)%inute "us journey to the day centre in eeds' which says its

    ai% is to 5tackle tri##ers of oendin# "ehaviour6. 7etween classes' she ni(s out for as%oke. The 4un revealed that Andrews recently s(ent a day sho((in# while on

    weekend release fro% Askha% Gran#e o(en nick' 8orks. 4he is due for full release

    ne9t year. As well as an#er %ana#e%ent' the centre oers classes in healthy lifestyles

    and self estee%. It says it hel(s cri%inals 5e9(lore issues6. /airdresser Andrews

    cooked u( a story that ee' 0:' was knifed "y a %aniac in a road ra#e attack. /is

    (arents !aureen' 3*' and 7ill' 33' have told of their outra#e at her (endin# release.

    !aureen fu%ed; 5If I ever #et the chance' I

  • 7/24/2019 Telc Teszt Netes


    =helsea old "oy 4$& said; 5ast season =arlos #ave the% a really tou#h ti%e. 5And


  • 7/24/2019 Telc Teszt Netes


    Fur#usson re(eatedly (ut his life on the line to save FIHE collea#ues wounded in


    =(l Fur#usson' 0:' was then struck "y an I%(rovised E9(losive evice hi%self. The

    hero C on his ,rst tour of duty in IE)ridden southern /el%and C lost "oth le#s a"ove

    the knee' his left eye and a ,n#er.

    !odest =(l Fur#usson' of *th 7attalion the i?es' said yesterday; 5I was section

    co%%ander and when one of your #uys #ets injured the ,rst reaction is to #et there

    and kee( hi% alive.6 The cor(oral' of Telford' 4hro(s' #ot the third hi#hest %ilitary

    award at a cere%ony on 4alis"ury &lain' $ilts' yesterday.

    /e was takin# his ,rst "rave ste(s on 5stilts6 while he waits for his full)si>e (rosthetic

    le#s. 4in#le =(l Fur#usson C who was =N4=I4 throu#hout his "o%" ordeal C said;


  • 7/24/2019 Telc Teszt Netes


    Biggest sealie sur$e'* +ost ocean lie is unknown

    ,onon- Englan C))/L The (lanet

  • 7/24/2019 Telc Teszt Netes


    The census also collated infor%ation on the 13'@3* s(ecies of ,sh that have ever

    "een descri"ed L "ut esti%ates that a further :' have yet to "e discovered.

    =entral to the census is its data"ase called the cean 7io#eo#ra(hic Infor%ation

    4yste% or 7I4O' which includes 0D %illion o"servations of %ore than 10'

    s(ecies' #oin# "ack centuries. 7I4 is #rowin# at the rate of a"out ,ve %illion

    o"servations each year.

    7efore the census' we lacked even a si%(le list of known %arine s(ecies. Infor%ation

    was scattered all over the world with li%ited access.

    The a%ount of %arine life yet to "e detailed varies wildly "y re#ion. The census

    esti%ates only 1 (ercent is yet to "e descri"ed in Euro(ean waters L "ut that ,#ure

    rises to @: (ercent for the dee(er waters of the !editerranean and D (ercent for the

    seas around Australia.

    The census is invitin# other or#ani>ations' (rojects and individuals to hel( %onitor life

    in the worldens of the sea.6

    The census also used NA "arcodin# L for e9a%(le' ensurin# a s(eci%en can "e

    identi,ed "y so%ethin# as s%all as a ,sh scale L for +:' s(ecies' as well as

    esta"lishin# "aseline %easures so that future da%a#e fro% cli%ate chan#e or

    (ollution can "e accurately assessed.

    &atricia !iloslavich' co)senior scientist on the census' said in a state%ent; 57efore the

    census' we lacked even a si%(le list of known %arine s(ecies. Infor%ation was

    scattered all over the world with li%ited access. If we liken Earth to a ,r% with

    hu%ankind as =E' we %ust surely know the key e%(loyees and their functions.6

    !ore than + key scientists who worked on the census %eet fro% !onday in ondon

    to discuss their ,ndin#s and (lan further work. The survey was "e#an 1 years a#o "y

    Fred Grassle at ut#ers niversity' New Bersey' and Besse Ausu"el of the Alfred &.

    4loan Foundation' New 8ork.

    0. The sur$e' carrie out in 01 'ears

  • 7/24/2019 Telc Teszt Netes


    a. showed that all %ysteries have "een revealed.

    ". did not survey oceans.

    c. surveyed the dee(est ditches.

    2. 3cientists o&ser$e uring the research

    a. how ani%als %ove fro% one (lace to another

    ". the eatin# ha"its of white sharks

    c. the (o(ulation of and %i#ration ha"its of one of the "acteriu%

    4. It has &een re$eale that

    a. %ore than a %illion s(ecies have "een descri"ed in the scienti,c literature.

    ". the lar#est (o(ulation of sea s(ecies (o(ulate 0 Q of the seas

    c. %ore than 1 %illion s(ecies can "e found in the seas and %icro"es "elon# to


    5. The census shows that

    a. : Q of ,sh is still to "e surveyed.

