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  • 8/11/2019 test hr


    UNIT 1

    I Choose the correct way to end the sentence or respond to the question.

    1. Can we just ..

    a) have the word about somethingb) have a word about something

    c) have some words

    !. "hat are your main responsibi#ities

    a)I responsib#e training

    b) $y main responsib#e %or training

    c) I&m responsib#e %or training.

    '. (re you ab#e to manage a team

    a) I have many eperience as a team manager

    b) *es+ I am a#e to manage

    c) I&m managing a #arge team at the moment

    ,. I thin- we have some rea##y strong candidates %or the job

    a) Not sure I agree with you there

    b) I&m disagree

    c) I rea##y don&t thin-

    II Insert the correct answer

    1. I heard about the vacancy by word mouth.

    !. I #i-e to be about what&s happening in the o%%ice.

    '. but not the #east+ the candidate shou#d have good technica# s-i##s.

    ,. There&s a prob#em with the advertisement+ e#ga&s #oo-ing.. it.

    /. 0 (re the interviews arranged 0*es+ everything&s .. contro#.

    2. Is that the time Ito run.

    3. .. the way+ we&ve sent out the #etters o% con%irmation.

    4. 0 I disagree with 5u#ia about the new appointment. 0*es+ but she has point

  • 8/11/2019 test hr


    III 6i## the gap with the correct word7s).

    candidates -ey duties qua#i%ications vacancy job description

    deve#op report to s-i##s

    1. The success%u# app#icant wi## have an accounting..

    !. *ou can read the %u## on our website.

    '. "8 current#y have a %or a 9( to the :irector.

    ,. None o% the interview..were suitab#e %or the post.

    /. I rea##y to improve my computer ..

    2. "hat were your main responsibi#ities and .

    3. I my #ine manager every wee-.

    4. I hope this wi## be an opportunity to some o% my sta%%.

    Basic Tenses Test

    1 Write the verbs in brackets in the present simple or the present continuous.

    1 e ;;;;;;;;;;; 7wor-) %or a so%tware company in New *or-.

    ! I norma##y ;;;;;;;;;;;; 7get up) at %ive every morning.

    ' 5oe# ;;;;;;;;;;;;; 7wor-) at home this wee-.


  • 8/11/2019 test hr


    2 ow ;;;;;;;;;;;; 7be) your trip

    3 "e ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 7notAraise) our prices in recent wee-s.

    4 ;;;;;;;;;;;; 7youAbe) to 6rance be%ore

    = I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;7see) any changes in our recent per%ormance.

    1> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 7youAinvite) the press yesterday

    1 Complete these sentences with the present simple or future form of the verbs in brackets.

    1 I% you ;;;;;;;;;;;; 7pay) us today+ we# give you a 1>B discount.

    ! "e ;;;;;;;;;;; 7notAreimburse) you+ i% you don&t have the receipt.

    ' I% I buy it on#ine+ it ;;;;;;;;;;;; 7be) cheaper than %rom a shop.

    , I% she ca##s+ ;;;;;;;;;;;; 7youAte##) me

    / I% I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;7not %inish) this tonight+ my boss wi## be angry.

    2 *ou# be ab#e to send photos+ i% you ;;;;;;;;;;;;7buy) one o% those new mobi#e phones.

    1 Write the verb in brackets in the past simple or present perfect.

    1 I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 7be) the $anaging :irector but I retired in !>>,.

    ! $ore recent#y+ the company ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 7specia#ise) in training.

    ' They ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 7be) o%% wor- since 5une.

    , In the o#d days we ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 7wor-) %i%teen hours a day.

    / he ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 7join) the company three years ago.

    2 The #atest news is that the 9resident ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 7resign).

    3 "hat ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 7you+ do) since I #ast spo-e to you.

    4 Now our competitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 7introduce) the same discounts as us.

    = orry+ I sti## ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 7not+ write) that report you as-ed me %or.

    1> 6or many years we ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 7not+ have) a %orma# hierarchy but now we do.

    11 "hen ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 7you+ %inish) your #ast job

    1! In the #ast %ew years+ he ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 7improve) his per%ormance.