    ". reseachers could access %arine s(ecies infor%ation without any o"stacles.

    c. Euro(ean seas have "een discoved with the s%allest (ercenta#e.

    6. The scientists who worke on the census

    a. e%(loyed a s(ecial "arcodin# techniue in order to %easure future cli%atechan#es accurately.

    ". stated that (eo(le are the directors of the world.

    c. %et in ondon.



  • 7/24/2019 Telc Teszt Netes


    1. The survey carried out in 1 years

    a. showed that all %ysteries have "een revealed.

    ". did not survey oceans.

    c. surveyed the dee(est ditches.

    0. 4cientists o"served durin# the research

    a. how ani%als %ove fro% one (lace to another

    ". the eatin# ha"its of white sharks

    c. the (o(ulation of and %i#ration ha"its of one of the "acteriu%

    +. It has "een revealed that

    a. %ore than a %illion s(ecies have "een descri"ed in the scienti,c literature.

    ". the lar#est (o(ulation of sea s(ecies (o(ulate 0 Q of the seas

    c. %ore than 1 %illion s(ecies can "e found in the seas and %icro"es "elon# to


    *. The census shows that

    a. : Q of ,sh is still to "e surveyed.

    ". reseachers could access %arine s(ecies infor%ation without any o"stacles.

    c. Euro(ean seas have "een discoved with the s%allest (ercenta#e.

    :. The scientists who worked on the census

    a. e%(loyed a s(ecial "arcodin# techniue in order to %easure future cli%ate

    chan#es accurately.

    ". stated that (eo(le are the directors of the world.

    c. %et in ondon.

  • 7/24/2019 Telc Teszt Netes


  • 7/24/2019 Telc Teszt Netes



    If youe in

    "ookkee(in# for s%all "usinesses. $hy are our (rices aorda"leR $e are %akin# a dierence "y

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    %isease an% in $he alica$ion of %en$al i!lan$s. O*r a$ien$s &e$ a lifelon& heal$hy an%

    a$$rac$ive !o*$h $ha$ ens*res $he hi&hes$ level of co!for$ an% efficiency. An oral cavi$y

  • 7/24/2019 Telc Teszt Netes


    free of ac$ive erio%on$al %isease lays a si&nifican$ role in re%*cin& $he risk of hear$

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    environ!en$ foc*se% on in%ivi%*al a$ien$s. O*rs is a one)on)one fac*l$y rac$ice 'i$ho*$

    s$*%en$ involve!en$. Fees are in line 'i$h non)*niversi$y secialis$s in $he co!!*ni$y.

    One of o*r erio%on$is$s serves as yo*r ersonal $ea! lea%er+ foc*se% on yo*r %en$al an%

    overall heal$h. O*r rac$ice is a or$al $o $he U(LA When

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    #any of o*r a$ien$s *$ili;e $heir c*rren$ %en$al ins*rance for f*ll or ar$ial covera&e of

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    Esta"lish new dental covera#e or enhance e9istin# "ene,ts easily and aorda"ly.

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  • 7/24/2019 Telc Teszt Netes


    B =robably 'ork ar$)$i!e or a$ !ore $han one %en$al office

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    Interested in a career that will %ake (atients s%ileR ental assistants held over 0@' jo"s in

    02' and accordin# to the 7ureau of a"or 4tatistics' that nu%"er is e9(ected to increase far

    faster than the avera#e for all occu(ations throu#h 01*. $ith dental care an i%(ortant (riority in

    any econo%y' the dental assistin# jo" %arket has re%ained stron#.

    4o what e9actly to do dental assistants do for a livin#R A lot it turns out. They ,ll a wide variety of

    roles in the dental oVce. 4o%e of these include (re(arin# (atients for dental (rocedures' ensurin#

    the sterility of the dental environ%ent' assistin# dentists durin# (rocedures "y (rovidin# tools and

    %aterials' workin# with su((liers to schedule deliveries' hel(in# (atients schedule a((oint%ents'

    teachin# (atients a"out (ro(er oral health' and takin# (atient 9)rays. $ith all those roles "ein#

    ,lled "y dental assistants' it

  • 7/24/2019 Telc Teszt Netes


    $e are totally co%%itted to a (ersonali>ed a((roach in assistin# to custo%ers. $e o(erate your

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    $e have served %any re(uted or#ani>ations around the #lo"e. 8ou can outsource your

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    If you would like to #et detailed infor%ation a"out our "ookkee(in# services' (lease feel free to

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    $isdo% teeth are the last teeth to eru(t within the %outh. $hen they ali#n (ro(erly' and #u%

    tissue is healthy' wisdo% teeth do not have to "e re%oved. nfortunately' this does not #enerally

    ha((en. The e9traction of wisdo% teeth is necessary when they are (revented fro% (ro(erly

    eru(tin# within the %outh. They %ay #row sideways' (artially e%er#e fro% the #u%' and even

    re%ain tra((ed "eneath the #u% and "one. I%(acted teeth can take %any (ositions in the "one

    as they atte%(t to ,nd a (athway that will allow the% to eru(t successfully.

    These (oorly (ositioned i%(acted teeth can cause %any (ro"le%s. $hen they are (artially

    eru(ted' the o(enin# around the tooth allows "acteria to #row and will eventually cause an

    infection. The result; swellin#' stiness' (ain and illness. The (ressure fro% the eru(tin# wisdo%

    tooth %ay %ove other teeth and disru(t the orthodontic or natural ali#n%ent of teeth. The %ost

    serious (ro"le% occurs when tu%ors or cysts for% around the i%(acted wisdo% tooth' resultin# inthe destruction of the jaw"one and healthy teeth. e%oval of the oendin# i%(acted tooth or

    teeth usually resolves these (ro"le%s. Early re%oval is reco%%ended to avoid such future

    (ro"le%s and to decrease the sur#ical risk involved with the (rocedure.

    ral E9a%ination

    $ith an oral e9a%ination and 9)rays of the %outh' rs. !oyer and Wajkowski can evaluate the

    (osition of the wisdo% teeth and (redict if there %ay "e (resent or future (ro"le%s. 4tudies have

    shown that early evaluation and treat%ent result in a su(erior outco%e for the (atient. &atients

    are #enerally ,rst evaluated in the %id) teena#e years "y their dentist' orthodontist or "y an oral

    and %a9illofacial sur#eon.

    All out(atient sur#ery is (erfor%ed under a((ro(riate anesthesia to %a9i%i>e (atient co%fort.

    rs. !oyer and Wajkowski have the trainin#' license and e9(erience to (rovide various ty(es of

    anesthesia to allow (atients to select the "est alternative. These services are (rovided in an

    environ%ent of o(ti%u% safety' utili>in# %odern %onitorin# eui(%ent and sta e9(erienced in

    anesthesia techniues.


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  • 7/24/2019 Telc Teszt Netes


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    Melyi# sz+veg illi# az ll-tso# mell. Amennyiben egyi# sem tegyl mell egy /0et'

    0. 8ou want to get ri o a spare tooth

    2. 8ou nee fnancial &ackgroun or replacing 'our &a teeth.

    4. 8ou are looking or a frm managing 'our fnances through we& &ase application.

    5. 8ou ha$e some &roken teeth to &e replace.

    6. 8ou want to ocus on teeth cleaning.

    9. 8ou are looking or a compan' ealing with 'our fnances &' sening its emplo'ee to

    work in 'our o:ce

    ;. 8ou ha$e

  • 7/24/2019 Telc Teszt Netes


    A ,ittle ,o$e or %iranhas

    ? have no intention of seeing $iranha 59. ? disli#e films that vilify animals@even a species whose dagger teeth

    shear live things to shreds. ? do not want to see a certain male body part . %2( at me in 59. Nor do ? wish to

    listen to lines . %4( BChe first bite draws blood. Che blood draws the pac#D@ followed by a bi#inied girl getting

    yan#ed under, Eaws style. Still, the film made me wonder about these ill0reputed creatures. Herewith, a piranha


    Hunting isn&t typically their thing. Chough reputed as fierce predators, most piranhas timidly scavenge. Chey&re

    the vultures of the Amazon, cleaning up the fleshy messes. Chey are also omnivorous, eating seeds and plants

    as well as meat.

    *ig animals aren&t the usual target. Fnless they . %5(. starving, as is sometimes the case during the dry season

    in the Amazon when water levels drop, piranhas rarely attac# a much larger animal %such as you(, though bites

    and lost toes do occur, and blood in the water . %7( get them riled up.

    ?t&s sometimes a piranha0eat0piranha world. 9uring a feeding frenzy, piranhas sometimes tear each other .. %8(

    along with their intended prey. Chen, cannibalism is common. Why waste fresh meatG

    Chey&re good parents@at least initially. A mom may . %:( : eggs at once, dad promptly fertilizes them, and

    both parents guard the brood once it hatches. %!ater, they might eat some of their young. *ut let&s not focus on

    the negative.(

    9espite their scary loo#s, they&re actually cowards. I#ay, that&s a bit unfair, but studies . %

  • 7/24/2019 Telc Teszt Netes


    6orrs1 htt(;""lo#Xcentral01Da)little)love)for)(


    a. to fy

    b. fying

    c. few


    a. like

    b. as

    c. though


    a. are

    b. were

    c. are not


    a. done

    b. do

    c. does


    a. out

    b. up

    c. o


    a. lain

    b. lie

    c. lay


    a. have

    b. are

    c. had


    a. establishedb. establish

    c. establishing
  • 7/24/2019 Telc Teszt Netes



    a. as

    b. by

    c. "or


    a. that

    b. which

    c. what


    2. *

    4. A

    5. A


    8. *


  • 7/24/2019 Telc Teszt Netes


    >. have

    6. small0time

    3. still

    H. though

    ?. on

    E. who

    ". cut

    !. had

    M. actress

    N. which

    4. Source1
